HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-04-29, Page 87, 77 --_R -WOM, F W_ TFS N APRIL 29 UR TOSITOR Ex 'They Y the: never worked betten' Ili the village -during the week, leaves a wife, threi 'and Salomon Bell ",he" bought the XASMIng mate, friends. The bridesmitid was Miss ground 'accompanied by the necessary fee, No ap. him nine years ago. He aViolet Whitesidesi sistur of the groom,while Mary Karcher, who has been with busin6sayith pleasure. Mr. 'Mo I n of Mr. wilsows, Oash Grocery plication con be received by No Ins and'one daughter o mourn hio'1059' tAft have ad spring$ ad peotors som i which Il a been In th oupported by Mr. Geor Mrs. Hoist f6r some time, h low pushibg the sale of b Clymonti to 0, fault Mr. Job m Stimore for a year or two. 1 We the groom was I sin returnedi I I A, re. iftrtbakdate. Those ho -intend to write Uno.stentatious, generous t - ties I aldwi, of Seaforth., The bride was me a home to Sebringville. -Miss - Bauer, fiom ports a good demand. Our Rij Field and Garden seeds.—We have ZvAft k 004. gritted by not board the exao ader. B ncap on t aa 'for their the recipient of a number of valuable and Mendota, Illinois, Ili here and intends 84Y always make it a point to k at any examination contra in the Western Jonee domi's will be greatly to, hi saw log- matrtgold seed, Golden Tankard and Long he a gor lloccrvli iItispoetoral Division.of Huron must mend all The funeral was largely ttended Vy -at t iving nd a left on Monday for Baftalo and Red mangold tecd. Imported Shots White carrot and that Mr. Will am Morri- useful presents. The -happy c9uple its in with her sister, Mrs. Haist.-M-08. -If you have any -thing to s7ell and �wut -council in a ear. a. The town 'the beat varleVes of Swedish, turnip seed at the low- their applies, ion,', gi name in full to tT.-- Watives and frie the infortuns- to lose a valuable -receiving the congratulations of ' theii! K opp Lin- buyer just let'Tjix ExrosrioR knowso:�Sys son at price& Our stock oftess wairnever better than Tom, Inspecto attended. In a body. Fil 'me jab the a" otiller friends Mr. Cooper,, who sold his Dualism bun ItIstiow. Our5eiapa tin, the maorkeL igin r PuBlic Bohools,of God ho . a - GiVe Us X, Call abd We VkJ1I guarantee to, pitsfe YOU h -and those who intend to write in the Sys ago. Infiammation was friends, and spending a sociable t ter, to visii her son and a Is. the bas or 0 nspeotor the r. Praicis 11ackwell and- Mr. brid6's parents, ripaired to their own home Ing the week. Nothing like. rinteAlak to, and for lessmoney than you can buy ftorn any pod- Eastern Division to D. Robb, I help you &I-ony.-The LooAL Bi3mFi -Mr. J. 8. M uldrew, who eft for bliollikan's, short in the village, and We unite with their ]at. Out stock of Groceries Is No. -1 qualitYo Our Public J$chools� Clint6n. For Entrance, a as Mowbr*y 1, veran as and lk, BONN recently completed, his course at Knox Col.. tim ago. W� wish tbetq suoodes a- Uncle friends in wishing 'them much happi of our village, during these fine ipirloem us an low as any one In'thi trade, and � an we Drawin book Wo. 5, and tb�i Senior Fourth give a 5 per cent. cash discount to cash customsO Isixe, Toronto, and who spent a few days B -Rev. S. Achison, of Ki Smous AcoiDENT.-The many friends -decorated ;vlth- h Cl 0 ; � -an, I i, am e - and - for Public Bob a e domain, thr6ugh life. p usehold affects, 0 bo k -cot it of *tae Metl of Mr. Th,6M&g Ward will regret. to learn represents 0,11 Moving out, while the aa an ptchasis of #I And, over,,. excipt, fiour and with friends here and in Eginondville, left occupied the pulp arch Sugar, It Will Pay. YOU I Uk ca% Good Leaving, Yawing book No. 6. The ork &the has met with a serious and painful oif ve, us a last as -Th do taking down thewbw vains: In Dinner, ires, and T t alto, and a goad as- last week for Manitoba where he has de- Ashfield. Vote on Sabbath even I t. a annual th are all'bqsy insi in these book's must be- completed shil,der- . accident., One d-ty last week- himself and a and making everyth sottmonift:eelectfrom. Tas. highest prices paid aided to locate. He'llea the: choice of three examinations of the pro5ationers of the L6n- Ing tified to by. the teacher to be the work of OTES.-Sa uel Cook has got. a position Were for all kinds of trade, don Conference of ille Methodist church bo driving a cow to Mr. Win., Mo- fine fields of fall wheat fire to be seen in the candidate prssenti�g the book. The 0011#r:ertions and when he left he had not at n No Toionto.-Seeding was one- -boywas ping with the cow vie , i . WILSON., 18safort which to accept.. Mr. Muldrew in were hold in the Aokin street church, Lon. Allister's. The nity, and. to All appearance Entrance Drawing and Copy books, also the clever, earnest young man, Pon 0 Uri the past week owing to the -Mr. George Mulholland is tie - and will be don, on the 18th, Ifth- and 20th of this and Mr. Ward was iriding in a buggy. The crop. Bank a' 0006now" nm** Public School Leaving L Book Keeping and we eat or,+- aspootor Tom made all animal timed the Wrong when Mr. gt alor and do good work wherever he may Offic ock.-Min Eldej, %wing books if piresenied will be examined POP. ffic &I visit to, a hool section No. 6 during month) We are pl6ased to note that Mr. amon riend ii Cranbr here) 11 was the past week loosts. He leaves hosts of friends here who 41 A.. McKelvey, the junior pan Ward hurried along with the buggy and in former years. Isst*eek.-M�.. tt is Makin tor of H=Ln Y'M will always,rojoice tq here of his Will doing, George Evers third year ex- headed her off. As he was turning round to herbrothbr,'Xr. Thomas acker- wearing Sale. reparations t0move to Tesswater, to worf wee successful in passing his Son, sMination Wi -Mr. sorge 'Patter who was laid up for P he turned too short, upsetting the;4 bu' smith.-mThe Mines Molver,.Of Clidtcd V th an average of. seventy-saven A NEW INI&MON.-Mr. Frank. Gutte- on &I farm. i He wais thrown out, 'and in some mysterious wee Visiting for a time vni ire, the well known builder and contractor some time, U again able to be aronnd and and an eiibh per cent., which entitles him tb min K" ­ Our sewt-aniival cl�&winir solo is DOW On. It -rid F the horse attending to businesv.--�-Dr. McKay has had fall on him, and so' tan I d sents a splendid opportunity for buyers to sooUfs Wal of lesiorik hiss vented a very OhioWo. ingenious to a first -clan oortifidate. -Mr. McKelvey 9NO ton, rotitmed home on Saturday seasonable vv!��rrds it extremely low Prion. a now foundation. placed under his residence stood first in his clas im in ths homes@ was the beasto that. Mr. KIM, ol Hensall, contractor in the 00116101 M amachine: for th uf cture of *eosed s on discipline, and sea. A and Wits! Fur Clot% IAstht Mason WN 4 rio BmitFs.-Uget of the farmers have. finish. M It Ord had to out the lines before he could line# is tiow pushing along the on Goderich streat.-The Elect ond oil sermon sketch, 4rF6u 0spWnd suet futs, Mo movio int repidW. cement bricks. ITte has had a Machine chat,, brother Y "S+. Company have purchased the MoB ad eding.-Ilhare wors'no services in the of our esteemed citizen n Coulter,, t it removed off him. He had his breast ride iio- of Mr. McKiy's dwelling. M' Lit, 1i barp'ne are be* Qffe" Lin XW made sad I it thoroughly tested in -the railway Eva pliool oh h on Sunday, the 24th Cde broken and his log injured, and, was Of clintiin y and I OWN # Was din a few �y. ges% Overcoats and liDils' factory ty, near station, and intend ottgiding first on this subjeof.- We congratin. lieres and It worki to his entire Pat i and HosiseY. sing it for piling wood on. There are three 104 A ins Miller, of near Dash, late the young men on their successe-. otherwise pretty badly shaken up. He in _k vild her frie satisfaction. The present machine In do- thin and lost wee ndt one d into lAdlee SML Paid M Mary Gellman a flyin as could beexpectedun. Is *Kng put ve lots and they paid IM. for them. -Mr. Mr. G. Ingram is. having. a 'good solid stone getting on as well at the residence of Mr. Janin PA4,. -fie serioto Cloth 001111S. IF* :=y invite auto Signed to make from -eight to tan thousand viel der the circumstances, but, from t sod examine for tborrisolves our VOMW effemL bricks r day and the capacity can be George MoTiggark leaves' this week for on Sand sst.Akkwhlln Ross Stalok Is b foundation put under his block on King Londtin road. It am be ran either by ateam or of Lsmbton, where for the drem Ing shop in Dashwood on. street. -Miss Martha Gilchrist, of Seaforth, naturp Of the injuries, if will be some time doublx. of SL wi coese.- It is be has engaged to take charge large Monday. We sh bar much: all wer, and with it cement bricks can formerly of Hensel!, Is in the village this before he is able to got around Again. -Thi hone belonging to Dr. jobawn hot' to Wm. Pickard & 00. absese fee . ry during - the ioming season. \Mr. Daniel He ibeifer, who waivisiting his week visiting bar sister and brothers. -Mr. a wonder he was not killed, an his escape is Willbank shied t i bio ; Is the other be In a as cheapiv as the ordinary clay I nick Injother no ir -Xispra, has returned to John a most miraculous. However, he in go" The people of Aroons, will find Mr. MoTag. 11I 'r especially tesoy in tastefully pointing the front and 1=4" the rig Into t a ditelts smashi SE"ORTH. brick Thismachine should be 00 UI& am vain a in the Northwest or other pl art not, --only a good cheese maker but a hS is ome near ioago again. -Mr. William tul, and we hope to! see him- around spin it. The d tor orped Injury,. of Mr. Rannie's brick blook of stores. -Min nt follow as well. -Mr. James Grieve ill tz is me preparations, for a now Wilson, of Sesforth, is this- week s as good," ever. 9 -lying 80012, where clay for bricks is soarce and sand t hod, h "he Intends building this with bar brother John, of Foaqville, w plintiful.These cement bricks Ao not require who ban been seriously ill for some time, is, recovering albboug we are pleased to learn h sum or.—Mr. enry Krueger has flukhed -to the severe illa 'an of his wife.—Th: as Brucefteld. Merit Win Success to In -hardened by fire., thoproseure makes yetnot able to be out.—Mr. A S- Fault, war. Ing for M�. W. , Schatz. —The ho' vation Army, from Cffn_tou� hold a saired them sufficiently hard for use it few days riss' B.'R. HiGGiNs, Bracefield, Notary Publi h, was iwill soo� be making their routes jig postmaster and merchant of Zuric' concert in CoxworthP# hall on Tuesday even. Home, after they are made. The advantage of 0 Conveyancer, Fire call Life Insurance agent. Any will be apparent to every one who is In - the iU,tOWU on Friday, and brightened THE =igh here.., ing.—Mr. and Mrs. Thomos Welsh, hove amount of money to loso 04 6 per cent., on firstclass -farm security. Also -a limited amount of private '4 habit of handlin or using bricks. In foobi ExFosiToR sanctum for a little �y his genial returned home from � their wedding trip after spending a couple W very Mi. Faust was a delegate to the ads at 5 per cent. At home every mormilng and only enduring but look well PrelOU00. pleasant weeks Wodn@Wav of each wooL Several good forms for Germati Evangelical Conference, in session ES.—T quarterly service of the with friends in Strathroy, London and else. sals. hein a, building. The only ob STRATFORD, ONTARIO. hV = at-Waterlo.o. and was on biw way there.— Me hodist.. rch will be held at L�ndes- where. taole hitherto in the way of their general. This',sobool does, first-olm work in eye WE rzAR NAB Pox.—The old reliable use, was the cost., This objection, however, Mr. ohn Walker, who has bad ohikrge of a boro Sunday orniqg, consequently there Glasgow home, after a cruise of 40 years, still coo. derartinent and enjoys a large patronage. department in Gunn's store for some timet in now removed by the use of Mr. �Gut. wip- De no vice here in the sifternoon. tinuos to cowry that famous motli: 11 We Fear N" waltom A Commercial School of the higlint grade, hais left his- farm on the Mill road, toridpla, new machine. They have been Bud sy sollo at 2:30 p. m. In the evening Foe nailed, to the nfn*L Our grocery department Is oomplate, it [juslity and close prices count. nonebetter in Canada. Students Van enter WHO Is IT ?—LeAb week we received a I Tuckersmith, and taken -up his abode in at ,,p. m. the League meeting will be led by used in some of the beat buildin li this at any time. C4talogue free. BarreWs and Gol on Age package ten need so go ibest of 'Beaforth. Business uits Mr. Wal letter from a subscriber, inclosing $1 for a. favors ; also our own br&6d 25o Japan is� King. town and vicinity and have given the ker better blr� J. H. Me d.—Mr. Jamse'Dole in laid TT, Principal. "U-52 th in farming.—Mr.1amilton, of the firm upj with an took cf -inflammation on the y&r1s subscription to THE ExpoarroR, but satisfactlon And'have stood the teat of time Do Goode —Just roW.ved a ch6lee now ob"a of The latest Few'York and British pilats, also popohewto . J. ELLIO of %amilt-on & K�rslake, has been laid up the sander neglected to sip his name. well. In fact, the longer they stand the lulige.—Mosers. Charlie Andrew and towellings, and a heautiful line of gental shirls Ana barderandbetter does -the wall in which- for some days with a severe attack of illness, 1Aorenza �Prooitor spent a few days at Elim. letter was dated at Walton, on April 21st. -4/ work will We would be obliged if the person whp Ia- neckwear. Our hardware stock Is also In firot-el"s DOMENJON BANK but in now recovering.—Mr. James 0 v shape. And all other lines carried by 4 first -claw they are become. We hafe no doubt but Sproit qle last w#k.—It is expected second mitted the money would mend us his name, general store are striotly up-to-data�. Kind give Mr. Gutteridge will make a good thing out who for several years. was in the employ of oQmmenee in'the ahead factory the be able to give him credit for the us a call and keep the olo ob ocoups- week in MLT.i;Mlss Mary McCully spent no we may -be weR rewarded fo CAPITAL.Waid Up),, *1660 amount. 00o. of his machine, and r his Mr. D. D. Wilson, has changed his a I prices for all trade. We al*,o thafik all Zur custom - week! bb.—Mr. N. G. Adams is R EST, 500,000. enterprise and ingenuity. tion, and now has charge of r. James isit ore for their unceasing kinon6es to us for the past NoTEs.—Mr. Joh�h Bates has returned Cowan's milk business, Mr. A. Gozdon hay. bailding a, u w barn upon stone 40 years, and hope for a cootiousnoe of "we. which A 161 from the hospital, having undergone an we hope to meril. W. Bunt & Co., Bruoefield. back to work in the eountry.—Part old iJ thi timbers raised on Wedneid ON Saturdiy, April 30th, you can buy a OH a very SEAFORTH BRAN, loortreneei operation for the removal of an aboess on UN 2 Waltham or FWn watoh for the remarkably low fig- do walk in Harpuilley is in of this wiek.--w-Miss Flossie McGregor has 0 Main street, Seaforth. ure of 41. This offer to only good for Saturday at dilapidated and dangerous condition. If %ara isit at the ja —Mrs. Robert Mowbray and her A QUESTWN.—MR EDlT0R,—W',8, the in. I th!d b�me after an extended v! broths a Y r, W. J. Don ison, left this week for habitants of Brucefield are a quiet living Dalev. Better have on@. 1585 some person should happen to get a limb srmen A general baRldrig business transacted. F EaGs. Fou HATanxim. —Barred PI broken or' get otherwise injured the town- Welits, Manitoba, where the former goes to iymouth —o— class of people. We have no wish to dis. sale Notes collected, and advances made on same at Rocks,. tbab are Plymouth, Rocks. F4P for ship of Tuokeremith might have to pay a n her busband.---Wrs� Simpson has pur turb any person or any close of business Din won more prizes Tile -1 '01 an from Scott Bros., Seaforth. thananyother rteder of ;=nth Rocks at the 00 of a - ob Aed an org SAVING& DEPARTM g d deal more in damages than the cost DZATHS�—There died at his residence, 5tb men, but when we think that our rights are el ut ENT. —Mr. Roberb'Reid has quite a edyio, on Wilb Poultryand Pot Stock Assoclation,in 18H. a rie being trampled upon we think that we have Huron w walk.—The many friends of Mrs. W. line near'Sunshine, on Sunday morning, his a tbon farm, in the hope of a calf wi Deposits of On received, and I did not exhibit last show at Goderiob. Pt!ce, G. Broadfoot, of Tuckerewith, wil a 1 be a is transaction Of sd :tr 'SI.25 per 15 ; my price last you was $2.50. L. 0. interest allow . I Mont ntellk interest ;John McArthur, pr., after"s lonq and pain- til. !hlgg at � f w=right to ask has th pleased to loam that she is nos# recovering i f I'll Dropsy was t a ca, of do complain 4 tight to go on ? Ques. -Added to prinal"ll twice, � each year—at the and of OnA swoRTa, E;gmondville. oth. use ioeV.—Mr. John C. Kalbfiiisch �f Ha,1 ti can tiny, man Or any person go to work J and: Dece"en NO, Ratios Of withdrawl is n —The season 't rbhur died a A00d many years opt ad for the *Oola or portAon of a deposit. DY Dashwood, and fence;off any part of a street. and occupy. L&,%vx Mowzus, cot -them is in town on Monday last. 0 informs! rsa family are all grown up and on. We hive a large assortment In Canadian and Was T, us that, in adiftion. to his other extensiv last Rev. Mr. the same as a cattle and swine y r4' ? This -R. S.. HiYgi W. K. PEARCE, American at close Price$. ENID & W1180N, 882101th. mostly, I at home; The funeral took place. NoTEs.—On Sunday Demal"d. to thae will of the Solicitor Agglit. business, he has alfead contracted for the Scharfis and Mr. Shetler occupiedl the pulpit latter in the more obnoxious on Tues ay afternoon to Sunshine, where That SEED H and PoTATozo.—A Youna. Seaforth,will ere3tion of ten now uses in sy all KO of tho Evangelical church in the morning inhabitants. We ask your ad�vic knowing the rem ins were buried beside those of his Stanley this -season. Th a. lboks as if times wife. I Rev.'Mr. Eby that Ton Way haves, car load of Seed Potatoes Tiom the Georilan r. R. McArthur intends' to start and eveni%res cc ive y. re quallified to inform 'no upon -are improving. terf Grand rru k Rail Bay district in a few days. Therawill bethefallow-* 00 Was bliese points. -.-A CrrizErf. .7The se6nd visit of the for Mankobatiis week.—A very sudden at atte din conference. can spraylag ex lite 1585-1 coured in Belgrave on Monday even. —Next Sunday r�. Eb I varieties Beauty of Hebron, Rose and Aderl pedition sent out by the 0 a municipal authorities have ant of Agriculture, to this county, rlo death M will preach his NOT&—Th Reduced till. 11 force to Montreal, CHARCOAL.—For kindling fires, summer I ek, whan Mr.- William farewell sermon h re, he' having been re. ull power to cause the removal of any The blic highway and if ut 11 o 0 0 Toronto, Win also Pacific Coast r come home from a lod moved to 'Platteville. Durint Mr. Eby'm 0 firlog, Ironing. broiling meats. making thaiiii,etc. It place as follows: Monday, M66Y bstruotion from any pa g and clock p. m. at Robert Goven- Point& Spa th i gh train- from t. Is free from gas or smake, and food prepared on a 2nd, at 2 6' feeemeetio four yoor's service her -use or neglect to do so, the munici- r7 Stra I told h' wife tbab.he did not' Ivery well, a he as won the they rof charcoal fire is sweeter, purer and healthier than look's orchard, near Tuesdayo h od *as done PaIitY can be made liable for any damage free Seaforth eateour of all and itere Are Smite ford to 11 may 3rd, with and t an almost immediately expired. We 0. & Igepared by any othei. sea circulAre. RNID M 3' ;f tao a rd, at H. Curwin's orchard, near have Oot heard at time of writing what *as through his labors. TI colonist slee t h d running vii nsoN, Sesforth. 1683-1 aU sk.. E 'alerich; ''Wednesday, May, 4th, at� 2 regret* his departure, stil we trust that Potty. i ca Go the "use. we sincerely that may result to individual health or pro Chicago GET your barb and fence wire at S. MuL- o'clock p.mi at R. S.'Lang's orchard, Ex. success will crown his—Iiihors wherever he Buim.—Mr. ;Jackson, sr., of Clinton, L -AT WL, Seaforth, Young's delivery, ster.—On Tuesday, Mr. A. r. W. H. Willert- shipTed a ear- was in the village -calling on some of our KD BEAVER DOMI ION A BIG snap in a line -of men's buir laced horse became obstreporous, and getting the� Gomm go a sy to Toronto on Mon Mr. merchants 'on- Mqhday evening. Robert Of— boots, whole boxed—wegot a big lot of them from a N Es.—Mr.FramkMeLoughlin,son-of-Mr Steanmoshig Lr- es, dling via. Mon. manufacturer who needed better of the lad who was ilp't-ving it ran loo Of as in Blyth on Tuesday attending McCartney, nephew of Wm. Scott, who is money mote tban he J a kly si Ppe MoLau left for Winnipeg, Tues. w treal void Que Dee iway, spilling a can of coal oil, bat not �do. �T. 0 fun sl r iverpool. needed shoos, and on Saturday next we will ondeay. I er of his aunt.—On Thurad of an American citizen, received a summonsto -ning. Frank did well in or to clear out the whole lot --The regular price Is day ol VV,r i the West The I r call on other serious damage.—Rev. 'Dr last week, Mr. Wm. Brenner, of this Xa,oe, retain to bin home in Kansas in order to be Ing "my 4 t.76 but so as to clear out the lot In a harry %is will �efo a and doubtless will do so again, as he sell them on Saturday next (April Both) or go cents Moonald, who- was lai&up a few days last and Mifis Wagner. of near Stratford, were ready to take up arms in defense of his W. Somer e 'Agent. par pair -all size" to io. W. H. WILLis, Car. the week, is again able to be around and to at. le a oung man who has rot acquired the V unit�d in the holy bonds of matrim�ny and country. If Robert proves as good a soldier d Our Pr miolimers Block, Aoidorth. &bite no common among Canadian 1585-1 tend to his usual duties.—The Roxboro Sau. have settled down in.the village. and is as successful in stopping the Spanish li-now-a-d-sys.—Mro. Robert McLaugh. Commercial Hotel Building. day- school will op6n for the. summer on, Sun- YOU A GRAND ARtjimn.—We have secured musket bells as he is at. baseball playing be lin as gone to Niagara Falls to visit her the sole agendy for Seaforth of the standard wickless day, May let, at 2:30 &clock in the. after. will be -a hard man to. caliture.—Thom" coal oil slove. These fitoves -are fully guaranteed. noon.—Mrs. Budd, mother of Mrs. T. NV. iis re.—While playing duck on the took, Staffa. :t chool -o n Monday'last, Leslie� McLaugh. Cameron, of Hensa% ii raniting.- the saw in witiyou let us put one in on t, ial ? Ive al@3,hsve a Dancan, ormerly of this town, hub now of NoTEs.—Again we. were reminded of the the mill at present. —The stave factory is now full line of gaso4ne stoves and ovens. S. MULL"T lin was struck on the head with -a stone Guelph,'died in Guelph on Saturday. The uncertainty. of ife, 'and is our painful &I Co., eaforth. 1685-1 h ch inflicted a wound that reqiiired th fall operation, —Mr. Copp, of Sei deceased was 71 years of age and was known W duty to record the death of . Maik Drake, completed the foundation f6r Mr.McQaeen`@ It may be on�!y a length Ham Carpet, AFEw Waltham andElgin watches left sti ches o draw it together. —Inspector to rnany -in Seaforth, who will extend their who died on Wednesday of last week, after drive house this week.—Mr, Peter McGreg- nee t cover stai hall or bed at Daly's and to e!ear them otit shall eAl thetn at 84 :incerest sympathy to Mrs. Duncan in her- I Ro b is st present inspecting the Howick reis DISTRIOT MATTERS. each.- This offer is only for S#urday. '-Every watch only a few days' illness. Deceased ab 43 or left here on Tuexday an route for Lier- ro0ounm,-A Yh e 4 list of prieeii for fair quali- .50 ools. —Times are dull in town at present. Is warranted to give satisfacion or -money r Runded, ad affliction. —Tffe hockey club. are practic. years of age, and leaves a wife and family of pool, England, takilfig with him two ear ties in very DALY the watolimaker. ing hard for their minstrel show to be held! at will be th ange in our eltb85 nice pattems. Prices per - six children. His remain's were interred in loads of heavy draught horses. They were yatil 21 12c, Mo, l8e, 20a and 25o. at res.—Now is this time to garden.—Mrs. THE Hocimy MrsiTnEm.-For some time SPRAY your fruit trees and be sure of a on Friday evening, May 6bb. ThqSW will be 11 the Staffa cemetery on See our spraymot - trk t 'a Friday, the fuieral ronounced by good judges to be as fine a past the hookey club boys h%VeL been assidu. good crpp of frulb. 1 or and other new songs, new drills, new jokes, and in P h guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ot of horses as' ever left Huron. I r. Spray PbD1p9. MUD & WILSON, &AfOrth. 1585-1 being well attended by sorrowing relatives ouslypractisini for their htinistrelshow to be fact everything will be now and up-to-date. R. Rossf in town. The old lady has reach. _M and sympathizing friends. Much sympathy oney, V. S. INTE,%mi-ve, purchasers must not waste r. Thomas Eades, of Toronto, is spend. a the advanced age of 91 and is quite is of Mitchell, who is- also given in Cardno's hall next Friday hinkingover the so-called watch - felt f r the widow in her afffiction.-Geo. aking a car load, goes alonir with -Mr. Me ­ Over 40 v: oicen will N heard in the = valuable time in t ing a few we -Oka at his uncle's, Mr. E, Lati- s art. -Mr. Henry Day, of Wiligham, was Wilson open to At these ugur�.sibiarewily astonishing_ salethstwas recently advertised; but call alionce y tSunday inthe village. -Mrs. regor.-The cheese factory directora, which embrace all the latestmongs and on C. A. luuyBR& & Box, Jeweller, Heafortb, if you a.-Mrg. T. F. Colqman,. Who has been in town,,on Tuesday of this week.� IL mer Tuflord, - sr., is away visiting her sister in 'the value We Can g1ve YOU ; scarcely Pat- , . 'm ave now all -arr ng�ments made for the Ih airs. The jokes will be new and desire a watch that Is Up-to-date and will be an ac. ill for some time, is n8w recovering,�Mr. Paris and daughter in Toronto. We wish int 'vd (while the drills, especially the hobo curate time -keeper, at tqually -u low j)rIces. Watch. season's work. hey anticipate a good tern but looks vorth vauch more jnoney. e George W. Cline, of Wingham, Seaforth's Cromarty i her a pleasant visit. -Rev. William M Some 30 or mor:b in Tapestry and Unionx -at po ill by clock and silverware repairitig a specialty. 'Year mu l not be disap. Yrieez dr be Cuban insurgents will be a big old thusicil favorite, has been here for some GATKERINGS,-MiSe Christina Brown, of Donagh, of Stratford, occupied the pulpit in pointed. -Mr. McCartney also -intends run- those prices. per jird -256, 200 0 feature �f the show. All the wits and the time rganizing a class for the rendering of T ckers mith, was last week boli aying with the Methodist church Sunday night last,the 'ning his creamery and is now visitin .1 1! HARD or soft wood delivered ti� any part j�, 35o, 40c) 450 a*d 5004 9 111 best singler! in town are takiny partand -the poopular cantata, "Queen Eathei." We �i ofthetown.' S.XuLLxrr&Co.,8aaforth. 1685.1 is's Elizabeth Hoggarth, a' town.- church being filled with &large congrega- patrons in order to secure their 00-operatioli. you will raise the laugh of a, life time if you are pleased to learn that he has met' with r. alcom -Lamond, 'r., has �tljis spring -tion.-M ra., Frank Carlin, of the village,wPA LET. -A good comfortable cot- -The m u friends of Beverly Ketchen will don't go to the. hockey club's ig minstrel good success and that the class has had b ken himself to his ne farm on the 13t called home last week to attend the funeral be pleased to loam that he has completed tags on tho'corner of Market and, Spa -ling streets, ision.-Mr. William Bell bo added of her father, Mr. McIlhargey, of Biddulph his, first year in Knox College, taking the 'p tio me really choice pat- - show in Cardnc�s. hall, on FriduY 8veULD99 Seaforth.; Apply to STARK BROS. 1686-1 several practises. It will be given some c nos May 6th. time in tMay. As a musician and, musical ery much to the appearance Here we corr( �110 PURCHASERS Cannot afford to loose this of IL his resi. township. ll�ighest.stand in his class at the closing a?c- 'terns; and eolofmp itt Tapestry Wool an& opportunity of calling ou'us during our L 10 days a -me. -Wm. Bell, who has boon studying in instructor, Mr. Cline is too well at�d favor- ence by the erection of a newliron fence sy A Rio Timp..-The Salvation Army intend 8peclAI offer of watches, ocits, Jswelry and silver- ably known here t6 require comm ndalion a finest in town. -Mr. John Mollraith in Londesboro. sell Carpets. These figukee in Ille past,fie yearn, reallygo6a ay, 1P 2�ver Kfiox College for has C4rpets bu Car. having a big time here on Saturday, Sunday ware. C. A. Bumn Jeweller, Seafoith. from us. W� can confidentlp; uilding an addition to his resilAunce for low for good t 0 GATmERINGS. -Fall wheat looks fine. - now finished his course at that institutioni. _n are here at some oil them priew, and Monda- next. The occasion is the cel- that a grand musical treat b * �orL�or hop, which will be 'a greA con6iiience to The pleasant cool weather of last week was and is now resting for a time' at the home in int, 1 1 -75 WEATHER and'waterpr6of prepared pa is rd -50c 60c We, c, 800 Aug. Vi4cen per. y ebration of their fourteenth anniversary. the people of Seaf�rth and . vie a im in the sboe-making busineer, 1 Mr. Me. zw for durability "df finish, Co., Sea. a boon for seeding. Many farmers are of'his father, in Tuckeremith, befare assum. The celebration is to take the shape of a Mary Sutherland, I ho had been visitinj Iraith in under the weather wiW a severe 5c. through and. many will finish this week. ing the more active duties of his calling. - banquet and jubilee service. Captain Smith friends in Clinton-f6r some time, returned old but we hope to see him around as us- Messrs. Cantelon and.Cook shipped a car HOUSIE CLVA_-,-ING.-Wm. N. WALKER, home on Saturday.;7-The recreation grounds &I in a OThomas Penfoud and John Ketchen hivt theadvance agent of the celebrated Marine few days again. -Mr. and Mrs. hay to Toronto last week. -The lime for PULrchased the entire out put of whey from Seaforth, will take up carpets clean them and re-lay the in this town blive been leased for tt is seasoli- o baud, will be pregeitt on Saurday and Sun. them for 8 cents per j.ard. ' Carpieta cleaned and n Hoggarth are rustioating aCthe resi- Methodist church has !been delivered; The the cheese� f"tory for this aftoon..-Alex. ittie of gentleme Ing d&Y.L Officers are 'expected from Bayfield, renovated for 2.conts extra. All orders left at mr.. to a Comm 11 rep eeeut* 0 cc of Mr. Malcolm Lamond�-Ihlr. and masons expected- to starb Tuesday 'of last Ross, contractor, is at -present supervising ever befoik have we had inch a 8 4f, Walker's Shop, NeGinnii? Blovk, will be promptly the various sportijig clubs in to ., They TZ119 Goderich, Clinton, Wiiagham and Brussels I585_1L re. Peter McLaughlin, of Tockeremith, week, but the rain spoiled their plans and the work being done at the Bayfield harbor. the.finer-makiis and grades of Wo I Bru-- attended to. $100 for the ute of the groun for the oil for -the Monday banquet and jubilee. The Pay zid a flying visit to friends in town one they were not able to start till Monday of Gtorge Logau is. busily engaged repairin gels and Velvet Carpets -if you Van- Good ange J. Agnew and Miss Mary WE still want a number of second-hand- season and will so that t several ay last week this we .-Mr. banquet will be held in Cardnes hall and -George Hi cook stoves. Highest prices paid. S. MuLmrr & Cc clubs ca�n be accomoda, d. -Mr. the Stanley township hall. template buy4g a, new Carpot this eprijj& the'Jabilee services in the barracks Cap Sealorth 1585-1, 'differefit Agnew, of Belgrave, were visiting their ban erected, a new fence around his prem- you should s4 our Xew .13prink Patterns, W. Somerville haC--removed to his w resi. d-8 mer of John an James duty here for some time, will-22farewell On ad In out doors sports,are requested to meet at Hawk. Sunday. -Mrs. Mogridge, of Clinton, was would be hard to excel. Mr.Rill is build,- an tain apd Mrs. Stubbs, who have been -on Hensall. brother, Dr. Agnew, and other friends on ises whi Prces Pei in b* roRTs ATTFxTiol;. -All parties interest- -a %,trhe cc 0b,'for neatness and durability, Yar 50. 90c, 950.1 $1 $11010 i FARIZERS' AND BUILDEM' AT�ENTI d $115, ex. ON. - Sunday. The services will,, no cLbubt, be in- shaw's hotel, -�eaforth, on Tuesday evening next, at �+ets. Al Davidson wil Occupy Jrust arrived -a carload of Beachville IimO visiting at Mr. W. Brigham's and Mr. rm - ra. Roth. o take parV 8 o'clock. A large attendance Is desired, 1585-1 also ear era. tb4 residence vacited by�Mr. Som, irville.- ing,&-Iot of it for the is M teresting aud beneficial to all wh of cement and I cement Bills ath, and plaster parls. Campbell's. -The Messrs. Searl, of Walton, well and children, together with Miss Dark, in thelne Buy your dairy supplies, churns, milk G. G. Wils has had i i I elephone and Keystones a specialty. instructions free With were visiting friends here last week. -Miss of Goderich, spent . a few -days of this weak pans, palls, eto )d in his grociry store for � the conven. prices way down, S. MurLxT & Co., All cement bought from me, Store -house went of the Cox, of Hamilton, who spent the Easter visiting friends in the village. -T okerfmith' -1 station. R. Culmonji. Heneall. 1581 -if U 'east fun ;sealorth., 1585 Ia cc of his, custonjers.-Not the St XoT'Es. �_We are pleased to holidays with her sister, Mrs. (Ftev.)' J. A. council met 6ir Ca4ete, Floor Oil Cloths king part of the ho k POTATOE CROP. -Just arrived a car of bk're on Monday. Ne'very im. in- full Linoleumo, in different widths. 0 �Jub in welcomem Mr Hamilton, returned home on Monday."The portent busiiness was transacted, A splendid potatoes from the Bfuskoks district, would r. and Mr. J. S. Crozier an cit- ustrated pou 2181 7 DEATH OF A Rio.REF.R. -Mr. �Robert Jones, at li are the ill at G. quarterly sacramental service izens of our villagai Mr. Crozier has rented of this town,was at Milion last week attend- B. Scott's barber shop window. hey are make excellent seed. Also a car of corn for feedin -of Londeaboro account of the proceedings will be given 35es ; also a car of Mammolih Southern Sweelt cirouitwill be held onSunday m7oming. Win Sproat's cottage and moved into it this Ing the funeral of lie only brother, Mr. the production of Mr. Scott's arti tie skill V1119flage Corn. Ca)1 and see thein b4fore purchasing nextweek. week. -It would be of interest to know how Benjamin, Jones.- Of the deceased the Milton and witty imagination. -Miss Issib Is Bal- elsewhere, St'GEORGE McEwsN's Grain Wa to HOUIC Hen"Il. many of those of our American cousins who Champion says "Another landmark has leaves this�week to take ob rge of a 584-2 b& i b v_a ee lantyne Bayfield., U u the loudest mouthed in urging on been removed by the grim reaper. We to- school nebr Paris. V_ Kippen. C, B.'r. P_ &AM.. IN Rev. T. B. R. . estgate, NoTzs.-John Thompson ieft, last week D amin Jones, which Missionary to the tudiam ral part the Conservatives of South Harod was hold t. - -the Taylor, fok ths past the*war, will shoulder the rifle and - !eat its far to the.deatb of Be i Of the ca BRIEFS. -A largely attended meeting of for Owen Sound, to take a posi ton on NOTES.:: -Mr. Georg terrible realities at the front. Those who J E wes�-, has been buying up a number of WE took place at his residence, on Queen street, of Pars uay, South Ame a BPI Governmen b survey boat. 611 BayfieldePy-Miss ring the bells for joy, now 4ill. probably have on M9nday morning Mr. Jones did adiess, illai an- in Coxworth's hall, on Tuesday laeb.-Mr. Foster, of Varna, is the guest of Mrs4 Thos. stockers for g razing.. Mr. Taylor keeps the Oar s6ok of Loose Curtains iv4s t1w, strated by star Opti cause to ring their 'hands in grief before stroke Oj April 18. oR. Cudmore has received an, order froth Mr. ball roll'i M D B. McLesai, of Tackk buyer wonderful scope, for w received a araysia'some seven views, in St. Thomas' churcK scho room W. Mulholland, Ward. -The fishermen, made the first lift of a 116ye theall' long. -Mr. and Mrs. Cosens moved to of Hay, for one handred orsmitl weeks ago, from whieg h1t; wr;e.k,* accompanied. by M.r. from,ilie cheapest t he recovered suffi. on Wednesday avening.-The 'a journed barre the season on Tu o the D" a Wingharn this week. We very much regret cientlyL to be Out On vestry meetill of--, St. Thomaie Is of cement, to be used Ili the con. of last week sod The rough weather William Murdoch, of Stanley, started for -be the streets again, but DMall' ch was stfuction of his now barn. -Mrs. Alexander Was barT on the biots.----Wor� uantitiei. At these prices con to part with such good citizens, but wish the old country with a number of fat cattle. 'a the extra Wilai 'we Olt the 5th inat. he received a second from held on Tuesday evening, when �h report Adamson, daughter of Mrs. Reitb,, Of thin at the piers was suspended a few days lost ad td n e, 4000 them every happiness in their new hodie.- Mr. McLean goes for the good of his health, Ton, Prices per pair -30 which he novel rebovered. -Deceased was of the auditors wai received and Or ered to. village, recently went to Clinton, where she week, owing- to the rain -Mile - Shaw, of which h" not been of tha-best of -late. -, We Mrs. 19. P. Kennedy returned on t Saturday in his 73rd -year, and for Toronto, has arrived, t over 53 years has be printed for eir-oulation.-While at the intends remaining,until mid o take charge of Miss last from a visit of 'ke-veral weeksi to role. been a resident of the town. He -summer, h r be* trust the trip may have a befieficial effect. Won borne Ili station Friday inorning last, Mr. Win Moron sister, Miss M Martin's millinery. a nrd dressmaking d' tives and friends in Toronto.4Rev. D. r m aggie, limit in Clinton, 4t- a' -Mr. Oliver Forest, who is a d. sprinin kle, tending the Collegiate. -blr. T. J. Berry Croydon, Surrey county, England, and came slipped off the platform, !jni�gWhii an partment. It is some Years since there was neon 1. y parents, landing IA which has necthim to the house uate of Mr. Clegles, at the ol 'church on Sabbath evening 1841b. use a millinery establishment in B16yfield, and Job weached ver acceptabLy iji our to this Country with his confl t all Ms.- our horse buyer, was last week united in nose, left here on Monday last for Manitoba r. John., Muddy York in the year 1832, re big Messrs. Ellis & Knin, the lessees. jerat*g awhe of the marriage to Miss Annie Ford, eldest dough. where he has secured a situation on the Z;e These arethe popular can ZOWSA Commercial hotel, the fact of there being none he& madelt son hiss just graduated fro�i Kno�� college, father died durinK the second -cholera year. take possession 0 Mon- ter of Mr. John Ford, of Tuckeramith. The very inconvenient for the Wiei ri a�nd goea this week to take a mis- Mr 5'�lnha]Pwrocuring of the C. P. R. at Beget station. Oliver large in theiao Jones lived in the above place until day. -Mr. and Mrs. James Pringle, or., of 'marriage ceremony was perl their hate or bonneta.. Miss and we have bouj;ht- dougly sion tation at Sprucedale, in the -4 lissing formed by Rev. is a clever boyo and possessed with prices, so an to j ile the gm't"t�- pv-e the peop Pei district. He expeats to there for ,ad mil, the right kind of metal to make. his mark. Ossible choice. Prices per lr_$Il klea Wilson. "nal haes Exeter. We join wit maker,:aud we wish Miss He - remain March of 1845, when he came to Milton: Stratford, spent Sunda L highly recommended an an experien guests of Mr. Cha y last ' n to' th Mr. Martin, of Caven Presbyterti b drew with the lite H. E. - Willmott to work at his churo . liner and two year�.-Kruse Bros., ma h the friends of the 1111 0 good business �1.50, $1.75, $2 and $2.50. t sons, of this trade s a cabinetmaker. In 190 he Mar. reached the dollar 'Mark On the mark t here,- happy douple inwishing long and c Martin success in her, now enture.-Mea. too 81� d operator, with village, are placing a stone foundation under ontinued 0 an * bli i ig di"sition. is tied Elizabeth Foster, daughter' of the late f 0 jgtI on the upward to ency. h Mrs. Colfie's. residence These you while oats are also appiness through life. -Mrs. R. Hunt was and Mile Stirling returned home on Sstdr- ng men, Hugh Foster, and began business in a shop Long may they wave may companions will be ploamed to bear of is usual, have plenty oi work on hemd.- in London this week, visiting her, son and day from a pleasant Visit with friends at his well d olnt;-� r. Cook and dauOter, of Mir. J. Muldrow left on Thursday of last that stood -whera the Dewar block UOW M friends. -Mr. Georpe Gray, of Mi6chell, and Iroquois and other places. -711. F. Edwards ranbroo ther-i -law and uiece stands. Thence he removed to the old Le dbury. for some time a residen left town on Saturday to attend the falls k. a of 1 Th -a t of this village, was at these w�ek for' -Manitoba, . where he intends re" homestead, where his son Charles now lives. Messrs. James and George Mulholland a bulk of ourourtai maining for some time.. wedded on Monday evening last to Min of a niece in London township. As business increased he moved his shop and A BIG. snap in a line of m'eWs buff lace -i were visiting at the home of -the bteeral lite pictures of art in the.curtainline. Thz7 boots, wh9le boxed -w: got a big lot of them from a Nina Hinsman, of Mitchell. The ceremony warerodins to Main itreet. Mr. 3ones has manufacturer who Re (led money more t an, he was performed by Rev. Mr. Kerr, of this' Mulbolland'the past week. -Farmers ar;. come in white and tuseAu, and the sWrt Zurich. busy finishing up seeding, which is givin imint gives you an extra choice. Priam per PuBme S( Hwax SenooL EAm- been identified with all that is progressive needed shoe@, and on Paturday next we williendea- village. We wish them alrhappiness.-Our $3, $3,50, K 9 xs�tTroxs.­Bntranee 'and NOTEs.-We have this week to 'chroni�je or, businesspeople -an opportunity of put- -$2.75, Public School in the town; he was.& member of the fire vor to clear out the Whole lot -The regular prtce 1 $4.50 and daring the advisability of the death of Mrs. Conrad Walpe 8176 but so as to clear out the lot in a hurry We will council are consi air iny, the first band that was organized r, who di4d ting their garden in Leaving: 28th June, 8.45 a m,, at Goderie� sell them on Saturday next (April a order. men �nrith Bayfield Hensall,. Kintai had i wr ents purchasing about 15 acres of - land for the last Tuesdaillight, at the ri Exeter 7 coNie hearty assistance, and his efforts per -pair-all Eizes_--G_ to 10. W. I cca Pe age of 83 Conning was compelled to keep his bed 'for gif r. Village, in the way of affording a nice park, Old age was the cause of death. She some d last week and van under medical aye Joungannon,Sb. Helen's and Crediton f0t ere freel a the M echanice Institute m1chael's Block, Somforth. reereation grounds, race cantle and fair years: n to d he deceased husband and family moved attention. He has taken a change for the V suron, and at Clinton, Seaforth, gry in E, days. The book cases : NOTES. -The monies co'llected for etho. grounds. Thin is cert West It e sit r Wngbarn', w re all itf rly ainly something the to this township when ill woo Brusqels, 'Wroxeter, Fordwich. a made in his shop. For many years dist missions at the Bethel appoi men a forest, aid better, and is again moving round.-Satur. i Singloand reversible Crotonnes, Cuit&m�'- b village is. not complete Without. -Miss Me - by hard work they secured a good home. Hr do JqAjingo ATV T and Blyth for .. Voast Hu�ron. High School he -was a member of the town council, and have been handed in to the P"tor. M last Was a, busy day at our grieb mill Tapestries, Crtain and Saidi ins Intyre, of Walkerton, is visiting'her sister, remains will be 0 Primary.examination (form 1) July 4th, 8:45 ilso, filled the offices of assessor and collect- �Aliee Dundas and Miss Emma J. 0 eriesetc., sit immeu* elltere& in the Brownson It n4s in gling by the number of loads going Muslin Drap in. harles Manna, of this place. -The cemetery on' Friday afternoon. She ws Farmers know well where they got good choose from at a. MI (,roder�h, aforth. i1ton there. 1were collectors and they did excee 'ugly many friends of Mrs. John Wilson, -of Fans. the oldest person Clinton and Se or. When first he arrived in Al :�Ilgelelntlol in thin ribinity, if not work done and their wants supplied. -Mr. High School Forfii II and Commercial De - Ward no sidewalks., and th creek crossed Vell.-Miss Maud Irvine, teachei at Met. ville will regref to learn of her very serious the township. able loms, Jul�' Uhl, 6th Forn� II and Form the main street three times and was span Mr. F. W; Hess has the Johnston, of Sexamith, conducted services r ned I-ropoliton in Blanshard Township, pent illness, but will be glad to hear Juiy 8 th, 8 -40� a. m., at. -G dericb,Clinto that at the brick work of his jewelry itore complet4d, in St, Andrews church last Sabbath even. stat n by bridges whose abutmqnt were logs notch.- ilart of ger Easter holidays visiting her time of writing she is a little better. -A -Mr. H.'L. Paine has be'en to Preston, Ing, -with much acceptauce. Rev. A and Seaforth. - Form 11, Jul 6th, at Wing- ad into each other and covered with two brother, Mr. J. J. IMne. Maud i the -very pleasant event occurred at the home of where he has ran Mr. ham, Brussels and Rye r. kpplication for inch pine ank laid on three flatted sleepers. Youngest ota, farnily of twelve four of horn Mrs Tho ted an, ho�e te I �-Re . A. Y. I Acheson took Rev., Mr. Kerr's .,pulpit in Man Parlmer, of this Village, on Haist has returned fro v U Entrance iiand Public School Leaving exam- Fqrty buildings, all told, constituted the have been teachers at onge ti�e in the Run &I Confer. Heneall in the evening. -Mrs. R.Meblordie E. MCFAUL _Mt. D. S. Faust has re. of who -nations tw Nota, church in the place, She was accompanied by Mr. Eldon Ir ine, marriage of his eldest daughter, 00 , I . I usb be� sent to the napeetor on or entire bamlet. or ano her. Wednesday evening. We here refer to the once in, Waterl . i In we made mentloji a few weeke Mine Mary turned home from 9, -t- visi aug tri 3 being very p, among aj ng Re. Of before Ap4l 26th. The fee i 1 $1, to be paid nor any building of stone or brick, The a nephew, who ih teacher at � Ran cob. Ellen, to hlr.� Albert F. Whitesidis, youn relatives in Berlin and Watei oo. At th7e fined to her bad for. som� time with b jjry 28bh Jan�v App-lications for "rimaryJunior subject of this sketch was a -life-lo Both � the Young people came up on heir eat son? Mr. Wm. Whitesides, Of this vil: poorly in health, being eon. Leaving, 1110i Leaving and Mvtriiiulation former. One brother survives him, Robert wheels.�Mr. Percy Smith, who was Jai up logs. same time he visited his I by Rev. Gardening is the order of th, Y_ was Performed' Bon in Guel lj,� - chiting 76 years. Re' was with a severe attack of quiney, has, we are W. E_Ker o day any Mp-any, Migh So ol Forms L IL III and IV) must of Seafortb, aged Tho ceremon 'low nicely improving, She is able 00 ill 'be r, in the'presence of the refatives to go about the houee� This down. AV wi people are taking advantage ',of be. seat� ft the Inspector bef*a 24th May, married twice. His first wife predeceased pleased t6- maf, recovered.-Mesers. Ro rt of the con the One veryatifYing to her numerous frien seed., tra:ebing parties and a 1 few inti- *e&th0r--FAmler arei through Ing. Mr. ames M4jC1yM0dt, of Goods $tQJW 0 Agniodvill, was SWorth's Greatest ash DrV 'd the " b ri�e,;ad few ft