HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-05-13, Page 4I_0J9 MO=, a "RON to St NEW "VI&RTISEMENT8. right. Thisin tonothing which the Mail of igkfiRGIIM Of far greater import- westefto ion of the Dominion. Mr. atlons.-4obert Rouatt is*bouu&� not .14 9. 0 01 aT Minis r of thi behind others In the mitt _J f I vements does not tell its readers, because if it did. its rablZ w, Mr The ftw a.theMs, or each Russia forbidding the purchase In that pondeab that he had no infori"ti oNk one to his One was the Issue of a ukasi in a Minis D Interior, , told your a 0 ner a bitwoon the paw on and is having consi& The. C' r one, denotes the page of she paper 6n which 9 whole complaint would be destroyed. Our Of Tbi lowid. ; readers can, therefore, jadge from this how the news that the Fronolh 0overnment had ink believe that there was any truth In it, now front has been put iin. - The siding is advarilsomentwiU th country of wboak f6r export, Then came at kind from Maj, Walsh, and he did hardware and- tiuware !establishment. Judgmen"reig a Mscftnald_� much- confidence is to be placed in the decided to remit during the months of May A tb000ntrari the letters of the- Yukon being removed and a new one of sheet iron gyp W1 8 and June the duty on wheat. This action Commissioner were bf a very different. char. Is being ut on and alterations made inside, statements of that journal. It tries to * time, t a. -McKinnon & 00-__� means more for the wheat market# on this sc Ar. Of the a op and dwellin T. J. Marks Great W. Hoffman -5 a Me= advaktais of the confidence wh ch W coniinent than appears on the fact of it. THE PLiEBISOVE 11ML. in havin ' a put on his G. Wiloon-6 AU its readers repose In M French importers will doubtless, in view of he passing of, the plebiscite bill b th store nex 1. Tippet'p.-Work is progressing oney to Loan -A. Cosom-4 William Jewett's now residence. on, under the reimpositioi3 ofthe duty in a few weeks, (gi rapldl o SAth Celebration -4. P;. Doherty -4 For may years after Confederati of Corrinio is boa brought tile -co ng Shingles Recalved-N. Oluff Co. --s i� ore wi be mentioned the work pro. *t purchsse largely - for future requiremente, in rule, the the 1011 Tart CIU16 Mesting-8 both Conservative and Refer of he Dominion Parliament Within meaAui- M tu a and that should greatly augment the de. at distance. There was very little of & �eods.-At the Albion two small rooms ad. Provincial franchises were used for Dom' the bar, have beeii made into q. sit. a Prom a , Ynung-8 in- mand on this side of the ocean. de to on the bill, and, indeed, 'i rather joining 2he w) Boo Turnip Seed -A. Young -8 -t will bejkbout two months before the -it may be used an Jon.- elections, just as- to proposed by the "I mQ interest wAlp"manifest in the measure, ting room or it necessary Fur Poind-9 free, - a extra iample room.-Tbe River house is inumbei Fianobbe Bill which the Mail go bitUrly deliveriesAn the new crop,become atall if I he'presenoe of a considerable number of & Fqo anted- G. IL Kin" and in the �Miesutime, the requirements of the summer visitor Jawleson-e - iminent prohibitionists in the galleries being made ready for condemns and so grossly misrepreeents,, and WMan S"d Potatoso-A. Yount -8 the importing -countries will be.considerable. Er excepted. There is- a probability that tarde and alternations suitable are fast near. Houw to Ren"ames Seattle -8 the system worked with perfect satisfaction it is -fall to remember that when a Ing But-, th, vote will be taken some time next Sep. completion. -Excavating. has been COM- Soreen Voor3­8111s & Murdle-8 lasand was continued until the recent cumber- shortage of wheat exists in any European menced for Mr. John Whiddon's new resi. e bar. Bargains -[91-& Wilds -8 GINO I Summer Supplies -[,1-8. Mullett Go. --8 ve cOn"try it does nob 'always follow that the denee across the river. -Mr. James Fbwlie system, of wbich both some and expensi A SALE NOT MADE. found i Dvntal Car&_-Dr.Sillory-8 crop deficit is - eatirely filled by im"rts. has secured the pfemises on the cornier op- Notice to Credifors"11. J. D. Cooke -5 parties are tired, was introduced. :ere was some talk during the week of Was -.Cal It 1@ The poorer classes make up the deficiency pooite the QueeWs and is having it neatly -Dir asible tbt Lake Ontario. a big Atlantic steamer The' Most - Es'sential - w po that a better system than that now with a7e flour, the increased use of root' fenced. -Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards, of w -w eaDon -i be] mging to the Beaver Line, being sold to Iproposed might be adopted, but'in so far as crops or by some other means.-- Even in our Lobo township, were guests of Mr. - M A. Americans. It is understood that- an owwcountry, where bread is one of the th' Edwards last week. Mr. Edwards is an Ontario is concerned, at least none has yet sht iiii. e� � -i ttiat ,ei offi r was made for the boat, but that the cheapest articles of food, bakers find that expert hor.semaii And had with him the well bonds t been pripposed. It in a, subject which in an advance I decided not, to. dispose of it, _h' h 'Utaper "Jack Dempsey,"'for- In- a the price is invariably follow. ow iers beset wi�h oonsiderable, difficutty, but in so ed, the consumption of the known ig. IN TIME OF W.&R a-popul by a falling off in mit G Adam Beek, of London, but �d, they could not'very, well do so if it DAY, May 13th, 1898 i FM ding wA SEAFORTHS iing to be used in the war between a a 0 ­A- =gand- the United States. As. own far as can.judge, the bill now before th" staff of life. w rece�tly secured by him. House, whatever its demerits may be will "The world's wheat crop of 1898 pro- Motmines to show a lirge increase. This is R matter was brought to the attention of Death of Mr. Dalton MeQarth7- have -the merit of simplicity and cheap 'Stephen what, in the ordinary course Of* supply and th Dominion Government the Secretar of The countrywill learn with feelings of. and thWO a good deal. Under it elootiom demand, is to be expected. When a few 8 to at once communicated with the lion. OjaiTuARY.-One f the tioneers of the ad of 6 h Chamberlainj the Colonial &-cretary, towns to behold on lists three and ki d the deepest regret ot the death of Mr. will not need years, ago Argentina wheat w" sold in hi , Mrs. O'Rourke, on the 4th -th but, fore a reply was received the Beaer inst. Ste had been ill for several months. Daltio6,McCarth ' of Toronto, the eminent four,y! 'old, on a ant of the enormous Liverpool at 50c'it was to, be expected at' fare Li mie pio 'hurch nee ple-sent word to Ottawa. that they Deceased'x maiden name was Barry and in the'area of wheat )&ads, under the infiii lawyer and well-linowii politician. On San- expenale in revising the lists, as was the me of low prices, would decrease. and who.�-, the deDided to retain the veinal in their own the early days, with er humpand, who died day night last Mr. McCarthy was driving Under;the old act. service. The boat in now on- its� way some ye#rs ago, rice began to reach.s. figure where iL pro- settled on the form nea Dougall from his residence in the city to the Union SUCtioUL became a profitable undertaking wi.itih a cargo from Montreal to Li'verpool. Mount jCarmel, where she remained until grown up family station to take the evening train to Ottawa. The Philhppine Islands... ia the are& began to increase. The Mark Lane ATTACKS ON MF_ SIFTON. bar dedth. She leaves k% � - % 18 foLr Saturad.,,jr, Express of London, a recognized authority Of 40118 sad daughters to mourn the lose of 3 he Hon., Mr. Sifton has been attacked the far He was'driving a very spirited horse. On �LgThe Phillippine1slands which have recently in the grain trade. recently published a an affectionate mother. The remains were n the Canadian ptess for h itted -and f" aving parmi followed by a large concourse of people to the way the "busil took fright and be2om- a captured by and are now in possession suMM91rY of the world's crop as ascertained fr minere libensis to be issued at the t for 1897- and estimated for 1898, which C Mount Carmel cemetery where- they were ing unmanagdable, upset the vehicle, throw,- of the United tates troops, have on' this i1koot and Dyes panes. He was asked Trunk shows that while the world's crop of 1897 interred on Friday. shol Ing Mr. McCarthy from the carriage. He account b000ine of intereat'to"people in -this by your corraffpondent as to his reasons for t fell short some 132,000,OW bushels of ACtUaL NOTES. -Rev. Neil Shaw, of Egmondv do ng this, seeing that the sale has hitherto ilie, 1 stuck to the lines and was dragged a con- part of the world. Hitherto little has been requirements, the crop of 1898 at the pres- conducted service in Grand Bond Presby. the Idic n confined to Vancouver and Victoria. LADIE89 WRAPPE"'Es siderable distance It ant outlook will exceed such annual needs terian church on Sunday afternoon. -Air receiving auOh injuries known of them or of their resource& He replied, that he mode this change at the in: as resulted in his death on `Wednosday now seems that they are rich and papa IOUs by 68,000,000 bushels. This, considering req eat of Maj; Walsh who said that a large Geo. Glanville, is starting up a store i� the present shortage and the length of time Shipka.-Mr. Fed_. Hackney, of Hibbert, bar of parties went -into the Yukon ent range of Ladies' Wrappers, vow fiell 'i'aconleicas, beyond what any person anticiplated who that must elapse before the new crop of 't aspent Sunday at Grand Bend. night. Whea rescued he w" nu We have a maignific having re�eived a severe blaw 0 the head., was not re ly acquainted with the wit y licenses, and it was impossible facts. wheat.begina to -out any figure in -the mar- foribein to return to Vancouver or Victoria elegant made anb deautifull - trimmed and we have ho bw and also had two ribs. broken. 0.0ne of. the The pcipul�k ion and c kes the outlook quite an. ly Juy ommerae of the to rocure them. As there -was likely to be moms. ill Un coura causing price of them at special *1, L25, 1.50, 1.98. Every ga-rm-nt broken ribs premed upon the lippines are much superior to Cuba; the POP- he dvanee in the som trouble ovir the matter the Minister OBITUA'V.-The Morris correspondent of wheat is of the g sitest importance to Can- -oz pialmonary, trouble, which ipme ibe immed- ulatio'n of the former being a;bout 7,000,000 the ght it well in future to permit the the Brussels Post gives the following par- year &in g pticulars of the death of Mr. John � M cAr a". Should- the rise of 30c be in tained Mo nted Police in ther Yukon to issue free ter, gua;rainteed to wash. the app iste cause of his deatb. Altho.Ag his case as compaled with - Cuba� 1,500,000, said a fe months longer it will 'mean -an increase wi lice sea. of this township, whick sad event occurrPA the am in the purchasing power of the! larmers in wax considered critical, no persica, seemed, to their -total imports and exports are about on Sunday, April 24th, and of *hich we Ontario wid Manitoba, the two� great wheat T SETTLE TROUBLE9 BETWEEN CANADA Mr. Me- $60,000,00�0&9 compared with &I (A*)uple'pf weeks -thinkthe danger so 4mminent., �oat half - AND UNCLE SAM. made brief mention of IFO-R- SATURDAY A 1N) MONDAY— producing Provinces of the Doffitnion, of a ago: Last Sabbath a resident of � 26 y earn kan of Gsrthy was one of the foremeatf. lawyers in that amount by Cabs. There are wi�er four sum no lees thin $20,600,000 to t-)5,- Sil LouisDavieshas been appointed by Ir tandi went to his long home, inj the per- Canada and few have secured gr�ater hundred of the Phillippine Islands in all, 000 00O." the Amperial Government one of a commis. we largest being Luzon and Mindanao. its, fast colors,. special 5c -the Avc I 0 hu Mcrter, 5th line. The cause 11 170 Twenty pieces of Oxford Prm son of eminence as a politician_ .1 Hi; name had the t sion �o enquire into a number of outstanding of death was dropsy, with which he had year 0 C become familiar to almost every� resident in The capital, Manills-1 *which is now occupied Editorial Notes and Comments. disputes between C�_-As and the United been poorly for a few'monthi. Mr. Me- er yard. Every yard warranted to wash. 161ding - StaWs. Sir Richard Carewright will likely p theDaminion and his udden and tragic Arter was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and, by the American troopiB, has about 150,000 This is the waythe Mail puts it: �The be th� Canadian commissioner. Both men came to Canada when a young man, locating low na dath is a distinct loss to the country. population, and its commerce is very rich demand for the abolition of' in Palhousie township. Prom there he M.en!s Waterproof CO in brown and black will act, in concert with the British Amb". the Senate ,severe i and varied. It has been under the rule of comes entirely and exclusively from the bad sadoij at Waahivgton. There will be three moved to Uaborne township, Huron county, grey, comaiiesioners appointed by the. United -Veyor, one' Spain for many years, and like all the other a marriage Dish at Journalism. or greedy faction in the Liberal party. It Statei Government to meet the British com- M to Mine ec where he was united I sp al at 1.6.00. or Uki possess argaret Mowbray, of that township, who Thefollowing sthestmin in which the ions of that power, has been rent by in voiced in Quebec by Israel Tarte and in missic1ners.' It, is -more than likely that the pro- eceased-him 16 years ago. They moved villbei 11 be held in Ottawa soon after Toronto. Mail has. been, for several Weeks internal dissensions and the soil saturated Ontario by Mr. Tarte's principal agent, the confer�6oe wi, to Morris and purchased the 100 acre farm, dy 4 I �wo po�iads of good Japan'Tea tor 25c. the pi�,orogation of Parliament. Mon discussing the new Franchise Din now be- with the blood of the people, while its com- Toronto Globe." If the Mail thinks as it lot 13, from. John McCrae, where they -of he' oes not speaks, which is very doubtful, it d A BETTER FEELIG EVIDENT. merce hai'been retarded and its resources made their hoine -until called away. - Mr. fore Parliament and which will become aw wasted by the ruling powers. The hatred know much. about rublic opinion in this The �jingo eleament which has been fostered MeArter was an intelligent man, honest in Comew' the a 01 the crowd to Glinn's, this session if the Senate does not strang a country, especially in its own province. in Can�da for the last few years has almost all his dealings; was a good father, a kind ins rive it. In its issue of Monday it says of Spanish rule is particularly strong There would be few tears ahed in Ontario if disappeared, sud in manypublic- places the neighbor, and enjoyed the esteem of the Ong t6 natives, and for many years the Senate were to sink out - df eight to- Stars a6d Stripes may be seen floating side community. The surviving children are "The greedy faction scores ita greatest am mrro by side� with the Union Jack. Such is the Mro. Adam Seett, Huron road; Misses triumph in the new tran2hise law. -One of there havobben almost continuous insurgent w and never more appear. feeling1which is now being' meini�est here Catharine, Mary and Selina, Henry and a roller. the purposes of that law is to give the wars. 'The war betwee 8 iand the The following from the Toronto Telegram over thb present war between the United John at home, and Robert, of Wapells, gue brol Tarte influence increased- power. -This is 'P THE CORNER United-8faten will d7+ssalgreatly an- is a sample of the nonsense hich daily ap- States 4nd Spain. To say that the Canad- Manitoba. All the children were home for roller. effected -by providing that the Quebec w the insurgent forces, w6i.ch have ians sympathize wi th the' United States is the funeral, which took place on Tuesday elector shall have more votes tha the On- cOuragf ing 4en pears in the Oppowition press Wilfrid Be Be 'G iN N STORE, I . � 9 home A' tario' elector. --Mr. Tarte's supporters in lately once more gathering head, -although sear I putting it strong enough. There afternoon. The funeral service was held in Laurier suggests tbab members' of the ewear feeling among all parties here for the Sunshine Methodist church, Rev, Mr. Moutteal, fo.r-ixample, can vote in each. they were severely defeated last year in Yukon force are'to be'commended for th( is eighbors to the south, aten giving a very appropriate addrees- one ot the six' constituencies there' )ir the su' ess of their n -No battles which were much more deadly and . ' on and no ne seems to make any secret of it. " Heaven, and the preparation necess�r Ontake elector &n vote more t1ban once in willingness t6protect the Klondike from ford, T) :F 0 iRrx Mrs, A a Federal electic�.i, no matter in how many !harder fought than in -the Cuban war. the, ravages of lawless adventurers ; but not forit." The reverend gentleman sung witK conblituencies h4may be qualified. -Thus, a. These insurgent wars have been marked, it lNews oi the Week. cod effect, "Saved b grace." The pall- a, word of praise does the Premier utter for 'ho tq man who is an 'instrument of Israel Tarte gearere were W. Mile, James Russ 11, good servce on our different streets in believed, by the most atrocious cruelty the. honorable gentlemen of the Senate who W ATELPOUTS AND TORNADOES, -_ A special a eluded on Thursday night of last week, by r. -flew inti speaks nix times in Parliament, while an George Parker, Thom" Miller,. William Ogle Johnston and Mr. Charles -Chapman, rom Vail Buren, Arkansas an examination. The meetings were eon - on both sides. The importance of cutting undertook the laudable tank of saving1that f waterepouts inoon -1, Ontario man, who is Opposed to wrong- Shedden and Alex. CI&Tk. There was 5 ducted by Rev. Mr. Muir, of Brueefield of this villa same territory from the greed of McKenzie Und. torni�does' have playealhaayvaoic there and , ge, wheeled to Wingliami and doing. speaks but once. -Why should Israel Qff Spain from this great base of suppliies -n large attendance, the church being crowded who- had as his subject "The life If their B & Mann." The Telegram has an. inborn done huVredsoof thousands of dollars' da' 0 Lietow-el on Saturday last to visit relatier, T in- -arn thi h Tarte's accomplices, have four, five, and six the far east, and of holding in check or e- to the full. Mr. MeArter attended the Miss returning home on Monday. -M a Gi. o d uses were. blown do at Joshua," which was very.intereeting. is, be n votim, while a maii of the calibre of Rev. hatred of McKenzie.& Mann, but it should age,, wn Methodist church, and was an 'interested Hat feating her navg forces in this 'part of the have more sense than to permit its dislikes Sudy, eigjh� mile's east of Little Rock, and tie Cameron was awarded tl�e PrIZ3 for of Galt, who was here spending a-, week or t. -straitfol Dr. Caven, for- instance, is restricted to one, th and well read Liberal in poilitice. The be- the beat paper - on so with relatives has retufaed to Galt.- world, needs no demonstration, from a stra. to Prompt it- to say iuch foolish thitigs as it is re d let Winslow,& summer resort ques idins through And Awl simply because he lives. in Ontario ?-If the po= reaved family, have the sympathy of the Joshua's life, by taking 63 points out Of a Quite a umb;r of our villagers intend George Brown, the advocate of rep. by pop., tegic point of view, and the capture of bove. t on the t p of. the Boston Mountain, . is an- community in their sadness." , .1 -seholar; �tha interfered and the between the tirely gon possible 70 marks., In the prizo for the be*t attending the concert to be held in Droves were silive, he would speak out like a man Phillippihes is not by any:meaus an unim- r an ha CONDIT ox Or MR. GIADSTOINE.-The bul. essay on "The life of JoshuaPthero werel only nday evening. - Government 1. and ]WeZemnZiet & Manit d opera house, Exeter, on Mo against this impudent racial discrimination. portAnt factor in the priquen t problem. Al- been consurn i ted h t would have been litin issu d lately at Irawarden says:- Kirkton. three contested, Mr. Peter Cimeron, I hir. Our grain buyers are shipp -The servile Globe dare not condemn it, Ing largely in year W though it -is not at all likely the result? 7B,ayne`tfa` Donald Grassick and Mrs. Do"Id Gr"sick. orde for it has turned ito'back upon 10'tario jand the United 11 there would be an "Mr. Gla ationie has been more comfortabli NoTEs.-Mr. -James Rose who spent part . r to have room for the large quantity of all Canadian route to the Yukon, without du t�h, 'last dy or two ; but the local of last week visiting friend In this ese the prize was not award9ld, grain that is being marketed here. -Mr- T. Ward, street I Upon honesty and reform -for a mesa of pet. States will be allowed to retain these pos- ring- a in this locarlty'- Mr. Grassick and Mr. Camero reol the cobt Of a cent to the country ; the rocks disease slowly increasing, and there is returned home, accompanied by. Mr. Thou. n both J. Berr, , horse buyer, was in Ades. Craig tage. sessions, the result of their present capture which McKenzie & Mann would receive for- gradual di inution of strength. Tufts, of this place. -Wm. Stoneman now- ad 70 P�x cent., or ii full paper. this wee purchasing some fine horses fori the turned, There is just &,sufficient element of truth will be to end Spain's bli-ghting ruli over building the road would have tie be explored -AccupTs Miss GOULD'S GiFT.-The Presti... wears smiles. It's a girl.-- David Hazle. old country market, where he ine d _in a n a going he atwl few weeks with a ship.ment.-We be. in t I the gift of - M ins Helen wood is busy erecting his new barn. -The Chiselhurst. pmy rA the. above qidotation to make it de- them, and will likely result in having them and worked, and in this way also the coun- dent has. ocep, e4 try would reap Gould, of ew York, to the Government of lieve Messrs. Pet�y and MoCloy intend- to captive, and it is calculated to deceive a benefit, and the richer the wife of Chief Constable H. Vickers has pre. pilaced under a safe 0 the 4D and stAble governinent, Doirs.-The Presbyterians of this village further improve -the appearance of theli en "Samuel Aimo hose who do not ku, finds the. better for the country. Now, $1,000,00 for war purposes, and her check sented him with a fine baby girl.- have torn down the Gld church, and have. brick block Vi putting down a fine I grancli- thepu �w better, or so that rebellionanA bloodshed will be stop, however, thanks to the Senate, there will be for that a ount has been received at 'he Doupe raised his barn on Friday last. -Mrs. the contract let fdr the erection of a now thic walk. -Yr. Doherty, horse trainer, has who have, not given the out j act very much ped and the commerce of the country de. no road, and the,Yukon *rocks, which,would Treasury apartment. Alex. Ross is at present very low with Is one. -Several- new bie cles have been Par- now quite a number of horses in training o Y grippe.- study. But the effort to deceiv its own veloped as it shouild be. The happineal and have been developed and made profitable by HONING PI�EoNs.-Homi Miss Sarah Hazlewood gave 8, chased around here lately. -Mr. John Tay. the race course and in also breakin withs $ G ng pigeons are readers is not the worst feature in the MaiPs prosperity of - the people . will thus McKenzie & Mann, will be as nature made to -be brougot into service in the'war by the birthdayjarty to a number of her friends, lor, of near this village, delivered two fine number of horsm for f armors and othegro,lanndo' -0 'be them, and be of no use to any person. And United St4es Government-. One hundred onThurs sy of last week. -Win. Moore has leads of hor to Mr. Case Campaign - ­ It will be noticed that there in enhanced and the - world at large will he of these bir &I , Seaforth, Tues. we believe in gi*ing good satisfaction. Aquite this is what the Telegram commends and a were taken from Baltimoris a his new shop nearly erected he _3VITs. ners. a strong effort all through this qUotation to bene6tted. If these se calls statesmanship. - 11 -Mim Ids day last. price paid was WO per G. 0 veral dependencies short time ago, and a trial made as to how Brathour has purchased a * . Thomson, accompanied by hpr ion ilent steed.- hundred. Pigs -are about as good as wheat Johi, is in Toronto this week eomoulting to W e� create a feeling of jealousy and distrust be- of Spain' including Cuba, are -in thin, way they wbuld behave in flying over a sheet' of Win. Brown, who has been sick for the past w and both are as good as Id. Ti restsof hill, -t a tween the people of this Province and there water. Th experiment was successful, and week with 6 grippe, is convalescent. -Mr. e4"Mes are eminent physicians there in the inte 70 e, I �il looking up on the 10th of R brought under the influence , of and made to N OTES FROM THE DOMMON' I. is the in ention that they be sent with Norman Tufts, who left here for - Messrs. her mon's health, *which ham been poor V horaft of tb,e'sister Province of Quebec. It tries share in the benefi CAPITAL. M000emin, William Brooks, Richard Hoggarth and for some time. -Mr., C. A. McDonell has to and blessings of civil the army to ubs. Northwest Territory, about two weeks ago, theval to make, the peopl� 2f Ontario believe that I Sohn Worden have each purchased a. new inuch improved the appearance of -his pro- zed government, the war' Will not have OTTAWA, May 9th, 1898. MISSIONA IESMASSACRED.-Additionalad. whera he has secured a situation as teacher, buggy at the boadsome sum of $80 each and pe- rt b ha ring the street in front nicely sliout y y the people of Quebec are conspiring- to do been 'Incurred in vain. The great hope is vie -as from Af ica, confirm the reports of the as- arrived there safe. and sound on Saturds, Mr. John Taylor has purchased a $45�eet of d ap The Canadian military contingent for simination o Miss Aroher,Mim Hatfield,and last. -Mrs. A. Brethour up in thoway of puttinp, in tile and them an injury and obtain- s, power in the that this will be the rean It. in visiting her double harness. -The- recent rains lba, on Friday last. M r. Cain-, a d add to the list of murdered mother, Mrs.. T. Thompson, who is a g in what has been an open ditch. -Mr, Dominion to which they are not entitled. the Yukon started for ick.- To Elin': It is composed of 140 men from the Royal mission�ri�f4he name of Mine Kegg,possibl David Hazlewood, of Exeter, spent Sunday freshened -up the, grain and hay crop$.... W 11' ton MeTaggart, iieoond son of Mr. a Ch y Regiment of Canadian Infantry, 45 from t a miaRrint Or the name of Miss Schenck. in our village.—Mrs. Win. Kirk is very sick A If a feeling of this kind were to gain grour'd he H.eN.1`U1cTagga*, merchant and postmaster, The Price of Wheat. n a- Royal C:wadian Artillery, a d 15 from the Mrs. Cain. fle4 into- the bush, and her fate is at the time of writing.—The Vicycle fever it would be most tiqfortunate thing for L+reeriway. of Chiselhurst,. was in the village lost week Next to the ;Spanish-American war, the Royal Canadian Dragoons. The ?cavalry not known. �Ml these I missionaries are Am. having struck our village, th wing acquaintances. He is now And the Doininion. and coulid scarcely ail ere a ri6xt thing is NoTzs.-Mr. D. M. Edwards raised his anTor. will be taken on at Winnipeg. Thq officers ericans, who I were sent out by the United to forml a club. - Win. Jamieson has's new barn last Friday. Messrs. T. years a resident of wh"i market, probably, Occupies the most has been for loag to cause.a, disruption of the Union. AlcGladery some and men were in excellent spiritd. They Brethren of Christ Mission, of Dayton, bike. -George Longhearso s. and and F. G. Warti, of Parkhill, acted as cap. promilbent onto, holding the responsible position there position in the public mind. pent Frida, The Mail, however. evidently does not care In will do police work in the Yukon ; will go Ohio. Saturd ay at Mr. Albert -Sh of manager or directAir of the Fink's the J the Globe of Monday last was a th ughtful by -way of the Canadian Pacific Railway to' IcZ GAVE: AY. -Word has ire's,. framing.- tains and choose sides ; ea'eb had about 50 teach - what mischief it does in this way, providing reached San Harry '1Brgu9r was the guest of R. A�: men, and were supported by able and ex:`61* Agency, and has also had charge of late -P"t, I and encouraging article on this subj at from Vancouver, and thence by the Stickine Francisco th t the ice covering a stream in Bryaus on a day and Sundav last. -Mr. of a night instruction school.-Msrs. it. H. pert framers. hey had a close race, but temsti an route for Selkirk and Dawson City, The a defile near rater Lake gave way under Charles IDuffield narrowly esel A can injure its.political opponents and 0 Collins and ister Miss Kate. Bonthrou, which we make a few extracts. While t i 9 1vir., McGladery's side finished a few in 9 �- 1 %ped drownin in- _M make the work of governing the country carrIage of a large part of the� -extra supplies the passing th ong of Klandikers, and more while dipping out a cup of milk from a milk Utes firSt—Last FAday was Arbor Day, true that the present increase in t spent Sabbath last with Mrs. Shirray.-Mr. more difficult for them. There is, also,just' prices will for expedition will go through American than a, score 'men were. precipitated into tank at the separator here. e over-balan. and the school grounds were gr William Elder, implement agent, mades Bvers not be' as generally beneficial as had the territory, as there is no all -Canadian route the water and drowned. truth eaough iii. 1tk%tate+nts to make them ced himself and fell in -head first. He was proved and a number of trees set V f delivery of machines the first of this week. change come earlier inthe season, as many over which they can be transported with 'h 0 U t 11;rl re&e CAPTURE OF ERKED BEEF. The 8 anish taken out in a very precarious condition - plalosible aud in tk�d way more likely to do Louis Brinker has built an addition to his -blessrs. James. Napton and J. B. Cornell. an assurance that they would reach their brigantine Fra. quitto, of Ba is h I -Mr. Thomas Bullock has improveA W_" farmers, -have no wheat to sell and it is those a in reelona, ound Mr. Win. Melville, of Mite barn. 1.p t of Parkhill, virited at Mr. Andrew John. hell, a ping I Id �stinatio time. There are some 600 from Monteve io to Havana, and h Will Moore with his new shop -this week. ston-'s on Sabbath last. -The members of who are in most neeldr1of money that are in aving on - Die property b a new wire fe6ce.-We are 1�ow, what tons of extra supplies, and it will probably rgo f jerked beef, was brought The junior feet 1*11 club met and organized pleased to report that Mrs. H.- Billing is are the facts of the case. In our fire brigade have recently been practis- tury this condition, yet- the good fortune of the cvst the Government in the neighborhood of the new Franchise Act, the Do to Keyv West the despatch boat Hamil. on Saturday evening last d the follow' able to be out again. -Mr, Thomas Stinson, minion an in Ing and seTing that all the equipmente were few can not bnt be beneficial to the many $300,000 to get th6 stuff through. Negotia- 6n. The Fr captured off Ra. officers were elected President, in good order, and in, this they are deserving adopts the groviucial franchise,and uses the tions for the tra, ui' Davil of Bayfield, visited friends here last week. nsport of the goods have vana by the 'a�' ates cruiser Montgo. Kirk ; seeretaiy -treasurer, Joseph T Hol of wuch credit, acting as they are, gratuit- It will be the means of causing a larger eir- for iitetStwas lists the same as are prepared by the muni- en going on some time past between mery. ously in the intereats'of the village. - Air. lingshead. Challenges Will be received b -Only, culation of money and in this way will do different transportation companies nd the 'SAFETY OF HE QUEEN REGiNT.-The the 'secretary from surrounding teams. y HensaiLL George Sneiger, of Crediton, -'was in the vil- e cipal authorities and usied'for the reilpectiv a good, if not directly, at least indirectly, to Government, with the result that the great- 0 Paris correspon ant' of the Lend u Times Wm Dawson has a new Columbia bicycle. duate of Ifri s.�Mr. Jas. Provincial Legislatures. In Ontario one DR. F. A. Sml-,Eny, dentist,' ra lage on Sabbath visi iy I end n "ma -bee a man w to Chicago, where they will be trans._ DepArtment of Diinttetry, Toronto car load of ashesi from this station last er portion goes by the Grand Trunk Rail- Royal C Ilege o, Dental SurgeoUs, oronto aiao Johnston, of �Willow U Only has one vote. In Que all. Fifteen or twenty millions of dollars of 'lay :-".It is rue that every preparation -Mrs. John Curry, accompanied _bonor umt. of farm, shipped& kv U i after unexpected or found money zan not be has been made in Madrid for the safety of son, of Alvinston,spent a couple -of days last U '0 t in the Petty block, Henull. I can vote in as many different constituencies ferred to the Northern Pacific Railway and t6e Queen Rege t and the King ; but this week at Wr. Robert Fletcher's. Will 3. ofile very 2iondiky, c We are pleasidd to learn that Mrs. 4 t4 brought into thecount Ommencing Mon week.- vassal Jones, as he has sufficient property to qualify him. rY without having a forwarded to Seattle. At the latter L point vV, 6s done by, the Austrian Ambassador, day, June 30th. 1587-3 J. R. Hobkirk is recovering nicely fromher hey will be handed over to the BoR t -truth in the Mail's strong influence for good in every branch of ton & C:unt-Dubsky, n instructions from Vienfia, CHURCH MATTFts.-The sacrament of the late serious illness.-Mim Harvey, of Stan- pletad This is the modicum of Iindustry. The Globe as Alaskan Transportation Company,and taken without the Qua n Regent's knowledge." Stanley. Lord's Supper will; be obarved in Carmel ley, has been here for the past week or no, ye marrU statement. But the Mail cc seeks to leave. in steamera, round the coast. by way of St. IA good many people regard the war as MATRIBIONIAL. -Oa Wednesday, ay 4th, church next Sabbath. and Mrs. Hard.- Michaells and the Yukon River to Aheir Rev. J, G. Stewart, i visi ing Mrs. J. H. Beek death the impresion upon the minds of its read- th of this extr -a �uiet wedding took place at the residence B. A., of London, I to pre Mrs. -Robert DalrymPI6 montl e prime cause aordinary rise destination. a achron Friday ati (nee Mss Bell& eref that the Quebec voter is thereby given in wheat values, while as it While this is a roundabout Vf1eld. of fr. Robert Morrison, 2nd concessi the preparatory service. -Rev. R. Douglas, begam I matter of fact way to reach Fort Selkirk, it is understood HAVE yon Eau F. A. EDWARDS' DOW din. Stanle , when his eldest daughter, on, Frase Moir,)Ieft here last week to join herhusbaud and t) eaterpowerin the' Dominion Parliament the so-called war scare " h%s been a less to be the only route y Annie, a interests :I r, who is canvassing in th ii�_Moosjaw. Northwest, Territoir�r, her new by which heavy iner. nor sale, t3a..seto. chamber sets ; or whitewear. was united in marriage to Mr. John Hear of the'We home acimportant factor in the advance than the If need1bg any call. stminister, spent most 0 than the Ontario voter is, and that in this chaudise can be taken into the Klondike 1*587-1 y f last Park, only son of George Park, Beq, Re week in this section, an na V. d met with encour- I tural conditions that are influencing -the district. TnE lad as ar quickly finding out that. Mr. Muir, of Brucefield-, was the officiating aging success. way an injustice is boiDr, done this Prov. world's markets. The deficient foreign har. BUSINESS NOT TO -BE DISTURBED. they can pur2hse: t eir millinery cheaper at Miss, -Revda. Neil Shaw, J. A. Blake. 'Of MM itei ince. That the impression which any vests of 1896, the result of the low prices of IIARTvi's. Ba3fieldjL ban o1jeWheri'. Misi JJh%W, of ministerii� and the interesting ceremony was McDonald anti S. A. - Carriere were, guests NOTES. -Oar worthy engineer, r. John person *he does r- ir -.Toron�o itnesseo by the immediate friends of the at the manse last week. -The work in. eon- I Brenneman has secured a situation at Mr wee-ji, ot know, better Would- wheat prior to that time, followed by the The customs department is being besieged is in expar'enced hanA and Is giving every' w 1687-1 contractibg parties. The ceremony over parbial or complete crop failures of lat year with enquiries, which come from all over nection with this enlargement of the Presby- Isch's Saw Mill for the'-seal'o10, ily. gain from its remarka as quoted above. if � PnomrTNESS.- t is always pleasing IV the young 111i J. Kalbf1ei Canada, in regard to contraband goods. in France-. Austria, India, Argon ben cc ple drove to Brucefield auW terian church is nearing completion tina, and now h don you need shoe repairl g done to hava It , te neatly took the five o'clock I rain for Londo and th 'millinery basinespi.-Mr. John Think has the Mail had only gone 9, little further, asis,' left the c6neumipg world nee. Somo firms -are asking whether they can nd prom 'so YOUNG, BA3 LOCAL BRiEFs.-The beautiful rain it Austral Cox, I while his good ife is still carrying on' the would have OpOlied its whole story. It essarily with a ver JA 'Bel a now of y small margin of supplies forward shotguns, explosives and &o an to �-hoemaker!Ty;kes a Marlette, Michigan. On their return, Mr. and this- week have made all �agetstion fairl quit chopping for 'this season. He had a peoia)ity of being prompt and 0 the United States. Q doing good work. H onriles &:good an rtmer Mrs. Park will take up their residence on spring, and the, country is now looking busy winter should have Paid that the in storehouse with which to tide over the uestions which in no At of head way appertain to the neutrality laws are adymade booW a shoes, selling them at cl se Thewheat in this vicinity is interval until another harvest. The world's 0 the homestead, Goshen line,- Stanley. lovely. -A very large 4uantity of grain has looking Much bettor after the recent rain. tario and Quebec, anclall the - other Prov- last year is placed b bein A l inces for that matter, are eal-h allowed by wheat production y Put to the department, and it in im �rice Ik87 I BRIEFS. -The farmers who believe that been marketed here during the past week, Mr. J.. Delgatty andbfiss E. Thompson via- in all crop statisticians anywhere between 100 and PoEstile, without the engagement Of WAFTINGS.-Ca tain Secord, for erly full -moon is the time to sow their peas have wheat having gold high As $1.15 per ited Mr. A. Thompson)s on Saturday last. the constitution, a specified number of 200 million bushels short of actual require. extra staff of clerks, to reply to all sationed hoe,.bot lately of Bru now gob them under ground. -Mr. George bushel. -The foundation f,mr. W. J. Mit. Aft*r aseli, was appli- Tippet They returned. to Centralia on -Sunday even. ments, the result bein bat the visible sup. a t ler's new bri k dwelling, on Main street, �;isiting her 0 members. That -number can not �be ta- cauts. Merchants and others carrying on week. -William Alair had a successful bee drawing sand c in ing._Mj. J. Leslie has purchased a, tandem ge w ply is now do*n � a alles i business between Qanada� and the United an -this friend, I. rant, left on Monday to last' ask, for the purpose of constructing a no*:about completed, and as soon as it has lately. -Mr. R. Wl6r our general iner- i creaRedordeereased no matter what the the present g ration. r months -States ought to continue to do so until such seek their foitunes in Dakota. -The famous cellarn� er his house. He she in -the during tends an- had time to settle -a little the walls will methods of voting may be in the �neveral the past crop year Englis time as their attention is called to what may alvation Army arine Band is to be here larging it George likes to b be chant, has sold his store to Mr. Nichol,. of and continental ave everything run up. -Mr. John Gilchrist, of Seafortb London.: -Miss Belle Sparks in at home on a buyers had been importin but' little more aF on Saturday and unday next in the town comfortalle.-Mr. Hector Reid, who aj�- formerly of Hensall, is here this week on a, visit in Provinces. The proportion of representa. opear to be a contravention of the neutral- ning a masicl Heusl%ll.-Mr. John Mro is makng itY laws. Of course, when they do pply to eve il pro. tended thej�ynod, held 'at -St. Catharines visit. -The Rev.'C. T. MiLlIe, qf St. PaUr who�� ion in each must remain the same. It can than sufficient to meet actual requirement. . 4 h'Il. On Saturds Then it be to dawn on the European the Government for information it - mme will be giv n and on Sunday regular ea improvements on his bUildings.-Mr. 91LU is for. gra' last week; reiarned-home on Saturday last. church, was in Wingbam on Tuesday lost R. B. -Manson wait the guest of Miss Elmila the CUM not, tberafore, make any difference to the im orting countries that supplies were i un- warsled, but in all cases whe* adrviceg will be' he d at 3 and 8 p. in. This -All the Ifarmers have now got their cattle attending a Sabbath school conventiou.- Thompson on 'Saturd P ri there is not n on no powe r in the Dominion of any Proviane how ning short. blany who had previously be strong reasons of doubt the ordinary busi. ba d is one of the esti'usical organizatio out ' ahture.-The Stanley Branch Bab-- Miss Cameron, 06Y last. -MT. James 1DrVpO former occasion they Oo On of Chicago, who has recently Howard, wh an n tha army. On 0 ban been for the Past week ness between both countries. need not be bath so ol has re�ojpened for the summer been visiting relatives *in and near Staft is" under the doctor's care, is slowly recovering ita representath,,es are elected, so long as it indifferent buyers became eager put -chasers, Mr. scored a success he a and their music and months, 'With the following teachers and Slight + till the -weekly estimated shipments fram. interrupted because of the war between the this weekthe guest, of Mrs. Alex. 3jurdok. from his very- severe noes. We wi has only its -proper and legal number. it ports on this coutineut last month became United States and Spain, f a hikh order. All lovers of officers : Mr. Hector Reid, superintendent', -Mr I-11 e ti -th ingmg was o I thus bid seen that it does not make the real ood music should not, fail tobe present, Mr. PeteriCameron, Mr. Donald Grassick, E. Christie, of Exeter, was i in the pleased to see him rain enjoying 'his '2\OT TRUE. up ap me weeks during the previous twelve Saturday night. -Building op i wil double or treble the average exports f the 9 village on Wednesday. -Mr. Joseph Norris usual health and vigor -Mr. slightesb difference to Ontario whether the sa erat1 one here Miss Bella MeNtil, Miss Annia Cameron,- who is attending the 9 James� Allan w W. There is no. truth. in the story which are quite brink t Medical College, at is i erecting a fine -new years. When WaF was declared another, his spring. William Clark's and Miss! Kate McD Detroit, fence across the front Quebec, voter has one or ten votes,- Be long ougall, teachers Mr. in the dentistry department, is of his farm,_Mr­. J. Bechler has beautified comes from Vancouver that Maj. Walsh is bakery, occupi b John Biggart has been Donald Grassick, se'e-retary-treasurer Mr. here this week' nee w a a as that Province is not SlIoLwed to send to although largely sentimental, factor in the lea Ing the Yukon" countr on account of ViD5. thebuildinglower. John Cameron, -librarian; Mr. Robert Me. Harold ad Mr visiting his sisters; Mrs. his place by planting ornamental trade 4 as made the most of by the bull his is atisfactiob with the positi adv; y much improve a h Dryidale and 7d a around the L. telck purchased' the Dominion Parliament a larger number coating at in the west. On he oc- d, a stone fou tie an -cellar placed under Do�gall, priioentor,-The Bible class meet. Immediately foi- . a grader �wned and operated by Mr. George a wheel lately. M ital cuples therePand the action of the Govern nd the interior I ad. Brick veneering and ings, Which Were carried on during the past urrayj of Sakforth, was engaged a ninent of h ion Sarah M Is eld down to St. of representatives than is its constitutional owing this were the introduction Into the ment in connection with the gov r fi, ere sev� M plat�glass win o Jare to be the next alte three months, on the second coneession,con. oral d wZ a7s last week by our council, and did Joseph oyj.6atu rday last. -4 t OO_ .th 0 it 9 H ,tuse n h �e a R 19 ht to the F