HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-04-29, Page 47 IMAI 08ff-011, L THE. EXP APRI 898 4 --------------- tto MOO"
tion of 498 �um� pe", pe"h and oher wai a man of more thin ordinary Intelli- NEW ADVERTISEMEXT9. money ban to be raised by direct taxi, while vince. ry life SAA Bat, even supposing that neither' g;ntlei train _beI0DJlDg t0'O118 man I in Kingsville, genes, being unusually. well versed on all to this has to be added the lave of which werel-affected with ---- San Joao . lice. quoitionwand was able to discuss them in- Or The Agul-0, betreen. -the parenthedih or eaoh The Oorner re �raet denotes tht p%* of the paper on - which the all the attendant miseries which inevitably man succeeds in.ragaining hh former con' There is, however, a vpry singular incionsis- telfigently. He was member of the Meth- thii advargaement wM be found. hostilities stitpency, it would not even then necessarily tonoy in oui methods iiii. The odist church, and had beld several official accompany war.— And the longer A New Fit—B. & B. Co. (5) ftillow that they would have to retire from S Ie is -no worse than black knot, positions therein. HeAeaves a wife, four are continued, the heavier the burden be- Sul Jose ia� New Millinery Goodis-W. W. Hoffinan (5) comes and the harder it is to bear. But -the Government, and that their services any dest�uctiv6 i weedso all of soni, sad an adopted d ughter, the latter A
'Who Wants Pper?L. & W. (5) which are legal! bin, but the - �aw, Win- Mrs. S. March, 01 aton. their troubles and expenses will not termin- k6ould be thus lost to the country, it would Store News-McKinnou &-Co. (5) which Orders them to, be destroyed is notr,eii- --$he Heasall sassent r. has finished his Accepts
Friendly Advice -Greig & Macdonald (1) &to when the war ces'ses. They will still be very� difficult, tw fill the place of either. d same instrumentality th �t is w,)rk and reports as fall( we - Total amsess. House Cleaning Time -E. McFaul Co. (8) have to,-�rovide for the peace and proper It may be said that - no maim is indispensible 'or" 0� T'Le destroy the scale shoul& be ments, $204,400 or an norease of $12,000 Th
empl ad Up-to-date Jewelry (2) -C. A. H. & Son (8) government of Caba,which will he a difficult in this world, or in the affairs of nations. use4 destroy thi black knot and the over. last year. Population 890, an increase 4101d las
Store to Rent�-Wm. Masters, (5) weeds which are oveftunning� the country of 119 over last year. Children of school lawn Mowere, -etc. -Reid & Wilson (S) and costly duty. On the whole, and under That is, no doubt, the case, for as obe man and lessening its productions by 'millions of ags,,204. Dogs, 50. To Stock Breeders-jN. McDougall (5) the most favorable circumstances, the out- falls another generally rises to take his dollars. -James Flanagan meb with -,an accident Inano, tu
Public Notice-Wm.Moore (5) look is anything but pleiisant for our place. . Bub it frequently occurs 'that in at Button & Fessant?s ctory, Wingbam, 4f fiftl
Boar for Service --John D&Ilaa (5) House to Let -Stark Bros. (9) American neighbors. making the- change very serious' 101313 Is, 00- Oar gooJ asighbor,"the Goderich Star, is on Tuesday of last wee at his work I& chair le w out of a lathe —WT
House Cleaning -W. N. Walker (8) There is no denying the fact; that the casioned. That would most qso-uredly be still -very Oneasy in i a mind about the late near where he was worti g and struck him Pressed.
Seasonable Supplies (6) S. Mullett & Co. (8) American peopld have been in need Of a. the otise in this instance. There is not an. West H,.arbn electoN and has -rather a seri- in one eye, cutting it as rely, and render- Sports Attention-i(S) lesson which would teach them humilit. other man in either party, who could just ous time defending ii� . 9 protege, the . C ing several stitches nece ary. 1). Sealed Tenders -E. F. E. Roy (5) onser- -Mr. W. Edimerton d ed at the home of —Thl
Charcoal -Reid & Wilson (8) Their great success as a nation has made now take the place of either Mr. Gibson or Vative candidate. h now eayo he did hold hia-father,. in Goderich, -on Friday night, We have been talking through the� �olumns of THE Ex-' �bottle
Seed Potatoes -A. Young (8) them boastfal, autocratic and -ove6saring, Mr. Dryden without the risk of very serious more thanione publid meeting ; that he held 15th inst. Decease& yvi a a young man of up. T1
larly to ladies. Thlig, Great B and if this VVar has a humbling- -influence loss to the interests of the province, to say six,- and. it calls THE! ExposiTon a lot of bad 'promise, but a complicat on of ailments, for POSITOR for the last month more partiou Auction Mrs. R. Coleman (5) upon them, a d brings them to ties that nothing of the party to which they belong. names, because it sad he only held one. which apparently there as no relief, not. u wee ladies' Oxford Ties -R. Willis (5) Won, so �e it, for tl�ie sake of peace, let us witheta k we Propose to address ourselves to the mem, and tell :%th, bt
they are not so big as they tboughb they Mr. Dryden is a model Minister of Agricul L a V HE EXPOSITOR nding the beat me iiest. care, hasten- Seed Potatoes -A. G. Atilt (5) - say that he held e 111.� If T ed h demiee A has erred,�' the Star ds.lo blame for the or. -On Wednesday aftei noon of last w'ee were, it will not have taken place in vain. turie. He has done yeoman service for the them in truth that, b i on Saturday morning, the
Big Snap - (2) -W. H, W illia (8) k e9muing 40ob. 11
G, T. R. Ageney-W. Somerville(&) It now looks -as if this lesson is in store for agr i icultural i - nterests of his province. He r9r, as it was a d pendence upon it.i fire'destroyed the dwel ing house of Mr. -inst., we -are going to show some values in -ithetill.
columns far inform,�tiou that induced us to Joseph Thompson, of Ni . Very little was 16th them, is a practical' man as well as an able and say that be only helo,�ne. Bub, even seven saved from the fire; 11 their clothing, scncareful administrator, and while he has the' meetings in a constituency the size of West which was up -stairs, wai burned. The fire has beet
The Plebiscite Bill. practical knowledge he has also the busi. Huron, ii not ride -spread effort on UTO 45XVVX1 & ver is supposed to have origir ated from a Ppark Men's, Youths', Boys' and 0hildren's Olothing, ness imbility to properly.and economically ey catchin the hingles on Mr. Fisher, the Dominion Minister of whom he desirce to poll his constituents, and the roof. a voul'
the part of a candi�at7e to enlighten those from. the ohimn, in. SEAFORTH., FRIDAV, April 29th, 1898 Agriculture,'on Thursday of last week, conduct the affairs of his department,'and should not tax his 6lo6utionary or mental -Last Sunday- nin t th a close of the -On. traduced the ill providing foi the plebiscite' 'a withal able at all times to lrold his own powers very much, pot should it relieve him service in the v geli I hureh,Dashwood. thatwill simply astonish them. there dt
W6 would like to say some- ed States have rohibition. usation to be aakp i elacou ng conducted his Mr. Jacob Ke er in half of the choir, Why th sat'o of havi! Z*rt
the. trnit P The et _d w th ,he best either on.the public platform from or in ";ut principles. Christie,
Gone to War.. the House. Mr. Gibe campae on still h read an appropriate addr stoRev.,Mr.Bby thing about a man's all -wool Canadian tweed suit that Are you in favor of the passing of an on is equally we I - an any are at a low to understand wllpted for the management of the im- f d Mr. A. Shettler presented him with a W ace oii 11 niont
A good in aft prohibiting the importation, 'manufac. purse of money as a small token of his not- in pi our table's at $5.00 also a sblendid range of rtant and difflo ot the Week. the reasons which have ind tilt -.1
lced the United ture or sale of spirits, wine; ale, beer, cider Po department over which NEW YORX EI)IiOus DEATH.-Eruest�o. vice'as teacher and choir leader during his boys' suits, from 13 to 16 years, at from �over
mberlaiu, mana�ing editor of the qP ry States to declare war against Spain- War, and all other alcoholic liquors for use ae he presides. An Commissioner of Crown Cho Even- stay there. $3 to "`� 5 some Ve ker
to was especially bobween civilized ]motion%, 66gi bevierages ? To this, a straight 49 yen or Land@, particularly at this juncture of the lug Wo Id died ffn nix at his home, --�A pretty. wiqdding ok 41ace a,t the desirable suits for little boys, that we imported from Ger- �ure. H
0 'Blum re mug 4C at dgir"; fortunately, become go rare that As ce's affairs. when' 1* tZ, n t Hadsoon. residence of Mrs. Etl do, oderich, on
there are so many I we' no " answer is to be given on the ballots. PrOvI13 Wednesday of last i when her da h- Alml, t P Empi �ING GiRis. ask., Many, at V, i-10,4.20, 1.30,.1.45 per guit. TO &O -After a 11P easons, or very grea he question is to be unincumbered by any difficult Problems for solution in that de- to be some very cogent r ter Mary E., was marri d to A. W. ?or. tom In
H. A. Lazier, rm r
ug consultation b0tw en te- provocktioiI to induce so highly civilized a reference to revenue, th re. partment, it witild be a verygreat misfor- 8 ne�, 1prosperou young business man of a cost of info &must jGompers. residen Lynch, and re on was performed that wn. Theses 0 10, an agre people as the Ame to imbar In an ment, etc. With the following remarks tune should Mr. Gib4on be required to re- there, at Toledo, ement was in additibn to the above we have. sma -little suits for made to at a at& d time, disconti bX Rev. Jdaeph_�JE�'drgeemoa the presence of enterprise which must, necessarily, tire from it. Mr. Gibson's parliamentary ane am- te i be I ti a friends. midth her
from the - Toronto Star, we fnlly agree irb in t it n
relatives and a f6w, I.. children mad6 66m, linen and heavy Tloying girls in t bicycle factories in fraught with ouch terribly serious!:-, come* The Government is approacfiing' a highly experience, his judicial mind and careful gingham, guaratite6d to ledo, Thompson it so Connecticut, Toron. -�-On Wednesday of Is it week Bainton Tb6
quences. For, even in the tivent of succe38s dangerous political situation, but judgment, make him not only a viluable a Vice., of Blyth, closed a bargain with howe sh at I and 1.25. is ap- to iindt ,Westfield, assachusette. , Wa I
t h a frankness and- courage head for almost any department, and par- ruutaoN's - CHYR ir BURNED. ISpurger, & Co. for the large brick i ?oollen factory in teld the!
be -very preaching it wt the low of life and treasure will great, while it will take years, to o�.ercomo which cannot f4il to commend the respect of ticularly so for the one over which he now On's babaraxele h" en destroyed by gre. Brussels. They take imm idiate pbosession. r 0
'I - - 0 can I
This place of wars i was the MecQ'x of the These gentlemen are ta e 's Overalls in gre *d -such as -that Ll �iners and glov
the resultiof a struggle rank and courageous men. It is an P the world over. t ad"i upon resides, but a. most useful member of the Baptist It manufacturers bu in on will opera a lenomina�io t y and blnedenim,, which our A:raerican neighbora have so use as wel - 1. Indeed, am chairman of the was on f th I r bu don. the woollen mill,. cardin rolls, spinning from 55c to; 85c a pair. Men's smocks in white cheek, blue r4MC1 in Canadian Politics that 'the Gov. HO so 0, ildings inLon.
rea4ily entered. . The New York Outlook, ernment which grapples the prohibition Private Bills Committee, he saves thousands The foundation a o a Of the building was yarns, &a. oner of the most, careful and conservative, as laid by Sir Samu I ortion Pete, on, � August es, f Goderich, have enim, and cottonade, at special question with any 6rmne83 takei its life in of dollars to the municipalities of -this Who 1959. It' as' -.,read ion been awarded the contract for the fine S4,- prices. a
y for ocoupat Devereat
well as one of the moat respectable of Amer- its bands and the attitude the present pri session. In short, Messrs. early in AWL an pening services-, which 500 church the Presbytoria are erecting at
n in e llican ptii�blicatioxw, and rep;eae ting the in- Gave ment at th k a, Helens. The building was designed by very o test of what Gibson and'Dryden are two men who can not lasted , a wee Ommencea ou� March St.
-,decided I
Men's shirts at special prices', from 15c each to $1.. telligence and respectability of the United must be a peculiarly arduous campaign is in be very well done without in the House, and 25th. t , 6 --yea At the end !of those W. E. Binnings, of Lis wel. The new Statft, puts the case in this way. While meet n 6 56,660 d been contilbuted, and edifice will be fitted with ei calar sests, and All eomf
striking contrast to the eageiness with their retirement would not only be a great the a 'r sets w free from debt. The will have about the same mecomodation as match wA
diablaiming entirely that the: destruction of which- the Opposition has already sought to loss to the Liberal party bt a correspond' -24th.
building; was 146 ft�ie 1 81 feet broad, 62 the church this rm are ere ing at Landes- Men's wearing Pants at $ I and d!1.15 a pair. Our pants- i
so to the'province. It is no doubt a feet high, and the American vosesel, " aine," in Spanish ma6 political capital of the matter. The 'ng 10 its ditnogrilum' had a eating boro
*or, has .4
waters, has any part in inducing the capacitj of 6,000. ' n addition to the main W. Ross, - son Win. Rose, of at $1.15 are accompanied by a gti4ranflee to give atisfaction. from whi
echoes of Mr. Fisher's voice in introducing. knowledge of the former that makes the 0 mg there we e a lecture hall�.se Bruesets. who has been s loved in. the a, bee
Americans to go to war, and while admit- baildi in VNIXte Of
Mail so anxious to get rid of them, as it on !a here nO the bill had not -died :�away before Mr. 900, sphool-roo a accomodating at� g British Columbia' Ir ka, Vancouver, or money refunded. It will certainly 'Pay any pers is ;i
ting that t is thing in that occurrence on, who Foster was -on his feet would. be quite willing to inflict childreb vestries W rk-roome, etc. too for the past year, has suggesting 11 that harEs ed for the com value i
to juAify so serious a course on the part of injury upon the country if it could H. contemplatitigy the purchase bf -clothin
the Government ah7ld attach to its mesa- Sptirg th famous divine, Was for itig season with ibe Huds n Bay Co. as JL to and ins ect -able iucol
many y are second engineer on their n w steamer, the P the United States, �t says, - are a pledge that sh at the same time strike a blow at th qualities, prices,* etcA Id the people declare e 000 less 4.
a, WAN*XA-KEIeS 0 FFER. -Everyone who " Caledonia," an(f went on uty last week. If 6norable warcomes, lit will be, not for for pro] is pribei
ernmenbwould Liberal party.. We are mistaken in Ch revenge, nor for immediate succor of the Ov. I has been in P ilalelphia knows wana. The ran will be on the Stic son River from hibition the intro- merebatA
ass and good judgment of that party, f or three]
star a I I cry easure at the next sea- goo maker's famous a r and will'therefore be Wrangel to Telegraph Cree ving ; it will be to put an end to a gov dce a pr hibit d as I a so� e n 0 rument whose whole bistory"bas been one sion of Parliam: however, if they will let either Mri Gibson, interested in �add n the following, item 7-J ames Bowes on of amee Bowes, of a 8 of -A ve
e ft
"To the 1,51 T t her to ne fourteen W-edneed
of oppression and whose later course has On any other basis than a ean desire to or-Mr.,Dryden -retire from the Government oyees of the Philadel- Gre township, who lef he phis store. anamaker has given years ago, then a lad of ni en, to seek e d residence
iaba, I tin e en a in ia, is spen R bec4me intolerable, Aot only to the people reap a partizan . advantage from the sup. so long as they can continue their services. notice that t of war ith Sp in his fortune in British Colu ing THE CORNE when.his'.
of 0 but to its nearest neig�bori the oJ?Ie of the United. States. Even should they not be able to regain their the sat n I? a few days at the home of hi, aged parents. posed extremity of the Go�erniaent, MrJ so of al on Who enteir the milit-
'It ha wholly failed to afford- th4 protec- Foster's sug -o..vn Conatituoacies, we are . our ic G vernmeint will be paid Mr. Bowes speaks highly of British Colum- t e 0 th gestion is 'enseless. The Gov- e that there Ary as Be B G ix. S onversation he are many -peaceful industry which is' the ..first ernment is directly responsible to the niembsisin the House he would tj T t I
tion. to to theii h ki ies du ing the period of their bia, and Jud ing from his a daty of government. absence; and tha t eir plac'es will be held has succeeled remarkably, 'wen, and coutin, 3
people.' In full view of its responsibility it willingly make way for them and many con- open until they r t n. In addition to thi his appearance would indicate that it is a By its policy of spoliation it has transfer- 8, And her IJ
the revenues of the island to the treasury e ry. in pulp bl stituencies in the province that would wel- the firin will pl as an insurance ery healthy count red asks th people for a judgment on the qaes- 01 of $1,000 V S
of Spain or to the pockets of Spanish office- tion of prohibition. If the people My 41nO,)J come'them, so that the Mail will find it is on each am I el he given his service to -The Brussels Post says: -Monday his country, a a Is to his family' if his evening as Barrister Blair was coming down holders, and has kept in perpettial, poverty the matter stands as before. "if the people not going to get them burned down as readi- a , n island which is by natute extr I aordinarily life is lost whi e en aged in military duty." town from his residence he heard the report a large a - om :
i Shaw's bank. West of the hotel was a Frank Mine spent last week tuou ir we
rich. say " Ys, the Government's responsibility ly as it woul� like. in fact ",many of the of a gun and almost simultaneously was visiting rela. d fine cricket grounds, but this tions at Winehelses.-A.11 th routes fo xtumeroui
Conservative papers greatly surprised and somewhat alarmed to
It has fostered profligacy and corruption not only remains, but is. peculiarly and have recognized and, 'a" 6 r the -on I
had into tifeamery are filled now, -Th in its governing class, while inflictug pov_ admitted Mr. Gibson's worth, �n Notes. have a grain of shot strike him in the side ay has long since been 'Was e demand for specifically accentuated - No Government, fas they have Ekir Htyu r 0 u by the action of the waves laborers is great around erty, wretchednes, hunger, and death upon frequently, since his defeat in -Milk is :Id� bree cents a quart in f the face. He followed up the guner here. -The d4ugh- -reiditing
enselo a Clinton. at a ow and the drainings.from. the town t,he governed. unless it were entirely lost to a 4. f Hamilton, re and gave him some legal advice every ter of W. 9. Le;gh fell off -the verandah of - responsibility, and moreover, entirely des. commended,his appointment to theJudiciary irate that should profit any spring. and broke her arm last week. -E. J, Xt has secured a practical monopoly -There are six risoners confined in the n carleasly -One 6f the many proqressive and enter- spent Sunday at home.-M-essrs. Davis imill, andi
trade to the Spaniard, and denied to the perate and rash, would endeavor to diare. of the province. But, while he would, no- county jail. disebargingre arms within=rporation CAse and farmers in ihe western portion of Andrewai bf London the * Mv doubt, ador he -Belcher's 4a ery, in Goderich, -was If Mr. Blair had not been a lawyer t is , p-mised through the and belov
Cuban that commercial freedom which gard a judgment which it h4�itself invited. n a position on the Bench I * he sho; guiorionng Mr. W. Di"wilson, who cultivates village On Friday, last. _WM. e e�ery mother country ought to give to its damaged by fire ion day recently. might have done him more harm. M I'ville spent The present Government certkinly can be can be of much greater service to his in two. �ro- 140 acreaof land adjacent to the village of Sunday in the village. provinces and colonies. -The Wingh�m driving park associatio-a -The semi-annual election, of officers, in Auburn. -He -in uf ture butt, r nd aa be a .It has lacked either the will or the power depended upon to obey the popular- man. vince at the present time, as Commissioner will h6ld thei ce on July 27th and 28th. connection with the Epworth League of the cheese of superior quality, for which he rr !
t revent repeated insurrections and' of Crown Lands and a member of the C or, O` P st an date, which will be given at this vote. Mr. : . ab. -Mrs. Alb F rd, of Exeter, fell from Brussels Methodist church, took place last finds a ready market; indeed his reputation Al&'Mig it stuire.. a ate ladder th a her day and injured her Monday evening, and resulted as follows - f NT. % is fdair4
almo continuous revolution through many Foster's "' suggestion " is, therefore, : or rod tieing an excellent article is so well -The assess r ae re-
inet and Legial TnE AsSE3SME. h y4gars, shoulder. Honorar7 pr9i.dent, Rev. 8 J. Allin ; presi 6 lithed that, there is alw urned his roll to the clerk. The ttals may
y question should i sys a demsud t b&d1y,,kc,
gratuitous insult. If an iF t has waged a rentless war against those -Thomas J. IP ley hat; rented his 100- de as- �Iinnie Moore ; ist vice presi- be of interest.
nts for his dairy produ Names on roll assess- !4 Cubans who hav'e dared to demand freedom be considered on itO merits and apart from,-� acre farm,on tho 2, d concession of Ashfieldor dent, Miss E. E. Kerr; 2nd vice president, as. He feeds all the ment, -$1,889,700 ; statute I I A Deserved Tribute. grain be raises, ind in. addition uses about 4-bor, 3,945 48 unmarl
an fiftness of their Government.. party lines, this one dertaialy should. But, to Harry Ryan foi a term of 5 years. Maggie Mooney ; 3rd vice president, Miss 300 bushels of corn, thus fattening 70 or So days ;. p001114tion, 2,833 ; cattle 6 ols _1533206 a A
In this war it has devasted whole prov- 'the conduct of the Opposition in the H Uhder the �eading " A Prince of Men, -A baseball I ' has been organized in Jonn'ie Howe ; Uh * vice president, M r. N. B.. hogs aFnually. He not only sheep, 2,282 ; horses, 1,700 ; aers' '0'i f al I -mill. in 6ee which it should. have protected. from Ouse the Templar pays the following appropriate Blyth with a f a aff of officers and bright Gerry; recording secretary, Mr. W. R. there is mcmey to be believes that- wheat, 4,218 ; hogs, 2,222 devastation. when this measure was introduced, does not U�l made in farming, but . He also took -The
and well merited tribute to doe -eased pros eta for a I'm niag team. -Monney ; corresponding secretary, * Miss realizes that labor and feed, well invested, the amOutit of fire inhuranote and life insar. Perth -me
It has ondenied'inio'cent and uniiffend- give much enc6uragement !;,he ten-ya brwig- good returns. for this I hope. prelate of the' Roman Catholic church. It pennin to Id daughter of Thomas Minnie MWaughton; treasurer, Miss Liz. sinee. Some refused to give the amount on, the 18
Ing women and ohildrvn to death by slow Additional discussion will likely be had no of aitland concession, Col- zle Ferguson. and a number carry no insurance. The.' -for liceas
starvation. says 11 the thir day and broke her arm. -On Sunday evening, 17th inaL, Mrs. I 1 borne, le W�" - when the bill comes up for its second read- -The%nnual meetingof the Clinton Cricket Cluff, assessment of roperty insured is $loe , Jt has thus applied - tim government of the Bayfield line, Coderich town- 40300 mde ljoei
of Cardinal Taschereau, the first prince of -A frame h in Wingham, belongin Club was held. on Friday evening, W insuraned,:on t is, $789,730,for building$ and � I so, this fertile island- that policy of extortion ing and then the Opposition will be forced the Catholic church in Canada and a a Win. W, I son, was 'consider 9 hen the shi p, passed away to her eternal home ; she liciani
y ere 111A
hand more, plainly. Th table prince among; men, is do damaged b fi F iday last. rent year: Honorary president, G. D. Me- and her - dbath W werage 12 head to -soch too acres whereas ably following offiders were elected for the 1 life insurance, $145 5W
4hich, when employed b ancient Rome, to show the a veri- t 111. a our- ha"i been in declining health for some time Cattl
ad. His y r as not unexpee ded in Ihe.disraption _.� A ted. She an and death of the plebiscite veto will take place under the death is not so great a shock to. the cou I- little a] *1 named Rays, living in Taggart; honorary vice, R.Ransford they shotAld avera.ge 20 head fo :real
I n- Presi- was born in Enniskillen, Ireland, and with r profit ; that pro]
:Roman Empire. try- as it would have been ten years ago, be. Clinton, h -ad t e d of his tAumb taken off dent,'T. Jackson, jr. ; vice president,' Lack her late kusband emigrated to Canada in au now. wi
new Franchise Act �vhich is now before the would be 4,000 more th inatter
The history of its government over oth r fe cause for that eriod at least he lids ben In amIngle th o er day." Kennedy; secietary-treasurei,. R. Had- sho't rZxidenoe in the east 'NOTES.-,Roberb Hewitt, who- lives on House, that.is, if this act is not snuffiid ' 1841 ; after a acolonial p6siessiono-denionstrates the et Out an inNalid, and out of public activities. But -Moser's h r are store, in Blyth, was irens; 'executive. committee, _J. Meurchie,;, they aims westward, the 12th 6oncession, a little east -of A that this ill -government of Cuba is no error by the Senate. -and settled on- the Lead- P
If the Senate interferes and he is mourned by all who knew him,Catbolio entered, by b r re one morning recently Sf. 4air,. A. McGxrva; match committee, farm in oderich. township which has ever bury, is 4-4 years old, and wag -born the- Of a single administration, curable by a vetoes the Franchise Act, new lists will and Protes�anit, and his memory.is a iwee And'a bicycle' at en. There is no cluti to -L. Kennedy, R. Agnew, G. W. Barge since been her home,- making a residence of Inor11111
t as Sir John A. McDonald. Dar fragrance of noble deeds. . He testified his is tast winter he has threshed 1Bj d
temporary change of policy, and forbids all have to b tho'bur%larn subscription committee, A. M3Garva, F. Ing th, h of better things for Cuba ivhile under e prepared under the old act, an love to God an' d loyalty to the, nearly 60 years there. During all this time Mr.. Laurier has stated very positively that church in a at ic dy, of the Goderich Big- Jackson, F. W. Terry, A. Armstrong. , The: a a aj n ar ban fix th ad a peci Ily i the a lier years of settle' 400 bush4h Of grain with a 4. it beside
uthority of Spain. ma "It has bee a ned to his bed for the treaiurer's repo t for the year showed attndij to hisetock life devoted to the terial and moral wel- ment, her home was one of general hoopt- and tting up wood.
m arried t
9 he will not permit a vote on lists nearly fare of his fellow, men. He -lived in advance past couple Ieeks with an attack of Receipts, $099 i He has 6T�e a son of the
1his is certainly, a stron indictment. 0 �i ; expend tures, $339.98, tality, and she made lasti�ng friends far and arance of i iving as many pneumonia leaving a eficit But that it is sufficiently strong to justify PC,
threeyearsold. In this event, the vote of his age, like so many great men, and was d Of $40.74. wide. Her late husband died in 1880, lea*. more yettis. rj-� Hewitt, who pnsmg Y4
41% a young
I win likely h a genuine tocial reformer. It was -The We t 114 ran license commissioners -Among the names of Benchers.of the in three sons, John, I who still resides -fod. T11
are his pur- on woman, says he is a better man than half were te
the United Stat,da in going to war, there ave to be deferred. Otherwise, pose to units the reform on a the Grat
Wee�of the coun- met : MO a$r f last week, and granted British Columbia law societ which farm;, R. J. Cluff1 of Clinton, and Rev, d a t is the iatention t6 have it come off in try, of all races, an -forl the good of y YoUh# men in the county an. hallenge Fred B03
maiy who will fiel considerable doubt. The d creed twenty-six iodwes. A number were held elected by ballot. in Victoria a few days a Any man in the county of his age to do. the 90 W. T. Cluff, of horudale. OP consideration. we noticed 66 name -of John of -James Watters, late of Tackeramitb, ork. 3 dietment is, possibly, tra e i:,pri to -day he Elliott, �bride� WAS
e, but other September next. all, and if he w re in hi over for fur h
amino amdunt of 13' Witt is ',aloo a OCR- neourag support jj�o grove, of Wingham,. was Nelson, British Columbia, formerly of Ex- and who went to Dakota this spring, under anations have had equal or greater prov n t td quite a �6ultry fancier an would find a* sin n El a'
where he had 'nought but di ileotetl pie ird d Lkeeps hens WANTE
couragement �ut 4 the public school see- eter, and son of B. V. Elliott, barrister and lay eggs that measure frobi 7J inches by 61 date of April 9th, writes: The we tion and the-difficulti6a have lbeerr satiefac- In t6o Much of a Hurry. twenty-five years a 0. His he"rt beat with tiOn Of th4 ucational Association at its solicitor, of Exeter. Th� Miner, published has been a little die Chao id 8J to� 6J inches and *eigh n an ather agreeable most of the In em. we;
torilyiettled without resortto so extreme 'Mr. Dryden -and Mr. Gibson ate not mem,- the common peopq meeting he d i,6 Toronto recently. at Nelson, speaking of the appointments, ji came. I h so he bad liberal and me since we got a small avera a somethinf Is" than a pound HE measur bers oi the Legislature. They were retired, d a views of government, 'gentlemen aloing with the house artly up ; here thesy7aild houses a to him TO PO
esaswar. We cannot but think, mocrati and despite e Pday school class in Melville says: "These* says lahii McMil an's bill is no use all the difficulties' ch, B�usqels, taught b Mrs. Tufts, re. Attorney General and Sir Henry Crease and littl after long service, at the recent general e'lee- he encountered, lie had chur, *&forth, hi
also, that bad the United States exercised 1 911, Rult4is he, makes it a pound an e Mr, Sh-ft sad
faith in the future of this country. cently pre entiptl their teacher with a hand- a ifferent to Ontario. We have had John Sta 'gr tion. Still they sit in the Cabinet, and are He was Hour J. T. McCreigbt, retired Judges of four or five pretty cold days, and yesterday Sord, who is noteA for gargle—n Mr. Wavd v
eater patience.and diplomacy, they might ruling a total abstainer in the in t rii d eome g I ri#g as, parting gift. Wt,llurow
fthits province. Thisi a gross viola. as ense, the Supreme Court, will form the governing morning 'there was some snow, but- to -day has a new potato called have accomplished by peAceable. weans all tion o .10 excluding not only alcoholic ri new seed,products, I -M . #rol, Exeter, died at the House: body of the society for the ensuing year. '-Plymouth I
first principles of responsible nk: bat law is very' o0iing-like, and the dust i flyin the Mftkage Lifter. It will 'be abead - of y narco g-� government. ties and tea and coffee. He was' of Refug on Wednesday of last week. This Mr. Elliott is either Roseland or ynkon and costs lessand and more than the will probably, gain by I - There is no rule more certain fre- the first practitioner for I think this is the country for farming ; -
wit re is a_,atmng fe�eling, even in the than that the Ministers must be answerable quently on. the temperance platform and is the 21sp death since the opening' of the Kootenay to have the honor of election as a grain can b4 grown here with far less lal;or DO railwa Zohn Doppi
r. The -V is needed to get to it
to the people through the House. bravely espoused the ciuse of prohibition.' Iuatltutic� ;, her husband is an inmate -also. tancher. , . lie also United States and still ist- uger elsewhere, The:,old than in 04ario. The work for the next !Iaa a new variety of oats which has beenaell- *1
Reformers fought for this principle; Messrs. It. is more than fifty years ago that he re- J n Steep and son, of Olinton, left -On Thurfiday afternoon of last week, three or four weeks -tvill be seeding. Th ing for $t, a b.ushel. a'
that other influen ain-those so fo n for his de- r, from three pounds:son. -Ege ceived his baptism of afflictio ti k for Indian Head, Norbhwest the residence of Mr. Naylor, near St. Hel. is not much'! carpenter- work to be�lhad beere ces, th' reibly Dryden and Gibson now set it at naught.',!' iis we He raised 40 bu
votion to humanlity. Against the advice of h stalk will e
outlined in the above extr Territor . He took with him several car eni,* was burned ta the ground and almost produce slomf -White L &
acts have been at The above is from the Mail and Empire. medical men and in spite of the expoet leads of wigons, implements, etc. at pre�ent, 3 so many of the new settlers _�thing less than a poind Of -beautles. I
everything was destroyed. Mrs. Naylor are tr ir g to live in shanties. There have graln. q �o C 8 P 1plies-on Uaii
work. In fact it is felt -wery strongly.in Our conteinpoiar�j is -just a4i' War; �t,
eoi 0 6 eve of his departure from b rogressive arantin f escaped with the clothes she had on beefi a Ou farmers,'
many quarters that the United States We too� prev- tion of friends ' he went to the q a are�y -y t 15,000, claims filed -at the land .- e P pr du e. -wnokem have ioui. It is Pot 'yet two months since the Grosse I�le to as. R. Edwarda was pleasantly en- and Mr. Naylor saved nothing whatever, 068 fight the ship fever which office at De-vill's Ldke; one morning 61 were &de I aU acted ith undue haEte and �ash;iess,- and general election. While it is true that both was raging there, and to give a omfort and t�rt.ian! d by the chair of the North street 'he was working in one of the back fields of filed, so you can imagine- how quickly the consolation to to ng ones. . M tho 18 hurch, Goderich, and presented the farm at the ti Brussels. without sufficiently considering t conse- Mr. Gibson. and Air. Dryden Were defeated e hund ", me of the fire. Mr. and country is b� ing settled. quences and That CoDgress has beeii impelled It was a noble deed and won ith a se of money. Mrs. Naylor had only been � in A number of- first-class farms for aale� in lAce W". in their res ective con-ajituenqi warm admira- wl - ar ie a s ort 1i
p e, it is also tion, but he paid dearly for it in the weeks F. Wi.-Grant, formerly of Godericb, a time and the fire will be a bad set back to Morris and Gitay, on elmy hi terMB- Also any amount to this course b a feeling of vain glorious- trae that both may have their seats before that he lay at the Point of dea bi ot1 e of nioney to loan cn farin security sts pe y Kirkton. r cent, w1th Miss Emma Grant and nephew them, as everything was lost. Tiie house, terms of repayment to suit the borrowiq., 'Apply to -by interested outside induence. the H6use ineets. Should wbiie& was owned by. Mr. Addison was only F. S. Scoif, Brunels, rl�ess and dreadful fever. It was then that thb . el' Straiton, of that town, was A this piove to be que a- 0; NoTEs.—R. J. Davis, who took a severe Indeed, the proceedings in Congfe'es, if we the case it all that is, necessary or that ved himself a nt, rising Voung priest pro ffato'll in*ured in Boston on the 6th inst.,by partly in -,tired and Mr. Naylor only carried attack of ELp)endicites a week ago Monday, -NOTES.—Ga Monday a very large hip- true minister and a true prince. a railr can at all judge from the published reports, the couutr will require, notwithstanding a small insurauce on the contents. is convaleact;pt.—Laura Marshall is on the ment of stock was made from our station. - _y toshowthat many members were in- the ------ 71 c aughlin Bros., of Corrie, sold over —Monday of last week the East Huron sick listi.—Dr. A. K. Ferguson lost. his Val. F. Calvin, representing the Collingwoo 1,0000o nds of butter, and between six and license board met in Brussels to consider uable driver, Que day last week. ---�-Ro bert factory$ was here a a 90 screachings of the Mail and Empire. P" 0 fluenced more by a desire to make personal In both constituencies protes Notes ai�d enj dred dozen of eggs one day recent nd re eiv d ir in Clegg PIT
ts have been Comments. Bev 11 - the applications for hotel licenses for the Brookp, who! bioke- his leg some time ago, & Dames ad Baker & Vanstone 7 deekloads _Ln.
y. lb 6mount of produce was taken in coming year. Licenses were granted as is able to
and party capital for themselves and their entered and the prospects are that the mem-, The Hamilton Templar very titily says,: be'around: again.—The fitst shot Of hogso and Clegg.& Dames shipped, I car of arty than to work iii the interests of hu- No great cause was ever suce by bb m in one week. follows:—Howiek townshiprm--Fordwich, A. in the war with Spain and United States- fat cattle. as - P bers elact will be unseated and -that Mee -or essful until r. A —Whe- t h reached $1 per T. McDonald, the opular ex- Orr; Gorrie, George Biown and R; White.; was fired on Saturday, at 1.30, and the -re. bushel.—Wbeat in this too lit inanitv. -he flippancy with which Gibson and Dryden will be re-elected. Re. e aIn fact, t its advocates were readjr to make great re ve of Hallett township, has been serious- Lakelet, y_ I looking A. 4cKenzie; Belmore, J. Lamon- sult ia that it drove the price.of wheat up first-class. It hbOuld be the me&ns of "rais-
the subject was die -cussed by many members When they fail in this it will be time rifice of time and money' for it. Prohibition ly ill i h pneum-unia,and his many friends by; Wroxeter, J. Gofton. Turfiberry.— to 95 oents.—Miss Alice Tufts, of Belleville ing the price of farms will 6 �lad toknow be, is on the fair way Bluevale, John Putland.. 'a Morris.—Bel- a, 8, ur NNIVER$ARr.—On Sunday, the members showed either a disregard for the conse- enough for the Mail to talk. Eight years does not lack, in Canad for believers- !An to re a ory. gm�e, J9hn Scandrett; Walton, Mrs Sage. '119 'Bryama in on the
vi ge. =, R. A. quences- or that 61hey did not understand a o, Mr. Gibson was'defeated in the game overwhelming majorit.# nick list. __� of estern. Star Lod' 9 of the people �be- — h mas Newcom,3, of Brussels, has McKillop.—Leadbury, T. Jonse; Dublin, N. TF Pletcher spent last k ge, 1. 0. 0. F., attend- wee at Fullar- ed -divine worship, to the number f 70, the and appreciate thkeeriousness of the Bitua- constituency. The election was protested, lieve that the drink business should be 6 cont a4s for the buildiiag of new brick resi- T. Crawford. Grey.—Cranbrook, J. Lon ; ton, Visiting at J. Roadhouse's.—The home members 'be' ut-
tion. However, they will in a pro, a I ity t e seat was vacated, and Mr. 0 urn ers who will sacri ce done a for the Misses Kelly, of Brussels Ethel, Jos. Querrin ; Molesworth, Ch&rI 9 in F supplemented by h it Gibson es weather is very unfavorable n The I W618 time, comfort or means.� for ' he sake of!'t a Ryan,� of McKillop; Wm. OW.—Most of goodly number from W-r1oux"eter lodge. 'Ph A have an �.pportuunity of learning vi�isdom by re-elected b one of the largest I ajorities cause. is far to Jam a Mines, &ehi0r; Jamestown, Thomas McEwan, the farmers .'are through iiietiding.—Maister sermon wilks preached by Rev.. Bro. Lowe, of y m
0 Small."; That is just what I ebt noession of Grey; and he also has the beer and wine license. Brussels. John Ira Marshallis on the sick list.—Dr. and WiDghami in St. John's church� They also Ijo no - it is more than probable that in thi and that is the reason why, in the plebeacite Win Marein's residence, Brussels. e t , nai Odd,. 4ftrko per
experience, The only pity is that many in- he ever had. It is not improbable indeed THE ExPOSITOR has been saying all alting, ob f the enlertgement and improvement of Ament, James B. Stretton and C. Ziltiax. Mrs. A. K. Ferguson intend. getti g two celer te ir 79 h a vereary of Odd. cent ones will have to suffer for the reek s respect —The Godeiich Star thus speaks of the nevi Cleveland bicycles.—Wi a a P
'ven oapposin vote, i n. Avery, who I fellowship by their annual at home in -their leasness of the guilty. E history will repeat itself, while in Mr. Dry the people should, he annual meeting for God 9 the be given to know erich dis- removal of one of the landmarks of that was on the �sick list, is convaldocent.— I lodge room on Tuesday eveniag. The roo just what Prohibition will cost them. And, tric of the Methodist church -w_ ill be held town - The old log, house opposite St. Ernest E. Robinson, iSpaniardg may be as easily subdued as some den's case there is scarcely a doubt but he 'if each one votes his Willi in t a MethodiA church, -Blyth, on Wednes- Andre of Mitchell, spent Sun-. WRB t4steitully dec;ornted and show spring 1V
110ness to pay five Va wi6rd school, the oldest building day under the parontal roof.—M, ed that jug Letit-ia- Western S Vess, per
expect they will -be, the burden of the will represent his former - constituency be- or ten dollars extra taxes a�`ycar in order to day 111h, at 9 a. m. The ministerial in town (with the exception of some which Smith, w tar Lodge was at home when in '"I ton,;
set ho has spent the Past two we k6 their lodge room. The members of the to" per
United,:3tates will not be 'light. It bas at- fore the House meets. Under these air' get it, it is the beat evidence that those: begin on Tuesday, May 17, at have been remodelled), has been torn down in Detroit, returned home on Wednesday lodge, with their wivep and families,as well as� cum- who
vote are that they mil tin 00100. d
ready bad a most depressing influence on sbances, it would be fohy for them to with- gincere, and I asai 11 and with it goes another of the links whi last.—Mr. Thompson , of Chicago, is the a number bf invited guftts, were- -present. carrying out a prohibitory act in the event B E vans, a respected resident of! connect the time when Goderich was in the ,guest of Mr. A. Brethour. —Joseph. Kirk is A programme of ga businesg in every d epartment except those draw.from the Government in the in�au of one being passed. Hol esvilie, died quite unexpectedly on bush with the present. Win. Reid (the first re mes was provided and a sent.—The ju preparing- munitions of war, while the time, and if the Mail we' very low at nior football tasty lunck W.as-partaken of. WesternStar re halt as solicitous Suniday evening, 17th inst. He had ticen settler in Guelph) purebmed 20 acres of club have org4nized and are now open for Lodge "at houie, is n9W lookedorward to 'TO, ex nee wfil be enormous. Already special fo e welfare of the Province as it is ior The moit effective ineasures are being 9 ff' in with heart trouble during the land from the Canada Co.,. and on it erected challaDges. Tihe secrbtary, is W. !T. 0. each year As an %vuie�;;rg(.,vious, but was able to be around, the house for his nephew, Harry Reid, Brown. —William �njoyable evening, ' M. have been levied on almost every the interests of the Conservative party* it adopted to Jamieson and Wiliam. Kerr acted: as cbairman, aad he and Mr. stamp out the San Jose scale an 'gOod As Dawson, who are working near Clandeboye Blair who AteaA
Was enjoying a visit from his son -in. father of Mrs. (Capt.) Babb and rs. Os- lawl, S. Murch, of Clinton, when he expired. wald turdy, a one -of tyoungest meniber4 y
article that can in any way be male to bear would not ask for the. retirement of t�esc pesb, for which tho Loc)�l Governme lair Ifti
a tax nt de- -who for many years carried lost number f their tools one night lasZ I gave laddresises, setting forth the principies Deqeased was for many:years a resident of I the mail between London and'Gode'rich on week. The cost will, even under the most gentleinen from the Cabinet as -it knows as serves the warniest c�mmendation.. The Some thief made �imself handy by of Oddfello*ehip, whic At 19 favorable circumstances, 14mount - to many well s� any person else, that their retire. law of the I Goderich township, living on - the Huron horse back. Wm.. Reid also owned a fine breaking into the house,a, h -was followed byw a ast session is.*bei-n*g enforced, and nd prying the tool ;eri &PPFOPtiate Eggs
road, 6n the fariii now occupied by G. Mair, hotel on the lake.front, outside of what is ' beat a with a crowbar, took the uten. address by Rev. J. Ro hundreds of millions of dollars, and all this ment would be a- distinct loss to the Pro. pen who official notice has been given of the detruo. unt�l he retired to Holmesville -village. He now known PA the "Ball" property on aile. The am � nt of their loss is $35.— he shoo Whits not au Oddfellow, a on if be one. poko Ig
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7 IMAI 08ff-011, L THE. EXP APRI 898 4 --------------- tto MOO"
tion of 498 �um� pe", pe"h and oher wai a man of more thin ordinary Intelli- NEW ADVERTISEMEXT9. money ban to be raised by direct taxi, while vince. ry life SAA Bat, even supposing that neither' g;ntlei train _beI0DJlDg t0'O118 man I in Kingsville, genes, being unusually. well versed on all to this has to be added the lave of which werel-affected with ---- San Joao . lice. quoitionwand was able to discuss them in- Or The Agul-0, betreen. -the parenthedih or eaoh The Oorner re �raet denotes tht p%* of the paper on - which the all the attendant miseries which inevitably man succeeds in.ragaining hh former con' There is, however, a vpry singular incionsis- telfigently. He was member of the Meth- thii advargaement wM be found. hostilities stitpency, it would not even then necessarily tonoy in oui methods iiii. The odist church, and had beld several official accompany war.— And the longer A New Fit—B. & B. Co. (5) ftillow that they would have to retire from S Ie is -no worse than black knot, positions therein. HeAeaves a wife, four are continued, the heavier the burden be- Sul Jose ia� New Millinery Goodis-W. W. Hoffinan (5) comes and the harder it is to bear. But -the Government, and that their services any dest�uctiv6 i weedso all of soni, sad an adopted d ughter, the latter A
'Who Wants Pper?L. & W. (5) which are legal! bin, but the - �aw, Win- Mrs. S. March, 01 aton. their troubles and expenses will not termin- k6ould be thus lost to the country, it would Store News-McKinnou &-Co. (5) which Orders them to, be destroyed is notr,eii- --$he Heasall sassent r. has finished his Accepts
Friendly Advice -Greig & Macdonald (1) &to when the war ces'ses. They will still be very� difficult, tw fill the place of either. d same instrumentality th �t is w,)rk and reports as fall( we - Total amsess. House Cleaning Time -E. McFaul Co. (8) have to,-�rovide for the peace and proper It may be said that - no maim is indispensible 'or" 0� T'Le destroy the scale shoul& be ments, $204,400 or an norease of $12,000 Th
empl ad Up-to-date Jewelry (2) -C. A. H. & Son (8) government of Caba,which will he a difficult in this world, or in the affairs of nations. use4 destroy thi black knot and the over. last year. Population 890, an increase 4101d las
Store to Rent�-Wm. Masters, (5) weeds which are oveftunning� the country of 119 over last year. Children of school lawn Mowere, -etc. -Reid & Wilson (S) and costly duty. On the whole, and under That is, no doubt, the case, for as obe man and lessening its productions by 'millions of ags,,204. Dogs, 50. To Stock Breeders-jN. McDougall (5) the most favorable circumstances, the out- falls another generally rises to take his dollars. -James Flanagan meb with -,an accident Inano, tu
Public Notice-Wm.Moore (5) look is anything but pleiisant for our place. . Bub it frequently occurs 'that in at Button & Fessant?s ctory, Wingbam, 4f fiftl
Boar for Service --John D&Ilaa (5) House to Let -Stark Bros. (9) American neighbors. making the- change very serious' 101313 Is, 00- Oar gooJ asighbor,"the Goderich Star, is on Tuesday of last wee at his work I& chair le w out of a lathe —WT
House Cleaning -W. N. Walker (8) There is no denying the fact; that the casioned. That would most qso-uredly be still -very Oneasy in i a mind about the late near where he was worti g and struck him Pressed.
Seasonable Supplies (6) S. Mullett & Co. (8) American peopld have been in need Of a. the otise in this instance. There is not an. West H,.arbn electoN and has -rather a seri- in one eye, cutting it as rely, and render- Sports Attention-i(S) lesson which would teach them humilit. other man in either party, who could just ous time defending ii� . 9 protege, the . C ing several stitches nece ary. 1). Sealed Tenders -E. F. E. Roy (5) onser- -Mr. W. Edimerton d ed at the home of —Thl
Charcoal -Reid & Wilson (8) Their great success as a nation has made now take the place of either Mr. Gibson or Vative candidate. h now eayo he did hold hia-father,. in Goderich, -on Friday night, We have been talking through the� �olumns of THE Ex-' �bottle
Seed Potatoes -A. Young (8) them boastfal, autocratic and -ove6saring, Mr. Dryden without the risk of very serious more thanione publid meeting ; that he held 15th inst. Decease& yvi a a young man of up. T1
larly to ladies. Thlig, Great B and if this VVar has a humbling- -influence loss to the interests of the province, to say six,- and. it calls THE! ExposiTon a lot of bad 'promise, but a complicat on of ailments, for POSITOR for the last month more partiou Auction Mrs. R. Coleman (5) upon them, a d brings them to ties that nothing of the party to which they belong. names, because it sad he only held one. which apparently there as no relief, not. u wee ladies' Oxford Ties -R. Willis (5) Won, so �e it, for tl�ie sake of peace, let us witheta k we Propose to address ourselves to the mem, and tell :%th, bt
they are not so big as they tboughb they Mr. Dryden is a model Minister of Agricul L a V HE EXPOSITOR nding the beat me iiest. care, hasten- Seed Potatoes -A. G. Atilt (5) - say that he held e 111.� If T ed h demiee A has erred,�' the Star ds.lo blame for the or. -On Wednesday aftei noon of last w'ee were, it will not have taken place in vain. turie. He has done yeoman service for the them in truth that, b i on Saturday morning, the
Big Snap - (2) -W. H, W illia (8) k e9muing 40ob. 11
G, T. R. Ageney-W. Somerville(&) It now looks -as if this lesson is in store for agr i icultural i - nterests of his province. He r9r, as it was a d pendence upon it.i fire'destroyed the dwel ing house of Mr. -inst., we -are going to show some values in -ithetill.
columns far inform,�tiou that induced us to Joseph Thompson, of Ni . Very little was 16th them, is a practical' man as well as an able and say that be only helo,�ne. Bub, even seven saved from the fire; 11 their clothing, scncareful administrator, and while he has the' meetings in a constituency the size of West which was up -stairs, wai burned. The fire has beet
The Plebiscite Bill. practical knowledge he has also the busi. Huron, ii not ride -spread effort on UTO 45XVVX1 & ver is supposed to have origir ated from a Ppark Men's, Youths', Boys' and 0hildren's Olothing, ness imbility to properly.and economically ey catchin the hingles on Mr. Fisher, the Dominion Minister of whom he desirce to poll his constituents, and the roof. a voul'
the part of a candi�at7e to enlighten those from. the ohimn, in. SEAFORTH., FRIDAV, April 29th, 1898 Agriculture,'on Thursday of last week, conduct the affairs of his department,'and should not tax his 6lo6utionary or mental -Last Sunday- nin t th a close of the -On. traduced the ill providing foi the plebiscite' 'a withal able at all times to lrold his own powers very much, pot should it relieve him service in the v geli I hureh,Dashwood. thatwill simply astonish them. there dt
W6 would like to say some- ed States have rohibition. usation to be aakp i elacou ng conducted his Mr. Jacob Ke er in half of the choir, Why th sat'o of havi! Z*rt
the. trnit P The et _d w th ,he best either on.the public platform from or in ";ut principles. Christie,
Gone to War.. the House. Mr. Gibe campae on still h read an appropriate addr stoRev.,Mr.Bby thing about a man's all -wool Canadian tweed suit that Are you in favor of the passing of an on is equally we I - an any are at a low to understand wllpted for the management of the im- f d Mr. A. Shettler presented him with a W ace oii 11 niont
A good in aft prohibiting the importation, 'manufac. purse of money as a small token of his not- in pi our table's at $5.00 also a sblendid range of rtant and difflo ot the Week. the reasons which have ind tilt -.1
lced the United ture or sale of spirits, wine; ale, beer, cider Po department over which NEW YORX EI)IiOus DEATH.-Eruest�o. vice'as teacher and choir leader during his boys' suits, from 13 to 16 years, at from �over
mberlaiu, mana�ing editor of the qP ry States to declare war against Spain- War, and all other alcoholic liquors for use ae he presides. An Commissioner of Crown Cho Even- stay there. $3 to "`� 5 some Ve ker
to was especially bobween civilized ]motion%, 66gi bevierages ? To this, a straight 49 yen or Land@, particularly at this juncture of the lug Wo Id died ffn nix at his home, --�A pretty. wiqdding ok 41ace a,t the desirable suits for little boys, that we imported from Ger- �ure. H
0 'Blum re mug 4C at dgir"; fortunately, become go rare that As ce's affairs. when' 1* tZ, n t Hadsoon. residence of Mrs. Etl do, oderich, on
there are so many I we' no " answer is to be given on the ballots. PrOvI13 Wednesday of last i when her da h- Alml, t P Empi �ING GiRis. ask., Many, at V, i-10,4.20, 1.30,.1.45 per guit. TO &O -After a 11P easons, or very grea he question is to be unincumbered by any difficult Problems for solution in that de- to be some very cogent r ter Mary E., was marri d to A. W. ?or. tom In
H. A. Lazier, rm r
ug consultation b0tw en te- provocktioiI to induce so highly civilized a reference to revenue, th re. partment, it witild be a verygreat misfor- 8 ne�, 1prosperou young business man of a cost of info &must jGompers. residen Lynch, and re on was performed that wn. Theses 0 10, an agre people as the Ame to imbar In an ment, etc. With the following remarks tune should Mr. Gib4on be required to re- there, at Toledo, ement was in additibn to the above we have. sma -little suits for made to at a at& d time, disconti bX Rev. Jdaeph_�JE�'drgeemoa the presence of enterprise which must, necessarily, tire from it. Mr. Gibson's parliamentary ane am- te i be I ti a friends. midth her
from the - Toronto Star, we fnlly agree irb in t it n
relatives and a f6w, I.. children mad6 66m, linen and heavy Tloying girls in t bicycle factories in fraught with ouch terribly serious!:-, come* The Government is approacfiing' a highly experience, his judicial mind and careful gingham, guaratite6d to ledo, Thompson it so Connecticut, Toron. -�-On Wednesday of Is it week Bainton Tb6
quences. For, even in the tivent of succe38s dangerous political situation, but judgment, make him not only a viluable a Vice., of Blyth, closed a bargain with howe sh at I and 1.25. is ap- to iindt ,Westfield, assachusette. , Wa I
t h a frankness and- courage head for almost any department, and par- ruutaoN's - CHYR ir BURNED. ISpurger, & Co. for the large brick i ?oollen factory in teld the!
be -very preaching it wt the low of life and treasure will great, while it will take years, to o�.ercomo which cannot f4il to commend the respect of ticularly so for the one over which he now On's babaraxele h" en destroyed by gre. Brussels. They take imm idiate pbosession. r 0
'I - - 0 can I
This place of wars i was the MecQ'x of the These gentlemen are ta e 's Overalls in gre *d -such as -that Ll �iners and glov
the resultiof a struggle rank and courageous men. It is an P the world over. t ad"i upon resides, but a. most useful member of the Baptist It manufacturers bu in on will opera a lenomina�io t y and blnedenim,, which our A:raerican neighbora have so use as wel - 1. Indeed, am chairman of the was on f th I r bu don. the woollen mill,. cardin rolls, spinning from 55c to; 85c a pair. Men's smocks in white cheek, blue r4MC1 in Canadian Politics that 'the Gov. HO so 0, ildings inLon.
rea4ily entered. . The New York Outlook, ernment which grapples the prohibition Private Bills Committee, he saves thousands The foundation a o a Of the building was yarns, &a. oner of the most, careful and conservative, as laid by Sir Samu I ortion Pete, on, � August es, f Goderich, have enim, and cottonade, at special question with any 6rmne83 takei its life in of dollars to the municipalities of -this Who 1959. It' as' -.,read ion been awarded the contract for the fine S4,- prices. a
y for ocoupat Devereat
well as one of the moat respectable of Amer- its bands and the attitude the present pri session. In short, Messrs. early in AWL an pening services-, which 500 church the Presbytoria are erecting at
n in e llican ptii�blicatioxw, and rep;eae ting the in- Gave ment at th k a, Helens. The building was designed by very o test of what Gibson and'Dryden are two men who can not lasted , a wee Ommencea ou� March St.
-,decided I
Men's shirts at special prices', from 15c each to $1.. telligence and respectability of the United must be a peculiarly arduous campaign is in be very well done without in the House, and 25th. t , 6 --yea At the end !of those W. E. Binnings, of Lis wel. The new Statft, puts the case in this way. While meet n 6 56,660 d been contilbuted, and edifice will be fitted with ei calar sests, and All eomf
striking contrast to the eageiness with their retirement would not only be a great the a 'r sets w free from debt. The will have about the same mecomodation as match wA
diablaiming entirely that the: destruction of which- the Opposition has already sought to loss to the Liberal party bt a correspond' -24th.
building; was 146 ft�ie 1 81 feet broad, 62 the church this rm are ere ing at Landes- Men's wearing Pants at $ I and d!1.15 a pair. Our pants- i
so to the'province. It is no doubt a feet high, and the American vosesel, " aine," in Spanish ma6 political capital of the matter. The 'ng 10 its ditnogrilum' had a eating boro
*or, has .4
waters, has any part in inducing the capacitj of 6,000. ' n addition to the main W. Ross, - son Win. Rose, of at $1.15 are accompanied by a gti4ranflee to give atisfaction. from whi
echoes of Mr. Fisher's voice in introducing. knowledge of the former that makes the 0 mg there we e a lecture hall�.se Bruesets. who has been s loved in. the a, bee
Americans to go to war, and while admit- baildi in VNIXte Of
Mail so anxious to get rid of them, as it on !a here nO the bill had not -died :�away before Mr. 900, sphool-roo a accomodating at� g British Columbia' Ir ka, Vancouver, or money refunded. It will certainly 'Pay any pers is ;i
ting that t is thing in that occurrence on, who Foster was -on his feet would. be quite willing to inflict childreb vestries W rk-roome, etc. too for the past year, has suggesting 11 that harEs ed for the com value i
to juAify so serious a course on the part of injury upon the country if it could H. contemplatitigy the purchase bf -clothin
the Government ah7ld attach to its mesa- Sptirg th famous divine, Was for itig season with ibe Huds n Bay Co. as JL to and ins ect -able iucol
many y are second engineer on their n w steamer, the P the United States, �t says, - are a pledge that sh at the same time strike a blow at th qualities, prices,* etcA Id the people declare e 000 less 4.
a, WAN*XA-KEIeS 0 FFER. -Everyone who " Caledonia," an(f went on uty last week. If 6norable warcomes, lit will be, not for for pro] is pribei
ernmenbwould Liberal party.. We are mistaken in Ch revenge, nor for immediate succor of the Ov. I has been in P ilalelphia knows wana. The ran will be on the Stic son River from hibition the intro- merebatA
ass and good judgment of that party, f or three]
star a I I cry easure at the next sea- goo maker's famous a r and will'therefore be Wrangel to Telegraph Cree ving ; it will be to put an end to a gov dce a pr hibit d as I a so� e n 0 rument whose whole bistory"bas been one sion of Parliam: however, if they will let either Mri Gibson, interested in �add n the following, item 7-J ames Bowes on of amee Bowes, of a 8 of -A ve
e ft
"To the 1,51 T t her to ne fourteen W-edneed
of oppression and whose later course has On any other basis than a ean desire to or-Mr.,Dryden -retire from the Government oyees of the Philadel- Gre township, who lef he phis store. anamaker has given years ago, then a lad of ni en, to seek e d residence
iaba, I tin e en a in ia, is spen R bec4me intolerable, Aot only to the people reap a partizan . advantage from the sup. so long as they can continue their services. notice that t of war ith Sp in his fortune in British Colu ing THE CORNE when.his'.
of 0 but to its nearest neig�bori the oJ?Ie of the United. States. Even should they not be able to regain their the sat n I? a few days at the home of hi, aged parents. posed extremity of the Go�erniaent, MrJ so of al on Who enteir the milit-
'It ha wholly failed to afford- th4 protec- Foster's sug -o..vn Conatituoacies, we are . our ic G vernmeint will be paid Mr. Bowes speaks highly of British Colum- t e 0 th gestion is 'enseless. The Gov- e that there Ary as Be B G ix. S onversation he are many -peaceful industry which is' the ..first ernment is directly responsible to the niembsisin the House he would tj T t I
tion. to to theii h ki ies du ing the period of their bia, and Jud ing from his a daty of government. absence; and tha t eir plac'es will be held has succeeled remarkably, 'wen, and coutin, 3
people.' In full view of its responsibility it willingly make way for them and many con- open until they r t n. In addition to thi his appearance would indicate that it is a By its policy of spoliation it has transfer- 8, And her IJ
the revenues of the island to the treasury e ry. in pulp bl stituencies in the province that would wel- the firin will pl as an insurance ery healthy count red asks th people for a judgment on the qaes- 01 of $1,000 V S
of Spain or to the pockets of Spanish office- tion of prohibition. If the people My 41nO,)J come'them, so that the Mail will find it is on each am I el he given his service to -The Brussels Post says: -Monday his country, a a Is to his family' if his evening as Barrister Blair was coming down holders, and has kept in perpettial, poverty the matter stands as before. "if the people not going to get them burned down as readi- a , n island which is by natute extr I aordinarily life is lost whi e en aged in military duty." town from his residence he heard the report a large a - om :
i Shaw's bank. West of the hotel was a Frank Mine spent last week tuou ir we
rich. say " Ys, the Government's responsibility ly as it woul� like. in fact ",many of the of a gun and almost simultaneously was visiting rela. d fine cricket grounds, but this tions at Winehelses.-A.11 th routes fo xtumeroui
Conservative papers greatly surprised and somewhat alarmed to
It has fostered profligacy and corruption not only remains, but is. peculiarly and have recognized and, 'a" 6 r the -on I
had into tifeamery are filled now, -Th in its governing class, while inflictug pov_ admitted Mr. Gibson's worth, �n Notes. have a grain of shot strike him in the side ay has long since been 'Was e demand for specifically accentuated - No Government, fas they have Ekir Htyu r 0 u by the action of the waves laborers is great around erty, wretchednes, hunger, and death upon frequently, since his defeat in -Milk is :Id� bree cents a quart in f the face. He followed up the guner here. -The d4ugh- -reiditing
enselo a Clinton. at a ow and the drainings.from. the town t,he governed. unless it were entirely lost to a 4. f Hamilton, re and gave him some legal advice every ter of W. 9. Le;gh fell off -the verandah of - responsibility, and moreover, entirely des. commended,his appointment to theJudiciary irate that should profit any spring. and broke her arm last week. -E. J, Xt has secured a practical monopoly -There are six risoners confined in the n carleasly -One 6f the many proqressive and enter- spent Sunday at home.-M-essrs. Davis imill, andi
trade to the Spaniard, and denied to the perate and rash, would endeavor to diare. of the province. But, while he would, no- county jail. disebargingre arms within=rporation CAse and farmers in ihe western portion of Andrewai bf London the * Mv doubt, ador he -Belcher's 4a ery, in Goderich, -was If Mr. Blair had not been a lawyer t is , p-mised through the and belov
Cuban that commercial freedom which gard a judgment which it h4�itself invited. n a position on the Bench I * he sho; guiorionng Mr. W. Di"wilson, who cultivates village On Friday, last. _WM. e e�ery mother country ought to give to its damaged by fire ion day recently. might have done him more harm. M I'ville spent The present Government certkinly can be can be of much greater service to his in two. �ro- 140 acreaof land adjacent to the village of Sunday in the village. provinces and colonies. -The Wingh�m driving park associatio-a -The semi-annual election, of officers, in Auburn. -He -in uf ture butt, r nd aa be a .It has lacked either the will or the power depended upon to obey the popular- man. vince at the present time, as Commissioner will h6ld thei ce on July 27th and 28th. connection with the Epworth League of the cheese of superior quality, for which he rr !
t revent repeated insurrections and' of Crown Lands and a member of the C or, O` P st an date, which will be given at this vote. Mr. : . ab. -Mrs. Alb F rd, of Exeter, fell from Brussels Methodist church, took place last finds a ready market; indeed his reputation Al&'Mig it stuire.. a ate ladder th a her day and injured her Monday evening, and resulted as follows - f NT. % is fdair4
almo continuous revolution through many Foster's "' suggestion " is, therefore, : or rod tieing an excellent article is so well -The assess r ae re-
inet and Legial TnE AsSE3SME. h y4gars, shoulder. Honorar7 pr9i.dent, Rev. 8 J. Allin ; presi 6 lithed that, there is alw urned his roll to the clerk. The ttals may
y question should i sys a demsud t b&d1y,,kc,
gratuitous insult. If an iF t has waged a rentless war against those -Thomas J. IP ley hat; rented his 100- de as- �Iinnie Moore ; ist vice presi- be of interest.
nts for his dairy produ Names on roll assess- !4 Cubans who hav'e dared to demand freedom be considered on itO merits and apart from,-� acre farm,on tho 2, d concession of Ashfieldor dent, Miss E. E. Kerr; 2nd vice president, as. He feeds all the ment, -$1,889,700 ; statute I I A Deserved Tribute. grain be raises, ind in. addition uses about 4-bor, 3,945 48 unmarl
an fiftness of their Government.. party lines, this one dertaialy should. But, to Harry Ryan foi a term of 5 years. Maggie Mooney ; 3rd vice president, Miss 300 bushels of corn, thus fattening 70 or So days ;. p001114tion, 2,833 ; cattle 6 ols _1533206 a A
In this war it has devasted whole prov- 'the conduct of the Opposition in the H Uhder the �eading " A Prince of Men, -A baseball I ' has been organized in Jonn'ie Howe ; Uh * vice president, M r. N. B.. hogs aFnually. He not only sheep, 2,282 ; horses, 1,700 ; aers' '0'i f al I -mill. in 6ee which it should. have protected. from Ouse the Templar pays the following appropriate Blyth with a f a aff of officers and bright Gerry; recording secretary, Mr. W. R. there is mcmey to be believes that- wheat, 4,218 ; hogs, 2,222 devastation. when this measure was introduced, does not U�l made in farming, but . He also took -The
and well merited tribute to doe -eased pros eta for a I'm niag team. -Monney ; corresponding secretary, * Miss realizes that labor and feed, well invested, the amOutit of fire inhuranote and life insar. Perth -me
It has ondenied'inio'cent and uniiffend- give much enc6uragement !;,he ten-ya brwig- good returns. for this I hope. prelate of the' Roman Catholic church. It pennin to Id daughter of Thomas Minnie MWaughton; treasurer, Miss Liz. sinee. Some refused to give the amount on, the 18
Ing women and ohildrvn to death by slow Additional discussion will likely be had no of aitland concession, Col- zle Ferguson. and a number carry no insurance. The.' -for liceas
starvation. says 11 the thir day and broke her arm. -On Sunday evening, 17th inaL, Mrs. I 1 borne, le W�" - when the bill comes up for its second read- -The%nnual meetingof the Clinton Cricket Cluff, assessment of roperty insured is $loe , Jt has thus applied - tim government of the Bayfield line, Coderich town- 40300 mde ljoei
of Cardinal Taschereau, the first prince of -A frame h in Wingham, belongin Club was held. on Friday evening, W insuraned,:on t is, $789,730,for building$ and � I so, this fertile island- that policy of extortion ing and then the Opposition will be forced the Catholic church in Canada and a a Win. W, I son, was 'consider 9 hen the shi p, passed away to her eternal home ; she liciani
y ere 111A
hand more, plainly. Th table prince among; men, is do damaged b fi F iday last. rent year: Honorary president, G. D. Me- and her - dbath W werage 12 head to -soch too acres whereas ably following offiders were elected for the 1 life insurance, $145 5W
4hich, when employed b ancient Rome, to show the a veri- t 111. a our- ha"i been in declining health for some time Cattl
ad. His y r as not unexpee ded in Ihe.disraption _.� A ted. She an and death of the plebiscite veto will take place under the death is not so great a shock to. the cou I- little a] *1 named Rays, living in Taggart; honorary vice, R.Ransford they shotAld avera.ge 20 head fo :real
I n- Presi- was born in Enniskillen, Ireland, and with r profit ; that pro]
:Roman Empire. try- as it would have been ten years ago, be. Clinton, h -ad t e d of his tAumb taken off dent,'T. Jackson, jr. ; vice president,' Lack her late kusband emigrated to Canada in au now. wi
new Franchise Act �vhich is now before the would be 4,000 more th inatter
The history of its government over oth r fe cause for that eriod at least he lids ben In amIngle th o er day." Kennedy; secietary-treasurei,. R. Had- sho't rZxidenoe in the east 'NOTES.-,Roberb Hewitt, who- lives on House, that.is, if this act is not snuffiid ' 1841 ; after a acolonial p6siessiono-denionstrates the et Out an inNalid, and out of public activities. But -Moser's h r are store, in Blyth, was irens; 'executive. committee, _J. Meurchie,;, they aims westward, the 12th 6oncession, a little east -of A that this ill -government of Cuba is no error by the Senate. -and settled on- the Lead- P
If the Senate interferes and he is mourned by all who knew him,Catbolio entered, by b r re one morning recently Sf. 4air,. A. McGxrva; match committee, farm in oderich. township which has ever bury, is 4-4 years old, and wag -born the- Of a single administration, curable by a vetoes the Franchise Act, new lists will and Protes�anit, and his memory.is a iwee And'a bicycle' at en. There is no cluti to -L. Kennedy, R. Agnew, G. W. Barge since been her home,- making a residence of Inor11111
t as Sir John A. McDonald. Dar fragrance of noble deeds. . He testified his is tast winter he has threshed 1Bj d
temporary change of policy, and forbids all have to b tho'bur%larn subscription committee, A. M3Garva, F. Ing th, h of better things for Cuba ivhile under e prepared under the old act, an love to God an' d loyalty to the, nearly 60 years there. During all this time Mr.. Laurier has stated very positively that church in a at ic dy, of the Goderich Big- Jackson, F. W. Terry, A. Armstrong. , The: a a aj n ar ban fix th ad a peci Ily i the a lier years of settle' 400 bush4h Of grain with a 4. it beside
uthority of Spain. ma "It has bee a ned to his bed for the treaiurer's repo t for the year showed attndij to hisetock life devoted to the terial and moral wel- ment, her home was one of general hoopt- and tting up wood.
m arried t
9 he will not permit a vote on lists nearly fare of his fellow, men. He -lived in advance past couple Ieeks with an attack of Receipts, $099 i He has 6T�e a son of the
1his is certainly, a stron indictment. 0 �i ; expend tures, $339.98, tality, and she made lasti�ng friends far and arance of i iving as many pneumonia leaving a eficit But that it is sufficiently strong to justify PC,
threeyearsold. In this event, the vote of his age, like so many great men, and was d Of $40.74. wide. Her late husband died in 1880, lea*. more yettis. rj-� Hewitt, who pnsmg Y4
41% a young
I win likely h a genuine tocial reformer. It was -The We t 114 ran license commissioners -Among the names of Benchers.of the in three sons, John, I who still resides -fod. T11
are his pur- on woman, says he is a better man than half were te
the United Stat,da in going to war, there ave to be deferred. Otherwise, pose to units the reform on a the Grat
Wee�of the coun- met : MO a$r f last week, and granted British Columbia law societ which farm;, R. J. Cluff1 of Clinton, and Rev, d a t is the iatention t6 have it come off in try, of all races, an -forl the good of y YoUh# men in the county an. hallenge Fred B03
maiy who will fiel considerable doubt. The d creed twenty-six iodwes. A number were held elected by ballot. in Victoria a few days a Any man in the county of his age to do. the 90 W. T. Cluff, of horudale. OP consideration. we noticed 66 name -of John of -James Watters, late of Tackeramitb, ork. 3 dietment is, possibly, tra e i:,pri to -day he Elliott, �bride� WAS
e, but other September next. all, and if he w re in hi over for fur h
amino amdunt of 13' Witt is ',aloo a OCR- neourag support jj�o grove, of Wingham,. was Nelson, British Columbia, formerly of Ex- and who went to Dakota this spring, under anations have had equal or greater prov n t td quite a �6ultry fancier an would find a* sin n El a'
where he had 'nought but di ileotetl pie ird d Lkeeps hens WANTE
couragement �ut 4 the public school see- eter, and son of B. V. Elliott, barrister and lay eggs that measure frobi 7J inches by 61 date of April 9th, writes: The we tion and the-difficulti6a have lbeerr satiefac- In t6o Much of a Hurry. twenty-five years a 0. His he"rt beat with tiOn Of th4 ucational Association at its solicitor, of Exeter. Th� Miner, published has been a little die Chao id 8J to� 6J inches and *eigh n an ather agreeable most of the In em. we;
torilyiettled without resortto so extreme 'Mr. Dryden -and Mr. Gibson ate not mem,- the common peopq meeting he d i,6 Toronto recently. at Nelson, speaking of the appointments, ji came. I h so he bad liberal and me since we got a small avera a somethinf Is" than a pound HE measur bers oi the Legislature. They were retired, d a views of government, 'gentlemen aloing with the house artly up ; here thesy7aild houses a to him TO PO
esaswar. We cannot but think, mocrati and despite e Pday school class in Melville says: "These* says lahii McMil an's bill is no use all the difficulties' ch, B�usqels, taught b Mrs. Tufts, re. Attorney General and Sir Henry Crease and littl after long service, at the recent general e'lee- he encountered, lie had chur, *&forth, hi
also, that bad the United States exercised 1 911, Rult4is he, makes it a pound an e Mr, Sh-ft sad
faith in the future of this country. cently pre entiptl their teacher with a hand- a ifferent to Ontario. We have had John Sta 'gr tion. Still they sit in the Cabinet, and are He was Hour J. T. McCreigbt, retired Judges of four or five pretty cold days, and yesterday Sord, who is noteA for gargle—n Mr. Wavd v
eater patience.and diplomacy, they might ruling a total abstainer in the in t rii d eome g I ri#g as, parting gift. Wt,llurow
fthits province. Thisi a gross viola. as ense, the Supreme Court, will form the governing morning 'there was some snow, but- to -day has a new potato called have accomplished by peAceable. weans all tion o .10 excluding not only alcoholic ri new seed,products, I -M . #rol, Exeter, died at the House: body of the society for the ensuing year. '-Plymouth I
first principles of responsible nk: bat law is very' o0iing-like, and the dust i flyin the Mftkage Lifter. It will 'be abead - of y narco g-� government. ties and tea and coffee. He was' of Refug on Wednesday of last week. This Mr. Elliott is either Roseland or ynkon and costs lessand and more than the will probably, gain by I - There is no rule more certain fre- the first practitioner for I think this is the country for farming ; -
wit re is a_,atmng fe�eling, even in the than that the Ministers must be answerable quently on. the temperance platform and is the 21sp death since the opening' of the Kootenay to have the honor of election as a grain can b4 grown here with far less lal;or DO railwa Zohn Doppi
r. The -V is needed to get to it
to the people through the House. bravely espoused the ciuse of prohibition.' Iuatltutic� ;, her husband is an inmate -also. tancher. , . lie also United States and still ist- uger elsewhere, The:,old than in 04ario. The work for the next !Iaa a new variety of oats which has beenaell- *1
Reformers fought for this principle; Messrs. It. is more than fifty years ago that he re- J n Steep and son, of Olinton, left -On Thurfiday afternoon of last week, three or four weeks -tvill be seeding. Th ing for $t, a b.ushel. a'
that other influen ain-those so fo n for his de- r, from three pounds:son. -Ege ceived his baptism of afflictio ti k for Indian Head, Norbhwest the residence of Mr. Naylor, near St. Hel. is not much'! carpenter- work to be�lhad beere ces, th' reibly Dryden and Gibson now set it at naught.',!' iis we He raised 40 bu
votion to humanlity. Against the advice of h stalk will e
outlined in the above extr Territor . He took with him several car eni,* was burned ta the ground and almost produce slomf -White L &
acts have been at The above is from the Mail and Empire. medical men and in spite of the expoet leads of wigons, implements, etc. at pre�ent, 3 so many of the new settlers _�thing less than a poind Of -beautles. I
everything was destroyed. Mrs. Naylor are tr ir g to live in shanties. There have graln. q �o C 8 P 1plies-on Uaii
work. In fact it is felt -wery strongly.in Our conteinpoiar�j is -just a4i' War; �t,
eoi 0 6 eve of his departure from b rogressive arantin f escaped with the clothes she had on beefi a Ou farmers,'
many quarters that the United States We too� prev- tion of friends ' he went to the q a are�y -y t 15,000, claims filed -at the land .- e P pr du e. -wnokem have ioui. It is Pot 'yet two months since the Grosse I�le to as. R. Edwarda was pleasantly en- and Mr. Naylor saved nothing whatever, 068 fight the ship fever which office at De-vill's Ldke; one morning 61 were &de I aU acted ith undue haEte and �ash;iess,- and general election. While it is true that both was raging there, and to give a omfort and t�rt.ian! d by the chair of the North street 'he was working in one of the back fields of filed, so you can imagine- how quickly the consolation to to ng ones. . M tho 18 hurch, Goderich, and presented the farm at the ti Brussels. without sufficiently considering t conse- Mr. Gibson. and Air. Dryden Were defeated e hund ", me of the fire. Mr. and country is b� ing settled. quences and That CoDgress has beeii impelled It was a noble deed and won ith a se of money. Mrs. Naylor had only been � in A number of- first-class farms for aale� in lAce W". in their res ective con-ajituenqi warm admira- wl - ar ie a s ort 1i
p e, it is also tion, but he paid dearly for it in the weeks F. Wi.-Grant, formerly of Godericb, a time and the fire will be a bad set back to Morris and Gitay, on elmy hi terMB- Also any amount to this course b a feeling of vain glorious- trae that both may have their seats before that he lay at the Point of dea bi ot1 e of nioney to loan cn farin security sts pe y Kirkton. r cent, w1th Miss Emma Grant and nephew them, as everything was lost. Tiie house, terms of repayment to suit the borrowiq., 'Apply to -by interested outside induence. the H6use ineets. Should wbiie& was owned by. Mr. Addison was only F. S. Scoif, Brunels, rl�ess and dreadful fever. It was then that thb . el' Straiton, of that town, was A this piove to be que a- 0; NoTEs.—R. J. Davis, who took a severe Indeed, the proceedings in Congfe'es, if we the case it all that is, necessary or that ved himself a nt, rising Voung priest pro ffato'll in*ured in Boston on the 6th inst.,by partly in -,tired and Mr. Naylor only carried attack of ELp)endicites a week ago Monday, -NOTES.—Ga Monday a very large hip- true minister and a true prince. a railr can at all judge from the published reports, the couutr will require, notwithstanding a small insurauce on the contents. is convaleact;pt.—Laura Marshall is on the ment of stock was made from our station. - _y toshowthat many members were in- the ------ 71 c aughlin Bros., of Corrie, sold over —Monday of last week the East Huron sick listi.—Dr. A. K. Ferguson lost. his Val. F. Calvin, representing the Collingwoo 1,0000o nds of butter, and between six and license board met in Brussels to consider uable driver, Que day last week. ---�-Ro bert factory$ was here a a 90 screachings of the Mail and Empire. P" 0 fluenced more by a desire to make personal In both constituencies protes Notes ai�d enj dred dozen of eggs one day recent nd re eiv d ir in Clegg PIT
ts have been Comments. Bev 11 - the applications for hotel licenses for the Brookp, who! bioke- his leg some time ago, & Dames ad Baker & Vanstone 7 deekloads _Ln.
y. lb 6mount of produce was taken in coming year. Licenses were granted as is able to
and party capital for themselves and their entered and the prospects are that the mem-, The Hamilton Templar very titily says,: be'around: again.—The fitst shot Of hogso and Clegg.& Dames shipped, I car of arty than to work iii the interests of hu- No great cause was ever suce by bb m in one week. follows:—Howiek townshiprm--Fordwich, A. in the war with Spain and United States- fat cattle. as - P bers elact will be unseated and -that Mee -or essful until r. A —Whe- t h reached $1 per T. McDonald, the opular ex- Orr; Gorrie, George Biown and R; White.; was fired on Saturday, at 1.30, and the -re. bushel.—Wbeat in this too lit inanitv. -he flippancy with which Gibson and Dryden will be re-elected. Re. e aIn fact, t its advocates were readjr to make great re ve of Hallett township, has been serious- Lakelet, y_ I looking A. 4cKenzie; Belmore, J. Lamon- sult ia that it drove the price.of wheat up first-class. It hbOuld be the me&ns of "rais-
the subject was die -cussed by many members When they fail in this it will be time rifice of time and money' for it. Prohibition ly ill i h pneum-unia,and his many friends by; Wroxeter, J. Gofton. Turfiberry.— to 95 oents.—Miss Alice Tufts, of Belleville ing the price of farms will 6 �lad toknow be, is on the fair way Bluevale, John Putland.. 'a Morris.—Bel- a, 8, ur NNIVER$ARr.—On Sunday, the members showed either a disregard for the conse- enough for the Mail to talk. Eight years does not lack, in Canad for believers- !An to re a ory. gm�e, J9hn Scandrett; Walton, Mrs Sage. '119 'Bryama in on the
vi ge. =, R. A. quences- or that 61hey did not understand a o, Mr. Gibson was'defeated in the game overwhelming majorit.# nick list. __� of estern. Star Lod' 9 of the people �be- — h mas Newcom,3, of Brussels, has McKillop.—Leadbury, T. Jonse; Dublin, N. TF Pletcher spent last k ge, 1. 0. 0. F., attend- wee at Fullar- ed -divine worship, to the number f 70, the and appreciate thkeeriousness of the Bitua- constituency. The election was protested, lieve that the drink business should be 6 cont a4s for the buildiiag of new brick resi- T. Crawford. Grey.—Cranbrook, J. Lon ; ton, Visiting at J. Roadhouse's.—The home members 'be' ut-
tion. However, they will in a pro, a I ity t e seat was vacated, and Mr. 0 urn ers who will sacri ce done a for the Misses Kelly, of Brussels Ethel, Jos. Querrin ; Molesworth, Ch&rI 9 in F supplemented by h it Gibson es weather is very unfavorable n The I W618 time, comfort or means.� for ' he sake of!'t a Ryan,� of McKillop; Wm. OW.—Most of goodly number from W-r1oux"eter lodge. 'Ph A have an �.pportuunity of learning vi�isdom by re-elected b one of the largest I ajorities cause. is far to Jam a Mines, &ehi0r; Jamestown, Thomas McEwan, the farmers .'are through iiietiding.—Maister sermon wilks preached by Rev.. Bro. Lowe, of y m
0 Small."; That is just what I ebt noession of Grey; and he also has the beer and wine license. Brussels. John Ira Marshallis on the sick list.—Dr. and WiDghami in St. John's church� They also Ijo no - it is more than probable that in thi and that is the reason why, in the plebeacite Win Marein's residence, Brussels. e t , nai Odd,. 4ftrko per
experience, The only pity is that many in- he ever had. It is not improbable indeed THE ExPOSITOR has been saying all alting, ob f the enlertgement and improvement of Ament, James B. Stretton and C. Ziltiax. Mrs. A. K. Ferguson intend. getti g two celer te ir 79 h a vereary of Odd. cent ones will have to suffer for the reek s respect —The Godeiich Star thus speaks of the nevi Cleveland bicycles.—Wi a a P
'ven oapposin vote, i n. Avery, who I fellowship by their annual at home in -their leasness of the guilty. E history will repeat itself, while in Mr. Dry the people should, he annual meeting for God 9 the be given to know erich dis- removal of one of the landmarks of that was on the �sick list, is convaldocent.— I lodge room on Tuesday eveniag. The roo just what Prohibition will cost them. And, tric of the Methodist church -w_ ill be held town - The old log, house opposite St. Ernest E. Robinson, iSpaniardg may be as easily subdued as some den's case there is scarcely a doubt but he 'if each one votes his Willi in t a MethodiA church, -Blyth, on Wednes- Andre of Mitchell, spent Sun-. WRB t4steitully dec;ornted and show spring 1V
110ness to pay five Va wi6rd school, the oldest building day under the parontal roof.—M, ed that jug Letit-ia- Western S Vess, per
expect they will -be, the burden of the will represent his former - constituency be- or ten dollars extra taxes a�`ycar in order to day 111h, at 9 a. m. The ministerial in town (with the exception of some which Smith, w tar Lodge was at home when in '"I ton,;
set ho has spent the Past two we k6 their lodge room. The members of the to" per
United,:3tates will not be 'light. It bas at- fore the House meets. Under these air' get it, it is the beat evidence that those: begin on Tuesday, May 17, at have been remodelled), has been torn down in Detroit, returned home on Wednesday lodge, with their wivep and families,as well as� cum- who
vote are that they mil tin 00100. d
ready bad a most depressing influence on sbances, it would be fohy for them to with- gincere, and I asai 11 and with it goes another of the links whi last.—Mr. Thompson , of Chicago, is the a number bf invited guftts, were- -present. carrying out a prohibitory act in the event B E vans, a respected resident of! connect the time when Goderich was in the ,guest of Mr. A. Brethour. —Joseph. Kirk is A programme of ga businesg in every d epartment except those draw.from the Government in the in�au of one being passed. Hol esvilie, died quite unexpectedly on bush with the present. Win. Reid (the first re mes was provided and a sent.—The ju preparing- munitions of war, while the time, and if the Mail we' very low at nior football tasty lunck W.as-partaken of. WesternStar re halt as solicitous Suniday evening, 17th inst. He had ticen settler in Guelph) purebmed 20 acres of club have org4nized and are now open for Lodge "at houie, is n9W lookedorward to 'TO, ex nee wfil be enormous. Already special fo e welfare of the Province as it is ior The moit effective ineasures are being 9 ff' in with heart trouble during the land from the Canada Co.,. and on it erected challaDges. Tihe secrbtary, is W. !T. 0. each year As an %vuie�;;rg(.,vious, but was able to be around, the house for his nephew, Harry Reid, Brown. —William �njoyable evening, ' M. have been levied on almost every the interests of the Conservative party* it adopted to Jamieson and Wiliam. Kerr acted: as cbairman, aad he and Mr. stamp out the San Jose scale an 'gOod As Dawson, who are working near Clandeboye Blair who AteaA
Was enjoying a visit from his son -in. father of Mrs. (Capt.) Babb and rs. Os- lawl, S. Murch, of Clinton, when he expired. wald turdy, a one -of tyoungest meniber4 y
article that can in any way be male to bear would not ask for the. retirement of t�esc pesb, for which tho Loc)�l Governme lair Ifti
a tax nt de- -who for many years carried lost number f their tools one night lasZ I gave laddresises, setting forth the principies Deqeased was for many:years a resident of I the mail between London and'Gode'rich on week. The cost will, even under the most gentleinen from the Cabinet as -it knows as serves the warniest c�mmendation.. The Some thief made �imself handy by of Oddfello*ehip, whic At 19 favorable circumstances, 14mount - to many well s� any person else, that their retire. law of the I Goderich township, living on - the Huron horse back. Wm.. Reid also owned a fine breaking into the house,a, h -was followed byw a ast session is.*bei-n*g enforced, and nd prying the tool ;eri &PPFOPtiate Eggs
road, 6n the fariii now occupied by G. Mair, hotel on the lake.front, outside of what is ' beat a with a crowbar, took the uten. address by Rev. J. Ro hundreds of millions of dollars, and all this ment would be a- distinct loss to the Pro. pen who official notice has been given of the detruo. unt�l he retired to Holmesville -village. He now known PA the "Ball" property on aile. The am � nt of their loss is $35.— he shoo Whits not au Oddfellow, a on if be one. poko Ig
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