HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-07-22, Page 4- L I ;.- Z r i M , A I -, JW!_., I , � i . � t L � � ,� - � � , - f I , ! I � � I I f I - ­ - . - , : iii � - - � - � k . ­ �­ . I I .. .; � .� � �, .. - - , � - I - . � I - - � __ I .- b � . t . i - I . . � I : - � , � .114-, � I - I I . �, , � :: . J � � i I - � I L 7 _* -I I 11 - I _ I I - " - - -, - - , " %4 " :, � i - - � op�� �­ � .r ,-_ 1 - . . I I � V I - 4 . 1. I � __ . , .1 � � . I �. - 7 _. . I � � �_ ,::: - .- . .k� � �_ � . . __1 , i - I.- I __1 __ . �� � - - .. - - � ; . . , I— -� : I'll, ... __ ".. � t � I - � I I I I �. I I..- F -i __ 1- ­ I I - I - 11 .. ­ r � , . ­ � i - , , �_ � " , - _ , . 1. � � I � *r-*- I- I , �_ . - - - r � I � �- .1 �P. - - , � .- I , - I � 1 � . - , � I __ __ , � - - - - , - ­ - " � - � . � I __ I , . q . . T I I � I I I � � V � - ; ,,, i - I __ � r . - ... ... . � � -, 1 7 � : � . t� � I �_ � � I , - _ - i � . ! _i 0� 1. � . � " , , , 1. , II - i r�, 1- - I 1. f � j � - . , J . 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I � , - _ � 7 'i I - 71,11, - ­­ � , . , . . � ­ I � .. � I : _ - - - � � - 11 �� " , . . - , , I I .- .. I I __. ,.i ,,I I - :,-,. . I L. : - � 1. I � I I i , __ I � I �, - I � - _. �- .1 - - - I I _0, � �� , - I I � _- . I I _� 11 . - ., . I . I ''I - � - L ­ � � . � � . I . 1. ,� . I I - . -1.77 . I . I � I 1�1 .. . I � . . _. _1�.__ I ­ _... ,� . -.1 I ­= a 1-11 . -1 �.� "-1 - .. - �. .1r, .1 - �­ . I . . I.- ..- I . - � � I I I . I , I ­ I . _: t''.. I .1 . �­ I 1. I I - �.. I �. I . I I . ­, ­ . �!� . :­ .. I � I - . I . f I . I � I - ­ - I _. I .� 1� I.. 1. - I I . - t _�, I I ... � — . .. � I I I -1 ...1.1 . .! k 1. � .. . . . I . I . . i I � . A . . . I - I - I � � - I 1. � , . . . . i, I . i . � . I . I i .- L, �, � . ; : - I . _. . 1� I . I I . . I . I I __ � - . I - I I I ­­ . . � i - - - I I � I 06:111 . I ­­ � � I I . -1 I � - I . . 0 1 1 . � .. � 7UL,,y -1898i, - � . 1-1 . I I . .. 1� - �- . I % � 1-1 �,,!TIM, JIM - L209E � . ___ -1 .. _. I . I- . I - - � ­_ . .11 . . __ i =!tl � �� -1-1 � . 1 -7--7-7— :, - �_. 4 1 . � I .1 . I 1. .. � . - P . I I . .- I I L __ is � 7 ON PO I . I . . __====!T!!� ­.- , ,� ___ ___ ___ - - __ - M . mmummo�� - - I . - � 1� I I � .1� r � . � t - I I - . . . e!=!M=__ . . I I I . I . ,..I- I .1, . � . I � I r I i � i I .. � . _� k , Ano I the Jud - declare differeadys then this the Incoicivenigooe d discomfort of th � I . I . I .. -1 I .- Ipliss were . gas � . - . - . I � . proo - I I � � ,­ � . . - 1. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . ths.Tampl&A tempersmov a ,6et;ion 122. (2) The rewbov . . . . he ' ' I .-. ; g - F I I . ­ hypocritical blind; an it w&ked inost vigor- shall not apply to rettirnheM I � ­ olau would be diefranolilood'tud, ma' a mll � I . . . , w V oerii d Pole, And instead of ,the ,,people of A I � . � . -1 11 . I I I . I - . - . or . I � k4th,west groa Ing � under ruinoup . . � I 11 11 � � i, 2ho-fturaWwamthe, porentli er each -clerks appointed- under this! act aid - . . I � , - � � age of � the pappr on which the . I � -frolilit charges an -. & . grfn�dla& monopoly-. I I . I .. � Aff eg* qualy at. All, tim'7 for the Conservative poll subject to heavy ponaltim, not through- my - t . h , . ' I I I I I I . ... . I I :;ves, denotes the p W fr, d Govern. ... .. i . � par y - When its friendswere in power a receiving as such the feft10 whio pot tion *a . I � I . , , . Otta�wa it was very careful to! concentrate I - I ic . ,� I . � I . 4 - _ _ dissumat *Ill be, found. � � t .- . I I of�lio fault of theirs, but through an obsourity -in they would have o I - —MCKInnon a 400, (a) : are entitled under this set. - . I . *c would moure the people I I I I . � . I I , , - - Building We I d -It would Mont control- wh*c � I'll � I __.. I - wale -IL a. Gun Mont at To- the wording of the statute, an . W, r , , ': I � , - . _� . - - 'V,1nit(5)-- � ronto, but as soo, a"Llberial. Governmen 'a - � . I I I _ � , their ri I to. No', 01 . I r. Telegram, it was � I 11 � , I ..... I I I , - apse its uttsoks on the Grit Govern' The word "by any per -son who' meoev,e 7," . . � For so% 4rto Beat -A. a" t than be too late to remedy the � difficulty by I I , . � . � � . , - Rho-aam's - 11itr other capacity," and 11from any I � � CC— atom m1fdrtunes that ever . 0 � � , vy-01--w. R. witlin (8) "any— pay- � I � I - . . _�: � . got into power at iOttaws, the Templar at I legislation. Now, everything can be not befel this 6ountry at Mr. Mackenzie was' , I I Tz� . YOU04 t6 Qtedl%Ors-�-R. G. Bo) nolds (5) 1. . - . I : once discovered that the Dominion Govern- son whomsoever," are held by tho�Conmrv.al . . I � Z- . - . � I VolaW LUtWelloo.-Win. igillo" (6) . � right as it was by'the.Dominion, no p:erson not permitted to 0 ,out his ' licy in Con. - I - I Binder Twins,-A.'O, Vw2rqmond (8) meat was the 6ontroillig influence." It fivis petitioners to exclude frolb, 2 vo 7g � PO . . . ___ I . . ". _ - ' , I . RW ZdsU for 11al". Laud -borough (5) was this double course, In trying to serve election constables and also the owners of wilt be -injured, but all interested 'will be nfttron with the dtion s I � ; - - . . - I . . - . I . Stinis for We --W. A. Row (5) the Conservative party more than the cause - oLved heavy costs fighting thematter, L in. the than Paaift6o, He at right in that -as in . I r - . . , i I I I Butter wauttd--G. Z. King (8) . polling booths, the constables reoeiv, �; almost avprythfu . I Of temperance, that was responsible for the . Ing 119 Ise. - "I � ! Cbmao H*rdw&r*--0, Harthib (9) I - - I the courts. There, to not the , least qdoubb but , � , � Not W.sather--Gralz & Xsotlo,Wd (1) 1,de*th6f-tbo Templar. - - from the arbwa for their services, � and . I : � - I I . - course - taken by Mr. Hardy. .is the Ia re rin �� to t ' ,,*oto of, 1_1�_. I Nartgage We-OwrovA Proucifoot (5) �.__ . the I for', 11 a : - the el%wtion - --- I . , - - . owners of eleotion. booths receiving compoil- � . ­ 9 f ]F,��I,F,Ty P of - I Ferni for ads --win. Mitchell (6) . :, I pro r one, and will be hearti ved of ' dig. I EC 1�8 I I The Colk-Tea Store. -A. G. Ana (5) - � An Inside View. � sation in like manner. - The throwing 0�tl TO ly appro 'constables which now being so much . - . � . � � Central Hartivrase Stam -8111a & Murdle (0i) � I . . - by 'the country. I � oussed, the Torou 'World says : f A In Any . � . � AlGrest Xyta-11. J. Hill (6) . " Kit," the lady war correspondent of the ctf then votes in every count nency .would, ___ - .. I r ; - - I . _1b I 0 . !. , event It is a fair q estion to dinouso:whether /.'PiN I -.-, I TwW6-Johngtou Bros. (8) ,Toronto Mail, after many trials and tribu. si we have already 011- I � - . - = Linep-Beattle Bros. (8) .explained, inakw a a Editorw - Notes and Comments. it would ' b be mc re in -f the t!reat , �8 . .0 . � � � no , public in q I . latione and disappointments, has at length sid9mble difference in the - general result. M,Usctl S` W_ * - � . . I I � . - , . . - � - . .' . - i A Toronto correspondent says : Prepara- to make the consts bles neutral than to arm . � I I I . . . - i V I got to Cuba.. She was for Aim i quartered This motion of the act has been in force for � I I - Is . . tions. are in progress ab the Parliament the Government w 1 th so powerful' a lever - . I ., . y - � . as, gurflu fs - AWOL at Tamps, and, when We nAmerican troops thirty. years, and � I . ' - 1_. �' - . - . 11 . - � , ere for Santiago, she expected to. so- under it have never beim objected � I Olature each cousiAbre iecei a tho'munificent sum . I � I '-dLEARED BEFORE ME ,..A . ,these parties voting buildings for the opening.of the, Le for corrupting the Ialectorote.11, Seeing that - - TO 8 I ­ , -_ -_ left th . to before. - ve � . . � , I ' t On August 3rd'. All the civil, servants who of one dollar for his daY's - services, the � I - . . 11 " . I- I - I .._ . BEAFORTIE14 FRIDAY, July 22ad, 1898 company them, as,did the other newspaper The Government hold that the act i � does no I I I . sum- "lever for corrupting the elootorhte "is , . - � " FIRS Of- AUGUST. - , 4: I � erg am away on their vacations have been. - - I I � I . - oorreopondents, but she was doomed to dis- exclude the constables and booth own I . \ - not,'oureli, a very powerful one, In fact, SOME SOLDAS HIGH* 1, . , . I . appdintment. No officer or other person in from voting, bat, of ooures, there � is,,good moned- The Government will be econom- . it is an insult to a ery r6 . spectable body'of , - . . 1� . - � � , I .� . The War. - leal. Kojoessional writers will be engaged' . AS 25 Centsi ' - . , I ;� - � * , f authority would Assume the responsibility room'to.doubt whetherlt might not be and only 6, -few messengers. This Govern- mea to say, or eve insinuate, that ,their - . J I . . � I . I , � Realizing their hopelips position, the I - � � . � .- � se will franchise is parch able. I . .1 . - -1 �. � - - - 1. netal of permitting a lady to accompany them to interpreted to bear thisr meaning. In order meat does not, expeeb.tbat 'the Hou . . � - - I � , . I - I I . - � ' I Spanish authorities have permitted Ge - I � . , - - . � such a country on such a mission. Kit then to settle all doubts, the Government a . be in session more than two weeks at the . � I 'i - . � � . - � I ' . . � � I ub . The Conservati * . . - � . I . , Toral to make axi uncandipional surrendar - ' outside. Members will not - get their , v4 papers are very apt . at I . � . � I - . - 9 . � went on to Key West, where she was mitted the question t� the Court,�f Appeal, )t a parading extracts from the Montreal Wit- .. I - � I 0 1 . - 11 ­ . I � � '' i of Santiago city and Provinop., The our. tim , . arily have trunks of stationary, but, instead, will gi / I i - � . " - I � . stranded for a time. . She tried many , as the tribiinal which would necom pad or two. I . , but w, iob notic I ad that . any of 4 - i � � - 7. I'll, . reader' took place on Monday lut. General I - I ! � . neos,� 6 have I I i . ALso. A Ll N-9 ,- I, I I I . And in various ways to got transportation to to give the final decision after the matter I I_L � . . I - - I I I I . them have quoted - the followingi 11 The I - . . . � �­_ 1_. Toral, with his officers, marched out of. the Santiago, but the same objections and ob. - was decided by the election co4 rts. A corres dent of-, the Montreal e0iFess � - � I . � . I � � 1. . � . The 4 Pon Star to assertion that the : fardy Government did I as I � - - . - � . - -, I city to the front of the Amer can lines surw at cles r program Court, of . Appeal, however, refused to take reported to have interviewed Mr. A. Even. � I I , I . J> - � . � I 'a impeded be, as she met . - . . � . I - I 11 rendered their arms to General Shafte and Witfi` ab Tampa. With L A - Woman, . I I not receive' t f the votea. in the � . . ' " - - - . r, .8 I i a ' . I I - I d,ji7e a doe ii i this tural, M. P. P., and he is said to have mad � �.. I I ' Pardo- the matter up an isio . in . I I - ma':r'r and was not -thel�'- . . . . then Accompanied the Am' I last eleetio,:in 0 ,�io,o, � L I F, I erican, General : . -_ ' I , INES tency, however, she persevered, and just as way. Mr. Hardy, therefore, has d4oided to 'the following statement : " I have accepted DELP L - � � 6 b th people,- . I . - .... 1. fore really-r6tiq 6 to power 7 I V_ and officers into the city, Speakership of the Ontario Legislature, is a mial , - . a '. � Z I ' . when formal Pos- she 'was about giving up hope, the long submit the matter to the Legislature to be the ' ol 'Ili h f -truth 2ecordiii to - , � . ... -1 session was taken, and Santiago province looked for opportunity I moms to have ar-. decided by them. 'The result of this set0ion and I will hold it until; Autumn, when : I ex- the retaras 1 the at Ight Liberal candlifates . . � � I . . . 01 (q) -� I.- . and City is uoWL in possession of the United I . I I SILL WOW46W AIN 0 S 12 K0 - .' l- I - I , - rived. She. at last got passage on a Red will likely be that the lAgiplature will pass Pect,to-be appointed Minister of Public received 2t5,6 v tea -, the , straight Coa. . . . . - L! I States the Amerioin flag flies over the Cross vessel from key Went, audio, no an Act removinglill doubte and- declaring 'W"Al. Thin ismot definite. I 6iay- decide servative candida, 208-4M, and the Pat. ' yi - ' ..� , . . 4 . . � I I . ' f I J . I �X - . I late� to retain the Speakership." What.' ro e nts 5,095 votes. The whole lot t -on -a table and * -. � 1.�_ . I various public buildings, and the city 'a doubt, ere this, located at Santiago. In that these officers and others similarly sit -1 ever, may be Mr. EvanturePo short. . . In the last Legislat re the Patrons were gen- I . PU -1 . �?, I gawed by American soldiers. The' totme her last letter from Key Wei - I " � price to be 10 -cents a. yard ' -. . I . I e0ralnus . . at, dated Joly nated have a right, to vote and always have! lack I of self-esteem is not one of them. He erallY foun � sup rting the -Government . - � L I - . I - I - � �� � I __ - of the oapitulation are that the United 4 Liberal W - I .1 1. i � 11th, she givev a glimpse bellind the scenes, had such right. -1f this in done it will - of I had better decide to retain the Speak6rehip ; an measur . and this was made a I I -_ �L -1 I 0 1 I.. -for your choice I � .... States assumes. full possession of all the van- J . . I he in a good deal bettef adapted ;for au ground of appeal a inot them by the Con. - � � - � . and the information she has obtained . a courmi destroy the Conservative contention i - � - -so it is &in that the votes at I - I . . . . I . - sels, munitions of war sad other property ` � , - i ornaTelial position of that kind than he is servatives, � CA ' ; . 0 . . . - i garding the management of the Campaign and will prevent ii�Wdsuger of their getting for a cabinet office wherw brains and in- for them must have gain for the most part . I � . . _� - V , i within the city and pro4ince. The -United on -the American;, side, boars out very fully into poweroiL a technicality. , � �. dustry. are essentials. , I I giveir, in a p I revel of their natural alliance . � . � . I . . / 0 - . � , I- : � I - � � I . I * . - � i Siates has undertakeni to transport all � the ' � i - T Is. part from these, how- � - __ . the remarks- we 'made on the same subject : 1 �, L, � i . . J . 1- I Sp"ah troops to s6me port in Spain. These I - . . The Conservatives Ba,v that this contain' � . The Obtawa correspondent of the Toronto ever, the �i 'rals h d a plurality, though . . ' I . . . - . li - I . _ . get week. She says: - of Mr. Hard3 I not a major' over 11, and if they we , � . I - I number about twenty tfiouaand. The 44,11 plated Action on the pait r And � Mail is father of the Jollowing : " � It in . e Cleared -Out an entire lot . I . . � I I . t � Accounts of recent- 'affairs in Santiago i I given the Con an a of the people, still Use , I t I the Government is very bad and entirely - ' i __ ishWdiers have 'all been disarmed,,'Aid haive been brought here by Mr. Z. P. Nut- � well understood here that the coming nee- were the Coniery I as, whose support 'fill of samples of � . - - I- I . � - �­ - -banded their &me over to the mep,. tall, sp�cial correspondent of the London wrong; that I is,. in 0 , an a mp 0, . � . � - I have - . . sio,a'of the Ontario Legislature will be Mr. short of thae of the bl by over seven . I � - I ! I . ra accompanied the anticipate the decision of the courts, and to : ". . . � - - " - ... , . - - I - . . ., I . .. . I : I . - , , : wounde ack on the transport place men in the Legislature who may not I . r, . Ire . - I I .. I I . i sido of Santiago city, awaiting trsnaporb7�_ Mr. Nuttall reports much -that is exceed' . I I . . . p I , . is to be provided for by this Government, -1 �. - It. Daily Teleg -ph. who thousand votes.." , 1� - - I - CAR authoriries, and are new exicam d or d b- I Hardy'alut. Afteritie over * Hardy I . . I I I ! With the'followiu remarks of the H am. - I � JIMIERICP I HPTS . I I � i ? 9 have been legally 61e*d thereto, *and that I I . I - I 1 I ation to their own Country. In addition too I ly intereatill Despite gtowing accoun in possibly by the creation of a new j ad . ' . - ' �. , . .1 - . . - - . I- I j-1 the papers. of*this country to the effect that too, with the aid of the votes of these name geship ilton Times we ,hearti 'agree. it asys : A , Won': Grey, Brown . and Black �, . all the arms, C�&nnon and such like, belon . . next session. Mr. James Sutherlaud�, the . I - . I . . - I - -t . . Toronto deputation 011ted on Hom Mr. �. I � . � i ingtothe Spanish army in Santiago, the the siege guns were "trained on the en- men.. On the -other aide it is held that the Liberal whip, has-been here discussing the I ' . . I ' . - ­ . �:� �, . emy," and "doing immense slaughter," the action is quite legitimote and proper ; that matter with Sir Witfrid Laurier, and it is Rose yeaterilay to ur the� enrolment, . and And we are going to sell them as we .- I . � -7 . 1, i Americans have become possessed of several hard fact remains t' at, not alone are the gh 0 pupils as military � I , - � valuable vessels which were lying in Santi- gun I a ght to. vote is now said to be arranged., G. � W. Hoeg insists drilling of hi so � 'ht them,, that is a great - .1 - h -1 I I - I a still lying unpacked on the transports those portion whose ri I , h boug . I I . f I as have � 1� I which brought them here from Timpa, but being disputed by the Conservativ upon Mr.., Hardy getting oub, and then he cadets. Mr. Rose h been accused of. in- � . 1- � II ; - IQ � I 5 . ag? harbor at, the time of the surrender. will 'obtMn � the coveted' Premiership." traducing 11 fade 11 in , an deal below, their -_ H . . I The fh�st use the Americans propose making There is, no ?","doubb,' about as curriculum, And forbt, a most part the If real, value!, - " - , � - " some of the sights have been lost or mislaid, voted without objection for over twenty already Crowded - . � I ­ go. . , I ; I I I . , ,o I i . or forgotten, io tha� theligune are -practical. years ; that the law never contemplated -much truth in 'thlq-,'� statement as cusation hao'had no b tte I - . I I of the" captured vessels in to transport the ly ageless, whether " trained on the enemy 11 I fo M datiod than � . . : I L . � P. I - . " - .. ­ r I . . captured Spanish troop,3 to Spain. ' that they should be precluded fro.n voting, there usually is in the'leAng editorials in par zaa malice. Blat if Ilr , tose attempts Come in. an examine them I - S . I or lying peacefully on the transports. Some the Mail. If, As the Mail- ooniinually "-- the introducti6n of mi it, Efoolery 1 to I � I . I I . . . I ... I -_ V. one has blundored,,and greviously, with the and that to permit of their disfranchisement A . . and we will ask you a PrIce I I . . ­ I � ., As soon "I it became' known that the consequenob that the death roll has been would be a great injustice - to themselves serts, the Governmentis in the last ditoh the 'ehools At the inst 6nee-01' such deputs- . . - . 7 - - � . � : Americans had got possession ot Santiago, . and is likely to slink out of existence i the tion: he will -subject b mgelf to deserved 'that the smallness willsur-_ . I ; . � . P . I I . I . � . . . . unduly heavy. .There has b6en altogether and an outrage upon the rights of a con presence of the mighty Whitiiey,j the cp sure. , . . t . ­ n . - I . -rise -you. - I - - 1; the large army of refugees, men, women and too much haste, too much rush, too much of ' .. � - p s 11 � � I .1 children, who bad left the city-, during ihe an almost boyish spidt ,of aA�enture.seek- dderAble portion of the electorate. More. Premiership can -not 'be such a coveted - ' , . I -11, . I I ­ : � - , . � z� ; ' I � .. . t- � I � - . I . .. . - I . . �� 11 - � .1 . Mg. Take the -charge) of the Bough Riders over, lt is contended that this legislation is position for Mr. Ross or any other person. Says the Ottawa Qtizen : " Those who � . . : siege, came flocking back to their homes . . I . me 0 SO . . - . in , .. . I . � .. . I I f I -11 i J that first day. Glorious, no dou'bt, gallant required to protect the rights of -those oit. I live by the sword i hould 'perish by'the ,- -� I I .. . - I . � . -� . ; the citi, which had been ransacked' Qby the . A Toronto paper 'pays: I I A Michigan , I 4 . � . , I - i - I . and daring and magniflepnt-but it was not . � sword. The numbirei [ ballot has' been a qomme vvith the vrowds to I I . I Spanish soldiers prior to the surrender. The war. izens whose right to exercise the franchise firm has just taken $50,OW worth of logo . . � I I Then came the awful 4laughter-the . - I � �- - is now endangered. More than this, they on ,of Ontar,le to be great thing for Menare, Hardy and Rose, . I I eri 80� deplorable dreadful fire from the ambuscade, the una. I . t out in Michigan � mills . I I Am icans found the city in I � - � - 1 _ . t they ' batitmayyet be their undoing. I I - ' I -11 4 If. the . � I condition. The hospitals are full, of sick vailing lose of life. The splendid men were give excellent precedent for the course I When will the - I MA I t - . I by United States workmen. - ' _. I � I Af I � owed down as corn falls under the scythe. propose. The Dominion Election Act for- Ontario ballot was*a secret one, as the Do- . I � 11-1 � M. , aud wounded, ; the stores had been ransack- in _ . Canadian Government condescend to do - I � - 1? I - I For from two to three genre the rain falls minion ballot is, there would be no. way of , , . . - - I- t merly contained a clause' similar to that i . � I I .. E I ad there was, no food in the place, and both steadily every day, The miserable trail- something to keep this wor"k in Canada for I � , 11 . . I I , Be --Be- G iN. � - F I � � p I conerables . � . � � I which we quote above fro finding out how voted, . � I I . .. � : T. ? sAdiers and populace were stwving, and the why did the Government not insist long ago, in . the Ontario Canadians." - Our contemporary inuat, have and the Hardy -410618 G Dvernment would not . , . . . - - �. W. � P � - I I I r ,� i - volved on theAmeric,Ln 0 " I , � L,- i � at duty tha,t de 1Xp on the making of corduroy roads by tEe Act, but'without the rider referring to re- been playing Rip Van Winkle for the p�at now b in such great anie and peril." T . 1� i � I I ; + Cubans? -ie knee-deep in red, slimy mud. turning officers and poll clerks. A Federal Year. It I$ not necessary for the Dominion IM = � M M ;� , , I 'famishing citi- which the Ham I ofthe _�­ L, ,I I authorities was to feed the fit,6- R , 0 THE .CORNER STORE Seaf � - i n imeo, very aptly re- - . .. 4 The heat is frightful -the. still, breathless Government to take action now. The On- . 9 [: I , it itself is no ismall heat of the jungle., The ateamin - . gentlemen - � � . . � � zone and soldiers. - This i � election was hold on the'22nd day of Feb- . ph *as : There , you have a hint � � I I I * . L , .! - g earth tario Legislature did that business at its of the rfasou for the Tory canipaign against . I � . � % - � I T_ I - - iL iob. Admirals Sampson - 1887, and Parliament iva-0 oalled to*. last session. It passed an act requiring all the numbered ballot. The Citizen's remark' " - - . � i � I - , I I F - I , -and Schley have throws up pungent odors. ' The line of sky ruary, I . . - . about , I r that the agent took dinner at Mr. Dinnea's � ere was no wind. The - lose -is about F t above the hills shimmers and wavers with gether on the 120h day of April following, timbe cut on Ontario limits to be I , , � - - had the mines and other explosives removed rnanuf&3- - At once a confession that the numbered place, the latter was asked to si a a docu- � 84,000, which -is partly covered by iusar� - � of heat as the eye catches it. The tents are and before t6 election petitions were- Ais- tured in this country hereafter. This act, '_ 9 . . . . � - 11 from the harbor, and several -vessels the ballot operates to see he.enforeement of ment, which - turned out to be an order for 'anee. D. R. Menzies, fbrm�rly, of Cfintojij, I � ., I I as it . - I � . I . I I , t : nere rage, at which the rain laugba-r- posed of. Many petitions were filed, and however, did not affect the out of last the law and a fair elea - 0: 9 nd I an intima. .1 �! � ic te. I : . American, fleet are now anchored in the bar- clamors and pfirces. Men, lie down'linds W winter. . . stock to the amount of $7. Mr. Dinnen re- is also one'of the partners. - - .. , t I . r I tion that it the Torie could do . � . � , L � . so,1they need to take the- trees when � they came, I -A local paper is responsible for the : . i bor. What the next move on the rt of it on the wet earth, exhausted. They drop the majority in many cases was.11mall enough . I f L pa ' . I - would -remove that- si fe-guard 6f honesty � fol- - - . --- . fi out,oveicome ISy the hest,'osreleas whether to havebeen. ffirectly affteted had election � Says the Farmers' Sun : "The Govern, and now-, the company is trying to force pay- lowting: One of the Toddeate, of East Wa- - ' * the United States ' will. be, is not yet de n. they live or die.'and the troops march on. and peril to crooked )oliticianol so As to ment. Farmers should beware of these in- � . wanesh was given the contract by the -coun- I Italy known. It is said that the army at , I constables or the other officers been deprived inedt shoulA know the political sentiment have a free hand to, at iff ballot boxes and dividuale, and read car-efully, before they " oil of, removing a pine stump on the 4th I ' . I . 1 1 f Santiago will be sent back. to the United . of the right to vote. Indeed, the election of the country. I Is it right in � assuming make personation 9� a '. � I I . , . . sign any documentab � ' . An Amgry Party. � - � I I I -r- — �:_ . " . linek The qoRtractor believes in *Working I � States, except a force sufficient to guard the of all those whose majority was *under 100, that it would lose politically by operating � - -Mr. T. 0. Cooper, of Clinton, celebrated- cheap and said he would do it for one dollar. . . . Cax,iada has once mo, -a scored a point in city and prov To mythat the Conservative party ask aboat 60 in all, would probably have be' � the ninetieth anniversary of hio'birthday bn ,ince, and that Major Shafter � an the Intercol6nial in. a business -like way ? I . He n st him,, and after I - � , Imperial politics. Thi i postal conference at Tuesday, and is still in fairly goott health. working li days they called in a third man ill remain an adiftinistrator of constitured for Provincial purposes and led directly affected had it been held by the If it is right, this is a humiliating ad i I - wx Santiago, . . - , mle' London has terminated in an agreement to Mrs. Cooper is 84 years of age'. This ven- to help them complete the job. It took the � . until other provision for its government is by Mr. Whitney, is angry, does not by any courts that deputy-returnivg officers, poll sion, both for the Government and the . erable couple have been married 67'years 'three of them another half day to finish. - . ' � I . . initiate A system of pe iny postage between ' - made.' The 'Cubans are not to, have any means express the fullneis of their wrath at clerks and constables. paid from public funds, country. We are of opinion that t . and have been residents of Huroit since - Counoill6r Pattorson was in __ I ' he ,G,ov. Great Britain, Canada Newfo ndlin�, Cape County part or control In the government of the Mr., Hardy for having called the Legislature were deprived of their votes. This was a ernment is wrong. To manage the affairs u 1837. .. Wingham on Monday -of last week, letting �� �4 � I . � � I . . to meet on -the 3rd of August. It is not, plea in several of the petitions thou pend - of the country wioh a view to thr interests Colony And Natal. Australia- remains out . -Mr. D. Gil'ohrisr, met with a painful ae- th&- Contract for the new iron, bildge, at I � - . . new con,cluest, and reports a � they a;e very : . . . . . . ' - � � . � or; however, the calling of the Legislature forthe present. :,The;- London. papers, are cident4b the Union. furniture .factory, 9-�nobsoter. Hamilton, Stratford andXin- . Z ! � � much disappointed and dissatisfied, A's they to., ing,jus� as it is now in the Ontario petitions. of the whole people, and without regard to - - I Wingham, .on Wednesday forenoon of last cirdine companies tendered'for the. iron . . � 4 - � . gether that so seriously irritates the party, In ficti one of the seats that would have the protests of local interests, would 'be a ringing with praiie for Canada'a enterprise I � . - -, _. I I � seemed to expa�b that the Americans would . . v week. , He wai operating - the carving Ma. ,�ork. The tender of the Kineardine Bridge . -, . - J l � ernment into . _; - , . conspicuo in some way o � . uthority . Hardy for been affected by -it, was that of S�F John aliatic. action. It is undoubtedly a I i . bub the business laid out by Mr a sluggish h)me Go m , I ! hand over the reins of power and a ,ion chino, and i ne 6f his arms gob Company man accepted at $1,150, There us departure from the past polit in forcing I , of Governments in Canada, but we believe fastened in the machine and the flesh was were three tenders for the concrete work, I ; to them as soon as the capture wag corn- the Legislature to Consider. One paragraph Macdonald hiMbelf, for Kingston. Sir I it would pay, even from a purely partizan =a achievement, 'and reflects great � ,_ Messrs. Neagle, Kidd and � F. Gat )_ � I . badly torn. - I I i , credit upon Mr. Mulo(k, wh _1 . � f . plated. Uncle Sam, however, knew a trick in the sessional programme seem"o be par. John, who was then Prime Minister, intro- tand at. A Government with a good, has liter ridge. , t F "lly -On Tuesday morning bf last week, Mrs. That- of F. Gatterid I 11 ; . � 0 r at S .� 1. 11 :hare poibackbone would find support where fought the � reform through. Imper"I Thomas1ilauuders,,of Morris, was in B io.was I . � t " . � T � . . j I - . . � �L � f worth two. of thin. The Cubsup, from all ticularIy objectionable to them. Vhat par- duced a bill which declared tbit deputy- postage means - two -cent rate .. fbr rus- per cubic yard. .. _� . � i. � . 9; timid Government would look for it in & as an i � ' A � a poor, shiftless, thieving lo � nevitab ,9 hile coming from A . t. agraph is the one referring to the validity returning officers, poll clerks and constables vain. In any event, the failure of the Gov- A , accounts, are sale, and was takin a crook of butter from -The' other day, w 7 I . . = corollar�.� That is ;aeubu to &,store, when -a large dog ran Stow in Dungannon, with A load , I . � i The Spaniards are not much as citizens, but of election constables votts. In view,',Ihere- were not deprived -of their votes ; and thatl ernment to manage the Intercolo � . already provided for, that the transi#on - &jul g arV#Mi10, . i . nial r, throwing her off her feet, Mrs. 'of shingles, Edward Anderioxes horses ran . f feadul maledictio the Con. " I -like way is no . ,in a will be easy from a I islative standpoint. 3t a I , A X the Cubans are infinitely worse. It will not fore, of the tie of where they were otherwise qualified to vote' business argument against n at out her left hand to save her- away. While . . . � Can d! .1.1 � Government ownership. ada, is maintaipping r position of ' lead- p Coming down GlenaN hill, one - -A � . be at all surprising it the- Americans should servative leaders and the Conservative it was declared they 11 are and always have I It is� -,, rather, a self, and the fall broke her arm .at or near of the bunches &V the fronf fell off, frighten- ; t ; - . ership.. � . . �I w � - reason for placing the management in inon- ­ . ... . � � i I have to keep a considerab a force of soldiers papers from Mr. Whitney and the Toronto been entitled to v0e at the election of a partisan � — : the wriet, � ing the animals. Seeing they wvreboyond � . t . I I ' hands." We are inclined to think � -Mi. ,John Baker, of Goderich township, control, Ed. jumped from the wagon, -which �' I I I I e I in Santiago,, __ 11 keep the Cubans Mail, downwards, it may be interesting and rqember for the House of Commons I' The our contemporary has entirely too good an Huron Notes. . . � .. - _____ --I I ' . � .. who was brutally assaulted by G-6orge F. went'over the embankment.' The horses . 11 r On. I " � I., L I straight. But, with so strong a footing in profitable to our readers for us to give a measure was retrospective in its operAti 0 on of human nature. It is these -Two bicyclists in JM- ingham collided the- -Oaken afew weeks ago, is suffering'from did- not remain long in the ditch, but mader � -1 ! ,� I Ptucial interests " that control the votes other day, and, As a r oult,"one of them had paralya!s, and is'ed seriouslv I � Santiago, they should not 1have much teou. plain history of the whole . case In' under. It was adopted by the House by unani ill that a fatal for home, minus the abin I being found -. , _ . imous . I i , otes that Governments live I T. "' ; ble, in.thia, way. There is,.�`a great de - . oe broken. I p � - � a,l of standable form. assent. Sir John Macdonald, whoL intron and it in by v 9 -his no . " termine.ition is feared'. His7present illness is 'waiting at the gate. The river was bruised _ . . ' I and consequently they can not with safety -Wm. Button and James Chisholm, of alleged'to� be due to the injuries he received in Anany places . and badly sh - �. � - sickness among -the Arne' 6,t '.The trouble be an in this way : In several duced the bill,;is repo'r'ted 'in Hansard t � "loo, L . &ken up. __ .. L., rican soldiers -9 0 . defy al intere6ts," and this is just the Wingliam, have gone' a a, business trip ,to' at the bind's of Oakes. � -'The following students fro - I, . i a have stated that he had 11 no very reason why Governments can not ua- � I Huron I _ i Santiago, and the anxiety now seems to be of the petitions lodged by Conservative doubt that 8 the old country. I -Conductor John 'Wameley, of London, county have been successful at in * I � I � � . . . I � i- ,. to get them away from there I to a healthier, against the return of Reformers, it is they have the r ght to vote, bat this (th' cessfully or economically conduct public --J. W. MoRobert , . formierly of Holmes- who has run oh the G thi reeeni �. . -i a rand Trunk express professional examinationg .At the Ontario .. ; works with which " local interests " are ville, has been engage as teacher at Bel. train from Lou � ! en .as t . idea to Wingbarn' ever duoe� Normal College, Hamilton : J. Spenoor, . ! , Climate a& soon as P086it�le. Since tile !specially alleged thatr the respond ' t w bill) is declaratory of tha fact." Sir John so closely identified as they are with rall. moat, at a salary of . the line Vvaa,o ened, has resigned his posi- Dmhwood; J. A. Taylor and E. RiohMondo . I � , . - � � � �', Americans have had an opportunity of in- elected by the votes of election constables Thompson and Mr. McCarthy, who took ways. The Government tried to place the -The Meth-odist S ridgy school, Bruseeill, tion, Mr. Wa-maley has been in feeble Blyth; W. J. Scott, Clinton.; H. A. Ryan, I , � - , :, -specting the for�ificationa 'D;t Santiago and and that these officers are, by statute de- part in the debate, appeared th acquiesce in management of the Intercolonial railway Ilin have presented r. a d Mrs. H. R. Brewer health for some time, and has tak n I I - I,— - 9 � a this Nile ; J. H. Tigert, Fo I i . .rt Albert4 .Foi � the - . 1L the other meausi'of defence which the Spani- bafred from voting, and that,therefore,these this view, and so also the present Minist non partizan hands. but they soon fou�d with a handsome ojeorrtary and bookoa*6; . move so that he may take a ,well earned information of thegeneral public,- it ma(y be -. : q - I e.r � � that it would not work, and" it has been -While riditig o tho recreation park rest. . � I r , � . - added that, the Onto ; ards had there, they freely adinit that to vot�% should be discarded, and a scratiny of of Justice, Hon. Mr. Mille, and 1be now - Oid Normal 0ollogevas I ; 1. . � ' I with the Intercolonial so would it be with'' track, in Goddirich, t a other day, Alex. Me. , -The Grand Trunk has paid the Turn-* formerly the School �of P�dagogy, and is pot 'A I r l . - . . I ; ha:ve taken the, city it would have cost them the ballota cast is asked for this purpose. Speaker of the House of Commons, Mr; all other similar enterprises. Govern ' ent Leod collided with a other wheel, and we I i � � . 7 - I � - -_ . to a be�ry and Morris Agricultural Societies, the to be Confounded with the Xor-mal Schools � N, 1. - The object of the Conservatives n doin ' Edgar, who it was in fact;' formulated . - A . , 'i at -least five thousand men.and had Cerveru,s i ownership of.railways, as a wiae and profit- thrown, breaking his collar bone. insion from the excursion to the Model at Toronto - and Obta�wa. TheANorth . I V 9i . * Comm I - . tble proceeding, is only advo cated by via- , al , I . � I -on Monday of la ,week, Mrs. Thomi�a's Farm last month. The total commission Schools are for the prafessional training of. - . I I - ­ . I � fle*etremaingd.-in the harbor the. pla-3e wr*s. this will be apparent when we ,say thaf the billi although it was adopted and intro- ! aries who live in the clouds and are too Woods, of Danganno 4ied from the effects earned was $348#15. The two societies, second -clam teachers while the Normal Col- . - � � . � . Ion � I . I - ,a , f � almost impreknable. three-fourtba, if not all, of the election cor� duced by Sir John Macdonald. The pre. high up to take cognizance' of ev :day of the injuries al e P ' . - �, ; The next p6int of attack by the Ameri. stables are Reformers and voted for Reform am4le of the bill stated that it W - eVentg�L aFY , eived . in a runaway Turnberry and Morris, each receive $174.15, loge in for this profeadonal traini I -of first, 11 . I 'L ' . I - as '6 ex i accident recellft , . . . which will ley6A snug sum to replenish the cl*s teacher's -and University MuZoo, I . �I cans will likely be tb; island of Porto Rico, - candidates in their respective constituencies. pedient to remove any doubt which may - � -The Grand run authorities have re. treasury after Payment of expenses. -'About midnight Saturday, 2nd,. jmt.� _� .� I ' . . � - ome seven or e exist 11 upon that pbi The hot *weather must be affecting: the fused the.request of the people of Brussels - n -.on the Bayfield concession, the family �f Samuel . Holm - ­ -i I . i - another Spanish possession. General Miles, S ight Reformers were elected nt. It was, n6twith- . -The farr � - . . es, 2nd ,iconces. - ; I Toronto Telegram. 'It is usually very fair for -better brain ace in�modstion along their Goderich -township, belonging to the estate ,sion, Grey, were aroused from * their sleep � I` the Commandant of the American arm * w majorities, so th' Oding, stated in debate that differe t . : y) 18 by very narro at if the sta n - ' , , - ' � in pers 11 v 0 n i hows that it has line. .1 . I - � � I con 'DID . .om It -_ I . question by 6t4 �Qstiatimeto make their escape fr the !� � � � opi 7 ions were held upon the -T. Rumball, or 84 acres, was put up by auction on the house- which. was discovered to -be on fire,' � r i - � to take charge of this expedition - i on. 'c natable vote was discarded these seiren or in its utterances and a - a of the late John Eagleson, and ta, * - ; J level bead behind iti'but the followi . I f I loome years clerk ab,the I � ! He will have under his commiaia 'new relgi- eight Reformers would be unseated and learned counsel. It will thus. be . seen that , I 1. ng is Clinton freight shed� has been promoted to but was not sold. It � h&R . since been upperrooma being filled ­_ ' : � I � I ! . � not of As' usual. sold the. with, amoke I - ; ii -ake, I r privately .to eMr. JQhn Middleton for the and cinders falling u. n the do - before i ments and a no* fleet. Thead were to have ConserVatives-would be given their seats. in the course which he 'proposes to i It says : " But fo the the position of statid.n agent at St. Jacobs, ,I 4� � I I incompetence of Alexander Mackenzie and a station Let :an G4lb sum of $2,100,- . � � po ,ibe � �� . � an despatched before this, bat latest ac. In this way it was expected to wipe' out Mr. Hardy has not only right and I . they got outof the b ; � d Dry �aud Berlin. - I . justi a I urning' building.- Th. ... i co ' his Government, public opinion in Can ..-While � ; stead, of Goderich, -Mi.' %Vatter Stewart, of the Lucknow fire had caught in the roof around th chim- . I . - - , a " ! unts go to show that a delay in their de- Mr. Hardy's majority and give a majority on bin aide, but he ban also an exact pre- � ,ads was shooting sparro a the other day, the claning mills, 4as reeeived the contract of ney, and the building being frame, the I i ' would never .have been worried into a wil- � . cedent which should be respected by his . I . t - parture has taken place. The cause of this ot the representatives in the Legislature to gun went, off une pectedly,­ the powder uilding the 'new: power elevator for the flames quickly spread, and in a abort time . i- ; - I ompanv, near . ey I I delay, no doubt, is the negotiations for Mr. Whitni� . This, of course, was a very i i lingneakto tolerate Sir John A. Macdonald's strikinp, him in the face, removing &Ili the Lucknow Elevatoi C the st�- nothing,was left but smoldering ruint. The . � . . i atrociously -bad bargain with the ori inal C. skin and hair.- tic�s, in that village. i , 411nrreytru I � � I . I i � i I WWW" Ir!!- �­­ �-_ - is4ft - , I I AM in S 1, R__ .01a I M_ Uslin S #�_`__, - " 11i4 N � I t e Ole T : peace, which a6re now said to be in progress nice scheme, and woul � . P. R. syndicate. With all its � It is -to be a first-class family succeeded in saving some of their � __ d,, no doubt,-hAve This action which Mr. Hardy pr gool qusli- , -Grey township voters' list' for 1898 is building, and the work of erection will be clothing, and an organ and a few articles of, I I � . � opo@as 18' ties, the Mackenzie ,Governm ant entirely printed. Th re are 1,016 names in part, I; pushed to Completion as soon - : betW6n the contending countries. Spain, been very gratifying to Mr. Whitney and no doubt, disappointing to the joppositi 1 , a� possible, in fariiiture were got:oat from belo �. T � , � . 4 - Oup lackad 1,tho virtues of faith and hope, and 128 in part II ; and in part III, a grand order to be ready for it weiald seem, in new anxious for peace,and his friends had it worked out as they ex 11 W he pectel. Is is not surprising, therefore, that ing power through thi g total of 1,147. Sev a hundred and thirty- fall. . � the 7Vankees are trying to drive as hard a . an they were, evidently, building on reach- -its leader was too much given to magnifyin the grain trade this rest of the contents were 'burned. Mg., -3 � I 'as possible with her. ' . w ey an . . - I Holmos? loss will be considerable, there only . 1� - I I . 8 point I hich th the difficulties of building the Canadi six qualified to.sery as jurors. -On Wednesday of last weik, Walter being a imiall iTtaurance on building and I 1: . 'I - ur, & I ­ bargain If the peace they should now feel annoyance because Mf- raised. But, right in right. No reasonable ' Pacific railway. ., Alexander Mackenzie was �Mr. Brinibleco be, whose farm adjoins MoKay, 9th concession, Grey, was cutting niturig. He will have to _ . I . . negotiations. succeed, there will not be any Hardy -has taken means to checkmate them T%A on will a& chgo, *I- not cleareyed so tlia"t.he could see that 'the the town of Harriet I n ;-_ f.h. h I L. L . rebuild At ond6. � I�� ! J 05v Who happened to . . 0 "WRION 01 lay ii '.1 , I I . I a V LO a mowing machine, -and, allow. the family being left wIthout A home. I . more fighting. If they fall.through a move. and knock over the pleasant airy castles act as eo -1 - � I building of the C.,P. R. w"t A matter of threo-loggid, . 3 - I � I . � ds on election da , or who * the team to, stand a few minutes while- -�-Ona of ,the saddest accidents that: , - - �11 , , . nstabl pig a .1houth old. It In I I � �� . , Y I life and dea,th to *Canada or -great-hearted healthy and fat; a Cali got around as live. 'a went to titrn a me cattle from' the gar, happened for some time took lla'ft * - ., i i -4, , ment will at once be made on Porto Rico the had built. I � b eg has 1 - , I y ; 0 ;,." � gaveL.t.heir preu�ises for poll booths. should so that be gould pat, his �arty'a hand to that ly " tl�o others 01 a litter. o the horses made off. on - I A i ii, � and Manilla, and the attack on Havana 4 The clause in the election act upon which 17hetnower was bro, - Thursday evening hot, a fe . I . - �, f.: - f be deprived of their franchise,when in a work, And either push the C. P. R. through The;other day, - ilS S non Of Mrs. POr. an. And o'ne of the horses had quite a 'wound Lucknow,41ion. Mrs.— W milessouth 0 _?, ,� - . ther the Conservatives have built their hopes is very or go down in the attempt." We did not - . oods, wHe of Mr. � . -'I ; 4 , will be left until fall, when the wea ter,. of Clinton 'w ridin bay rake, on ,iPflieted by coming i!i contact with barb Thomas Woods, �f the 8th con ' 1k, West, . - 4 V f � other respect their right to vote is unques- think that there is a perso Ii i in of Jawes orniidi,1;,1`unett, a and- i * I I I � � there will be more favorable for the Ameri. as follows : - I n iving in Canada the far wife I . A -F I . . - tioned. That similar objection has , Wkwanosh received such injuries as to re- ; - � g;-- con'troops. Dewey is still in Manills. I never to -day, who does not feel satisfied in I his. den *itait of the he a throw him okward, 6v;ult of the Pxaminstions, I . A � ,�,� T1 ,, " - � ' bar- (1) No returning officer or election clerk, been taken befof a in the be' ' breaking the small ba, —The'r, at the oult in bar �Ieath. Thodeciined JjAy 4Z; . I I 71 . r at presumptive own mind that had Mr. Mackeuzie's scheme no of the right arra Tornut.G Conservatory of Music ha,ve been 75 years of I . � bor, and is holding the fort � there. On - ibe and no person who at any time. either dur. � for constructing the C. P. R. be ,W, and had gone to Luckno* _� i I . � . I i 4 11 i I . . . � evidence that the act, although not explicit . an followed And dislocating it k the elbow. y6blished in the Torputo dailiens, twd the that day with her son, a young man, to - � ing the election or before the election, 'is or � .F � I . I be . � � couatr would not now -On Friday 'a a ing, July 8th, a large ollo* i r *hole, the prospects for peace are now 0 out. the, Y minyt � � i I I does not deprive them of this right, and. 'all mil ing shows the standing of the pupils visit her dsught;er, Miss � �.. 4 11 � I has been employed at the election, or' in vo; — 1: lions in caah better off than it is, besides cornp,anyq represe ting t � Woods, -whck car- - �! , he Howick and from Harou: Second year,-Mis Jean Mar- * _. � , rise on an ex a . I ,_ '� ­ rm ,antages which Turnberry Congreg tional churches, met at ten, Exeter, '11cholarship ; Miss Lea& Doher-- ment in th6-village. In returning. to th , -1 14 i , " I - I � bAghter than at any time since -hostilities reference thereto, or fo arpose of for 'Hardy proposes to do is to copfi ha other substantial adv a tensive dres -making establish.' , - F r the -p - that MF,, ;� _. . Z - � I - * 11 I , � � � in , j. r, L 4 -11 - f , 1� , : commenced. - warding the sume, by a candidate or by any them ght which they have exer,ei Ving . , .1 I �Z�� .. � � - [it does not now enjoy. Every the home of Rev. - W. Goffin, and pre. by Clinton, see ; first $esr, home in the evening, and when a sh 4 . I - � person whomsoever, I oed person, Sir L �1; i; ;Z �L - as counsel agent. I knows that -after wasting millions In trying sent�d Mr; and Mr .Goffin . ort dig,. � I I I I I I ond-class, honors - � Lt ' _. �r i - ville Recorder has this to solicitor or clerk, at a polling place at the � � -Mim D. Sparling, Wingham, and Mim A. tanoe from Belfast, the horse took frigh . A The Brook unquestioned for twenty years 'and to allay with a kandsome Z - - � I � �, - McCorvie Clinton. first-class honors; 13fire and I fan away. - I i � I . to construct a harbor at Port Arthur, that newbuggy, duster driving whip. � �? " " , : 1 t 8 election, or in any other capacity, and who any doubts on the matter. Had � I ! I about the course pursued' ty the Hamilton he waited place had to be abandoned and the very -Mr. C. W. ' Bofore-going far the lian*. ,I -i i . � has received or expects to receive, either be- unt Iker, of the firm of -Manie- - ' I _ � � �q: -��-. � I Houston, Clinton, second6clam. hon- ' .; I . Templar, lately deceased : " As its dyinj il,the. trial judges had given1their decia. i point -on the Kaministiqua river, picked Walke I , ' left the mad, and ,when the *heel$ of the IF - 1. � fore, during or after the twid election, from - I k r & Cie f Inq in, left on Tues- ore. ' In the organ department,' firit year, rim-struek the ditch o I � � � , � - . 9T, 0 ' ., T, - ion, ihe interpretation of the st�tute always : out by Mr. Mackenzie, has sinco been eel- day me . a the side of the road ,� - . � .1 . - ri I 7; " I - utterances the Templar declares that for 'any candidate or from any person whomijo- lat Week on a business trip Min Lons. Doherty took firs nors. t9a, young man,was r ile_v; - - , � A_- ' i i ected And is now in use by the Canadian to the Pacliffe coin .' He will visit all the c, of Goderich, was rods fu 'air - - � � j �� L_ � so ' ,er, for acting in such capacity � as afore,- beretoinre put upon it might have been one. t-clase-ho 6 , Me years it has been obvious that the pro- e' . . I � rther on Mrs. We � � , .11 tained, and in that I will repre- called to Staples on Saturday, L .. �! I. . aid. any sum of money, fee, office, place of event, of Cori ! Pacifie.�, Every person also known that had principal places in he went, and . . 9th irAt'L, ow- to the ground, her head ods ;;s7 to dashed - - , . , � - - - Z'� , 'T": - hibition battle must be fought at Ottawa.. employment, or any promise, ., pledge or would not be any need for "796' there ' Mr. MaAefti�'S plans for construotin the sent Winglism's fo �r furniture factories. lug to,one of the stave mills, of which he in . '4ndphoulde-ra'strik- J I � � . - . I I � Ing against the hard road. .'She was imm, I I i - this Proposed L road been adopted, M- auitoba and the Zorth. -Charles Diane . of the 10th concession, I � - � �� � I Then the Templar has for some years been security' whatever therefor, shall, be an legiols,t,i i . . Part owner, being destroyed by firs. The diately -taken to the resideAoe of M . ei I ,- � I � , . for it has left nothing undone to titled to vote at the e16 tion ; but thi � I a -u . r day by a I � - I lyingi . is pro. . on, and the Opposit iron � would , I west would toAay be compactly settled in- Stephen, was victir lized the othe company owns several mills in the same in r James - be any better off than they will be under , along n meuts strung smooth tongued fruit tree - -1 I - I � � . wn- I vision shall not, affect thpa right , of , the re- stead of hav,i' g the ss;tle locality. and had there be -- Mull* , AVIlelf"t, but she -never regained - . � � :_ 1. � - . imake people believe the Ontario Gow 1, I . agent. He got an any wind the. consciousness after the accident.- and nbe - I � . � at was the ruling Power. The truth is turning officer to brea-f.- - ­- tha I .s&- - 4 I � in narrow strips forbundred of - itei hisdianer forwhi(h he � me �i I Am 4-- is . L, . �_ - - %W-,-- - " . . - - 'WN- ..-' - e,- � I � . �14­1 . � . . -, _ -_4 � I. . � .., J ­� % JT �Z � � I - � ­ � . - 1 � I - sift , , 4 . -1 I T T13X I � �. The -Sul a � "tl��.th . - , , . . - 1- 'I- . . ,It inAUJ - g"M4 04 o".- ., Pors, I � morld'is � t§WodA&" � titr4w;FA 7. � . V77 and - r � G. A. . Pillalkir. - I I I Frosidei . . . ape Vf tt � W�esb� & , � : -82 yod", big pub, - 'tea V . � ge; -0 TIM I . � final rep . �ib Igo" - iorwsv& � I . . � - I ... I L 246, of 1. 1�5K 101 I , �_ - - �_ . , g SC _ I .211 I - the wo- a � - � ,� 4 A TH .� . � in _111Qau 1�6� ALI . � . kibbow� . I .t^ry,vl , - � the Stan ,caux1or - 10,(W. � � � ­­ , thrining I minds 01 0, stwo Mel I � I be iliffiv I 0_1 . I tumut � . -of . : . I � the Pr.m' . 4�� � i I ; the ��J E I I i . :Side ma, r 7 . I 11 I with b! I I . Carlos-- � � � . same &i � i I . � I CXXVJ � � I . dent a � I . 1- I I ­ . �. I onnodbj I I ��, Wablibij getting -4i . Meg WN 1� - fig, -off. isirly ,I I � � . cludingi I vice at. I I Mr. I nessobs, F � � I the pare . . � � _,�Kr.: . � - I I bad a 4xi r ; e � . 'itilot, � � - I - in tholchl I � , i days in I I-oaSter. 7 I . I —Mr. - � has rella . 1: 3Unitob . ably ap ­ IgeneroAl - - - - L:ur� I . r � � , xflveru , ­ � L lnormm I .: i - tevred.Tua �il- -"-- Iollo** , tNcl' —Mr..�. I j` k - - � � , . � - � . Roche" 1. - . . I OUST= I - I I -Vj� ; ti a - . lie, V � � i � Bake] 1; I . � I jdl� I � ed mid im- �� n -An d bn' J ' ' � ,,in Robtl I � - —A- , nom A Hngh A staithal ,ened. ana row. 1� the _. �_.r . I ,� C, �. *11 , " - , - was, 4.1 . � _ * I I 1110ko, , I - wept � and,, a], tors . riv i �1 left aq with � - Ivi . Wit � - - , , X I - 1:1, I - . '18, I - � , . - � . - - D.. X - I 1"t - , . garo. I V .. . I i � MI . iug 1. � I i . i ; . � . � 1 7* . I , � . � — .- I . ,early , � I , .. . arm 'ealis I t w * � . � I 1 117 E�&�_ ! " � : � 'I .� I tire Y - � I- , _-W I I . i I I x1itch ,I I - � - . weaki a : � i � � I I � the W i ! , � Wan a �k , a, A014 5 �� t � - . � .1 I .31in I . . _� 7 - � , i _. - .01 .1 �Cellar,� I � W, . door, " I let � 0 44d UiL . . butt. � � . . _AF � I � � I . % I a 8 V0 un _" a I u I I Asavv r. as 9 t of the are, it buid nave been i . - I- I Psomd WAY to Phe great boyo4d on 11 -ori, � --m 'I'- � I i , � � . I I - . - � � , . In � I - - - . , AN , �' . � ; - i �, - . � "- - � - * ­ i . . - d. nut, she Id much to the detriment of Phe 'country a d Dinnan. -a Couple Df trees. Just to show sible W save any of them,, but forttrXioy- � y i . -1 . � - (1) � . . - jm- =# I 114-1 - 4orw I 4e , ,�. � , - ___ - � was w, .J%du i , toll . ban. ban. e"d in 11 I *Y I - � -Way- , . tory. .. - � .. ­ ...; COMO --e - , 7of'7t,'Jiih - M_ 11"t A ; . � - i � . � � - - I — 1 4 `-,� - - � I . Aat� L�'. 11 . , - - ; __ !�..� -