HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-05-27, Page 4i, 27o 189 AY M1, irou -A Vtapp�_ Woqld boof iervioe to this. coca- penditures whio _"Aould not doo tuk �Vistwl, aid NRW` ADVJ��TMMXNTIL g "id not on on se one y an severe 3 or unneosesary. stl b -TAurier,w which one extravagant' We Admiral Dower am do is to Ukd Off at _ySir Wilfrid koolagetuarksmit To betwom the parenthes* or esab ta4e to a burial ils� the with r's t6l. air. thati *0 oipulsno Of vow aw"tAng roldmima* wh NWOZORLY.— 0 ayor an. : , d000kes MV7 of the lapa' on whicii­" it'bo two, funest approval by Sir Charles ly- ft TO r, leader 4if the 00binet mblater' i him O�Qt lost' loan$- y6ik, unanimously 606P on W I rid thought the Prom a in till so t? bear Out Ail nativen of the Islands pillage the city and Alderm fabled st'lfiagara_F411so Now tirri 00positiom sit, lot a Macdoo0d (t) t4d" in nik B. Co. (5) et4efiient that the distributing of p4tron- butcher the and childio. tation fivall 61 a 11s, ra, abb picious time to take any action $whlohp in 11lboom- age aid the guarding of the public "treasury if it were forthe owaso of humanity that a, b6ay the remotest manner, could be letid sivoolation, no-1present brojo rf� 4, 06141 --X� IL Roberw0t) amainst ?,'he incrouhments of the peo0leand the T -United �tstea a obared this . war and with this civil offloisle sod partidt0ate In the as histile to the Uni0d States, and he wai t8y *is$ y 8 I their reprpentadat, we the most difficult, forced Spain to open hostiltdoe, they must doiage 16 honor -of Her M t I bl,thdayp glad the sot in question, which had beet DMW -1L Agnew speedily put a atop not only to the misery On Miyl 24th,'and for the firab time in the passed during hii, absence. in Englank was eci. to be a-001 irl Wanted-91positor 0% and delicate duties connected with their do 41tc F 30odlbarded-W. goott & Co history the UAIt#d- "Stateof the board of' so deficient as to make it proeticolly inoper- as who 4 partmente. Nothing will make a reprems- which did ex0t. but to the in declared the day a, half holiday, ative-At thi4tims. And SkCharlss Tapper County co"Wil NeetIng-W. Laos (6) privations and Alderm U IM, Fre* Sebolarahip-W. IL Shaw (5) tative more popular in his constituency S*d crimes which they themselves- have causeds4 ill paityy ffloes to he closed, sod called upon added, �' I entirely agree , *Ith my right 1111cyclo sboe*-Vr. H. willia M th C tens to take part in the festivities honorable friend that the present moment aid more in his election, than for him to orlse inder their Car for ask—Expolliflor &Mob (8) com to hide their true motive i Boal W&*W,Mm Ray (8) in bono of- Her Majosty's birthday -at Ni. ould be's most luouspicions one for us to Gift Wonted-ftpoillor ,office (S) secure a big grant of money from the gov- a cloak of righteousness and come out boldly This -is, another instance take -any action, even whant under other son. and 1, &pro Is, Out. St"wand Waod-M-41eMulleft &Co. (8) ornment for a h1brbori, a public building Or slid thfully and tell -the world that a of the Seed Polatoes-A.'rount (8) tru 0 of the iendly feeling extiting at present efrounistancest we would be warrants& In an institution of some kind. In. fact if he desire for their own agraudizement Is at the bet Britain and the United'Statm. taking it. Whisy ArOV4 I& Wad wipw—James Ittle (8) tituancy in this root, of the trouble. THE LATR 3M. GLADSTONE. can not got aid for hill cons OF better pro way, whether it. is needed or not, he is Feeling reforenoevas made In the House NOT] 0 -FROM THE DOMINIO the road an being without influmoot sod E&torW Notes, and, Comments. the other day to. the passing away of Bug- I looked upon land's grand' old man and eloquent tributes. F f PUT pr . a Itwasanuounoedthat the an-thoritiosof CAPITAL, aid to his , tuese. Sir Richard is C'onsidered to lie of no use as a re " onto- were r Usk Spain had inaugurated a, grand bull -6- ght 0TTAwAf May 24th, 189&. Carbw%ht, In the jive, and no thatter what his other qualifica gesnos of the Prime L abse 1wpe R41111 alm tions may behe is discarded. The same way FWDAY, May 27th, 1898 birth. Minister, moved the appointment of a com, SEAFORTH, and that the proceeds are to be used as a To.d.. ing the anniversary of the gard'to the public service. WO fro' fund to assist in carrying on the W r'Most Gracious Majesty, and the mittee to draft a resolution of condolence with re day of: ]ast tA SoustokIo aul Commoners 'be' 11 t aly with the family of Mr. Gladstone and ex- ing a r and WIS 12 qu Pon a contain rar ently hear and read of complaints of,, the Whersu _y, reawks loyal ottWoota, It is 'being observed as a Pali. presled a sense of the.loss which the world -1&&Je, to -1 -The War. public service being over lomAod, and gor- ISpanlob patriots who wilfoonly contribute, lio boll ay, although In.the rush which &I. bas'lldstained In his death, Sir Charles ASYN X otwithstanding the fact that the, daily ernments are Invariably blamed for th* money to, the defence of their country,- syj ecedes. prorogation, - a holiday Is if,, in pronouncing a t eulogy upon the. asands. of under the stimulus of a bull fight -are a papers publish, day otter day, thou Fit d uPtatesman, described him at the whereas, if the truth were known, every somew t -Inconvenient.- 'There -we* also a ae the most 2ght food deal like the p6ople who invisi 'on bov. columns of telegraphic despatches and let- the Government bas foi holiday Ion Thuriday last, it being Ascension conspicuous figure of this dentury.. IIto round. member of Ing is too meeting in exchange for their d4. ant there was a short Saturdi*y ses. A -SU adents about tho Span4b- UNZa TRIP. tore from correspo against unnecessary appointments being� contribution to the advancement of religion. @ion, whidh made up In part - for the time American war, nothing now or- of a Hon, -John Costigan, who was a member made as long an they dred, an4 save their lost outhureday. But, now that pro oeUbr&ted interest has taken plus during the Pont politiq A gentleman who has been aking �n- , e e k1 lives. There is -scarcely a repro- t!on,&�I*s near, members ore all anxious th V he several. provinces of the get'fl-roug and shake the'dust of Ottawa over fifteen years and who still retains his Vmk, and person my wade, through Zh sentaitio in Parliament Or in the Legislature vestlg&�Onf 'a t mat in the House,- contemplates an extan Me: dreary columns of stuff without n an to whether or not the valuesof streets from their brogaus and reto m- - to thAw men. 4"unag *ho has not on his liatthe names of dozens sive trip immediately after this so -heir business. It is are advancing, writes," follows their o*n homes and t proposes to go to Edmoutolil and thence one single original note of Information.All is $1on. B, NN f at 1404 IS9 S forth, te an mAds I Of his influential constituents who are appli. w prltty certain that p!orogstiou will be either to Athabaska Lending or esee conjecture, and statemen, a one canto for "Ib .0 ceivedreplies from every pro- ms kindi ulkider "-I r�aohid by Saturday or Monday nex And on of so the followi River Lan a and the summer pros-, paragraph which an denied or discreditedin the Government, either for themselves or - v rting a decided advance in such lint few Imembers will spud next Sandy h t'a a Lver country.- Air. Mary th friends, He may stave them off for a, values. he advance appears to be much tfie cap�ta . In fact, p good many X,r TO the next, Zsch day It is certainly predict air t a &lre ris'.2gga'will not to puk, horses, but more pro canoed in the wastr than in h adf re a 4 2he U4 -some btallah own tL. PI will (to all his traveltio by oanos. He ex- n ot Ied that an engspmentbetwom time, but if be don not, get, ositions for 11;d left lor their hom so 4ar as Huron is concerned, n be buk.again this peoti to reach Dav�e "1110 time in Jul par -t niost, i f. the* contending fleats, is sure to take some garden Non U I y -put down being a ro- it is generally admitted to be the ill M tail Iof them he is me they are specially required. and will make tho ce* his pivotal point e bonglit a- line of Dress Goods that we are going, to the following d county of the province, we do not think W f P14M V, and than again we presentative without Influence, and he losen PRIINIEWS HEALTK. until late in the fail were doly i there has! as yet been any appreciable ad 'it. of thus pertiei. Sir W frid Laurier has again been con. are told that the fiesta which *sra odd to the political suppo The vanoe in values, although farm lands of all 'sell while they last for judge frorn be ppoplaring for a dire3t confliob Arc at sOma representative in tal�, who wants a fArant, kinds are demand than for say. fined to. house for some days. A severe in greater they Vere bld is said to be the trouble. The fact is different points from those at, which they or who desire* appointment@ for his co'nstit- oval years and seem to be more essily. die- that Sir iWilfrid has not been PA rugged this A number of rat-olass farms for sale In sub posed Of. rd a the Governm wace, a" to be at and are hundreds of miles uen* urges hl� ease upo Mani@ and Gray, a esW terms. Also.'"y amount 84solon his friends would like to see him. so f Moog to loan on farm securny at 5 Per con$ With apart, and again they seem to be lost ea. .25 Cents a Ya and they In tarii, in order to securo'his sup- There is no doubt but the United States There is no doubt that ta great strain of term of repayment to buit the borrowsr.. Al -f -I t tirely. . Alt that is really certain in that hiss 6ffici duties are , Q, on him. Th 8 F. S. 11CMI., Brussels. 1 , 111-t! y to port or to aid him to ret& a his seat in the is spending a groat deal of money on the. pnomis . hip of this'Dominion in not a sine- THE CELRBRATidif.—The weather on the there: lim not been any angagame t House as a supporter, are forced, in self do. war with Spain, which is estimated to cost core, by any, means, and it takes a rugged 24th was not as- jood ", could have been That ought to set -people talking. They - -voodg that of any account since Commodore axe fence, to come to his aid, sud give him 'bi 9 Is about twenty-five million dollars per all tuth, "d wiry c6natibution to stand the wear wished, but the race track was I ti n splendid bAn to Dewe� destroyed a portion of -the Sp3nish grant and make his ts alid te%r incident* to the position for any Y, p#A1 W ' ap:1int on Every but'theia is no reason to gelieve 'that the shape. We have had larger -irowds on thb were c per yard. 1, i: length ot time. This strain ii portion made to sell at 50 area ihe 'em t i r welt and heprovid, Rest in the harbor at Manilla. Dewey sti I arly u avers di member in simil and, when. country will be financially crippled even if s ring thelongthy sessions of Parlis, 24th, bob still everything went off At occupies the some position, and appears an- each the day was ended witha small eurplui, and 10 areoing to sell them at: 25c. Th 011 the one ii aided in this way$ the xpeudi- the war should continue for a long ime. -mint, si I'since Sir Willrid came into office t, and ey consist everyo able to'advanoo further - until he is rein- ture for the year is auguieuted very mated. At the and of the civil war the Bat onl he' has h me d'flioUlt and tryin us seemed 'eathfied. The 9 Use' was a base'ball match on Victo t );Tqe with and settle. W in . ris square, . . . . . . . forced by American moldieri. The where- ally, and the ranks of the civil servants are dab was $2,221,000,000. At the P t tions to 9MI between our team and a team from Milver- following, -colors Fawn, navy, grey, 'sky blue black. which so A aboots of the main body of thp 8 nish Beet h4 h waver, that a rest during vacation time it in only $847,000,000, fuel Ird, Ph swelled beyond the needs of the service. w U ton, which resulted in a victory for the Sue W" ra1 $265,000,000 added by the Cleveland ad br n him round all right again., '11 to be still in doubt. The latest state- This iw' the -way the- public expenditure is home team by 2S to 7. The following Ila They are- 42 inches wide, and we wi 3rm wart istration to cover deficits during the 3 earn THEID111117111110111), COUNTY that it holds a Poo the list of the rules and results and itiOn in Santiago kept too large and the public debt is obn- 1894 and .1995. Thus the fivitional debt his SCANDAL. gave "ve ll�wbor, on the border of Cuba, and that the tinually beffigdded to. 5Chis sort of thing been reduced by $1,374,000,000 since the �Th almond County Railway scandal, I lor Amricans have them bottled up there, and is not confined to any one polit' arty, civil war, while enormous same have Man , a Guarantee Every Thread Woolli ap= ical P of whie.P� a publio'has read so much in the *­ "" *:****' -- some 9, Stracha ......... 4 ............. 2 2. 2, p�i4out nnually for pensions. The ad- At they cannot got out unless they fight bat in common to all &like. The fact is that Consery ive Papefo during the past year, Little ll .................. 8 Nor was $1 ministration of late yeano bas not bee hiud t n like so any other so-called scandals that Darkey, Beattie ...... ...... ...... ........ 4 4 have orifinated from the same quarter has,- their way against the American- fleet, 9L the Government is continually fighting and noted for its economy either, but thq I. re- Time -1.25,1.22,1.2L Addruss thing which would be sure deatructidn. A truggling against the people to jreep, down sources of the United States are great and I fizzled out, and on investigation Faviners' racle— 'a' n h People livina at distance can have sample by post n later re however, hints that the fleet in the expenditure and the debt, -and if both varied. hasettutgrn out not to be a scandal Efilow Egti port. aL116 T Reid, Listowel..... D. WdkeeMi. Ferguson, Grey .............. 2 2 2 not in that harbor at all,buVaomewhere. else. are being increased the fault rents, in. nine but a str i6ightforward business transaotiow, Maud, A..Simpeon, ...... a 8 and yar% ty. e folio Ing. mittee to investigate this seand application. This is, the situation of affairs at the pres. A com Minnie S., D. Smiliho Morris.... 4 4 4 nine. cases out of a hundred, withthe people remarks from the Farmers'Sun : The ai ition Wns-ap intedl at th commencement of the�: xmirable tem Time -1.22, 1.18, 1.111. -And still, it is not infrequent- ent time. In the meantime, President Me. themselves. prese�t mesdon on the motion . of the s -minute claim—, coeds AMO of the Dominion Government in introdt cing Aff-Come! with the crowd to Gunn S. YLinley has issued 'a call 'for so.venty-five ly;,the case that the very people who are Premie m r. That com Attee has had many, Harry G., . Wa,teon, Vatowel.. a bill to raise the salaries of junior Co intyL meetinj thousand more volunteeM. which will bring most insisten fo, gil and'� has exan�ined 1111111*1!0110� Rena Stewart, R. Wilson, Seaforth .. .. .... 2 2 t , r government grants and Court judges from $92,000. to $2,400. per witnesses. A cry was ptten up. by thei Time -1 18, 1.20. the military strength of the United St%teX government expenditures I 'their 'Own in- Thompson and N. Scott. annum wilValsob, we believe, with strong Conservatives that the investigition was' r, Judges—Goorge up to 278,MOand which ibis thought will be terests, are tite loudest in thol condemnation disapproval. The - time Of some County being oQ ducted in a partizan manner, with Old man!s race,—R. Scott, A. Wake-; co anougif to see the war through. The inten- of increased jeXpenditure by the Government C the view of shielding the Government and MD 9 ourt judges is fully taken up in the die- that so.. of the witnesses who were Kiends boys' race,—R. McLachlan, Go. McKay; oh;edil tions of either side, as to thir future and enhancea public debt, Yet, the ey u rue, —B, Blashill, E. McCracken. f 4210, Co b made I no ' to eminent have no means of* obtaining money earn their salaries, but there are many, who committ4 !a to &=war the questions asked actions are, of � rae, no 9 WU Gov' charge of their duties, nd th ' doubtless of the Government were not required -by the! boys race,—N. Cardiff, F. Scott; girlE' B Be G iN N9 STORE the public, and ii4 -statements of this no- except from the Poo or on the credit of have comparatively little to do, and 'J v�ho NoTios.—The' Bijou Comedy Company are themy members of the com-, tare made in the Impem are purely conjec- the country., Peop are more than wellpsid for the time Ithey I in town this week, -to fair houses.— Ilelbowever, when the inittee. partiest of their own! TLY87, D. MKiiinon, of Winnipeg, is here y toral. All the Public can really know with spend in discharging their judicial functions. motign,, appeared before the 'Committee! are looking'�for government office, which X A measure reducing the number of col�DtY again d asked to be examined so' the visiting her patents.—Mrs. McCulloch, of any degree of certainty is what has already cati no I � I t 1W given without increasing the judges would be much more agrop- yi. London,was in town this. week selling her social AVA late could n6 be again a�cusecl of tryn Pnbli alt e expe�kditure, and are demanding gov- The amount of litigatio property to Mrs.'A. Good.—Mrs. 004 lJtfLte of e W. Than, taken place. Taking thisview of it then, a Cla�ti cover u or hide. anything. But, Nougbol' '"oney Mr. Whibeford for the g he rpeets with tons. I have is here with her mother assisting in selling ulti- benefit wthe war is not any nearer ended now than it ernment grants whi(jh can Courts is very small. In fact, it is & win day last. not be made 9 they ap eared before the committee several their goods. They will return to l?ebroit vation and order in which he has kept it.. heard the remark since the tsX went, n fifti6th. less *every year. Yet, although the ,fo�k to times, t a Opposition memberewero absent. We congratulate Mr. Ron upon having se- that the number of dogs did not diminish. was a week ago. without increasing the national debt, seem-�, be performed is growing less, the Samp ex' The last meeting of the committee was hold! and Mrs. I this week. —F. 8. Scott sold, Mrs. Hunter's cured such a 6 to think, orst least act as if theythought, a &a house by auction last week, to John Oliver, property adjoining the Could not the tax be doubled and surely married iii pensive machinery is maintained the Q6 oth r day, when the breakdown was homestead. —Mssrs. McEwen & Geiger that would at least d6 .aw,ay with the second the, Goifemnient had some special means of cost to the country is greater an lever. for $345.—Some of our citizens'spent the Extravagmee.. GaverjmmenW thaw mo 3t Leo plate. When -the committee me have recently made large shipments of flax dog that -so many persist epinga Th6 Sun believes that the County ourta 24th in Toronto.—The excarab in e Is it & 1. )n to the a IPP ,Zwerfis. , hIt would be making noney. It in an old an a a true say Lister,:. he chairman, said that all the evi . L need.—Mr. G.i Dick recend bi' ad a notmoreof a count 0 auspices comparatively easy task co�ld well be dispensed with altogetheT; and 'a -, far as he knew,- was submitted Model -Farm, on June 29, under th y L affair than a mere weeko, W11 'a In- tter. And in it possible that tinfe tG la f Ing that we "can not bat our pie and have thil jurisdiction of the dence, or- of the agricultural society, promises to be couple of car loads of cattle from this township ma or any mat of men to govern a country or a Division Coart and thii a was nothing to show t provinoew . are it not for the expenditure of The amount of money -now spent big success, and every farmer and his station.—Aflis O'Neil of London, was here any person's dogs could h it too." It is equally trae that we can not er6ased. I a. I ave worried and ruption existed in the wh9le' transaction., thiq week visiting the 3fleses' Bodgini.—A killed sheep in the morning and.go home get goveramout grants in every comer of in'Ontario by the Dominion and.Pro�lincisll good wife should be on hand.—The enter- haveeen w4ich not be known by the o the raven and the responsibility Q'yernmentein providing for the adi inis- Ho a' r, if the Opposition had any evidence tainment given by Mr. Macey, of New large number from this village attended4he and it W* ? I re- hi al ip * er I ;tvery conatittien and get. all our friend to- offer that there was corruption, then the celebrations held at Clinton and Exeter on frain from saying what I think ofthe that expenditure involve& We are an Pr' cy a trition of justice bas reached sp 11' York, under the auspices of the Mechanics man one IN ID9 commit ewouldproceed to take V. bers 4f V co, captain into Governuient births, withou asing fig�riis. It in a time to out down eon's Birthday.—Large quantities of who -would own and shelter' such dogs. I *xoeptlonl t inere 111r* I Institute, was a decided success, both as to to, about the extravagance of our ex anseP H%ggar in reply said that the Opposition' governing bodies the public ex �diturs and overloading the rather then to increase them. I the class of th6 entertainment and as to the grain are still being brought Into market— trust that the matter wilt not be lost night It the expend Pe never a arged that there was corruption. four iturs in : The Huron district meeting of the Idde. of.—A RArBp,&yp_ i house, which will be still larger should Mr. imewl� any year in increased,L or if 'there is an in. public service. Under the circumstances, There �as no evidence-wto show that any Oddfellow V1 The United States Government b d to membeirof the Opposition ever said that Macey ever alain visit us. His humor in Pandent Order of it will be held quibe a crease in the Public debt, we at once ittri. it is surprising that - �ur Governments and here on Frijisy, June 3rd. when the Grand L L 'o pure or and� him programme is so Oreenway. get special Permission from the G v;or of there was corruption in'the bargain. Mr. Master, Mr. Young, of Thameeford, will be Legiii'latoril are as boulst as they are, con- i variedi wKether grave or go _ N�Oizs. _About t ut bate then increases to 'extravagance on the Lister aid that the Couservatiie pro' yo song or rect. 'I, - give we y younglandies and _�Oupie Noith Carolina in order to. tend armT sup me had sent, which will addeV-Iaierest to part of our administrators. We are all the sidering the peii;ftlaritiea sod extreme f said so ta,tion,'add his enunciation so clear, that meetiog.—Dr. b1ediarmid was in Sea. gentlemen f the Parkhill bicycle club rode 4: I) lies through that state, on Sanday, North .1 ho pleases -ever 0. He gave sixteen out to the village a week ago last Wedues- raore apt to do, this, also, if the ove humaneness.. of the e to GOVERNMENT MEASURES. for a Mr A Dent, W the or* ming rolinwhaviog a low forbidding the ove- yon day, and spent a very plessaint time at deal with. Ca piecesi �nd it would be hard to say which 1, -;�s; body happens, for the time be The franchise bill has: finally passed the ;ras his best. firm of Dent & Ro n, 'barristers, of Ing, to be of a meat of freight trains on that day. I this C llo$ df d i f t� rsidence of W. J. Wilson., Everybd4y -wAs different political stripe from ourselves.. respect North. Carolina seems to be co ider- on Ju ging rompresent talk I Mitchell, accompanied by his daughter,h[ise ba0py and joyful up to ben Volock, when W o ass the Nonate. The latter bod yo Nobel, was here this week, visiting 'his* I begin to rm,r, the li, litilig ably in advance of our own Province f On. the thunder We dc, not always,, in �aot we very seldom, A -Riahteous War? tario. a 0 t air authority, may make a few' ;HensaJL tei, Mrs. J. Satbertand.—Mr. T. -Murdock,. flash, and dark ilouck to gather thi stop to consider whet� . er thin increased ex. minor hsnges in it, but that will be all. � ',I, . I r Lost of- ibis village, attended. the ram held over di DR. F. A. SiLLERY, dentist, t' ad a of In c a more darin ones children It has -been repeated to us so often, by the The p$biabita bill will act be' interfere Exeter on QueeWs Birthday, and secured Is r sky. A few of the 9 pend4ure or the increAsed debt is due to te of CoUage of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also �'At the May meeting of the Sen�, started for home, others secured horns nd the - press of the United'States and by the oraT with _bk the Beasts, but the CoMMODS are gradu%W. of Department of Dentistry, Toronto the fide for all. first prize with his fine Poo' buggies sod arnved home safely, while h the a xtraivagance of our rulers or to the ex. Tqronto Univere4y a motion was In do to holding Wbuk, evidently until the Senate University. Office'In the Petty block, Rennil. Ing stallion, King StSulton.—Mr. J. E. eamly ,61i i travagance of our own demands as a peoplo Wra and even clergymen of the great re- Will viiit Zuvlob every Monday, o�mmqinolvg Mon. M others sang "We won't go home till and from. inereme the preseliA fees by from $10 o $14 assent toWe franchise bill. If' one. goes cDonell recently -sold to Mr.' George public that the Hispano -American War is a day', June 80th. 6 morning, and when lunch upon those rulers. Were it not for the de- ear. No vote was taken, so th t the �he ot or must go also.. The only bill of 1 878 Powelli- Produce aMt." righteous war," an merchant, of Blyth, his raining, and th' I mominA a it wa 'hale 404 tered into b the a y iea adies ho(I to be -taken Ple uO� impor ace now nl� Birthday the driving horse, for the sum of $150. . Th' home in b and bicycles in a lum- pri fle ;Inda of the Peo left in Mr. Mulock's postal LOCAL BRIEFS. -611 QUSe nthe Government opponents of the motion will have ple V Ot bill. hat is being stoutly Opposed by! employees of Mr. R. Bell's machine $hope, a good price for a three-year.old.Lbn Wed. fai expenditures, the butlay under Omost' nited States for the aleviation ot down. bar wa n. U91ti"Was a happy meeting - but a together with a few comrad4il- grocery store of Mr. W. 0. dwarda time to increase the number of thei� sup- mem ra on both Men of the House, but -it were in the nesday night the sorrowr , at trodden hum and the eta parting.—Mr. D. M. X' are that every governing b-idy would be much less. 'anity mping: out in porters. In the meantime, gr�at the is likey to go through without important act of' celebrating the day in the wal of Davii d by i bur are, who took.1 has purchased a ;m- was visite Cuba of the atrocious crimes which have firing off a ornall oannon, whi& they ,lild-up to*date b very larg ad than it in�arfably is. This point amend nenta. What littl'chang4i flapponed to be'.. from Mr. R. - Hnglish.— -The picnic a Ver grumblingamong the students. Th4 pres- 's shocked the civilized world,' that we'4re apt. cast for the occasion, when it appears such left in the till. The amount, how -ever, f t ye th hops; DICYCLES TO DELIVER LETTERS. was Boston -Methodist anclGroveliarch Sabetk strikingly brought out in the following ex. ant fees are'$36 a. year, an increase of 86 6 heavy charge of th bosfi powder had been very small, and Mr. Davis, is noC at present atract from an article in the Mon to believe the statement without looking over those - charged in 1897, while three On L' uly lot next a bicycle system will school, will be held this year bout th -treat Wit- supplied, and the packing and, wedging iUOf - aware of any further loss, money no doubt, a ves. It, years into the matter carefully for carnal ago only $20 was asked. H�en $45 go int( effect in the chief Canadian cities middle of June.—Mr. Walter England ban the. char a made. so ight that in the die- eing the a act sought.—The proceeds of built a new barh - Mr. H. W�,hj #A -a -1110318. In referring to the increasing ex. would seem to be merely a nominal charge, for th(quick delivery of special letters. engaged in sacb a war, they would ulidoabb charge of the little cannou it wall lite i suz �Zry d NOT". 9 rally he services in the Methodist penditure bf the Dominion, it Days but to "Llatladian students who are used to The rate has not yet been fixed, but dition to edly have the sympathy it Will all blown to stbma, pieces of the iton being church stpounted to 870.— his born ; C. Oricht a now eouomdb of all right think. getting so many oduct%tioual advantaies for probably be tell cents per lett Mr. John Rater. granerv.--After 25 yearsf active "service, to'Mr. I carried in all directions, Eeveral portions, of gon� neco4d son of Me. Robert Paterion,Lcon. ing "-It is usually taken for granted that the - people, but a review of what ham- fran's nothing, any fee at all is considere.dl exor- stain t for the new system are now in it a hundred yards away. Fortfinately, in.; tractor, of this villoge,who has been in Van. -gam- government in inclined to extravagance and P Mr. W. Jm Wilson resigned the *sition of blame for all of it, r would bitant or they argue that their fathers pay course of preparation. superintendent of the Boston _kathodifJt toL Iand people have got deed, although there were quite a large couver for a number of years", has returned Sabbath school. pired since the declaration of wa taxes doupport this Provincial Uni rsit Week. their rea obje into the habit of criticizi lead one to believe that OFJr CIAIA AND rASSES. At the annual n, leting the ct number standing by, witnessing the firing home --and intends a, aging, in work with following officers were elected - I %irrit, t of therdinary and That is, no doubt, quite true. bat all there amourL extraordinary L one was gurt in th; his in the service of the" Dominion Off Of the cannon,- no father. —Mrs. J 'g was to increase their Possessions and enrich Who pay taxes do not have song tAhe officials okson, of Cardinal, and sulperintendent;,R. Hutchison assistant sup 4 -to �.tbe__ penditure,, which uaually shown an Goverdment, who have 'been travelling on least "d all Was 'well that ended well. Miss Schafer,of Iroquois, were in the village May Wilson, veiO)y grasping from almost ruined University, and it is no ipjustipe and ould othemsel, criase, and idso, the annual addition to the ba, railwa a and charging up their fares However, not Ono of those present would this week, thb gaests of Mrs. J. C. Stone. erintendent, socrotaLry A. Spain the rich &�4 fertile island of Ca not be cause for complaint if those M. Wilson tnt secre public debt, `vdthout considering whether nslike to again pang through the same ordeal tary I James -i are not responsible for it. bores, rather do should have to pay a small extra a for pa they themselve wh ch lies so near their own is 'the derartments in which they were man. Mr. Duncan MoEwen of the Lon. Wallace, treasurer ; William Nich6l, libr the-advant�qcs they,receive. employed, Wit be brought to book. The as it was indeed a very narrow escape.— don road, was in Glencoe this week, visit. ion ; miss Deputations visit Oicama almeab daily'to than to tighten the bu S. Young, assistant librarian - -in Ue p a 01 Rev. J. S. Henderson was in Glanallan last Men ad. brighten Public' Accounts Com'mittee has asked Ing his-brother-in-la.w. and sister, Mr. and Lilis, Forbes, organist ; t . hersi Mrs. J. U17,10 upon the government expenditurew week, visiting his parents, while Mrs. Hen eae -the the lives of the unfortunate inhabi o mong the Canadians who ha officialL of the various railwa;y companies Mrs McAlpin.—M r. k Shaffer hasbeensp- Sherri ranging from thousandn to millions upon: been for lie! a of all, public officials who are in derson as in Thornyhurst, visiting -her pointed street commissioner by the council, b, Miss A. M. 'Wilsono Xkh. W. T. ishower that.island. ueen's and W Ulens, Mrs. Jsmes Wallace, Mrs. R. WebLb canals, railwas, harbors., postoffice bnilt& gived Imperial decorations as a posses iion of' as and from the lists will mother, Mrs. Grant.—Miss Allison, of Lon. manday ill no doubt prove the right in&& in Mrs. e don, is the guest 9 —Mrs. the iteside ings or other projects, and there is, bosi a, Their improvident haste in r Birthday pieseni from Her Majesty, is Mr. be ga;t iered tfina"n- f'brlrs. T.Murdok. _R. English, Mim Jennie t�V_j to- wa &men -of those who have right place. -7 -Mr. aud'Mrs. Joseph M. Joseph Wallace re, lector Eflis were in Goderioll, thio� week, visiting of . Webb ;I cot a standing army at the capital, laying rega- before they word J. D. Edgm, speaker of the House o Com. llwwy ding free and getting paid for it. It Stewart and Miss. Kate Bouthron, of Exe N. lar siegeL to the Properly prepared �and their cards, Willie Brovillo attends government day and night is said that the guilty ones will be Imm ter, tent Sabbath last with friends in -this relatives. terary I edi-- Deputations. and those they represent re. subsequent war tactics have inere Bed the mono. The Mail says : It is as a 11 0 ately i ischarged. neigh rhoo.d.—Miso Campbell, of Chicago, joice gresitly when the governmeut's reply etato of anarchy and a as well as a politician and a eak6r Strocity not ronly in MR, who has been the guest -of Mrs. A. Murdock Thomas 7 RE SUrPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES. for the past two weeks, left here on Wednes. Norns.-­2There hould be a goo openin ome is favor4le, but. the same people will, when Cuba, but in the Philippine islanda, rather that Sir James- David kdgar reeei as the the budo honor of knighthood. Sir James is i a. de- The supplementary estimates, presented day for Staff&, where she intends spending a SHHEP KILLED By DoGs.—Mr. Harvey, of here for :-photogapher during he -sum, t. is brought down, and the in .9 -the expenditure and . public debt' than having broukht it to a righteous lig�tfui writer,, his poems ranking high.' crease in 'ommons lait week, bring few days more with relativels before return- the -2nd concession of Stanley, met with mer. Th moo ,a Ocon,! to the House of C I Cameron has building made knon, thuilder at the government elusion. Their apparenb object. was good' up the total estimated outlay, on cqrrent sc* ing to the. city. —Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Car. quites he[Lvy lose this week. He has had -adapted fok the - among those produced in Canada, Wad, in- forits extravagance and for the way in but their way. count for the ensuing year to $40,569,491. purpose. ­M -r, James of accomplishing it has done deed, in the world. "This lile, of Hay, were in Ripley last week,Visit- part. of bin flue flock of Shropshire sheep Whittenas here fre"i London r_ene*,iag Can4da. of which it is running the country over head They include a provision of $ for Ing their son and. daughter. —Dr. Burrows, pasturing on the back part of his farm. ' On a tances. anythingbatto improve matters. Instead ours," one of our 'national anthems, is a 500,000 oq�iain maintiining the Mounted Poli.ae in the of Seaforth, was in tits village on Mond'& the morning of Tuesday last, one 'of his JJFA'rm.—One at and ears into,debt and raining it, and they stirring, patriotic hymn, which 'it is a no 14 I of,.by an aggressive policy, . in b� one the old residents of doubtless feel quite Complacent over their voiding Cuba Yukor 'territory and $100,000 foi the. trans. Mr, Houston principal of the high sale neighbo ly and beard t.Wo dogs, Ba*field are passin %Wp.y written by the First 61 re was up ear Somajof own virtue in advocating th all posaible has I to their long economy and de_ and W1 Pleasure to know was portat 6n of militia. For the representation at Clinton, c' to and a' little. Commoner. onducted 'services in Carmel which seeined by the bark to be oni3 a. small home. houseke 3 On Friday m6i-6ing, April i ouncing extravagance, especially if the bloodshed and misery as possible forcing of Can tda at the Omaha Transmissiesippi ex- 29bb, 1 Presbyterian church, on Sabbath. morning dog and the other a large one, as if in Poe- almost without -�Smole b. 11 he absence of the suit of something, bat not knowing the -passed away to 9 at govern. _8?Mg go-y'ernaidn't is noft_-of theirown political S -Wnto give proper and Mcie Ifibiti t of $5,000 is proposed and W. and evening last, during t W&ming, Mr. J6hu King Vogirl is to receive a gra his long home. Deceased party. Montreal wants the liominion Gor.: News of! tlae Week. tuity of $5,000 in Miss Hotham, of Mitchell, former- sheep.were there he pai emment t0L ment in.the island,� we find' them blockad. pastor.— d little attention. was a notivef Ireland, was born - in 1,81:3 Xeters I part r cognition of his " distinguished s'er- n of'thio seetiom m% eavoring SroLEN.—A package containing ova 500- �Pa Yukon t there were two sheep and one Ispend two or three' million dol SicCURMES WORTH A 0 1y'of Heneall, wig iii the village this week, Shortly after, however, it wai discovered a d was a resident' L for M;;; Ing the principal harbors and end distrloL" Provision is spendinN a day or so with friends.—Rev. tha lamb years. Ten of a family mour the logo of lars upon, the harbor right off, but the - Jo view i ritY of those commercial representatives to starve theL _Spaniards into ,Ill 000 frances in securieies and gold a RIE0 M do for the payment- of the full in - J W. bj to ollnes'of Mitchell preached an.- killed- and -one lamb that could 'not be kind. father, MT. King was.0no,of four most tion, ec Of is expendi demni y to the heirs of the three members i the city who urge thi ture will while, their sympathy has incited th the other morning, fro y & car of the Parisp nwersary services in the Methodist church '-found ; three sheep and three lambs highly respected citizeus,and Idi sudden stoilem a in we M. wag their heads and jeer at,the unreaeemed Lvans, and Mediterranean Railroad, I 'rance. who have died.eitice the beginnin 9 Of the on Sabbath morning and evening last. Hill badly torn, two of which will very l,ikel death was a iho Aayn 1" proordses of -economy revealed in the in- a to atrociti i meselon,L Messrs.!'Perey, ]Damon all- ..surgent as more horr ble th y L ek to he was !every orme h d y ee p from L an re is no clue to the thieves. t and'M c sermons on both occasions were much ap- die. The shearling rain Which he par h ad :d expenditures which result from 0 a as a a n assing -th any perpetrated by the Spaniards,' Ce t in. Six MEN DRowNzD-'—Ten men attempted Car" his daughteile, Mire. preeisted by the 1�rge congregations pres. from Mr. Cooper last, fall is I- was speci- badity, cut, but D. Hartisou, to, 'his own Place to ottend ly not a very righteou"ourse to pursue to to cross the Allegheny River, on a r t neqar 'ant. The service in. the a 9 may pull through. Now, Mr. Editor,, I to the stock there. gk6ting of their wishes. STRICT NEUTRAL=. Springdale. Pennsylvania, and when n the Bott sides of & House of Commons last ally for the young people,veanalen He was a ezu. We believe We are correct in saying that obtain a righteous encl. ociated with know that there will -be at least fifteen sistent member of Trinity church, and -A w mped week, e centre of the stream -the raft was ixpressed, through their eaders, an the E.pworth League, and the centre seste"In fa!mers within threi miles Harve CouservAtive.—Benismin H%gino, to Red Bb r 22 there is not'a go mment now existing, and ' While such has been the result in Cuba, by t�� rough current, and the men were earnes, desire for the most cordial and sym- 'the chu' of . Mr. rch were.reserved for them. 0 who will deeplk'r y -chand n few that have jympathize with him in his Years assessoi -here died Thursday., may williau ever existed, the individual the p:%rt they have played in athet 0 relatioier with the United States !Tuesday evening, the- annual anniversary Ds percipitated into the water. Potir mo n sue the -PhiliPpiw te� meet. lose, as their flocks met with similar fates l2th, aged 65 years.- Deemsed was born in ceeded in reaching the shore, but the 3thers at this time. The declaration arose from a ing was held, whiob-proved a great within the last seveii or eight mouths. members of -;vhich r8 not really anxious to savors even less of righteousness. There were drowned. complaW -by Mr. Cha Bat the county of AXatrILM, josae,- Belfast; and tax keep th e' rltou (Lib.) that access. - The attendance was large, t6 re. sympathy does no' busy t t go far towards makinj been R resident of this country for .50' T yoars, e xpenditare under their control at the formidable American fleet destroys %, 11-T 1 WESTmINSTER AitBEY —it now Senor: was exoeeding his privil ceipte good, and the programmo an excellent up a maies lose as low a mark as efficiency will permit, and. .010 an said, and ng in It has be comparatively insignificant one belonging to virtually decided that Mr.'16tadston "a re- makini Canada a base for famishing bel-. one throughout. first ttli London, *-here be learned -�-The, Rev. W. E. Kerr, pastor, believe said truthfully, that WS' are Over Coopering; lie ram " d in Ton&qu about 2% t I mains &me b M _7 tte that when governme"t are led into extray. Spain, killing and mutilating the sailo hall be interred in Wcstn�inster ligeren Anformation to Spain. Mr. Charl- occupied the chair in his usual able and 'governed, but what do those who are Mon. ten Years, then resided near Brucifield for ra and t ways, the people ibey rep Abbey. The family do not oppo�e the ton w w followed by Mr. McCleary, of pleasing manner.'' ra. Had they been preps - -to I agan resent are, soldie r. A-dam'.Whiteford, aging our local. affairs for,us saV about it ? fifteen yearsi slid for the past 25 years on red to have nation's desire, and the only direction 'he Wellat d, who alluded to the lack of an- dest and most respected pioneer When a.petition w" Presented to tanley -hen t esponsible for this extravagance. followed up this victory with an armed force left wa that he should be burie Bauble line in reality, r one of the ol d fit ut of the Canadian alien labor law farmers qf Hay. townshi W last near Bayfield, forcemi re waa an unmist r a istara border. -His speech 100 acre corntr farm, on the London road cDoo), n ant to Pa who survives hiln, There the p,.hks sold his council last spring, they passed & b �;e he married Francis At wenty Every governmer4t ia naturally anxious to and thhe restored orde in. the islands,, - don, unless the' &kable' along Ill N' y.laW to years I tax dogs, but would not eons Mr. remain in power as long as, they can, and in large lose of life migh ational wish for. on interment tit the Lbbey. brought up the road question of friendly J miles soutf was famil� of Xag acqL_ t - possibly be over, I of thial village, to Mr. Robert damages when sheep were killed and t five daughters and four none. Decoased was Mrs. Gladskone's only objection' a the relations. He made' the jocular remark anside Farm, who lives on the matter was drop d order to win the favor of -the people they -looked. Bat here their unprepared oondi- 1�088, of Gow Ps NOW,, I ccusid0v that a scarlet member of the Orange dge, natural wish to be buried in the same grave that a i panking at the hands of Spain, be- adjoiningfarm. The purchase ounlwas$5,800. to frequently consent 'tion is again pa;infully manifest., They are devoted to her husband, and it is this matter should �e looked into and a under the us -ces of Bay,, old lodge, Thq to the making Of ex- f!4' fif Work work ruk a United This in a very fine farm, refliatirig credit on 110beme devised by which a Powu should inugrAl t"ak =:Oil ]toy 114*1 ,nored Iore th expected triumph of. th 1 f Sp &I m n of E; -a- le Orless goo S f r 1"o d