HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-06-10, Page 1OWN Iy, and read IIm via knowsedge, at the, capsaitift of the MW dr. ReHirdy, okPresbytienim 14 relf-g- ov*- =a um three siaWn ba4beau iAentloa Of ifiaw, w .04ebrate -their sadft THIRTIETH O.'116afflOSS to, $%; � � I.. , YEAR. y that MOLE" BIROS# Publishers.
-sympatity 'of an Who. SEAFORTH FRIDAY, JUNE 10 1898 $1 a Year in Advanoe. WHOLE IqUMBM, 19591.- i0a,-: Ot such a sudden _F011 THE GREAT. NORTHWEST. oral management of the ��Xntry. The ROO. flot kn( w what was mining until he return- ald A. Taylor, for nerly of 146rris, went avenue MothoAieb.oburoh, which he regu- -conclude atbout 11 in the eveninao Dur- otors, ut they still I
H, i found 9 Lmp two or three day-ari not
I . with whom I conversed at Re several. bills Of Millett's after wo do ;bought he larly attended E and where he. was greatl F ing every ci AS SEEN FROM 'T—EMCA'K 'WINDOW BY AN PM:Lejaw and Calgary profess t begin,&, dharg�d to him since Millett left, and did would recover and-. hat it was un ow well necessary beloved. i Besides a large circle of trieuge spartfor the feet-washing.service. Those f"ma for- mat, by", ONTARIO FART&M satisfied with the present Government. not thh ik Millott could-, ha�e more than $20 to slarm, his parent by wiring them of � the and acquelutanjes, he leaves to L Mouft his taking part proceed L to & certain pofid set,
'4'Ir A)$& an'T kU"iint I VANCOUVER, May Nd, 1898. The educatio I system in good and well with him. g is in'cor- accident. Sunday orning Ephraim took departuro a widow and four Sons. The sons apart, Chief of Police Youn icing where they wash each ,othere feet, X. Birks, B. A., of Water- the women among themselves and likewise
'd by thmea- general Government, and respon doubt. his med the Rev. A. A sustains dene6with Mr. Abray, but it is U" *0 an a med about as well as are
Dxti'EDxToR,To the most of the read-- of the 365 school districts fin the Northwest f6l if aiiy trace of the mining couple will be usual, he dozed off.malsop and never awoke. loo itree' church, 8b tford; W. J.
t are of your pa-porkthe general characteristics a ra -Birks, the men. After the foot-w"hin in Over
A bsU team went tj:i- h - Territories there are man of them open all found. The only outward i igir of his departure was n J of St James' striaet Methodmi the man embrace each other and tito, like,
of eastern Ontario are- well known, and h -and A D. wise the women, among themselves. The t&lb y . ots orgs' 0 0
and pUyed a the yeit round, but in some rural d1BtLi a long Sikh. ih Moutr4l; T. W. Birke
he salaries eviening o
of that placei therefore it isneedless for me to Bay any- -only eight months of the �ahr. T f Interest to Students. i ur 5, of camp will close on the f the o1ce.
reault, B rk Britishl, Columbia.
IP9 thing regarding them. 1, therefore, will A,.30orsf 21 to, begin my description of the country, near of tea6hers in the rural,diitriotv art. usually A of cular'containing new regulatine from 0 mada. — Word was teoeived in Montreal one. ing day by a gineral hand -clasping an
W lorse,stolen #om, 'k, from Riviere du Lo
$40 per month. Th around, the usual way being for all -the halk River, some 22. miles west of Pain. �he eacral Goy�rnment The Ed cational Departrnen�kias been sent —Albert Monet- a, 22 years old, was run morning last wed ght of May 23rd, was psys,direct to the, t er� n each district, a by thhe: Minister of Educatiob to the Inspec. over by an electric' car on Sussex Street, of the very serious illness of Mr. E. campers and others who wish, to join hands
broke, where our train arrived at 7 a. in., a few days $sturday, March 5th. Here at Chalk River ortion of his salary. It (he teacher has a )tors a d High School Prin4ale throughout Ottawa' the. other Ly and killed. He was. Boswell, of, tli� Temisconats Railway. in a great circle and then each in turn makes -
on is that thir About noon -the a message a ro -the circle, and, in fact moqt of the way from Pom- third class certificate he''gote.60 per cent. he Pr vince. A few modifications are made riding ion his bicjc:�till in front of the car. me day another und of
PS wha. are direct from the-Governmeiit, a second class �or tb academic ear 1898 9. InthePublic ,-gir Wilfrid uner, in reply to Mr. was received announcing his death. Thii —An unknown man was found lying in
broke, you pass through * a country having a an unconscious condition ' a field on Mr.
—Marriages, teacher gets 65 per cent., and a first class, 'School leaving physiology and.tomperance are Foster, Stated th r. M. 0. Cameron, news will be re '.ived with regret by Mr. in Ste IS 0- the very sandy Soil and of a poor quality. This 70 per cent. Ontario certificates are valid �substi uted as in 1898 for botany. No exa member for, Wool on, had been appoint-- BoweWs-many fiiends. Deceased wait one Samuel Andersou's farm, near Grimsby,
ke day for the firaf of vicinity wm4 once quite heavily timbered - in and a bottle cou.
6 a.- ml, when Mr. R. R, with pine, but now it is entirely destitute the Northwest Territories, third class for ismins ion will be held in part II. of form -II. ad Lieutenant -Gov or of the Northwest of the most popular and efficient railway early Sunday morning, e* was married to the of timber. Only here and there a few* pine ear, hub second and first 'class for a � ud 11 certificates that give mere primary Territories. men in the proitice of Quebec, being widely taining morphine being found eside him. one :tandlg will be issued after 1898. Uff- —Albert Monet a, of Ottawa, 22 years of and favorsbly known. i. Boswell was if Mr. Hugh wffliamn,� -and this section is quite muohylonger period. hen. there are twelve Dra. Alexanaer *ad Millard were summon. f
scrubs are seen ru,
�nawly married couple- children of a school age in a district six =w u candidatenst.the junior and senior ap, wm. run over an electric car while formerly cashier iii the Montreal branch of ad, but they could not save the life of the barren and ha very few settlers. be opened. in d' I the d il-Strip on Sussex Street, the B nk of Toroito. Stranger, who died about 2 o�,clok the next
miles square, a school has to will be allowed to'write in 1899 on, n ing a Ong 4
p.—Mr, Donald XeW- P"sing on' the west of Chalk River for no night 1 --le* —Tfie Norfolk Veterane Associabion identity.. ;wmnion of Gray, ww Mixed farming is followed in the North- their espeotive examinations by selecting 0 set ek. Both lege were cut met afternoon, without revealing his :i
Merv, daughter of Mr. ere allowed in 1898. off, suct his body rribly bruised. He died last week in Simoo held. their annual' Rebad been shaved the dav'beibre by harbor bat by the �ime Bass lAke is reached ten Cheese and butter faciories are now estab Can4 or junior and sen for -leaving an houirafterlthe ocident. banquet at the ;� and e ten or twelve miles, there is still sandy soil, west Territories more than in Manitoba. the as a options as 4elbor tel. About J.S.Mabkay,having had -his bearashavedoff.
Of- Morrisi,and in �tho- miles west, we are in a better country lished quite generally throughoub Assinibois stand�'Qizgl ewsill be &y sab , eek the Dorset mail was fifty were- presenb� an ry pleasautwo He was about L65 years of age widence: of Mr. James- where there is mori timber, more settleri f reqitired to� make 50 per —One di d L 5 feet 7 inches hours were spent with remin-
-ith Bay, prolitable during the last two years. Cream subje , to rescribed in each of the forms lewit4. Urber oe�t is becties and
, of Brun- and more rocks. Fr and Alberta, and they have been quite the aggrega.6 marks'allowed in the stolen from the w gon on the way to Bays tall, and appeared to be an American.
k Mary, daughter of Mr. oni here to No or 'ville. The carrier,' found -it back on the iscences of volunteer da a and battles fought. There was nothing on his clothing which
110 miles, the character of the country is 37 &_ n for the butter factories is taken twice each parts of forms, as well as one-third in each foad. Fifty dollars had been abstracted. A-mong'those-1present we Col. Coomes, he could be identi6i'd, but on otebook in, fornierly of this pl"Iev re e
much the same, there being patches df good Mal —The F land and patches of rock and boulders, may week., and in some parts of Alberta the pape ; 07 per cent. of the aggregate of each One Adams has b�en committed for trial, Major Reath, r Ryan, Surgeon Hayes one of his pookets was written, James
toba. Ast, Huron cream is I hauled (a portion of it) about'920 form examination will be required for -obarted with the theft.. Sgt.-Majoi Hodgs6n, Drum -Major Towley. Doyle, 533 Bay street nort'h." in Via eau'on was, held here on -9 IV about 60 per cent, boulders and rock, and t istated t4ab Mr. John Bell, of Bell. in a very ap] -k to was in gold coin. A4,1d N- oble i d productive Ifi;fid. The any way. Mayor Tiedsle b py speech c Wit va the exonralork to -One difficulty the dairy farmer chemistry, 'physics and biologyin forms - Re seddrese given in that of - Mr, Do
r&� ittended.—Every- miles to the factory without injuring it in honors in that form. The examination in wel 1 -$48 60, chiefly
I - 40 per cent. goo III villa, solicitor for Phe Grind Trunk R,�ilway
k e timber is largely birch and hard coined the veterans to bhe Town of Simeoe. maPle' has to contend with in A siniboia and Al- and �V. will be equal in difficulty, as near is about to resigh1 and the position will be After the usual Wake had been drunk and sailor, but w en he heard of the affair he x June 20th. Thaexqur- From Worth19ay to Wabigoon a distance of one- as the fare it. only-- berta is a lack of water foar his cattle, and as m:y be, to the examination in the lan. filled by Mr. B.B.LOaler, of Toroitto. at$20,- responded'. to the )xmquet broke up *ith did not know 4ho,the deceased was. An
LIT 8.32 miles, the country is of a. most uninvit- subj . sets � AII 0 - ing character to any pereon from central or some dairymen have in the past had tol guag or languages for which these 000 a year. Mr. 0 er, it is said was offered singing of "Auld I-Ang Syne." inquest was-begaulsy Coroner Comfort, of The men of the pre' ient day are told drive their stock four or five miles to water, are t ken as options, and'as far as necessary 818,000 a year, - which proposition he declin- —A Syrian calleaMillion of Midland was Beamaville, that night d a. ourne t I
western Ontario. r-wat6hed the country an dj C! il that if'they would aspire to and closely, and I must say that for rock and every day,� bdt now the resourceful -and in -1 -the aximuni marks in each of these sub- ed to accept. i found guilty at Bsv�rie by Judge Boyes of, next evening. A post-mortem examination genious farmer of the plains has solved th ject will be adjusted for the purpose. The —M N C W' Ilace is evidently popular robbing two Armenian peddlars named Cour- was made on the hody -and it is undoistood, attain heights of greatness or forest it beats the world. Watching DA riie br�ng:mllen of eastern Ontario. for and Jamien of t , & $10 respectively morphine, pre -
water supply problem in a cheap, practica� abolition of the primary examination will with t -22'an that the deceased dio;d from croodness, that they must. imi- closely as possible from- the car window, a - - I I nifir way. Throughout Againiboia and Alberta not �ffect the rights of holders of primary The Orange Gran4 Lodge of Ontario Bait on the highway Pe�etanguishene, on sumably taken with suicidal int�nt. person cannot -see a spot of ten acres in all tate and follow in the footsteps there are ravines running through the 6unj standing obtained in 1898 or in a =� li�ve presented him with a Sterling silver March 29. Million'was before Magistra�e that distance that is really -good fa 'ril to rmlng try that in the spring for a few days arg year' to attend County Model dinner and tea a�rvice, enclosed in a very Howson early in Ap Perth Items.
of some great and noble worker, land. As far as the eye could reach on -answer. the charge
large water courses,: but they in a week be All itudente entering the Normal College, handsome cabinet and accompaiiied by an but was discharged.' Information was laid '_On Tue . aday ei Lening of last week foot
of- the put. either aide of the train there- was no evi- n c6me dry. In many places these ravi el irre4pective of the academic course which address. by another in& er the cae'had been We find preachers, writers, -editors, and dence ot any attempt on the part of people I -an I I a - race of one hundrm vards, for 85 a -Side, was
widen out and form lar a basins, d th, they inay have -taken, must take the subj ot ---;-A freight tr4in going west about nine worked up again, with the result that the ran by -a drug clerk and a hardware clork to settle in. that part of Ontario. Almost in across at prescribed in regulation 80, subject to the or6ok one mording last week, when near prieoner was sentenbed to three months in of Mitchell.
houses to be seen were those I The hardware clork 6wned
those who are.supposed to be, the only practical farmer puts a y, eael f, 0 ; n1 * I conditions:— 'crossing in the village of Lucan, struck jail. Joseph Az' zl of Peterboro' acted as
the guiding lights for ordinary end of one of these basi s, and hen th fell the the pill man. A half mile race between around the railway stations- and occasional- eee basins fa ow1n Iders of senior leaving certificates, M Values - snow falls and Wto th awr 4e o k e Ii) He ra. Theresa Barnes, killijig her instantly. interpreter for the Armenian witnesses, and clay, telling ordinary clay that ly -the ,Uepot, and ( ; harness maker and, a hotel men. followed,
the only building was 71 E granted on departmentalxaminations, may t - stop, the train hands E. Sevi ney, of Bariie, tor the French.
full of snow, 19d id the spring - w en th The train did n6 but neither of them reached the wire -both
it must ape a Gladstone to be a ti�at visa not only the railwd*y depot, but a evidently not noticing the accident. —AtTox- churcli manse, Woodstock, on dwelling, restaurant and poitoffice also. snow melts they have a large reservoir fu omit Latin if they do not select the Greek of them -having got winded after the
Judge Meredith, it is saii on reliable' June Ist, Idiss E. W McMullen, daughter of Ion. p9litician ; or thiinder like a Frequently we would pais over ten or of water for their qattlb, and, strange t opti. start was made.
John 1rnox to be a preacher; say, it keeps sweeVand clear through thr (2) Unsuccessful candidates at previous authority, will resign his seat on the bench Rev. Dr. McMullen
twelve miles and not a sign of a habitation t5 t I —A tramp -asked for lodgings Over - -night entire season. - examinations will be allowed to write at the sad become a Member of the law firm of James Maxwell, of the manufacturiug.con- - -cKeo�gh, St. Mairys" again, some yarn about fru.- would we see. The timber, near the rail- at the house of Mrs. M,
After passing Regina, I noticed that ther6 finil examination in Ma of any year with. which D'Alton! McCarthy was a member. corn of W. Maxwell,,, & Son, of St. Marys. on Tuesday night of last weak, -On bein
and piet' road on either side is dead, the country hav- 9
gality y, or a compound . were few if any dwellings near the r ' I out attendance at the Normal College, and Another judge �f the Ontario bench is likely The ceremony was p�rformed by the brid4's refused he grew impud ut and Insisted on iy places been a*6pt by fire. w Of ing in mar
mixture of all the virtues, is track, and, my curiosity being arouseds may confine themselves to the same subjects to resign and become a member of a law father, assisted by 1�ev. Mr. Robertson, staying. A son of Mires. MeKeough, who
Some real Hea of the large dimensions of ked into the cause, and was informe as-- taken previously. firm. Meiriton, brother-in,4-sw of the bridegroom, ui t I for the young man who, o linec In had retired, came down stairs and under -
northwest Ontario now began to ba really taut the Government of -the Northwest Ter- Teidliers of ten years' successful experi- —At the handsome resiAence of G. T. C. in the presence of ai�w of the. friends and with reasonable ambition, de- known to me. It is somewhere in this ter- took to put the tramp ut, whetbupon -the Vt. D., ek-Mayor of Napanee, on the relatives of the cd',htracting parties oul . latter drew a revolver and �red a bell into stof IU* ritories, when the railway was building, enm who hold Normal School certificates Ward, 1 y
sires what is commonly known, ritory, over 800 miles IODg, that the Engle- passed an act preventing speculate f ' ranted before 1898 and who have the ne- evening of June 2ad, hie daughter, Misg- The brideamaids w4re Miss Louise Me- McKeough's shoulder. The tram due deal is located. I -must say -that the ro ro 9 i Mr. is
as success. plotting town sites within a'mile of the ra cessary academic standing, may write at the May E., was married to Mr. HaL P. Lauder Mullen auld Miss �Maxwell, w now in Stratford jail.
Ontario Government have done a very wise way reserving a strip -one mile wide on ea 641 examination in May without attendance a rhing young lawyer of Brookfield, Missou- groomsman, was Mr.3ames Chalmers, of St. It seems to be entirely overlooked that *thing 'in granting certain sections of this I- —A meeting of the Board of LioenaiiCom. side from settlement. at he. Normal College.' ri. The cerem 61ny was performed bV Rev. Marye. missioners for North Perth was held iA Lin- e averae rational man has territory for the purpose of developing the turn' out to be a case of towel on Monday morning of lasteek A "� a The. farmers of the Northwest Territories W. W. Peck, fit the presence of about forty at T certain amount of individuality,_ mineral resources. If there are no minerals are, as a clasp, well-to-do, and I learn4d near relatives %� I nd friends ot the bride. murlepr�occmuraryed lastf'week on a farm in the number ot Heenses, which had been *&nd-
tac'k hosiery, in fine Oi which he must, in self respect,, to be found in paying quantities, then when upon, inquiring that this farmers aroutid 'The South 1uron Farmers! —Alfred lfu�t, private banker of Brace- town r appearsthat ed for one� month, were dealt witb, the fol- the timber is cut off it is not of much value, �es $ 9,, 91—two dis-V,i- efrose betw�en an old man named
pair ap Moosejaw had in two '.-binks at that to�n. Institute. bridge, who suipended paymeni-la'st week, a lowing being granted Gleorge, Scott., -Se-
II've i toregardless of what Certainly it will never be a farming country. about $350,000 more no ideposit than th members of has assigned. It is understood that the lia. JosephUOrd, SQ years', of age, and his step- 'up, Windsor _ hotel,and dther men -have been, are at After passing Wabigoon a change is at once he annual meeting of the bringville; E. Hodgi.
the South Huron: Farmers' Institute was bilities will bellarger than at first supposed, son, Vg. H. Lawrence, over a feWpotatoeo- T 1D illia, of St fine, e in the I - several ratford�, No action was
f or may b apparent. The country is broken with large ev - er bad before. What is- true of Mooae�;7y I
,ess Jbkek hosiery, is also true of. Regina, �Iedicine Hat,, Chl- - on and will probably be in the neighborhood of The lAd man was khooked down taken in regard 'to the hotel license at patches of good farming land,'dwellings of h I d at oxworth's etc , enea 1, use hture. gary and other pdints. d last. he attendance was fair, although $--75,000. The Qk of the.assets will be real timefil by the young nian, and retaliated by Newton. zes, t&ee settlers with good oat-buildingp, are ire- Fruit of all kinds, espleially 13, t ere we're not as many present, as there estate, the vsl�ie of which is problematical. stabbing'him near thd heart. He lies in Let a wan� . simply be himself at all quently seen, and od evet-V side are evi- apKies, pea critical condition, and, his ante-mortem ex- —The customs returns for the division Of I a etc., are a failur e orthw fait, a ould have een. 'In the absence of the —The funeral of one of Welland county's Stratford during the month of May are times, and never disobe the dences of thrift and prosperiiy. he I'And P um , in th y and I learned that th farmen',(�f the Nqlr;h. president, Mr. H. Smith, of Hay, the chair oldest sons took place on June 3r(f,' when smination'took placelbefore Police Magis. follows : Free' goods, 834t66 - dutis Is leadinus of his o-wn highest seems to be of good qualityand evidently is a is goods, $13,931. ; duty collected, $3,824,07 less, black hosiery., we t Territories woulied Be 0. barrel�off was. takenby Mr. R. B. hl cLean,, of Tuck- Captain, John� B wn was buried, having trate Lafferty. Mr.MeCoah, of Orilli very productive, as haytand straw. in large , d gain ,or ribbed, in all apples every year from gntario, if onI a th. The secretary's and auditor's re- lived to the ri�e roold o ars. L He retained by! thordfe�ce.
thought, but strive- to make the yg 0 exports, $119,225. As -,compared �rith iiiel
quantities were in stack. At Dryden, where ami a 10c,. 12% 15c, 18c� apples were shipped the e, In the pastbu- was the only surviving member of his gen- —There is a plaguel of c4terpillars up in returns for the corresponding month last highest and f fullest use of his showed that good work had been don the North Western Experimental Farm is p 'rts 'wen Sound. The oat- year, there is an increase in free ,goodef ly p or fruit has been a in, and as niost during the past year, and that the finances oration, and h d resided nearly all his life the neighborhood of 0
brain and body, and he wi 1 ac- located, there is a good country, and in a over the country,
of the residents are 04&�io- P�Oplel. they are in a satisfactory condition. There had. i' that countri. -lie leaves two sons and one erpillars are swarminj all $23,708-; in dutiabW goods, a 6presse of c I S presen ornplish hi� true mission . few years it will be a well settled section of le $4 ent of ladieW know an&appreciat6 a od apple, and in been six Institut6 meetings held, all of daughter. and a curious result of th ice. of the Q41 ; in duty collected, it &irease of
ntario. I estimate that about 70 per cent. 9 ing I need by the Canadian I To inost people this mi�-sion means sequence, only a limit d quantity is a Id. which bad been well attended, -and many l-knowb artist of worms is b experio $5,16.27 ; and in exports, Wa. increase of silwisy. Oa�side of Owen Bound, in black,�,. creefa aud: of the land here- is of good quality, quite the New York, airlv�l iw Ottawa the other day Pacific R work of one kind or anothei for Passing. on west of Cal ary we soon I ave subjects, of interest discussed. On $68,448.
0, sell a good ilove af easily cleared and �fitted for cultivation. the plains and enter th noilutain region hole, it may be fairl concluded, from the to accept a commission, offered him by Lady* for. BoThe tvrentyfive T. fles; there is -consid- —Louis Pfrimmer raised -a loge barn an us; it means the securing Of The general characteri, of the soil seems to Laurier, Lad* Thompson, Lady Ritchie and erable of a grade; whibh makes, it hard pull- lot 11, ccncess� and then into British Coldibbia, where nveral reports- presented to. the meeting ionl on WIVdiiesday
vy freight
the clothing trade of Seaforth be the same until after you pass Rat Port- ountains and forests of giant trees pre*ail. that the interest in. the Institute meet' Lady TiJey on behalf of the National Coun. ing fdr the edgines I wh6n a he&
ings oflastweek. There was the usual �aoa, he
age and. Keewatin, where the rolling or un ull train is attached. The rails are covered and vicinity. The only farming-landsA have s�en intrit- 'Is increasing, as manifested by the increased oil of Womep of Canada to paint a f Bides being captained by Charles Sobutb of kid gloves 1w dulating character disappears,, and the f 't of thd-Countess of Aberdeen. i ?" and. as they are crushed Sis of 'attendance and the more a length portrak ,with caterp Ilan and ilton Goetz, the latter 'being victori.
Oete than it is this We are after your trade on the ba country is more Rat and marshy, and thick. ish Columbia, of any extent,, are ow the ctive part which Thompson river, about 350 miles west, I and tarmers take in these M eetings. It was, de- —A youngiledi named Miss Brown, aged beneath the wheels of he trains the tracks, -.points. After :the raising ous by several glove is'a beauty, but selling you the very. best values ly covered with a small scrub of poplar. As '0-
1 they are very fertile. There are"veiy eiten- �ided to hold five meetings next season ; 20, living at Poptur oint, Manitoba, was become so, alippery that the trains are actu. the large crowd of men engagea went up to lity as low as 50c a obtainable, giving you sati8fac- night shut down when we reach6d Telford, sive plains there devoted largely to Aook two regiilar ones, which will b d one dy lately while ally unable to make any progress. To overm a attended by, Mr. Pfrimmer's residence, ifix-ea miles fur -
about; ninety miles east of Winnipeg, I am tion, and meeting all reasonable raising. This is comparatively's new doun- professors from the Agricultural College, or visiting som4 friends. She 4—,ok * a table- come this difficu - Ity the trains have to be ther west where they were entertained to a unable3 to say anything about the country ful of medicine from a bottl,,q labelled -in two, to in ke lighter hauling -for the
demands. try, and along the line of the railway ihere ,others sent out by the department �of agri- spoon out a splendid supper and -other refreahmen* and until we come to Brandon, where for the en ines, arid. pro.geed! up the grade in two Land her ;,culture,,,and three supplent 9 spent a very enjoyable tin!e until near mid-
is not much farming. a is c eaff ariesi for which " salts," i!�Iah contained itrychn- in -
SSW summer vests, In thisot weather we are' selling a first -time I saw the prairie lands of Maui- I ` I
e stumps out o� t e the directors will have tp,provide the speak. stead. She died in a -few minutes from the sections. night. sleeve!�� shaped, plain eo,
I - large number of $10 .,f '612 t0a. land it is dear,' as it costs fifty dollais an era. The regular meetings will be held. at effect. —Theinture King of Belgium is at pr - —A pietty.v�edding was celelirsted. at the am or white,,- extra snits made to order, also $7, $8, While my first view of the c6untry around acre to clear. There is much more I �ould Exeter and Brucefield, and the places where —Mrs. Albert Horn, wife of a man now ent in Canada. He arrived in Toronto one Roman Catliolio church, Kinkom, on the
Brandon was in some respects 'quite a disap- but this lobter is now lengthy, a4d I Abe supplementsry in ployed i mi hi' 31st ult., when Mr. Janies 31-drrayrand, Miss, $10 and $12 readymade suits. pointment, I must oonfess,, that- the vastness eetingg will be held em �J Toronto, coin tted suicide by* day last week ith e suite from Niagara n rowning oree y rejage , spar Watters, both highly esteemed
"Ilk, . tments at Bridget E.
will. close. I another letter I will say will be decided later on by the directors. d h If fit the Moira river, Belle- Falls, and the part d
Men�s straw and light colored Fedoia of the country aitonished me. Hour after e gian i
assortment of shirt hour, at the rate of thirty miles, we sGine-thing about Vancouver and the klon- The following gentlemen were elected villa: She lef� the' house where she was the Queen�s Hotel 9 King that is young people of Ellice, were united in mar- Hats are in demand. Pas's dike -businego. Yours truly, directors for the current year: R. B. Me- staying some time after midnight, and clad to be is triwelling incog. He desires to ba ria e by Itev.'Father' O'Neill., The bride,,.
'teiials as -print, dimity over- the country, passing through pretty, n. ooper and Only in her Inightdress went to the river, 'known simply'as the Count de Retty, but - st . colors and _ choice In zummer underclothing- we sold in neat and clean villages and towns almost W'. J. OSBOR� Lesn,.Robert Charters, W. W. C Big. which is on�y across the road. Mental ab- he is a Prince of Belgium, Prince Albert,the weO was giveD. sway by her brother, —0� I W. M. Doig, Titokeramith; Archibald prettily attire in
the -labt two , weeks of May without number until we reacli Elkhorn, 1 of Flanders,& brother f9trance, was d ' white or- hop, ex -M. P. P., Richard Delbridge and beratibn is the only cause that can be given. Son of Philippe, Count .1 die, with silk and beaded.trilintnings,aud- 5q, 81 and 1.50 )erl f Idy of Xing eopold 11, of Belgium. Prince
more than in any two Previous where we leave Manitoba and enter Assini- Woman!s Folly and Man's I —The activity of demand'for fart wore a white hat. She was,anisted through bol a. My disappointment in Manitoban Donald McInnis, Usborne ; T. � -0. Carling, n land wee4 has utl Manitoba and the Territories is Albert has, been on s pleasure'tour over the f weeks in the history of our The St. Marys Jou imal of last Exeter; J. Shapton and Christopher Fabner, througho the ordeal by her sister, Miss Katie. The
and es
in a lands was the large patches of country cov- the following - Some two weeks dgo, oted in4he� C. P. R. sales during the American continent, now deeir " to. see c�remony over, the guests retired to rarge, Gf* ladi' business, -due, we think, fell Stephen; Ernest Gies, Robert MoMordie refle, oompan -Bel- es� ered with what are sometimes called smart young ow stepped into the J6urnal month of May: The y di r9ed of a little of Cauade. before returning to'
a eat ineasure, to the excessive t, and Henry Smitho Hay; G. 0. -Petty, Hen. There are six in the party, including home of he bride'S mother, where a tom and muslin'. matVrials, coulees,"' being a flat of land, sunk below office, and inquired for R. Dixon, 6f St. Bill; W. Graham, A. P. Ketchen and Win. 43,000 -acre�, and all of it to actual 0 armers. gium. ing �reakfaat was Served to the near re heat and the excessive values -of the general surface of the -country and cov* Marys, whose acquaintance he had I made Colonel H-. Jungluth, who is in the Belgian - � of the bride and groom. The splend patterns, and nicely Logan, Stanley ; Henry Beacom, Goderich A large nu�ber of - people are getting land tive our 50c, 70c and 81 a suit lines ered with a growth of - scrub varying from near Oil Springs, while Mr. Dixon w�ei en, ted army, L. Miles and hl.� Zorston, the latter arra o
up to V"50 each. I township ; D. D. Wilson, Seaforth. Messrs. this year, and delegations from the Uni f weddu'ig gifts testifies tohe.esteem,
of underwear. Cotton sox four four to eight feet high. Then there are r-ged as n a Petrolia news aper. Alex. Duncan, of UslYorne, and D. lJrqu. States to Manitoba are numerous. Three Conabt-General to 'thei United States from in i(b Mr.,sud Mrs. Murray are held,' occasibfially sections that seen e Belgium. I h r. Jacob Bald, of lot 24, concession 2, arasols, is large and paif for 25c. � three- P*air for 25C k io be quit ixon had canvassed him, he said, a, d be bart, of Hensall, were appointed auditors. housand lb, ree hundred immigrants arrived, �1 - unfit for cultivation, vegetation on such bad subscribed. He was now in towl, for a —The kesidence'of Sir Thomas and Lady
seqnent- peg Downie, one of the best known and hi hl T here are s4ae At a meeting of the new board, - sub At Winni i during the past month. 19 . y
two pair for 25c� and 25c a pair. being very scanty. On the whole, day or two, and wished to meet hiih. In. h d B. McLean fed —Mr. Hector McMullen, of Wakefield Taylor, on Wellington Crescent, Fort Rouge, respected men between Stratford and Kit'.
portion" to was appoin oonsiderati(in the time Manitoba the meantime the young man regist�red aal Mr. ' Winnipeg, was the scene of a very pretty
handles at taking in 'y F el ' ; Mr.. Re Gardiner, Us- near Ottawa, was struck�'by lightning on re nt, a bert chell, died on Sunday morning, May 29th,
h9A been settled, and instituting a c Duncan Millet, of London township, 6t the� Aid -treasurer. Friday &no instantly killed. . At the time w, une 2nd, when the worthy
Something ex omf er, adding on J and I,: . Eorne , was re appointed secretary about.8 o�cloek, after an illness -of neh�ly son between it and the beat portion 0 Grand Central Hotel. Here he ret6sined It had be utended to get up an excur- of the accident he was hoeing some horses knigbtgave away his third daughter, Janet
-3.50 each. on i three years duration, resulting. -from. Au In-
tario, any candid man will have 'to admit for a day or two, when he went west to� sion to the Experimental Farm at Guelih,- for Charles Stevens. He had just leaned Cathi)rine, in marriage �to Dr. Donald Gilbert jury to him kidneys, received at :that time,
WF, HAVE ONE PRICE TO ALL that Manitoba does not suffer by the coin' Lucan or- Craig, he said, returilin �n thel under the auspices of the Institute, but before back against the doorpost when the light- Gordon, of' Toronto. fie happy event took ;rhile following his occupation s pump- ladies -ened a case of parison. 4 o'clock train on arrangements in., and� ker. Doe - ed was born ba. the I-ot
Wednesdai, 41 18tb could be effected, the West ning Struck it near the -top, and running place at 7 was of a quiet charac- ins, e. very best corset we As we came nearer the western border of He paid that day- a week's board Ah tsu-, 'te had announced their exour. down the where he died� at that time owned by an
MONEY BACK IF WANTED. Manitoba, -the " coulees " disappeared &I- Huron Institu post killed Mr. McMullen on the ter, only the immediat� friends of th fain - - per pair. vance at the Grand Centrali On th' 24th' sion, and as this takes in the same territory spot. Mr. Walter Wakeford, who was fly being pre -sent. Rev. Dr. King, Prinel uncle, Mr. Jobu-,Rarth, on December 156h,
most entirely, and we pass over a . country he met a lady at the 3;30 train f= . the as it was intended to include- in the South woriLing in the shop.at the time, was par. pal of Manitoba College, conducted the 1834. His fath�r, -the late Michael Bi�ld,
e collars and cuffs, ................ of -.,cry even Surface, and that shows ever ceremonl, and was a - Misted by Rev. Prof. .y west, whom be brought Wthe howl ind inJ tially stunned. who had coin hort time sign of being productive. Especially is this troduced as his wife. The next d4j, he in- an excursion for this vear. —Mr. �0. P. H` ins, one of the. oldest -Hart. Isir Thomas- -Taylor msde the formal
Huron excursion, it was resolved to abandon e f6fin Germ
veilings. n-bbons, 199 previously, soon' after = Yn'th his the case fter, you enter Assiniboia, and quired the price of tickets to Imlai City, A lengthy and interesting discussion took- employees of the Ontario Government, has presentation of the bride to the groom� young -family to lot 1, concessioli 30 Faller- ie a sple'Adid. stock of Michigan, but finally purchased tiv fo ied his positiou"� as clerk in the -regis- Miss Maggie --Taylor GREIG if 'MACDONALD here I founal the broad sweep of prairi fed as bridesmaid, ton. Mr. Bald was married on A - 'I 180
te place on the ll important subjects . of road resigr landsuch as I had in fancy pictured the Port Huron of Mr. Sharp, and had Makinig and statute labor, and in which try branch of the Crown Lands Department, and Rev. 10. VV. Gordon, brother Of the 1861, to Catharine Kraemer, of ul arton, The happy couple hat town-
................ so ........ lands of Manitoba to be. Here . the train dollar bill changed to American , mon y. most of those present took part. Thi pith and severed his connection with the office. groom, wag" best man.f and commenced housekeeping in t t 'for their new home ship, a short disc big fithers, runs for- hours, rand not the slightest em- On Monday morning of this ee�, Rev, of the numerous opinions expressed. was He has.been in feeble health for some time, took the C. P. W-trai� bankment or out is to be seen. The view J. Learoyd was called out of bed at 61opolock summed up in the following res ation, and this, is the reaeon for his retirement. in Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon will
merican prints, Said I 01 I farm. - Here he remained u44 1866t when
CLOTHERS. from the car window is not monotonous, as in the morninj by two men, who woo lookT which wis carried unanimously�, and a copy He haa�belen in the civil service since 1873.' postpone their wedding trip about five 'or he removed to lot 8, conoessioll It Of the
good stron- cloth in there are plenty of farm dwellings to be ing for a w4man who had fled to St. !Marys, of which the secretary was instructed to Thqre is no arrangement yet as to filling his six weeks, when they il accompany the same township, and engaged in farming and On the Wrong Side of the Street, in the seen with their innumerable stacks of hay where it was rumored she was Warr ed to s send to the Minister of Agriculture: place. family of Sir Thomas T or to Europe.
patterns, at 5c. per bridge building until 1,880, when he pur- Strong Block. and grain, and the eight of large droves of young man, Duncan Millett, who met her Movedy A. Bishop, seconded by Robt.. . —TheIndian Department at Winnipeg —There was considerabe excitement in chased and removed to his present home- hors�s and sheep -fbeding near the railway there. One of the men was Bert A bray, MoMordie, and resolved -. That in the opin. are inquirin into the nature of a curious neighborhood of i West McGillivray,- stead, - where, in addition -to in ome lint scene. At Broad- the snaging ity wide print, g lend s crest to the respectable young farmer of Enniskillen ion of this meeting the prebent system of d 3% affeets some Causdiqx Indiana Middlesex County, las� Saturday and Sun large farm, he erected a pump factor u pod ry, a d view,'whete we stopped for dinn township, about two miles froni Oil 8prin a' un. in the Rainy Lake country, near the Min- d owing to the disspoearafice of the two- coutinuf d in this line until compelled to de- er, I saw
or shirt waists wrap- who had road repairing, by statute labor, is very 7 some peopie from Owen Bound The other was his neighbor, I I ire nesots "rder. The Aisease. is said to re- sist through ill health. --- fl ' saUsfactory and unprofitable, and we des n -&-half year old son;, of Mr. Rod. Porter
e patterns kt I 0c: per missing woman was I r. IL A —Another old d -h' h] The I muni- semble leprosy, - and, it is reported, was On Saturd y fterno6n the little fellow kbray's wifi. M � -y respeoW ai-
net moved there, and by Way of speculation I that legislation be passed permitting gn ig brought seven extra horses, and in less �,ouug Engf�shmin, cip councils to pams by-laws abolishing brought 6ver by Indiana who visited the went to the field who i the father WAS PIOw- dent of Elms followed the way of -all flesh than Abray said Millet was a al rd twelve hours after landing sold every one the son of a Church of I ngland mi ister i� asota. reservation, where the disease ing and afile
Statute labor in any municip r remaining for some time left, on the Slat ult., in the person of Ellen Mo. 0 ajority of the duly qualified muni has gained considerable foothold. The as Was supposed, fo home. When Mr. Mane, relict of the late Charles Mcmane, sr. popular -makes of and realized a handsome profit. 1�also took the old country. He was sent out Can -
in cipal b as cotton crepans, the o ortunity to talk with some of the ado, to be reformed. For a couple Of years electors vote in favor of -such by-law, when v hole qutstion will be thoroughly investi- Porter arrived home that evening and found Some six years ago she suffered a paralytic
p I men No were hauliug grain to the elevators he had worked near Donfield, in London submitted: to them for a vote; also, that the gated. he xearo6 was made and prov- I stroke in the left side, from which �Ie never
h d bee� was in"' pot muslins, piquess, and found that all were from Ontario, and township. Since Christmas he asslul the neighbors were informed reeovered,and has been a Partial invalid
law should he so changed as to permit the —PetOr W. Day died at his residence, *iug.unnueo se p�ices. fed with their present En iskille were wore than satis working for Abmy in Enniskille couple repairing of the roads by statute labor, in g Spruce Lawn," townsbi f Kingston, of the child being lost. 1 About fifty per om since ; this affliction sud her advanced W, situation, and under no circumstances would a was goi t -11 of the year, if so desired by muni- I ath was bast. started out and searAed for hours in a immediate of weeks ago he said he was goi 4 Mo"t the fa aii week, aged 75 years. oo roved he fancy drpss goods they return and make their home in'thst Brydiges, and got Mr. Abray to ve him cipal councils. Further, that theJaw should wed bylan 'idenb which occurred on M wood@ and, fields but !to As cause of her death. Ste wm- born in the n- sy prov A -f e special i 23rd. gr.Dak was driving along the B�t-Ii light appeared i Om- county of Mayo, Inland, in 1818, and was.
ince. I also inquired into the views of to the train and loan him $10. 0 C
11 15c, 0o_And 25a Did Wever st-Tike you that one of the nduce. own as da6 on u n May i the people I met, relative to which place before this, Mrs. Abray had lei visti ments will be, given to those using wide road, when bis,horse took fright at a pan- ing the7'sj;ain went t� work. Some time married in 181 HeMane, 46150 a 33 to Charles the, silks 'that are. finest holiday trips offered Can- the better for an Ontario man'to settle friends near St. Marys. Neither 4f, them tires on heavy draughti-vehicleii. was in the orougon the little one was found fast up house-
ing tra running away and throwing Mr. native of Mayo, wberethey i er yard. Abray adians is � the first-class roundi-trip in, Manitoba or Northwest Territory, and had since returned. 'It appears Mro. a crook i I a clearing on Mr. here -two of
Day ouT, injuring his spine. Partial par& asleep nesi. keeping for seven years, and w
to the Rocky Mountains, via lake to the'last one they- scouted the idea that had a sister married near Ilderton, �hat She, the result, the sufferer lingering John Torraness farm,. several miles &way.- the children were born. Vike many ,othem lysis w a larp assortmen-V in soil, sughtr of L�he late —Mr. and Mrs. Burkholder, of McK�Hop
in h inter- Me tootiste along th crook -overcrowded old laud, they souglit;
.Manitobs, was anythi herself wasen adopted d
or rail, as you like ? This ticket . compared of letters from Bois- until one day last week,� when deat he w"dored in the ipkins� t6wels, qiiiltsq, 'climate or fertility w the Northwest Ter- Lionel Shipley, and that she was viift' g "in have received a couple councillor swisted in trac' him He was none the in the Now World, in is good till November Ist, and ritories, comprising Assiniboia, Alberta and that neighborhood, and in - all p '=bilitV savain, relative to the death I of thAir son, vened. !He had been a county condition, and in J840 only costs $80, meals and berth Saskatchewan. I confess that judgfug-f Milett, after coming to St. Marys,- 4ent Ephraim, and we glean the following sad for many years. worse for Ids adventupa, w rom up ividances, vasing and do eld, and particulars May t week was.opened at -they net sail for Canada,, taking �np 4heir included on teamers. 1he privi- certain clear and well to Lucan ci the abode in the township of Bourgesh and for over forty years a very useful and $erhn,Ont,, the annual camp mesting of defined �wn� to DeR from them : On Tuesday, —Th many friends of the Rev. William --On ThurwUy of I&A -that werato be seen from the' oar window met her at that plAC09 arrange 17th, he was age] rwards in Elmoley township, in and made all [sting Mn Johnston to place Birke the lege of stopping over any where minister of the Methodist church, MennftitaBrethreu'hi Christ Church. It afte 3", when theleAder honcrei by any close observer, the soil of the North- mentg for the elopement before a ladd6r against the T
Min t f his une3qiect. will coutinuontil thell6th. Miniieteri'and united counties of. Leads and t1renville. 0 Sap regre o went Territories ii better and the country an he just qwnt the exact week tF ill about 33 yean ,agot you choose, is also a considera i n. �f! wbf�cl fall, and rebounding struck il ith, d
is Ir as he ad domino last week, at his residence, in members of the oburoN from I pwtS of the They labored there ti temi�l There was no - mar nor -w An accielent may happen you at any a more desirable flaw for a man looking for he paid his board in St. Marys, when the 'they moved up to.Zlinkand purchased re 4 erect. when nt#. Mr. Birks came to this country continent will be presant. Tents me,
time. It cpsts hittle to carry a a home than Manitoba in. pair met and Red. The husband had one- 3red unponeciom, but he was abie to Toro tskirt4i of from Arthur Gordono.16t is, in the 916 oon The Northwest Territories is perhaps the pected nothing wrong, He is a m&6 of lot walk to the house and lie down on the as a missionary,. from, SWordshire, En
ad ia the grove, whi* is on the lou
policy. Try the Canada Accident more than 3D *ears of age, was ei an lounge, whirs be' Soon fall asleep. Mr. land, in I&%, and during the whole ;,of his th town, and in thsi� the Mwm6nite pwple O"111011., where th!,V continued to reside un- only portion of the Dominion that is not _Jht ye til Mr. MeMane died fin 1884), and the fain Oompany. ad, and they have two chfld�eu. He Johnston hurried AW'S for a, doctor, and rhinisterial career, labored with an energy Iiv' for the duration of - the camp moot!ng. over governed. - The Assembly for the three mud sad left home best, when ily grow up the
don township, beh*, a pand- while absent the patient was somewhat do. and on,ca-M, a zeal and devotion, which won. E year "a the 4tendance, increasing,
territories itcomposedof.twenty-ei bt-mem-_. "also in from I&P tfie old -lad made her home At her son 19
utenant-Governar, son of the late Mr. John Abrayj w4d is well lirious, but only for a time. The doctor for him the highest esteem and affection of an the eather in I �fsv;orxbie this year here, and, with the Lie conne rare expected. The Allaa!g on tZe 12th concession, where she comprisei1h entire government. 'There is oted and highly respectedi Young did not consider the am very serious, an tho�e w
but ith whom he became associated. 'larger croirds than off enjolel every comfort aud' i0outiderAtiOn In Midett wSS wearing a Macdonald, gave fifte shiA of W. later on Ephraim vomited blood an 4 suffer. Th O he assumed a superannua- services, which an of an evanplistic, order RaWld J. roo �f I eclining, yearL Eleven children wore
no municipal system, no tax*x small Wednesda 89. tion re =ion.Xbon he removed to Toronto, continue all. day, with few Intermissions, her
r1s, but as Mr. Abray had nd time to ad considerable pain on of whom survive. revenue paying every year' Abro, school tax, the urday he took's groat deal, wom &=* Doug. and identified himself with St. Clarens They oommmenoe at 0 in the inoming and bom to them, tea tion before he, Agent for C P. R. and Dom, Express. all the expenses, in connection *ith the gen- 133109i anlinvestip h Dry - C�Oods steo Ago—"-- Ak