HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-08-12, Page 6A _Vtfm tv_- g 1 7-7, AGUSt 12� 1 . . . . . .... 6 Mew"08,14 not, a I but her go tdontimput -'jPo'�;iivAhho14 it itJs to d6hqr seiiobs i dime d -,witcb- the Into 016� i6g secou& in"090 is sit Inj 08 to the 'has been-offetid n he one- w1ro likowisez ilia In' t -she v -and se,money prowled dbou whom vilf mifty 30 *PtsrI0 is, D&4!d,! IS gj, and All 61 Dowestib u man -the i6treets of oftsh din S kindlink aiie in her anhnal# treaw. owl* and beak, by a man with whom I think I proM rJ I)fsetse Preveni ed V medieval Un- 01 'A talkative ta q phe,,Will be Intrusted with to spend wisely. We *to. etel=ptiy attended to old bsv� experience. before she Dentistry A socl ipho e aides "yi don, with ajan� could be happy. I have been ve y lonely by Is dney Pills, Onlv' erience- can ei in Goderich West. one doo DoddNT& reaches that, poipt, and thaV exp FAA of pl� Scows Ofllta,� Seatorth. tern in bis alltheseyears, and.now I feel, ometimes ly,co' to bar from� her father In an allow- Thetiagoneverypairof "SlaterShoes9t It a n d to pro- 11"t my boys would be the better of a firm- Kidney Disease." - Do You k OW claim his com- knee -Of 'her Pwh whiW- ohe Js his- daughter er hand than mine,' - * -11, q1869 - . �wbat it mea i's? It mdans'that the �Iid- - - I tells the, leather, its,,wear, service Ing, and who Who is. the gentleman?' I a ked, withT in his -home i ! I -a _'� A r-': -�! 4� � - I . I Delitlat. Toron of 'h Tevrinazy Surgeon ani announced the keenest possible Interest. Z, LL or-rdtfing; ha. adapted to,. how the shoclis made, how ,Y. 4)es iriena I;" j1 of 7 pd�So . I tociireforitandthefacterynumber by Wusto of 10 COIN 0 1 lionor G, ontar, atna" College, I Honor mambo � of li�s pagsa, He is the brother of th a Id noiA dei th- omiI War,,Deflnatio'ns. My ScOlely. through e PART LAO. that of dameMe streets by have had in London. He -ii an- _6rr d0tion"J _th6' Kidnexil he following definations are .'submitted, HOE which any faults may be trate(I to the i#Wtally, treated. ATITAI gromptly ationdad to, shouting "All's ay of doing in V Otoia dialink 6 156,� operative. This . tag is good for five a big w _ Qua says the Baltimore, News, for theipurpose'of Perhaps you'know the na, Qua a ON offi;�: was a street. a of his'' ban't*do their work ; thitt thb Victim teaching- the young i how - to shoot the U cam ered hom the cents on a bottle of Slater Shoe Polish. qltreotSeafortb. Night callaZZ 1111111111re very: inefficient firm.' a walking, charnel -house;, that Is Spaniards protector when When she mentioned it, 1 nized it hours are numbered; that the victim AMerica.—From the Italiain -wordoi oodyear Welted and stamped ou r' colnuared with at once as one df the best no, in the Columbus," meaning "I saw the sole by the makers. $3.00, $4.00 the -metropoli- musTIake Dodd's Kidney Pills if Iii, LEOAL trade. It.first, but. the7 other obap beat me to the tan olice of I 4ult know4hat he a , ie in 10 does ni"ot wanttodib.� and $5.00 per pair. ? New �ork City, telegraph office." The Spanish pronuncia. f Kidney DiseSige the David,, 1haid poor ElSe, Ygbh 6 -mi ling 9 Ve you rs tibn bf JAME& L. KiLLORANO unonly the word is usually- preceded and4,1 co .6 ... known tfie ' 'kin hot merfidiy followed -by largis exclam"ion points. CATALOGUR 7" in. Banuter, Solicitor, Conveyancer mud Notary humilitViabdpri ow ic wM wl, - yourd The Slater Shoe. ing public. money to loan.. office over Plokord's Store, "Fillest.11 The ninw, ',Ll He is a rich man, and ino "C' SIP- 6rath short'- 'furin1e reddio�j or Blanco.—A patron sain't, of typewriting FRICK. -modern policeman does not pro lormerly mechanics, institute, main street, smyorth., claim his- -ciety f�r i6bove anything I, have., n used machines; - alsoi an authority on males. 61 ale: c ored; d6bei, 'i Be 1528 coming to the evil doer by -shouting or by to. '�Bfit)ie isyi if I will not marr.V him- he- Bombardmout."To knock acert in or. -a Ar 0. CAMERON, formerly Cameron, BOIS & fluietly and effectively than the old-fash- Solicitor GoderIch, (10 yo oej think,' obe repeated, with an hides ribable ur ankles swell; ave ter rtain portion rise up next triorn- P mryinga lantern. Ile does his work more will remainl-unmarried to his deatIF And I passing; is your appeti e changeable ; tion of Cuba into the mad ass, wave,;a &lid to YOU bit have that Ag #fk Barrister and ioned town watchmam Cameron, ontarto. office It is thus that in all the walks of life and tenderness in her voice, 'that I o�uld be taste in the mouth on getting up Ing andL may to the Spanish Minister of —Hamilton street, oppoWle Colborne b with him, because he is a gold man, mornings -dust Marine: They never touched me." SOLE LOGAL AENT FOR SEAFORTH in all occupations,,times change and knowl I - - ; is there a brick R. WILL13 edge and efficiency increase. In this re- �apvpil, and a Christian, who serves his :Carverat' A juggler with shiph ; also the osit in your urine? a. HATS r r1or the Dominion ith Maker in every action of his life. man who holds -the long-distance recor Notary bile. spect medical science has kept pace w d for the advance in other lines.. Physicians and I If that be so, Effie,' I said heartily, I P keeping his ships out ' who is well paid for it ma a t Vby Ill k. Office o's blo Main Ifireei, sworth. Any of these sign5 js.prootposi�ive of harm's way. See are riding; they carry no burdebs, and the cn k hat home chemists ha-�e irrown rapidly more skillful. think'tfie soon'er you marry him the better, of Kidney Disebise . Will you be cured, TeunToon'-page 214: only burdens carried by their horses are the ly girl'thiuk that the hotel i3 an antiroo 4=6y. to loan. ra There are medicinal preparations now -a - and I hope You will give my wi a an me an a s days. that cure diseases that were a few or will you die? Dodd's Kidney hicky lords of creation. The women are, to elysium. Naturally, wh.3a the lo I r At BEST B&rrh& Sollottol NOUX76 iuvitatio-n'to the wedding.' Swift keel# a a more than coronets, fivelsdoors uoAofoommercia ;�ars ago considered absolutely Incurable. walking—always and usually each women girls ate many, and the hotel providesa e She Imiled at that, but almost I medi. rills are the only meanx on earth- t6t' Soaste thee disappear T, next door to 0. L. PAPt a fitial trim�h in this respect is Dr. 8 a heavy burden. Herein e have a one self-sacrificing man, that ground n -1 Disco They ne carrie man has streat, Seaforib. will cure you. ver fail. qiwalry store, WTI Goderiall very. It ately tfib shadow crossed her face ag in. Speo4j,, indeed, this man who gets Pierce's Golden Medica mighty hint of the condition of the Mexican hands full and must develop' a power of 1215 tao—Cameron, Holt and Camara& was first given to the world thirty year� I should not -wait any longer, bee use he Uirvera, Vera do Veto. woman. She walks ; she bears the loads diplomacy and a knowledge of tactics thht�� ago, and has stood the test ever since that has asked me many time3 darthn.g, t a last David, livilig among those awful heathen, u sador or g�par�l rA �d I y news. herlord rides; be is o eby w6uld fit him for embo. Clinton d SayftJd. C1 Office, Elliott time. it cures 98 per cent. of all cases Of two years, only for the dread that I 11P01i for five yearei We ff in.& Fiench Ohl 66al.—A hard substance used' b his adornments," Even under the n Ost, favorable' cireum'.- consumption, bronchial, throat and kindred "' I _got o 'i& f6r the purpose of . defea as for fear in bin gape tiog the lock, 14tao street. Bayfield 0 open every me xomectim y husband bould that came to the island in distress, thpugg stanceR, big position is no sinecurf ? gnd, tions. Thousands who were hopeless rril a 4� army. the affee not be & ad. Think whN bul ri d it afterward was able to continu it 'voy- ish n. street. first door went of post office t a terrible thin' ott & E. McKen 9 man who can career auccesSfU'lly zle. sufferers, and had been given up by the I — REGULAR ACTION of the bowelir Is Ince3enry to h Xoney to n. James that'wo lud be for us aft.' . PcNoba.' A Place that costs a', lot of money 1598 doctors, have testified to its marvel=5 age. My mate died on board the French. health. L4YA-LIVER PI1A#3 'are the best ocelts- season such work is fitted fur beter thingo. merits. It is the great blood -maker and It would Ideed, �t no' hiDg co Id be mani and I only -am alive to tell the tal�.' to glve awl�l Pronounced 11 Koobah " by I josi cathartic for ismily or general use. rice 25o. Oue of the moit popular of the ke and pronounced a nuisance Any druggist. great lake '06019 flesh -builder., It ma ib,,% as the first to add t-4 ARWW PROUDY002, SOL Spin Alfonso' ., resof to asserts that kes the ippetite hearty, more unlikel AK irhead,' I sai reas. I listened to him wit but 1"guiA in- SlOra sum. .14 fre,�i, ibrh an entertainment committee of one to its %Jr 6o.,G*d*rIah.Ost%rlo.J.7- Ws"T. �Q. 0.; the digestion and assimilation perfect, the is impbasibl: after toreat, my whole thoug to psiug with, the by Y�un d nish synonym for victory. Best to Ste�y Sob6r. WN, rZOUD700r. liver active, the blood pure and rich with a of time. So take my dvic an home whioh was but a stonVi---throw from Defeaf pa The manager knew A I . . Oise Cervantes page 98: the life-giving elements of the food, and the make yourself t d 'man appy in wn door. Then I looked at the iman General Miles wa-rnixig against the use of -of �good eoeiaI staning who,. nerves strong and steady. mo -4 1XXROX HOLT h HOLMES, EariMen It acts directly ; adyoung f�llow without delaT'.' C fle.4on In Chanoery. ho.,God*6,!h, On$ N. C. it in his power to wreck that rare intoxicants by soldiers I ill Cuba is k proper was handeome,Jolly, lika'ble and excruciiat. on the lune and air -passages, driving out, Brave Don Quixote fell, and cried: Then I took�her to the drawing-ro r CAW1101111, Q. S., Psnar Bevy, Dvj)Lsr HoLuss. all )impurities and disease germ�. An,hon- I to happinesa. My Roul was full of pity forihim 0h, Sancho Panza, see pap�r, but,thef very ina�uneri of its reOePtio ingly hard up. Fo-r his expenses and est dealer will not try, to persuade Ton to Euhau., and, having explained the matter who had suffered so much and who had lost is significant of a "'Changed sentiment and tempting consideration, this luminary con- 40; HOLVESTED, inioemor to the -late firm of ferior substitute for the sake of a to her, got her to agree entirely. T�e re- all. I saw him regardinj me with The windmill runs the faster since Soldierg used to take an in a curious Y) practice, in that matter. sented to shi e upon the hotel oremises dur. and McCaughey & Holinested, Barrister, Solicitor It, took the breath from me F. fe,.,,r pennies added profit. sult of all this wad that the marriage took look in his be drinkers. There was some heroic -apology' iDg a ounmef- season. At first the mananer !Conveyancer, and Notaly Solicitor for the Can yes. your p Dr. Pierce's Pleasant -Pellets cure consti- place within three months, and the Wal- Is she happy with the new man shel h' adian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farm Fledt.—A flock 'of Spanish a for tippling—even drunkness—in a vigo-rous, hips which had to wrestle' with a tendeucy on the part feil ti pation. At all medicine stores. i for gale. office in Scott's Block, Main Street fords came to reside in an old-fashioned and got?' he askea. de mmander. But iho soldier today of the new. employe to combint, duty and I tnife around the ocean and blines to let forceful co stronge besforth. ictureaque h6use. scarcely 'a stone's -throw Yes,' I answered, I she is happier han its pursprers-put salt on its tail feathers. is a more tem�erate creature, and neither S, pleasure by dEYoting bim, If to the prett�y JORY F I I better. DAVID LYALUS LOVE rom our own; and we were very friendly most. He is a good man, and would thake inmerce in Cuba nor anywhere else is he a wine- Mule.—A and -eyed animal of co girls n the house ; bu; be was brought to a. DENTISTRY�. and neighborl� at all times, for John Wal- any woman happy.' used pFincipally by the Spaniards for bibber. Men can do their beat whesk oober. realization that be couldn't earn Ili Wa Impure 14_;� ry And is 'be kind to the lade he a ked triumphing purposes. Ses Blanco's Poems Cervera's gunners seem to have done their in that bliobful way, and after tha-t be did ford was a man who commanded the respect -who came in contact with then. on Passion, page 72 worst when drunk. The -wise suggestion Of his Y. Hi's real poili Ayvt s - BY THE AUTHOR OF 'TUB LAND 0' THE LF W. TWEDDLE, Dentibb. Office—Over Richard- AL.' and liking of all Fe son & MolnnW shoe store, oorner Main and duty manfull on wag - him. 'Yes ;'they could not love him bet4r, I General Miles will be applauded and ill be kept a secret. The guests at the hotel lohn streets, S#aforth,. w Aid thi SCOTS FOLK IN LONDO>-. There was no doubt about his affection )�,.elieve, if he were theii own father.' 0h, mule. in life thou serv'st me well observed because the common. 36no6—of the looked upon him as a fa-eeinaiting fellow-, R. BELDEN, dentist; crowning, bridge work for'Effie, or of hers -for him, and they were Are there any ot4er children A vict'ry to denote army approves it. D and gold plate work. Special skidntiont given as happy as we were ourselves. I ein say who., from'�hilawbropy or perverted taste, Oni, 6 baby girl, lkborn four months 4go.' In death thy airlion goes to swell Much the, Lame thing is true in other lines tothe booth. All, work sh ' owed marked prefef.ance for, wall-Itowers, preservation of the natural no more -than that. - In the course of the - And -she's h 'you say?' He ros� My -daily table d'hote. of life. Lawyers used to drink habitually., The ma-dager -chuackled and p�ktted himself oarefuuy poxformed. Office—over Johnson Bros.1 apoy�, to 1451 THE SORROW OF THE 89A. ear a baby girl came to strengthen the mardware store. Se&forth. his feet, and here, -Was a look in his Iace 'The tee-totoler was iare in the ranks of the our t upon the head, but in the bei -gbt of the -sea. a of . 'regal profoo6on. Famous 'advocates were Clad between --them, aild I do not think you which I have never seen upon the fael, son the philanthropist, in his round of the H. S. ANDERSON, graduate of Royal 11 a The event made no, outward, 'difference in could halve found in the whole of London a mortal man before or since. expected to be.under -the influence of liquor A. Tf 7c Effie Carmichael's life'. She rem -mined neey, rap up againati a spinster with of Debtal Surgeons, Ontario, D. D. B., o 0 - as h home than theirs. 'Yes,Ianowere-d sincerely.** .'It wbuld hen closing an. important case, and they ronto University. Okoe, Market Block, NitcheI4 she had been, the daughter of the house, i 000,000 in her own Lame. Three weeks app'a" Gives Evidence -in F�vor Of Then a -terrible thing happened, which be a, lie if I wore to my anything else.' 7 t1402 only bound to it by a closer and a dearer rartly disappointed expectation. Mechanics later the w&1I flowers, were droopirg heir has often risen up before me like a night- G tie. And so matters continued for another Then I'11'go,l he said. I I'll not �veu Dodd's Kidnev Pills for were tipplers. Physimeno were very often heads i1olehilly and -the philauthrophst was, D%10A�c R. KtNSMAN, T� D_ S., D. D. S. mare in my.tappiest moments.- and of which look upon her face.'though. you maybel�eve r graduate oVToronto University, Dan- five years, during which the sailor husband Rheumazism. grossly inebriate. Merchants alone were travelling in Europe with his bride. M, will practice dentlstr� at Mi fathe paid several visits to I his old home. In that I can scarcely write calinly even t this far- I would fain have that poor sadofac ton. oharaeteriotically�siober. es roams in edaurant, date. You'll keep my secret, David; it �'wil go r fteter,'and at his room at Mrs. Shatees r space of time two childr�n were born to Dresden, August 8.—Mr. W. G. Cragg is But the virtue - of temperance Opread as The Logielan went Hungry. Hansall, every Wednesday. H. Kinman, L. D. 8 1 bad been kept late at the office one down to the grave between you and me. men came 'to realize the waste and the in - *,J Zurich the last Thurdeday of each month. them,, which helped to reconcile Effie some- night,.and was not making any h ate to get one of our beet known merchants and an- of drinking. It used to be a brave A preacher was con&mnivg the hyper - 1615 -13 what to her, husb�nd's long absence. Bat Istood up, and my soul yearned f')ver jury joys the highest respect a -ad confid home,. my wife be on a visit to her father im. �4 could have or U that was in ence of man who 'refused to drink. It is not only tion of the persons who earp she never grew quite 'accustomed to being a in I pr ied out a i all who know him. critical condi R. K*A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the sailor's wife. When the ea in Edinburgh. . I h g nised 1 o look in my heart, but something sealed my lipol. a daring but a foolish man -who indulges in at the Bible and who are finding fault with at wind tore 0 &( t w OT th -Our direct Dft4al College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, ala3 for a smoke and a ha, ith Johi Walford could only look at him ateadfastl , b6t I For eight or infle.ye.arat Past -he suffered the practice. �Chieago Times-Heraid. is little thing and that little thing, und aer y - n in a oss the dale in its most furious mood; she terribly from P honor graduate of De artment of Dentistry', Toronto before I went to bed, and I was i at prepar- think lie,understood that lo�k. cry Rheumatism, -shy!ng : I University. Office fn the Petty block, Hensall. would lie awake all night- thinking of her , for which thereeemed to be up remedy. 414)ot this i, and -cross this t,1-1 -an Ing to leave the house, when the aid came IVa a bargain, David,' he said. ' P!er- a Will visit. Zutich every Monday, commencing Mon- husband on the sea, and praying God to day',,..Tune lot. 1687 to tell me that a man wished to at a me. haps I'll write to you ometimes, perhaps The beet doctors failed to relieve him. So TO CURE --A COLD IN ONE -DAY This ought to be in, and that ought to be d him from all perils. - guar did.the medicines he used. Take taxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Drug. out.,.? ked, per- won't, but you'll novel, let her know of �!rhis Canad, I was settled in London before the catas- 'What does belook like? I a i r gibtd refund the money It It fails W Jure; 26c. 7 0- Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. AGNEW, DODtM, CljUtOD, Will vialt Zari3b On trophe happened which caused a shadow t hapa- just a trifle impatiently, for, since we ni lit.' as he - sp ke, But to -da he is sound and well. thThese people, he declared, are as smart as 1he second Thursday of each month. Im, had come to live at Highgate, we had been %a made towards the door 1581-86 a boy who went ome'from college, and. ly over the happy home at' ortheud. Mr. Cragg "-I have used only six the prey of many needy Scotchmen,who had and then I found my tongue, , says he offered tartr6ve that there were three Br4tisb -d had Keep A -Goin'! After his last voyage, Tam Muir6a box6i of Dodd's- Kidney Pills'. but they'have ducks instead of two. MEDIOAL. chan ad his ship for one which! would take no shame in them, and who woul take no But you can't go like that,' I cried cured me completely. I'll never be with- If yoUetrikenthorn orrcoe, -6 Our ratos.a 9 rebuff. sharply. I What you propose to do'. I's a 'Keep a-goin'! 'There is duck number one, and there is HO duck number two." everyl shorter voyages and bring him of tenor into looks like .3 sailor, air.' the jirl an;- out them." port. It was therefore thought wi great and noble deed, such an the w If It halls, or It it suows, Dr. John McGinnis, Orld1has Reader, if you have Rheu,'fl;atism—go and Keep a-goin, Yes," said his father. IST 70ARS 6) Effie should move with her two little ones wered. seldom seen ; but is it right that you abduld 'Taint no use to sit an' whine 1 bad my lit cigar in my band do likewise. Dodn's Kidney Pills will And one and two make three, said the lion. Gradup6te London-Vestern University member and my be wholly sacrificed—you who are innoo61lb, care When the fish alt.1t on your line further 111 of Ontario College of Physicians -and - hurgeons. to London, in order to make a home for him cap on my head when I went int y little you too. Wm. when he should com6 ashore. and have suffered so much V ROM Office and Residence --Formerly occupied by Mr. I heard of 0 in i Bali Your book an' keep a-tryinl— study to intervie v the late caller. There 'Yes, it is right,' he answered. I WiIat- Keep A-goin" I Very good, my §ou, Faid the- father. Pickard, Victoria Street,. next to the Catholic Church this, but, occupied as I was with my own 49 mrNigbt calls attended promptly. 146SX12 Now I will talte duck -dumber on TrAins eave. was a very bright light in the room, and it ever will spare her and make her happ' i Porto Rico. When the w (her kille your crop, concerns, I was never able to see Effie in her to yo y is ea a for my fell full on the man"s face, which I did not right in my eyes. So good-bye dinner, and your mother 'will take nu London home, and it was not until I heard u. You While a.large naval and military force Keep. a-goin, mber . r . MT_ IL ARY-STRONG, X. B.. Toronto, M. D. 0. M., recognize, ir Wag some have promised'that you will keep my se6re ou tumble from the top. I although the' thing t was battering away at Santiago do Cuba,- Wholly two� for her'dinner and you will have duck DVIetorls, M. C. P. 8,,,Ont&Ao, suciceesor to �Dr. Of the catastrophe which had overtaken her Keep agdin'l number three for yours." oddly familiar about it too. to the grave.'. another, not so formidable, was thunderin S'pose you're out 0' every' dime, IWO%, office' lately occupied by Dr. X11oft, Bruce- that I Bought her out. 9 old,Ontario. Don't you remember me-, D vid V " be' So saying,.he pasied out of my sight, fences of Porto Rico, about which Gett1r0b oke alu's any crime, Just when, she was expecting her hus- nd at the de Mixed Trxib.', said, with a quizzical smile on his face, I was powerless to stay his goiug. F in we have not heard so much as about Cuba, Tell the world you'.fe feelin' fiae— Mixed Trin... i band home from his five months' voyage, Doctors ID -Z.� COONCR, K. D., IL B., L. ir. P. and S. which brought home the whole a f ul truth that day to this I have never set eyeb u' on but which has its own attracti Keep-a-goln, Therv'e strong ter-timony by einicei.6 pby-felAs Of GOING AW— UlVgWp &0., Physician, Surgeoa and Ac. nes came that her uncle and aunt had died to me. 'Tam Muirhead ho 117d to be at the face �i Tam Muirhead, nor ha he ever not so large. The area of C one. It is 4-1p a couler, Condanos, Oat. 1127 buddenly, within a few days of each other, a a 18 Ju When It looks likp,,xll Is up" wo--derful ourej mae by Dr. Chases Fawily Rtme. which of course was a sad blow to her, see- Northend.' written, as he said he' migb t do. I have about that of the state. of New York, - while Keep A-goin, I dits—particulmly Dr. Chaec'ii Ointment. Mixed TTAIG­� LXX BETHUNN M. D., renow t Me Royal ing that they had acted ther part of father I gasped ; my cigar fell my mouth kept his secret to this day, not even telling Porto iRlco is only a quarter ofthe size. To Drain the sweatness f i oin the cup, Goilege of Ph;Jolans and Surgoo :9, Kingston. and mothertolier ifi her orphan estate. to the carpet, and I felt y fac growing my own wife, and it is only because all compaie it with the states of the Union, Keep a-goln'! Protecting Q%nadian:Goocls. Inkomeassor -to Dr. Madkid. Mot lately occupied gray, and my tongue seemed to el ve to the whom it might concern are removed by it in twice as large as Rhode Ioland, Bee the wild blids on the wing, vy D4� Mackid, Mal", fitreal Saisforib. Assidence, But a worse thing was yet to befall her' Her Hear the bells that sweetly ring roof of my �iouth. The issue of The Adelaide (South"' -00M G NORTH— -a-�er of vlotorls 4quare, in house, laseli *coupled husband's vessel was overd ue, and there came death or other circumstances from any com. but only about two thirds as large as (ion. When 3 ou feellike aightn', sin Aus 'Ethel.. Keep a-goin' I tralia) Advertiser for June 141,h,- just -re- by L� X. Danoey. 'You don't look very glad to see me,' he munication with me, that I dare to set it necticut.. But in many features it is to be no news of it or of him. The weary wee s and b pa;rticulars of months stole on, bringing no said. 'Well, perhaps that's not o be won. down. preferred to Cuba. It is farther north, and oelved,givts th a trial which 6 the dared at. I know I'm changed but you, is thus relieved from many of the dangers of uccess That Counts. pn ab even in that far away country agony of huspense from which poo�, I Effie won't wonder at that *ben you ave'beard Xvi. the tropics. ' The heat is not so terrific, and I may not have achieved anything gr that Dr. Willims' Medicine Co. is as active �0-orxs Souru—� D It. F. J. BURROWSt suffered. There was no doubt in th' �11 in S eat winghara...-i Late resident Physician and Surgeon, Toronto Gen a minds what I have -gone through, I have been A ROUSE DIVIDED, it has not such vIiat swampseto be the breed.' my life," said -a woman the other day, in defending its rights anti protecting the eralHospital. Honor'graiduate Trinity University, of the owners that the vessel h6,d been lost down at your office. I want to sk if you� ing place'of pestilence. There is more up. but I have brough,t up"two daughters who public againg't the schemes of ibe subot�tu- semember of the College of Physicians and Surgeons with all hands; but Effie refused to accept One night when I got home to my own land country, and it has ranges of moun- never talk -about their paino and aches." ....... of Oiatarlo. Coroner 'for the County -of Huron. know anything about my wife. i have been ters -and counterfeiters as it hi here at hib ID AWOFF1CF­S3me as formerly occupied )y Dr. this melancholy conclusion, and kept hoP' 'at Brixton this afternoon, but If can't house on Highgate Hill, I found my �vifal tains- crossing the i4land. In good roads, Mavbe* the a Smith, opposite Public School, Sedorth. Telephone ing on against hope tbrough many a weary get ybaven't any," v'ntured. a in.Ci6nada. In the trial in question Frahk No. 46 If. B—Night calls answered from office. year. The death of her uncle ha left her any information about her at a14 Has she looking out for me with more than -ordinary which is one of the surest signs of civilizm- woman who enjoys poor bealtb� - Ashley and William Smith wefe shown to, Lou& . gone back to Scotland?' anxiety.. 64 tiob, it far surpasses Cuba. Oh, I fancy they have their share," re- have been engaged in ofFeriuv ubstitut"wl- fairly well provided for,although it required . Even then I did not find my to�gue. We Aran% you late, David F she asked. I . Like Cuba, it has had a melancholy his. sumed the first for Dr. WilliamsPink Pill,',' a 8 careful management to make the interest of seem to" have woman-, 'placidly. " One elairn* b London, d been watching for you so Ing t DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, her capital cover all her expenses. stood regarding each other siletly for a long.', tory, as the trail of the Spaniard has been has efiormous dentist7o bills, and they are the substitute was the saine as that just. - moment, I dumb with horror, b6 question- over it all. Discovered by Columbus only a documentary evidence of, celebrated -medicine, I saw a good deal of her at the time when a certain amo Bath men wer� PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ing, anxious, with a hungry a4d wistful Not more than ten minutes, Eupban af answered, as I lifted her bright face' year hipk . tbl�r, is Placed under arrest oil a ctarae of obtaning , to to tLemisphere, -it wo money.under false pr�,tev8t- und compiri Rippeq Goderloh street, opposite Methodist churoh,Se orth her strongly to return to Scotland ; but, mine. I What has happened to -da wor- she was arranging'these affairs, I advised. look in his eyes which went to nl� heart. after his first disdovery of the Western of suffering, don't you t Theo 6s speedili given up, like anything but robuit constitutionally, but 119 VVe All thought you- were lost, when the all the other discoveries, to the curne of she is seldom ill because to defraud the pul)lic, aud evidence as ry or vex she takes good care J. G� SCOn graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor and still clinging to the idea that her husband 00itoroon went dOWD,' I managed! to falter you 9 You look as if all the cares, Spanish ru heard before the Chief Justice of the Crim. Tondeeboj of the nation rested on your shoulders.' Ia, under Ponce'do Leon, who, -�of her health instead of talking about it. member Ontario Collegii of Physicians, %nd would come back, she decided to remain in at! last. 'It's ix years ago, lad; don't for. -inal Court.. The dfendunths' lawyer Burgeons. Coroner for County of Huron. L6,ndon, in the little house ala Brixto (notwithstandiDg his musical name, that I don't think I have been, an unsympathic made 'There ii somebody -here, David,' she has pleasaut associations with the famo not a strong fight, in their beh If, but in spite of Mogbow n which get that.' us mother, and I fear I'm made of Spartan 45. XAcKAY, hogor graduate Trinity UnIversitf, Tam had so proudly met in order tor her be- 'lid 'Oh, I don't forget it,' he sai g mysteriously, with her finger on her Member L gold medfilfst Trinity Medical College. fore he went away on his f&tal voyage. loomily 'a hotel in Saint Augustine, o" of the most material; bob wh this the jury$ after a shr I sea, from your face that so tory to tell you. exq ite that architectural'geniiis ever de., to talk about headaches and tootbaches, and ourt, returned a verflict of guilty in both College of: Physicians and Surkeous, Ontario. ething has lip. 1 1. have quite a little a an my girls -got old enough t absence from the -GOINO 11burn- 14 happened. Tell me it in a word. Is she Just come in here, until you hear it all.' via uio ease, The Chief Justice deferred -kentenco 83 After that I lost sight of Effie—ox of Mrs. and printely wealth ever turned into ailments real, exaggerated or imaginary, I Muirhead, as I ought to call her—until one married again?' , Hadn't we better go upstairs?' I ad, �ug' stone), waslas big a pirate as ever ounk a made up my mind to discourage it at once. until the close of the SittiligS. In address-' TAndeeboi �L F. It.' KALBFLEISCH, Physlcf,.kh, Surgeon night after Lwas happily settled in my own Yes,' I groaned, 'she is. gested mildly., I I want t6 get the 'grime a ship or out P. throat. But if the island -I refused to listen to accounts of mysterious Ing the jury, however, the learned udge and Accoucheur, successor to Dr.*%V. Graham, house on H.ighgate Hill she called and asked He put up his hand Pnsteadil and wiped w illed. off, and you can easily talk to me COMON into the possession of the United aches and sensations when I bad reason to :Poke very fit,'ongly concerning the 11 Brussels, Ortarlo. First Class Honor d6duate of to see me. I was much 8urprised,�. And y while I dress.' a's (King- the damp drops from his brow. vili -of the Universities of Trinity (Toroxito),-Qu�, saw his ubatitution and the dafigers to States we shall try to give it good Govern.. believe they were the putcome of too much the Victim ston), and of Trinity Medial College ; Fellow of rather reproached myself for not- having mouth convulsively twitch, but he uttered She moved at once towards the staircase, m6fit, and have but little fear that it will , e'exeXcise. Fresh efarious nd too ri introspection and too litl' -that may ensue from this n Trinity Medical College and member of the'College called upon her for so long. Any fear, how- no word, good or. bad, nor did I -for full five and I followed her obediently. be in the course of's few years one of. the air and occupations w common practice.—Tot onto Globe. Post re� the of ]Physiciaus and Surge-3na of Ontario. ever, that she might be in troube, was dis. minutes. perseriptions Grm4u%t,e Course4D Detroit �snd Chcago, 189e% 'Who is the visitor, Euphan?' I asked. most delightful winter resorts off our for headaches and bad temper, and E6 bread Lonacill Special attention paid t:) diseases of Vye, Ear NoatI polled by her appearance. I was greatly 'I can't blame her, I suppose, he said at I Isejt anybody to wbotn I shall have to be southern coasts. Who knows but that tkd a Throat, and Diseases of Women. Caiarrah fiItruck when I entered the room where she length. particularly civil? becauee I don't think I and milk supper and ea:rly to be& was the 'It is a 10139 time, but somehow I treAted. iiucce80ully in all its forms. - Consultation a ext winter we ma� got up an Evangelist treatment for other ailmentei Real illner-8 wa .- Never in her beet days had Effie Car- thought she'd keep trud to i�y memor feel inclined that way. Wakmg On ir. i in English and German. 1681-tf Y. pilgrimage, and go to Porto Rico, and bathe seldom comes unheralded, "When eyes michael looked so sweet and bonnie. She I'll sit down; David, if oIi donit mind, and 'Now don't talk nonsense, David,' said in the sunshine, and look off upon the glib. keep bright, pulses regular, and appetite had diactLrded the widoWs bonnet, and wore Haphan reprovingly, and with that we came a hear what you have to tell me.' I tering sea, singing the while with jubilant,, good there is scarcely anything that cannot T AlUOTIONEERS. a hat which made a sifigularly becoming I told him the truth. in as fe to my dreSSIDg-room and shut the door. not to say triumphant, voices, be cured by witebbazel or a g6dd sleep. We frame to her sweet face, g, t Then Euphan, leaDing against the wa 1, her possible, embellishinglothing, U taking ML, SAN are a busy f&mil�, and there. is seldom an r V7 N1. GLOYs 'How ar6 you, Mrs. Muirhead?'l said, care to emphasize the great reluctance What though the ip'icy' bre(zes hour of drea I swoet face !ery grave and 'earnest,. asked obakingbands with ber heattily. &I feel which Effie had felt at taking a ch a step. me' a question. "Blow soft o'er Ceylon'.9, isle; Ming for the 'girls. They had AucConeerfor the Counl0ek-pf Huron and Perth. *reXoN16._, I Do you remember Pegg y Maxwell nty of pleasure, but it. was activ7e and aed Agent at Hensall for the, Massey-Huxis Mann- I felt it was the only crumb f comfort 1 -9 who Where every prospect pleases jolly rather, than leisuir�l. � They the qualms of self-reproach when I think weht out ple isoturing Company. Sales promptly attended to, how long it is since I have seen you. could give the man, stricken to the earth to India to marry Alec Ruther- never of price, a" But as And only man is vile?" ;barges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. got into the yoii look so well that I need hardly ask how he was by such an awful blow. food summer piazza complainin %)rdore by mail addressed to Hensall F, 9 D21 Office, or H. M. F. in sit at his residebee, Lot 2. Concession 11, Tucli-. you are.' 'You're not asking what be ame of me Yes,' I answered readily enough. 4 1 re. a habit because. they wiard always playing grsmilb, will relive prompi attention. v Of member Peggy quite well. A spoiled and tennis or selling boats or reading books. gold InBest- 129&tf am ery well,-th%nk you A] David,' he said at lenpth, witli a kin� petted monkey she was,' I added, Perhaps Women in:Mexico. suppose their education has been sadly she said, feeling some slight a ? hyness of me, sickly smile. , I'll tell you as Ishortl 1 y neglected as far as fancy j although in can. We were wrecked off of the� with Lome unnecessary force. the Old days we had been David The I- t of women i ork is concerned, ' You look very 'mote South Sea Islands, and and Effie to each' other. n Mexico �s far from- but the hours that most *oifien well yourself; bow i way n in Idea, like those hours E -S. - THE MAN Well, she's here, in this house, David, envisablo This -io what a correspondent fancy work are, i in some que a. -spend over a Mrs. Lyall F or.another the second mat and I were in the spare bedroom, at this very moment.' of the Country Gentleman says about it: after dinner which thrown. up high and dry on t a rocks. It a�cke ' Says women 7n 'Sh6 is very well, and hopes to have the gh Mexico he *ill. always spend in disr�ssing rtyeir diseases. 1 paused in my hasty toiled, and looked "As one passes throu leaquie of seeing you in a few mina es wouli have been better for us if we bid. at her in amazement. frequently see on t the wellmade and we'll Wow are the boys? gone down with th a rest a f �h� (To be concluded next week.) kept highway, a company of fromsix to a SH01 Will h The Book island inhabited by as rage ribe, canni, dozen pepple, W 'The boys are qu av icbout. equally divided as to, el rn�ers. ite well, thank you, Mr. te nothing less men and4women, the men on horseback, Hot ' Cha bale in fact, and ve expf d One of the Western papers has discovered hing I d R Lyall. I hope you will excuse me intruding when they found us but th t we should The Girl's Allowance. making a characteristic picture with tb�ir In III in -the employment The feeling of buoyanc produce Y. This moat 4cellenb work should be In every house upon you here, but there was somet A new field for wo - a athe countX of Huron. make a meal for them Ho eve. they E'very self-respecting woman, be a wide brimmed, high of attmetiv'e young Women as a wanted to ask your advice upon, som r, he rowned hats, their ritertainers the action of Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve ething 'hanged their minds about us and apared maid or, wife, has a natural and intense di at fashionable summer resorts. We -bay# I couldn't write, and I didn't know any one e . g. tight fitting ornamental leggins, and-theiir The- innova-' Pills is remarkable. .One f our lives. We short stirrup straps. els bright F4�) $1.:00 PER ()OPY. else to go to. I felt sure you would help have been on that island, like to ask her father or husband for every The men, I repeat, tion is probably a good dne�!and getting upi and tivetenergetic and full of snap and me for auld lang syne.' penny she needs," 'says. 9dward Bok, whist parties for the old lo�dies and fanci Vi..'Rich red blood fills the vems, an& - dress ba;l 'field, or, Mr. David RON. 640 Church street, Toronto Giving Allowances to Girls'. 66� Nor is comers to cliques into which. they will fit, &lid in general malting guests feel "at home low, Principal of the Presbyterian I can do for you., money can be had for the asking'and is Are all good and profitable undertaki college, says I am prcfited mud greatly pleased She took the chair I set for her' and then always given ungrudgingly. It is- the aski D98. TRnMLtffG HANDS An SRAXT t I saw that a strange ahamefabedqeas seemed SIRIS: But women have limitati�us in entertai with fervor., 'Sit aown and tell me What yolithful life and vigor ing in #e August Ladies' Homo Journal, on Is for the children, introducing new.' the nerves tingle with the sensation Copies can be had frcm bir. B. R. Higgins, Bruce. 'Indeed, and'�that;' -will, Effie,' I repliqd, Rev. Dr. A1cV I the feeling lessened by the fact- that the. with wha I h&ve read, and I intend next Monday to Heart SP 10 . *Dyspep Ic ? advise all our students to put it into their libraries - which women dislike. Thby justly recoil SO& to studylt de,ligently to overwhelm her.. Her sweet face -flushed, as in all things",- and the' youn men wG A XA:3MT01r XA*,s EMRIENCE as affording rich in. 0R. AGNEWS ME FOR THE HEART from it, and men ought to understand it - organized the industry are struction in pastartal theology and. pro4tical.godii. and it seemed as if her eyes could not meet stilF indlopens- WITE A NW =DICZ FE better than they do. It should be said that SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE 13 THE able- ness. Jahsl1read thema low passages that they mine. A WONDERFUL LIF ISAVER. d" DEAR SIRS, the husband who refuses to give his wife a RAI" A girl, charm a = . may see that It Is far from being dull.or dry, 'You remember how long it is since I was 7-- We never so me OW OF PROMISE. wisely, cannot, -bo,lf forEtine In doctors" 'Emaciated I have spent Mr. W. Drjsdale of Wm. Dysdale a Co., No organ, in the human a stomy regular allowance is rapidly becoming the out such a swath a;t a summer resort as a bills, all to no avail. These Pills seemed to - Publishers left a widow, Mi. Lyali,1 she said At leingth,� to -day ­weary—gloomy. No one can to &D4 Bookeell6ra, Montreal, says.—Rev. John RON whose diseases can be more eadili detect. exception. But 'there are still too many adequately'de'ser(be the abject nalsery fcch the seat of disease at Once, and t was a grand man, &nd the writing Of hila life could 'I could not give the exact date, of ad than those of the hear and medical of man Cal). Her nainstrat.ious, fall like fathers wb� withhold an allo th bey*_ pi-ced in better hands. What we course, Vters. If it in once from e sufferer from Dyspepsia and indigos- in also seemed to possess a rewarkableinfluenct,_ to diwovery has made them amenable to their dang tr uth I American Nervine is the women and childreii twice blessid ; but the heart,.the trTnibling of the hands the I the not have been I answeied, but it must be getting the gentle rain fro' 'heavei; Ms` re aril make all ver me. The Violent palpitation of need to -day more and more are books of this claw on for five ears.' ue that the tion. so The reading of which tends to the better olroulation 6 PrOPdr treatment. If you h vapalpitation average girl has no idea of the value of greatest discovery In edical adence old ladies and children always get &Ion masculine vigor, -the fl-ightful 3rea oss or 7 It will Ile six in November since the Oc- or Auttering. shortness of br the weak o money, how will she ever gain -a better for the 'Core of all chroula stomach ms the-- ot the blood,an-d stiring one's soul. 1665-tf r toroon sailed on her lastg voyage, That's a irregu 1098 Of memory and general colla entire system, have ?,!aided to j.)r. Ward,&. Mood and Nerve Pb a. Great ere the r knowledge of its worth unless she is given troubles. It aeta d1rectly through the easily. The girls' who' ba,ve no partners, f �ar pulse, swelling oi at or ankles, fAillY wall anyway. They are sAisfiel -pse o? ilia Ion t* e, isn't it, David pain * the left side, faintin spellsdro Im P1" the opportunity? Our girls must be adn. nerves�the seat of all disease., Thoux.- the chaperons with unattractive ch stilts from the use of four boxes4of these pil e' ad, and some un. W ttnclency. any of tile" dleato heart ands testify 'of cure&" inade.'"Jef from Argos, adeed it is,' I answer' Cook's Cottan.Uoot Compo cated in money matters, and there is no the young married couple we A 0. derstanding of �er meaning began to dawn disease. No matter of how long standing 5 who have passed am OnloYing the very best of health the first dose. lasuccessfully used monthly by over Dr. Agnew's Cure for the art Will cure— surer method than by giving them money of the stage where each blelf�`VaAhey are xible to dofor rs;is upon me. found the oth Othe it's a heart specinc—&o, quJokly—&cts from 000 Laitles. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask their own to spend : a regular weekly or was a great sufferer as the hgve d I I came to ask yout' she said, a society sufficient entert fA . on6 r met. Before iising� our dm st for COWS coft" ned call- little stomach and nerve troubles. TrI Went, and w1Q ed a hurriedly, 'and yet I surel--acts safely. monthly allowance given them to co* ?I iserAble wrack. ffil on't know how I am ver car- have not yet reached the Wall IL M axw round. 91 ll ures, pill# and ISCON Of remedies. No rello& Half a - stage where thei Ia well ilia". "I was given itp to die tain regulatel expenses. It is only natural will Imitations ore dangerous. Prloo, No. per to put it in �pbyslclsna bottle of South ArneTlcau Nervine resigned to stagnation—tho" ii�; Yours tru7 11,41 _ . - nd I have no one else and friends. oiie does o r. Agne's that at the start a -girl will spend foolishly. worked wonders. 31x bottles inadi a the' _v, box, No. 2,10 degrees strouger4a ver box. NO. yernente that for I can ask—do you.Ahink, I dare marry Cure for the Ileart gav new nian of me- #P—W. JR. Sh#ruisu, Mont, sod it is upon TROS' PLYNN-t 5z Elgin St., Hmilton, out,, 1 or 3. xnalledion receipt of'pkl� and twaX-eent me ease- and To meet this ine4tale experience the them that the professional a stamps. The Cook CompaisyXindsor, Ont. a ain V six bottles cured my so of fifteen itter er t,6til years'standinx." Mrs. mount of the allo �dorrlsburg, Ont. his skilli tain Dr. Ward's Blood and X' IV -Nos- I and Zoold and recommended by all am sure you could,' I answered, with- JrL RELLSP, wanoe should be accord. Con't experiment with now and Whitewood, N W.T. 20 Ingly regulated uw a are sold ;o xesponsible, Druggists In CAnado. out a momenVa hesitation. kThe Octoroon After a while, however, What 01in it girl do to sweeten ijo temper *.-.00 At W1 douftflul medleinee—TAke the tried Guarantees relief in 3� minutes. wiled she gets accustomed to the handling Of another girl who is t4w uusttractiie� to TrIc;' by - is imro3sible and tested. has never been'beard of io Lk oronto- No. 1 and Ne. 2 nold.in Seaf(rth by, Lumsden of money, she will learn its value better a win any attention from the few stray men #kls3o, druggists. AV that any could h a autvived for so long. For sale by Lumoden & Wilson, Seaforth. be more judicious in spending it. To give For sale by Lumaden & h at A summer hotel? Nothing'.' Bub s, Mang. Wilsont Seafort �7 -4 R A f 5 4! J 1 7-7, AGUSt 12� 1 . . . . . .... 6 Mew"08,14 not, a I but her go tdontimput -'jPo'�;iivAhho14 it itJs to d6hqr seiiobs i dime d -,witcb- the Into 016� i6g secou& in"090 is sit Inj 08 to the 'has been-offetid n he one- w1ro likowisez ilia In' t -she v -and se,money prowled dbou whom vilf mifty 30 *PtsrI0 is, D&4!d,! IS gj, and All 61 Dowestib u man -the i6treets of oftsh din S kindlink aiie in her anhnal# treaw. owl* and beak, by a man with whom I think I proM rJ I)fsetse Preveni ed V medieval Un- 01 'A talkative ta q phe,,Will be Intrusted with to spend wisely. We *to. etel=ptiy attended to old bsv� experience. before she Dentistry A socl ipho e aides "yi don, with ajan� could be happy. I have been ve y lonely by Is dney Pills, Onlv' erience- can ei in Goderich West. one doo DoddNT& reaches that, poipt, and thaV exp FAA of pl� Scows Ofllta,� Seatorth. tern in bis alltheseyears, and.now I feel, ometimes ly,co' to bar from� her father In an allow- Thetiagoneverypairof "SlaterShoes9t It a n d to pro- 11"t my boys would be the better of a firm- Kidney Disease." - Do You k OW claim his com- knee -Of 'her Pwh whiW- ohe Js his- daughter er hand than mine,' - * -11, q1869 - . �wbat it mea i's? It mdans'that the �Iid- - - I tells the, leather, its,,wear, service Ing, and who Who is. the gentleman?' I a ked, withT in his -home i ! I -a _'� A r-': -�! 4� � - I . I Delitlat. Toron of 'h Tevrinazy Surgeon ani announced the keenest possible Interest. Z, LL or-rdtfing; ha. adapted to,. how the shoclis made, how ,Y. 4)es iriena I;" j1 of 7 pd�So . I tociireforitandthefacterynumber by Wusto of 10 COIN 0 1 lionor G, ontar, atna" College, I Honor mambo � of li�s pagsa, He is the brother of th a Id noiA dei th- omiI War,,Deflnatio'ns. My ScOlely. through e PART LAO. that of dameMe streets by have had in London. He -ii an- _6rr d0tion"J _th6' Kidnexil he following definations are .'submitted, HOE which any faults may be trate(I to the i#Wtally, treated. ATITAI gromptly ationdad to, shouting "All's ay of doing in V Otoia dialink 6 156,� operative. This . tag is good for five a big w _ Qua says the Baltimore, News, for theipurpose'of Perhaps you'know the na, Qua a ON offi;�: was a street. a of his'' ban't*do their work ; thitt thb Victim teaching- the young i how - to shoot the U cam ered hom the cents on a bottle of Slater Shoe Polish. qltreotSeafortb. Night callaZZ 1111111111re very: inefficient firm.' a walking, charnel -house;, that Is Spaniards protector when When she mentioned it, 1 nized it hours are numbered; that the victim AMerica.—From the Italiain -wordoi oodyear Welted and stamped ou r' colnuared with at once as one df the best no, in the Columbus," meaning "I saw the sole by the makers. $3.00, $4.00 the -metropoli- musTIake Dodd's Kidney Pills if Iii, LEOAL trade. It.first, but. the7 other obap beat me to the tan olice of I 4ult know4hat he a , ie in 10 does ni"ot wanttodib.� and $5.00 per pair. ? New �ork City, telegraph office." The Spanish pronuncia. f Kidney DiseSige the David,, 1haid poor ElSe, Ygbh 6 -mi ling 9 Ve you rs tibn bf JAME& L. KiLLORANO unonly the word is usually- preceded and4,1 co .6 ... known tfie ' 'kin hot merfidiy followed -by largis exclam"ion points. CATALOGUR 7" in. Banuter, Solicitor, Conveyancer mud Notary humilitViabdpri ow ic wM wl, - yourd The Slater Shoe. ing public. money to loan.. office over Plokord's Store, "Fillest.11 The ninw, ',Ll He is a rich man, and ino "C' SIP- 6rath short'- 'furin1e reddio�j or Blanco.—A patron sain't, of typewriting FRICK. -modern policeman does not pro lormerly mechanics, institute, main street, smyorth., claim his- -ciety f�r i6bove anything I, have., n used machines; - alsoi an authority on males. 61 ale: c ored; d6bei, 'i Be 1528 coming to the evil doer by -shouting or by to. '�Bfit)ie isyi if I will not marr.V him- he- Bombardmout."To knock acert in or. -a Ar 0. CAMERON, formerly Cameron, BOIS & fluietly and effectively than the old-fash- Solicitor GoderIch, (10 yo oej think,' obe repeated, with an hides ribable ur ankles swell; ave ter rtain portion rise up next triorn- P mryinga lantern. Ile does his work more will remainl-unmarried to his deatIF And I passing; is your appeti e changeable ; tion of Cuba into the mad ass, wave,;a &lid to YOU bit have that Ag #fk Barrister and ioned town watchmam Cameron, ontarto. office It is thus that in all the walks of life and tenderness in her voice, 'that I o�uld be taste in the mouth on getting up Ing andL may to the Spanish Minister of —Hamilton street, oppoWle Colborne b with him, because he is a gold man, mornings -dust Marine: They never touched me." SOLE LOGAL AENT FOR SEAFORTH in all occupations,,times change and knowl I - - ; is there a brick R. WILL13 edge and efficiency increase. In this re- �apvpil, and a Christian, who serves his :Carverat' A juggler with shiph ; also the osit in your urine? a. HATS r r1or the Dominion ith Maker in every action of his life. man who holds -the long-distance recor Notary bile. spect medical science has kept pace w d for the advance in other lines.. Physicians and I If that be so, Effie,' I said heartily, I P keeping his ships out ' who is well paid for it ma a t Vby Ill k. Office o's blo Main Ifireei, sworth. Any of these sign5 js.prootposi�ive of harm's way. See are riding; they carry no burdebs, and the cn k hat home chemists ha-�e irrown rapidly more skillful. think'tfie soon'er you marry him the better, of Kidney Disebise . Will you be cured, TeunToon'-page 214: only burdens carried by their horses are the ly girl'thiuk that the hotel i3 an antiroo 4=6y. to loan. ra There are medicinal preparations now -a - and I hope You will give my wi a an me an a s days. that cure diseases that were a few or will you die? Dodd's Kidney hicky lords of creation. The women are, to elysium. Naturally, wh.3a the lo I r At BEST B&rrh& Sollottol NOUX76 iuvitatio-n'to the wedding.' Swift keel# a a more than coronets, fivelsdoors uoAofoommercia ;�ars ago considered absolutely Incurable. walking—always and usually each women girls ate many, and the hotel providesa e She Imiled at that, but almost I medi. rills are the only meanx on earth- t6t' Soaste thee disappear T, next door to 0. L. PAPt a fitial trim�h in this respect is Dr. 8 a heavy burden. Herein e have a one self-sacrificing man, that ground n -1 Disco They ne carrie man has streat, Seaforib. will cure you. ver fail. qiwalry store, WTI Goderiall very. It ately tfib shadow crossed her face ag in. Speo4j,, indeed, this man who gets Pierce's Golden Medica mighty hint of the condition of the Mexican hands full and must develop' a power of 1215 tao—Cameron, Holt and Camara& was first given to the world thirty year� I should not -wait any longer, bee use he Uirvera, Vera do Veto. woman. She walks ; she bears the loads diplomacy and a knowledge of tactics thht�� ago, and has stood the test ever since that has asked me many time3 darthn.g, t a last David, livilig among those awful heathen, u sador or g�par�l rA �d I y news. herlord rides; be is o eby w6uld fit him for embo. Clinton d SayftJd. C1 Office, Elliott time. it cures 98 per cent. of all cases Of two years, only for the dread that I 11P01i for five yearei We ff in.& Fiench Ohl 66al.—A hard substance used' b his adornments," Even under the n Ost, favorable' cireum'.- consumption, bronchial, throat and kindred "' I _got o 'i& f6r the purpose of . defea as for fear in bin gape tiog the lock, 14tao street. Bayfield 0 open every me xomectim y husband bould that came to the island in distress, thpugg stanceR, big position is no sinecurf ? gnd, tions. Thousands who were hopeless rril a 4� army. the affee not be & ad. Think whN bul ri d it afterward was able to continu it 'voy- ish n. street. first door went of post office t a terrible thin' ott & E. McKen 9 man who can career auccesSfU'lly zle. sufferers, and had been given up by the I — REGULAR ACTION of the bowelir Is Ince3enry to h Xoney to n. James that'wo lud be for us aft.' . PcNoba.' A Place that costs a', lot of money 1598 doctors, have testified to its marvel=5 age. My mate died on board the French. health. L4YA-LIVER PI1A#3 'are the best ocelts- season such work is fitted fur beter thingo. merits. It is the great blood -maker and It would Ideed, �t no' hiDg co Id be mani and I only -am alive to tell the tal�.' to glve awl�l Pronounced 11 Koobah " by I josi cathartic for ismily or general use. rice 25o. Oue of the moit popular of the ke and pronounced a nuisance Any druggist. great lake '06019 flesh -builder., It ma ib,,% as the first to add t-4 ARWW PROUDY002, SOL Spin Alfonso' ., resof to asserts that kes the ippetite hearty, more unlikel AK irhead,' I sai reas. I listened to him wit but 1"guiA in- SlOra sum. .14 fre,�i, ibrh an entertainment committee of one to its %Jr 6o.,G*d*rIah.Ost%rlo.J.7- Ws"T. �Q. 0.; the digestion and assimilation perfect, the is impbasibl: after toreat, my whole thoug to psiug with, the by Y�un d nish synonym for victory. Best to Ste�y Sob6r. WN, rZOUD700r. liver active, the blood pure and rich with a of time. So take my dvic an home whioh was but a stonVi---throw from Defeaf pa The manager knew A I . . Oise Cervantes page 98: the life-giving elements of the food, and the make yourself t d 'man appy in wn door. Then I looked at the iman General Miles wa-rnixig against the use of -of �good eoeiaI staning who,. nerves strong and steady. mo -4 1XXROX HOLT h HOLMES, EariMen It acts directly ; adyoung f�llow without delaT'.' C fle.4on In Chanoery. ho.,God*6,!h, On$ N. C. it in his power to wreck that rare intoxicants by soldiers I ill Cuba is k proper was handeome,Jolly, lika'ble and excruciiat. on the lune and air -passages, driving out, Brave Don Quixote fell, and cried: Then I took�her to the drawing-ro r CAW1101111, Q. S., Psnar Bevy, Dvj)Lsr HoLuss. all )impurities and disease germ�. An,hon- I to happinesa. My Roul was full of pity forihim 0h, Sancho Panza, see pap�r, but,thef very ina�uneri of its reOePtio ingly hard up. Fo-r his expenses and est dealer will not try, to persuade Ton to Euhau., and, having explained the matter who had suffered so much and who had lost is significant of a "'Changed sentiment and tempting consideration, this luminary con- 40; HOLVESTED, inioemor to the -late firm of ferior substitute for the sake of a to her, got her to agree entirely. T�e re- all. I saw him regardinj me with The windmill runs the faster since Soldierg used to take an in a curious Y) practice, in that matter. sented to shi e upon the hotel oremises dur. and McCaughey & Holinested, Barrister, Solicitor It, took the breath from me F. fe,.,,r pennies added profit. sult of all this wad that the marriage took look in his be drinkers. There was some heroic -apology' iDg a ounmef- season. At first the mananer !Conveyancer, and Notaly Solicitor for the Can yes. your p Dr. Pierce's Pleasant -Pellets cure consti- place within three months, and the Wal- Is she happy with the new man shel h' adian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farm Fledt.—A flock 'of Spanish a for tippling—even drunkness—in a vigo-rous, hips which had to wrestle' with a tendeucy on the part feil ti pation. At all medicine stores. i for gale. office in Scott's Block, Main Street fords came to reside in an old-fashioned and got?' he askea. de mmander. But iho soldier today of the new. employe to combint, duty and I tnife around the ocean and blines to let forceful co stronge besforth. ictureaque h6use. scarcely 'a stone's -throw Yes,' I answered, I she is happier han its pursprers-put salt on its tail feathers. is a more tem�erate creature, and neither S, pleasure by dEYoting bim, If to the prett�y JORY F I I better. DAVID LYALUS LOVE rom our own; and we were very friendly most. He is a good man, and would thake inmerce in Cuba nor anywhere else is he a wine- Mule.—A and -eyed animal of co girls n the house ; bu; be was brought to a. DENTISTRY�. and neighborl� at all times, for John Wal- any woman happy.' used pFincipally by the Spaniards for bibber. Men can do their beat whesk oober. realization that be couldn't earn Ili Wa Impure 14_;� ry And is 'be kind to the lade he a ked triumphing purposes. Ses Blanco's Poems Cervera's gunners seem to have done their in that bliobful way, and after tha-t be did ford was a man who commanded the respect -who came in contact with then. on Passion, page 72 worst when drunk. The -wise suggestion Of his Y. Hi's real poili Ayvt s - BY THE AUTHOR OF 'TUB LAND 0' THE LF W. TWEDDLE, Dentibb. Office—Over Richard- AL.' and liking of all Fe son & MolnnW shoe store, oorner Main and duty manfull on wag - him. 'Yes ;'they could not love him bet4r, I General Miles will be applauded and ill be kept a secret. The guests at the hotel lohn streets, S#aforth,. w Aid thi SCOTS FOLK IN LONDO>-. There was no doubt about his affection )�,.elieve, if he were theii own father.' 0h, mule. in life thou serv'st me well observed because the common. 36no6—of the looked upon him as a fa-eeinaiting fellow-, R. BELDEN, dentist; crowning, bridge work for'Effie, or of hers -for him, and they were Are there any ot4er children A vict'ry to denote army approves it. D and gold plate work. Special skidntiont given as happy as we were ourselves. I ein say who., from'�hilawbropy or perverted taste, Oni, 6 baby girl, lkborn four months 4go.' In death thy airlion goes to swell Much the, Lame thing is true in other lines tothe booth. All, work sh ' owed marked prefef.ance for, wall-Itowers, preservation of the natural no more -than that. - In the course of the - And -she's h 'you say?' He ros� My -daily table d'hote. of life. Lawyers used to drink habitually., The ma-dager -chuackled and p�ktted himself oarefuuy poxformed. Office—over Johnson Bros.1 apoy�, to 1451 THE SORROW OF THE 89A. ear a baby girl came to strengthen the mardware store. Se&forth. his feet, and here, -Was a look in his Iace 'The tee-totoler was iare in the ranks of the our t upon the head, but in the bei -gbt of the -sea. a of . 'regal profoo6on. Famous 'advocates were Clad between --them, aild I do not think you which I have never seen upon the fael, son the philanthropist, in his round of the H. S. ANDERSON, graduate of Royal 11 a The event made no, outward, 'difference in could halve found in the whole of London a mortal man before or since. expected to be.under -the influence of liquor A. Tf 7c Effie Carmichael's life'. She rem -mined neey, rap up againati a spinster with of Debtal Surgeons, Ontario, D. D. B., o 0 - as h home than theirs. 'Yes,Ianowere-d sincerely.** .'It wbuld hen closing an. important case, and they ronto University. Okoe, Market Block, NitcheI4 she had been, the daughter of the house, i 000,000 in her own Lame. Three weeks app'a" Gives Evidence -in F�vor Of Then a -terrible thing happened, which be a, lie if I wore to my anything else.' 7 t1402 only bound to it by a closer and a dearer rartly disappointed expectation. Mechanics later the w&1I flowers, were droopirg heir has often risen up before me like a night- G tie. And so matters continued for another Then I'11'go,l he said. I I'll not �veu Dodd's Kidnev Pills for were tipplers. Physimeno were very often heads i1olehilly and -the philauthrophst was, D%10A�c R. KtNSMAN, T� D_ S., D. D. S. mare in my.tappiest moments.- and of which look upon her face.'though. you maybel�eve r graduate oVToronto University, Dan- five years, during which the sailor husband Rheumazism. grossly inebriate. Merchants alone were travelling in Europe with his bride. M, will practice dentlstr� at Mi fathe paid several visits to I his old home. In that I can scarcely write calinly even t this far- I would fain have that poor sadofac ton. oharaeteriotically�siober. es roams in edaurant, date. You'll keep my secret, David; it �'wil go r fteter,'and at his room at Mrs. Shatees r space of time two childr�n were born to Dresden, August 8.—Mr. W. G. Cragg is But the virtue - of temperance Opread as The Logielan went Hungry. Hansall, every Wednesday. H. Kinman, L. D. 8 1 bad been kept late at the office one down to the grave between you and me. men came 'to realize the waste and the in - *,J Zurich the last Thurdeday of each month. them,, which helped to reconcile Effie some- night,.and was not making any h ate to get one of our beet known merchants and an- of drinking. It used to be a brave A preacher was con&mnivg the hyper - 1615 -13 what to her, husb�nd's long absence. Bat Istood up, and my soul yearned f')ver jury joys the highest respect a -ad confid home,. my wife be on a visit to her father im. �4 could have or U that was in ence of man who 'refused to drink. It is not only tion of the persons who earp she never grew quite 'accustomed to being a in I pr ied out a i all who know him. critical condi R. K*A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the sailor's wife. When the ea in Edinburgh. . I h g nised 1 o look in my heart, but something sealed my lipol. a daring but a foolish man -who indulges in at the Bible and who are finding fault with at wind tore 0 &( t w OT th -Our direct Dft4al College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, ala3 for a smoke and a ha, ith Johi Walford could only look at him ateadfastl , b6t I For eight or infle.ye.arat Past -he suffered the practice. �Chieago Times-Heraid. is little thing and that little thing, und aer y - n in a oss the dale in its most furious mood; she terribly from P honor graduate of De artment of Dentistry', Toronto before I went to bed, and I was i at prepar- think lie,understood that lo�k. cry Rheumatism, -shy!ng : I University. Office fn the Petty block, Hensall. would lie awake all night- thinking of her , for which thereeemed to be up remedy. 414)ot this i, and -cross this t,1-1 -an Ing to leave the house, when the aid came IVa a bargain, David,' he said. ' P!er- a Will visit. Zutich every Monday, commencing Mon- husband on the sea, and praying God to day',,..Tune lot. 1687 to tell me that a man wished to at a me. haps I'll write to you ometimes, perhaps The beet doctors failed to relieve him. So TO CURE --A COLD IN ONE -DAY This ought to be in, and that ought to be d him from all perils. - guar did.the medicines he used. Take taxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Drug. out.,.? ked, per- won't, but you'll novel, let her know of �!rhis Canad, I was settled in London before the catas- 'What does belook like? I a i r gibtd refund the money It It fails W Jure; 26c. 7 0- Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. AGNEW, DODtM, CljUtOD, Will vialt Zari3b On trophe happened which caused a shadow t hapa- just a trifle impatiently, for, since we ni lit.' as he - sp ke, But to -da he is sound and well. thThese people, he declared, are as smart as 1he second Thursday of each month. Im, had come to live at Highgate, we had been %a made towards the door 1581-86 a boy who went ome'from college, and. ly over the happy home at' ortheud. Mr. Cragg "-I have used only six the prey of many needy Scotchmen,who had and then I found my tongue, , says he offered tartr6ve that there were three Br4tisb -d had Keep A -Goin'! After his last voyage, Tam Muir6a box6i of Dodd's- Kidney Pills'. but they'have ducks instead of two. MEDIOAL. chan ad his ship for one which! would take no shame in them, and who woul take no But you can't go like that,' I cried cured me completely. I'll never be with- If yoUetrikenthorn orrcoe, -6 Our ratos.a 9 rebuff. sharply. I What you propose to do'. I's a 'Keep a-goin'! 'There is duck number one, and there is HO duck number two." everyl shorter voyages and bring him of tenor into looks like .3 sailor, air.' the jirl an;- out them." port. It was therefore thought wi great and noble deed, such an the w If It halls, or It it suows, Dr. John McGinnis, Orld1has Reader, if you have Rheu,'fl;atism—go and Keep a-goin, Yes," said his father. IST 70ARS 6) Effie should move with her two little ones wered. seldom seen ; but is it right that you abduld 'Taint no use to sit an' whine 1 bad my lit cigar in my band do likewise. Dodn's Kidney Pills will And one and two make three, said the lion. Gradup6te London-Vestern University member and my be wholly sacrificed—you who are innoo61lb, care When the fish alt.1t on your line further 111 of Ontario College of Physicians -and - hurgeons. to London, in order to make a home for him cap on my head when I went int y little you too. Wm. when he should com6 ashore. and have suffered so much V ROM Office and Residence --Formerly occupied by Mr. I heard of 0 in i Bali Your book an' keep a-tryinl— study to intervie v the late caller. There 'Yes, it is right,' he answered. I WiIat- Keep A-goin" I Very good, my §ou, Faid the- father. Pickard, Victoria Street,. next to the Catholic Church this, but, occupied as I was with my own 49 mrNigbt calls attended promptly. 146SX12 Now I will talte duck -dumber on TrAins eave. was a very bright light in the room, and it ever will spare her and make her happ' i Porto Rico. When the w (her kille your crop, concerns, I was never able to see Effie in her to yo y is ea a for my fell full on the man"s face, which I did not right in my eyes. So good-bye dinner, and your mother 'will take nu London home, and it was not until I heard u. You While a.large naval and military force Keep. a-goin, mber . r . MT_ IL ARY-STRONG, X. B.. Toronto, M. D. 0. M., recognize, ir Wag some have promised'that you will keep my se6re ou tumble from the top. I although the' thing t was battering away at Santiago do Cuba,- Wholly two� for her'dinner and you will have duck DVIetorls, M. C. P. 8,,,Ont&Ao, suciceesor to �Dr. Of the catastrophe which had overtaken her Keep agdin'l number three for yours." oddly familiar about it too. to the grave.'. another, not so formidable, was thunderin S'pose you're out 0' every' dime, IWO%, office' lately occupied by Dr. X11oft, Bruce- that I Bought her out. 9 old,Ontario. Don't you remember me-, D vid V " be' So saying,.he pasied out of my sight, fences of Porto Rico, about which Gett1r0b oke alu's any crime, Just when, she was expecting her hus- nd at the de Mixed Trxib.', said, with a quizzical smile on his face, I was powerless to stay his goiug. F in we have not heard so much as about Cuba, Tell the world you'.fe feelin' fiae— Mixed Trin... i band home from his five months' voyage, Doctors ID -Z.� COONCR, K. D., IL B., L. ir. P. and S. which brought home the whole a f ul truth that day to this I have never set eyeb u' on but which has its own attracti Keep-a-goln, Therv'e strong ter-timony by einicei.6 pby-felAs Of GOING AW— UlVgWp &0., Physician, Surgeoa and Ac. nes came that her uncle and aunt had died to me. 'Tam Muirhead ho 117d to be at the face �i Tam Muirhead, nor ha he ever not so large. The area of C one. It is 4-1p a couler, Condanos, Oat. 1127 buddenly, within a few days of each other, a a 18 Ju When It looks likp,,xll Is up" wo--derful ourej mae by Dr. Chases Fawily Rtme. which of course was a sad blow to her, see- Northend.' written, as he said he' migb t do. I have about that of the state. of New York, - while Keep A-goin, I dits—particulmly Dr. Chaec'ii Ointment. Mixed TTAIG­� LXX BETHUNN M. D., renow t Me Royal ing that they had acted ther part of father I gasped ; my cigar fell my mouth kept his secret to this day, not even telling Porto iRlco is only a quarter ofthe size. To Drain the sweatness f i oin the cup, Goilege of Ph;Jolans and Surgoo :9, Kingston. and mothertolier ifi her orphan estate. to the carpet, and I felt y fac growing my own wife, and it is only because all compaie it with the states of the Union, Keep a-goln'! Protecting Q%nadian:Goocls. Inkomeassor -to Dr. Madkid. Mot lately occupied gray, and my tongue seemed to el ve to the whom it might concern are removed by it in twice as large as Rhode Ioland, Bee the wild blids on the wing, vy D4� Mackid, Mal", fitreal Saisforib. Assidence, But a worse thing was yet to befall her' Her Hear the bells that sweetly ring roof of my �iouth. The issue of The Adelaide (South"' -00M G NORTH— -a-�er of vlotorls 4quare, in house, laseli *coupled husband's vessel was overd ue, and there came death or other circumstances from any com. but only about two thirds as large as (ion. When 3 ou feellike aightn', sin Aus 'Ethel.. Keep a-goin' I tralia) Advertiser for June 141,h,- just -re- by L� X. Danoey. 'You don't look very glad to see me,' he munication with me, that I dare to set it necticut.. But in many features it is to be no news of it or of him. The weary wee s and b pa;rticulars of months stole on, bringing no said. 'Well, perhaps that's not o be won. down. preferred to Cuba. It is farther north, and oelved,givts th a trial which 6 the dared at. I know I'm changed but you, is thus relieved from many of the dangers of uccess That Counts. pn ab even in that far away country agony of huspense from which poo�, I Effie won't wonder at that *ben you ave'beard Xvi. the tropics. ' The heat is not so terrific, and I may not have achieved anything gr that Dr. Willims' Medicine Co. is as active �0-orxs Souru—� D It. F. J. BURROWSt suffered. There was no doubt in th' �11 in S eat winghara...-i Late resident Physician and Surgeon, Toronto Gen a minds what I have -gone through, I have been A ROUSE DIVIDED, it has not such vIiat swampseto be the breed.' my life," said -a woman the other day, in defending its rights anti protecting the eralHospital. Honor'graiduate Trinity University, of the owners that the vessel h6,d been lost down at your office. I want to sk if you� ing place'of pestilence. There is more up. but I have brough,t up"two daughters who public againg't the schemes of ibe subot�tu- semember of the College of Physicians and Surgeons with all hands; but Effie refused to accept One night when I got home to my own land country, and it has ranges of moun- never talk -about their paino and aches." ....... of Oiatarlo. Coroner 'for the County -of Huron. know anything about my wife. i have been ters -and counterfeiters as it hi here at hib ID AWOFF1CF­S3me as formerly occupied )y Dr. this melancholy conclusion, and kept hoP' 'at Brixton this afternoon, but If can't house on Highgate Hill, I found my �vifal tains- crossing the i4land. In good roads, Mavbe* the a Smith, opposite Public School, Sedorth. Telephone ing on against hope tbrough many a weary get ybaven't any," v'ntured. a in.Ci6nada. In the trial in question Frahk No. 46 If. B—Night calls answered from office. year. The death of her uncle ha left her any information about her at a14 Has she looking out for me with more than -ordinary which is one of the surest signs of civilizm- woman who enjoys poor bealtb� - Ashley and William Smith wefe shown to, Lou& . gone back to Scotland?' anxiety.. 64 tiob, it far surpasses Cuba. Oh, I fancy they have their share," re- have been engaged in ofFeriuv ubstitut"wl- fairly well provided for,although it required . Even then I did not find my to�gue. We Aran% you late, David F she asked. I . Like Cuba, it has had a melancholy his. sumed the first for Dr. WilliamsPink Pill,',' a 8 careful management to make the interest of seem to" have woman-, 'placidly. " One elairn* b London, d been watching for you so Ing t DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, her capital cover all her expenses. stood regarding each other siletly for a long.', tory, as the trail of the Spaniard has been has efiormous dentist7o bills, and they are the substitute was the saine as that just. - moment, I dumb with horror, b6 question- over it all. Discovered by Columbus only a documentary evidence of, celebrated -medicine, I saw a good deal of her at the time when a certain amo Bath men wer� PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ing, anxious, with a hungry a4d wistful Not more than ten minutes, Eupban af answered, as I lifted her bright face' year hipk . tbl�r, is Placed under arrest oil a ctarae of obtaning , to to tLemisphere, -it wo money.under false pr�,tev8t- und compiri Rippeq Goderloh street, opposite Methodist churoh,Se orth her strongly to return to Scotland ; but, mine. I What has happened to -da wor- she was arranging'these affairs, I advised. look in his eyes which went to nl� heart. after his first disdovery of the Western of suffering, don't you t Theo 6s speedili given up, like anything but robuit constitutionally, but 119 VVe All thought you- were lost, when the all the other discoveries, to the curne of she is seldom ill because to defraud the pul)lic, aud evidence as ry or vex she takes good care J. G� SCOn graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor and still clinging to the idea that her husband 00itoroon went dOWD,' I managed! to falter you 9 You look as if all the cares, Spanish ru heard before the Chief Justice of the Crim. Tondeeboj of the nation rested on your shoulders.' Ia, under Ponce'do Leon, who, -�of her health instead of talking about it. member Ontario Collegii of Physicians, %nd would come back, she decided to remain in at! last. 'It's ix years ago, lad; don't for. -inal Court.. The dfendunths' lawyer Burgeons. Coroner for County of Huron. L6,ndon, in the little house ala Brixto (notwithstandiDg his musical name, that I don't think I have been, an unsympathic made 'There ii somebody -here, David,' she has pleasaut associations with the famo not a strong fight, in their beh If, but in spite of Mogbow n which get that.' us mother, and I fear I'm made of Spartan 45. XAcKAY, hogor graduate Trinity UnIversitf, Tam had so proudly met in order tor her be- 'lid 'Oh, I don't forget it,' he sai g mysteriously, with her finger on her Member L gold medfilfst Trinity Medical College. fore he went away on his f&tal voyage. loomily 'a hotel in Saint Augustine, o" of the most material; bob wh this the jury$ after a shr I sea, from your face that so tory to tell you. exq ite that architectural'geniiis ever de., to talk about headaches and tootbaches, and ourt, returned a verflict of guilty in both College of: Physicians and Surkeous, Ontario. ething has lip. 1 1. have quite a little a an my girls -got old enough t absence from the -GOINO 11burn- 14 happened. Tell me it in a word. Is she Just come in here, until you hear it all.' via uio ease, The Chief Justice deferred -kentenco 83 After that I lost sight of Effie—ox of Mrs. and printely wealth ever turned into ailments real, exaggerated or imaginary, I Muirhead, as I ought to call her—until one married again?' , Hadn't we better go upstairs?' I ad, �ug' stone), waslas big a pirate as ever ounk a made up my mind to discourage it at once. until the close of the SittiligS. In address-' TAndeeboi �L F. It.' KALBFLEISCH, Physlcf,.kh, Surgeon night after Lwas happily settled in my own Yes,' I groaned, 'she is. gested mildly., I I want t6 get the 'grime a ship or out P. throat. But if the island -I refused to listen to accounts of mysterious Ing the jury, however, the learned udge and Accoucheur, successor to Dr.*%V. Graham, house on H.ighgate Hill she called and asked He put up his hand Pnsteadil and wiped w illed. off, and you can easily talk to me COMON into the possession of the United aches and sensations when I bad reason to :Poke very fit,'ongly concerning the 11 Brussels, Ortarlo. First Class Honor d6duate of to see me. I was much 8urprised,�. And y while I dress.' a's (King- the damp drops from his brow. vili -of the Universities of Trinity (Toroxito),-Qu�, saw his ubatitution and the dafigers to States we shall try to give it good Govern.. believe they were the putcome of too much the Victim ston), and of Trinity Medial College ; Fellow of rather reproached myself for not- having mouth convulsively twitch, but he uttered She moved at once towards the staircase, m6fit, and have but little fear that it will , e'exeXcise. Fresh efarious nd too ri introspection and too litl' -that may ensue from this n Trinity Medical College and member of the'College called upon her for so long. Any fear, how- no word, good or. bad, nor did I -for full five and I followed her obediently. be in the course of's few years one of. the air and occupations w common practice.—Tot onto Globe. Post re� the of ]Physiciaus and Surge-3na of Ontario. ever, that she might be in troube, was dis. minutes. perseriptions Grm4u%t,e Course4D Detroit �snd Chcago, 189e% 'Who is the visitor, Euphan?' I asked. most delightful winter resorts off our for headaches and bad temper, and E6 bread Lonacill Special attention paid t:) diseases of Vye, Ear NoatI polled by her appearance. I was greatly 'I can't blame her, I suppose, he said at I Isejt anybody to wbotn I shall have to be southern coasts. Who knows but that tkd a Throat, and Diseases of Women. Caiarrah fiItruck when I entered the room where she length. particularly civil? becauee I don't think I and milk supper and ea:rly to be& was the 'It is a 10139 time, but somehow I treAted. iiucce80ully in all its forms. - Consultation a ext winter we ma� got up an Evangelist treatment for other ailmentei Real illner-8 wa .- Never in her beet days had Effie Car- thought she'd keep trud to i�y memor feel inclined that way. Wakmg On ir. i in English and German. 1681-tf Y. pilgrimage, and go to Porto Rico, and bathe seldom comes unheralded, "When eyes michael looked so sweet and bonnie. She I'll sit down; David, if oIi donit mind, and 'Now don't talk nonsense, David,' said in the sunshine, and look off upon the glib. keep bright, pulses regular, and appetite had diactLrded the widoWs bonnet, and wore Haphan reprovingly, and with that we came a hear what you have to tell me.' I tering sea, singing the while with jubilant,, good there is scarcely anything that cannot T AlUOTIONEERS. a hat which made a sifigularly becoming I told him the truth. in as fe to my dreSSIDg-room and shut the door. not to say triumphant, voices, be cured by witebbazel or a g6dd sleep. We frame to her sweet face, g, t Then Euphan, leaDing against the wa 1, her possible, embellishinglothing, U taking ML, SAN are a busy f&mil�, and there. is seldom an r V7 N1. GLOYs 'How ar6 you, Mrs. Muirhead?'l said, care to emphasize the great reluctance What though the ip'icy' bre(zes hour of drea I swoet face !ery grave and 'earnest,. asked obakingbands with ber heattily. &I feel which Effie had felt at taking a ch a step. me' a question. "Blow soft o'er Ceylon'.9, isle; Ming for the 'girls. They had AucConeerfor the Counl0ek-pf Huron and Perth. *reXoN16._, I Do you remember Pegg y Maxwell nty of pleasure, but it. was activ7e and aed Agent at Hensall for the, Massey-Huxis Mann- I felt it was the only crumb f comfort 1 -9 who Where every prospect pleases jolly rather, than leisuir�l. � They the qualms of self-reproach when I think weht out ple isoturing Company. Sales promptly attended to, how long it is since I have seen you. could give the man, stricken to the earth to India to marry Alec Ruther- never of price, a" But as And only man is vile?" ;barges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. got into the yoii look so well that I need hardly ask how he was by such an awful blow. food summer piazza complainin %)rdore by mail addressed to Hensall F, 9 D21 Office, or H. M. F. in sit at his residebee, Lot 2. Concession 11, Tucli-. you are.' 'You're not asking what be ame of me Yes,' I answered readily enough. 4 1 re. a habit because. they wiard always playing grsmilb, will relive prompi attention. v Of member Peggy quite well. A spoiled and tennis or selling boats or reading books. gold InBest- 129&tf am ery well,-th%nk you A] David,' he said at lenpth, witli a kin� petted monkey she was,' I added, Perhaps Women in:Mexico. suppose their education has been sadly she said, feeling some slight a ? hyness of me, sickly smile. , I'll tell you as Ishortl 1 y neglected as far as fancy j although in can. We were wrecked off of the� with Lome unnecessary force. the Old days we had been David The I- t of women i ork is concerned, ' You look very 'mote South Sea Islands, and and Effie to each' other. n Mexico �s far from- but the hours that most *oifien well yourself; bow i way n in Idea, like those hours E -S. - THE MAN Well, she's here, in this house, David, envisablo This -io what a correspondent fancy work are, i in some que a. -spend over a Mrs. Lyall F or.another the second mat and I were in the spare bedroom, at this very moment.' of the Country Gentleman says about it: after dinner which thrown. up high and dry on t a rocks. It a�cke ' Says women 7n 'Sh6 is very well, and hopes to have the gh Mexico he *ill. always spend in disr�ssing rtyeir diseases. 1 paused in my hasty toiled, and looked "As one passes throu leaquie of seeing you in a few mina es wouli have been better for us if we bid. at her in amazement. frequently see on t the wellmade and we'll Wow are the boys? gone down with th a rest a f �h� (To be concluded next week.) kept highway, a company of fromsix to a SH01 Will h The Book island inhabited by as rage ribe, canni, dozen pepple, W 'The boys are qu av icbout. equally divided as to, el rn�ers. ite well, thank you, Mr. te nothing less men and4women, the men on horseback, Hot ' Cha bale in fact, and ve expf d One of the Western papers has discovered hing I d R Lyall. I hope you will excuse me intruding when they found us but th t we should The Girl's Allowance. making a characteristic picture with tb�ir In III in -the employment The feeling of buoyanc produce Y. This moat 4cellenb work should be In every house upon you here, but there was somet A new field for wo - a athe countX of Huron. make a meal for them Ho eve. they E'very self-respecting woman, be a wide brimmed, high of attmetiv'e young Women as a wanted to ask your advice upon, som r, he rowned hats, their ritertainers the action of Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve ething 'hanged their minds about us and apared maid or, wife, has a natural and intense di at fashionable summer resorts. We -bay# I couldn't write, and I didn't know any one e . g. tight fitting ornamental leggins, and-theiir The- innova-' Pills is remarkable. .One f our lives. We short stirrup straps. els bright F4�) $1.:00 PER ()OPY. else to go to. I felt sure you would help have been on that island, like to ask her father or husband for every The men, I repeat, tion is probably a good dne�!and getting upi and tivetenergetic and full of snap and me for auld lang syne.' penny she needs," 'says. 9dward Bok, whist parties for the old lo�dies and fanci Vi..'Rich red blood fills the vems, an& - dress ba;l 'field, or, Mr. David RON. 640 Church street, Toronto Giving Allowances to Girls'. 66� Nor is comers to cliques into which. they will fit, &lid in general malting guests feel "at home low, Principal of the Presbyterian I can do for you., money can be had for the asking'and is Are all good and profitable undertaki college, says I am prcfited mud greatly pleased She took the chair I set for her' and then always given ungrudgingly. It is- the aski D98. TRnMLtffG HANDS An SRAXT t I saw that a strange ahamefabedqeas seemed SIRIS: But women have limitati�us in entertai with fervor., 'Sit aown and tell me What yolithful life and vigor ing in #e August Ladies' Homo Journal, on Is for the children, introducing new.' the nerves tingle with the sensation Copies can be had frcm bir. B. R. Higgins, Bruce. 'Indeed, and'�that;' -will, Effie,' I repliqd, Rev. Dr. A1cV I the feeling lessened by the fact- that the. with wha I h&ve read, and I intend next Monday to Heart SP 10 . *Dyspep Ic ? advise all our students to put it into their libraries - which women dislike. Thby justly recoil SO& to studylt de,ligently to overwhelm her.. Her sweet face -flushed, as in all things",- and the' youn men wG A XA:3MT01r XA*,s EMRIENCE as affording rich in. 0R. AGNEWS ME FOR THE HEART from it, and men ought to understand it - organized the industry are struction in pastartal theology and. pro4tical.godii. and it seemed as if her eyes could not meet stilF indlopens- WITE A NW =DICZ FE better than they do. It should be said that SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE 13 THE able- ness. Jahsl1read thema low passages that they mine. A WONDERFUL LIF ISAVER. d" DEAR SIRS, the husband who refuses to give his wife a RAI" A girl, charm a = . may see that It Is far from being dull.or dry, 'You remember how long it is since I was 7-- We never so me OW OF PROMISE. wisely, cannot, -bo,lf forEtine In doctors" 'Emaciated I have spent Mr. W. Drjsdale of Wm. Dysdale a Co., No organ, in the human a stomy regular allowance is rapidly becoming the out such a swath a;t a summer resort as a bills, all to no avail. These Pills seemed to - Publishers left a widow, Mi. Lyali,1 she said At leingth,� to -day ­weary—gloomy. No one can to &D4 Bookeell6ra, Montreal, says.—Rev. John RON whose diseases can be more eadili detect. exception. But 'there are still too many adequately'de'ser(be the abject nalsery fcch the seat of disease at Once, and t was a grand man, &nd the writing Of hila life could 'I could not give the exact date, of ad than those of the hear and medical of man Cal). Her nainstrat.ious, fall like fathers wb� withhold an allo th bey*_ pi-ced in better hands. What we course, Vters. If it in once from e sufferer from Dyspepsia and indigos- in also seemed to possess a rewarkableinfluenct,_ to diwovery has made them amenable to their dang tr uth I American Nervine is the women and childreii twice blessid ; but the heart,.the trTnibling of the hands the I the not have been I answeied, but it must be getting the gentle rain fro' 'heavei; Ms` re aril make all ver me. The Violent palpitation of need to -day more and more are books of this claw on for five ears.' ue that the tion. so The reading of which tends to the better olroulation 6 PrOPdr treatment. If you h vapalpitation average girl has no idea of the value of greatest discovery In edical adence old ladies and children always get &Ion masculine vigor, -the fl-ightful 3rea oss or 7 It will Ile six in November since the Oc- or Auttering. shortness of br the weak o money, how will she ever gain -a better for the 'Core of all chroula stomach ms the-- ot the blood,an-d stiring one's soul. 1665-tf r toroon sailed on her lastg voyage, That's a irregu 1098 Of memory and general colla entire system, have ?,!aided to j.)r. Ward,&. Mood and Nerve Pb a. Great ere the r knowledge of its worth unless she is given troubles. It aeta d1rectly through the easily. The girls' who' ba,ve no partners, f �ar pulse, swelling oi at or ankles, fAillY wall anyway. They are sAisfiel -pse o? ilia Ion t* e, isn't it, David pain * the left side, faintin spellsdro Im P1" the opportunity? Our girls must be adn. nerves�the seat of all disease., Thoux.- the chaperons with unattractive ch stilts from the use of four boxes4of these pil e' ad, and some un. W ttnclency. any of tile" dleato heart ands testify 'of cure&" inade.'"Jef from Argos, adeed it is,' I answer' Cook's Cottan.Uoot Compo cated in money matters, and there is no the young married couple we A 0. derstanding of �er meaning began to dawn disease. No matter of how long standing 5 who have passed am OnloYing the very best of health the first dose. lasuccessfully used monthly by over Dr. Agnew's Cure for the art Will cure— surer method than by giving them money of the stage where each blelf�`VaAhey are xible to dofor rs;is upon me. found the oth Othe it's a heart specinc—&o, quJokly—&cts from 000 Laitles. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask their own to spend : a regular weekly or was a great sufferer as the hgve d I I came to ask yout' she said, a society sufficient entert fA . on6 r met. Before iising� our dm st for COWS coft" ned call- little stomach and nerve troubles. TrI Went, and w1Q ed a hurriedly, 'and yet I surel--acts safely. monthly allowance given them to co* ?I iserAble wrack. ffil on't know how I am ver car- have not yet reached the Wall IL M axw round. 91 ll ures, pill# and ISCON Of remedies. No rello& Half a - stage where thei Ia well ilia". "I was given itp to die tain regulatel expenses. It is only natural will Imitations ore dangerous. Prloo, No. per to put it in �pbyslclsna bottle of South ArneTlcau Nervine resigned to stagnation—tho" ii�; Yours tru7 11,41 _ . - nd I have no one else and friends. oiie does o r. Agne's that at the start a -girl will spend foolishly. worked wonders. 31x bottles inadi a the' _v, box, No. 2,10 degrees strouger4a ver box. NO. yernente that for I can ask—do you.Ahink, I dare marry Cure for the Ileart gav new nian of me- #P—W. JR. Sh#ruisu, Mont, sod it is upon TROS' PLYNN-t 5z Elgin St., Hmilton, out,, 1 or 3. xnalledion receipt of'pkl� and twaX-eent me ease- and To meet this ine4tale experience the them that the professional a stamps. The Cook CompaisyXindsor, Ont. a ain V six bottles cured my so of fifteen itter er t,6til years'standinx." Mrs. mount of the allo �dorrlsburg, Ont. his skilli tain Dr. Ward's Blood and X' IV -Nos- I and Zoold and recommended by all am sure you could,' I answered, with- JrL RELLSP, wanoe should be accord. Con't experiment with now and Whitewood, N W.T. 20 Ingly regulated uw a are sold ;o xesponsible, Druggists In CAnado. out a momenVa hesitation. kThe Octoroon After a while, however, What 01in it girl do to sweeten ijo temper *.-.00 At W1 douftflul medleinee—TAke the tried Guarantees relief in 3� minutes. wiled she gets accustomed to the handling Of another girl who is t4w uusttractiie� to TrIc;' by - is imro3sible and tested. has never been'beard of io Lk oronto- No. 1 and Ne. 2 nold.in Seaf(rth by, Lumsden of money, she will learn its value better a win any attention from the few stray men #kls3o, druggists. AV that any could h a autvived for so long. For sale by Lumoden & Wilson, Seaforth. be more judicious in spending it. To give For sale by Lumaden & h at A summer hotel? Nothing'.' Bub s, Mang. Wilsont Seafort