HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-07-01, Page 82 k Jean members ofille at Is parsonar wsy are home on a vacation choir 'th -at ig that. the footb�ll__team Fowler intend ph2g,t. Mau tobs, tbiamee "large and- onto, is viAtin bor a in-law, M& in iyu Tuesday -evening I istgar-� 1p4siful in with a car load of ' 6064f' MriArthur Black teacher t Tars, gild Mine ack are 114K ness. from - the dq, itself. The up till -that been. anal s Oash Groce air Smith"yo - son itht home for the holidays.—At Wing am this wh n assistant to Wilson" ry �beaiutiful hoine dt' Mr., - and Mrs. T*u jri of Tackeramith'.-, Cc . b T j&nld.with Wingbam ro ungest:_aoixJohn Sin 0 hag' b�e flervicall wer y attended in our a arch every match, he a an, as cei 'the �-tipp-61 k ix Bluevale pupils aigWriti g on the during -the past year, left -a gvely and gladsome ral sulied-14 a tie. 'The Cirbekry boys account; section forein h*e this Yield andardart seeds.—We have Rvans Ces. prejiente 6n Sabbath last and' the name$ of 1107 ent. of assistant at on station on the entrance and' eight on the pubschool his -home in- Stratford, d saw-4bg old Idea Tankard- a ug the mbers of their- fstoilS- were present of the "smallness of the m 06 _�u tntends fnr*ffr e , -Go _d t 'Xm ded Short Wthilte J and me �einbets Ykire added to the rolle�-Wo. for thit'0111 00901lut mination.:--Mias M. iff , of prosecuting his studies in thtL University Aj. ehildew. aid iXoub D6 lidi. Their game here last Grand Trunk. He is.; vd Brussels, was v isiting at Mr. sev note the death of Miss -Wingliam grou R. the t et! Swedi& turnip Geed at the low. '*ply ri ret to eat PJJLCes� Mr., and Mrs. Tiiqusii were. both de a. the hardest they man and has bad eegboul three ears' trainin DiArs Toronto. - Mr. McKelvey's M JAP&A 115 the 'market. J se Hal iston, of Tiacke ion under the care f, Mr. Jeffery. last Week. -:-The L unusually ine crop -were much appreciated grid he.willbia out stock- of Tega was never better - ths ramith. It, i rn and 11 re is an it is now. Our beat OL theScotland, the 16 in _18W 01, now strook.Berliiii on Friday at this Mat Gle us a can and we v 2 0 sad brook -in P, family, wh -obe t IR Motto of missed, particularly -ill guarantee to low You the-Istter in They were suffered thoatill, greater I IOU a a We hive no. besitati in oc of-rones abd for less moley thanou can buy tiont any ped- Edinburgh in 1848, wher thi ear.ago, r VV Glenc e.—M.1ri _. Port Nose,'New ' ealand, has re med to the�churoh. Owingto 4' recent xe-!�n_ W -wo- e )y lived until all�W.'Th on -left on tie.- ,him to the people 0 ]w. our atock of Grocelies-is No. I quality Our iie to Blyth, tWeir mother. May thegreat and good Father-:. the Hommil circuit, there Manning is keeping b �ard that country afte� visiting his brotl er, Mr; ment of 1873, in which year they cai h re hel goes! An prices are.os low "kny one to the tnAe, kind sa. we of fort and blen tbose-wbo remain. day lot'thii old 60unt.0 t W 0 James Elliott, :`pf Turnberry.—Mr, Kaino, istant minister for the futur Ontario. Here they spent ton years com The Brown in a WlV imn no. _eJ as give a 5 per cent. cash discount to cash customen; �tho interest$. 6f.the oatmeal business.— b" 'for, Satrday,. between the een --Be on a . to 0. an over, their. life, after which they moved to this of Gorrii, prew4ed4ii the.Methodia 6 church Sexpmith and Fansville have* b Us dis- —Mr. Andrew Calder, of It. will you too 'Good com -AN atry and settled in the Welwyn EGrGW ND Eacls. n St last Sabbat._,,�Reva' W. J. We t )reached,- ,from the Hensall idrouit, W n Inner. Tea and To it Sets, and a A01- - `vA u They sortMent to Select 1, Ing 'ke place, on account on Mon- a very appropriate .-The hi r1o'e this town, who does, quite a bu6irkess in Col- Sqar�e sermon to. the 'children 'was visiti � relAtiyea. aifd in l eat, t where they have sjace',U�ed. . Mee Alley team$, failed to Loy., I I roln paid trio to of the 'Squares di. tan4v Council of the -congregation, in the Pre byterian thert for all kindoof trade. had seven children the two eldi,st 6f Whom 1pating ipg, from the farmers,has kindly is-lisives Paradise 'Alley foot- )�.rt, present. a are sti each sample being faulting. Th Jay, Juj to 20bh ; all. t he sing- Mears. J C.,Clawaot.aud G. C. Petty w Mr. and Mrs. Tr quatr given as two Samples, mom church, last Sabbath orning. C. WILSON, aforkh. are dead. hall-or's champions Of4he juvenile teams of 87 for and their many friends These were col- James I aler was paid Ages Bus- . was by a o 1, 1 1 oi Block. bale and hearty -wPeople,mhould keep in mind the - 1374 Bank of 06mmercio of continued composed of one dozen eggs the toWn'7 tained to bis . buggy r of children and, was very in Londo� last week tending the qm-d looted from two of Me, Tegular customqers. - and littnt"," by 'gd indoled.. as representatives from -ehuich.-L wish them many more,, years to, in town to -day (Friday). The lacrosse horse getting into &- boat Goshen 900 heal th happiness., One,eample'weighed -one p0Zd thirteen4nd, sPor Mrs. Robert Carlile is in jBrassels this dat will be corkers, while a big list o� avisiting her daughter, Mi*. , er SMinplej onb' games line . Donsldson�s i ceount r cedar fur a quarter ounces; the wax WVZ I War . card. Stratford br 8 -he township, $ fl was The heavy other sports ure on the nished t 266.46 Paid.' Lumley. d four and a half ounces. d Mr. W. J.'Clark, of the'.firm� of Brown-* A PIMTMNT QUESTIO.—MR. EDITOR, of poun band will be here, and St. Catbarlues are Mr. Harvey's —Mrs. Thom Slaivin ad the weights are of a nice brown color. and the Clark, * carriage make a' . 'was in In the Clothinr Trade As one of a numerous body of consumers as much bringin, up a big ceowd with their for sheep killed by dogs, was id over lor misfortune to,cut her foot; byy a ping on r the -to ask the others arewhite. There is alec -a of &,,hoe . 'the ot er day.rich on Mondi�y last. Our public school staff of life), I would like t- �t will bb a great sporting festivity. legal. advice. The tr6asurer-w a authorized the sharp blad bakers of our town why it is that they difference in the quality of them as therii is Messrs. Broadfoot & -Box shipped 'a car -to the a mount The doctor says it wilf be somew a before closed this week for the 1 -summer vacation._-� own eggs by by-Isw to borrow money t of sizes In charge the citizens of Seaforth hei4 six cents per in the size and appearance. The br Mrs. Cluf� of Tuckeramithi was in t We have In stock a complete asawtmen load of furniture to Moosomin, orthwest of $1,000, if necessary, to meet the current she is. able to bave the use of - it in.—On a remankably good line of all wool tweed, In both bread, while they deliver the. when cooked, are solid and of much superior f mily lagb recently visiting ber parents, Mr small loaf of 10 expenses. 81 dark and light snades, u u for five cents ? flavor to the -'others, while the white - ones Territory, on Weduesdayi—The publi Court 'I n;eets again on Monday, Sabbath last, ajs Mr. T. Elleringto a NAG up in men's,youtb9% Messrs Wink same three miles out of tow schools close for the mid -summer hol Mrs. Wm. Whitesides, a sell at were returning from church, th sta& boys' and childreWs suits. The Men's size is certainly m watery. The producers of these eggs ida July l8th, at I O'clock P. M.' 'or $4.75 suls ; the L Youth*' about 24 ; boys' $3 ; An 'explanation on their part this week an& th6 small boy rejoices a ca White mad _menb';�f hogs ff childrx'st $2. Thine suits we guarantee to give due the bread consumers f the town.- will each --,have an out -put for market of me out of the neckyok this week,_M, A_nnj. Pfaffle, Wh6'. M"011M wearand are made' by'the most noted rice the baker about twenty five dozens per week,* the year inqly.—TheLf0II6Wing persons were ticketed althrop. tfougue of the buggy to drop -and h ightene� as When flour takes it drop *in P this week by R. J. Macdonald, C. P. R. the horses. They'ran off the road th ft 4een in Toronto for several months, retur"t Canadian manufacturers. out mens aults, at 66- ile. to follow suit-, -but Fitill-keeps at the old round. Bt both receive precisely the same ticket &Rent. : William NOTES. —Mrs. Murchie has g t the post ru home last week.—Mr. Thornam Cameron An 18 sod, $10 we world beaters. We shall be only'too fa It seems to be a sort of heads I win price per dozeJa for their eggs. This seems and Thomas Doig to office fitted up with boxes for the conven- a barbw1re fenee and into a field of barrl�y, in Varna this week renewing aequaintaum, pleased to show our clothing to any pelson calling. price; Portland, Oregon Mrs. Thomas Davidson leaving the buggy and occupants in it the r'e,, tsils you lose gairae, 'With the odds in to be one of he peculiarities of t" egg bubl- ience of those who receivp thei mail here. rs._NcArter, of Brussels, _whd. waa Ift* aul they ran to Ithe corner and- three oh0dren to Deloraine Manitoba of the field and our eggs Boyd, onel of- tb re, is thar, Mr, Robert Meir ad Wms' -PiCkard & 00. favor �f the bakers, and , Certainly speaks. new which shouldbe remedied,, if Mrs. Stogdill, and daughter to Regina, —Anthon e old settle sugbt before auvthm*g more serious, visiting her"Ja reputation in-th d country I -his speech were c 801 y lately. ke has log eiue�s hoitesty to thus are to gain the MAA very little for their bui 1!erritory, and Miss Scarlett to' sister, Mrs. 'R. W. Fult(inj ham retu Northwest' h p ned than the breaking of the tongue, markets that they should have. Aseggeare In his time SE"ORTH. ti4it tfieir town customers. Yours, CON and. partly the use of ne. side. t —.Mr. Jame* Smilli% Of. near thie.4- Calgary, Northwest Torritor�—,On Sunday Wh re".. and some spokes ou§ of one home. age SUMER. now purchased, there is no encour ment he did more clearing of land"ths, i any other 'Llage has erected a fine; new bank 'jiven to those who try to produce a superior morning, July 10th, Rev. r. McDonald man in MAH14. Two t ores yearly wheel. will I 3n Y. —Three scholars from Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, of Lndiiij and Miss Me ft Wins Success's preach &,special. sermon to the gone of they were unhurt. —The Provincial article. The egg trade. of the country is tow was his usual work for a uu�be of -yearo, CONTAGIOUS DisEAsEs. Scotland. The lodge will march in a body this section are this week in Exeter, writin Statiley, were last week,the guests of M Board of Health of Ontario have issued a of sufficient importance to justify an attempt and then he cleared 1iss 'own rm af tar- 9 was to the church, and a full attendance of the oi� the- public school leaving pa re. - We Miller Edwards.—Mr. Maurice Walker -from con agious to encourage merit. A few ydars, ago Mr. wards. —James McDonald,. who loped with report showing the deaths t in the village last- week j'renewig acquaint - members is rtquested at the lodge room at wish them every success. —Mr.- I Mad e e months of Wilson Wed the experiment of purchasing another man's wife a few week ago9 Well his new barn on Monday An T —We are pleased � to- -state that Mr. 10:90 that rubming.—Rev., -Mr. Bond and w we es. ancox. March, April and May, as reperted to the ge by weight, but he had to give it up, as' around some time*before he left under the raised co family lett for their new heltne in Ridgetown day, and Mr. Jonas Simmons rais his on G- Registrar.0eneral, bi the Division regis. other dealers would not co-operate with him. on Thursday , imornifig.—The other day as assumed name of Warden, colle ti g funds Wednesday.—The Lumley school 'enie was time, is now feeling copsiderably better.-,% STRATFORD, ONTARIO. trars throuRhout the province. The total However, farmers will never receive proper for Mrs. Dennis. who got her ho se. burned d Our council will soon It e all our sidewallis D.,,.Bright wait returning from on Friday last and was �a decided re is some re- 'left his overcoat in the oar in the spring. He took care tly o to in every number of de-athe in these month value for their eggs, until the Alex. who W This school does first-class wo4 H'bberb where he was n t known. suii9ese. The weather was all that could be deVartropit and enjoys a large patronage. as follows: March, 197 ; April, 219 aid to the quality of t)k4e article pro- lin and former teaching in - Denver iColorid is home, classified as follows: Sear- ducey, the same as in the purchase of oth.m. When he left th --train at Clinton. When I desired and the crowd double that He will likely now be beggin for Mrs. ercial Schoolof the highestgrad: They are �d�ln h summer v4cati6n ;—Mn. Rich - A Comm he reached deaforth, he�- got -Mr. Craig to ars. There was singing by the hildren ve, Is 238. non - Students can ent , i. litena, Weir. this village, is in Rochester e�bett4 in Canada. telegraph to London for it, and it was re- the� recitations of James Ford be' g worthy of Diphtheria,—March, 27; April, 12'; May, 'jer ki, at any time� Catalogue free.' visiting her tw�. daughters. 4*44 16. Measles,—Mareb, 4, April, 7 ; May, 0 turned all right on Thursday morning. Chiselhurst. of special mention music by Mr. and Mrs. uite number. of a* vil .51 -PRISE AND PRiSENTATION.—A Har- leger; atteattled W.J.. ELIOTT, Principal. �� I SUR Overcoats and umbrellas'are not very often Li Welsh and Mr. Eacrett on t e organ, 15. Whooping cough,—March, 1; April, rington correspondent says About three NOTES.—IThe farmer's of this 'icinity are the iopular cantata, een Esther, which We 1, 'Major rendered in Seaforbh on Friday evening returnedwhen left in that way. month organ and viohn- Messr H. and p 14U. I L 6y, 9. Typhoid,—Mareh, 10; April, It' iends of Air. and Mrs. A: busily engaged.taking dff the ha crop. It .*9 undred of the fr Anderson and Captain Watson are making S. Horton 4n the �iolin it. ram, of was 9 M 13. Tuberculosis,—March 120; ays McCool, general merchant and postmaster, is -A good crop ibis year.—Mr. J lin Maud- Chiselhurst, on the comet'; Mi B ell, - of of last week, and were much pleaed'viritli DOMINION BANK. good progress with the coiistruction of the onthe of Harrington West, assembled in. the new plank walk on the north side of Goder. barn raisin Wed A 1713; May, 168. In the three in For- son had a successful Hensall, also favored us with everal. in. it.—Mr. D. Urquhart Was in London this of the previous year, there were reported -week on,' buoiness.—A very 'bappyl, vveut� rester' a hall on Friday night, and presented job street, and as ia their practise, they are neRday of last week.— Edward strumentali., Very much praise is a to the with 654 for this IM:011 eve pur- lam L (Paid UP) $1,1500,000. 708 deaths, as compared kindly worded address and a making a splendid job 6f it. We hope thi enerietic teiibber, Miss M. E. 1�o , for the 'took place at the residence of Mr. )Will. MA them with a Ryckman mud Donald Bri y nd the same beautiful silver tea set, also a gold locket to ns -this illage, on Wednesday vi REST, $1,500,000. ear, taking the same months a will be the last plank walk that will be laid chased a new threshing outfit an we hope pai taken to make it a please, day for -Mitchell,' of diseases. This 'year only 604 of the 745 - ze I Master Earl McCool ; after which a very down in Seaforth ;,they are out of date. — the farmers of this vicinity will pdtroni every one. evening last. We here refer to ttie mar - BRANCH, municipalities -reported, and the number tasty com- them largely, as they are both 11 k riago of his second ilatighter, Mbs Beatrice. and appropriate programme was put Mr. F. Gutteridgb and his men have :hi e - nown But I last year as-some.what smaller. on, with the Rev. A. G. McLaughlin, pastor oncreke floor in M -D D. and first-class hands with a ma ne.—Jofin Aniie, to Mr. Win. Peart, eldest son f Mr. street, Seaforth. he plbted the new c t Kirkton., Thames Peart of this village. T I he mar-� Main of Knox church, -acting as chairman. T Wilson's stable. Itis*the first of the kind Taylor and Lewis Shrade is PI Farmers' Our annual rnid-summer sale of fine shoes programme consisted. -of -speeches by Dr. -ever laid down in these parti,and is A-eplen- along with some of the " oys, left BuiE riage Ceremony was perfor Rev. Ageneralbanking business, transacted. Lete Fs.—The', following stude,Ls from mad by the Sale Notes- collected, and advances made on same at 'Saturday, July 2fidi great reductions McDougall, -Reeve Youngs, , Councillor did job. --Mau . y of the farmer's in this diB- or tmin- commences on for London on the 21st ult., wi h Exeter our public school, under the supepi W. E. Kerr,.and was witnessed by the rela,;- lowest rates. in all lines in order to wAke room or new fall goods. Campbell, Clark and treasurer E. Li Sather- mpany, No. 6, 33rd battalion, of volun- ing of our popular teacher Mr I A. Good, tives of the contracting parties. After -the Robert Willis, Cady's block, Seaforth. 16924 trict have commenced their hay,harvest. It 00 an SAVINGS I)LIPARTMENT. land ; a solo by the Misses Barrn, and two will be a -good yield if they get it well saved, teers to act as privates. They - eturn the w t to St. Marys -to try thei; irespeoiive% happy young couple had been warmly am- KEEP KoOL. —By' 'buying'one of those one Dollar end upwards. received. and lin mlections by the -famous violinist,Mr. but the weather thus far has been catchy 2nd of July. 'We hope the-boym spend examinations'- Miss Phoebe It Tiifte, Mine gratulated, all repaired to the dining room, Deposits of Economy " summer cook stoves an# " quick vlo ighest ourreot rates. Interest utherland. Atthe close'of the pro- a pleasant time in the Forest city..il Edna F. Marshall, Mr. F. C. hall, Mr. where a sumptuous supper was in -waitio-,, interest allowed at b bakei ovns, which, Is aaknowledged to be the Win. 8 and a good deal of hay has been wet. The 'hiiis Sarah H. Dope added to principia twice each year—at theendof, best cven in the market: ee It as D. McIntyre's gramme all eat down to a bounteous supper fall wheat is filling nicely and promises a J. T. Holling0head, J, and after ampleJustice had 'been one IQ, No nottei of withdrawl is June and December. shoe,store. Agents NvAnted. J-W-WNATHER"� provided by the ladies. Mr. McCool made Miss Della &&,Mr. P. F. boupe, Mr. the good things, the rest of the evening wat 159 bi yibld.—Mre. Robert Coleman and famil required for tfie whole or any portion of a de Clifford Shier, public school leoing ; and spent very- pleasantly in a social manne'.r. W. K. PE neat reply to the address, although 1eft here on Wednesday for Hamilton,where R. S. HATS, ARPE, FOR Harvest"Toole, "Binder Tvkne, Hay & very occasion be felt a grealb deal DEATHS. very sad deaths have oc- Mr. Robert Ha., -Ie* The bride was very handsomely attired !a just on that curred in our v Miss E. A. Fletcher an& Solicitor Agent. Fork Rope. Machine Oil, and pure Par.3 � they will in future reside, —.Mr. 'and Mrs. 111�je during the at week. more thankful and elevated than he could �vood, entrance.—A numbe?-- fron� here at- brocaded hard silk, trimmed with or in S. MuLbaw & Co.., Seaforth. T. 0. Kemp were in oronto this week. 0 r village, wr ra Mr.,James Davis, constable, of tended the barn raising at J. Oopeland's. silk, and wore a, , eath of natural flowers. find words to expre -0- RENT.—To rent, a comfortable _consu�ting a - specialist died:early on Sunday morning, f om th t ev. T_ J- The bridesmaid, Miss Ann- Peacb, HOUSI, 2 joyable evening'all parted, wishing Mr. and. as After a most en- Mr. Kemp irttende� Woodham, on Thursday last. brlek holiss on Goderich street, containing eight there about his foot', which has been troub- deadly disease, appendicitis. �e Iliad )nly 81 Grand Trunk Railwav I - Snowden, Ph. -B., left on Wednesday for sister of the groom, �vas Xorvyery nicely liug him so a %owcY, brooms, including kitchen ; good cellar, hard and soft Mrs. McCool success and happiness in much for some time.—Tylies Ad been sick for a' short titno. W. in M ilveito tired in the same miLterial. The groomemsa his new field of labor n. Rev. water, and all othef conveniences. Apply at THL their future journey of life." Mr. and Cline, daughterof,Mr James A. Cline, of ber of the Maccabees he was �urie Excursions to Manitoba, -POSITOR OfUcejSe'A;oxtb. 1694-tt am by John Ball takes his place.—Mr. �ud Mrsi -E Mrs. Cool are both former residents of Wingbam,,was in wn this week, the guest m I . James Hoggarth. The bride was" Homeseekers* -to ' was olrERY Soak and in de K. Ferguson returned on Saturda, made the recipient of a number of'valusuk a, etc., v that order, and a nu ' r f thy I bre h en y last from Dakot 0 heir last North fro!m the neighboring Ia 1. e UP, Swab" is infallible, painless and non-pois6nous . a visit to New York an Tokonto.—Mr. 'It tA ia Chicago- or boat to A P=EL-Ess Disc: Varna, in this county, Mrs. McCool being of her aunt, Mrs J. H. Broadfoot.—Rev. tee p d presents. Theyoung couple wi k Duluth. -an a. daughter of Mr. James Armstrong, of that Mr. Parke, of Clinton, conducted the ser- o their dep, -the cure of cancer, cartilaginous ulcers, zlewood raisedhis bari on- Friday their, residence in the village, and" we unil;a bage. They have been resideuti of H last. Day Rates: etc,, sore throat and a variety of skin diseases. It vices'in St. Thomas church on Sunday other was the very sudden death Of Mrs- last, when fjides were chosen by William with their many friends in wishin Dommion cures cancer in any part of the body where the rington for.aboub. six years and it will be L:Miss Ida Dickson and Miss Norma are on g them. Tanner, of our village. She t rnlng Hanna. and E, N. Shier. E. N. 18hier's side a long liquid can reach it. Send for . circular giying in - Single fare—June 30Ch to July 2nd. -Fair pleasing to their numerous old. friends in visit to relations iii Meedsville, Pennsyl- -and happy �aarried life together.— structions how to use the liquid. Sold at 60 cents ome on Monday evening'from U I when won after a Closely contestea'raoe.—Lawyer and thira—i e .30th to July 4tb. Huron to kow that they have won so fully. vania.—Miss Willson and Mr. Bright, from e !suddenly fell on the sidewalk, ndnever hose who were anx-lious as to the whor-b- r1pint and 80 cents per hakf pint bottle. McLBOD'S William ratory, Goderich, Ontario. Sold in Seaforth at the esteemland confidence of thdoe among the Meth6dist church, and Messrs, Dickie 9, of Toronto, is sper�Iding a week &boats -of Mile Isabella Cook, daughterl of Steam- ship Lines spoke again. J. S.R6berts. 1680-tt whom their lots have been cast. The ad- and Barr, from the Presbyterian church, with his sister, Mrs. John Stone Co6k, of this village, iho Hiir remains were taken to her ol home at village.—Mr. Arthur Beattie,1 B. A., is home a number of weeks ago without 9,VMI; -and Do' I dress, of which we have a copy uched tenti White Star," Beaver" e I WANTED On' huudrad tubs of dairy ed the bouvention 9f Sabbath scho, I Watford for interment, and were here laid million Line butter weekly, Igo. Alll'�\ kinds farm produce in the most affectionate and complimentary 'and Y P Dple'8 associations held n -to rest on Wednesday afternoon. t,6enaing a week at home.— onday last any notice of doing aoi or 1eqiving-agy word-_ handled. G. E; Kum, Wingham. 1692-tt term he Kirkton Loyal Orange brass band ss -to where she intended going, willbe, a, and from it we learn that Mr. Me- Wing=lasteweek.—Ais. A. Young . a 0 in ge We. ul dg nd much respeeted by both old and y en � ed th� honorable position f being the pleased to learn that _'Was 10 Try the sale oince See the crowd ! G. E. bool intends removing from Harrington. Miss Young are visiting friends inBlenhei!n. JOY ville, A will be missed.by a large circle of f "ends. -the City, to 9 and vil- she anted in, gent band chosen from t W. Somer King, Wingham. 1691-1 —Miss' Nettie Wilson has gone to Toronto, - London, and was also in Heitse11 this week. eft, A WEDDixa. —'A correspondent at to Commercial Hotel guilding. LAWN MOWERS.—We have a few I where she intens writing, on the depart- lages of Perth head" the e�cursiou to —Mr. John Dignau, of Exet0r, wal reeently Sul MOITIS. Guelph. This speaks well for I our - village in the, ' township of Hay, visitin which we will sell at c3st to closa out. Secure them Laird, Algoma, sends us the following : St. mental examination on domestic scie nee, to 9 now. Reid &Wilson, Sealor-th. 1594.1 au NOTES.--Tbe hu rd band. --The members are i� follow" . H- his brothers and brotber-in-lawMr. Charles Mary's Roman Catholic church, 8 It Ste- be held in that city next week.—Wor&,bas gli ]EFAAnnooKs.— We have a stock 'of these, Marie, Michigan,. was thd scene of a very been received from Mr. and Mrs. Robert in our law r ay the equal of which ba3 never been shown here. Come present.—A barn, 50 by 60 feet, d B. Johnson, J. A. Hazlewood,j, . Cornish,R. a raise pretty wedding on Wednesday morning, McGowan, of Tackeramith, stating that Undei on the farm of Mr. D. Kel on he 7th Wilson, Seaforth. 1594-1 June 15bli, whenMr. D. A. McDonald was they have arrived safely in Scotland, and ly united in'marriage to Miss Chriatena Me- line, on Tuesday afternoon oi last eek. P. wood, A. Kirk, E. E. Robinq.on, Bob - are at present settled near Stirling, where DISTRICT M.&TTERS. A RNDSOmu Book for a two cent stamp., J. Kelly and A. Cronin were the aptains. inson, A.H. Doupe, R. Robinaon, E. X. New publication by the Detroit and Cleveland li . ne.— Kinnon, younget 'daughter of Mr. Duncan they intend making their futu're hq'me'. To those who contemplate taking a summer outing, McKinnon, of Laird, Algorn"a, and formerly Miss Fraser, of Goderich, is visiting,*rs.. Mr. Cronin a side qame out a littl ahead, Shier, J. L". Kirk and W. 4 Sample.— t but it was a hot race; 19-5 men an about Messrs. David and Efikwin ' "larke and Oran we will mail for 2c postage our illusbrated pamphlet, of Tnekersmith, Ontario. Thd 'CeremonyLevi Smith.—Mrs' James Pringle, of Strat- ty was Francis, of Wiachelded\, spent �unday with MARkMD iii- BuPFALo. —We take the fof- which contains a latge,number of Rue engraving@ of wasperfotmed �y Rev. Father Cote. The t the residence of her asniany ladies were present, lowing paragraph from the Catholic -Union viery sum' -ford, is visiting t in pa 01 merres6ff between Cleveiand, Toledo, De bride was beautifully abbired in cream col- 'father, Mr. J. H. Broadfoot. —The entrance held in, the basenruthle ev, ninV­ N.. T. Fletchler.—Rev. J. rownfee, of to a troit and Picturesque Mackinac. It has many artistic and half-tauesof poicsof linterest.of the Upper Lake ored costume, trimmed with Ia pi on ri-ces Times, of Butalo, - which 'refers ce and rib- and public school leaving examinations were Statute labor is wound up now, and -some of Grantion, filled the pul it. 01 St. Paul's Afft -former resideni �f Se&forth�aud a brother of r roads are worse -than they were before ; 00e. rett�, , wedding was Information regarding both short and ex, bon, with hat to match, and barri@d a held in the Collegiate Institute on Tuesda church here on Sunday evening last, in the BOY -E fare Y9 Mrs. -M. Jordan: A =touro, costs of traTisoorbation and hotel stones are not gravel, neither isolay absence of Rev. W. Stout. bouquet of white roses. Miss Winnie *Has- Wednesday and Thursday. Fifty-five pupils 8 church on etc. Addreds A. A. SCHANTZ, G. P. A., Detroit, quietly solemnized at Jt-, Jo Margaret iOhig&D, 1594-1-1 Bet, of Bickford, Michigan, acted as brides- wrote on the entrance and ten on the public Monday,, June 20tb, when Miss y1s maid, andwas becomingly attired in a pale school leaving.—Rev. John A. Clark, -well Oromarty. . . . FOR L' . Al cCaul and Mr. James P. C lement were Everybody goe� to Wingham. -King blue cashmere dress, trin, nied with chiffon known to may in this vicinity, has accept - July and August sale is on. Piwqic.—The picnic of school see ion No. married. by Father Grattan. There wail a altar was Eaton not in it, we give you a sale and and ribbon, with hat to match and carried d a all to Cowan avenue Presbyter' 5 bad_for its object tha6 of bring ug to- PLANTS FOR SALE.—Cabbage, Cauliflower P high -mass, and the Sacred Heart ten for sale. 0. A. Me Ch irc , Toronto, and willVe inducte& into d and Tomato plants of the best 41loties. AOU N, were and take your trade. G. E. King, Wingbaim. 1594-1 a bouquet of carnations. Mr. gethe'r' the children, parents, teach r an be�^_atifully decorated with out flo n U, Apply to D. Stewart, London Road, 11160all. Kinnon, brother of the bride, acted as the ch rge on Ju air friends for social intercourse, 0 8UMMER GOODS candles,the bride and groom being promoters Toilet SoAps.—Medibated, perfumed, oil, groomsman. The ceremony over, the -Mr. John Bell and a6tiv� members ot the L. S. H. - The tar, glycerine and shaving soaps ; new stock J ust ar- Crosse , he other evening, Friday last it fulfilled its mission every JUST arrived an 0�_ cement, also rived. Call and get piims. u. W. Papit, Seaforth. happy couple were driven to the residence met wibh a painful accident. One of the respect. The weather was all that uld be' bride was -attired in a ha7udaome fawn trlkv- i. car of Beachville lime,* at the old stand. Store of Mr. James Hasset, Spruce street, where other players, while checking" him, struck desired.. Inthe'afternoon, Capt i Scott house just west of the stati _. R1 CUDKO)RE, Hen- eling suit, The Ibriidesmai4 was Miss M. I The liveliest shop in three counties, a number of guests awaite4 t)heir arrival. h- and Campbell -chose on Light� Ground. Prints -5o, 7e, 8e, 10e -per A lei im ov r the baud, cutting the top off one men for a tug -of ar. In BAB. . I McGrath, and the best man Mr. P. Me - f his nest DIM King's store, Wingham. 1694-1 After congratulations werelextended a sum- 0 a ; .8. two out of Lh I I yard. ger —Mrs. R.Ross, of Kinoardine, ree good ho pulls*, GRoUNDS To LET FOR THE.COMX,G 12th OF -taken of, is vieiti�gh�r sister, Mrs. W. Freeman.— Phillip& After the ceremony the party re A B00AIN.—For sale one light brand now ptous wedding breakfast was pdr bell's'plen were formd to yield. xt "in paired to the home of the bride's parents, ' ' - - & JuLy.—Thettudersigneil havihgooj6pleted arrange- FE Qoods-6c, 10c, l2c per GiVAB end spring phaeton, made -by William Gray &Sons, and the remainder' of the 6 was spent Mr. J es H t, left hero. on Wednesday order. bf sports was- the tight -rope. king ments for groundg, would say, as ion have seen n Lnc�l Wash 0,J07 Niagarai'street, where breakfast was Phathaw, ar. half price. Reid &Wilson-, Seaforth. . In t Y even' a m ... and other p�rformances by the y print last week, W. J. Miller had to ard driving around town a these grounds y 1139 a on his e in ictoria, British Columbia. Can 4 served. The bride was the recipient of. -tf _men let not got 1594 1 We would say most empliatically he has, handsome and 0 these grounds for the coming I! m costly presents. Mr. Ch rles Vallange, of - Varna, left here of the community, which were qui up to reception was given at Mr. R 2thbf Julyin Moir's Fan any adence, at which dano g and, music were on Thursda,V on. his re6m to Glasgow, the feats of professionals. Tee, then grovei and don't you forget it. An� person debifing C�. Muslins, So, IWO 12ol 15c par yard E WESTMINSTER.—Rev. R. Douglas Tu freely indulged in util morning. The Scotland. He has be�en visiting in this announced, and all did justice to thi daln- to erected refreshment stands apply at once to Fine rgandies-1291c, l5c, 180, 40 per THE CANTATA.—The eacred cantata, Fr e' M. 1., of Toronto, has been in the happy couple left the ollowing day, accom- intry for at�_df' a year.—Mr. �G. E:aaJ,, ties which -the waiters procured fr in the yard. Esther,. was given in Cairdno's ball on Friaay town aiiii neighborhood for a few days Cot —There w un partied by the bridesm�dd, groomsman, and men NOTES. ill be no cplebration here ng, under the direction of Mr. George repie4bntingi of the Westminster, which is of Toronto, Was a guest of her rows of well filled baskets. AftAer t there evenii Miss Kate and Mr. Hugh McKinnon, sister Mrs Knox, of Harpurbey, list week.-T41i a were foot races of al oat every deso -iption, on Dominion Day,but on the 1,2th of July 'we Whit 8 t Mualine-10e, 15c, 20o, 25e - in p the Laura Mulloy, of Preston, is visitin an 'interesting game of footbi U was expect the largest gathering W. Cline, of Wingham. Despite he very published iR. the interests of the Presby'- and brother oftbe bride,for the home of that has ever per yar I h, and of a wholesome home and warm evening chore was a very fair house, terian churc� bride's pitrents,in Laird,Ontario,wherea, see - residence of kr' W. G. Willis, Goderich played in a field adjoining the grov, i. The been held here, and ti committee of and all id to -thoroughly enjoy natioiaal life. The Westminster now em - present seeme -ond reception awaited them, -and another toreet.—Mr. Jo�n A. Wilson, f t6is tow crowning pleasure of the day- Was erived Orangemen, assisted by ou� �nade_ up of our Whi� lawne-10c, 1.2je, 15c, 20c prr 0 n, the excellent rendering of this beautiful braces the 'Canada Presbyterian and has happy-5,celebration was indulged in by the was married on Wednesday, to Miss Hall from,the music, which wafted on tho breeze villagers, are sparlirig no explinse or trouble cantata. Theleading role&were taken as attaWed, under the editorship of Rev. J. A. t intervalg during the afternoon' and even- to Ma numerous friends and, acquaintances Of the of Blenbeim,'Oxford county. Several Sea' a ke the celebration hpre complete in Id alarge circulation throughout bride and groom, The bride was he re. -BlouO Silks, short ends to cleir-26ei, folloW,3 :-Esther, the queen, Miie-s Grace Macd6 a t friends attended the ceremony.—Mr." ing. � The Highland piper, Mr. A. 4cKel- every respect.—The farmer are n6w en-- th minion. It is a weekly paper, cipient of many useful and costly p 38c, 501, 75c per yard. McFaul ; the king, Mr. Asbury ;' Haman, resents, W. Hackney, 'of Uaborne, 'near Farquhar, lar, spent his time, -not in seeking, , but in gaged in haying, and the -rop in a -very Mr. Mallen ; Zeresh, splendjoly illustrated and with a the king's councillor, large showing the- high esteem in which she is magazine number ever3 Xnonth. -in ad- has passed his final exe"Mination before the giving pleasure. He has long enjo: red the -heavy, due, owing o the vi�ry favorable SUM er Dress Goods to c6ar-15o, W ]Kam&Ws wife,Miss Bertha Daly Mordecai, SM held her o i we have a fort -past mouth or um College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, reputation of being the favorite pi 25 worth much more mone -eas, Miss Mc- ditionto news of the churches gathered M '0y _1 in . Mr. James Scott ; Prophet r. _ r so.—Mrs. Carlin o linto, and is now a full-fledged doctor. Mr. H. P. coinmunity, and we feel sure that such a was here vis. to a aQuaid. Each of these pgrts were' exceed- from all quarteis, and missionary let r few aye fo d r th Rose, of Exeter, has passed the primary ex. reputation is yet sustained. iting her cousin," r McEwen, the ingly well taken, the solo partr, being well fro' the frontier and abroad, it discusses utaric nd part o� this.—Captain. amination before the same body. end of ast week a roudered :and the acting out of the char- the young peoples' topio and the Sabbath Gibson and Mrs: 0xibson, of Goderich, are The liter .13avfleld.' Miss McFaul, in RGAINS. IN' acter8 exceedingly'good. school lesson, week by week. ary LoCAL BRIFFS.—Mr. John S. Brown, who, in th BA e village this week g friends.— via I'M her character as the queen,filled her difficult features of the Weetminster are worthy_ of is one of the largest and Go to Robert Rouatt's hardware I or fresh wealthiest * farmers Vama. The evening of uly 12th prpses to* be &V ban eat tools, part a dmirably, while Mr. 'Mulleu�s inter- note. The Survey of the Month is a com- in McKiliop, does not of ten make mistakes NoTEs.—The strawberry festival held on parls green, screen doors and windows, most, if not quite as inte PARASOLS rea�ing as the day, machine oil, etc. All at close prices or, cash. 4ft th I pretation of the character of . Haman was prehensive summary of public events, the in his business, but he seems to have made Tu evening last, under the a g to the two- concer eada, -1 owIn to that will be held uspices of Robert Round, Bayfleldi town a th al Templars ofTemperance, on Mr., Readymade Clothing. .—The fit a style exceptionally clever. The choruses were world over, from a Canadian point of: viqw, one this time. He brought into e R6 here, �iz., the cantata, Que Esther, in the SHIRT *APS -TS and written by a specialist in this . depart. 4 7 good and their excellent . rendering aided men's t large lot of wheat and stored it here. He John Johnston's lawn, was a decided sue- of readymade clothing for youths', boys' jet church, and li�concert to' be not a little in making the cantata thorough- ment. The boys bud girls have a share of. was offered one dollar and ten cents for it, cess, considerin the disagreeable WHITEWEAR 9 ear is last causinz it to take the place of ormade .= Coxworth's hall. The Misses Glass, ly appreciable. It was a- most ratifying the paper. "Foods and their preparations," the last goods, Then there U a vast alkving in the at, and who 'e b eek o sol ago, and whose but he had an idea that it would reach the weathe - up to almost, th at is very Important., . F. A!' Edwards a good Ire ere a w r success and displayed fully the musical and are treated by Miss Aunie Frasdr, of the dolle,,r and quarter - point, and, no doubt momen � and the dampness of the evening. tone were a ej lection and sells at close prices for eas F. A. TLTNDERWEAR dramatib.talents of the young, people of the New Era cooking school, Toronto, and ex- thought he was best entitled to any profit But notwithstanding these hindrances a Edwards, Bayfleld. im.l. will add much to the in r the last - town, as well as the able conducting of Mr. aminer for the Educational Department of that might be on it. So he-dealined to sell good nqmber made their appearance and WAFTE-ITC.S.—Mrs. Thompson, of Chicago, mentioned.—Mra, Williams who was in ill SAILOR Iff ATislb Cline.. It abounded in, pretiyeffects and Ontario in domeatia science. A new serial _1eiter corner b health for the past man or so, passed the urstwhbat oLkine tumbling the evehing passed off quite pleasantly. — has been visiting her motherMrs. C DlIoday. ,pleasizig music, and many 3charrniAg tab - story, by the author of " Probable Sons," is dow4, down, and.Mr. Brown itill hold his Mr. R. Mellveen, reeve of Stanley ; Air. D. Mr. Thompson after residing there 'or some peacef6lly away on. Thursd - f last week IMMED MILLINERY. leaux, one of the prettiest irid mi whee6.- Fortunately for him he is able to, H. Lo aughhon and Mrs. Wm. Stogilill, - has decided to return to Ca ad& and were takeii! to her pareutt being the chorus and marching of and heremains 1 8 lit years, by the little by Ralph Connor begins in the number 8� of Toronto, and Goi ni ine, eve gone on a trip to Mani- move back to Goderich, where he ill ti e' home, near Glencoe, on �riday morning"s boys and girls, While the ]pretty maids in July 2ad. The `Tales from the Selkirk$, M re. McFaul have been spending a few tabs. )They left on Tuesday last.—Mrs. J. ohs, a train. A large number saserable'l rge of his father's blacksmith I lusineis. ex 9 r, which ea waitin made a. cliarming picture. from the pen of this gifted autho days a6 the parental bome here, the resi. T. Cai#48, who has been visiting her mother —The Glass sisters' concert compa iy g Ptrhe depot'to pay the las� mark of respect MP el was uluch teemed a,ppeared in the Westminster during 1897, deuce of Mr. L.L. McFaul.—W6'are pleased at Forest for the last few days, returned an entertainment in the town hall c n Mon. to the - deceased, who 6� let, Stok, -ar, a GoL-D a to be published in Britain, the United uN WEuDr, .--The venerable couple to learn that Mr. John Scott, of Iftoxboro, home on Tuesday last.—Mr. and'Mrs. day night. As it had not been wel. adver. for her many kind and ad ble qualities. mentioned in -the following extract which Statei and Canada at the approaching Vrho got his leg broken 0, short time a 0, is Haxby, of Clinton, were visiting at Mrs, —Our citiz LADIE& TIES tised there was not the audience be pro. one are looking orward to a rich we take fronf -the Spectator of Moosomin, Christmas season recovering nicely, although he is stilf con- Wanleee'this week.—Mr. S. 0. Rathwell gramme deserved. The singiig and musidal tre of L'thi Can. at on the rendering OLLARSAND CUFFS Manitoba, of J tine 2nd, will be remembered fined to bed.—Rev., Douglas Fraser, of To. has bousht the house and shop where he instrumental music was very plessit F.—The tsts, Qnse odisthurch n Esther, in the Meth E0V.ONDVuLE NOTES. Mr. Purd y. H on- examinations were held here on eaday, uly 12th.—The fine new stretch of gre. by many of our readers in this county and Several of oar ronto, preached in the Presbytiiian church now resides from e a on all will )BELTS ANb GLOVE8 unite in extending to them congrat. young ladies attended a social in Hibbert last Sabbath forenoon, and in the Egmond. siders that Varna is the place for a first- tillts olithio walk in ftont. of, W R. BellPw new ulations, n. The on and report an an- ville ehuroh in the evening.—Mr. Jame clasi boot and shoe store, and is going to of Clinton, picnicked here on Tuesd Tb;; brick block is much 'i�dmired, and was on so auspicious an ocoasio Tuesday evening last, SIER AN Spectator says An event of more than joyable time.—Mr. Andrew Hicks,'grain Mullen, who has been teller in the Canadian stay right with us. like to come to Bayfield. Lots of ater�.— just what was wantea to give a good ap- H D CORSETS -usual inter I eat was fittingly observed at the merchant, of Centralia, and Miss Maud Bank of Commerce here for the past two 00A th ce to the front of titat fine se a. spent holding their Sa-bbatheoh I picni in Mr. home of Mr. and Mrs. Traquair;6f Welwyn, Hi3k a early part of the wee ears, left for his new appointment at Chat. The Misses McEwen. d4ughters of Mr. 'ACES AND RIBBONS jastMonday afternoortand evening. Only with relatives here.—Practical common Londesboro. am ofi Wednesday. During his residence Jowett's grove on Tuesday nex — Next A lex. McEweu� acciimp�nied by their col sense experiments and scientific investiga- here Mr. Mullen made many friends, and --GAHERI-NOS.—Do not forget the picnic Sunday will be children' service brother, attended. the concert given by Godo etur 'enter upon the joys and. responsibilities of tion are exploding the falacies regarding he will be much missed in musical and to -day (July lat) hold in Win. Brigham"i at the =jet church ; apeci I music frey's baud, in Goderich, last -week. arried life are permitted to see the. return *tbie necessity of the use of alcoholic atimu- social circles while his obl "disposition grove. A good time in ex&cted. Eve HANDKERCHIEFS. Wesi Miller White, of Extter, vfas in the vill�age In and singing by -the ohildren.—M . James -h anniversary of their -marriage lants. One by one they vanish before the- and affable mannermade IgIng n of the fiftief, him a universal one is welcome. The Epwortl ti t k League wl Young gave a very interestinig ae! unt lag on Monday. renewing 6equaintances.—Th I Is day. Mr. and M T u ong searchlight of truth. For centurieo'grog favorite with the patrons, of the bank.— hold a lawn social in the evening. A good Sunday evening of the annual strawberry festival of Carmel �Ires- C]�IFFONS, VEILINGS, Dk those few,' and ist Mon — is grthY ratione were onsidered indispeusible to MisseeMoLeodand Cothard, of Torouth, programme is being preparedhv both home convention, at whieh he was a de legate at the church and ouple,who, entered on hq lt�Oiuesahof con. soldiers and sailors, but Sir Herbert Kitch- are at present vi a 6yterisii church, held on t sitink4at gist McLeod's and foreign talent. Come anal help along a Wiligh m,.Iast week. manse grounds, *a Thursday eve g of last, ex ad , t e ra ty years a 0, DI re ener, under the burning sum of Africa, has aunts,- Mrs. D. McGregor Mr . A. Gor- good work.—The delegates who attended week was a it sucoiss. nin rilege of a golAnweildmig- TIn the spring proved that his men have greater endur- don, of McKillop.—The Winthrop cheese the'annual con ty Su ay Bch i i .* - * Tim'. Tinip prh d 31d Soo n ad 001 and E e, and the attendance was of the tr p year in tial they beivan anee, are cooler illeaded in the time of dan- coingatir shipped their May cheese on Wed- worth League convention hold Muevile. last week in very large, and all present� seemed to - enjoy lifetogether. Thbir former associations ind gar,, and have a lateadier aim, without any nee ay amt. The cheese was sold to J. W. Wingham were Miss W NOTW.—Mr. A. MeEwen -e8i4d st the tbernselvest",-i 6pc fullest ixtent, A� ebb, Mr. Braithwaite in a free former surroundings have ji�en place to stimulant. Th� was also the experience of Steinhoff, of Stratford, for 7 3-16 cents per and Mr. Webb. —Ton from school section entrance examination in Fol;dw* h, this social msnL�i uAtramme4od by any formal Try ad new environments. Lord Wolseley in his Northwest campaign, d. on. M. C.,Cameron, accompanied number 8 went to' Clinton to tr'y their 'En. week.—Mrs. Hugh Rose -and George Amme. The presen�e of the Exeter now associations a un —H An -a new country, ifar from the as well an in his African wars, and ni 0 his you it dauighter, Miss Grace Cam- trance examination. We- wish them all Macdonald drove over to Varna grogr D doubt Ea'McFA U d. now in y his week rem band WAS a glosAing feature of -the outh, they are enjoying their before long a general order will banish aron, paninfet1hrough here on' Monday on success.—Mins Bell, accompanied by her to visit Mrs. Sharp, formorl7i Mi Maggie evening, and the num r �f splendid selec. scones of theiry I ty. Mon- liquor from army and. navy. May the day his way to Regina to assume bernator- mother, returned from Loretto Abbey last Hartley, of this place.—Misses k -and tions they rendered throughout the evening winter of life in Comfort and n a f his ju uno beautild Pring'day soon come when all men will see the folly of ial tions. They left Toronto on Tues. week* —Miss Millen, of London, in visiting t dsa�. M�y 30th, was� Britton, of Kinburn, 491 nty -were much enjoyed, and just what was Dry Goods CO. ter left on Wedues- da con specialty orderid for the happy occas its me. --Miss C. A. Por Mr. George Stewart is shipping a lot with *Min Mabel Bell this week.­Mlss Christian Jsnde&vor 0 n ntlonl, 0 wanted for ou--h an ocoaai�n. It is aimoit -Aget sy for Syracuse, Now York, to spend soin bold in ion. All nature was gw and bright. Leaf d e of la ed hay to the old country.—The vol- Plunnar, of Detroit, is visiting Mrs. Whiltey Wingbam lost week, spent sey ral days needless to say that 'the 4bles ere well and grass and floiwer a3ded beauty every. months with her sister, 14ra. Donald Harnib unteers are expected home from camp on thin week.—Miss Elva Adams has returned visiting Bluavale friends. --Mr Wr%�, provided with the good t Inge of this life, where. ate 0111 home Uter viniti!!g friends in Toronto.— choesemakerat Kinburn t a d n as the ladies of Oam a urch have on en. i whom he& to drive long distances, could ham, were welcome 6allers in the village on Chicago, and will spend a couple of months Misses Gram and Taylor Were the guests of the village. Min Lacy py I Toronto, viable reputsition in ot pact. Wednesday last.—Mrs. John Gray, of Tor. here.—We were slightly in error last week Mrs. Teasbam on Sunday. for. the summer. _4he I entertained the scarcely fail to catch the inspiration of glad- I And the invited guests, many Of ton.—Mr. and Mrs. Abner Cosens, of Wing., Saturday.—Mr. Fred Gales is home fr C4th?s Gre st Cask —Mesop. Bell and in home M Green Pry Goods Store of pn it go wee at ' k Jean members ofille at Is parsonar wsy are home on a vacation choir 'th -at ig that. the footb�ll__team Fowler intend ph2g,t. Mau tobs, tbiamee "large and- onto, is viAtin bor a in-law, M& in iyu Tuesday -evening I istgar-� 1p4siful in with a car load of ' 6064f' MriArthur Black teacher t Tars, gild Mine ack are 114K ness. from - the dq, itself. The up till -that been. anal s Oash Groce air Smith"yo - son itht home for the holidays.—At Wing am this wh n assistant to Wilson" ry �beaiutiful hoine dt' Mr., - and Mrs. T*u jri of Tackeramith'.-, Cc . b T j&nld.with Wingbam ro ungest:_aoixJohn Sin 0 hag' b�e flervicall wer y attended in our a arch every match, he a an, as cei 'the �-tipp-61 k ix Bluevale pupils aigWriti g on the during -the past year, left -a gvely and gladsome ral sulied-14 a tie. 'The Cirbekry boys account; section forein h*e this Yield andardart seeds.—We have Rvans Ces. prejiente 6n Sabbath last and' the name$ of 1107 ent. of assistant at on station on the entrance and' eight on the pubschool his -home in- Stratford, d saw-4bg old Idea Tankard- a ug the mbers of their- fstoilS- were present of the "smallness of the m 06 _�u tntends fnr*ffr e , -Go _d t 'Xm ded Short Wthilte J and me �einbets Ykire added to the rolle�-Wo. for thit'0111 00901lut mination.:--Mias M. iff , of prosecuting his studies in thtL University Aj. ehildew. aid iXoub D6 lidi. Their game here last Grand Trunk. He is.; vd Brussels, was v isiting at Mr. sev note the death of Miss -Wingliam grou R. the t et! Swedi& turnip Geed at the low. '*ply ri ret to eat PJJLCes� Mr., and Mrs. Tiiqusii were. both de a. the hardest they man and has bad eegboul three ears' trainin DiArs Toronto. - Mr. McKelvey's M JAP&A 115 the 'market. J se Hal iston, of Tiacke ion under the care f, Mr. Jeffery. last Week. -:-The L unusually ine crop -were much appreciated grid he.willbia out stock- of Tega was never better - ths ramith. It, i rn and 11 re is an it is now. Our beat OL theScotland, the 16 in _18W 01, now strook.Berliiii on Friday at this Mat Gle us a can and we v 2 0 sad brook -in P, family, wh -obe t IR Motto of missed, particularly -ill guarantee to low You the-Istter in They were suffered thoatill, greater I IOU a a We hive no. besitati in oc of-rones abd for less moley thanou can buy tiont any ped- Edinburgh in 1848, wher thi ear.ago, r VV Glenc e.—M.1ri _. Port Nose,'New ' ealand, has re med to the�churoh. Owingto 4' recent xe-!�n_ W -wo- e )y lived until all�W.'Th on -left on tie.- ,him to the people 0 ]w. our atock of Grocelies-is No. I quality Our iie to Blyth, tWeir mother. May thegreat and good Father-:. the Hommil circuit, there Manning is keeping b �ard that country afte� visiting his brotl er, Mr; ment of 1873, in which year they cai h re hel goes! An prices are.os low "kny one to the tnAe, kind sa. we of fort and blen tbose-wbo remain. day lot'thii old 60unt.0 t W 0 James Elliott, :`pf Turnberry.—Mr, Kaino, istant minister for the futur Ontario. Here they spent ton years com The Brown in a WlV imn no. _eJ as give a 5 per cent. cash discount to cash customen; �tho interest$. 6f.the oatmeal business.— b" 'for, Satrday,. between the een --Be on a . to 0. an over, their. life, after which they moved to this of Gorrii, prew4ed4ii the.Methodia 6 church Sexpmith and Fansville have* b Us dis- —Mr. Andrew Calder, of It. will you too 'Good com -AN atry and settled in the Welwyn EGrGW ND Eacls. n St last Sabbat._,,�Reva' W. J. We t )reached,- ,from the Hensall idrouit, W n Inner. Tea and To it Sets, and a A01- - `vA u They sortMent to Select 1, Ing 'ke place, on account on Mon- a very appropriate .-The hi r1o'e this town, who does, quite a bu6irkess in Col- Sqar�e sermon to. the 'children 'was visiti � relAtiyea. aifd in l eat, t where they have sjace',U�ed. . Mee Alley team$, failed to Loy., I I roln paid trio to of the 'Squares di. tan4v Council of the -congregation, in the Pre byterian thert for all kindoof trade. had seven children the two eldi,st 6f Whom 1pating ipg, from the farmers,has kindly is-lisives Paradise 'Alley foot- )�.rt, present. a are sti each sample being faulting. Th Jay, Juj to 20bh ; all. t he sing- Mears. J C.,Clawaot.aud G. C. Petty w Mr. and Mrs. Tr quatr given as two Samples, mom church, last Sabbath orning. C. WILSON, aforkh. are dead. hall-or's champions Of4he juvenile teams of 87 for and their many friends These were col- James I aler was paid Ages Bus- . was by a o 1, 1 1 oi Block. bale and hearty -wPeople,mhould keep in mind the - 1374 Bank of 06mmercio of continued composed of one dozen eggs the toWn'7 tained to bis . buggy r of children and, was very in Londo� last week tending the qm-d looted from two of Me, Tegular customqers. - and littnt"," by 'gd indoled.. as representatives from -ehuich.-L wish them many more,, years to, in town to -day (Friday). The lacrosse horse getting into &- boat Goshen 900 heal th happiness., One,eample'weighed -one p0Zd thirteen4nd, sPor Mrs. Robert Carlile is in jBrassels this dat will be corkers, while a big list o� avisiting her daughter, Mi*. , er SMinplej onb' games line . Donsldson�s i ceount r cedar fur a quarter ounces; the wax WVZ I War . card. Stratford br 8 -he township, $ fl was The heavy other sports ure on the nished t 266.46 Paid.' Lumley. d four and a half ounces. d Mr. W. J.'Clark, of the'.firm� of Brown-* A PIMTMNT QUESTIO.—MR. EDITOR, of poun band will be here, and St. Catbarlues are Mr. Harvey's —Mrs. Thom Slaivin ad the weights are of a nice brown color. and the Clark, * carriage make a' . 'was in In the Clothinr Trade As one of a numerous body of consumers as much bringin, up a big ceowd with their for sheep killed by dogs, was id over lor misfortune to,cut her foot; byy a ping on r the -to ask the others arewhite. There is alec -a of &,,hoe . 'the ot er day.rich on Mondi�y last. Our public school staff of life), I would like t- �t will bb a great sporting festivity. legal. advice. The tr6asurer-w a authorized the sharp blad bakers of our town why it is that they difference in the quality of them as therii is Messrs. Broadfoot & -Box shipped 'a car -to the a mount The doctor says it wilf be somew a before closed this week for the 1 -summer vacation._-� own eggs by by-Isw to borrow money t of sizes In charge the citizens of Seaforth hei4 six cents per in the size and appearance. The br Mrs. Cluf� of Tuckeramithi was in t We have In stock a complete asawtmen load of furniture to Moosomin, orthwest of $1,000, if necessary, to meet the current she is. able to bave the use of - it in.—On a remankably good line of all wool tweed, In both bread, while they deliver the. when cooked, are solid and of much superior f mily lagb recently visiting ber parents, Mr small loaf of 10 expenses. 81 dark and light snades, u u for five cents ? flavor to the -'others, while the white - ones Territory, on Weduesdayi—The publi Court 'I n;eets again on Monday, Sabbath last, ajs Mr. T. Elleringto a NAG up in men's,youtb9% Messrs Wink same three miles out of tow schools close for the mid -summer hol Mrs. Wm. Whitesides, a sell at were returning from church, th sta& boys' and childreWs suits. The Men's size is certainly m watery. The producers of these eggs ida July l8th, at I O'clock P. M.' 'or $4.75 suls ; the L Youth*' about 24 ; boys' $3 ; An 'explanation on their part this week an& th6 small boy rejoices a ca White mad _menb';�f hogs ff childrx'st $2. Thine suits we guarantee to give due the bread consumers f the town.- will each --,have an out -put for market of me out of the neckyok this week,_M, A_nnj. Pfaffle, Wh6'. M"011M wearand are made' by'the most noted rice the baker about twenty five dozens per week,* the year inqly.—TheLf0II6Wing persons were ticketed althrop. tfougue of the buggy to drop -and h ightene� as When flour takes it drop *in P this week by R. J. Macdonald, C. P. R. the horses. They'ran off the road th ft 4een in Toronto for several months, retur"t Canadian manufacturers. out mens aults, at 66- ile. to follow suit-, -but Fitill-keeps at the old round. Bt both receive precisely the same ticket &Rent. : William NOTES. —Mrs. Murchie has g t the post ru home last week.—Mr. Thornam Cameron An 18 sod, $10 we world beaters. We shall be only'too fa It seems to be a sort of heads I win price per dozeJa for their eggs. This seems and Thomas Doig to office fitted up with boxes for the conven- a barbw1re fenee and into a field of barrl�y, in Varna this week renewing aequaintaum, pleased to show our clothing to any pelson calling. price; Portland, Oregon Mrs. Thomas Davidson leaving the buggy and occupants in it the r'e,, tsils you lose gairae, 'With the odds in to be one of he peculiarities of t" egg bubl- ience of those who receivp thei mail here. rs._NcArter, of Brussels, _whd. waa Ift* aul they ran to Ithe corner and- three oh0dren to Deloraine Manitoba of the field and our eggs Boyd, onel of- tb re, is thar, Mr, Robert Meir ad Wms' -PiCkard & 00. favor �f the bakers, and , Certainly speaks. new which shouldbe remedied,, if Mrs. Stogdill, and daughter to Regina, —Anthon e old settle sugbt before auvthm*g more serious, visiting her"Ja reputation in-th d country I -his speech were c 801 y lately. ke has log eiue�s hoitesty to thus are to gain the MAA very little for their bui 1!erritory, and Miss Scarlett to' sister, Mrs. 'R. W. Fult(inj ham retu Northwest' h p ned than the breaking of the tongue, markets that they should have. Aseggeare In his time SE"ORTH. ti4it tfieir town customers. Yours, CON and. partly the use of ne. side. t —.Mr. Jame* Smilli% Of. near thie.4- Calgary, Northwest Torritor�—,On Sunday Wh re".. and some spokes ou§ of one home. age SUMER. now purchased, there is no encour ment he did more clearing of land"ths, i any other 'Llage has erected a fine; new bank 'jiven to those who try to produce a superior morning, July 10th, Rev. r. McDonald man in MAH14. Two t ores yearly wheel. will I 3n Y. —Three scholars from Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, of Lndiiij and Miss Me ft Wins Success's preach &,special. sermon to the gone of they were unhurt. —The Provincial article. The egg trade. of the country is tow was his usual work for a uu�be of -yearo, CONTAGIOUS DisEAsEs. Scotland. The lodge will march in a body this section are this week in Exeter, writin Statiley, were last week,the guests of M Board of Health of Ontario have issued a of sufficient importance to justify an attempt and then he cleared 1iss 'own rm af tar- 9 was to the church, and a full attendance of the oi� the- public school leaving pa re. - We Miller Edwards.—Mr. Maurice Walker -from con agious to encourage merit. A few ydars, ago Mr. wards. —James McDonald,. who loped with report showing the deaths t in the village last- week j'renewig acquaint - members is rtquested at the lodge room at wish them every success. —Mr.- I Mad e e months of Wilson Wed the experiment of purchasing another man's wife a few week ago9 Well his new barn on Monday An T —We are pleased � to- -state that Mr. 10:90 that rubming.—Rev., -Mr. Bond and w we es. ancox. March, April and May, as reperted to the ge by weight, but he had to give it up, as' around some time*before he left under the raised co family lett for their new heltne in Ridgetown day, and Mr. Jonas Simmons rais his on G- Registrar.0eneral, bi the Division regis. other dealers would not co-operate with him. on Thursday , imornifig.—The other day as assumed name of Warden, colle ti g funds Wednesday.—The Lumley school 'enie was time, is now feeling copsiderably better.-,% STRATFORD, ONTARIO. trars throuRhout the province. The total However, farmers will never receive proper for Mrs. Dennis. who got her ho se. burned d Our council will soon It e all our sidewallis D.,,.Bright wait returning from on Friday last and was �a decided re is some re- 'left his overcoat in the oar in the spring. He took care tly o to in every number of de-athe in these month value for their eggs, until the Alex. who W This school does first-class wo4 H'bberb where he was n t known. suii9ese. The weather was all that could be deVartropit and enjoys a large patronage. as follows: March, 197 ; April, 219 aid to the quality of t)k4e article pro- lin and former teaching in - Denver iColorid is home, classified as follows: Sear- ducey, the same as in the purchase of oth.m. When he left th --train at Clinton. When I desired and the crowd double that He will likely now be beggin for Mrs. ercial Schoolof the highestgrad: They are �d�ln h summer v4cati6n ;—Mn. Rich - A Comm he reached deaforth, he�- got -Mr. Craig to ars. There was singing by the hildren ve, Is 238. non - Students can ent , i. litena, Weir. this village, is in Rochester e�bett4 in Canada. telegraph to London for it, and it was re- the� recitations of James Ford be' g worthy of Diphtheria,—March, 27; April, 12'; May, 'jer ki, at any time� Catalogue free.' visiting her tw�. daughters. 4*44 16. Measles,—Mareb, 4, April, 7 ; May, 0 turned all right on Thursday morning. Chiselhurst. of special mention music by Mr. and Mrs. uite number. of a* vil .51 -PRISE AND PRiSENTATION.—A Har- leger; atteattled W.J.. ELIOTT, Principal. �� I SUR Overcoats and umbrellas'are not very often Li Welsh and Mr. Eacrett on t e organ, 15. Whooping cough,—March, 1; April, rington correspondent says About three NOTES.—IThe farmer's of this 'icinity are the iopular cantata, een Esther, which We 1, 'Major rendered in Seaforbh on Friday evening returnedwhen left in that way. month organ and viohn- Messr H. and p 14U. I L 6y, 9. Typhoid,—Mareh, 10; April, It' iends of Air. and Mrs. A: busily engaged.taking dff the ha crop. It .*9 undred of the fr Anderson and Captain Watson are making S. Horton 4n the �iolin it. ram, of was 9 M 13. Tuberculosis,—March 120; ays McCool, general merchant and postmaster, is -A good crop ibis year.—Mr. J lin Maud- Chiselhurst, on the comet'; Mi B ell, - of of last week, and were much pleaed'viritli DOMINION BANK. good progress with the coiistruction of the onthe of Harrington West, assembled in. the new plank walk on the north side of Goder. barn raisin Wed A 1713; May, 168. In the three in For- son had a successful Hensall, also favored us with everal. in. it.—Mr. D. Urquhart Was in London this of the previous year, there were reported -week on,' buoiness.—A very 'bappyl, vveut� rester' a hall on Friday night, and presented job street, and as ia their practise, they are neRday of last week.— Edward strumentali., Very much praise is a to the with 654 for this IM:011 eve pur- lam L (Paid UP) $1,1500,000. 708 deaths, as compared kindly worded address and a making a splendid job 6f it. We hope thi enerietic teiibber, Miss M. E. 1�o , for the 'took place at the residence of Mr. )Will. MA them with a Ryckman mud Donald Bri y nd the same beautiful silver tea set, also a gold locket to ns -this illage, on Wednesday vi REST, $1,500,000. ear, taking the same months a will be the last plank walk that will be laid chased a new threshing outfit an we hope pai taken to make it a please, day for -Mitchell,' of diseases. This 'year only 604 of the 745 - ze I Master Earl McCool ; after which a very down in Seaforth ;,they are out of date. — the farmers of this vicinity will pdtroni every one. evening last. We here refer to ttie mar - BRANCH, municipalities -reported, and the number tasty com- them largely, as they are both 11 k riago of his second ilatighter, Mbs Beatrice. and appropriate programme was put Mr. F. Gutteridgb and his men have :hi e - nown But I last year as-some.what smaller. on, with the Rev. A. G. McLaughlin, pastor oncreke floor in M -D D. and first-class hands with a ma ne.—Jofin Aniie, to Mr. Win. Peart, eldest son f Mr. street, Seaforth. he plbted the new c t Kirkton., Thames Peart of this village. T I he mar-� Main of Knox church, -acting as chairman. T Wilson's stable. Itis*the first of the kind Taylor and Lewis Shrade is PI Farmers' Our annual rnid-summer sale of fine shoes programme consisted. -of -speeches by Dr. -ever laid down in these parti,and is A-eplen- along with some of the " oys, left BuiE riage Ceremony was perfor Rev. Ageneralbanking business, transacted. Lete Fs.—The', following stude,Ls from mad by the Sale Notes- collected, and advances made on same at 'Saturday, July 2fidi great reductions McDougall, -Reeve Youngs, , Councillor did job. --Mau . y of the farmer's in this diB- or tmin- commences on for London on the 21st ult., wi h Exeter our public school, under the supepi W. E. Kerr,.and was witnessed by the rela,;- lowest rates. in all lines in order to wAke room or new fall goods. Campbell, Clark and treasurer E. Li Sather- mpany, No. 6, 33rd battalion, of volun- ing of our popular teacher Mr I A. Good, tives of the contracting parties. After -the Robert Willis, Cady's block, Seaforth. 16924 trict have commenced their hay,harvest. It 00 an SAVINGS I)LIPARTMENT. land ; a solo by the Misses Barrn, and two will be a -good yield if they get it well saved, teers to act as privates. They - eturn the w t to St. Marys -to try thei; irespeoiive% happy young couple had been warmly am- KEEP KoOL. —By' 'buying'one of those one Dollar end upwards. received. and lin mlections by the -famous violinist,Mr. but the weather thus far has been catchy 2nd of July. 'We hope the-boym spend examinations'- Miss Phoebe It Tiifte, Mine gratulated, all repaired to the dining room, Deposits of Economy " summer cook stoves an# " quick vlo ighest ourreot rates. Interest utherland. Atthe close'of the pro- a pleasant time in the Forest city..il Edna F. Marshall, Mr. F. C. hall, Mr. where a sumptuous supper was in -waitio-,, interest allowed at b bakei ovns, which, Is aaknowledged to be the Win. 8 and a good deal of hay has been wet. The 'hiiis Sarah H. Dope added to principia twice each year—at theendof, best cven in the market: ee It as D. McIntyre's gramme all eat down to a bounteous supper fall wheat is filling nicely and promises a J. T. Holling0head, J, and after ampleJustice had 'been one IQ, No nottei of withdrawl is June and December. shoe,store. Agents NvAnted. J-W-WNATHER"� provided by the ladies. Mr. McCool made Miss Della &&,Mr. P. F. boupe, Mr. the good things, the rest of the evening wat 159 bi yibld.—Mre. Robert Coleman and famil required for tfie whole or any portion of a de Clifford Shier, public school leoing ; and spent very- pleasantly in a social manne'.r. W. K. PE neat reply to the address, although 1eft here on Wednesday for Hamilton,where R. S. HATS, ARPE, FOR Harvest"Toole, "Binder Tvkne, Hay & very occasion be felt a grealb deal DEATHS. very sad deaths have oc- Mr. Robert Ha., -Ie* The bride was very handsomely attired !a just on that curred in our v Miss E. A. Fletcher an& Solicitor Agent. Fork Rope. Machine Oil, and pure Par.3 � they will in future reside, —.Mr. 'and Mrs. 111�je during the at week. more thankful and elevated than he could �vood, entrance.—A numbe?-- fron� here at- brocaded hard silk, trimmed with or in S. MuLbaw & Co.., Seaforth. T. 0. Kemp were in oronto this week. 0 r village, wr ra Mr.,James Davis, constable, of tended the barn raising at J. Oopeland's. silk, and wore a, , eath of natural flowers. find words to expre -0- RENT.—To rent, a comfortable _consu�ting a - specialist died:early on Sunday morning, f om th t ev. T_ J- The bridesmaid, Miss Ann- Peacb, HOUSI, 2 joyable evening'all parted, wishing Mr. and. as After a most en- Mr. Kemp irttende� Woodham, on Thursday last. brlek holiss on Goderich street, containing eight there about his foot', which has been troub- deadly disease, appendicitis. �e Iliad )nly 81 Grand Trunk Railwav I - Snowden, Ph. -B., left on Wednesday for sister of the groom, �vas Xorvyery nicely liug him so a %owcY, brooms, including kitchen ; good cellar, hard and soft Mrs. McCool success and happiness in much for some time.—Tylies Ad been sick for a' short titno. W. in M ilveito tired in the same miLterial. The groomemsa his new field of labor n. Rev. water, and all othef conveniences. Apply at THL their future journey of life." Mr. and Cline, daughterof,Mr James A. Cline, of ber of the Maccabees he was �urie Excursions to Manitoba, -POSITOR OfUcejSe'A;oxtb. 1694-tt am by John Ball takes his place.—Mr. �ud Mrsi -E Mrs. Cool are both former residents of Wingbam,,was in wn this week, the guest m I . James Hoggarth. The bride was" Homeseekers* -to ' was olrERY Soak and in de K. Ferguson returned on Saturda, made the recipient of a number of'valusuk a, etc., v that order, and a nu ' r f thy I bre h en y last from Dakot 0 heir last North fro!m the neighboring Ia 1. e UP, Swab" is infallible, painless and non-pois6nous . a visit to New York an Tokonto.—Mr. 'It tA ia Chicago- or boat to A P=EL-Ess Disc: Varna, in this county, Mrs. McCool being of her aunt, Mrs J. H. Broadfoot.—Rev. tee p d presents. Theyoung couple wi k Duluth. -an a. daughter of Mr. James Armstrong, of that Mr. Parke, of Clinton, conducted the ser- o their dep, -the cure of cancer, cartilaginous ulcers, zlewood raisedhis bari on- Friday their, residence in the village, and" we unil;a bage. They have been resideuti of H last. Day Rates: etc,, sore throat and a variety of skin diseases. It vices'in St. Thomas church on Sunday other was the very sudden death Of Mrs- last, when fjides were chosen by William with their many friends in wishin Dommion cures cancer in any part of the body where the rington for.aboub. six years and it will be L:Miss Ida Dickson and Miss Norma are on g them. Tanner, of our village. She t rnlng Hanna. and E, N. Shier. E. N. 18hier's side a long liquid can reach it. Send for . circular giying in - Single fare—June 30Ch to July 2nd. -Fair pleasing to their numerous old. friends in visit to relations iii Meedsville, Pennsyl- -and happy �aarried life together.— structions how to use the liquid. Sold at 60 cents ome on Monday evening'from U I when won after a Closely contestea'raoe.—Lawyer and thira—i e .30th to July 4tb. Huron to kow that they have won so fully. vania.—Miss Willson and Mr. Bright, from e !suddenly fell on the sidewalk, ndnever hose who were anx-lious as to the whor-b- r1pint and 80 cents per hakf pint bottle. McLBOD'S William ratory, Goderich, Ontario. Sold in Seaforth at the esteemland confidence of thdoe among the Meth6dist church, and Messrs, Dickie 9, of Toronto, is sper�Iding a week &boats -of Mile Isabella Cook, daughterl of Steam- ship Lines spoke again. J. S.R6berts. 1680-tt whom their lots have been cast. The ad- and Barr, from the Presbyterian church, with his sister, Mrs. John Stone Co6k, of this village, iho Hiir remains were taken to her ol home at village.—Mr. Arthur Beattie,1 B. A., is home a number of weeks ago without 9,VMI; -and Do' I dress, of which we have a copy uched tenti White Star," Beaver" e I WANTED On' huudrad tubs of dairy ed the bouvention 9f Sabbath scho, I Watford for interment, and were here laid million Line butter weekly, Igo. Alll'�\ kinds farm produce in the most affectionate and complimentary 'and Y P Dple'8 associations held n -to rest on Wednesday afternoon. t,6enaing a week at home.— onday last any notice of doing aoi or 1eqiving-agy word-_ handled. G. E; Kum, Wingham. 1692-tt term he Kirkton Loyal Orange brass band ss -to where she intended going, willbe, a, and from it we learn that Mr. Me- Wing=lasteweek.—Ais. A. Young . a 0 in ge We. ul dg nd much respeeted by both old and y en � ed th� honorable position f being the pleased to learn that _'Was 10 Try the sale oince See the crowd ! G. E. bool intends removing from Harrington. Miss Young are visiting friends inBlenhei!n. JOY ville, A will be missed.by a large circle of f "ends. -the City, to 9 and vil- she anted in, gent band chosen from t W. Somer King, Wingham. 1691-1 —Miss' Nettie Wilson has gone to Toronto, - London, and was also in Heitse11 this week. eft, A WEDDixa. —'A correspondent at to Commercial Hotel guilding. LAWN MOWERS.—We have a few I where she intens writing, on the depart- lages of Perth head" the e�cursiou to —Mr. John Dignau, of Exet0r, wal reeently Sul MOITIS. Guelph. This speaks well for I our - village in the, ' township of Hay, visitin which we will sell at c3st to closa out. Secure them Laird, Algoma, sends us the following : St. mental examination on domestic scie nee, to 9 now. Reid &Wilson, Sealor-th. 1594.1 au NOTES.--Tbe hu rd band. --The members are i� follow" . H- his brothers and brotber-in-lawMr. Charles Mary's Roman Catholic church, 8 It Ste- be held in that city next week.—Wor&,bas gli ]EFAAnnooKs.— We have a stock 'of these, Marie, Michigan,. was thd scene of a very been received from Mr. and Mrs. Robert in our law r ay the equal of which ba3 never been shown here. Come present.—A barn, 50 by 60 feet, d B. Johnson, J. A. Hazlewood,j, . Cornish,R. a raise pretty wedding on Wednesday morning, McGowan, of Tackeramith, stating that Undei on the farm of Mr. D. Kel on he 7th Wilson, Seaforth. 1594-1 June 15bli, whenMr. D. A. McDonald was they have arrived safely in Scotland, and ly united in'marriage to Miss Chriatena Me- line, on Tuesday afternoon oi last eek. P. wood, A. Kirk, E. E. Robinq.on, Bob - are at present settled near Stirling, where DISTRICT M.&TTERS. A RNDSOmu Book for a two cent stamp., J. Kelly and A. Cronin were the aptains. inson, A.H. Doupe, R. Robinaon, E. X. New publication by the Detroit and Cleveland li . ne.— Kinnon, younget 'daughter of Mr. Duncan they intend making their futu're hq'me'. To those who contemplate taking a summer outing, McKinnon, of Laird, Algorn"a, and formerly Miss Fraser, of Goderich, is visiting,*rs.. Mr. Cronin a side qame out a littl ahead, Shier, J. L". Kirk and W. 4 Sample.— t but it was a hot race; 19-5 men an about Messrs. David and Efikwin ' "larke and Oran we will mail for 2c postage our illusbrated pamphlet, of Tnekersmith, Ontario. Thd 'CeremonyLevi Smith.—Mrs' James Pringle, of Strat- ty was Francis, of Wiachelded\, spent �unday with MARkMD iii- BuPFALo. —We take the fof- which contains a latge,number of Rue engraving@ of wasperfotmed �y Rev. Father Cote. The t the residence of her asniany ladies were present, lowing paragraph from the Catholic -Union viery sum' -ford, is visiting t in pa 01 merres6ff between Cleveiand, Toledo, De bride was beautifully abbired in cream col- 'father, Mr. J. H. Broadfoot. —The entrance held in, the basenruthle ev, ninV­ N.. T. Fletchler.—Rev. J. rownfee, of to a troit and Picturesque Mackinac. It has many artistic and half-tauesof poicsof linterest.of the Upper Lake ored costume, trimmed with Ia pi on ri-ces Times, of Butalo, - which 'refers ce and rib- and public school leaving examinations were Statute labor is wound up now, and -some of Grantion, filled the pul it. 01 St. Paul's Afft -former resideni �f Se&forth�aud a brother of r roads are worse -than they were before ; 00e. rett�, , wedding was Information regarding both short and ex, bon, with hat to match, and barri@d a held in the Collegiate Institute on Tuesda church here on Sunday evening last, in the BOY -E fare Y9 Mrs. -M. Jordan: A =touro, costs of traTisoorbation and hotel stones are not gravel, neither isolay absence of Rev. W. Stout. bouquet of white roses. Miss Winnie *Has- Wednesday and Thursday. Fifty-five pupils 8 church on etc. Addreds A. A. SCHANTZ, G. P. A., Detroit, quietly solemnized at Jt-, Jo Margaret iOhig&D, 1594-1-1 Bet, of Bickford, Michigan, acted as brides- wrote on the entrance and ten on the public Monday,, June 20tb, when Miss y1s maid, andwas becomingly attired in a pale school leaving.—Rev. John A. Clark, -well Oromarty. . . . FOR L' . Al cCaul and Mr. James P. C lement were Everybody goe� to Wingham. -King blue cashmere dress, trin, nied with chiffon known to may in this vicinity, has accept - July and August sale is on. Piwqic.—The picnic of school see ion No. married. by Father Grattan. There wail a altar was Eaton not in it, we give you a sale and and ribbon, with hat to match and carried d a all to Cowan avenue Presbyter' 5 bad_for its object tha6 of bring ug to- PLANTS FOR SALE.—Cabbage, Cauliflower P high -mass, and the Sacred Heart ten for sale. 0. A. Me Ch irc , Toronto, and willVe inducte& into d and Tomato plants of the best 41loties. AOU N, were and take your trade. G. E. King, Wingbaim. 1594-1 a bouquet of carnations. Mr. gethe'r' the children, parents, teach r an be�^_atifully decorated with out flo n U, Apply to D. Stewart, London Road, 11160all. Kinnon, brother of the bride, acted as the ch rge on Ju air friends for social intercourse, 0 8UMMER GOODS candles,the bride and groom being promoters Toilet SoAps.—Medibated, perfumed, oil, groomsman. The ceremony over, the -Mr. John Bell and a6tiv� members ot the L. S. H. - The tar, glycerine and shaving soaps ; new stock J ust ar- Crosse , he other evening, Friday last it fulfilled its mission every JUST arrived an 0�_ cement, also rived. Call and get piims. u. W. Papit, Seaforth. happy couple were driven to the residence met wibh a painful accident. One of the respect. The weather was all that uld be' bride was -attired in a ha7udaome fawn trlkv- i. car of Beachville lime,* at the old stand. Store of Mr. James Hasset, Spruce street, where other players, while checking" him, struck desired.. Inthe'afternoon, Capt i Scott house just west of the stati _. R1 CUDKO)RE, Hen- eling suit, The Ibriidesmai4 was Miss M. I The liveliest shop in three counties, a number of guests awaite4 t)heir arrival. h- and Campbell -chose on Light� Ground. Prints -5o, 7e, 8e, 10e -per A lei im ov r the baud, cutting the top off one men for a tug -of ar. In BAB. . I McGrath, and the best man Mr. P. Me - f his nest DIM King's store, Wingham. 1694-1 After congratulations werelextended a sum- 0 a ; .8. two out of Lh I I yard. ger —Mrs. R.Ross, of Kinoardine, ree good ho pulls*, GRoUNDS To LET FOR THE.COMX,G 12th OF -taken of, is vieiti�gh�r sister, Mrs. W. Freeman.— Phillip& After the ceremony the party re A B00AIN.—For sale one light brand now ptous wedding breakfast was pdr bell's'plen were formd to yield. xt "in paired to the home of the bride's parents, ' ' - - & JuLy.—Thettudersigneil havihgooj6pleted arrange- FE Qoods-6c, 10c, l2c per GiVAB end spring phaeton, made -by William Gray &Sons, and the remainder' of the 6 was spent Mr. J es H t, left hero. on Wednesday order. bf sports was- the tight -rope. king ments for groundg, would say, as ion have seen n Lnc�l Wash 0,J07 Niagarai'street, where breakfast was Phathaw, ar. half price. Reid &Wilson-, Seaforth. . In t Y even' a m ... and other p�rformances by the y print last week, W. J. Miller had to ard driving around town a these grounds y 1139 a on his e in ictoria, British Columbia. Can 4 served. The bride was the recipient of. -tf _men let not got 1594 1 We would say most empliatically he has, handsome and 0 these grounds for the coming I! m costly presents. Mr. Ch rles Vallange, of - Varna, left here of the community, which were qui up to reception was given at Mr. R 2thbf Julyin Moir's Fan any adence, at which dano g and, music were on Thursda,V on. his re6m to Glasgow, the feats of professionals. Tee, then grovei and don't you forget it. An� person debifing C�. Muslins, So, IWO 12ol 15c par yard E WESTMINSTER.—Rev. R. Douglas Tu freely indulged in util morning. The Scotland. He has be�en visiting in this announced, and all did justice to thi daln- to erected refreshment stands apply at once to Fine rgandies-1291c, l5c, 180, 40 per THE CANTATA.—The eacred cantata, Fr e' M. 1., of Toronto, has been in the happy couple left the ollowing day, accom- intry for at�_df' a year.—Mr. �G. E:aaJ,, ties which -the waiters procured fr in the yard. Esther,. was given in Cairdno's ball on Friaay town aiiii neighborhood for a few days Cot —There w un partied by the bridesm�dd, groomsman, and men NOTES. ill be no cplebration here ng, under the direction of Mr. George repie4bntingi of the Westminster, which is of Toronto, Was a guest of her rows of well filled baskets. AftAer t there evenii Miss Kate and Mr. Hugh McKinnon, sister Mrs Knox, of Harpurbey, list week.-T41i a were foot races of al oat every deso -iption, on Dominion Day,but on the 1,2th of July 'we Whit 8 t Mualine-10e, 15c, 20o, 25e - in p the Laura Mulloy, of Preston, is visitin an 'interesting game of footbi U was expect the largest gathering W. Cline, of Wingham. Despite he very published iR. the interests of the Presby'- and brother oftbe bride,for the home of that has ever per yar I h, and of a wholesome home and warm evening chore was a very fair house, terian churc� bride's pitrents,in Laird,Ontario,wherea, see - residence of kr' W. G. Willis, Goderich played in a field adjoining the grov, i. The been held here, and ti committee of and all id to -thoroughly enjoy natioiaal life. The Westminster now em - present seeme -ond reception awaited them, -and another toreet.—Mr. Jo�n A. Wilson, f t6is tow crowning pleasure of the day- Was erived Orangemen, assisted by ou� �nade_ up of our Whi� lawne-10c, 1.2je, 15c, 20c prr 0 n, the excellent rendering of this beautiful braces the 'Canada Presbyterian and has happy-5,celebration was indulged in by the was married on Wednesday, to Miss Hall from,the music, which wafted on tho breeze villagers, are sparlirig no explinse or trouble cantata. Theleading role&were taken as attaWed, under the editorship of Rev. J. A. t intervalg during the afternoon' and even- to Ma numerous friends and, acquaintances Of the of Blenbeim,'Oxford county. Several Sea' a ke the celebration hpre complete in Id alarge circulation throughout bride and groom, The bride was he re. -BlouO Silks, short ends to cleir-26ei, folloW,3 :-Esther, the queen, Miie-s Grace Macd6 a t friends attended the ceremony.—Mr." ing. � The Highland piper, Mr. A. 4cKel- every respect.—The farmer are n6w en-- th minion. It is a weekly paper, cipient of many useful and costly p 38c, 501, 75c per yard. McFaul ; the king, Mr. Asbury ;' Haman, resents, W. Hackney, 'of Uaborne, 'near Farquhar, lar, spent his time, -not in seeking, , but in gaged in haying, and the -rop in a -very Mr. Mallen ; Zeresh, splendjoly illustrated and with a the king's councillor, large showing the- high esteem in which she is magazine number ever3 Xnonth. -in ad- has passed his final exe"Mination before the giving pleasure. He has long enjo: red the -heavy, due, owing o the vi�ry favorable SUM er Dress Goods to c6ar-15o, W ]Kam&Ws wife,Miss Bertha Daly Mordecai, SM held her o i we have a fort -past mouth or um College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, reputation of being the favorite pi 25 worth much more mone -eas, Miss Mc- ditionto news of the churches gathered M '0y _1 in . Mr. James Scott ; Prophet r. _ r so.—Mrs. Carlin o linto, and is now a full-fledged doctor. Mr. H. P. coinmunity, and we feel sure that such a was here vis. to a aQuaid. Each of these pgrts were' exceed- from all quarteis, and missionary let r few aye fo d r th Rose, of Exeter, has passed the primary ex. reputation is yet sustained. iting her cousin," r McEwen, the ingly well taken, the solo partr, being well fro' the frontier and abroad, it discusses utaric nd part o� this.—Captain. amination before the same body. end of ast week a roudered :and the acting out of the char- the young peoples' topio and the Sabbath Gibson and Mrs: 0xibson, of Goderich, are The liter .13avfleld.' Miss McFaul, in RGAINS. IN' acter8 exceedingly'good. school lesson, week by week. ary LoCAL BRIFFS.—Mr. John S. Brown, who, in th BA e village this week g friends.— via I'M her character as the queen,filled her difficult features of the Weetminster are worthy_ of is one of the largest and Go to Robert Rouatt's hardware I or fresh wealthiest * farmers Vama. The evening of uly 12th prpses to* be &V ban eat tools, part a dmirably, while Mr. 'Mulleu�s inter- note. The Survey of the Month is a com- in McKiliop, does not of ten make mistakes NoTEs.—The strawberry festival held on parls green, screen doors and windows, most, if not quite as inte PARASOLS rea�ing as the day, machine oil, etc. All at close prices or, cash. 4ft th I pretation of the character of . Haman was prehensive summary of public events, the in his business, but he seems to have made Tu evening last, under the a g to the two- concer eada, -1 owIn to that will be held uspices of Robert Round, Bayfleldi town a th al Templars ofTemperance, on Mr., Readymade Clothing. .—The fit a style exceptionally clever. The choruses were world over, from a Canadian point of: viqw, one this time. He brought into e R6 here, �iz., the cantata, Que Esther, in the SHIRT *APS -TS and written by a specialist in this . depart. 4 7 good and their excellent . rendering aided men's t large lot of wheat and stored it here. He John Johnston's lawn, was a decided sue- of readymade clothing for youths', boys' jet church, and li�concert to' be not a little in making the cantata thorough- ment. The boys bud girls have a share of. was offered one dollar and ten cents for it, cess, considerin the disagreeable WHITEWEAR 9 ear is last causinz it to take the place of ormade .= Coxworth's hall. The Misses Glass, ly appreciable. It was a- most ratifying the paper. "Foods and their preparations," the last goods, Then there U a vast alkving in the at, and who 'e b eek o sol ago, and whose but he had an idea that it would reach the weathe - up to almost, th at is very Important., . F. A!' Edwards a good Ire ere a w r success and displayed fully the musical and are treated by Miss Aunie Frasdr, of the dolle,,r and quarter - point, and, no doubt momen � and the dampness of the evening. tone were a ej lection and sells at close prices for eas F. A. TLTNDERWEAR dramatib.talents of the young, people of the New Era cooking school, Toronto, and ex- thought he was best entitled to any profit But notwithstanding these hindrances a Edwards, Bayfleld. im.l. will add much to the in r the last - town, as well as the able conducting of Mr. aminer for the Educational Department of that might be on it. So he-dealined to sell good nqmber made their appearance and WAFTE-ITC.S.—Mrs. Thompson, of Chicago, mentioned.—Mra, Williams who was in ill SAILOR Iff ATislb Cline.. It abounded in, pretiyeffects and Ontario in domeatia science. A new serial _1eiter corner b health for the past man or so, passed the urstwhbat oLkine tumbling the evehing passed off quite pleasantly. — has been visiting her motherMrs. C DlIoday. ,pleasizig music, and many 3charrniAg tab - story, by the author of " Probable Sons," is dow4, down, and.Mr. Brown itill hold his Mr. R. Mellveen, reeve of Stanley ; Air. D. Mr. Thompson after residing there 'or some peacef6lly away on. Thursd - f last week IMMED MILLINERY. leaux, one of the prettiest irid mi whee6.- Fortunately for him he is able to, H. Lo aughhon and Mrs. Wm. Stogilill, - has decided to return to Ca ad& and were takeii! to her pareutt being the chorus and marching of and heremains 1 8 lit years, by the little by Ralph Connor begins in the number 8� of Toronto, and Goi ni ine, eve gone on a trip to Mani- move back to Goderich, where he ill ti e' home, near Glencoe, on �riday morning"s boys and girls, While the ]pretty maids in July 2ad. The `Tales from the Selkirk$, M re. McFaul have been spending a few tabs. )They left on Tuesday last.—Mrs. J. ohs, a train. A large number saserable'l rge of his father's blacksmith I lusineis. ex 9 r, which ea waitin made a. cliarming picture. from the pen of this gifted autho days a6 the parental bome here, the resi. T. Cai#48, who has been visiting her mother —The Glass sisters' concert compa iy g Ptrhe depot'to pay the las� mark of respect MP el was uluch teemed a,ppeared in the Westminster during 1897, deuce of Mr. L.L. McFaul.—W6'are pleased at Forest for the last few days, returned an entertainment in the town hall c n Mon. to the - deceased, who 6� let, Stok, -ar, a GoL-D a to be published in Britain, the United uN WEuDr, .--The venerable couple to learn that Mr. John Scott, of Iftoxboro, home on Tuesday last.—Mr. and'Mrs. day night. As it had not been wel. adver. for her many kind and ad ble qualities. mentioned in -the following extract which Statei and Canada at the approaching Vrho got his leg broken 0, short time a 0, is Haxby, of Clinton, were visiting at Mrs, —Our citiz LADIE& TIES tised there was not the audience be pro. one are looking orward to a rich we take fronf -the Spectator of Moosomin, Christmas season recovering nicely, although he is stilf con- Wanleee'this week.—Mr. S. 0. Rathwell gramme deserved. The singiig and musidal tre of L'thi Can. at on the rendering OLLARSAND CUFFS Manitoba, of J tine 2nd, will be remembered fined to bed.—Rev., Douglas Fraser, of To. has bousht the house and shop where he instrumental music was very plessit F.—The tsts, Qnse odisthurch n Esther, in the Meth E0V.ONDVuLE NOTES. Mr. Purd y. H on- examinations were held here on eaday, uly 12th.—The fine new stretch of gre. by many of our readers in this county and Several of oar ronto, preached in the Presbytiiian church now resides from e a on all will )BELTS ANb GLOVE8 unite in extending to them congrat. young ladies attended a social in Hibbert last Sabbath forenoon, and in the Egmond. siders that Varna is the place for a first- tillts olithio walk in ftont. of, W R. BellPw new ulations, n. The on and report an an- ville ehuroh in the evening.—Mr. Jame clasi boot and shoe store, and is going to of Clinton, picnicked here on Tuesd Tb;; brick block is much 'i�dmired, and was on so auspicious an ocoasio Tuesday evening last, SIER AN Spectator says An event of more than joyable time.—Mr. Andrew Hicks,'grain Mullen, who has been teller in the Canadian stay right with us. like to come to Bayfield. Lots of ater�.— just what was wantea to give a good ap- H D CORSETS -usual inter I eat was fittingly observed at the merchant, of Centralia, and Miss Maud Bank of Commerce here for the past two 00A th ce to the front of titat fine se a. spent holding their Sa-bbatheoh I picni in Mr. home of Mr. and Mrs. Traquair;6f Welwyn, Hi3k a early part of the wee ears, left for his new appointment at Chat. The Misses McEwen. d4ughters of Mr. 'ACES AND RIBBONS jastMonday afternoortand evening. Only with relatives here.—Practical common Londesboro. am ofi Wednesday. During his residence Jowett's grove on Tuesday nex — Next A lex. McEweu� acciimp�nied by their col sense experiments and scientific investiga- here Mr. Mullen made many friends, and --GAHERI-NOS.—Do not forget the picnic Sunday will be children' service brother, attended. the concert given by Godo etur 'enter upon the joys and. responsibilities of tion are exploding the falacies regarding he will be much missed in musical and to -day (July lat) hold in Win. Brigham"i at the =jet church ; apeci I music frey's baud, in Goderich, last -week. arried life are permitted to see the. return *tbie necessity of the use of alcoholic atimu- social circles while his obl "disposition grove. A good time in ex&cted. Eve HANDKERCHIEFS. Wesi Miller White, of Extter, vfas in the vill�age In and singing by -the ohildren.—M . James -h anniversary of their -marriage lants. One by one they vanish before the- and affable mannermade IgIng n of the fiftief, him a universal one is welcome. The Epwortl ti t k League wl Young gave a very interestinig ae! unt lag on Monday. renewing 6equaintances.—Th I Is day. Mr. and M T u ong searchlight of truth. For centurieo'grog favorite with the patrons, of the bank.— hold a lawn social in the evening. A good Sunday evening of the annual strawberry festival of Carmel �Ires- C]�IFFONS, VEILINGS, Dk those few,' and ist Mon — is grthY ratione were onsidered indispeusible to MisseeMoLeodand Cothard, of Torouth, programme is being preparedhv both home convention, at whieh he was a de legate at the church and ouple,who, entered on hq lt�Oiuesahof con. soldiers and sailors, but Sir Herbert Kitch- are at present vi a 6yterisii church, held on t sitink4at gist McLeod's and foreign talent. Come anal help along a Wiligh m,.Iast week. manse grounds, *a Thursday eve g of last, ex ad , t e ra ty years a 0, DI re ener, under the burning sum of Africa, has aunts,- Mrs. D. McGregor Mr . A. Gor- good work.—The delegates who attended week was a it sucoiss. nin rilege of a golAnweildmig- TIn the spring proved that his men have greater endur- don, of McKillop.—The Winthrop cheese the'annual con ty Su ay Bch i i .* - * Tim'. Tinip prh d 31d Soo n ad 001 and E e, and the attendance was of the tr p year in tial they beivan anee, are cooler illeaded in the time of dan- coingatir shipped their May cheese on Wed- worth League convention hold Muevile. last week in very large, and all present� seemed to - enjoy lifetogether. Thbir former associations ind gar,, and have a lateadier aim, without any nee ay amt. The cheese was sold to J. W. Wingham were Miss W NOTW.—Mr. A. MeEwen -e8i4d st the tbernselvest",-i 6pc fullest ixtent, A� ebb, Mr. Braithwaite in a free former surroundings have ji�en place to stimulant. Th� was also the experience of Steinhoff, of Stratford, for 7 3-16 cents per and Mr. Webb. —Ton from school section entrance examination in Fol;dw* h, this social msnL�i uAtramme4od by any formal Try ad new environments. Lord Wolseley in his Northwest campaign, d. on. M. C.,Cameron, accompanied number 8 went to' Clinton to tr'y their 'En. week.—Mrs. Hugh Rose -and George Amme. The presen�e of the Exeter now associations a un —H An -a new country, ifar from the as well an in his African wars, and ni 0 his you it dauighter, Miss Grace Cam- trance examination. We- wish them all Macdonald drove over to Varna grogr D doubt Ea'McFA U d. now in y his week rem band WAS a glosAing feature of -the outh, they are enjoying their before long a general order will banish aron, paninfet1hrough here on' Monday on success.—Mins Bell, accompanied by her to visit Mrs. Sharp, formorl7i Mi Maggie evening, and the num r �f splendid selec. scones of theiry I ty. Mon- liquor from army and. navy. May the day his way to Regina to assume bernator- mother, returned from Loretto Abbey last Hartley, of this place.—Misses k -and tions they rendered throughout the evening winter of life in Comfort and n a f his ju uno beautild Pring'day soon come when all men will see the folly of ial tions. They left Toronto on Tues. week* —Miss Millen, of London, in visiting t dsa�. M�y 30th, was� Britton, of Kinburn, 491 nty -were much enjoyed, and just what was Dry Goods CO. ter left on Wedues- da con specialty orderid for the happy occas its me. --Miss C. A. Por Mr. George Stewart is shipping a lot with *Min Mabel Bell this week.­Mlss Christian Jsnde&vor 0 n ntlonl, 0 wanted for ou--h an ocoaai�n. It is aimoit -Aget sy for Syracuse, Now York, to spend soin bold in ion. All nature was gw and bright. Leaf d e of la ed hay to the old country.—The vol- Plunnar, of Detroit, is visiting Mrs. Whiltey Wingbam lost week, spent sey ral days needless to say that 'the 4bles ere well and grass and floiwer a3ded beauty every. months with her sister, 14ra. Donald Harnib unteers are expected home from camp on thin week.—Miss Elva Adams has returned visiting Bluavale friends. --Mr Wr%�, provided with the good t Inge of this life, where. ate 0111 home Uter viniti!!g friends in Toronto.— choesemakerat Kinburn t a d n as the ladies of Oam a urch have on en. i whom he& to drive long distances, could ham, were welcome 6allers in the village on Chicago, and will spend a couple of months Misses Gram and Taylor Were the guests of the village. Min Lacy py I Toronto, viable reputsition in ot pact. Wednesday last.—Mrs. John Gray, of Tor. here.—We were slightly in error last week Mrs. Teasbam on Sunday. for. the summer. _4he I entertained the scarcely fail to catch the inspiration of glad- I And the invited guests, many Of ton.—Mr. and Mrs. Abner Cosens, of Wing., Saturday.—Mr. Fred Gales is home fr C4th?s Gre st Cask —Mesop. Bell and in home M Green Pry Goods Store of pn it go wee at