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The Huron Expositor, 1898-09-02, Page 1
ri • 6�} tt { aft *corn— of ask ore. hie sinter, islop of De- . 'Rose, Itsf n e , 'of -004e - awned from a f? and friends €ispoeed..t f his to Mr. Henry erre of baseball between our resulting in a, `0-cnMl ettbstan- 4est like to beat • but will pro - etre. match at %f t hell, for -- been visiting week, sang a h on Sabbath h enjoyed by Lodging,brothe enlisted dnr-. neriean eau" me at present, - ill while visit= eiamiiler,. Kingston, for'. a visite—Mr. Bay fielffy ▪ months been Ire. D. Uru-- i by her neige,. rid bend tliis- €s • week, beim Iia: brother--; has bens Dnp-' Erl regati©fl at • ap, Sabbath( ny, of C rrneL pd,E isco!ursee.. the El" vine• t Rev. w_ ing *it verY J. I5orr� of" ire fast week odericih, for • w} as s red by der ,I et J1 P a THIRTIET? YEAR. waot,E NUMBER, 1,66. ;$1 a Year in Advartee4 SEAPORT It requires the whole craz quilt theivarious views that are held regardi Saturday by us; which we have been Futurity it ale ; we won't wearir you wi many, excellienceS. Suffice it is to say successful Fatality ,Day we ever held., sale has been often 'explained before. And liow we start in for the HFALL EA the largest season in the histor of ourl The w4,, which this ill be d conditions , 1st.—We thoroughly Uncle ,stald t 2nd.—We did,not learn it in a day 3rd.—Irtook us fifteen' ye rs hard the 'right road. at. -a reasonable profit. ' just now we are cleari s Still, a few of the:, 75c edo We have just completed Boys' School Pants, at 50c, 65 plea hhat The _sale 'held last ed to call' ur ng tale o W6,8 the 'Lost object b•f he nd Winter f 18 8, e"Cl thing B ss. 'Work to find t he learning, improving, giving me lots of Tres at 2 f r 25c. a Hats left.. and 75c style Water roof Co t, a uble or single breasted vel et This is the season fOr Smocks and Overa1113, Oar v lue in these lines are.the kind 'that satisfy. .In our Ordered Clothing Department We- can - off r, ith confidence in their -worth, the West of England's 1 ou ee • reig acdon On the wrong sidp of' the 'Street in the. Strond' Bl Hentall Stor ei We are clearing out in every line this store room for the new goods being shipped n. Some prides that prevail :— Thrre' Linen Collars, 25c.„; 2 line,s Ties 2 for Brown, Black and Fawn Fedor Bats, .regtila, An"c,1 all Wool Suit of Uilderclothi fa. 90c. regularitrice $8 and $8.50, low 5.50. Olier.lots, the regular price !of "w1) h ,w re $9 Ili 0 We show a dozen ofithe very hest Readyraade S it a In Rubber or Waterivoof Coats' you will find Eonae . In concluding we wish to state tl .,t the Herrall will be rim- on the same lines- as our -5 forth sta lisla we Will show a large range of all F rnishings, it ady Suits _and Overcoats, men's and boys . Upie Tailoring partment will be well maintained, as 0 aaie engaging a tied 9:nd experienced Tailor agd Cutte 4 to conduct p,ncl age our Hensall branch. We comic* this del-514133Rn the good will of the trade in Hensall. TW6 STORES. ON • tor De- an - to iDE GO city early in the sprin provisions and ods, Dawson ciey on 20th ter home he say the world ; and 1 —it the country,and to get accuseom to everything. T e gold duced frem $18 $1 one has a gold a In a his Sack. The o d is a_ tin blower o scoot; then hands you Sack , Three Inindred liars large ?walnut. eve s as there is nothi don 'washing up' d g The country is I stak We treed our owe o very stela, and ere s done. The boat hicl winter have ju arta,' co es le sight, odred WITAT DA \ ON night. It is d light sun sets at 10:30 m., in which the au then ibatarts to da who fia,ve_be bu I am here to fu ve ba pe pl fo ea ith fifty, fon of he golden cit of a nothing but d ' the derrene of Etue haii been et it looks etrang to. - end then put .1? ed wlehed. • e tiout the size a no mining t, the , mines ut suriamese mon a. out, around h e. building sto s. ; the police re ere frien in 11 ash detan to ee Clothier SticceBsars to P; R. B attie. On khe sam e of the s IKE: LAST ..HARVEST TO Manitobit and' North on Septemb Rate to most point, $28 and return mation apply to R. Itiviaedonaid,,o: p. R. bay a ly convinced there hi ing ie so very 'gh. g. just c Erred Nino is new s fOr se seems to b for 14,,k i you one doe et, t h re. The da ce le ei y is 'built of log t es jest six; urs t i line And wait oar t r if you- are hot a I tire tler high. Th y roe hit, One can a mime t one has to sell. Isola a terday, for $L 50 and th I wore up here jpse think they cost alert Toronto. I am earin sweater, so look quite n DISCOUI 1( e. There is no 'gets ep again at set ill all, 41.d d hero, but he ur isi conside ed out for 75 ce • to 0 on that de 1. pital here. he of good food, a d big else,but I an many fat pee le are big salod s, e one aide,- nd er, and they re very night. he es and huts. It t a letter out of string of men is d you have to, et Dee weary w rk e not so good es a are. I miss the have never ieseen he $40 for a full - 11 me they do eics ny price for what ound of glue Yes - 15 cents each in lue overalls and a ural. The Salve - August 11, nd lame. It is tough to 0 hard uck stories, w calk and asked me produ d his watch, e wort except the do r good- tured fellow ca led boys, t 18 watch is all I threest outfit. What ill oat, ut a steel Yu on and r ting watenon the cut en prices are ne rly t Seat e. The gold I see lug eut ised got tee to some -of genelemenly fel couldn't'. and with eight larg airr have in River." Anot have left out of you glee the to of waking m and son came i stove that float how a stove wi stove when" do bottom doWn, ands. Prices as cheap here a passing every d , I would ad Skagurty or St. met any one th and the Maxi on account of Porcupine Riv Canadians and ens would fet tweeds are ask 'ing here. Lea glue out at $1. should g t their artangements Everything is' bacon, pork a try ean't live vvith money that have bee 1 sold for $15 will always be were hungry f Canadian new overitment of Gladstone. op a man, as and you take in. Well to miner it is ha had it i and reports childre off was lie delegat Goderie Union the loc forth, r perance Thornley,. J. A. Ande Frid children wa The deal° County pre Wingham ; pondin treasur At the contest .of God Roes, o work b drill w preside orary ship in Union.' among elution andiad as fir a ing unt each lo medal That w ere not yet or in proh'biti formed heartil ciatien or in a for, g being p yelaw men v ents of assemb diate hope That t upon t the pro ance U net< co made a to the county funds o more. Wome ventio kindly to she have in of the e beautif ained he law he 1894, having cessful operation for fo r years, it a. gr at henefit in kee ing the ning a public platform eeting a w re we c 'med to the own by ho peon, a d the greeting of. the omen' Cheistian Te perance addrespee ere delivered 4re. on, of Goderich. of °Ili ere resulted as Howe : ident, Miss K. M. gsher, of 'vice- reeident, Mrs. George fte noon et sion et paper on medal rich ; one o juvenile work, y Mrs. M s. Go rge Acheson, 911 Gode em ere be drnitted to fiiii. ember - he Vomen's Christian Tem eranee lively discussion took place w re rep rted by the co mittee po Bible, a weekly mother' meet - 1 th plebis ite vote is taken That 1 nion, if ossible, arrange for one est be ore the . voee is taken. n, that an organize ion may be it ouv del y, and that the unions alr ady fo med. That Su day al - phi siscite eetings in the o en air un enomin timid hall e a ranged • ov'cled. I at every un on endeavor ter be r quested no to epport al Messrs ho are av wed oppon- ed ledge t emselves to take imme- e 1 cal wor ere heerty supisort of io • ten pe at he appe w'dely as a Ration th count T at the hrieti be convey re lived a to the so an ell- lis- ne sa bee ile TO COL e etre hero enorn liefel- o oode cenbe clj beans. ittheeeris l have sold in se, as good excep a Buse oh y yo r to git if your sack sl ele in t er $5 in !Defer be advisable t I start next ti the man in ov are, is the ric doge Axe. very 40 dogs ands get chilly and world for 885, ou kn ick e. tells an eet mi mer he uteefiv nt pert inese ek Huron The first a pounty Worn--; ion was held rich, 011 Thur e, when about t preliminary tees were a dial, of Clin i and Mrs. Co Acheson, of Wingham. Ir enson end Me report of the 'was as follow Lean, Seafor fishermen— road work . N Mrs. McGill'o ed wine—M Hope and ly to any bet take the ye or .• 143ditionton yet, e would be werse e Yukon from the orry to see so few goods. Our wool- s priees aed our of any kind ;are $12 a. Our cann ries nd I am ing e for the cy. $1 a pound ept en in. thi un- elicacies en ndon for $1 air is isn't to it go ex Public School Collegiate Institute Books Supplies. All the latest revised ! and authorized editio , recommended by the Minister of CALL AND SEE THEM. tot on t missionary fun ." Fur. 1; for cent ibut one be ✓ member hip, but be g • the year, in Addition fees, each unio in the If to contr btete to the thanks "of this Huron a to the Meting corn - ds in God rich who so oists and me panist, un• ty resident, an to all who ention, articularly to th friend, Tambl n, of Win ham, for the ro I • don't hese that, the 11 dadso ,of the a it is a little r a plate or bl ck and 'pour al your amount', east, you hay it. I think it y nuggets 1) weate et the cabie. We ended bye toi the oh hey any rdy ath ugh wer ced and will fore and nees The ith oon pCCURSIO est ,Werlrit For alf, other Agent, Seaf for - II I eLee nee ul, eri Cur In ao a th pr gr th fa SC hb co du ex th wi he Co en re wi ed fo re pl of fo CO fe a 0 akin of the H of the count following an of wor S.Elfo d, Mrs among sailor es _lymthre;. Bell or dity dal o erm ean the ron Un- ode - eek, res f ter mit- el le Ir us am, eas rMaanield: see- ent- of aul • ode- nion a ew tieu irie at onl neip ak. tter Or ntr he ma a e ab oug lace 'he Beg ugh eir f ardl 1 ha acre rhe the lenis n fo uld DO p the nnee 1 ni he rings ter. ter, Hay d owe Mare e see to; le Ther ay be eteri crov e far earr • far off Minn ;sot Islam Lake, Lyo co ty, linnesota, ugus 24, '98. well wood dr vince to part of the sta, . Here le more un ulat ng than given to beli ve that cross the ountty ; and est growth is where the ed a few, ro cif trees, -- add balsam —fo wind - t, that the wind, whether might be ade to pro - vests, but ueh are the oil has beco e so depleted 8 grain growing that it ce paying rope ke the farm re e making farm too ma y acres. cannot c re or stock the fertilit of he land. e who will f !low and who a living off thos exhaust - Next d ALEX; WINTER, oor to J. S. Roberts' drug store, Geth next three years took place at the recent meeting of the grand Lodge at Quebec. Mr. Hackett was re-elected grand presis vice -pr second don, w secrets grand reasurer; J.J.Weinere was re-elected marshal. The most important work of the Associ tion at its sitting Was a couple of change in the constitution to admi 'hon- orary not to payme provid in the anothe ing in sident ; J. E. Loughrin. was elected ice -president ; S. R. 13rown, Lon- re-elected—by acclamation grend embereto the social, privilege he benefits of the associati t of a monthly fee Of 25 'seise s, to ;that a court which was represented Fend eouncil should not be allowed 'delegate also, and te fiX on Niagara et, as the place for the next meet. 001, shut on —Th issue p —Fir handle g from iri state, t• tlihi arirei ilea lit. any miles • n of fo e plan d, howev' old, gets oil is eta n, the ntinuo re t mist wetly the th tinge 10 1 111 11 el ealva, ion for the' he eve taxed soil. o g• o" fr. dairyin er sup ly of , the stet ich is •btaine.ble at fro y be o Wiled in an q on the prairie. Th ta e s are et almost un no vi h the e ception of imo ' 1 ft;':emwloeeirliee. , but witho t a ay thee h ve e is frose-kil ed. • Mr. Gregg, sup ri re' ins itutes for hi menet ted this poi t b ing al ver in a four yea ly tryi g, he has t is tario. also nd excellen gr h this year the lo s i 'count f the num ro fallen This grass ge early r is ready, s leotio W. J3.3 Ene4 —T e Jf the office ac land here, is ient stook to One splendid lish this end e for I know itab e climate s the Beate of days- and is very d purest bore for 50 to 150. entity in n as hay y, which, tried the ccess, as n extent and thus ersist deed en in Cettle ear unti ntil the right ifu f the On er • !Post -office Dspartinent is about to eta' notes of the denominations of Friday night, destroyed the Still works <and pipe foundry at St. —Vi r General C. H. Gautheir, of Brockv lle, has been appointed Archbishop of the rehdioeue of Kingston, in successien to the I te Archbishop Cleats,. • —Mr . Dale, aged 76, of ;Toronto, swal- lowed peach stone, which lodged in the ba k of her throat, and she died from the ects. hi Toro to from the old country. Our Poet - master General made. a geed record.- f r himself in England. • —On account of a strike in _the spool wall, t e mill has been closed down, thro v- ing six hundred hen& out Of employme —Ch rles McMurray, A London mi k man, 1 The two without serious injuries. -1 —G rge Munro, of Montreal, wh board i day, w eleetri off. t hie cows into a field; of lueer e. male ate to extiess aed as a, res It d. Stevens fell from tee third story ef tharines store the Wier day, a d on a pile of bricks. escap d for ay. Some are making ey, and others spendin more than half the peo MO and tailing their outfits and et ifisef re they heveatven give Ga bling is tbe chief in Th place is full of selopna, gambling heuses, an and night. lt IAMB'S is strictly observed 6 cease, and all stores also gambling joints +lose Moididaysmorning —By the death Wedneeday last, many, and attain four yeaes. He c yea a ago, when t need, through evii eh the ' Wellington nyder Sal , Snyder, of uries'r jumped from an upstairs agined himself in ewimmin his leap from the window of his night cinth s. nreceive lee and f r sometime was toll, wh re his brotbere t ten ye re ago he went bet he has reeided in He w s engaged in the and took part He escaped in- llow fever. are day day mu great deal of all they have, le coming in are ing back home, the country a for gamblers. ustry at present and all saloons are all -crowded range, but Sun - here. work p till one o'clock of Jacob Roosawhich oe- Water oo County, on • Hespler oses one id its ceased w born in Ger- d the ri age of eighty - me to espler sixty-five e town as a hamlet of a vast wilder - elves and deer ged 11, son of Ile, in his sleep window to the about 15 feet, eceiving several ce and head-, It me he had iin- , and, regarded as a dive, for stripped himself announcing the dea 2nd hos a re ident of Inge T. 13ellamy, to tbe Northwest Kaninte some time in the capture of Santiago. Word has 'be h of William ital at Feet but fell a vi As the reven -ies Will hereafter ince it may be of' much the provinci liceeises and fines fund; in 18t7, &net* to ove seers arebented to $21, of $10,147, whieh . vice, and the hat er 'W entworth county, ,bushels of pedigreed es from interes 1 fund in Ont warden 33. Thi erit to es. of Gen off thirteen acres f lend, DaWeon's Men Ch ff, bushels to t o ac e. 13,He bushels to t e ac • end acre of Early Ar Idler], the este of 50 b labels pe was; as follows : edigree :Oho. , 62 pounds er buil The statistic 1 report pon the number an da o dained ministers ,703„"Orobeefoners for four eats of 735, Of ed in church. and miss on work ; 49 are ged in educe. legend other connexional • • 4 are set part. as evangelists ; 26 are eftwithout st tion and 295 are on The Liquor ' L Department in nto, is making move in their k. Henceforth who are found fter hours will be he license hold - e first of these and the defen- two dollars and four dollars and e Russel- House he inland fisher - d by the peeve to know how will likely be revenue from rio, less the re - 82. The allow - and guardians leaves a balance ay for the head - protection ser- est Flarnboro', st threshed 455 'see Giant wheat eing a yield of 35 ad five acres of hide yielded:. 40 quarter of an bleb yielded at acre. The test Genesee Giant,- awsondi Golden g an electric ear in 'London, e,Sat jammed between the ear light pole. His left eat wee to —Thieves broke into thestore ;of Mr.L. Lazuree merchant, of St ReMi, Queb c, blew open the sae and ', decaiinped w'th $4,900 in notes, &lite and goods and $170 was k ocked down by an engine on Sat day. is right leg was severed bele* He di d from, the effects see the a cident. —0 ing to a shortage in the iiupply, price f ice has nearly doe led at Otte, and is now $4.50 a ton. Three- hued tons ' ere shinped to Montreal last week reliev the ehortage there. Lest win broke up, it appears, beforie the annual c —D . Austin, veterinary surg on, of tawaeltates that hog cholera exists ohrou out t counties of Huesca and Carlton an ala ming extent. He says he has 1 on th Montreal read since March hist fr — bylaw providing for the use. ef w tires n the streets of Winnipeg has- appro for w inch e 4,000 inehe well - the Whe on hi from He w wher years h If raz le he he to op • to st rm del ed by the city council. It require gone carrying 2,000 pounds tires 3 in width, and for ; those carry n pounds a width of pa less than entreat distriee of the Oanadia bicycle a few 4,37s, ago, was thr is wheel and very seriously inju s taken to the General hospi his condition is reported as eriti m. Fitzpatrick, farmer, about 8 of age, residing abotet mile en ut of Ingersoll, made a deliberate at at suicide by cutting his throat Wita r but was uesuccesefel. He will re e ver. This is the second atteinpt at selfr destr Some years ago he _tried te end is life by drowning, but was rescued 4 wn edf prey). cia resig ed hy Pre be a r ney, Cent Toro He d of a olic librarian for several years, has arian, to the position ve'cate ton. Preston will likely andidate for he Ma °ratty of 'reroute January. T is is li ely the reason for rederick Ra ney, a eon of Dr. Ran - of Georgetow , was eommitted to the r. r, which er failure, sts claim growing ndent of , has (success - rotation. and sick - year pro- al Prison by ,Magisttate Kingsfo to, a few days ago, f9r six oard bill, and when questionedeby gave a ery contradictory aecount of with him in t e offence, was giVen a shriller —gen. L. 0. Tailloe, ek-Premiee of Quebec province, returned from Lo don Ind aris last week. He says that ,on. Edward Blake is makingl$25,000 a year out of the Privy Coencil practice, and .that, al-, thou h young, Mr. Blake is making his way as a elicitor in the old land. It, is evident fetid this that Mr. Blake is not infitenced by leve for Ireland alone in hia.residenee in the Ield country. ---1A-t Osgoode Hall, Toronto, last week, the Clerk of the court, Mr. C. S. Grant, post oned indeffnitely -the election , trials zing each for orth and South C4rey, Nipiesing and in Aug- We t - Huron. The dates were originally splendid fixe as follows : Nipileing and - West showers Huron, September 12, a d North and Sou h conf tha there are in the inistry 328 a is a increase for the the; ,703 ordaine plo epgit wor rally lasts Grey, October 7. The nt held by °Misery cAnstitueneies by L' that the tate has a now some the Chie- n in this the Cath pre twp will fixed after vacati Londoe boy, writ* to his from Dawsdie- ity, on June 30a Living is _very eXpensive here. M $2, each, and bunks (supply 'year o -her ;get $15 a day ; some make a great de 1 two Greys are tives and the °eh rale. The dat n. To coneuming liquor in ped tie at t thee the, affair ceu red, The proprietor, Mt. 13urgesai was fined t enty dollars and -4A distressin a cidelt _ took place on We the nia cense a ne hose are ers In the pollee c cases has been deal belies. The drin co fortY cents: It as nesday of 1 bridge in c Otter river, named Alb Bre n bad only bridge on the m rni were drawing one nee as piers, to i ing by the derri de pus hammer used is attached; the lead hernmer slides rip and do t eek, urge of t Brow mniene f t Its t d or I st tii d4d at his residence in t nesday morning of las 'been promineot figure Cena la for the last 60 y was orn of Polish paren tier g, Russia, March 5 .1 ion o Canada," In N tr to Sir Ca,simir most distinguished of Toronto's citizen; at city on Wed - week. Hee had in Toronto and ars. Sir Casimir 13. In 1890 for ed to the Domin- rved at ad minis - of Ontario (luring on the new rail- onseruction over urg, by which a wee killed. Mr. d. to work on the eviouse The men ition, and while which the noe- ivirig the cylinder ame in which the D, suddenly gave tailing him tn. Victoria., perhaps Si practice 9f settled do he married Some five o from cense ces reticle he was vember, 1896, he s of the Gevernment lie —Dr. Rilial :Lander, d Laurier, Pretiiiier of ar. He as ed cated Assompti n. - hen ediei e he six Y ars ag Ile Went to Britis Coln age, en the': hope f imp hecharge o fifteen cars feagn death nambulist lied during he he oht,, of the the w Was runni te of the time. e' to *aped in eeptin nd se d hi el er eare ,of the Belmont, Three marked q arter Ideljars Were placed inside, The le ter did notenaterialize and the coins were tl fo nd on Pollard. II he is any good he will y the fine:, and escape the penitentiary, d if he can't earn one hundred dollani in Wine as he will learn to work there. Perth items. =Miss Clara Schmidt, of Sit ringville, has g Pe on an extended vlsie to sister at Spokane, Washington state. 1 ----Fred W. Walden, formerly of St. Marys, has received the appointment of vr- g mist road choirmaster of the George street — Mr. Thomas Heal, of thel!siitchell road, d every window in the front of his hand - e residence breken in_ by the -wind end il storm on Tuesday of last.week. --e-Miss Mabel Selvedge, of Stratford, Ihas en appointed teacher of the primary de- rtment of the Mitchell publie" school, at a SO el A — Robert Stoddart, B. A., of Barrie, has en selected to fill the position -of classical ter ie the Listowel high schooL There re twenty-five applicants -for the position. —Dr. C. 11. Burritt, of efitehell, Was eted president of the' Dominion Bowlers' sedation at the aline' al meeting held - ring the tournament at eNiagara last A - chi•rnney on the house -of Mrs. Ben- nett, in Mitchell, was struck by lightning d ring the storm on Tuesday of last week, rother of Sir Wil - Canada, died at in his thirtieth at the College of admitted to the oved west, and e, Michigan,where h -Canadian lady. he was taken ill ew rapidly -worse. oving his health. ;fled to Arthabaska le en ha of th it st tr in go di wer of St. Thomas, fe cattle en route had' e most iimiraculous escape a few ights .go.. He is a serri- ed w eleepng in the caboose, the ni oor o g at a Stran of course, awake down the track to Ridge own and took the tiain for St. Tboinas. In the meantime, the seetion men had be n called gut and —One hundred dollar or three years in e penitentiary, the h aviest- fine in the leaflets of the Brander police eoutt .efor Many a long day, Was i posed on Fred Poi- lerd, the youn English an. who was con- victed of ;dila ing a le ter containing 75 Cents while officiating in the capacity of clerk at the Hotel Belmont. Pollard wan suspected by Mr. Westbrook, the proprietor of the house, of fraud o an extensive scale, end decoy letter was ddressed to a tray - • t further than sinashing the chimney, no mage was done. st ve ot up and walked y ear. The train 5 Miles an hour at say, Mr. Smith that his hands etched. The tall, and he walked - Before leaving Mitchell, Mr, and‘Mrs. rphy were presented, by some efIthe s, acconipanied by a suitable and eomplie iatary address. The storm the al) r day blew down the dsome monument e ected to the memory the late Mrs. Bry n Barker, Logan, in two. The horses attached to the bus'of !the yal hotel, Mitehell, ran ',Fay from the lion the other night; witit a couple of yellers in ehe bus. One of them, not lik- -the gaet of the team, jumped. out and censiderable of a shaking up. A painful accident hefel constable oieghton, of Monkton, last week, white ging a well for Robert Smith. He was wn in the well about thirteen feet, *hen, Mentally, the bucket fell into thee Well, 'king him on the head and inflicting se-. tent tbe Gran& Trunk Railway shops, - S ratford, had his left eye so severely in - ed while at work on Monday of last ek, that it is feared he may lose his sight. el chip from hie Mete's hammer struck —On Tuesday eftertiden of last week, a y ung man named Ernest Rock, of Hibbert, w -crossing the railioad on hone bnek, g aph wires beside him, and so stunned him t at he felr off hie horse and was picked up- , a dazed and paralyzed condition, from w kb it took him sonic time eo recovere ---On Friday, '19th ult., John, -eldest son . o Mr. F. Hunkin, of Farquhar, met With at might have proven -a, serious accident. e was assisting in unloading grain with a. a ing, and while winging a fork full a mold, he was struck and knocked down,, f Ring across the tongue of the wagon: ; Be- er es breeking three ribs, he Was otherwise --L-The city council of Stratford have de- ded to grant the Whyte :Packing Own- ny, of Mitchell, exemption from taxation r 20 years, and guarantee their 4 per erent, bentures to the 1341101111t of $30,000, foe 20 ars, 011 eondition that they erect ae pork eking end curing factory there, at a ;cost from $40,000 to $50,000, and employ froM 75 to 100 men. —Mr. John Broderick, of Mitchelie bait reduced a tory fine peach frem a seedling ✓ plunted in his garden two or ehree ears ago. The tree,lor rather bush, Oarne om a root on whith la rose had been graft- cl. The rose grafe died, and the root: was thieved to shoot up from the bottom. This ear these shoots are loaded with peaches f good size and very fair quality, very ueh superior to the majority of peaches reduced outside the natural peaeh belt. ju st ; —The business that Mr. W. Clegg, 'of Mitchell; has followecl for the past, few' ears, is putting, up lightning rodee He ad no rod on his own housea and while the term was passing over on Tuesday atter- oon of last week, Mr. Clegg's' house! was truck bY, lightning and considerably dam- ged, It seemed curiously suggestive that he only bghtning protector in that town herald be struck by lightning. =While Fred MeLaughlin, of the lee eon- ession of Hibberte was driving in hem ae. eld on Tuesday of last Week, a fiaeh of ightning struck the wagon and so stunned he driver that he fell baek tompletely pross rated for a coxiaiderable lime, and the °rises were so frightened that they ran ith all the speed ;they could to the berm lently recovered from the shoek to realize, he eituatien. —During the thunderstorm on Tuesday ight of lea week, the new barn built by Mr. Thomas Reid, on the 3rd concessien of Wallace, was struck by lightning and the east end of .tt badly shattered, though, strange t,o say, the building was not hred. The lightning tore the -sheeting off in many places, splintered one of the -timbers into kindling wood; and passed through the mow, only scorching the° hay and grain in places, however.. —Mr. John Miller, of Stratford roadneear St. Marys, departed <this life on Sunday morning, August 21ste after an Meese or gradual aecline ef six menthe. He wee born in the county ef Derry, Ireland, in 1825, and came to Canada in 1848. His soon df - ter seteled on lot 1, ceneession 14, Downie, and in 1859 Married Misiss Doyle, of Dun - given, Ireland. The deceased Was a mem- ber of the Presbyterian church, and a Con- servati4e. He served more than once as sahoot trustee, and always took an active interest in education, In him the neighbor- hood loses an upright and highly reepected citizen. His wife, one daughter, Mary, and two eons, Robert and James, remain to mourn his lose, --Thomas D.Hernilton, an old resident oe St Marys hits paesed aver to the silent ma- jority. lir. HaMilton lived the greater part of his life in and ebout St, Marys, He was born in the_ year 1820, near Glasgow, Scotland, and came to thie country when he was a young mao of nineteen years of age. He has, howevei; since then, been several times across the Atlantic, and also visited the gold fields of California third% the gold .craze therenthoue the yeae 1850: In the year 1854 he settled on a farm on the south bowls dary of Blanchard, and remained there for over 21 years, when he purchased the T. B. Gueit farm. ,There he remained until 1890, when he -retired from farming 'and took nee hie residence in St, Marys, where - he re- mained until hie death.