HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-08-05, Page 10 . I - - v ., � , , , - ml � I . ! , � .. � - ­ . � I . ; - � I 1� - -1 - . - - - , . - . . . - . . , . '. - � - Z! -� " . t - ; � I . - . . - 1;%E�- , , . . � I . I I . I I I I � f- � - , - - I . � . � � - � . . . I � j� � � - I I ­ I � � - � . ; . 'i - - - � . . � - I I i I . . ,- . . �. � � I - � � I I . I � � I - . - � . I - I , . I ,� I , i� , I I -_ - 1, . - - . I � . . I � I - . � I , - . � .1 - . . , -k - . I I I- I . I 'm - - - � r __� � � - �. - I - . .._ . : - ­ . i - - " � - � , -_ i o � . — � , .. - I I . . I - . . I . . . I - I - . . !, � - . . I - - I- � � I . . . I - I I , I . - .1 . I . c = , � I - : . ; ��;' I I '. " : - Z 1, � 7 . I I I � I . , - �� I I I . � - I .- - z . i � . - . I I - . I � I I . , - I I . - : 1. . i , , - . � , . I I �, � , . - - I 1�. . I � .- - - I -1 �, . . : � , — , 11 . :.. - � I I � - � I - � . � . I - I � . � , __ __ - - - � 1.000 � 1, . � - � � .1 . I I � - - - . , - - I Z � I - � , - . - o - .� - . - — - 1, - - . .. I . I - ­ � ,. � ­ I . � I I I - I � - 0 I I I - - � � . I - " T , . - �. - - - - - - ­� - ­ A � - � .. -;. -_ '� , � - .- - � - _ . -- --- � - ---- _V2 - , p � - . . � � .- � - - - - 4 - �, � - . I Z � . - " . ��: . . �".� I '� . , �� � - - - _r . . ­ . - 1:.. __ - ___ .. I � I ­� I - , I - - ­ __ 1_�_4 , �- : 1 _­ � - �, � , % 11 I �� � � ,______­�_:: �� :�, :_ � , -­,��-- � . , ........ .. ._,�_, ___ - _ _� � - �_, - . - I . . I I I - 1. __ I -1- I , I- , 11 . � � �­ ,- � - - :­ --:';___� �. A - � � ��, � . �011111111�_ �F_ � "� .- - . . I - I � I I . . . . . 11 - '_ . : � -IMN012nowillow'­ I I � . . I - .- - ­ ��, .LJLW Y.—Un - I I . . I �. I - I I �g, X'Vors. W. J. milui I: -,.-, � . � � . 11 - I � � - I I ___ I � .1 . __ - -1 McLEAN BROS., Fublishers. - - :_ L, � - . I . � aild the miases, kiiiher - I - . - � e��____ - — . � . . . . I - - . : I . . . I � I � . . i I � I . - . ! THMTIETH" - I , . � JGIJST 59,18984. . -.- intend rema� . i i I , .SEAFORTH9 F�UDAY9 AT . $1 a Year in Advaice. 'an&Luie Moir left? here - - - � 0 . . ! I - I I - . . � . I - . I . � . . . I . I . . . . . . . . . . . � W130LB NUMBDR, - ., . . � . L I I., --- I I . . - - � . .1 - - I I I - I I � , , , , = rooes theM ant ,_ — 1, . I . I - janiiI7 at their . _` I I I . � I I fined to him room, bat it 'wa gone Ily on e house, going immediately to hit room. - I ___ � I � . the ateam' - .. � ' ro ang out � . . , - i thoae,two eveninl,,.L_ � - I 0 they waste at the bung hole, and they seem thoupht he was recoverin , b t Sunday the drowninj girls. 01 � jo-man, it is saidt A few seconO later a sharp report r opem� f .- I -TORE t the and his sister rushing into his room found 1�1 , . k CRITICISM AND A REPLY . - 6 wo here --- - � - . NEW BOOK S ne the momen - I . for seveW . , - .� . 1770, � I to� think this is economy, as it in notorious' I i evening heart failure sudden) asserted rowed away from the see 'he bed with the bloodpourin �_,_ � 11 _ - �� L � I _R EX siToR 111,What may we expect that both Australia and Now South Wales � - he died very shortl . Coming accident happened, although hewo close him lying on 0, 91 � t of AIM John Bell "I'll �� . U is 1. DBA - J'O L itAelf, and I , i. I. " I - -9 ' - . . Young Stew- from a wound in his temple and a smoking . L borne - . _. , I �. fy :- n�', I `.he good old EXPOSITOR,- friend of have heaped up immense1oade of debt, not I , 00en abouti - from Ireland *ben a young man chbishop enough to have saved both. -Her serearria brought 2i. . . I I � 2i � G.. r� 1Z - Z - , day .. �. . ing their I � . : I I enormous taxes, and m just in time. revolver in his hand. 1-1 'n - r. - r 0�_ ith and guide and counsellor of our withetanid - . 98 Walsh steadily rose to the hii office he ard seized Marian by the dres ��� _ . 7711- � - I � - I , d a doctor was hAtily summon- ' I . * - I I : V y n in getting ber'on the keel assistance an - . . ' 1 � - vt�tiz,t, ir � 11 8 0 held at his death. He was no . �uay his, neW- store im - . - ,i years, the weloolh�e visitor ,to hun- this has been caused largel b iismanage- A I'l 9,Ust 15th, t only well and succeeded ' - L they were ,ed, but could do .nothiog as death was at- - .[ of this *!66k or - � . � , . dre-diol Canadians in 'distant leads, and ment and corruption in connection. 'With- t� I - in his o n church' of the upturned canoe, where � ... ftilt of ��':,, � � . . re. � . . 4 . i " and favorably known V , the ball having Passed � � ,I � : , lyard. of � Clinton, . �, � � � . moulder of opinion for those of us who their public works. As for Africa, we are --, . . _. 0—t but all and Catholi , respect- soon rescued.- . most instantaneous - � . I ,� . � � ... '. . . I I � --desire for I ern on- throu#h the brain. What. caused him to ' 6 accep ir, the * - I - main ,at home —that grand old Liberal sure our correspondent would not � - � � - * - � - " %k - I I W! . . -1 1 4 ,as I rnal, formerly the champion of advance- tbia taii country a state of thin such am PUBLIC AND 'HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS ed an(l'hpo'n'oo�!d"'t'3hteavenervible Archbishop. -:�Afier many- years. the South - commit the �ragh deed is not exactly known, h % , Inge I � 4 84 2 i I —The Forest high school board ad no few- tario branch of the Canadian Pacific Rail � Misses Roa , ch, of ]��_ ,- 9- _# �� F0,0 a I ia_ IOU ornin ­�, - , -. ` 0 I's o stock but it is thought that an unrequited love 03 ; -.0 ,a. i to have exist in connection with the government of In r he osition of way connecting Brantford. and Wood - Jth it, - _��_ I T I � I . ment and reform, - oeems, of - late, AND SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. . er than 67 applicatio -wl .. . . � � a. this question of Gdvern- : -.Adelaide' 6 route has been affair way have bad somethi6g to do �4- the guests of Zi, -- . I I become a back number. that country. Oi I , - I I � assilit ,h school. Mi will probably be built. T . I ; . I . J of the . ------ *_ I I ant in the big . . a y ung lady �, � yocng men of our -I �1'1. � - � � Who would have thought tbat a news. ment ownership of railways$ we are . E. Ten at, of Toronto, was the ue- select. resurveyed and the chief engineer is author-, as he had been attentiie to 0 . -- 1 4"'. . I . I ' Winters ed. Mise Tennant is an honor g aduate of ity for the statement that work on the road who, it is said, lately refused to receive his �. r. quite an irg-_ereat ilk I paper, after fighting for years in the very opinion that it is not advisable, and we . I , . . Alex's I � h attentions. Though he naturally f,elt rather !rACtid - - f . - I � ; ,nicipal and , I . I " ing up, or Rivin � . I . front of the battle, attacking much enemies think all experience both in mul - Toronto University, and specialis in mod- will begin early in September and the branc hurt, he did not say or do anythinj to show' - 1bg,*4.,­The iax ,p N 9 , -_ - 1 of progress as the Canadian Senate, Coun national government goes to substantiate Next door t9 J. S. Roberts, druggist store. ern languages and in Englit'll, � iA !very finished by November 15th. The road h I as - . , . � ,: I I ere, r_� I ty � 1r,99 . ' � - her that he felt it so keenly. . I -construction in . I ig , and r t the, , possibly be made I I � hi Ill recommended. I . , opor c.p - - I I Councils, Grand Juries and Oauada thistles, this view. They could not i S��alary, 0. been oivided for purposes of .. F I va 11 I g &n S�'&ry . -the Grand River section, � -0 - � ,Us 0 - il�i, seat� . n, of � Brueefield .. - C1,11 S to M A01 . � Toronto We I . , �, I . I � would ever have rittreated to the rear and a source of reivenue, while in the interests i Viet John Con to ebt sections �� .... �, 11 I �� . I ." y. In our or,seven from the T. H. & B. to Colonel,,Diek . 11 lauiine� of Al�,Y. , , � got behind a tree ? Truly we have fallen of the public it is not n6cessar il ,n on January 21, 18 1 Perth Items. 1 , I I " - - I I -,. . . 4 . . I � country the people, through their repre- 2 order Ito make it the greatest in the , to Kingete -picking, made a daah for property on the Grand River, and five . � rthday gathering at . the � . - � kn�bax been SPendinj the ciii. --- I . . into evil days. .. vea, have full - power to protect � the world for generations to come ; and at the yen, " ra for pocket -There was a bi. � - . Some two weeks ago� an article appeared sentati liberty about 1 o'clock on fter b'h her paren - !t - � I a the ' oon last sections of five miles each. - 'Wilfrid home of Mr. W. Greenwood, Mitchell, one � I _ � . Its, Mr. a ... d I � ecent baek-down public interests. No railway can be con- same time to, give to Canada as ' whole o air minutes -The medal presented to Sir I'll I i bstbeth.-Pic-rdes to the - I , . in TaE Exposr.roR re the r it*of a thorough development 'of its week. He was away but iwent evening 1�st week. The occasion was the , � : I � - � I - A I , J e - . . of the Government.in their .efforts to put structed* without the consent of Parliament, bent oat, when guard George Sullivan overh uled and Laurier by the Cobden iOlu,b of London has 1 o of the .daVj Grand.- - 7 -� - I ,mous gold area. First and forem . n* eth birthday of Mr. Greenwood,,and "' - � I � power to make and 01103 ' beautiful, token reve- U. I .. : jil 'being z the tavorite, ---- � . Z the Intercolonial railway on a business and -Parliament -has full t be returnod him to the penitentiary. He was, arrived in Ottawa. It is a - ; . . I . I W0118 and � conditions as adequate transportation facilities nine - � and very valuable, being of solid gold ind his two sons, John and George, from Logall ' ­ -, - � � �seph, however, rapidly - I -1 � ;; . basis. Tim ExposITOR took the ground enforce such re . stri placed in the dungeon. d his three daughters from obber points,/ - t t � V � . that human nature is bad -necessary in the public in - I i . terest. If provided to assure . the popu!ation of the � - silver an -1 . - . � and always will is - __ . -L" � oon, ab at three ,aboutti�iceas,large &son American - i ell a place . gathered at the parental home to celebrat-6 . - ,-of interest ork - � I whole district against the possibility of a t Thursday aftern he Cobden profil&, � i I " 0 -do this - it is the , f in a stab e belong. -dollar. Oa one side is t I � .. 4 �m Deicheit __ - . d must be Parliament does not n w ' "' it- After they had All taken tea together, I . be, hence Governments are an o assure them of-- o'clock,fire d'e3lared itsel -, � I- his. -, ge of food, and also t aith,- Truth, - who had is . . I and not of 8110A4 I I . I . ler to retaim office, and can- fault of the people themselves A. Scott, of the Robe rVid saw under which are the . 1 r - I q I i . . - Re sperity." On the rev - Mr. Greenwood was preetnted with a nice '�veeently, owing to the I I .. corrupt in or, a full and sufficient supply of miners' outfits ing to Mr. B. �b: Rob wortle 11 F , erse side ... � which -he was riding not successfully operate great public w9rka. the system. But, if the people have not Food and labor at mills, Quebec. In the space (?f t o hours' Pe e slid Pro abair, for his decliniOg years, by the I -_ 11 . I a and at reasonable prices. ' ' -and,the dat,e easy I . . I I . . Fit tit rity' . ' The Intercolonial railway ouplit to he ran the courage to require their Parliament ry I about45 houses fell a firey to th flames, is simply " The Cobden Club" I I I Affiers � considerably and f wable prices art) the pressin need of s� l, Right members of his family. A very pleasant re. � , 1. . - I - L �_% I '-, . id is. - . I by a private COMPALDY, mud, for that matter, representatives to impose and enforce these reaN of fiving �- o, and am a result about 30 familiesi all em. of its organization, On the rim i . . unable to do any . I '_ . - what the hour. Only lower the cost untbLn was spent kv the family auring the 1-1 I � k necessary conditions and restrictions, I �e dis. pl6yed by Mr. Scott, are witboht shelter. Honorab!6 Sir Wilfrid Laurier, K, C. -M. � A , I 11 . ,�.l Kerr preached in the ­ . so ought also oar post office department. re, and soon the who] . I I .- � ­, 1; " . - espondent to suppose reasonable fig, h A great many Ice edal was at once sent to the evening. _�� -_ 1. I -��linton,. on Bab 0 � _� I I In other words, TuE ExposrroR. believes' reason has our corr . William Premier � �� I �r6, in - - ,-. i t. I more exacting Af - trict will be o�ned up and untold wealt i t their-househol effects. 'G. 'I Tito in dence at -A pretty wadding took place sit the 4 , I I , , who is at his summer resi I � I .-- . . with the late lamented Josh Billings, that that tbey would be any I . . � . I ik �and � evening. -The . d. will be unearthed. I i -Toe appointment .'of Mr.- . residence of tht, bride's parenta,Xotherwell, - . w Arthaboakarville. Week - Lwh . - - ��_ -� I we Parliament had full control and stowar ship of - � � Lecritly in I _ �, ! ppeared ', i � - before we ma have an honest boo race, � , ew their D sire the ­ ' ' I GrtEATAkE THE POSS113ILITIEs- - Lochead, B.. A., to the profeeso h Ag- -Horee dealers report a great searcit�r of on Wednesday of last . 9 - ' .. I arriage . must have an. honest human race. Ship. . . . biology and entomology at the Gu 1p Uzie Good. wid � � regardill the In 4 I'll * � .1 � nAerstand -If. under adveree . � . - 10, fully u first-cliao coac"nd drought borne. It is eldest daughter, Miss L 1. - ,_ ­ : . We do not know that we Just stop and think : , to -of i Washington i ' *" � ' 41 ,sale ,'day , I am open to correction. on . minor uoints, riculuiral college, will create a v cancy in �, Ewen Cameron) 'of - 11 , A, � , � ., . � t, I I ift Of oar*'corre!pondenVe argument eirou stances,' mining � facilities, with difficulty that a dL ecent shipment can united in marriage - I o#_VictOri;W � L- , I , but the abov'e was about the line of Tlip. the dr in with no . I u e, hich it n - �h . ; � iolism. Mr. Casson equipment, eight or the London Collegiate I tit t be co4lected. in thite province, although the Bla shard. Rev. Dr. Hamilton performed � : 'a" 'Lu e I I on the subject of moo almost no food or no prove oat A - 'th .- - � . EXPOSITORiS arguments. will be hard to 411. He ' a in satig., �. tl;i ceremony in the prt�aeoce of &bout thirty X T Sexw� -. "A very I -, i than and hic kind do harm., in that they stir up ton million dollars can be taken oat in one rices for first-class animals are quite . k, vlace, it Mr. Willial;, P � I I kept quiet, hoping sorn . 1. - emand for - h' h class hi ing parties. . The � .. I - I e abler pen could be taken - out with efficient and pojpular teacher and �h a made factory. The d Drses ielative-i ,of the eoutracti 11 "I � - , ' - of cream . I � - mine would reply. and� that perhaps, after antagonism between �apital and I%hor, two year, bow much leads in London, w o con . charming in;'a dream � � bandas. street east,� on. I I I - Id work harmoniously gold mining facilities, abundant . food and many warm fr I � Is as great'as it has everlte'en, and the bride looked ' �at, . being the . - i- � � all, the weather would soon get cooler and elements which shou gratulate him upon his promotion. . . . Berge, trimmed,vi-iih peat.1% lace and rib- . - � marriage of t � ' Why ! ' , ' I I brot6i, A11bert, from i ' " , Richard would be hims-.If a Bat with together. They point out the evils- and ample equipment? How much 0 -Mrs. Lamb, of 8b Thomas, was orkilig. priceL juit as high, It will pay farmers to iss Ja stef of the bride . I I gaini, the mal-- hardships of the preaent system, -evils and the hardy minor and prospector .has been . . more attention to the breeding of bons. M net Good, si Vill � P I I the prolongation of the hot ape, . a sewing machine the other day, w on the give acted as bride"aid, while Mal i e :Carn - I :1 1 M,isa Bell&, youngest' I A" ugust 27th � hiall, are largely due to the. un- fighting nature with . . f London, assiated the groom. The - - � 11 . . . . . . ady appears to grow worse in our old hardships w th g against the giants of came horses, Cavalry honseb are in great demand � �iiliam Campbell, second [I- , - i � , I . _ 0 needle ran through her thumb, R . in the United States an well as co%chere eron, o ' t , . . �. thrift and mismanagement on ,the one side, no but his hands, and was ndver ant uck an presents, which were many, were costly � ; � I . . friend.- ^ out at the other. side. There it at . =d - - r � - . I 11 Gov- and unwise logiala, of even ordinary sustenance for his body. 6 - . , north of Exeter. The . I; tion favoring the ., other T, and'drivero. The English market is also � � EXPOSITOR'BaYS : it ad ran b back . � �� ''I i Last week TnE a . . obstraction, which bent i , a - - . . � - 'he nex,k day -on- the noon " b'they fail in every instance to is way , !_ . ,I . � quite active and will absorb all the high. useful. --- - �,� � I eminent ownership of railways, or ,,weama ught i4 as a wise aide,-bw Undaunted, unaided, he has plowed h � , r I ! I � . .i . in into the thumb again. Hbu, , c - On July Ift while Michaol Little', of - F - ma, was trigaged uni ad' bay with a - . ' ist� where they will re- - while they, through the deep mud of summer - or far- , .y c orseflesh that Canada. call produce. - �,: t _� I and profitable proceeding, is ouly advocated prescribe the re 'edy. So that, I the neighbors to her aid, uld do gradell no i . _�11� I 1� I - . - - . � * ' -- . ' - . 0 "' 31 i - I ith the beat wishes Of , - . 4 , I . - - iagno8o the disease, -and frighten f wi ter; e But for pdor horses their is ' 4i li i I and profese to di row,ed his way through the snows 6 a afe what. El 11 _� y visionaries w 1 -4 _� b ho live in. the clouds, I - � � � I I - I I , ; i - I - %, who wasoplaying on the barp. floor, got , , -a happ fatu nothing until a machinist -took ,the achin I h 'fork, his three-year-old ughter, Han- ki for!" *1 the patient by assuring him that sure death but he line conquered ; he has tulned the . . ever. I a I � . of Mitchell, were I � t . a -e too high up to take cogniz%nee of every in eyes of the world up rtially to pipeem.- - com* us � - � _­� . t , - ) Mr. is his portion, they unfeelingly leave him i on him, and the worli 'Ptil -W. 'H. bmith, of .Haliflax, the 'tit, I ; I . Then tin criticism of I �At Dead Creek, near Kingstone during ed by caught in the rope drawn by' -the -horses, . . 1, �, �. � . ' day events.' . relative."_Misa , I � . . I , . ow admit that if so muc . . _ F ya :; *1 Mr. Casson that unpleasant state of mind, and refuse to h can be g was ver fierce' mlEsiorier of wreeks� wild was appoint - ­ five C,bsson, the socialist, it so, , must n . me, lightniii with the result that .her haids were fesr- : � 4,j4dr makers,' 1: �, :.. � e quaintest remarks we h . 'on accomplishe so ,ittle opportu the recent stor o,a6d Fisheries to in- .- I � � �One of th 11 re him. d 41th ' I nity or " I the Minister of Marin I are en_- ' give him the medicine that wi g I h use of h � t holidaying wi-th k T . �, - . r moth- 13 a flueut and attractive bp�aker, and a Vennachar. It entered the I fully lacerated. The fir4t t,*o fingerobf +, e r sa . i. -I ^ � - � noy our correspondent will admit that er things can'� be done at� � le __ * ' � ytt heard concerning ou . � man of uliquestioncol ability, hut it is a pity We fa ' encouragement', great . . Sa`muel Ball, tore about the Otche , and quir into the wreck of La Burgogne, has right hand were torn off'st tEb second r the township of � i . - was ma uted with similar energy and adequate � facilities - I a out- prepared his rep t- ' edto the bone, � ada iq J:� ioem ort. . It is of much impor � , ". I de akV I - ; -he does not, devote his energies and gifts to if the wealth of the world were distrib , of � - I I � ods in ad r�asoning ,k Mrs. Ball, tearing her ab . f int, and the left, hand -a, * I . Xl� Ea&tt ia the .gaeat * stomer of ours -lately, a n3ore useful �purpose. - . equ day, by to -morrow night there of utilizing R.' Js Canada fully alive to the atrup &nee to people interested in., shipping and jo, . I � I .1 7 by a ca 0- I i ting her feet.. Both were blackened on the The poor little -thing Buffeted twirribly be� , � : . wo B"'ybo paupers svnol'� millionaires u t as � - &ins the`&aieiou am to . .- ' �a annual, Sabbath school, 0 . I uld i situation ? I ocean travel. It coat I tifthyteri . - I we sho U_ld With respect to TuE EXPOSITOR' * . ' - hand couft- '! : s remarks bottom. A baby she held in her or s had fore the mangled , 4 be dressed by an church, was i: when,he stated that . theirs had been before ths.distributiou. I Wiib IS TO FROFIT ? 1 f ot. the responsibility of the' Crom%rtyobire oG , I . ik black pot on the bott f � 69' i I ' 1. . : will simply say - I I , om n 0 nice y,- eon- , :: s, as .our re Government railways, I I � "' 0 . - the �, .. � - - . hat injure . * -, I I . 8 ­.Ba was shocked but-noti J sidering the severity of h6r injuriei. Mr. �u Thursday last. Th n preacher t is:'mistaken in his s not ficers for the disaster and a strong, f recom Jdoctor� 'She in now d& e � 11 �_ i � t I have bee that in New Zealand, Australia and South - Our corresponden Canadians should try to realize t this Mr ii o injur: . I -- -- ,;# �m.d thd weather mosz ��. ; , views as to the i)osition of Ron. i1exander mendation for stringent international rules . � � ,'� I . . i logic Was so .sound, we'll we Africa, where the Government, owns and is part of the federated Dominion, 4nd one -Mr. George Leaman, living near Kings- 8, ro. Little are Much iiympithized with � I'll, e . Pr rge A � I Wr heater, 9ON 0 . - '" ' 11 � : 11 � . , ' � accept the compliment, and for operatba the roads, the people would as- soon ate �a their tr able. - . - . sa, M. A., - �_ I.- ' Mackenzie iu reference tb the C. P. R. Al- of thericheat parts of all, and the Wealth of ton in the township of North rernitig steamship- travel, ocean laourse and M. .. , IM, , . t - , nee , a( wM preach f � !� though"the Alackenzie Government under� he re- . Mr. Smith learned from the 6vide' �� I F . this country, is all ours if we but pursue the ha3 a ver -After a short time confined to his home, . . . � ns4l t, on Sabbath I f the moment - pabsitig ._by any think of farming oat their c4atome receipts, ook to construct certain' portions of that � y unpleasant surprise whe of thoso on the Cromartyahire that La, -1 _. I . � I I - . t I proper policy !We cannot -expect ith' d h�6mti on'Sathrolay, with his amily, harles Wileou St. Marys, died on - m , . possible or advocating the abolition : of Magna . turne Burgogrie was over 100 miles out of her Mr. - C lh* - A- treat is in" store � . � .,�,:2 �, - ; � '. con�iderations of- the - road, it was never Mr. - Mackeuzi3'a " ' 4dUn- suit to come �b4ut of itself and 1 without .after an absence, of ten days. He found � Saturday, July 23r3j4nd the funeral took � � I . � - k - I , " , , I - . _' . ' ' ' I t The Be a d ran- I was well - , .� i � - , Charta, as of returning,to the days of priv - - ., . 11 I - - � �,_­ had we given our at- tion to work it as a Goverriment road. coarseand -that she -was running .through place on Monday., Ur. Willion 1. , 5 A, � ; i - ' on our par . a � � . � � A � - � Z .results ate ownership of railways. We are not -he was negotistinj first some exp0diture Ahat a thief had been in the hou the tog at a high r4te of speed. - - - a .1 I !cpounding, let us � Even before his defeat great wealth of! the Yukon calls f�r some sacked a trunk, taking a bank bp'o'ok and a . I- :t� ; - t, rition to e, I prepared to admit that what our fellow sub- - I -Rev. J. C. Smith - known throughout St. Marys. He came to ' I � . 1 2, - do pay ble to lays Aitchell, the roan who, a, I - With private parties for its completion an means of gettinj it out and without some - ma,de pay , D. D,, for ' twenty that town in the early c -of it4 settlement � go back to our old familiar Jects in other parts of the empire have done, omissory note for $40� o ew' church, amp�ed t,& bum his awn I � j . id out- . one years pastor of ,St. .Audr ,; � 1 1 r � - working on the P16,u which he had lai * outl ' in. the � first instance that wealth gir. Leaman or bearer. (1843), and ban lived .thero ever vinoe. . . - hat town, on which.there - , . :. ! groand, the discu,sion of Valu6. we are unable to accomplish, or that human for it. But it was not as to his interitions ay 1 It is w B were G h died after a lingering illiness on m as,. the I!- � 0 � I � . 3 O'No ,-July 25th. Dr. Smith wa ,%an hi i - F841,500, has been found : � . � �� : . I nature is any wor'se in northern than in in this respect that we, referred in the quo- must forever remain in the ground. -The Gilmour mille at Crow B Po'l i ; a born - I y people will remember . "F I �* I . not a question of a day, or Is. y�ar or many totally destroyed by fire Saturday in rutug. brarian of the St. Marys Afechantes' lasti- - ' � I I i � viouthern laudsd . I � We , v veers. He , � Monday' last, 'sentenced �- :: I ' tation which our correspondent gives, but years ; it is. a I question of all Ll ; The fire started about eight cMoc , and in Aberdeen, Boot -land, 64 years ago, and a position .he held for -man -1 I I - , T� is itpon this corner stone that we I had not the- pleasure of _- hearing Mr. � �!. . ved part of his education in that city, tute, �- -Xingston, �eriito�ntiary, ' , I - � as to his location of the route and the man� ins of supplying Me die" had made considerable headway wh n the iecer I espeet of all aeoiPl4tainfaneeik . �. ' . i _'_ ,,, Casson, but presume he is an advocate of � - must provide me's I a young man be* earned the T L �_ � __ I te � -3 �,�vto be an. interesting ­ ., have builded some of the bricks I individualism, , ner in which he proposed to carry out i triet with whatA requires in this Irespect, firemen arrived. The whole brigad wall coming to Canada while ge bT his honorabli dealings and ind hearted -1 � - collectionism, as opr,osed to * . a education at Queen's dDlie I I . I I � be talk of starqng a peat ��­_. ,�� 1 , � "' e to the erection construction. Mr. Mackenzie, it, will be then the whole irade of ,the country will be completad hi willingness ping b ad Wherever - - . .. I - and THE - 1i is 6rmt change was at Cum.- - I . P if go, time is on his side. Will called out, and made an effort to as e the to lend a bel - -, f . ,I remembered, did not propose to construct i He was married to % in the ne I ighborhood o � ". '.1 I of this, our businem building ExposiTon kindly take a lance backward, ours ; and if we have -the .prade of the building, but the flames had gained ,such Kingston. H' ' Be becould. tied to % its Filmer, 11 . ts hav p�an Mnct)4 -it a. : - , �7 . the whole road from ocean to ocean at once. b6dand and Buckingbam,� neat Ottawa. , . , � . ogo. He eaves three �� - � � . � . ; � may figuratively set forth as and see what progress- has Icen -made along country, all else'�will be 61f little consequence. control that it was impossible to do much. who died eight years - t, and eupita( 11 - . i 0 H 9 idea was that it should be constructed Guelphlbe was some years in - list.a.- 4re go- . i i trade we must have a ral daughters and three sons to mo, rn his losalp . . � socialistic lines 'during the 'century now To get that , Iroad The lumber in the yards was saved, ut the fore gdhig to . ft � � . : that Belleville and Hamilton. He was wide - - . . I fair treatment of customers. . -as settlement required, and ' V., I I . I _-; . in sections and lake mud river communication by a line hay. the sympathy of thei friends in - I . _. � . : . 1 , � Q . nearly at a elose. t - w the mainline should be fed by branches I � damage will be very heavy. and favorable known throughout the who e I . - . � I I - of steamers.. Looking -at it from a selfish -Whilst Mrs. Joseph Hen4e.faon, Belle- - - . � � , ism, in its broadest sense, is aimpl . - their bereavement. . 7 ; �' * . . Social most fertile sections, while the ask if tely chureb, While in Guelph and his own church _� � . . , , and national stmodpoint one may well d and beloved. For -Mr. Graham,, of Belleville, in Strab- ! � y through the - ville, was going down stairs one night Is, � I I . a recognition by man of his du�y to big fellow 'stretches in this route should be 'a to be her sleeve upset a coal oil lamp, w1ii h set "he was highly respecte I . - , I - � . We - water _ � 7 . ,; ? ,* ' Alil� e treatment of customers : � the wealth of the Klondike distnict'i mach ford I tely and waittid on � r . 'Donaghue, � I , � man. Individualism is, man fox him- * practicable. Had this the yearn he has been fidlirig with'sto - I 4 j� ' . - 'the United States ? � It will , - -'brain ; I a - chairman ' e finance 7 1 - utilized as much :a - the house on fire. Finding escape � � . p d allowed to go to d the and Ald. Hodd, � - 4� never let a man leave ourstore self, and 11 Devil take the 'hitiolmost." No sob me been'carri out, an immense burden w'o child en to �. . - . it I 0 0 0 � .. I . .1 4 0 there 'if we I do not build a railroad. stairs impossible she took' t trouble, which pt times affeotp - 9 111AM. - - � . .­ . I . ature, under such a syst - - , ono son and five dau h urvive committee, with s6 view to ge- ' I l I em, . �_ I dissa tisfied. wonder human n of debt .would have been saved, the settle a ouud, a w ­ 'I t,o itablith iL � - I . There can be no� question as to this. The the kitchen roof, dropped to the ife 11 . I , , term a � I - - - . � .2-F I L ' him. I I � mee from the city cound e " L . ; � He� third . . - " X, i - i 1; . � _ has become somewhat selfish; the yrouder ments would have betio or mpaet.,,and many - : . . . I . � - call is to Canada., ) - and received them in her arme. robate of the will i _,tho� late J amea factory there for the evaporad of fruits -1 I . . T . I I'll [� I r o I., ., - � � . is that there is a drop of the milk of human advantages and comforts would have ac- ' � bed -Tho p I His � plant an 11 machinery I I �, r . � � � . -.1 OrEN TO THE WORLD. child was saired by 9, neighbour, who d � . . . - ­� � - kindnes left in our boioms. The difference I � I k - , . - I ' tomer is liki ' a rotten crued to the people -which they do, not now, .1 . tex- Kay, retired farmer, who died- in' the town- and vegetables i- � , _; a a upstairs through the flames, which w e - re would . I : I 1. I i - I . I ; A dissatisfied CAS between eavag,a and civilized nations to -day, and can not for many years, possess. Be- - The policy to 'be adopted tow' rds this e. ship of Guelph on the 2ad d Jilly, � has would be valued a"3, ; . -an, �t e I "I � I j i I tinnished before serious damage was don on and I �0 I- - � 1 . - . � i '. . been granted to Kenneth Macl,ianp barris be employment for 60 girli and' I . - � : app!e, hel. Yenerates his kind. is simply-th�-- difference between puke in, sides, the obstacles that were placed in the ouutry should be one of the , utmost the . - I I - . 9 . ove S of evivorateot I - � . I � � '? - old c About two car load * . � F � g . I CV; - - � , I I.- . . I" � t i ­ di6r1idUSlk'8M Linda moderate advance along way of Mr. Mackenzie, and the abuse liberality. We should invite all our Amen- heavy hailstorm pa3se ter, and James Goldie, miller, both of 20meo, - 1, � = ttlement, north of le r gor, , - - - . : Wellington as I d. He - - � P �. I I , I' . ; - liticul opponents 0 aelph, the executors therein named. The goods would be turned out eae ay. I �?, _. . � ' I #L 1� it 0- ' , , I ; the linei of so�cialism. Instead of over heaped upon him by his po . can cousins to come in as fast an Manitoba,' last week and continu. its I 9. L Of 1( 3tratford a ctel for the . ' ;' a � . ne amount. � � 3_�, el � t I I b Z in ; give to � estate amounts to $113,90 Would also make f In I i '. ,I L I � - . * the World to come I . � t . . I -a intend 'becoming a man having a well and bucket in him in connection with the carrying out. or con- sire ; invite -the east, doing a gre deal � I - . . you or do yo course towards i, $30,000 on reception of fruits and vegetables for his use I . .� ; f � � . Are 0 is shop, I MininglaWSL; help a i � � I . � ", e yard or a private lamp in front of h struction of the 'sections of the road which them.all the mo.3t libera � $80,000 is invested in mortgagei , . I I � � I i �,� 7 ustomer 7 It's worth whil ' of damage.' ,Many of the settlers, are . - � t� balance in real there and at Norwich and Bellev- Ile, where �' � I , ii . i - 1 c ater a them to. build trails ; encourage them to fate ' 40posit in the bank and the I " . . - ; our cities -are now supplied with w ad he did untertake, go to show the difflcultie� A. I 1, . . I , . ! : I e I The Surrogate Court fees heahas factories. 11 -is requesti r assitanoe - Z % .: . Is not this col- ' entirely�hailed out, suffered the in a 0 . in - - . seEil)" -for yourself any way. light by general taxation. - prosp et and open up the countty ;�, show 'estate and cash. .;.�� �L I , ­ m , ,, under whioll Governments labor in conduct I I . . last year, aud are consequently left in bad, dulties havebeen considered reasonable and i all ... ____71___ i __ 11 I Or I.- I lectionism ? We now have free and com- ing works of this kind, and the dangers to them our desire to make their life comfort- ' $182 55; the succession I . � i � - - .!,; � L - I shape.. The prospects of a good cr p -in amount to ate, ,-L- "I � _� Z - .. - I � I , ! I Lms, experimentalt farms, which they subject themselves. We are able and facilitate inining and business oper. payable to the government, 85,1i8. ,The probabilitybe will be induce � 7 _. I pulsory s-�hool syste that district were never better than fore i -A leg- aud . - I � - : . � - . - ations for th . . . propetty in dLieposed of an fol Mr. Grab -am Went to NO wich I � . I , I i hools of mine d ' f dairying, asylums sure our correspondent does . not forget the em, then let us say, we offer I . . . lows ; there. U L 7. � tb . an 1"y, will return in a, day or two, wt L I - - - ,� � We will leave 1 V of $J,Wo; is given to Dune ; - � � � � I . I the question at.that,wi ec a an I the storm. . . ie final ar L - 2 It ­ 'and houses of refuge,�Oall performing ain � � Al I 1. - : I work Steel Rails, Neibing Hotel and other so.' you alar, what you want to buy, to east ' -At noon one day last week, Janie D. so.' . a made, L I - V I I I 1. I . you -this week,and merely state rpri8e called scandals I of those days. . , our ,wants, a -ad to make you Detroit, second cousin of deceased; also rongenients will likely b - - �!, Sr y _U -S - ��Fv 0 , ... that was formerly lef to private ente t It is true you, to suTply y Kelly,a lineman of the Bell Telephone om- I . � . � . i � , I Aecure an bay . $1,000 to James,Kay, Detroit, another see- I �' �� � iria that our favorably or benevolence, or not done at all. Space was nothing in them, -but in time , )jy. ', In a word it is the trade P -A. Robinson, dr�Vtg . I in end' d7do merehantp . � ,� I � 0 - that there panyp while attempting to shake o t a I 000; Presby- &ratford, returned on esd y evening :� � � I ; ­ a � � ;J y Sale, the .Will not allow me to more than mention the th would have wreaked his Government. we want, and the tr de can be ours beyond �,t ith ond cousin ; Knox.40ollege, $� , ; . I known Futurit. � . I cross" in the wirep, came in contact . . . 000. - &imoi Briti Columbia, where be .' ; I - .. - � I reservation by the Government of alternate 'a e p�­,oper co . Church f,die' miesions Vt � -, from Nali sh ; - . . I I j . in a Anj it is this -sort of thing which mikes it Aoubt if'we but pursue th urse, om- terian ,,In 9 Ill I I ­ - ... I , I I : r� . _. . ' Lot me repeat an - - -peat :-Canada a - , �, , i . I live wire of the Light and Power 0; �. : I � �, only sale day we hold i blocks ofland in the Klondike country, -a , spimpossible we may say, for Lhe home missions, French ev&uge-l- -bits opened P, Vusinees,in dry good , clothing � � i - - I - , so difficult, . I not lose. pany, and was killed. He fell from I - � . ur- she should i I , -V . I t- . at - pole where he was, and shows, -- ,esidue of the property with ix -cal ent - " , I ,�� h e, I � Inag Government tQ � on S tkon, 81,00U. The r .and boots and Ishoes, , pros C id S- I " seaEon will be held . true socialistic measure, -or to tell of no any conduct enterprises of ilas an opportunity d no sign of z,% - .- - i -7 � . fi I is 'to be in � . � I I 4; ' . a e The deceased, who le ves . . � 27th, 1898i Of tiooal parks, government control of forestb Be rmly be- - vested until his brotber's sonj pecta of doing a larye bmaluess. - left, bis :i- � , ,- , day, August , this kind econ�micallyori theintereet.9 of 'This is, as tho who know b at ' A � . le a son, Lewis, in charge, and anothe soll Vill , � � ; - . � . ; i . i I � 1� will have more to and fiaheries, the phenomenal growth (of e - person,- was more I 0 i . - � -which - . . !if i *' - lieve,'the greatest gold area in the world. Win. Jame KaV. has attained th a I - life afterwards. ,?e ouf - � the wholV p�ollle. No I came to PP1 ter ag � I ' I *� Mackenzie. Only yeiterday an expert mining engineer � . r �: � -.1i - F we � a widow and two children, twenty-�five. Wis now five years . go west later. M .. Robinson is :much . - . . ­� assurance -business, and fraternalism during aware of this' fact than Mr. Africa; has. been in- 'the borough from Kingston about a go, - ' - - . - Fay ip. the intervening weeks. the past,twenty years, the -restriction and, Tbese, bowevei, are big subjecti which our from South who year I es before eleven o'clock ileased with Nansimo, which is t, e recog* . . - i and we,, very popular. - . -A few, minat , e o' C . - , I � i, d Our Q� I his Ii olum. . 0 a 41 I In the. meantime we commen fire broke � out, on ,uized coal mining ceutr f B.ri.tis i " perhaps before long, the prohibition of the ondentibasuckled, and while it is mining business all fe, and who bad -lost Wooluesday evenib' V 4. - ek I . . '19 corresp -The sudden death occurred at Dres 1 n, 9 . I i . .� , n ry even one of them 'ex- just returned from a trip, to the Eldorado, f,f new three- bia. He witnessed sonie surprimin ly quick . : I . � _- I. impossible to discuss I the handsome I . � I - to you for yOur considaratio liq�-, traffic, or of the abolition of slave vell6us. on July 29th,of Joseph M. Shaw, one of e .the fira�.flqor I , � . . ,ill, he qual- - � " i � the "It is simply -mar brid4 residence on St. George street, feats in loading veseels wl oil, I L - I _�_ . : � and approval, or, e of the itself, all of which. are evidences of baustively in a newspaper note such as this, said to me, t . - I I r. 11 OrY ' � 'It . . I I L - ity of which is said to L'be � n I �� I � . : t �. k Surely, MR. haw retired for th g Toronto. ! The building, which was to have i . L of growth of socialistic- ideas- we think we have said enough to set our Practically it is a mountain of gold !" - gopulsr business men of that p�a rwenn-t od I � d briahtest stoc -s - I e night in apl � - f., I cleanest an 0 EXPOSITOR, you hav6 been asleep while this correspondent thinking on somewhat differ- Is this mountain for Cauada 1 Dr. mined in the east. T�e peo, a ere dew,_: "I , I . ! d d ad -been occup'ied in a few weeks byl- Rev JIMPDT-latilonks" .. � I ordered , old world has been moving along. —0 .1 health, and in the mori agent of the kf�-&byierian mand a superior clean bf goo s -an b � in � � � 11 ; rnen�s Clothing, both ent lines than those on which he seems *to Wardea, general L - UY 7 � I �, - I .. r � - ; T - I I in his bed. ' Deceased wax 56 years old, d- xgo of the I , 'at) iumon as pat - , L .. - . - readymade. 1'Also Hats 11 until he has Canada. I Church in Canada, was still in cha arge quantities. Mr. -R 1� . . . . L and But stop ! here ii another article in the have allowed his mind to dwe - en. Mr. Sh w L � . I . . leaves aiwife and'two ehiidr _ e c n ,e - bich- I&` ;Z , 1 i 11 ,at , li I . "I'll , � - _Lhe is . rs in workmen, although a considerable amount ticularly pleased witl� the climate, w ,L � I . 4 However, . ­_ -_ t '� I - 0 -Eli Scratch, of Kingsville, one of the --.numb;br of yeal no I& - 't go - I I I kirnishings ti be found in TuE ExposiToR that rings out like a, clarion become mcrbid and blue. . was prominent for a I 0 0 xtrames. I , 10, I - �,- 0 �� � . 9 � � . I r I I and F Z� . *d old days, even if slightly undoubtedly, a thinker, and wiqlds a facile able furniture Was stored in ito It alwaysbalmy, and does . I : . I � n I affairs, and in 1894 and 1 s in ,'Nanai 1:9 won- � ! - Western Canada. note of the go � largesto fruit -growers f Wesuern Ontar 895 re - - Of vRlu inio � 7 . - a had So " Dresden in the county. counc 1. wau the fire was The, growth of flower . . 11 Jz � contradictory of the former quotation pen, and we shall be Eleased to have bli. ach trees blown down by a ,,small in the storeproom that I �;, � � � � � = urned in, but derful, floral vegetation abounding on ever ne � � i . z . . - views o and indred -subjects fre- sized cyclone that rushed through his - orch- first noticed, Aa alarm was t _y - I . n these - . - g.wen : � . �, . I - I . I . He was also a prdminent Mason. i had Mr., Ma , we agree with him or not . by the time the firemen had arrived on the han& . 4 I I � . I I Every pereon knows that 0- quently, whether ard one night last week I ig to determi er Strat- - I . I: : . I � � � * I L -Lasb Thursday afternoon at Troy M , ne who � � .1 .� I . - "' y A - . )a new city -hall , -the 0114 . 1. - ,. i. � I � . kcuzie'a plans for constructing the road been These are all subjects that will stand die- -The Northwest L 1 lative Assemb scene the flames hid. gained considerable -The votit ! � I . and the Northwest cu-13sion, and on which the more discussion - et f business in the Emerson Clement's fine bank barn and d ' and had :spread to the ,t upper ford would havi " � 11 . � urlf) -_ � a,dopted, Manitoba � will .neet for the despatq 0 headway, o the - " �� I R ; - ing shed werd totally destioyed by fire. I e one remodelled took, place. -there last Fridai - t 5 - � - . � . would to -day be compactly settled,, instead there is the better. -it, is expected, - aime in On, stories,, Much damage was dori 'din for the issuiug- : " 1- I ,1� second week of August, and was, one of the fines, ; � - - b equip'ped- b and $800 when the by -law. -Pro -vi I : ; . 1- , � -0 the elections will be hel& in November. " futuiture- by fire,amoke, and water, . 6roo I � I X ' tario. � They were str r a ew-zi I I h . I '14 Z i "I I threshiig, ani a 8,V I WF, HAVE ONE P4ICH � TO : ALL of 11a,vina the settlements strulid along in � - I the st; � I narrow �trips for hundreds of miles, much e is a reasonable estima,te of ihe loss. The of debentures for $30,000 �o I . ; L 11 -, � The Riches of the Klondike. -Busb� fires have been raging along the �i i tb according to - - i to the detriment of the country and the in- . . Rail, becoming wound around a �vheel or bl r house was damaged to the extent of about hall, Unis submitted by � !!! I I MCI I NTAIN OF GOLD.' line of the Kingston and Pembroke a - the wind was owin , . in Messrs. 'I :of, -To to, was- . . I NEY BACK IF WANTED. 9 $500. Rev. Dr. Warden . ! - A MOU . I - wiy. Over 100 acres of "woods were ablaze riers'iook fire,and a is at present King & 8iddlo :of, T I ' I 1 4r- � conveniende and discomfort of the people, - � . . DIT a . I - . � � fed a all ablaze. The exac pasm of 95 votes, �� d ther . � ; � . � . ple-ofthe Northwest Mr. Dufferin Pattullo, who .accompan a bigt,in three minutes it wa Muskoka, spenditig a holiday, and t I by a majority . I i ........ and instead of the pea at different points. There was also . I . I � I ................... en in As mow_ barely escaped. One sow , 21,000 by de . utures , � . ? : � . I � . . under ruinoui freight charges and Ivi jor Walsh and the Government party to fire in progress in the woods near Sharbot ,in _�_ information concerning the ameunt of the by-law to provide ,$ . - � . groaning I - � I I :: . a I ­ th his season's crop for the remodelled building was rej eted by �; . ;; . . . I �� :, I � a grinding monopoly, they would have com- the Yukon country last winter, writes from Lake. . I . � and some small pigs wi. insurance was not obtainable. If is thought, 1 �_ I a I I t were destroyed. Lose, $3,500 ; insured for howevia, that the losses will be fally 00v- a majority of 81, votes. There was 4onsider- i ; I � rojicted �� 4 : , � . hat - �.' -.0flElOd MACDONALD petition and government colitrol, which Dawson City� as follow : -Pa,trick Rooney, a Montrealer, who has 22,100. The separator was burned, but was - f able active work in favor of the � - : � - I e 6 t I � I , - . I I - i ot insured. by-law, the plans of which were rep4m..a � �- , GO o d l --j, . � . anish-Ameri- . r, : would secure the' people their rights. It ,Public intere'st ball perhaps shifted from j Tast return d from the KI � nkike, says' �& ered. The canse of the fire is not known � 17 � �� .1 I I f she greatest misfortunes that the Yukon gold fields to the Sp the reports of thirty million dollars wash- 11. own' to ir av� , , was one o I - I - ! - i ---- N. green canoe was found, floating .off -The Bar] of Minto, better kn been by Mr. A. Hepburn, of that city, 1 t W., � I �� 1 � 4 I ........... when Mr. Mackenzie can war ; and which,- for .all we know up . - . � , .... ever befel this country ings are much exaggerated � Therewill,not -A Canadrians as Lord MeIgund, who has 6 I I . � in favor of t 3e adopted by.liw. -,The, � i -11, � . . out his policy in here, has developed into a general European I vemor Getteral of Canada, ban or none I I i . -1 . . be, he states, more than from eight to ten Clarke's malt house,Kingston, one morning pointed Go - q � �� � was not permitted to carry � e ' of days' last week, which was at once identified by undercurrent of feeling was, ho,"i ve4 in �� I i � - - connection with the construction of the fracas. Wars, however,- or millions of dollars in the output brought ot been prominent in Imperial political � I, "t- ' I � CLOTHIERS. Th ' Mr. Bogartiof the Ontario Bank, ,and others favor of the new building, a- the', Malts - . ,��- , - - - m i � weeks', moriLha' or years' duration. e .y down this year. I � ffairs and' in that sense Oanadian' vailitY bow. At r � A .1 a I i rd - � I I Canadian Pacific." was to build and ha,ve an ending. Not so the Yukon. It is ' as belongibg to Mr. Jqhn McD. Mowat, son . meeting of the city . 01 the P, 4 � ; in the Mr. Mackenzie's policy -Saturday rnorning-i Mrs. Gilbert Purdy, ill not be tickled by the announcement a . 100114 � . I Side of the Street, rk, of Professok Mowat :and nephew of Sir to decided,doi "t- 1 �� On the Wrong . ill d hardly too much to say ike . afternoon previous it wi I . 11 I .1 . i,7, operate the road as a government wo ingstorif rose early - to ; ere entertained for �hat he i3 selected to succeed the Earl of cod 4 for th& - -- � � - I ding. And in con- a � rt to market. Oliver. Grave fears w . � ng to know that after all T IIE gold fields have no en if anyone short of pone the erection of a market Ar �-. � i ��f it is pleasil summon the family for a to However, i 'i- � _. . 'fil Strong Block. I with Canada has a duty to - Mr. Mowat's safetv' until he .turned up& berdeen. a of similar -time being, and to take a plebWa vote,. .. . ... 11 I Z11 - sItOR still supports that policy.- nection there She, was &boat the house making prepara- I 1,:,� Expo the canoe whep off municipal el '11hig tD part. I - He was'dui�ped out -of oralVolseley or some atatesma, I � I . � - - I sul3scitrBi.m. perform. Willsbedoit? . I . t ons, when she suddenly fell over dead from 11 - c lebrity was to be appointed, the Dominiolf probably at. the ieetlo4e next . �! _. . [ ­ 5 � ONT. . � li he presence of I �. � � f � . . . 'SEAFORTHs - - sixty Rook wood'Asylum, but had t or- arcade is wa;hted av .. I : . a � 1, I - Nvingliam, -July 28bh, 1898. The washup of the past winter is now go heart disease. Deceased Was about . h6 remson to be content'with Lord Minto. year, to determine if ' .1 1. I . . � I . - d to swim to a buoy -near by. He hung 11 . . � - ing on. 'just what it will amount to it is age. i min all. - � I I __ - - years of As did gallant service for this country in . :1 and was .9 came from Guelph to Stratford orb � - I . a the on the buoy for over, an hou -New I . �; . "I � i to nOtiCA that our al.mo�t impossible to estimate at'the present, a,the Northwest Rebellion with Gen-, . i - w - NOTE. -We are please _-�Toronto astronomers did not sei it� W. Feti�iek, who 1885 il I � I . �7 �A,. � - -1 e snow from was fins,ily noticed by Mr, - aizing the Cana,� Friday, July Vad, of the death oll, James I � III, IL " - ____ tudent time. The'early meltiug of th Second moon last ' M�ddl.Bton and also in orgai id I - of ' I I . ­ - - I esteemed correspondent is so close a s Saturday. The sun out and rescued lim. 2 . . ' Gordon, that morning, at the restifnee I , I columns of THE EX.rOSITOR- the mountains and the lack of rain have: overcast, not even believers in the German voyageurs who we 'uplf . ... � rowed _at I 11 . . I f the editorial . glo. di4u ODutingent of , e.iu*lsw, W. H. Jones. *:r,. Gor- .� �; I � I i . 0 -11, � I . I , I ood Eliza McKellar, , Gordon about -his brothe I � f _��, ) appreciate g caused the drying up.of the streams, tkus - ry -could pierce the clouds. -Mrs. : ,no n 2 ; . th� Njile to t. 8 b st . F : .. L- It shows that he is able t( tleman's theo July 27t in he re'eue of Gen - I L I � w" . � -1 111,1101 delaying the elean-up Oil account Vf lack. of neem of Western Ontario, died -in a extended don was one of StratforoVe best. k - . n . I .1 .­ literature, aitfiough he has, evidently, not V10 the Observatory the astronomers said of 9h Mrs. thoaa� eXriod. Hehashad a I �. ,:. . I . -his death *1111be L 1 4 � /� I . . London, at the advanced age Atz . . '* n . .1 , �� , . o ai much by its tfachitigs 9A we water. Were I to hazard a calculation as that they -had made no attempt to do so, of Edward Dyer, ex Brienj Ill Imyerial affairs in many parti ness men, and 4lu . I I I I ?Ud � I., - E___ - - _111t& , i - _: �; - ��­� � could wisli he had done. Ho,v . i le Saul I , ten millio - McKellar was a daughter � regret d. Ho� came to that -city about - utput of gold will be this year, atter, anyway. , a te rev4Err, there is to what the o and that probably it didn'b 11 - of1the'world, ine ading Egypt, India, ago Ra the r , L- Lte G L 4. difference between us after all, I would say from eight to n dol- _1�ev, Dr. Eaton, New � York, has pur a well-known U. E. Lo rallet, who fought* . and he will certainly 'do ]us forty years I Vi 410 of A, � . f - not so much �i I i � me a large sum ; bull in real- for the Crown -during X3 ww- of the re. Itlio , t �h A, I an sh 61' after. I ; . ;;; ri gr e Dominion Express hope, lars. - C I t n -a' Janadian. Gbver'nors. Hamiltonolry goods firm or I i . In remitti 1, us and what 4iffereuce there is, mayi per This am ' chased a*6sirable six -acre point at the head he' record of %.., a �L i 1. I . She settled in Western Ontario *in . I out for himself. e % have . � I LL 'hellion I . ! � I �'/ � - , - money orders, which cost up to $3, 3c; be accounted for by the impetuosity of ity mining operations can scarcely of Star liland� in the Canadihin channel, common sense I _ . olitered into partnei I 1, . -fisve begun, yet in this country. the, first school teach- GeIaeral for impartiality, 0 a rah with www"Mmm" : .111 �� - L youth on his aide. He raises so many ques- said to from Chailes Cornwall, Rockport. A finer geperotity. Lord MeIgunds years o he _1- . . - I � I � up to $5, 4c . - 0 eatern pa,r d I . ' - A. . May. in the counter ch bo;k I I I I ; up to $10, 6c ; up to Eldoradoi, and Bonanza are the A ere in the W . . t,of Canada. During an usiastie horse I � Id take -more space, to dis* Practically , ho'Or' %we, was an I 'place for scenery could not � be' eel loted. wl ,. In Olt enth I � . . I : i , to $30, 1 2c. tious that it won oducers this year. The i kenzie rebellioa in 1837 she was ae- h ' , carriei on for many � . . I,- 90, 10c; up - - only two gold pr . rove will be created and the the Mac me , No -mount wa too wild for him and bums' em, whic was . -_L-L � - I . �, V euse them properly than, we have at our beautiful of many who were be- . I � I years. Then he s6ld out, and the m � I . ' b , , I , � . - . I aviug the lives - - I I I I ;_ � i ow. As to Government own- CONTWBuTION TO THE Q-UTPUT grounds will be tastefully laid out. tive in a w ile here he was hurt several times by at. Y I I � . ; - - . disposal just n . as a donsin of Gen. , , Mr. ;ordo's A. , - I s one hears of after an sought 40 iebels. She w �' to ride untamed horses I - e - - -, � . � � . 11ow many case . our friend cites New urgeon, of 8, tiah te pi In Lady gan the dry goods trade I -1 I .... � u � I ership of railways, this year from the oth6r creeks will be eom. -William, Brady, veterinary a 1 oral John Butler, a prominent Bri miling out. a ISS9 the irm of �%. 7 . I I e policy expired onl r . int is a daughter of Generaf Charles afterws'ris A I � �� I . accident : his y Zealand, Australia and South Africa, and paratively small. If the outside world Tilsonbuig, Ontario, -who is the veterina, 7 " I . � ::::: I - uld not think of . general during the revolutionary- war. M gla Gordon & Orr was formed,'aud the �Srtner_ . , . � . i I. - the other day. Now it costs says the people there wo woshup, inspector for, that countyi has discovered - I � . � i � I . i J ; �� � . f - " te ownership. thinks eight or ten millions a; good at -Marian Robertson, 25 years old, and G Y. d killed hip continued until two, .year* si,goi, when � I 1: I . ent Ion 0 . . erd of 25 cows near Brownsville, r Charles So Montfort shot an snJ I I J � : : I 11 Very little to caTry an a.1cid returning to the days o pnvs list it ut for the next year. Added th' of a h With tuberculosis. The May-R:ibertaonl 20 years old, daughters of .- one night fe! ing health compelled Mr. Ourdor. 1 to re- - -A � Z . � ps that maybe. The people of the Ill self at his home in Lsusdowne � 0 � : I - � I Perhai to Eldorado and Bonanza will be Dominion, 23 are affected . M. Robertson, a PetAirboro carpenter, Only imon of tire.. About -two months ago he l4ft, for A i � . ! - . � ., policy, and you donit mies ,the . sent John � �� . � � ho are dependent upon - Ism week, Decessedwas the 'the ill I I I lower'provinces W supposedly as - rich, and ouch larger than milk had been used in the I family and � . VL : Hanlon's Point, 11 - . i �, I - . to the fac ry daily until ,the discovery was -were upset from a canoe at res .. -*V& stri6rgen with, - . - - I I amount, so yihen you are laic the Intercolonial railway for their tram to ' ht last, week and the M I John Montfort,, on old ident of that Toronto, when he WSW � I " - '� Hl&kads, Hunker and several others, on all . Toronto Island, one Big J rim which has since proved fatal. J�e A I ; I � I L - , and Wei 9 - and I -bout 9 J � - I - � up the berefits are readily ac- portation wouldl we darmy, be very loath of which operations will be carried on next made. man was drowned. The *wells PI a a popular and wealthy youn � iia end a . � , - 4 . - ;i I ; -- Din of private owner- re red to Guelph, � I . . - - to return to the syst4 addeuk, f ,y steamer . ring the moi Ring 'Was Peacefal. He - . ceptable. inter at full swing, What next year's -Archbishop Webb died a y at big I . , jounger wo . been around town du L i � Try the Canada Ae d to get w to, last Sunday night. - Three rom a passing err caused the m . He had . o'olock Friday mor L - ' I I . - - I ship, because they are now ituabli) tput will be rim out of the uestion to con. home in Toro ) capsize - and although - the d' as usual, and up to within i few min lam and a faithfat mem- liPods Co. 1. cident Assurance Company. I favors from the Government at the expense On may look in hopeful weeks ago then Arolibishop,'while inspecting frail craft to peared rather was a Liberal in politi I , L . . world before' the thooting,but ap Vlordon - �; . t jectureo but the tory in Eglington, fell ana 'steamer was crowded and the bay iwass u of,riends berofthe Episcopal church. Mr. , � I __ - I I . of the whole cow . I I the di. I �, I I - � atry, which they would no - new come *tJ1 small boats only one in 91. ffiyand depressed. He lelbsom g widow. , � � - Ox Otancy- one nunir wi L by a - � . C I I ISM et were the road run by private enterpribe. ,*, and fraeturin of , OW&I L * " talking and went into is survived norrowm i . . �t L Wor can there be any doubt aa to what p wrenched his kne ilkes Steward, an actor who was Wli :whom he w i . - - 1: . i - ; � -, 0 1 : . � I A. L 9-mald, J. .Acdona jL � then he has 9 �­ Id, . been con- vidu . ., a C I pi : 4� - go.it is in the countries named bv our cor- policy is nooessary in regard to this district - the ligaments. Since 44 W I I . I I . . A , ` L . 0 . . e test , ,%,31& i , .: - at Cho epiggot L L .�, . I . . i � ' -L � - I - . I 1 � - ( . R. and Dom. Express respondent, while they save - I L � - I I- . Agent for C 11 . t , I I ; . � I I ­ � . . 1 � I , `�;__� . . � -_ I gues To sa i I 3ell jr, last " + le 11, 1�� I , � Dent rim � % I I I I, - - - IiA I - - - - I - - � - � - I 11 -1 ! . I - I �, , .1 I I � 1. : . � � I L- � ! - I I � I . . . I � � . . � - __ . I 11 I . - . 7 L : . . I - - I . - . . . I - )ds More. 1 1 � I .1 - . � . . . . e � . i, . � I . 11 � - . I 11 IL I I V . . I . :: . . I . � . � 1, 11 I % . I . ! � L .11 .1 I - , .. i . ; ­ I I - I . . - � . - � I � I 11 I L - - �. �___ L_ -- - - - � I f�l � � I . t � L -11 - . i ,...-. I- i ­ ­� I - . � " ­_­��__ .1 � I . � I- . I - - . I . ­ � .A - 1. L - L- 1, -_ I �1. I I - � - �. __ -_ __- I "' , . ­ . - - __ - I L - I - � - ... . ­., - � . ' _ - ____ - ­ - � . � i 1 -4 1 L � I - . . 0_1 1 - 11 I I _­ _' � 1., -z� ,_ � � ;. , _. .. LLLL I ,- 11 ..... 11 'I - . -_ L �j , j. . . I 11 -- 1� - I . - - - �_ -01 1, � Q Nwal"M - - - - " witg4A� � I - L , - ­ . - - � _' - ' - ' � - I � . .. - , , - 31= 'i � . I � ,;. I , . -L , , ­_ - - " � -_ �� �� ,j - _� , :. - L . I I - � I - . - � 1, - - i�4: .- ­ �_..i� -------,. . . i, . � - I � I ,. ­ � L�L -_ -_ _____ . - �. , i �� , : � I I - ___1. I - I � - - , - L � - . . I L ., . - I - � I �- L '-- _' _ _ - � -_ _. , ­ .'- - -, , , ZT� -_ - ____� ­_ ' 'L ___ - 1. , - — � I I . . I L I .1 L ­ _� _ - . �. _�'� �_ _!��_ _RL_ - � � .�­ ��4 _­ L - .- �. - i i. , � :, I - I I � L I . � ;� , ­_ . - ��__ t.. _­ U, ­ � - —77 , , __ * , - ­ I L -.- - ­ - __ _­ __ � �. L �,"A"4� - ., _, � , ! - , � .1 � _z - . � - � I � - L ` --- _L , L �_� -;44 ""­.* - - , - . I � . I . �­ . � . - - : � I -- - - �� - .- ,--- ,� �, � �­­',,._�,_ ­__ I -_ - Q� ___7 _�­__­ ' L L � ----- - - -- � �- . , - I ' � - � - � - -� . � I - I � - I 1. � I . I - . I . I . 1� ­ _: � - _; _i��,'��_ i � � - ir I - W." I L A� �; I I ­ I I . I . . . 1, . . - ­, . I . - - -- -_ � � ... ... L _L � _­ _­ - ­ -1 — � . I 1 - - - L . - - - - ' - _ . - ­ , _ . M� — — . t , _ _ . — — � L. - , �� , . � &*� , �� I � . - . � - . � - - , I . - L;�"Z' - , � - oy�_ � � � ; � -, - - - - -- I - - ___ __ - - 7 .,� - - -_ -_ - _,L - .it, - � I - � - . � - - - : _:_ 11-*M-___Z�"_ - -y'_ ; . L . � - - �­ � L �' ­ �­ I - - - - I �_ M �� I - - � U � r , . � . � , -_ I I � . � - � - 4 7� . f : � - . � I I I - � . I � ; -1. 10 - L . - , I � - - - ... - - - I - - . I. L .1 L I- . .1 - I . 1. . L I . 4 - . I � . - � � . I I 11 11 - - � 7. - . A . 11 _�' - L, ' L- ­ --- � . � L I I � - . . - � - � . . . : . I I p- J 1. � �_ � -- a . . � - . I . � . � L -7 1-11. I I - � — . . � . � � I � . . � I - � - i - . ­ �� - - _� I I . I . � . , . I i . I ' , -r, � � ; � I il .1 I 11, � - - - I L . . � I I � - � . - 7-. � � - L . . I : . - - i ' - 4 . -_ - 4 � - I L - - . - I � t , I � I - j � L ­ 41, 7 � - . - - , - . _ - I __ , - . - - - - - __1 11 1 - � . . I � - - .- , ­ � - - - . - . ; -- - . . L I - I.- - - � I L � � 1. - � - I 11 .­­ . � -.1. -1 ­ ---- -- - ­ 1__--____ �­ ___ . --�--.-.�--,--,���,-----��,—�-�. ­­­ . 11 -1 � I - -1 . ­- ­­ �.,__ - __ �� ­­ "J., IM -1. - - � z -