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The Huron Expositor, 1898-09-02, Page 3
00000 :ed, and • i lI 'r the m too REFI re its •I.1 we s. `; • es. TH SEPTEMBER 2, 1898. IMPORTANT NOTICES. ARM LotT2. , Con aniona9, A ors $. For hundred acres fland futher particulars apply to ROBERT HIQGINS, Blyth, Ontario. 1600x4 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN at 6 per cent., pay ableearly, on fist -class farm security. Apply oR. S. HAYS, Dominion Bank Building, Sea16th. T J.MoKEPINA, Dominion and Provincial Lurid Surveyor, Member of ItheAsecoiation of Ontario Land Surveyors, Dublin, Ontario. 1386.62, e Apr ONEY AT 5 PEP. CENT: A large amount of o In money has been placed in my hands to lend to tanners, sums and Barrister, Seafon terms to ortb•t e .borrower. Apply X678-tf OBIT BEA' TIE,. Clerk ^f the Second. Division Conte County Oommlestotrsor, of Huron, Con- reyanoer, Laud, Loan and I113orauoe Agent. Funds lave eted end to Loan. Othtie—Over Sharp 89 & Ivens'etore Main street, Seaforth. j • EACHERS'ri ANTED —Wanted; two teachers, • one for: the north echoed and the other for the south, holding third or second-class certificates. Duties to commerce 2nd January, 1899.Apply (stating salary) to JAMES CAMPBELL, S eretary, Box 24. Bayfield. OTIIE LADIES. --tire. Levi Smith, Seaturth, is papers d se u' nal to do up lip hair rate stvit- ehes, etc. For sale an abeorturer:t of switches, all colors-; also sttn loser switches. Residence corner . Market and Jarvis atroets. es693x13 - FEED WHEAT.—I nave. e[ few hundred bushels of -clean heat (Dawson Golden Chaff) variety, 'Which wculd Make desirshle seed, being free from wild oats or other obnoxious seed. R. S. DR 3S - DALE. W STOCK:FOR SALE. HORTII0I}NS FOR SALE —For sale, fret() good young Shorthorq bulls, with registered pedl- grees. Prices and tc#rms. right. DAVID 15 8I tE, Ethel, - s I-NCR/IASI BELL FOR SALE..—The undersigned bas for Bale a thotoughbred Durham bull, eligible. for registration w.•ed 23 months,'oder red and white. Terms ret sonable. JAMES ATTER- .- SON, lot JF, concession 1, . R S., Tuts eremith, Brucefield P. 0. . j • 1680-tf ` LE E PIGS FOR ` SALE AND FOR SERVICE.— The undersigned, breeder of Large English Berk- ehires,has for sale boars an sows in farrow, He will also keep for eerviee the stook boar, " King .Lee," archased from Mr. Geo' go Green, of 'Fairview,. ands -inner at Montreal, Taro to and Ottawa. Torn ---81 payable at the time of se ane with the privilege treturning ii necessary, if booked '81.50. JAMES TORRANCE, Lot 28, Coneesstou 6, McKillop, Sea- orth P. 0. , STOCK. FOR; SERVICE. OAR FOB. SERVICE.—The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 26, Concession 4, Stanley, a thoroughbred Chesterwhite boar. Terms - 81, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if nemeses . JOHN V. DIEH 2691-tf BULL FOR SERVICE.—Tho undersigned will keep for service onjjble pretuises at Roxboro, a thoroughbred Durham bull. Terme, $1 ; it paid before January, 1899, or $1.25 el#erwards76�OHN 1-tf seers. ' �0AR FOR SEIEVIC�jE.—me ' undersigned will keel 'or servtco•on Lot 34,:,`Concession leT.uuk- ersmtth, r thoroughbr d Cheater White ,0ear, purchased from 11. George , fit Sons, Crompton, hltddiesex oeuaty. Tenial -$1, payable at time of service, with prtvtlege of returning if nedeseary. JOHN ora ROUTLEDG, 164041 AMWOBTH °BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR 8ER- VICE.—The under.btned will keep for service, at the Brucefieid Jheeso . Paotory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, w:th rsgiatered pedigree. Terms, $1;ppayable at t no er foe with privilege of re- turning if necessary. leo a number of thorough- bred young Tamworth Briars and Sows for sale.. HUGH MMUARTNEY, B ;ucefaeld. 1405 -ti 'TSAMWORTH PIG F R 1SERVICE.—The under • signed has for service on lot 32, concession 8, McKillop, a thcro'bred Taneworth pig, to' which a Limited number of sowe wjil be taken.. Thi. is an eztra good pig and breeders' find it advantageous to_ cross their oerkahire sows with this breed of pig. Terme 51, with privilege of returning if' necessary. JOHN hteMILLAN 1505xtf SICK HEAD G Positively cured by eke.. ittle Pills. They also rel eve -Distress froIt� Dyspepsia, Indigestion an Too Hearty Eating. A tect remedy fo Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsis, pens, Bad Test in the Mouth, Cotted Tongu Pain in the Side, TORPID tLIVER. Th Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegefa le. Small Pill. Sr,nall D O Small Price. • Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carters, Ask for artcr's, Insist and demand. Carter's Little Liver ills Seaforth Get Your your Dy H. Of the Se D Clot fes Cle ne ing'done a ,,ICK forth' Dye Worirs, is re - ,pared to Clean and toss Clothe 'and Dye Cloth ,• 'w '13 t RON EXPOSITOR. BUYING CANARIES. NAVAL G11.1i P1,' C HOW IT iS ICONDUCTED SAM S, SH PS . OF Stringent Ho es Gov 4 rn th That' Faith easel Must IW Of all. kinds in first-class style and at veyreason bre priges. Ladies' dreasse can be dyed, f desired, w th• out being ripped A trial is solicit and all work warranted to give setiefaction. Gar look nearly as got oderieh Street, polite St. Jamee 1696.12 Conditions Nearly as f'r Actu1 Batt oeslbl ▪ ° tt There are two k ns of t required in • ur•na yj-.that jlraetice and racer • - plated rules have b = :n p •o4idod ment pros sri Ing s x sea pr. record prept 00 an • Bally, a to hold sine • pra tido , mu .plained, and only 1 'the cit 'cogent roaso s wi'l : t 10 oli practice or tl• a failI4o, to. the allowenc, of a ered jnsticia lo. If target privet o is to get unc,ar way, out their in ructi Cents made to' od as now. Works and resideno on_ east of Main Street,( and nearly op - Church. H. NICKLE, Seaforth., REAL ESTATL FOR SALE:. HOUSE FOR SALE —Gr opposite the fair grow six rooms, pantry and wood hard and soft water. Thi' cheap. Apply to ANDRE`Y Ooder:eh- street west oda, Seaforth, contsfninf shed, with abundance of property will be sold LITTLE, Seaforth. 1601-4 FOR ^SALE, OR TO L f T.—A dwelling :-hopes- :-hopes-- on Ooderic street, containing ten scorns, gocd cellar, hard a d soft water and goon, ont•buildings. Now occ•upi d by J. L. Smith, mer chant. Possession given a out the Iet of A•urubt Apply to A. G. AI: LT, Seaforth. • 1697-tf S7()0.rf((0(� W ill purchase th comfortable and pleas 1 antl . situated ottage on Jamas street, Seafortb,. at present oecu fed by Mr. A. Scott. There are 8 rooms, with ha d and eat watcr,,aleo a large stab'e. The lot is a ec rner lot and well relented with fruit and ornaments I trees. Apply to SCOTT, Seaforth. 1¢93-tf _OR SALE.—For sal:0220f acre farm in McKill6p, . being Lots 24 and 25, oncesPion 10, and north part or Lot 25, Concession 9. -This lapd has ben in pasture sine fleet ole red, 25 or 30 years a o therefore is rich an`3 free fare foul weeds. I ie situated on the gravel road, fire miles . north of ea- forth and nine .,from Brus.els, Terme of payee nt made to suit pnrcha4er. or particulars apply to W. GOVE1rLOCK, Seaforth. 1694-tf FARM FOR SALE.—For ale, in the Township of McKillop, the north 50 aces of Lot 16, Con es - don 14, boundary Iioe. Abopt 47 adores cleared, t reo acres of good hardwood bush, about two acre of choice fruit trees, soil unsurpassed, well drained nd fenced ; Belied half a mile away, post office n3 church convenient ; will by sold cheap. For ar- ticulars, apply to the proprietor on the premise , `or Walton P. 0. DANIEL Proprietor.bicelILLAN, CtIV:NUID FA[U1 FOR SSALE.—Fel Bile the •aplendid farm of bar. Robert GovenloelF;on the North Bead, a nate sena a half gran Sea!§rth. 1 corttains 176 acres, nearly a.1 cleared and irk a high state of cultivation, Thete is a two story rick house, good bank barn and everything in first. lase condition and well underdrained. It wilt be sol on easy trees, as the proprietor desires to retire If not seld' before the fall it will be rented. Ad cess - ROBERT UOVENLOCK, Seaforth. P. O. -159 tf ESIDENCE IN SEAFORTII FOR SALE. For lie sale the con fortable cottage on North lain street, Seaforth; helonling to the estate of th late Moore Deed. The house containe se en scour , be- sides a large summer kitchen and a good stone dollar. :and stable. Aleo hard and soft water. The property %kill be sold cheap, as the estate must be wound up. In the mean tinge it will bo, rented and the tenant e i11 be given a leased for six months ifde- • sired. Apply to JOHN LANDSBOROUGH, Seaforth. 1597-tf ARM FOR SALE,—One-hundred sore fame. for Epic in the township of Osborne. Lot'35, Oen- cession €. It contains about 60 erres of cleared land, o ell drainer and in a high state of cultivation. The balance of the farm is good herds; ood hush. It. be well watered by a spring creek, two never failing hard ivatt r wells and one cistern. A large frame hc(rre ; geed cellar. ; large bank barn, with Stone etrtame • driving shed ; open shed ; and all other cutbuiidusge nccried, A gocd orchard of all kinde of fruit. 1bc• fares id well Bruited for clithor grazing or growing all kinde of grain. It is situated about three ashes frcni the thriving v'i lay of Hensen, and Lex roils s fren. Exeter, and not f r from church, 'pctt (Ince, store and School. Ea:ey ems to suit the purchaser. 1f not sold before fall it will he rented. For futher particulars apply to li M. MITCHIELL, Bentsen 1'. 0., Ontario.1597-8 PO Lands and Flour. MjII in the Township of. McKillop. lestAltalElta Mortgage moI1Cy. An) WIN,. No (la !Weaved mule ton guaranteed, or no 1ann. Loans nrra;t •(v1 with local agents. Agents wanted. 'Cal or w -cite. Enclose st itnp. 1 It.' L.L1 NO.L S, • .:- 15 To`raonto Street, eronto. l'Av" O1+'H' yui'it C) •s. Ited fee your if iter est. -S terms deeiret1. ,Iluaiucss ay. ' ('hrn•gess 1u17. No re se loan is granted. fiatiafact .D. ave lel-, tits Part of the south half of the soutf half of trot 26, and the south half of Lot 27, in the 8th concession, containing 75 acres. The north half of the north .half of Lot 26, in the 7th caneession, eontaining 20 acres. Upon the 76 acres are erected a c4nifortab:e frame dwelling house; large barna and; a grlist mill, The 26 acres and the mill will b 'sold with the 75 acres, or separately. Easy terms of payment. Apply at once to F. UUOLMESTED, Seaforth, Oret. 1601.12 f4". Aft"' 'Wood.'ir PISospholnie,' The Great English Remedy. ' Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered.. Six kages guaranteed to cure all l forms o Senna Sti eaknes8, all effects of abuse or excess, lifental. Worry, Excessive ase of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package S1, six, $6. One will ply siz tail& cure, Pamphlets free to any address. Who Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists. • " My .r,5 monthslit, :the face, ' ecurable. :bad that I ;At last I Bitters; ;was gait three bo cur d %grit) atit he id.": ;wake Pt The ,j • B 1. equal Ulcer: malig power ties, i OF le boy, aged was a victim of hich all the doct To tell the trul ould not bear to r ed a bottle 'B nd . before it *as it g, and by the t es used he ora annot say too m of B.B.B.. to all SEPH P.' LAB Que. an be no que. J L years Scroful ors said' h he w look at irdock Bl half used time be comple uch in rec who suffe ELLVA, M ock Blood Rit the cureof or the .most!• c ant nature. !T ul, blood purifyiing 'pro tion;ab ters has Sores hronic hrough g - is atthe source of ease and co iiplet Keradicates it fr the system. SS.' A spec poverish tion of of Mem e Jaundc Dance, 1 LABO3AT D BITTER MILL `AD'S tens enovat fie a d B' ;ho 1 ry, Ki�ney and Urlary Diseases, St. Vitus omalo Irregularieies and General Deb llty. RY—Goder.►oh, Ontario. EOI), Proprietor and facturer. - y J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth •—AND OTHER - 1 nd on as so a he ad ely m - as ni- ut no nd rid its er- is- ly m, um vessels ub, they Brocbed jt ns. T tarok is a tri: ngula sail o tached to at uprig t pole in height stt ok in a woos serves as a 1 oat, and at dr is st lr great at eigl it at a ON AR UNCLE eon Trials E els Year. e 1O served as ✓ et practice. no via a8 8ea e 'tringen t - th depart- ctllco and poo a 1y failluro t b fully :e_x- o of the n ost • • s on of target. • o or y expend i•1 . Lo aonsid- e In lora w en s e compo led '80a and c rry object of at- thr sides at- eb ut 15 ,feet fritiiio -which distance of it lyi visible to atilt or istar mile this lit le aff the eye, and yet o Cruisers sten • Ing frequently destroy miles.; Sea pra,ote wit ed either o or oi, varyil g f;-uip 8011 steaming at any Der may dirOot. j to Isim,'ulato ins dation a of : to the i1•avye uir Ing the f ill of fire shad n t be fere wit the spir Guns are landed as they wol lid bo in'g an eneitiy. ' anywhere from ;of Highest rate under for( groat E souls to.3,00 to the 'his pr lo. rly as 1 battle; elate the h+ta:ndj. llowedi t ted Stilt nd -fire f the be rat re ste()r U 1 .The Change That C ' Diplomat': One of Our, Washin.. Ills a godd story to g courso of . young Somothinag over a y iplomat, wearing a t oat over his dress sur' he' store pee night a merles. "I wee h you woul show me ze canary haf. " A n Miser o • the were s t out before hi bird a ter bird .but 4 what + e *anted. ; ' "1 v 1tell you wh he sal at length. "I young lady. She. ee .verra ne. I -gift gi•a vorra r es' yoi haf. • cane ?" "Th : price of that store an, "is $5. " "O , zat ees not versa The he ke broug =f ships and thebrdin ro .on 1:sots timo 0o of swo. ns i ( conduot- gs Int ranges yard$, the Ship 0 mnanding e' ice is intel p.ssiblo the a d the rul l( trails of 01)1 he- ,)secure unduly it •ontilluous jllet as qni ip wore 'en of sjieed v Igo way to 1 draft. rrtcre, and bats. ships strippec their saw4 an slung for low d to tho oporat ptain takes hi , the secondary rines stat_one4 10 ship and her eadv h r The entire ore '• is at Ile hatches; are d wjn; t /clear The docto s Igot o knives, and harm I cks a oring the duppos+d inju Ing room below. irhe ' place °in the conn ng toI' batteries are mantled, in the m11i-,ary to •8, and Drew to all; inten *id d p u otougage n ima_'nary =1 Then th battl • opens. the grace 1 cruisers o target, let Ing g• first • then the o her as t oy co er sad he gr•a peel e pour i their Ina noth the p eh s not On kn the o d o 15 , • lentos i praeti e 1 not u tb the I) s It- ost the .oVernrn= const unt these targets, make on in a few hour:, son a good many can hi cours of a few hours' i the ovornnlent Ibsing But i is nbt so ith the a ery time a 18 in +h gun 1 service charge t e 1,100 backed by 500 pounds o into the sea. Th: powdir and ,the project 101 abut armor piercing •rojecti are employed in actual heavily belted s =e1 sill ed, -are never used in tar aro too costly, a d the s obtained with t o cast, pieroin type. 1 he tax fore, wide valu : b in pensive to the oe untry Regulations o the n quire that at t o sea the ships shall be clea men. stationed at) in :, aide r and In• tw• d, r sha I 1 be e .Dao o dory ileo is 0 ng use $ its y�be o Bins bt rfo hopepo e 1itt1 unc� a hfitly e do rine e in pi is. in 0 1 t r D - REMEDIES. d antidote for Ira ure,,Weak and `fm• ipata- , Lose tones ood, Dyspepsia, Sleeploseness, P eart, Liver Complaint, Nouralgi ronehitis, Co eumption, Gall ' J.. M. 1601- 5 I601-* Mc aid anu M THINC NE ery Mrs.' leg FIR PARLING lrehas d the Bakery an busin ss recently carried ry, ha also opened a d, Cakes, etc., always op fresh nd pod. : tai-Givej• us al Lf4JAIVI SPARL er n by and hand, NG 609 p Directory for JOHN M RR1SON, Reeve; Winthrop P. DANIEL MANLEY, Deputy -Reeve, B WM. lle AVIN. 00101 JOS PH 0. MORRIS WM RiO bit 1898 necessary officer in conning tow their stations. in the manner essary in battl emergency, ord means that wo .As'often as o part of the so for one sea pra searchlights bo target and disci accurate fire m aro few sights than a groat fie night and usin In picking up t bobs about on skies are brill white paths ou be obscured an floating fortros tle target praetit hpwever, as it is often object of attack at a g: a mile or two. In the days of the which passed away wi of lithe modern rifled side ships, target prac roast 11880 quires , whe the nips. proce by II armed]) practioa eohwood ee▪ hwood Clerk, Winthrop P. 0. surer Winthrop 0. EV S, Assess° Bee0hwood P. 0. •1 • h were the weap' 20 men were r old 8 inch 'gun fire and cperat of our battles by a tedious primer, traine out by ropes big guns are I• good price "01 He rectio clod to be eon- evide cs of pure ryerv- A o-11oxine lter lire. clay gitga , rieS'' that poses aro emy,. .Ike great s le arena, ne ba` ter au On th ou batty oje 'tiles, Ito to pie is bocau avy stand t very lit d any ship ca drid for the re; estroyed iu tl ractico wthoi oro than] $10 munitlo 1. E fired Off' ht full Bundpro cutilp, (border, is Iurled oostg $1 a;pourlcl $200. Regular tho i:incl-thltt ttle, •tybonl sonpe s' tq be peeetrr4t- practice; Thy a results can JO o + or semiarr or t'ipractice, those - results, i$ c x- depfirtnnent re- tices each ' year tl for actien. and as tt battle,'with di quartermaster 1 other officers,at 1ton is suppled © actually n Dept in oases be. given by 1 ,• leyed in hatti r the: whole or aery allowance prided at night, td illunlieate tho esence s) that an intaiued. There •Ing and brilliant ing. evolutions at erfu1 searchlights bite target a$ it ating waves. ho[ hied, and gr at Dees if the in on t boldly the g eat ilresquencss. iil od in at night, ifcult to find the terdistance p an walls the an 1 a of lshi tad des 90 t rd. Jle 8 t' 0 0 0 of ho n( de t his stock' of it out bird t ry .occasions w •t. Ho would get a $5 bill 1 ere," he said, Inger, That is s $15." zat ees ze bir ought a;$10 1s where•the bi cart, rushed `ot tly thoro aghi est$. w days ago the same Into the store f#nd again me Over Panay. ton bird lustrate love's fit ago;vas iln 1ittlo , came ru •d asked bo save ze verra ittle wo+den o:tgee +, and h: looked at d not s = m to find Ir want • of met beautif her ze How Ix1 nary," a Young • eroha»ts Is i waver- ul fester. ell young hitt)to g'p- hininto to see the a kind to es' you nought '8' canary y, • u haf." ler went again to the ellow so 1t) price o the sa +ave bee or him. 'is an as a train •• canary," verra 1pfly She ees anary—ze eh ees zat id the bird want ze helf Wore asters and which on e as that of glad any ceptionally bird. The • 1 Now a cage,;" age, and, leaving di- d and t • : cage Wore t as fast i s he chines- satisfi with his , oung mala asked for a eanar . ' Th dealer's eyes other chance to sell cage., Ho briskly sob out , had nd gave stiff the iplomat didn't shru gel his ghoul( "To miicli l Too ntinch! " Filially he threw ltlp his hands and ex- postulated: "Ze price ees too •igh. Haf you h cheap- er bird? Zia canary es not for a beautiful young lady. I ain,•arried now, and a $8 bird with do." `Tho dealer made t • e best of the situation isfid sold him a $3 rd and a $2 cage) and he trotted off seen ingly as happy els he was ayear ago afte paying live times as much for the sari = :thing.= --Washington Star. sinbothb re gun, the dove opulent (Inane() a d steel eo was no so gon- d today. Neither urate. ,1? fteen or handle o ie of tho six can n w load, erful 18 i ch guns s nd fired wit a spike nd 111011. day ly load d by the same issOtits) p sver and It pieces conducted by no -half the range) of effectivenos was not ove load and fire the ol gun. .No for the oan be discharged i as Minute. -Officers of the' A113310031 n ar di - part of the target a which to a ns • or - gun practice thesbet results by a' ming not, it t water li poin about 2S -E6 fee bove it. they account ter th wonderfs of fire attained by 1 les of the best argot hitters a oa • napped." He saw. an - a $15 Aird T,a $10 the finest canaries he irides on thein. But warm up a bit. He ors and ssept i saying • • Didn't Appr One of the great British navy was was officer of the s it was customary f erms to the officer whenever he left or day Captain Hurd going throng ent ashore: is guard. Do 't sail it Hathorn did no sbut be managed to sm. rise , the captai quite thoroughly as if he had. Wh n that dignitary CalUO over the side on hi return, o found 20 of the' afterguarel dos; n on the r hands and. knees with swabs rving th ,for manes tails, the mi zentop On on their self was astrid a quartermaster. The tain was distils tly not delighted with posed thet after the old so tiros ht prove missed t ntry.—S WOT he of t col ciate the Joke. ractical jokers of the le Jack Hathorn. Ho etch in the day 'when r the gus.rd to present ommanding the vessel boa.rded he ship, 0.110 ked, as they loony before n,II am tired gain when I att roma this cor r. Hatha ba bin ion -had prove by cavalry int athorn was di bit of pleas fas tio thi Ar un the leo- ig- - by o ole mid ble on neo- n w lose ✓ 1110. spo It is, stated that t a fleet of At antics 1 pared to the mon cased the Cost of. co otion, such' at Ott bu ese out pre isidn ed as the H raid: ined at a ogu- and 11 el Mars is a trifle coin- ' spent n ning 11 ex - s the airs,' to es. I waders now that I qui diwome d them Underst rde service for an ,Franoisco THE PRIMROSE SELLER.' The littl maid stood in the market place, Singing: • "Fresh posies1 pale primroses, A penny a bunch. Who'll buy? The knigbt rode )oy on his Arab oteed. He drew his rein!, and he checked,his speed.. "A penny a bunch. Who'll buy?' He threw her a crown and kissed his hancL He was the noblest in the land. He doffe his pltIme to her lovely face And left er there in the market place, 11: posiee, pale primroses, A penny a hunch. Who'll buy? Sweet spring posies, pale primroses, A penny a bunch. Who'll. buy?" A PHILI PINE VOLCANO. Daring Explore on of the Crater of Teel by Dr. e, the Arctic Hero. Professor Ma les W. Sh1(4 s writes of "The Ar io Monument Isla ed For Ten- nyson by Kano" and Ind entally gives. a sketch of the latter in he Oratury, Professor Shielde says: It was pat LUzon, the largest of the Phil- ippine islands, that his, adventuroua spirit, though under a scientific, impulsel passed the balite of prudence ill his far twined ex- p ration of the crater of Teel, a Volcano o the Pacific: coast of the island, in a ✓ gion inhabited only by savages. Cross - g over to the capital eity of the island , during one of the long delays of • phinese diplomacy, he procured an escort of na- tives from the archbishop of Manilla (by means of letters from American prelates which he had secured before leaving home), ompany with his friend Baron ry to the asphaltic lake in whi h volcano is situated. Both g n - t first descended together until hed a precipice overhanging the s gulf of the orator, when the Bets so culties which iolders ,put in ors and skirt - °badly be bel- ay rat still re - the situation. 1 of the value hich is the xiStenco, does v(Sto face "re - nen surround - moment, and their re- bility ha e 'Seldom been. onfrontecl wit me lern builders the, Way of ra,tS in in*, tho black rat fled, while the sag mains more or lose Tile case of the ra of usu no in sources and adapt fmind wanting. hip rats have s an sto and onl oes full in a big habitable. Hops to ope With gas the diftl nd house.] rains, 11 would p (dolls g is typici brain power., Reutine, al condition'of animal exist for them, They h structions" of heir com s at any given, ronclad thai they Made rate have learned how ancl cement floors. "Sower rate" dern urban sa sitation, and others are noW learning to 1, ve in "Old stores" a d eat: chilled meat • nd game! in an atm plii6are whore breath turn into snow. London Specitator. Women and .T 1Women don't give= tip nr, don't subscribe as li better than men, do, are r leg small sums, cheapenin ( fee and household supplies an and, in the igen caverno baron saw further progress to be 1111P080i- monstra ces of the yvhole party, insisted upon ing lowered -over the ledge by means o a rope made of barabOos and held ip the ands of the natives,' under the baron's directions, until he *eached the bottom, 200 feet below. Loosing himself from the cord, he forced his way downward through the sillphur- -ons vapors, over the hot ashes, to the, green b Ding lake, dipped his specimen bottle i to its waters, returned to the rope, . several times stumbling, alMoet stifled and wit one of his booti charred to a coal, b t succeeded in again fastening himself and was hauled up by his assists ants and received into their hands ex- hausted and almost insensible. Remedies brough from the neighboring hermitage were a plied, and he was se far restored. that th could proeeed on thleir journeY. But r mors spread befote them amOng the py ra savages. on the ieland of -the profane i vasion which had been niade into th ysteries -of the ;Taal, and an angry lo gathered about ithem, which was on y ispersed by one Oa two pietol The troPh es of this expedition were some sulphur ater a, Series of graphic VieWfh from reco lection, in his Sketchbook, and. a written description of the vialeario byene of the friers, which, after many Vander- ings, weel put in 'his halide as he set at the /Icicle and au Itingritenoif. The t lk turned the other day in san oeaustteorf lustrat . and the barisin Help NTRAL Hardware Store. We are to the , serving We are sole a walks ; ITry: usafoirullal sa special y. ' as rimacily as orally to mls- tain counters alert in sav- ters. Whys? Not because A y are meaner then men, but bcxiause hey hare less ' nOney and more time. , The average man who e -hiss it to spencliis an eeo inutes are of snore seal Ines or "nick ls." Ho ell enough nd m at FiRIAG BEAKST No WiTNES LI ENSES AT rrITO OFFICE, ES RELJIRD. ()mist of time. e Ito biro tlsan Os readily for small hls inor If he He is , that tably ng it ompt service, does not consider expedite by any ikes re pro sav differences of price, but *ogress through the da disbursements -that seem e. thought and bother as we Would often rather pay tha apt to consider, not alwa his time and thought are apent in earning money tha , Its, driblets.—Harpor's Bazar had long •it thorn in his sid-is in tlie shape elf a eiusty old farmer, w40 delighted in epposing and annoying th yicar in every possible way. The parsol siliavLsig been ' Offered ancither living, ace p ed it, mainly to escape his tormentor. ' sing leave of the parish, he called upon t e farmer and was surprised. and even to ched by the man's evident regiet and s rrow for his thought you woUld be Oad to get rid of me," exclaimed the vicar. -The farmer shook his head solemn y. "Nay, nay!" h said in e broken oice. "You seo, sir, I'v lived here for ni h on 40 years, and m experience of o par- sons is that ther is never la bad u goes Is able town on food luck coming parent misfortune, and as an li- n a gentleman told how a Waldo drought when the Well was] dry an of the house discove jit r" at a lively rate on the dry Of. as scarce as water.' She ;b gala g her hands and saYing over and herself : "Here's a pretty plate! le, p oklel" the word uncnnetns- ted 1 -self, and then she thong "4, of II a who barsel full of pork pickle in the cellar Saved ler boiling over. She darted down be cellarway arid soon began deing- hag the root with the brine. Every one ' who has tri0d it knows what a complete fire extinguiSher salt water is. The offect was meg cah and before the supply of pic- kle w a heusted she had the lire out, and fr(isit With a complete line of T,EWARE. See our Pre - Kettles, the best sin the mar- ents for the celebrated Thor- ock of Portland Cement. it cannot,be surpassed. Also liennte ofoar.1 laying floor's and ' and ;Furnace Work a Murdie RDWARE, Counter's rld Stand, Seaforth. 11 Full Occupied. "Why don't yo get out of debt?" the ho shoul pickle —The wife of In. C. McKinley, of the township of Camd,n, a few days ago pre- sented her hu ban; with three fine healthy , one" boy each eig ed five pou ds, and the other boy fiv and a helf pon ds. At last accounts the Mahler and el ild en were do- ing wells The Queen will be asked to make the initial donation. Abr ways to ma is onl USG 12 deal o 6, was saved. She says she never 14tve thought of it' if that word had not kept running in her mind.. 1 Lincoln' nify it beyon one of a lar in one viss vitality whi 'S western pioneer, Sl- ier danger and ready its true proportions, e °lase of people who and another a good h might be profitably baekwoodsnaari had very nging eyebrows' and wore big spectacles ith brass rims. One. day he came rushi g into his eabin and seizing bis rifle aimed6it oarefully through a crack of the door at .a. greet oak tree that -stood near and fired. as,: .1. : , j " at is it?" whispeee&his wife. "A wildcat, Salry, the orneriest wildest you elver see, an I misses1 him!" . Ile hastily loaded and fired, again and !rice 35e. at all 'aarstea au le STITUTIVII. 'THEY ARC SANG [MOUS. then gain. .',/c; w, hold on, Joshua," said hie goo wife. "Let me look at you. Why, le,wks a-dai y, it's nothin InSt a Mao bug on on o' your eyebrows?"—Youth's Companion. The Weaker Went. alamazoo crockery dealer Wass, jus closh g up his store for the day when on groa hurry. Here," said he, 'I packed this jar fuli of Matter, Pnd the jar split from top t bottom. Perhaps you can explain th "Oh, yes,' I can," *as the ready reply "Th butter was stronger thanl the jar." Tardily Acknewledged. "What are the graves of Adams and Oti marlsed by big rocks for?" asked the vis 'itor to the Granary burying ground. "Bee,auee they were bolder men the] mos of their contemporaries," said th Bu First Theng‘t. a pr cess, Emmy? ter. I desertil of Arabia are among t most rearkable places of the world a are esp ially'remarkablelfor their pine, and ha e a very dose resemblence in the app ar nue to waterspoute. st and Best for TablOand Dabs adultaration. Never cakes, (ASSESSMENT SYSTEM). WILL YOU REACH SEVENTY The alloted span of life. If you do, and are careful and provident all your life, rikone of your children or dependents arq to suffer want, from any fault of% youSe: But. are you sure ? How many men are always careful and provident? These are questions that must omit to anyrightminded, thinking man whose un- timely death might bring untold priva- tions to his wife a.nd family or dependents. To solve the question join the: PANADIAX ORDER 'OF FORESTERS, enjoy the privileges of the safe and sound Insurance they provide. The price of a cheap cigar a day will do it. Their policy is a comfort ia time of miSfor- tune during life, and a blessing to your loved ones after your death—a perpetual reminder of your kindness, love and forethought. THIS SOCIETY IS The Leading Benevolent and Fraternal I Insurance Seeley of Canada, sur nce, and Sick and Funerab Benefits to ifs members. F r further particular,' enquire of any of the Offi crs.or Members of the Order, or address R. LLIOTT, THOS. WHITE, Ingersoll. Higit Seey, Brantford. WAR ! WAR ! war has been declared in China, Oro kery- and Glassware, the troops are now be,ing moved to the front, where we exp t the first engagement to take place on Fri ay, the 12th of August, when we will win the battle by selling good freeh goods ef a 1 kinds cheaper than any other house west of Toronto. I will quote you a few of the pall bargains which close buyers can secUre bysoalling at the Seaforth. Tea Store. The sale to continue only 30 days, at these prices :— One:hundred and fifty pieze Dinner Set, price $15, now $10 ; 44 piece Tea Set, price midi $3.50, now $2.25 ; 102 piece Dinner Set; price $5.75, now $4 ; 10 pieee Toilet Set, price $5 50, now $3.75 ; 10 piece Toilet Set; price $2.50, now $2 ; Toilet Sets, priee -and 40e, now 20e ; Glass Sets, priee e5e and 'Me' now 35e and 45e ; Half Gallon Class Piteheri price 35c and 25e, now 18e and 20ci; Lemonade Set,, all colors, price $2, largi Glass -Lamps, with (Robes, price $2, $1.50, now $1. All other goods will be sold as ;equally reduced in price, A• cordial • invhation extended. to all. A, 'G. AULT, C4th. t,t:s- ccEE:s."4', • lli I ACAD (ON THE ST CLAIR RIVER) SARNIA, °NUM°. Fall Term Begins §ept; 116 re 4 TR CY ip on d- 1 ss 1 st er, er, le nd ar as 80. eh - on it 4 Of our students have been plexed in -eiber- Our system of book-keeping is actual:, iness from start to finish, Our short,-; ha d,clepartmeat is the Most thorough Ca, soda. or further particular13 address the NG. hoes and very wed ying ake g for hless A. S. NIKMO, Proprietor.. REMOV oe upied by Mr. J. Downey, the Cady 11. W purpose ca,rrying a full and complete e of an kinds ef them than and otice. is, [s d everything handled by the trade. ..usti BLANKETS, GOAT ROBES- AND- GOLLOWAY ROBES, hick we are now offering At astonishingly. w prices. • M. BRODERIOlc SEAFORTH. MOLES ARO LUMBER FOR SALE The underiigned has tor sai0;, Obese, tirOputi world class Phis AND CEDAR. SIDNOLES. Also' Is; Int" HEMLOCK 1.1.:MBER. all kinds. Shingles and 'umber, an be seen at Kippen station. A! ear load .of rine od Hemlock Planks, Scantlings, etc., Just retoeiVed..!-, dere can be left at the station; r with JAMES COOP , London Wad:* THE SEAFORTH USteal - Instrument EMPORIU Owing to hard times, we fhave cow 31usled to sell Pianos and Organs at Greatly Recpced Prices, Organs at $25 and upwardit* Pianos at Corresponding Orion - BEE vs BeEFORE PIIRCHA4G. • SCOTT BROS. tIARM .0 for and No. the .p aerie s lendid fl nrishieg occellett fitet-ciase g od ferm tivation. a ation, F hool Pot cella!, 0 one us It ,d sell. 13{.341.01d edld WILLIAM Seeforth PEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. beissg fall plougbing barn ARM sal 6, °Occasion weat'quarter orchard is convenient. TO RENT.—To rent, 100 acres of land, Let e6, Concession 9, Morris. POBS,1380013 as *eon as crop is off, and of holm A ril 1st, ISO, Per particulars ap ly tc FOR SALE. --The undersigned' offers foi his excellent faros of 125 acres, beirg Lot 12, Hay, comptieing 100 Remit, and of lot 6, Concession 13, Hay, eoro 25 eores This is an excellent farir on I road, one end a quarter miles nortblof th. village of Dashwood. On the far ie ar frame deleilling, with kitchen' at ched benk battle never failing wen of ater with choice varieties of fruiti Tie Well fenced and is in a high state ,of out It is 6 miltia !rem Zurich, 11 from Hemel 9 miles from Exeter station ; churchee ate Terms easy. For perticuler ARMS FOR Tuckerranith, 13 thero is heeted with stabling ncimill to -,pu woodshed. , It ie a mile road. Or rented AB 011HAIRT P. O. BALE OR TO RENT.—Fairms' being Lots 2 and 13 on the a large frame house, with turner+ ; large frame bete, nclierneath, and well handy, p water ; large' stone pig b is well fenced and in a goof' and a half from Seaforth his is a cheiee piece ana on reasonable terms. Apply en the premises, 17301-tf I' SD ston wit wit pen atm on th will t 1 or 1 'A CTION SALES. Govereloek cession 1898, stock horses hones 1 old, cows, spring old. seated Milner, harrows, beard truck set 1 12 sets black carrots, post rented Tel amount the at :. el i i' ;;- Is ir; NRESERVE nocK AND to Hell 8; Meltrillop, at 1 o'clock, and . implements, 5 3 ears old 9 years Old,'1 spring colt, nice 1 driving mare supposed Salves, 8 Rigs —Two carriage, 2 plows, I. disk gang,plow, for bonier, weigh wales, pea hatvester, dozen grain hltraess, hoes ash rails: mangelds, Positively. his strip inti.—All stunk 12 months', dollar will -ileums. THOMAS 1 AUCTION SALE OF , PAR IMPLEMENTS, --Mr. 'We Ulla by public auction on Lot 27, Co on_ Tuesday,. September 20t eharp, theefollowing valuable tar viz •—Horses—Two le 1 brown mare 6 years bid, I brov brood mare in foal, 9 yeers old driver ; 1 driving mare 4 yea three years old. Cattle.—FI, to be in calve - 3 one year olds breeaing ewes, i steers 3 end 4 yen thoroughbred brood sows to litt 1 cart, I open I buggie, 1 buelcboar I double moulaboard plow, 2 eat ir harrowel fanning mill, 1 two moul 1 -three monldboard gang plow 1 Sharp hay I rake, 1 iron roller 1 binder, Maseey-Harris melte, le 1 tanning mill, 1 grass seed sow bags, 2 double slet of harness, 2 sin forks, etc.' A lot of cedar a A' large quantity of roote, potatc turnips, etc. About 2e10 ce, no reaerve, as the proprietor and is retiring from bushes of 85 and under, cash ; deer t credit will be given oe furn be allowed ter crush on ell ors GOVENLOCK, Propriet 7 to tOi0.... one Carl do the faintlies in eVery !lets and Bicyc liay a now Oen cf perience mete pa . whole or Co., 15 LeD4Or rveok in leasuee work. We want re locality to he e Leggings for the ass. No canvae-sing red. Steady work, spare time. Wsil es to-dey Lane, Toronto. table p en trade or ex geed that 'for s e fork bn to 3 mate on wort r GOLD We We For road know not they cent .the it's ,. headway a For and have, i and eiser Hli peep peopie. as same, rainy in EP ylINES to giond wialre they no wonder day. ra ny we oan reseed ill to; 'RING AT e who have ealth is who have as we people had too, course they in saving And days we save our be in a do CUSTOM on I HOME learned RIGHT BUYI paid $2 sell for $1.50, who needed If they in their other failed up somothin that remind have a you ,. money staff of better position 'WORE the shortest desertil of Arabia are among t most rearkable places of the world a are esp ially'remarkablelfor their pine, and ha e a very dose resemblence in the app ar nue to waterspoute. st and Best for TablOand Dabs adultaration. Never cakes, (ASSESSMENT SYSTEM). WILL YOU REACH SEVENTY The alloted span of life. If you do, and are careful and provident all your life, rikone of your children or dependents arq to suffer want, from any fault of% youSe: But. are you sure ? How many men are always careful and provident? These are questions that must omit to anyrightminded, thinking man whose un- timely death might bring untold priva- tions to his wife a.nd family or dependents. To solve the question join the: PANADIAX ORDER 'OF FORESTERS, enjoy the privileges of the safe and sound Insurance they provide. The price of a cheap cigar a day will do it. Their policy is a comfort ia time of miSfor- tune during life, and a blessing to your loved ones after your death—a perpetual reminder of your kindness, love and forethought. THIS SOCIETY IS The Leading Benevolent and Fraternal I Insurance Seeley of Canada, sur nce, and Sick and Funerab Benefits to ifs members. F r further particular,' enquire of any of the Offi crs.or Members of the Order, or address R. LLIOTT, THOS. WHITE, Ingersoll. Higit Seey, Brantford. WAR ! WAR ! war has been declared in China, Oro kery- and Glassware, the troops are now be,ing moved to the front, where we exp t the first engagement to take place on Fri ay, the 12th of August, when we will win the battle by selling good freeh goods ef a 1 kinds cheaper than any other house west of Toronto. I will quote you a few of the pall bargains which close buyers can secUre bysoalling at the Seaforth. Tea Store. The sale to continue only 30 days, at these prices :— One:hundred and fifty pieze Dinner Set, price $15, now $10 ; 44 piece Tea Set, price midi $3.50, now $2.25 ; 102 piece Dinner Set; price $5.75, now $4 ; 10 pieee Toilet Set, price $5 50, now $3.75 ; 10 piece Toilet Set; price $2.50, now $2 ; Toilet Sets, priee -and 40e, now 20e ; Glass Sets, priee e5e and 'Me' now 35e and 45e ; Half Gallon Class Piteheri price 35c and 25e, now 18e and 20ci; Lemonade Set,, all colors, price $2, largi Glass -Lamps, with (Robes, price $2, $1.50, now $1. All other goods will be sold as ;equally reduced in price, A• cordial • invhation extended. to all. A, 'G. AULT, C4th. t,t:s- ccEE:s."4', • lli I ACAD (ON THE ST CLAIR RIVER) SARNIA, °NUM°. Fall Term Begins §ept; 116 re 4 TR CY ip on d- 1 ss 1 st er, er, le nd ar as 80. eh - on it 4 Of our students have been plexed in -eiber- Our system of book-keeping is actual:, iness from start to finish, Our short,-; ha d,clepartmeat is the Most thorough Ca, soda. or further particular13 address the NG. hoes and very wed ying ake g for hless A. S. NIKMO, Proprietor.. REMOV oe upied by Mr. J. Downey, the Cady 11. W purpose ca,rrying a full and complete e of an kinds ef them than and otice. is, [s d everything handled by the trade. ..usti BLANKETS, GOAT ROBES- AND- GOLLOWAY ROBES, hick we are now offering At astonishingly. w prices. • M. BRODERIOlc SEAFORTH. MOLES ARO LUMBER FOR SALE The underiigned has tor sai0;, Obese, tirOputi world class Phis AND CEDAR. SIDNOLES. Also' Is; Int" HEMLOCK 1.1.:MBER. all kinds. Shingles and 'umber, an be seen at Kippen station. A! ear load .of rine od Hemlock Planks, Scantlings, etc., Just retoeiVed..!-, dere can be left at the station; r with JAMES COOP , London Wad:* THE SEAFORTH USteal - Instrument EMPORIU Owing to hard times, we fhave cow 31usled to sell Pianos and Organs at Greatly Recpced Prices, Organs at $25 and upwardit* Pianos at Corresponding Orion - BEE vs BeEFORE PIIRCHA4G. • SCOTT BROS.