The Huron Expositor, 1898-04-01, Page 8!7:
APRIL 1 1898,
to hi father one day last -week
e that remark paid a visit
in' not- the first, traveller to mak
lor, recentl af ter by Mr. Albert Ta�
ness of Atic e a good 46 to see big sister, Mrs. Walkerof %a a
'be devoted towards re- I suasive tioneer Hamilion oorn, clothiers' employ, in The People here know they hav
7 his bride building to pu�chiaer Jackson Brothers Who has been very ill of late.
this vicinity will wish hi' nd
S01 S �as Grocery. in mechanics' . iustitutel from bined to obtain the $6,000 The in Clinton.— Messrs. Willis & White re�ently countryand they appreciate it, and, Ormit. perons,—.Rev.
vs ;1 in their new lieving the
every happiness and, pirom
isr Mrs, Muir and ehil
MissForiythe, Who had been its present - itiournbrances ; and 7to. as- R bert Scott,who owns the adjo shipped from this statiOlf three -car loado of rule, are contented and pros re
departure. liwilog lott, Ai'nother twenty-one acres belong d n intend Dashwood.
buy. W.* Muir,
ith relatives in 'ist the agrioultur&I societyin erecting, sold to the hogs. The gentlemen are extensivc
To Encourage Cash Trade mikirfg a lengthened visit 8' ing to the same estate were: for Scotland about the end of May. 1�tOTLPS. —Mr.' Harry Staulake, -who live's
building oti-their present grounda to replace.
Toronto and Wingham, ret!urn�d home last for $650. The stock, irr�ple- era, and put-ftfo circulation a large sum of leaving
since their last visit, about three MileS.WeSt Of this villag We have decided to givetasper cent. cash dia- funer- the buil4ing destroyed by fire. last fl�ll. The Ifiller f Lially good prices. money.— Uncle Tom's cabin. concert was It is JI,par, four ye.Lrm
week tQ attend the late Miss- N�Iason!a ente. I y I I -and they anticipate a very p letripted suicide on Mionday by anging, but
count to all pifichaseii at $1 or, over worth of goods, anies' inatit o Monte, went at.eq greeted by quite a large audience on Thurs- 3ople of this vicinity, who lately ;'cause of the mech I Le made by the Trusts Co ny their native discovered befate he could carry out his
except sugar and fl3ur Alone.' Those ho payeaeb, &L —The pi e'parto ous- meeting th "i friends in land.
as -for
ironth. this will be bad the privilege of hearing the Rev. Them. sented by Rev. Dr. McDonald�' 1�;pv. W..J. The am 0 wo mg.".. day evenin of I t week. T t Mason lefb.bere Taeday *at iLot. Mr. Staulake has been observed
or pay accounts PrOwPtiv eVe�y L We have noW Wilson, of London, of Toronto, which had been appointed tained by cle Tom and Eva were the beat —Mr. Ar bur at
obigadvarta!"eto cash Quo To will -no doubtbe our- Hodgins and Mr. James Lotherlabil, while a he —The house.
t the West., We have not I
Ni" advanc- than 4tbe Martin family,tbe head of which earned where o act strangely for some time.
In stock & culf line of new 11,2111 1,' burrants, Peels, primed to learn that. he has! rebigned his that of the :grioulture socle mining features of the concert.—Mist' Mary Ford,
Xuta. eto, for the Cbristnfmai trade, We have a G. E. CressweTi &�d Thomaw ill in the asylum and the 'two re now, who has been visiting will locate, but feel assured that he will sue- hoia effects of Mrs. Grill were sold by aue-
1, choice Coffee, and charge. birs scarcely able to to
good stock of now seaso T"I —MissNell McDougall accompanied i ed by Moser . i. of near Luck
Nys. It remains now With the people to Mom relatives and friends here for several weeks, ceed, as he is a � pushing, energetic f ' ellow.— tion. -on Tuesday. Mrs. Grill- will �go
all kinds of Groceries, r 'Mr. Watson will moon b ve ar-
ts Any one in talu- A large- her sister on Wednesday as fir am Toronto., I E. Hi ),�,�noney, and a all Michigan to reside -with one of her song.
ased at re- I say what Bliall be done with th( turned home on Monday evening last.
and welt selected- stock at Crockery, best Granite
Sof oar people veerei Jple about it Tuokersmith. re
75 up; beOt Granite Toilet gets, Mr. Jam, 0 grumbli -, rangementil completed for the cutt�iug of Miss Laura lCibler, of Zurich, spent Satur-
Tea Scts, from $1, ek' from ell that there may -be a Miss Myrtle Vance, of Toronto, Is visit
train si. Eo up; a nicefor a Inew D t -we to lhgould come, Thoms Lane of ting friends in the At -
call ias a v4 - visi
inner Sets of the ceiving & -i otavei. He hae a large quantity of logs and day and Sunday
, ooD BULL.--�-Mr. 91
d from afterwards all who have A.�, h r relatives in Heneall and vicinity.
itterrig. Call and see Baira. Hehaa not entirely recovere, i beO. quality, and nobblest a h pu ob sod from W-� J. so Somerville, of Imley City, Michigan, it will give imployment to a number of lage.—The auction Pale -,of Mr. H. Reese
ttiew. The highest P6 d for produce. wanted Ay. — out on Monday and cast their b ort eir r township, has r a
am kut,is improving nil
good butter, eggs, pota, his leite illne doubt a�xloistt'llef in the rigqn. arm, the fine men1for some time. —Mr. Ivison, of Kippen, which was held on Tuesday, was well at- 7#1�_
nd drelsedlowl. Will J q, of Elmhurst stock f
n- Payne,, of.,Seaifor�h, has rented favorite scheme. Some ote yott�jlg bull, calf, Ro� This S Mrs. Job ' tie was part of last week and this the guest of f others delivered some fine tended, Mr. Roese has disposed of his car
pay good yrices for a good nidicle. en tied to v Val .'Baron.
nd will minds of some am to who is her cousin, Mrs. Charles A. Redmond, of and a tintuber o
Mr. Londaborough's fine residence a We re pur. b a to Mr. EL Greenthen and in -
0. WILSON, Seaforth. abile4 fund. particularl fi animal ot the beat isg usines
soon Move to the village. , Mrs. Ballantyne, an the disposal of this il the township of Hay.—Mrs. (Rev.)- Kerr re- cattle beVe On Monday. They we
farmitige--Msers. John and
Bank at Commerct Block. of Brussels, spent a few dkys here this have been instructed to say t�at all those qua ity of Ueding ati in of the fashionable turned home this week from Oakville, chased by Mr.0harles Reid. --bleserol-Alexan- te a in
t 90 9
e ther.
1 Olectione have e wish Mr. Lane much sue- GAR
n Mi red in color. W — der Mitchell andRobeA Elliott intend ship- are here visiting their me
k, the guest of Mrs. Clark.—Mr. who have a vote i auiciPa where he had been visiting big parents.
wee teri of Rorth Dakota,
s4 with his purchase. was here Ezra Schluch
g a vote in this instance. Mr. Wm. Colwill, carriage maker, has re- p!ug hogs from Brucefield this summer
Gr. William Muldr6w, of Woodstock, is visitin
-of his shop and put in Mr. John McIntosh,
—0 of London, visited relatives in the village on Stiud5yr.
in this vilUgpl. Lumley. large sliding doors for the convenience of last week calling on friend.—Mrs, -David Jl Was summoned home to see his father
MRS. UHE-3N,, RICiliT. —The many
Raiiwa�yj Zxpre�s, Steamobipp his mother �t were pained, modelled the front Toronto this who is very ill at Zurich.
-agent, Rouatt arrived home from
Telegraph, Fl.6 Insurauce BA—Mr. A.'Neil, of this lace
Boys. —Last week a n mb46r of young friends of Mrs. R. Cheswri �ftws NOTES. 'his tenant, Mr. Wm. Elder, machine
c9th. Although
to on a gharge on Mondkir,to learn of her Tel a nded the funeral Of his mother, in gich' —The Commerciat hotel now boasts the week.—A (ree-will offering amounting to
boys were before the`� -weekly meeting of
T ill for some time and -f ip at thc�
Agefic 9 or a. $18 was taken u
of breaking into a caiat the ail-waY station she has been an, last Friday, returning on Saturday. convenience of a telephone for its patrons.
t Blight hopes re entertained
lea th refrom. As it week past bu he many friends of Mrs. John Fyfe will be The central office Jiere has been very much the Chri4tian Hadeavor'Society, on Wednes-
usual guarante 4ith all money ord6r and stealing some a evening, It will' be devofed to the
The ras not, ought the end
money palp-jkage business. Rail-- was their first o nee, hey rere allowed to for her recovery, it v t d has now day Society also con- e r
leaned to learn that she is recovering from improved in its e
&nd express i o7uipmen e an A
an in 'Chi viuli'lMr. Che lit o mission fund. Th Mi .
way ticke go with a repr d then of was no near.. Along v e fracture of the hip joint, which she -sue- the convenience a lat, Office. —Messrs. bom i
to can be purchased previous even two children, he wentelrolfer —Mr. Wm. D and vid Millard,: of tributed $12 to; the Knox College, Mission
L orne of these i and their innie
ing or same Morning for early train. If Gillespie has learned' on mined some time ago, SL Lumley Post Offi Edward Urquhart
end the Christ. ce Chathani, were here part of last week and 'Society this Month.
resent fares are in f9'ree they will govern same lads had bi�k�n into a house i fathers,near Princeton public auction th
ca, and while ere 1was taken tore and 14 acres of land adjoining, on
eachere and stu. and stolen a number ot'drtiol if they are ma va tion this visiting their uncle Mr. 'Donald
or Easter business; 41so t roub e. to George Bell for the Mrs.Simp-
I . 7 mul Urquhart, reeve of this village.7
very careful f-heyv will be t with rather seriously ill with iLn intern aturday last,
ve er, sufferings but
more severely than they uld like.—A thing was done to rehe of $975, this being a pretty good figure,— son of Loridon, who was here for some A number of first-class farina for
Btem the tide of - Also &fly mount g
young man who is old enou a ive- security at 5 per cent, with
I 'Mr. L. Me- the disease Decess has been unprecedented in history for some returned to London.—Rev. W. E Kerr h to
W. Somerville, Agent. ed W a a comp,ar t, of money to Inan on far CIV
know bet- the doctors were unable to The beautiful weather of this past month ti;We visiting her sister, Mro. Urquhartq ha Morris and Gray, on easy terms
App y
1 4 0. he terms suit the bmtower.
tef, stole a lady's. bicycle fr . ment to OP
ly Voting woman, being onl �1 yea�s of ag of repwy -t
481 years. The farmers have been busy on t ser, f
Commercial Hotel Building. Donald's blacksmith shop, and the wh deliverel a very earnest and eloque F. & Scorr, Brussels. 1578
I afflictiolm -to her
-founrd in his poBBeSsioti. by Chief Gil- . Air death is indeed a, si laud ploughing. Some have sowad wheat, men on -Sabbath evening last. IMPLEMENT DELIvERY. The Noxo
u 3hildron,t while a
Bros.' Manu
slespie. As Mr.- McDonald got the bicycle husband and two yo while others are busy with the maple syrup. M he did not care to prosecute the 'thief. These large number of frie' rth will facturing Company gave a de
n in Be
allowed to mourn the �oso of a kind and tru,e friend. Constance. livery here of their noted implements qn
't be
are ich should n(
N�W MAN.—Mr. J. H. Ray, of Belleville, Tuesday of this week. Early Tuesday
Spring -Te matters wh moms.
in the Princeton
ild be made ins; were interre
P"o, but the offenders sho an The rema ves the news- has rented the cheese factory. He is push. morning, the farmers begau to gather in the
a —Beaut4ul floral NOTES. —TnE Exposmu gi at
BEGINS APRIL 4th. example of. If offences of this kind are cemetery on Wedue d
-Blue birds have arrived. -A good Many in he business along, and is meeting with station yard to load their respective pur-
sent by St. ornais church and
naturally en -11. 30 they
jageltute, have plow
g g
overlooked it will idanger the offerings ed some. -Alexander Nichol� jr., ood success. He is an energetic young chases into the wagon@. By
tually lead Sunday school, the Cc legiate e
erty ot our citizens andleven A
prop ad differ
to more ser
Masonic lodge, firemen �4t clubs had a wood bee on Friday Imat.-A Mr, man, and has had nine years experience in were all loaded and - ata d down tow
4 tons crimes. ' � '1 ) - - last -week. cheese and butter making. We hope that headed by the town band. There
egard o� all here Couitio was around buying hogs were
in town showed the deep n
o' es are qui e
T felt for -Aucti n sal common. -Another hemay do 'well this season. He intends some35wagonsin the-processiou. Who
'BARREL nd Favorite, in for the deemed and the ympath
bee came off on the 6th a few days holding 9, me tib of the shareholders and Till
CHuRys,Daisy a
qu they got down town they had their hoto
all sizes. RXID& wiLsoN, SeaforW 1581-1 the bereaved husband. I n em?a gotel,
L. I I - lag The young ladies were not in it this on S turds, afternoon, April 2nd. taken, au4 then went to the Que
OrkNING, Friday and patrons on S
time as it was the old women's day. Every.
hout the Two invited to be P. Brine, the vet. -Mr. yon Pipe left on Monday where the firm gave them all their dinners.
gnized throng Canada as ' NOTES. The
r Saturday, April let and 2nd. You LoCAT, BRIEFS.—Mr. J
commercial, i Be thing passed off quietly and nobody danced,
le hool in .. Ontario. for Drumbo, where he is going to work thin After dinner a programme of addresses,
ading present. W. W. HorFkAw, Seafortil. eran auctioneer, is still to the front. H
Enter now. Write for special circulars. ear, which make -MeNro. Clegg anl Dames shipped % car of summer. -Mime Ada Tyerman, who has sougs, etc., Wssr gone throu - It with. The
BIeTCLES, BICY9LES.-I have purchased has a license again this 9
eer i hogs from Belgrave on Weduesdayl.-A been visiting friends in thie'vicinity for firm was represented by Mf. naton and
S. Mullett & Co., and h
the bleyole business of his forty-socond year a an auction
nod miany.culverte have been repaired.- some time, has returned to her home in Sea- Mr, ieral age4a, and the -local
W. J. ELLIOTT, Princip,
dge was repaire
t oil. 4444-52 opened out In the store two doors north of Md 9 Ferguson, got
right. Re. this neighborhood, and till he livel d on forth. -Mr: Robe0t Young and his mother agent, JiDhn Lang. The de�lvery speaks well
Wilson's. All high grade wheels, prices
pa-iring of a I kindi a mpeola'ty. Gy.:)Ros BALDWIN, asinstry a younger man, be e visi Ing 9
Monday.-Isaw Currie had a sale on Tues. Wer it' t Mrs. D. Bombard's, ofExe- for the ener
ale. fMi Bell _gy and ability of the local agent.
forth. 1581-1 up his end very time at a a - ISO ) to Algoma. Mr. Pe) op le, S
ing able to hol The hill at Sunshine bri
hune day and will soon movc I& t week. -Mr. Lou Farnham and Mr. NoTus.-T-he new constable, Alex. Me-
ecau -JrL n, Oespo-U.LTRY WANTED, at A' -Our
Sale. IYOUNG's, sea- Bethune, daughter f Mr. C� Bethun ter,
left on day forsoiniboi Currie will be missed on the 6th line. T. Adams have each bought an extra good Lachlan, and caretaker have commenced
forth, next week. Hishobt pri e paid for nice of this town, left on 0
Our semi-si Northwest here hep' e assessor says he never saw so many dogs be. Durham dow. We have seen Mr. Farnham's their work. -Walker & Smith this week got a
nnual clearinj sale is now on. 16 pro. dressei taikeye. Ter buggies,
fora in the township. They are on the free cow, and it is a first-class nimal, and we carload of McLsuchlin Bros.' noted
i opporttiijity for buyers to secure ��'ohn Ward. sides. She has been on aged to I t
ments a Wand To PouLTRY
seasonable winter goods it extromely low prices. Mr. L V. ear has p5elhainse list, understand Mr. Adams has got a better one. which they intend selling at low figures to
Seaforth has eggs toseltfdr ba ng, from Barred, school there. Cap@, and IM1W Fur Costs, the building lot t Mr. Wm. Fairservice has started gather- the farmers in th locality. -M
d tr e,
Boil Ana White Plymouth � Books, -warrants, tu . from Mr. Wm. - Gray,
Capes, and si;Zer furo, are moving out rapidly. with these hen stana.
I ing eggs for Messrs. McMullen & Stuart, of den, after, a general decline, died here on
Some splendid bargains are being offered in Men's Mr. Ward won more prizes the head of John street aifd adjoinin M B#sy
last Huron poultry show than any other breeder f SPTLING Siio-%v. -The annual spring show Blytb, ani now calls weekly for the hen Wednesday morning. She was a sister of
Overcoats and Suits. Gray's rosidence.-Mi a Renuelson, c
Youths', Boys' and Childfen's si.5o for 15 egg: s. I5W_8x4 1
Plymouth Rocks. on with- the Hibbert Agficultural fruit. Farmers' wives find this ve tho late Dr. Carder,�who at one time resided
Also In. Prints, Flannels, �Dress Goods and her sister, in connecti ry con.
Swxzpm�s, Bisslel, and Grand Gall, who has been visit ng wiW
deep Into Laffl= CARpET
M hold on the. grounds of the venient.-Mr. James Rapeon lost a Valuable in Grey. She leaves a husband to mourn
-ibeing put ver) rm
The knife i ondville, for some Society will be
)A grade. RIUD WM. Elliott, of
Clhildren'sClotht$ats- ii we cordially invite all to Rapids, Cyoo- Beirings, the highi
1581-1 time, left on Monday o,- her home.--m-Maia society at Staft, on Thursday, April 14th. horse lost week. It was one of the team her lose. The funeral was on Thursday to
call and examine for themselves our special offers. Witwit, seaforth.
scrapeq, A very" liberal prize list has been offered for that he purchased lately.�Mr. Lou Farn- the Elm cemetery. -A,* Hunter this week
A FEW of thi
vicinity is
3 prices at J. Graves & Co., street has again been oroughly entire stock, and an Stafla and ham had a plowing bee on Tuesday. He got four pair of prairie chickens from C.
a, and clean appeaT-
S6aforth Fine Amerloin Wall Paper, ceilin, frieze and now presents a ne
In es
his. id to IZ4,e the country a permit
Wm. Pickard &Go. and side wall printed to match, 4� cents per roll ; �ance. Major Andersor always has thi noted for fine stock, there -All undoubtedly save thifie a good- way to get rough ooA Ian ', of Neispawa -Manitoba. Before they Store
Window Shades complete, on sell Acting rollers, to U�rned over quickly.
done up right. -Mr. Ge, irge Cline, of M be a finerdisplay of anim wera 5,11owe
NoTwr—Rev. -Mr. Westgate gave a mis.
-SEAI�ORTH. 121 cents; Curtain Poles 2.) cents complete ; Wall r
this week, maki g got from 'the Government. Mr.
ings for li cents per foot t4 match all wall ham, has been in t hadtobi
sionary address, illustrated by lime li*bt
paper, for cash only. 1581xl arrangements for getting up the can Hunter intends seeing if they will do in this
views, in Grace church, on Monday evellm Clinton.
Mr..Cline presented th icountry.-Tbe last horse -fair was held on
-Profemmor Anderson, Queen Esther."
dience was taken from S
FNXNOLOGxsT HERE Outf GATHERING.-Atrangements are being 'Thursday of thii week. -Farmers are busy
n last. The an
prenaloglat, sigraduate of the Amerio:in Institute cantata in heveral of the towns arou
Phrenology,New York,is now shopping atDitk's Whersitwas wort sue6enful. -Mine Nell America to Central Africa, thence to China made for ho-ldin a, grand celebration here etting ready for the spring work. h 'for -
9 fing in e
WAT AD. e reveren gon e
'Cog"teffheolm 'a th Call and get on Queen's Birthlay. A strong committee New Goods have been com,
"a 1581xl - has the affair in hand. -The ground was
Ze ie. Leitch, of Bayfield, ij visiting her sun he mission neveral weeks, from the greatest said beat,
nde I vin in June next for t
Irs. HenLry, Of n4ville, and her cous-
sources in the world, and we art- ed to
HARD and soft wood, 1ong or short, de. o wish him broken for the new organ factory on Tues-
-hill, reeve be libl to announe that our L now
e orders at ID, Mrs. Hugh of' Seaforth.-T60 ary field in outh America. W
DISTRICT MATERS. livered to any part -of the to*n. ILeav -The Epworth League Lday, and the work NOTEs,--Mr. Thomas Hemp
our several establish- success in his- work, will be pushed forward a ment
store. s. mudin & Go., Sestorth. millinery openings n L Iving an open meeting on Thured am ra W ible._'Rev. F. W., Mr. Robert Miller, and Mr. John A. Barnard about complete, here is not
riday) and SA- in gi sy w_,v; : .
to- y KI y as Pont Terry, oni th
rint or wool dress Monte will be held eches will be who hed the cricket club here for a were in the Queen City last week. -Mr.
TRAN-zLpms.�ThO following persons were. Do you want anew evening next. Short or given as coac in bur great stock of Ladies' W
tbis,spring, or a fine blouse ?If so, Inspection in- urday.-The hockey el b is preparing for t i's hoped there will couple of years, has accepted an offer- to Daeronian, an Armenian student, Of Mont- iot received its share of attention, and we
ticketed through to Points west this week on missionary work,.
v1W at DILL's, Seafortli. 15811 minstral show in the near future. Th �, lectured in the iiation in making the statement
-P.R. agent: Ar- be a large crowd present, a;fj a good real Presbyterian college have no hen
by R. J. Macdonald, C. ot art'!tioedlewojk time is coach the McGill college team, Montueal,
us for your hardwiLre, ietc., if you in- are three lady instructo day night (it last week,.- that our selection so far an wortment,
TRY I - Worden this,year.-Mr. W. Cole, who recently a
tfxur Mason, Brucefield, 0 Victoria, British season. S. NutLwff & Co.,Sea- in town and the ladies of the town ge U expected. -Mr. and Mrs. Charlie old town hall, on Tues
- tend building this ave moved into part of Harry -Drake's his farm in Goderieh township, has bo, Mr. James Fox, of Binesels, was visiting vtiety -ill oam-
Columbia; W. simpsoll, Brucefield, to forth. 1581-1 eased to see th Lt h , and reasonable prices go, w
their element. -We or pare with any to be found in the I
Baboli I house. -George Wilson, formerly of this the Spooner property,& short distance north friends hereon Sabbath last, likewise Mr.M118
Po M Sloan, to -SEE the now wall decorations fit J,Graves Mr. Igor an z o Vuckeramitit, just
-H.S. Smith & Cd a- towns of our Dominion.
rtland, Oregon; Miss - Vea Bethune, & Co.. sole Paper hanging, be t village, has bought out a grocery business in of the town. For th thirty-three acres he Hazelwood,,of Clifford. t
Alexander, Manitoba; Miss far Sesfortb.1 south of Egmondville is able to ug again for
0 ngman' ag mill has btarted runni
to Whitewood, Assiniboia John Gemmell, painting andalzt1ting; prim moderate. Give us t Seaforth. Paid $2,050. -Miss Di has been en. Plani,
as a call and be CODTIUCLd it as tj and as they have me
ist we are leaders In our ;ain after his serious injury received , cured a great
-A I itt, e a ed by the Colle
15SIXI fall, by failing off a 16 d of corn. I g g giate Institute board, in the season,
Tackerernith, to Itinisfail, Alberta; Mi
nplace many house contracts they
Laidlaw, E ondville, to Burnside, Manito- d liter of Mr. W ley eattie bad her hanoe BluevaLe. of Miss Combs, who resigned on ac. will have a busy
ba; Mrs. Ertin and Mrs. Lim"Irton, Hul. WANTED. -Fifty second-hatiA cook stoves b:udfj" burned last7ow by falling Agai NoTm.-The Presbyterian congrog nt of ill health. time. No better -work is turned out- the
ation cou
&cbsuge for now ones, at onew_' ;. Highest prices Messrs. Hamilton & Sauder. oe
in e count over. -
Them. Allen, Toron. 1681-1 the stove. -Dr. Gibb tended. the fune have put new lamps in their church. -Mr. lett, to Leem�rs, Iowa; s. RuLuarr & Co. Seaforth.: Your Best Chane
paid. son a ped -a lot of fat cattle and hogs on
to,,,to Victoria, British Columbiapand return; I Essoz,,s FREE. -Ottawa, School of Art of his nephew, Will m Humphries, t John -Witdhell shipped the see nd carload of sbyterian Ladies' Aid
0 Mondi ky last. - cc
Win Gilmoreof Stanley, to Neepawa, Man- Resin t. The deceame e rolle To we the new goods in all their frelliness.
Needlewoork, Miss a J. Barrett, Principal. St. Marys on Frida Liverpooli' England, on F. A. Ei
my to of )WARDS, Bayfield, has a good me. social was held in the manse on Tuesday
Min A. F. Grant and Miss L. K. Lewis, pupils of t although he had been il for some time, w a ;mopnld ismes Ids and. Sadie Di I action of the latcot styles of Felt Hate and Suring M'Iht last and was a success. -A great taffy is how I We can onl
K classes in art needle. only a little over 8 yea of age. (,ran ro -b �t we
above school, are conductin� -Mr. Ale b were visiting at Mr. George Caps, to which he Invites your attention. PrIeen column what we have to show, And t
TnE WI -ND Up. -The meeting of the work in the parlor of the Commercial Hotel, Sea- epresentin the fireman, Mr. Hudson's this week. -Mr. Christopher most rewonab'e. a as held in the sugar bush of Mr. xious to have you callandmaeour,
forth. Lesson& will continue for three weeks and Broadfoot-, r 9 tt. Sanderson, on Monday night last, and aria an
Literary and Debating Clu�, for the pur* Aoon, id lacrosse clu Brinker i# tearing down the shop! formerly WAFTINGS.—WM. Tip t who has i&nt a
are free to Ali. mours-morning, 10'to 12; afterr us M. Jackson, the footba at I %F* showing. You will likely be most -ini erent-
t sed by Mr. Robert McPherson and! will the past year in Marine Elty,Michiganj and the hospitality was as boundless as the
di the business for his 2 to 5� The object of the school isito show the cl xon o at
pose of win Ing Pp and Messrs. L. C. Jac so ed early in the' season in Dress
of work it does, as well as adverti3e. 168t-1 petites of the guests. -Mr. F. V. Di $
year, was held in the council room on Tues. the masonic lodge, at tided the funeral f build a house on the site. -Miss Laura has been learnin photography, has returned Blouses, Wra�a, Gloves, Parasols, and
day evening. The balance of 9: funds in the FiZLD AND GARVEN SEEDs.-Remember Mrs. R. 0. Cheowri 6 , at Princeton, Farrow, who has spent several weeks visit- home. -.John Mewcombe, of Godericb, a court reporter, is at Whitby thielweek.-
treasury, amounting to $10; was donated to and call At the inammoth seed and feed stor's, and Cousinsi of I at Mr. Robert Mosgrove's, returned to former resident of Bayfield, was in town Wroketer will add to the list of her lady bicy- Millinery, all of which are important n t
Wednesday. -Mr. A er dressed loy" .
examine our stock of Clover and Timothy before buy- clists this summer. outfit of every well
ReiUmdons of' condolence Ig home in Goderich last week, -Mr. W. last week. --Wm. Jewett has brought b
the firemen. Also a quantity of Seed Bailey, Pdas mondville, has been laio aside for a we her is were to ask us for a brief outline of
-were pawed expressing the sympathy the 'Corn. HAMIUrOM ot�g the fir t wer'
&Oatmi, and a quantity of Food' so. on account of an at�taek of I& grip J. Daff went to Clinton on Saturday, on steam Xtcht from winter quarters at Gode- or
ember Drvsdale. and their prices, am
K"stAxx, Seatorth. 1581-1 The degree team of Av6n Lodge, Indep business connected with the flax mill.-Miso .-Mr
g -Silk and
In a of the society -felt at the removal an rich John Whiddon. recently pur Wgd� speak -of would likely be
mayor, Robert G. of Oddfel!6wa, Stratford, w 11 Florence Jackson has gone to reside for a chased from Mr. Logan the property across NOTES. -On Friday of last week,
by death of our late 'I CALL in at Dn&!s,_Seaforth, and get price cut Order
iDress Goods, for these goods make u One
Scotti and the deep affletion -of one of the tot choice groceries, as you will be sure to become a ;e here on Thursday eve ear with her sister, Mrs. Bragg,of Calgarys
visit Fidelity Lodi the river and. purposes erecting a fine resi- 'G. Westlake treated a number of her friends
1581.1 of Our " Greatest Departments." 4*-
--fe do rees on several ca rally are fond of Ion g at
members, Mr. R. C. 0hewright, in the loss regular customer. .-James Fe to a taffy party in theaugar bush, the party
next, and confer do orthweet Territory. deuce the 6oming summer lAdies' gene
JEe the best on in
of his. wife. No'further meeting of the club CLOVER, Timothy and Alai dilates. -Neitherin its orninginnoritagoit1ig son, Alex. Ferguson and Arthur Peck ri;ft being in honor of the hoFteeb' birthday.
nice Silks for Dresses or Waists, re.,
when it is the
ill now out has M&rch acted' he part -of a lio�. this week 0D board the steamer Bagfield at The day being fine, the children enjoyed
wi -be held until next. fall, market, at SAmics McGiNxis', Sfafortb. 1581-3 MoKillop. - there re many. pattems and ebad.. imd
expected that theociety will again be re. CLOTHES WRINc-ERS Li Wing and Throughout the month' atber, with, Owen Bound, having been engage for he themselves immensely at pulling taffy and
snob. RHYD beautiful things among am*
organized. Royal Canadian, the best . little exception, has It particularly fine LOGAN Vs. McKmLor.- The following some very
Wiwoi, Seaforth. 15814 -We are pleased -to hear ot the ap. other amusements. When the last rays of
t I , - in in
I suffering with hs ;case. between adjoining townshipir has just season' Thev are in the New Tints
T. 0. Kemp is at. pointment as master of the Panther 'i of thq settin disappeared, theF wended
DEATm OF C. M. W111ITNEY.-A few weeks JusT arrived new Wall Paipers, the largest been disposed of by the Courtf Appeal be- foetuhus. Sprigs, in Checks, in Roman, and other
leg and is only able to &t out 11 i A. W. Stalker, a former well-known resi. their way irpeveral homea,wishing that
in the County of Huron occaslona Ilea.
ago w6 published- a report, announcing *the and uiost complete stock ' but in improvinj _1W.. Brymer, of D fore Barton, 0. J. 0., Oaler, Maclennan and stripeb and in Floral Designs. Oar
Whitney,ot Woodstock, and prices thelowest. J. GRAvxs Co., Sesforth. g. -Mr. dent of this place. Andrew's many friends thiy may be invited to many more such on.
It v for go own
death of Mr. U. M. Moss, J, J. A. : Township of Lo od Silks are from t1.25d&*wmn 50c,
1681XI troit, is on a visit to hik sister, Mrs. W fo.-* will be pleased to bear ot his promotion and lo'birthday parties in the near future.
and, formerly of this. town, but, after its Township of McKillop-Garrow- Q. �F#p r. with one special lot am low as 25c per yArd.
wisli him success. -M r. J atnee Whitten in. -Mr. R. J. Scoop of the village, visited
for garden McLachlan, East Willislm street. -Mr. W. 11
rom noE ; but publ�eatiou, we were pleased to learn that, Now is the time to prepare The Dress Goods are pretty this isei
se6ds, and it 'you want good reliable seed, sure R. Counter has the con f t ing in Is plaWtiff, appealed f judgment of Ar. tends to leave shortly for London. He will Mr. R. Orr, or., one evening last week. -
although seriously ill, the report of his death t1lact or pu t dia- there are so many kinds that it is hard to
giowth, call at DiLL's, Seeforth. -1 arge clock a Commerei I mour, C,J., at the trial at Goderict,
handsome I It th have &public sale of household effects at Messrs. R. and T. Sm wdon have been so un
WAS 1113orrect., However, we learn now,z ig the action, which wa� brought to 0 convey to your minds much f an idea
X guaranteed, a: t e M18811 lin
SATISFA( ?IW nd all work hotel. -Postmaster Die son is havin one o'clock next Taosday.-Mise Lottie fortunate as to lose threi valuable yearling about them. There are n1 i olors in half
with serious regret; that Mr. Whitney pus-, ted Watch. Clock and Jewelry I interior of the post 001ce nicely papere . recover from defendants the sum ot $378.38, M t
ed away at his home in Woodstock oi Men- a`j�' '" r7p' ar in was visiting at Goderioh last week. cattle and -one fat hWer from what seemed a dozen New Weaves, IV;;- Checks, New
A. Humsm & Soq. Jewelers, SeMorth. 1681.4 ideli r and for a mandamus upon defendants to
He has Also had an electric light chat to be an incurable disease which has been Fanoy Silk Mixtures, Now Cre
YCL levy orn Ian a
day Dece"ed had been ill for a ic Es. -The Norwood, � ladies' and the waiting 1 oom.' When CO that sum and interest fr and Kippen. pronounced by two of the leading voterin- vari
a The
rowth. He o an
Brous was j�reiits, there is no hiaher quality or better wheel owner spout ise, W
ti a cane a liable.therefor, pursuantt ard and Grenadines in great
office will be a neat a one as aries of Huron to be I It' 11 hich I
rn borii in Brant county fifty years ago, and Imsde at any price. We are offertnR this great wheel made under the Ditches and Watere roes DIED IN EDMONTOf.—ItiS our sad duty thin from some unknowu cause.- Goods pricesare 25o for & fair materb 50a
Early place. -M . J. W. Hodgins ori inated
In & WILSON, Seatorth. 1581-i eek to chronicle the death of Mrs. Robert 9 for good, mind from 75c to $2 per yard f )r the -
for ar great number �c,U years was in the' t $50 each- RE is
DISCARDED ACETYLEE Tees- in London t1'_ week at ing the Woman Act, in consequence of proceedings &ken w Ed onton, aughter-in-lai While Mr.
-The F of Wm. Bannerman, anemployes
hardware business in this town About six GAS. so r. by a resident of the plaintiff townshi for Bell, of Mr. finest and best. Along with r Drems-
ti Auxiliary Missionary ciation.-M of the Snowdon Brothers, was utting the
water News has just had an interview with lit. Mrs.i Bell V.
years a!go he disposed of his business here a drain which ben fitted Andrew BT11, of T ckeramith. Goods, will be found som� retty stl led of -
the making of
Brick regardin Roza, of Goderich, was i town on Saturd
oi his experience In lighting the windmill into gear, the weight slipped and
It the bloom of life
in th ome of the residents and was a Voung woman ust, i Capen and Blouses, and a Majuifleent ort -1
and went to Woodstock, where he engaged lauds in both ty dfL
Vendome, one the finest notels at section of last. -We are pleased to n able to state that inflicted an ugly gash in his handr.
o' ere and after a few daV& illness was calleaud.
in business with his brother. Hits wife and Not being able to Inake iilrood Arrange- �d up ised ment of -the best qualti Kid Glo
country. Mr. W.J. Sutherland, 2 had been lai town'ships. The questions raised �i r
an, adopted d&ughter. as well as his mo -the iting by electricity. Mr. Brick contract- olraway. She leares behind her &sorrow -
r ments for ligb amm (1) Whether the person who initidrU the dei Parasols.
ad for a 75 light acetylene gas plant, the fitting@ cost- during last week with aulattack of infl Stanley.
and three r proceedings Was An owner with eafa- in husband and two, small children to mourn
generator was outside In �& separate iory rheumatism, was a ciently recov(
in_X $175. The oving W 8
brothers ourvive, him.. in the n !e loon of a I if and affectionate STRANGE FATALITY. -Mi. Robert dnow-
Ig of the Act (2) Whether the defendants
frost proof building, partly to meet, too
uran0e re* to be able to return to St tford on Monds 113
mother. 'What makes the bereavement all don,of the Bauble line,has had the misfortune
objeotionabI6 ng
EXVERS RE -O' t i n g quiremento and partly to obviate th were at opped by acquiescence from r4isi
TnE B it After a trial of over to resume him duties ifil that place."bob ud (3) whether per jelly to to lose four of his cattle. They were all NG CAPES, $1.50,42.20.,
for the purpose of re -organizing the saver three months Mr. stench in cloamug it out da the tfie more sad,to all the friends, empec SPRIN
Brick h Tiscarded the acetylene Minerva Bh;tes, of Bayfield, is this wee first question ; a
-some of the' rN the widowed mother of deceased, is that Mr. affected the same way. The first one, that $3.50, $4 m42d $5.
b for the co as held gas plant, and has had the entire hotel fitte visiting Miss Ella, Shaw.�-Rev. Rural De I notice was given to one
u ming season w d up
M in the mill wag mar, died, was a young animal, then a promising
with 6§ incandescent electric lighti from 13 whose lauds are charged by the award Belle? nartner with h
in tho town hall on Tuesday ovenin, when ided t
He olAlws that electricity is not only cheap- sis er and both died within ast a
the town Hedging and Miss Pun6hard atter ied -to Urs. Bells heifer, and after that a fat steer, and I SHIRT WAISTS, 50c, 75c,
funera of Mrs. R. 0. Ch" awright at Prinef - Shepley, Q. C., for defendants, opposed ap
AILle A��__ the objections to the acety- -85c, $1, $1.25, $1. 50 and
or than the gas, but ion in peal. Reserved. two weeks. -The hea felt sympathy of all splendid thoroughbred Durham bull. They
re cut, B. B. Gunn; honorary vIc0- lens is its offensive stnell, Its got9ing �,LUt 9f order. ton. on Wednesday.- oly COMMUD
the friends of the fam ion is extended to the all took nick in the same way and all man' $2.
It ay morning. next,
1'ry P Henderson; president, Dr omit Thomas' church on d
king a sooty dli�hargo 06m the burnoto, and St.
tr%id nt G. E bereavbd husband and friends in this their fested the same- symptoms.' Mr. D. Me.
the amount of work necessary to keep� the generator KID GLOVES, 50c, 75c, $1,
vic��presidcnt, W. H. Willis, -our of affliction. Intosh, of Brucefield, accompanied by an -
charged, or@ all saved under the1 incandescent tat 8:30. Next k b ling Ho ' ly week, th 3 Hensall. h
W" $125 and $1.60.
inatfager, R. E.-Jackmon ; secretary, electric lijbti;g system.-KmaARDINN I REPORTER. last week in Lent, there will be divine sex - NOTES. -Mr. Jan)eii Canning's 'eldest other veterinary, . has held a postmortem
A. Beat; treasurer, 1 obert Wilso com vice every evening, exec t Saturday,st 7:3 SPECIAL NOTICH.-Tho, latest New York
mination on two of the animals, and they
and Paris fashionband displays in millinery. wein. daughter has been very nick child for the exa
W. Payne, A.'Bethune, A. lllcLeii- a PARASOLS, at all prices,
vile every lady to linery opening on -past week, ble being pleurisy and are at a lose to know the nature of the die.
and on ood Friday at :30 a. m. -J net our spring mil fhe trou ease or wha special value at $1, $1.25,
Neil, W. Baker, P., Muleah A HuRo.T Boy's PROMOTIO. Mr. George round off March prop y we had a elig Friday and Saturday, April let and 2nd, 189& Re- t was the cause oUthe frouble.
inflammation. We re pleased to note $1.50 and $2.
-Gibson, latel of New Westminster, bnow flurry on Thursda while :the air w' member the place and date at the old established.
delegate -to C.,L. A. Meeting in Toronto on F. y by the good attentioi i of the doctor and the Mr. Snowdon was at first afraid of tuber.
British Columbia, and more.1 recently of E RANNis, Hens%ll. -1681-1 -
Good Friday, 4.E. Jackson. The prospects anything but balmy-- sea Ida and Jea nursing, that the change is for the better. culosis, bat a thorough examination fails to
for a good team thiw year are exceedingly BIVth, has removed to Montreal, where he Dickson visited in Toro this week. -W a: FARrdzRs' AND BuILDERs' ATTENTION. -
Just arrived -s, carload of Beactivills lime ; also car -Three of Mr. D. D. Wilson's e no reveal any symptoms of that disme.and Mr.
bright, and. if it is possible to retain the has been appointed accountant land cashier h vereceived from our friend, Mr. Wi'- McIntosh in of the opinion that the
of cement and lath, and plaster parts. Comsat stood on the market aquart last wee ur
a an I.- and Keystones a specialty. Instructions fro
players at present in town, we may expect of the Montreal Inland Belt Elgotric Rail- iam M rr y of D uph Manitoba, s with
iny, started bin, Press, giv. all cement bought from me, Store -house west of the dinner hour. Surely it begins to look like- ol en deaths occurried from some local cause, but
to see the boys land the C. L. A. champion- way Compamy. This is a compi up times with Mr. Wilson. -The cold nights and what that ir, it in difficult to find out. It Millinery
lustrated edition of the
ship banner here this Vear. two or three years -ago, with a franchise to ption of the Dan. station. R. CUDSIORS, Heneall.
-ing a comprehensive des hi�ving a bad effect on the was the intention to have Professor Smith
build an electric railway round Ithe island of phin district, its bistor r, its resources an LOCALBRIEFs. -Wheeling is now pretty innny days ari from Toronto examine the animals and the Is the theme of. the great majoritJ thio�
fall wheat. Farmers are complainin of
EG-MONDVILE OTES.-On Wednesday, Montreal,for the purpose of carrying reight �erable grain i b
itogrowth. Theeditionis ndeed a credit totb e good, and consid a em
manv pieces of wheat not being good. -By premises, but we have not yet learned his week, for it is the
Miss Maggie McDougall left for Sidney, and between suburban points a number 01
passengers enterprising editor of the Press. -The dui t brought into market. -Quite � the prices that are being paid for milch cows decision in the matter. Mr. Snowdon has a
Nova Scotia, to take charge of the millinery and the city. A considerable Portion of the. was flying freely on Main street on Thure- our villagers attended, on Tuesday evening LL
department of a large d last, a social held under the auspices of the amonj en -h -7g Week of me
j day, Land from presert appearances t ry goods establish- line has been completed, anti a! large bumi- I the farmers, we must arrive at the large herd of splendid cattle, And while the
xnent. Miss McDougall's cheery il ness is being -done. Mr. Gibson, who is a watering cart will have- to be brou ht- for Faneville Methodist church choir, at the I conclusion that butter is going to be a 'good loin has already been very heavy, he win b
price during the summer. -Mr Peter Grant, fortunate 4 he succeeds in getting the dis-
-will b6 much missed In our village and her son of the registrar of Huron bounty, has ext F rebidence of Mr. Wm. Caldwell, of Hay,and
hiding place ve 'y soon. - i
from its N 11 any further losses, No w 8pring 8tyles.
illage gardner, is busy putting in order ease stamp6d out witho t,
Tnany frien& here deeply regret.the parting, had large experience in this line, having day is Good'Friday and will, bo observed report having had a very pleasant time, and the.v
but will wish,her every happiness among bee I
n in the employ of the Canadian Pacific a public holiday. The follo*ing Mond the social a success. -Mrs. Robert Hannah, his vines and bushesi-Hired r6en are now 4% we sincerely hope h w 1.
the good people down by the sea. -Mr. Railway at Vancouver and New Westmin. (Easter Monday) will be observed as a bank of London, and her youngest son, are the getting . stationed in their several places The New Hats and Bonnets, the 'New
e --The Clinton News -Record says�: of Mrs. RobertHunt, of this village. amOn'
Thomas Hill was called to Toronto' on Men- ster for some time, and oubseqii ntly traffic holiday. g. farmers, with an advance in wages. Gromarty- itibons, Laces and Flowers, and s4I the
day as a witness on the will case of Me- manager of the electric railway connecting N. Lovett and J. Hill, of Goderich town- �!T"hte many relatives and friends of Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Watson, who has been so long NOTES. -A great many of 'the farmers other nice things in Millinery will be on ex --
poorly, is �Ow improving. -Bicycles are around here are making maple is�rttp and hibition on
Arthur vs. Watters which has been pending these two cities. He moved his family to sh passe �ipton on th6ir W# Gilchrist -will be sorry to learn. that, since
for sometime. -Miss Sarah Stewart was Montreal a few days ago. toigleaforth Monday to eliver a coup] f disposing of her fine farm near here, she has again in use, on the highways, which Te. the season prove& to be a very good one.-
aken very ill on Friday of last week, but for the present
t 0 ed to move from heri minds us that the seasons are changing. Mr. -Frank Hamilton's assistant blacksmith
very.fine heavy horses which they had ao�d decid Friday and Sa
we are lad to saly is able to be about again. ting of the rate- to a dealer of that town at a fancy figure. at least, to Seaforth,where she has relatives. had the misfoftune to ha*e his hand severe'- turcllv
-Mr. John Prendergazt.has moved into the rayere in the town hall on Monday evening The many friends of X Fred Beattie wi I Mrs. Gilchrist has resided here. for a great Brucefteld. ly � burned a few days ago, the - consequ9nee
Brucefield, Notary Public I�cing that he was laid off work for a
-village and will OCLCUPV for a time, a &at, for the purpose of nominating candi- regret to learn that he 1 iving ill at C nto Many years, and is very much respected,and B. R. Hi(;4*IN.,
t least, 1st and 2ad Of 10ri�-.
Mr. John Daly's brick residence on the hill, dates for the mayorality and for the discus- from blood poisoning. �g. Robt. L la whife regretting that she has decided to or, Fire and Life Insurance agent. Any few days, but is -now able to beat work
ituovuelytact" money to loan at 5 per cent., on first -clue i&tion, for every -
to the south of � the river. -Mr. George sion of the Various schemes for the disposal his aunt, is waiting on I im. -In the comp move from her old home, we unite: with her farm security. Also allwited amount of again. -Miss Simpson, of Walton, has re- You hardly need an inv
Brown has been on the sick list latel but of the jubilee surplus, was a thoroughly re- private turned home after spending. a week with her body knows that they are always welcome,
tition for certificates o' purchase ia Lum many friends in wishing her all happiness funds at r) per cent. At home every morning and
is. now improving, and e hDPe1e wil soon presentative one, the hall being full. For den &Wilson's the prims were awarded 49
and prosperity in her new home in-theros. Wednisday of each week. Several good forms for sister, Mrs. HoRgarth, of this village.-Miso at this store. be on duty again.. During the past few one hour the clerk -sat and waited the names follows let, P. Freema , 9-10 counts ; 2nd, porous town of Seaforth.-Mr. John Fishpr 1671 Robinson is the guest of Mrs. Beckett. -Mrs
months, has been adding to his property- by pur- EARLY SOWING. Mr. John Drown, of the Nicol, wife of Mr. William Nicol,"two miles
important business matters have of aspirants, but the only person nominated Andrew -Heuderson, 188 counts; 3rd, J
been engaging the la�tention of one of our was Mr. B. B. Gunn, who was accordingly Morrison. 84 counts. illage lot from Mrs. Gil- i
chasing another v Mill road, sowed six acres of peas on the west of this- lace, died rery suddenly last
jrnost estimable young men and on Wednes i - M arch. Mr. Drown is bound to week. Mugs -
declared elected. Reeve Beattie was then christ.-Oar millinery openings, to be hel& 24th of _yMpathy is extended to MT
41- pectedconsummation was reached voted into the chair and called � here the end of this week, promise to be haire a d day -the ex upon mayor- ish of ireeri peas before our friend 'Nicol and the-bereavd family. -Mrs. arnes
a of Hibbert?s most elect Gunn to address the Hulle Lt.
by his marriage to on meeting. Mr. very attractive, and are looked forward to Ward, of Varna. As Mr. Drown is a very Walker, of -Staft, daughter of Mr.4ardes
ung Gunn briefly - thanked the ratepayer PROPIERTY 'T�e William Marti by the ladies with very much interest. -The pr
worthy ladies. We refer to Mr a for SOLD.- osperous and energetic young farmer, he is Miller, near this village, who -has been seri-
'bound to e ously ill of late is slowly recovering. -We
illi., Vobie, who� on that day, was mar- the honor they -had conferred upon him', and farm of 90 acres in the township of Hulls many friends of Mr.. F. R. Beattie, mer- tak the lead. E. -PAUL
Mrs. Ro rt'
ried w Miss Mary McLellan, a young lady' expressed his desire to do all that lay in his was gold by auction Fri0ay last and realize chant tailor, will be sorry' to learn that he NoTEs.-Mr.* Tet'npleton, assistant man&- -regret to learn of the -death of be
Welland favorably 'known to many of our power to advance the interests of the town. $6,000, or $1,800 more than the upset pric has been suffering from a severe attack of ger of the Manchester Fire Insurance Com- Dilton, of Staffa, which took place on Sun. Dry Goods
of the �Poor one, -day last, Deceased has been in ill health
people. Mr. and M�rs. Dobie will begi�p the The three schemes for the disposal The house on the lot is a! but the e blood poisoning, and is at. present at his party, of England, head office for Canada in
int reat-
sterner duties of I& together on the Ward jubilee surplus as prpposed by the council, 'is a good bank barn, g0l the price paid a former home 'lea Clinton, receivi t Toronto, was here last week looking after for some time, consumption being the cause.
e mile'and�a quarter goui�-of this and on which a vote will be taken on Men- more than the majorlt of land-seeke a ment. But we hope in the cours a week the interests of - hi' company. He stated It is not more then two weeks min
farm, on ce the
urchased this'fine pro- day next, are as follows The purchase of would care o g! Local reasons -o he will be able to return. -In the meantime. tbat this was the finest agricultural com- buried a child be*
village. Mr. Dobielp Ing a Victim of the same
-interests are being looked well muoity he
and his man� friends a clocle for the tower in the town wouldn't let the other Ill eve'r waiin. Mr. Templeton is dread disewie." Sesforths Greatest Cash Dry Goods Stort
perty some months Ago ve it -and the pe his business r. Jobu Miller, of Heneall,