HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-09-02, Page 2Weak Kidneys.
Always Cured by °Doan's
Kidney Pills.
Mr. I. -Patterson, Croft t., Ari-
herst, N.S., makes the 1ollowiiig
statement "Having ben trol-
bled for some time with distress-
ing backaches and weak ,kidneys,
I decided to try Doan'sKidney
Pills. They acted promptly and
effectively in remthring the trouble
with which I was afflicted, and re-
stored me to my old-time form. It
is a pleasure for me to recrrnmend
them to others."
Doan's Kidney Pills are the most
effective remedy in the world for
Bright's Disease, Diabetes„ Dropsy,
Backache, Gravel, Seclime t in the
Urine, and all kinds of Kidney and
Urinary Troubles. Price 509. a box
or 3 boxes for $r.is. The Doan
Kidney pco., Toronto, Ont.
Remember the name,- "Doan's,"
and refuse all others.
FARMS F0 SALE.—The underaigned boo en
Choice Farms for sale in Fleet Huron, the ban-
'-..fier County of the Province; all irises, and prier* to
Fruit. For full information, write or call personally.
No trouble to show them. F. S. SCOTT, [Inmate
` P. 0. 1391-tf
For sale the frame dwelling houee 'and lot near
the railway station in Brirefield. The houee -son-
tains ten Emma ;a stone cellar and hard 'and soft
water in the houset-s-il also a good ;etabler Ilhere is a,
quarter acre of land: Apply to ALEX,I STAR,D,
Bruoeffeld, 1646-tf
JJ the house at Iresent occupied II, Mr. Tobin,
on Goderich atreet east, opposite St Jerneel church.
There are eight *tome and a good kitehOn, plearrantf,
iy and oonveniently situated. It will he sold cheap)
Apply to J. IL ARMSTRONG, Seafortir. 11.02 4
' FOR SALE —The not.th west corner ,of iLot 26,
Concession 4, Mclaillop, containing 21, ecree of
land, good orchard, handsconely situated., ;with an
abundant supply of hard and soft water. Far fur-
ther particulars, apply to MRS. M. MURDIE, on the
premises, er to PETER KERR or Wal. MURDIE,
Seaforth P. 0. 1092-tf
FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH. -4 -For sale, a
frame cohtage, with 2 bed rooms, sitting room
and kitahen ; 8 rooms up stairs and woodshed and
hen house (lots with hotiee) Aleo 2 vacant lots
opposite the house facing on Main ritreet. Cottage
situated on Keith Crescent, near Eeelish church,
A rare chance. Apply to MRS. JAMES DAVIDSON,
Hayfield, 1E00-4
AR I FOR SALE.—,For sale, in the Townahip of
Mrris, lot 27, corieesolon 9, 100 acres, 80 cleer
ad ; t1I1 balance in hard -wood hush ,• 2 barns with
stabling'a frame bootie, good orchard and plenty of
water. One mile from the village of Walton. Also a
honest and lot with wagon shop and lumber shed, in
the village of Walton. Good businese stand. Will
be sold eheap. Apply to MATTEIEW MORRISON,
In the village of .Walton, or JAMES Mc DONALD, on
the farm, • 1579-tf
X sale or to rent, Lot 5,( Concession 6,
Hullett, near the- village of Constance, contaleing
about:Do acres.' All cleared and in a good state af
cultivation. There %re gond buildings, pod
archer:Ili:red plenty of excellent water. There are 11
acres of fall wheat; and 36 acres seeded to grass.
This is a eplendid farm, and will be sold cheap. If
not sold by spring it will be rented. Immediate
possession. Apply to MRS. SCHOALES, Conatance.
FM IN ALGOMA. FOR SALE.—For sale the
South East quirter of section F., townehip of
Laird, containing le0 acres, There are forta acres
°leered and free from stumil and under crop. Coin-
fortable log buildinge. The balance is well timbered.
It is within four miles of Ee.honay railway :Ration,
and six miles of the prosperous viliage of Port
Findlay. This is a good lot, and will he sold cheap,
and on easy terms. Apply to WILLIAM SIMPSON
on the premised, or to ALEX. MUSTARD Bruee-
field. -„ 154611
UILDING LOT FOR SALE —The very dieirable
building lots, being numbera 37, 38, 39 and
, situated On Main street of Egmondville and Sea
forth. The whole contains about one acre, and will
ne sold in separate parcels or together to suit the
purchaser. Thie, property ia Jest south of the
Woollen Mills, and Mr. S.Dickeon's property sou' h of
the corporation, aid is coneidered the most desirable
building trite either for private residence's or a
factory. It la high anefeon venient, and has a street
south and west. Apply to JANE nr JO FIN SPROAT,
Egmondville P. 0., Exec:titers to the Estate of the
John Sproat. n 158311
VARM IN HULLETT F )13, k.LE —For 88.',5, the
X centre part of Lots 6 and 7 on the 14th Con-
cession of Hullett, containing 105 ares, all cle tred
and in a good etate of cultivation. N.3 A' frame
house and barn and stone stabling under barn.
Plenty of good spring water. Four miles front
Myth and about twelve miles from Seaforth and
Clinton, good gravel roads running in eVery
direction. Sahool wink: a mile. A good place and
mill be sold cheap. For partleulare apply to eisher
the, undersigned Executors of the estate.
R. R. WATT s Harlock
; 1592-tf
6, Concession 3, Stanley, containing 100 acres,
about 80 :tares cleared, well fenced, underdr tined
and in a high state of oultivatien ; the balanee is an.
culled hardwood. There Is a brick house and good
barns and stables, a good bearing orchard and plenty
Of water at the buildings, and a rioting creek moan;
through the rear of the farm. It le ab eat three miles
from grueedeld, enciatwo nailee•frorn ,Kippen atation.
For further particulare apply oo the premises, or
address Kippen 1'. 0. aiRS. CEIleloTINA M.
DC UG ALL, 1800x4
T? -ARM IN GREY FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 8,
eU and part of Let 9, Con illift8i0t1 10, Grey, conta;n•
ing 166 acres ; about 140 acres cleared, well faucet
underdrained and in a first -claire state of et:ideation;
The soil is as good as any in the.county. There is a
good frame house, large bank: barn, w:th One stab-
ling, and other necessary buildings, all in good n.
pair ; a good bearing orchard and plenty of goad
water: It Is withiu a mile and a halt of the proep r-
oue Village of Brussete, It is a aplendid farm, end
will be sold chean and on very easy terms, as tee
proprietor is without help aria must retire. Apply
on the premises, or address Brussele 1'. 0. JOUN -
HILL, Brussels. 1601 14
Special Attention ,
to Horseshoeing and CARRIACE Opp.
General Jobbing. MAKER Vfuorere
Goderich street, -
- Seaforth.
H. R. Jackson
& SON.
Jule °Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac:,
Fra oe ; Jno. de Kuypei & 8on, Hol-
land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland •
Boob '8 Torn Gin, London, England ;
Bulloch Co 's SootCh Whisky, Glas-
gow, Seotland ; Jamieson's Irish
Whielcy, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port
.and S:herry Wine from Franca and
Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky,
Onta io ; Royal Distillery and Davis'
Ale a d Porter, Toronto.
We have opened a retail store in
connection with our wholesale busi-
business in the rear of the new Do-
minion Bank, in Good's old stand,
where, we will sell the hest goods in
the market at bottom prices. Goods
delivered to any part of the town
TELEPHO E 11. 1518-tf
of the most ignore
found Is 70. • Vast
and 70. ! It needs a
span that gulf.
Besides that ,.•th e i a differe co be.
teen the gorilla a d th man—a differ-
enbe of 'blooact glo tie, 4 differe ea of
nerve, a difference f ma. vile, a di etenee
of bone, :a .clifferenc of s new.. Th horse
Is more ike mani. inti ligence, t e bird
' is more like him in tame cal impact jr the -
mastiff }is more 1 ite him in aff °Mon
That eulogized beat of Which we ear so
mucherepresented n the walls o cities
thousands of years go, le just a com•
pieta as it le now, howingthat th e has
not been a particle of lahange. esides ,
that, if te. pair of apes had a a n for7c,
descendant,*hy w rad not.all th apes
have the 8I me kind of, descendants an
It be that hat one avored pair on y !was
honored ve VII hum n progeny? oxides
that, evolution sa s that as' one p6cies
rises to an ther'spe -les the old ty ae'dies
off. Them how is 1 that there are whole
kingdonair f chimp nzee and gori la and
baboon? '
The ev intionist hare come t gether
and have tried to e plain a bird's wing.
Their theo has al ays bean that a fao
ulty Of an animal bile being de elope(..
must alw ys be MI ful and alway bene
ficlal, r but tho w g of a bird, in the
thousands of years it was being devel
oped, go far from aeing any het must
have been a Itindrie ce until it no ild be
brought into praotit 11 use away on down
in tho ages. Must tore not have b on an
intelligent will so 'ewhere that f nmed
that wonderful flyi g instrument, -othat
a bird 500 tirnes-la vier than the If can
mount it and put e atitation unde claw
and:beak? , That onderful moo anical
instrument, the wi g, with betw 308 20
and 30 different ap aratuieuriousl eon.-
structed, does it no imply a divi le .th-
telligence? Does it ot imply a dir et act
of Homo outside bei g? All tho evol tion -
1st in the world ea -not explain a bird's
wing ot an insect's ving.
So they are (mato nded by the r"attle
of thqattlosnake: Ages before thit rep
'tile hail any enenile this warning capon
was created. Why as it created? When
the reptile, far beck in the ages, h di no
enemies, why this w ruing weapon? There
must have been ad vine intelligenci fore-
seeing and knowing that in ages to come
that reptile would have anemia
then this warning weapon wou
brought into use. ou sea evoluti
every step is a cont adietion 'or a
strosity. At every s age'of animal
well as at every ata e of human life
Is eviderLe of direet action of divin
Bes1dei that, At is.very eviaent
another act that it are an entirely
ent ereat on and hap there le no ki
-The ani al in a 'few hours or
comes to fUll strength nd can take
of itself. The human race for thr. first
one, two, three, five,, ten years is in 00111-
-plete helplessness. Th chick just conic
out of its shell begins to piok up it own
food. - The 'dog, the w 11, the lien, soon
earn their own liv li ood and a t for
their own defense. ¶h4 human rao does'
not come to develo ment until 20 or 30
years of age,:and by that time 'tib ani-
mals that were born the same ye4r the
man wa3 horn, the; Tacit . naajori of
1--Unbridgeable Gulf Between Man
Washington, Aug. 28.-eDr. T Image fn
: 1
,this discouree adyceattSe a Christian eye -
Lunen in 'contradiction to an in • del 'evo-
lution and declares` that the only radically
inaprovIng force' in the world s Chria•
tianity; text, Roman i, 22, 23, Profess-
ing'theieselves to be Wise, the became
fools and changed the'glory of t e UnCor-
ruptible "God Inte an maga mad like to
.corruptIble _Mane: nh1 to birdsnd. four
footed beagle and cree ing thin r.
Thii is a full 1ontI4 portrait ad eve.
"lutionist who substitutes th bestial
erigin far the diyine origin. showed
you last week that ev lutiop w contra-!
dieted by the Bible, b sciencel oheer-'
vation and by mama n sense; hat t,he
Bible aceount of the o eation of an Med:
of brute and of the Iv rld, and 1 e °vein -
Monist's account oolli ed with sea h other
as certainly as two ex rase traine gol ag
in oppoeite directicin at 60'i Iles t er
hour, their locomotives ineetin on t. e
same track. I showel that all o 0.101
tion scientists, wathon an oxeep ion, were
pronounced infidtts; that evoluti n was a
heathenism thousands of years , Id; th t
sueh men as Agaesiz and Hu . Mill r
- andrarraclay and.Da 'son and plana hi d
- for that doctrine fee Uelution alimit a
ocintempt. 1 sinew d yetuthakthe r fay r,-
ite theory of the' eurvival of the tittesi,
was an absurdity and an nnt/1th, a d
that natural evolu ion lwas alwa do*
had never been an irn rovement or m n
ward and never u vvar ; and th t the a
or beast or worl except .• thrq gh _tle
direct or indirect i fideice of our loilfoi s
Christianity.? An in t e closing part f
that sermon I tbld you was net a pee 1-
mist, but an opti ist, 1,that inste d of t
being 11 'o'clock at nig,t it is half-pas,t15
In the.naorning. , -' I .
Now, I go onot tell on, it se me to
me that evolutio ists are tryin to Sr.
press the great ma sem 0/ the people with
the idea that the e is .1:an ancest al line
leading from the pri al germ; on up
through the serpent andr on up hrough
tho quadruped an on up thro githe
gori la to than. They aimit that here is
a "a issirig- link," as I they clad it, but
ther is not a mise ng iiialte---it is whole;
chain gone. Between , the physi al con.
Btu -lotion of the highesVaniznal a d the
physical construct-01ra the. towe t man
there is a 'chasm as wide as the tlantic
ocean. Evialutioni ts-telll us that some -
Where in Central Afriea or in cameo
there is.a creature half lway bet* en the
brute and the men .an that tins crea-
ture4s the highe igr in the •uman in ti nimal
ascent and the low
creation. But wh re the fact? The
brain of the largest goal' a' that we s ever
found is 80 culeic 1 °hoe, while th brain
t ma that - w Sever
cliffe ence bot % een 80
brid e of 40 ar hos to
d be
•n at
Ile as
there -
'1111E H CI RON
ih VOS1 TO it
nem, Dade Med Of old
there is no kinship there i
If We had been b rn of
wonld have had th boas 'a
neFis Not only diff rent,
the ftart or it woul )1av
Derwin ndmitte tha
pigeon has not cha ired 17
years. It Is demo orated
again that the liza a on t
tion of rooks was j `43 as a
lizard now, • It is s own t
the first fish, was j St as
sturgeon, another name for
now. 'Darwin's on itb sySte
and Huxley 'and Tohn $t
Tyndall and wiped lly Prof
come to help'him 1 the gu
about the brute; a d guee
and guess about w rids, bil
one solid foot of gr und
never have had it a d nei
I put in opposition to thee
theories the inward eonsolou
have no cohsangui ity with
fawns at our foe , or th
crawls on the wall, or the fl
In the frying pas, or t
swoops on the field gams*
that wallows In th mire. IL
the outrage it wouli be to
Bible record that A brahar
and Isaac begat Jacob, rfl
Judah, forth. rem d that th
animalcule begat. ho tad
tadpole begat the p iliwog,,
wog begat the Harp ist,';
begat the quadrupe , and 'th
,begat tha.baboon, a d the b
hid snow
beast, we
trength at
our Weak
opposite. ,
e dovecote
outlands of
er and over
west forma.
pieta as the
the gnold,
plate as the
a same fish
le a guess,
rt Mill and
or Haeokel
., and guise
about man,
to to having
nd on they
ill have it.
s ess that we
he dog that
apider that
that flops
crow that
the Eiwine
erybody sees
t aside the
eget Llano,
Jacob begat
le, and the
d the polli-
the serpent
boon begat
The evolutionists tell UR ti tt the apes
Were originally fo d Of limbing the
trees, but after ,- a .ailfel pll lost their
prehensile power an I thereto 9 could not
climb with any fael ity, ;and hence they
surrendered monke 40113 ^4 d set up in
,b0SflOS LIS men, Ace rig
rdtiqe i e tipOS, 8l10-
busineso us men.
Monists. a Man is a h,ankr -1)
I pity thapereon , he i
and, m usole and , boneand I
and spiritual experience d
that ho is higher inlerigin
grander ancestry theta the
perish.. However dograd
men anay be, and though
foundered on the roelts of
and though we shudder as
( i
n vertheless 'there 14 sofnert
in that toile us they belong it
giant brotherhood ant slat 1.1
race, nd ourrump. thies
regard to them. B t I ea'
, SN Most gazelle,or n on th;i
of most flambe t Wing,'
ot rve of grandest c�ii'
there is no cionsangui ity.
W are;stroriger than they,
w th one etroke of hi usw
ino the dust. It is al t that
toreydsight, for tea
he gle
ole e ile away. I Is no
fleeter of foot for a r eouck
ont of sight, just s emin
ea dr as he oes. M ny o
er ation surp ssing US In lie
and inkecnnuts of no tril a
pf limb, but notivit sten
there is something WI bin u.
we are Of celestial ped gree.
mollusk, not of the rizipo
rimal germ, but of t e livi
otont (hod. Lineage f the
logy of heaven.
;the evolu-
very nerve
not realize
1 has had a
b nets which
en and wo.
Y may have
no and sin,
pass them,
ing within
the same
ooct of our
✓ wowed in
n upon the
conical bird
r • upon the
e k, we feel.
It Id not that.
for the lion
cliuld Put us
have bet-
e n descry a
t at we are
a flash is
t touch the
he animal
'it EISA of foot
d n -strength
In. allethat
t at toile us
/sot' of the
not of the
and ornni-
es. Gene
1 tell you plainly th t, if y
1/ as a muskrat and yen. rpor
osum and your groa aunt a
ndthe toacteland the snappia
ere, your illustrioue predece
tiler was GO. I kn w it,1
thrills through me wit an en
n ecstasy Which all your
rawn from anthropol gy and b
zoology and morology , and
nd all the other ologi s can
Evolution le one g eat
atohee out 50 mysterf
o t 1,000, and the 1,00
010. Why, nay brother,
•reat mysterfof God a
• 1 the other mysteries
a predate the fact t
$ roke of his omnipotence,
Ian than I could
5 000,000 ages he could
na tting on a iittle here
I would have been jus
a le far God to have tu
t ng into a man as to
a d out, the one job
o her.
It seems torie web
h ve a little placo :in
here. It see s to me
Ib m make 0111 'creatur
la ye him mak twoor
t be some p ace wh
ithout inte ring wit
I te. "No," days Darwi
ht is trying to raise fa
t turn these fantailed
o her kind of pigeo
tem go into sornethi
p geon—tur bag them
y rd fowl or brown thr
It is., .And athers have
a d the dog and the ho
i their speelee. If the
oyer, it is a hybrid, a
ways sterile and goo
T ere has ben only
t lapt to'pet over free
n1a'I to the articulation
Was the attempt which
in the beast that he rod
ur father'
✓ an op -
g turtles
sors, my
eel it. It
haste and
rgu m en to
ology and
er shako.
stery. /t
s, and tho 50 hatch
hatch cut 1,000, -
not admit the one
d have bat settle'
I oar n ore easilY
at 3ot1 by one
ot Id make
ealize h w. ont of
have v lye& One,
and a 11 tie there.
as grea a mir-
ain rang ou-
make a man 'out
jnst s )ig ad the
cl bett" r. Cled
Qui.. -Id some-
if•we a not have
• we h d better
hree. I' ere ought
• h ould stay
the volution-
, all ti for years
tailed' IA eons and
.igeonsJ nto some
s. • er to have
g th t is nota
lato q al or barn.
sher. B t pigeon
tried 1 h the ox
se, b t hey staid
Attei p to °rose,
d a 1y rid Is al.
-into e Unction.
ne si oc ssful
spee h ess ant-
ma, nd that
alaa itnessed
co, buta• angel of
erd a o stopped.
we a net have
have him make
ycc H tx ey in his
'kror ars ago.
any 0. around
t nia e he horse.
o plio 1.1 pus, and
tlae. pro ohippusi
as Of the miohip•
'name ona the
°oho* us. came
e Lord'wItlh drawn s
at long-eared evoInti
But says snne one, "
God make a. an, let u
a horse." "Oh, no!" s
.genat leo:Antes j in New
N , he- does not want
t premises. Ood did n
T e horse, battle of t
t e pliohippus came of
a d theprotoizlppuscai
p s, and the aniohippus
ant.shohippus, and the
m the orohippus,, a d so assay back,.
1 the living creatures, we trace it in a
11 e until we get to the Mono on, and ne
ea donee of divine interr eddli g with the
cr ation until you get ,o th a oneron;
a d that, Huxley 8878,1 of so o a form
of Ilire that the probabil ty is i j st made
it elf or was .the resu t of s o taneoue
generation. What a nit ow e c pe froart
th necessity of hiving od!
ks near•00 I can tell, tiese
• Seem to think thatod at
ve pion of animals, an
Western Africa .came in
ponnded "Order!" The
a chair of twisted forest
tion birds came in an
d not made up his mind as
at he wenld matte, and ha
his mind1partially he hati
At all through the ages,
t !God made the 'world as h
and that the halpines
cies will depend upon their
species whore they were cr
nee upon a time here
ural amphitheatre of t e fo
a g
ith h
be $
le hill
heir p
Ind t
gr aquarinnt, and a c mai le id
it. tiarough,which came the
.tne deep to join the g .eet,
And On One table of roc there
or five primal germs under u
and in a cup on anot Or to
n the galleries of t
ops. And a deleg
In, and they took
pit of the alley.. A
ks were occupied by t
ermediatef animals,
tile start
o exactly
1 g made
08 (Mang,
anted to
all the
ying in
in a
est a cion
•rills, from;
s lub and
t •own in
sir posi-
nd the
si iOn in
' tars of
egation of
:me was a,
ag into
lo store of
Were four
less case,
10 of rook
th_ere was A Quantity of is
WS '$-prila or tho African forest WM 01
club ' +ided again, "Order, order!" and.
then h cried out: "0 , you great throng
of beaiti and birds an reptiles and in
aerate, I have called yo together- to , pro
pose that :we move u into the human
, ace and be beasts no longer! Too long
lready have we been • untied and caged
net hammed. We hall ' stand it no
:longer.'' 's
At that epeech the whole convention
broke out IRo roars o ' enthusiasm like
' as though there were many menageries
, being fed by their k epers, and It did
' sewn as if the vrhole convention Would
' March right up and ta e possession of th
earth and the huma race, but ap old
iOn arose, his mane hits with many
ears, and ho u tared t IN voice, and when
he old lion utt red hi vole° all th Oho
cads of the f rest ire still, a d be
id, "Peace, b others and sisterst f the
°rest. ,lf thin we h ve been 'pia° d An
he sohereS for hich e were int nded.
, think our C n
eator ow the plea tha
as good for u." Ho could prooe d a
further, for the whole convention broke
tat in an.upro r like the House of Com
one when t e 'hash question onaes
n_pr-Mle ,fAme lean Congress the night
`f acliournment and the reptiles issed
• ith indignatio at the leonine Ga bet-
a; and -the fro14s croaked their con emPt,
nd tho bears • rowled their cent Meat,
nd the pantile e snarled their di emit,
nd the inseists buz,ted and buzzed with
xcitement; an i though the &ilia In
he African for -et with his club po P.ded
'Order i Order!'there was no orde I, and
hero was a th ustth
ing , out of. eer' e
ting and a swi ging of elephantin& tusk
nd a stroke of beak and a swing o rolafy
n'til it seemed s if the,convention oucl
o massacred.
Just at that Mementl, at the do i'' id
his natural amphitheater f the 1 rest,
the curtain of the leaves lilted, an. be
bolts andbare o1 the tree ranches were
Shoved back, and the e a )peared gas-
iz and ;Audubon arld Ullman a d
'eciassetss,,, oarnudhleAlfgoartossitzs,c114 davoo att:ad'i'oOdh your o r
ancestral roe rchi and f un you alwa ,11
• have I:wen )e ate, you al airs wl 1 1.13
aoasts! Be o Abut to be casts!" And
'udubon alined;his gunlat a •• baldh aded
gle which dro bread trent t, o galler and
s it dropped st uok a ser en•t that
winding areundione of theCIpillars t got
b higher, end ;Oilman threw a rock of
the tertiary 'fern ation at the main nul
nd 4
Moses t um ered, ' 'Ivory !boast afto
I, s kind, evcry hird alto its kind, ye
11813. after it kliji 1" An , bo, the Pc rile
lent of wild , It sts wa prorogued an
went homete their cons ituentie an th
at hew out Tto the pig t,and the 11,
a slunk un. or the roc , and the g rill
out back tle the jUll 8, and it hu gr
wolf passinglout ate up he primal g mu
find, it clunuly bunalo pset thep oto
Omni add ti a llon Wen to his lair, and.
tie eagle went to his eyr easnd the hale
went• to his p title° of or. stal and o ral,1
it id there wif8. pultoo—pe toe in the air,
p ace in the Waters, peac in the fl lds 1
lir an,in his pacel ;_the be sts of the arth
i their placeS. ,But, m friends,e olu-
ti u is not only infidel nd,the ail lade
it d absurd. It is brutali .Ing in its ten-
d ncieso If there is anyth,ng in tilos orld -
t at will make a'inan bestial in his hab-
it , it is the ideaithat he I was dosoe ded
fr IA the beast. !Why, aceording to the
idea of these vol,utionist , we are o ly a
superior kin&tI of cattle, a sort of Alderney
among other herds. Th be sure, we
browse on bettor acorn modations but
then we are only Southd wns among the
gr,at flocks of sheep. BOr of a beat, to
dlu likoa beast, for. the e olutionists have
no idea of it future world. 'they sa the
mind is only n superior p rt of: the body.
They say our thoughts ar only molecular
formation. They say wh e the body dies
the whole nature clies. The slab of the
sepulcher is not a mileato e Pn the our-
ney upward, but it wolf 13 utting us into
eternal nothingness. We •s 11 die alike the
cowl, the;haree, the eheee, the man the
reptile. .Aunihilation is t e heaven ot the
evolUtioniet. Frain such stenchful and
danzlnable doctrine turn a aV.. Co pare
'that idea of yetir (nigh —an idea fllled
with the °hatter of apes and - Iilsses of
serpents and the :arm* o 'frogs—v� an
idea in one or twO stanza which I quote
Ir m an old rok,of Mar than DeMoe-
th nth or H merle or Da • torque power:
tc.. \ at is men that thou rt niindfnl of
I hi n? And son of man, tint thou visited
hi ? Thou hltst made hi i it little i bower
th n'the ing la and bast crowned him-
wi h glory arid honor . T ott tnadost hirn
to have dominion over t e Works of thy
ha d. Thou hest, put a 1 things under
hi feet. Al! sheep and oxen—yea,'and
the beasts of the Ileld th .fowl of I- the
air, ,and the fish of the se, And whatso-
everpaReeth through the paths of the
seas. 0 Lord, our Lord,. our Lord, hew
-excellent is thy name in a 1 the earth."
igin? The lion
the eagle, the
th the monarch
w h of all! Ah
o you that I
w what was
t will be hay
much whore I
oing to. I am
e my ancestry
in to know -
0 years from
terested in the
n interested in
I do not care
do about
e comes in the
natural evolu-
q and heaven -
t of sin into
gladness, out
tality, out of
s the evolution
re,•• unrolling.i I
unrolling of
portent)°, un-
niOnship, tan -
unrolling I af
unrolling 1 of
rainbow ; to
lling of a neW
in which to
the thought
et the phys cal
lower orders
to be hier-
• ieoe of Ociki's
unaanity; mass
our ' enthrene •
win's "Origin
the other foot
d then, hold -
of Moses-, I
lding in the
velation, 1 gee
1 wars I Pre -
of the.angels,
ibe the arch -
earthly griefs
files away all
an evolution
an evolution
ror, and from
zeasts in the
o a soft, high
A come to ail 15er rather ier lifiabaiid ror
every' penny she needs," says EdWard
, Bok, writing in the Ladies' Herne .Tour -
nal, on i"Giving Allowance's to Girls."
- "Nor is the'feeling lessened by the faot
that the money (yin be bad for the aelcIng
and is always gi+On ungrudgingly. It Is
the asking which women dielike. They
judtly recoil from it, and men ought to
underetand it better than they do, It
should be field that the husband 'Who ra
fuses to give his wife a regular allowance
Is rapidly becoming the exception. But
there are still too Many fathers who
Withhold an allowance from their daugh-
ters. If it be true that the average girl
has no idea of the value of money, bow
will she ever gain a better knowledge of
its worth tinlese he is given the oppor-
✓ tunity? Oar girls must be educated in
money ,rnatters, and there is no surer
method'than by giving them money of
their o n to spend; a regular N/ eekly or
monthly allowance given them . to cover
t certain regniated expenses. I is only
natnral:that at the start a girl will spend
foolishly. 'IP) meet this inevitable expert-
. once the amount of the allowance should
be accordingly regulated. After a while,
however, when she gets accustomed to
the handling of money, she will learn its
value better and be more judicious in
spending it, To give a girl an allowance
iscnot a prlYilege, but her right To with-
hold it iis to do her a serious Wrong, and
- likestyleells an injustice to the man:whom
she willlinarry and whose money/ she will,
be intrueted with to spend wisely. She
should have experience before she reaches
that point, and that, experience can only
come tolher from her father in an allow-
ance of 1or oivn while she is his daughter
in his heme.'''
' Hos": do you like that o
the na narch r f the field,
moiler h of the air,behom
of;the deep, but Man ruon
my tr ends, I have to say
am no so anxious' to kn
my or gin as to kuoweWh
deatin . I do not care so
mune rom as wher el. ant
not so interested in w o w
10,000 000 years ago as 1
where I will be l0,000,0
now. am not so muoh i
prefao to my cradle as la
the appendix t,o my grave;
eo much about protoplasm
sternum. The `was" i
with the "to be." And he
evolution I believe in—no
tion, but gracious and divi
ly evolution—evolution o
holiness, out of grief int
lof mortality into immo
earth into heaven. That
I believe in. • ,
Evolution from evol*
Unrolling i of • attributes
rewards, „ unrolling of e
rolling of angelie comp
rolling of aivine glory,
pr vidential obsonrities,
do ologies, unrolling of
ca opy, the throne, unr
he ven and a -new earth
dw 11 righteousnees, ph
ay rwhelm me! I have
onaroh on earth of al
en urance o consider it.
of reation .and then lifte
aro a in -heaven. Made
vris om and goodnesseour
ter ieoe of divine grace,
meta. I put one Poetic:on:Da
of the Speoiee," and I put
fon peneer'e''Biology," a
Ing in" one . band the boo
See our Genesis, and, h
)th r hand tills bobk, of R
ur celestial it rival. For a
eribe the Bethlehem chain
or all sepulchers I prose
n el's trumpet; for all th
preseribe the hand that
i earls from all, eyes. Not
frcan beast to man, but
roill -contestant to conqu
he struggle with wild '
rena of the mphitheatre
lislitul seat in th g.in 's
t IS Her Right, and t Te cher, Her the
rroper Use of DI _ ney.
•"Every self respecting w Man, be he
tailicl or vrifz. has (i not.urrand tote, se
A Came Whore Ignorance Was Bliss.
"Onelpf the Oiddest incidents connect-
ed with my services here m many years,"
said an old comity prison inspector, "was
In connection -With the hanging of a mur-
darer. 1 berie7ed at the time of the exe-
cution, end I istillbelieve, that he was
imam) When be pommitted the mime for
w_hieh he raffertid death. He was supposed
to be an, unmarried man, and no one
suspected that in reality be had a, legiti--
mate child whose mother had lived but -a
short period after its birth. It was on the'
third day\preceding the executiOn that
the prisoner sent for me. I bad been do-
ing what I could to prepare him for the
end, and he Said he wanted to tell me a
meant ahL
the fact t
was her frit
ask a favor: Then he revealed,
t he bad it daughter grown to
that she _did not know he
r, and that he wonild like
Vo see her be re he suffered the penalty
imposed by
"1 argned ith him that Ib was better
that she reiniin ignorance of her- par•
outage, !nit e pleaded, so hard that I
made a helf promise that I. would,fiee her
and have her come' to him. I tenant the
young woinan at the.address he gave me
girl who was fair to look upon and
'of apparently good education. My heart
revolted against the shathe that would be
history, and
ining 'the orig-
told •the con -
right before the
hors if I told her of her
owe away Without expl
inal intent of my call,
demned man n his oell
banging of h w I could hot grant his laist
request, and though he ried hitt rly for
a time, he said before I left him that it
Was for the best"- 1
His Busy iiJay.
nifferenti People havo differerlt •estki-
mates of the value of tirno. AI rah=
• Bean, a resident of some sznall vli ge on
the coast oMaine, did not thin day
of any especial value when hewjas on
shore, but if he was .getting ready t "go
" an hour or two were alrno t be-
yond appraisal.
:'What you ,gOln' to do to -day,
Abe?" asked his niece, seeing him can-
ing against hp boat looking dotvii the
harbor. 1
'"Don't bother me; time's money to-
day,' he atswered sharrily. "I'vegot to
keep my eye on the wind. - Look'sf to me
as if 'fore noon I might get a fair wind
for Eastport."
"But , it isn't nine o'clock yet, and
you'll' have tithe to pick the peas for din..
nor," argued the girl.
"Well, anyWay, Uncle Abe, yo.hadn't
ought to goefi0hin' with your now coat
on," said the girl, pointing to his,reefer.
"This, why this didn't 'cost me noth-
in'i" he replied in a soornful Crianner.
'Why, I paid fer this diggin' 'Squire
Mason's cistern last week. You 'jest run
into tho housce; I'm busy now, and can't
bother with yciu."
And- Aliiiihdru leaned back in - it more
comfortable Position and reSuined hie
wait. • •
A. Valuable Bog'. r
Sir Edwin Landseer is accredited with
the following:; The sagacity of several re-
triever dogs was being ',disoussed in his
presence. "Net one yetirnentioned has
come up to mine." said he. "Open a cer-
tain occasion, I showed fiiim a fliefrppund
note of, a well-known nountry town bank
near which I Was reelding. I put
In my pooket and, walking I
woods, hid it in a tree, then strol
for a mile orlon with the dog at m
" 'Back, find aild bring, T
said, and•thei clog was off' like a
waited and 'Waited, aril. protein
came, but without the cite. He
rom his
close tome afl1 dropped
one after the other five old sore igns.
He had not on y found t1jenote, etre, but
he had gone to the bank and changed it!"
The intelligence of this remarkable dog
eclipsed even that of the Celebrated point -
or, once possested by the renowned lir.
Jingle, of Ploltwieltian fame.
—A daughter of Hugh McKay, of Belle-
ville, aged four years,had a miraculous
escape from death on Saturday, 20t1, ult.
qhe accidentally fell from a isridge, Istriking
h )1. head on it rock twenty feet belowl. Thei
scull was fractUred half way aloiind the;
h -ad, and a piede of bone about two inches'
spare driven into the brain. By an opera-
tion this hone Was raised, up, and the hoe -
tors now lis,Ve seine hopes of her recovery.
Delicate children! What
a soure of anxiety 'the)'t are!
The parents wish them
hearty and strong, but they
keep tl-Lin and pale.
To all' these delicate chil-
dren Scott's Emulsion of
Cod-liver, Oil with I-4rpo_.
phosphites- comes with , the
best of news.
it brings rich blood,'
strong bones, healthy nerves,
and sound digestion. It is
gr6wth and prosperity to
. No matter how delicate
the child, it is readily taken.
5.c. and $1.00, all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNR. Chemists, Toronto,
h3 mite
to the
ed on
heel.. /
Ter,' 11
et. 11
ly he
r -
SEPTEMBER 2, 1898.
71e, atiaOian Bank of Conimerce. .•
oAPilrAL (Pfila UP) 'SIX MILLION DOLLARS $6,000000
A gS` newt, banking bi!siness transacted. armers' Notesdiscountea, and
'Peel* attention given to the collection of Sale Notes.
SA I NGS BANK.—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upward,.
pp-.4,nial:faollities for transaction of business in the Klondike District,
r; • (iLMESTED1,1 Solicitor. F. C. a MINTY, Manager.
WI ' '''.,i ' A 'ir ,- • ,
r'Fo ar ou
11 :sdicol
des !
tlhe remainder of -Our whe Is for the season, we offer tht
following bargains :—
111. Male wheel, gents, prie
retsc _nit,. Ico. 2 - boy's wheel, pri
PrOcnit, .:!op. i , gents, price
a isecot C11--1111441(di Cerlsscceett', NNoo...95;gicancitisel,fp' r
11 ,soconcl-h nd CrOsee
1 second-hand Hyslo
1 secondThand ladies'
1. se,Co..r id)r-it
ii-iond. 1 Hysloi
1 secondthandiPerfec
$ \60 00 for $42 50
e 40 00 ," 30 00
85 00 “ 45 00
660 00 " 30 000
“ 30 00
t, 'No. 9, gents, price 60 00 " 35 00
gents, price d00 00 " ' 30 00
gents, price 100 00 g, 20 00
Racer, gents, price' 100 00 " , 35 00
heel, English ma1e ,
120 00 1‘ 20 00
Thes second -h nd Whee s are nearly all as
condition Inspeetion invited at
N &W
gbod as new; itires, all in good
Jd._! A HiCaRa2=1.,
W ather 'COM FORTS.
1 ,
Hot weather as a usual thing, b
many dis
omforts. You would 1
fortable. We can 'make You so.
one of our n bby sumer weig
viill forget tl e heat. They • at
god in quality, low in price, an
are heat defiers.
Odie;L3 hot
Our goods
weather Comfo
ings with it
ke to be eom-
By wearing
t suits, you,.
neat in style,
. best of all
ts .
ight weight underwear and sox, negligee
shirts, cool hats,
good tales o us.
Come early a d choose
of i Stoves of all kind
make any iffe).'ence wh
anill we als have a fine
are, going t sear away
Coil heate
steel range
suitable for
s, with or Without ovens, coal and wood ranges,
w!ood cooks, etc.; also a fine line of small stoves,
fall use. Old stoves taken in exchange,
from the largest and best assortment
ever showed in Seaforth. It don't
t sort of stove you want, we have it,
line of second-hand stoves, which we
own, to make room for new goods:
ebie keiri
toR. RAYS,
• Surveyor,
itir0EY AT 6
JYJLnaoney bee
i81080, in rums
A y te
el Court, Oa
yeomen, Land,
(vested an,d
twos' store,
J . one for the.
ecutb, holding.
Duties to conin
, (stating talary)
Box 24. Ba) field.
To T'
at% ete. For
colors"; eb•o si
Market And
k. clean ashers
-wtrieb-wcnid ns
wild oats !Or
ej young She
erees. Prices
- Ethel.
has for
ligible for rer
. arid -nbite.
SON, lot 25,
Bruoefield P.
ID•ws s
j_ undersign
shiree,has fares
sloe tee0or
arehased -hero
wad winner at
—41 psyshle at
treturning ±111
B0,411. FOR
iseep for •
Stanley, a theta)
SI, payable at
tot returning
keep tor
a thoroughbred,
before Jatinaty
1D0A1t. FOR
ju, keef 10.
erarnith, * tb
dieesx 4).3
ltrViee., WW1
1 nix 1001131#,
; hayd and sott
iabeeP- A-pply
1,00/1 SALE,
teems, go -cd c
chant. Pose
Apply to A. G
$700 IA
Seafortb, at
There are 8 r
!large stalfe,
'with fruit IL
gIC017, Seat
1[71OR SAL
11 being
rtof Lot
therefore is
situated on
fettle and ii
Made in 2111
— -
sion 14. boun
!acres of goo
sohoice fruitt
fenced ; *eh
church conve
Coulees appl
Walton 0,
North DOA
contains la
state of oul
bouse, good
aonditiOn an
easy terms,
On told bet
▪ Bale t
tree--; -get&
emivdeu: isrupr7
the tenant ta-
• Appl
teesion 4,
land, 'ea d
The Wane
is web) asate
hard Watt!
• bcure ;,gc
stabling ;
growing ai
three miles
six milts
pea <Mee,
Per Hither
Hensel' P.
Part cf
and the BOO
7th nonce:
upon tbe
The 2.5
saes, cr se
atones to
at caw's;
Immo, Op
*1 price,
•Seld I