HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-08-05, Page 31 upwards. kik '11latent. Managai,, oeiso**** FLOTHE.$ hes t -book and Olough *- hto-aatet yrs,, for. the bOy ;buy at ,rments 'Ready &titan. La- 1Vrt-+ teteteetei L19 g yith this r`IN.TI,TRE. It ,nounced equal ttte- pldnts, and and rte. ye. - ft...a Furniture, but 1,,fore been too Ve. have been be very choice faShions. The tut the quality We can sell lp.onequality, (0 -date, with a ds .We have lend free of best attention. Eolroes, Goder- RTS. ana. 9. AuGiTsv 5, i88 IMPORTANT NOTIOi& RIVATE FUND*, TO LOAN Stsilreti: Cen , eible stly, atelbisi-class fame Vfie Drarekdori Beak adi J.MoICENNA, bond:doe _And Praiincial LantJ d „ ilurveyor, Member ot theAsmotetionotentarkt Lori Surveyors, Dublin, Ontario. 13136.51 ONEY AT 5 PER OT. -A large arnount of money has been placed in ray hands to lead to lannerse in fume and on terms to suit the borrower. Apply to J. M. Bsa, Battlater,Seaforth. 1578 -if rOHN BEATTIE, Civic .if the SetiondDtvislon caul* Catuete.Commimlorier, of Huron, Oen- ra arms?, and, Loud, Loan and Insuranos Agent. Fund. inverted and to Lean. 0110e-4rot 811627_11 teens' store. Wain AIWA, finsfOrtii. mat Fri0 THE, LADIES. -Mrs. Lail Smith, Seel erth, Is _L metered as totrel to do up up hair lute swit- ches, etc. For sale an asrortment of switches, all coo,.; also @tentless switches. Reekles,ce -corner et Market and jarvis streets. - 159 x18 STOOK FOR SAM. OHORTHOUNS FOB. SALE -For sale, two good 0 young Shorthorn bulls, with refstered pedi- gtece. Prices and terms right. DAVtD 1M50.I Ethel: DURRAM BULL FOR SLE.—The undersigned bat 'cr rale a tborougbbred Durham bull, eligible ter registration ; aged 93 monthscolor red and white. Terms reasonable. JAMES kATTER- SON, lot 25, concession 1, L. It - a., Tuckerstnith, Brumfield P. 0. 15894f 11*.IGS FOR SALE AND FOB. SERVICE.- The I undersigned, breeder ot Large English Berk- shires,bas tor sale bears and sows in farrow. He will else keep or seevice the stock boar, " King _Lee,' arcbased from Mr. Geoege Green, of Fairview, and winner at Montieal, Toronto and Ottawa. Term -$I pat able at the time of service with the privilege fretuzniegIf neekerry, if booked $130. JAMES TORRANCE, Lot 26, Concession 5, MoKillop, Sea - P. 0. 1485-52 STOCK FOR SERVICE. -Doan foa SERVICE. -The undersigned wilt JO keep tor service on Lot §5, Concession 4,, Stanley, a thoroughbred Chesterwhite boar. Terms - 31, ayable at the time of service, with the privilege et returning it necessary. JOHN V. DIEHL. 1591. -ti "DULL FOR SERVICE. -The nndersignca will IBS keep for service on bis pretoises at Roxboro, a thoroughbred Durham bull. Terme, 31; i paid before January, 1899, or $1.25 afterwarde. 'JOHN SCOTL 1571-tf a Saved from being a NertotkWreek 111- AILI1URN'S HEART AND . NERVE PILLS. For the'benefit of Cruzadian Mothers, - Who have daughters Who are *ley tun down or nervous, Mrs. Belanger, US Rideau Street, Ottawa, Ontario, made the following statement, so that.no one need suffer through Ignorance of jibe' right remedy to use:; "My daughter suffered -Very much from heart troub1et4t Often she was no bad- that idle could not epe.k, but had to sit and gasp for breath. She was so extremely nervous that her limbs would fairly shake and tremble. Frequently she would have to leave school; and finally she grew so weak that We were much alarmed about her health. 1 gave her many remedies, bub -.they did not seem to do her any good. Then I heard of Milburn's .Heart and Nerve Pills, and got & box' of them, and they have indeed worked wonders with her. I can recommend them very highly as the hest remedy I ever heard of for complaints 'similar to those from which my daughter suffered." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills never fail to do good. They cure palpitation, faintness, dizziness, smotherOg sensation, weakness, nervousness, sleeplessness, anae- mia, female troubles and general debility. Sold by all druggists at 50c. a box or three boxes for $1.25. T. Milburn et Co., Toronto,: 0 ario. UM -LIVER PILLS act "The system in an easy and natural manner; removing all poisons and im- purities. They cure Constipa- tion, Sick Headache, Bilious- , ness, Dyspepsia, Sour Stom- ach, Jaundice and Liver Com- plaint. Price 25c. BOAR FOR SERVICE -The undeisigned will keel *or service -on Lot 84, onoession 4, Tuok- ersmith, thoroughbred Chester White Boar, purchased from H. George & Bons, Crompton, Middlesex Ooant. Terms -11, payable at tiine of service, with privilege of returning if neoeseary. JOHN W. ROITTLEDGE. 154041 frit igWORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SER- I. VIOL -The tinderolened will keep for service, at the 13rucelleld them* Factory, a thoroughbred Tarnworth Boar, with registered pedigree. Terms, 11; payable at t treof service with privilege of re- turning if neceesary. Also *number of thorough- bred young Tamworth Bears and Sows for sale. HUGH MoCARTNEY, Bnioefleld. 1406-t1 TIAMWORTH PIG FOR SERVICE. -The under - 1. signed has for service on lot 32, ooncession 3, McKlilop, a thcro'bred Tamworth pig, to which a limited einnber of sows will be taken. Thi. is au extra good pig and breeders find it advantageous to arose their Derkshire sows with • this breed of pig. Terms 11, with privilege of returning if necessary.. JOHN Meal Intikp 1506xtf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR SALE, OR TO- LET. -A dwelling house situated on Goderich street, containing ten rooms, gocd cellar, bard and sots water and good cat -buildings. Now occupied by J. L. Smith, mer- chant. Povessinn given about the lst of /kunst. Arply to A. G. AULT, Seaforth. 159741 $700 litailtilt‘iyurstasa:etdhe cotamgefoortan bjlaemaened srtireleZ Seafortht present occupied .by Mr. A. Scott. There -Are 8 rooms, with hard and soft water, also a large static. The lot ie a corner lot and well planted - with fruit and ornatnental trees. Apply to A. SCOTT, Seaforth. 159341 MIOR SALE -For sale 220 acre farm la McKillop, X being Lot s24 and 25, Conceseion 10,and north Fart of Lot 25, Conoceeionen. 'This land has been in pasture since first cleared, 2.6 or 80 years ago, therefore is rich and free turn foul weeds. It is situated on the gravel road, five miks north of Sea - forth and nine from Brussels. Terms of payment made to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to W. GOVENLOCK,13eaforth, 159441 Money to Loan. Any amount of money to loan on good farm pro- perty. at 5 per cont. per annum Straight loans, payments made to suit borroa er, satisfaction guar- anteed, charges low. At oftic. Fiiday afternoon and all day Saturday. ABNER CO 3ENT8, McDonald Block, Wingham. SPLENDID < FARM FOR SALE. -For sale the splendid farm of Mr. Robert Govenlock, on -the North Fond, a mile and *half frem Sesforth. I eontains 176 acres, nearly a I cleared and in a high state of cultivation, There is two story brick house, good bank barn and eve ing in first -slaw soedition and well nnderdrained. It will be sold on eesy terms, as the preprietor d ires to retire. If not sold before the fall it will be rented. Address ROBERT GOVENLOCK, Seaforth 0. . tf IDESIDENCE IN SEA FORTH' FOR SALE. -For _Lb side the con fortable cottage on North Main street, Seater th, belonging to the estate of the late Moore 13oyd.• ;The house contains seven rooms, be- sidis a large summer kitchen and a good stone cellar and stable. Also hard and soft water. The property will be sold cheap, as the estate must be wound -up. In the mean time it will be rented. and the tenant u111 be givPri a leased for six months if de- sired. Apply to JOHN LANDSBOROUGH, Seaforth. 1597-tf 1587 A TORPEDO B , LIGLY.BEHAVIOR OF_THE DANGEROUS CRAFT IN ROUGH SEAS. •••••••••••• " • ris.Tarrnaa.ToTalta 04 Two English Vas - side A° Halifax and the Suffering* of the ' Crew on the Trip - 4. 'Narrow Escape ,. For Both Men and Bost. 'Ai midnight on the 18th of June, 1890, two English torpedo boats, Nos. 61 and 62, set snit from Plymouth 'under eonvoy of the storekhip Tin° to cross the_ ocean to Halifax. Both,boats rated as first olass, both were built by the fainous Yarrows, and both measured 195 feet in length by - 18 feet greatest breadth. Of their experi- encee on the voyage a lieutenant, second In command of one of the pairrbears.wit- nen in a narrative, fully indorsed by oth- er torpedo boatofficers. . Daybreak of the first morning found the lieutenant and his captain sitting in the dingey, laithed.amidships on deck. Every man aboard, excepting only themselves, was violently sick, and that though the crew had been picked from the ilneet sail- ors in the service. The man • at the wheel could barely stand to his work, the stokers stoked:feebly and only because they roust, while as for the cook, all 'hands might starve, but he could not and -would . not get breakfast. Yet the twoln the dingey, unsaddened by shadows of events to come, ratherfancied their novel adventure. "Indeed," says the lieutenant, "we paid too little attention to our own safety, for suddenly the boat gave a sharp lurch, and in a moment we Were both flung out of the dingey. The other mart scrambled to his feet at once, but,' was not so lucky, for I hit the slightly convex deek as I fell - and in another second was overboard. Them are no bulwarks, of course, to a torpedo boat, only stanchions, supporting at intervals a wire rope. Between these stanchions I slipped. .As I did so I flung up my hands instinctively and caught the rope as I passed under. Down went the little ship, down, down, till the sea bub- bled up around my shoulders, and I won- dered if I could hold on if the water went over my headeilly the stradn on my hands I knew it was not possible, but quickly the boat rolled back again, and in another moment the -skipper and the man at the wheel had hauled me on board." There was little or nothing to do by Way of recreation in the hours off watch. Conning towers, the charttable, the dingey, eto,, so cumbered the dingey deck as to leave no room for pronienading, an exercise otherwise sufficiently debarred by the outrageols.pitching and rolling of the vessel. or were the quarters below much more comfortable. Ventilators were gen - orally kept shut because of the great wash of waves over the whole craft, and, al- though enough water leaked down to keep the spare clothes in the lookers continul- ly soaked, the ale was so close that mid r other circumstances a man would not have tried to sleep in it. These rnen, however, battered and exhausted by each four holies of work, soon learned to turn in at every opportunity, packing themselves into their lberths evith boards, pillowe, etc., holdiag tight te any firm object within reach and contriVing to sleep in sone of everythiag.' "Our fteed, too, was a difficulty.. As, a rnle, we lived on bam, sardines and tinned sdups, for most of the time the weather was so rough that it was as much aswe could do to get a little water boiled. We bad a ' table about 18 inches wide in the cabin, but it was no good having it laid, for nothing would stay on it. The usual plan was for one man to hold the sardine tin while the other picked out sardine& by their tails and transferred them to' his mouth. Ham always required two Men, one to bold it and the other to out it, hut the soups were capital. I do not k ow whet we should have done without t ose tinned soups. They were our stand by. , We heated the tin, then carefully opened a corner. Each man held his plate, had a little poured in and drank it before he got any more." • Presently the always bad weather worked into a true gale. "Tho wind dame up with surprising quickness, and the sea rose with it literally mountains high. Up, up, up we climbed till wo were on the brink of a precipice, looking down ieto a bottomless abyss, and then we zigzagged slowly down that precipice, like a man who fears to come too straight down a steep hillside. We steered slowly heed, to sea, following closely in the wake of the Tyne, which poured oil on the water when the storm was at its worst. That wes the only thing that saved us. Otherwise we should have been broadside on in no time, .and then it would all have been ape,' - -"Most of the stanchions were , carried away, and we had life line& rove en deck and canvas screens rigged _amidships to break the force of the waves and t� save the officer of the watch and the man at the wheel from being washed overboard. Mine was'the middle watch; and I pulled the big hood of my duffle suit over my head and wondered if we ishould ever see daylight again. Candidly I did not think we hed ranch of a chance. The noise was terrible. The little ship raised her bows high in the air and oame down with a dull thud on the waves, which swept right over her. Now a stanchion went, now a rope parted, now a bag of coal got adrift. Everything that could possibly be snaashed was smashed. Even the swinging table in the cabin dashed itself to pieces against the deck above, but the steering gear held, and that was the main thing. !If the steering gear had gone wrong, veeshould have broached to and must have been. lost, ., for the Tyne could do nothing to help us." "Then a sailor came crawling aft. "'Please, sir, will you look at the low- er deck, sir?' F,.IIIIICLES MD LUMBER FOR SALE. The underslened has for sale, cheap, first and second class PIKE AA -CEDAR SEISMS. Also -a lot of. HEMLOCK LUMBER all kinds. Shiugles and lumber can be seen at Kippen Asti In. A car load of Pine and Heinle& Plink% Scantlings, etc.. jus; recreived. Orders can be left at the station, or with -VARM FOR SALE. -One -hundred acre farm for X rale in tbe townthip of Usboroe, Lot 35, Con- eeesion .1. It contains about 50 acres of cleared land, a ell drained and in a high state of cultivation. The balance of the farm is good hardy cod bush. It is well watered by a epring creek, two never failing bard water wells and cne cistern. A large frame bcue; geed cellar; large bank barn, with stone stabling; driving shed open shed • and other cutbuildings needed; A gocd orebaid of all kinds of fruit. The farm is well suited for either grazing or _groaing all kinds of grain. Ib is situated about three miles frctu the thriving village of Hene.all, and six EliIES from Exeter, and not far from cirach, pct cffice, store and echoer'. Duty terms to suit the purchaser. If not eold before fall it will be rented. Fee Juther par ticulars apply to WM. ITCHELL, Hensall P. 0, Ontario. 1597-8 McLEOD'S System Renovator -AND OTHER - JAMES COOPER, - London Road. 151-84f HE TATTLER. lelizabeth Brewer,' who died near King- ston, Ont., not Very long agq, ,Wite said to be the oldest quakeress in thoceuntryr The Prohibitionists ef have nom-. 'noted for governor ef that state Mrs. L. P. Johnson, a busintiss wein&n of Idaho . Falls. - • aforth Dye Works.' t Your. Clothes Cleaned and ur Dyeing done at home. H.NICKLEJ Of the Seaforth Dye Works, is pre- pared to Clean and Press Clothes and Dye Cloth Of all kinds in first-class style and at very 1 easonable prices. Ladles' dreFsai can be dyed, if desired, with- out being ripped. A 1r1%1 iv solicited, and ali work warranted to give wrti,faetion. Garments made to look nearly as Load al new. Works and residence on Goderich Street. east ot thin Street, and' nearly op. posite St. James' Church. • H. NICKLE, Seaforth. 1698-12 TESTED - REMEDIES. A speciec and antidote ter Impure, Weak snd Im. poverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate- . Mon of the Heart, Liver Conplaint, Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, -Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, la ney and Urinary IDISCIISEBi St Vitus' Rance, Female Irregularieles and GeneralDebility. LABORATORY--Godericb, Ontario. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Mann facturer. Scild by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 15014 W. N. Watson, SEAFORTH, Fire and Life Insurane,e Agent, Houses to Rent, Real Estate Agent. Dealer in- the RA-YmoND and WiliTE family and manu- facturing Sewing Machines. All kind of Sewing Machines repaired. Charges moderate. Agent for the WHITE -AND GODERICH BICYCLES. First -Class Wheels in Every Respect. 1)..rai S -- iiGIiT- 1580-52 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM- AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED ARISIMiti, PAY 0/PF YOUR OLD Mortgages. Reduce your interest. Save money-. -Any terms desired. Business rate. No delay. Charges low. No costs incurred .unless loan is granted S'atisfaction guaranteed. or no loan! ,Loans arranged With local agents. Agents wanted. Call or write. -Enclose stamp: E. It. REYNOLDS, 15 Toronto Street, Toronto. Orricusa. Geo. Watt, President. Warlock P. 0. ; .7. B McLean Kippen P. 0.; W. J. dhannon, fieoy-Treas. Sesfortg P. o.; Thomas E. Payee Inspector of Losses, Seaton's P. 0. ranaoroas. - W. GeBroadfoot, Ileaforth; John G. Grieve, Win. throp ; George Dale, Seaforth • Thomas E. Hays, Seater% : James Evans, BeechwOod • Thos.Gasbutt, Clinton; Thomas Fraser, Brumfield' ; John B. lice Lean, Eippen. Assns. Bobt. Smith, Mario* ; Robt Mokrillen, Seiferth ,• James Cumming, Egmondville; 3. W. Yeo, Holmes- viZe 1.0. ; John Govenlook and John 0. Morrison, eudione Partlea deeirons to effect' insurantes lean* rob other busies. will be promptly- attended to on eplicetion to any of the above Olean, sddneseditt libeir respective post aMese. " ONSTIPATION. In the summer especially should the bowels be kept free, so that no poisonous material shall remain in the system to ferment and decay and infect the whole body. No remedy has yet been found equal to IL B. B. for curing Constipation, even the most chronic and stub- born cases yield to its influence. Mrs. Edward Harris, 'who resides near Richmond, Mo, gave birth to twin boys a few weeks ago. She has given birth to twins seven times, and all .4.6 living. Mrs. Harris is 58 years old. "When I sit down to dinner now," says Mary Andereen de Navarro "I often think that just at thitbour I used to have to rub mY face all over with greaee, and I am thankful for the change. , Miss Rose Kingsley, the eldest daughter of Charles Kingsley, is well 'known for her works on French art and has been Made an (Alder de l'initruction publique by the French government. Miss Wien Gould, although possessed _of millions, is about to take her first voy- age apross the Atlantic ocean. She will r visit England this suenner, and as far as ' she can arrange it her stay will be Moog- nito. While congress was disputing over the president's war message Mrs. Davis, wife of the senator, took a kodak into the sen- ate gallery, although it as against the rules, and senured the only plaotograph in existence of some highly exciting scenes. Miss Lilian O'Connell, daughter of Cap- tain O'Connell, of the Thirdartillery, is colleeting supplies and medieines for the sick and wounded soldiers in Florida, and so quietly did she carry on her good work that it was only by iiboident that it was found out. ' Mme. Cheney, aged 80, has obtained a judicial separation from M. Cheney, en- graver, aged 85: She was the sister of Mme. Victor Hugo and acted as the poet's eeeretary at Guernsey„ She had lietd apart from her husband foe over 80 years. When the case_ came up a year ago, the judge put lt off to try if persons of their Age could make up their differences. "1 cannot say too much in favor a Burdock Blood Bitters, as there is no remedy equal to for the Cure of Con- stipation. We always keep it in the house as a gener family medicine, and 113 would not be with ut it." MRS. JACOB IdOSHER, Picton Landing, N.S. 1 THE BEEHIVE. Lack of ventilation is a cause of damp- ness in many hive. Swarming is an important factor in the 'production of comb honey. No comb made from foundation quite' equals in fineness the natural. Never place hives in a situation where there is considerable bustling. Extracted honey requires less skill, but there is more profit in producing the best 'white comb. Bees will kill their own queen just as quickly as a strange one when she has the sting of poison on her. When you see many bees humming around nooks and corners you may be reasonably sere that there robbing go- ing on somewhere. -• Two drones cost as much to raise as three workers, and after they are raised they keep on eating, while the workers start to work for you. The use of corob,foundation not only saves a good deal of labor and time to the bees, but it also secures steaight combs in the kives and does away witheoverproduo- - tion of comb honey. Pollen is absolutely necessary for brood rearing and the bees usually have a supply - stored away in the combs for this purpose. It can be furnished them if needed bt winding any kind of .grain fine and put- ting it where they can get at it readily. - St. Louis Republic). • CURTAIN • RAISERS. films Reeves is to retire. •• • • Maude Adam& is 26 year old. Chicago has a Jewish sthek company. • "In 00 Kentucky" is lermany..„ Padeinwski's friends - d *ever marry. An opera founded on B.B.B. not onlyi cures Constipation, but is the best reme y known for Bilio s- Burdock n e ss, Dyapeps a, golly Stomac Blood Jaundice, Liv r Complaint, Kidney i Disease and Blidod Btter Teentore. 11 Go6ERI0H Steam Work& (EST LISHED 1380.) • A. CILRYSTAL Successolto Chrytital & Marin:Tpright & Tubular BO I 1.4 E RS islt l's,ns.mo he Stack., Sheet Iron Works`, etc., oto. be acted in lare he will one of Ibsen's plays is to be produced in Berlin. Louis N. Parker has Treasure Seeker" for Will James Berrie has compl sdy of Scotch life, which will produce 'here. , John Oliver -Hobbes, finished "The am H. Crane. ted a new coin- arles Frohnum r rather Mrs. Craigie, in considering tbel plan of making a lecture tour efthis. �euntry next winter. Manager Ziegfeld his nred the Amer- ican rights of , 'The Ttertle;" it farcical comedy in three acts, by Leen Gandillot, which has had a run of tWo years in Paris. Conan Doyle's own play, founded on the Sherlock Holmes tales, is said to be nowin the - hands of Charles Frohman, who may produce it in t is- country' next season._ "The Maneuvers f Ja e" is the title of a new comedy by en Arthur Janes, which will be prod ed. t the Haymarket theater, London, not laWirhan the second week in January, 1899. .. - Several of the stories f the late Guy de Maupassaut are beiffg drainatlzed. The' widow of the great F noh writer' at first declared that none of Jher late husband'e works ehould,, be trans erred to the stage. - She has relented, howover. Mlle. Minnie Tracey, a well known AmeriOan singer in E1rope, won great ap- plause at the Centin ntal hotel, London, for her admirable • si ging of the grand "Aida," aria, the baltiony aria from "Lo- herigrin" and an aria from "Iphiganie en Aulide." -. Cambridge, thus.d the drama, Sir Henry Irving, In iia is Rade lectures at Ca "I mean the simulation ef life in what- ever aspect it may be pictared-e-merious, huniorous or ' satirical, but not the mere amusing displays of personal gifts which . are now so prominent a feature in, the re- laxattOu of the people." t eltsenfacturers o all kinds of Stationary Mee derriere n right and Horitranial Slide Vales riginee. Cut -00 Engines a specialty. All sea of pipe an pipe-Atting constantly on hand Ululates furnishoden short notice,. worke-Opposits G. T.B. Seation. Goderich. fdaillop Director -for-1898 JOHN MORRISON. Reeve, WIntbrop 1.0. DANIEL MANLEY, Deputy -Reeve, Beeehwood 1.0. W. MeGAVIN, CouPnclilor Lsadbury 1.0. JOSEPH 0. oMORRISON, ranmeillor, Beachwood 10. s JOHN 13. BROWN, empanel', Seaforth P. 0, JOHN C. MORRISON, Olerk1 Winthrop 1.0. DAVID 11. ROOS, Treasurer, Winthrop 10. . WM. EVANS, aseeseor, Besehweed 1.0. CHARLES DODDS, Oollectore Seel:nth 1.0. RIOHARD POLLARD, Sanitssy Inspector. Lead. bary 1.0. "Holding on like grim death, I gradual- ly worked my was. for'ard, peered down the narrow hatchway and saw, Tto ray horror, that the place was full of water. The sleeping places were far belqw high water mark, and the feeble light of the lamp showed on a nainiature sea, .4-rush1ng Into waves with every roll of the boat. I do not mind confessing now that I was en s deadly 1 unk, for I knew at once that one of , the rivets of the fore compartment had started, and there was no poissibilitY of working the pumps for'ard, as there was too much sea washing over her. There was nothing', to be done but to hope arid prayahat the eeater tight doors would find billets for themselves in the stokehole and conning • towers. , After all, that was no particular hardship,- for 'the watch below usually slept in the coal bunkers, ae it was always wet for'ard." • • The water tight doors did hold, and the little vessel, like her `mate, lived to endure far worse trials than those above de- scribed before making her triumphant entry into Halifax harbor. Enough, how- ever, has been quoted to show the ordi- nary behavior of a torpedo boat.in rough weather and when her crew have only her navigation toconsider.-Catherane Prom* in New York Post. BATHING, MRS. GLADSTONE'S WISDOM. • . REMITTI ALE Ail goods at a Big Reducing tion. Sales every day at TEEM CIEEM.A.P C.A.SIEE EVTLYEM. W. W. HOFFMAls•T. OARDNO'S BLOOK Sit AVORill I Agent for Butterick's Patterns and Publications. Spare not, waste not. To sobriety add diligeneee-Her Favorite Motto. • Hitiphiess is the highest inspiration to - "goodt-In Letter to Agnes Merle. I believe Mite woman's future state will be ono of enia,rgement.L-In Address to Wortian's I,iberal Federation, 1882. The eleVatiOn of the moral and spiriiittal natures of those about us is the highest duty of this li fe. -Letter to Pupils -ef Newnham Female College. But they can love them. They may be tumble to succor them, but love at least will bless and cheer andcomfort.-Reply to Remark That "The Poor Cannot- Help the Poor." If fate had, placed you on a throne it were better 'I te be remembered as "the merciful" rather than the great." -In Address to Children of HawarderiVihlage School, 1868. Woman's liafluence in politioilies in the home -her natural sphere. In the home alone can she leaye her stamp on the dos -- tiny of nations. On the platform she is not herself. -When Asked to Support by Her PresenceWoinan Suffrage Movement. Knowledge of the world is dearly bought at the cost of a wounded heart. I have been 60 years married to my dear husband, and we have not yet parted with our ideals of each other. -In Reply to Remark That Experience -of World Is Essential to Suc- cess. ORCHARD AND GARDEN. Beware of sea bathing immediately be- fore or after meals. A cold bath is very unwise for some peo- ple. They should not go much below the body temperature. Do not eat too soon after surf bathing, as the violent exercise robs the digestive organs of the blood, and indigestion re- sults. . Common sense and individual tempera- ment should control the temperature of the bath. Some prefer 60 degrees F., while 70 to 76 degrees is generally favored. With a hardy. person a cold bath invig- orates and stimulates all the various fume time)'and, follovved by a good rubbing, it imparts a tone which nothing -else , can glee. Bathing too soon after eating has caused ithe worst cases of cramps 'through indi- gestion, even where the dligestive appa- ratus from tee surface indications appeared in the best order. • Do not enter the water in a state of ac- tive perspiration, nor yet wait until fully cooled off, because you are then in a state of extreme reaction, and various forms of congestion may follow. Take your bath, while warm, after perspiration has stop- ped, but before completely cooled off. Stay no longer than comfortable and dress quickly. MARRIAGE -LICENSES • . ISSUED , AT THE,IIVROli EXPOSITOR! OFFICE; BEAFORTH, ONT4RIO. • NO 'WITNESSES REQUIRED, -ee.„,a,-e-oaetteeseeeeseseree.-_ 1 LAW POINTS. Attachment cannot issue upon a, con- tingent command. A partner may execute a mortgage on behalf of the firm th secure a firra debt without the consent of the other partners. Ono chargeable with participation l#1 a frandulent conveyance can take no beriellt through it to the prejudice of the creditors. A provision in a contract of eale that in default of payment the seller Way resume possession cannot be revoked by the pur- chaser. . One may prove that he has paid a note by partial payrnents, though he cannot 'show the exact date and amount of each 'payment. To establish an express °entreat there must be shown whet amounttrto a definite proposal and an unconditional and abso- lute acceptance. A partner not Served with process in an action against thp firm is not bound indi- vidually by any !judgment obtained there- in, nor can execution be levied upon his individual property.-R,ecent Decisions of Highest Courts. Only six weeks from the gardens of India Pupe Indian to our breakfast tables.. DYSPEPSIA. • "For over eleven years I suffered terribly with Dyspepsia and tried every- thing I could think of, but got no relief until I Started using Burdock Blood Bitters. I had only taken one bottle when I commenced to feel better, and after taking five or six bottles was entirely well, and have been so ever since. I feel . as if B. B. B. had saved my life." MRS. T. G. JOYCE, Stanhope, Que. B. B. B. cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Dyspep- sia, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Kidney Disease., and, makes the blood rich, red and pure. It is a highly concentrated vegetable compound. One teaspoonful is the dose for adulti; zo to 30 drops for children. Add the water yourself. Sort the fruitearefully. Never pick apples when wet - Sell'all you can in your home market. Make/quality rather than quantity the aim. Out down the peach trees ,affeeted with° yellows. Harvest the onions as -soon as the tops are dead. In a measure high culture helps to pro- _ -duce better fruit and prevent rot. Go over the apple trees every few days now and examine closely for borers. The grapevine is long lived. If given good care, it will outlive the ,planter. An assortment of fruit grown properly ia usually slifer than making one kind a specialty. Send only fruit of good quality to mar- ket. Work up the poor grades in some other way. Put bags over the grapes when they are no larger than peas. It will greatly pre- vent rotting. Thin skinned fruits, as a rule, are very poor keepers. Thick skinned ones are much better. The surest way of destroying the cur- oulio is by jarring or spraying with poi- ifoned water. -St Louis Republic. ' PERT PERSONALS. REMOVED. The Seaford' Tea Store 'Having removed into the store formerly occupied by Mr. J. Downey, in the Cady Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, I now purpose carrying a full and complete ine of al kinds of Harness,. Whips Blankets 9 And everything handled by the trade. ,Tust received this week a large consignment of BLANKETS; GOAT ROBES AND GOLLOWAY ROBES, Which we are now offering at astonishingly low prices. Mr. and Mrs. De Wolf Hopper have been divorced, and Do 'Wolf is now a grass Hop- per. -St. Louis Globe -Democrat. Perhaps the elder Mr. Leiter feels that he may at least be thankful that the rest of his boys are girls. -Chicago Record. • - General Merritt used to be a printer and ought to realize the importance of sending the forms down on time. -St. Louis Globe - Democrat. 'dFighting Bob" Evans has not acquired any college degrees, but he has recourse to all the d --d'� that he wants. --Louisville Commexcial. Whitcomb Riley speaks of the drum as giving forth a ` melody sublime." In ascribing "melody" to a drum Riley hes scored a beat. -Chicago Dispatch. It is end to eee the two Maxim brothers denouncing each other in public. It looks as if there were some good old maxims • with which they are unacqueented.-Bos-, ton Herald. CERVERA. There is no doubt about it now, Cer- vera's fleet was in Santiago harbor. -In- dianapolis News. It was polite of Pervera to open that bottle just in time for Independence day. -New York Pretse. That little corning out party that Cer- vera gave was very well attended by die- tinguiebed American naval officers. -Bich mond Times. Admiral Carvers ohoee well the hour of his sailing. The most patriotic of Ameri- can citizens could not have contributed mere aptly ,te the celebration of the na- tional helidny.-New York $un. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. -The fac- simile tipsters . a os taity WHIM DEWEY AND .GERMANY. M. BRODERICK SEAFORTH. (ASSESSMENT SYSTEM). - WOMEN OFTEN - OBJECT Is the right plaee to buy your els, as you can get all lines from fi e to ten cents a pound less than re ular prices. - Also about 2,000 Gem Jars to be so a groas lees than regular price Just received two, crates of Crockery ireet from the Old Country, which eon - tains Dinner and Tea Sets -tri the latest designs and colors. _ 100 piece Dinner Set for the srnal4 sum of $14, including noupterine and ladle. *2 A. G. AULT C4 h. When the husband or Ion joins a Court in a Society because it takes up onor two nights a month, but ii when they are boreav of their helpmeet and re- ceive the Insurance s long worked and planned for by the loved one who has been called hence, opinion changes quickly. There are no stronger friends of the'eanaelian Order of Forester* than the3,soo widows and orphans who bave been. kept -from possible wart and poverty by the Insur- ance and Sick Benefit Moneys paid by the Society. This is not a charity, ithe money is fairly earned, and not the least part of the consideration is the self-sacrificing work of the Brethren who attend • lodge.and conduct the business of the society wall - out fee.or price for their services. It is for the benefit of wives, sons and daughters, fa.,bers and mothers, that the C.0.y. carries on its great work, and it noble principles have been amply sustained ' by Canadian wenrianheod. - v. i_ _ • Sick and Court 'provide .for Funeral Benefit's and , Benefts the 4ttendance of a skilled physician during illness. Tile High Court gives a weekly allowance of from $3 to $$ during_illness or disability as pro- vided in the Sick and Funeral Benefit Law, and on the death of a member oontributes $eo towards his funeral expenses. After satisfactory proof of the death of a mem- ber in good standing, the wife, , children or desig- nated payees of deceased, receive fromtbe.Order the amount of insurance provided for, as named in their Insurance Certificate or Cerdficates, which may be 5500, Sz,ocko, $sidx) or 52,000. For further partictiars enquire of any of the Officers or Members of the' Order, or address R. ELLIOTT, ' THOS. WHITE, H.C.R., Ingersoll. High Seey, Brantford. or ERNST GARTUNG, Brantford. We are quite sure Prince Henry and Ad- miral, Diedrickhave no desire to enjoy, a death in Dewey's "line of fire." They know 14 10 loaded for bear. -Philadelphia. Prow. U it takes Ave or six GM:M:1 warships Under Admiral TOD Diedrich th protect 80 or 60 Germans in- Manila, then the Ger- man navy mast be made of wienerwurst pad limburfor eheese.-941esephis 'Com- mercial App.. • , The hest -indApation we bale this' there- 1mA° truth -in ihe 'tory that a German - force has eeoupthili Mantis is the facttha*. we.hav* ims*- yak heard of Devrey's death.; 14 eauldgi.kappea white Itelived.--San . c/D 0 tS. 1.71- L) 57:441 ord:s. H itcm ryl lgt- g" 16. tr' CENTRAL Hardware 8tore. We are to t e front with a complete line of GRA ITEWARE. See our Fre- serving'Kettles, the best in the mar - We are sole agents for the celebrated Thor- old Cetnent for laying floors and walks; I it cannot be surpassed. Also a full Stock of Portland Cement. Try us for Machine 01 t -t CD Eavetroughiag and ; Furnace Work a specialty. . Give us a call, prices right. Puiestand Best for Table and Dairy No adulteration, Never calcest • Silis 8c, Murdie t et -CD m et - P . 0 . Pa HARDWARE, Counter's Old Stand, Seaforth. r• -it et- rD oa• P2.4 (1) t't Pta 11. 1 _ THE SEAFOIIITH. NUSICal. ment EMPORIT3* ESTAB1I8111% 1873. Owing to hard times, w have oont- zluded to sell Pianos sad at' Greatly Reding' Prion Organs at $26 and upar&rdo,I at Oerrespondflt price* SHE US BEFONN PuZM1NG. SCOTT 1 BROS. - es-