HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-07-08, Page 60 a Ilk JULY 8i__ Itwas time somebody.should 'think I was stoggered for,& moment, racal4g wy Y;D. the 4oidis witii which thd2B!ble doals with As Wardrop said, Avg 1111., U11 Then Poldie a r into his fathe?a the divdrc4d woman. 'It was JOHN GRIEVE, WS, -, honor graduate of Ontario aims;. and I tismirned- away. -there wasno uncertain sound about them. Yeterinary (Wep. All diseases of Domestic &16 a strange thing that f �ht manfully iiiiiinals trealed. -Uslle pirmptly amended to mod That injunction was van in the old is Their Only chargeamoderste. Voted y nadry'aspodalty. 19i 'It in D #gain si 5 a,n,(r feelings of h dispen I said. Kidney Pil at all howesi The f6ot comt6 trlr -one door nation to the Jews MLAY to let tAllge ood residesoe on stroetp safety in Female Diseases. loneliness, should i that animated -throng 1112 hardly binding on us to-da,y.' Z"i of Dr� Scouls, offtoei Sestorth. -tf But - Wardrop shook his head. I We 1 -begin to feel a at .98 sense of isolation -a by' Never Wear a shoe, not even Can't pick'and choose the bits of the Bible You have seen Bower nipped creep over. mei . Per a showed it in my -in 'he flush of Jor. r eatly t a Also Cochrane, to we like, lad, or WWII fall in with our in- frost its a., fade and die '"SlitierISTho," thatdocs not make a night in ft d Dentist, Toronto Oollog# of -clinations,' he said,grimly, I we must ac, �rdro in aced me one beauty. That is how women die wheit !t!lnair dea=lcnor Grodualie, of Ontario Vet- cept it all or leave it. But I confess that 0 eino, ca a. to y elbow. Rd; with your foot the first Zd vatedo. attacked by any of the diseases peculiar 0 a _061lWonor memberot Ontario 9 ly. Ali diseases of domestic ani-als I'm a miserable man, and 1. wish that the an bi the only two who time it's worn., treated. All oalls promptly itlended to Lord in His mercy would shed some light to their sex. have nobody belongi , to them in big siSlater Shoes" are made in as a specialty. h May I ang or alght, Dentistry and Sa%ei on this thorny path of mine. It is too bad� Womanps, burdens are woefully I-parbyldr. Lyall," IS, a. b I and Dispe —Ar. Camp old ofte, Is'17, , n't this a stunning many shapes as there are forins of feet. H neary .,onto on, ? David, to harass you i D11th with in your yi heavy. Her sufferiigs are agonizing. my not -rows. I have often told you that room ? What kind f R $how is it, going to _T"Rje -stamped on the t� 2AM52 She comes from the past and re -visits sole, tag. telling all Her pat* d. Disease preys be ? you have been a comfort to. me, and I tell ience is -gran Do you think, all], enjoy it� about the leather, Goodyear welted, $3.00, $4.00 and my room; Yen, you can pray fop me if -it, She loo)cs as she did theu,,all beauty you again. upon her. The lig t dies out of 'her I don't think know it,' I an'swerfd and -bloom, tS.00 per pair. Guamnteed by the LEGAL you like.' With that he left me, and I saw. slow and positively. 4 Wait.t 11 you see.' So smiling and tender, so fresh and eyes, her steps become Who do you thi k the t girl u thi so fair, him long after midnight walking—& solitary. rattles draggi ng ; she . loses. flesh ; grows P C-ATAL*Wg And oode;She sits in my cane. a&d hetic figure in the 4bith . moonlight Y' -next question. He 4At sallow, listless, droops like a Bower. �re fwas the boy' rngc.- MES L. KILLORANg bottm chair.$) 4 rng the bank of the river which water- was ione of the, garrul us sort, with a tongue Slater Shoe Makers, lioltor, Anber and Notary Then she dies. Her family is left -to which, wagge&at bot ends, as I've heard man sits silent and alone in ii t at pleasant land, Many a ad h Money to loan. over Piokar&o Store, home of mouming and conjures up before my Aunt9obins say of the maids at �the Public. 0 f ly, toe institute, main. Street, Seaforth. I was in my bed before -be came in, but I the cold mercy of the world. lormerly his eyes the face and form of the woman f _q 1528 neither looked up nor spoke, because I felt 11 Mother's dead I " hat a piteous Byrse. who was once �a loving wife and a faithfu 1 that the man ba;d 1een alone with - his I haven't thought Of it. Holt & helpmate. � In tliousauds of such cases the phrase. What sufferings have been &MRRON, formuly of Oamero Maker, and tha There aren't any 0 Gode W t even I had no right to rest beauties. Say, d Soudbor, rich, ife might still be'alive and well and OnQhUeron, Barrlo*r an hap y M the man been not only a good share th% deep thoughts of which his .a endured before -it was used, Why who's that talking to r. Wardrop ? Slice R. WILL199 SOLE LOCAL AGENT FOR SSAF0 o,� office—Homilton streek opposite Colborne b P RT1j,, -i� 1"2 u d but a wise adviser. beautiful Once. sm h' Women heart was full. Before he 'came to bed he should mothers, whFes, sisters suffer been W060L Is Kidney. I Her name in Mrs. Deane,' I hnswered, shri a had on" nk &m the ordeal of consulting a nelt down, and it was evident that h so? They need not, - oddi i N rim KXM, Barrister. ho. solicitor for Mol- physician. They shudder at, the t f tt my p eseune, because he uttered but vouchsafed no fLu ther information. top of the main A -MRS I hought _ �rgcl an . r are about ninety per cent. These have mast or bat waved "uji Bsok, Ciiiiijon. office — Elliott , lock, of submitting to the obnoxious examina- bia prayer aloud. I will noe transcribe it Pills will quickly and thoroughly, cpre Isn't M Innes e -looking ? and they from tl�w ton. Ont. Money to low on mortgage. weak hearts or lack of vitality. necessary to summit of a hill. tions insisted upon by. most physicians. at all cases of Female Weakness. ' They' say he's an Al a a& eiri too. Talkingof This is stronk tea - In the*jority of cmes they have here,. but I gathered from it, to my gre make good soldiers. none comfott, that in the ni ;ht, -under, the pity-. imeverfail' . They give health, strengtt-ls $iris, T saw one row tairs I liked. She timony. It only confirms what physicians of thio'hekitancy About consulting their A WINDSOR'JEWELLBU :husbatids. A wise man will understand at JPg stars, -some great upliftiug'of houl. had Courage a new lose of life. isn't bore. She Idoko as if she was at iDg and scienciste have all along, been declaring, AY on habit lesda unerringly to ce that troubles of this description will come to him, and that renillicistion seemed in the house - a bt she had a party that the cigarette soon break down on, Cured of Bright's, Disease by. a woman's general health. less diffic' re. I prayed also, frock Aid rive at the door.' nib than befoi physical and mental decay. _77 a KicIny Pills. Ae will understand that a specialist of emi- nlyfil i - DodX and, though silently, more fervently than I work, and was rewarding elf with a With that Mrs. Inn a beckoned to me,;' 113? Burifte 3011611110 N tou &a nence and world-wide reputation should be had ever done, that'the aloud might be lift- ff or two at 'my pipe, when I. heard his and, I stepped to hede; amForeigri English. WIN'DSOR, July 4h,—(Sp despa frankly consulted at once. Dr. R. V. Pierce, ad from that good man'd Ike, and that he FOU01 There in here in the house tall r thirty years chief consulting physiciap who spent his days in making the highway than when we went awai,, so I know he,had With me you will see er presently. lt is Some interesting a ecimene of foreigners If the United Staten ad taken A to the , lnvalids� Hote and Surgical Insti- t on the stair. - It. was', not li fo pbs buoyant a a. on ecial od rich army b tute, at Buffalo less hard- and dreary for the feet of others sup I of Dodd's Kidney Pills to Cu* jt� fared well. I was hardly prepared,. how E b U. English have r, i y coWe to, light. A p N. Y., is one of the most tend i I'ni-noered nothing, but felt the room Belgian man of science, for instance, writes w0ul a, W inent and widely -known specialists in should taste of the sunshine himself. Our ever, tor the triumphanu success he bad have been able to withe pU em J::�� OW. Bsrd*,% so a OR r, Q. o.; the world. With the assistance of a staff prayers are not always answered as we de- leago Jon ravages of dh�paee an L T. GAssol achieved. swimming round me. to a ob, rualiat sing from thedrinki_ng on of able physicians, he has prescribed for sire and hope for, but the day comes to David, you's a woman—you's a wornan,' ',.,,',She onli came last ight, and till the I shall get in your city in February, of bad water,," said a prominent physicliw Many thousands of ailing women. He has most of us when we are sh6wn beyond he said,,,'the moment 'he waa� within n ertain,but I thought end I think the next time I am in Chicago 1 t0-ds`Y- the her coming was u Dod&s Kidney AXIMON HOLT ROLMW1, Bmislon. so. discovered a wonderful medicine for wo- doubt or question that while we thought door. '.A woman after the Lord's own she would help to mak our party-& succeas. shall fix myself." he 'colitioned, C Bolton In Chaticery, ba..Goderich. Out - 'N. 0. men; that may be used in the privacy of -can A Danish girl who is making excellent 94 are the greatest'life-savers in -the gurselves to otten of God, He only waited heart.! I trust you, and be &use I do yon worl Causso�, Q. CL, Plamn How, Doom ROLM= tkeir homes. It is known as Dr. Pierce's rg know a score of persons whose lives Favorite Prescription. It cures surely, a fulfil His great purpose in us. She -received you kindly, then—your go down to the library noir and speak to progress in the language—foi the Danes &I- they -- have saved. ROLMIPTED, onoebosor 1p the Into Arm of speedily and perminently, all weakness and idea, I mean her a moment. ' You 0 U come up again in ways learn English qlAickly—told her min, McCaughey & Holmeoted6l Barrister, Solicitor disease of the distftictly�feminine organism. IX. She.did. You'd have thought, David, less than five minutes,, " Right here in Windeor, Mr. R. bring her with tress- how she had slipped and fallon on the F. Col ovsnoor. and Notay 661101tor for the Can It allays -i-ngammation, eals ulceration that it was the very thing she had been you then diane well, the Oulette street je*eller-, has been r- will served. sidewalk. and added: "It allambi me very Farm A SCOTCH CHRISTMAS IN LONDON. Rank of Comma No to lend. soothes pain, gives rest to the torturea I of Bright's disease by them, after �wo- "Is. offlos, In (To be con inued.) 010tit's oak, Ma1w Street nerves, and checks debilitating drains. pr! in for, and sitting waiting on.' hard to think I did fall down jLlkgt So long as Cure' want to give a party,, David,' 'said �ell me all about air—tell me ev6ry I am I" yearb' suffering. I use them in my practice, Wardrop'one day about a fortnight before word she said.' r say that, a Musician and can cure the worst case of Bright's disi A ig Christmas party ; but Faith, I can'it promise that, for the in,_.German wrote to a friend recently to ease, Diabetes, or any other kidney com-- A BLACKSMITH'S STO Christmas. A Now York paper the. gift of so D.AVID LYALIYS LOVE STORY- I wish I knew where to give it, and where English tongue - ia sweet and very gl!b, acin�wledge me music: pla I int, with them.", w TWEDDLE, Dentibli. OMoo--Ovar Richard - to get the rigbt'sorb of woman to take it in David ;but I can give you the gist of it - He Became so Run Do n That Work, Was Lens has learned to gamble- the piece -Not son. & Nolimis' shoe. stote, corner Main and BY THE AUTHOR OF TdE LAND O� THE: LEAL. hand.' They've had to come up, - for a political Almost Impossible His Whole Body we* listen to bethink us of you." Horticultura bs. streets, Ssdorlb. -1 needn't enter into 'libi Wardrop, continually moved by such reason -a,. He"s got in some cases mert have 4prayed for - Racked With Pain. geneirous impulses, and fall of all sorts at a ticklish job on hand in the East, and he's Z. DBLDEN. dentlet; c"ning, bridge work HAGY&RD'S YELLOW OIL cures rains bruises, beforeseeing mu' year �h_ chan iror.. and gold plate work. Spicial Atlantic folks happy, was From the B id E ge in the' 6D in given' SCOTS FOLK IN LONDON. schemes to make other " soiree wotinds, outs. frostbites, chiR-Falns, stings ot charos. This was because �'hey ha f going to carry it through well. W#Al hear n gowater aterprise'. d d boen� thapreservationot the natural looth. Ali work often handicapped by his own solitary and �f Claud Innes yet, 'David, in the very fort- Mr. Austin Fancy is a well known black. insects, burns, sosido, bontustong, etc. Pdoe 25c. 1 runniDgdoWn for years' asla resultaf.:&,t�, sarefully performed. Offloo--over Tohnson Brm.1 unattached condition, There were many He's' a sudware store, Soolorth. VIII. front of diplomatists. ne of the rare smith living at Baker 93 ttlement, a hamlet tacks of insects and funil, and it t*6L-'- things he had the heart to do, but which he few public men who know when to speak others years to restore the =strength of tb-- THIS THORNY ATH. about ten miles from B idgewater, N. The Time For-Ta3kiin n ause he' had no or "IL H. S. ANDZRSOX, gradual@ of Royal College and'when to hold their tougues—and he Mr. Fancy is well knowq in the locality obards, which wason6 by ke4ping.tbem.:, in Conversation has its propitious hours, a tbem nd JLF of Dental Snirgeons, Ontario, D. D. S.. of To- R:)ddia Waldrop 1b well off here, Mrs. woman to, help him. Often I sighed, knows the untold value of being alwa, a on which be,liven. He is afiother of the legion y 'free from their eriernien. thinking what an immensely. increased nt re. whose resto6ratio' if I were to selpeti, an IN& University. 0111ce, Market Block, Mitchell, Deane,' I said bluntly, for the peace—I had the spot. So he stays till Parliame it answers sympathetically to the moment. u to h alth adds to the ne native tree the. rets, th riWomen, one fancies, are 'best company for almost written Bacreduess—of the place im. power for good War4rop would have been opens. - He told me all this himself. I saw popularity of Dr.. Willis but for our at s'Pink Pills. Mt. a ielection would#1falL DHO;�R A P, :KINSMAN L% D. S., D. D. S. preened me. with a- wife like-minded at his side. , Since him too,and he was as enthusiastic over it, as Fajicy related his story a illness and renew. each other when they sit up and briiih their upoli the conimbn bassw�od. This trio it, r ",M uate, of ioronto University, Den. I saw a slight our visit to Redgrave village, we had not- his wife. ad health to a isporter a the Enterprise, all long-lived and, rapid of groth ; i, in foliage - o change cross' her face, and Yon�a a man. David, whom. a hair 0gother far into the night ; for men tist, will p=i dentistry at his f4ther's rooms in wheii �he spoke her voice -was touched by a. 'alluded to the heart4rung confidence good woman has made, and she may be '.follows:: During the I at winter, owing I certainly for young men—the hours of pipe is b�autiful ; its bark is I peculiar and cleaii in Xxoter, and at his room at - Mrs. Shafees restaurant, little. restraint. aeehad given me. There were even nio- proud of her creation.' suppose to overwork an -impure blood I and whisky, from eleven indefinitely on- tree is not susceptible t Hensall, every -Wednesday. - H. Kinsman, L. D. a., and �the 0 at Zurich the I&A Thurdodsy of sub mouth. el is happy here with me, I think but ments when I thought I must 1ave dreamed I I rather think she is,' I answered. 4But wards, are the time that one looks back up' Wb I a W became very much reduc d in-fiesh, and had t is more ound in a basswood is d 1616-13 it is not as it should be—it is not as it the whoI6 thing, he gmt- so little evidence I wish ou�d ppet me quickly to the most, savere ains in the m soles all over my on with a fond regret. We may not have heal over almost as surely a -i in an lab. that it still lay upon his heart. been very wonderful people when'we were Ban, - should be. It was q.11 very well when he imp�r y t., body. felt tired &I th time, had- no ap- V116 all this, the basswood is ut our great. R. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the was am re child, liat now be needs his What kind of a party ? You'll dine the ta tim i, ye bantanj cook, and dinna petite, and often fol I w spirited that I bee tree, and for this remon, aluetho plant. Royal College of.Dental Surgeons, Toronto, We') a k a at college, but what good company we were father, and Fin afraid that in a e while staff, as usual, I 8uPPose brew in the face of for one another I In th6se days, too 'break-' ing of it shou Our di nor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto your bettenj,' amid War- wished myself in ther world. Some of Jd be enormoneb(4nereased. AM Office In the Patty block, Heneall. so Oh yes -; it isn't of them I'm thinking me change will be necessary.' drop, With that dry humour which a fast was a meal one could loa over, and the Diversity. nly the time, necessity compe led me to under. By continual use of hell b e for ne es' Zich every Monday, commenclog Mon. I I don't see it,' I answered. I Its a short but there's a lot of folk, David, who are came out when he was very light of heart. take a little work in my blacksmith shop, morning an agreeable vacancy ; but after son it in possible to dent e �9 journey to London there's nothing to strangers in London, though they may have I I'll tell ye j upt when and as muckle as I but I wa not fib for it, college� da�s who cares—who dares—to talk roy day, June let. 1587 the w�rmis --on eighborho6d. It t fit ow indee d I often lived in it for years, and as every Christma hink o travel far, and fr�quently I'in th a d, after doing the currant bushes in any n hinder Mr. Wardrop from coming here as over breakfast ? It is thin AGNRW, Dentist, Clinton, will vidt Zuii3h on job, would have to He d a the.secon Thursday of each month. throng resolutely, or to a scrambled R* 1592 often as he likes. He permits himself too comes round they feel stranger still—Bootoh Very well,' I replied meekly. But felt Iik6 faintitig. I was dvised to tr3 Dr. same patch with bushes whose lea,;7es Are folk ri�iostlj. If only we could get a bi throu the case may be ; but in any little relaxation always ; he thinks that his you would never have been there but for Williams' Pink Pills, a d, after, using tiestroyed will I;e Others That happiness is in his work.' party of them together and ha ve a 9001 Mo., case a queues or sympathy is not in season. for a yearot couple of boxes, I felt a d two will escape. But to ma�ke sure f EDIOAL. You are privileged to be hisi substantial Christmas dinner, and some fun Well, she caught on Ii a ided relief. The would intimate That's true ke Is I sh uld like to marry a man who Our ftt pains began to %bate, and I felt again as tin rid of iall the worms, they aboull a' h is set to it I though life was not at &I: drear rain n friend. Tell me,. in he not a great, strng afterwards, ending up with a good Scotch' a dry whin bush' when a mate be fascinating at breakfast,," said a young t 'a .60 -suit ev, influence in the world in which he moves ? reel, don't you think it would be a good-' and the dinner is to take place in her own 'ness' 'By lady. " My 4ear," �replied her men ad either to si gle- -stems r not morre the time I had used Aix bo as I was aa well then two or three together. -It is the great Dr. John McGinn is, tor, IST -CAR be thank thing I have often thought be must be. He' is so big dining -room, where fifty can be dinso as ever, and able to do a h rd day's work a ful if he is decently civil.- In nAmber of small curra Ron. Graduate London Western University member good and great a man.' ' Rather,' said 1, as the idea took hold of t summer and the sunshine out of doors 0 at sprouts that makes for furthe of Ontario College of - Phyal irgeons. gue, and t w ne it diffictilt to put the hellebore on all the, Gz office and Residenoe—Formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. to the music of the PiP68 know anything about a bl ka does not talk ; one is too bufiy * existin Pickard, Victoos Street, next to the Oatholla Church p the list- fa,4t enough.' the Caledonian AVIum. What think ridth's work, 1 9, leaves. A few leaves are left each timeand andj woo not slow to pour forth -words in ' Oh-, I'd run u will known what this me no. The ideal moment lo.by the fireside, before Is MirNight, caUs -,attended yromptly. from, Those '� who on some of thefie e'nough wol nis will feed and' 40110wo: reply which must have Batibfied the most We'd begin with -your old:clium Mrs. Syme a o$ that, lad'? We'll need to get 'our are not well will"inake no istake in look lamps are lighted, when the red glow in on for, inclans and AU with ease. And the rtels will be danced in the forge without fati The question was one aftor my own heart'. me. 4 Whom would you want -to ask the ball -room, y faces, and men lie back in their ar chairs attain aturit no as to preserve stock -46121[G WW 1L. ARNMONG, M. B.. Toronto, M. D. C. if., exactins;.,: In the middle of my eul6gium bless her good heart ! and we'd have the Kilts aired ; but I doubt, -I 'wouldn't feel at i for bealth through- the medium of Dr..� another year. Loudoins, and Alec Cochrane—you remem- home 'in mine, for I've never had one on in and women,'�ull up close to the fenZer ana victoria, M. 0. P. 8., Ontario, successor to Dr. Wardrop elippe&-into the -room unseen. P"Bcntti Milliams' Pink Pills. Constable's. my life., Williams' draw their skirts tight over- their knees. Mixed Tri Elloft, Bruce- Is thab all ye have 10'arn since ye came ber the Dumfries lad that's I Pawnee] poll, office lately occupied by Dr 0 -old'ontarlo. are by goitig to across the border, David, to exaggerate and I met bim.the other day, atid when I asked Then you get the sort of conversation in —On Thursday evenin They'll let; us in without kilts, inaybe,' the ro.ot of the disease. ' ey renew' and -g of lot week Miss Christmas, he Mabel V. Thomson, A. T. C, M., GOMQ EAM tell leeil ? Never mind him, M�s. Deane - hitfi if he was to get home for I suggested mildly. Its an expensiv which you can afford to be silent, leavio soprano LE6 M. D., M. B., L F. P. and 8 a build up the blood and t " a Id, len the .9 a reng Physician, Burgeon and Ac: he is a good lad, nd he has but one fault— shook his , bead, and I saw that he dress, and nobody wants to make a fule Of A the fire to fill up pauses ; and, when all is and gold medalist of the Toronto Conserva. nerves, thus riving disease from the sys- er out. 1157 be thinks too much of your humble servant.' was near the gre 0 - Then there'O the thing by going in an imitation.' Av . aid imitations by insiating considered'that is the beat talk of al tory of Music, gave a Vocal recial in 'th lzed Tril a two g engaged Rs No, the kilt is not to be insisted a", on every box you purchase i enclosed in a u oronto, asisisted We resmained asnother hour at th 'cottage, Edinburgh leaasies tem. that Conservatory T &L 19:1 U2% M. D., Follow of the Royal and I gatb8red from the talk which followed clerks in their unale's warehouse that account. I never saw anything like W by Mr. 46�hab Tandy and Mr. H. Klin 00fi BZU1 P 'h b re 0 y oiansand Surpons, ra er bearing the full tra a mar�, Dr. DR.L�Wlg WORK SYRUpigagJe,eure ard re- gen- v Kingston. W p Dr. - Afackid. Ofilot lately I me' Pink Pills for Pal people." feld. am that Wardrop and thip woman were friends in Wood �Street. He lives at Rickmans- tberesource hidden in a woman's bead. liable worm expeller. Acte equally well on children Well goosmor .2,Pled in the close and intimite sense- only under". worth in a red -brick Elizabethan -manor, Before we had done speakin she had the oradults. Betiureyou getLowle. —Mr. J. Waters, who has been in buoi- ay Dr. XackJd, Main. Street SesforVWL __ ____ P * - -Gonre ox ;fo erof"�o IWO -She was evidently a pe�. house with fifty bedrooms, but not one to whole thing planned, cht anj dry, even -to nwis in St. Alarys for over thirteen y4e-fir.s r by the few. r Ethel... e �rla ft"ire, In house lately occupied has sold out to Mr. 11. Fred Sbhr , and will and of keen, ce. 1127 son of no ordinafy intelligence spare for these two poor lassies—bis own theinvitation card, which is to have a Som '' Seasonable dvi p Tallring and Giggling. � �Bl"Vale, rare perception, which rendered conversati6n sister's children. And their landlady his thistle in the corner, and the menu, which If you think it's going to rftiu� leave this week fr Toronto. He -has been winsrun DR. F. J. BURROWS, with her a delight and refreshment. War- told them 8he expects them to dine out on is to include a haggis decorated With Don't hurry, A well-known clergyman, whilepreaciling a good citizen, and will be quite a lox 8 to, drop talked without restraint, aAd I saw Christmas Da V It spoils a little gr'ala, Lisle resident Physician and Burgeon, Toronto Gen- y. Where are they to 90, heather.' some time ago in a. strange church, was the town, winshau that it was his-o'bject to interest her and to David? We must dine them, Oen if they Don't worry. -Bluovide. Hospital. Honor graduate Trinity University, Willshe send out the invitations If you've got a lot of -bay out, much annoyed by persons talking and gig. �The Methodist church, Alitchell, has. ;ember of the College of Physicians and Surgeons give her the cream of his own experience have to come here.' 1111g.. He paused, looked sternly at the just closed She says so and the very wording is Don't urry. IL 16 very successful' year. The h Ontario. Coroner foi the- County of Huron. her sweet t, I MrOFFICE.--%me as formerly Dr. oul and opportunities. She went with us to I nodded ; the thing was growing, and it Trust the Lardt He'll nad a wa —" I am always afraid amounts raised are as follows : Trustee and, occupled 5y like nature. Here it 'Y- 5isturbers, and d: Smith, opposite Public Rebool, Scaf9rth. Telephone 8 g=r - kon't worry. to reprove those who misbehave in church, the gate, when we left to go� to our inn seemed more and more necessary and de- is Mr . Claud quests the pleas. quarterly boards, $2,800 Sablbith Behool,; LOT. No.46, K. B--�Nlght callie answered from office. andiremembeiyetbow she loo6d* tbat' lijbtful ; the very thing- to make memorable ure'of'Mr. Alec Coeberane'a company on If the weeds are busy growin', %dies' Aid, $182 ; aenfornd junior In the early part of my ministry I once $280 ; L night, -with a-, black filmy' thing wound any Christmas Day. Christmas eve tomeet a few Scotch friends Don't hurry. made a great mistake. As I was preaching' leagues, $53 ; for min 008, -ZOMG NCR Jist ket p stealy at the hoein', $454 ; other about her head, and nothirg white about 4 1 got the names of a lot more from Car- at dinner, for auld lang Ekyne." a young man who sat befoie me was: con- connectional funds, $1,92. Total, $3,961 L0040 DRS. SCTT & WcKAY, her but the ividow's band at her throat. dross. I have them in my pocket -book '-I hope they'll all have the grace to If the robins -eat your berries, on't worry. stantly laughing, talking and making- un-. antl debt roduced, $950, rUY§ICIANS AND SURGEONS, Directly we had got beyond the precincts but before we go over them, we'd to. con- accept.' Don't hurry. eouth grimaces. 'I stoppedand adm inistered of that secluded abode Wardrop's depression sider where we could entertain them.-' Heaven next week will send you cherries. a severe week of barn raisi Kipp* They will. I'll see to it. An.4 if - we I rebuke. After the close of the in the district around Shakeepear, no leff'ga doider1ch street,�oppoalteXethodist oluirob.Senfortli seemed to return. 'In the church hall 91 1 suggested, the d o' ofi't wor n't have one jolly good nights fuii,enougb ry. service one of the church officials approached than three taking place within a, radill name of Mr. was the minister to keeo our hearts greaurthrough the mirk 11 you're bu me and a 4 of G. SCOTT, graduate Victoria &ad Ann Arbor, and Well, David, what do you think of her, Cardross, ly ey making love, aid ; 'Sir you made a great mis- ts. 0 miles. On Wednesday afternoon a large Londe urry member Ontario Colle e of Physicians %nd he aiked ; and I was astonished that he of the Scotch church we attended, sugggated of a London year, I'll know the rdagon why.' onli h take. That young man whom you reprQvea crowd assembled at Henry 9 Surgeons. Coroner for Eounty qt Huron. asked that inritead of in opinion of the the idea to me, But it evidently didn't It her heart Is hard to move, is an idiot.' bin' chaefpe.o, on y During the next fortni ht Waidrop went ce then I haie always boy, strike Wa'rdrop as succesful,for lie p o1ali the Sth line, to rah3e the fiame - MAcKAY, honor graduate Trinity Unive rompt. a good deal W the Claud Innes' to' been afraid to reprove those who wi..3beh work for his, relty, new bai n. Sides were ebosen b gold medalist Trinity -Medical College. Member I think,' I answered rank y enough, ly phook hishead. wn house; Stay away for quite a while, ave but he never asked me to'go, nor:did be tell Wt hurry. W d i � y Robert, that You. are fortunate i f I such 'Cardrors spoke of that,and Mrs.Cardroso Soon or late she's bound to a e themselves in church leau I should reppat Murray and Charle Lupton, and a, good College of hysicians and Burgeons, -Ont av n got M11 that mistake; and re rove another 1483 h i me much about the preparations. That idiot," race followed, in which the Luptonians. ddie. w you hear offered to do all she could ; but. I declined on't worry During the rest of t a service there was I a guardian for Ra ID did they were.satisfactory, I could ivAlly gather came out ahead, 0 'DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, Physicikn, Sur of her for two reatone. One ixi that they ought to It You'd like to be elected, -a Thursday John Hor- geoD from the continued buoyancy a- good order. t day, when all dr V. Graham, She is the widow of an old friend of dine out themselves on tha 'j. his d -hurry man, of the Si h line, who is buildinga new - Only the day beford" Phristmas g shed., bad a raising. and Accoucheur. successor to Dr. I our. on'& vn Braft Brusselo, Ontario. First Class Honor Graduate of Mine, Edw,�rd Deane, of the Advance. He the otfier days of the year they are doing for meau If at the polls you are rejected. MILBURN'S STERLING HEADACHE POWDERS Win. Ma!Aod t I he showed me the list of guests, which by P. - Rippe thec Univerattics:of Trinity (Toronto), Queen 11 jKing- died at hii 'Do It worry. cure the worst headxche in from five to twenty of the 701 line, bad a large raising on Fri.. Hen" C W of a desk suddenly one morning other folk. The other is that I.don't want -some strange means he had got swelled up List It you'd win a splendid nom u4s, and leas,e no bad atter-effects. - were again cho ston.), and of �trintty edial 'College ; Fello u`111 day, 8ides Trinity Medicii about five yearn ago. She was caring for to make it a church thing. 86me would be to on'& burry. a poWders 10, 10 p�wders 25c. One powder 50, sen 'the captaiva� 29660 1 Collegeland member of the College forti-six". '., be O"to the boy before Deane died, and having no certain to think it was going t b w 4 . �: I ing R. G. Murrry and Jobil �orbes, After - of rhysiclaRs and Sdrg6us of Ontario. Post a-, a a prayt the 'bairns are extra,� he said Slow are the Iron feet of Fame, great r"e, w Un& Graduate Course In I%trolt mind Chicago, 1896. children of her own was glad to keep him ith lots meeting or a religious service with the n't worry, of cheerf if Mr. Innes- would4!b have a ieoiterrlet, the aide a ta'=d by For bew won the Spscial attention paid 6 diseases of Eye,kar.Nwe after for company's sake.' dinner thrown in as a kind of b9it. Its a bairns Telephoning From Ship to aaud Throat, and Disenies OfL ftlnen. Catarrah She in quite young yet, and very attract- house -party I want, a real jollificiation, ekout and there's a sepaeate enter. NomP, if you think you're goln, to. is Ship. treated succeesfully irr all its forms. Consultation tainment for. them in the picture gallery. 1, hurry. British naval authorities have Noted,with in English and German.:- 1681411 ive, I said at hazard, and not tbinkin where the grace is the only religious care- And when tha wife and children o y, 9 She has even n1ade arrangenienCe for the great success, a suggested novelty in much of my words-. She might mony. though the spirit of the whole thin Do 1 viorry. the A marry 91 little ones, to be put to bed, so .'that the You'll soon be up and 7AY of communication at sea which rom- again. Val p I hope, would -do no shame to the fesei of bed 0 AUCTIONEERS. mothers needn't leave early. There'll be 15 n'i burry. ises to render obsolete the present method She might,' he answered and I could we want to keep. D I carry you with me, -.For some day ycull, wish you'r d �!%.ry. OfC- 11 - lad about twenty bairns.' not understand the change in 1 his voice. D .1 to om .0. Tupper, of -the WM. M'CLOY9 But the are against it.' You do,' I said.1 I saw ir the Teli- 'Shehasbeen astonishingly kind. But —The Kahn i the Globe. manclar R." d it - - royal navy, has ex erimented with a " kite graph this morning that Mr., an u—you can make folk do anything.' Auotione Then he suddenly changed the subject., telephone." Thefite-used was of the regu, effor the Counties of Huron ancl, Forth, Mrs. its yo and Agent*li Hensall for the If Claud Innes had come to Belgrave Square, Its going to be the finest th -e ass* H tin NADU. one LAXk.LrVgft PILL, ry ulg 6 for thirty , lation sort, exce and,we talked of differeot matters till we inj in yy; switen Lon- days makes a complete care 0 biliousn as and, con- i **during company. sales roEMF dad to. where they intend to spend. Christmas. don to -morrow, I tell. 71 Pt that it was minus a tail. charges moderate and sa, lof ranteed. got back to the inn where we were to aleep. you. A'd there's It was, six feet long and three feet wide at F, on; gum atipstlon. Thatie—jusl% cents to be ou'red. I orders -by matt addres"d to Hons&U Post office, or We were sitting at the open lattice windo* Up jumped Wardrop then, his face. all nothing of charit or patronage .'about- it. he broadest point. In place of the tail the W. I A left at his residence, Lot 2, Concession 41, Tuck. of the little sitting -room, aglo -1te a dinner of friends ; 'you'll iee that., which- Wardrop, Bold In gromilth, will receive prompSafteqlJon. 1290.fif 'David Lyall, y Cigarettes have Don It. kite carried two lines, one of vVhich was re - explained was always given up to him when. on are.,a wizard; that"s They're as excited over it ai if the Qaeei� tained on board the'D RESTORE nm the, woman, the a. I grant that had been coming herself.' The raising of the volun ring, tile instruction - very won)ai he came to Redgrave, no matter how full teer rmy in the! &I torpedo boat destroyer, from which the iomething may be tichievid by an occasional United States has led to some 'niterall-tirl9l experiments were conducted. With - the the inn might be, and I felt that his silence Next day, at� four o'clooli in the after. THE MAN was charged wiLh some emotion which glance at tfie fashio.able intelligence noon, we repaired in a; handsom to Belgrave revelations. The aut�orites hav not beew wind between the two lines referred, to"it DE4 er no pleased at the slow pr6gress that was made. would presentli'fiad relief in column. I'm off to h W. SNAP9 UN, speech, Will You Sivare. Wardrop had taken great pain YJ Now it appears that, the d s b was so easil.� man. or said suddenly, ' to help me out of the come?' hiilf t wai found that the kite S brought you down here, David,' he een him aged thatit was no trick at all to droplet 'I can't I'm not with his toilet, and I bad seldom a largely das to the number of nteers re -1 hrough my w look to manly �br so well. We were early tors, oi even a hawser, in worst 1 said, with a glance at thi, stuff ly! 4111 ship, hole I have ever Dg to anothek jected, and the rejections hai an mainly� -been in. Perhaps but the nests, unlike some in the higher and in this way establish commu tion. EAU vp With The 0 caused by the disastrous a nioa E YOU can shoals on my desk and n the floor. e. wlks ffeets a the dei& Bod guess what Wis.' oflife,began to arrive with command - 'I think I can,' I answeredi the thing sides, you'll do better without!me.) able punctuality, Mrs. Claud Innon re- ly cigarette. The physicians r port that� Following this experiment came one with te, ap on WEIGH Th -w' Wardrop nodded. gave me a great al ceived them just within the drawing -room 01wire. The end of the wire which the kite T1N ou of the ranks of t a 5 okers thei bore away from the ship was dropped up is most excellent- ooming to me in an i ork should be In eve4 house no 11ration. 'YOU the back, and ran down the sisirs wh 'fe r th the ip the County of Huron. I istillng number rejected is even'fe on would like to make her the toy's mother in door. I remember she wore a black gown S ENGTH YOURSELF like any schoolboy. He Was a long time days of the Civil War, -. but the dock of if. M. S. Dauntless, where it b name as well an in theory.' trimmed - with some filmy. sheeny white thel gone. I had got through the press' -of my stuff, which set off the dazzling fairness of habitual usera of cigarette was secured by the electrician of the ship $1.00 PER OOP and attached -to a tel- h You have,said it,' he. answered - and ons� BEFORB ep one a t rising suddenly, began to pace to and fro. her neck and throat, I shall never forget pipara us in *YOU TAKMG waiting. The other end, which had re- boples can be had from Mr. B. R. Higgins, Bruce. ' MY Very soul cleaves to,'61her, lad. and you her manner, nor the sweet friendliness of mained aboard the Darin , was, &Ijo at - .9 061d, or Mr. David Roas, 640 Church street, Toronto. Can lies for yourself what life might be for her smile. It had the effect of making tached to a telephone, and as no THEN PROSTRITEDPHR on as this Rev. Dr. McV1otr, Principki f of the kresbyterlan Me, tell Tell even the shyest feel at home. task as completed, the t HAVE a man with such a woman at his side. wo were in Collegei says am profited And greatly pleased me what I am to do.' ships5 1 9 ' Don't go far away ftonj Ing, Mir. Lyall,' perfect communication. The kite remained A with what I have read, and I int4od next Monday or a moment, . :. .4 - I ARKED to I could not speak a word f' she whispered to me as I paid my respect suspendid, secured by two lines, for more X advise all our students to put It'into thoir libraries being moved far beyond utterance of an NO SLEEP—NO RK T L and to study It deligently as; affording rich and was about to pass by. 4 Just wait M51 than two bouts, duri hi h - 0STv GENTLEMEN,— In. rig W ic time com. bet read them a aw odif. 19 0 not preciate: afid practical g I have spoken to these two youn ladies LL d munication ween. the Daring and the grentsufferer from nor- strundow.in pasto" theolog kind.: To see my chief and my hero *to I have been a Passages that they ing. before me, a simple,- raw, country lad,. then I have a word to o*y to you., D&uutlAss wax unintetrupted. v6us dyspepsia, with the may see (bat it is far from being' dull or dry whom his friendship bad o the words John G. unspeakably The experiment that Mr. N. Drysdale of Wm. Drysdale a Co., Pubilehers blessed, asking me to tell him virliat to do, I stopped back a little behind Wardrop, Saxe, who was inside by ustm, symptoms of stc=. "God ach Weakness, loss of and Booksellers, montreali ssys:—Rev. John Rosi who was doing his best to enlighten Mrs, bless the i --the officers of 'the Daring and the in perhaps the greatest crisis of his life,was lau who petite and fieshc aFeumulit. -life could more than I could bear., But words came gu 'y first Inventa sleeplIt wasagrandman,and the wrltlng ofhit Innes regarding each of her eats an the Dauntless had another 'valti-able result. tion of gm, sour risings, ancj nothave been pl.:-oed In better hands.- WhAiwe .14ut ap, F49010n -18 It showed that it is possible to arrange for heartburn. I used various came within sight. Ward;op's face was a at well ng to those need to -day more and more are booksof.this class to me at last, ent,. as I believe, from on He a now system of signals from one Patent medicinepi and other !be read of which toads to the better itively -beaming. was. completely Wh I h circulation heaven. a, hAvb it CIred as ship to an. reinedien without anytavor- Mrs. White b and ething one's NOW. 150&tf I other that would be gr f There's only i Kapy—for the moment not a care or a 0 Nam eatl uperior to any able results. They would mAhing you can CIO, air,' 416 glyift Township [it whi temp P bitter regret had th it Who flag system ch could oeived. If to trouble bl' orary relief sometimes and that speedily. Get the law to free you, a power in. became so con thO effects of the niedi. 'We Ski unt7 bit, to quote he, bro. eine Wore OR but Dr. Warws Ju t then, who sho nervous troubles with the telephone Wire can and make her your wife.' ther. Mrd Donitid uld march in proudly, -be arranged in this 10 is no reason why telegraphic ood and -Rerve Pills over- �004k'# Cotton Rootw1uppoind have tl�aaght it all cut, lad, again and with his head -in the air, and an expectant, Wdent cRae, a-well.1 , own re. manner the f again. SAVOS Thousands of Lives. delighted look 6u his fa. -.e' )ntarlo!i! ., cSti0n cannot be made in a simpler me all these obstacles. I C. 2st Illustrious deptju of lftrthq eommuni In succe"fii1lv used monthly by but Roddie War. 4 over You know that I have made the y sister had not a e drop, followed by hi's gentle guardian, Mrs. forover three months. S IX 8 ght fashion. In this case an operator &board tter In every way now andlavo %WLsiftes. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask he con not ained se eral poundsin weight, Bible the chief study of my life, Four years ago Jacob Dowlt v and I have stood this much longer, and It was oik the flagehip could carry on a, conversation ROBERT- MCTAVISH, Take -o other or m when death. seemed Imminent tilat. S6119, with his fellow -operator aboard one of the as all Mixtures, pillsnd help. It has;� not failed me now, and it death by dreadful heart disease. 3E[* W" American - Nervine -b*came the cad HA your druggist for of ]'Ry Deane. I saw that this was a surprise Mrs. C"k's C400 ft" Cow never found it fail me when most I L wanted island, was dragged to- th'�t verge Innee bad prepared for hi and as she Imitations are dangerous. lFirloo, No. 1, sier WLTON. :jT saw him start, she' lai fpg- fleeb without difficulty. with unrelenting finver the way I am 91ven up to die. From Tisoroyas man d her o3ft hand on 81clan. After faking the first done 0 Ardvorlick and Dundurn Stu. box; We. 9, 10 degrees stronger, la per box. ho. points N*rvino she a apt all nigh gone to a broken despaindeut W'W. his arm an As & means Of i ailing the kite in firmi 1 or 2. nialledion receipt of price and1w lie had r d smiled into his face. a &-seno to go, but it is'the oppositTway., He Procured Dr. Affnew's Cure f In flesh Until perf" an SUMPS. The, 0"k CompainfeWindsor. OnL or he Not a word. You thought of vry- no Big= of ne tly well, and believed noto naval officers, but by a n lily Heart, : used It faithfully - and , f Price s�c_ per boxi 3 boxes for I and 2 sold and recaninieuftd by &11 "ousnesstv Th a is onde those Of the army, to be fraupht, *ith great, at weighs 218 pounds, and -lives ful:m4pdlclno-lw aUts, or if not obtainable ;Our ZaaponsibIe Druggist a in C&DAft. r day the ffreat remedy was recomillarl v0usne$11, and -,the,,g Children Cry fo to bless th y for eat JaWli imPortanoe when the future in considered.- -0 ash. or t, ntalled on race, C07V, p of r' to him. It relieves in 30 minutes.—Z" 0� _A'91114 _�12_ywher rest" It -no of- course, TVTT 'ma6h easier for a sig. cto 'No. I ;Lnd No. 2 sold in Seaforo, by Lumeden rid, eEARD *11sm. drugglete. 1 For sale by Lumsdah a Wgwni, Seafors. ton ot I;rmatlou rig- 't a - . For aid 1W t018 "OR that is elevated tea considr- REZ.�y CASTORIA ad Chlidren Or I - o -by Lumadi CA STORIA an*. & WiY06rii, Resforth able height than one whi ch may Boat at, Zile r