HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-03-25, Page 8_0
7 ��77n
77 77, 4,
77— 7 77!��4
THE HURON J.0srron
fl an
feverend gentleman is a ent n ple
ab l� was.. hold on this &uutry,nottling in Lanark. For Che last an elegant supper was partaken of. The nt
Collie, of Gas' City, Indiana, ban be�v iug, refreshments were served by. the young Literary and Debating cl p forty-five she had beed a resident of wedding presents were numerous and useful. tempare speaker and his sermon and
Tuesday evening last. Thd winding �u: X,
ture werelistoned to with g
rocery and although the coffee y . t. , , W
Wilson's Oas-h G' � 2 Ire here lately with men of the church, 17vrear thirty years ago) then the A most becoming cream costume. was worn reb6t interest bT_
pending a couple of wee tand meeting will be held on Tuesday.. evening B field.
"a r I b� the bride and her travelling dress was Is
his�motiher and other relatives. Mr.. Collie was made by the gentlemen, we undera daughter of Mr. wiJow of James Gernmill she was marrie( rge congregai ione.— e are plessed
and the ladies had to come to their assistance in next.�Miss May 800le, 1
To En -courage Pash Trade. I in a graduate of THE EXPOSITOR office Still, Charles Bogle, left last Friday f6r Marine to Mr. James Whitten,wiio is left to mourn navy blue. An enjoyable evening was spent earn that Mrb. Gilebrist, mho� waalri
the making of cakes and sandwiches. a kind and loving companion.. Mr. and Mrs. Grant left for for several welpks, isrecovering nice:
in the Hoosier state.— C.t srriok, of Me- the loss of
)eriDg down Michikan.-r-Richard BI by Che guests.
In proal
7 r a begluniagi
We have dedded tq give a'5 per cent- cub Me- were surprised on Monday to they did remarkably well fo Deceased was one of the first members of their home in Tuckersmith about 6 p. m, Alex. tLichanan wais in London this
count to Ali putebank of $1 or over worth of goods, Our people -f to the 1�i&p,y was tiekeit�d through �to B61osevain,
learn den death of Miles Annie and it must have Wen a great relie Andrew's church and 6ny hearty good wishes ior 744r. George J-,oynt is this iveek in
,of the and Orville, is week. St. was highly es- followed by me
except sugar add flaur alone. Those who pay cub -to feel that the respon - Manitdba,by Mr. W. Som h3gin on busiriiess.
or 1�ay Accounts promptly every month. this will be Mason, stepdsughter'of Mrs. H. Mason, of ladies of the church i Y. Mr. Grant, —Miss Hodgins, who -.w
'seed %he Corn- teemed I For the ppiness and rosperit
ument, not to mention —Mr. Alex. Davidson ham �F Dy all who know her. past future ha
abigadvantage to cash ousto-00. We hXv0uOw this village,and gtanddaughter of Mr. James sibility of the entertiti e -from New five.weeks, she had been.faitbfully attended who owns a 100 acre Farm. on the 4th concei, - We spending several weeks with her auut�,
in etcek a full line of new Ralains, Currents, Peels, Forsythe. She had been ailing for about two the washing up of 1he dishes, did not rest merci6l hotel, to two gentl m�en I M b Mrs. Rumball, of London, a daughter of sion of Morris,. will probabl move to it in Mrs. Haskel1l, has returned to Lucien. -
Kate, ete�, for the ChristroSaL trade. We have A on them. Mr. B. B. Gunn occupiedthe chair Hamburg. They got possession on so. �he PoBf throws Messrs. Ze bftw
good -stock of new season Tese, choice offee, And t few:' realized lot.—Rev. F. Ryan,of Durham and iiev. J. Whitten. The funeral took place on -the course Of & year or ufle & Robinson, who have
A 10, years With consumption bu ad generally o meeting a motion Mr. Graham in an yea
all kinds of Groceries, as any one In tow�� a and at the close of � th' Tuesday afternoon, Rev. editorial slipper after the happy twain. ng on.& shoe store for several
'stock that the end was: no near as sbe h -Mrs. 'Parke and wife, of Clinton,, were at the "rry' iss
of Crockery, at Otani been able to be about and was made by Mrs. Bond, seconded by have d olved partuership and th
and welt veltetyd Ilet Sets, I --only IoAt -week 'men rectory thisweek.—Mra H�rry lWeet, of- charge. e bu
Tea gets, from $1.76 up �; best Granite Bright, which conveyed to the gentle I iti future will be continued -by Mr. ZeUU�_-
W Dinne Seteofthe bad paid a couple of visits to neighbors. t isit to DiTsdale.
from lJo up -. a nice loi el ne I Mountain, North Dako a, in on a, v
I �,kindly disposi. the thanks of the congregation' and more —.Mrs. A. Murdock has returned from To,.*
be, quality,. and nobblest patternil. 0 11 and see The deceased wAs of a brighl Mr. and Mrs. A. Cardno.— Chicago. PERSONAL.i-The Stratford' daily' Herald
or rod e. Wanted tion and was grown to womanhood when particularly of the choir for the successful her 1) vrents, ronto, where she had been on a vi WE
th a highest price paid for prod sit. -M
I ace and dreased fowl. Will The pro- , Mrs James. Beattie in on avisicto friends —A Mrs. Joseph Mero, who has - been
ter, g#,Wtato yer entertainment they- had given. NoTEs. number of the young men left says T..J. Berry -has pure ased_frorn NJ 31 e&�,
she was smitten with the fell destro Ir h T..Masows-
V goo Fri 8 for aqood, article. er thirty dollars. I it, 11&milton, Niagara Falls land'�-ngvrjsoll. for the Northwest last week.—Mr. Henry speniing a week visiting her brother, I
were somethingi ov of .01inton, fine three-year-old drivilair-
which is carrying off so many of the peop-1-0 ceeds.
0. WILSON, Seaf-orth. —The Mitchell Recorder of this Week Says: Kallifleisch is on the sick list, We wish him' J. B� Badour, of the depot shoe store, re
f this countr borne ThocoT
y. But she never complained on- the price paid being $150.
Bank of Com*swe Blodk. 0 DE.&Tu OF A WORTHY Womm,;.—There The two youpg ladies . who have ibeen c p9edy re.00very.—Mr. Peter Hisenbach, tuQd to Drysdale, to -day.
and: -Patiently Awaited the fate which she ere a e has, a fine carriage d rbmieestobe
at the residence of ducting the classes in irt noodle work h O.�rl artist and fresco painter, has secured the NIOTES.—Sugar making is the order df th
trotter. He was iln
realized to be-' inevitable, -trusting! only dreTb a s'?OW'y f
in died in Goderich y the trotting ho
her daughter, - Mrs. Emily Pasmore, on for the past three weeks, will leave for Sea. co, tiact for decorating the Luthern church day.—Mr. George Baker and his �' sister, ro
Lo I am with you even unto Wilderlee,—Migs IdaPea�thasxeturned
him who said'
a Cli't6n, 1se Thursday evening, 1vilarch 10th, Sarah Tay. forth on Satuiday to spend two or. three in Heidleberg, Ontario, which will corn- Mary, of Dashwood, were the -guests of Mrs. a visiting relath I
Grand Trunk R uway the end."—Mifis Do Wiltse, of n rise, of weeks there. The ladies here. became great- MOXICO in JUDe.—Mr. Adam Edighoffer,'of Westlake last Sanday. —Mr. D. Dewar was Fullerton, whereshewa
lor, relict of the late John Her Mini Patterson, of Toronto, is visitinghs
been the guestof Mies Maggie Charl,esworth, , Z
durin the pia)st week or two.�--Mr.' James Greenan Hall, Cumberland, England. The d in the class Of work !taught by Blake, has bought a thoroughbred cow from the guest of Xr. RAerb Snowdon recently.
ly I interests I tero Urs. G.F. Arnold.—Mr. McGowan, late
Hills loft on Tuesday to spend the summer deceased was taken seriously ill iome three Mies Grant mud Miss Lewis, nd -the ladi indaw,
. i Mr. George Edighofter, for altgood figure.— —Mr John Bannerman, who has spent the Of.
of'Seaforth should not mim� a day of the Mr. William Schatz bad a logging bee on winter in the House of Refuge, has returned Tuckersmitb, is visiting bin brother.
Toronto, MontA&I Bud with Mr. James Aitchesou, of -.McKillop.— months ago and her family were summoned. Mr. 4Tohn McFarlane,/' of this
Reduced fares t u- sken.by Rallying %gain, however, hopes were enter- opportunity that is comin to them.—Mr- Thursday of last week.—Miss Rosa Stelck to the Bauble line, looking. hale and hearty.
intermediate points. New service to Vi With ali'due respect for the aotion� It 9 George Beverley, of Toeswater,i is spendift.
tained for her ultimate recovery ; fond hopes A. S. Chrystal, of Goderich, was in town on w 9 the guest of -Miss Matilda Steinbach'a —Messrs. William Turner and Robert
nipeg and the Northwest. - Weekly colonist our council at -their last meeting,,�'we have Talbot and Misses Flora Turner and a few weeks with bin uncle' he: re._:Mr, Jr.
trains from Toronto to Winnipeg, : via not heard of �ny one during the. past year not t* be real -zed. Alihough the-decease'd- Friday last. Miss Mary Sutherland in visit few dayslast week.
Mrs. Rosa Westlake were the guests of the R. besitie, mer. ant -tailor, Was -confinotif&
ange,- and ant of an, hotel -in had reached a ripe old age,her death is none friends in Clinton this week.—
his room several days this week thh!oui
Chicago and St. Paul, without ch being inconvenienced for w tr
baggage checked through in bond. Book, thin viJI%g6. the less felt by her family.and many friends. Murphey left here on Thursday fo Toronto, Ashfield, Misses Bresnan last Sunday evening.—'N- pin
of blood poiponing,:'frorn a scratch: of a, in:
was an untiring reader and always ke t where she intends spending� tw� or three H. Mayne, who has been visiting relative
your intended departuie at this office one She NOTES.—The Huroik promdbion examina. Wag h8i]Dg.
C -LiTERARY.—A meeting of in touch with theim�brtant qnestions of tge" weeks visiting'friends. and -friends in Michigan, for the past f W
week in advance.. OLLEGIATE tions commence on Thursday,. 24th iust,-�.
it to Literary day. Possessinga, splendid constitution, a months, has returned home.—Mr. Joe Pushl
the Seaforth Collegiate Inst u Messrs. John McKeith and John Gardner
room at 3.30 buoyant -and cheerful temperament, with Brucefteld. was the guest of Joseph Denomy last Sun-
W.Somerville, Agent. -washeld in theassembly hav*Vne to Manitoba. We wish them every
o'clock; on Wedneq'day afternoon. day eVening.—M r. Edward Talbot, jr., in -
A large faculties unimpaired, she seemed to retain B. R. HiGGiNs, Brucefield, ��Notsry Public success.—Some of the harbingers of spring
number of pupils and ex-pu] at- Life losurance
pils were in Conveyancer, Fire ani Any have already arrived,and cheer us with their tendstaking a trip to Sarnia in the near
her youth, and everyone who had the Drivi i9ent.
Olegraph a ad Express Building -Latim In her own home circle her in- farm securit
tendance. The programme consisted of a lege of her acquaintance - acknowledgea her amount of money to loan at 6 per e6nt., on first-class singing�_Mr , . Bowei has commenced cutting future. SP 9
er ; recitation, ;y. Also a Itinited amounCl of private
iano solo, by Miss T. magnetism Ing and his sa*log@. Mr. W. T. Gardner brought
funds at 5 per cent. At home every morn
Ely, Miss B - Scott; piano d net, Misses M. -fluence was chiefly felt. Children and grand- Wednesday of each week. several 1 gooa; farina for in a large number for the rebuilding of the Turnberry.
Spoing Term and B. Punchard ; recitation, by Miss M. children—these were relations that enriched sale. 1571
Paramount cheese factory.—The Nine Mile Bpw@Fs.—The Bluevak correspondent
u ;pie no so iss . G. Picker ; life to her and never was a mother and ran NoTims.—Word was receivel There Iset 'river was higher during the late freahlet stated Jut week that Mr. Duff h&d a buff
BEGINS APRIL 4th. rea i g of the Recor or ; piano 8010t by mother more revered and loved ; her death week from Michigan, of the death of a nep- than it has been for a long time. cochin hen which )aid an egg measuring 61
right i readin , by Mr. Clarkion. a
leaves her family sorrowing, but Heaven i how of Mr. W cott; The 3�,6ung man —0
iss , i inches one way and 71 inches the other fry
f i is the meeting c osed by,SiDgint the richer by her presence. All the surviving
was in the prime of life, and wo only ill Mr.James Casemore's hen bents that record.
mational anthem. The next meeting hag members of the family were present at the bat a very short time when death claimed r
NOTES.—Rev. Mr. Rigsby, was in London She laid an which measured 6J inches
kween postponed for On indefinite period. obsequies on Monday, March 14th, which him as its victim. Mr.'Andiew Scott left
on Wednesday.—Mr. William Montgomiry, one way and 8 inches the other. The egg is
were conducted by Rev. J. Edge and during -here to attend the f aneral.of the deceased.—
of Seafortb, visited friends in- town, on Sun- on exhibition at Mr. Casemore's residence.
To PouLTRY r the service the following hymns, at the re- Mr. Allan, of Stratford, agent fox,,tho Great It is a i
STRATFORD, ONTARIO, FAwomm.—Jobn Wa day—Two--of our oldest citizens joined Any who may be skeptical are invited to in-
Reaforth, has eggs to sell for hatching, from Barred,
quest of the deceased, were sung: A few Western Life Insurance Compan�, was here
Recognized throughout Canada as the Buil and White P;ymouth Rocks, warranted pure. hearts and hands'to face the battles of lite, on vestigate. —Mr. James Anderson is recover. -
Mo looking after the interests
leadia commercial school. in Ontario. Mr. Ward won more prizes with these hens at the re Years shall Roll," and 11 There is a for a few days, Wednesda in 'the' rsons of Mr. -John ing from an attack of pneumcinia.�Mrs.
last Huron poultry show than any other briteder of Land of Pure Delight.'� Her two sons and of his - company.—Mr. George Munroe, y? Is
Enter now. Write for special circulars. l580 -8x4 The White and Mrs. y McIlwain. They Jermyn has been. absent from home for
nymouth'Acoks. 01.50 for 15 eggs. four sons-in-law acted as pall -bearers. sfor 'Mr. Scott,
butcher, dressed thirty hog were married in Clinton and a;rrived'home some weeks, attending her father, who --is
VV X VljjnT 4"4-52 second-hand bicycles, from deceased was mother of Mrs. J. M. Best and on Friday of last week.—Hiss McDongall, es.Casemore is getting mater -
A few good
T Princinal 11-nok u their abode in. very ill. —Jam
$15 Up, At C. W. PArST'S Bookstore, Seaforth ndmotherof Mrs. J. C. Greig, or 8�a- o(Kent, who has been visiting! friends in
preparedforthe erection of an imple-
lb8O town. May; long life and- happiness be ial
orth. this vicinity', left for her home on! Saturday.
theirs. —The! Uncle Tom's Cabin gave a con- ment house, 22 by 36 ; also a hog pen, t
THE Pentecost Store, Seafortb, will have a a for 14 by 24.—Considerable damage has been -
—Mr. Scott left here on We&sd
—In Saturday's Globe there cert here on Wednesday evening.—Mr.'
Cleatliving Sal gaaud ill 611 spring Millinery, on,oFridal and LOCAL BRIIEFS. Toronto, with a car load of dr'essedhogs ig swamp,
3 lay rd y James Em'igh left for British Columbia on done to the ,road through the bi
AprLI lot and 2od; ladlea' in- a splendid group picture of the officers of
vited. and clover seed.—Mr. Hart, a received
8 tur4ay
This 0 to will be headquarters for the
0, j!J6 Ore. ;he Trinity Medical Society, Toronto, for Wednesday morning, also a number., of west of the B hill, occasioned by the recent
Our semi4nnual clearing sale is n m%terialls to be usedin the Art Needle Work lessons, t the sad news last Friday, from oodatoek,
t weeir.— r' storms.—Ja so Casemore sold his black
did opportunity for buyers to secure arty the full And complete stock'. 1580.1 1897-8, and in which we notice the genial -death of his siste�.—Mr. yan others for the Went during the pas ain
sents a a of the uter, of Whitechureb, for
0 -President
season b t ds at extremely low prices. -Mrs. W. H. Hammond is visiting friends in mare to Mr. HLA
Episcopal clergyman, of D r a 1, was on /a/Z
and Ladies! Fur Coats, Miss - ARNoLDi of the New York Society countenance of Mr. J. S. H 4
Galt and Millbank for a week or so. .685.
Man% ;7Z YO /Js
Capes, An& smaller furs, are moving out rapidly- of Decorative Art, will visit seaforth for two weeks, of the society, and son of Mr. lames Hogg, TuesJay the guest of Mr. and M, . Markii,
nsare being offered in Men's, commencing March, 28th, and has secured the Y. M. of M dKillop. He looks as natural as life. —
some !�lenAid bargai of the post office.—Mr. B. R.i iggins left
ths, 13,6ye' and Ch too
'Von Hdren'sOve' ateandSuite.. 0. A. Hall for that time, and will have on exhibition Bluevale.
Captain, Norman McLeod left hereon Tues Winthrop.
here last week for -London and Toronto.
there a magnificent display of art needle work td
Also In Prints., Flann.ela, Dress Goods and Hosiery day last for British Columbia, where he in- NOTES. —The Mock Parliament, announced
very (jeep Into Ladies! and inspect, whfoh she extends a cordial invitation to 'While in Toronto he was theguept of Mr. NOT11S.—There has been a good run of
The knife. is being put
tends pushing his fortu sap this season.—The present weather is by the literary society a few weeks ag6, "Was
ChildroWs Cloth Coate. We cordially invite all to the ladles' of eaforth, and also to arm, Ith ne in the future. Mr
tle w M. Higgins.—Mr. Bobier, of Exeter, was
IT dead failure and killed the sodiety, for this
ca -11 and examine for themselves our special offers. them for a series of less7ons JH the feel 9 art- ArIcLeod's numerous friends here will wish
in this vicinity last Saturday, in the inter- he farmers have commenced it
elightful, and t
Thiviss ood, oppoitunity-for the ladleie of Sea
him much success in the Pacific province. season at least. The society will likely be
plowing.—Mr. Robert Hanna, sr., has
of the very lateat ]AM;
forth to oTtain a knowledge eats of hisereamery.
It f - erely
-of ch —*_ i op,
In this work. Tuition entirely free arge. —We neglected Iasi) week to couvratulate leased his grazing farm, adjoining Winthr formed again next winter and we sine
on Brat: day at 2
Wm. Pickard & Oo. our friend and neighbor, Mayor Holmes, of Mr. Jas. ope �,it will. It has proven a good thing forv-
Hours 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Opme Leadbury-,l to Mr. A. Menzies, for one year.
p. M.
M orrison, of o 9
Clinton, and editor of the New -Era, on the T ronto, has been'visitin for those who took part in the debates, and
S-EAFORTH. As and boys,
0 o.
You are invited to be present at I ur 'Mil- distinguished honor conferred on hi b his School boots for gi all kinds, friends and relatives in this part.' Mr. those who listened learned a good deal W
all qualities, from the very beat to ��the I onei Next winter w hope an active part will be
xp kinas.
linery 0 ing, Friday and Saturday, lat,and 2nd of brethren of the Press in orrison holde a good position in the cheese e
electing him 'good and big
Assoctiatio variety. W. H. WiLLis, Boots an:l. Shots, Seaforth- making business.—Mrs. John Ballard bag taken by a larger number of the
April. W. HOFFMAN, SeMOrth. 1580-1 Come to this storefif you want to bee a M
dent of ;the Canadian Press n, at members
We trust that the majority of So it v.
A GOOD comfortable cottage to rent, corner the annual meeting held last week at 1 1680-1 sent and not leave all the work to a few, as it t
returned home, after having had a plea
Market and Sparling streets. Apply to STARK BRO. ladies, read this column, and in do
9' Ottawa. Mr. Holmes is, in ever respect, oTEs.—Mr. an e public
1580 y A]. Y. McLean tended the visit to friends in'London and vicinit has been this winter. As for t
ilo� We Would call attention to the
worthy of the honor, and will, e are sure, Farmers' Institute meetin at eadbury on Mr. George Hanna has purchased a new top library we do not know whether it will be
Although- we have not yet received half of Brownleeand children that this store is different from Mo$ of
Wednesday of realized ornot.
our new spying oxford@ for ladies, we can show you do credit to himself anilhoad tothe Associ- last week. is. any friends buggy.—Mr. W. Slaughter has engaged for —Mrs
the :stores. It doesn�t try
of Glencoe, were visiting at - Mr. Robert to
DISTRICT MATTERS. tores. People tell atiou in the position, in w0h he has been in this section were pleased 0 set him.— this season with a man in Hullett.—Mr.
agoodbi varietyequaltootheir entift
Try us and aqe. W. H. been unanimously placed. We must also Mr. George Thornton. who w born in and Mrs. F. Millson are visiting friends in Mosgrove's this week.—Mr. A. McEwan is everything ; but gives I
u ces are t e lowest.
WILLis, Boots and Shoes, Seaforth. 1580-1 and attention to the things that
late Mr. Dingman, of the Stratford Yorkshire, England, 83 years ago, was one Palmerston. attending the Grand Council of the Caua-
rth, on particularly for their own drsw-_
A BRiLu.kp�T EVENT.—One of the most Mo--TEY Loft.—Lost in �Seaf!6' Herald, on his election, as vice-president. of the, first to poll his vote for�Moouey in than Order of Chosen Friends, in Toronto
brilliant society events that bab -been held Thurday, March 24tb..,& ten dollar �ill. The finder ornamentation of tbeirbomoo-*
The affairs of this old and useful association division No. 2, McKillop. this is another Blake. this week, as a representative from Bluevale
ame at TuF iEXPOSITOR -distrib. I hence we call it your store, and itivi
here for a number of years. will be the mili- will be rewarded on leaving a
—The flax company will be
will be in"'jitod hands this year --Mr. A. E. old man heard from. —Mrs. Smith, who was council.
Orrics, Se%forth, 1580xi Iftms. —Muddy weather is now the'order
a hall, on
t0y ball to be given iii Cardno' Smither,n, traveller for the celebrated ill, is improving nicely�, and we hope uting flax seed in the course of a week or our desire that, you feel at, boom
Monday evening, pril Ilth, under' the SFED PLrAs.,—For eale a quantity of Gol- of the day, and yet in epite of the poor Therd
medical firm of Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., of vjysoon be quite well again�—Some of the
den Wine Peas, suitable for seed. roads our cyclists are making their wheels iwo.—Mr. Joseph Pugh it in Toronto this the moment you step inside.,
auspices of the 33rd batallion. Elaborate South of ftmondville. 16soxi ' *-1;oweil, MaseachuEetts, was in town a few faimers commenced ploughint )ast week. week on business.—Mrs. Thomas Farrow, of
fly.---�Mr. Wm. J. Howard, delivered a
preparations are being- made for the enter. This is earlier than. usual.— iss 'Martha quantity of hay to Mr. Myers la;st week.— Brussels, was visiting Mrs. Robert Moo-
GiRL WANTED.—Wanted 'at once, a good i days ago looking after the interests of his
-tainment of the many guests expected, and -visiting her I sisters, at —Air. Edwin Bailey, who
general servant girl. Apply to MRs. T; F. CoLzmAN, 1 firm. Ayees preparations are need more or Stenzel, who was Mr. John Mero has remodelled his shop, grove this week.
this ball will certainly eclipse ay similar 1580-1 less by every person and ther more thdy are London, for a couple of weeks, h�s returned was ill, and had to give up teaching at Hay
Over six hun- Goderich street, Soxforth. home. —Mr. Henry Stimore has gold a young which te ad improvement to the place. Hmtdsonte
event given -by the Militia. MMI -NERY OPENING.—The ladies of Sea. used the more popular do they become. i U ville, is very much better since he came
—Mr. Ipm.iDouglas left for -Michigau'last
d d jo�s will be issued -6 10ends in forth and vicinity are cordially invited to inspect the Mr. Thomas Jerman, of McKillop, near mare to a Stratford man, receiving nearly
re invitat home and will begin teaching again after
week, where he has secured the j $pring ThiAgs.
this and the.neighbpring towns, so well as d!splay of spring millinery, at Wit. PICKARD& CO.'s r ob of Easter. Mr. Bailey was MSeaforth'recently sold to M . John MoMann $100 for the animal.—We someltimes hear teaching in
show rooms, iresforth, on Friday 'and Saturday, hostler or Mr. Moorehouse, of Marlette.
distance, which will insur
--some at al e a April let and ind. 1680-1 a very fine pair of two year old geldings for - -rude and mean words spoken �f defeated We wish this young man good success With MeEwan's place this week, while Mr.- -Me- e
Iliant, gatilering. The music th4t evening I by Mr. Wil- Signs of spring are very e
bril $300. One of these was sire� nto.
fur"hed by the famous' , Glianno- BioycmEs. —Never wear out candidates in the late contestboth by news Ewan was in Toro
CXESGIE�NT the ponie .—Miss Emma Thompson left he bloom in eve
will be orted stal-
they are made in the best �qulpped factory in the liam'HabkirVa well known imp paper correspondents and Others. These
laste6k for Centralia, where she'intends
Marsicano orchestra, of Toronto. ch lion, " Chrystal City. nerous man- yard of the New Season's Washoo
world, and are not only equal to, but very mu Mr. James Hogg, gentry who act in such an un'ge Exeter'.
resumin 'her studies.—* Mr. R. Drysdale, jr., and multiply a thousand fold in their
of McKillop, alao' kd to a gentleman in ner.should recollect that it ib 'a co 9
better, than many that coit a good deal more
was the guest 'of Mr. Manson one evening Bitrm?s.—The Exeter lacrome club 'was
COLLEGIATE FOOTBALL.—The Collegiate 'money. For sale by LuxsDEN & WiLsoN, seaforth. Listowel a pair of 61lieo for $325. These to strike a man when he is� d6wm. They prettily printed faces. 1 How bright
1580-1 1 z last week. —Miss Maggie Allan is.busily en- or and fresh they ap"'ear, as they Come..
Institute football club was re -organized for were from the'same horse. These prices should also remember that those defeated' ized on Tuesday night last.—Mr. John
3 d sewing for s Surely o' Ta E i t
SEEDS !—A. You-sa, age pring wear. ur T. nning opened his new butcher shop in direct from the han : of the best prm -
the coming season. at a meeting held in the SEEDS! SEEDS1. sound like old times.—Mr. Thomas are as able. men as those-eled, —some ladieswill appear as roses. —Dame Rumor Carling's old store on Mon —Mr. N. em and makers. Such lovely'aesigne
ol an Monday of last week. The follow- forth, has a large Auck of zhoice field and ga bn day ILSet.
Soho Richardson has been laid up for sp.me time of our people are engaged making we dc,
eeds. Some No. 1 clean timothy. . All the diff tr�ut whispers a wedding in our burg. D. Hurdon, our noted an-gler, had a good Ig 'A like Prints, %wns jad*,:
ing is the list of the officers elected :—Hon 8 08. 1680-*� with an attack of scarlet fever, but we are maple molmses. Now that the price of dis
varieties of clover, at seasonable pric
catch of the finny tribe on Fridaylast. in ap army of Atneiri.
Organ a., What an
Orary president, Dr. McKay ; honorary vice -
ALL goods delivered in -town and countky pleased to learn that he is now nearly recov' sugar is so low, there is no profili in this sort
I cut, 0. L. Set -moved to Zurich on Tues-
presi, imidt ; president, H. S. free of charge. Leatherdala & L3ndaboromgh. Sea. ered and will soon be able to attend to busi of thing except the enjoyment i it gives to R. S. Richardson can printed ' fabrics for Wrappers
day last. —Mr. John Snell has sold his resi- Dresses and Waists. There has cer-
Robertson vice-presid6nt, S. G.. Stone forth. 1680.1 ness again.—Urs. A, Young was visiting the youngsters who engage in it.—Mr. NoTm. —Ex -councillor James Lindsay
r. Henry Parsons some great ransack
WALL PAPERS, Window Shades, Curtain friends in Toronto during the past week.— Robert A. Bell is going to woik for Mr. now of Parkdale, intends resuming farming
secretary. -treasurer, J. R. Morrison ; caj! dence on James street to -M tainly been for the sum of 8760, - Mr. Parsons takes among patterns in order to bringto
tain, Douglas Wilson ; manager, R. U.. Poles—immense variety. Nicest goods for the'ri Major John A. Wilson returned from To- John Crozier this season. Jackand Bob eire here his spring. He ill move here with
Che -wright ; committee, A. S. Bond, W. to be seen anywhere is at Lu.msDE,,q & Wi 8, Tce soession shortly --Mr. , Andrew Stewart you the choicest of them all; now
ronto on Saturday, where he had been Put- both pretty fair men at work. Mr. J. J. his family in a few weeks.—Mr. Chaffs, -of
forth: 1680-1
Aberhart, S. Hill, and R. J.'Mildrew. The Kas purchased If rest in the Exeter they are here, we want you to
ting in a te College.— Irvine and his handaba6 corriploted cutting Mitc4rell, has commenced tailoring- here.— In
boys expect to have a good team this OLD furniture renovated and made like grist mill from are. Rolling and Williams. and enjoy the pleasure of seeing
year, Mestirs. James Hinobley and Robert McMil- hundred cords of wood, whic thev haul- The meeting of the East Huron Farmer's Fzdoro
ill retain of the two Mr. Stewart take possession on May lat.— even if you are not quite res
one which w possession ,new, at a small cosL Leatherdale Landsborough k%l& e
Seaforth. 168).1 Ian, of Hullett, shipped a number of steers ed home in logo from the Canad Company's 'Institute held here on Tuesday of last week
cups, whieb: they.now bave.� the Hough afid from here to the old country �on Monday. woods. This is the second h ndred they was largely attended and some very interest- Every preparation is b61ng made to make to buy., Some day you will be a bu -- r,
DRY 2hort wood away down in =ufor
Val the junior W. F. A. They would also like h Among the number was one which will not have cut this season. I ing and profitable discussions took place.— the Queen's Birthday celebration excel all and the knowledge of where a, lar
emliallnextweek. Leatherdale & Lao
-a amatch with the Hurons. previous years.:—Mr. Warren, Bon of Mr. D. sortment of the prettiest goods in to bt-
to arrang 0-1 be t o years old until the Rh of April, and
Seaforth, 158 w John Dunbar left. this week for the Klon- A. Ross, has aeepted a position in H. Bis- found will be worth considerable to -
it weighed 1,625 lbs. It is a dandy and was Winghani. I dike. . He'goea via Victoria.—D. Hillock
hop & Son's hardware and commenced- his you. Kindly accept this invitatiow:,
TnE E.NV-A_-,-cr!, i_wATlo.N7s.—Th1e high FOR Tim W.&YoRA.LTY.—A meeting of the raised and fed by Mr. Hinchley.. This is popular young miller, intends leaving
school entrance and public school leaving ating the kind of steer's that farmers should raise NoTEs. —The late floods so damaged the Our duties on Monday last.—Mr. G. A. Mace, Come I
mtepayers for the purpose of n6min Canadian Pacific Railway bridg� here that a our village to take char e of a former post. Toronto,s' erit a few days in town this week.
examinations for 1898 will begin Tuesda if they want to make money, as they save a him n'ar liston,--,New books p
yp =didstes for the mayoralty, made vacant large portion had to -be' remo�ed. Work tion held by 0 —Mr. and Mrs.- W. S. Lang spent last Sun,
une 28, at 8:45 a. m. The course of study 'by the death of the late Robert Scott, will year's, care and feed which amounts to 9, big has been commenced to rebuild the bridge. ire- being. purchased for our public library.—. day at Parkhill.—,Mro. J. C. Abell and son,
pi cribed for the examination is that given town hall on Monday -evening profit. —Palm Sunday comes on April 3rd, a
rea The held in the Th train stop at* the B line nowi, and pas- �uintin MoBlain has given up the Lindsay cf Seaforth, are visiting a&.Xr. Stephen
except that phy- it in hard to say how week from next SundayJ Good Friday on 0 &In far.7i.—Dr. McKeIvy's sale took place last
the revised regulations, next. Of course, Y, of
are conveyed t D from the New Goods to See,
Biology and temperance takes the place of manysspirauts may April 8th and Easter Sunday on April 10.— ere r4 e urn up between now and. �Mro Hallidj%v and Miss Friday. ' Good prices w mlized, by th Pow""' --M. John Pollock sud famil
Rev Mr. Dickey has ac.,epted the invitation by the bus. —Robert McDonald Brewster, left this station on Wednesday
a op in the
botany at the public school leaving examin then, bat as yet t49 only candidate really in; Dey have opened dressmakingil sh auctioner, F. S. Scott. --NEW DRESS.GOODS
last for Yorkton, Northwest Territory,
atiobs. Any misunderstanding on the part A petition had:i, of the Presbyterian congregation here to be has taken charge of William Milno's, farm,
the field is Mr. B. M. Gunn McDonald block.—Fern. lodge, No. 1-9 where they will in future reside. —A lbad of
(very -many kiuds)
of candidates regarding the requirements is been circulated ."king Mr. C. Coleman t�� the assistant of Dr. McDonald for the summer
III enter upop his duties here
Lo al Young Britons, gave a c6nc�rt in the east of our village.
six months and *I y Hensall Royal Templars attended the oppri —BLACX AND ANCY BILKS
t6 be dealt with by the local board in allow his name to go before the electors, but Temperance hall on Tuesday evening. Quite meeting held by the Royal Templars here on, (for Waists and Dresses)
tling results. The revised regulations declined. Mr. Gunn on the third Sunday in April.—The egg sea.
'Refresh cuts
a crowd attended. In were Stanley.
notf a3 formerly, call for the presentation of would, no doubt, fill the office very effi. son h now -fairly commenced and Mr. Monday evening last.
served, and a splendid pro r mine iven.— —MR. EDiTO-R,—I noticed —NEW TRIMMINGS wtel
-book work in writifig, drawing, etc., at cient, ard as he was thrown The meetings of the %rest Turon farmers' in the Clinton News -Record of the 17th ult., —PARASOLS
out of Wilson's teams come home daily laden with
either t e _h gh school entrance or public the contest two years ago on a legal tech- ical. hen fruit,andan egg wagon can be seen a al -
Ili Institute, in the town hall on-MoInday, were in an obituary notice of the late John Wat- Hensall.
school . e in examinations. For the lat- mo, t e try farmer's gate in the c
ity, it is altogether likely that he will go in a ve ounty.— well attended. —Burtch's " Ten� nights in a son, or., the following statement He' FEED. —A large quantity of oat dust Aind-, —WHITEWEAR
ter examination, book work, if presented by This has not been a very good sea on for
by acclamation this time. At the sb6me bar -room," in the town halli on Friday 11 leaves behind him one' daughter, Mrs. corn chop on hand, at the Heneall. Oatmeal Milk. —EMBROIDERIES HOW
candidates, is to be taken into account, as isposing of maple sugar.—We are sorry to learn that tteudedip�—Mr. A. G.
meeeing the -various schemes for di night, was fairly well a 157Ex2
last year, in view of the special provisions Mrs. Cheawright, wife of Mr. R. C. Che 01 Lancelot Clark, of Goshen Line,- and a NEW KID GLOVES
the surplus funds -from the jubilee celebra, McDonald, wife and son, left town for is niece, Mrs. John Watson.. who resided COOK Boos , Hensall, are selling shorts at
bnounced for 1898. wright, of the Collegiate Institute, who has E
tion last year will be discussed and a week Manitoba S1.4, and, brand 'at $10 per ton,'Are at prevent running
on Tuesday. Mr. McDonald kept, , With them ho childhood until her mar- —BLACK AND CUE&M LACBS
been seriously ill for several weeks, is itill My and night,
later a vote will be' taken on � the same, &�flour and feed store here for iiome years.
in a most precarious condibion riage." This is entirely incorrect 'and min- —NEW MILLINERY
TnE SpRise. Suow.—At a meeting of the whether there is a contest for the ma�oralty -and slight We all wish them success :in their new First-class a bicycles at low grade prices. ELTS AND BLOUSES
hopes are ente leading. Mrs. Lancelot Clark is Dot a Also good draught mare for sale, for � all of which WE5
rtained for her recovery.
Directors of the South.Huron Agricultural or not. home.—The young people of the sbyter- daughter of the deceased, but a step-daugh- apply at the Heneall Implement Shop. W. EIIDNR, —NEW CURTAINS * CARREV�
Society, held at Heneall on Saturday last, it The Western .*Ontario Marine Bland, brass an. MC
11 visit the Salvation Ar iau church intend having a 1.1� Scotch even- ter, being a daughter of Mr. Watson's salesm —NEW CURTAIN DRAPERIES
and string, wi
was decided to hold the annual spring show CouNcm MEETixG.—The regular meeting my ing " on Thursday. A Scotch rogramme second wife formerly Mrs. BRYEirs.—M-r. John Buchaman,-son of Mr.
give a musical festival in the
here and ill West. Mrs. —ETC., �ETC
for entire stock at Brucefield, on Wedues-
of council was held on Monday evening of will be 1 11 as a Scotch ill of fare. John Watson, also, was only niece of
given, as we the Wm. Buchanan, of' this village, who holds a
barracks on Saturday evening. —The electric
day, April 20th. The prizes have been con- —Mr. W. Johns has moved his restaurant 4eceased by marriage, she being a daugh- responsible position in the A cultural Col -
last week. The sum of $1,000 was placed - light company are having a new boiler gri
aiderably increased and an additional class board. from the McDonald block to the Dawson
to the credit of the public school placed in their works here to replace one of ter. of a, brother of Mrs. West, later Mrs. lege at Guelph, was here recently visiting
for Shire horses has been added for this year; The hockey club was granted the use of the those pow in use. The new one is nearly block.—Mr. James Earl is having at clearl Watson. The.only neice, by blood, that his parents. —The Farmers' Institute meet.
and as the market for both horses and cattle town hall 'for practice. An 'arrangement double the capacity of either of the Old ones. the late John Watson, or., had, is, Mrs. ing hold in toxworth's hall on Thurad
sale of his dry goods stock. He inten It will surpris you when, you earn hOl�
is considerably- improved over the past few Leaving Witigharn in a few weeks.
with Mr. Cardno for the running - of Varna, who was a mem- ten el low in price many of the new gooids was made —A week or so age Mr. J. P. MeLs en. pur- Thomas Ward, afternoon of last week, was well fit d
b er of the family of the deceased fro re of In
years, and greater interest is being mani in the and uch interesi
of the town clock for the balance of the year. i cbssei the ro "r stock and business of
ested in the breeding, of these anials, it Is
f Mr. Qsrdno is to keep it in running order, Mr. J. S. Jroziteery and since then he has Sa1field. time she was twelve years of age until after and profit to the farmers, the address b 113R
expected that the competition at tha show etc., and to receive $33.25 for the balance of sold out to a gentleman- from Stratford wfio NEW PRINTS.—Now is the� time to get she was married.—O-?;z Wiio KNows. pracuical and, right up to date, and delivered
this year will be unusually keen and that :the year. The. reeve and e uncillors Sills 0 r Print Dresses aud Wrappers �nade before the by gentlemen thoroughly. posted on the dif-
Q now has possession. .—Mr. W. Somerville, 0 were appointed a committee for f VIZ time of house-cleaning and gardening corn- f6reut subjebts. The concert held in the
there will be�a larger turnout of both stock mences. IF. A.ZDWARDS bass nice selection of new
n for and Weelin the Great Northwestern Telegraph Corn- Tuckeramith.
!a at the Spring Show tha
and spectatol
the purpose of prepariny the schemers for the n has now -got located in his comfortable goods. There are a few pieces of last season's Prints Splendid plow shoes good solid we evening was also very largely bttended b6nd Opoung,
many years Oast. It was decided to have It -the disposal of the E legant new quarters in the Commercial which we Are offering at clearing prices. .1680-1 can got the best - at this In addition to the fine literary and musical W
taking of a vote o' anle and no fancy prices.. You One weeli from to -day this store will]
only one judge in each class and to procure Jubilee fund at an early date. The audi-
experts from a distan.-e. Some of the best i hotel block.—Mr. Wilford Fowler, who is WAvTiNGs. —Captain Alex�f Martin, of store, for -81 60 and $1.60 per pair ; but don't forget Programme, Interesting addresses on- farming r seen in its beat SLprin dress. Opnw*9
tore' report. was received and adopted. attending the Veterinary College, in Toron- Toronto, is visiting his we also have a :good line at $1 per wi. W_ H. were delivered.—Mr. W. J. Miller, our en.
mother and sisters
this week.—J. G. Stanbury,,iof McCarthy, and mtddk-
and most experienced horse and cattle men Accounts to the amount of "4.91 were to is studying with Dr. Gibb, V. S. during Wimis, Boota and Shoes, Seaforth. 1680-1 to days have long been looked i forviird rprising carriage maker, shipped to the
7— in the province have been selected and -are passed forpayment. The street committe was tw WEST END NOTES. —Mr. W. Crich has Northwest $500 worth of material, includ- with interest by the young
0 vacation.—Dr. Gibb spend Sunday at 0,31er & Creelman's law office.! Toronto, was . aged; even the elderly people -seent to
expected -to be on hand. , It will be well. for impowered to advertise for'tenders for the his home in 86. Marys. He went to see his home for a week, returning to his studies moved to the Fowler farm, and his brother ing seven wagons and a number of seti of
h6rae-and cattle breeders and all interested become rejuvenated at this time of thw
lumber required for the streets for this year. Iddo, has taken possession of the farm va- harness.—Mr. and Mrs. Nosh Ho and
0 _h of Apil in mind. The fire and water committee was impower.
t keep th6-2061 father and little nephew. The former is last Saturday.—Mr. Thom" J. Sanderson Wat. rton year, and saunter out to oft WUV*
suffering from blood �oisoning, and the lat- recently purchased a bakery in Wingham cated by him.—Mr. and Mrs. George family and Mr. Newell left here on Wednee-
0— ed to cobiriplete the firemen's room in the ters, who have resided here for a nu shown by the enterprising mer&61It*
ter is dying from consumption.— Word has and, with his broth Giqj is busy sup- mber Of dav for the West.—We were I ased to see- of our prosperous town. We can only^
—Last week, Miss town ball and furnish the same, the cost not been received hereby a friend of' the Ferious plying the staff of life an(r'working up a years, leave next week for Dakota;, where out for a express ourselve's as usual by EGAWN -E NOT9S. Mr. S. B. Humeston able to'n e
Libbie Cumming, who had spent several to exceed $5Q. The fire and water corn they will reside in future. Mr. Watters walk during some of the recent fine day
mi .1 illness of Mr. Hugh Grieve, formerly of this good business. Tom is an ertergetie young R.—
tee reported recommending that 14 will dispose of big effects, b suet'
months here with relatives, returned to Sec. I town, but now of Vancouver, Britirh Col- man, knows his trade thoroughly and will-, 'On On A number of the Royal Templare of this
California. She was accompanied response to request of the Underwritrs Monday afternoon next -.—A Forger. number village visited the Exeter Council on Mon.
ramento umbia. From information received it would no doubt, be successful as It's certainly de.
bv her sister61iss Bella.—Mr. John Bristow sociation, that two fireman sleep in the hall, seem that Mr. Grieve "has contracted that serves it. —Mr. Wm. - Rumbill, of London than usual of the farmers arouna here. b&vtl day evening last.—The musical part of the
that suitable provision be made for the secured hired help for the summer months
rea, ?r
lift on Thursday of last week for Rossland, game, 4 ' ded. dihease consumption. His many and Mr. Wm. Gemmill, of;'East 8 Inaw, gramme of the MethAst Sabbath school
2. VA
where he has secured agood situation. John but considered it a hardship that this town friends here will ;ympathize with him in were here this week attendi U. which is surely an evidence of better times. 58, for the past four Babbaths, been adda.4 at
ng the uneral
—About one o'clock Wednes. of Mrs. James Whitten.�A! Harriso Mrs. Shi ey" of Hullett, is visiting her to by a newly formed orchestra, the me;;7- FriJay ana Pal
is a good workman and should do well in be -required to hire a second engineer. In his afflietion. n and daughter, I CY VA
the golden west-.—" Westward ]EEO " seems that connection -the clerk was instructed to day morning. the fire whistle disturbed the assistant, G. King, have been busy this G. Tarner.—Mrs. J. Crich here being Miss my -Mardbek, organist; W,
is� visiting at her home in Usborne. to be the watchword just now. May the write the ahsociation to this effect.� peacefulness of the night. I6T)roved to be week papering the dinning !room, sample Misses Minnie Sheffer and Ethel Murdock
- L _ "_I 1 �, - i 2 4. All
a tap
golden dreams be reali ed. Those Who re- a false alarm, however, and fortunsteIX so, room and halls of the Albion� lotel.—Wm. MATnimoNiAL.—The follow Taph 1st and 2nd of lz
violinists; and Mr. Trott, guitox. -.The G, 11
mg parag
ma here will have, more ellbow room.�We MEN'S SOCLA.—The soeiv;l given by the as -with such a high wind as was blowing at' Sanderson went to Win ham Monday to -which we take from the Brussels Post of music rendered is very highly praised.—
R. men of the Methodist church, on Friday the time, a fire would! certaifily have proved spend week w th
regret to note the serious illness of Mrs i his trothers there.— last week, refers to a gentleman well known Miss Bertha Dick recently returned from'
Stewart, who has been confined. to bed,dur. evening last, was a decided success. - They, disastrous.—The weather on Monday and Miss M. J. Martin purpose' mil. in this township: A joyous coirnpany of Niagara Falls, where� she had been on a visit a opening
ing the past week or two. At present writ- had spared no effort in making the"basement i Wednesday- proved to us that we have not yet linery department in her store shortly. An. relatives and friends assembled at the corn- for several months.—Mr. James Bell, son
ing, howe- as attractive looking as possible, with hunt- got through with dame winter. --Miss Gardin- nouncement of the opening ill appear in fortable residence of Thomas MeLkughlin, of the4ate Robert Bell, returned lam
er, she seems to be improving and t week
we hope soon to see her about again.—Mrs. ing,flage, and flowers. The programme con- er has moved her dressmaking rMaM3
shop from over due time' Turnberry street, Bruseelt, on Wednesday frornToronto, where he had been disposing
Campbell, bf Bad Axe, Michigan, foimerly siatkd of two male choruses, a quartette, Case's store to Mr.jIsaac Modeland's house DFATH.—One by one the "old and well afternoon of thiit week, to witness the tying of a car load of cattle.—Mr. E. MeMorran, Ali
Aliss: -Bella Sproat, arrived here on a Visit 'solos by Mesrs. W. Willis and C. Bparling, on Market street.—*r. Samuel and Miss known residents of our village are passing of the matrim;nial 'bow between Alex. of Toronto,'was in the village part of last E. MI? A Is -lip b
to friends and rilatives on Thursday of last readings by Ali. W. D. Bright and Mr. Maggie ittle, who" have been visiting A. Ammu-
away to their long home. I This week it is Grant, a well known and well-to-do - young week 4nd'this visiting relatives. —Rev.'Mr.
1 to S
week.—It is reported here that obstructions Stone, selections from the gramophone, a friends and relatives here, for the past three our sad duty to record the death of Char- gentleman, from Tuekeramitb, and Miss Westgate, who intends shortly going out as
a aggi reVi
short address from the pastor,Rev. S. B Dry - G"'nods
in the shape of note and other article of ond, months, returned to their home in Manitoba lotte Whitten, wife of Ja*s Whitteni who M is, the estimable daughter of the host. a missionary to the forei Jiry
i n gn fields, delivered
that nature are placed in the river at Bay and a * instrumental solo by Mr. James on Saturday last.—Mr. G. G. Wilson, who passed away on Saturday evening last, aged While the;wedding march was being played a very able and impressive
I sermon in St.
field, to prevent fish from ascending. Don�t 'McMichael. As this was Mr. McMichael's has purchased the post office grocery, will 7 a For the eight months, she b di h a h in the bride - nd PauPs church on Sabbath' -evening last, and. C� to
have Lake first appearance on a public platform, the have something of interest to say to the c ug i I t e garor, w a r Mp2my,
be selfish, Lriends, seeing yout a great Bufferer!fr cancer in th e n h he e on the following Tuesday evening he gave
8 -past y Mi" E t t M 00
alebeZ 0* k h I
gr in 0 eir p
t wor spok 11 y ev
at your doors. Let us committee must have felt highly honored public through our,. advertising columns breast. Orn i Glasgow, and , JO
Huron to ffM from Deceased was b' he ma ds were e hn in -the same church a grand lecture on min.
—Mr. q in securing his services. During the even- next k.—An interesting meeting of the when very young came � ith er parents to oaf Seaforth's Greatest
J r h arty mgl�
11ave a -few minnows at. least. wee R A Afte e stalstIono Cash Drr Goods Store
w h sions, illustrated by lime light.viows� The