HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-04-01, Page 4777�777 'AFRIL 13 1898o X Tlii H, RON E POSIrl 4 h interests there, a thing which instruction in the working of thei modern NEW ADVFRTfSVMEN!0. with certain capitalists represented by Memors. Bat., in what manner has the authori of to Britis ent, which am�meiut doet not exist Parifisment been violat�d ?" The Go - th y are not'likely to pc�mit.� Apart f rom lann and - McKenzie, subject, of couraid; rn at Quebec. Another advantage, and end m between th, iwitliesio'- or each -4 sipany f t a SW Tho Agu a P& Ment made a contract with a o6r ' Britain is seriously 'involved in 16dia one, dendtlet the p,)ga of the P,4por on ikhlch the to the Approval of Parliament, to construct thle, I - certain purpose, subject to tile Al of I Which all Canadians will I am sure in this r - being of the bigh- adyerthiew�ut. �vlll be found. and run this road And, take in pay lands of. parlian,Q. Parliament dionuesed the I ro- old Africa, so that she has her banjo full. jubilee' yelv� recognize as ISO
eldi�g together ofthe Imperial w eks ith so Much hostility apA talk of war it est, is the W To the ftblio.-Frad Kibler (8) O -no of this contract for five long the Yukon' count' t of 25,000 visto To Contractors-& G lutille, (6) and Canadian -forces, a step which must. Falla on UW Eard—Greig & Mpp.-Ionald (11, acres per mile of railway. There are other and then ratified it- by a large. majo, ity. w 11 be a wo ider indeed if we are so fortun- d9l
more than any other - draw the mother Where is there a violatin of the auth rity Mllllnerj� Opening—R. UcFaul fo. (8) conditions but these are the salient ones.. sespe. Bat time &Ione'*111 ap- country and Canada' together. ratont Plp,o: Sboes-R. W111i of Parliament here, and why should Li, oral We are 1�eidy- ohnson Bros. 3ontractors must.have this road in run- or any other papers denounce the lie- lied a the questio military instruction are The p1rently sol.� n, although it -does The 6chools of Bull for Sorvica--Hufth Ustusa, (6) Belem that in[ this enlight�ned- age, the great taxed to -their utmoat to accommodate all Abc
ning.ordeil the 3it of Xovember next "Yukondeal?" What is the nature of, the JewelryRepairing-C. A. Rnrn, Al
who are desirous of attending,both non-com-, y de 4 I d & ME al ?" It provides for giving a few��hun- n4ions of the world might find some more pn (8) and they &t up a very large sum 'of -money (8) dred miles of rock, the value .Z . missioned officers and men, At the present afnicable v&y of solving their difficulties Medical Cardl�-Dr_ljilbftelsoh (6) whi�h they forfeit,if they fail to arry out uuknown�, for a railw%y to or.en up the trade time, if. funds admitted of such an addition un forMle-L-James, G. Marti- (6) by resorting to B their' contract. This is the whole r�atter of an war with all its devast- and there were suAciant barrack accommod, of the Yukon territory for the, bene4t of Fresco PAntibg-Peter Elsenbloh 5 atione, ttia number in attendance could be READ: THIS Notice to Delit6re-Lottle M. !Jpott 6 the P;ople, of Canada. Not a dollar Of the t* the Yukon R�ilway Deal, Most pe?ple will a ing conseq. . Atences. Real Estatob. f4i sale-Lottle X, scoft 5, people's money is put into the venturij and doubled. Another use to which the schools -C, W. papat 15 asyl if that is all,'why all the flies That is Wan Pap4s� For W -4 I the land being unfit for. agriculture is �,bf no will -soon be put will be to instruct in the eent--W. Somerville 5 just what we sal Some ot those'iwho op. News -of the Week. A D_ Milliner'OplN. W. yoffmaa 13 value, unless after o it up it be found use of tho Maxim gun. Bial rge Bald me, oppose the route ; others to contain valuable =o. - Bat' whether ANAGM BA'i;KER.-Truman P.Han,dythe The Major General says that the question win a pose the sche of pensions foy staff officers and for the per- land is rich or not it Yu n Poultry Wlthted-A. Youn z 8-'�'
Pbrenology--4rofe-sor Andev-pn 8 think the contra t6 -are getting too good the is making th,� - Idest actiie banker in the U *ited States, Bat, and that ied last SlitLurday, aged 91 years. I MILlient corps ought not to be lost eight of. TI W&OUVEMp IT wom, stoves;-etoll. ut9lett & Co. 8 a bargain. oviever, kon pay for its own developm, VC.
I - Vie 1'rst objectors, h We woul#,. like DEATH Oi A FAMOUS,_LiLLrPUTIAN. -Gen. Until som tem was adopted there - ould Ch
Lemons Free-311as A. J. Barrett 8 is a good Liberal principle. W Special Notice-E.R%nide 8 have not show�, thA the routes which they if memo of those who talk and write s'p'glib- 'ed"iy 6ral Joseph Tallman, 36 years old, Ono of i always be fliculties in the way of a proper.
RWIders.Attentiol CudiaQre 8 i.Tay superior to the one the Yukon deal would try a0d ex- a would recom- W.1161a b0 WAR Papeo &P,=ES) -J Graves & Co. 9 favor are in any )y about �he famous lilliputians,- was found -dead 'in administration of the force. H Pilo fl to h 'wa
Seeds foi`s' allill ntKemlike 8 selected, or that they know much abou:6 it. t in why the people of old Canada i ould ad at hishome at Aichmond, Maine.L The mend a, deduction of pay on the civil service ave their money expand ping a imin 0 Clover J�hygeed-J.:XoGiunas 8 -Ijectorst are equally far ied in develo �d utiv� 'General went into the show niodel. That would-be in accordance with wil
r"-*,,& Caldwell 5 The second. clas-i ON Cow fo territory t of a few ii)ii.iners, 1businese'when he was thirteen years old,and the wishes of the large majority of those at YOU GOODAl Dill 8 Choice Gif oc D. Campbell 6 afield. Whether 4r.,not the land granted is mainly Yankees and other forel It 'had been connected with several muse'ums. present serving, and it could be an under- Teacher Wanta- too much or too IiW� has yet to be roven. does seem to us passing strange that any - THE: JAPANESE NAvy. -The newonapers stood condition in the f ature with those ea- AM
VO sted in this country could con- announce that Japan, between 1895 and te the service. It Must be i every one that the e�,on k 000,000 yen to ring whole of the active militia had been Iffift Sol
_�."V ftor# re are tak-Ag.-heavy risks. They interl contracto eviden 01, ai demn a transaction �ao eni- 1905, will have devoted 193, The I0s a �uailyr scol in the interests of th0 whole the buildihg� of warships. Forty.s drilled during the year 1897 with marked pip
and undertake to cont inently fa d A iie were stil at the Old Stand 5,*�*road, all things con- country as this Yukon bargain. already bioeil ordered, with -short terms . of succeas. From a personal inspection of the few weeks ago we intimated that buI
SEAFORTH, RIDAY April 19% 1898 sidered, possibly tl�!Most difficult and ex- deli a in England, France, Germalay and camps beldiduring bhe,jeor Gen. Gascoigne our only excuse for being here' is that we ure endeavoring to do some business. ter Itwill beremembered thatthe -COUUtLL the says that he observed' a distinct improve pensive to constru' med states. tl has ever been at- e -,And now-a-&kys it is a very important art of business to 16t the public know P b
n elec. I WHOLESALE BRIBERY.' As a result of the ment as rej -tempted on can continent. This 'I what you' e doing. of the ballots cast in the Wee I the M, t Huo rards arrangements, as well as th 6;rl ar discovery o serious and wholesale 'briber woik perfoirned and the results attained. Eli
The Senate Kicks. y old, also tion, b� the county judge, resulted r has to constructed and com. giving and ion 100 dockyard officials and There was A satisf%ction in kn9wilig that if The'Yukoa bill, which -was discussed in the seat to Mr. Beek; the Conservatlive can- officers of the Russian Black Sea fleet have the -force, w"all small it consistell of none but -p-r4
plated in an unpie&dontedly. short -time, the Senite for several daysi was voted on It is a atiipendous 'ridertakine. And the didal a maoirity of 2. Mr. Garrow ap-,! been arxesied. Admiral 'Ko com. men physically'fit for the service. Thegreat heii
- y Py'do ffl - day nigb:t, and., a motion givin it pealed from the decision of the coazify judg mander of the fleet, as been smissell. weakness of the camps of instruction was the I Shi
on. Wel 9 get in pay for it a fibld of barren rocks in a to the Court of Appeal in- Torodio. Th Five officers have cominitted suicide since d6arth of useful and efficient instructors. ay wal
-the six Me ntfie hoist was carried, amidst country so inhospiUble that there is no veg- matter was I heard before Mr. J t* 0 1 ?I th ir &treat.. Nine applications had been received for Firstly we would like to A sontethin4, about I al a 2l gresitest �xcitem(ent, by a vote of 52 , to 1 a etation of any account. If these rocks. are H46 gave his deciaion, on Saturday;r%al GREAir FtOODS IN OHIO. -Owing to the provisional! schools to be held during the 9 twl
-14. This d irly represents the rel ivision 4 a rich in gold, then% lection a tie. The Returning Officer�, 6ods the Central Union station at Cincinatti present winter, bat it was not likely th t it �hey have to in since given hill casting Ohio, As would be p arties in the Senate. Registrar Gibson, h h' 6d by�,� all tha. ossibld' to hold more than two e, expol mining the ore and con- Cd tive streogth of the additional Two Co4servativea, only, voted in favor of f Of.
vote in favor of Mr. Garrow, who roads u�ing jit except those coming in on the unless a supplementary appropriation was
thus holds verting it into moxi�yij i I T An officer of made by Pirliament. One of these schools -,cat
-and it is said it co3t,p the seat. hessoakeland Ohio track. t e Big unt
the avorable circumstances, Four road says, the loss to the roads -would be at Quebec and the other at Char- *ffou Velvet, Afelton an' -day we under the most To passed into Stock- some be4diful Chi seventy- V6 contal' convert a dollar'sworth Our very amiable friend of. thpi Goderic cantering in Cincinatti cannot be lose tharr lottetown. Election Protests. Felt Cape,;, that are worthy the attention 0i intending'purchasers. The colors b 111.
itest war has commencedi f rein o a Ila.' heir plaime prove Star does not like the eg.mments of T�n $1,000,900. � The Big Four bridge at Cleves -The Pro and 0 0. will cost $200,000, a Id this is but one of many are fawn, brown, cardinal, garnet and bla& they are real smart lookin.", and. barren f iner EXPOSITOR anent the West Hai many who thought, their troubles over with wellas of vegetation, ron. eleotiju such sirucWres, that will have to be re- Huron Notes. when' ou see them the prices will su ise yoit, and relieves hill, mind by indulging in sonie placed, y Ill Ib�y have; expend -Wingbam will have a demonstration on the close'of the Ist of March, will now have they are out SILJ,� ad not only on the rail w efO personal remarks liab Qu6en's Birthday. lection in developing. their very spit out the GLAPsTOI�VS CONDITION. -The neuralgic -zeoi
to face �*6n, greater troubles, in the a Al. 0 " a other hand, Oh
mineral lauds as *q th dod.s. editor of this. journal. Well,;1thRt's All pains bf Mr. Gladstone have alw lays been -.Edwa t'd Zellard, of Zurich,bas been sp- courts. -Alostilities were'commenced by the a i., right, we doWt object to our friend relievi�g doubted by the European correspondents pointed division coartelerkao successor to- his Dress G the country abal $he chance of -reaping a Conservefives, who open.eid fire by entering his mind in this way, as our rem4rko on the The -taw York Sun publishes' a story thai father. -suil
petitiol �th Mr. Oladotone is dying gof a cp rich reward from tl�e trade that may be deve'l -West Huron election were notl*aie w neerous -Mr. JaJnes Belden, formerly of Wing-
_.�gainst th' return of Ron. Mr. edi growili involving the bone tissues I back 6f, ham, has purchased a tailoring business in in oped-there throug�(the coxi�otruction of the the view of pleasing the very le�,rned r Hardy ja 86uth, Brant, - Hon. Mr. Ro.4a I Our range of Dress Goods'is now camplete, 4-nd, we are in position to of the Star andif his personal allusions :roe the nasal passages. Several specialists have Moleswortli. wal
road, awl it does'hdt'cost the older portions leasing t4) hi West Md esex and H6n. Mr. Harcourt in tt stated that an operation is impossible, Owing' -Mr. &� Roddy, an esteemed rekident of show you lines that are conflned to ourselves. Our Black Goods section is meelf, we are vey� sure p ions of Canada a sing] 'cent. The country tw be do not hurt us. In the me t' I he to r of Gorrie, passed away on Monday of last week Monk. ,These were followed by petit I the age of the patient, slid the dange particularly attractive, and any lady - who 'is thinking cif purchasing a black w
we UTPOSe Of Coln it principally bane. d provides the whole pleal tell us where Mr. Bee ki:,wWeon suin� heart failure if the patient is aoaes�betized_ aged 69 years apd.9 months, dres, who will.caU, we will be pleased to, givd a- sample for the 1) against HQ9. Mr. Hal Kingston, and ere hou
raise from both friends and o gael by Meanwhile the aged sufferer is affor&d'relief -The East Huron and Turnberry Agri. a S L said thel intend to proceed against Hon. cost. If the sch was to tax older Canada h t . Weare out for doin- buiineiss, Wd dol'i't keep ta-ff of employees parison n is W14uI by'Opiatce. . The doctor - s.say that de�ath will cultural Soo'iety will run an excursion to the uKis manly a'd fair discuL ion? a for nothing, in fact we court compa Mr. Davis, in North York. Having.fdiled for the const;`u of 'this rod to the rison" dnd, are Willing to be judged by an be information for- his reade'l rel from heart failure, and not fl�oni the Model Farm, at Guelph, on Tune 20th. gre!
impdrtial public- to obliterate thw Cabinet atthe polle t�,ey Yukon, then we should eay there would be ravillges of disease. -Tbe recent floods (Tid considerable dam- grounds for- coffi lint. But the'whole Someof the Pdrliamentafy pp orteis of age to the M1 ill dam at Fordwich. Part of it Iare now going to try &A We Pi was broken down and the gates washed A;il
to. Besides *the clo thilit accomplis i arraugment peezrwio fair and so reasonable the. Dominion Government. ba e been UE object through the oFo Ov'vg T DOMINIONPA i IENT. a*ay. ave that we do n6t s4e, ho aiiy fair minded per.' asting in ca�cus, 'him;
their political superiors a ro C-Abinet �ininisters, inamid. protests h -prior to leaving for the west, Mr. James oppose t,,: if he looks at it from & because they insist in keepiilg themselves OTTAWA, March 22 1898. ad IAN
been entered againEt Mayor Coloquhoun Watters, was entertained by his friends at a Car,4calfen, Hamilton; Col. Lays, London ; business as well','�i4 pa itical stand unded by Tory prtizan officials. jAfter which supper at the residence of Mr. Frank Crich We b point.' Burro Next to the Yukon railway matte� elieve: honestly that we can save huy man, youth, boy,, or child, 20 ,sh
stating -the determination oil, the Liberal at I'this ,stage is greatly vexing the fi'lar4lit- 'of Tuckers 'ith. John' Brown, North Perth; W. M. Gor- The Whole sit4*tim i's so fairly and so r cent on clothing this spring. The manufaeturers that we, deal with shrink meml a chanO, the' go dwar4 Jon pe bers that there must bi an, eouls of many of the -Senators, he new el�s has leased for 1899 rom
clearl ut by Mi-Iobn ClIarlton in his a ti every piece of their clothing before making it tip. 'Consequent) it is bound to man, Welland; Dr. Jamieson, South Grey; IGlobe says' "The fount 1 h ad of the Filanchise bill, is the topic of importance. It Hugh Moreland, of Nde, his farm on 3r y Deb
"Ut ta 'e d at the subject, that we -ralm
A. B. .- ThLonipson, Centre -Sinicoe ae 840aech can difficulty between the G vet, me a6d its w4s introduced last week and is atillL,at the lconcession, � West Walwanosh, at - present give satisfactiou. not do better th', ",quote -a short extract, supporters is the Tory DAPUty MiDiste'ira and tioie of wr�ting, being discussed. ,The op- tenanted by Win. Robertson. We opened some children's Clothing tol to sell at $1, $1.10, $1.1-5 and yp The
-the overwhelming-socislinGence of ITory 1)48ition to it is not very strong., TAe pro. i -Mius Sidiel-Kerr, died at her home in $1 9. West Toronto and others slid more to'- which is as folloV44 a suit, that are very special, and must commend themselves to intelligent Ilol- IBM at Ottawa. .There is '�omplal that ll4itiou is to do away with the cumbersome Wingliam, on Sunday, 20th alt., after suf- -tbeii
The G Shoppers. overntg0aO �vidently concluded that low as the time nears expiration. Thus far correspondence iniended forthe Miniliters is d very expensive system hertofore in vogue faring for, n arly a #ear from dropsy. Do- -pro,
this movement' 2 by Con. jWt#eYukon may be 6phe eve r*,i i reaches I them, adopting'. oessedwas 33 years of age. 20 protests -have been entered -1 utten intercepted and a d to revert to the practice of moral in its natal at*these rich placers or reaches them only with the antidote a d using the Provincial lists, which1wag in Mr. Peter'Smith, of Lucknow, was mar. servatives ; 6 by Liberals, and 2 by Patrons. may be confined td -one or two streams, and f roe from confeders ready in the form. of an exp a tion until i885,wben the ried 92rCOME WITH IME CROWD TO GUNN'S. houiands who flock into that I ti from in Toronto, on Wednesday of last Ayi
ne"10 the deputy. In some cal these Npiatids l4te system i was adopted for purely partisan week to Miss Bonuett, formerly of Kinloss .ViIIA
What is the Yukon RailwaY Deal? country may bl,�A"ppointed, as thousands have been Tory partizans ot�tihe m4t: vio. Orposes. In moving the second reading of township. -She
of goldseekera hAV"een -before. They real. Those who have been following the de. ead of ti a bill Solicitor -General Fitz -Isaac Pranston, of Ashfield, has pur- ized that there M4 be a necessity' hew
lent sort, and their retention at the patricli stated
responsible departments is 'found af�er al- t at under the proposed act the list of voters �hased the!; farm on eonbession 7, West bates in Parliament during the past six railwa3, or that p,66sibly no such necessity to prove the a d of ' olling sabdivisions would :be the jValwanooh,! known as tile Stuart farm, at a moit two years' experience will have no difficulty. in answering may continue. They realized th' weeks, P. At any truth of the statement that while., tfie� Lib- o me as in the provinces. These - r in
inyestment in a railway line to that countr the question at the head of this article. it y erals nominally rule over tbD � depar(ments, rincipal enacting clauses, the remali Mr. A. Ir 'McDonald and family, who �Othi
'a dead loss re 'the Tories still govern throu�h them'.' There auses being introduced to make the repnesof ba-ve been residents of Wingham for a num- jurl
might prove to bel . P and therefo is possible, however, that. some of our read- adopt a scheme 'wboreby communication is to the era are not such ardent 'politicians as to do secured without tho expenditure of a dollar is no doub but a majority,if not all of the act of 1885 conform provisions of bar of years, left on Tuesday of last week of public money. That is members of the present G.6ver h a ne%# act. He, reminded the house that -with their,effecto for Maaitoba.* Be Bs - G NNI -,C4tJLf01 L� I this, and for their benefit, we propose to ex- a strong point Ibeen exceedingly remiss in this respect. It f om 1885'to 1895 revisions had cost the -Mr. Waldron, London road, Stanley, is Ian,
favor of this7schemeii U der all the circum- was this same thing that hastened the down- . ountry $1j 154,000. It might be, he said, going into this dairy business extensivel plain briefly what the Yukon Railway Deal, y stances, consideringl,the uncertain character fall of the Will L have of which every person bears and reads so Mackenzie Government land it bat in some of the provinces a desire exist. he intend's having 22 cowls and ot the business the '6ad is to develop, con. d to extend hise so that All- men separat d sell the cream tOL Air. Bobier's ptirmanene the Gov. 4allys after their our, . J., who tried the action without , will have.the same result -�ith the the franc or an
much, reaUYL is. Every, person now knows sidering its doubbld �present parg
lispe tions "but in creamery, Exeter. three weeks ago. in ernment, by Be -4ing theconstruction of a f �hy Government if they do no App y � 0
d ight participate.'in the elee A tow
all about the Yukon and Klondike gold die-- on remedy. It is not in the interests 0 a aebee, at all events, this as not the case, -The house of Hanley Cantelon, in Gode. arrival he was taken seriously ill with ap- at., Goderich, Lin fvorf plaintiff, in an VAli
road without the hiiestment of a dollar of lury tricts ; their immense gold. wealth, the ter- party, nor of the country that each iniister nd sdme regard was had to the circum penicitis, and spent three weeks of intense action for dower in fifty acres of Iand in th public money, have r!nade, in my eatimatipin, rich township, was totally destroyed by fire e suff die�
rible, triala-and, hardships z, that have.to be shouldbe surrounded byalnestof traitors tanceB of educationand the inte' to of the one day recently together with all its coil er The best medical.kkill as pro. township of Howick, directing a. assign- an exceedingly good.' bargain. The risk' is I res - I iDg. & I vem
I rtisan. The principal objection to the bill tents. Tile: fire is supposed to have origin- I cured $0S who are only awaiting vorable. oppor- and all that -kind and willing hituds meat of dower and assessing arrears'at endured to got to them, -the desolate, and great to the parties who have undertaken to tunity to betral y the Opposition is, that it does not give a in defective chimney. r him into �be hanj'o of his ated froi a could do was done to rtlieve his suffering, with costs of the action. The defence is and inhospitable charace'r of the country build theroad, and.".tbe Government have i il - Decessed-was the only son that the plaintiff, the dowel under th -n
given them a speculative chance enemies. It is quite proo�r that v ear, uiform franchise for the Dominion. In I -Miss lizabeth ScrinigALar, who left but of no avail. A a
to ake I lafter it is reached, and fhe immense, vents who do not occupy c6nfidential posi- ome of the Provinces, as in Ontario, ifor in- West Wawanosh, a coupli -of weeks ago, of Mr. and Mrs.. John Ballau'tyrie, of'Pine will of her husbanct, is put to her lection Avil
somethm' g. It is merely speculative, there tions should rediain undis'' tance, there is a manhood suffrage while waft married at her sister"a, Mrs. Samuel River, Bruce county. He was ia his, l8th betweeir doy-er and the benefits under Oi6 'to 1%
stream of people that have lbeenpouring into is no certainty about it. they discharge the duties Tt"1ees:%.o8'iufi0'n'aB �operty or income, Oaks, of Ninga,-Alanitoba, to Mr. Thomas year alld wall a very promi will. Judgment"reserved. nay
7 n other provinces a pr isingyoting man the country for the past Year, dispite the 01
faithfully and efficiently, � �o matt�r ualification is ne,!essary. Of c'Ourfie it Town, a wealthy rancher, of Dakota. -A, Shrink, of the Commercial Hotel, -After a mot -painful. illness of fieveral . . . . . . . . . . . discouragements and diffl4ulties that are W at �heir political le!Lnings mi%3� be, andi provId. ould be better if we could secure uniform- -A fine tborobred Durham- bull artivecE. Clinton, has moved back to his farm near weeks'duration, Ben. Tolins eom
on, V. S , of sure to meet them, not oply on,athe way Eclitorial N nd Comments. ing, of course, that they ar4 not offensively ty without too great a boat. It does not at�Cliuton the other day for James Snell, of Stratford-, and S. McCaughey has taken. Clinton, passed away Thursday morning of bed.
pitrtizan ; butiofficials will hini
reach the promised o 6ccupy ebuffiden- eem as if this is. possible., Uniformity at Hayen-parton stock farm ; it has been charge of the Commercial Hotel, which he last week A -t the -age of 41 yea-rs. Al most
thither, bt, after they 7%f r. A. M. T o a 4. rrmerly of the Clinton tial positions and poaitions� in close quarters 6greatacost as underthe old act i's too bought! from a well-knowa stock raiser at has purchased. . The new proprietor is well- from.- Che- outoet of his illness his ease was had�
land, it they are ortunate enough to do so. News-Recod, has purchased an interest in with the members of the Go4ernment1, should coantry Aliva, -.Wellington -county. *garded as hopeless, the medical diagnosis flearly bought and more than thb known be peOD16 Of that vicinity, being a son day
Whe stories of hardship and privation which the Gdderich Star, which will ii n future be most.certainly be in political acq�rd and pan stand and there does noteem. to be any -One,day recently McLeod, Bros., of of Mrs. McCaughey, of the gravel road, revealing cancer of the liver in an aggrava- they have to endure there and the dangers conducted by the firm of Mitchell & Todd. sympathy with their obiefs,,, and tb�ose who Aber way.out of -the difficulty, thin to adopt Holmeavilld delievered 4 head'of -two-year. Hullett, and lately engaged in hotelbusiness ted form, which could not be operated- upon, of actual faminej. on account of the diicul- They should make quite a strong team in the are not should be provided ifor elee�herel ;he priovincial lists, which are prep:Lred'by the old cattle at linton for Sid. mit The in B although -be bad 6ver'y medical attention and S h. y lvtb. ties of getting in supplies and the ab , solute newspiper business. bounced " unceremonion. . A man, no nunicipal bodies; are inexpensive and sim- turned the Be a at pouii a, w ch ia - -The ot er a a orse owne Aeor care necepsary. a was native o 10 matter how may t-, 31e. After all,the question of uniformity is pretty good!weight for young cattle. good fie b oannot�honest. Lavis, of Clin n, broke its neck in a peeul- hire, and came to this country several barenesa of the country of any ly serve two masters, one whom loves 'ot a serious one. As each province can isr manner. They were letting out some years ago, havink resied in Clint n m t of
thing like Globe," "Perhaps the I
says : . e -On the eve of hi; departure for the 0 os
vegetalele growth. These things are all well c and the other he hates. nly send a prescibe number of repriesental west, Mr. Aaron Loughead, of Wingham Axi
cattle from his yard, and his son - was driv- the time in the practice of his profbasid1h. ountry will at leug�h wake up to the fact ives to parliament, it d�es not matter seri. was entert lined at a 'complimentary su�. ing the horse ; in.- trying to head off the An open-hearted, jovial fellow, he made known to almost every person in the coun- that the Senate, whibh it thought merely ugly to- the whole, by what class of the peo- per by the Oddfellowo of that town cattle the horse wasl up.quickly, and friends everywhere,&nd hit death. is deeply an
try. The reputed wealth of the country in harmless, is Ubtle to' become dilDgerous at The War Cloud. le these representatives are erected. -�. Many and presented with a handsome Odd- stumbled forward, Pull,", wiCh its neck regretted. He has a brother living in Con- failing ut, and is a cousin Qf James Petty, od people believe' that 4he fra'nbhise fellows' pin., underneath, breaking it. It died in a few nectic gold is also well known. Well, the Govern. timei, � That Wthe �.doctrine THE Exposi- If one is to jiidge PO to fdr- from �tbe re] 3 TOit has been preaching for years. A gov. -ensall, which -*re the -only relatioes in thin meat of Canada,less that twelve months agli , �n Ontario is too wide and that it would be Henry Heather and Nelson Nterson, minutes. H a erning body that is not responsible to the niehed by the newspapers, the Uni Stat in the interests' of good government if a the E ter burglars, came liefore Judge --7The contract for building the Methodst country, besides his wife. sudde i f �ad themselves face to face with as -Ung
Ipeople is. always dangerous *when it is not and Spain are on the verge', f war. It may lualification of some kind Were required. It Massoacon Saturday for sentence, when the church at Londeaboro, has been let, Messrs. -Dr. Lester, who claims to be a part- the pro lem, of providing for this vast and, harmless.; tbl
be that these re lynas, ports are o some extent .9 iuost likely, however, that the actVill. be, 'former received 23 months at the Central, Bachannan & R1 of Goderich, being bred Kiowa Itidia, a61i w d who i ith the peculiar country. " For., although it has-been Ldopted by.the commions with but little ixm- while the latter *ot off with, 3 months in the the successful teriderei ; their tender was Xiowa Medicine Company, that are ivi
colored,but, nevertheless, t' is well known 9 - 11719 g
g_ ng Ain
etition aga�et the return of Hon. n , a Oug less than $3,500; they do all the work neces. entertainments in the town 1�all, Lucknow, known that it did belonp� to Canada, no In,the mdme t 'Ith hi, as the talk goes it may county jail. t A. S. Hardy for South Brant 'it is charged that. stiailied relations ex it between the 'enate,as itnow looks As if -The old historical Rhody Slattery farm, toad b the6 ;ry ex.ce
peroon ever thought of its w�ealth, or hat ra git buying the brick And excavatinT. caused a flutter of excitement in that Village
-the eywood & Pryor, Clinton, wil o two nations, whic al hat body ad' determined to hamper At Belimiller', has been sold to Charles Oka ( on Wednesday 6falat any oare for its goverafhe t would be re-' �hat the Premier an, the members of the h may �,imately 'lead to a ve week. A young laddy open hostilities. The a inpathy lof the slority in the Commons as much as pos. for the sum, of $1,200.' The property com. the brickwork and plastering ; they have from Blyth name there on the late train on 40abinet " did with intent to obtain a fund to 'to provide laws quired. They had not only� ible. rises a track of land of 130 acres near the the job of the stonework also; Mr. -Steinhoff, o3da 111 O - be Opended in bribery and corrupt practices V
and regulations f United States 'Government , towaids the BlYth, th th nigh" genmilller bridge, and is very cheap -at the a painting. Tu' or the protection. of the in. THE FATE OF THE YUKON BILL; � d doctor and the oung lady proceed- enter into a Ading witheertainlum-., Cuban insurgents was probably the rat step pure -The Goderio bicycle club has re -organ. of one o the local clergymen b -t�rests of the country in -this weE61bh, but In speaking base figure,having been bought by John h ay n understa' of - the Senate I may say that ed to t_ e home bar 'Men, directors and railway capitalists towards the trouble, and'i 'the fire which Rossier a few years ago for $3,500. ized for the coming season, with the follow. to be married. The minister after seel tl%Py hb6d also to furnish police protection of he disposition of the Conservative majority the United States and Canada; by which, in was thus kindled has, as t me went D, been Banat -.:-'H Zoellner, of Leeburn, is the possess. iog officers : D. McGillicuddy, president; that the ma license prexented m I wituresome Canadians who 'Were 'flock- a appears to be to block the return for divers benlifits, large sums were ge or of bald headed eagle, that measures Oliver Rhynas, vicepresident; D.Johnston, right, wag n the act of pronounoin v rria win of th ab &*k*a e dif -A�M h
ne, in t �O an both man and -provisions. It also became the -members of the -liament the Governm -at' G. woulil be bride arrived on the see-ne, ana tting hotter. The blo' a ukon Railway bill and plung the C' inet justgei 9 ixt thither, and also a means of transit -for So, a 9 UPI 6rd predicament. Prior 'to the eight feet !ten ibehes from wing point to secretary G. Mcl treasurer ; D. Me. them man and wife, when the father of th
to be given to a cent fund controlled by United .. t tea b Wash Mai rpenin, ant made wingpoint.� Itis supposed to be the largest Gi,llicuddy, b. Rhyn", D� John on t is to be th g of Pair 110,
hoped that this petition will go to trial, as, 0 Havana harbor, short�, tie I ever Been i.� this part of the country, and is McCosh, H. Smith, W. McCreadyi G. F in language More forcible that elegant, do- their 4Lq to devise means whereby the'pro, deal with a firm of contractors to build an N if it does, it will finally and forever settle ago, almost Wought, I atters i to a 411 -Canadian railway -to the gold country, a fine looking bird. Mr. Zoellner got it on Emersov, eitecutive committittee ; B� D'. clared. all proceedings o,ff for Lhe meantioe fits of the trade of the territory, which had th Grant, J. Cattie, P. Walton, finan com-
e chatter which fie small fry politicians cricis, many the lake, one of its feet having been caught ce a� least, and, took big trhome with
claiming the Boatr o have subject to ratifibation by Parliament. The n, so rapidly and unexpectedly sprang up, have been indulgin in for some months past. bill pasesed the House with a majority - of between a log*and an ice hummock. mittee, R. W. Lo captain ; B.D. Grant him. -1the
been the result of Spanish 9 acheryl while -While on their Way to Califotnia lat Ist lieutenant; J. Ir Plaft, 2ad lieutmaut -The Hillaborough, North. Dakota, Ran- bla
could be' atilisedJorr .CauaAian business men 39, but its fate is doubtful in the Senate, their ship was in a Spanish I 'Ort. week, Mr,. George MeKenzie and daughter,. Thomas Bates,'bugler Eli Symonds, stan- ner, of a recent date says Last Monday An Ottawa di4atch says -. �vhioh is hiBtorically antagonistic to eve and cit;zans gentrall It is stiLted court iy. ry, Miss Lottiel, of Wingham, were in the ral I dard bearer. of enquiry was appointed evening the the United t1hing Liberal. By the time this reaches our many friends of Thomas JD, The Governmeat, tooki,.the mattf�)t ener- here that Mana,4�g-Editor Wi1jison, of the way� wreck at Moosajaw. Mr. McKenzie -Rev. 'W. W. Baer of British Columbia Littlewood, were shocked to learn of his Toronto Globe. -6s been States authorities to exami i into the cause Oaders the bill will, in all robability, be appointed to one of getically in hand. 4ZThe INJini-ster ot the In- disposed of, the present out ook being the received a � black eye and was badly cut Methodist Conference" and brother of W. sudden death. Me. Littlewood, who has of the disaster, and their re t was rl. rc the vacant seab04 the Dominion Senate -ceived �head, while -Miag McKenzie es. Baer, of Clinton-, has brought his wife� and been IiVing at the home of W. J. Foster, terio, Hon.- Mr. Siftoi , and about the n 7paronally l8i t C d, I' f�vorite "six months hoist." Sir Frank
that Mr. Yeo, afow' one of the Prince Edward at Washington a few days go, and points caped without be hurt in Any way. family to Clinton, where they will, remain first complained of illness on Saturday 'but the country, and possessed himself of -'all the �mith, one of the warmest Conservative In qp
Island membeis bf the House of Commons, to the cause as being of KtIernal iorigin, Ooliticians in the Upper House, favored the They were. both ble to proceed on their until he gets settled in Now York,.where bad Alml fully recovered on Sunday. On information possible as to the capabilities of h '- been promot as ed to the vacancy in the This will, in all probability, pad the !,United bill in the business interests of Canada, but journey. he goes for the purpose of' superintending Monday morning he was found in -an uncon- the country, its gold wealltb, the character Island representation. These appointments b 6 was ridicule I b his colleaguej. What -James Findlater, an ol n anufacture of his patented attachment sious state and at 6.20 p. m. of the same day of the climate, its irnmidi are in line with Sir' Wilfrid Laurier's inten. States uthorities to demand'an indemnity t. resident of Lucknow, died - on Monday of for typewriter. Mr. Baer sa athed his laeL, The decased wa ate needs for the e next move (wMI be shoulcT the Senate from the Span tiop -to rej uvenatei that body and make it fards, which in likely will last week after a few weeks' illness. De.' going to the Klondike in amazing', and he is years- old and, catrid to North Dakota from -alp
protection o roperty and the best v8to this;bill it is impossible to predict. f life and omething moire than a refuge for worn out be refused, as the Spanish a4horities claim SOMETHING ABOUT THE MMITARy. that many of them will Lucknow, Ontario, in the spring of* 1893. tk
ceased was in his 55th year, and had been a of the opinion
and safest. route by which to reach it,'and so ' litical. backs." We do not know much the trouble was wit resident of Lucknow for more than a quarter die -from exposure and hardships after they He worked, for two yearson the farm of' hin th�; ship. �ach a In the annual report of the Department of of a century, and through his business of get there. 01 on, Policemen were"�'kt once sent th NO it Mr; Yeo, but we do ere to know that a Poster, and in 196 and '97was employed an 0*6 bright, active, able young'man like Air, tate of affairs would liudon5tedly ead to 3 liltia presented tc Parliament by the Hon. machinist aleral blacksmith was wide. -Mr. Harry Staulake,of Dashw*od, made farm laborer preserve order, administrators of law immed. by County Commissioner Cal I r. Borden, Major-General Gase Willison would be a decided acquisition to the breaking up of all dipl i 'Ations ly known. Re. leaves a widow and five an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide kin. iately' followed, an O iati rel a in Last fall he came to Ailliborough and A supplies were hurried h a report ( which is embodied in blue children. by hanging on Sunday morning last. 'He was eng ed during the winter in bauling 1 ce. Oif n the Senate, although we must also admit between the two countl a equiv nt to t a nture that he would be very much out of place in the declaration of war. in ibe me time given en ire -On Thursday of 'Iasi week,'the spirit of has been in a demented state. of mind since -AEtter of the pioneers of.Hixllett, udi in so as to prevent those who might ve b)ok) says that the permanent force has
into the country f�oni starving during the any such position,and we doubt if he would ti satisfaction during the year. Mrs. Richard Sandersol Hol took its last Friday. On Sunday morning he ld in great respect, passe both the United States de war see -that the line of dernal flight from; earth to that brl world from -his bed and proceeded to away on Monday morning of list week, I winter, while the otdinary avenues Oi travel consent to be baried with the political skele. ment a was glad to q a- early panish Gove 'between the force and the active militia above. Atthe time of her death, she was 'the woodshed he committed the deed. the person of Thomas Fa I rquhar.- at the resi ma ing w fast disappearing and each was willing within two months of 85 yeal of age. ce of his son George, in Aullett. De
Sif ton also ilecided upon that as it may, what we o;bV'ect to is the the neeass arrangements f4 r open hostili- I She Mro.'-Stanlake hap AV
were shut off. Mr rnmAb are k* ' tion nit
tons who inhabit the red chamber. But, be and the where
the safest, most feiisible and Pest all Cana. te recognize the mutual dependence of the came to HoWick over 25 years ago method which it is said Sir ilfrid Laurier ties. and for a the shed and on investigation -discovered her ceased has not been strong nor itigged be, however, t 01 than route for tery of travel into the intends to adopt to "rejuvanate" th now a upon the other. At what number of iearx,she has been living with her husband suspended to a, beam. She at once years, yet be had reached the age of 78 Yea Al
lol looks ch like a costly i6nd de�lastat An experiment hid been "made during the son-in-law,: George Gallaher, of the 10th mummoned help and out him down just in at th in Queeno country. This &' te selected is kno' My such rejuvenation will not satisfy thy; . WD as e time of his daith. Born pq6ple of this ing war may be amicably settled. ai� of exchanging a company of the Royal concession, where she died, 'kine Rive' I country. If the Senate can time to save his life. the Stil route. In order to niiake Count , Ireland, he came to this eountr )giment o y not" be entirely abolisged it must be rejuven f Canadian Infantry with a com- A very � interesting Meeting of the West -A number of gentlemen wetb�'talking- when a mere boy, with other members While all this is going on on this lide of Buy of the Imparial forces. . He had re- uron Farmers' Institute was hold in Wing., about railway matters at the Clinton eta- the family, and for a this route availa�le, a etratch of rail of ateid in such away as to make its the Atlantic, grave questions'are occupying time lived at Scarborl WV members p Orts hearing full, tectimony to the success ham res'ponsible to the people by election and g, 21ot tion the othel when Harry Streetl in 1847- they moved to the Huron Tract, and about two hundr*d miles in length, running on Monday afternoon and evenin bt
the minds -of heads of the Eu of Ithe experiment. The company fro eirintendent, remarked that Thig WAS an ook up 0-00 acres of bush land, where they r pean powers.
eagues matt L h what is known on the mcip "Tole* diregt � their attention to this Reports of startling alli fror th� sooner Mr. Laurier and his: coll T ternoon was
er the ancee between some Imperial forces performed all the duties of not large, but great interest was taken 'in exceptionally 4arly season he remembered lived "for some tim, deceal afterwards a, graph Creek toeslin Lake and conbectin %difin force, -e b into camp tha -inibjdetil presented, and the speakers, w 411 going out. with a snowpl, w ad three buying the farm on which his son George -9 van y going
a Id
powers all against others are reported 411111109t at Sussex, New Brunswick, that would have betteir th3 Ca
thi,; lake ' th t�he S�ikihe River al then' aWi ce Messrs. Shepherd, Gould and Snell, li�ing engines on the: 7th of April, and the plow now resides. He rived there ut4til about daily, while another combina devolved upon the company of the Royal A contemporary of the Mail and mpi ion is '-K
iven into the Pacifi-O ocean and affording a con. re spe3ialisti in the depatments, handled the got stuck in, the Holmeoville cutting ; he eight years ago, �Vhen he moved to -011'uton, us the following, day. The'a�gressi�e# R iment of Canadian Infantry if the ex. topics hein very abl had frequently to go out with a snow -plow and remained there until a few weeks!eInce, linuous line ofsteamer and railw � travel stamp remarks There is not in Ontario �.?Iicy 19
chlinge bad. not been made. -A painful -In
a -y of both France and Russia itiOhina is rm- ma occurred at in the latter part of Mal fact, the snow when he w so and It is intended," says the Major-General, the residence of reeve Brigham, from any part.,of Canada to the centre of a Liberal newspaper with d del
1� -6b
in was so bad one yeir about the let of April, died there. Rie wj� died 6 years ago. the courage enough to ing the other plow ent 'back' to isit his
ere. In fact, it seelias to great Yukon country, was found to repeat the experiment* by exchanging a Hullett, On Wednesday' evening, of that it took ib train four days to go from Stirat. He was a staunch Conservative and a mem. h 'of bjeetof Russia, to procure, 0 -tion of the Royal Artillery stationed at last wee am Elliott Bal. ford to Godel bar of the Church of England. The survvl denounce the Yukon deal. All are ailent as be the ultimatep, be a necessity.. It is -this strete to the manner 'in which the authority of when Ad
n.violated by Minister of ith an equal number of the Royal lantyne, Pine River, departed this -In the Court of Appeal, I&At week, a- * ng members of his :family are Mrs'. Harry Government have entered into a. contract OM came to Hu ung John. McBrien, Hull I At Mrs. J. Burns Detroit - ra W 'Sifton." This is a Dre tial Empire to the exclusion of the other f6i ward to even more important results, as ml an,oalong ith his mother, A
- The the nterior tty Co madian Artillery At Quebec, and I look' lif t hegreat majority.. The local case from Goderi h was heard ilway that 14 the fuss is no abc t f controlling power in the Celes- alifox w
Parliament has bee- It least, t, .cheeky statement to come fFOm 8�ch a source. nations. This would 'be' 9, a rious menace Ilett son v. Cook. -Aylesworth, Q. U., for defen.. Mrs. J. Wes.1 'Moore Clinton: 8eorge, iu" 0111 artillery willderivegreat benefibirom to visit rel tive and friends a little dal appealed from the judgmen,t of Ar- Hullett, and Thom y- over as f y
The Gunn gt'ill to
J1 11rd -------