HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-07-29, Page 3. - - - i, C _ . _ - . X . s. t -.,. ,.. ... i Ir i.. ... i _ ._ - - . _ . i" _ ' - - . _ i _ " - - - - ' '� 1 29 0A80 THE I3ITRON E P 1 T0R. '. TJUA 1898.. i AN ARMY TRAGEDY. 1111 ;5 I - 10-f . IIMPORTANT NOTICES. = DASHED INTO ATOMS• MsIG1ANs AND ACTORS. �_____- S.:1 - TQ R A C C 0 H E A RT@ d a®tt,.�.r� incident That On. lianas I . I ­ . ­ g1VA�E FUND* TO LOAN st 6 pbr 0ent,, POY • .,�.� - , The Professionals Live In a Country of lisemory WIII IQot veil. � , re ,;: F able early, onf st class tact■ pontliy. opt FATE OF A SCHOONER THAT WAS Their Own 1lisking� h � 6 OUS . - ., l3, ayg, pominiQa Bank Building, ort6 L?dQ� ,.vett A, oeptain on the etas of a diiieion com- s Al !-' jZ been Bi;ok- I SENT OVER NrAGARA, •Some way, when a man makes a proiee- maader at the battle of Gettysburg, who - sion of his art, he lowers its and himself. I 11,Yog;>EI4NA,`Demini0n and Proainoial end ing a good deal afterward became a general and cons- lately and feel Nature takes out of the *man what she m,anded a division himself for a time, 01300 , • tinrrryor, Xember of theAss00iation Of Ontario A Thr4111ng Sight From the Tirno Sho uta into his sheat She's afraid he will - �b, Ontario, 1384.63 an occasionalhe'llsaid that if be had it he would willingly '� �*Unt*d,-and - I+ as�rl8ur+ryors, s �' build a tower of Babel so high: that vs. X1,000,400 i! be could forget and • twin @ Of pain Struck the Seething Rapids Until the i ONI Y AT 6 PER MNT.---A large amount of roan yourbeal•t X*hty Falls 'Tore Her Into Splinters.. enter paradise, and so she blocks his little never recall a Gettysburg tragedy. P > ' > money has been pi,.^ed in my hands to land to Are ou short of game by stuffing, "We needed every man in line," said v him to the point of burst-. A i ! _ 1 3 1•tOt� lsmars, in sums. and on terms to suit the borrower. y A Pair of Tonsh Geese. the general. Orders had bean ,given to r Seaforth. breath, nerves Ing with vanity. The professional muni- i- } @r: ! Apply to J, lki, 4IE9T, Bsrrir. , e , i c . A 167af4unhinged, sense- I was one o! those who made up the aian 3ivea in s little world of his own faah- let no well or unwounded man go to the -`' - - - tionof ins and n@edles nearly as. small a$ an actor's ani- +-- - ---- p Srst public excursion o Niagara Fails," 1 ic>3ing, Y „ rear. Our general had told the whole staff oHN I;IEATTIIn, Ci rk ''! fire 13eaond Iiivi€�°n cin th>Fon gh yam said: Martin Cramer of Niagara county. I verse, which means New Fork and the that if a couldn't stop stragglers any i ,~N+ *-X I J 0ourt County Commission°=' of Huron tea- ' g g g There �vasn t s mile of Railroad in the provinces. ". Most actors lose their real other way to shoot them down. As soon_ + �e} au+3ar, l;aml, Lona end insurance Agent. arm .and fin e r ai �+ ' n ire characters 1 yang they aro gamebody ®Ise, . Invr.s ++d and to JA&u. Odios--•+Over Sharp4i . z. Better take a box or two of sate opexl and out' 12 miles in the © t P, §i as the firing began a 08rtaiD olase fled ieeas' store, 41ain street, Seaforth. i t Milburn'aHeart efnd Nervo United States. The Erie canal had been and writing men who break away from from the front, and the stat[ flew et them i Is Pills and get oared before operatiii three years There was no. the great and seething world of God's fel- on+their herees and pushed them back into CaStoria� lig Dr. Samuel` Pitcher's Prescription dor Ia>at: DIES.-Hrs.' Levi Smith, seaforth. and women become puny little a job I hand. o THE LA thin s become too regions. .11 prepared as usual to do up up hair into ewit• g means of tray®1 except the canal and stag®- tibio men the ranks. Ib was always 3 11 I '> s ate, For sale as assoxtmant of switches, all i� Here's what Mr. John coaches, fellows of myopic vision and atrophied It made ane mad to roe s fellow run away and Chldl'en. It Contains meitll8r ®piunx, Morphine nor '. I saga also stemless switches. Residence corner James, of Caledonia, Ont., "� The schooner Miohi an was the lar est faculties. Shakespeare was a theater man - i attaeta 109 all t� ' . g g from his comrades when they were in other I�varcotie substance. It is a harmless substitute of Market and Jarvis vessel on Lake Erie at that time. She ager, Dante an officeholder, Bobbie Burns trouble, and I used to be rougher with ' .. E i -r Lamb a bookkeeper, Milton aany-clans,d Castor Oil- was too large, in fact, to enter the various a farmer, her and clerk, Wordsworth a them thea I wanted is be with for Faregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups a STOCK 1jA7,F., harbors on the lake, and, being somewhat schoolteacher of God's.,areetures. Tho enemy was press- It is Pleasant. 1CtS g[tarantee is thiCty eEir;3' fisc b� S, decayed in her uppers, the owner, Major stamp agent, and I cannot recall a single Ing our line very hard, A break was I ��\ \ - bas to ss a ut y PP a Mothers. Criteria destroys Worms' and I. TOC:i(sTEEI;s FOR BALE. -For eats, SA stock . �,y` Frazer, go'the idea that she would answer individual trained and educated for greatly feared. Back came another cluster Millions Of - l: W. -� ' steam cerci three, in goad condition. Apply � them: I have the purpose of testing the fate of a vessel writer who ever was one. of stragglers, heart fellows who big= y ' allays Feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Lot steers, ,Concessioncomltre , in good or to Winthrop had:.. seri€�un heart that by accident might approach too near The artiste of earth aro men who ,have never stay under fire a second longer than a 4, 34, A. ROSS. 1597x2 trouble for font years, the cataract and also the fate of living been something else Brat and nom®thing Castt�ria, relievet� I asides rofesaionalg. To belong to they are forced to do. I made direct for Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wi11cI Colic. RNs FtIR SALE -For sale, two goon 'ossified` b excessive ase of tobacco. At p three of them with my drawn sword. Two Teething troubles cures Coaisti anon and Flatulency- . HORTs3o y things that might be caught in the rapids. - _ - else b P g P times heart would beat i verg ra idly r. young .4'hartho,n boils, with registered pedi- �3' g The proprietors of the large public houses the "perfeah" is to wear a No. 6 but and j of them went baok to duty. The third and ierrns B, it DaviD MIf.*IE, and then seemed to stop belating only to at the falls, on both sides of the ricer, and lose ally consciousness of the meaning of • • told "me to go where it was hotter than : Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stalna�h . grecs. Prices a 1588-tt . . i -1�11 I Mol- commence again with unnattaral rapihd�lty. of stages and steamboats, made up a puree meum et foam. But o! all professionals that hottest day at Gettysburg and said and BO�velB, givin}; healthy and >rlattaral t�leep. CHtor LL R SALE, -The ` nnderdg a'ed "This unhealth action of my o purchase the schooner, aware that they none are quite so little and fussy as�musi- be was ming back no matter if the whole uRHAlI sa if'O caused shortness of breath,;wealin0ss.and. d staff stood In the way. Go back to yotar its the Children's Panacea, -the Alother'> Frie7a€I. E D �haa for sale a thornu�hbred Durham bull debilit I tried many aiaedioines and would be amply by aiana, an o prove the assertion I'll ea- + eligible for re nation ;aged 423 months, color xec� y that the exhibition w sin that if a layman ventures a word as ,,p�iise , lace instantly,' I demanded. At that he if= - and white. ostnTermreasonable. JANE! PATTER- spent a great deal of money but could „For several days previous to Sept. 18, to his liking for music in a professionals cooked -his rifle and was lifting, the barrel Ca,Storia. Ca,Storla,° 4 SON, lot 26, concession 1, L. R S., Tuckeremith; not get any help. 1828, the day for which the affair was presence he o! the fur collar always asks so that I would. -got its contents. Down Brumfield P. o, lase-tt 1.Last November, however, I react of a fixed, which was Saturday, the stages and icily and ironically, "Ah, then you play?'* p,®nt my sword to the ground, and .cut 11 sorMothers havels is an erlepeatent e ley t Id me the Ifor 46 grecommend it arls is so lisuperiordto sto ay pre- man, afflicted like myself, being oared by canalboata oanae�to Buffalo crowded with The reply being in the negatiee, a look came, my revolver. Quicker than I can ,Children. i 103 Foo SALZ AND FOR BERVICE•- The burn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I went breeder of Large IfSagtish Bert- people: Q the night of Sept. 7 wagons is given that implies you neither have a tell you it cracked, and the man still dead. of its good effect upon their children." scription known to me.)` X. Y undersigned,Lowell Mass. II. A AxcsEx, i4i. D. Brooklyn, iDires,hs■ tot sale boars sad rows in farrow: He wlll to Ropers drug store and bought a box. �� withountry people rattled through = right to criticise music nor o like it. Yes, it !vf a Dasa of shoot him or b@ shot. Da. G. C. osaoon, , also keeplor service the stook boar, '� Bing [,es.," �� I had ffnlehed talang it I was so the village in unbroken procession all This contempt,for the layman I know ea- I only wanted to disable him withoutkill- , 11 ` wrebasod from Mr. tleOtga Green, o: Fairview, much better I bought another box and Ing. A secon more and he would have THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE F Inner atl[ontreat, Toronto and Ottawa. Term M Bart has night long, and on the morning of Sept. 8 fats among histriona in 'degree, but not in e w al wa it dose among muei- ° and °s completed the cure. ns. rho Univers y lied e. flu y 'o in In o killed m . a civil e p seemed o bo n. v g --ltl payable atfhe time of service with th p eta BuBalo it981! lretnrnin 1t neoewary, it booked tt•5o• JAMES not bothered me since, and I- strongly masa toward the point of attraction. Five clans. If you express your liking for „Then K,by do you say you would give I MV i �. IFORRANCE, Int 26, Concesel a, l[oBCtlop, tea- commend all sufferers from heart and otlh P. O, 1485•bs steamboats had been advertised to lease poetry, no one ever thinks o eek You it ii1,000,(CO to forget the incldentP" nerve trouble, caused by excessive use of Buffalo Saturday morning. They ware the you v ice. I! you state your preference ,,it is an awful thing to kill a human tobacco, to give Milbnrn's Heart end STOCK FOR SERVICE- Nerve Pills a fair and faithful trial." Henry Clay, �Pilliam Penni Pioneer, Ni- fora strain style of painting, you are not bei�lg. I can sae just bow that man. fell c era and Chippewa The Chippewa was guppo ed o apologize Yor the fact that ba back- with an oath on' his lips. I don't p; . prise b0o. a box or 3 boxes for;1.25, all t of color At acanv , like it. You wouldn't. t. Ibave commanded OAR FOR STsRtIICE -The nnderetgned will druggists. - T. Milburn & Co., Toronto, Ont. ; appointed o tow the schooner ?siichigan o never threw a po the Niagara river. I was a assenger oft musiciians have forced such a condition o! companies, a regiment, a brigade and • keep for service on Lot 4a, Concession 4, P her timidity on the public that a man who division, to do wholesale killing in battle. V =_ Manley, ug bred Cheatarwxitte boar, Terms- LAXA-LlVBR PILLS cu i� C P Niticn. „As soon as we got wall under way the does not perform seldom dares reveal the That was what we enlisted to do. That til, payable at the time of serFicB, with therivilega DlUousoOss and Dyspep �� from an ao- In it necxwary. JOHN v. DIEH scene became interesting. The other four fact that he knows a jew's harp was different from shooting a man, one of 1 APPEARS ON EVER 'V�%RAPPEI� - ; of terata g 1091-t#$1�1$rr I■ N. steamers Dame plowing along in ourwaka, gordion lest he incur the irony ,Of the man your own .soldiers, at your aide. I shall ' crowded to the guards with lsassengera and who gives tan lessons in vocal harmony for always regret that it became m7 duty to TN[ C[NTAUN COMPANY, Y, 77 MYR,IAY tTl1[ET, NtW YORK CITY. n I�ULIX FOR SERVICE. T.lse undersigned wilt THE RELIABLE ►, kenp for service on bis premises at Roxboro, bands .oi music playing. The Chippewa =5. -Elbert Hubbard in Philistine• bays a hand in that army tragedy. a thoroughbred Durham bull. Terms, SI ; i! paid r owed the bi schooner to.Y"ale's Landing, K Chicago Times -Herald. . helots January, 18 , or ;1.25 afterwards. JOHN Upholsterer and Mattress Maker 6, g, ( 3571 -at on the Canada side of the Niagara river, ' ANIiNAL CLEVERNESS. i I smr.. - SEAFORTH, O/dT. , where our passengers wont ashore, as did EASY PAY FORA SMOKE. ince with ahZB - OAR FOR SERVICE: The undersigned .will parlor Furniture renaireci and recovered. those of the William Penn- `The passen- A Blind DDR Who Gave Evidence That I keeF `or service on Lot s+<, Gonc�aion 4, Tuck- Ca;peta sewed an�:laicl ;also 'cleaned gars of the Honly Clay and Pioneer landed She Cor}ld Count. 'gut the Bate Creditor• Was E0s►dy t• I j '€j liF% et ith r tborongbbre.1 E TION L . I d Cheater White BoarX P 11 on the American side. Yale's Landing jn the instance about to be given I Commit Assenit- , ' { and renovated at remonable rices. rohased trona. H. t1�orRe sc sena Crompton, Borrie time ago the proprietor o! a pop- D21011)1Ced equal Yiddiesex . ,xintp• Teinls-iii, payable' at time of was three miles above the falls, and the , think that the dog evinced an abstract idea �a�rvfee, with privUage 't returning if neiceeeary. BhOP i11 McGinnis Block. crowds of people were taken there on of numbers or else showed phenomena] ular down town cigar store was confront- JDHN W. ROUTLEDGI� powers of observation and discrimination. ed by a well dressed stranger. The stran- t e plants, and - j WOOD NvILL BE TAKF-'1 FOR WORK. down the river in wagons of all kinds e ywq$TH BEAR POR SALE AND FOR SI;R- 1022 The hour flae3 for towing, the Idichigan The animal;in question, a high bred col- ger smiled pleasantly and asked for a cigar. A from Yale's Landing to the rapids was 3 fie, received an injury a year or so ago „ , DICE• -tea nnder,ikned will teep tor.. service, Gimme as good as. you've gat," he said. i t the Bsucetiatd :bees, p'ar,tory, a Uwroughbred So the dealer reached around in the worth gioar, with registered pedigree. Terms, SHINGLES AOiO LUMBER EOR SALE In the s ttt�a axtremelyhazardougone, 8naut llyablind Recently she gave showcase until he unearthed a certain '- I I iii; payable at t r�,e of IN with privilege o! re- The undersigned has for e31e, cheap, first i g b necessary. Also a number of thorough second Claes P1NL flND CaDeB SIIfztoms. Also a lot was intrusted o the oldest sailor on the birth o a litter of six puppies, ail Of which brand. bred Dung TamRCrth Baan and Sows for sale- of HBHLOGK LuaB1:&, all kinds. Shingles and lumber lure; Captain Rough. With a yawlboat were uniform in size and 111 markings. "Fifty cents," b0 said as be shoved t QO -LE• �! EX - 1, -1 - i 14041 + and five sturdy oarsmen the old captain Immediately after the birth of the puppies gg(} Yo'uARTNIIY. Brnoefleld, can be seen at Kipp�II station. A err load of Pine them across the glad!• e _ and Hemlock Plankq, scantlings, etc., jos+ received. y the do a owner had mother and young �ORTH PIG FOR SERVICE. -The under- g "That's, the ticket," said the stranger ` Orders can be lett at the station, or with got the schooner under Way. The towed � - 1 named hob for service on lot 8% concession 8, JAMES COOPER, her o within a quarter of a mile of the removed from the dark cellar in which as. be carefully selected a smoker that suit - ;all and,get your op, a thcro'bred Tamworth pig. towhich a London Road., *'mat rapids and within half a mile of the they then wer© and carried o a warm and ed him: • Waited number o1 sows will be takeu. Thi. is an toss-tf tremendous precipice itself -as near as well ventilated room in his stables. g© passed it critically beneath bis nose, ,A►11 cods at a Big ReduG� and breedersfind it advents sons to Choy dared approach. They cut the big the darkness of the cellar one of the PtaP balanced it airily on one finger, snipped g extra p,g g r� QrdiS� y . pies was overlOe�ked and le€t behind. As off the end, lighted it and puffed sway Cross $heir terkabire sows with this bread o! ptg. vessel adrift, and aha passed majestical) Terms 81, with��privilege of returning it necessary. Seaforth y ' f _ J013N 3[etiILLAN 1696xtf on, while the oarsmen o! the yawl had to soon ass the mother entered the boa in contentedly. So absorbed was be that b0 I 1.bend their every nerve and muscle o re- which her young had been placed she pro quite overlooked the fact that the propri- . oat i es from the poral of being ceeded to examine them, nosing them stet was gazing at him ezpeotantly. . tion ■ Sales every day s r REAL ESTATE POR SALE. Get Your Clothes Cleaned an mono themselves our Dyeing done at home. drawn down by the rushing waters. In- about and licking them. Suddenly she ++ob yes „ he cried when he sanght Y deed, such had been the fear and appre- •a eared o become very much disturbed , B BALE, OR TO LET . -A dwel3ing house PP the cigar mans gaze. He dived into one • S'� aituatrd on Goderioh street, containing ten-hensiou of the men that they mutinied about something. Sho jumped out of the pocket, looked astonished; dived into an- Z'�E CH�.A.P C -A-SH Sr-ro ;�',• moms, good cellar, hard and sole water ani good �' '1�'� "j'(:�T .�j ' against Captain Rough and cutfthe ovv bog and then jumped 'back again, nosing other and looked more astonished. ont-buildings. Now occupied by J. L, Smith, mer- j,�1 1 V -L•i line before the time he had set. If they the puppies as before. Again she jumped ++By JovO,,, he muttered, "that's queer 1" Chant, Possession given about the 1st of Ayczust. had obeyed the reckless old captain, lie, from the box and then made her way to- H0 scooped into his pockets. again and .11 Apply to A. G. AULT, Seaforth. 1697 tf Of the Seaforth Dye Yorks, is pre- patted bimsel!'acrose t e vest front. pared to the yawl and its or would hays preceded ward the cellar, followed by her astonished _ 1 u:chose the. comicrtable and plass- the Michigan over rho fulls. r owner, who had begun to have an inouIIg `•Dear, deer," he murmured, "this ism ���-, • "�QQ Ra try aitn.tal cottage on James street, Clean and Press Clothes ,and Dye ",rhe high grounds ou moth shores of as o what disturbed her. She had embarrassing 1 Havant got a •cent with. 11 r Seaforth, at present occupied by Mr. A. QlOth the river were lined with people as the her young once and had discovered that me; mint have lett pocketbook at hotel."1. i- _ _£ There are s rnoma, with hard an .sett water, also a He lowed at the proprietor. TIM lather CIARDI1i O'S BLQCI SEAFORZ`H' net of and well planted a and at vs. reasonable Michigan, unguided by human agency, one had been left behind, Sure enough, is a eor ace Et 1 ry n foun rte with 'a he lot of son 0 �, i e stab`s. Ot ail kinds in first y x with fruit and ornamental trees. Apply to A, rices. Ladies' creases can be dyed, if desired, with- approached, head'on, the first, rapid of the the abandoned puppy was was regarding his frantic eft , ', 1693-tf p arentl `keeping the carried in triumph to the new home. Agent for Butterick s Patterns and Publications. f i SCOTT, SeafoTtb. out being ripped. Atrial i3 solicited, and all work thing descent, app Y look of lukewarm sympathy. , warranted to give satisfaction. Garments mase to So astonished was the gvntloman at this Take stamps?" inquired the stranger =For sale 220 sere farm in Dicliillop, look nearly as. ¢cad as new. R'orks and residence on very Coursed her inthat a k skillful navigator can ensign blind creature's intelligence that he resole- as. be throat a hand into his inner coatGo 11 OR SALE Goderich street,�east of Main Street, and nearly p have guide r Q, being Lots 24 and 2b, Concession 10, and Horeb tre mad from hvr•,bowsprit and the Brit- ed o experiment further. He removed pocket. _ �I� posits St. James Church. ` frj`%/t art of Lot 25, Concess) . ion 9. This land baa been th. a a ' Tho vessel safer r stern. another u and held it in his arms- It '`'l ` �' ` "� ' n tura since Bret cleared, 26 or 30 pears ago. H. NICKLE, S _ ish jack Boate at he ono puppy "Certrsin]y, sir,,, said the unsuspicious 1 �• it,•uFr �` there fore is rich and free frim foul weeds. Itis 1696-12 shot the first raid unhurt, atilt head on, Was not long before the blind mother dealer. f .; ;1 /y situated on the gravel road, five miles north of sea in a sea and ris- Y Theca, °'said the stranger hastily, "take `; •.. - . Q ��; a Terme of paym ,sem' making.a plunge, shipping showed her distress ao plaint that her Bru els, r de- a restored o her, where „ stamped heavily on the ' . • •' " • • ' i~ i ; y m O NY 0 ^ '4s' fro h o d b .' �,f•, and nine ,t r style. In n on An P01 z ou forth tiful a lost these. ,. , 1f Ing from it, in beau Y young - . . ',�. , made to suit purchaser. For particulars apply toi, on she la down in the box and gave W. covE..Locx, Seaforth. 1694-tfr i scent of rho second rapid, the water mo- up y floor a half dozen times and then scooted went of increasing in velocity and tu- herself up o the chief function of mater. through the door. 0 �•`_ ." " -1 . � - -�� PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -For sale the • incott'a fl,� vanlcck on the mult, her towering ,masts wont by the pity-sutikling her young,—Lipp well, the cigar man was so full of rage '`�.- r� ,� _ r" rt Go ter anathemas. . �� t'rt Rabe lin 1 slut �, arm of Dir. tart ld on p A ,. len id f g a s g a0U Y e � or e d t b . seta that P i board, giving the spectators --••- - North Boad, a n-ile and a half from Seaforthi I " contains 175 acres, nearly a;l cleared and in ;a high i representation Of the crashing of a vessel's Running a Blockade. $e Was so mad, in foot, that an hods tater � -O ■ state of cultivatiril, 'mere is, a two story" brick spurs in a shipwreck at sea. Sho swung (,general Lew Wallace of Indiana relates the sight of a postage stamp or a heavy house, Good honk barn and everything in first class around and presented her broadside to the an interesting story of how an English condition and well underdrained. It will be sold on l; , g tread on the floor would have thrown him easy terms, d the proprietor desires to retire. If vessel ran the blockade of Galveston dur• into oOnVulaiOna, --Cleveland Plain Dealer. 1OLD 0 ' ` - I Imt ... c not sold before the fall it wilt be rented. Address 71AWNIERS, led ON'b' YOUR OL➢� dmashn3i ggand as It a ferns , stationary afterre- a in the late. war. He witnessed the feat r Rt)gERT pOpENLOCIi, Seaforth P. O, _ 1593 tf Diortgagcs. Reduce your interest• Save moment, swung around until she was and Could riot understand how the nesse] •Bend Down Your Headst" V _ _ , ._ . _ money. Any terns desired. Business pri- 0 - viae. No delay. t'.har�cs low. No costsPassing got past the American ships, bombarded On the west coast of Ireland, near the � � i 4 X t- ESIDENCE IN SEAFORTI3 FOR SALE. -For incurred unless loan is granted Satisfaction headed up stream. clut carried her hulllf o €the river Shannon, are severalIF n ed rapidshe bit as it was with shot and shell. Afterward month o I"` ° d Sm I I f sale the comfortable cottage on North Main gunranteecl, ,or no lona. Loans atria raps b' street, Seaforth, belonging to the estate+ of the lata .Nvith local agents. Agents, wanted. Ca or all appearances whole as she erred and General SYallacb met a Confederate who large sea naves whish open into each 0th• ` Bfeore l3oyd, The house contains se4en roon�a, he- write. Enclose stamp• E. R. REYNOLDS, anod between Grass island and VeT Was familiar with the incident. i'�'1 ' 1 sides a large summer kitchen and a good stone cellar ggr�o or. The visitor seems to be floating $.'uRES $ritiah shore o the Horseshoe fall, Do you meAn to say, asked the gen through s sub urine palaces of many calls, /� �! and stable. Also hard and soft avatar. Th© he was drawn stern foremost and stat of rho Confederate, "that the blockade , hose roofs ar ither as green ns. grass in OWN' CEA ° �i i"'� estate moat bo genre. which s property, wall be sold cheap, as the 15 Toronto Street, To wh runner passed do without losing a mane" w Z.. - wound u In the mean time it will be rented, and .�-. -- -- hurled into the thundering abyss. She the sun or blood d. But the visitor needs DYSENTERY � eD ,Ili t miturej but the tenan ;gill be given a leased for six montb If de. - — - r "Oh, no i" said the Confederate. "Five l -f NI c LES D was dashed.,ta.fragments before she struck „ a good guide and a good boatman, for the sired. Apply to JOH3 LAP1DbBOROUGH, 2 697•tfh in the seething waters below. Immediate- men were killed at the wheel. sea is insidious and the labyrinth 01 eaves AND 0 � •� ow e PLA X Ex'eto�Gre been � too _ Re�10Vat+� ly after she v enit over hundreds of people +� There is something else I should like intricate. SUMMER SystemIii • hurried b �ldw the falls. The river was to know," said General Wallace, "and On one occasion, writes Aubrey de Vera t4 E mr, W - ABM FOR SALE. -One -hundred acre farm for an who ran . W.0 nave been F sale in tho township of Usborne, Lot 36, Oen- cover. g that is the nationality of them w „ l " C®M PLAT MT'. ceseton 1. It contains shout -b acres of cleared -AND OTHER- Pd with fragments of the vessel. No- in his Recollections, soon after a party �+. land, well drainea and in a high stats of cultivation.where could be found as much as two' that blockade•" had entered the boatman suddenly shout- t}` 46 i4lew- ' Df the verb choice 0 The balance of the farm is good hardvood bush, It TE��ikD REMEDIES. boards nailed together, and her groat rim- .� , "laughed the Con- pond down your heads for your Price use- 0tsti . Ivo Haver failing I11 toll you that, +, a a gin creek, t are weak and Im were broken into bits like firewood. federate, slapping his leg. "That man ed, „ druggists. i is well watered by p g bers we livea 1 ■esus[ sari?+TUTer. ciStliOIIS. `jib hard water wells and one cistern. A large irtana ovanshede Bl Blood, Sleeplessness, Palpata• ; "There ware aboard -the Michigan when was a Yankee from the state Of Massa No one saw any danger, but the boat- Tnty AMC L'�' P. " C+ - tire h-+ house ; good cellar ; large bank barn, with s p • f� s- ablin drivint shed ;open shed ; and all other tion of the H 7A DeLiver neumi tion No teLnes�,� she started on her trip toward the salla a chuaetts. "—St. Louis Republic. man felt the placid water insensibly tie- ; oAwaeeavo. 3 CD .,�,, Cl" but the i tiality - st g ' good orchard of all kinds of of Memory, B o �11 i outbuildings needed. A g j St. vitae .wild bol buffalo from a western prairie, Ing and `knew that the tide had turned. i•-! � C- • � fruit. Tho farm is well suited for either ed Lab of D®nefli Femaia dr ego arieiea and General'Debility. O b ;from the Lake Superior regions, . slow and'Sure. At last the visitors knew this, too, for it � � .� r - I growing all kinds of grain. It is situated E 111, W e can set f; g. LAB014A�ORY-�oderieh, two foxes, a raccoon, a dog, a cat and four A high government official once criti- was not until the boat had ascended with - three miles from. the thriving villaxe of Hencall, and T Ontario' cased the dcsliberaty methods of laborers, el-+ ` sir miles from Exeter, and not far from ch,ireh, geeese. When the vessel left Yale's land- ' in a few inohi s of the roof that it began toW t only . one quality, - poet office, store and school. Easy terms to suit the J. M. McLEOD, I'raprietor and Manu these were let loose on the . P " facturer. Ing in tow, especially of shovelers on railroads. I had descend. purchaser. if not said before fall it will be rented. _ deck except the buffalo. He was inclosed often noticed this unhurry myself, and „pail your bests" exclaimed the man T,,. �.s-•r (' J'or father particulars apply to Wm. MITCHELL, -�p`/1 �i'D. �.bri Hensall P. o , Ontaeto. 1697-8 Sold by -J• S• RQBERT$, Seaforth. in a pen. The two bear® got enough of took occasion once to ask a genial fellow, at the helm. "If the second wave reaches -- •-- 1601-t the trig when the vessel began the descent with a long upper lip and a pipe, the rea „ f climbed down us, we are testi But before the second LASS FARM FOR BALE. -To be sold by of the first rapid, and they son. wave reached the cave the boat had issued �a iRSTC Wo Ne WatsonHavin removed into the store formerlyt;iio public auction by Dfr. Henry Brown, sue the lido noxi the Canada shorn, plunged •`Begorra, sort,' my friend responded, from its mouth. et hjtioneer, on the undermentioned farm, on Tuesday,oo the swift water, breasted its powerful „whin I forst want an the job I clans ore occupied by Mr. J. Downey, in the Cady the 9th day of August A. D., 1E98, at two o'clock p. S E R T H , up the ground. Hood on 1' says the b'ys. $lock, opposite the Commercial Hotel, I . rp i "t m• (subject to such conditions"&&.shall then be ro sweep successfully and reached the shore. + bling,� � r $ duced)_ All that parcel Cr track of land containing Fire and Life Insurance Agent, Houses to They were so exhausted when they got on rpo yez want o be kilt intirely? Its now urpore carrying a full and complete M .tI-ap-E3te {Tt�i j by, admeasurement one hnndreci}acres, bo the same Bicho Hall Episcopal, of 'Permont has p s+ 11 elt-, -n composed of Lot No, fourteen, Rent, Real Estate Agent. Dealer in the land that they made no resistanca o being shovelful after shovelful all day If yez P ins of all binds of P e haus ` mora or Ices, being P before they endeavored to make a reasonable state- nfy in the 1Cthoneeasion of the township of Usbornaf ReYztitoND and' WHITE family and menu- captured The livara, aban- gape up that link, yez ll be laid out by a - nt of Huron, now in the occupation o_ facturin Sewing Machines. All kind of meat at the srgnments against gambling. Harness, �r%�llpa Blaiikef+s� 1v%:11 lend free j Of . in the coo y g g doned the ship, climbed the meats of the pile of ties befoor an hour. Sure, it was He says that the objections are: � • f = Thcmaa S. Clarke. This farm feria prime condition ♦easel and, as it waa presumed, from that the trach. Steady and airy ie the Worrd 0 ' our t?e�v atletl'(1011'. ` '' all undo.- eultivatfon, excepting 10 acres of good. Sewing Machines repaired. Charges First. -Ira danger on account of the ex-- And everything handled by the trade, Just on, c full bearing, and two moderate. outlook saw rPhat their finish would b0 for the long pull I was on the job a full received this week a large consignment of _ O]I es,OEtOr bush, has two orchards citement that belongs o 1t.C+ -n_ . never tailing wells. There azra a� frame dwelling, ant or the anyhow and then determined to take the wake befoor I got me breath back 1 The Second.--Tbe fact that it tends to die- GOAT ROBE$ AND a barn 36x56, shed 14x38, a stable LCx40, with tennei g f chances of getting to land, slim ,as they b:ys could walk away from me and nicer courage honest, sober, hard work, people ,BLANKETS; 's all in a fair state of repair ; about 22 acres are fit fo W KITE ARD GDDESICR BICYCLES. mere The raccoon ran+.up a mast and Te- lay a hair, and the boss forninst in the GOLLOWAY ROSES, I 11I .- fail wtaeat. Possession of which will. be given for thinking that by its means they can at- Q o in this fall. The remaining land is all seeded First -Class Wheels in Every Respect. mained there until the mast fell fHrant�a shade callin me the shirk bekaze I did be cin o wealth more easily and quickly. cro ran ah indna 1" deg which we are now offering at.astonishingly of down with timothy and clover. For hither panic- PR=fcES --; Ti=Ci'•1Z'- never seen again, The foxes breakinmebackwidtoomu Third.•-Zbat it 'lowers and degrades low, prises° , ularo apply to lir. Clarke on the premiecis, to the 1580-a2 ally up and down the deck and went over _Chicago Post. what should be manly sports. � _W i auctioneer, or with the schooner, as did the bulYalo bull M. MESSRS. ELLIOTT A GLADMAN, A Fellow Feeling. Fourth. -^That it ignores the fate to M. � ` � � � r, � � �' Dated, 6ih July, 1S9S. Solicitors, Exeter.��y,�Cf'(1� and the geese Not a trace of foxes or bilit for the trust of money t0 vn lila p 1696-3 V if L buffalo was ever found. Two of the geese. The other day a lady was driving her Y - ' husband down a narrow Cnnntry lane One. i� Boder {�V orksr whore half a anile below the salla Fifth. -That it fs a violation in selfish- C�EpFpR�'�"� • Steam The other two met the fate of the' buffalo when, on suddenly turning a sharp nor" Hess of the law of brotherly love. �" P 0. Money t0 Loan, nes, they encountered a brewers van.' ca r - At amount of money to Loan on cod farm pro• (ESTABLISHED _ 1880.) and the foxes- "—Naw York Sun. pass, and the lady THE S E ��. T � tib �. tt . y There was no room o pa , Diet of FS=hors. `• %' perty, at h per cant. par annum. Straight loans, liters and Stars. said very tartly• � 0 payments made do suit borrower, satisfaction guar• (`I _L1 R s T A L hypothesis, • +� T/� - centred charges law. At office Friday afternoon and A. CHR . •'According to the nebular hypo Yo`u -must go bask, for I shall not., The London Vegetarian remarks that Tyr r}ysum,�lnt v'� � � Musical - jilD{�Jl l j. all day ,Ssturday . successor to Chrystal A Black, star is made by a nebulous particle joining You ought o have seen ns. helots entering b ger aeon of the world's righting bas •CD ASD,°ER 3E�s; g fie.,, been done on v@getable diet. If the fight- g (T it _ - McDonald Block, wingbam. adatnnfaotnrers of all kinds of Stationary with countless other particles, remarked " remonstrated her hug- Ing of China's 400,040,000 is a specimen, n �T �" 16s7 Making, Upright & Tabular the Qbserver of men and things, which, <'gnt, my dear, EM•PORI V M' o - Sof csiuree, doesn't account for the dramatic band mildly, ' `the man couldn't see round the carnivorous tenth hoe the bast of it.- .tom M, (:) - 1 ' �. A dramatic afar is made by a nebu- the corner. St: Louis Globe -Democrat. C A _ _ `,,,'he.cKillap Mutual Firs 0 I L E �. n "-Detroit Jour, „ , „ p - N �M� •. kine particle swelling p. I don't vara, was the characteristic Coal mined in China is being lszported BSTABLIEtHED, -,873. � 11 Insurance Comps y. reply. "I'll sit here till doomsday before �- jP.►lt pans,moka Stooks, Sheet Iron Wc;<ks, ' ,>tah I give way o that man." to California, and it is said that in a !ex iFARM ANQ ISOLATED • .TOWN etc., etc. t Most of the monks at Sing William's The Carter, who had overheard the col-• years the Flowery Land- will supply the 'Owing to hard times, we have con- , r(� PROPERTY ONLY INSURED else dealer n IIPpri�h Horizontal 811de Valve �� Cape Colony, are tradesmen, and ioquy, here remarked cheerfully: whole Pacific coast. $ j Anton right ugines • ty• All do their own carpentering, bricklaying, „Au right, guv'nor, I'll back out of :luded to Bell PiAL108 And Organs •i I . uzrcQsns• aglnes. flag �,� hand etc,, besides teaching „ oonfldentially; "I've got . one-seventh of tbe.tWritory of -Fraser sa of pippee and ppi!pe- b)aoksmithing► this, adding Geo. watt, President, Hsrlock P. O. ; J. B ..Wmatse !>M&IMed onehort Nati. sohool. Au they occupy ,. composed of forest. Greatly Reduoed Prices. Wertz--ODt° G. T. B. Btatioa. (;♦oderich. the buildings snob another at home." - Pearaon's iYoLean, Kippers P. 4. ; W. J. Shannon n�'cttomr of were erected%Wthemselves• Weekly. . T %� y� !�( - - Seaforth P. O. ; Thomas E. Haps., ape 1 VO1Tt�r"�` �e i,aaeaa, lieataxih P. o. Mop Directory for 1888 ___---.- DIA10raIIA. ' --William Hamilton, ex -reeve of Shel- W. G. BroadtoeL, 8eatorah ;John G. Grieve, win- eve WWp P. O. /� �1 iP. O{li' gPOCOr f0! Qrgail8 at �2a and nYDwardlt, = l throp; George DRIB, Orth;th;_;`Tliomas EHays, JOHN YORRISON,Ae�pnty_�eve, Beechwood ARRIALaE LICENSES burn, the last of the �17elanehthon per- Y SoiledTendonOf tl � rsoeivedth 00 underunfil pANI1tI+ llANI.EY, jurors, has been captured. He was arrested, los at QorreepOnding'Cea ed, on behRlt of the Tuekerrrnith {loun�i, 8eafortb : James Evans, Beeohi�ood ; Thoo.Glarbutt, cleared on bait. 1 o'clock on THURSDAY, AUtiUBT Spr at c for Gunton ;Thames Fraser, Br Br" -Oe , John B. Yo• p. O• P. O. I SSU E D AT it will be remembered, and r WM. MoOA0.VIN, Counatltor, 1IoW B hwood the conetre tihiOn of rasa gin live end tw tes�k Lean, Iiippen. ♦a>ata. JOSEPH A MORRI80N, Oo p ��/ n At the trial a few weeks ago, he did not ap• SgB IIS BSTOl3B PIIaaHAi3lxa. drains. Lan hat disgi g the two iitllrn Seaforth ; uRQp EXpD$�TDIt �EF�CE/ pear. -Since then he has been eluding search epectively.ngineer`s est mated 0024 he Robt. Smith, Harlock ; Aobt. Mo , P )HN 8. BROWN pounoluor, Seaforth P. O, THE a BRO a over a>t#,100, Pians and Jamar Gomm g, ondvilla; J. W. Yeo, Holmes- Cleric, P. 0. arties of all desoriptions. He was captured at the office of the unde ed. in Egm JOHN C. MOSRIBOIF, SCOTT. Winiirrop p vine F. O. ; John dovenlock and John C. Morrison. DAVID M. BosB, Treasure*. Winthrop P. 0. BRAFORTH, ONTARIO. last Friday night in the outskirts of Winn- ` lti9fl-8 A. G. BI FeFttE, Clerk, lTewali I e O° andfon•. EVANB, Assessor, Beechwood P. O. ,and lase been taken to Ontario and Parties desirous 'to street Insnranaes or irons• pig PeareSt and Best S.7 rot other bnsinesr Witt promptly atMnded to os. 011" B DO Il C).OcU6dm-ni era is �° Load. HO ryl'!I'NESSES REQUIRED. I lodged in } rampton jail to await trial, Por Table and Uairy, liostion to any of the abort ofaoers, addressed M OSAlRD POLLjRD. sanitary - jj vs. otD�rr P . 0. I y r respective port 3s 11 �� ;r . ­ -; I .% - i, ,# ­ .1 � iv 4 . . ,, s - . , - --- --