HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-05-27, Page 8J�
Jill I i 10-10,10,`
.7 ��7tr!* 417
lotion' apee4j, but used a rail and a
r waited land Perks
tute for W004 yet. found 14: altbl' U f h' -dy
located, Drs' Oaks, ]saying him un
OU* V wn of Wini a pons - "Osay-lainaga was done.—Mr. jurled
ryg4t his domise and who Will units in ex. known to the Profession A" the t Asmo sspsegl*�ao '04 id' caught bef'o Wilsotils Oash Groce thi '-XoXwsn,.h9wever,,wuequAl to t116100004- . . p. W,- now how the Calling of -his jowe i - y road sidontil found b Ek
r sincerest sympathy -to -k Of th -,material has
L i�6ding thei 6rabli length of �41 is
Ivelh bially to L6* for It WU ith what'he delta I mod sta e r on, dangerously ill. The btmttht�L.
ion, and his pivak and piofessional s4ill so. t
Ces. is
sorrowing "let, nd.more expe RWA it! 1 yeavoo . it "
Fi*14 and Garden seeds. --We have X cured him success. At a recent Mae been laid do within the 0 $to . lined, wi Is k16d in on baits., shortly -af ber*ards.1oIIoWw.s44
saw leg- mangold and, Golden Thakftffld and 14 th6'members of the familyWbone loss in the, and we'art-inforrood that thiFyear itle the It it the first of' 6b r -villsoo and
ro, a%
Board of Health for the city, he n.
Beit manpid v*4 Imported Short WbItO ca grestat and who will'feel it most keenly. the intl4n, of the �Ouuo'il of that town to la when finished Will, look immon". 0jitowa JbnestoUwn and publiel bef,
yp Ore -a
the beet vadelletof 8*odish tumip need, at the low- Animously selected for the onition of re. WeJu,tendstartinginouriasus of 97th inU -bout thre Miles of alk.
granolithic w ii.coming-up to modern times.—mrs.Pofter- orow4 of citizens of this place prooeasdg&
Our abockof Tess van never better than d this without apprication Or oi- wand-continuedstoryt Itwill Conth,'. down a' a, is here visiting assault Jones, and propose oing heis the best In the markeL AUG BROXXX.—Mr. John Scott, of ROX- a no frout- son, from Cro, Michip
"t parolr oar So ispaq -ter due couslil on The w4ik Iq being dons'partly by the
to nagZart. Af 0 liti to Baker, bob Was unable to meet him.
ded to decline the w
Give us a, call and we *Ill 911MV4410 to planes YOU. boro, mcKillop, met with a very serious nod probably forLtbrss Months. twill be age tax systerno and the. payments' are her mother, brother and sister.
f so w Saturday,, when)- on the pvbUo street
b my fmd- evert he
� "4, (= and rat. It in by the author 'Od Df Years, 00 that __@
and for ten money than you a read, Over A ong Par! i e,
k of Groceries ioall'a'71 painful "aident on Thursday forencon. although the sakry A found of thrilling into a rawhide, h Ited Baker -so bedly
I". our400 moting offer, Forb Albert.
ON We now- he is now under' the doctor's Care .�d . & large. load of bay, tKe annual tax is not bardensom6. This is
an low as any one in the UW He was on the top of When. g to the -position le, fl.X of the well -k a and -popular 96Dry, Ths kt, -and once it is embillecount to cub customers driving it. out of his barn yard. a permansqt improvemot PonnMRS.—Mr. DunosA, teacher, from
on of 11 'and over. *XG6Pt BOW and, iind that if be accepted - thoo P TJ on he Land of ths' Iii.-otdor to give every. done it will 0 0 -borrible'sight, A arrant is oat lor
over a side hill, the load upset. d ablive th present and' pro, Eden. visited Waiter0arwidus on Friday.—
the cost willnot Mr. Bowles gad -Mi 8 ve n attended law
you fie To, us, a cou. Good POW09 would require to give up his prawati an arrest Of Oaks. Nothin for manv
As it was going over, Mr. Scott jumpid to 9'
n Tolle, -4 and a- good 61- an opportunity reading it, speo iv6 gonerations,so tho *a to nso
no in expecting to land on his feet. thin he says, is better to him, than Ohi'.posi- Person the "used sojImat ezoltemont"oiring
trip teachers' convention in Goderich on
*tons fo Tile highest Pilo" Paid the other side, thit-sill may have a Wal -of Tim, Xx� W much, If any, move thin the present
for all kinde of trade. offend, and is continually indr xtieg being so -well known. AZOR
It - - _Mrise Tilly Quaid ps
Unfortunately, bi)wovorf his foot caught in I rob� nual tax oocasioned for th laying down of Saturday. in vilitinj ib`
1 66111it Thue, you see, another of old Huron Boos rwjk04 We will give the - paper to 16ev h be made �, ins,
0. WILSON, S"fOrth- - the whe6l' -of the wagon# wi walk. in the and it will be vastly the �Creditcpn this f;veek.—Mr. Walker Raw; ins morlona 0 Arge W43
th tfie Is doing honor to himself and bin natlir -coun- plank at parties. What makes the irlatter
IN4 Book of 00onance Block. that, the bons of WAS fractured saribers 640, now until the olo ill and Miss Lons Hawkins, te"herse SPS
singuhr is that, Oaks and Bak
ty &broad," payable in ad. a of It, be able
and ankle for FIFrY . have the got
his right I of this
ohespeat,while the people of the
about half way between is 0� aipd to%jowy It the 24th at, the parental residen —Min
Is is a compound fracture, and the siory Itself Is worth -more than as theyVo along. We know that the poo- Schaefer, of Milvert"', is the gnat of bar
War War I wu THE homowbviLLn 0HvwH.Wt Bob. TAUOO, Ths�
and of the bons protruded through the We "it Oar anb@ inshaiff are well 'eatisfiedmith the sister, Mrs. Behoonhaij.—Mr. Millman *no
viak this Pis Of
making quite a wound. Otherwise be was. bath Raw. Mr. Show completed his fift& thic oribers to i the works being done there. WbiLle L Vi. of Brunaei� are spending a few
r neighbor;, and friends
not * lured it donies at an unfortunate pastorof Egmondvilli Prseby;orlon ofier known to th I We
Trade 2% it I's not for us to toy down a scheme, we days with r. and Mrs. TWw.—Horry- and
In the Gothmg under the = At the close ot the morning oar-.
who do not now take Tits Exmorron. We. -would urge upon., the to*n, � authoifties tho, Will I&Oar"th am Visiting their unals,
him, as he Will, even
most favorable circumstances - the 1wor
be laid up vice he gave a, short review of it
ban 6i daiimbility'of taking the Matter up in earn- DeLong, of the large ny;mber -of
awry piew assortment of sizes In most of the summer. done in the congregation during that my�aot have b"k
We have In stock a can eat and at ones. They could not engage the Citizens of Dun anon spent the 24th
a romersimbly good Has of an wool SiWstd, In both which showed that substintial proo 'has to supply, so that all who want to read the
their attention with anything that ould be with u ,Ft
Hgj enaes, made up In Maes, youths! been made., There Was added to t a
51SW 0011 it, EGNONDVIMIF Nom.—Mrs. Ferguson story',should su6oribe now, ant get the,fall more bonefloi&I to the rite yers, and we
bmhi b and
Thii News
e IdreWs a*&
h This will be a busy mo
WIS; the you" about time 136,v" y profeasiaii of faith, 93 Remember, only FIF YORNTS, an sure a sohome-oould be,, ovised by whio
has gone to Toronto to spend some
-cortific&te-4 Thoprosent mom I among *0
IL nap& U@ to give by
mare Py"thme, MCA noted withMro. (Dr.) Sloan.—Mrs. Knight, of is 274. - A marked advance has been a for the rest of the yeor, and wheat orth the- Improvements could be' carried' out so —Rev. Joe. Edge, of Gaeriph
f=d re: housekeepefs sweep a
Our wows wta, at ft Melrose, came up on Monday to see her thoCtlisy would W' woA beneficial to'the in the finances, as the following will how. over & dollar a bushol. Now subsoribero preached a very able sermon in the Metho-
and cleaning. As
We $bell be only too father, Mr. R. Stawartiii who -is now almost
is ad V) we world bestam town and not in any way burdensome to
153a caffink. The total amount contributed for all nor- aist 6ur-ch here Sunday afternoon.—The
pisaged to show our clothing to any pe who cannot conveniently send in their th We are sure that the Tres. Our
entirely confined to bed.—The world to-Asy a taxpayers. on there will liely -be somei
*terary Of the Bpi
ses was am follows In 1893. $147 1* in 11 Lt worth Loo'gue
urns the low of her noblest son, who, reo namesL can give their names and the mono ant annual cost of buildi and repatrin luring a TeneWal
y In 9 4
be hold next Ttiesday at 8 O'clok, when the eies madej iv
04, $1,674 in 1895, $1,11
duringthe put seventy
WM. & 00- -mo years, used his aide walks, wouid at lent pay 'arpets, C�riajnS, Dr&pp
d he will or wooden Rattilinty street League, (Maton, will be 'ries,
11,927, and in 1897,--'$1,876. The eon vibu- to their Postmaster, an forward I o _1 - I
transeendant.abilikies of hood and heart for the interest ind sinking fund for permanent ul -
ng pro.
itest good of Ids follows. There can walks, so that while the cost would not be Prue 'k
SEAFORTH. the grom tions to the schemes of -the church havi been or them. Postilge stamps as good s Cub i and-- Provide, an interesti e Next comes the pw.
-haist such H
nearly doubled. In 1893 was the gramm.—The exe�utivo of the Met
opts would have
a. any greater, be o mistaking the spontaneous outburst, pe hasing, atid we,.baving a JaW
church Sunday setkool, have arranged to have
$189 ;in 1894, '$M- in 1895, in
X erit Wi s -Success of regret at the death of the Hou. w. E. 1890, $264, and in 1897, '.$341'-' In"" 1893 Life Assurance Ninpany.mas 6wa tt;is pleasure of using the better walks, and the mry services and a "pieme in June Supply Of t118 things Nquired
_11 il anniverri
Gladstone. 'Men of all classes do value true appe oo-of the town would be just so
there was debt -on the manse the week. While here he was the guest of Mrs. _&ran ffiv
an anxious to tecure �t leastu�'
Of which full particulan will be e
much improved. Please give the matter good�
worth and are pleased to honor the memory -a'attended
amount of $1,200 ; that has been'redacled to Robert Logan.—Mr. W. J. Fear, of Aylmer, —A fair from this neighborboo
of one whose A bteousness was modelled t'and early attention, gentlemen hare'ef ydiir purchases. To
about $100, as the last report **tea. Ali a former well known Seaforthite, and broth- your ftrna`5 the corner stone laying of the now Motho-
f Hint who - end *e invite V011 to call -and *4:.
after the life anT teachin of the town council.
-.n*th this should be very encouraging to tor or of Mr. I. V. Fear, was here this week. dist church at Londaboro on Monday after -
went sbo6t d ii.—Ke 'seventy
noon.—Miss Mary'Schokles spent the 24th our a�s inent while the stock
oig birth Hai Most Prid people. Mr. Fear was on his way home from' Morris, ort
anniversary Of J600, Of
HiUs. Greert.
STRATFORD, ONTARIO. at her home birs.—Mr. Anthony Lawson is a 8
Gracious Majesty passed off quietly'in our —A very successful social was hold the where he had been attending. the funeral of b it 'best.
IxrRovzuzrzTs.— Messrs, Andrew
buement9f the-EgmOndolle Pmiby�eri*n his oldest brother, Mr. Samuel Fear, a well d nick at presents
f ry v 6 be spend
Thia school does first-class work in eve ill- go. Aday bar pure life long
church on Friday evonin May 20th, under known farmer of that township, who died Robert Love, of this place, are each having
department and enjoys a. large =pie.
patrOnsfa- to rule over a happy and prosperous p
nent he tadies'Aid 6466iety. on Friday last, after about a week's, illuess. their barns re -constructed, enlarged, re -
A Commercial School of the higheit grade, —Mr. W.J.10sar, of Aylmer, was calling on
the in" 6' of t derneath.
a par -
none better in Canada. Stu4enta canenter oldfriendoinour village on Monday and The pro 41 ex0ollent in everyl —Mr. D. D. Wilson is having ai cement newed and stone stabling plaCed an DEATn . . 6ir Mas. AcHnoff.—Mrs. Mary
There is; a b - Mr. Alexander MoBeath, of Stanley, has
ticular grT%m wwh"o took part in -it 4ere floor placed in his stable. an
-He came up to
At any time. Catalogue free. Tuesday last. attend the
Acheson. widow of the late Thomas Ache.
Mr. Foster, of Seaforth who delighted all ment underneath, and the floor I supported the contract tor the wood work of both
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52 funeral of his brother, Mr. Bamuel Fear, of son, died recently at the residence of her
Morris, who died on Saturday last after & prearb with a beautiful solo ; also Misses. by ateel, joists. —Mr. George E. Henderson barns, and Mr. F. Gutteridge the Amis on, Rev. Stuart Acheson, Wiatton. Death
-ijessie Young and Beatrice Scott, of �� Sea. was a judge at- the races at Exeter on work. Mr. McBesth has the. contract, for
Mr. Mills, of Stratford, real
few days' Moses.— paralytic stroke. z Deqeaned
forth, who each gave recitations which Tuesday, and Mr. Robert Wilson acted in a ten new barns this season. The price. of ilted from 6 1
was a guest at Mr. Thomas Hills on Tues- was we t known to many here, having belan Hemp Oarpetsi' TwW ed, 34 inchw T1-%LT%1L0N BANK. *howed very marked ability in the 6locu. similar capacity at Mitchell.—Mr. Charlie wheat is oommoncing to tell and may
a frequentL visitor at the residencelof her soni
iversity.— wide, in'fahe d good
y stripes a
tionary art. Sesfortb has reason t# be Willis in home, from Toronto Un continue or even be more no.
She was the mother. of three clergymello
Colors, JL60 �er yard.
L (Paid. UP), $1,500,000'. proud of those young ladies. The others George Baldwin and Herb Morrison, our
�CAPITA Szrw Potatoes at A Youn ea. geaforth. Rev. Samuel Acheson, of Kippen, Ontario ; Hemp ()ar�pet 36 inches Wd
who took ilart were Misses, Jennie Sozoat, fanoV bicycle riders, were one of the attean. Rev. Stuart Acheson, of Wiarton; and P e, fane
�REST, land. -1 Wmthrop. vev. $1,500,000- Burbank's seedlin - grown o sandy 1589
Lizzie Davis, Flom Pdrter, Adis Stevenson tions at Clinton on Tuesday, and were well
GIRL WAinm—Wanted at once a d SPARKS.—The twentv-fourth was gener- V D. Achosor, of East Grand Forks, Floral designs, reversible, at 200
SEAFORTH BRANCH and Mrs. 9haw, and Messrs. Do Lacey, received by the �rowd. The boys did ex-
eneral servant g fini, wages. App Ms lly observed here a; a public holidaT. Minnesota. Another son, Jaiiies, is a farm- and 25c per yard
r Big
Office,' ;Mfortbh Clark and McGregor. As on formei oc- ceedingly well, although Morrison was just
Some of our citizens went to Clinton,. whi a er in North Dakota, and a fifth John, is
Iffai stTeet, Seafofth. an these all did theirparts well. Oapi- recovering from an accideni. The Beavers F�ctra - valu� ill -Union Carpetp,
casio and Tribune.
others spent the day fishing and in. the solieftor for the Detroit News
Agenstalbanking business transacted Farmere Mxzzls Chocolate Bicycle Shoes for $1.25. tat addresses were given by Reirds. Mus played a game of lactosse with a Toronto inches wid�,_ ikt 25c, 30e and
evening the boys had & L football match, 3bo
"o Notei collected, and advances made -on fame At W. H. Wumh oppielte Expositor office.. 1680-1 and Dickie. - All present wore oi one' team, and althouh they put UPL� & good M J
r. &me* Conch, of Chin1hurst, his a ppr yard.
lowest rates.;
Cow FOR SALz.—Fresh milch cow for "le, L"do, that the evening was a most, enjoy- amle, were defes by four goals to three.
number of, contricts in this vicinity for his
Special Dnion 0krpets, 36 inches wide
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Vith or without calf. Apply at thi Expositor table one. 'At the 01 or band was there too,- and rendered some GOING To LzAvz.—Mr. Samuel estway,
Me, able and profi
patent stay fence. The fence is a model who has hold the PMt;Lon Of engineer with in the beet bolorings and pattern
the programme refreshments were servid by excellent music. Theorowd of sighb-seers,
Dep6sita of On* Dollar and upwards recelved,and W-0
Merest allowed at highest current rates. Interest 611ins Williams Milling Company
BOARDERS WAwTzD.—Good board for six the ladies and, a pleasant, social time was who want up from here, had every reason to one.—Mr. Thomas Price, who had his barns the P at 38c, 43clAlc and 5'00' �er ysA L
men. Apply to MRS. 111T, John Street, enjoyed by all. be -proud of the Seaforth contingent of at- destroyed by fire last spring, purposes re.
added to principal wice each year --at Weendof OrdeVen since the mill began operations, is about to
near Main Street. 1589XI building, and has - commenced hauling Ms. Extra Super U�ton Carpets
une and December. No notice of fthdrawl ------- -church, never his connection with Exeter an a citi
tractions.—A visitor to St. Potees.
d for the whole or any pordon, of a deposit. torial for the new barn.—A few 6f the farm�; zen. We understand ti-st, with his family, ide, elegafit designs, at 515c per
require to To Tim TAiDia.—Mus. Lzvz Smrru, Sea- FooTBALT..—The first match in the I Vest. Goderich, pays the following Compliment era are ha
HAYS, ving their barns elevated so
S. W. K. PEARCE, forth Is prep -red an usual to do up hairinto the singing of a former Seaforthpady: "The who are among -the most highly respected yard.
was p ayed d as to 'have stabling put underneath.�
itor taboo, lered by the choir was residents, he will move. to London, on or All
Soligi Agent-, "Pitches,sto. For sale an amortmenbotowl ernFootball Association ieries
all colors also stemlem switches. Resience corner on the Recreation Grounds, Sesforth, on Music ran' Wool Carpet§j 36 inches wide, this
Mr. Isaao Bofton and his men have 01 the about the at of Jun Mr. Weetway"w
of ially the solo in the English
llari;i and Jarvis' streets. Also for sale a second- Friday evening last, between Norwich and esPec
nymn' contracts and are firO class workmei —The season's patterns and
sung by Mrs. Isaiah Smith, who has with- colorings, -at
hand baby carriage. 1 U890 as . d P An the mill is to be taken by MT.
�'Graud Trunk Railwy the Hurons. Those whd expected a re ex- ve cheese factory here 16 running and b 0 _051 ion 75c, 85a and He per Yard -
'be successful in life take a citing match were disap t spects of doing a 1good seasons.
15r you wish to-, Brown, now with the Electric Power Corn -
opt exception the sweetest voice we'ha
pro wor
pointed. The ftsul
course In book-keOping or shorthand. Xhnmo's ever heard."—At the meeting of the. Wes Tapestry Carpetsi 27 inches wide, 901%ft.
WAS at no time in doubt *and 9� the a Mr. Alex. Atcheso6� has been now I all piny
Academy, Srnia, Wthe best school to attend it you orn Drawing Teachers' Association 'hela i Mus. MoNEvnes FuxERAL.—On Thurs- 'food pliterns for bed room4
roceeded,the inability of -the Norwich I very g
wish a thorough 'gloal education. IM -4 spring. We wish lifin &-speedy -reco " i 28'
: F The populaf pioneer route to the Wiest. Th h prac Ore Detroit last week, Min Wilhemins Seeg e late
train. every Wednesday morning via Chi to cope with a team of the calibre a day of hot week, the funeral of th
07 T EGGEL WAXTED4 . —Not lower as reported, miller, of Indianapolis, and well known to ra. Wm. I MeNs took. place as low" as �5c, 30c ard 35c per
lamented M via
urous bee?,me more apparent. In th rs
Paul and the great prairie States of Minneso 3 and 110 a dozen. We- � &lsd' buy wool, cash or trade.
Dakota. Now sleeping earn, finely upholstered In G. - R. Kum, Wlngbain. 1588.61 half time tb a Hurons scored two goalsl and many in Seaforth, was elected vice-presi-. from her late residence, Gidley.streeV. The yard.
Plusb, attached. in the second half seven -mors were added to dent.— We had no celebration in . Seaforth NoTzs.—The funeral ot the late Samuel service of the Presbyterian church was eon- Tapestry Carpets,� 27 inches wide O4
Eaqs AND& BEFs.—Eggs from thi folio on Queen's Birthday, but we fail to see why Fear t�ook place on Monday to the Brussels ducted by Rev. Mr. Martin, of whose church
Upper lake saffings, vla Sarnia or Owen Son d, fo w- patterns ail -colorings-
all north'shore points and the Soo, D ingvarlettesof thoroughbred poultry: Black Min- the score, while Norwich were never able to for bed -
the town authorities should have forgotten cemetery. Deceased had been ill two weeks the deceased was a member. The funeral
William, 60- Oman, ecoring from 93 to 05; White Rocks, 921 to 94, do the needful. The Wrwich players heem the -day and fAiled to have our glorious old rowns, hall etc., at 49c, 45c
114 Legborne, 9S to 94J Buff. Owhins Bant with pneumonia, and was aged .49 yfars.— was veey largely attended by friends in Exe-
B. rWal to be a gentlemanly'lot f 'fellows, but ee- Rua
W. -Somerville, Agent. beauties. E;gge, SL per is. Also beekeepers' sup- emblein flying over the town building. The The heavy rains of the past,few weeks have ter, and especially by friends from Zurich, 50a per yard,
ries-of country school - victories seemeld to
ve, n 4,
plie3 on hand, such as hives, comb, foundation and -wi
161 - been- a kreat benefib to the meadowei The her nati townb The 4 ho was
-have impressed thorn with the idea., er a dilapidated cond!
Commercial Hotel Building. smokers. Beet wax wantei. wx. HARTay, Sea. bat �hey town flag in in rath leoiased, w Tapeetry Carpets, 27 inches
forth. an none.
ba-tt were welligh invinciblei We hope 6w- tion, but even it would be better th bay crop -will be a fair one, although old familia, wii so 11 Zetfte," among her large vaTiety of patterns; suit
Beginnibg June let, the summer term at ever, that their rude awakening on FAday —Mrs., and Min Coventry have. gone to meadows will be on the light eide. New Zurich=, was the youngest daughter
look excellent. have (29 years and 4 months.) of Mr. and Mrs. M. for parlors, dining room% halle, The
Rimmols Academy, Sarnfa, will open, 018 is All night will nob discourage them, but ra5ther Stratford to reside tam arily.—Mr. Chas. ones, however,
V. itm thatit- wilt costyou for three months. Beautiful Boole and Mr. HarYdr Johnson pent be(I rooms, 8te, at 55c
n]eou in
stir them up to greatef'offort, as the m"ri- 61toes planted.—Corn in mostly 16owed.- Zeller, of Zurich, who are called 080 -
rooms, exce k eatisfac- this sad affliction to mourn the first demise
lient, location. You can --incorporate -Mr. Boole and 75c per yircl.
they have in thbir team should W1 a Queen's Birthday in Toronto. Cot land is rather wet to wor
pleasure with business. Write for paitioulars,
-opple more xperience, I went to visit his father, brothers and ale torily.�-The 24th passed off quietly in this in their family of eight—two sona slid six
season e it them Brussels' Carpetsi
15884 Nidef ih
DISTRICT MAWERS. ters, and Mr. Johnson to see the nights in localit ro. Meevin had always b9en
inthe first rank. - The -Hv t y. Some went fishing, others went daughters. X
FUR CA -PE kOUND.—Found on the ioad the 14te3t gtoundl shades south of Egniondnile, or In that vicinity, a ladiee no time rushed, showed plaini� that e the'Queen City.—Mr. John McMillan, M. to town, and a good many worked on the in t a enjoyment of good health. Oa . Mau -
P., spent Queen's Birthday it ho a bo her newest patterns, at 85c, 915c ,and-
irwo CALrs.—We take the following from seal cape. The owner can have the same, by calling have a stro me, and farm, and we think their heads were level. day last he chatted with a neigh r in
ng team this year and we c
at the ExposiToR OFFicn, Seafortli, proviog property id -
a Guelph despateb, in the of Saturday t returned to his Parliamentary duties at Ot- —Mr. J. Wheeler, 5th line, has his barn usual happy manner, and at 12-3.0, (in* $1.10 pei yard.
dently look forward to iheir landing th pe -
and paying for this advertisement. 1687itf
last : Rev. 1' �nald Guthrie, late of Walker- t he season.-+�-'On �awa on Wednesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Chas. mised.and a lot of the*all built.- The barn hight), she was called to her long home. Star Capets. ap-d Oil -Clths, in'..'s Eve
Q Hart, of Toronto, are spending a few holi. will bQ enlarged. Thos' who had known her in Exeter, where
TEAcHmi and others who are anxious, to Monday evening amatoh under the a a
ton, son of Mr Donald Guthrie, Q� C., Of good vri6ty of patterns.
ly devote their time to Foot 11 -Ass i tion, junor series, 1 11 rn days with Mrs. Hart's parents, Mr. and
aGuelph, whoment South because of his wife's get an In the world, usual, ba cc a 'y� she resiqed for the past five yeqra, knew
study during. the holidays. You cannot do better, Linoleus apd Flor Oil Olothi, in"
state of health, has received two calla, both than take a her as &'good neighbor, mid a kind and lov-.
ad on the recreation grounds, Seafortb �e. Mrs. JohnWalker, of Roxboro.—Mr. T, 0.
courss in either sh,)rthmod or book -keep- Kemp was in Detroit this week.--7Dr. Me- Walton.
"nartimous, to become pastor of Presbyterian lug durl July and August. Wimmim's Academy. tween the Junior Hurons, of Seafortb, li;nd ing mother and wife. Three little children yard, yaid and a quarter, yard an
Sarnla,is, Le best school to attend. Auelght weeks' 'the itionals, of Berlin. The match Di4rmid and Mr. 0. J. Sutherland,'of Hen- NFws NOTES.—The ladies missionary so-. are left without a mothoes care, and for
shurchea. lfe-�eceivdd a call from the First 'was a,half and tw yards wide, PrettY The
term will cost yon but $16. witnessed by a good crowd of spects sail, spent a few hours calling on old friends ciety of the Presbyterian church are making the.fourbh (stillbbrt) she gave her life. and tqe
Presbyterian church, Baltimore, being offer- GASOLINE and Cost Oil Stoves, Screen The match t6ro. here on. Wednesday.—Dr. -Donald Ross, preparations to hold their. annual garden For ihe bereaved children and husband, the Floral design$" and block
ed the free use of a manae and a st!pend resulted in a score of 6 to -O in
of Door3 and Windows, Refrigerators, L%wn Mowers, patterns.
45,900, with two months.' holidays in Sam- favor of he home team. On the following fourth son of Mr. . Finlay Rossi, f this town, party on Mr. D. McCuaig's lawn, on Friday aged parents and brothers and siothre of the
etc. S. Mullets & Co., Seatorth. 16891 who was practising medicine In ;illard, evening, June 3rd. As usual, tea will be' deceased lady, every resident of Exeter ex -
mar time, i ud also a Call from the d . however, the Berliners got back at�the
a Second WOOL.- Be sure and bring your wool- to ay Sonim county, New York. state, has' recento served fromix to eight o'clock, and after- tends heartfelt sympathy in this piid. affic-
Seaforth boye in good style. The �Seoior
h prog amme'
resbyterian church,'' Richmond, to be co- No. 6 warehouse. where ycu ore alwavo certain to ly beea ei&n On L the ward d
'Astu. wi,tb Rev. Dr. Moses D� Hoge,, with Hurons- went to Berlin on Tuesday, to. p anior p ypi will be furnish4di tion.
thiright of succession, the salary in the ]at- '1689XI the second match for the Western FooNall medical Wiliard state hospital. The i 800 f ic
p get the highest prIca. Jimms BF.Awix, Sea!o �'lay a cons
f sting 0 mus by, a male qusrtb*tte Tim Twkiny-FiDuuTH. —The 24th was
ter case being a year. Mr. Guthrie DixiffGRoom Girl and Cook wanted 'at Championship in that appointment was made as the result! of com. rom ]3russels town, fancy drill by eight girls, I lit royally observed by the good Citizens
patitive examinations, and thel Doctor was etc. Refreshments will be served in a tent. eats of
has declined the call to Baltimore and has once; good wa 7 �gea and steady plaos. Apply at Ex. with the Rangers of Berlin. This visa, Exeter. Thd principal amusem
roarrox Office.' Curts11%13,
ao.-apted the one. to Richmond. 1689-1 evidently, Aot their day to owin. They had. awarded the appointment on rn�erit, � in pref. .—A number from here took in the sports at the day'weri the races on the agricultural
DuTHrE's Tutnip Seed at A. Vimung!s, a good team, and had good expeetatidne, erence to many other applicants. We eon. Brussels on the 24th.—Mr. Thomas McKib- grounds.' Many of our citizens went to see
Seaforth. gratulate Dr. Rose on this
THE BiRTHDAY.—There was no 1589-1 but ward badly disappointed, -the Ra additional proof bon,' who has been sick for some time, is not them in the afternoon, and others who have Our Stock Of IAce Ourtains is arrmtged ce ration irL eaforth on Queenlo birthday. of his professional skill and trust he' way be recovering as quickly as his many friends not Cultivated a, taste for that spoiO went
HAnD and SoftWood delivered to any Corn ng out With 4 goals to 0. The Ran for, e"y seei-,ng anil quick buying.
very quite in town. Oil% of towa. S. hlulet� & Co., Seafortb� 1589-1 are a strong - -club-, but the Hurons should long spared to -enjoy the honors and immoln- would desird.—Mr. R. H. Ferguson and elsewhere; some to Grand Band, some to maso
T day was, therefore, have matched them, Monte of W now positi We have Curtains as low as 25C .4
Nkili ever person who could went else- BAmmD FLymoutH Rocics.—During the and no doubt wo4ld on. He is another Mr. L. McDonald spent. the Queen -'a Birth- Londou,lmnd so on. There was, however, a'
where to seek amusement and pleasure. roonainder of the season .1 have eggs for hatching have -done so but for one of those unaccou�t- of the numerous army of Huron's sons who day in Tilsouburg. Op Le In. pair, and we haef them also
large crowd of pe I i town, drawn from
from three choice pens (Importdd and be it Canadian able freakei -which will lsometimes over tike in doing himself and his native county lionor - 'WEDD91D.—One of those pleasantevents. the surrounding villages and country, and far up in price as InOSt pe
Clinton, xeter, Mitchell and Brussels were iitralns), at $1 per 15,$2 per 39. Also hens and ople bare -
the principal. points of attraction, while a pliete at reasonable prices.' Y ung -9" d alyze the beat team. The ret#rn abroad.—Mrs. James Leatherland, of John which always cause A. ripple of exciternent,,, the races were well patronized. The vari-
0 et')Ok in u Par to go; but the great sellers aft.
October. Miss P. J. CALDwlcm, Constance, Huron match will be. played here some timain 6reet, in seriously ill, she having suffered a took place at the home -of Mr. John Btrry,
few went4o. Goderich and Bayfield to get a one events weft -well filled and were c�n.
Ontario., will P!ralytie stroke a few days ago.—Mr. and Walton, on Tuesday, May 24th, whe his tested for all that was in them, k a five special whi-Lchwe iold
sniff of the invigorating lake breeze. 15892 June, when, we,expect, tho Hurons if ras lug
A PRiczLns Discovzity.—Il Soak and turn the compliment. Mrs. E. MoFaul entertained, during th in large quantitie
a fifth daughter, Miss Hattie,. was united in To
I Clinton, however, drew by far 'the largiab ngreat day's sport,,with which every, person.
crowd, and all seem well pleased with the Swsib" 19 an lufallib painless and non-polsonoue holidays, a house part , consisting of young marriage to Dr.' A. M. Watters, of Mills, was well- pliased. The 4ollowing Js the
remedy for the cure of cancer, awtilaginous, ulcers, ladies and *entlemen rom Toronto Maple 'Michigan. The bride was tastefully attired order of the winners in the differeni races
day's a -port put up there.; but our neighbc�rs ate., soe throat and a variety of *kin dlaesses. It LOCAL' BRIEFS. ---The congregation
cures cancer in any p-irt o oGrove" Union, and Exeter.' On Wednesday, n cream lustre, Arimmed with pearls, lace and tbe time made per Nottinolm lAce
iment when occasion a
drove and ing Sim our ide,
should return the co f the body where the Knox church, Walkerton, have extende4 Af 01
liquid can reach it. hand for circular gIv after having spent 'a most enjoyable time and ribbon,. and, with the aecompanyin 54 'Inches wi
ariset. In addition to those who , on imdus call to Rev. Jr. A. Clark, brother tains],
structions how to uso the liquid. Sold at 60 canto . Il they returned -to their different hom�s. —Mr' veil and wreath, looked very handsoing 3-minute--clasa—
wentby bicycles, the number of railwa_y of Rev. W. J. -.Clark, of London. a. 3J, yards long, tape
per plat and 80 cents per halt pint bottle. VolixoDe d, dges in
of cream MarguerVe, X . Merner, Zurich. . .
tickets sold was unusually large. Tickets Lsbratory, Goderich, Ontario. Sold in seafortb k the congregation of which John Dorsey recently sold a very hitudsome She carried a beautiful bouquet
Rev. D. Guth a some of the bett made to,
aid, Miss E. Berry, 'DollalBell, Captain Robson, Ilderton .... 2
89-tf was pastor.—A valuabN driving ma driving horse to Mr. Arthur Forbes, and tea roses. The bridesm J. W
were sold as follos to the points naned : -T. S. Roberts. 0 re
a tephen Lmmb got loose 1i wore P., D. bleEwen, Ails& Craig ....... 0 t $1.25 per- paiT, our plice -1
-Goderich, 16-; Clinton, 358 Mitchell, 2-2; longing to Mr. 8 Mr. Forbes has since diapdsqd of it to Dr. of Toronto, and sister of the bride, sell a
,other points, 44, Fnurr Tiox SPRAYING.—Mr. W. M. 0' the stable the other do n Burrows�—The druggists of Seaf�ith have cream brocaded lustre, with A bons end Fernleaf, Brock & 11�ru, Winchelsea.... 4 per pair.
rr, -beside
6y,��,aud, getting
agreed to, close their stores for the three chiffon, and �carried pink roses. The two Time—.%.40, 2.40. 2.41. per pair fine Nottin superintendent of the western division of anobher'horse,. was so obverely kicked �n � . I
summer months at 7:30 p. m. Thi arrange- little maids of honor, Violet Vilson and At 01.25
thi spraying expedition sent out -by the the front leg that she has been laid qp an
ment went into force on Wed= Amy Armstrong, were also attired n c Scotch
OLEANIXG OUT G.RANIRIES.—The condition io, Will 811104 day last, 2.30 class— ham
*f affairs, mentioned by the Walkerton. Tele- Department of Agriculture for Ontar ?.—The many friends of Mr. P. Tobi�, ream,
and all- partiqb having business at "them and carrie& baskets of flowers. Rev. J. Roy Goldust, D. McEwen, Ails& Crag. . I CUTtains, white or cream, 54
scope in the following wagraph will corres- give his fourth exhibition for this season at of the Qaeen's, will be pleased to hear th t
stores will save themselves die ninuipvt Watters, of Toronto, brother of the Alice, N.'Pearce, Stfathroy ....... ..... 2 inches wid, 3.J
-recovered from his reicel
�ond pretty. accurataly wi6 every other the following places in this county: on he has safficiently APP groom, yards long, tape& -
t by bearipg this in mind.—There will be a acted as beat man. The ceremony was porT- Melba, T. W. Hawkshaw,Exbter ...... edges, made. to eell regularly at
whe4growingdistrietin thoProvinee. It Monday, May 30th, in the orchard of Mr. injuries to be around agaiii.—The court 4 full rehearsal for the Can
V, -Sir Allan, Allan O'Neal, Lucan .......... 4
sas*t The amount of wheat which has re 18.1011 for the town of Seaforth N to Ile our price $1.26
Roberi Goveolock, near Seaforth; in the tat& of Esther in formed by Rev. Mr. Tiffen, of Walton, in per pai-r.'
orchard of Mr. H. Corwin, n the town hall this (Fridiy) evening, at eight the presence of a happy gathering of friends. Time -2.35, 2.341, 2.35, 2.44, 2.45, 2,34J.
beenbrought into Uwn during the last three e Goderich, held on the first Friday in June. There a4e O'clock sharp. Mr. Cline desires per pair.
on Ak-
or fo�r weeks has been a revelation- to the. the Tuesday following ; a T on the fol- Only two appeals against the - assessrnen�, .�,all par. The happy couple left Seaforth on the, three Free-forall—
Vicipants to be presenL We. understand o'clock train for a, short trip. to Toronto, per pair, fine Sco
grain dealers. Scarcely a farmer but has lowing Wednesday, in the orchard of Mr.' which speaks well for the as lalso 8 r. M�, that excellent progress Kin 011ant6h, T. Murdock, Hensall. At
Wm_ Ballantyne. —There have been- is being M de with Lox
idon, Niagara, and- then, to M ills, Michi Tom!
�ed to serape together a load or t,�O of R. S. Lang, near Exetpr; operations to some this beautiful can Appleby, Stratford ......... 2 Lace urtains,
Trunk tim6 tats; that msoy new gan, where the doctor has been for some
eat, slight changes in the Grand
commence at each place i6t 2 o'clock p. in.
w' while some of them have brought in
Pilot B., B.,McCarthy, Thamesfotd..... 3, yards long, wide and. very fine
time preparing
voices are being brought in, and that whe� a home for his amiable
hundreds of busheli, The fact is, farmers At each of these places instructions will be table, bat the only one affecting this Hue,
rt H.L, k. Jarvis, London ..... 4 niade to Sell at� it is given the people here will have a young bride. Their many friends
have not been cleaning out their granari given in the preparation and application of that the noon train from the east arrives
Cal treat. the superiqp of. which the t�own has wishing Dr. and Mrs. Watters all joy and per pair; our pric
prices. One - D"� Time'- 2.25� i25J, 2.30, 2.33. per p
for years past, owing to the low insecticides and fungicides. Each of the 12:40, instead of 12:55, as. formerly.—Mis6
not been" favored with for yean.—, Mr. R. happiness.
farriiw, -Mr. William Nellie, of Greenock, in- former exhibitions have been fairly well at- Aggie McIntyre is visiting at the residens' Running ism— per pair, extra wide
J. Macdonald, of the firm of Greig & Mae- --------
d M
donald, was Toronto and Montieal this bompson. Goderich ..... ... fine -Lace Curtains,
tended by farmers and'fruit. of Mr. Donald McIntyre. At
forms us that this is the first year, during growers, —Mr. an
R, T
wq hope that those next week will q W. Prendergast and ;hildren, of Toronto�
the last twenty yearSL that he'has seen the: be e oat- ly'so. Those interes week on bu2nn Vor i, J. Nrner, Zurich ...... ...... �. 2
bottomofh granery. When he came to ted in theaultivation _sjpent the twenty-fourth witkMr and Mrs' ess -Mr. Harry Wat�onj son assorted in a variety of plain and
ZUrieh. Little Jolt"' Thos. Patterson, Strathroy. 3
donn e sio
gather it all u, Mr.. Nellis fo' fruit trees could not spend a eon Killoran.—Th June sea * n of thl Of Mr. W. N. Watson, of this town, who R. AGNEW, dentist, Clinton, will visit eri
und that he 'of pie of
fancy design�s, good va'ue at Zuich on'the second Thursday of each month.
per pair; Our price $1.75 per pa
had over three %hundred bushels and that hours more 'profitably, as, owing to the county council opens'at Goderich on Tuest h#,s been in St. Paul for a couple of years, 1589-2 sioll.
meant, of course, considerably loA%r three numerous pests with which our fruit trees day, June 7th.—Miss McFaul, of Exeter" has -enlisted in the American army, and has
Iace Cur--.
LocAL P19NOTTT S. — Tuesday last, TRz GuLiqBRATION.—Our citizens eelabra. A
hundred dollare i�n hard mone are now infested, and which spraying de. was this week visiting her father, Mr. gone to the front.—Mrs. G. P. Eastman and
is children, of Torputo, were this week the bday right rQyally on t &2 per par, Scotch
stroys, it will be only those who adopt thi McFaul.—Hirbert. Morrison, a Queeu'a Birthday, passed over quietly Iiii ted Her Majesty's birt tains, wide and long, M
guests of Mrs. Eaatm&Ws aunt,, Mrs. Knox, Our village. Over a quarter of the towns- Tuesday, byUlding a grand demonstration.
method of prevention who need expect to who works with Mr. -,George B white jor
ANOTff ProxEEiDRP.AATs. --Many ofofir be aldwin, Mai crea, perfect be t
of Harpurhey.—A young son of people went to Exeter. -L -Mr. J. Merrier The committees who had the affaiv, in hand au I , es
readers, will regret tolearn ok the death of
we no Vo tel, met with a nasty it,
successful in the important industry of fruit with a painful and what might h ve prov would sell feadil S2 50
culture. The Department of Agriculture is a fatal accident thl Of t- minercial ho. Mr. Ellis, took two first prizes at the Exeter races had everything up to the mar except -the y at
Mr. Joseph Towasend, of Clinton, who de. other night. He we;.
b pair
accident the other morning. He attempted our price $2 per padr.
doing its share towards instructing the peo. Out On A - i6yele, and in the dark
par -ted this life orr FAday last, havin collide4� to with his horses on Queen's Birthday. His weather, but the threatening cloud's did no -
aulump 0 a M4
reached the. good ake of 78 years. . Mr. pie, and it would be a -great pity if their with ahothdr rider. In the collision he wast ff wing train, when he, slipped pacing man brought him. in $76 and his keep the crowd away, as by noon1 the towii Cartain Netg, Tabour and. Persian—
runner $30. Since then Mr. M of visitors. The tight rope walkers
efforts are not well 4econded -by those in -struck in the pit of the atom had a bad gash out in his lef, below the erner has was. toll
Townsend was' one of the pioneer settlers o acb, aud. was so Draperies, Gretonnes, Art f Ycle riders, and the iWoedismen,
knee. It wasp riarrow advanced the price of -his horses, as he feels
whose interests and -for whose immediate badly -injured that I escape rorn death. the trick' bi?
the townshipofTuakersmith. Manyyearsago hewasrequired to kee' eta * in geat,
a . variety.
a housifor a few days. Had he been- n qu;;te a circus and fully catered to
he settled on a farm in the West End when profit, they are b . eing put forth. to fli, P1 —Mr. a d hirk. Fear, of Milverton, are the h ham got what he' was looking for. His I
horses had some good stock to contend with he desirem -of
that section of the country was little �etter struck an inch o�r two higher, the resulti guests of their son this week..; -Mr. John the crowd in that direction.
have been 'fatal.—Mr,
Would inevitably I Murray, of the 46h at Exeter; bat they came out away ahead. The I
than a wilderness. He was always an in, con�ession of Tucker" acrosse match between Sesforth and
HUROX Boys KEEP AT THIC, FRONT.—Mr. JohR Beattie is having his residence painted. smith, picked from a patch of spring wheat,' They 4ill be heard -from again, as they are Toronto was a close and interesting one and
fthisfarm, a stalk which ameasured 181 senhoffer, resulted in S victory for t , -city boys by a
dustrius, hard working man, and in a few J. Lewis Aikenhead, formerly of Stanley, in —Mrs. J. C. Greig was visiting her paren both good ones.—Mr. Valentine Ei'
Years had converted his forest home into a this Coon writes t to he
! mornin C,
-if D1dT
ty 0 118 from Detroit &-s in Goderich this week.—Mr.. Newton Mc. noon or evening, comfortable homestead for himself aind his follows inches. This $,min was sown on April 11th while sharpening a stake with an axe a few' Come'
I am studying law in this city score of four goals to three, The baseball
Tavish, of Toronto, spent the holiday at his and the stalk was pulled on May 24th. days ago, met with a- painful accident. He 'match between Tor . 'iLto Varsity and Goder. t
family. A few years ago b� retired from and find the work very pleavan 013 e us- own time i. looking and
made a false stroke, striking his left hand ilekwgs a little one aided-,' the Varsity team gS AM
the farm and went to reside in Clinton t. I have unclo's Mr. E. McFaulle. —m ra. John Beattie s-slee in Ho
use Furnishl-'-ri
succeeded in passing all my examinations as has sulficiently recovered from her illness to and nearly cutting it off. It I r* most on. Wiming by-. a score of 22 to 2. This Pro. goods
where he passed peacefully away as abovep far as I have yet gone. I May say also GRANOLMm(i SIDE WALKS.—We do not fortunate thing for him as he will likely 'be, gromme you d on?t want to blij
that be able to drive oub._Mr� Joseph Gillespie know what phe intent* filled i6 the day time. in the eve.
e tim.
�Iefn 0 town coun- laid UP most of the summer.—Rev. AiaOsL alng the Waterloo and Seaorth banas,whih
tated, after an L illness of se' eral months. a number of young men from Exeter who of Sault Ste. Maria, Michijan;i
In 4iis- day he was a strong and robust man- in a tak e to study. o4
are here at of cil is th ;h ep to oor side Hoist, from Elkhard, Indiana, has been h
udying dentistry, have succeeded the Messrs. Gillespie, of this town, is here, . ib year wil r'
passing their exa inations. But what 1 on a visit just now. Mr,'Gillespie met with, ;O*o t. a eede, ax?d we
and hims;lf and his brother, who died a ' I]' Wil do
OmA ere Aad furniebed excellent music during th
M Wal*s. But there is no dolubt the time has visiting his brother, Rev. A. Y. � Raja
years ago, were considered to b two of the rti diy, brought the celebration to a most pie".
hen it behoves 'o . , a] e asibly canto m*e
or town fathers' to hire. J. H. Roeding, from Tilsouburg� has ant ending by gi i
wish pa cularly to bring to your attention an accident about Your:,
bestphoppers in the township.- He was an ct ving a conoei purchases Perfectly eat fatory.
vise e whereby some � better been here visiting her parents, Mr., and Clintonians; have good reason for being pr ud k
Moth- the person of Dr. Peter C. MeEwen, who is he has since been in the hospital in, To and more enduring material than plank can Mrs. Zeller, this week.—Mr. Moses- XeEtla of the day's fun they put up.
is the fa that another old Stanley boy, in which he go� his ankle a ee months agb by do - some soh6m A in the par
Englishmazi by birth, a member of the everely injure and 0
odist church and a Liberal in politics. He now a practising physician in th
ar a
is city, has for treatment, and is now on his way home. fid, ot his A Mtxmy FRuD.—What promises to be a
!walks of the town. Until thin is'done the harness shop.—O arran i AA -
as quiee- and unassuming in -manner but to been signally honored by the authorigies —Mr. James Hastie, of McKillop, met wi , I . to very me- us matter, and probably a murder
11011tO ibe 'got with which to construct the side has built an addition to the rl*e
th �Smallest possible outlay should be maae in have a cele&ation here on the ist Of
Y. as caused a very . gnat a.
troit CollegeL of Medicine, and for two was up in an apple tree prunin 'hey, It is hoped they will succeed in getti up Mount of excitement in thie'town, occurred
Doctor McEwen graduated from,the a serious accident -one day last week He !the ponstruction of woodn know him was to esteem him, being always here
0entlemanly and' straightforward, and hav, Do
ae, and which h
g some of the lare-iieither ornamental n
ing, an inborn abhorrance of anything mean years bhereafter'practised in the Chilq7,ren's limbs, when he missed --h falling or enduring, and somothing good. —FjL big* psrt of the country liars on Wdn0a BY Of last week, between E. MCFAUL
or dishonorable. H6 was highly esteemed Free Hospital. 1 Re then opened an office, dingly expensive. The
is footing d
Of ""a excee I
and began the serious injuries. y enormous,- own and highly connected reid--
iving Painful and boat is simpl, and th 'I town time. Ali is favorable and prospects for a dents of Go
and: res cted in the neighborhood where he his own on Merrick avenua, 11 a
to the ground and annual' neverlooked better then at the present twowe k
ng lived and thoso who knew him work of builoing U �preads, it will increase. derich township, about two miles
rot We are pleased to learni 11
p a prac,
tice, which is however, that he is recovering In 'many �towns, good yield of all 0 Dry Goods
rops are goo A family feud,' existing for
beat esteemed him most highly. He leaves quite an His son 0 Any larger than Sedorth, the use of the -Mr. Peter-Deiche t d'.—While from this town
undertaking for a youni man in a Dr Hastie, of Detroit, was here this weei
behind him a good name, and a large- cirdW city Whqre there is such keen competition W. see him. used streets, was transacting business -ohn
are a few nights -ago, he had hi's horse tied in ker.-torminated *in
of admirora and friends, who *ill deeply re. and where the most skilful practitio —Mr. E. M. Sipprell, manager for Why should Seaforth be a serious assault case,
ank walks, even on ten some months, between Harry Oaks and J
in abandoned. ners
the eastern provinces, of the Ontario Mutual front of a -store. By some means the'� n. on the son-in-law of John Baker, Isoo
hi d in the Procession ? The best substi. imal biok loose and started for home at a
On meeting �Harry Os�,ks* on the road I Seaforth?a Greateab Cash Dry
Goods Store