HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-07-01, Page 4A t -[WWI 0 T '*D, IT TEM HUM EXPOS JU 18980, ow- money Au4,pjy -in. hwon durls g ivisit Caused In it to bOrt NEW ADVXRTISENIENM ingto. the foundationii. The fire started' at Connection with our idstitutionsp as is =0111111111160y is hifn dghly of e. management., to think 10 o'clock in i roor obove the Ait6heup but terest -thereon t Thic is.-.jileally What rigiu of -It in not known. By 1 o0olock national'iss well as In Forilont' oonoern'4 meant by selling anntitless The offering -of Our- contem$ AW The 14rure b"sen the, parentbests, er each rary thinks this is very in the 01 _r on% fteollealft %gl of lho paper onwhich to ra a *1be the the whole building none of us, like to appear mean or nigardly these for sale - 9 mousy shows the 4on l.to t th Mr. Ei a camplaititit-re was gonpb The guests 9 1 zi the late clWtion VIM found. had plauty of time to. remove and we all like to make as good a ShOw-- mythical character of the much -boasted -of d' th i 'lam, dari gar ing a '072 are of wha� Mr. A Handsom Back-& A. Sobints (8) 1; for why should any Governmenb Campaign. Via are not a b and some Valuable furnitu, also saved, our � neighbors. And if I we must, surPlum Itardwaro Hiirtlelb (8) re was have atyle." We M be under the necessity of borrowing money, Eilber really said, either the asylum or WerybWy Goa -[41-G; Eb Kin.; (8) but the total 10 -So is e&b1_M&ted at $2500 OW, ust expect to pay for Farm for lWa.-W, Govenlook (5) if it ban a surplus of millionsoll Judging during-tho'campaign, but presurnel that, Sawnible Rfqu1s1teo_]L Roum (6) 'that it costs more In from its remarkk like th � Ca ervatives, criticise'd the Insurance in heavy. A new building will it. We do not think be at once started. our good oontemporavy 0 or hebar 804ps-41 W. PA;A (4) n aOntario: than in any O:ther Province or does not understand the position. In the Government' system of- p irchaing supplies WA t orizing t party friends he issuing for these. in dititions frc rn rounds to 1#1�­W.J. Ole owy, firstplace, the set It other country. But what is of vastly -�wbieh A Tarte Rejoinder. of these annuities disT-inotly -stipulates that without to d d the manner in n " an __J. W. Wftth"d (8) greater importance is, that the office is. a at's or apix or J the proceeds can onii be ued, for goo pur. the socou theref In the ipublio We take the following from the debates 0 n necessary link in our system of . govern- pose, and that pur to -redeem me - records." the Star. d so not takel 6 the ]a Entire Li e of 'Boy" House- to Rent-Expositoi qffizg in the Senate Haniard. It shows there i is po is, bur situation co 5) . R big.fool i%railway certifies which have bee . I- Roft WaMber Goods it reiltse I I went. We have in Canadq( a system of' u eotly. Du Ing the . el otion T Furniture Y&ds--IL & B. Oa. (6) some life in the old hulk yet. The sweet 'in lieu of money, for railway bonuses. campaign Mr Hilber was greatly vexed to. Gunit owaned fts.-Is. w puna.(4) government, the superior ot-whieh does not, 9YOD, know what a' item in the public � accounts, A, Point-U-Sentember-Gift & MMIcnald (1) innocence of Mr. Daniuraud will, however, axis d, and we The proceeds of these annuities cannot, t in any country in the "ri therefore be used 'to pay current ex- entitled, "t his supplies for the London Clow Pdoeil�_E. Nonni -Co. (8) we are sure, be more'pitied than admired TAW& �Wmvk elm -121 -Hold Wilson (8) must take it all together. If we omit an Pennon'" amid the liabilities of the province Asylum, me& t. we film ly expres4ed the im wD,__4!shouId like to Th Sul*t- HoN. Ma. DANDURA 4b th;i sale. In the' hops that his visit to thi institution had ree iece s essential part, such as this is,' We might,and are not increased -Cli ask a question of the Minister of Jantice.'� second place, the ire on t t the Govern- enabled him to procure this inforthation, Inviewof thapiohibitionlintis bei o- doubt would, lose vastly more than we sub ment does not draw. the'surplus assets which he see ad so ma to desiri. T4e *t -6 074 witted to the people, can the hon. minister would gain. Better, in ' this instance at any of the province to defroany these -maturing purchasing of supplies, el her ith,6r vith- Tal Ir tell us if a copy of the very interesting 40011- rate, to base the ills we have than fly to entirel; From a manufacturer, and for railw7 liabilities is,,that their assets yield out tender, is an entirel different subject., -meat s.,�Ileoted by the prohibition commis. which those we know not of. them ve per cent. interest, while they can In its haste Come to . the rescue of its n ppointed by the late government will a money through the sale of �auuui- friend the 8 ir� led to tricadupon md, the St haiMan' V . - 4_Th SEAF9)RTH. FRIDAY, July lot, 1898 0 TEN DAYS be distributed to inch of the electors before pr�cur half to three per 'ground of w h it is, cc fessedly, ignorant. ties at from two and a foar ye they ills colled upon to vote on the ques. Statute Labor and Good Roads. cent. -Does our contemporary see 'the point? Will sell them for tion ? Ithas cc�t hundreds of thausands. of Ne of the'l, Week. Now tion. The War. dollars, a -ad it, seems to me we should be We have just received the -'annual report Fighting 'has commenced in'earAeob in wo a se yow- to not well informeii. on that subject. KuuGiu EIRIOUSLY' lm�.-The C uld- very�'#rongly dvi of Mr. A,� W. Campbell, Provincial Instrue- Cabo, and the Americans are not likply tv Town corres nd y ruing out of �he I C Reportaconco' ;* t4e Spanish-American HON. MR. Muia,-I will may to my h I bondon De' van ma on' tor in ro�d making' It has been issued by be ' I I , neglect this opportunity of buying a, war have been somewhat 'more interesting friend that, if the life of man were as it va the walkover that some people ex. Mail says the Presidefitll Paul. K-ra'ser, of durine the the Ontario Department of Agriculture. It Poe the South Af can Republic, has h a ra. 4 that past week than usual. The 'were before the flood, we migl�t print a ted. The Spaniards ara hard to - get at. 4.00. suit for 1 .68. The sizes are cheap edition of that work and circulate it is a most comprehensive and interesting no lap", nd tha his madigi6l attendants have _Tli American trodpeunder command of Gen - e &I toad of fighting_in the open, they hide in forbidden eve big friends to visit him. -od Mr. among the electors ; bat as it would 'require panl�hlet, and contains much valuable in. the bushes and hehind. rooks, 'and pick,off for Boya Aged 10- 11, 12, 13, 14 and Shafter, have all been landed on Cuban soil jast Andato more than 12 months to read it, 'and the REIGN OF RROR.-Aeliable news g. A the Yankee soldier,@ from their Imes of at a, point formation in reference to road makin I received frorn &van& says a reign of' terror which I near- Saubiagp. No sooner had life of man is now'but three score years and ' they are left 15 years. They are made of 'od ants tei, Iedo not think life is long enoigh. to COPY Of this report should be in the hands ambush. - go long as . with a exist - there. he police force threatens to 90 fore, the Americons embarked *.ban dots hni ban of supplies - 4nd do not run short of to Halifax Tweed d Grey mixtures and revolt,'ind is sing watched by the' troops. an commenced to push, their way inlatil. The permit the ordinary elector, to 'master that of every councillor, road commissioner .-and ammunition, the can keep up the fight in Famine is imminent an& the city, in panic!, important document. -townsh ng every other person who has - any0ing to doi, the bush, consist of 4eath -a first real land a L lie sad probability in that woment of the campaign and't stricken. took place on Friday, between two of theme with the making or repairing of! roads. As many a volunteer will -be -killed and that Too MANY Tmwm�,Es. -Owing to the from V Not VerY Fair Criticism. an im many a wife and mother will mourn in the immense -ere and ra %re returns from year! a advance detachments and the Spanish prevenient on present methods, Mr. that country again on- oa -ants. and Vest* pments United States before , 1! 0, astrawberry sh, vowbrb a 13 The Farmers' Sun, once the organ of the 1 advises the appointment in every- joys the blessin sof a peace which was so have &be do i fruit troops. A company of regular soldiers pbel o Patrons of Industry,but now published as an municipality of a road supervisor, who will lightly valued. 9 u their . 8, leaving. the stArted by one road, and Rosey.elt's Rough fruit to withe on th vines. One of the three -y independentfarm m -'-paper, although very have the full charge and direction of road r Riders, regiment mposed for most part largest fields, ntainin '17 acres, owned by ably conducted, occasionally falls � into the improvements. This official to be appoint. In discussing the prohibition plebiscite,, Ja of volunteers from 46utaua, most - of them equay & Ps y, of ton Harborl, Michi. ANOTHER SPECIAZo netted the Forest Free Press puts forward a great vice$ of other so-called independent papers. ad by by-law, the same as the clerk or other gan, has bee u6ned and ploughed having been' cowboy� took another road, In order the better to show its independence, oWbers, so his tenure of office,may be per truth very forcibly, when it says: Iff under. Twelve men"S.Black 'Waterproof Coats, its ED. King FIRM rig both intending: to meet" at a point where the plebiscite is taken' th SPAIN'S BO KING it seeing to think, it -necessary, occasionally, manent. Also, if statatAo labor is to be coia- a Govern. thesetwo roe& converge. These detach - Alfonso was nfirwe,4 on the 23rd ult., r6&ular_*2.50 for kick to hibitorT law, that question to go out of its to get a case against tinned, that path masters be appointed. for with great car ony�,_ in the presence of the Alf -Bras Way ment passes a pro ments -went bat a short distance when they Will be the main issue at, the general royal family, � court ilignitaries,'the Cab. and the either of the existing political L parties, and louger periods, say for five years,'tbat they election. and those who are not prepared to both met trouble, in the shape of Spaniards hidden. in the long grass and thick- bushes. in.go doing, it not unfrequendy does an work under the directions of the road super- support the Govqoment through that trug- inet Ministers, d the Igrandoes, FivE WERE wNED.-A$ the result of The coudtry injustice4o, the parly which it attacks. Its xisor, also thatthe road bOatA be Consider- gle Should not aXthem to enact a rohibi. theapsizing of a smaIll'boat on the Flint 1_ seemsto berveryrough, moun to law. To ask th tainous and covered with thick under -brush remarks in reference to an entertainment abLy extended, so as to have as few path- ry a Government i r car. river, near Flu hing, Michigan, the other :and him fitime, tain legislation, and -then units 'with onnon. evening, five yo a drowned' given at Governme He a as d ere shop. recen gof a were and obstacl masters as possible. On the question of ents of that legislation, to destroy th 6ov' Arthur Maxwel p a headlong into the t1v at us T6routo 't, . Don' ail 4re no roads, bat narrow' ­ I by the Lieut6hant-Governor, are, statute labor, Mr. Campbell has the follow. ernment would be a most contemptible line river trails. Rosevelts it seems to us, of this nature. It sas a a goo& siri mar, but had ding a steep moun- not proceed unfortunates Harbn Rough Riders were aseeni ing to say: of action, and yet the reader of the daily to see press cannot fail tonee that that very thinA when he we cramps, and never twenty - d' is already contemplated." h a Altho�gh at the ti -me the entcrtaiument� The great majority of roads in'Cana oeiW wit tain by a narrow trail, over which they a was given haying had not begun, it appears are under the control of township councils, came to the eurface. t to pus -single file. When ng Pan' ' alotig 'a that -tio farmers were invited. They. could, and are built bk statute labor supplemented AwDuCrED A RLINCE14s.-A'band of forty friends 301r� this way they were surprised by a volley of it in true, now that the old board fence is by money grants. The statute labor SyEteM Mr. Arthur W. Stockman, an extensive ng to �peclal despatch brigands, aci Orate t1 shots from the surrounding thickets which removed, look between the railings � at It suite the produce dealer the above of Ediuburgh,'Sootland, who from Constantin a, abducted -a sister -As the suited to a pioneer age. a I I have were swarming with Spanish soldiers. The goings on," but had some of them attempt. 11ilfties of the people making home iti a is just now on a busineoff trip to this coun- Of -the Sultan. he Princess was seized ad to enter they would h while she red by Hen. Thoo. Ballantyne, eve been forthwith new.country, and.ft suits the spirit of their try. ag-oonipaim was o�b walking at Kizil ToprAk, Americans were plainly visible to the SPa4ish ejected by the policemen on duty there. It cir motances. They feet keen!y the need pec as �ahitroh on a few miles froinj Constantinople, w4ere she 0 'd a via f improvingtheir roads, and -it to the Ontario Parliament rtesi Hamid has three sisters soldiers, but the latter were concealed from is their part not to attend fhe n W a Callicdings at Toronto. While there he Allie 8i ush in piper. widow of Mahnioud Dielal -And Im to pay the t t will.,earnest3y and faithfully. That was the interviewed by a repreieutative of' wh"e Pril clad 'the Americans by the thick under-br f t ies; Djebmlue Edwin Pasha ; Prinoss Seniho,' wife of which they were hiding. In this way the t t t 1 What we are convinced history of statute labor in the pioneer days World, who says: Mr. Stockman a a the great masslof the people of this country of What are new the populous districts of Mahmoud Posh 4 Princessi Medihe, running ge: merly one- of teriance at ps halve wife of Ferld P ha, I to secretary of the -the G. ht -hand men in blidlo' th' grown wealthy a -ad well popula 'Ru- Turkish -i i in L ndon. Princess They were subjected to a heavy fire their expense of an official whose most im ted, a diffor- Gla stone's rig Egat- 0 He seemed to concur in the opinion that the Djemile sad Pri loess eniha havei long is. portant functions are to read a speech at the will b - i � t. xtent has Bo G Americans had to fight their wa through. do ot)ject to, howeier. is the main Canada. But where the townshi nephew of Geor Stewart, for d from the surrounding scrab, and the ant condition exists. To such an a home of the Ontario Government wig the rided in the fjubu bo o Constantinople. opening and closing of the Ontario' Legisla- statute labor degenerated that some town. runs be ships find that they can do more work PRINCESS VI TO OF WA' -The only way in which they could respond was ture, and to touch the hands of the mem by cheapest public building on the continent of I;ES. he America, considering the size and finish." two CA by -firing into the bushes from whence the Win of Toronto's fashionable society on a commuting all the labor at thirty-five cents Lond6n, Englan a er ed ith. summer afternoon. w robable eng wop Case Vic. afaft Spanish bullets came so thickly. Not a day- The Toronto World, Tort though it be, the p meat ofaPprain'announce THE 001RNER -STORE, Se i standing this terrible disadvantage, how- In the first part of the above quotation If statute labor has not outgrowa its use. toria of Walea John Baring, Baron Revel- friluess, there is certainly need for reform approves of the appointment of awaiting Mr. James stke. The!v ornal betrothal is town, f Mr. there is a bitterness displayed whielf the when a man's labor is worth. less than thirty- Lister to the bench. It Lister the approval of ueen Vietorial; John Be. ever, they soon put their" opporients to say route. After an circumbtances do not seem to warrant. But fi a t Baron Rev ants a day. A feeling 'in favor Of who -goes up to the bench 'from the House of ly not have gone home hones engagement the it is not this feature of ing is the son of 1 he fi elstoks, bosand girls e#ticed to solr sc� Cl the western team woul has bee Spaniards fled, and were pursued for some ,,the criticism that statutelabor still holds in some localities adirectorof the 3ankof England, and son. medicine or shoddy goods, gatho 'in, this with o many victories to 'their redit, or Commons,'has certainly Strong Claims f' U a ri a a J Be but is growing weaker. There is not a rom -a ior partner of the great financial firm of Bar- way from their a r f end latives r0her,-pne more defeat on their tally Card. 'I distance by the Americans on �oth branch. we find fault with, but the evident intention country in the world, characterized by good party point of view. in that way he olertops ing Brothers. ich thoney it sent to the cities NOTES. -Mi. Wm. Cadmore ban -een be *xpe of creating in the mindsof the farmers o roads, where wsystem of statute labor is'xn udicial - HEROISAT OF THE QuEEN-REaENT.-A die. an watch nng In son. ex. The Americans had about twenty f all the other M. P.'s or ex-M.P.1e of j 3 or $4, wh Epirations. d a cheap-hurrilitig t Shipping large quantities of beiled hay from killed an(lai�out sixty wounded.- Since then this Province a feeling of jealousy and aui- use. To a slight, but very lig t ext nt it As to his other qualifications, patch to a New -York Worldfrom M idrid in -who W4 Th returni- Thev�atchea in some cases run our station during the week. -Mr. Albert he is &.good lawyer, and has a hard head -theyhavahadno seriouh engagement with mosity against the occupant of Governme t m France, but with v- ertb�warandtqepolitickt says: Anxiety o n iy be said to be used in I a few days or we Taylor, who for some time past h1w beeu- full of commbn sense. a and then cost morig to different methods of applyin it. if it As these ap t situation in Spain has in a 'while Oml- so preyed upon the keep them in air than they are worth. filling a position with Mr, Beattie, of Hell - their opponents, althotigh once House, Sir Oliver Mowat, and to make it very Monte have gone in this c t present ountry we t Queen -that she looks weary, preoccupied Hundreds of doll to are sent to the cities sell, be* -now taken sit with Messrs. Ore -jet, is to be retained in Ontario, - Is TO no shots are ex changed between the outposts of appear that he had out a slight upon them feeling of the people strongly indi see any reason for the fun dates the 5 that over zealous and sick. Her face and figure have much t a are me in in this way-, as -a at many buy the cheap' &_ Macdonald,' of Seaforth.-The Foresters a ee -invited to- the it will have to be placed on -a basis whereby t t she icke gamely to beu duties, Is or other trash, just because,it in excursion to Port Huron on 8 rd, both armies. The American forces ar now because they had not b paper ki We are eveh willi inned., bu a to atu AV bf, encamped within about four miles f�ncti t satisfactory results can be obtained. admit th Ig t Mr of the .-OU, a, and that he a Xrdy may have had a kindly assisted I iy her mother, the Arch- is `b�_ko who' ever it Z. I th Er neighbor boy or girl eo,Tes 11'w well patronized from this pla6e.-Mr. hand P in selecting Mr., Lister, but even thou, :Ome ight little holds them W such coutem t and detesta resi- 'Hb an They ow they are uot gating n city of Sautio4o, and are to There is a prevalent opinion that a. if duch�s Blizabetb of Al" remain there a. J oil Canning has for someayi'lleen con - P dent on a concession road knows better one wishes to criticise political appoint. sister -in -I the �nfanbs loabeflaJ In the value for t n ey, and those city jeits fined to his bad, and under gnedical -treat. until reinforced by th6 artilleM which is tion that he would have them arrested as ments and be effective, one must condemn midst aw than anyone else the requirements of that of state and war cares all lie a haa h t ken a know who went, -but we are pleased to note thiLt he is being brought forward as rapi did they intrud:e upon them generally and not spe they are plowing with. as Pon- etiminals cifie cases allIfed daily interest in t a pmparation the sacred particular road. A remarkable feature, how J I WM. Wat h 0) her son, I now improving son, Who against one a political opponents. a the their 'Turnbe sible. The country is so rough that it is -Precincii� of Glovernmefit H u e� Now, such �ver, is that no two citizens agree in has spent the past two months visiting -With young King, f r cc nfirmation." World hasn"t an doubt that Mr. Lister -n difficult to ideas of what work should - be done, or how kowick. Wi jghi will be a good j.uage. get the -heavy gang forward� ipsinuaitions as these,� idea being very un - it should be done. No doubt there are cases her'sister, Mire. James bick of Seaforth, ve NOTES, -Quite Tuc�kersnuth. fora change of health, bas returned home. as. roads� to be out out and con- -justare calculated to do -harm, as they have in whi h one in n is right, but when one and teachers of i Trini6y Sunda# school, number of the scholar Mrs. Watson till keeps in very poor The question of the jurisdiction of the structe& WEDDING. -A �eryl happy event took Fordwich, a a beinj 4or- On Wedued�y, J,6e 22nd, a �Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, sleco so As to get them gut through. a tendency to inspire in the minds of a, cer- man is right all the rest must be wrong. ttendeo the picnic held in Pathmuters placd hesltb are appointed in turns from Canadii*n inland fisheries has been settled t the re- rie on Friday lait. They 'report having i G _ rge'� Not panigicl by Mr. Robert MoLaren This works however, is being proceeded tain class that they' are looked upor by , m-_ With as rapidly as po among these to plan and superintend the at last.' We had to sidence of Mr. Ge t, Maple Lane) Spent an enjoyableltime.-Rev.A.B. Larn all of Hen. eY sell -Visited at Mr. James Milleeo on, Mon- osible, 'and it. is ex- those in at19ority as inferior and not fit to wait long for the judg- when his daughte Miss Evelyn, was unit- of Gorrie, wheeled !over to Goderich on Mon - of the English Privy Council, aud ad in the holy bo day atfiniotty with Mr. laii. Our public schools are now to will be com. associate wit them on even terms. But, reasonably follow fro pected that all, arrangeme roadwork. The only result which could ment- a ofm -Scott, I in such y tem, i th day, to hear -the celebrated military band of I closed: Seven weeks seew. a long time o pleted this week, and a forward, marob on we are sure, nothing could be furthes fro when that was received it looked as if it -Newton P..Crich, n the - jpkeeende of ab6ut London, Englaud.L--Mr. C. C. Kainef Of 683v 1110thers to look after, thW children, the Pf� m which we find -waste and bad roads. to'Santiago made early guests. Prp'cisely at 5' o'clock, --next week. This, it the truth than any -such an assumption. The result of this lack of supervision is would be necessary to submit'it to the courts 100- invited Gorrie, occupied tgB pulpit in the Methodist the b --r been last. when she known h�ey would be all hit mismanagement the rapturous str4 no of Mendelsohn's wed. church, at Wroxetir, on unday rig W ere A description of th y meant. ding march Pee a for�h from the parloi, Of ur is expected, will be the battle of the cam hile it is qdi'e true that but few farm in actual road construction, in order to find out what it reall under the teacher's care. -Many :a large number - of t* Howick voung people actual work done Howevei a conference between the P ld , t- i no oodwin, of took in the vd*ug people from the' schools are romier xcursiOn to the Model Faru on up to her points fo omission is not duo to the fact that they are be. A statute labor day is short, Of eight a nation. �Olikhly,entrenched, and, in addition, is our- may of the province and the Minister of Marius t'llinton, as the brkal appesred'on the Friday last. -A g6tieral annual meetin Clinton and ot r exami ,paign. 'The city is wall fortified and - thor-_ are invited to Government House, the. sounds like ridicule, however earnest it ries, 'has' resulted in 6xing the lawn and took thei p con under f We trust 0, ur young We and Fish � by several , barbed wire fences, 'farmers but to th" hours, bat the men are rarely on the ground an arch of the Howick Agri Itu4 Socie 0 ads will -Ove a good a 0 fact that the are not -relations of the Dominion and Ontario, at evergreens with a bee ground of flowirs. I ty was hold i hemiiilves.-To see the fins - y ti of A fence in front of each entrenchment. Fordwich Mr. for more than six hours. A good part of last Fridly�7LMessrs., W. R. Ma- 'Oun These, in the *&Y of such things. It i any rate', in this matter. The arrangement The groom w" a ppo ted by his, bro er hood And M fields of- fall wheat in our part and the o not -farmers the six hours is oVent in gossip, in arguing follows the line of the divisio bj[l r cause the American alone:that are omitted, but business nd as to what should be done, and in, finding pre. riston High School, beenpied the 1pitH n f!au appearance of abundant Crops, of ail llton C ai r, students of Her. d it is expected, wi a of work in Charles, and Mir. Wes e� Nott, who the legislation and administration of crim. ceeded him, folio ad by the bridesmaids, Clifford, 111(18 We cannot, help drawing -the eon - troops 'considerable inconvenieqce. It is 'Professional men the Province -over. In fault with what is being. done. Another Lakelet auq For-dwich respectively CI - i;'n inal law.' The Dominion Gbvernmeat makes Miss Pethalds Not an Miss Ne us � that We Are-& greatly favoredpw. part is spent in looking up scrapers and Ilie Sad- on 8 d J me 26th. In, the evemg ple, and that our lot has been -cant in a -About: estimated, also, that there are about 25,000 fact, we venture the assertion that the law, and the Provincial Government an. dick, of Ingersoll con in :of the groom. un a plows that should have been provided before fo Mr Fordwick,, preached his. good lend. -Mr. Thomas Cudmore, of Us- business or professional man in a thousand the work was commenced. When we rose it. This means that the inspectors Lutly, gracefully (&me he bride' with her farewell sermon.-7!1�le annual --.picnic, to Spauish soldiers there, besides those in the Rev. Lenn, oft fortifications and the fleet in the bay. The in the Province h con- ..bO borne, and brother- vf Mr. Cucimore, was appointed by. the Dominion Government two little nieces, D Atie and Gertiel Crich, held in the Howiek .9aitlaud Park as ever seen the inside of sider he class of teams sent out by the rate. Americans wil must go. The work of the position of maid of honor at d fa' y maid, t PrOmIl" seen among friends here on blonday hot, an we like the Dridel carryint the riDg- bar of' able and eloquent spiakers will - . lasI 16ske a simultaneous attack Government Hous pavers, the wag 1 1 be former to be the best ye� held ere. A num. Mr, Cudmore in the kind of a m a much less been invited _ ons which can carry only spa th from land and wat6ir.: The engagement will, half a load, the boys who come to do a man) Qtor of fisheries, which is now held by by the side O)f' the Drid iry to entertainments there. It is, t erefore, work. these and many other details, he f& be present, amoni whom wilt. be Dr m4staress.nwho , have the overnight of our IMILY h g Aid: 0,' B. Sheppard as a Dominion official, -in a basket of - hits ro'eo, the ttle to around. -Why do not the.path- rd, but malicious, to make it friends of statute labor must necessarily, Very fe n over by ma strewing roo a on Macdonaldo M. P. t A number of g as highwaysi see that those thistles and other undoubtedly, be a s�vere one. But the not only &ban at $1,560 a year, will be take eforil a id mmedia Spanish soldiers ard in very poor shap a. &in AU Gains Warden Tinsley. the carpeti wM bride crushed beneath are expected to tike place and good noxious ;St. appearbliatfirrhers are specially tabooed frame numerous apoligies.,. w new Offi- I t a e at U the. handsomely � attired music ocal and insirumedtal, will be ran- weeds, which are a terror to all game war ecome Mi to Of in a Bait of 0 1 clad silk, crowned dered'-Mr. Georgew. Spotthn, wh�o .9, year when every farmer can use his time to in whi:g,, rx re -efore -they go to clad, and in no condition to enter an engage. natural conclusion which any, pq has need. �est Whey ar npt half fed, not properly because they are farmers. But th Statute labor is performed at a time of cials will be - appointed. The provincial her feet. The bn was dens will b im roe good farmers are cat b rsc fibheries for the districts they are with a wriesth of hits coca and would jzc;od advantage on- his own land, but, in. fL L Carried a been head teacher i the Wro'xeter public ment with troopa such as the United States take from the above extract. We venturi acting. The deputy game wardens will be beautiful bouquet t a same and looked school this lest year,� has been secured for bury# stead of remaining where he can do the fish Wardens for the district. Alrea4y two charmingly indeed T�e. little maid of another L -A pleasant &fla,ir t6ok place at the relli. are putting a year, at an Eadvan.ce of $50 it I ehis U g%inat them, The Spanish to_/Say, further, that if any farmer, or any most profitable work be uses his -time in game wardens have been ted In dence of - Mr, and Mrs. Jameg TR.ftbtieof ey are poorly number of fa road tax. �- A large part of the tors of fisheries in their d cream, also crownei witk a wreath of white Avonbank, at 4 o'clock on Wednesday, June I soldiers are courageous, but th rmers, were to call upon Sir PayIng spec. honor looked more hani sweet in a suit Of salary. officered, poorly equipped i�nd half starved. time spent inroad work is unquentiouably addition, a considerable part of rose$. We Cennot ustly.desoribe the fairy 22nd, whoiCtheir daughtert Miss Susie Oliver Mowat at Government House, they wasted. In _110*1 It is now being ascertained, also, that the would be as courteously and. as kindly re- our annual t Commenting on the remarks of Hen. 0. maid, who looked a fairy Kl,�Pen. was ax is &Igo expended on the d d, dressed in i united in m he amage, in t presence of some 48artil: navy is in equally as bad a plight as the ceived as representatives of any othe W'. Ross, which We quoted last, week, in W me t col eea imson TjiE PicNic.-The Sports wh,c"ere brul r class. roads. A careful consideration of this ex'_ hit� muslin, al r;red with cri held fifty guests, to Mr. Alfred King, fore ' man penditure will show that man roses, and wearing� a v�reath of. ofirnson rday, un4er the auspices 6f the of a To to factor . The bride hoal for the of thelead. relation to the overcrowding of child in roses. The bridemaid.11 lo It d each hree years held the position of . nurse land troops. General Shafter, is *Viving In fact, it has come to be so now iug roads, far from being goo, cent much here on Satu splendid assistance fron th� Cuban Geleral K$Pen footbalbteam,� passed off very Dleas- past t ton and quite properly, 1�o, that t public schools, the Stratford Herald roTy the efi(rs8t7eiPntIyc'ream o be a farmer more than first-class roads should cost. -Nor 8: becomingly attired antly, and theme who fturned out haa s�good in the family of Mr. George G ooderham, of Gastillo, and his forces of over a thousand is a strong and sure passport to -the most is this all ; the most regrettable feature is The Mr. Moss is not air in attempting flowered organdie, c rk aftemoon' pleasure, lespite the showers of T�ronto. 1 L men. These were in even a worse Plight rag to Ceremony Was performed by uepectful hearing from any representative wearing pink rose Ilyi4g Pifnkirr,ossnel an' rain that fell. Owing to the mornin be' thatthrough improper plans and imperfect shelve the onus on the parent. So i tier the Ing Rev. Dr. Hamilton, Mr. J. Craniz, �Of Toi. long an second moon showery, the crowd, w than the Spaniards when the Americans ar. body. And, we can also nosy this, that the construction the most expensive form Of in Canary silk, carrying cri as, a little late in onto, supporting the groom, and M Ann' r. Ross recognizes and permits the cram- roses -and also weari g cri gathering, and it w4 nearly three 9!clook gie Muir, her nieter, the bride. The son roses, in her rived in front of Santiagn� but they have farmer members of the Legislature are maintenance has beeirimposed. Mign baldle 9 -core -1 fpd from American supplis, and tr6ated with equal, if not greater, deference formed by Rev. B. Cleme been wel Ming a am, 80'10n will many parents, hair. After the cer4mony. which was per-, when the children's ir�ces, the first on the was dressed white rgandie, and the in from th programme, were called. As soon as.tho happy. couple left on the.evening train frotia on, in a shortsighted desire not to see their his usual good st�,, h children's racen were ver the football gains St.- Marys for their future home in Toronto. by ,wh a in contact, Wedding party a o ni 20,th, a pretty event terrora to fight, as they thoroughly under. than is shown10 members of other callings. of last week says harriod along at a pace th&t'nJay be, quite was served.! The lined up. This ProVed a most excitin- was witne iwibh an abubdance of ammunition, they are those with' on� they com Editorial Notes and Comments, children outdone by those' of their neigh. le, t I TheGoderich Signal, bors,be foolish enough to allow them to b proceeded to the dinin and the ten and KiPpen b?.yo -On Monday, Ju 9 ased at, the home of Vro. C�olqu_ by '"In fact, there ire no distinctions There is quite a talk of a political deal be. beautiful and costl� pr sents show the me, and the principii4 feacure of the da stand the countryand are not troubled sumptuous wedding dinn made on too fast for them. Mr.. Ross cannot rid Y. houtio-Widow of the late James Colquhoun, -theclimate. Thewatersupplyo, ing made in West Huron eateem in w ic the couple arsheld. he game was most ekeiting all Wrt on � the mar- ih&e f Bantkago aecount off -calling or Occupation. All are which will effect himself of responsibility in *that Manner, 1you through, of concession 9, Hill hi h has been cat off by the Americans, and reated ahia, and all are, invited to all the 01 tic' In and the t federal and local p' i s. We might here He is.supposed to be wiser in these matters We all join h' Mr. and �Mrs. the ptaying -on b6th :idea was good, rJa f her third c1sughte MJ is Maggio.j., In sperous journey ROT now have h9 netimes very fast, afid re ulted in a Vie troops and citizens -there; concerned that the Liberals than the average parent; if he is not, he is Crich- a r to Vro. George A. Docking, eldept of Mr. a, onIv functions common during session, both at by actif 11 lif py an a cistern water of West Eron are at present in no humor unfit for his position.. through tory for the home teim by goals to to depend upon, and not very Toronto and Ottawa, and the fa Hence, if he per.. I. Edwin Docking, Alto of Hibberb. ;The care- rmers are for any such deas." 0 qclock P. M., The Eden team put ip a grand game of moDy was performed at five football, yet they lacke'd made as welcome as the lawyers or doctors. an of the talk alluded to, bu ee the . splendid COM. by Rev. R. H. Rogers, pasto- uch of that. They are also terribly we have nit heard ceives evil in the cramming system, it is his reduced for food, y duty to abolish it, and not to blame the un. r of Filend's audE are iii1lin we may be fortunate parent Ur bination played by the worwards of the 9 and Gprofessors or any other clastes,and aquit permitted to ask: Who owns Went Huron, s, spurred on as they are b Kip- Church, Pelham, Wellington count A eating horses and Y NOTES. -The gard given by the pen� team, who werew4ol supported by Y_ a. V i mules. General Shafter themselves just as well too. We may also- anyhow? the competition in overtaxing study that the large number' of relatives and friends wit, ladies of - the Boston e D&CK become the rage in the schools." rch, last a and hilf-backs, and kept most of the neseed the cereMODY, and afterwards eir., thinks he can take the. city in an engage. say, that ma -6y `bf them seem to enj The,. Thursda one bf the most! an I in the icinity of Ae Eden goal. A tended congratulations. A supper wasser� molds has cause ey v Oy Mr. James Innes, for man' years the con. y evening, W ment of 48 hours; Thi& engagement will sort of thing ju Of the Complainants must be weak in - at as well as do people -of deed, when so able a critic as the M, -d Joyable ever held dy. It was heavy shower of n or;, -Monday. In the mean other callings. -a place 0 n fora, likely tak -trolling mind of the Guelph Mercury, is held on the lawns -of Enilish and James was called,. which delaW, the gains. a short �veniug was spent iusecislenjoyr4ent. The y lth4t be iin N6 just after half-time �Xed in the dining -rgom,'after which the tow has to be content with so weak an indict!: Wallow. There re plenty of straw. tim time the American Government has de- From the Concluding portion of the quote. about to retire from the turmoils of journal. ment. IfMr. Ross were to use his powe� a, but seemed to romw the strength of many useful and valuable prawn sh,�w berries, ice cream, an ot* eatables. � An th: players. as the gsim�' from that timts. to envy. isto - to the spatched.' anotlier large re-inforcement. tion. we udge that the Sun is favorable to Mr. Innes is yet a man of vigorou to impede the progress of the children, con. high esteem in 'Which the bride wss�heid. excellent programme ais dared duirin 'th lose was rather fastior than in the first, After a short visit among �:bhdir frien uien g - and w Cwt Mr. If. Towards the el of th. me the and Mrs. Dockin will pm'*r to their -future N 1 2 to abolition of the office of Lieutenant. -chose, remain at the helm probably echo Among the artists to ing P rt were Orball a C been home, on 'h�kinghomestead, on the When these* reach Sant* y' and might, if be trary to the wishes of the parents, the our. the evenin h appreci= he lagoi Shafter will the have under his charge a forca of twenty. Governor. We do not believe that it is round W*6dg would Do made to �v im - t Miones lady friends of the foo for long With in r donunciations of the Minister for his Lewist Bell, Brown a t4r, and, Messrs. quietly performing ub the old theirishare of the pro. 6th concession. years to come. But he hm well earned autocratic and domineering. coduct, and Wickes, doltzmail, Youn eight thousand men ; this, of, course -,in ad- correctin its etatemOnt that the great some repose, and thousands of friends in the Herald would be imeon, i g, all gramme,and dition to the inimense-fleet /by which he is Mass of the people of the' Pro ce Of the loudest 0 b0untifO lunch was swait. vin are of Western Ontario will wish him many be howlers in the pack. It ic of Creditonland they -Mr. Frank D. Hamilton, for many ,&;a wel lualified to on- i% the players after th6ir pp hard game, to y his. if muc� In at the �8 'he in the shoe business Stretford, died the paren supported. The American.,troops are say. like mind. It may be quite a h days of leisure, spent as' hTd tertain and larger I than W Job all did justice' With evident min tr a t virile d Pay the piper, and if they desire their c an )n FIDJOy- ortly tried by the Cuban elituate, but they duties a Mr. McIntosh, Boston. Thestrawbe ice an aly i Syracuse, on Saturday, June may bend. was ad labors of the Lie utenant-Governor a talented ran advanced rapidly, although that des r cc Cream were ment. By the time lunch was over it was 18th, from the effects of surgical, oper- of J exce dream lient health and a' 1, he pro - re neither honerous nor laborious, but they cesor. are reported to be in nephew of Mr. Innes, is slatd as his sue. 'nay not be wise. they have a right i a served by the young ladies. Short ad -getting late, and . the palance of t ation. Decessed'sold his business id Stmt - good fi what they pay for,, i the Mi - 'to scours weregiven by Rev. S. I Carrierandth ol ghting trim. There isk'no change in are, sometimes. very important. It is poo- and nister is echair. gramme as ' postponed� and eve bod wise man, Rev. son. The pro a, Y ford about a year ago,sn& went to Syracuse, no He can Jay do eeeds packed up indf-'started for born ling where his brothers were in business. He wn general and other ex- -principles for their" guidance that, d6spite the khowers of rain, a very an- w" a son of Mr. R. Hamilton, of Stratford, nation either at Manila or Ifavana. sible, also, that the sale - gbam Advance says The On which netted $38, gol to the church funds' 4 ry t to interfere. If they like G H. T4 . the sit. The Win a All attention is now centered on Santiago, penses may be larger than necessary. But tario Government has advertised for seiled is, well and good; if not, th rY way a success.- joyable afternooi had bedit o W, to observe thi The 'party was in ev+e -8 t qXr, a pent. The list and was born in Iribbert township, on Ito. MissAlice M. Wilso� g4 tender for the purchase of terminable An. onsibility must, and does properlyv n ar, 9, the differakit races n as fol- vamber 12th -bat there should be . rest drawing at the recent ex4mi6stio P r 1854. -Heresidedhere until and the result heie will be awaited'with 'it does seem necessary t reap cured a certificab� for of winners in wit h theM. very great interest the world over, as this certain amount of what is commonly call. unities running. for forty years. Of course high Ischool.-Migs FlOjen khill Iowa: Bova, 12 -years a4d under, -James 1876, when, 'with his parents Chesney, Donel& kcNiyon, he removed to Eddie CIbgg,; lot 44, concession I engagement will practically decide the fu. ad style and d cc I 3noen ignity connected with' these annuities aire sold to raise money to; The Goderich Star of last week says,': uccessful a 1'Zorth Easthope. Af ter in xamanatio t Spoke gIFb 12 years and under,-�-Jennie Chesney.. fanning for three years, he came dau off ington,collegi ntbe ki Strat- THE ISEAFORTit Ex osi Lbute Bell, Eva. Ricker ;f%oys, 9 years an ford, and on ad in the ture of the war. these positions. i It hits always been so it ome other liabilities or furnish a, as teacbo� it dergarden P y Ton thinks it chool. -A great man t she In d boat 3 go in all'CoUnt flids to pay current expenses. It is but a makes a point against M �rko are asking under,-Lorue Cadmore, ll�rank Clegg, Goo. business wii�i Y and shoe ies, and with a' I due def. r. Eilber, M. P. P. Postmastere'to please 0 r. A.'J. McPherson, staying r 9 few months ago, when on Platform, a four school d use that gentleman is boys and girl Iva Canning, Larken Mellin't Arthur Ricker; hits brother, Anhibald J bought out �r cc . nt mporary, pamphlet and Reform press, m years old, w W I I mmand three -or Chambers ; boys,,7L years and under,-Frauk with him foi, three eau, after which he an The The famous Clifton- House, at Niagara erence to the opinion of 0 by for Soat Huron, beca 8, ' or twe approciate a job boys, Mr. Falls, where so many honeymoons have although many of us never have an oppor. reported to have said, during a visit to the 01 u was boaftfully made, that Ontario ba he d d sev- 15 years and �underj-Eltner Holmes, Saturday's, distri uti waned, and where royalty has freque turlity to participate -in any of this gran eral Millions of dollars of a on uting hand John Way, who then ndear, rpl-us. If such Lend bills, adver;, Corn. MeM duted a Bhoestore On Asylum, that he wag very favor- tiBing patent medicines, eta ki ordie, James C4esney. The K* on Downie street, nily a surplus exists, and was ailable, (as we or4e private pen, p _in the city. They con. at did edit to the proince. What lot of names, sic anitobs, football W&rd$ selling out in 1897. Mr. Hamilton ble to ask: Why certainly a or' Ife been entertained, wal burned Sunday morn. the most of us like to know that it exists in, atated), it is not unreason&av s ably impressed. The inbtitution was &lost arties have also been "ked send a long b eople are rather diea, -pointed' th tinned the bu�inesx for fourteew years, after- OY8 I It t secure the A I then find the team for that'day, 48 We age confident that leaves a wife and six children. t t t n s