The Huron Expositor, 1898-04-01, Page 318 8. OH— s Bicyc e tlemen to 11 opens. We have At cheap. ; Call and See Us. SON, eaforth and Goderich. XYAIMERCE, L, a I PAS .1 S8000,000 ti000.0O0' L41F4. Notes disCounted, Drafts principalcities br ilerrattda, EkT. urrent rates of interest aid of May and Nevem- ' - mercial Paper and Far- MIMI; Manager. u-nyinnvis-tc-ctrn- Vant lake anythieg that cornea p straight fer the 'Greater' T.s the hec. bers to be the best d that is why 7. The extra a twice as long. WN. ght. chair has been So great ;(_.f., a new chair out of the IJ furniture as well 9,5 (-taking Sale and in order to reduce .)ek of Furniture before „ consisting of Bedroom Extension Tables, Centre )(am Chairs, Parlor Suites, , Easy Chairs, and a nice N'o reasonable offer will above named goods. iiPtly u;) -to -date, with a i14. -We have -iji1,11.1fi of • iv • t ion. . T. ; • ree APRIL 11, 1898. IMPORTANT NOTICES. mouvAT.x FLTIIIDS TO LOAN at 5 per cent., pay 1 able yessiy, on fleet -class farm seourity. Apply toR. S: HAYS, Dominion Bank 13uliding, Seaforth. 16e1 indJ,surveyor, Member of theAseociation'of Ontario t. MoliENNA, Dorainion and Provincial Land - Surveyors, Dublin, Ontario. 1886-52 t mil'ONEY AT 5 PER ()EST.—A large amount of jya money has been placed in my hands to lend to tanners, in sums and. on terms to euit the borrower. Apply to J 13esr, Barrister, Sestforth. 1578-tf Toaa martin, Mirk ef the Second Division Cart, County Commissioner, of Huron, Con- veyancer, Land, Loan and Ineurance Agent. Funds . invested And to Loan. Office—Over Sharp & _Ivens' store, Main street, Seaforth. -117 ANTED HELP.—Rellable men in every local- ity, local or travellirg, to introduce a new dueovely and keep our show Garde tacked up on trees, fences and bridges throughout town and country. Steady emplo3ment. COINTO1801011 or aiay,te5 per month and expenses, and Money de- posited in in} bank when started. For particulars write THE WORLD MKDICAL ELECTRIC COM - PANT, London, Ontario, Canada. 1650-86 MIARIIERS' ATTENTION.—Why pay :II and 6 per J cent. interest these hard times?lam now pre- pared to lend money at 5 per cent. on really first - clog bins security, up to 50 per cent. ot the selling value • straight loans; interest and principal in pay- ments'to snit borrower. Apply to A. COSENS, &lb door south of Jackson's atore, Egmondville. 1504tf REAL ESTATE i'OR SALE. MIARM FOR SALE OR BEN .—Lot 2, Lake road je east, Stanley,136 acres: 80 acres old pasture laud, balance stumpy land, from which timber has just been cut. Never failing water and good outside fences. Moderate price; small cash payment re- quired ;eaby terms, clear title. Apply to W. IL WOODS, Bas field Post Office. 1579x8 -161 ARM FOR SALE.—For sale, in the Township ot _-_u Morris, lot 27, concession 9, 100 acres, 80 clear ed; the balance in hard -wood bush ; 2 barns with ,,tabling, a frame house. good orcherd and plenty of water. One mile from the village of Walton. Also la house and let with wagon thop and Ium r shed, in the village of Walton. Good business s and. Will M be sold cheap. Apply to ATTHEW MQRRISON, in the village of Walton, or JAMES McDQNALD, on the farm. 1579-tf STOCK FOR SAL. 1-111RHAM BULL FOR SALE.—The undersigned if has for tale a thoroughbred Durham bull, eligible for registration ; aged 23 months, oiler red and white. Terms reasonable. JAMES. eATTER- BON, lot 25, concession 1, L. R S., Tuckersmith, Brucefield P. O. 158049 ftLYDESDALE STALLION FOR SALE.—For is& %,,/ cheap, i thoroughbred Clydesdale stallion, forte years old. Good bone, plenty of, hare and splendid action. Ile is a sure stock horse. Apply on Lot 13, London Road, Stanky, or addrets Brucefield P. O. JAMES ROSS. 157441 rlaIOS FOR SALE AND FOR SERVIC IL undersigned,E.— shirenhas for sale boars and sows ig thbreeder of Largefarrow. He wr Englieh Ber also keep for service e stock , "King Lee,' archased from Mr. George Green'of Fairview, , and winner at Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa. Term • —81 payable at the time of service with the privilege 'returning 11 neftwery, if booked 31.50. JAMES rORRANOE,L011 26, Concession 5, MCKIE= Sea - or& P. 0. 144-52 STOOK FOR SERVICE. -DULL FOR SERVICE. --The undersigned Will JD keep for service on his premises .at Itoxboro, is thoroughbred Durham bull. Terms, SI ; if paid fore January, 1899, or 31.25 afterwards. JOHN OTL 15714f 140Attfi FOR SERVICE.—The 'Wndersigned wilj keep for service at Brucefield,, one pure bred Tarnwoith boar, and one pure bidd Cheater White boar. GEORGE HILL, Brume.", 1605,alt MAMWORTH BOAR.—The: undersigned hes on Lot '27, Concession a, II. R. , Tackeinitui thoroughbred Tamworth beer, to which a.llmlted number of sows will be taken. Terms,75eenet±tn, paysble at the time of service, with the privilege, ot returning if necessary. W. C. LANDS -BOROUGH. = • 1580-4 CARTERS ITTLE 1VER PILLS SICK HEADACHE • Positively cured by these Little Pills. - They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi. ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth;Poated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purelg Vegetable. Small P111. Small Dose. Small Price. — Substitution the fraud of the day. Seeyou get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills' . Wrn NN tiker, THE REL Upholsterer and Mattress Maker, SEAFORTH, ONT. Parlor Furniture *repaired- and recovered. Carpets mewed and ; also cleaned and renovated at reaeonabie. prices. Shop in McGinnis Block. WOOD WILL BE TA.KEN FOR WOMI 1522 teterwionteGsworinsonl flEISTllEPF. G A LESSON FROM ME j '311'0 Rd, ICO. • , bestruotion . of the Forests Eas atroughh , HOW SAMUEL HARRIS OF CALIFORNIA ' ' Drought and Desolation. WON Tills_ Tina. The early conquerors of this country , . . . and their 1 followers of today h ve been Ille Now Controls the Pearl and Pearl v.ery Wast•iful and careless i the dispo- Shell Market of America and Europa. ostpon ,' of 'their foresti, with the result z accelerating the date when they will An Interesting Trade With Natives of beoompelled to bee a problem of 4ofest Pacific Islands. . preseration it considerable cost .to BOAR FOR SERVIOk--The urainsIgned will keep for service on Let 84, Coneaseion 4, Tuek- ersinith, thoroughbred Chester.'White Boar, purchased from IL George & Sarin Crompton, Middlesex County. Terms -31, painible at time of service with privilege of returniAg,if necessary. JOHN 'W. ROUTLEDGE. : ; ' 1540 -ti 111IL1IWORTH BOAR FOR SAVE AND F011, SER- VICE.—The under/110aq lieeplor serrioe, at the Bruce/told Jhoese Faettety,,, is thoroughbred • Tamworth Boar, with- registereiVpedipee. Tenns, II; payable at ttneiol service -With privilege of ' re- turning if recseseary, Also a humber of thonnigh- • bred young Tamworth Boars 'and SOWS for sale. HUGH lee0A.RTERT; Brucefielni 140541 MAMWORTH PIG FOR SERVICE.—'1'he tinder - 1 signed has for service oretibt 82, concession 8, MalUilop„ a thcro'bred Taintiverth pig, to whit& a limited number of , sows will. be -taken. Thi. is an extra good pig and breeders find it advantageous to °roes their berkshire sows ivith' this breed of pig. Terms 21, with prlvilege _of teturning if necessary. JOHN Mc 1505xtf Barts'Dy. : Works REMOVED R. H. Barr has removed laleDye Works to GODERICH ST. lieu the METHO- DIST CIATR011 And would take this opportnnity to thank his num- erous cwitomers for their -liberal patronage eine ODEOILIg 'W Seaforth, sind to 'Worm the public gener- ally that I am now in a better position than ever to give my customers satisfeetion, So bring along your clothes. and bave tbeM .Cleaned or Dyed for Fall and Winter. R. H. BARR, Seaforth. Science Ha&Oonquered And made it poem le to restore de- fective eyesight normal vision. J. S. 'ROBERTS Having taken a con* of studies at the Detroit Optical Institute is prepared to fit all defects of vision. Astigmatism, Hypermetropia, Myopia, Presbyopia, or any compound defeet. Astigiratiem is due to irregular shape of the eye, and is usually congenital, but is often caused by inr- proparly fitted glasses. Many school children with tbie defect are called stupid, but with properly fitted glasses they maybecome tbe brightest of scholars. This is quite a common and dangerous defeat. Hyper- metropia is a malformation. which keeps the ciliary muscle in constant use, whereas in a normal eye it is at rest when looking at a distance. This defeat if neglected, may result in nervous depreseion and pain, and even prostration. Myopie is a diseased condition of the eye, whioh should be very carefully fitted to prevent an incrgase of the defect, and perhaps ulti- mate blindness.' Presbyopiteis a loss of accommoda- tion in the eye, which may cense cataract unleste cot- reeted by artlfloial aid. Frequently nerious sick headaches, and also serious' illness, are brought on by cite or more of the above detects. Remember, no charge for testing your eye& J. S. ROBERTS Chemist and Druggist, Seaforth. . • '471410.• • ••• ••••", - • A Common Brod Cow When toned up by Dick's Blood Purifier will give as much and as rich milk as a highly bred aristo- cratic Jersey cow gives upon ordinary feed, and a jersey cow when given ick's Blood Purifier will{ wonderfully increase her yie141 of milk. It saves feed too— because a smaller amount of well digested food satisfiek the de- mands of the system and every particle of nourishment Sticks. • ao PENTS A PACKAGE. LEERING, RILES & CO., DICK 1 CO., Proprietors. hoots, Montreal. It is not generally known that one thereselve". Denizens of the nerthwest single merchant, a young Californian, are familiar with the raPidity with 82 years of age, oontrols the pearl and whiaoha thadvadluabls timber areas have pearl shell market of America and Eu - vs a inenenrohea;it:anbtirel ntorwaethbearetwiseesr II:: rope. This monarch of the pearl trade ' kansas and the Canadian line, Many h Samuel Harris. He operates in the notes of warnings accompanied this de - Pacific mean, and he has built up an struction of the northern soft wood for - astounding commercial reputation in 'gets, bnt they fell upon unwilling ears. the course of eight years. There are Only after it was too late to stop the plenty of cattle kings in the west and mischief did the country begin to recog- wheat kings in the east and money nize the indirect value' of forests to agri- kings everywhere, but there is only one oultnra and that no high degree of civ - pearl king,,and that is Harris. Then- ilizetida can exist permanently with - sands of rare, translucent gems are out some systematic and adequate forest brought to this country and shipped to management. In India thd destruction Europe by his agents. He deals in of the forgets cominenced '1,000years mother of , pearl shells by the ton, and ago, and that country, having at last the magnitude of _his transactions has seen the folly of such waste, is now en - made the private mark of Harris— gaged in the expensive undertaking of namely, a diamond heolosing a large H refOresting large areas. . —a seal of international importance and 'The effect upon rainfall and the pro- - du tiveness of the cultivated tracts has already been acknowledged by investi- gator'. When Ccirtes first saw the vat - ley of bionic% it was covered with wOods, not dense, but abundant, from tha timber line on the volcanoes down earned his title of king. After repeated to the water's edge. The rookies! (Kit - transactions with the natives whoihe • ting down of the forestp by the Span- n fi employed in pearl fishing he stimulated - • hide in the rst century following the them from Passivity to great activity, cenquest in 1591 increased evaporation, gaining their confidence and trust by Aleuted the 'alms to dry up, led to fre honest and reliable barter. He ver irent droughte, followed by ocoasional ne. made promises to them that he did not needs, and changed Jiro climate pi keep Be paid them in fall the price -7-- '_ i `` The next night be suffered with wake - An' alma° • which they deroanded. Himself a in- 1 Any old rancher will tell stories of fulness. The night following he was just ished oritio, As• connoisseur, he never 'as bad. . Finally in two or three days his streams that flowed we he was a boy permitted them to overvalue a_ pile of shells, and they grew to admire bin!. He controlled the situation at Tahiti. He was easily king. It is mid that Harris has been a lover of these delicate gems 'Woe his boy- hood. Pearls have always been t• him the Most mysterious, the most wonder- ful,- the most beautiful handiwork of nature. To 12iin, gifted with an artistica idealistic) temperament,. they appealed In a ronaantio, poetio-way. To him each translucent globule seemed like a tow from the weird erre of an earth be- witched mermaid. They were silent to. kens of the wets* maid's grief, she who pothers pined fora terrestrial -lover. Finally young Harris took a pleasure voyage to the distant Society isles and saw what made his enthusiastio eyes bulge in their sookets. He saw native children playing along the sands with the richest pearls he had ever seen; he saw the native belles passing by with ropes of pearly gems about their throats, ; suet treasures as would have made a , society queen turn pale with envy. Then ' Harris made his first basin's trip to! Tahiti, and he took with him $8,01101 worth of merchandise. RIs burden eon-, _ .eisted mainly of. tobscoo; Wye", M4.; ushhooks and articles of olothing. Then,were-Itizuries to the native TahV Ail., and the pearl trader brought baek that year in exchange for his raerehanif dise fully $40,000 worth of pearls eat pearl shells.. He did not consider it a bad bargain, and he has been back very , year 'ince. - Formerly only the lowest grade pearls were brought to the American market. . a guarantee of genuine kingship. Harris gathers his gems exclusively In the Society islands. For eight years he has made these Pacific land "pots the field of his interesting busiribm. It was on the shores of Tahiti that first he 1 r r <a es fr. Wet, 1 oOD'S LITTLE GIRL. , She left her home in the starry ways ' iAnd reaChed our arms in the' April days. We thought to keep her and hold her here, And our little girl we called the dear. I 1 • 't j. One pleasant eve vvhen the sun bad dipped ' Out of sight, and the stars had slipped I Silently tack to their wonted ways, She turned her face with a wistful gaze i , Up to the blue of the arching -skies. We knew by the look in her pretty eyes And the smile that brightened her email ' face so It was time for God's little girl to go. A kiss we dropped on her curly head. "Sweet little heart,: goodbyl" ' we said. Then unafraid, though the way was dim, God's little girl went back to him. —Bertha G. Davis in Independent. tHg TY • NOVEL CURE FOR INSOMNIA. The Only Way One Nan Can Woo Na- • tures Sweet Restorer. "No, I am not through with my day's work yet," said a Seventh street barber as -be turned the key in the door of his shop a few nights ago. f,'Not through?" asked a bystander who had but afew minutes before left his chair. "No, sir," the barber continued. "I ha v e a customer whom I have shaved every night for nearly three years. It's a fact,. • and that man wouldn't be able to sleep a wink tonight if I did not go and shave him—at least be thinks he couldn't sleep without it. "Funny, isn't it? For several years be suffered with nervous prostration, which brought on insomnia. The doctors—and be tried not a few—did him little good. - During this time he let his beard grow until be bad long flowing whiskers'. "One day his: wife asked him if he wouldn't feel better to have his whiskeri shaved off. He assented, and I was called .in. It was about 9 o'clock, after I had closed my shop for the day. I removed the whiskers and gave his bead a good rubbing.- That night be slept soundly— the first real sleep he had had for months. H. R. Jackson & SON. DIRECT IMPORTERS oe Jules Robin Co's Brandy, Cognac, France; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland ; Booth's Tom Gin, London, England; Ballo& &Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glee- gow, Scotland; Jamieson's Irish Whisky;Dublin, Ireland; also `Port and Sherry Wine from France and Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky, Ontario ",• Royal Distillery and Davis' Ale sad Porter, Toronto. To THE PUBLIC; Wce have opened a retail/ store in connedion with our wholesale busi- business in the rear of the new Do- minkm Bank, in God's old stand, where we will sell the best goods in the market at bottom prices. Goods delitiered to any part of the town free. TE1-EP.HONE 11. 15184f For over a year we haws had the agency for the sale d INDAPD. Our first order was for a quarter of a dons, oar last for On Modred ud Fortydoer Dollars worth. 3. -to TM M OF Dissolution, of Partnership. Notice is hereby gi ___at the partnership busi- ness heretofore carried on by Messrs. T. R. F. Case & Co., as "butchers and pork packers," at the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. The said T. R. F. Case., will continue to carry on the bust - nese, and will assume the payment of all debts ow- ing by the late firm, and Wni also collect all out- . standing accounts. Witness— j T. R. E. CASE, .JOHN RANKIN. •fVEoltOs M. CHESNEY. _Dated at Seaforth, this .5,4h day o.t,lifaroh, 1898. 1578-4 7 malmAra Indapo IIIDAPO' TEM WIZAT • HIP1000 REMEDY PRODIIONS TUB AZOV. Results in SO days. Chinn all Nervous Diseases. Failing Memore Paresis, Slespleesness, Nightly Emis- sions, etc., caused by past abases, gives vigor and size to shrunken omens, and quickly but surely restores _Lost Sltanho in old or young. Easily carried in vest pocket. Pries 91.00a package. Six for *5.00 with. a written guarantee to ears or money refunded. DON'T NOT Alf lurrATIir, but insisron having INDAPO. your druggist _ as not got it, we will send it prepaid. RIED00 MEDI -CO., Proprs, °deter, EL or our Agents. This/spit! isarease proves It Is s remedy that everioes wire tries It Oaks well of. Yours rautocifellY, _ I. V. FEAR, Seafotih, Made a well Man of er The finer ones were retained abroad and rarely ever found4heir way this side of it,takes to write it thousands of acres of had had sunk far belew the level of the migktty Mississippi. The Father of. Wates rushed into tlas sunken country, and the SINALOA WAS 10 great that for three hours the river ran up stream, and rafts and boa below tlae lake were torn from their moorings and went whirling into the seething, maddening vortex. As NM as the newly. formed lake was filled the riVer weal; majestically on its usual course leaving to TonnesIsee one of the finest 'Robing resorts in the °matey, Xnd will show the dry 'arroyo new. They all claim that the tablelande had timber In considerable quatities where now there are barren desert* This government has taken some steps the matter, bet it is also neseeeary for the landowner' to amid, in thie work by planting trees and irrigating !them for a few years until they have [taken good root. By using good judg- Anent in seleoting the trees and in plant- ing in , a few years the complaints which *re now eo frequent of years ol droughts will soon become fewer, and fewer ,nntil they finally (:)ease.—Mon- terey Globe. i BEAUTIFUL MAGIC LAKE. The Present Which an Earthquake Made I ' to Tennessee. Reelfoot lake, *Which lies moody in Obionloounty and partly in Lake, is the largest sheet of water in Tennessee, lt being 40 miles in length and from 8 to 5 in Width. This lake, which evoke!! rapturous comments ,from even the most indiffer- ent obsprver, was formed in a few min- utes by an earthquake, which, accord- ing to the beet authorities, oecurred be- tween 2 and 8 o'clock on Saturday morning, Nov. 16, 1911. There were twe terrifio shocks about 80 minutes apart and many lighter ones between and after. The earth rooked violently, a- deafening noise like thunder shwa! terror to the ear, the atmosphere was heavily laden with something like smoke and vivid and almost nOnStddi Sadly: of lightning Illuminated the fur - rounding country, and in less time than the water. Harris has turned the tables and ram brings to the San Franoineo market the- roost perfect pearls fortisd anywhere. The perfect stones are orient and of translucent Whiteness or gam - merino iridescence. They are finely Symmetrieal in form, and the best are goneraily pear shaped, like a falling star. The hunt for these beauties of the deep gees en 'momently. The samba:- oiternent and uneertaiaty attend the Ilshing as surround the tireless chase for gold or the determined digging in a ,diamond mine. • Whiolt is annually the Meooa of thou - Thor. is the same labor and •the oft 114"1",,of,BP,ortimen..-4iinoinnati Com - repeated disappointment. Now and then rluir°1" „, a grad surprise is brought up by the fearless pearl diver. That compeneates 'for all the rest Lately it wag an, im- Minos bleak pearl, the handsomest of Ate kind over snatched from the fathom- less ocean. Harris brought it on kir last sweat voyage to an ftaneisco. After eareful examination it was toandi to be absolutely perfect, having a weight. ef 'six carat* It is valued in the Leal den 'market at 4158. Since 1894 Hanis has revelutienised the trade in pearl shells. On*. one • l'igs\ and Lambs for Bale. .gredo ever fenhd its way to the mann- hntoren of pearl shell ornaments and .gewgews. ft was generally ehell that :OM %tip, flaky and °Warless mind sold ,,..-r00 a ton. This energetii young kiag' now exports four fferent • THOMAS RUSSELL, Rivennde Farm, Morns, hal for sale a nuntber of young thoroughbred Berkshire boars, and thoroughbred - Leicester ram lambs. They are first-class in every -respect-, and will be sold right. 'THOMAS RUSSELL, Fader P. O. 1556-t1 Horses for Sate. For sale, -alnumber of good horses suitable for farm work. A stable full to choose from. Apply to .JOHN McMANN, Egmondursoill.e2. Studente' Pranks. In The National Magnin. W. keavitt tolls aome amusing stories 01 e pranks of American art students in Peril. Once the stidents in one atelier hazed a nswoomeir• by taking all hie *maw, putting him into a cab and giv- ing ithe driver instructions where to take' him. When , the oab halted, the jpengiless student alighted and stood on ' the curb. "Will you be Se good of to light * match?" gelid the Auden. "I ' dropped a napoleon in the oab and can't find it." Whereupon the drives whip- ped up and was away in a hurry. new student from; Algiers amused thei studio for awhile by imitating the sounds of various Wild bouts and birds. des or varieties, ranging In value 1, Then the flokle feliows tired of it. Ss likons $000 to $1,200 a ton. one day, having Prepared a big box All duals are purchased lab** from with breathing holes in it; they put the !the native fishers. They bring down ming° in it and kept him. there three ;their hauls of shell to the yoang king's, days, at the end of which time be per - ; themes as it lies in port, fretting rest, formed only by request. i the side of the rude piers.; wife again called me in to shave him. I did so, and that:night be got a good sleep. 'The -result is that I was called in every night. - `Finally I agreed to do the work for eo ranch a month, and I am a regularcaller at his home every night. I am the last one to see him. After 'I shave him and rub bis head be goes directly to bed. He ;bee had no insomnia since I began the nightly shaving. "No, It isn't because of any particular power Ihave over him. Any barber tiould do it, I• suppose; but he won't have any one but. me. Yee, it is a bore sometimes when rwant to go away; but he pays me enough to make it an object. must hurry Or he will be worrying."—Washing- ton Star. The Spelling Lesson. Is the fit thirg to eonOider in 01(Ahing. The price comes riext. Quality naga:s good roaterial rel kle pp. it meane a good fit; it means good -wear ; it means a genteel, appearance. Our clothing is dihtinetively quality clothing, the. price is only a little more than you would pay for the shoddy goods, but you'll find a vast difference in the wear and looks. THREE POINTS. There is a good deal of satisfaction in knowing that 'your 'clothes fit you and look well. ][ is as important as the wear ng qualities, and when the three points are coinbined, you have just the kind of clothing we are selling. Our stock coniprises all the best lints of Tweeds to be had, while our Hats and. Haberdashery is unexcelled. The price is in strict accord with the quality, and is the same to all. Spmal line of Suits for business and professional men. BRIGHT SEAFORTH. The following illustration of ' a °WW1 spelling lesson and ber apt conclusion in regard to the orthography of the English language is taken from the New York Times; "Spell toes," said the mother, wlio was teaching her little daughter, 7 years old, to spell. "T -�-z e," answered the child. "No dear, that's not right. T -o -e -s spells; ice's." "But it sounds like t -O -Z -e. " , "I know it, but you cannot go by the sound." Then in order to enforce the proposi- tion, the mother called upon her daughter to spell froze, F -r -o -e -s," said the child. "No; you're wrong again. This time we do noel the z and spell the word r -o -z -e." • "Hub I" exclaimed the child. , Now spell rose," said the mother. The child hesitated. Finally she said, "I don't know whether to say r -o -z -e or r -o -e -s." "Spell it r -o -s -e," said the mother, "though there is another word pronounced just like it that's spelled r -o -e -s. That word is the name of the spawn of fishes." The child looked perplexed. "Just one word more," said the mother. "Tell Ime how you spell blows." "W011," said the little girl, who had bad • quite 'enough nonsense, as she viewed it, from her mother and had suddenly made up her mind to pay back in kind, "I spell it three ways. I spell it b -l -o -s -e for break- fast, b -l -o -e -e for dinner and b -l -o -z -e for supper." "I epell it b -i -o -w -s," said the mother. The child was silent for a minute as if wrapped in thought; then, looking up, she solemnly remarked, "I think, mamma, that the English language was made for -persons very, very well educated." Wawling, Wowling, Caterwauling. . only age n 'ITIkey bring down their find here for the „ ;Wars inspootion. Me vitals State and .ipisees judgment. Harrill eon ; tell at a vanes what a pile of shells s worthi B. is an expert at determining value, and he is a shrewd buyer as well and has never perreitted the native export" to outdistance him in judgment. When la pile of shells is dropped before him, he plki ip one or two and runs his arm oarelessly throush the heap and in • a moment can determine the grads, to !the natives are clever at assortment Ho oncommon shell", are ever !and ansogg the poor outs. They have not learned t the trick a deeeption by !niggling • good and ths brat—Chicago Times. eralt • isgratitade. Osis at the passengers 1 from the i wrecked *teaser Kanieruko who was , 4104 by pigs swilmaing ashore with a . life lineate bacon for breakfast as Won as he anived at Sydney. —Exchange. MARRIAGE LICENSS ISSUED AT THE HUM EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SHAFORTH, ONrfARIO NO WITNESSES REQUIRED, A Tough Colors, Ilan. A recent railroad wreak in North Carolina was caused In a peculiar way. A colored man wanted to get a ride and tried to jump a train of empty fiat oars. Me missed the car and 11.11 across the wok, where the wheels et several oars passed directly over bim. His body threw two ef the cars off the traok, and the straugeet Dart of it is that after the Only siti weeks f run the gardens of India, Pure Indian to our brealitast tables. Guelph, November 23rd, 1897. THE SLOAN MEDICINE HAMILTON. For years I was trobletl with Dear Sirs: periodical sick headaches, being affected usually every Sundity, and used all the re- medies that were advertised as cures, and was treated by almost every doctor in Guelph, but without any relief. One doctor told me it was caused by a, weak stomach, another said it was hereditary and incurable. I was induced by a neighbor to try Sloane Indian Tonic, and am happy fo say I did so. A few doses gave immediate relief, and one bottle and a half made a com- plete cure. This was three years ago and the head- aches have never returned. 1 was also troubled with asthma and nothing helped me like your Sloan'e Indian Tonic. I can heartily recornniend it to all, and will be glad to give any particulars to any one afflicted as I was. • W. C. Keogh. The Sloan Medicine of Hamilton, The word "wawling" and its variants "wewling" and "wording" are fairly common in modern folk speech. Up here In Northumberland we havet "wowl- inlit g ;" in Buoks and Oxon I ave heard both "wawling" and "wewling" applied to the plaintive or wailing ory of little children. When the "English Dialect Dictionary" extends to "W,a Protestor Wright will no doubt show the range and nuances of the tern), as he has already done with "bell" and "belling." Shakespeare makes use of "wawl" once at least. See "Lear," TV., vi., in whilh the aged king tells, Gloster : i Thcni. know'st the first time that we emelt ths lair We *awl and cry. —Notes and Querlea. Price $1, 6 for $5. All Dealers or address LIMITED °MINION r BA or ere,r• CAPITAL, (PAID UP) Some Descriptive Writing. They were beaten, hopelessly beaten. Fate, cruel fate, had decreed for them a death as early as it *as ignominious. Without so much as a word, a sigh, a whitmer of agony or a breath of mistime(' they had been consigned to their doom. Even now, naught left of them but the pale white of despair, were they being poured over the lemon meringue pie. They were beaten, hopelessly beaten. 10 1. egos that we are talking about.—NSW York World. REST, Under Difficulties. "Boys, if you don't stop that racket in there I'll thrash you till you can't stand! Don't you see I'm trying to write?" eau lead run ern hint the lean was able 44 'What are you writing, papa?' e0 get np and Walk Me% As he looked But papa didn't answer. He was evolv- around bine be was heard to exclaim: ins an article on "Irritability, Our Nee "W�11. Wall I Inver as. de like germ I tional Foible," for one of the magazinee. 1 was bo'a. I'll bet my week's wars —Chicago Tribune. huts Gonetitation. The smallest diocese in tbe world is said to he that of St. Helena. The bishoP, Dr., Welby, receives a salary Of 9900 and over- YerY happy 111 is`lisrZarh.*rePitt°1121 1 sees three clergymen. Still he has the ti- PoISIKAS -^P w • tle of bishop„ which is as sweet as the loftily asserted that Itte was the gamaliaa grapes of Esol to an aspiring church of of his own honor, "I wish the haserable England clergyman. S O gg • SEAFORTIt BRANCH. MAIN STREET, A. general banking business tranmoted. Drafts on all parts of United State, Great Britain and Europe bought and sold. Lettere of credit issued, -available in ell parte. of Europe, China and Japan. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, said advances made en Min at lowest rates. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT= Deposits of One Dollar and upw-xds received, and hitereet allowed r next) outran rates. Interest added to principal twice each year—at the end of June anr. Taxsember No notice of withdrawal is required for the whole or anyiportion of & deposit R. S. HAYS, Solicitor- . K. S4500,0002 Si.600.000. SEA,FORTH. .4s1V. K. PEA WYK Airent. ew Goocis pened New Prints, New Flannelett -New Shirtings, Ne'w lined% sue me fel damages.' —Ato and learned gentleman joy el his 1111111* care. " Tho gealnelde of the United States cov- or 194,000 square miles. : —A shocking accident occurred to Miss Jane Lewis, daughter of Mr. Wm. Lewis of the fifth concession of Thutlow. While lighting the fire her dress became ignited, and betore help came she was badl hurned about the body and litnbs. Dr. Fattlitner, of Foxboro, was summoned, and did all pssible to relieve her sufferings. It is hoped that her injuries may not prove' fatal, al- though they are very serious. Purest and Best for Table and Dairy ' No adulteration. Never cakest s, rint Wrs ppers New Shirt Waist New Corsets New Collars aid Cuff's, New Ties and Scarfs, - New Le6ther Belts, &c; Our Spiting MiIlinc To hand, and we are ready to take your orde in the millinery line. • Ti=1311 Cahail W. W: AOFF ry Goods now for anything 1941101:01U:. AN. OARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. Agent for Butterick's Patterns idia Vablications. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS • LINN' BAKING POWDER THISTANT.F1,1114D • REMOVED. Having removed into the store formerly occupied by Mr. J. Downey, in the Cady Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, I now purpose carrying a full and complete ine of all kin& of • Harness, Whips, Blankets, And everything handled by the trade. just received this week a large consignment of BLANKETS. GOAT ROBES AND GOLLOWAY ROBES, Which we are ow offering astonishingly low prices. M. BRODERICK, SEAFORTH. THE SEAM* TEA STORE 1•••••••....• Hu just received another consignment of ell kinds of new Goods for thespring trade. 2 lbs., Japan Tee for 5o;2 3 lbs. of Evaporated Peaches for 25c; 3 lbs, of Pitted Plums for 22o ; 3 lbs. of Apricots for 25e ; 4 lbs. of Date for 2513 ; 5 lbs. Dried Apples for 25e ; S Ibi Prunes for253 ; 6 lbs. Eke for 250 a 1 lb. of Jamey Cream. Blend Coffee and a Coffee Mill for 50e. I am still giving lots Of those very useful articles with Baking Powder every day. A cordial invitation is extended to an to call and get some of those great bar. gains WANTED—Fresh Butter and Eggs, for which I will pay -the highest market prices, in casb or in trade. A1 G. AULT, Celthi y_