HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-05-20, Page 84
offis �,.ft' �6, _7� V11
X Juy
Toinst-, and Niggle at I home. and who -is sorn-e. d
1107i. OY- week. dsoetidd.�' *as r. . be Xii—taltall-ox
y go Y=Iveodldt' ti day -1;;t week, with a
In religion whb him, tuamn of 1"pgan
OUR N]3W gTo]ay. of-WiiShim. V4, have on hand Sr lo"kt
mkpw. The I man In the )iwej shall publish nex I t
Witt,onlar Oah Groco -report, *hi Piesbyterlau. in the old lAst TdOid M N lor
business offim A= after vo eclock on' land: and aBdptiit in this country. He sad-nowe 0 the death of his' youngest horso'bitched to a buggy with a set
of -hmr--
m -Win. MeNeyin, f E
st biave 19vans 4 Colo. Saturd^y evening, %ih a oo men ad- was a bright, intelligent man, *611 i"A on daughter re 6 xetsr. 'ness which woman tied together
Irloldl and. Gordon sosde.�W LWIC for it I RMd it I SUM- ith bju4sr,
usInStgold No, Goldon Tankard and Tjon heads of do- to any � &a
twiue, and of course a very natural rawt
saw I drew, i1ped by the staff many, subjects and, d It wat a sad blow for the aged parents
Iva will preach genera, Rod told vevdi, IMportetShon Whita- carrot ana partmouts of the' r, Was -read by the .—Dr. Crediton, every vini -finaneial as Well as they did not know Was nick. She followed. The horse was put into
the varieties at 3**M& turnip food at the low- the
tar inginour issue of May 27th,, �iti�tb eitbodis church on. unda�, the good caumV
fu � one.
.was bured last Thursday afternoon. The. hotel Atable, and the woinan IM
Out %took of To" was never better thou aneg, Mr. J. 4rt;asgan 4 Mr. Me. Waintinds . t up an. was. a pas" ut dpt,
reg �t. -wa- I -
it Ili no Out 26a Japan Iw the beat In the market. G 1, and a cans itiet. in a morning he wiM address on Monday after sympathy of all in extended to t44 bereaved her shopping.
was presented with i 'a nowandoontinueditorY. It wiU* contin- !Z2ad oon,
Give 1 call and we will guarantee to Please you his oo- he parents and obildrn,; and be will speak The funeral When ready to start h.
waset of the good - wishes of a Interment eing. made- at Su hine ones. This in the first death in the family, with her parcels all in the bu - the
t" I uy ftem siuyipod- nod probably for three months. IN will be heth
workerc The-pou, and, cane presented we to tfire-ou:8 ple at night.-Ois 'May 24. _ggy,
Ter, cemetery where Mrs. Scott had been b a& *he hive all -grown up to be in
r stock of Groceries Is Xo. I quall�y Our tither thi 9pWort 0 will ve a social. on and cereful-bostler hitched her horse as
both handsomily mounted and: engraved found of thrilling interest. It is by the a
prices i as low as any one in the traile, and 4 women$ could with the harness supplied, The
�ight on the
91"a5pmeentcashdincount to cash cust6mors 'With suitable inscriptions. Mr. McGregor, of the well-known and popular story, The Will be serVed in six th a 130),RTAVe.
strain, as the woman held the horse I bft
on all purclass" of 91 and over, except flour and
it in stated, intends henceforth to devote his church groundq fter which a good pro,
It will pajoyou to Iva us a call., Good Land of the L.911. In order to give every j0fix'. THE FAL t a meetin t 8 DrVsdAle. starting, broke a hold -back strap or shut
whole time to his subscription book businew ramIn's will r . andered.-Mrs.. L SHPNN'.-A g 0
an 01
no In Manor an4T t Otts, and a, go I of 'NOTES. -We are sorry to state that the
it, and then there "a & plunge vertum
Wawanosh Branch asottvkent to select from.. The highest prim: paid In Whiefi-he had been pirtlslly, "d moof person an opportunity of reading in n fN h
in Sherbrooke, in spending a dirootori the' East
ro, 1 0 Snowden Brothers have lost two more head and the women thrown with
for all -kinds of trade. few 10 great vid
nuooessf011y engaged for mauy-years. He is that all may have a trial trip of THE Ex- wGisks wit bar 'cousin, 14m. Joseph Agri?ultur-al Society, h6ld here a fqw days of their fine fat cattle. This _M&k.es eight againob a fenee. Mrs. Gilmartin was V�o
Xgo,L It WAS
.0. WILSON, Simforth. a refine4 gentleman and a thorb*h business Nortim.�Mims illis, Babb, of Miteholil, spent decided to hold the annual fall
ow sub which they have -Jost from that incurable in the face, and injured- -in the back
W Sunday with h roister, Mrs. F. A Hutch- show on the social a grounds at Belgrave, h1871 and predict for him a bright futuve
soribersfrom now until the close of this disease, which has so far balfled the local buggy was smashed and the groceries
with thO Tuaiiishing worica that he has un-- ison -Rer M Notheroott spoke on tem- on Thursday and riday, Septembe 29th
year for FIFTY CENTS, payable in ad pe;;�Ice ]as; T day evening. and 30th. It would be well for neighboring veterans and soma of our most . scientific tored about the road.
All &like do not a * in. to! know the
wtv i wax I wax" I avanoo. The story itself is worth more than societies tq take note of this date, so as'not man Be
ANNUAL CoNvENTIox.-The annual con. this. We ask our subscribers to Oake this defteld. to fix their dates so as to conflict with this. cause, or what to do to efiecti a, cute, or
Belgrave ways has I a good show, and the even g It.- Every�
6 Clothing Trade vention of the Huron Sunday School loffer known to their neighbors ano frienAg 'B. R. HIGG 9, Brooefield, Notary -Public prevent others from tskin
In th body is now preparing for the grand pionic
Amodation and ChAstian. *Endeavor. Union one this year promisen.to be at least up to,
==as agent. Any
who do not now take THE Exposrrok.' We 0011YOY11406f, and Life 10 T
not In i4vance, of all former shows here. -of the Young People's Hand and Heart As,
will be hold in Winghaim on June_21st and amount of money to loan a 5 per eent., on, firstolam
Wd amount of private oaqru
t hav;e back numbers of the story [Also a His, sociation, and a good time is, exvscted�
We have In dock a complete assortment of sizes In 22ad. and frorn the r;=irts. giien by the may no
There will be- dancing, boating, swi
to 1 119111911
a roommmkably good fte of &UQwool tweed, In both differeqt offloors, pro )a a irand ofent. At home every morning and caiewo.
to supply, so that all who want to read the ft "week. Several good forms to and races of different kinds, which space
dark and 11rut iwde% made up Ju maws, y0uthe, snoovie. The people of Wingbam aie mak. W BRIM. -Planting odkn is the, order of
boys' and c 11dren's suits. Thv Men't dxu soll a - story Phould subscribe now, and got the fall- sit
)reparation for the reception and as
xmg every I
SUS per oull ; the youths" about bmt 98
entertainment of the do Ayotto and his Cke
legatee. . Among the benefit, Remember, only FIFTY CENTS AxoTnim T. -We always the day, and each former is trying to got preventff us from mentioning. M io win
b" furnished by Mr. Levi This will be a busy month among
cbfldrW# $% Thus suits we xuaroiniZ to give ds no"do finished -first.-A number of the
against poor q -cheap that is not
first -ohm wear, and are made by, the most noted rominent persons who will be present are for the rest of the year, abd wheat worth good." Just I the WO' oung partner. The Bayfield bran band is oz., housekeepers ; sweeping, dustint
w1off: Fine fresh folks went to Zurich.to attend the rdly d
Owadla& manufacturers, Our meals sulbs, i Wilsoin, and form. pected, to be in ttendance. It Vill be a- and cleaning. As the
iCv. W. F. of Himilton, of the Young People's Association', whiol work
over a dollar a bushel. New subscribers 91008fiel 1 try Dotmit pickloN two battle# for 25o
$8 aM $10 aw world beaters. We aball be only wo
freeligardons, field aside; Ormentinized painti; day's pleasure for both oldand young.
Rev. J. . Rae, of Toronto,
pleandto show our clothing So any poison caning. , or Of TorontoP was held in the Evangelical church on Sun,
who cannot conveniently send in their Olis ; and boil bw rXr ; Istook in gopts summer on there will likely be some diseovvl-
aul h Don't forget the place, 2J miles north'of
Mrs.' P. J. McKay, of Woodstock =and suiti foreign fruits always on day Stelok has sold
as, can give their names and the in W 1 last. -Mr. Win. Drysdale, on the shore of the beautiful lake enes, made, requirin 'a renewal
sides a numb -or of the prominent Sunday nam Pney a ar Noe Fos." W. Som h 00., two heifers to Mr. Blanes, of Zurich. -Mr. 9
Wm. Pickard,& Oo. Huron. Carpets, Ourtains Draperies,
school and Christian Endeavor workers of to their postmaster, and he will forward it Bracefteld. Josiah Seuram was. visiting, Miss Adeline and
0 Wext comes the pur-
the county, Tuesday's session will be de- for them. Postage stamps as good asash. Nem.- sure. Mitchell & Elliott s Miller on Sunday last. -Mine Jane Betohen' such like.
voted to subjects dealing with Sunday school ad &-fine ca load of hogs from here on Nupeps.. who was working in Zurich, has returnea chasing, and we, having a- lar
-hen and Mr. Alex, home. derson left -last ge
._31erit W,nS S work wad an elaborate programme of ad- day.—Mr. ohn Kota BIEFS. -Miss Amelia An
uccess dresses on this subject has been prepared. Mustard sh pped two oar loads of fine cattle supp�ly of the things - required'
H48 Was playing around a lawn mower, w6en week for Toronto, to take a course in music, am
Wednesday will be devoted to the Young to the old a untry on Thursday. They were anxious to secure -at least a Igo
F, he got his fingers cau lit - I Hills Green. at the. Conservatory of Musici-Mr. Me- od,
. . . . . . . . . . . . In some wal Ing I all fed by ours. Ketoban ond Mustard 'and
Ing PA- Donald, of Exeter, was in tow
-People's societies, and many interest
n on Wednes- share of your purchases. T6 thig
the knives and had the tops of two era COLT SOLD. -Mr Georf;e. Coleman b
were a sple did lot of cattle. Arthur Ketchon day on businese.-Mr. W. W. Sloan mud
pers on that work will be read by able an
on his right hand taken off.--a-Miss- Nettie sold to Mr. Thomas McMichael, of Hullett, end we invite you t6 call and see
enthusiastic workers. All Sonday schools andWm.Bi peongoinchargeofthem.-Wm. wife are at present visiting, friendi in Tor. -
Wilson has returned from Toronto, where entire colt, about eleven months old, for our assortment while the stock is.
and Young People's societies of the county McDonald arrived home from and Gilbe onto. -Mrs. J. B. Kelly, of Goderiob, was
she has just completed a *fnost. successful Mr. Coleman is noted for his q
$so. d
STRATFORD, ONTARIO. are entitled to send delegates. Texas last eek. They' . oo )Id acquaint at its best.
course in domestic seience.-Mism Laura in the iboth look " if living homes and Mr. McMichael was never known renewing ( ances in town this
mouth agr;id with thet�:-Mr. k. -The annual district meeting was
sun wee
-This school does first-class work in every gcFal,- of Toronto, is visiting at the resi- to have a poor animal of this kind and he
department and a large, pat Ta TAx LADixs.-MRs. LEvi Smrrir, Pea- Soott ship ten car loads of wheat inside hold here ibis week in connection with the
donee of her uncle, Mr. L. L. MeFaul.- has not made any mistake this time.
forth is prep -%red as usual to do up halrinto
A Commercial School of the highqstgra 6, switelies, otc.. For sale an assortment of 81 Mr. Albert Coates, of Constance, showed us of the last eek. -Mr. Xotley, of London, this colt has luck he will do him credit. If Goderich district of the M a-thodist. church.
none better in Canada. Students can entei all colors, also stemlem switches. Residence �It Or"' wee here t is week thegaest of Mr. Fred Tona. A large number of ministers and li�ynaen
'a Ir quite a curiosity the other day iii the -sha
Pe finson. r. Dailey and Mr. Stome, cousins
JIM were present. -The services 011 8�6dsy
7 atauy time. Catalogue free. of Market and JarvW streeta. Also for =Is a
of a double headed young turkey. It had Blake. evenings, which have been hold in the vari-
bandbabyemiage. 158ka of Mr. J n Pon, who have been: visiting
W. J. ELLIOTT, Pr cipal. 4444-52 just been hatched and was fully formed, al. him for hort time, left for home this - ek. Noizs.-The people' PoTAToss.-Another car load of potatoes though it never lived lie head was a sort we around this vicinity can elturches at 6:30 p. in., are being sr.
from Brighton,on. the sandy bvnks of lake Ontario. A are. nearly all thcough seeding, and potato rangil half an hour later, namely 7 o?elock,
of combination one,. with two WIWI at about
good change for seed, at A. Youxo% Sesiforth.
planting in now the order of the da Mr g it more convenient for the public to Hemp 'Carpetst Twilled, 34 inche
15%_1 right angles to,each other while it had an Tuckerswith. ma in
DOMINION- BANK Philip ��Turray is -learning the watchmaking got out.
eye on either �ide of the we billi and an
DEATH OF Miss FF.RousoN.-Much Bym' busir6 , He has already repaired a clocc
summm stoves (gasoline oi coal oil).screen t ide, i�n fancy stripes and godd'
doors and windo", iae cream f eeez� ra and refriger- extra large onis in the centre.; It w' colors, 15c per yard.
as a our!- paithy. is It for Mr. and Mrs. David. For- for Mrs. Brennerman, which proves that his
CAPITAL(Paid Up), $1,500,000. ators, at S. MULLIM h Co.s. sestarth. -0 "looking Mid, and had it only lived Mr. gueon an famil Kirk -ton. H
V,of the 8th conoevnion. of work gives perfect satiefsotion.-Mr. Ja Hemp Oarpets,'36 inches wide, fancy
REST, $1,600,000. Wo�L. -Be awe and bring your wool to NOTES. �Infiammation of the lungs is pre. Floral designs, reversible, at 20c,
Coates would have had quite a show in his this town hip, o account of the death of Meyer was the nest of Miss Kuepfer oii
No. 6 warehouse, where you are always cerlain to turkey. -Mr. be. Davidson goes to Miti� their da hteri *Miss Elizabeth v^Ie
Far is
SEAFORTH BRANCK get the highest price. JAMAS BmAwig, deaforth Sunday last. -Mr. Moses -Kuepfer paid --hi nt in this neighborhood.-MiBs White, and 25c per Yard.
oliell xt week, where, in partinarship with This sad vent took place on Th brother a flying;visib on his wheel on' Mg a a Been's
this week.�-Mrs. Cb�ries Irwine is very low 6 -
his comin, he Su of St. Mary, 'in vi -t- t Win.- J m
Main street, Seaforth.. urn ap f Ono I
Xkw aboes.for Queen's Birthday. Men's will take charge the Hicks last wee . Miss Ferguaon had bee day last. Extra value mn T.Tnion Carpets, 3
house. -The first . obampionsl9p football some tin�e with consumption, but her death with inflaihmation of the Inn Mrs. Alex. inches wide, at 25c, 30c and 35c
Dongola kid face r to; coin toi, reguIsr price $2 a
Ageneridbanking business transacted, Farmers'
go --
Sale Notes collected, and.adances made on same at pair, Saturday oy St.40 a pair (cash only). match..'of the sesmon will 1: pl�yed on the was a severe shook to her parents - and Rome abill continues very low with inflamm.
per yard.
JtOBRRT WMIAS, Cady's Block, eafoxth. 15W-1 recreation grounds this (Fridq) evening, f iends. She was but a I Stanley.
lowestjmtes. ittle over P - ation of the lungs. -A number from here'at
r _y�ars
Tim CouNcm, -Council met at the call of tended the lecture given by A.
IF you wish td%.,e successful -in life take a between the Norwich team and our own 5 !e�&:p, w7as a bright, eugagingVyoftoW x� C. Crews at Special Dnion Carpets, 36 inches wide',
course in book-keeping or shorthand. Niminos Hurons. The game will be a g�od one, and la y '18 admired by all who knew' the reeve on Monday, May 9tb. All the Woodhana on Tuesday evening last, in con -
d in the best colorings and patterns.
Academy, Sarnia, is the besb school to attend if you there
Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received, and Bill is-, her, an4l greatly beloved in -the family,� cir. members were present. The tender of neetion-with the E�worth League. -Mrs. at 38c, 43c, 47c and -50c pe
wLqh a thorough praoti3al education.
interest allowed at highest ourreut rates. :�ould be a big turn out, a footb r yard.
Interest on th boom. -Miss Ritga, of,_'Windsor, is' cle. T ere taken to Brussels James Donaldson for 25,000 feet of cadar at Adam Shier attanded the funeral of her sis- Extra Super Union Carpets, 36 itiches
were &I
added to ptincipal twice each year -at the end of LANxN Mo ad garden hose... -At right the'guest of,Mm.T. R. ment in the cemetery there on Mon- $13 per M. was accepted to be delivered ter in Brook last we'ek.-It is our sad duty
T. Case.'�-Mrs. J. G. for in a remallas W
June and Defoeinber. No notice of withdrawl is ri8es Sold mowers taken in exchage. S.
Daly, who has been the guest of Miss Hicks' d the family 1 pa'
portion of a deposit' ay
required for the whole or so� 0., t] where required by cound wide, elegant, designs, at 55c per
estortb. 1688-1 ire on
R. S. HAY 8, W. K. PEARCE, EGGS WANTED. -Not lowcr as reported, a. ha. ound' satisfactory, nd Geor a George Godbolt who sucibumbed to in.
11 er members of having 1. Th re this week to chronicle the death of M
!or the p4t mouth, has returned to her been laid to rest ther 11 Ward f yard.
home in *_apauee.-A the. papers in tlaw A MI AOuLous EsaAxE.-On Friday last, Logan, who had'the contract, paid in f 31
Solicitor Agent. o a dezen. We also buy wool,, auh or trade. flammation of the lungs on Thursday 4ast, All -Wool Carpets, 36 inchs thisi�
after three days' illness. On Sunday he was season�s patterns4 and coloin
G. E. Kwe, Wingbam.. 1588-tt county uron are n w printed on patent, the lit a fourlear old son of Mr. Jaypes 8226. The following accounts Were paid
gs, at
33rd Bat- a cc most
VOLUNTEFR's ATrENTi[o_-.-The isides except three, THE ExosrroR, - th 4 Me n ell, o Tuckeramith, had a er Massey Co., blade for road grader, enjoying'the very beat of health and sang in
t I nd 95c, per yaR.
Grand Trunk� Railway Clinton New Era'and the Wingham Ti $11:7, yxpreFs on same, 50e ; James McKee, the choir and on Monday he took ill. , Do- 75c, 85c a
talion goes to @amp at London, June 2196. Members mes. miracia &uo escape from death by diowning.
of No. .0 company meet ia th3 town ball, Seaforth, This is not a good sigo.-Mr. Jacob Weber, A man Tapestry Cirpets, 27 inches wide
on Wednesday evening, May 25th, at 8:S0 o'clock. was engaged in digging post holes bolts -for hall, and grader, $2 60 W. jr. ceamed was widely known in the locality and solRe -
-Betwpen all stations in Canada for A few good ecruits wanted. ALEX. WILSON, Cap- F has purchased the hotel on the lace and the little boy with. a young -Mitchell, printing, $3 James Donaldson, was an earnesi worker in the Mothodi very good patterns for bed rooms,
Wn. P U a
a C. Prendergast, in Dublin, dog plsyi�g ardund, when the child- fel timber, $8.60. Regular meeting of council church. Min sudden death h 'throw th as low 'a 25c, 30c alcd -35c'
pr� Fty of Lr- on on May Queens Birthday and removes to that village on Monday. hea r t into one of the holes, which was as.Court of Rev
THEY are couicing in'! But e want 50 30tb, at 10 entire comm unity into A state of sad bereave -
This is one of the oldes� and most popular about laree and a yard,
MAY 24th, 1898. moresecond-hand coDk stoves in exchange fornew - half feet deep, with two o'clock a. In. ment. He was 42 years and 8 months oldand
o, . Rss Now is the time to change your stove, highest hooelries in this part of the country,and Mr. . feet of water in it. The man being busy a44W AN
-issue round trip tickets at y of three girls and two boys Tapestry Carpets, 27 inches wide, good
Will leaves a famil
prices paid. S. IdULLIM & CO., Selfokth. 1588-1 Wibees obliging and genial disposition will- did no miss the child, but the pup did, and
to mourn him loss, His remains were in.
Shigle Firs -class Fare, goi St. Joseph. ed -
patterns and colorings for b
'I EGGS AND BEES.-Egge from the foRow. soon make him as great a favorite 'with the with onderful sagacity it made such a fuss
erred in the Methodist cemeter here. rooms, halt etc., at 40c, 45e and
Busixpss. -Business is commencing to y
ipgvarlotlesof thoroughbred poultry: Black Min. public there as he is here. While we regret as to ttract the att'
May 23rd and 24th, returning orcas, I[= ke, 92J to 94; ention of the man, who
iring from 93 to 95; White Roe I boom again in this -lively.burg. Mr. Con� 50c per yard.
until Way 25th, Mi. Weber's removal from here, we heartily., thinki g something was wrong, hurried to
WhiteLeghorns,93to941; Ball Coohins Bants, real - : .
tine is making preparations -to do a large
pmqg&tulate the people of Dublin in secur. n Ta
b.�,auties. Egga.81 per 13. Also beekeepers' sup. the sp t,'and drew the child out of the hole. Lo desboro. peetry Carpets, 27 inches, wide, in a
Aingle First-Olass Fare and season's building, and oge liave Q.
plie3 an hand, such as hive@. comb, foundation and ugao good an enterprising a citizen. We It 'fit thought that life was, extinct, IAYING TEM 6RN large variety of patterns, suitable
ONE. -S cial ser -
One -Third r ion"
wIl ER ST pe
smokers. Bees wax wantei. Wx. HARTRY sea� ready commenced and b rosecuted
understand he will still continue the-�pottery ut f, er hard work he was brought around a in connection with the laying of the for parlor, dining rooms, hall#,'
foFth. vice
ibim. all most vigorously so soon as ic p
business in Egmondvflle as I formeily and a rig t. ; It was a narrow shave for the br ke and other
oing May 20th, 21st, 22nd. retur- iG_zN]zR - .9, corner stone of the now Metbidist 'church
AL RzpAiR SaoP.-GroRGF. material can be procured. The work of bed rooms, etc,, at 55e, 60c,; 68c,
W. that it will be under the manage ent of his boy b dh ained in'the hole will be hold on Sunday and Monday, May
ing until May 25th. ' o a a a rem
BAL-Dwix reprs lawn mowers, bloychs, umbrellas, brother, A] r., bripk making has commenced, and there
as, rsvol7qrs, or any. old thing. W. W. ute I ger he would certainly have been and 75c per yard. T
Joseph Weber.- Z 7 will soon be a supply on a 22nd and 23rd. Rev. �J. Edge, of Goderich
-W. Somerville, Agent sciesors, guns, Ogilvie, througb his business manager Mr. d 'o and to commence
Bring them ahng. SatlaUction uaranbeed. Re- rowi ed I it was only due to the fact
ano M_
member the blicycla emporium ant gei;fow repair T. 0, -Kemp, has very generously donated , operations with. -'In,addition to the build will Oriach on Sunday at 10 a. in. and 7 Bussels Carpets, 27 inches wide,
Commercial Hotel Building. tha:t he dog made such a noise that the P.
shop, lain street, Sewforffi. 1538-1 in*s commenced last m. special cone -tions will be taken un at tne latest ground ah-ades and;
year, preparations are
the surn of thirty dollars to each of the MnBin 8 attention was drawn to the accident.
both services on behalf of
being made to'erect several other the Trust and
To PouLTRY FANciERs. -John War&, newest patterns, at 85c, 95c and
church organizations in town; twenty-fi a Mr. eConnell very justly prizes the dog residences
thim; season. Mr.� George ampbell has just $1.10 per ard.
(VIA leaforth. big eggs to sell for hatching ra of the church. 4ohp Neelands, Wingba�m,
froni Barred, dolla to the Women's Christian Temper- and e naders it one of the wisest of its a former member of this church, will lay,
Bull and White Plywouth Rocks, warranted pure.
returned from the Georgian Bay district
Stair Carpets and tair Oil Cloths,
Mr. Ward won more prizes with theso ligns at the. lance Union, and lesser Burns to other charit. &klillnlad the corner stone on Monday, at 3 in a
Lubt ixuron poultity show than any other breeder of able institutions in town.. Mr. Ogilvie -evi. and brought with, him a vessA laden with p�
Plymouth Rocks. $1.60 for 15 eggs. 1580-8x4 lumber, shingles and posts, which he will Tea will be served in the. Temperance Hall good - variety of patterns.
dantly does not belie7e in keeping -all the Exeter.
DISTRICT MATTERS. 13eginnin June Ist, the summer term at dispose of to any from 5 to 7 p. in., after
good things in life to himiielf.-Rev. Mr. who may desire to pur. which a platform Linoleums and Floor Oil Cloths, in a
No- s. -Mr. William Fisher and family- chase. The vessel was unloade& here. St meetin will be he
immo's Academy, Sm"Dia, wl!l OP8-1- 018 Is all Musgrave of Dufra church, McKillopi do- 9
that It will cost you for three munths. Beall have moved here from Listowel and are church yard, yard and a quarter, yard and
re- when the following reverend gentle-
FOOTBA:LL NoTEs.-In the football match rooms, excellent location. You can incorporate livered a'most instructive and interesting tidin in Mrs. Isaac Bawden's house, on -the Joseph i's bound tp boom, as it is now at- men are expected to be present and take 4 half and two yards wide pretty
with buaiaes3. Wr- address under the auspices of the Christian tracting the attOntion7 of capitalists from
pleaSure ts for partioul:trs
th* Friday, evening between Norwich tn corn r of William and Waterloo streets.- abroad, several o whom have been here 6 : S. Bond-, 8eaforth, president 6f the ck and ti -le,
The Hurons our veteran team opens 1588.4 Endeavor Society,- in the basement of the Post ra are out announcing a grand drana�a- don Conference ; J. A Hamilton, patterns.
T h CAPE FaUND.-Found on the lately with the vi�w of making purchases ton Lon -
Fun road Presbyterian church, on Tuesday evening. tic c
Western Football Association season. h which will be given by a Goder-' and starting in business here. A good hote deaboro J. Edge and W. Go 1win, Goder-
south of Egmandville, or in that vicinity, a ladles, His subject was I' The Scottish Covenan,
Huron captain expects to bring the home seal cape. The owner can have the same by calling ich ompany in Gidley's opera house ou, and a first 31a'ss stlore are among the 1 ch C. 0. Couzens, Auburn ; W. Riga yl
ersi"-Mrs. Lightowler, daughter of Mr mme*
team out on top; 'A'ligood kame is looked at the EXPORITOR OFFick, Seafortb, proving property - Tueg ay evening next. -Everything I Blyth ; G. W. Andrews, H
and jaying- for this advertisement. 1687-tf William Copp, who has been visiting friends ting in good h 1 8 get- diate requirements of the place. -olmeaville ; R.
for. -W the 24th the Hurons go to Berlin f the races here on 0- Barton, Varna; R. Millyard and B.
here for. some time, left. on Wednesday, for Tue day ilaxb. A large uumber of entries Clement, Clinton; W.A. Findlay, Tucker -
u the 13
to play the RaDgers i W. F. A. eries. WASHIG machines and wringers, the Chicago, to join her husband, who is in the he boo-ka.-Mr. Thom. Sweet Bluevale.
-The -Nationals, of Berlin, play'our junior Knoll I Leader, Dowswell, and other makea. Given are Iready on t smith ; E. A. Shaw, Bayfield ; E. Olivant,
Huron*n the. reer�ation grounds here on on Mal. S. MuLLm & Co., Se%forth. 1688-1 -service of the SECIvation Army tb�re. Mr. is la ving new bank wall t undor his ASKED To REMAIN. --�-Att w- recent Theetwg Benmiller ; B. L. Hutton, Dungannon ; A.
Aonday night. Our juniors are a team TEAcaEP-Q and others who are auxious to Lightowler has been an o car he Army ig n .- a acrosse 11 U cAm -in of--the"quarterly board of the Bluevale C. Tiffin, Walton ; J. E. J . Millyard, Wile
ba Th I club,kle"TAO.
which no enemy, sefiior or -junior, can afford gotoniothemorld,usual-y devote tbeir,timb to for many years, and has erve in England, I Y's 0 Monday evenine last. circuit, the followingresolution was unan- A. W. Deves, Bervie ; also several promin-
study during the holidaya. You cann.)t d.) better Canada, India and the nit - St tell. H46 Our stock of Lace Curtains is arran
tothinkeasy. 'The juniors will give a crooti than take a course in ei-her Shorthand or b ok�ke -Rural Dean -Hodgins, of Sl ously and heartily sustained: ii7That (I
we ent laymen. Daring' the evening the
Ing during July and. was one of the first officers of the Axwy�dn
accoant of themselves -on. Monday 6ve ing, August. Wininio's 0 ca e ep place on record our appreciation of the oar. choir of the church w I render choice 'foi easy seeing and quick buyina
n A my Seafortb.-Mr. John Walker._,51--J- occ pied the pulpit in Trivitt Memorial l -
0 Sarnis,is the besb school to attend., An eight ",ks� -morning and We.have Cutins as lowas 25c a
thu inight befor: the holida. Roxboro, obu ch on Sunday last, both vicesof our pastor, Rev. D. Rogers, d=
term will cost you but S15. IM -4 the well 4-S "iv 'MUSIC. s a Ing. On each occasion the congregations the, past year. Mi pulpit and pas
Bicycles ! Bicyclea !-GEoRGE M. B ev pair, and -we have' them also as-
A—- t beautiful pansies we have ever work have been highly satisfactory and his
OP.E SlucGESSFUIT, STUDEINTS. —In looking wis has at his bloi cle emporium, Or wer treated to an up-to-date sermon. -Mr. Turnberry. far -up in price as most people rare
rth of s7een. A -eight of them would delight the Ro 6rb Ross, Ro4gerville, was the guest of attention to all the interests of the circuit
over the list of those who were successful At Raid& Wilson's h 9".15-01."ienfoyth, about
heart of an lover of the beautiful. In hip in approval, We take NbTzs.-John Black lost-& valuable home
the examivatiobs in connection with the ten seco y Mr. and Mrs. B. S. O'Neill on Sunday last. deserves our war to go but the great elles are-
- anci wheel@, lalios and gents, at from collection he has some very choice and rare r. R. H. Collins, barrister, was in Wood pleasure in reques�iu returned last week. It dropped dead, in the harness.
School of Practical Science, in Tor to $25. If you want a wheel do not fail to osli g that he bib
we five special lines, which we bold
and see them. varieties. -Mr., Fred Clarkson, who is at. sto k last week on business. -Mr. John in large quantities.
zootice the names of 'two to the circuit for another Conference zear. -Joseph.Hanlon, of Drayton, is engaged
Well to
ANOTHER SHOE�"SNAY. -On Saturday, -May �ending Trivity Medical College, Toronto, Da nce, grain merchant, made An SERvincs A-PPR"ECUTED. - Mi osepb with John Black for thb,,summer, a farm
the front. I'D-Ahe %t year examination, J. home A
2let, we will plop -9 on sale a ap . ecial purchava of 30 is 'to spend his vaeation.-The' first Pugh, who has acted so efficiently as organ- -4aborer.-Mr. W. Gray -is employed by
arrI8011, son of Mr. Frank Morri4on., of pairs of ladlea'Dongols kid laced boob, patent toe severe thunder and -lightning storm me t oi, Friday last for the benefit of -6bt. Leathern to assist on the farm for a
_k' of the ere itors.-Mr. Wesley Sn4pll,shipped two iit in the Presbyte6an church here for the R I per pairo Nottingham Lice
illop, and a former student at the caps, sizes 2J to V. regular price. $1.50 ; Saturday, season occurred early Tbursday mG_rning. I derson At $
Collegiate here, passed in the department only $1 a pair (0ash only). ROBERT WILLIS, I car loo dif cattle to Toronto on Frida last. past couple of years, has resigned her posi- term of seven montbs.-Samuel An
Cady's The wind was high and the moisture fell y Curtains, 54 inches wide',
Block, Seatorth.1 _ a Thursday night of last week the train
of mining engineering, etandimg well up in tion. The session of the church, at a recent will visit his daughter Annie, at Owen
in torrdntp. The. warm *e'ather following 31 yards 10 g, tAped edges - in
the subjects necessary. Among thos afro the north was four hourp late on meeting, tookAdvantage of the occasion and Sound, this week.-C&ptain Collier, G. B. n
e who; has had a stimulating effect on vegetation,
took honors in the third year in the depart-': EGMONDIVILLE NoTEs.-The treasurer of 1'!cou t of the tender of the engine having showed how thoroughly t6i appreciated M. agent, will give a m&gic lantern service, some of the be*t designs, made to,
ment of civil engineering was H L. Ve eqe . , which was already fotward for this time of jun Misses Fisher, tied
ped the track at Blyth.- the services 9f Mrs. Pugh by presenting her enti The torn Bible," in the Foresters' sell. at $1.25 per pair,, oufr'price
r otir church desires to acknowledge the re- year. -Appearances - now indicate another Wl itney aud Campaigne, of Goderich, will with a complimentary letter eulogizing her hall, Bluevale,. Wednesday next. -The SRI- per pair.
son of the late Dr. Vercoe, formerly of this ceipt of a cheque for twenty -dollars, frOnI very prolific crop of hay in this district this ta for her ardent and efficient. services. - This vation Army officers of Wingham wer
part in the entertainment to be held a vlsm
town. Huron -is the banner -county for W. W. Oglivie, Esq., per Manager Kemp, season. Within a radiurs of ten miles of per pair, fine Notting.
bar 3'on Queen's Birthday evening. -Mr. and commendatory letter'was accompanied by a itiDg on the B. line on Monday. -Mr. Geo. A 4K.25
clever and saccessful students. for church purposes. The donation is the
Sesiorth there are some as fine fields of
more gratifying, as it was entirely unaolici- M e J Leis Hill, of Crediton, visited rela- half year's salary, which spoke appreciation Ieathorn has purchased a- bike. -John Me- ham and Scotch Lace
I r ; h e&rffej on Friday last. -Messrs W
e -Mr u
JuxroR Ltcrtos-,:�F, L-EAGUE.—A meeting -ted and unexpected. Our veteran painter, clover as a person could desir to see. 8 tiv, G. from a material point of view. Na ghton haii , secured the services of Curtains, white or cream, 54 -
Robert Scott, having disposed of her resi- Bis ett and D. Spicer -received a car load of Howard Bolt for the summer. -J. A. Bailey
of the Huron intermediate district of the Mr. D. Clarke, is a busy man these days- dence here, intends going to Belleville to finj potatoes on Wednesdav last. This
inches wide, 31'yards lng, taped.
is assisting Peter King on the farm. -Mi.
an y at
Canadian Lacrosse Aesociation was held in Among other residences improved, in ap- spend a few months with her father, sister ' uld hilp to raise the potato blockade in edges, ade to Bell regularl
brusb,we may mention those d Mrs. James Casemore visited friends on
Seaforth 013 Friday afternoon last. The fol- pearance by his and other relativis there, and may finallv sh NoTEs. -Where are, all the weather proph. the �lt concession of Morris on Monday.- $1,25
lowing delegates were present: R. E. Jaoke -of Messrs. W.. Bickle.and It. Hicks. He thl district. $1.50 'per pair our price
take up her permanent residence in Toron-. eta who predicted an early spring? The Wesley Cornell was on the B line per pair.
son, Se&forth W. Cole, Mitchell D. j. has also the contract for painthig the wood-' Sunday.
-There will be a grand celqbratio cropstof all kinds are very far behind
to. n in- In -One half of the roof on Mrs, Balfour's
Cameron, Stratfora;W. E. A. Best, Be&- work outside of the mause.-Mrs. Muldrew Clinton on Queen�sbirthday, which Brussels. growth and the weather co�tinues very cool barn was blown off last week by a wind 911.50 per pair, fine 'Scotch
will un -
forth; J. A. Jackson, secretary, Seaforth; returned last week from a visit of a week or doubtedly attract a num r of first-class farms formale n -with a�froat ne
ber of our i arly every night, We rather At OP
1p�eople. numbe BtOrm.-Miga Mattie, Lace Curtais, 3.
Mo I d G a r, on easy terms. Also any amount think the win ampbell, of Wing -
no delegate was present from Briglat. After two in, McKillop, at the residence of her One of the big attra3t*ons will be a lacrosse of
A an on farm security at 5 per cent, wit d was in.� cold point when the hami is assisting at the postoffice store
routine busines was transacted the follow. daughter, Mrs. Robert Searlett.-We are match between. the Beavers of this 11018"Ayn to iro" man croamed the lines il Ma'rbh.-A heavy yards -long, wide and very ne in�
towp and ter 9 of repayment to suit the b3rrowei. Applr to Bluevile.
0 appearance$ made to is
ing schedule was adopted, with the. under. pleased to see Mr. Gordon McAdam ab ut bail storm, accompanied by rain and a high ell at $1.75
&Toronto team, while our band haslbee- ScoTr, Brussels. 1678-tf
standing that dates can be� changed by again, after being confined to the house
engaged to di6course sweet musig.-The fol- PRATH OF AN OLD RzsiD-ENT. -An aged and wind, pas ad over this Jocality on Wednes-. per pair ; our price $1. 50; per pair.
mosVof the winter through illness. -How
mutual consent': June 8, Seafdrth'at Strat. day of lasZ ny are sowing Lakelet.
lowing persons were ticketed through to the highly respected resident of this locality week. -A good ma dt, 1. 75 er pair, extra wide
randly n6,ture is arraying herself these maniolds this ' week. -Sheep washing is de -
o ford; 15, Mitchell at Seaforth -'28 Strat- At
west this week by R. 'J. Macdonald, C. P. dild at his residence, Frederick street, on GATHARINGS.-LThe Springbank
ford at Mitchell. Jullyl,Strxtior a in he�' loxely soft spring robee. factory fine - Lace Curtains,
forth; 12, Mitchell at: Stratford ;' 19, Sea.
ay m rn'
d at Sea av R. agent: Mr. Dennison and Mrs. Mowbray, F d ng, 6th inst., in the person of laye on account of cold weather. -A sort commence& operations last Monday, but the assorted in a variety of -plain and
Stiange, her season styles are always the of McKillop, to Elva, Manitoba; Frank lr'aiIi Scoott late of Morris township, in his of I& grippe is going around in this townebi
forth at Mitchell. Official refej;ee, J. A. same, and yet, always beautiful. Wonder P quantity of milk was so small! that they
Thompson, formerly -of THE Exposrlop.
82�d ear�u lie had only been confined to and attack oung and old Mike. -Mr. shut down for another week. � These fine fancy designs, good, vaue at 82
McFadden, R. N. Hamilton, Strhtford - R, if human beauty would become less at. g -out for a new barn days are sending the grams per pair; our price $1.75 per pair. -
r Ab K
staff to Winnipeg, Manitoba. -Rev. Dr. b t. a week so that his deatli was Kelly has all, t a timber
E. Jaekson, Dr. Macka Seaforth; R., tractive if the same order were followed.- me Up, and there
y Donald was in Toronto this -week at. co�siderable of a surprise to many who were on the 7th line --A good, many farmers,in.
will soon be lots of milk. -Mr. Myles Scott
Ryan, W. Cole, Mitchell. Mrs. William Allen has purchased a nice tending a meeting of the Foreign Mission no aware of a change -for the worse. this locality bave sick horses now. -Corn per pair, Scotch Lace Cur -
Mr. and family -left here last week for Fordwich, At &2
buggy, the comfort of which may she long Boafd of the PrO*terian church.-Thuii. Se tt was born in Newatead, Roxboro -shire, for fodder it; being sawa this week. It where he will make cheese during the' sum. tains, wide and long, i
white or perfect -ties,
be spared to enjoy. -The many friends of day being Ascension Day there were oar- S tland, and in his earlier .yeam followed mer months. He manufactured cheese at
HoxORIG AN OLD SEAFO'RTIIITF,' --The.' makes good fall feed for Aattle but is no use bean
gentleman referred to in the followin'g para- Xre. Rudolph, who had been ill most of the
vices in St.; Thomas, and St. James-' th occupation of a shepherd- and later be- after standing in stocks all winter. -We are Brucefield last summer. -Those of the farm- would sell readily at $2.50 p
raph which rom the Vancouver, soi rd
we take f winter, are pleased to see her about again. churches.-The'barns of Mr. M. Hill,. Hulz ca e a policeman, holding this position rry to hear of the d�ath'of Mrs. Edwa. er
Columbia, World of the 9bh inat., _111, until Pair ; our price $2 per pair.
Erit lett, west of Londeaboro, and Mr. W. Rob Laundy, jr., of Hullett boundary. The era who were' fortu
was a well known resident of Seaforth. some LOCAL BRiEws. -Mr. John McNab,wbo, in ertson, near Clinton, were struck b a ort t ' ime before coming to Canada in 1863. 1 their wheat till now have a market to suit Curtain Nets- Tambour and qPersian
funeral took place on Wednesday morning the M. -
y light a mark of the esteem in which he was r. James Ritchie, of the 17tb, adid
to Blyth.
twenty odd years ago, and was then connect- early days, was a well known resident of the ning during the storm of Thursday morning, h d for long #ud faithful service, Mr. Scott last week in Gorrie; Draperie�s',:Cretonnes, Arti'Muslin
ed with this journal. He afterwards went upwards of 1,0()o
township of Grey and who afterwards lived and,'with thc�ir* —0—
bentents, were completely �N presented with a year's malary on leav- etc., in great variety.
Ole at $1 . 10. -m -Three of Mr. obn
to Winnipeg and became one of the boom in Harpurhey and later in Bayfield, and who consumed. I the force at the instance of Lord Balworth. ZuriCl2. 0 d 'a fa ily, on the 16th, are - seri
millionaires of tha city, bat with the ol- ously
�d Scott was married twice, his. fireb wife be'. NOTES.—Mr. Martin Berker,tfrom the t an
lapse of the boom, he shared the fate of died at Cowall, Ont-, on the 8th inst., after U'Ro-_-, TE-ACHIERS.-The te%ebers of in a Mine Douglam,of Hownan,Scotland,who East, was here visiting friends. -Mr. John in attendau
c will be remembered by many of our readers, i I t.. Dr. Tuck, of Gorrie, is dail
di d a few years after their marriage,leaving Hey, a few days ago, went to see his' son , from Mr. Candle, thousands of othiry, the depreciation in'the a long illness. -Tues'day next being Queen's East Huron held a very successful conven Mr. Win. Hubbard me
prices of real estate, with whidla he was over Birthday, will be a holiday in town a d all tion in the public school buildin Brus.. t ee children, only one of whom survives. who is working east of. Hensall.-Rev. A. last weak. om noon or n
Le mornin evenin, and
loaded left him once more a 1;oor man, and the stores and other busi ess places will be eels on Friday and Saturday of Mr- Candle took possession of
f"Ita week. T second Mrs. Scott, was-& resident of Y. Haist was home last Sunday and held the vacated houie.-They ar� paying $4.7.5 own time in looking and
hare;;�OvecltoBritiah Columbia, where he closed. There will be nonelebrationin Sea- There were over take your
-one hundred teachers in H wick, Scotland, her maiden name b in! his services, but on M nd he left for his for hogs in this vicinity at Present, and si&etig. House Furnishings are
er brother of Messrs..Daniel and John Me. his
has resided for several years. He is a young. forth this year. -Mr. Archibald Scott, -ot attendance. Dr. McLllan, of Toronto, an'd A nes Gilroy. She pro-deeeased her oz a
hue old home to straighten up t a affairs of they appear rather hard to get at that. -
the firm of Scott Brothers, has purchased Inspector Robb wore.present and took an b nd some 20 years ago. will all soon
On coming to this bereaved parents, who both' died inside of The boys goods that you don.1 want to buy,
Several ex- ry r.
Gregor, of Hullett, and a sonofthel&te thehandsome re-sidenceof the late Mayor active part in the proceedings. have new wheels.
Co. nt M Scott and family came to Lou- a year's time. -Faust anid Reikbiel have Charles Rullan and Win. Wright have each 1n
Daniel XcGregor,of Harpurhey. a hurri, take time to study out
His many Scott, on Goderich street, paying therefor cellent addresses and. papers, bearing on d n t hi , where an uncle resided, and secured the agency to sell � the beat plow a nice one, bo"aht from Mr.
owns ip
old friends hereabouts,will be pllear.-jd to the sum of $1,500. Mr. 'Scott intends occu. tb6 im a McLaughlin,
your own needs and we will do
portant work 'of the teacher, were f ' ward ted a farm in Lobo township. made in CAnada. The .1
r ren y-havp been working Gorrie.-The re'sre & great mauv colts dying
learn of his well doing in the Golden Prov- pying it himself, and Will have a beautiful gi�,en, and each elicited a lively and intelli- I all we possibly
ince. The patakraph in the World pro. t a about 31 years a oe deceased came to a long time to got the beat but theyay the off in this community this 'upring. M17. can to make your
and comfortable home. -Mr. Thomas Ward, gent discussion, showing that the teachers orris townshi' wh a he purchased a 100 have got it now. Purchases 'perfectly sati
P �e Way
ceeds The management and members of Varna, walil iu"town on Monday 14t. present were both willing to learn and M -I a re farm ou the 4th line from The
DEATHS. Mrs. Bell' and Mr. Ferguson, reeve,
of The World staff had a pleasant duty to Althobgh ho'has not yet fully recovered struct. On -Friday evening the usual enter- K rney. On this property Mr. Scott resided the death of Mr. John 81�affer, who was Company soent',& week or more in our burg
mas -We have this ek to chronicle I ost one each. �The Wx Hoo Indian Remedy
perform on Saturday evening in connection from the effe 9 of his recent Bevere a i- iainment was held in the town hall, and u til three and half years ago when the place -biried in the Lutheran cemetery last Satur. very little b a. 3MMI
recently. They made
with the retirement of one of the best known dent, he is rea�ching that -point as -quickly as was largely attende Mr. Lougb, principal w i sold to William She er
d. I dden, -of he. same day Afternoon; Mr. Shaffir lived for in Intellig6nt teople Trill consult a JPhysic-
a any
nd most liked men of the office. For the be could reasonably expect.' -M r. Thos. E. of the Ulinton model school, Th bject of this notice came to years on thO 'town line, I orth of h of repute w an they are
past three years, J. M. McGregor has oc I ere. e
611- Rays has rente&. the Baechler farm' of On chair, and in addition to an au in need of any
excellent ZusmZ east fall and with his daughters re. About two months ago he moved to B treatment. Our residents have been -taken
pied the position of accountant, and besides thousand acres, in -CPlborne township, and musical programme, an interesting and ',elo- aiped� here, For the past few ears where he aud.ne,of his so -in-laws rented in too often by such companies—The 19. MCFAUL
giving every satisfaction to, his employers, is stocking it with about three hundred address was.delivered b Ott
y Dr. Me ad been in failiughealth, the 'a hotel. A f�w days h boats are
his opularity among the members of the
head of light mtiocke�s which he 'expects to previo a to his deat moving on the lake, but we hear
=,-who took as his theme, 11 This Can- 94use Iatterly"being cancer. Fie had &'light be was,attacked wit
h the �la griOpe, but the fishers say fish are scarce thus far. It
staythrough all the departments of the of- have. ready for the Ad country rket in a
da:ot Ours," and for which he receive J` Goods
P fice attest his capable business methods as stroke of apoplexy a couple of years ago. got better again and attended, to his daily has been too cold. for thern.-Two cream
Augut. We J hr Mr. Hays much succes hearty vote, of thanks. The new presid
�,Jnat T�e surviving children are:-James,of Edin- duties. Afewdaysafterho passed awa wagons, one for Ayt the other for New-
-yen un- in his vent y
Little Oliver Robb, thesix
well as his perennial good nature, e,
is Mr. W. Shillinglaw, of Tuckeramitb -: he bhrgh,Scotiand; Adam,of HurouRoad;Rev. fiona this world. Much sympathy, I felt r burg two and three
It a stadt, pass throMh on* 0
derthetrying circumstances that oftenat. year old son of kr. Win. Robb, wet with a first vice pre'ident, Mr. Lowery, of Porters raw and William, of Michigan ; Mrs. for ihe bereaved family, 'H- ra times a week. Thy get a lot of cream in
was 5$ yea
tend the successful productio of a daily particularly 'Painful accident on Friday last. Hill, and thessecond vice, Miss Reynolds, J, eph Harris, of Petrolia; and Misses df aga. He leaves his fat e
her, who lived this vicinity..
Sedoirth's Greatest. Cash Dry Goods Store
r ved
2' log
adbil tw
J� aft
GI: 670,
y d