HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-04-08, Page 7APRIL 8. 1898 T Uno IL 489 18984 V*med g it. ',Howevef of his family. He has a little boy kone abou n a leisarely,and slotematic, will not qolve it by i HIGH GRADE BIRD SONGS. Milk Diet, BATH Johnny, who is the personifloatio" 6, in blanner, *h work, for one thing, is sure be treats it, it will boInhoarrien When an adult patient is put onmilk," chief. Having got into an exce9tion lybwl o -be mor t oroughly done, and w m �at is of We, too are what ve are. Our circum- To Uea# Them Truly Acquires an one of the first difficulti' n the nurse has to scrape, hit father informe at he 16ill more co oequeao the-differeht-Apart- stances sea asthey are. No imagination FarticulArly Attila" encounter is the instinctive difs], w the aver- should whip him, ttiid a3 lie prop red to wil h ve a better chance to.get pro,,v will change this, I hope that this does not From Kidney Disease Prevented John Burroughs writes for The acre "I grown uli 11 vinces towards a return mmence operations, Johnny said, a 960 �orly alre Found discouraging ; but it is better even by DoddoS Kidney Pills, Only. Am= to' the fluid of the nurs?ry. For milk ij4 mayn'tJ go into the bod-r an 'article on tbe,"Songs' of Furnt ure 00M a Ull 911 -i , to discourare than to deceive.—Young 13, is father told him be, could, then ti tool� G' B chelok's Trousseau. England. rds, " Mr. Burroughs says-, essentially a food for babies rather, than for ectioni will a w to the door, the deacon saw the littl fello I suspect it requires a special gl.ik (if adults. However strong the argumeno in avQ, Kidney Disease." Do you knoL - A * f rleyfot all poiits: E1,14PORFUNI what it means? - Itneans that the kid- kneel and begin to pray. State h od has been robbed of its hor- grace to onable one to bear the bird son favor of milk as a nutritive drink may be, to o a innes-A& woman.' She was . a THE WIDOW AT THE LION. Some now power must be -added to the Ir there is no question thut t is not, a natural neyg are either r0tten, or rotting; 'the 0, God, papa says that you aay'� 1041 I nice girl Ia r, jolly, and exceedingly pop. food for the adult, for miik doo,; not go well or some obstruction removed. There 4're on , in the time of trouble.' 1 ar - 0 North West blood is full of poisonous, dath- in an ular with,ot or girls and with married po,)- I was a country youth, and raw, not only scales upon our eyes fio that with the nitrogenous and mixed dietary of Ral scrape,, Mister God, z- I am having lots �p - Ia.; bi atoor Chicago, dealing corruption ; that the Kidneys of trouble. If you ever did want tolhelp & ItJ a me way or other she didn'b When ftst I cast an eye on do not see; there are scales upon our a a %;erydaylife. Ibis t000ncentratedaform �Iai& and Caffomia, Leatherdale.' & . carVt do their work ; tfiat'the victim is marry. He friends said she was too good f Vic fairest sight I ever saw— �2 ptnourishment, to be neede-d' by persons little boy, now is your time. Ambn'g 'k The widowat the Mon. * so that we do not bear. A city wonto kor any of t a men within sight, and some of ktonished gaze country once asked a well known ornitho lowest. We li&ve th -ien 'd itted the truill of the s�ateme*nf,� She 'dawned upon my as a walking cbarnel-house; that his That appeal was sufficient. The", prayer the n he' living on the good ordinary diet of , nleat, 2*inta. - who had spent much of bar time in _�] , em eggs, fish, etc,, commonly taken. It must 4d PlTIMAX TOT Landsborougk hours are numbered; t6t the victim was answered. and the whipping come off. Od not Nobody 11 w whatthepirl thought; but Like Hebe, sweetly smiling, ogist t- take bar where she could bear th have occurred to -many nurses that miM is 0 =mm Can MUST take Dodd's Kidney Pills if he she bore p airly well, and seemed its pleas. And charmed me In a hundred ways, bluebird 11AVhat, never heard the blo more readily taken and digested by patients who have been accusto does not want to die. ad with if at 30 as she was at,,18. Her T Each more and more beguilin'g. bird?` ;;Id he., " I bave not, " said ih4 - med -to cat very ht- , I As It See m"ed to Hiinq married 'fri nds, after a fashion affected by 1, tle meat. In au Aradian, and vAgetar Is ds brought,nectar rare, Railway. Have you Kidney Disease? Her lily ban woman. Then you will never bear I th, Una- Clinton 'at Dealers in first-class Furniture of all your skin hot and dry; memory Doctah, I gwine ax. you fo, anu�der of married pe ple, said to her:—- You rea,117 Her own October brewing; said the bird lover—that is, never h state of society milk, doubbleso, -would be Ationg - an, fail- dem ermedic powders dat yo' gib fne Ise' ought. get I married. WhX i� haven t I' faith, before I woo aware, with that inward ear that gives bea" eminentlyouited to all. But this 11S aii epoch 8. 'Upholsterin, ing;-- breath short; urine, reddish, or week Van I done b'en nick wid de qpepsy.J� you d b fIlre this ?" and the girl, too My heart wasbut a -wooing. and meaning to the note. He could pr of high andounplex feelin kindsi in latest design on I a 5 U_ g, and a return to ro fram- pale colored does it scald when 66 to au gest that the, example. ably have taken her in a - few Inn b%by food" d uring illness preFents many neaty done. We'also do Thenyou have another attac CWVMX _pictu id.�O:b X. LOS i.. X ection of- pictures passing; is your appetite changeable; you, Jasper of her f i do had teen a warning to She spoke, and never nightingale Where she could have heard th 0 difficulties. The change on the part of per- 10AZ P. X. 10-27 P. M�' and a choice sel I t z ct, her, Sang sweeter to my thinking. 'soils long occustomed to -highly-sca-soned No I i,, but I done drop mer pl-ve quoted, 1$obody a4ked me, air, she said." warble of the bluebird, but It wo dal". a.l*a A. X. 10.1s A_ 3r alays on hand. Curtain poles at all do your ankles swell; ha_�e you bitter down de - we 1, sah, an' Voin do d t h A subtler draft than nut brown ale and spiced dishes to a regime of bland, nn'- oy a But t er *ere men in Minnesota who knew fallen upon unresponsive carg—u 7,0& P. xi irices, nd put up. We aie also taste in the 'mouth on getting u pon ea 1p dah -pufform in do case er mere% , I got that wa alo true. Was that I sat a -drinking. that were not sensitized by love for the appetising milk foods is an undoubted trial; -A. 3t. 40 A.V_ Agents for the New William's Sewin,, mornings; is there a brick -dust de- rig t ter Vink dat if I drap it d wn de I'll tel you something," she often added, A brimming cup of fancies Ileet— birds or associations with them. 1.65 0 . blow h and unquestionably to thiA mutst be'attrib- 4.35 P. X. Machine, beift in the market for do- posit in your urine ? well hit gwine bring dat pipe to,4 de out-' The a an �old maid How bitter my awakening I, Bird' songs are not muoic, propd)y uted in larg6 measure the want of appetite . J0 ihs, gr v�t fa a in erbout fo' seconds, eah." Boston t my ooul is that I wbil't'have Yet every drop, I swear, was sweet or and the inability to digest eturily euch inestic use, no travellimi agents- no Any of these signs is proof positive C- And time lmg paid the reckoning. speaking, but only, suggestions of - music, 0 I of ourier. the fu of selecting a trousseau and an unaccutomed diet. Perbaps. because high prices. A great many people whose attontidii Gram and Bruce. of Kidney Disease. Will you be cured getting w� this fact is receiving' recognition sick -room dding presents. 'I think that Now let a man drink deep, or not, wou,14 be quickly arrested by the sailid feeding in tending tow�rds more flavorings nPir. or will you die? Dodd's Kidney The' Cap Fitted 1i whe aan gets. to the definite end of He cannot long keep sober volume of gou"d,ulado by a musical Ifi. mat, I probabilities—,say at 35—her Who mixes in his pewter pot Pills are the on means on earth that "Iv.45 1.40 r� M�Ul and, appetite-ititnulating factors in in rim 0.01 9L to NAOW," said the f usay old geiitlamahj, strument or by any artificial means nevog Undertaking Deortme 13 I In the ;�we bu- 11 I diet. And we -are begiiliug to understand E45 Y will.cure you. Vey never fail. �putting one of the biggest berri a in hit fa friends ought to come to. the Young love and old October. bear,tbem � at all. The sound of a bo.*,Ii 1045 S 0a, our goods from the beat'hooses t mouth and picking up another, 1, wba6,jg Iront ito allthe thing tbeyelf6werou a —Charles -H. Taylor in Pull Mall Magazin& ponnyI whistle ti�ere In this grove or Ni that the cookery of the eick mnat be differ- Pamnger. Nixed and guarantee satisfaction in every depart. b d old maid Seds material con. C, entiated th varying eireninstaneetz. For in- the sonse'of having Chat sign read' Fresh , Iri C. - 10 meadow would separate itself more from C60 A -8 55 A- ment of our work. We have always made for sale ?" Don't you thd' loltioJ ut/the bride t1fluke 66's getting ORIGIN OF PANHANDLER. the backgroiind of nature and be a greater stance, the club man accustomed to 7.03 917 [000 r husband, and giving her and richly -flavoured foods, will need m6re OAS it a point to furnish chairs, and all other re- Fresh strawberries' would 'be � enough '4 ear i in lie challenge to the car than is the strath d meraty infusions introduced 743 10 -ft mites for funerals, FnEE OF CHAROE. Us- *wox Stpooftot, tovly t.' 11 go is just gildin beef -teas a Don't you suppose everybody kn -we they g kefived' gold and Xts Invsution Attributed to Mink Dusen- the thrush, or the song of the sparro* inth his fluo . I �til t 1 1. rrices better than heretofore. -are f6r sale ? painrlin t a lily." hoffer of $an Francisco. id diet than will a (lelicatev- There Is something elusive, indeflnit�j man with little appetite who has long on and Bruce� Arterial and cavity pinbalming done on DISTRICT MATTERS. "I dunno," answered the gio�ek 'Isom Cleve you're right," laughed bar One of those slang words which, at -first neutral,. about bird gongs that makes the scientific principles. jovial f t er. If you aren't marked when fowed upon, become regular and r og-* strike obliquely, as ib,�vere, upon the ea j been accustomed to a tea and cake regimen. folks seem to think I'm giving the away., ec Which leads us to the moral th P. S. ight and Sunday -calls will be And then"the oI3 gentleman put �he berry you are you shall have all the'larbelows nized Individuals in the verbal community, and.,We� are very apt td miss them. The at it isthe 9,15 &-m. 4.45, rx, W t, . I I individual -we feed and not the disease. 6166 attended to at -Mr. LandsborouSh's real- [The foHowiing locals. were intended back in the box.—Retail Grocers'..Akdvocatil YOM because they express something for whi011' are a, part of nature, and nature Iles aboa he omm. n The riands, too, were amusel by the idea,' there, Is no other adequate expression, is Where milk eiiteis largely into a flaid diet dence, diret-tly in the, rear of t for last week, but were unaidedly us, 4intirely occupied with her own affaI14 9_44 Bank. and pr mised to carry it out. it becomes of the utmost importance that 9.�Co, , A Dollar's Worth of the noun "panhandler," and its offshoot' and quite regardless of our prcoeflc� the milk given should b ..... .. 6.25 crowded out.] Sense The �e4rs alipped along without! bringin tothe verb "to panhandle." Anumberof a fresh, puresild An amusing anecdote is! told of �1,the cele. y n eq of a sure -enough trou Hence iit is with bird songs as it is 'with . good.—A Trained Nurie, in the A6pital. 10.15 11.55, an aseau, an lattero,,bave recently been received asking' man other things In nature '—they 140 ZUrich. brated -chief Justice John Marsholl, by his last in n0h the thirty -five-year 4,mit via$ by wfidt authority the word panhandler 1033 7.14 Le''atherdale & . I ....... 10.4t 7,23 As it happened, almost at the was used and whence it came. The an- what we make thein. The ear that beat* a sthem must be half creative, To Klondike With a Wheei- to i6 7S7 110 ouccossf4l pupils at the promotion exam. lack of practical sense, so, a 1 a the girl accepted an 4xcellent swer was that 16 establisbed by &�'-- I am always disturbed when persons ba barrow. 11.10 R.Ca orough, Inations held in our s3hool-on March 24th Returning one afternoon ;�01111' his forth following is a list of decendants, in illustration of h4. curious reache -wnger. m P_ Land D ffe r o 4rary employment in Chicago. thority of Its being the oul - especially observant of birds ask mo t� —Number ot, nca�r Rchmond, Va., to ',his hon�e in thA ' 6.53&x. &30r,.x end 025th. Junior fourth, word to Ox A man 70 years of age is reported to have marks required 450 ; Cheater Steiab y, the hub of Iiis wheel cu hto' uy- gory which Is char-, take them where they can boar some par,,, arrived at Liverpool from Dablin recently, 8EAr-:.%JRTH. I word, nj announced that he intended b acterized by the implied or actu'al threat of ticular bird tbo'song of which they hav 7.04 &46 aell, 505- - OIL Then t a father proveA himself a � an of his press that form of beg 7.16 400 b1 artin Hess, 427 ; L%ura, Weida, 6 13 ; Q'Iara ra�ling growing by the roadsi t ing that I trousseau. He took his daughter violence. As for tho sour' a of the wo accompanied by a wheelbarrow, with wich 7�24 4.10 or, 551; Ids Sipple, 613; Jenn;o Hardy" w fter,striving gnsu6c6sfule c rd," . become Interested in through- a descrl�.�, 617 ; Molvina Koehler, 504. Senior third moments to extricate the w4ice-11 be heatA o that a VAnhan--. tion of it In some book. As I listen I w t f, he announced his intention of proceeding to 7 47' it So ar 11for -AOWC up to !�t. I Paul, and for two weeks lite wfA the suggestion was mad ...... 906 4.60 r's Dye o rks k -n one ribthus flatter of silks and cloths and dlor to one who handles a pan or can or the Klondike. The courageous -traveller, it &17' 4,bg iclaxa;7-number of marks recinired 23 ;.J. the sound of an axe in the. woodg and si�v them I feel. like apologizing. for the bi � is said, hits alredy trundled his ba-rrow all .. ... 8.24 6.04- babMib�?,n and lace. growler, something used for carrying' —it has a bad cold or bas just beard som n a :Holtzmaun, 430 ; Eddie Derchert, 485 a negro approaching. Hailing bi , he solia I . -invitations were over Australia. &38 y went home It is fitted with cooking Theressa Axt, 537 ; ArLhar Well, 459 ; Al If you will get that axe and'et isev o the intimate friends of the famil drinks. depressing nows; It will not let Itself out� utensils, tinned f-ood and mining tools, , and &60 6.25 E M (I D it � iedlt y 9.60 A. it. 6A0 bert Torrance, 5.34 ; Mamie Wcoloh-, 46 is tree I will give you a dollar." f I b te dinner danee. Ten w can be turned at will into a miniyX com- 8, th or an ora e to con, Other correspondents objected to this on' The song sceins. so casual and minor h ie �,ster, 479 ; A4- ut no a c Ia IR. 11. Barr haa rem,_,,ved his Dyc Works to Alma Pfaff, ;)DO; -Lolt 11 I c'n git ye clear'Eho f thatig tract, Ith friends all sent, presents. Pater- the ground that In this city, at least, a you make a dead set at it, I have talro partment what, yer wout." growler is frequently called "can" O� persons to bear the hermit thrush, and liqeSararus,454. Janiorthirdel, a came tothe froutwitha check to V41q,—nutn famlli� -GODERICH 817. near the, METIIO- bsr of marks required tO P.183, 400; Cora Yes, that's all said the jud a. i ' duck' 0 or pitcher, " but never a pan. have fancied that they were all the tjnl be us"d for furnishing the girl bachelor's On shipboard the term pan might be used, saying to thenlijolves, ,Is that all?" B Hamacher, 400 ; Phoebe. ftiefibiel, 443 The man simply backed tho tiorao uhUt Tile girl didn't �A. _X_ In this sense, butpanhandle Is nota marine' DIST CHURCI pa toe to in Chicago. EPPS"S 4.J%J P �.h all depres3ed by thefAct tha:tshe when one boors the bird in big walk, wh And would tike th14 oppor!unfty t) tlj3nk his rum. R)bert AVitliams, 453 � Ceater Benedict, vehicle went safely around ib. - I - I wake over 'the corpse word. - Another suggestion was that the the mind is attuned to simple things an RNGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA E-Idie Grob, 40") ; Amy -Stieubac�, 406 ; the wheel wa clear of the mplin than,6 a �:eZmrl �t C* crouscuatomets for treir liberal patrnmiga 81tice 435. i enior second,—P -r r ks You don't charge a dr thato d' w tt nding a word came from the west where the tough i s open and receptive, when 6x ectation 4 ft coraing to Staforth, anti to inotni the pnblia go S numbc if mai illar fbi O oiahe atrimonal possibilitiesi and every- ner. - pas, I q ever to required to, 350; Peart Buchanan. 350 nt off with, great gusto. &By that I am now in a better position tha you-? 11 usked the astonished chi�f juntlel thing w tramps who follovV the line of the Pan-, not aroused and the song comes as a stir -1 Possesses the following give my customers satisfactinD. So b. -Ing along Elia, Prang, 350 ,Freda Hens, lltlwa handle ratIrgad are called panhandlers, prise out of the dusky silence of the woodej IDistinctive Merits f No massa ; but its'wuff a dollmh to 10ii Th nly person - who didn't enjoy the ca your clothes; and have them Cleaned,�cr Dyea fcr Piene, 350 ; Tolman Wurrn, 3S5 Derbie some folks ieuse." From a Callf6rnlau who is visiting in town one feels that It warits all the fine thino low I.. A* ca Fall and ftnter. i j/oke w v the brother, who went down to Becher 351 Nelzon Diechert, 350. J unio. The -quick witted negro got hildollat in a Sun reporter got another version of the' that can be said of It. 9 f �oi Delicacy of Flawr, rrr Chicagowith his sisterand—onaccountof LT word's -origin. R. H. BARR, Seaforth, second.—number of m%rks reqiii-red to pas the great lawyer without furthdr question. the �Ta orate newness of her -outfit, was 1350 ;. Emanuel Holtz nann, -V50 ; Adifleon Ing. Call 11 su, i Quality. mar "About ten years ago," said the k ft ilway employees and travellerm-- DECAY OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL.� Koehler, 35)0 ; Clara, V911andJ 350 ; Fredd fornion, "there was a :chap Called Mink and Jou9brrel� all the embarrassment of a GRATEFUL and COMFORTING �-3 n Johmon, Am—a of t Dusenhoffor In San Francisco who started Notice, to Debtors. --I , Welliogto using the Child en. hon ym�on husband without any he The Average Sunday Sellool. of today Is 6 Senior part secand. Give the children plenty of occupmkloh. eespsy Harley %Q)er, 350, a bar and Icarty,' as he called It, down Rebuke to Intelligence. to the NEUVOU,13 or Dy.13pEpTIC, 0 e*L '-ber of marks required to pase, -It of ton see 9 �11=ling and dit cult td fitid TpciA's a rumor abroad now to the'effect "I . .1 All partleg isdebtcd to me will -1cladly c.11 and 61ass,—num I near the water front. His place was pretty In Tbo�Ladlcs' Home Journal Edward I gut gettle at onea, ali I am le-winx tow n ilifs momb and 2.50 ; Henry Hiedmivnn, 332 ; Andrew Price, n a .1 k tough, but be bad good things to cat, and - ritive Quatis Unrivalled. euit,abI6 e: )Ioyme t for'th Ivory youn th stunning gowns and n Bo writes on "The Decay of tboSunday! all accou43 unpaid b,- pla2A in o.'b-,r �a-)dj 299 ; Earl Hardy, 323 ; 11.win Koehler, .317; a an -.8 the Icaffy' did a big busJ can. Ono night k Ailron at ome,. but there i.ij mach Ungs of the sworn spinster the School, 'I and points out the reasons there-' In Quarter-Ponud Tinn only. for colic,_Uon. Eddie Plene, 250; Herbert llltreh,250, J aa: that little fingers can do and fi d real e0hy- ft, oof the oildicate for whic sh his entire force of waltors struckfor. high. for. ig, have in be Bays, "not Ia chaLi �- setl to the -t- part second, —numb3r r.-qalred L.) p83, a —PREPARED BY— E er wages and Mink turned 'em out, In ,"cut sill help in doing. A p, u filled 'with 8 rrn4 a wedding programme than 12 differen't mail who are acting ao their places 050 ; P.-)xy E11-hor, 269 ; Ciifford Saigner, maijit saud can t nd in thp" centr6 Of a of I )in own anj ids fair to c�arjr I 11 be got a gang of scatterbiouolies superintendents of our Sunday schools, JAMES EPPS & Q0,, LTD., 268; Donors Diechort.294; usy Bonder, 320, weeping cloth on the flaor add furafah am. iay -be - bwo calmuny, a quez- aud mallIgrubbers that diOnt know bean LOXDOX, EVOLAXI). A teg thib Out' Not Ono of tbaso men has even a suggeo- Junior third oIa3m,—_Nora.('rc-,bJ!3 ; 8,)vina, Goup from obarlotte russocommonly order- al mag-, Ftigs,400. Senior second fro,,, t!jjs t� similav work,jelay, dbug'6, is ? ed under -the nanio of Marley Ross, Du- notioni, not a personal possession wbic Life's Red Streani. Beore. A'fter- Toodro Pholp ployment for it whol lornilli. To 0�ane a ises —Would she send back those tion of force; not te spark of imrsou `0 boom# �74 senboffer undertook to train 'em by dis. hi ne Great Egtfsh?emedy. lieb, 370 ; SovintC Boisenberry, .1 1lary putty, cr s-,,4rrn beem. i be upql for pr se goes to draw children to bin) or to the i When tho blood W pure and rJoh bealth �nl vital- 2 Sold and recommended by &I -0 ; Iva 350 ; 84in 11-telde)), ciplit)arlan chlefly enforced with it), Pro carriod to all parts of t1l" b�dy, Wken it 4 druggists In Canada, Only rell I Children lo a tp work,, with school Oyer I which Me presides, - In Ave of' I -bore these cns�s 'Cho inen bavo been failures In " clear flit thobloed eurren able medicine dincovered. $1x v The- Young Wife. fnipure or mdor. t6a Ltdi 61 d5swasa garmly)ite I CI)ne)l, a beer; mallet,' Oti tbo' third night t 0 0'; William Becker,.35.0.; Allic S an.), Imsides the�' kIA-1dergar0h out- and grow, T6 t -of _All IM.L guarankea to cure all 359 ; Saura Magel, ,17), ting anfl fol(Ifog, they call vj�ake imiwomtLi o long ago a bride of a few re flyc fjgllts In tho, placo between cus- haq1th weeks was VV 01 1 putitION, to mako It ricl arid VivIng tbore 10. for o Sex I leakness, all effects of abo business; by men in the outer world they "Othisg to � 'fill, Janior Fic.,ourt 01480,—Geor,,-�, K,1)1,,P, 47t"; 61"awle, U kins, tablecloths 3'beddlngl 6"s 0 mp iniug of her husband's ways to an to'Dors and waiters; Ono man was shot and .1 Ltha standird blood' reincdy, Sm. or exe so� Worry, Rxc�aglvo use of To- Vic are pnoped over and yet the church placco dock Blood lsltto�r#, has " rod 0 4 iim�s er, Jol or airb it �Ic I In a u 0 n a bacco, plu timulants. 61104 oil receipt ',or Appel, 381 Emma We0oh, 68 nd trqi The -wriedfriend, "Ilctiewhodidnome thewhologang of recrultsfoll oil Mink I shnp!eet nVtUla transformed by ad. When tljey looted tile,. ArthurBossenberry,387; or 8 or paper owers for the 0 er tboin in pooltionawbiob call pro-onAnently in. of pri a I;sekaj $1, six, one vd I pteaeo. I y t in that I did not like, but, I thought, lie and broke his be �CD or the . d ly for every clemon6Illch thoy Fjo distinctly -re. mp lets fre, t any address.. Mmore, Thiel, or pz)rt NE�aond class, ou give them up itfwr we were inaule, bar nnd got druffli. That night about make fairyla�lj and Sprin Houseelesuing. t *W06d Conk NVIudsor, Onto _() I$) lack, 4 S 'ilber, 282 ; Juling hltl, 202 in the end are the best, c mplafned, Now, look here 44nilie, "To be a - successf at bead O unday har as 14, 0 three dozen people were hold up In this *hIla pecli'a Are pirtle"11w About bx0air thdr D.Ln ThiCl. 271 ; Arnold lfledma3, 277 S Ia the worldly-wise friend, 11 If you've part of t1lo city, Mink put out a pl",ard ousp clasned of the winterlo fiepulliulittlon of JJVf, , Soll in Se:iforth by Lumadcn Wils2n. drugglots. ochool Calls for a man with the i"Aincts Po so pirfloulat rtbout their oy#am, Hila Ilochame, 273 Ax�, 288, The—Sultan's Jowels, (A I ooked stick. dou'D 14A the tbat rend: e up a or of leadersh.lp—a man Who Will in Clea"fJolf tooL, J%f"d e� I L fUXo life riot AIWIL3 JhJ -iior part second claoo,--Saura Yaws; 207 know U, bat cat to work to straiglitan Tho publio is warned againt the mny of hec& � re# n ItbIniT, WiIt dC) J0 Ltho fCh'Jj.V ftfl Jus The Sultan of Turke fa )6af,11 IA 1 4%6ffftA&M into the 00hool bono and Curt— Into Ibis 4 tMictualIv UML& Mood Adam Ihiol, 290 -, Puter D:cche � f, -03 ; E'Ila �(310 iLfswUI4- in the M teaeburij, who to fortile of nAnd oil u- em I- 01re of tho fillest collectior 6 o t, It will be slow work. You can't Mash glingorm, ditili owabbers and punlifindl p (I rin I krimo find *0 6 Emaia 11161inann,: hl aria 10 i tudde"I , because if 3,ou-ti,y hargh Theyar(Allieve" III �Iv ry warlel, Thoy are kept In fho Suiaglio at flnito In capacit, who can draw children I ell Rildcrbrand, 259 ; Solly Hilderband, 270, r, jea ures it will break In your 11313as, Tr mur4cram and t-bero lo onaugh Im . iihot 400d J)"Ifflar It Is un((pu cdo Jonitantloople in one mr Icular koom, A y for Mom bero to blow them all to to blin and retain their interest, Not only eutle pressure and perouasioji, I)a g striking feature of this ti� Asure- h ! ouse-are �Jre t1lat wLoro they I-viong. must be elevato blo children in a spiritual A Toronto Tobawonlet. you �r uriself perfectly strafght� and sin- MIVIC Dusumforren, wnso, butlesoono of the 10gbost morality staillsy Coiincil, Lhe many bird c o whichi btudded with jawe ii, hang fron h fecocced ceiling, cerfe year from now you will have a "Tbab gang j)30,4 things lively for "just be taught, an Influonco refining to J, Drofz,� 104 Church $track T�Wcyjto, The Tho council met, on 11ouday, Itlil",'11 28tho And' difJ11'rentutorytotoll," Cuitainlyexcellent The cou� o3d all a clock , , ',ghb I awbilt,-, but they didn't- taclile the ienffy,' mind and nature must be exhaled, and all of thuhiurt, WAJ# all tile rutemberg' being prestilb, I v cc thab many. it young wife Im t1le toWrj#llfp hall Waf4 let lit�,s fA cc downward in a-",, cage, Ifie.finest 1, - 'Myory tinlo there was on arrest for n hold the Mine the IntereAt of the ebildron must neivous and l.tilyir flesh. Three boxes of tract for rap%fring te to her heart, ariaby of lloait snd Xai v 111110 0.111 ) blely porA hfffl, and rangf, getm H the 61laction r Infinite Variety of upornenultduvJng the nextinontlitho bearreted and hold, to M r, (it, ' orge L,)gan, (if Bruceftld, at i,12 are wovell into embrolder- d- toxtw from the word went, along the water. front; inethod must lie sought, Bridget's MarlIage. "The young quickly t1ro of anytill BrighV6 Dls,'easeBeaten. for c3rpti t, -r vork and inaterial, and $33 Ronto on deep red velve . while Clio neck. 'There's another of Mink's panhai�- ng -for ttone Tho fG!I-)',1iL4 "'C'Oulltfl ace3, too, are parti�,ul'lly flato, Ole of which long reinniuo the same, and that is Ifta,,Ubn Uock a Ulward strrc*,, fi;t, Tholiftep were Mitcht11, rLhem of tyloot ex(plisita and V110 of foollog IA; alw6Y4 a ploay,- 00L, wiJOs Vbans Oldney P1110 vwrcd lw)_ wil Municipal World, blanke, 20 cci.L3,; W. I ing Crait, and doubly so in the ca of per. "Pretty soon the word becamo a flxttivo Why they 41-0 tirJng of the SuDdaY 0110 1, , �htltt Usemo. Ito WA fl�h water of It al t �hrfl W,,,,, Oid al - -tired $0 00titaining dialnondg oft the " 6 P and e for any tough character that w130 out of a rt has too long ramr0ned tho-same, It ha# VITC411fig wa� 8 Ifft leath. putting in culvert and rol4iring by 9. royal la,1,4 oono whoto birth arly associations have Job, particularly iflio weiltointo tbo hold ti fallen into a rut, nj)d Me fault 11cm be re Ubdrun McL tweeli 01slierv(su N blif �brldga, 62.75 ; W. E', 'gravel hafiled ell 'he was at been ouch aq are not comffionly suppoted to 0 poor. Ito mmiiitnecd ishfig Doali's ICA- recepti0j, 1% ConstarjUnople, busieeff, I oard *It Mere as long ")I -tell the proolding spirits of the school who "Oot' - . to bridge on 5th (wneeMov, 51 51), Cot ftvour the development of th6gentser char, �my 1`11h 4nd Ji now coslipletely curtd,- io cr with the inoti Well, mum. years ago, and I ouppomo It's, been revived bavo no ability fur their positions' and meet;i again on Monday, Al,ay 'Ift, ag courf, acterfatics of human nature. claboral c, pomp and ceronony ; fitt , t cod th' lately and Conic caskOl—NeW YOU Sun, tho churches who bove placed them there Ca-teU C&d� of revision and goncral business. I muKt In after lavin yt-vi,11 announ 0 loan aq she harl o roturo t�c In"nal Co or allowed them to remaln," Mr, 13ok e fyAo cook. 11 What do you meau ? Why are eviy ilog to doi but lVAJobf, pi, !i of 6 gift' Liter, 'rho ottf-iouity eif the co going' 1 asked her astonished mistress. A Drenif vered Witli Fir,"les. concludes Mo discuosion with the asger- O' ll'S �6ijly Morris Council. l6etion 13 it parahol sa��,Jl to bo Uhd h1oft vo.11. ru am going to he married next week-." The most wonderful- dres ever bobeld tion that "tile average Sunday acool of Mug storo)� The council met in the council room oil A113 fil 010 World. mae it whito Rill But surely, Bridget, you won't leave me IYY human oyag ws %J,orn atL a Mardon today ls a robuko to IntelDgenca and a (Ils- an -I rich y party by the Countess Palovolov&cF, credit to tho,eburob." March 216b, according . to adjourninent, embroidered ivith threat 1' 90, U4 aosica, while t I zosaddenly? Yotitjiustasitj-ifnitr),vvaitf-or Sialc Heada0he Subindeo, rrembers all pre"rit, the reeve in the chair. bcVr nkled with prea mu & few days." 11,0h, I couldn't, mum." Is n lineal descendant of Ivan tbo Terrible, Ill have barn troublol with UJOR rJeadAelloUr .Moved by Mr.. labiater, seconded by 'AlLr, stjoir. ii made of onj long, solid piece of and her famous ancestor cortalift soldoin ov(-r 4 yosr, lAttl I have umd Uxyti-n r rJ11F. y not 'ure, mu, I'd loike . Siberlan Gentlemsufs Lffe, 0 , I tblitL �tjd 1111i (11py helploo "Jorotha" Kirkby, ' that the reove and Clerk 'j)e. in- corl, to oblige you, but I don't, feel well enough did apytbing caused, such a eon sation "For five month of the year the Slbo- 1 h4- a I ver takoo, Thvy 40 not glij;Q, leavo no structed to overlook Ule townzhip by.la%ve, ar.lqualatol with him to aek ouch a thing," as that produced by Ills descendant whon rian man of fashion livox In the open air, and have them prepared for the approval of Be Sys einatid, she appeared at the garden party In a gar- XAUY ELL= UICK4, either nt the mining camp or In the hunt- the council at its next mceting,—Curried, How often the tire( bouzekeepar say nient decorated with Ing flold,11 onyo Thomas 0, Allen$ Jr., Uc,ved bv Mr, Code Accondled liv Mr. Car- A Good Exaln-ole for Doctor and Lightsof scarlob and ibrandsof flit a9 to I)rocurc night : I ont thoughti and plan C writing of "Fitoblonable Llfo In wborla, diff, that the clerk be iustructed my work f.)r to-d&y 1, for,o gAng at) out i , I Patients. mingled In wonderful inopale; thon green 0-00, in Tho Ladlog' 116)o ournal, "Ho to an IrM VA,-Y7B rrO the reuired riumber of enpiea of the line A gooJ true story is to)d of a San Fan, gleams passed nnd� repassed across the 00-0 ftnee aob and the act 66specUnk pound "light h&V0 HLIVC ny tely a goo,l &-al ofil. Onominuto i6was glowingfrom early bird under all eircumstnneos and In necessaryt-rouble and nconvelfeuce. PU ace Cisco womau and a drietor with it coasoicnee, droos, variably rises botween 7 and 8 o'clock, al- it, for a riall woman, and when mho4 for his woluld flglW p; then all would grow dull PIC of for the ue of po�nd-Lcepefs and fence, u Judy who cou 4 cook excell. I e The doctor perfbVin0d A SUCCOSSfUl opertion t1jo waist to the hem; then tho bodice 0 -wera.—CArried, Moved Dbister t, u though he may bavo had but a cou vic butovingtoaueglige unabltofnotpl�n ing hours' rost. Noorly every 111eal is succeed seconded by Mr. Cardiff, th t va expen(i hat 111n, daties in the billpresented Ono for $50, .Thdladyemiled and gray, only to light. up again with"an- ed by a nap. Howevor, droEsing operations CD 81("o each oil the,03 X boundarie, ahand ad knowing 4., and aiiid Do you consider that a remon. other burst of color of dazzling brilliancy. arkitchen iv(-rflo r the there WAS 850 oil the nort h boundary audi $31) on the lable.ebarge considering my circum%tanceh',11 The material was tboricbest of brocaded do not take very long, for when be rotirci )Ia 'south boundary, providing tWe ailjoining comiant, at de.Jayt as firit one That is my charge silk, and attached to 16, each in a tiny not the Siberian only divests hinittelf of his an tri uni cipali ties (xpand equivalerit sump, Verlient woul.. d mrinting, an, The octor, re!icd all to itsolf, woro nearly 000 fireflies that coat d biots, Shirts 'aro unknown In Are ycu aware of The fAct thft for that operation; your eircumsf ances have PAY liV Y011.1 ()lJ oved in amendment by Alr,Code, seconded tilen. another. It . that the lose Siberla, and in many liouses bc4s alm nothing to do, 'with The lady draw a glowed and glistaiied 111ce so many electric samovar Is sob oil the dInIng room Canada Business CoUegep your by Air. Kirkby, that we expend $50 en tb6 of the day would �iteu ritid the lady own. Th The - plately tired out, n6treally so much from check- for $500 and preaented it to him. He 11�airyll lamps. Ovdr tlils was a cloud of ble at 8 a. ni., together with eggs, black CHATHAM, ONTARIO, isouth bauudaiy, providing 11ullett (!xpend handed it back saying - 11 1 cinnot except tool incelffln lace, through which came the the work she bad d4ne ai from the % orry and wbJte broad, sardines, Jim and cakes, an equivalent, —INIot ion carried. Oarno'tiou this, My charge for that operation strange gleams and dar'ts of' f1re that had i ' p Mutual Fire of Alessrs. Code a and wearigamo walting brounght 0 t by etc.. Breakfast is caten and washed down Is doing innre Inr 35 i�juplli thitp ally other Uulun�fs nd Cardiff, a number of t ought. - ordE­ " Very well," the ldy repliedf 11 Keel) thA amazed the guests. (;ol!vks in the Diftlin 0114 her own foolis! of h I by five or six glasso� of tea stirred Upith 43 JAPP8 waro placed in Wi moflo. Vtviant$ beck, and put the balance to my Credit." The Ilrofflos ivere of the ordinay kind, i acCount-3 were.ordered to b3 ptdd. Pith- w tidet , and BF compally. masters were appointed, as foll,)wa : For wor th speahs of . jf�Lv strong ins' 8oine tnon�hs after she received a long excopt that to India they are moro bril- sugar, orcam and sometimes ion). At 1 from rill ipiaArtersa" Ilmoking to thl� v. irthy JWl- noith b9tiudary, C. Hendersm, Win. Hen- a. few plain rules,' a d that is a conibi ation o'clock dinner is served, and at 6 In the L:c?s St irow ma')1;W. vlcr, 30LATED TOWN itemized bill, -upon which was i3litered Dewldm* large aftandance that would prova v ry helpful in the rder. llan6. About half a dozen of the tiny 1 afternoon another small nice], much like dy Ibis car, V pupil; regis',e r,?d froin nut- :)NLYINSURED 1.5 Toronto Street, Toronto. dersou, P. Fowler, Thomas Jewitt, John ing of houehold affairs. The firett early chay,ges for trpatment of various kinds, ten- creatures (lied during the evening, bbt the' that of the- inorning, Is talken. A meat ay'j u're% I otfix.l side poldtj, (* o. them trotri pointi nma tr to Hall, Wm. Robertson, J. CarLis: and A. every one pqssess a, the latter ever one, dared to all sorts of odds and ends of hum., rest continued to glow until the countess supper follows at 9 o'clock. 13mincrt Collegee thsn to Miller ; I t line, James Fife, 0. Campbell, anity, male 6nd female, black and, white, returned to hor hoinc.—Strand Magazine. We pgf,,unie thefo peopic InveetigW41 the -werits P. GODE tl%r.,AH and eppecially tI e houfekeeper, ceds i I :re - -d" )4 4,, Harlock 0. R. Maguire, M. Spence, J. - Sellar3, Win. * who had been mended at her expense. She of tho d nt tehools, and ecided,tfist riotbi, Yf J. Sbamoan, Flocy-Trais, JolInston, Wm. J. Johnston, and A Brook- There ;a a vast diff rence between a rear. Wa3 s6 --delighted at it that she immedi%tely -A Superstition. What Is Defflement In ludl*. but iho bast would satisfy tbein, h1tnP:;r;# thoY ATO, U44, E. Hays, Insie0lor or, Steani Boller Works. i anged, quiet, butl assur(ld way of king enridge ; 2ad line, J. H. Brandon, . Per- placed anoLher check for 8500 to his credibi Write tor cataloZue of cithe ment, and a oil the day's d utik`l, and � f ussy, b stling 1.1enrned of what Is to me a brand now rn every native bonso in India there Is a r (Jcpatt r.pi due, J. Jermyn, J. Ferrand, G. B. "J'arvey, on the same terms, and it is now being rine in wbich the bouichold gods are litt of tile 43 pupils ploxed in two 3aluts S. (ESTABISA . earn- superstition just the other day and I trem- ell nvionerugestiveof haying Iiid oat.,� cer- orkh,,John G. Griee, win. If, A. Shaw,- Wm. Forrest, and C. Forre ide, the ad in the same way... 3eafoeth; Thomas E. Hayn, at; tain courae'that neither time, nor t ble td think of tho risks I have been run- placed, like tbo thon In a Russian house. O"t. acd line, Win. Hopper, T. Proctr, J, Gar- ning all those years In my Ignorance of it.. The very shadow of a European or natIv6 Beechwood ; Thos.9axbutt, A. C 1-1 R VS T N L %vishes or conven4co of others can f�r ad Bruzefleld ;. John 1B. Me. ness, T. Brewer, John Budd, It. Sellars, instant influence r turn adde.—Chiristian Facts Not'to be Evaded., It wns at an Informal evening entortain- of a different caste FAming over these or Eltlocenor to CAryatal & Elaok, Thomas Bone, and George Henderson ; 4bh Inelit at tho liouse of a womall I I Work. the Culinary utensils of tile family Is a do- to Loan. Iinep W. G. Nicholson, B. -Bryan-i, Grorge Township Fund,4 -Mu.nufaeturers of all k1na rf 0 Fcts are facts. They are noL to be eva:de(7, and In tile room set apart for the -wraps of Illement, but the use of malodorous disin- Robt. AteMillan, &xfarlb dville; J. W. Yeo, Holme,3- Marine, Upright & Tubpl Proctor, L. Wheelee� It. Youill, Wrn.-Shcd- They are, and they will have to be dealt t1lo Nvomon guests was a inald who Nvas di - fectants is, In the belief of the people, an Eas To bab en g0odeCUrlty 8111 OD den, R. Crdiff J. Shurrie, K. McKenzie ter 35ouse-Cleaning.i WWI If you are poor you muet treat, that rected to -see to It that nobody's hat was outrageous. desecration, calculated to call funds of the TowushiZ (;f Tuskcrow3h, Fir pxrti� ock and John G. Morrisoa, I and Wm. Bryans. 5th line, H. Johnston, Nio longer is it ileceseary to imp as a iaot. You may be happy though poor, phiced on tho bed, for the, laying of a hat down oil the family tlic wrath of the gods, tulars ttpi ly to 400t 112RUZMat0ft Of UAUS- . you m%y do good -work in Fpito JAMES )JU11111LAY %Vm. Ferguson, E. Armstrong, A. Clark, J.. home-hoblers, . yoting.or old, the fa tphoant of your pov- oil the bed, as tho hostess explained later, and only to be � atoned by rigid PrYas( bit o prompily sbbt,indod to on BOIL E Pc _ - Ilensall, Above agicera. s6ddjesse4 J# McArthut, T. Ci%rk, 1). Sommerville, Wm.. E,astertide is pre-cminently ilia U610 fcr orty., you mtky be influential, as many -good always signifies the upproacbIng death of (penance) and the administration of the It 1672 tf Ult Pant,-ao ke I -or Works. Ames, Wm. Inues, and John Alanning ; 6rh house. cleaning. It, liag become tbe, cstab- and great men hae been$ who an, Intimate frion(I of tbebouse, Tbosu- panch gaviya, a foul pill composed of the etc., etc. line, J. Grasby, J. Young, E. Laundy, P. lished custom to turn hbuse3 OtItSI 0. in at have been obliged to say with St, Peter, pdrstition Is,. I believe, of Sicilian origin, flve products of the cow.—Westminster Canvelou, J. Thuell, J. Smith,.Wai, Smith, -this period of thd year, and somoillouse- "Silver and gold have I none;" ut., afccr and it's a very good superstition, I thik, Review. Fe d Oorn,. Also dealE,r3 a Upriht ard RorUezts) !.1d VG",Vt into the E"A F 0 R TFLTJ and Jolin Rotb�; 7th line. N. Taylo.: wopc with all is said and done, the fact remains that Inligmuch as it tends to preserve the fresh cg-'nea. Automatic r, -,�A Englues %,+pec6;.Uy. Al) Al. wivcs throw themielves Zen of pl. o hnd ofiti0anVy on "nd KellY9 %A T M. XtIly, Win, Cunningham, sae:i mal as to make thnn break� (101v� you are poor. Let them' be as ptient as neof dainty bed coveriggg.—lVashingto Foollnt Him, Carlo* A ad of Choice Arnei ica Y010W f�rist VeVmutes girnMed on obar t James KellY. A. HowleCt, A. 'L�IcAll, James through cxhatiattirm, and in SM16 CaSeB they will, the blind man remains blind, and po, In at, "Dumpley, I bear that you have, been jtwt received. PLiets vaty reatbnable. t Clennan, and AVm. Maunders ; Sth line, D.' 3&ueoperma�entitijurytotbeirhCalL,b. %Va the lame lame, while the pain which is for- misrepresenting me," said his neighbor Give us a call. O'Connor. 11. 11-chmond, W -m. Lti(II.Lw, J. say nohing of the inconveniences that, the gotten for a' while returns when the excite- indignantly. "Brozer told me all about 8F.AYOTIT11 Brown, J. Mch,'Irov. R. Skelton, P.Jackson, pogr mon folk have. to stiffer. It is Oue of nlebt is paht. 1 Lily good won -tan," said the parson to a It.)) McLEOD'S A. Button, GeorgiKelly, and A. Knight ; tho tibulatious that they must neceafdarily r It is a great thing and a'grand thingr to' Yorkshire woman whose husband'had just dGAII I said to him was that you were W. W., Thomson, Mnager. 9;li line, C. A. Howe, R. -Cockerline, R. go tbrough, and of 'ils chastening influence iso superior. to ones finfirmitiezi but there (ifed, "your husband * is nowurith Abra- one of the mosit bonorablo men and co4- System Renovator Brown, George Armstrong. X, Ma -Donald, there is no room for doubt. But for the cLn be no greater mistake than to ignore the ban), and Jacob," siderato nolghbors that I ever kpew.".. ? P 1873. John Shortreed, Wm. Sholdiec, john Ale- womati, folks sake'i�o would advise t heni to truth. It is sure to rise tip and aveoge itself "Tbatswbat makes mofeel sobad." I "Wonder where I can flnd that infernal —AXI) OTIJEP� Arthur, John Rowland, and Ocorge Grigrg. ca,'cauny,orascabnyai;bl,cy(,-ai3. Itianob "a ille end. If we are poor and plain au& was her reply, "for be was always so sliy Brozer, "—London Tit -Bits. McKillop Directory for 1898 F?Er �Vcst graval road., Jaes Gollay, C. J,aw- tbe woman who caur-es the most confusion, weak I slow, dtll!arda without any taleuts 'iraes, we havp con-. TESTED 14 CE. IS S. ianding Icind—well, those are facts with strangers, 11—New York Tribune. rence. T. GosmaD, and N. Emit or even the woman who crowds the g'rcateat of a ccrmlli While oil their way to CJiloriiia law, Xe)RRTW.q, eeve, wiptl�vnr P. 0, os and Organs &t A sedfle ant.1 antidoto for lairure, WcNk and Im giavtI A. Bryane, A. Fousyth, T. amount 61' work into a (lay, th:Lt does with iiiiieli we khaU 1mve to clel, DSN19i, XALEY, tpoverlehed BI-)od, Dycpcpsia, palpata- Tho f3rst n3an who discovored gold in week, Mr. Gcorcre 0aughte N111,unders, oud (-'e,orgo 0hristophEr ; B0- the mo5t effieicatoi k in ilia way of 1 house� An engineer may build a sufficiant bti,71ge el I r, %ion of the 11cart, Complaint, 4curalida, Loge A ustralia wag hanged for his Pains. lie p'"I 8& M 6 -8 LoWe, of Whinhain, were in t Ile t Weed 10 of bleinory, BfOLChitW, COWUMP01-111, Gall SWIM, grave, Wm. Watson ; Walton, 1, Al-�Don, cleaning. Itisbattc.rtotitkooti(irootiiat Counoluw, T.,)id;oUry P. 0. across a wide river with a mud4y b,)U,(nn aw one of the first, convicts transported to coucelvier, Beecb-Aood Jaundice, Ki ney and Ur!nary Mcaseq, 'it. vit-uv' old, On motoa of A-lessre.1sbister.and Lime and devote. two d,tys to its overhau'l wliich gives no proper foundation for hij . way wreck tt� Moosei4w, Mr. McKe=,e I Botany bay, and whon he learned the _P Dince, Feniale frie-ulaneics find Geticrol Debility. an to tax onela, al.rength, ud as a resul r, -a been thrown ficalor' b - 0 r. Kirkliv, the coupcil then adjourned. to t1j, pie q, just as railivas ha% great secret he brought a sample to show received a� black.eye and w43 ba4ly cat J011.1 8-DROW1, COURGUID] 0 ricb, Ontario. JOHN 0. MORUGON, Clerk, WinthftP P. 0. LABOR.ATORY— adt, ' the 30 i Solway Mesa; but big success* n4 Wo about the head, w1lifle Mist McKenzie es. D&VID X. ROSS, Treasumfo W1311111M R 0 - meet on 'th of May, for the court of have only two heavy oyes mid a weary smile across such quagmires as md. upward, 11r, . ­ nnot expect t 'W is Iptomptly h4ngad tow J, U. 11aLEOD, P-ro . etor and Xanu revic-ion and other busine". for the other members of the household, he ca o build ouch a bridge as he - WK. ZVAN5. Aim= S"*WOOd P- 0- ,,,spondbig pricez.: through trying to,do everything at once. mi foundation been V aped without being hurt 'In any Way. facturer. ght � have built had the DODDS 840FOi ftd0ft Ps 0, Sold by J. S, RoPERTs, Seaforth. A certa;in deacon that I know, considers Other advantages besides personal comfort to instead of mud. The mud is just hey were both ble to proceed oa their RIONAltD V4j1'!WV_, OWWy luw-clar,lUld- 15014 rigid disoipline essential to the well-being are to be derived from house-oleaning that are ghrin! ourney. X PURCHABIN0, t a ppoblem with 'which lie has -to deal. He b 11y. P. 0. ITT BR -O& We can't -cure every case ! The best dootors can't. No ono but a quack woulct r,,laitn so, No romody will fit every cago. Bot ive th,-tt, in a -pro, ,ralairn '[)Lyrtiori of cama of itifliges. i ion, el ytln-pEia and slaalr 9 Stonn%'eh an4 'Vonic f Will .1 Rp.,.Ody aud �Ura fl, U 1701. Our feitfi in it 13 f,,trong. T st it. f(,r yourself. At Fear's, an. -I dcaler The lmperi�l Mediciae, Toronto. Adam Ihiol, 290 -, Puter D:cche � f, -03 ; E'Ila �(310 iLfswUI4- in the M teaeburij, who to fortile of nAnd oil u- em I- 01re of tho fillest collectior 6 o t, It will be slow work. You can't Mash glingorm, ditili owabbers and punlifindl p (I rin I krimo find *0 6 Emaia 11161inann,: hl aria 10 i tudde"I , because if 3,ou-ti,y hargh Theyar(Allieve" III �Iv ry warlel, Thoy are kept In fho Suiaglio at flnito In capacit, who can draw children I ell Rildcrbrand, 259 ; Solly Hilderband, 270, r, jea ures it will break In your 11313as, Tr mur4cram and t-bero lo onaugh Im . iihot 400d J)"Ifflar It Is un((pu cdo Jonitantloople in one mr Icular koom, A y for Mom bero to blow them all to to blin and retain their interest, Not only eutle pressure and perouasioji, I)a g striking feature of this ti� Asure- h ! ouse-are �Jre t1lat wLoro they I-viong. must be elevato blo children in a spiritual A Toronto Tobawonlet. you �r uriself perfectly strafght� and sin- MIVIC Dusumforren, wnso, butlesoono of the 10gbost morality staillsy Coiincil, Lhe many bird c o whichi btudded with jawe ii, hang fron h fecocced ceiling, cerfe year from now you will have a "Tbab gang j)30,4 things lively for "just be taught, an Influonco refining to J, Drofz,� 104 Church $track T�Wcyjto, The Tho council met, on 11ouday, Itlil",'11 28tho And' difJ11'rentutorytotoll," Cuitainlyexcellent The cou� o3d all a clock , , ',ghb I awbilt,-, but they didn't- taclile the ienffy,' mind and nature must be exhaled, and all of thuhiurt, WAJ# all tile rutemberg' being prestilb, I v cc thab many. it young wife Im t1le toWrj#llfp hall Waf4 let lit�,s fA cc downward in a-",, cage, Ifie.finest 1, - 'Myory tinlo there was on arrest for n hold the Mine the IntereAt of the ebildron must neivous and l.tilyir flesh. Three boxes of tract for rap%fring te to her heart, ariaby of lloait snd Xai v 111110 0.111 ) blely porA hfffl, and rangf, getm H the 61laction r Infinite Variety of upornenultduvJng the nextinontlitho bearreted and hold, to M r, (it, ' orge L,)gan, (if Bruceftld, at i,12 are wovell into embrolder- d- toxtw from the word went, along the water. front; inethod must lie sought, Bridget's MarlIage. "The young quickly t1ro of anytill BrighV6 Dls,'easeBeaten. for c3rpti t, -r vork and inaterial, and $33 Ronto on deep red velve . while Clio neck. 'There's another of Mink's panhai�- ng -for ttone Tho fG!I-)',1iL4 "'C'Oulltfl ace3, too, are parti�,ul'lly flato, Ole of which long reinniuo the same, and that is Ifta,,Ubn Uock a Ulward strrc*,, fi;t, Tholiftep were Mitcht11, rLhem of tyloot ex(plisita and V110 of foollog IA; alw6Y4 a ploay,- 00L, wiJOs Vbans Oldney P1110 vwrcd lw)_ wil Municipal World, blanke, 20 cci.L3,; W. I ing Crait, and doubly so in the ca of per. "Pretty soon the word becamo a flxttivo Why they 41-0 tirJng of the SuDdaY 0110 1, , �htltt Usemo. Ito WA fl�h water of It al t �hrfl W,,,,, Oid al - -tired $0 00titaining dialnondg oft the " 6 P and e for any tough character that w130 out of a rt has too long ramr0ned tho-same, It ha# VITC411fig wa� 8 Ifft leath. putting in culvert and rol4iring by 9. royal la,1,4 oono whoto birth arly associations have Job, particularly iflio weiltointo tbo hold ti fallen into a rut, nj)d Me fault 11cm be re Ubdrun McL tweeli 01slierv(su N blif �brldga, 62.75 ; W. E', 'gravel hafiled ell 'he was at been ouch aq are not comffionly suppoted to 0 poor. Ito mmiiitnecd ishfig Doali's ICA- recepti0j, 1% ConstarjUnople, busieeff, I oard *It Mere as long ")I -tell the proolding spirits of the school who "Oot' - . to bridge on 5th (wneeMov, 51 51), Cot ftvour the development of th6gentser char, �my 1`11h 4nd Ji now coslipletely curtd,- io cr with the inoti Well, mum. years ago, and I ouppomo It's, been revived bavo no ability fur their positions' and meet;i again on Monday, Al,ay 'Ift, ag courf, acterfatics of human nature. claboral c, pomp and ceronony ; fitt , t cod th' lately and Conic caskOl—NeW YOU Sun, tho churches who bove placed them there Ca-teU C&d� of revision and goncral business. I muKt In after lavin yt-vi,11 announ 0 loan aq she harl o roturo t�c In"nal Co or allowed them to remaln," Mr, 13ok e fyAo cook. 11 What do you meau ? Why are eviy ilog to doi but lVAJobf, pi, !i of 6 gift' Liter, 'rho ottf-iouity eif the co going' 1 asked her astonished mistress. A Drenif vered Witli Fir,"les. concludes Mo discuosion with the asger- O' ll'S �6ijly Morris Council. l6etion 13 it parahol sa��,Jl to bo Uhd h1oft vo.11. ru am going to he married next week-." The most wonderful- dres ever bobeld tion that "tile average Sunday acool of Mug storo)� The council met in the council room oil A113 fil 010 World. mae it whito Rill But surely, Bridget, you won't leave me IYY human oyag ws %J,orn atL a Mardon today ls a robuko to IntelDgenca and a (Ils- an -I rich y party by the Countess Palovolov&cF, credit to tho,eburob." March 216b, according . to adjourninent, embroidered ivith threat 1' 90, U4 aosica, while t I zosaddenly? Yotitjiustasitj-ifnitr),vvaitf-or Sialc Heada0he Subindeo, rrembers all pre"rit, the reeve in the chair. bcVr nkled with prea mu & few days." 11,0h, I couldn't, mum." Is n lineal descendant of Ivan tbo Terrible, Ill have barn troublol with UJOR rJeadAelloUr .Moved by Mr.. labiater, seconded by 'AlLr, stjoir. ii made of onj long, solid piece of and her famous ancestor cortalift soldoin ov(-r 4 yosr, lAttl I have umd Uxyti-n r rJ11F. y not 'ure, mu, I'd loike . Siberlan Gentlemsufs Lffe, 0 , I tblitL �tjd 1111i (11py helploo "Jorotha" Kirkby, ' that the reove and Clerk 'j)e. in- corl, to oblige you, but I don't, feel well enough did apytbing caused, such a eon sation "For five month of the year the Slbo- 1 h4- a I ver takoo, Thvy 40 not glij;Q, leavo no structed to overlook Ule townzhip by.la%ve, ar.lqualatol with him to aek ouch a thing," as that produced by Ills descendant whon rian man of fashion livox In the open air, and have them prepared for the approval of Be Sys einatid, she appeared at the garden party In a gar- XAUY ELL= UICK4, either nt the mining camp or In the hunt- the council at its next mceting,—Curried, How often the tire( bouzekeepar say nient decorated with Ing flold,11 onyo Thomas 0, Allen$ Jr., Uc,ved bv Mr, Code Accondled liv Mr. Car- A Good Exaln-ole for Doctor and Lightsof scarlob and ibrandsof flit a9 to I)rocurc night : I ont thoughti and plan C writing of "Fitoblonable Llfo In wborla, diff, that the clerk be iustructed my work f.)r to-d&y 1, for,o gAng at) out i , I Patients. mingled In wonderful inopale; thon green 0-00, in Tho Ladlog' 116)o ournal, "Ho to an IrM VA,-Y7B rrO the reuired riumber of enpiea of the line A gooJ true story is to)d of a San Fan, gleams passed nnd� repassed across the 00-0 ftnee aob and the act 66specUnk pound "light h&V0 HLIVC ny tely a goo,l &-al ofil. Onominuto i6was glowingfrom early bird under all eircumstnneos and In necessaryt-rouble and nconvelfeuce. PU ace Cisco womau and a drietor with it coasoicnee, droos, variably rises botween 7 and 8 o'clock, al- it, for a riall woman, and when mho4 for his woluld flglW p; then all would grow dull PIC of for the ue of po�nd-Lcepefs and fence, u Judy who cou 4 cook excell. I e The doctor perfbVin0d A SUCCOSSfUl opertion t1jo waist to the hem; then tho bodice 0 -wera.—CArried, Moved Dbister t, u though he may bavo had but a cou vic butovingtoaueglige unabltofnotpl�n ing hours' rost. Noorly every 111eal is succeed seconded by Mr. Cardiff, th t va expen(i hat 111n, daties in the billpresented Ono for $50, .Thdladyemiled and gray, only to light. up again with"an- ed by a nap. Howevor, droEsing operations CD 81("o each oil the,03 X boundarie, ahand ad knowing 4., and aiiid Do you consider that a remon. other burst of color of dazzling brilliancy. arkitchen iv(-rflo r the there WAS 850 oil the nort h boundary audi $31) on the lable.ebarge considering my circum%tanceh',11 The material was tboricbest of brocaded do not take very long, for when be rotirci )Ia 'south boundary, providing tWe ailjoining comiant, at de.Jayt as firit one That is my charge silk, and attached to 16, each in a tiny not the Siberian only divests hinittelf of his an tri uni cipali ties (xpand equivalerit sump, Verlient woul.. d mrinting, an, The octor, re!icd all to itsolf, woro nearly 000 fireflies that coat d biots, Shirts 'aro unknown In Are ycu aware of The fAct thft for that operation; your eircumsf ances have PAY liV Y011.1 ()lJ oved in amendment by Alr,Code, seconded tilen. another. It . that the lose Siberla, and in many liouses bc4s alm nothing to do, 'with The lady draw a glowed and glistaiied 111ce so many electric samovar Is sob oil the dInIng room Canada Business CoUegep your by Air. Kirkby, that we expend $50 en tb6 of the day would �iteu ritid the lady own. Th The - plately tired out, n6treally so much from check- for $500 and preaented it to him. He 11�airyll lamps. Ovdr tlils was a cloud of ble at 8 a. ni., together with eggs, black CHATHAM, ONTARIO, isouth bauudaiy, providing 11ullett (!xpend handed it back saying - 11 1 cinnot except tool incelffln lace, through which came the the work she bad d4ne ai from the % orry and wbJte broad, sardines, Jim and cakes, an equivalent, —INIot ion carried. Oarno'tiou this, My charge for that operation strange gleams and dar'ts of' f1re that had i ' p Mutual Fire of Alessrs. Code a and wearigamo walting brounght 0 t by etc.. Breakfast is caten and washed down Is doing innre Inr 35 i�juplli thitp ally other Uulun�fs nd Cardiff, a number of t ought. - ordE­ " Very well," the ldy repliedf 11 Keel) thA amazed the guests. (;ol!vks in the Diftlin 0114 her own foolis! of h I by five or six glasso� of tea stirred Upith 43 JAPP8 waro placed in Wi moflo. Vtviant$ beck, and put the balance to my Credit." The Ilrofflos ivere of the ordinay kind, i acCount-3 were.ordered to b3 ptdd. Pith- w tidet , and BF compally. masters were appointed, as foll,)wa : For wor th speahs of . jf�Lv strong ins' 8oine tnon�hs after she received a long excopt that to India they are moro bril- sugar, orcam and sometimes ion). At 1 from rill ipiaArtersa" Ilmoking to thl� v. irthy JWl- noith b9tiudary, C. Hendersm, Win. Hen- a. few plain rules,' a d that is a conibi ation o'clock dinner is served, and at 6 In the L:c?s St irow ma')1;W. vlcr, 30LATED TOWN itemized bill, -upon which was i3litered Dewldm* large aftandance that would prova v ry helpful in the rder. llan6. About half a dozen of the tiny 1 afternoon another small nice], much like dy Ibis car, V pupil; regis',e r,?d froin nut- :)NLYINSURED 1.5 Toronto Street, Toronto. dersou, P. Fowler, Thomas Jewitt, John ing of houehold affairs. The firett early chay,ges for trpatment of various kinds, ten- creatures (lied during the evening, bbt the' that of the- inorning, Is talken. A meat ay'j u're% I otfix.l side poldtj, (* o. them trotri pointi nma tr to Hall, Wm. Robertson, J. CarLis: and A. every one pqssess a, the latter ever one, dared to all sorts of odds and ends of hum., rest continued to glow until the countess supper follows at 9 o'clock. 13mincrt Collegee thsn to Miller ; I t line, James Fife, 0. Campbell, anity, male 6nd female, black and, white, returned to hor hoinc.—Strand Magazine. We pgf,,unie thefo peopic InveetigW41 the -werits P. GODE tl%r.,AH and eppecially tI e houfekeeper, ceds i I :re - -d" )4 4,, Harlock 0. R. Maguire, M. Spence, J. - Sellar3, Win. * who had been mended at her expense. She of tho d nt tehools, and ecided,tfist riotbi, Yf J. Sbamoan, Flocy-Trais, JolInston, Wm. J. Johnston, and A Brook- There ;a a vast diff rence between a rear. Wa3 s6 --delighted at it that she immedi%tely -A Superstition. What Is Defflement In ludl*. but iho bast would satisfy tbein, h1tnP:;r;# thoY ATO, U44, E. Hays, Insie0lor or, Steani Boller Works. i anged, quiet, butl assur(ld way of king enridge ; 2ad line, J. H. Brandon, . Per- placed anoLher check for 8500 to his credibi Write tor cataloZue of cithe ment, and a oil the day's d utik`l, and � f ussy, b stling 1.1enrned of what Is to me a brand now rn every native bonso in India there Is a r (Jcpatt r.pi due, J. Jermyn, J. Ferrand, G. B. "J'arvey, on the same terms, and it is now being rine in wbich the bouichold gods are litt of tile 43 pupils ploxed in two 3aluts S. (ESTABISA . earn- superstition just the other day and I trem- ell nvionerugestiveof haying Iiid oat.,� cer- orkh,,John G. Griee, win. If, A. Shaw,- Wm. Forrest, and C. Forre ide, the ad in the same way... 3eafoeth; Thomas E. Hayn, at; tain courae'that neither time, nor t ble td think of tho risks I have been run- placed, like tbo thon In a Russian house. O"t. acd line, Win. Hopper, T. Proctr, J, Gar- ning all those years In my Ignorance of it.. The very shadow of a European or natIv6 Beechwood ; Thos.9axbutt, A. C 1-1 R VS T N L %vishes or conven4co of others can f�r ad Bruzefleld ;. John 1B. Me. ness, T. Brewer, John Budd, It. Sellars, instant influence r turn adde.—Chiristian Facts Not'to be Evaded., It wns at an Informal evening entortain- of a different caste FAming over these or Eltlocenor to CAryatal & Elaok, Thomas Bone, and George Henderson ; 4bh Inelit at tho liouse of a womall I I Work. the Culinary utensils of tile family Is a do- to Loan. Iinep W. G. Nicholson, B. -Bryan-i, Grorge Township Fund,4 -Mu.nufaeturers of all k1na rf 0 Fcts are facts. They are noL to be eva:de(7, and In tile room set apart for the -wraps of Illement, but the use of malodorous disin- Robt. AteMillan, &xfarlb dville; J. W. Yeo, Holme,3- Marine, Upright & Tubpl Proctor, L. Wheelee� It. Youill, Wrn.-Shcd- They are, and they will have to be dealt t1lo Nvomon guests was a inald who Nvas di - fectants is, In the belief of the people, an Eas To bab en g0odeCUrlty 8111 OD den, R. Crdiff J. Shurrie, K. McKenzie ter 35ouse-Cleaning.i WWI If you are poor you muet treat, that rected to -see to It that nobody's hat was outrageous. desecration, calculated to call funds of the TowushiZ (;f Tuskcrow3h, Fir pxrti� ock and John G. Morrisoa, I and Wm. Bryans. 5th line, H. Johnston, Nio longer is it ileceseary to imp as a iaot. You may be happy though poor, phiced on tho bed, for the, laying of a hat down oil the family tlic wrath of the gods, tulars ttpi ly to 400t 112RUZMat0ft Of UAUS- . you m%y do good -work in Fpito JAMES )JU11111LAY %Vm. Ferguson, E. Armstrong, A. Clark, J.. home-hoblers, . yoting.or old, the fa tphoant of your pov- oil the bed, as tho hostess explained later, and only to be � atoned by rigid PrYas( bit o prompily sbbt,indod to on BOIL E Pc _ - Ilensall, Above agicera. s6ddjesse4 J# McArthut, T. Ci%rk, 1). Sommerville, Wm.. E,astertide is pre-cminently ilia U610 fcr orty., you mtky be influential, as many -good always signifies the upproacbIng death of (penance) and the administration of the It 1672 tf Ult Pant,-ao ke I -or Works. Ames, Wm. Inues, and John Alanning ; 6rh house. cleaning. It, liag become tbe, cstab- and great men hae been$ who an, Intimate frion(I of tbebouse, Tbosu- panch gaviya, a foul pill composed of the etc., etc. line, J. Grasby, J. Young, E. Laundy, P. lished custom to turn hbuse3 OtItSI 0. in at have been obliged to say with St, Peter, pdrstition Is,. I believe, of Sicilian origin, flve products of the cow.—Westminster Canvelou, J. Thuell, J. Smith,.Wai, Smith, -this period of thd year, and somoillouse- "Silver and gold have I none;" ut., afccr and it's a very good superstition, I thik, Review. Fe d Oorn,. Also dealE,r3 a Upriht ard RorUezts) !.1d VG",Vt into the E"A F 0 R TFLTJ and Jolin Rotb�; 7th line. N. Taylo.: wopc with all is said and done, the fact remains that Inligmuch as it tends to preserve the fresh cg-'nea. Automatic r, -,�A Englues %,+pec6;.Uy. Al) Al. wivcs throw themielves Zen of pl. o hnd ofiti0anVy on "nd KellY9 %A T M. XtIly, Win, Cunningham, sae:i mal as to make thnn break� (101v� you are poor. Let them' be as ptient as neof dainty bed coveriggg.—lVashingto Foollnt Him, Carlo* A ad of Choice Arnei ica Y010W f�rist VeVmutes girnMed on obar t James KellY. A. HowleCt, A. 'L�IcAll, James through cxhatiattirm, and in SM16 CaSeB they will, the blind man remains blind, and po, In at, "Dumpley, I bear that you have, been jtwt received. PLiets vaty reatbnable. t Clennan, and AVm. Maunders ; Sth line, D.' 3&ueoperma�entitijurytotbeirhCalL,b. %Va the lame lame, while the pain which is for- misrepresenting me," said his neighbor Give us a call. O'Connor. 11. 11-chmond, W -m. Lti(II.Lw, J. say nohing of the inconveniences that, the gotten for a' while returns when the excite- indignantly. "Brozer told me all about 8F.AYOTIT11 Brown, J. Mch,'Irov. R. Skelton, P.Jackson, pogr mon folk have. to stiffer. It is Oue of nlebt is paht. 1 Lily good won -tan," said the parson to a It.)) McLEOD'S A. Button, GeorgiKelly, and A. Knight ; tho tibulatious that they must neceafdarily r It is a great thing and a'grand thingr to' Yorkshire woman whose husband'had just dGAII I said to him was that you were W. W., Thomson, Mnager. 9;li line, C. A. Howe, R. -Cockerline, R. go tbrough, and of 'ils chastening influence iso superior. to ones finfirmitiezi but there (ifed, "your husband * is nowurith Abra- one of the mosit bonorablo men and co4- System Renovator Brown, George Armstrong. X, Ma -Donald, there is no room for doubt. But for the cLn be no greater mistake than to ignore the ban), and Jacob," siderato nolghbors that I ever kpew.".. ? P 1873. John Shortreed, Wm. Sholdiec, john Ale- womati, folks sake'i�o would advise t heni to truth. It is sure to rise tip and aveoge itself "Tbatswbat makes mofeel sobad." I "Wonder where I can flnd that infernal —AXI) OTIJEP� Arthur, John Rowland, and Ocorge Grigrg. ca,'cauny,orascabnyai;bl,cy(,-ai3. Itianob "a ille end. If we are poor and plain au& was her reply, "for be was always so sliy Brozer, "—London Tit -Bits. McKillop Directory for 1898 F?Er �Vcst graval road., Jaes Gollay, C. J,aw- tbe woman who caur-es the most confusion, weak I slow, dtll!arda without any taleuts 'iraes, we havp con-. TESTED 14 CE. IS S. ianding Icind—well, those are facts with strangers, 11—New York Tribune. rence. T. GosmaD, and N. Emit or even the woman who crowds the g'rcateat of a ccrmlli While oil their way to CJiloriiia law, Xe)RRTW.q, eeve, wiptl�vnr P. 0, os and Organs &t A sedfle ant.1 antidoto for lairure, WcNk and Im giavtI A. Bryane, A. Fousyth, T. amount 61' work into a (lay, th:Lt does with iiiiieli we khaU 1mve to clel, DSN19i, XALEY, tpoverlehed BI-)od, Dycpcpsia, palpata- Tho f3rst n3an who discovored gold in week, Mr. Gcorcre 0aughte N111,unders, oud (-'e,orgo 0hristophEr ; B0- the mo5t effieicatoi k in ilia way of 1 house� An engineer may build a sufficiant bti,71ge el I r, %ion of the 11cart, Complaint, 4curalida, Loge A ustralia wag hanged for his Pains. lie p'"I 8& M 6 -8 LoWe, of Whinhain, were in t Ile t Weed 10 of bleinory, BfOLChitW, COWUMP01-111, Gall SWIM, grave, Wm. Watson ; Walton, 1, Al-�Don, cleaning. Itisbattc.rtotitkooti(irootiiat Counoluw, T.,)id;oUry P. 0. across a wide river with a mud4y b,)U,(nn aw one of the first, convicts transported to coucelvier, Beecb-Aood Jaundice, Ki ney and Ur!nary Mcaseq, 'it. vit-uv' old, On motoa of A-lessre.1sbister.and Lime and devote. two d,tys to its overhau'l wliich gives no proper foundation for hij . way wreck tt� Moosei4w, Mr. McKe=,e I Botany bay, and whon he learned the _P Dince, Feniale frie-ulaneics find Geticrol Debility. an to tax onela, al.rength, ud as a resul r, -a been thrown ficalor' b - 0 r. Kirkliv, the coupcil then adjourned. to t1j, pie q, just as railivas ha% great secret he brought a sample to show received a� black.eye and w43 ba4ly cat J011.1 8-DROW1, COURGUID] 0 ricb, Ontario. JOHN 0. MORUGON, Clerk, WinthftP P. 0. LABOR.ATORY— adt, ' the 30 i Solway Mesa; but big success* n4 Wo about the head, w1lifle Mist McKenzie es. D&VID X. ROSS, Treasumfo W1311111M R 0 - meet on 'th of May, for the court of have only two heavy oyes mid a weary smile across such quagmires as md. upward, 11r, . ­ nnot expect t 'W is Iptomptly h4ngad tow J, U. 11aLEOD, P-ro . etor and Xanu revic-ion and other busine". for the other members of the household, he ca o build ouch a bridge as he - WK. ZVAN5. Aim= S"*WOOd P- 0- ,,,spondbig pricez.: through trying to,do everything at once. mi foundation been V aped without being hurt 'In any Way. facturer. ght � have built had the DODDS 840FOi ftd0ft Ps 0, Sold by J. S, RoPERTs, Seaforth. A certa;in deacon that I know, considers Other advantages besides personal comfort to instead of mud. The mud is just hey were both ble to proceed oa their RIONAltD V4j1'!WV_, OWWy luw-clar,lUld- 15014 rigid disoipline essential to the well-being are to be derived from house-oleaning that are ghrin! ourney. X PURCHABIN0, t a ppoblem with 'which lie has -to deal. He b 11y. P. 0. ITT BR -O&