HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-08-12, Page 3•
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N -L
Minoan ntod , aid
Pwetrdat -
et District.
QUST 12 18
nLPoRTM t4onozii.
Di -TO LOAN Xt- I.
pRIVATE FUN • mu , pay
able yea*, on Snit -elm farm eeourity. Apply
NIL S. BATS, Dominion Bank BuriMing, Seaforth.
eeidi.VoIlailiA„ Dominion mid Provincial Land
Surveyor, Member of theAssoolation of Ontario
littruyon, Dublin, Opted°. 11188•51
ONEY AT 5 PER GENT —A large amount of
Money has been placed in my hand. to lend to
turners, In entail And on terms to suit the borrower.
Apply to 3. Base, Barrister, Seatorth.
GELN BEATTIE, Clerk nf the Second Divhdon
usne County Commissioner, of-11urent Com
toym„,cort ttati
LOSS AR& Iran00; AWkr
L "de
taveeted and to Lem Oilloti—aver Sharp
lavas' store, Main street, Boeforth. 1289
y$10 THE LADIES. -M. Levi Smith, Seat nth, is
prepared as ritual to do up up hair into twit-
ches, to. For sale an aseortment of switobee, all
colors ;also etemless switches. Retidence corner
of Market and Jarvis etreets. 159 x13 °
aly is
ea cups.
OHOBTHORNS FOR SALE -For sale, two good
0 young ,Shorthorn belle, with reestered pedi
goees. Inices and tenDS right. DAVID xi n,
Ethel. 158841
• raUEL
iy has tcr tale a thoroughbred Durham'
elle*, for/registration ; aged 28 menthe, color
and white. Terms reasonable. JAMM rATTER-
soN, lot 25, conceesion 2, L. R S., Toe:herewith,
Brucefield P O. . 1589-t1
ireaitati FOR SALEAN» _wOR SERVICE.- The
.L undersigned, breectex of Large English Berk-
shires.bas ,for sale boars and sews in farrow. He will
alio keep tor eervloe the stook boar. 34 King Lee,"
larchased front Mr. George Green'of Fairview,
and winner at Montreal, Toronto andOtilawa. Term
-ea payable at the tree of serviee with the privilege
IreturnLng if neceesinT, it hooked $1.50. JAMES
PORRANC 26,ouoess'r 5, RoKillop, See -
Girth P. O. 1465-52
Ly at
kniOAR FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will
keep for service on Lot f5, Concession 4,
ey, a thoroughbred Chesterwhite boar. Terms -
SI, payable at the thee of service, with the privilege
of returning if necessary. JOHN V. DIEHL
"DULL FOR SERY10E.Tha undersigned will
1..) keep for service on his premises at Roxboro, .
a thoroughbred Durham bull. Terms, $1 • it -paid
before Januery, 1899, or.B1.25 afterwards: JOHN
SCOT. 357141
1100AR FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned 'will
Mal keel 'or eervice on Lot 84, Conceesion 4, Tuck-
ersrnith, thoranghbred Chester White Boar,
purchased from H. George & Sons, Crompton,
'itiddleeex Terms -$1, payable at time of
service, with privilege of returning if necessary.
VICE,The und wiU ,Iteep for soviet°,
at the Bnicaleld ry, a thoroughbred
Tamworth Boar, frith re- wirligme Terms,
$1; payable it tone of service privilege of re-
; turning if meceesarY. Also& number of thorough-
bred young Tamworth Boars and Sows for sale.
1. HUGH MoOARTNEY, Brumfield. 140641
signed hat for eervioe on lot 82, coneession 8,
cHillop, a thtro'bred Tamworth pig, to which a
limited number of lows will be taken. Thi. lean
extra good pig and breeders find it advantageous to
oroes their oerkshire sows with this breed of pig.
Terms 21, with privilege of returning If neceasary.
• JOHN McMILLAN • 1505xtf
Positively cured by Owe
Little Pills.
They; also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per-
fect te,medy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowst.
sem, Bad Tastein. the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain hi the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Small Pill. Small Dois04-
email Prices
the fraud of the day.
See you get Carter's,
Ask for Carter's,
Insist apd demand
Carter's Little Liver Pills.
The undersigned his for sale; cheap, first and
Seaorall CI:188 FINS AND CEDAR SMNOLTA. Also- a lot
of 111481LLOK 1 UMBSR. all kinds. -Shiogiee and lumber
can he seen at Kippin seatiou. A ear'. load ot Pine
and Hereieck Planke' Saantlings, etc., lust received.
Orders cau be left atthe station, or with
London Road.
Seaforth Dye Works.
Get Your Clothes Cleaned and
your Dyeing done at home.
Of the Seaforth Dye Werke, is pre-
pared to *.
Clean and Press Clothes and Dye
• Cloth
Of al kind,' in first elan style and at very reasonable
prices. Dacha dress can be dyed, if desired, with-
out being ripped. • A triat ii solicited, and all work
warranted to give sati4faction. Garments made to
look nearly as toed as new. Works and residence on
Goderich Street, east of Main Street, and nearly op-
posite Si. Jameb' Chu eh.
H. NICKLE, Seaforth.
Bad' BsirsoardetInnenrafteof ociTionutonnttle01,4:r jun7.
More than One A.morican family -of ' to-
dioy can reinexuber the time when in the•
season of the: country's need the young
son of the housewent to the war, but
probably not one .American faintly can
quite enter into the spirit of the scene de-
scribed by Mr. William Agnew Paton in
his: "Picturesque Shinn. 1.'
Near La Chime, del Carmine Mr. Paton
saw a young rearuit, nevrly drafted, take
Ing leave of hie family. He was very
young, hardly,of an ago to fit him for Mil-
itary service. . This 'MAY perhaps serve as
arremetfee for the fact that, in spite of, his
new uniform, he -stood in the middle Or
- the road crying like -a baby as he poured
hie Woof woe into the ears of his younger
brothers and sitters and pessibly his cous-
ins also, for sotne 10 or 12 ohildren were
grouped round 'him, standing or kneeling
upon the pavement, all of them weeping
bitterly. • * •
-The boy's mother, her/ eyes red and her
hairdisheveled, was delivering to a dozen '
or moreof her friends a tirade against the
injustice of compelling her boy to serve
in the royal army. Opinion seemed utiani-
moue, for all gavetheir unequivocal and
vociferous assent to her propositions andl
complaints.:* -
The hum was full of women. : There
were few men, only those being there who
were too old to work. The windows and
doors of the houses were occupied by °di;
er women, all gesticulating and all very
When the sergeant, a good natured fel-
low, who had permitted his charge to halt
Ion liter way to the railway station, mo-
tioned the young reorolt to come away,
the scene in the lane beggared descrilition.
!rho cltildren gave loud Telco to their' sor-
row; the mother frantically kissed her
bay's face, hands and clothing, and even
by throwing herself upon the ground
managed_ne kiss his feet
Then, rioing to her knees, she clinched
both handle-, and, lifting -them toward
heaven, seemed to be °ailing down venge-
ance 'on the sergeant and all set in author-
ity over hint who had part or lot in the
taking of her son from her.
When last seen, she was being led into
her house by her sympathizing friends,
while the children, crying and gesticulat-
ing, followed the young recruit to the cor-
ner of the street; whee they shrieked a
last farewell to the wly made soldier
who trudged beside th� sergeant weeping
1GIARM TO RENT. -A good farm to rent on the
4th Concession of McKillop. There is a good
barn and brick house on the place, and plenty of
good water, and the land is in a good state of culti-
vation. Apply b MRS. R. THOMPSON, Blyth, Ont.
MIOR SALE, OR TO LET. -A dwelling house
situated on Goderich street, containing ten
rooms, gocd cellar, hard and soh water and good
cut -buildings Now occupied by J. L. Smith, mer-
chant. Pe&eseion given about the 191 cf Aloud.
Apply to A. G. AULT, Seaforth. - 1597-tf
$700 'affintlili, raliCualtdhe
eocomgf000rntelejlael:ensd setleez
Seafozth, at present occupied by Mr. A. Scott.
There are 3 rooms, with hard and soft water, also a
large stet:ie. The lot is a corner lot and well planted
with fruit and ornameatal tree& Apply to A.
SCOTT, Seaforth. 1593-tf
FOR SALE.—For sale 220 sere farm in Maintop;
being Lots 24 and 26, Concession 10, and nor h
part of Lot 25: Concession 9. This land has been
in pasture since first cleared, 25 or 30 years ago,
therefore is rich and free Item foul weed& It is
situated on the gravel road, five mites north of Sea-
. lorth and nine from Brussels. Terms of peyinent
made to Belt purchaser_ For particulars apply to
W. GOVENLOCK, Secifortb. 16944f
110 Mortgages. Reduce Pant interest. Save
money. Any terms desired. Business pri-
vate. • No delay. Charges low. No cots
incurred unless loan is granted Satisfaction
guaranteed, or no „loan. Loans arranged ,
with local agents. Agents wanted. Call or.
write. Enclose stafhp. E. R. REYNOLDS,
1iA.R11 FOR SALM—For elle, in the Township of
X Maintop, the north 60 ac es a Lot 15, CODC98,
sion it, boundary line. About 47 acres cleared, three
sores a good hardwood hush, abeut two acres of
choice fruit tree& soil unsurpassed, well drained and
fenced; schoc 1 half a mite away, post offiae ani
church cenvenient ; will be sold cheap. Per par-
ticulars, apply b the proprietor on the premises, or
Walton P. 0. DANIEL MeMILLAN, Proprietor. -
15 Toronto Street, Toronto.
splendid farm of Mr. Robert QavenIcek, on the
Ninth Reed, a mile ano a half hom Seaforth. 1
contains 175 acres, nearly a I cleared and in a high
state of eultivaticre There is a two story brick
house, good bank barn and everything in first.class
coedition and well underdrained. It will be sold on
eau term& as the prcprietor desires to retire. If
not sad before the fall it will be rented. ' Addrese
ROBERT GOVENLOCK, Seaforth P. 0. 1-93 ti
IA/ Emle the confortable Cottage on North Main
street, Seaforth. belongiog to the estate of the late
Moore Boyd: The hcuee contains seven reoms, be-
. sifts a large summer kitchen and a good stone cellar
and stable. Also hard and soft water. The
property e ill be sold cheap, as the estate meat be
wound up. In the mean time it will be rented, and
the tenant e ill be given a leased for six months if de -
tired. .Apply to JOHN LANDelBOROUGH, Seaforth.
-Etta-gate, Nirith a
'needs:1 We have
win Ien4 free of.
ur -best attention.
• Holroesf Poder-.
A Berlin Lady Tells
How to Get Rid of It.
Doan's Kidney Pills
The Remedy.
Mrs. Eliza Reitz, 33 Wellington St.,
Berlin, Ont., says "For ten years I have
been afflicted with kidney and back trou-
ble, suffering greatly from dizziness, ner-
vousness, weak eyesight, loss of sleep,
and appetite, and an almost constant
tired, weak feeling. In February last I
got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills and
received so much benefit from them that
I continued their use until I had taken
three boxes in all, and was completely
cured. They removed every vestige of •
pain, dizziness and nervousness, and en-
abled me to get restful sleep ; So that
from being a sick woman I am now
strong and well again."
Doan's Kidney Pills are the bast remedy in
the world for Bright's Disease, Diabetes,
Dropsy, Backache, Gravel, Sediment in the
Urine, and 8'11 Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
Sold by druggists, or sent by mail on receipt
of price, so cents a box or 3 boxes for Vas.
The Doan Kidney P111 Co., Toronto, Ont.
11ARM FOR SALE.—One-hundred acre farm for
12 vale in tbe township of .Utsborne, Let 36, Con-
cemen A. It contains about 80 ecru of cleared
land, e ell drained and in a hieh state of cultivation.
The balance of the farm is good bar& ood bush. lb
is well watered by a spring creek, two never failing
hard water wells and one cistern. A large frame
hcute ; geed, cellar ; large bank bare, with stone
stabling; ciriving ehed ; open shed; and all other
cutbuildinge needed. A geed orchard of all kinds of
fruit. The farm is well suited for either grazing or
groaing all kinds of grain. It is situated about
three miles frcm the thriving village of Hensall, and
six miles frcm Exeter, and not far horn church,
poet (Bice, store -and echool. Easy terms to suit the
purchaser. If not sold before fall it will be rented.
For futher pat Umtata apply to WM. MITCHELL,
Heparin P. 0 , Ontario. 1697-8
W. N. Watson,
Fire and Life Insurance Agent; Houses to
Rent, Real Estate Agent. Dealer in the
RAYMOND and Wlirre family and mann-.
lecturing Sewing Machines. All -kind of
Sewing Machines repaired. • Charges
Ageni for the .•
0 . ' 1
c "
First -Class Wheels in Every Rerpect.
FIR TOES -- Ri a -I-1'11-
The McKillop *At/nal Firs
• Insurance Corapany.
• . -
Foulard silks and satins are in Marked
Livor this-ea/miner. : - • - / . „
The pretty-dnek °names in White or
oolors, in Olin or tiiitOy 'offer:toe, are in
greatervogue than -*fa thileyeart
Basket oheoki are *ovoid* some Of the
new autumn sill* Whielt/ have a Finial!
;brocaded pattern mattered atter them.
Many of. 'the Peet*, eIlk, Orient de (Aloe
and vellifig dreams are finiihed w th throe
'tiny frills of ribbon, lepping / h other
and gathered moderately full.
The new Moire silks are watered ecrose.
the width in irTegulate it -tires, and the lat-
ticework patterns seem to be one of the
season's females for both plan and MOlT6
'age. • • ,
Large ordershaye been placed with man-
ufacturers for lustrous white corded alike
•Jand heavy but soft • finiehed oMarn anti
ivory white satins for evening toilets next
•seasoni • , -./ 1
Velvet or satin ribbon in straight rowe
and about two inches wide Is arranged on
new French skirts and bodices to pass in
and out through tines of narrow perpao
• dingier tucking set in clusters of three mi
five. I
• The newest vicuna elites for traveling,
yachting and cycling are wide diagonal'
of very fine, soft wool, roughly wovene to
a single color, such as gray, blonlor fawn,
and notably in navy blue, or elm in 5Vr4
shades of a color. * -
The majority of the summer hodioes foe
general wear are -Made with fitted backs,
very slightly -Pouched fronts, with revere
or bretelles beyond; a plain band of ribbon
for the `collar; almost covered with a pretty
jabot arrangement of falling lace. ,
Some of the most beautiftiltgoods in the
elegant outfits for the saintlier are the
French and 'India nruslins, and the dainti•
est sort of evening gowns, as well as those
for drossy afternoon wear, ore made of ba•
.tiste, especially in flowered cream white
witlotrimmings of oream lace,—New York
Post. ,.
Indians of a Ruined City Refuse 85000
For a Masterpiece. •
Here is a 'story about a picture which
hangs in the ruined church of Tzinzunt-
zan, Mexico, and which the Mexican Her-
ald asserts is a genuine Titian, yrhioh,
though the average ;traveler knows noth-
ing about, has been visited by artists from -
all parts of the globe, who have made the
Journey ttiMexico solely for the purpose of
seeing this canvas, and they have all de-
edared that the picture was well worth the
The famous picture hangs in one of the
old ruined churches.' The padre himself
will point out the way and stay with you.
while you are there. The _entrance to the
auditorium of the church is through a
long, dark corridor that leads up to a great
door, barred and chained and padlooked—
that seemed to carry you back to the old
fe-udal days and make one think that the
doors of some old castle were being opened
to him.
The door opens into an inner room as
dark as night, the eadre unfastens a grat-
ed window and a flood of golden sunlight
comes from over the Western hills beyond
the lake and falls full upon the picture --
such coloring, such composition, such
feeling as could only come from the hand
of a master. Tradition says it was painted
by Titian and presented to Philip of Spain.
Eminent men, authors and painterii agree
with this •version. An effort has been
made to buy the painting, and $50,000 -was
offered by the bishop of Mexico, but the
faithful, devoted Indians refused.'
The picture 'is an entombment, 1d feet
long by 7 feet high. Surrounding the
dead Christ, wrapped in a wipding sheet,
stand4 the Virgin, Magdalene, St. John
and nine other figures, all life size. The
picture's state of preservation is marvel-
ous. More than 300 years- have lapsed
since the great master touched it, and yet
one is deluded into the belief that it was
painted but yegterday, so /fresh, pure and
rich is its color.—Exchange.
System Renovator
A s - a and antidote for Impure, Weak and Im•
povarlWI Blood, Dyspepala, Sleepletssneee, Palpita-
tion of he Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss
of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption,
Gall Stones,
Jaundice, Ki ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus'
Dance, Female Irtegularieies and General Debility.
LABORATORY—Goderich, Ontario.
J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Mann
facturer. el
Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth.
Steam Boiler Wog%
Geo. Watt, President, Rarlook P. 0.; J. B
113Leae, Kippen P. 0. ; W. ii Shannon, Sou -Tres&
Seatorth P. 0. ; Thomas E. Hays, Inspector of
Losses, Seaforth P. O.
W. G. Broadfoot, &Merit ; John, G. Grieve, in-
throp ; George Dale, Seaforth; Thomas= E. Hays,
sesfortb : James Evans, Beechwood '• Thoe.Glarbutt,
Clinton ,• Thonme Prater, Bruoefield; John B. Mo.
Lean, Kippen.
AObt. Smith, Harlook ; Robb. MoMillen,-Eleafortli ;
Jamea Cumming, Egmondville ; J. W. Yee, Holmes-
ville P. 0.; John Govenlook and John C. Morrison,
Parties desirous to effect Insuranoes or trim&
rot other business will be promptly attended to os
pplication to any of the Above officers, add:sued lir
their respective post °Erne& .
A Queer Fact.
The Philadelphia Record tells of a rich
man of that city Who has a queer fad. He
neither gives nor accepts any money that
has ever previously been wed as legal ten-
der. Whether he fears contamination in
tbe exchange or only likes to handle the
bright new coins and bills for the pleasure
of it is not divulged. But, whatever the
reason, the rule is absoldte. He carries
with him a stook of undi med. coins of
every denomination up t4 half dollars,
beyond that crisp bills to heamount he
considers neeessary. That which he buys
he' pays for with the exaiit change, and
should he by chance be caught without
means of such precision the seller is en-
titled to the full amount given him lit ex-
cess of his bill. It is a genitive pleasure
no doubt. and very interesting; but to
cleave to- it strictly one mist needs have
obliging bankers or a lien on the mint.
Five of the get of Kremlin have worked
miles around 2:O2 at Terre Haute.
Dawnlight, 2:28%, by Blue Dawn, dam
Lady Horton, has been shipped to Europe.
- St. Andre, 2:18%, by St. Bell, is the
only horse with a record in Charles Mar -
vin's stable. •.•
Andy W, one of the fast -horses of the
season, is by Anderson Wilkes, dam by
Dictator Wilkes.
-Oratorio, by Wilkes toy, dam by Din
tater, recently trotted an easy mile in
2:1534, and repeated in 2:16.
James Dustin is not going to California,
but has scoured a drivers licenst and will
bean in the sulky this year.
Orit Davis, the well -known trotting
trainer, received $3,800 as his share of the
winnings of Han d'Or in the Latonis
James Johnson paid $7,525 for the priv-
lieges at the Anaconda (Mon.) meeting,
and Miles Finlan gave $10,000 for the
privileges at Butte.
At Stratford, Ont., the paeiir Wilkie
Collins, by 0 K, 'a, son of Brown Wilkes,
was timed a quarter in 8034 senonds and
an eighth in 1434seconds.
The chestnut gelding Luck, by Lobby,
210, showed a mile in 2:25 at Lexington
recently. This gelding has three 'crosses to
the great brood mare Ned.
A6 -year-old chestnut mare by Kanka-
kee ,rnained Belle M, shOWed a most aston-
ishiOg quarter at Lexington, Kya June 22
in 8034 seconds, which is said to be the
fastest ever trotted over the track.—Tuil,
Field and Farm.
Successor to Chivied & Black,
einnufacturers of all kinds of Stationary
Idarine, Upright & Tubular
ealt Pans,moke Staoke, Sheet Iran Werke,
ato., eto.
Liao dealers a Upright and Horizontal filide Valve
manes. Automatic, Cut -Off Engines a Specialty. MI
see of pips and pipe -fitting oonslantly on band
I *Mutates furalehed on short notice.
Worka-Opposite G. T. R. Staten. Goderieh.
McKillop Directory for 1898
JOHN MORRISON. Reeve, Winthrop 2.0.
DANIEL .11AIMET, Deputy -Reeve, Besehwood
WM. mooAvng, Councillor, Leadbury P. 0.
• JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Councillor, Beextwood
P.PriHN S. BROWN, CounoMor, 1 Elea°rib P. 0'
JOHN 0. MORRISON, Cloth, Wintbr0p P. O.
DAVID M. ROSS, Trauma, Winthrop 2.0.
WM. EVANS, Assam& Beachwood P. 0.
CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth 2.0.
RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector, Load.
b rry 2 . 0.
"Uncle Saha" Tarviater.
"Unole Sam" Tarwater, who has reach-
ed the ninety-second year ilif his age, was
in Orrick Saturday aftern n getting his
pension papers made out. He is the only
state pensioner left and receives $100
yearly for wounds received in the Mormon
war of 1838 and 1839. He was in the bat-
tle of Crooked River, fought in the au-
tumn of 1838, ten miles east of Lathrop,
Clinton county. In this fight David Pat-
ton, commander of the M4nons from Far
West a settlement 16 mils northeast of
Lathrop, was killed. Ile vas called Cap-
tain Feareaught, and his 4mon were armed
with corn knives, which hey used -as sa-
bers and during the ligh "Uncle Sam"
was almost hacked to Pi(f000 and left on
the field for dead. He still enjoys good
.health and delights to tell how he fought
the Mormons. -Orrick Tithes.
"Say, pa," asked the li tle son of a rail-
way conductor, "what's an exchequer?"
"An ex -checker!" exclaimed the ticket
puncher. "Why, that nust be a retired
baggage man."-OhioNews.
A few persons in England raise large
numbers of guinea pigs or exportation to
France'where they are. highly esteemed
for the table, the flavor f the meat being
identical with that of the rabbit. ,
The wondektul part of the Maxim gun
is that It has only one barrel, and yet it
OM discharge 600 shots in ono minute.
• The Usual Prograname.
When it crisis airmails you, took serenity round ;
Don't rush into action Where dangers abotmd;
Be sure that you think it all o'er once or tviies
And never be backward in inking advice.
Never fedar thet your friends will be cautions
Thai% stopYi;n the midst of their duties with
To hear you describe your dilemma clear
And tell you just What they think you should
Don't let your own judgment a barrier be;
Go on through the bit, though they all dia.
agree, ' -•
Till some one t last nommen& your psi
• -
Tlitin take his advice; he's a sensible man.
• -Washington titer.
A Wild Onset.
He O&M down the street at a rapid gat.
Ile dodged into thefirstebank that met his
gaze. A moment later he reappeared.
His jaw was firmly set,. his eye blase&
. • He dodged into -two niore banks, Then
he•dodged into the other four.
Every time he reappeared his) jaw was
still more firmly set, and his eye blazed
more furiously. itle.rushed !lite the nost-
office, he charged into four newsstands.
Deep wrinkles were • lining kis 004140-
' pence. His face grew paler and more big-
gard. On he rushed: People turood and
stared at the flyitig figure. _ A .pellairean
glowered at him: But he heeded not. On,
on he rushed in that wild and endless
dance. -
No, he hadn't been bitten' by a taran-
tula, nor was he running amuck.
He was just an inoffensive businessman
said good citizen looking for a bank cheek
stamp.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. •
Old Faehioned.'
New Boarder—See here, • can't stand
this lamp. It sniells like an oil refinery.
What sort/of a lamp is it, anyhow? -
Chambermaid—That's at. center table
lamp, sir.
New Boarder—Well, take it away and
bring me one of the old fathioned kind.
don't care for these. newfangled somata
table lamps.—New York Weekly.
Deserved Congratulations.
I was introduced to a man today,
And, ix) soon as hie name I heard,
At first ['scarcely knew what to es,,
The position was so absurd.
To congratulations my words so ran
That he soon became quite confused,
But he deserved them, for he was the man
Whem my wife had oncb refused.
-Up to Date.
What is
••ee "e" ee•eseeee eeee, e •eeeene '
Not Oluilty.
"How did they come to -release that- fel.
low who was suspected of being a Span-
ish spy?"
"Why, they caught him shooting crape
with some of the other prisoners. Of
course that proved his innocence. A Span-
iard couldn't shoot anything "—Chicago
What They Are Like.
" Those Spanish gunners are lightning,"
he said. -
The listeners were startled.
"Yea," ho continued, "lightning neve;
strikes twice, in the same place, you
know."—blew York Journal.
Colonel Wood's timely advice; "Don't
swear, boys, bot shoot!" deserls to len
come olassio.—Philadelphra Eve ing Bul-
letin. •
-Because Spain is getting more than the
bargained for she is convinced that the
•Yankees are a nation of shopkeepers.—
Chicago News.
Naval Constructor Hobson remembered
Lord Wolseley's advice, "If you want to
get on in war, do your best to get killed."
—City of Mexico Herald. •
As we have said before, the battleship
grind old Texas may be a genond oleo
ironclad, but she is a XXXX, ;AA, Bret
class fighten—Galveston•News. ,
At Santiago, as at Manila bate the feet
Was again forcibly shown that the effect-
iveness of the modern navy lies in the
man behind the guns. Newark Adver•
tiger. " I
Commodore Watson, one of Farragut'
cubs, will command the expeditioo against
the coast of Spain. Dewey is anther.
was a good school to be brought up
New York Evening Sun.
W. All Know Him.
There is oneman we've all marked for
Whene'er he shall come in our reaoh ;
Then we'll reap deep revenge,
And our past wrongs avenge— •
On the camera fiend of the beach.
z' -Vim.
• - eeeeee..
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription. for TweRnts
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor OIL
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee 'la , alit* years' use
Millions of Polothers. Castoria destroys Worms and
allays Feverishness. Castoria praents voiniting Sour
Curd, cures Diarrhcea and. Wind Colic. Castoria, relieves
Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates tite' Stomach'
and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoriet
is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend.
"Castor's is an excellent medicine for
children. Mothers have tepeateclly told me
of its good effect upon their children."
DR. G. C. °soma, Lowell, Mass.
"Castoria is so veal adapted to children ,.
that 1 recommend it as superior to any pre-
scription known to me."
H. A. Ancrenee M. D. Brooklyn, Al.
THIE cerement , onetime. menneY STREET* 1.4LW VOIRK
In the Restaurant.
Stranger—Waiter, let me have a poached
/Stranger -at Next Table—One for me,
too, please, but see that it isn't a bad one.
Waiter (in the kitchen)—Two poached
eggs; one good one.—Tit-Bi.
Roundabout Hint.
"I hear that you're going to move,
"Stuff and nonsense I Nothing to it.
Who told you sof"
"Your landlord."—Detroit Free Press.
Hardware Store.
We are to the front with a complete line of
GRANITEWARE. See our Pre• -
serving Kettles, the best in the mar-
We are sole agents for the celebrated Thor-
old Cement for laying floors and
walks; it cannot he gurpassed. Also
a full steak of Portland Cement.
Try us for Machine Oil.
Eavetroughiag and Furnace Work
Give as a call, prices right.
"Death is the base deserter's fate,"
The Spanish: soldier paused to sing,
"But if the leaders of onr state
Are seized with fear and abdicate t
Of course that's quite a different thing."
-Washington Star. 1.
An Exception.
"This war," said the theatrical main!
"has knocked the interest from every!
"I don't find 14 the case," said the
pawnbroker.-Cinobinati Enquirer.
A Scottish lunatic doctor thinks thai
bicycle riding may be a cure for tnsanity:'
He has tried it with good results on som0
of his patients.
Siam's royal family having brought bi
cyoles with it from Europe, every noble ol
Siam is trying to ride a wheel. Groat bee
provements ' -1 the roads of the country arc
looked for in consequence.
Bicycles can be fitted with a new pave
ment ,oleaning device to keep the whee
from getting muddy, which is made of
cylinder brush held in a frame ahead of
the front wheel and geared to the axle t
revolve and sweep the street as the wheel
man Irides along.
Dead centers on bicycle °ranks9 elim.
inated by a new sprocket wh 1, which
has a curved slot cut on one si e of the
center, in which a lug on the reovabi
crank fits, and is held in place by a rubb4
pad, which throws the crank out of line
when pressure of the foot is released.
His Greatest Sacrifice.
"Do you really think you love my
daughter as a husband should?"
"Love her? Why, I would give up my
bicycle for her."
(No cards.)—New York Herald.
Sills & Murdie
Counter's Old Stand, Seaforth.
"Three years ago I was troubled
with boils, and tried several
remedies recommended by friends,
but they werii of no' avail. I had
FIFTY -2'W° ROILS in all, and
found nothing to give me relief
until I tried Burdock Blood Bitters.
The first bottle 1 took made a coni-
plete cure arid proved so very
satisfactory that I have recom-
mended B.B.B. to many of my
friends who have used it with good
results." A. , J. MUSTARD,
Hyder, Man.
Any one troubled with Boils,
Pimples, Rashes, Ulcers, Sores,
or any Chronic or Malignant Skin
Disease, who wants a Perfect cure,
should use only
will be sold by public% auction on the premien
on Saturday, August 2oth, at 2 o'olook p. ni., on Lot
number 28, Concession 7, 'township of Caroms lees
15 sores, ind contains by admossorement, 64 ;men
more or lea. On Ow property there is it good
frame house and barn ; about id acres bulk
with spring•oreek running through it ; the balance
Is good farming land, ed in grass and hu been
pastured for number o yule. This Is first-class
property, convenient to post office, school, churches
and market, and well adapted for either graining
or mixed farmieg, and mint be sold. Terms. -Ten
per cent. of purotuise" money on day' of sale, bed-
ance in 80 days without interest. A resionable
amount of purcbase money may remain OR mod -
gage at B per cent. for & term of year& For futher
particulars apply to HORTON, Hensel! P. O.. or
to THOMAS CAMERON, auetioneer, Paiquher
P. 0. 1590
A Mistaken Shakespeare.
"What's in a name I" 1 always sneered
, Till father donned this specs • -
And settled fifty urgent bills
By aigning fifty checics.
• --New York Truth.
A Gentle Hint.
"You are my sun," he breathed passion. /
"Have you noticed, that lately the sun
has a ring?" she inquired, with a delicate
blush.—Town Topics.
He Couldn't In Near York.
Hewitt—What makes you think so much
of Boston? Were you born there?
Jewett—No, but I've won a good deal
of money betting on its baseball club.—
New York World.
It is to be hoped that pciston will nelf
get up a tea party to show its aocestr I
objection to the stamp tax.—Chieago R
There can be no seheme of terrltorli4l
aggranditemeleteetibtai will. not fin& uni-;
versa favor in Chicago.—St. Louis Globe -
Democrat •
Cleveland courts are trying to break the
divorce record. * The more ones; that are
made two the bigger can be the Cleveland
directory estimate of populationoi-Buffale
It is reasonable to suppose that if •Ole
Spanish entrant toes to Manila Admixal
Dewey will take a map shot at him.—St.
Louis Republic.
• We bope Camara will manage to Htrlke
Manila between meals. Dewey hates I to
leave a job unfinished while he and his
wee dine.—Phirth Annul •
• -As John Pierson, blacken -Ali, St.
Marys, was going to his work :the other
morning, he noticed indications Of a fire at
the rear of Oliver J. • White's stable,i/ the
loose straw of the manure pile being all
ablaze. Some of Mr. White's fentily had
thrown out some miles having live coals in
them, and but for Dir.Pierson's intervention,
a serious fire:plight have occurred. For Table and Dairy, Purest and Best
Having removed into the store formerly
occupied by Mr. j. Downey, in the Cady
Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, I
now purpose carrying a full and compiete
ine of all kinds of
Harness, Whips, Blankets;
• Business Stimulus.
Now the weather man is•happy
And rejoices in his lot,
For he reads the war dispatch:es, '
Then gets up and makes things het.
• -Chicago Redordn;
Nis LOIlir Salt.
Framme—There is always the stamp of
originality about everything Shortly does.
Pierry—Yes; they are the only stamps
he ever has about hine.—Philadelphia
North American.
And everything handled by the trade. Just
received this week a large eonsignment of
Which we are now offering at astonishingly
low prices.
W L ,
TA 5. 1-1
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et- P
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CD cl W
I-43 CT'
0 I-%
t -r- 11 6
• IThe 1898 Rules.
"It ls the war that has knocked baseball
. "You mean it is the lack of war." -In-
dianapolis Journal.
• A 0,sali of Carves.
When a scorcher doubles himself in a bow,
All the fester to make his bioycle go,
In a contest of speed. why it's most evident
that on win-nins• 70 • -1014 he is very much bimt.
• etTown-
IT 1='.A. -KB TO
Ask your grocer tot
The Canada Business College
Still leads its contemporaries in placing
134 of our pupils were placed in choice
positions in the 10 months ending July lat,
an average of nearly 4 per week. What
do you think of it ?
It Pays to Attend the Best.
• College re -opens for the fall term on
Tuesday, September 6th.
Write for catalogue of either department
D. It
CHIAN a Co. Chatham, Opt.
1 0 itEWA 114 TeStilet.:1
posed ED, or rayed from ts
strayeteit or etolen, stip-
2 end 8 Conoessioto 6, Montan in May Usti a two
year old steer of red color, sprinkled with grey.
He had a ring- in ids left ear. A reward of tea
dollars will be given for the recovery of this anima,
and any person found harboring him after 'this date
will be prosecuted. POWAN, Dublin P. 0. 1599x4
Musical - instrument
Owing to hard times, we have oon-
31nded to sell Pianos and Organs m
Greatly Redueed Price&
Organs at $25 and upwards,*
Pianos at Corresponding plot*