HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-08-12, Page 2R" T UR -ON OIL wim IRE EXP00"'T" AUGUST L lig
12 VaI1100- ndW TA u an _ver orvin AGO- in In a "ft prisoe. now many puen NAVed Itom. aeAtlf A *h6161all trAln-01 a an they that there. - is � something In their m ke an -awkuV mistake 'Wh to pasaefngerv. Some of yodreimehaber that The Canadian Bank 6f Commece,
varriap to invift insult. LThero are men tfielf boyi -:14t - bankinc 1qusea and storls night 0 A L (PA10 UP) SIX WWON, DOLLAFts - vwco to almd factorWW and places 0 a hurr-loane,blow down part of
-at �Albany and at Harrisburg and at - and Akis f out west In that y"r on , stormy
'In 000
Wa nin trust
thington wh� would no more' 1.4 sole 666e. dlsdusaln� 61ght, tm a on84--,A bridge. . A1 -approrohqd by a bribe ;than a- Plra4 boat whether- they can endure the temptation I it crashed lfiiot Ito rutn d We efiglneiir SEAFORTH BRANOHO A #isnio al banking business transactod,-Farmors' Notes discounUdi, at,#:
wliii a 6w cutlasses w buld dam to attack -You gIve th, boy plenty of money and and tSpa,-, wfth two 1)4nks haye-,Ab acco-uAt of it wai living, -1 collectioin, of I tion givon.to the Sit e - Rotes. WW a BrIflah "Man-of-war of and make the s. �4mbl%' no 44 guns 4 eadh- side loaded to thO-touch- d6wa become very 6aal and you may pot disan*,;A s * A �tAVIAQ41 BANK.—Interest allowed on dlip Lk " � .11 1, . cr4h , is #A a �a u'4- ih - heeid'the osits of $1 and UpWairds.
C hole., -They are Incorruptible m6� jid upon him a pressure that he cannot 1#44
I 11ities for transaction of business In the Klondike District, freight " train, and , she' inovi, that. spsooi -they are the few men who are to save stand. Aere are men who go into post- few moment an F. JEECLUESTED, Soffaitor. F G. MINTY,, manam 0 express was du 9� a, Sh' �lighted a lantern and clambered 0 the city and save%he land. tions full of temptation, considering only up on W 4- Meanwhile my advice is keep out of that that are lucrative positions. Idge on i the one beam -of the wrecked br 0. Con politics. unless. you. are-. Invuln6rablo, to, n abbot . wanted to bity- �� a piece -of to the main b;,Idgo,.whloh Was-treistle-;, this' style of temptation. . Indeed �'Jf -even ' ground, and the owner would not se "cross amid -the W 11 it, work, and -started t( Aly strong. yo I2 you are nature a neod. relig- but'the owner finally consented to I thundir,and the lightning of the tempest but the gra co r loua buttressing. Nothing and the raging of the torrent beneath. to him until he could ralie one crop' and One Pound aoorns—a crop of. 20 0 '-E L- of God can sustain our public an and the - abbot sowed 0 10 , 'One inlsatep' and It would have beezi is the ln�pst reliable and effective 4J cri G) > make, them what we, wish, I 'wI h that. years I , Apd I tell you young man, thqO deatb. Amid all - that horror� the Jantern Ttmedy kitown'for the relief and 75 W there might 'come an- Old, thshl, -ned"re-.. the dishonesties* which YOU Plant W Your went'out, CrAwling sometimes, and w cure of DrARRamA, DYSENTERY, U 4- (n vival of religion, that It nilght bi iiek�out heart and, life- will seem to be Very sometimes walking over the slippery rails 'U COLIC, CRAMPS, CHoLERA, and SUM- In congress and, the legislatur a and insignificant, but they will grow up until' MZR CompLmxT. It= --settles the 0 F3 0 and over the Arestlework, she came t stomw�b stimulates the heart. bring many ot the leadink,'Repu Iloans they, will overshadom you with h 'I bVe tZ LL 4- o" Orr ! 01 -the other slftr,� of the river. - 9he soothes land heals the�-, Irritated 0 0 and'Usinocrats down on t�hgO allxiLC a wat darkn6s, overshadow all time and alli t -The'growth bf a whole year of' six -Tea bnshes 01 �1 - o. set thi telegraph station where -the bowel.4 f Cn of repentance. That * day will a 0. or eternity, It will not be a crop for 2 0 00 express train did not -stop, so thot thd- NEVER FAILS. uj 0 v something better, for the Bibli) d clam years, -but "cropfQrO70 I t is required to produce one poun4 of "'For several seasotis we have re- rlasting ages. rap d might be teleg bed to the .2 that kings and queens shall scome I address many who'b, Ued on Dr. Fowler's Extract of WIld (O ave trust funds. .44 si�tlon where th6 train Aid -stop. The Stra.wberr mer com- — 0 nursing father# and,f mothers. 6 the it is a comp y for all sum _0 liment -to you that you have train was due in & few minutes. She, plaints. A few doses always gfvo 0 5 4) church. and If the greater In. a illOrItY been so intrusted, but I charge you in the �ro rapb E700 was one nile off I m the .tel6jj relief and It never fails to cure. We IL B then certainry the lose. thinkita very valuable medicine— AP, AOP% presence of God and the world becaref4l station. but fortunately tlie � train was d.!' MRS. P.C. -4e as oa'ref al of the pr "Aokic t OPOrtY Of Others late. With cut atid bruised feet she flow p " US ill I Out. 2 A Moral Bankrupt. i you are careful of yimr own. Abo�s like thewind. Combf up ,to he tele- Mk ch�rge Also to parents Is, ra ember 11, keep, -your own pilvate a 'almost PRICZ 35 CENT9. 0 that this evil'of bribery often Ilia in a Mount as graph station, ..panting with TanRX D"Mom the bank separate fro RUM am Arruln. in your account is deadly exhaustion, she bad only str6ngth Rwiws 0 the home circle and In the nurser :,, Do E trustee of,an estate or trustee of an Iqatl- to shout, "'The bridge Is downt" when ..not bribe your children. Touch t em to tute. That to the point at ' which she dropped unconscious and could hardly do that which is right, and �nc t b 0 of the 10 cents or the orange v use thousands of people make shipwreck, be resuscitated. The message was sent MAL Fou sAub. you They get the property, of others mixed up from that. station to the hext station, and 0 will give them. There'. is a great Iffer- with their own property, they pUt It io�0 the train halted, and that night tb SALIL—The undersigned haa twenty V ence between remirdliog virtue and RCAh astope OR Investment, and away it an goes, mod FA arms for salo In East Huron, the ban. runking the pro brave girl saved the lives of hundreds Of f1ts tbare6f the imp' Iling. County of the Province; &U shes, and prim to ner they cannot return that which they passengers Motive. That inan who Is honest n arel d saved many homes from ardi. For full information, write or call personall y 0 M reet It
-Notroublato &ow them. W shington, Aug. 7.—Dr.-Talmage In because "honesty 19 the best poll fl, I borrowed. Then 0 as the explosion, and desolation. Tu"t every at track,' Ot -SCOrT, Brussels this discourse arraigns the various modes 'the money marke ls, shaken,., and the Ram Pure,indian Tea, but so carefully is I P. 0. air eady a moral bankrnpt. and Avery style of, business is a track, by which some people -got money that pros.4 denonncesiand the churohibunders I depar and tra k, and every night manufaet ured and so rich is its characterthat onepou-ud,, My charge is to you in ali every day Is a
ents c
ARM FOS S&LE CEIZAP OR TO RENt.—Se- 'ot b@17ng to - them and commands xpulsion. u F Ing north heill of Lot 40_0oncessioa. 10'.Emb d �1 aling that succeeds best at last;
the f Or&de of lite, steer clear of bribery, all you. Is a track, and In 2 Ititudes uqdsr - the We -)4h, 4.1 miles from Wingham. There I& 83 Allake Open 'Confession. power of temptation come swoopifig on �Lccord Woman We umnot bribe -death, we cannot bre d ing to f4e directions on the package, text, I -vi, 9, "They that,will acres cleared; 15 acres g:)od bush, good frame barn, be ri I�fall into a temptation and a snare bribe sickness, WeL oannot bribe the grave, You have no right t6 use the property. and sweeping down toward perils raging a tea.c stable, straw shed an -i house, a good oroh,%rd and h we canno and terrific. God help us to go, out and two never-failluic welle. App!y to UESKY J. and to many foolish and hurtful In t bribj the Judgments- o that of -othera except: for their advantage, nor -%Vill m ie enough liquor to fill two hundred
sts, A I - PRAREN, Wingliam, P. O., Oat. God who thunders against this sin. without consent, unless they are minors. stop the train I Let us throw some sIgnil. Idrown inen in destruction and 'whlc said.Cardinal BeanforC "lle! Tf with their consent you Investtheir Let us give some r'ing.'By the throne 7DESIDEZiCt IN BRIWISFIZEl) FOR SALIK.— Can't death bebribdb Is money n4hing? Property a's well as you can, and It is all of God let us flash some influence to stop T�'at IA the Niagara Fa6ils over wl�iah Lb For sale the frame dwelling h3uast 'and lot D'031? ust I die, and so rich? If the owning 'lost, you are not to blame.p You did the the downward progress. Bewaril Be- the railway stattoa in Bru:!eflold. The haidge cou- rush, & multitude of souls—namely, the best y 'tains ten rooms ; a stone cellar and hard -and soft of the whole realm would save me, I on could, but do not come into the ware! The bridge to down, the chasm to determination to have (the money any�- delusion, which has rulned so many men, deep, and the lightni . ngs of God set all water irk the house; also a good stable. There is a could get It by policy or by purchase—by hovy,� right or wrongj� Toll me how quaAar acre of land. Apply to ALEX. MUSTARD1 money."� 'No, death would not be bribed of thinking because a thing Is In their the night of sin on fir6 with this warn-
Brucefteld. 16164f Man gets his money nd what he doeg then, He will not be bribed TCTION- now. Men of possession, therefore it le tbeirs. You have Ing: "Ele that, REDt with it and I will tell �eing often reproved, cter ihe world often regrat that they b lemn trust that God has given you. hardeneth his neck isball. suddenly be %110 ARM FOR 8 &U.—For salt-, in the Townthip of and �what will be- his df�sdny In this Ave to F Morrhi, lit 27, eonmsim 9, 103 acres, 80 ole,,%r leave their oney here when In any community there may he some destroyed, and tbat without remed they go rus with ad ; the balance In hixrd-wool bush ; 2 b world and the next. I propose to. speak I way froin the world. kou can tell fro who have misappropriated trust fundi. 'Y In to -d " about the ruinous modes of get- a at%bllug, a frame house.good orchard and plenty of ay what they say in their last hours that Put them back or, If You have' so hope- wat r� Ono mile from the village of Walton. Also a ting money. lesslyjnvolved them thit you �cannot put Not Their Exact Words. the villso ofWallon. Good bualuesi etani. W1 ;all our city, state and have to leave their money. I reak that - them back, confess the whole thing to home and lot with wa.-ou.shop and lumbor shed, in i one of their chief gorrowi Is that'they
In naMonal elea-
The general tendency to look atthe M_kTPaEW MOMV[30, SALE 0 be set I chei6p. 'Apply to tion� large sums of money are used in delusion. I tell that- bribe taker that e those whom you have wronged, and you actions of otbe�s through one's o*nL the village of Wa!toa, or JAU&S 11cDOX -Ul) br��ry. Polit cg,- from being the science the farm. Ill take his money with him, God Will Will sleep better mights� and you will particular speataclas Is frequently ob-
1579-tt Ot good government, has often been, be - w wrap'it up in Your shroud, or'put'ig in have the better chance for your'soul, i served. Perhaps not so oftbn' noticed, draggled into the synonym for trucu- -VAR-St FOR, SALR OR TO in resurrection, RENT—F-.r the palm of -your band What a sad thing it would be It after you however, Is the habit of unconsciously 9%li or 'to rent, LA 6, Concesiian 6, lecy' audL'turpltude. A 3nonster'81n, constince, containieg, and thee It will lie, not the cool,bright, �Riillitt. near the villAge of plai�jlble, potent, pestiferous, has gone are dead your administrator should find rendering another's speech-Int6 one's own, s iningi y when -abotit.100 acres. Alloleared and Ina goodstat forth! to dolts dreadful work ln.ali ages. t hi gold as It was on the d out from the �ccount bpoks, or from the language. e �-f
cultivation. There. are gicd buildings, gaod you sold your vote and your moral prin lack of vouchers, that you were not only A Boston girl who had been taking A a Bi.g its 'two hands are rotten with leprosy. orcbard,and plenty'61 excellent water. Tht're are 11 acres of fall wheat ; and it k ciple, I;n,� there ft will Ito, a hot nwiral, bankrupt In estate, but- that y,)u lost, er first legsou in bicycle riding ex- 95 acres seeded to gtass. qeps its right hand hiddenjin , d,e,' burnhig and consuming your hand for- Your 'satisfaction 'at home at the This is a eplendid farm. and will b! sold cheap, It P60k6t. The let hand is clin soul I pressed bar f dhed, and not sold by spring it will be rented. Immedi5to ever. 7 Or, if there be enough of it for a A blustering young man arrived at a 'result of bar experiment. with Its ichorous knuckle it
tion. Sales every day' 'at
On. Apply to &IRS. SCHO-kLES, Constance. .,taps lit the chain, then 'it will fall over the *riot, hotel. in the west, and be saw a man on "'The man said, .she repeated, "that 1577-tf door of tho'courtroqm, the'legislatlye ball, the congress and the L parliament., clanking tl�e fetters of an eternal captiv,. the sidewalk whom be supposed.to be' a I had made Most satisfactory -progress f4dr —For sale tne ARIt Iti ALGOAA FOR -S&LE. The door swings open and.the monster Ity. Tbe,�bjribe is an everlasting -posses -laborer, and in a rough way, as no man a novice. a, you U :01 -a right to addresW' a laborer,. said to "-Why, did he really may that?" was F SouthUst quarter f section F., towaahip ente�s and, glides through tbv aisle of the sion. Yon� take it for tim 6ke it has Laird, containing 160 actea. There are fort) acres for eternity. Solno day in the next wor counoil. chamber as 9oftly as' Id him, "Carry this trunk up stairs." The 'the Riurprised query. cleared and free fromtawpa an� under crop. Com- a slippered when you. are Waging for sympathy, you man carried- the -trunk- up fortable log buildings. The balance 6 wellthubered. and then it takes it;4 right hand st�jrs afid Well) no, answered the Boston young It Is withign four miles of Eehox)&3� railway stition, -offers It In P"ge its deep pocket and will feel on your cheek a kiss. Looking came. down, and then the young__1114U woman, after a rooment's reflection; 4ud six miles of the prosperou� village of Part up, yo 'And him a, quarter of a! dollar whl6h "what he did s was, 'You'll do fust-, :01UMLIon to Judge or legislator If that u will It to be Judasi who gave ay Findlay. This Is a goad lot, and NvIll be sold cheal). took So pieces of silver cis a bribe anA 'was clipped, and instead of'being 25 cents rate for W. W. HO, FFMA7q.- anA on easy term% Apply to WILA&I 811UPSON band, be taken a�d the palm of. the in- a new beginner 11 on.th 11jill.-hed the bargain 'by putting n in. It was wortli only 20 cents� Then the 1 A triend of the poet Bryant chanced to e prombee, orto,AL1,TX MUSTARD. trud7r cross the palm of the offlol11, the a young man gave tits card to the laborer be alone geld. 1646-tt famous kiss on the pu]re cheek of his
lepr sy crosses from palm o palm in a III his study when. a cabinet- CARDN018 BLOCK,, sE AlORTH ING LOT FOR. SALE —The very d airable Divine Mast, and said: ",You take this up to Governor maker brought hoine a chair that, rouril blotch, round as a gold eagle, and had Grimes. I want to see hi "Ah been altered'. When Mr. Bryant raturnedi Agent for BlAt rick's Patteyns and Publileationa. building Into. bolig number-, 37. 38, 29 and the virus swead§, and the doom Is,,Qxed, Abuse, f Trust Fund& 15 situated on Main street of Eirmondvilte ani S,a. said the laborer, am Governor heasked and the victim perishes. Lot brlterY, Another wrong use of money is seen in ut one &are, and will orth. The whole cmt,tin3 aba- Grimes." '-'O," said the young man, "Miss Robbins, what did the follow accursed of God and man, stand upt for th be sold in separate parcels or together to suit the a aliuse of trust funds. Nearly every 94YOU—I—ecuse zoo." Tbanthegovernbr say about my chair?" urchaaer. TnI4 property U Jost s6nth of the man during the cour3e Of his life, On'& said: "I was much Impressed ani Mr� 8 Dickgoi's property s,)nth of by t" "He said," answered the visitor," Bible arraigns It again and agal 'that T larger or smaller scale, has the property ()KETHIE WT ou wrote me asking for a certain the equilibrium is now admirably ad- the corporation, and is coa-idered the most desirable Samuel skys of his two sc;a, Who becani-s" ot others -coin mitted to his keeping. He 'office In my gift, and I bad made justed. letter y
building site eitheri for private residetnce!s or a UP MY judges, "They took. bribes and ptirverted is so factory, It, is high and conveDient, ani his a street far a safety deposit, lie Is an admin-. mind you should have it, but a young "What a fine fellow!'.,. isald -Mr. AT, judgment." David says of some of his south and weat. Apply to JANE or JGEIN SPRO iitor and holds In his hand the Into rest' man who will cbeat a laborer ont ut 5 Bryant, laughing. "I never. heard him Egraoriduille P. O., Xxe�utors to the Est%te 'of the pursuers, "Tkeir right band Is full of of: the family of 'L deceased friend, or he John 4proat. cents would swindle the government of talk like that. Were those his exact bribes." 'Amos says of some men in 14 Ill Is an attorney, and through his custody the state If he got his hands on it. VkRU IN UULLE-rr � )it S A.FE�For F3%le, tj 3 day,�' "They take a, bribe and tru asid oes the payracut froin debtor to creditor, don't want you. Good inornin I! -words? g, air. Nvell, he said 'It�oggles,just right centre p -proof Lois 6�:iad 7 ou the 14atL Con the Door In the gate." Eliphaz foretell or he 'f'z the collector for a business I do not sup ces',81N.'o,f flullelt, coutilaing 105 mores, all cle ired pose ther was ever a rep ti a oad a -ate of oltiva1in. house, which compensates him for the better speplinen of honesety Uan was the crushing blown of God's Indignulon, cated Miss RobblAs.
declarlog, "Fire shall consume bim. the tabar- reponsibility, or be' Is treasurer for a. round in the Duke of Wellington. He lee b%ra and stone stabling unle PIe4ty-16f g-jod.spring watm Four mitza feotn naclea-of bribery.' in
Science and Fulth. Blythand about tw.&e miles fr-)iu S.-afaith and charitable institutionj and be bofda alms marched with'his 4rmy ever -the French' Cliation, good graffiel ro-.ds runaing i -i cirery The Mighty�Fallen. contributed for the suffering, or he Is an frontier, and the niuly was suffering. and Many beautiful facts cOrue to'llfe In the I :11reatian. 83hool-hithij a wile. Agimdplhceand It is no light temptation. The nlighti- official of the city or the state or the he scarcely know how to g6t along. , study of the career of Romanes - (the late -will be oall cheap. For paniculars appiy to euh-�r est have rallen undsr it. Lord Baco, nation, and taxes and subsidies ar�d salw-` Plenty of plunder all about, but he com-- I eminent scientist). One of them Is ;very the uadersizned Exeutors of the estte. Lord Chancellor of England, found ' of 'las and supplies are in his keeping. poerful. "After bis conversion be was ALM INDER REID I Errt)ck p. 0. or Manded none of the plunder to be taken. R. R, WATT ce It Is as solemil a trust as God can make He writes home these r'ernarkable words, 169 I - our'; inode'rn gden i aulEor of "Navilm able to explode a pertain' very popular .2-tt Organum" and a whole library of books it. It 19 concentered and multiplied oon. wa va ^ fallacy. It Is a firmly rooted --1-.j^n ji� I 0 A-r-rr APOt T " V AAV WA UUMS, 8nu I I n IVIIU
the :leading thinker -of his century, so f1donces. On that man depends the sup- can scarcely stir out of, many minds tha� nien of science are my house on ------ J_
precoc ort of a bereft household, or the mOrAI8 account of publio prevailingly, and 'even 'necessarily, un- iOus that When as a little chIld he P creditors. waiting to was'asked by Queen tlizabetb; "How old of dependents, or the right movement of demand what is due to them.'! Yet at Robert j bellevorq. But Professor Romanes. says; are you?" be responded, "I sk thousand wheels ot social ineebanis "When I was ht Cambridge there was a wn to years In. the very time the French peasaItry were younger than your maje�y's happy joign,,; A man may do What he will with his bringing their galaxy of genius In that department valuables to him to keep. t Place - such as had U X lot wbose oratory 'Bon' onson �wrota: in A celebrated writer says of � the trans- emanating from the OVING Beverd own., but be who abuses trust funds .1 thikt one act commits theft; falsehood, action: "Nothing can be grander or MOTO nev "The fear of every man that heard lilm -3r been equalled-, slid 'the curious Ill ARKSUIT11 'Was lest be should make an end " havinv perjury and becomes in all th6 Intensitv nobly orl inal A 1 thing In our present cormection 'a *ih1 E2 - " "I as On. 11AS Special Attention an Income which You would suppose Of the word a miscreant. How many old soldier, after 30 years' service, this all the most illustrious, names were to Roneshoeing'and CARRIAGE would have put him beyond the tempta- Widows and' orphans there are with ranged on the side of orthodoxy. Sir W.
OMn lion man and victorious general, estab- Thornson, Sir George Gabriel Stokes, When it comes time to qe �e thing between them and General Jobbingi, MAKER Hot,,. t1on of, bribery -:.$36,000 . a year and no starvation but lished in an en'emy's country at the head Twickenbam court, a gift an& princely - a sawing mabbine or hold up out of t move, you find
Professors Tait. Adams, Clerk -Maxwell
he of an immanse armyj. is afraid of his
in Hertfordshire�yet under this vort x of destruction simply by the. creditors I This is a kind of fear that has Ou thought was
Goderieh street, Seaforth. a and Cayley—not to juent,ion a number Out Wharo the Ftj'rnitur� y'
ternptation to -bribery, falling flat into thread of a needle, red with their own seld= troubled conq'uerers and invaders, of lesser lights - all right is sorely' deficien t. Aftar ilavina
such as Routh, Tod
ruin and, on his confession of taking. heart', blood, who a little while ago had and I doubt If, the annals of war �resent hunter, Ferers, eto.—w6rd� all &vowed by father and husband left them a com- Christians." -It is necessary to adduce
bribes giving its excuse that all his pre. anything com' found this out,)the best thin- to do ii fo
phrable to Its sublime decessors took themi he was fined $200 - pate cy I What to th3 met, ?. The admin from time to time' personal evidence . of look aro- n Jar
H. R. Jackson und with;a view to betterin ' t1le-
000, or w1int correspond with o $200,- lst�ators or thcexeoutors have sacrificed Iteturn to God. this nature. What Ronianes thus lipeci- ur
000, and imprisoned In London Tower. It—running risks with It that they would fled Is one of the most important con. Fumiture. Thprb's a feature ill the Furn-
The black chapter In )Fnglish, Irish, not have da,18d to encounter In their own Oh, Is it not high time that we preach i siderationg in the controversy between & Nj 0 No the morals of the gospel right beside the iture values we Rie offerina we have cow -
French and American politics is the private affairs, faith and unbelief. faith Of the gospel? Mr. Fronde, the
'How often it Is that a man in bination 6,f bea�uty aDd usef it] n ess, ivh elti. Dxltor lAn-op.T-vRs, �chapter of bribery. Songe of, you ra- w, earn celebrated Bnglish historian, has written
inember the Pacific Mail subsidies. Most livelihood by the sweat -of his brow and of his own country these remark& 11 appeal to yo�
Jules Rabin & Cri's Brandy, cognae, b Wi
14,9 Opportunities Missed. 9trongly,
of y6u remember the awful trage of the then die, and within 0
dy a few months all words: "From thereatbouse in Jno. de Kuyper & �4on, Ifo) - Credit Nobiller. Vnder the temptation to the o The, individual who has reached land, Giu, Rotterdam,- R.,,illmid.; bribery Benedict Arnold sold the fort in rapl& of Wall* strjet I How otten it is merolal life of England has been d -life In looking backward must e what we have in
the estate gqeg Into the stock gamblin or of London to the -village xrocer the co�j_ passed mi Oall and se
4-1 Poot's Tom (Ylin, Londo�., Englau(l the highlands for $31,575. For this' sin that you have� known the man to saturated needs mark many a turning point In his NIL
Sullach & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, wbOxn with fraud. So deep his it gone that careerwhen for some eason or another-,
Good ableFurniture
90w, Scotland ; 'J(imieson's Irish G&rgey- betrayed Hungary. Abithophel trust funds were committed taking thein strictly honest tradesman can hard; through Ignorance, indirfference or fiUpineL. forgook David, and Judas klasod Christ. out of the Savings bank and from Whiaky, Dublin, Reland ; aso Port trust hold his ground against cojn*3D8titi0U- you ness, he lot slip an opportunity which, When I see so many of the Illustrious companies and administrators, turnino and Sherry Wine, from France aud can no longer trust that any artIcI9 -you Improved, might have influenced most gp%in, ALgenta for flfflallcer'g Whisky, going down under this temptation, it old homesteads Into. hard cash, and then buy is the thing which It.pretends to favorably hIs hole . future 9ph--.% tate J"+r% tha r makes In thinkaof the -1 A nuttinir the entire es
%in io, ; toyv Distillery and Ilivis' no. W a nave 'also elghts, false Ine0- , opportunities wra Urce Ale and Porteri Toronto. -a heads tion. Embezzlement in an d he so N. B. Bargain� all this njontil. spoken of in Revelakon with saTe of specul. easy sures, cheating and shed y evdrywhe In many ca ' sea t and ten horns and seven crowns drawing. word to pronounce,-! but It. rb- of deep regret and when Ihas 10,000 Avid at the M L Missed through
AT Ave seen all ED unwillingness,to make needful sacrifices
it third part of the stars of heaven dow- n ral0ficationa. There Is ilot a city, that grow up In absolute Indifference. Matiy The lobbies of the legislatures of tills Ouse or the 4v f unds Where Is the court b hundrqds] of sermons h' e' I heard In are 'properly 1 the Occasion of unavailing TO THE PUBLIC after him. has japt suffered from the abuse of trust i 'or through slothful self-indulgence, they T -T
We !have opened a retail store,jo country control the country. The land Is city �all or the jail or the post office or England on the dIvin3 mission of the laments. Our-Uzidertaking Department is complete,and strictly Up-tG_datej,Wj-th a
C etioii with our �wholesale bui- clergy, an bishops and on justification.
business in the rear of the new Do- drunk with bribery. "Oh," says some the hospital that In the building of It has and the theory of good works, and verbal larpi, selection thn,ever before, and prices to s not ha4 a political job? Ult every on
a's no need of talking against Lo�g before the —Af tc r a nion i 4�1 ihinion Bank, in Good?s old, atarld, inspiration, and the effica6y of the sa,"or Illness froin typho'd, one, "thor
a quantity. -Of suita le ch e,s need& We have
r aw court house In.New York city was fever, Geoiga Alexander, son of Geo, airs to be u sed at funerals whieh we Wil lend free of
b ibery by promise o by dollars, because ments, but during all these 30, won 't. where we will sell the best goods in de a charge, and a y or
eve ChurEdf widi shall recei-ve our best aftenfion.
the: market at bottom prices. has his price." I do'not ful- years never one that I o ers that ww-are favorea
ry man oonipleted It cost over $12,000,000. -Five
-Toods an recollect
C Martih, of Nortb Hauthope, died T
on six hundred and -three Ju)y j t ly attended to by believe it. Even heathenism and the millb sixty Night call 0M
delivered to any. part of the town on common honesty.,, No , thak--may be mornt 21st. Deceased dark ages have furnished specimens of thousand dollars for furniturel For w d his our undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes,,Goder-
free. passe tweiaty,first year 'd was ch stieet, St aforth 'corruptibility. A oadl of Simyrna had I for an skaggerated statement of tbI in the OPPOSite, the Aledtodist church,
plastering and repairs $0,370,000; Pga �jln Huzkh of early qianhood. Whpt England, but I am very cer,�Ain that
TELEPHONE U. In kdds to the it case brought before hira on trial. A plumbing and gas worksi- $1,281,817; for all parts of the earth we ni grief of the b,-reaved fanifly is *Lhe fact th6t, P3 BO Ded to' reaZ awnings, $23,563, the bills for three on
mein gave him 500 ducatp In bribery be 'was the onl 're IBROADJ: the moralities Of the gospel right &I maining sou, monthiicoming to the nice little sum of 9 his elder OOT
The case calue on. The briber had inany beside the faith of the gospel. brother having been claimed by the grim X & �00
SOMETHING NE destroyer at about the staine age. Th awitnesses. The POOT man on the other $13,161,198.89. There was not an honest Idy-hearer, what are you doing w k e yourfk
0 side had no witnesses. At the close of the brick or stonV or lath or nail man was well liked in the communit and, or foot of y that fraudulent document In case the cadt said: "Tfils poor man bus MV L your pocke plumbing or Inch of plastering or ink -
there will be inarty Synrpathiz-3ra with the
is, . givemydecisionagainetyou." quitanomuoubwause there w&snotso j -W VAUyloers signature? Where were Irch ...... I 1he ery anA Oon. vg 8 u"Fj re, RPAmInondas' offered a: bribe, maid, "I much,to steal. here ought to be a closer you last Dighty Are your habits as goo Now
p C�,rr f tio, a bu an and the
ry i tly ied on by will do this thing,Jf It be right, and if it ought t -o be jug as When you left your father's houii? she gets inspedtiob, and there eg h so opezitd a. : i
be wrong all your goods cannot persuade OPPOrkunity for embezzlement. 'Lost j You had a Christian &no into a
estry perbapl, tight place and needs H0 eather, ag a iv,ual thing, bings 'With it
ine. and you have Awn shall take a 6,-eont piece that does had too many prayers -comfort&. You would like to beco pent
13 m4ny di,,
A Poor Complilnent. helpin FIST�CLASS RWAUNIANT 6II-YOU to 90 ovy)rboard. Dr. Livi g out. M_
not belong to him foltable. We can mitke v
ou go. By wearing
P0 rs the 0010�uctOr On the the famo6 explorer, was deseendlelfitfornoria' Thi r*' Ice Cream soad all ao�ling and The president of the American Who' n- city ho a car must sound his bell at, t6 high
Ing get started in the f our nobty summer weight suits, you
gress during,.the American Rev lenders, and he said that one of a are very cautious his ancegt6rs,
Seasonable Drinks will be served. olution, every Payment, and w 11h
General Reed, 'was offered 10,000 guineas about small offebses. bnt give plan one of the highlanders, ohe wrong direction. will forgf t ' e heat. They 'are neat in style,
Bread, Cakes, etc., always on hand, by -1 fokeign commisioners it -he would opportunftles 'for sinn' V Of- day called his fAmily arot nd him. Th iii quality,
]owin price, and bet of a-11
fresh anq good. ers In a lar' go scale highlands Something is needed t are beat deftere. butray this country. He replied "Gentle. to escape—for-a boy who steals r -was dying. He - had- hi a lout 4- ,�WGive 'us a call. nicin, I am but a very po Of children around his deathbed. He, saiii: or mhn, but tell bread from a corner grocer to keep hi check disease' and start the'
o�117 ot rich enough to buy mother from starving to death. a p ison
king he Is n s " Xbw my ]ads, I have looked all throug4 r 0 er you and, 1, but for defrauders who abscond With And I have never found a dishonest in we move. in honorable society, know 11 our hist as far back as I can find It,. System in. the' right direction weath n1i " But why go 8 far when ? -ory Other hot W1_ LIANS PAARLING if $500,000, a castle On the Rh! or, -wait- rao'n and. women who by all the fore - of derr - toward health. _Liafit weiaht underwear and SC in, all the line, and I want you to un 4 Ing until t
be. ogense is forgotten, a castle
ea� stand you Inherit good blood. You ha * I x, eia
SEAFORTH.- th nno excuse for doing wron' cottl*s shirts, cool ha 09 on the Hudson I
en could not be bribed. They
lads, be 1690, Another reinark needs to be made, and bonest.st 8. My Emulsion of Cod- on w I Id uo more be bribed than you would think of tompting an, angel -of light to that Is that peopio ought not to go into Ah, my friends, be be liver Oil with hypoph next before God, o busiAess' or Into positions Our g
Money to jilaces, lat Os
Loan.. exchange hea-ven for the pit. To offer a be honest before your fellow oods tell ood- tales of s. where the tolnntatioi� Is ini hfin" +h- Mori, be i
hites can rin +1,: 9
-Ij ke
of -DULL
" to
JOHN T .56 sh
y amount ut money toian on good -farni pro. a very poor honest vet0re Your soul. If there be thos* perv, at 6 per cant. per annum Straight loan 4. pliment to the man to whom it is f9insdeto sult.borro-Aer, com their character's. If there be Sums who have wandered away, come bak, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... - Eatia(aption guir- offered. Of rvolfey to be handled, and the man is n ft. strengthens- the nerves ohsrges low. At offic, Friday afrdrno�n and -not sure of big ow' home, come now, one and all, coins a Integrity, you have Idto,the kingdom of God. mished tissues RIG all d5y'Siturday. I have not much faith In those people feeds fd ` I
no right to ruja an unseaworthy craft and ARER -0O3ENS, Who go about bragging how much they In a Warning Signal. McDonald Block,- Wingbam. could -get it' thep would only sell out. ZQ&A 0011 tell by the makes rich blood. souls of 1687 These womop ftp c b B, B."V _QWpI.4jL4 Abst-they weakness or strength, in t 9 1 4W glad some one has set to In usic that 5ocand$i.00; allAruggistLI =9111D�00 Qt Wd 9pWrtq 41ty Whether bg V9jj& ht A;jZq#V, 1861.1 vrks.0 U_ COTT & BOWNIE� Clietaists, Toronto. mg S aim -w"ORTH.
W. G
gores eof
and *
the tor,
Aix j,�
F-zr :
- tnt
- fir4
Per xne Hot
rJonva, e nks. snan proCLUCS
nhis behalf 500 witnesses against the
ILIL UVA-41100 All 60"s wa a 0SEA0119h.
MOL, now are you go tin
along With that wicked so
relatives In their greataffliction.
other side." Then pulling out the bag
of 11 4ucats from under the ottomman, he
An Everlasting Crop,
That bad 8x&1nDIe was followed in
now On foot? Is that a ticket"
pool 0
ha Va� In Your pocket? Why, 0 youn an,
Nature makes the cures
H -Ot Weather COM FORTS
dal had it down at the test of the briber,
1n&nV Of -the cities, which did -n ot steal
were YOU last nightpracticing in In'
- I OP
after� all.
I - f
is, . givemydecisionagainetyou." quitanomuoubwause there w&snotso j -W VAUyloers signature? Where were Irch ...... I 1he ery anA Oon. vg 8 u"Fj re, RPAmInondas' offered a: bribe, maid, "I much,to steal. here ought to be a closer you last Dighty Are your habits as goo Now
p C�,rr f tio, a bu an and the
ry i tly ied on by will do this thing,Jf It be right, and if it ought t -o be jug as When you left your father's houii? she gets inspedtiob, and there eg h so opezitd a. : i
be wrong all your goods cannot persuade OPPOrkunity for embezzlement. 'Lost j You had a Christian &no into a
estry perbapl, tight place and needs H0 eather, ag a iv,ual thing, bings 'With it
ine. and you have Awn shall take a 6,-eont piece that does had too many prayers -comfort&. You would like to beco pent
13 m4ny di,,
A Poor Complilnent. helpin FIST�CLASS RWAUNIANT 6II-YOU to 90 ovy)rboard. Dr. Livi g out. M_
not belong to him foltable. We can mitke v
ou go. By wearing
P0 rs the 0010�uctOr On the the famo6 explorer, was deseendlelfitfornoria' Thi r*' Ice Cream soad all ao�ling and The president of the American Who' n- city ho a car must sound his bell at, t6 high
Ing get started in the f our nobty summer weight suits, you
gress during,.the American Rev lenders, and he said that one of a are very cautious his ancegt6rs,
Seasonable Drinks will be served. olution, every Payment, and w 11h
General Reed, 'was offered 10,000 guineas about small offebses. bnt give plan one of the highlanders, ohe wrong direction. will forgf t ' e heat. They 'are neat in style,
Bread, Cakes, etc., always on hand, by -1 fokeign commisioners it -he would opportunftles 'for sinn' V Of- day called his fAmily arot nd him. Th iii quality,
]owin price, and bet of a-11
fresh anq good. ers In a lar' go scale highlands Something is needed t are beat deftere. butray this country. He replied "Gentle. to escape—for-a boy who steals r -was dying. He - had- hi a lout 4- ,�WGive 'us a call. nicin, I am but a very po Of children around his deathbed. He, saiii: or mhn, but tell bread from a corner grocer to keep hi check disease' and start the'
o�117 ot rich enough to buy mother from starving to death. a p ison
king he Is n s " Xbw my ]ads, I have looked all throug4 r 0 er you and, 1, but for defrauders who abscond With And I have never found a dishonest in we move. in honorable society, know 11 our hist as far back as I can find It,. System in. the' right direction weath n1i " But why go 8 far when ? -ory Other hot W1_ LIANS PAARLING if $500,000, a castle On the Rh! or, -wait- rao'n and. women who by all the fore - of derr - toward health. _Liafit weiaht underwear and SC in, all the line, and I want you to un 4 Ing until t
be. ogense is forgotten, a castle
ea� stand you Inherit good blood. You ha * I x, eia
SEAFORTH.- th nno excuse for doing wron' cottl*s shirts, cool ha 09 on the Hudson I
en could not be bribed. They
lads, be 1690, Another reinark needs to be made, and bonest.st 8. My Emulsion of Cod- on w I Id uo more be bribed than you would think of tompting an, angel -of light to that Is that peopio ought not to go into Ah, my friends, be be liver Oil with hypoph next before God, o busiAess' or Into positions Our g
Money to jilaces, lat Os
Loan.. exchange hea-ven for the pit. To offer a be honest before your fellow oods tell ood- tales of s. where the tolnntatioi� Is ini hfin" +h- Mori, be i
hites can rin +1,: 9
-Ij ke
of -DULL
" to
JOHN T .56 sh
y amount ut money toian on good -farni pro. a very poor honest vet0re Your soul. If there be thos* perv, at 6 per cant. per annum Straight loan 4. pliment to the man to whom it is f9insdeto sult.borro-Aer, com their character's. If there be Sums who have wandered away, come bak, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... - Eatia(aption guir- offered. Of rvolfey to be handled, and the man is n ft. strengthens- the nerves ohsrges low. At offic, Friday afrdrno�n and -not sure of big ow' home, come now, one and all, coins a Integrity, you have Idto,the kingdom of God. mished tissues RIG all d5y'Siturday. I have not much faith In those people feeds fd ` I
no right to ruja an unseaworthy craft and ARER -0O3ENS, Who go about bragging how much they In a Warning Signal. McDonald Block,- Wingbam. could -get it' thep would only sell out. ZQ&A 0011 tell by the makes rich blood. souls of 1687 These womop ftp c b B, B."V _QWpI.4jL4 Abst-they weakness or strength, in t 9 1 4W glad some one has set to In usic that 5ocand$i.00; allAruggistLI =9111D�00 Qt Wd 9pWrtq 41ty Whether bg V9jj& ht A;jZq#V, 1861.1 vrks.0 U_ COTT & BOWNIE� Clietaists, Toronto. mg S aim -w"ORTH.
W. G
gores eof
and *
the tor,
Aix j,�
F-zr :
- tnt
- fir4