HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-04-08, Page 4II4 TO ff___U_ RON EXP0,191TOR APRIL 81 1.89 a NE W ADVERTISE' NUENTS bility to distinguish bevw een the genuine. would not have been heard if a had re. - that on did not supreas the fact instead of selves into what is now known as the Oa- and the zpurious, and -to enebil rules by flected that in by -gone days t Templar inserting it in the columns of the Templar. tario I Natural Gas Company. Originally this bad niaiftt%ined an exceedi I aggres- When the highwayman bids me " Good,d�y company -was composed of sever -al pal -ties e p Lpt:r o which the 1-whiolithe latter coiAd be rejeo6ed. It is Rive in North 1 ad )olioy against the Li r and 06 safe journey home," I concludo'he but now it is lmost excluiively conflued to also A fact that the iiiaila re new largel5 Brant, an(l that as a result ther6c f the new hag My purge. 1040ir ;f' I the Walkers,of Walkerville, the well-kniown -Barb Wire --Reid & Wil -ion (S) u3ed for the se of carrying paroel,3 of management found bbe subscript on list in Girl Wanted—Um Jinea puripo wli�at distillers. The compouy own about 140 a beautif ul spirit of. ohristian olmrity To St,ock Breeders goodi from de�artrfi�antal st,)res that consbitnency so reduced that the names I I —C iand;, othor i 1 wells in the surrounding Country where the and bTotlierly -love is breathed forth, in,,: this NoUce of D1saoiDe1e.,e.t Wed.,icil city establishmente.. This is, clearly, an of tub2cribers could be conveniently written natural -gas exists. This area extqnds about V(st TopE—R. Willis (,5) If and A &iap for.Cmh—A. 0. Ault (5) abuse, and if Air. M falook and -hi� assistants upon a very small sheat of note quota6ion. The 'character of Mr. Keefer six miles in length and'one m116' in width. ReA3011AU0, Men --Graig & M iiedonald (1) These extracts clearly prove t real de. and bi�asaooiatea may be well judged 1rom Natural gas, however, was discovered before to stop this� i *11 roat Oflie Grocery—G: G Wihou (5) would devise means ibuse, we e a signs of the, TeRiperal editorial in;: inagement *b. . Now that they have been unmasked, or this on the American side in: Ohio, and its dis- New Ideas—PraAdfiaat. Box& Co. (5) I covery fancy they would find that the free trans A Stock Complete—w. W. froffman prior to Mr. Wrigley's assuming 'Umtrol and rxther� that they have unmasked them- that a moved parties to l9ok for it on miasion. of legitimate newspapers- would not theCanadian side. It Was piped froth Ohio fields y 'ba M I luery—F. ReFaut as wh �ch many I saspecting people 11 fully confirm the suspicic Reve8 I sincere hub un wi to the city of Detroit. Now the Ohio wells are vith I epartme n a allude a] he hm Rouse 6, Mprdia(S) be.anvaeripus"blirden on the t! had and to. which w ova. Mr. be abl� to estimfite them at their true value exhausted, although he pipes are still extend- and even if continued the expenses of the Wrigley further says in I . .1, I - Farm to Reat--T F Date (0 justification of the. and in, READ THIS- tillfeir efforts, in behalf of temperance 0 gi to Detroit, It was' the exhaustion of the Comp'ate Stock—C. A. Humber &Son (8) departmetit could be.1) ought theasureably o, wells that,. get the people -on the 31r. L course he had marked out for, a& was pur- will bell leii likely. to do harm to'that cause Canadian �ide thinking,, and the more they Kid lip4,crs Ciearlri;c Me—Reafty near the revenue. We hope the llocal news- the :case thought over it the more firmly they be- AD suing in, the Templar: ia th future than has been Now is Youir Ghau:!o—Luwsd,,n Zz Wilhon (8) papers will stand up for their rightsin this- This leads us to say that the p,. licy of the in th6 past. The temperance caus, 0 is came convinced that if they. did not look House to lizent —ev. utzel. (3) matter, and that they will -give the� Post- Moveanage Templar, under its present editor! in into the matter their own fields wnuld soon burdened by too many advocates and friends Seed FetMeei—Kerchke & ti-amilton _(8) meat, has been "to promote, b a 1n th Fittd and Gudun Seeds—Kcrslake& HVIAlton (a) master General'to u;nderstaud that there are broad be depleted, and nothino left to supply the J i , ot this O'lass'and the faster and more eff6etu- THROUG 7" Wal PApir Sill Relow Cjs.I—Jamei Grw.;es (8) I and generous policy, harmony i ud, unity domestic Market. The reason of this depre- others outside of tho cities who haverights, amongst all the friends of ally th�y aie- weeded out, the more rapidly ciation Wall Prohl itionll'_ Lis P that the Ontario Natural Gas and whose interests-aho'uld be considered by lal ildifte of Will th c;Luse gr�o 0 and prosper. �,tny laid down pipes under the river to a announced on January 7 in our during h ring sighb, bag e 0- for* iri intended nLiberal Government. It,would be r-tro- work. To have been "agk as an interesting and inspi Cornpty of Detroit, through aa,,.arrangement WXL36 DO re ii, W the ei grade movement to reimpose this tak upon- the recent campaign, in the sp with the Interior Construction Companyforin. _T1 by our critics would have been to lefeat the th . a d illers, And brewers on the one �'Bide edb Anlericamea legitimate newspapers and their readers, and t y pitalists and supplied to the purpose intended, and to have left: theforces and he� Keefer -Templar prohibitionists on cit YOU GOODa too -of L - - Tositio, The oonseqtlence of this was that gas SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, April 8bb, )898 itisatax which would fall largely upon divided at a time when unity of i Iffort land the othLr,'&11 marching to the- polls intent is Isol. by the Walker Detroit towel I company in ar it. The ten aim should be regarded at 8 cents, while the people of Windsor had those who are least able to be of vital if 1portance On the one great object, the defeat. and . ....... —Al imit, also, which is p alga bo: pay from 20 'to 25 cen mile I ii, a di- ts per 1,000 feet.. left. fol to the movement. The plebiscite camp Puuisllm� ant of the Hardy -Ross Govern. T Postage on Newspapers. now begins with a greater de r of bar- I =1 111bis export of gas is a large dr in on the rect incentive t4diminith tail circa- uJuly Zon �Kt ex - i heavier drain will arise from the f- a.na mony between the various see i I a of Pro. inent. What for? We leave,.our readers to Canadian fields, and it is feared- that'a still A few weeks ago W intimated that wew were still t the Old Stan It has beenramored for some time th.,A lation, and would be an i nste�d of a hibition Workers than has ever before Z answer. This shows the charac- act that our only excase f6t- being here is that we endeavorin to do some -b Mr. ulock, the PoAmaster-General, con- benefl- b to newspaper: enterprise. t isted in the histor of the move pt- in the the Ohio plpes are still laid to t6 city of And now-a:dys it js a very Eilms, y Of t 0 opposition the Liberals had to Toledo-;- which will afford easy faerlities for' tar h templated the imposition of -po3tage, on The Hamilton Times reiers to a'uot Dominion. This could not havw bee f niportarit part of business to 'lot the public her n so if face at the recent election. No wonder th They newp3pers, and the ramor has now- been I ers gen. a different course had been Oursued by the eY opening up, a large And paying. market towhatyou are doing. phase of the question which pub ish suffere The Goyern- Templar than that which has been followed. cies Where the Canadian Gas- Company. didefeat in many constibuen 8 erally will endorse. it a ubstantiated by the introduction into Pdr- 3Y4 **,4LThere is a madness that too often leads they bad a right to expect victory. ;� No ment romised the matter its most "serious jWDiowi liament, oa Friday last, of a bill oy the The newspaper publishers are not beg- to defeat by repalliD the people 9 i, rather wofider hat the best Government that ever consi eration. gars. ;Thzy do a great deil oil I graiuitous than attr%c Pos' %ster-Gipaeral, to amend the postage ting them—by dividib , rather 9 TIFE HALT, THE YA'AfE, THE BLID, ETC they —and that kind of a 1plicy the service for the Government iind or the pub- than uniting existed in Canada came fro near being over. So much interest has never been taken in —A Templar has endeavored to avoid. we wo act, providirf,g for the imposition. of one-half Firstly uld JiL-e -to lie, the cash cost of which is a grealt^ deal thrown. The wonder is, that it. the face of as Was cent a pound poi on all newspapers more than has been gaved to thei pu6lishers the doings of the Canadian Senate ay something about such an unholy alliance and- in o These are 1101613 sentiments and!displ PP08itiOn - to evidenced last week. No one ge sent through the mails, to any point ten by t-6 free service of the Poitoffice De- ay 4 neral) y -Ion. Mr."Fisher, fo: a, praiseworthy aim and i may so formidable a combination, they held their pays any attention to twhat the members of rtinlent. I r.. a ampl 3.1though ihey miles distant from the office of publication, Pal I I . - I own as well as they did.. the Red Chamber do or -say. To getthe thureb will not cease requesting the rfeWapa��pera to not suit the hypooribical fire-eater who de- capes. and1br the redaction of the postal rate on press to pay any attention to thernf—they conve* to the public the results lot the ex- 'Vauey sire to rise Temperance as a mask fr th behind letters from three cents per ounce to two perimpntal farm's operations, 0&e� Ron. have to pay an official reporter, who- sup- which they may revenge� a person I gru whbre Up to date the election Les reports of the day's proceeding to the 'To-day'we passed into st* cents, throughout Canada. That such a Mr. Mulock be ins to collect 'postage on dge protests entered 01 ock some beauitiful. Chifon Vel!v,.et, Alel.-to 9 members of the pres's gallery, in the H a ng ly be all The Gunn still d or iujure a poli ic3d party which h a becom�fa number 49.. Of these 21 are against Liber- t Ca,pes, that 'are worthy the attention of iritendincr measure would be an injustice to the pa b 11 newspapers and Hon. 'Mr. D ., en,6r who- t on a Fel ever may succeed him a I Ontario 4inister obnoxious to of Comons.-- From.these reports- extracts purchasers, Tire- coi4s thern because the I aders re - ale and 22 agaipst Conservatives, but those are made and short articles published in ac- are fawn brown, car-dinal crarnet and black. Tli- O lishers of the majority of the countr papers of Arriculuture, will equost the fuse to do their.bidding and bow r, y modestly cy are real smart look a �d. Bat let u 'FitrmeW Ina-itites land t :ppo ad a to a large majority of the people * I down and against the Liberals in North Yorkli and cordance with the space %t disposal, and the of the newapapers to announce, free of �charge, the when you see them the prices will Surpliss you. I appro upon -3 of the worship them, they will b Dominion, is beyond question.* meeting 0 Oland East York have been allowed to lapse, on value different correspondents place h f I I Vith long 0 them. Until such time as the Senate made print progrmmes of the proc�erlings. appreciated by nine -tent ho3e who account of the non-payment of the� depo it, review the situation.. These things are all for the public good, but this -arrangement no one for days would, so that there is only a difference of th ress Goods. sincerely desire the propagation and. rise M have known it was sittina or Workina. Y, ry The reasons given b. pro. �ary t v 'Mr, Malock for i thoughts of the vublic L-ood are 'not convert- - Dsuch lbgislation are - Firat,—Thaty on a2- able into breaii ani mola gress or temperance sentiment an -�bhe ulti. the relative standing of'bhe parties. A one time, man ases I for the sui mong y years ago they paid so much runlpl, th fIr t inence, of the printers' birn � If 6overn- mate and speedy trium a lifie to'& local newspaper to give them half ac delivery of newspapers, I f - - . ph f t a temper- the number is the Soath Huron protest, I - or ifor fioth' mu arge nn a column or a colu � a day in its news Our range of Dress Goods _ 1� -ious, really adv,r" meats ner ask -d something ing allies cause. But, unfortunat ly, such which was filo.d on Ta is oxv coInplete, and we. are in a po5iti r of publie'at 1� esday last. Forty- J from the newepaper men, article. _0 the � nd'of flesh utterances are not t6 'be allowe through seven protests re ned to aurselve-ii. -r Black Goods -section -A*— Bhow you lines that are confi 'I eat gh the policy in reg%rd to newspa PT The sen(Ling of the Yukon railway bill to particularly attractive, and any. lady who is thinking are b -,,ii-- sent throu 9 ge presents depoaft money to Ou, i in Is free of'charge. "This argument will be.aitrifte more consistent. the Upper Chamber -changed all this. Every at 2,0�wing that of purchasing a bla, per ta would the columns of the Templar. ere comes the amontit of $47,000, thus the siguideant sequel; Mr. Wk who will call, we, will be pleased t 6areely hold water. There is in the postal gley steps -there is corn in Eigypt still. day the ' floor of the House was crowded, and ress, 0 give a 1§aMple for thi� purpose a as a large attendauce� in the different pai down and - out aad� -out for do Mr. Buch nan again there w We are service an army of erripoyees', and it does 6 don't keep a ttaff of Trouble in thO mouats the editorial tripod an the " bid- galleries. Not that there was any doubt about employees seem lidged peculiar�th%t between !hem -all they the mult of the bill, for everyone knew i it of Th ere's for 6thing,. in fact we collrt comparison, sanct Im. and are willing to be J I i den baud" will once more il�partial public. are not abe to detect a genuine There is trouble in th ­ the got i its we�k, TH DOMINIONPARLIAMENT. th'A the partisan character of the m4jority newspaper c�. sanctum! of nominally in the cauae of tempe ance act. of that body were from the very beginning from an advertising medium, and enforce, Hamilton Tempi which have OTTAwA, April 7bb, 1808 From hints, lially in the cause of the Tory party. In of the discussion determined to throw it, 00i the present laws,- which are perfectly clear forth, and reports, that C101 Ig a have gained P No that the Senate have disposed of the 'out, from the very fact that the present off this. point. the leading editorial article in t a currency, this has' been suspected for some Templar Yak a bill. comparative quiet reigns at the " Grit " ed it.The fate thar. of the 31st u1b,, we find the foll wing signi- capit 1. The proverbial be�el the Drummond County Railway bill In the second place, he contendal that by time. The diffic.ulty seems at lei,igth to have, calm .after, the ficant -paragraph storm. We believ,6 honest that we c tha imposition of this postage, he might be become too acute to be lQnger kept from the Whit the next sturm will be about last session, was sure to happen to the Cam all sve any mail �uth, boy or hi, T) it is )impossible to sxy. Every person is adian Yukon Railway bill, this session. Last per cent on clothing this spring. The manufact r r on't the yeaely deficit in his de public and even the Templar's o- 'el Since the last issue of the 0 S able to wipe he emplar Mr. that w d al With shrink Iva :flumns now, wondering w1sat the next step of the year the government were den give: the most startling evide George Wrigley retired from �the editor's ounced by the 'every piece of their clothing before making it up. partm, Zhapp. so, btit while lie 'par- ncel of 'this dif - Government will be with tegard to the Yak- Senate because- they were taking over the Coseq it is bound to chair, although a large porti of this ` -ive satisfaction. uon, Railwity. Some say they will drop! the Drummond County road under their own poses to raise sufficient revedue from the ficulty. 11 theF Templar was simply a pri- is to his credit.,*** It is I fair to �Mr. scheme, at all events'until next sessi We opened soun children's Clothing to -d -sell at $1, 81.1 01 anoif and 'control,and now they are denotinced because ay to newspApers, he, on the other hand, reduces vateibusiness dnterpris- we fane ts. Sane- Wrigley to say that h;.s retire ent t throw the responsibly and consequence Is for they are not building the Yukon road with I y IL w big revenue by the reduction on lette turn troubles and tribulations due to any person $1.25 a suit, that are- very special, nd must co,nimeu,d th rz. The ould na be al difficulty or anylu'es- deliy upon the Senate and the Consery e M_sblvps.. to in�telfigen f ative government money and running and operat- shoppers. t tion regarding his honor or integrity. I The par in whose interests it is well krilown question then resoi itself into which subjects for public discussion or notice, but ing it as well. directors also respect him as &� 46 would aive the greater relief to the greater it claims to be very much more W. 4entlemap of the Senate acted. Others say that they will You offer the -Senate white, said a Lib- ian this. much ability and valuable an theork ra -is Wack, and- you number of twtpayera ? Jou, alistio exper all w the contractors -to proceed with , and they declare it The solution of this �Wlaiinstospeakforthegre.%tTempe`1 ceand ience. The simple that t v di net ap- in he -hope thatthe Senate will be more tract- present them black. and thry denounce it is 1VTOME WITH ICHE CIWIVID TO GUNYN'S. proveof the policy and methods p qliestion, to our mind, �i2 not a d ifficult Prohibitioa party of this Provirtee, and al- xatted bi'him abl next session and will then satetion the being uwhite. 'How could it be otherise in the conduct of the Templ r, and'with task. "thou h fts right to do sa may very properly agr6ment and if they still prove obdurate, It is not the fault of the Senate, biA the such a differenee of view the! eat soi w! carry through Parliament fault Of the system. Men who The impositioa of pstage on newspaers be dis-puted, the fact that it piits�, forth so Was thought to be a severance �c a I propose an f the ed tor. f will necenarily i oney grant ith which to pay the con. their ilives- in the - Dlitical battlefield and neau, a correspariding in. protensious a claim is reason why its family ial relation..,,, p ,,W. W. Buchanan, one of the tractors. Both.these suggestions, however wheal they became incapacitated from old crea�w in the sabscription price. directors, -is in charge untiI 'an editor -Now, a ralationship3 may very properly be discussed is I are merely supeations, as the Government 8 selected. ,ge, �r 'politically 'dying because their in. w. As is gen y �nnwn, for the very large proportion of the subscribers to in public vie erml nor any manbar of it, has a3 yet given uen community ceased to exist, in a newitp&piera, the country weeklies, at ic-alt, rrian years, in fact ever since the iace&on the slig itest hint as to what their policy wift uto the Upper Chamber as a Just so. 'NGw for the 'hand bebiac' y e hD Dr whether they have a policy last ef, al�,# farniers, and to them ib me&us an a -'Of the paper, 'Ur. W. scenes or the face behind at all uiza and as a reward for party.ser,- ditional ou'day that t i W. Bucbanan. was t mask -L the or z ot. Sir Wilfred L%arier, who has 1 been vice. In their own opinion they are just do- a h-ey -�May get their the 'responsible B.G N iN C4th editor. From 'Ithe eratic reader can aflopC whichever similie ploans con0fied to hia* residence for several daTs, ing t4at-Which they, think required of weekly budget of news, I - is Whilp_ this ia- course of the raper on many occasions, it best—at lea3f, a finger or an eyp has b re- ing from a severe cold, will, probably, them/. They will coutinue su to act - and sn'T"i creased dthough Mr.' vealed Mr. Buniamin B. ee: think some scheme to bridge the diffi. when the Redistribution bill of next year is outlay isbn ' ecessibated, we ara safe in was suspected that i Bachanan A Keefer, b tter up saying that the re was the respo, known as Rev. Mr. Ke culty, during his retirement- In the mean- presduted to tbem for their consideration it duction oa letter postagel risible editor, his chair was, afer, -o�fmeo out ifare even worse than the Drummond Leadbury. volumes, and a book of over 4,000 PAgia& -eighth of the' usurped by some the front, and in a long letter d aR a and costly preparations to. commence CouAy Railway or the Canadian, Yukon WITHOUTa, doubt we never have bad such hvery loyal citizen will be in honor bound will not to them make tip ozie 6 'On who, I I : to time, the contractors have inade-exten6ive wilF p rs I tende dflareuce. The 1111i0ritY of frmers write Aile possesin more than d chastisement of Mr.. Wrigley, ( the his venom an ts the fe)iue work.,They have large numbers of men on the Rail�;y bill. a variety &ad such good valu& in menjs and boyt�' to observe the laws and see that they are ground ; nearly all the requirfid machinery It was, indeed, a spectacle to see old men P"jw shoes, as we have in steck at th3 present time. properly respected and enforced.—A. C. and ie infamous wat . a goo4 pair of s -Aid wearing sh.-tes, coTparatively few letters, and would, ih�, spleeir, lacked his good out of the,bg �tud shows and !a grist of supplies,while 'large quantitie being wheeled along in chairs, and invalids W. A. Wilson drove up to Bayfield, Ya!74 judgment iant sin. erity' in the interests of the Temperance !hyboeur for yru-aalt or sou. ou win makenomistake andChuton, where they isited consequence, receive Very little relief from c scheme which -this "nest of I aitors had an(l on the way. assisted by messengers to their seats, in the by going ta %V. 11. WlLws, Boots and Shoesa, Sea- ali columns htabed out and which the in -c Ming of of other material is bought that quarter, while the extra cost on -the cause, and who used the editori Sotnl� pereon willhave to pay fori all thi nian Senate to speak and ote against forth, and other friends, and returned home last Ronal and Wrigley to,the'remplar sarietul i prevented -a will be at the the government measure'for opening up the 'NOTEs.—Mr. George Sternigle, lie newsPaPOr-9. which thev -weekly re--elve f of the paper fo vent their own pe� it isinot,likely the contractw who 11tc, Tuesday. ff. Eggert is improving t ]O!Zs for their foie -handedness., Yukon territory, a matter in which- tw - his arm broken a couple of weeks ago is do. 0 d -the would bear hea.vily iIPO-n them, Those wilo political animosities agaija8t th who re them from using. We quote I in Rev. Mr. appearance of his farm y attin os�el - 0 0 own would be befiefitted bylthe change would be fused to bow to their treas Keefer's letter; it is a precio THE ESTIMATLS. t continents are deeply interested. To ing 9.3 well as can be expected. —Miss'Emma tall poplar trees to let th� young maple ured opinions and u production gea of the Canadian Senate as being a safe. Brown left this week on a visit to relatives trees grQw up.—lkir. W. 11. Edwards has Anufticturcra in the prejudices. In short, it was more, than sag. find it speaks for itse)f and nee I no t9ach T4'e estimates for the revnu d guard against b4sty legislation, or to say t St. Tbomas. She purposes being away a the inerchauts and the M es talk f- I I - bought a beautiful driving horse - also a v.al- large towns and citics, where there a d by not a few, thab from any other hanfl ditu�c for the coming financial yearhave been that t a occavants of that chamber diac '01 mouth. We wish her PI asant visit a uAble 6ow, Holstein breed, from Mr. A, re now while making I to emb Nab it. !He h CT nd -a portant questions in a jadicial fra safe return.— es in the way.01 6he fr.'. dd� [great proiessions of Temperance,' � I me of GeorgeMe tcheon,sonofMr. Mller. —Mr. --'J-. McGregor bought a vatuable large expeaditur e submitted to the House. They seem! to im U a ,the Tem- give Ood satisfaction, and show care and.& mind, is simply ridiculous. Toat an appli- -David McCatchnp, who happened with brood mitre fiom W. J1. aift week.--�- -plar and its inatrage, i political F6r years r eg a livery of, mails and other advantages no t re. ment was more 'RIC were storing t a,, niagaztne d. for economy in their compilation. cation ilson I ceived by the frme ' witb shot and shel ill be made to the Imperial Gov- painful accident, by A. 0. Wilson racei W 173 nd those in the :�.thaa' tempelance,' and that i(a I for use in tWadvance The'lexpendituts on capital 0,00 , X which -he lost one finger vd application from I desire. to in- of prohibit ' �t OUDt is to ernment&3 soon as possible, for the power and had two others almmt severed, is the Experimental Department f Agricul- smaller toWnq, Yet who have to coatrib-ite ' jure the Liberal.party an i0nizits upon thfi citad�t,a Toron. be materiall -reduced but there is be getting yl an to remedy this state of affairs is pretty er- along nicely. George is a itimnly YOUDg lad d assiatilthe Tory to; but when the hour struck ture at Burlington, Vermont, for sample inchrectly to'those privileges enjoyed by the t party wa3 a c4rb.' incre; se in current expenditure, render;ed tain, otherwise responsible government will - and was d price of Siberian oats. ety to ad- 'r atronger than iLs auxi'l idge was taken from the -store, ouse, rjo�t a neces ary by the extension of the intercol" be a dead letter in the Uni ad tat - Kelly'a Woods all winter. We very much resideats- of the cities. van - ell fired into the rank or t S e a. at work along with t ce the ca -ie of Temperance and Prohib; f is, onial into Montreal and the government 7� enem and REASON CUT No FIGURE AGI�NST i'RWUD1(JE. reg I ret the accident referred to, lil i�ilie From the stand The. prolifbitionists were e_1z tt d in L f the great Yukon country. Ma point f the piabl4hers of tion, and that while it wa, professedly, the crisis by' the once valiant `.Iem�, Py Stavzel, who has been residing in London, Kippen. the co-autry new p, r I of th proposed expenditures are, however, Neither threats nor prayers nor argument. for some time, is,home on of th a visit.—A social 'NOTFS.—The balmy days of March bav` spa er,�Ithe bill, if put ba great moral Refo`rmer and tbat,�'alone, it had ordered this policy? Had wlNr4n WPI1010- raven a produo;ng expenditures. That is, availed to turn Sir Mackenzie Dowell and gathering took plac the statute book woul� be of inealculable took advantage of the confidence ieposedlin perly led we might have routed a at the -residence of Mr. turned into winter days of d y. 'when the- works for which they are intended big follow -Senators from their decision to James Campbe April. he of Itafew evenings ago-�--.Afrs. ground was again clothed in w i on inibry, The sub'.3criplion ppice, these , it,by its huppoiters tovatike the Liberal Ross Government and administe, pr per are c ropleted, they are expected, directly, defeat, the purposes of the Dominion House - Mell,'wen, of the post office store, has -got All dav' 113 ax rebuke to* YL h te an Papers ii now fixed in accordance wit, pr over the back of the Te those who have mole gard for orin irectly, to- produce sufficient revenue of Commons in the passage of the kon in a nice stock of goods for spring sad wO4 t'Pum s were frozen solid, 11 ty I 'r than pract u 4 I ace and pewe, ple le It may hich had not hap their free delivery through the mail, a d pa�ty'. This little trouble in the" Sanctum, tolar ely, if not wholly, pay for their cost. Railway Bill, by which the contractors for summer requirements. Both she and her —M r. Wil a ened before In E iseason. easurer, al ustler 4o'llowers, The t so, catimsEce very consider- Ithe construction of the all-'eanadian road daughtr are at all times attentive in both in the bay line, is now 8 ipping a number a promptly adrnftteid that carrf� li in Calmore, w.h i h lands. A v O 3,10 ote.was reached on Wednesday- patronize them will find their prices right. who has been Mr. Grant's housekeeper for anyone, who has any kuo,�vledge of the I'mal therefore, has Eerved one good causa, as it as it rule, desert -an army in'the� � our of an a Y, i creased receipts for t a coing year. 1were to receive their remuneration in Yukon the store and P03t office, and those who of rlo a t 0 a a ably, i angagerlent ; Lbttt I h has proven all the suepicion.3 to that is no reason why the ca ad )uld be an imposibility P 1"ch we POSTAGE ON1,1KEWSPAPE10. ntreal.—Mfis -Jessie Dick, ne,63, knoW3 that it wt 13, general should either order a retr�fit or our- A night on the motion of Senator Macdonald. —The Grit to -increase that p-.jec. I have alluded, to be true, and hag uly public ibill of importance intro- a appear to be. pretting the-'bebr, of some two years,- has to Sei to- n that event the revealed The render his command..., PU f#The %tawa-ad- dnri g the!past week was that of Britiab'Columbia, for IL six-month hoist of gone the hand behind the scenes 'hieh was minstrationwould havegood rek ays. In the learn the divaismaking, with the Msseb,Cud-.- VIier, in order to recaun him -self, would diiced c by it in Ontario for the last -few d' to re� I,,),It Af n �he bill, and the result, a in�jority of 38 for meantime, we hope no new offices a- more, who have lately st4rted a 4ressmakifn directiug this unholy -and treacher' Spect. if not fear, us, had we showh th'%t we amend ent of this Postal A -at. 16 provides In ous course. will b -Ge'eril Mulock for the the reablution, condemned McKenzie- -treated, as there are aboatas many legisla. bus' aster have to allo his, paper to deteriorate the the nrx11ter of the qu To come down more clo had the purpose and the power to'6urn dowa f r t antity and of the qual- sely to particulars, a h re -i Gait -ion of postage on Mann deal and released the, Government tors, and luess in that towtk; 'The Missu Cadmore news- are well up to. their b -espeak we may and a reduction from three cents ity of Oe reading it contained. say, thai early in Ianuafy last., r. a Government that had played W4 71th us. paperr MP 6om the contract. The veto wa, offi�cials now asMe can keep right, to tbe� strictly party division, two, Conservatives for them much saccess.—Farmers Who hae on this issue. To -day they can poi� for not & asilless and wv b been busy during March plow* P( fivoring the contract and one Liberal and Wroxeter'." inf SAAM now 4 Stirelv Mr: Unlock canot have seriously �rears the fact that the sturdiest. ex* Ment lof proi- This I tter is conditional upon theformer one through,- and are paien Georg W. Wrigley, for many to two in the postage upon domestic lettere. and carefully considerad the conseq-tencis al.'le editor of the Farmers' San", a clever bition in Canada-Lthe Temlilar— erted its goingy nto f9rce. The argurneub of the Independent recording themselves NOTES. 'One of those pleasant so-ci eaul on colors at the critical moment, and e, -silent, p against it. The Senate when complete, con- events that are taking their f5ars till the Ppring -of lauch 6 It' journalist and an earnest and active temper a] its of thi newspaper tax is that t a free ;7- inally taina 81 members. There are now 2 vacant time, was celebrated at the residence of Mr. r parents, Air. and Alto. lhall) of tbiis -Jamesl0rozier, of Seaforth, is now visiting tw, before he presanted this bill osto cc Department for the re-im osition place from' time tO or ance man, was eDgagcd -Chief, permit me to say that I have not** ht the seato, making the present membership 7.9. T. B. Saudere, on Wednesday of last week, 01'10 woultl ba-ve seen what a ridiculous, r -in must hang onr heads in, shame Iransm Sion staad Ile has taken, and the weakness of his on the retirement of Air. Buclianiin. From triumph of'the Ontario Conservati trans of newspapers, has result- Fift, 'two v 9 he a, in otes were cast against the bill when his young mes 11astari 6ed For the P that onwards, the cour and, but a,, ca as an, , m . y. village.—Mr. Ja tj ad in the up -growth of .a great.- many rest daughter- Annie- was from Mr. 1141ann of Seaforth, a ma; he I as purch ne to an en4—t a and only fourteen for it, eight members being Joined in the 'ny t' 'r td t u I was consistent w of the LibeWs. musn 4 in newrpapers, really adverti hOly` bonds of matritno Are of the mantif m h ui`P`n-'�e Of gratifying the de- Re of thfp Templar i a niea defeat ushrjo h sing paired and five absent. The real in. 0 team of 5 -year-olds, which, W all a rers of large cities he is ith i(a proficasions, and such painp ts in disguisei that, howeve vote,,, Mr. Robert'Gibson, pioprietor of the Oat aac pppear- endeavoring to minimise or destroy the use- i as There you have it, brother Liberia is( cludinj the pairs, was thus 56 against 18. will be able for their w should commend it to a a all, then se is ork.—By the rery real temper. as within the free tranam, sion law. meat ini'll-i here, There'was a large attend- number of egg wagons on the road, we Inu its hideous deformity as There in a distinct feelivg of relief now ance of relatives from- far and near, and the St- draw the conclusion that the he 111111M and inflaonce of tfle CadUtrV be, auce mau and woman, and if continued mapped out by one, This, co pled with the iacrease in size and that the Senate has cleared the atmosphere. numerolia gift attested to ws- 0 aper. would soon f the principal plotters,—the ache' "rutati a of the newspapers of the great the eateern in make it a which T resteist secrecy is observed as to- what which the young coupl are hold. Their few jok idle.—Friday last being�the first no are not ar tin c rea country, It does seem peculiar that a Libera however the Ternpl' anagerneut had propo ed—for or lea oil lating all over the has- 21101 fe the next step. es were enjoyed by th of April, enormou good in the land. Such a course� I ly added to the amount of tree many friends here exttid the heartiest con- Ose sending erutn�nt sho t pleasing to, the politicaf� the promotion of temperance? Oh� o but matter ant t rou lTHE BUDGET AND 11711E lations and, wishes for- a happy an 0 178 On fools' e.rrands. Tils uld for a moment entertain, such wr's no tricks'ter3 h gli the mails. gratu tile' ` Statistics MASTER 110LIDAYS. d a prop,,)aition. It wwi the Libeeral Govern-' who delight to mrsquerade in the rout of the Hardy and Ross i overn-, prosperotfs future. also took & 1itI Id haqd in the fun, and A few Iwe�e gi a ereas Mr.' Fielding, the Finance Minister is tod Of its readers ere �emperaifce They went to Detroit a- In ent and other places on a wedding trip.—Mes- ent., when in power before garb in orJer that they c)in the ter They 'ehave not soug�t i889 a little diRmPpointed b thelt! iumph at 9,000,000 pounds of newspaper liver his Budget Speech to-dav (Tuesday.) Oil that hnp,)sed injure I -, when their Uvoriite paper failed 'to bring 94 went t rough era. Ik-IcKelyie and Hemphill, of this place, of the Ontari; Conservative the mails, the amounts Wednesday the house will a�A ourn for the have b the p-.),,ttge on the Lifferal pa,rty and littild up a as ', a end, was iner ased to,16,557,000 pounds in 1997. R ist or Holidays until the ught the11ildmtLy woolien mills and —Mies Bertfi�a IVison, of this Wlxeu the- I I its spicy news. This hu a quan ty of matter does not iii,. This will afford the financial gladiatbre on king the nece9sary Pox Conzervatives came into power the postage ies I ound that an; end, the d feat of -following Taesday, a them after ina has taken ition at the -4re this Provinceil Thete part "but as a will ru ti the Liberals, and all for ths � use of elude p rs that circulate in the city or --both sides ampt rep:dris in the dam, witieh was swept making' With the Alissag oudmore, of t4py could not." uso.Mr. Wrigley as they hadL a wasremo.�ed buvag soon a.,; the Liberals a time to consider the forth.—Afles Lottie Upshall is I away come into po �cr_again they 'once more seek it �fortun�' el y used'Mr. temperance. Heaven help the ca' if its !town of ublication. It -is proposed �hat deliverance and,weigh the, financial con i- by the spring freshet. —Our. merchants are at bvaiaes3 this gum. o Buchanan and they. the mail may be us preparing to, do a grp law weeks at the home of Mr. &nd 34;rs. ad for free delivery, in tion of the country in,order that they impo3e this burden on th I must have h;m deposed. Unfe�r beat chan�pions are Judases of t Thomas Shillfrig.I&W. of Tuckeramith. a. country p be, eefer the coun ry within a circle of ten mar with the farmers in butter and egg,,., —Mrs. tunately for miles of enlighten the country on the all import If, is, indeed, It pretty specifacle to the cause of tempet ance, they hav 'ad Vance by the P!a-.e of publication, and that for all ic Sao papers. 0 succeeded stamp find* it it is to be quiestion of moliey. t Messrs. Hamilton and -S hipped a; James D' ko of a f rth, daring ihe fore papers as t.beyond the ten mile limit a rate anderson s see Liberal treachery and deceit such that di closed Part oftheweek jited her sister, Overnment, with all its too Well, as the following extracts from the car of fat cattle and ho Monday last. vif I ya on by the above quotat If any Li berals of 4 THE J1UD(.,ET. WatRnj ii�ho is still on. vaunted b0azt] anti cries for the freedorn - Templar too clearly show. In Its issue of f cent er, pound'shall be.iniposed— cent Grains flotir and oatmeal are being *shipped )Orl.—Mr. John ip Of on Janu McKay. of this village have be6n deceived y I next and .1 cent on Jul# I le quantities by the tactics� f the Tuesday, Thereis oul th March 27th, we find the foll P Hon. lklr. Fielding-inade his m ur njills in considerab at as been bus for thapeople,and the free expres3ion of the owi in a lead. -ill b a strang+e thinj if the, in- 8 Put few weeks breaking up sod on tbe a yono tariff change. present. y Voice of the paop!e, that o ing editorial: Templar in tho past, we ask them no 0 outeide of the rrefereatial clauses, and that 25 -acre lot Of r. David 0oope ano of their 6, wbat getuity . Ilarliament cannot� evisesome tr. t It was a surprise to th acts should be to impose a tax on' hey think,of themselves ? scheme to ! tch those fake newspapers with- is the sugar duties are increased'from, fifty Ka having rented the tame. etter roat] the great- a editor of the wilf # cents per hundred pounds to� about 65 cents UreenwaV. est eflactaiveland enlightelliag median, of the Templat*io hear its policy attacked by bull But, to further show the spirit of If tred out 'punis ing all alike, both innocent, and - not be had this season than wbat we had for some days Past.—Dame rumor bae guilty. T a bill oes -not seem to be very per hundred pounds. GATILERINGs.—r. T. Coughlin, ex-M.P., newspiper. a dozen delegates on'.11onday at a largely' and malevolence of this cabal which a night favorably eceived by Pa it, Lhat two storfs are not sufficie present ae, ilia countri attended meeting of th As to preferential trade, after August I of Alount'Carinel, was through here buying i rlia at to adp- a sharei­,�holdem of to be.' -ray the n r. Mu. ock'deiircs to make ends meet the Templar Publishirfg Co cts a a that it wi if M 'tempera the products of Great Britaiu.aiad India an(i cattle last week.—Mrs. Kate McKenzie, ply Lbe tade of our 11 be given pretty ati ff woald-be go_a�head burden of Op lie West India Isla6da are to enj who has been visiting friends here the village, One of our enterprising rp�,ny. The hands of iti enemies, b J t foy 'a 25 in big depar,men'.1, hia iagenuity bhould i 4hesong.of thedise �eutcd o ut who were position when it comes 11 and th nee at least reading. p for its second r cent. preference when entered dired in. month* returned at to� Canada. No foreign Government will last -it to the- task of do' CANADIAN CAS. week.—Complaint ha,been laid before We would not wi: ba etj t� not Joined the P3 *1y and rat It 0. th,; , was that the Templar had on rtially, foiled in their u[A Pa. Past citizens is going `tO embark in t surely to, her home -in Clinton 1,in enjoy any, pre have een r furither deel' otn For the E cond time since CI)n ference as they now do J. P. that several parties b wait fo opments.—The rush federation a. that the tariff'remains mr. a -imp: sng this obnoxioul tax upon seait the Liberal Government in this province the letter oi this mouth -piece which has delegation rrived in Ott ch of me"els appears withoul Ing OpPoAtion force 4 in a bold att4 scheme, wo inake an'Ar (luotation� r, vouch forthe sam. butr newspier ptiblishers reders. So long in the recent election may"be only an a it wa*s. but shootin ducks. No true sportsman or I _�, El,%va. tosee tile (,-,AV. 4.L- 9 'to be now over- and ll Stuart Tuesda ge, W" taekibid Insuon, ill. : I -ceivied le gele Air, rieud mar Ar T114 10 as of th, from taken -on An princil a Iring wesko went I wbioll; —A Rallift plea A -ode for. t iing- M�iogth. was 9 a The AMC) _Je was., was lucident-that four of t clausesiuregardto pro reatihl trade have loyal citizen will Shoot any valuab .no were so afflicted are now nide'l #A the itw-nense oullay. for G1,13 f coo delivery he six coinpl come to the front. In his reply ta' 1NIr. ernment to� large to be received le gain y recovvr-' ing. We in any been proparly narrowed clown to our own a 0 are ex -members of the Templar ine Wrigley, from which I t bird at this mes, on.—Mr. J. X Tom public of letters and ppers in the c;tic.] is con- spaper ave al2dy P UO Ou Ai4e the Chamber ofthe Hiouse of empire. The Government's action, in ex- school inspector, A staff, but it is equally well to �enj'etnber tbt Conimons. �!he first occasion Was seven' sited school I 0. 10 last quot6d. Mr. Keefer fvrtlicr says nr tin n tending the preferential clause t In his re Ort lo the trustees he a —Rev. Mr. Asbury and family took tbir lied, 010 Of the frze carriage of legiti. though the, lea er i eight years ago, when the al o the West Week. P a the hosti a I debate re- Did the change or policy miake for up by -sanalian PR 'fie Indies, 110twithnitianding their comparatively �bat on.pils that- _w st a eso attend regularly. are Ina departure from Atwood on Morid&j,6f ket ? Railway AUO, Grand Trunk were fight-ing bigh tariff on our products, com- ing substantial progress he calls their at- week for Onondaga, )Br&' Mato qP!!P:?r5 f -r th-:� baneft of rural PCO-te'lly and 0rci y urged tha r lu- You wsure us that it did an(I ci views as port of the contention mended all over as another contribution tention to fixing up the fit county, the ne'w resders 811"M nOb 4a Of. And, tion be adopted expressing his, te, in I up- -hard over c�, rta-a railtvay charters in the will be th6sa of the meeting, no re the fact of reca' ing Your �O I t was in- numerous, l6btera cougratulatin you oa stance was, Asbury has been all- n Province of Quebec, and the only other -fence, ete. parioh to whicl-. Mr, r together. trii- pointed A lazrge Tfarnbet of'friends gather- orth rant ws the change. Nob knowing who our c tees and tea6hers to talk up a live inter�mt ed at the station to Pee them off. -if the M'dli ttre an,l; 1�y aud oppressively troduced by any one.****i wiednesday ltat, when o 'in- from ths country toward binding the empire -correspondent would add a word to all -ited by the chief coin0iinaut as a con. pondents Inuat conclud ex district r burdened by� the free carriage of papergf c C.3 250 repreeeniltatives from the B as ing in tree stituency, a re pe6ting of 0 t here to derna d th t tile ex. planting at 'home. and a" -EWS pa.p=ff, which are their worth fronh tho on] Andrew Klea, -who has babn vigit. which are not N_ that had been lost by the Come-- arlo ca a round the b It will soon be time, to dig the h vatives because the Templar had �ot joined v Ono I do -noi por -ighborifir, �-Last week, while Mr. Edward Bettier, holes and have gan, bnd his brother ia pubh Ron. George W. P ta2orf ot. i�atural g-ts to tl'i'e pea school. she(laad circalated tsimply as adver oas, Alinister of is mother i,n Lo city of Detr it be prohibited. 'Natural gaos everything ready for Arbor ch"14 for nearl the fight todefout the Liberal candidate, tion. !-He wished*you succese. I am lot of Xlonkton,,was attendin- t-itb was d verO in Essex count 9 to the hors Y two months, has lft y Bev had the. misfortune to get kicked, whioll peace, has -received the* new revised statutes Hol%tz alto 1' AlAuitoIN6 Mr. Fred IL tieing sheets, it should not be an impossi- but the murmur of the discontented e-editer surprised that he did so am surp *" our justice of the for Boissevain loco d ea. he (lay. —31r.'W. J. 7 Wileon, ered 1, he discoverers formed them. -' laid, him up for a few days. eft qf�ed years ago, it - 1"I I h him for thQ paMe Of Ontarlow, W, A 'They are in two well hnnna nineka