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.The village y con. V 11111NARY very man to help us. I call give yen �he much and 1 c �Ome to the.. **U
co msidered the t
heal Address—or, #tsy, perhaps I had better juu; elusion. so I is old'
Ne't-by 'kbat sqpjo�,ilew
TORN GRINVA V. S., banor graduate of Ontario 19ven he*ickens Itud' go -with Yog � it will gave-wlittle time-" complication haa a to�rsnderpmqpeid
0 VoUrinary Gollep. All diseases of Domeetto dies. frequently in We have a e4ib at the door,' said Angus turbink the Peculiar sof his flUW:WhjCh
elf nib
ALffiftj CgYLL
CQU promptly allended to and got q
oh"vesmoderate. Wodnarybentittryaspeolaity. ming, a6d if you can re the time to From M, dney Disease, Prevented life,t hiii 49 t ar of Guildford',
Sin4 into A_ i
'b3�D we
OMOe and residence on Goderjoh street, one door man, tot even the do this good ead, David, "rare is a heatt began to sauend wh lookea to ine& pores !caving
X#Aj Of SooWs office, Seaforth, 1112-tf ^most robust, an af- oddSLgidney Pills, Only.
which will not lack in gratitude to you, &I- very steep hill after the eb1 stretches of
ford to neglect his,
though the lirl may not may much.y the city *8 '�ad left d lancing back velvety burnishing film outside,
health, which is his 11 Kidney Disease. Do you know �uaiut town soa, tore
Z4 upon.the
0. H. 01813s . most preciousela- With that he laid his hand companion- on the rich.
Talarinary Burgeon and Denitak Toronto oallage of dowiment. T h e ately on the old man's. bent shoul&ii,-and what it me 's ? It means that the kid- ly wooded slopes, I th bt I bad never Rub t1vs &iction coat a
An said was I Ay, hub neys are either reltent or rotting; -the seen a fairer i t
Veterinary dentide, Honor Graduate of Oularto Yet- man who does so
aLwy Oollsp, Honor member of Ontarlo Votexis- will sooner oi, it was uttered -brokenly, and I saw that his border ; and ftohuftriek sont this day.
diola later pay the heart was fall to bursting. blood is full of poisonous, death- e, and lo I— a brilliant,
all drew Hordmam ei bad crossed the
ty. diss"ve of domsWo animals Once over the brow of he hill, we seemed jr
All calls pwwptly mAeoded to penalty in some 1,eavirig a letter for my chief, I aocom-� d�all ig corruption'; that the Kidney to come into%6 rich and olitary Und, well 1,�sting,,,' JUStLre daw
or n lit. �Deft and Isurgarr it
panied them downstairs and we dro -do their work coded, and, though it as only June, giv-
serio is or fat a I ; thatt-the victim -is w ns
oeand neat r. (Ampboll a oro;m malady, When a ve to can't
main sts"t segorib. Night swered ftoin the the place of which I had thought. We a. walking charnel-hous'e; that his ing abfindaut promise of a noble harvest,
man finds that he IV, 0 t I g 1-1 is losing his ap- were received with the eburtesy and consid- Ctim Wardrop was ge, a it' plifted and stirred
hours are numbered; that the vi,
petite, that he oration whick was shown to gentle and aim- MUST take � Dodd's Kidney Pills if he by the beauty a i ar places, so 'that I Nelther, vatnisht turpentine,
passes restless ple alike, but when thb manager heard our became eveh we nee ned because,of his,
nigh-ts, that he tale Laaw by the expression of his face that does'not want to die. silence and evident dep ession.
nor wax,
awakens in the ming unrefreshed and he entertained little hope of being, able to Have - you -kidney Disease ? Is Do you see 'yon - Bpi a?' he asked, pres. to parch Ileather or seal up its:,' pores, in—
JAMES L KILLORAN, without ambition r mental or bodily vigor, help us. While he was speaking,. poiutiv fail- a
9 your skin hot and. dry'; memory ntly, pointing towards a graceful, slender
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and No ry when he is troubled with headaches, nerv- -out the difficulties of conducting a search outline showing sharp d clear against the FOLT'SH
-ousness or biliousness, it is ttme for him to ng; breath short; urine, reddish, or
re, in the great city, the
Public. Moneytoloam Office over Pickard's -fox the missing girl, sky. 'That's the pa ish church of Red -
formerly Meebanioe Institute, *&in Streal, ftato . take serious thought for his health pale colored; does it scald when r
1528 These &yTtoms are by no mean's trivial, . old man's eyes never for a moment left his grve. Redgrave vill ge is hard by, and
face, and the eager, hungry look deepened passing; is, your appetite changeable;
ordem that may thaVo-our deatfnation.1
Irvous rostration, e� a
G CAMEWN, formerly of Cameron, Holt& lead to consumption, n on his own. I saw that a hopeless and in- do your ankles swell; have you bitter It was a sweet, a I d d t—a hanaful
6sZeron, Barrister and Soliolsor, ri , malarial troubles or some serious blood tolerable anguish was settliug down on his of quaint houses clu red about the church
taste in the mouth 'on getting up
tario. Office,—Hamilton streak oVpost,'� Molt= disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- soul. The man whose help aud advice we and vicarage, and sur ounded by the most R, WILL111t SPLE �00AL AGENT FOR ASCA'Fowif.
2462 had come to Beek 'bad a; very. wide experl. mornings; a Us ex�Uiite sylvan seen ry.
covery is. the best of all medicines for men s there a brick -d t de_
or Mol. and women Who suffer in this way. It re- ence of the pitfalls and. dangers assailing pos�it in your u fine ? doesn'b kno stores the lost appetite; it gives sweet re- little chap, but I w we are coming, poor
fresbing sle�p; makes the digestion perlect, Any of these signs is proof positive dar say he won�t be for
the friendless and unknown in London, and
45, the liver active and purifies and -enriches he was also too honest to seek -to hold out of Kidney Disease. Will you be cured, :from home. He will be astonished at me. bed,' in honor of his father's Visi , and War - their stars that a happy chance had sendrop wont up, iss he x laine lie always aneh a willing -slave to pander to
the blood. It is the greatest,of all nerve
hopes which had very little chan2e of fulfil. or will die?,, Dodd's Kidney ing me so soon again. I wa here ten days eir
low ny car an tonics. It is -the gre4t blood -maker and ment. YOU did when he'eame, to p bim,tiH. he fell needs. An hour passed, and thiin i
I go. I t obenr—
Notary Public. Mr I r tba an flesh -builder. It cures 98 per tent. of all 'We left him, however, fjornewbat reas- Pills are the only means on earth that Were you?' I sal I suppose you eomle asleep red to the monitor before mentioned to go.
Offlow--oar"o's block, Nalaft"316 BWOdk cases of consumption, weak lungs, bron-' sured, bearing his promise that he would set will cure you,,, They never faiL pretty'often V Mrs: Iieaue aud I were left ogether -in and see -'how the new boy, �vaa got
doosy to loon. ting - -on.
chitis, spitting of blood, obstinate coughs - into -operation all the agencies within bia !!IM Often a the dining a lamp He threw open the door of
and kindred ailments. it is also an unfail-
er than I ught; and I hav oom ; it was lighted 0 'lumber
0 th
power � but I saw- very well that there was ay set on the table under a soft pink
to?; Barrister, Solicitor Notuy. �e d Ithade, and room, and a ht met his eyes whic
In h
Roome. five doors no;fhofoommeroia ing cure for nervous exhaustion and pro.9- I will,' I said 'I will telegraph to hi brought you here - to ihare the re- SIR h through an open wind(
Is there nothing 'Pon I a now _ad a
no doubt in his mind (as, indeed, there W" before I go and see her' sibilities of the uture with me.' )w I hearld for the choked him.
tration. At all medicine stores. boy h -white,
VEVound )Boor, next do6r to 0. L. - Papal a slorc,, Main sir"t, sworm. awerich none in mine) tharb Xatie Hardman was lost we can do to mak r her I did not under tand theee words, bu-b first. time in. mjr life. the thrilhog and ex- buokskin ericke boot in his baud, "d was
Mrs. Rebecca F. Gardner, of Grafton, York� be 41 redemptiO or recall. a
enlo—Cameron. Halt and Csmaran4 t_1216 Of his uttera, cas were obscure, busily covering ir, ihfth "blacking, sl; y�a.
on sj_ quiite song of the nightingale. 1,
Co., Va., writes: " When I was married I Wouldn't care 4nd* attention save her life?" many
weighed 125 pounds. I was taken sick and re- dined with �Angus Fleniing that night at The manager shook his head. 'No,' be though ge�erally ex lained by subsequent (To, be continued.).- big ia'iot,, whatever are yoi�idojng -scream.
f4 ARROW h PROUDFOOT ScUrove, duced in health and brok� out ith a disease his hotel on the Embask-_
ment, and he after- ad the monitor. is Yo -
said. 'I saw the doctor, and he told me a' words 6r�&,otious. He s4id no more, and uro rubbin White -
h&,Qodsvkb6OnbMo. J.T. 9sanow. Q. Q.; which my doctei said was eczema. I fell away' wards came round to our room and . Hunger and privation have done their work. presently we cam to a white ateway, boom instead of black onim A" M to go pounds. I Soc'ittish Traits*
began using Dr. Pierce's Golden rdrop and me before mi& . I I I am," answered the new Medical Discovery, and now I weigh i4o pounds pe with Wa which seemed to a entrance to Aower of boy Vith studied
mud am well.- t _ That was; a of the What a beautiful creature she must have 91 he
h The Rev. Davi4i Macrae, late of Dundee, innocence.. Th&tle w
a P
a rare night, on
ANIZON, Hnig a t been ! you can see the traces of it yet I tress, though no use was V. -Bible; and hat you wished =�k
notiorg fn chancitry, U.,Godoikh,. Out M. 0. rich in my remembrance. .1 was not mis- in a recent lecture at Danfermline, spoke o,f
Constipation often causes sickness. Dr. am Berry I cannot come with you, for we there the fly stop d and was dismissed. to do, isn't it ? The others are black
CA111111041. Q. 0.. PAR" HqW, DUDMF taken in my belief that Wardrop and Angus the Scotch in this; way:—The See ch fell
ROLM Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. are, very busy here to -night. But you will Wardrop ushed open th gate, and we enough, so I thought I'd get through the
-7-7 Onelittle "Pellet" isagentle laxative, and! Fleming would find some kinship with each he said, were often quizzed about t eiLchh;1 white un's easily find the place.' walked up the venue, which was well I firet. 'Iyve polished fifteen
HO r 69 the late grin of two a -mild cathartic. othdr. acteriatic trait of being careful b �'t ffbae*7 PAMP
Thiel never gripe. I Noble slid true natures- recognize but they Oonb look _v4y niae
F. McCaughey Holmeoted, BarrIsWIr, Solicitor I thanked him and went my way, ate kept-, the' turf ' n either aide beidg as 0 somehow,"-"
Conveyancer. and Notuy Solicitor for the Can to' each other all the world as not far
They are- tiny, -sugar-coat anti - biliou.4 -and respond P_ The reason for this w ',to "Geox- The monitor stortnea and rsved,'! but
ules, in- little vials. Dr"ugff' t have ping at theearest iost-office to wire the smooth an the fine t velvet Before we had he
adianSank of Commerce. Money to. lend. Far& gr��u over, and no difference of creed can cast a Scotland was atone time, fina;notall
;one many ate a t a. house broke upon our mad news to Angus Fleming. Then I h a poor could not renew the color of a cricket or
for ode. OMoe in Soott`# Block, Main Street noXhing else "just as good.11 They regia. shadow between' them. It contented -me P, country. For generations the cou try vi tennis boot, and their owners bad to a a
adorw Ute the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. set out to look on the eba ew. It was a c rious, old-fashioned ram- udo.
beyond measure to sit 'still and , listan to nged face kept poor by her exciting strulie f,
of the bonni girl whom I remain, bl!inq place with quaint gables, ind odd ; r a befit of a ba, job, They-,ve their talk, and think. as I bad often, done' b a indows, about ich the ivy clung tend bar wealthy an strong neigh. V"
ared at Adam Fairweather's school. I w endence with trying to score off guilelem nevt bo- -a
er- y 'now. #
DEVnSTRY. gour�and. being poor, thrift can-fe t6 be one
DAVID LYALUS LOVE STORY during the last ten months, how little I had
found her in the attic room of a ver poor ly. The front w a a mass of perfect June
deserved or earned such 1�llnes of experi. y of the greatest tirtues in the oo.unt4; and
house in a foul and evil -a roses, but there are, no 'flower -beds mar- TheLittle Armchair.
DIX, Dentist. Offle&Over Richard- ence and life. melling neighbor. ri�g. br ad down to our own day the people --- 4ven the
I ornil Nobody sitsda the little aymchAir F. w,;.& mille shoo Moro, corner Main and -have seemed horrible to ng the round stretch of ex.
BY THE AUTHOR OF 61THIE L&ND THE IXAL.' hood, which must
'It was worth edming all the way to Lon- ng 14 by the
lohn streefat 19forth. one reared in a country village, -� and accus- q�ielte lawn befo a the door. The weepi -pooreat-of them --were characterize It stside in a corner dim don to look into Wardrop's eyes, David, mud willow in the ntre. formed a natural noble desire to'ejeek the gloribus privilege of 13ut a white -hatred mothergaz'
7n; there,,
tomed all her life to clean and healthful air. being independent. '(Applause. i) But the
1R Andyearningly thinking of bim.
dent1d;,crowiiing, bridta. work hear him speak,' said Angus Fleming to me It was some minutes before she recognized
t shade Stof lonIfLSf(o
SCOTS FOLK IN WNDON. bower, and there within the pleasan
and -gold tewoirk. gVeciatsitention given �*es through the du
as we parted at the foot'of the stairs. th tea -tab] Scotch had other characteristic trai6, in
the 40not the natural keeth. All work mt. and I saw that there was a,good deal of a w_ spread, and we looked for t The,bloom. of her boy's swat t face,
Your life is rich in Q opportunity, lad - distinctive -and more worthy of iioticth
rfo d. Offlae--over Johnim Bros.1 b As he rockd so merrily *too and fro,
a -moment uno erved 'at the unconscipus
a orkh. VII. see that you lo' shame mingling with her anxiety to hear g With a laugh that cheeirs the
Be none of it., from- me some news, of her fath;r. Her P icture. The Scottish national chaActer was a!etrdis place.
]RONNIE KATE. 'You like him then.?' I said, eagerly. The a fan Of
A lady in a bl ek gown' and a white sun- and vigorous cue. cot was Sometimes he holds a boak in b1s hAnd,
"IL 1%. S. ANLDERSON, graduate of Royal o!)Uege Like " is but a poor word in speaking whole talk was of him; her whole regret deep humor, he was a prosaic bei d
hat mat in a ba4et-ehair feeding t griz- T90 at- sometimes a per)d1l and filate
JL.F of Dental Sugeons, OnUdo, D. D. S.. of To- One day at Easter -time, when I had been i 'It is love he that she should have been so undutiful, and we full of native y
of h m, David,' he answered. I was music and native IDO tr And the lessou in hard to usders;and, -
wont* University. 012ce, Market Block, Mi"ell about,eighteen months in London, I D 8 to 6re, which sat upright,on 0 ry.
that through her his old age was ow o)oud. zled ootch rri
Ontario. how go I Ud the figures h4rd to mate;
surprised to receive a visit at the office fro : terior, but' a had
was wine, and nothing less. Well, and their hind legj begging with the most He might have a rough ex
in -ar, from Mrs. ed with bitter shame and I did not Bnt seed the nod of bii� fatheed head,
other things with you ? I lic a kindly heart. No one oved home mor -1of
fKINSMAN D* D, a. Angus Fletning. I was alone in the.room It Cairnoross that Miss Wingate is co tell her in what terms I ga'd couched my solemn and earnst look on their intelligent I So pro ad the Jittlo son,
A R. Ming u than the Boot, find yet nobody seeme m= And h bears the wnde so often said
D* P faces. The be , in a knickerbocker -suit
ckto University, Dan. the time, y mossage to Faulds, nor indeed that I had
�Iffo�or graduate of io j aid not particularl occupied, so with the Innexes after Whitsuntide. Isn't ready to go abroad. The typical See waf No fear for out little oe,"
tisk will practice dentist7 at hiff father's roome In that I could %sk the boy, to show him up at and a bare ead squatted on the grams be -
the doctor relenting a bit?' sent a message at all; and I waited with no
Fool and reservod, and yet with a alu er.
Zietar, and at his room a Mrs. Sbafees r once. To my surprise, when he entered he small * tience fop some answer. was side them, vid ntly administering to them TbeLWere wonderful days—the dear,.vwqet d
Rensall, every Wednesday, H. Kinsman L. D. 8. Net yet, but it will come,, I anewered, L im ing enthusiasm in him that was bo
as not alone. My . first feeling as I saw� - i ____isibfo8to look upon the sad words of encour gemenb a d counsel, inter- to NV hen a child with sunny bait
at, Zurich the last ThuroiAxy hat and wasted In n
of each mou for I was in that mood t nothing could facg% C'"S r everything before him when h wag Was hen to iscold, to I'
1545-13 him come in at the door was orie of swift! persed with a ndry . db@ Land to prAise
depress me, a nd cherish one gleam of resentmdbt or mps of sugar and
ad all the tuture seemed sweet cake. fairly roused. He was seldom arrogant,aud At her knee in the Ldie otiair.
admiration for his fine figure and noble face- bright.
utter one word of blame. The answer p�ame She lost him back In t%4 bp, yearn,
DIL "r. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of thID He did not wear his cler At 8ig1it of a�l this'there came -on *the sad had very little bounce in him. He had -s, W
Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Torduto, Z183 ical garb, because: I I am sure of it" answered heartily. the next night about seven o'clock, as War- -hen the greA world. Caught the man,
it was some years now a face of Wardrop a light which I had never steady power o.t holding -on,, he was ree- And;he strode
banor graduate of DepartmentL of Dentistry, Toronto ince he had resigned n er at dinner ii(iour ?pas -and fears
a a van,
Universit)r. Office in the Patty -block, Hensall, his 'You will not have sUffered in the waiting, own voing, conscientious sad able,� in spit Of To his plueel"ILTNt
Office in the Free church of Faulds -i neither you or she. We only prize what is rooms. 'Andrew Herdma brought it before seen the�e, and which was to me a all opposition and competition,
n great revelatiop. Alul dymant,
in person. He came into room with a Like a i
by hardly won in this world, and chrough soul. ly to a position of trust and influence,.w are -
Will visit Zuflah every Monday, commencing Mon- Happiness and prosperity bad done WellL to rise 4uiet. But now and tj
1587 the, That's th he said, with a kind of picture 04t -of dkht'e,
a he sees'the head with a.k.4den gleam
h a most precioui quick,.eager step, and all he -esid �vai, with
face. - - - b ev
im, and he carried their impress -on hi travail things becom' a or he choie to go.
AGNEW, Danklat, Clinton, will visit Zurl-h on out word or greeting -of any kind, ' Tot me quick, nervouX0iyx'ng n his voice. -I I don Bent over a pencil an siate.
'That's a good man, D' 1vid,' Wardrop belie r told you that his nam In all parts of the world Scotimen-, And sbe lives again in the happy day,
the secoudThiiiiday of.esoh month. assie, my bounie Kate.' �were
92 - 'How do you do, David?' he said, ex said to me when I rejoijIll him—' a good U my ve The day of her ycung *Iif4L,s spring.
tending his bad with that pleasant, heart. IlbU.,mydinnerasitatoodo and, putt' is Rodlheave2ovrt for Roderick. He w nagerm, oc9UPY' When tha small arnielisir-stood J=s in the way�
as found as foremen and as ma
man who in different cire4metan�e Might called aftero in' mother's father. She sibions miliere truetworthymeii were The centre of every0ini.
MEDICAL. Winning smile which I remembered of yore; have been great. I am very bliged him in a-bansom, drove to our deetinati 11. wag a Ing PO
much 0
and the grip was no gentle grip, but on, to you for bringing him to -me.' I could have wished it a quieter and more Highland wo an from the Spital of Glen. needed. With lose polish, and with less
which spoke of friendship and heartiest aggressiveness and self-consciousness ban 0116LAXA-LIVZ��*ILL every ulig
respectable place, but when I
And that was the beginning of the friend- had - ques. lit for itildy
Dr. John McGinnis, goodwill. I You will be astonished to be in- tioned the doctor about the advisabili 'He's a fine little chap,' I said and 'at the Englishman,and' with far less political days makes a complete c,ire of billousniess and oonw
ship which never faltered between th ty Of. u
ate two atipation. Tbatle—just 25 cents to be owed. iftr rate
vaded like this and I hope that we then a short, sharp bark from one of the greatness sad dush than the Irishman,j the
for sevednd-twenty years. *6 suit, eve]
tern University member .9
Ron. Graduate 14ndon Wes do not movi g her, he had absolutely forbidden it.
of Ontario College of 1hysicians sizd hurgeons. disturb yoa at an untimely hour.' I saw the old man look about wonderi terriers gave arning of our approach, and ?36ot quietly worked his way to the highest
Atigue leniinf, or Mr. Flemirig-Braden, ISTJOARA
Of5cm and Reoldence--Fo ly occupied byMr. Win. Ail. it. happ�ns, I am d in nothing at 119, the boy flew to us in a, very ecstasy. As and most responsible positions. Then a�ain A Puzzle StoM
oi ly as we drovw through the tbroug the
him, remained the whole 4or furth
A"t to the CAth0llc Church this particular monien't, hub hal I been ten' streets, and orioe or twice he shook his head Wa drop stoo ad to kies' him I saw that his, the Scot was a refigioma %,'animal"—(la�gh- Here is one that is go
Pickard, Victoria Street, ruict asc.I oughyto cal of r or
ArNight calls attanded promptly. week in London, but nothing was beard of ing the rounds f -
times busier I should have stopped 'gladly Kage, nor indeed with a certain mournfulness which indicat. eyes were ful of tears. 'He was a sturdy, 00—with a itrong tendency to the specula- -the hotel corridors, oaf a and other plemo
to welcome you. It is not often I a were any of us amazed at
VMNO, M, B., Toronto, U. D. C. M., ee ad what was in his heart concerning well-built lit Is chap, with a plain' honest tiva. No people -on the face of the a th wbere men do moat congregate
S., Ontario, stiocemor to Dr. Faulda face in this room.' rMong as
occul�led by Dr. Elioil man himself, wbose face became more sharp, stairs by the arm follows.
Then I looked beyond him at the figure just the sort' f boy, of whom a father would Scotch people. (Laughter. elf Avith but'7S
him within the door, closed He, (
this, -or unduly disappointed, except the old it. 1 1. �i . A yong
led him up the long steep Scotch face not unlike Wardrop's own— could., isten -to such lorig e the fellow, temporarily in hard hick, but
sued day by day with the keenness of his and hiving set wits und�nm�d, found bims
it u� ta -in Macrae) believed that the intellect his pockets, nd a room rent bill o Gonle Wvvr�
which stood balr-hesitatingly within the bitter pain and u' on him, and went away. When Lcame - ke delight - making a bhum or compAn. ual P cents in -f ' _ _
door; the bent figure of an old ma aspoken dread. At the back
X. COOPZ% M. D., M. B., L. F. P. and S.� n who of the Scottish people, and their k an i 'er� $1 to pay. Instant eviction W�Le the pen -
making known my return by a slight
JLV. Glasgow, &a., Physician, Surgeon and Ac.'� had spent his days in country places, earn. end of this time he- went sorrowfully back IT TTM
to Faulds, and as I shook hands with the kuock, I was bidden enter by K;te herself, his is D vid Lyall, of whom I have told est in, and aPpi-eciation of, subilee theo og- alty for non-litlifidat,ion. He ha-dnta thing
souaher, Constance. Out. 1127 ' ing his bread by the sweat of his brow. Hi -Xfxad'Traln�
-o raise the other
old man upon the platform, and tried to and her voice though weaker than it had you so often,� Roddie,1 said Wardrop, whei'a. al discoures. which the English might not ituthe *orld upon whieh t 001*6 EA* -
face W&b familiar to me, alihough I could stem his broken words of thanks for the 11it- been tEe night before, had a contented and the greetingj%�afj over. 1 Tell him you are see the use of, Nras due to a great exten � to quarter, and, -as is utuO, when a man is A LZX. BETHUNE, M. D., Fallowalthe Royal not for the moment recall his name and oc. tle I had been able to do, I feared tbat it quiet ri . ng in- it, which told me even before I very glad to 'Bee him, and be k n
i d to him al. the long course they. had had of long %nd down, his few friends refused to ascommo-
oallege'of Physicians and Surgeou"l, XlDpt0n.
kneenor to Dr. Aschid. Offlor istely occupied lookedupon her face that all was well. -ways. Re is' your father's best friend. sometime Mixed T"im
pretty strong sermons. (Lat gh. date him. Finally an idea struck him.
cupation to my remembrance. It was a was his death -blow be had gotten, and that I
She Was sitting up in her bed, the little I lifted le b6y in my -arms, partly to ter.) Th: Scot showed reasonable respect, Going int
Mzl-. Street. Heaforlh. Residence type not uncommon in the Dale—a. keen, the blithe face of Andrew Herdman uld �elf, a a nearby pawn '�Phop he laid,
down his
W=116101taC166is Square, ino I uso lately occupied shrewd, eager face with a hard, unbending not be long seen in kirk or market yvo child asleep by bar side. and her father on bide nly 0�11 emotion, and though he proud. -for those in pisitions higher 'than him 75 cents and asked j�r a loan of.
by L. Z. DanaW. 2127 mouth, which tender feeling a�ldo oft- Dale. in the the chair before her holding her poor frail . � Was seven, he did not reeent but always 0 Of course he`,got the 50 -
with an underlying sens of 50 cents on it. Go"re XOZTJ
hand in his. being carrieq aterose the lawn to the tea. equality.
ened. His shoulders were sorely bent, and I The Lora will bl6ss ye, Dav�d Lvall for (.,onto, together wit.h the cust6�nary pawn, 0R. F. do BURROs, his grey hair fringed his temples and his P P table under I the willow tree. There was ono thing in wb
'Father has forkilen in I was inter ich the Scot ticket.
your extraordinarl kindness to au auld man me, she said ith a as, The young tiiau�a next njove w".to
-beaten neck. His face was clean- that has done but feiv kind deeds himsel' in ested, tbolgh , in a lesser degre,� , in the behind both the'English and Irish, and hat huur, up an sequaiatan Bluevale...
IAIG restdani Physician and Surgeon, Toronto (;en. weather sweet, sad funile, and be says be w tak ce. got 4
*ad Hospital. Honor gradus bairn:baok to Faulds, and I man to Whom Wardrop had sted the wad'franknese. %.There *ae, undou
to Teinitj Univemity, shaven, except under the chiu, where his this world.. Twa things I thank Him for et! him wo 411
my little int btedl', a pawn ticket here calling for 75,3 in cash he.
member of the College of Phyalctane &xd Surgeonu beard grew scantily, Badly whiter a C Gome SOUTR
Huron. as 93 anner, an a
of Ontario. Coroner for tho Countj of in e I now, and wull to my deein' day, that there grow up and play about the doors bile precious ehi�rge of his boy, and wh" n he in- good deal of dullness in his m e�plained to hi acquiintance. 61 Weyou.
had last seen hi r to me as
AWOFFICE.—Same aa- formerly occupied �y Dr. in carrying up the book, to be,guid lads like you lbft t inither did in the time that I' iroduced �tr Mrs." Deine, Tro. good deal of want of cour ay a ut �the give Me 50e for it 'ell Naturally the other-,
the s gane by fo I Smith, o sita Public School, Seaorth. Telephone the pulpit in the Free Kirk of Faulds. D make glad garded her th y straight and keen typical Scotsmaiii. But if th cot w I ek-- was nothing loath, and immediately forked
hesirts o' the mithers that bore them, and ever, a ver A
No. to. B�Nlght calls answered from office. 'Andrew Herdroan r said 1, in astabish. Then I saw "the old ni look. She looked
a -was not lacking over the h
IBM In the otker that Katie's mothe'r 4idna live to n, froni whose face about Wardrop is age$ ing in external courtesy he alf dollar. Then the Young ment, as I extended hand to him like. tak, - all the hard and though not beautiful in th n friendliness and in fove The question
Y' this dreich journey wi.me.' . ness and sternness had deparred I , L a ordinary for his �kith ud had $1. that U �eausing
wise. I Who ever would have thought of for 1. )r, lay his oheek down up acceptance pf that abusq ev( a frail d arm, there was -a country. Scotsmen were fond of their cqun- the disc asion. is -1 Who was the )oxer iXL
DRS. SCOTT AL MacKAY, seeing you in London?' Weeka, and even months passed, and on th u LOU4
nqth* hand of'the hairn who had so wrung his -sweetness jLnd strength in her h6ce _,irhichr try, and fohd ofone another—in fact t 2ey tn4noictions, and how much did lie lose.-- X-01mr
PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, I guessed even as I 'spoke that it wai tug more was heard of "Katie Hardman. heart and my eyeps were dim so that I d i it intereatinp, She was English, as I were everywherf') accused of being olan sh. Aine
3 1�bad forgotten the incident, except at a in& e rican Iavestmen1s. trouble, and trouble of no ordinary kind
Goderich street, opposite hlebhodlat�church,Seaforth couldynot see, my tongue holden so that I gathered 00111 the softness of her speech, Scotsmen were not prone to fight for fig lit -
t rare time when some -thing 'recalled it to my ahat had brought him there. There was a' could not speak. anA her mabriers were those of a gentle. ing's sake. Their motto was more defe rice 11 4GYARD'S YELLOW 61L 'In ins, bruises.
remembrance, when' one Ire I A
J. G. SCO=., graduate Tictorla and,&nn Arbor, and. wistful, eager restlessness in his keen day I received a She died in the early morning of the next woma
grev . Ij have seldom seen such it min. than defiance ; and bence the Thistle wLas a sort -8. wourids, curH. frLrjbtbjres,
member'Ontarlo College of Physicians %nd eye, and a pathetic droop at the corners if note from the manager of the Scotch club, 8'
gling of re ose and sweetn - insuats, buriis, scalds, vontuBiont4, etc. pho:tIngs of#
Burgeons. Coroner for County of Huron. day, and. the old man journeyed 'back to ess ; it was a res� really good emblem of their a ar-
the stern, unbending mouth, which spoke saying that he thought he had, news of the Faulds,'taking wi to il presence. acter. The Scot, was slow to in 6, flg� it;
honor graduate Trinity University, * I we had come about, and that if I could Rec, Loadeab
0. XAcKAY, assuredly to me of a heart bowed down with gir th him the dead mother beg eipts forG'
'gold medalist Trinity Medical College. Member make it convenient to call he wo Id anti the living child. A Scotch., girl return- 'Roddieland I thought but when fairly roused neither Englishn ian opd Times.
College of Physiotautand care. you would be here
Surgeons,!Dntario. the particulars. I made 'u that- ing from a situation to Edinburgh volun- to -day, Mr!, Wardrop,' she said. 4 It's odd,
1483 'It is no particularly: joyful errand whfcll it eonveni�yttve me nor Irishman could show greater fight mg Don!t kick.
very evening. When I arrived' at t a club �eered to take care of the little one on the qualities. (Applause.) Cheer up: Keeo' 6001. winoal
has brought us here, David,'aaid Angus Flem h t not, hpw we knpw things by intuition. Q01XQ &V71
So I Joke as often as possible.'-,
I found a great bu journey, and so his care was somewhat this is Mr. Lyall. You are often talked winshai
on preparatory f . P11 R. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, Physician, Surgeon ing, speaking for him. 4 You remember our to an evening's ent'3etrl lightened. But it was a Pathetic picture, of in tb* t ot for
t -your beet fo
Dand Accoucheur, successor- to Dr. W. Graham, fi�ieud's daughter, Bonnie Kate, as she was =t for those re- is quie spok' she said, turning to ward,
Brussels, Onti-rio. I First Class Honor Graduate of sidirl in the house Think of the sunshine of life, not its� I A
which has long remained in my me b me and #'s long since Roddie BIR. �
called? : You know that she wtof._- in Bervice and'- the Secretary was and I think of it now . when mory, a and I asked clouds.. LoDdasb
the Univerolres of Triniby (Toronto), Queen's (King- very tusy, but he came to me at once. I go bak to his father to bring you down.' ston), and of Trinity Medial collegu; Feliow of in London. They have not heard anything Faulds, end Mr. Parnhaixt 'Tells How D661s Think,after all, bow short life Is# andi
'I think I have found her,' he said, as we see the tall, strapping yputh I fathe�ed from this that Wardrop was in
Trinity Medical College sud. member of the College about her at home for a long, time, and -shook hands; I quite by iiecident in a poor who answers to the name of Andr Xidne make the best -of it. x4ppen
ew Herd- the abit Of discussing at'least certain de. y Pills, Cured His
of Physiciaus and Burgeons of Ontario. P08t when I wrote to her mistress last week, we lodging in Com man, and who cherishes the memory of the tails of hii daily life with the boy and -his Help some other r devil, and some
Graduate Course in Detroit and Chicago, pton street, Soho. You Lumbago�
Special attentiou paid t,3 diseases of E were dismayed to bear that she bad MOW_
angel of- merev mayreolp you,
ye, E&r Now beeri would know her, I suppose, if you saw old man who was father and mother to him, guardian ;I but it did not*occur to me just at and Throat, and Diseases of Women. Cs'tarrah gone from her siWation for seven months,
her?' and who lies beside the daughter he loved th Pay your billa
nptly, slid awiltreated successfully in all its forms. consultation and that Whe had left no' at in t th t-, there was any pro
10m jin t a thing more h;—The story of help some other strifggler in the battle
clue to her where- ToRoNTO, June 21t
ough in
in English and derman. 1581-tf abbut's.' Ithink Be,' I said, cheerfully, alth, 6 nameless grave. underl be of",
I have not seen her since sbe was a girl at Yin his fre�uent visits to the place'. eacape of the Globe pi e'soman, Mr. John H. life.
greatly sur -
was concemed, yet not It was a 0 ot so lovely and retired, indeed, Parnham, from the a
school. What is the story?' a of Lumbago by Find one more unfortunate thl yourself
AUCTIONEBR8. prie.ed; it was 80 common a story- Such Vill. that I di4l not marvel nb his desire to come using Dodds Kidiley in unusually'iin. and conterit will find the lace o
0ften, anq the companionship of
6ad enough,' he answered, with a sbad f com-
had come under observation 'a good 'the happ Uran
my owing face. 'It seems she ran away from T-UrS T1101INY PATH. Y tereati 9.
many times since I had left Faulds. boy and t4e sweet woman who 7 had so long Mr. nParuham vitritpe to the Dress neatly—roome men'foolirhl
WM. M'CLOY9 her place to marry a Frenchman, valet to f6 was mothered I him must, have been I y an
'When Andrew heard that, of course a long time before Wardrop spoke, a rare rest to Dodd's Madi ppose 8 am prou . 0
Aftiloneerfor the Countles of Hwon and Perth& nothing would qatistv him but one of the gentlemen who visited at her mis. again to me of his boy, and of the traged the man whose daily life was hedged abo cine Co., Limited, thu the harder ii� they look the more'ayinpathy
and Agent at Heneall for the Maney-Harris Mann. -that he tress's house. -.0 testify to the wonderful efficacy of odd,. they will receive. worth Dal
Poor thing! she know noth- of h4 life. He u y by so maily h It is just the reverse.
romptly attended to. Ing sad to leave London from arassing oarea. Kidney Pills.. About eight months ago I A vilent nian is never intere . sting, never
should come here and find hei� It is a task at all about the risksof marrying a for- time ito time, and I guessed 'What do you call the do
eigner, wi
aliarges moderate and sairisfaction guaranteed. rather beyond most, is it not, David, to find —though he said tea, Roddl"i?' wits attacked by severe pains in my back. I attractive, never PO.pilhi,r
99 orders by mall addrewed to Reumll post OM09, or one solitary unit among these thout niaking- any legal inquiries. nothing—that he had been in the country I asked. 'They're very intelligent obao. The shopkeeper Dold
teeming mil -
consulted an eminent physician, wh6 said I who does n-ot advertise -us area the Single fM
left at his residence, Let 2. Concegelon 11, Tuck It turned out that he had a wife already ..in seeirig the child. They loo as if they came from Aberdeen.,' had Lumbago, and told -me to take Turkish same
'ion8?' esh
hi� o*wn country, and, of'course, did not
#"mlih, 1will receive wompt attention.
'Itis,Iamitted, land successonlyde- Wwas about three yearj I think, after -'So th y did,' he answered. 'My Uncle -and
baths. These did me no good. third_�
Alec Ben them to ine,
consider himself in any way bound to her. my I appy introduction to him that- I began One last Ch DR. L�,-ws WORM AYAUP in a nafe'aure and re.
nds on chauce—or rather Providence,, you ristm&s A friend advised me to try Dodds
and one the-- Christmas before. This is neY.Pille liable worm expeller. AUtd vqually well 10 obildren
w She was a good girl, and had not forgotten t9 notice a slight change in him, which at is
ould - have me say, wouldn't you ? an. ihe teaebing of that honest, I did so, and one box cured me. or adultis., Be sure you get Low's.
sw6red, with a smile. 'How long have you stern-faced times occasioned nie considerable uneasi- Crony, a d this is Fegg.
AiTback has never troubled me since." `Whl
THE MAN iatber of here, so she left him at once, and The d a made no objection to the intro.
V 0 10
ngland, InUU011
been up, and what ha e y u been doing to found bar way back to F no 8* 1 saw that something, was troubling I --*—,
hi and that his mind strayed and Roddie and I became ve Gir].� whoW0kk.
trace her ? Heaven rj duction"
h in a manner which proved that some- friendl
kiiowe how. The difficulties such poor crea from his u discussing their -various points, Taking down New Boys.
Philo�6phers who study tm
while resh tea for
ankiAd chiefly
wo in up oul tv%Lo ays, and I tures surmount would appal the strongest thing serious was at the bottom of it. He said a. Deane made some The new boy has always beeR ed in books,
do not know th�t--we have one ery much W.
except wander the streets,' tuaw— ea Angus of us.' suddenly to me one Saturday morni us, and- I enjoyed ourselves to the full. I fai and view human life through
1199 I'm r game for prictical joking and ridicule -1
it Wyk Book FletUing. 'Poor Andrew thinks t there . 'And what's she doing for a living now?' going down to Guild -fold this aft had nev Ben Wardrop, in 'such -a morr their study windows Bometimes fall into,
ernoou, to r s4
(says a writer in Churns),and in man sc6 ge erforii., One of theme lately expr
ore., It W �1 I- str
in the or Monday, and I mood t as as if he had thrown y It" _esg.
is tome chance of meeting Kati I asked, with no small anxiety. stay till to -morrow night oe y
This mo@t excellent work should be In every house 'Nothing. She wonyt need a living much astie establishments his ad
throng ; but I think that le has ge would like you to come David. mide everpeare V initiation is garav ly his astonishment that girls should prefer
f Huron.
'All right,' I matic plan. He, is
u the county. o Qt a bit longer, poor thing; she's dying P vhiA oppressed him. His carried out on a syst to work in shoP13 and stoers to takin
answered cheerfully, in g I
disheartened now.' It would sadness 4ndIdepression haddis�ppeared,and 'V
be �vorth vour while to send Gr her father, i � his talk. like V
He regarded the old man wit read he was 1*11re � boy himself obliged to 11 pay Ilia footing", in households. He 9 -id that a hirel f Y. whether he girl
the sake o
h a 'look - o I think, f;r f her little bairn.' b it or no', and any' attempt to res �at eni,>yed the following . advantages
PRICE) $1.00 FIER_ Copy. deep and peculiar tdoderness We can go down about die was Zlowd to stay an our later out of A
which " five, and if the only prolongs his martyrdom. 0* healthy and regular '011ccupla�ion,
-moved I
me not a little, when'l recalled the fact that weather is fine, you'll enjoy ib. It's a bon. a home
CoPlas can be had from M . B. R. Mggins, Bruce. Andrew HerdMaUL ni lace.' ally, though,. he robels against his shielded f
had been one of 'Angus torment. rom confainin%ting influnceg,
eld, or Mr. Dmid #oas, mo 1( emd I
Ora and turns round upon them in sue -\ abundaut and regular 0eat, Toronto. Fleming's bitterest opponents when he Be well be staying at an hotel',, I Fir
a. fair wages and
sought suppo fashion as to effctually prevent furt er 00129tant employment all the ye - -- R L,
Rev. Dr. Niair, Principal of the Presoyteri to becon4a minister in Faulds. bat said, ' and the clothes we go in will be suffi- ar round, a
interference with his liberty. kindly care and eypstL
College, 84ys:-1 am prontedand greatly pleased w, and I E,%w by the One mids hetic obneern for her
all that was forgotten no- cient.',
mer term an unfledged, weak-kneed youo highest and best, interests, freedom to on -
with what I have read, and I intend next Monday to clinging dependence of the old man upon Yes, we aleep at an inn, and there's no star 9- Sewing
presented himself at a well-known joy Sunday and a livr part, of a weA doy,
advise all our studeDft to put it into their librarie the young. one that they understood a& useo- takiog, anything. We the boy I'm vubli
end to studylb deligently &I affording rich in ch ism
go modemt
c school, and was immediately pounced
struction in _pa8torial theology and pract-Iml godli. other, and that no shadow of bitterness Con- going to see, and I want you to see him a Yearly hol:14daY of two or three weeks,
noes. Ishallread thquia few passages that they earning the past- remained and gou by the boye and hauled off to a conside Agent fior
'heart be rable allowitnee for her lafflugs
my too., N AMERICAN
way see that It is far from being dull or dry.
broken in. They practised and weaknessee.1-t
nodded, and turned to my desk UNI -all the us�
kindled with' me with honeeb lo
Mr X. Drysdale of wm. Drysdale Co. hi he bore them meekly—
ve and ad- Uo expe. VERSAL LIB RATOIL tricks upon im"and
Publishers miration for the ma dite the work 'of the Happy man who h
n who -had cheerfully day. About foiir as had such an acquain� WHITE
nd Booksellers, CURED I N
so meekly, in factis that the boys were c6n- with famili'
Montreal. says :—Rev, Joh, R,," left the joy of hi4 atetloo, and so by in six hours I as 065 to lead him to 4up.
w" grand man, and the writing of h14 life could own fireside and the o'clock we drove to W
a 9W Me& temp
sage tuous, and made scathing remiAn pose that hired girls generally enjoy these.
not have been pbeed In better hands. What we Many duties of his great estate to minister train to Guildford. It was my first,peep at to the pain.j: 6ked, bed -ridden, dw F!
erer,from rheumatism -8 lack of spikit. great blessings t
need to -day more and more are books of thie claw to the need of a sim'ole old man. Surrey, and I was pa ng Buff about hie effeminae and
The readinz oi which tends to the better olroulation enthusiastic over its rich When that shall be
After this the
Irras)—and this is& fact, he was Men to the lumber r case there will not be any social problemn,
ofthe bloodand atiring one!# soul. 'I have thought of you a good and varied beauty, and astonished that such Rom
many 4mes 37o 5 N16HTS volumes of evldenc6, for tWbgorne out by and sternly commanded to black
Variety and beauty should be found w --thin All the
since We Came to Lon:don,' he c left- All will be serene u jgta�jrsi aain onquerors.
so easy a' distance of London. greatest of boots for the following da The boys *Ore down stairs, and in my laylgh&m
ontinfiea, P
'sad it 0carred to me only to- Itching,, b11nd or supposed to attend to their o Nil
Plies# whether I have since y -
presently, ber.1"
tramped almost every hill an IRUI u1natism Is curable—South Amed. WU footgoar,
CoMpoaZd df�y that you in youi public bleedinjr, fiLr f d dale of it on
AMOock's Cotton Boot position here 0 r4plieved by one can Rheuramitigin Cure is! an absolute btit the task generally fell to the lot of the
might be the very nian to- help us. What 9LPP11cation 4*f ot, and I don't believe that there's a re -
Is successfully used monthly tiy over
I the most
would you do, DaviA V mOte village or old-fashioned hostelry un- weakest among them, and it was a fsvo4i�
speefic. and radically
f10.0001Ad1eB. safe, effectua Ladles"k Bit down,' I said. plae- to me within its borders. We got stub�orn cases in from CM Ian to order newcomera to do t6 work jun
OF Draftnewls0intment known three dam P
our =89t for Qsk-s f4ft 'I wish you would'
"ills and
-jLv 10 40 er as jul mixtures, ing chairstfor them both, I and I will just d
out at Guildfold station, where Wardrop "I suffered intensely aided. This particular new boy sece 'a
=18tionsare dange7rous. JrJPJLOO, No. 1, $1 think over it a minute. 35CENT& hired AnQsciatics. 'ried m ny rVineoes WA the order xesignedl
'fly, athd RaVe L directions to the me Tli�
box,09-t 9, 10 degrees stronger, $3 per b6i. I have it.' I said And Cured In 3 to 5 nights. a Cky physicians wl out 10141 you, air and said, I& ��k
driver. bei efit. A, I quite hituilly when one of �the orms
eent few doom f %:UTAmmW-
"impton'stre cat Rhen w n0arfu. monitors.kicked hi in and told him to h a
2or , malled*n receipt of price and two& auddenlv. 'Ther'e is a little club'in South. Dr. M. Barkman, Binghamton, ZE y., IVB about three mil inatio Cure 11
stamps. The Cook CompanyiWindsor. Out. et which has for several years writ0s: 56nd me 12 dozen a hel grry
me; two bettleR along- He seemod almost overwh
IV -Nos. I and 2 sold and recommeadcd bY All been doing a good work unos' ou U6
ncw'n ointment. 11 proscribe More "t AV ful road
responsible Druggists in Cau4ft. tbritatious], large quan. all the way,' he said, as we got in. X rrickville, ont. a) ad of vrA
with gratitude for the he MANENTLY CUR, ED _Z
It ia a place frequented by young Scotch titi0a of It. It Is a wonder worker In skin ' You'll enjoy it, but don't speak to me, Th lifeande of jPre nor done to blitity or lots of time fr6m business
men and women, when they are i diseases and a a reat core for pues.—Is. David I'm not in the mood for speech I StO slaves to I the and promised o d!Aohar 0 his duty. Orr
No. I aind No. 2 sold in Seaforth by Lutmden 4 n trouble . - "M ry—dons -6 fl*r 4aft L � 9� man 11 niess hom trea
or needing1elp. The A = I if he were only tmeent.
Wils3n, druggists. 10n r.-22. given
and deep depression seemed to sufficient and clear alappetite. Caltusleep
cdonsorbadafte ffcrtg,
managerthere is the For sale by Lumsdon & refers, left to himself, and,11 be In
Wilson, Seaforth, have was, the e r
or, Beaforth boys went putable tImOny atnt seated. Address
d of, him, and it troubled me sal by Lumaden & ils WN&Y iiai high feather, ban ing E DIXON URECO.. 4o Prk
0'. bod