The Huron Expositor, 1898-03-25, Page 31898.
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MARCH 254,11898.
Trili 11U11,01-:! EX )si rob,.
R1VATE FUNDS TO LOAN at 5 per cent, pay
_IL able yearly, on first -clays farm seourity. Apply
tti R. S. HAYS, Dominion Bank Building, fteatetin.
j.MolIENNA, Dominion and Provinfalal Land
d Surveyor, Yember cif theAesociation of OntariO
Laid Surveyors, Dublin, Ontario. 1386-52
inIOR SALE.—Thrce Shorthorn Indio ; good one;
X 9, 11 and. 12 vacates old. Prices away down
and terms to suit purchaser. DAVID MILNE,
Ethel, Ontario.. 1579-1
TOHN BEATTIE, Clerk ni• the Second Division
ty Court, County Commissioner, of Huron, Con-
veyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
easeeted and to Lou. Office—Over Sharp &
kens' store; !Jain street, Seaforth. 1289
VET ANTED HELP.--Beliable nien in every local-
ity, *cal or travellirg, to introduce a new
ditcovtly arid keep our show cards tacked up on
tree, fences and bridges throughout town and
ccuqtry. Steady emplotnient. Commission or
eala 3", 295 per month and expenses, and money de -
reed in any bank when starttd. For particulars
NY, Leedom, Ontario, Canada. 1550-36
11ARMERS' ATTENTION.—Why pay si and 6 per
cent. interest these hard tinea? I am now pre-
pared to lend money at 6 per eent. on really test -
class farm security, up to 50 per cent. of the selling
value; straight loans; interest and principal in pay-
ments to suit borrower. Apply to A. COSENS, first
door south of Jackson's store, ligmondville.
MIAMI FOREALE Olt REN—Lot 2, Lake road
east, Stanley,I36 acres : 80 sores old pasture lend,
balance stumfyland, from which timber has jut
been cut. Never failing water and good outside
truces. Moderate price; small cash payment re
(wired ; eaey terms, dear tithe. .Apply to W. H.
WOODS, Batfield Post Office. 1579x3
El ABM FOR SALE.—For sale, in the Township of
X Morris, lot 27, Concession 9, 100 acres, 80 clear
ed ; the balance in hard -wood bush ; 2 barns with
stabling, a frame housegood orchard and plenty of
water. One mite from the village of Walton. Also a
Muse and lot with wagen ehop and lumber shed, in
the village of Walton. Good business stand. Will
be eold cheap. Apply to MATTHEW MORRISON,
in the village of Walton, or JAMES McDONALD, on
She farm. 1579-tte
OTEERS FOR SALE. -The undersigned has for
0 sale on Lot 34, Concession 8,12{10E1110p, 36 steer
rising 2 yeare old, and 1 heifer in coif. WILLIA3I
A. ROSS. 1576x4
ke cheap, a thoroughbred Cie desdaie stallion; four
years old. Good: bone, plenty of bare and uplendid
action. He is a sure stock horse. Apply on Lot 13,
London Road, Stanley, or addrees Brucefield P. O.
JAter•S ROSS. 167441
undersigned, breeder of Large English Berk-
shires,has• for sale boars and sows in fairow. He will
also keep tor service the stock boar, "King Lee,"
archaised from Mr. GeorgeGreen'of Fairview,
and winner at Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa. Term
—81 payable at the time of service with the privilege
freturning if necessary, if booked 11.50. JAMES
ORRANCE, Lot 26, Conceselon 5, Moltillop, Sea-
orth P. O. , 1465-52
1DULL FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned. will
JD keep for service on his premises at Roxboro,
a thoroughbred Durham bull. Terms,81 - if paid
before January, 1899, or $1.25 afterwards'. JOHN
SCOTT. 1 l571-tf
Posi ely cured by 'Meg)
ittle Pills.
They also r lieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per
'remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-
ness, Bad Tastein the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Small.Pill. - Small Doses_
. Small Price.
the fraud of the day.
_See you get Carter's,
Ask for Carter's,
Insist and demand
Carter's Little Liver Pilb.
BOARS FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will
keep for service at Brumfield, one pure bred
Tamworth boar, and one pure bred Chester White
boar. GEORGE HILL, Brumfield.
• 1565-tf
Wm . Walker,
Upholsterer and Mattress Maker,
Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered.
Carpets sewed and laid; also cleaned
and renovated at reasonable prices.
Shop in McGinnis Block.
BOAR FOR SERVICE—The undersigned will
keep for service on Lot 34, Concession 4, Tuck-
ersmith, a thoroughbred Chester White Boar,
purchased front H. George & Sons, Crompton,
Middlesex untY. Tenne—$1, payable at time of
service, with privilege of returning if necessary.
VICE.—The underligned will keep for servioe,
at the Breoefield Jneese Fecitocy, a thoroughbred
Taraworth Boar, with registered pedigree. Terms,
Ill; payable at tree of service wh privilege of re -t
turning 11 neeeesary. Aleo a number of thorough-
bred young Taraworth Boars and Sows for sale.
HUGH MI,ARTNEY, Brucefield. • 1405-tf
1_ signed has for service on lot 32, concession 3,
McKillop, a thcro'bred Tamworth pig, to whieh a
ihnited number of sows will be taken. Thi. i an
extra good pig and breedere find it advantageous to
crow their berkshire sows with this breed of pig.
Terri* $1, with. privilege of returning if necessary.
Barr's Dye Works
It. It. Barr has removed his Dye Works to,
And would take this opportunity te thank his num-
erous customers for their liberal patronage • since
coming to Seaforth, and to intone the publio -gener-
ally that I am now in a better position than ever to
give my customers satisfaction, So bring along
your clothes and have them Cleaned or Dyed for
Fall and Winter.
R. H. BARR, Seaforth'
Science Has Conquered
And made it possible to restore de-
fective eyesight to normal 'vision.
Having taken a course of studies at the
Detroit Optical Institute, is prepared
to fit all defects of vision, Astigmatism,
Hypermetropia, Myopia, Presbyopia,
or any compound defect.
Astigmatism is due to irregnlar shape of the eye,
and is usually congetital, but * often caused by 'no
ptoperly fitted glasses. Many school children with
this defect are called stupid, but with properly fitted
glasses they may become tbe brighteet of scholars.
This is quite a common and dangerous defect Hyper-
• inetropia is a malformation whioh keeps; the ciliary
muscle in constant nee, whereas in a normal de it is
at rest when looking at a distance. . This defect, if
neglected, may result in nervous depression and pain,
and even prostration. Myopia is a diseased condition
of the eye, which should be very carefully fitted to
prevent an increase of the defect, and perhaps ulti-
mate blindnese. Presbyopia is a toes of acoommoda-
tion in the eye, which may cause cataract unless cor-
rected by art,fielal aid. Frequently nervous or sick
headaches, and also serious illness, are brought on
by cne or more of the above defects. Remember,
no charge for testing your eyes.
Chemist and Druggist, Seaforth.
With The Bo
. •
• ,••• •
.7 ,11VP"V".."..". ,. •
oval, • • wow
• ••••••••
A Common Bred Cow
When toned up by Dick's Blood
Niifier will give as much and as
rich milk as a highly bred aristo-
ontic jersey cow gives upon
ordinary feed, and a Jersey cow
when given
will wonderfully increase her
yield of milk. It saves feed too..—
because a smaller amount of well
digested food satisfies the de-
mands of the system and every
particle of nourishment sticks.
Agents, liontial. Proprietors.
Why Lieutenant Prince Has Such a Fine
Collection of ficarfpins—Rach One of
Them Is the Key to a Romance --A
Warning to All Young Men.
Lieutenant Oscar Prince is rapidly
leaching the age when his friends will
stop asking him the question, "Why
don't you get married?", and substitute
Lor it, "How did it happen, old man,
that you never married?" Lieutenant
'Prince is as acceptable As the average
man, and he has no antimatrimonial
views. He is,- however, a victim of wed-
dings, and therein lies the explanation
of his failure to marry. One of the fin-
est collections of soarfpins in this city
inay be found in his bachelor apart-
ments, but no wife.
"My collection of scarfpins was be-
gun about ten years ago," he said, "and
each one represents a soar more or less
serious. They have simply made a pin-
cushion of my heart. My case, I am
sure, is an unusual one, and I am will-
ing to discuss it, that it may serve as a
warning to young men. Let me start
with the assertion that I believe in the
noble institution of marriage, and it
was probably my advocaoy of it while
I was at West Point that. euggested to
a classmate—Brown—to write me to
act as his best 'man when he got mar-
ried. Let me see. The date on that
pearl pin is 1887, isn't it? Yes, that
was Brown's little token. Brown had a
fine wedding, and as I had been sta-
tioned west at a God forsaken post since
leaving the Point it was my first op-
portunity to get at short range with
eastern girls. There are no girls like
athens, my, boy, and don't m ke any mis-
take about that.
. .
Went, forever silent, throLugh the years. -
The dreary years which nipty watt utid go.
Why do I cry to one who never heirs
And, far away, my grie s can never know?
liee here! I burn the lett re one by one,
Although my heart buris with each burning
word. •
U chains are broken, freedom must be won.
itiy chains are loos'd, but my heart has not,
' stirred.
"Brown was married in Newport,
and we did have a good time. • Let mo -
look look at at pin again. Yes, Ethel was
her name. You see, I bave-it tagged on
the pin. Ethel was it mighty fine girl
—tall, good swing and a high stepper.
We hit it off together in fine shape.
Who was Ethel? Why, in this case, she
was the maid of honor. We had a de-
lightful week at Newport, and when I
went back to my post I had Ethel's per-
mission to write to her. I heard the
other day that her oldest hopeful was
the star boy in a kindergarten."
Lieutenant Prince miffed MS pipe
hard for two minutes.
"Ethel was, all things considered,
about as nice as any of them:- Weraight
have been very happy together, but for
Jones' wedding. I think it was Jones.
Just hand me that little clover leaf pin,
will you? Yes, it wit; Jones. Here is
the date, 1888, and tagged to the pin is
Maud's name, You don't understand.
No, of course not. You haven't acted
as best man or usher in 40 Weddings. I
thought it lot about Ethel while on the
railroad train that took me to Boston,
'where Jona" married, and there I met
Maud. There is something 'very demoral-
izing about the associations of a wed -
:ding party if a chap is at all enscepti-
ble. The girls all rejoice with the bride,
and they are all in their best frocks.
Somehow you begin to speculate about
yourself, you know, and wonder how
you would appear as the brideiroom
with one of the bridesmaids as bride:
Maud was different from Ethel, more
:vivacious, and then 'she was short and
Ethel was tall. On the night of the
wedding I asked Maud if I might write
to her. Dear Maud! I wonder what has
beoonie of her. I sent baok all of her
letters and her photograph just it rihort
time after Adams got married. That is
the pin in the cushion—the _one with
the small diamond in the center. Adams
'mai; married three months after Jones,
.and I was an usher. Those three months
were happy ones, and I shall always re7
'member Maud. .1 had been sent east just
!before Adams Was married, and he
;wanted ins to be usher because, as he
tput it, I had been in the game befora;,
Nary was her name at .A.dams' wedding
That doesn't deeoribe her at all. Igo
;name could. She was just as attractive
ilia Ethel and Maud, but different. We
discussed very serious matters, did
'Mary and I, and I knew that she was a
girl who would make a sensible, think-
ing man happy for life.
"It was a discussion of telepathy that
made me forget Maud, that is a discus-
sion and a subsequent attempt to experi-
ment. Mary didn't ask for her lettere
back after Rogers' wedding. I told Sal-
ly—eshe was one of the bridesmaids, and
a very jolly southern girl—all about
Mary, and she maid she didn't mind. I
came very near proposing to Silly, but
by this time I bad become a professional
las an usher and best man,and mime Sal--
Ily there have been by actual count 88
.other girls, any one of whom might
.have made me happy. I felt after meet-
ing each one of them that if I oould
'only keep away from weddings =Thep-
't.piness might be twinned. I could mem
,the last girl—that of course, if she
:would bay° me, and they were all very
sympathetio—and feel that I was lucky.
A couldn't dodge the weddings though.
t "All Bey friends are married now,
and I have assisted in each case. It,got
,so that while I was at work I would
stmeonscionsly best* to whistle it wed-
ding march. Walking in time to it made
Imo slow on parade. I couldn't keep up
'with my company. I have, I am glad to
'say, done ;ay duty by my friends, but it
has ruined me sentimentally. - When I
_look at that collection of soarfpins, each
one labeled with the name of a girl who
was the only one in the world for me, I
lhaven't the nerve to propose. I am it
viotim of circumstance& Now ill ofnay
driends are married and I am not likely
Is. march again to that familiar old
twist°. I have the finest oollection of
'eoarfpins in this city, but I am still it
lbaehelor. Let my examples be it warn -
lug to all young men. "—New York Sun.
What else is left for me to
What clinging meintry
Upon the altar, midst th
This little relic dear.
And now I -claim the free
cast away,
Tone the too meet
fire, I lay
t is the laetI
om which I gal%
•I am no more a slave td long dead things. ,
No victim I to swell thy triumph train, i
But a freed bird, with il ew recovered wings.
What shall I do with this great gift long;.
sought— •
A gift which looked, fax
Clasped in *my hand, it
Once more I come and
H. R Jackson
& SON.
off, so passing sweet?
fades and turns to
y it at thy feet.
blnson In Sketch. i
-HOW), MAN MADE $7,000.
Because the Chap Who Lost It Told His
Easiness In • Cafe. I
"Don't discuss your private busineas
affalre in a publio place," said an old
Brooklynite to the New Yorker whdep-
proaohed him in it cafe near the otty
hall. Then the Brooklyn man, pointing
out a real estate dealer, said:
"Talking about a business deal in
this very cafe cost that man $7,000, and
the money went into my pocket too.
You nee, herepresented it syndicate that
wanted to build on some property in
whioh I was interested as the owner of
- one house and Gity lot. The agent did
not know me from it Canarsie °laminar.
• Well, he came in here with a friend—
one of the syndicate—for luncheon on
an afternoon in last July. 'They took
seats at this table. I sat at the next
I, "I began to 'take notice,' as graid-
mas lay, when I heard the strangers at
the next e
CHARLES KIINGSLEY. deal in relation to the property adjoin-
. \int mine. The agent had ordered a fine
bl discuss quito loudly it
Why 'the Great Author Compared iiima•: layout for luncheon' and was evidently
self to the Stratsburg Clock.
Every one of the wield army of Kings-
leyites will welcome this story of thei
'immortal .Rev. Charles. It oomes from
an _English lady w
denim was under his
at whose table he tv
hose country red -
spiritual care and!
s, therefore a fre-;
quant guest. The good man's well es-
tablished habit of tnlking much abdut.
thing!, of which he knew little is the,
cause for the story. He had a habit, '
particularly at dinneitables, of holding;
the guests agape with minute stories
about the inhabitants of Mars or tbe
fishes of Kamchatka. All of thie availed
except on such unhappy 00011Si0DS se
when he came unexpeotedy some sold
one who bid liked iln Mars or fished OS
Kamchatka. It was on such an unfor-
tunate occasion that
excuse, which deser
Some unknown lit
very foot of the tabl
brilliant discourse
mate of Mars, with
"I beg your pardon,
what you state Is
Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac,
- France; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol-
land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland;
Booth's Tom Gin, London, England;
Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas-
gow, Scotland; Jamieson's Irish
Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Port
and Sherry Wine from France and
Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky,
Ontario; Royal Distillery and Davis'
Ale and Porter, Toronto.
We have opened a retell store in
connection with our wholesale busi-
business in the rear of the new Do-
minion Bank, in Good's old stand,
where we will sell the best goods in
the market at bottom prices,. Goods
delivered to any part of the town
This most excellent work should be in_every house
in the county of Huron.
Copies can be had froin Mr. B. R. Higgins, BruCe-
fled, or Mr. David Russ, C40 Church street, Toron
Rev. Ir. MoVicae, Principal of the Presbyieri n
College, says :-- I am profited and greatly pleased
with what 1 have read, and I intend next Monday to
alivise all our students to put it into their libraries
and to steely it deligentty as affording doh in-
struction irepastorial theology and practical godli-
nese. I shall read thorn a few passages_ that they
may see thri4 it is far from being dull or dry.
Mr. E. Drysdale of Wm. Drysdale &Co., Publishers
and Booksellers, Montreal, says :—Rev. John Ross
was a grand man, and the writing of his life could
not have been pieced in better hands. What we
need to -day raore and more are books of this blase
The reading of which tends to the better oiriosuolatition
Of the bloodemd stiring OHS'S 1101.
For over'a ye we have had the agency for the side of
ROAM. Our irstorder was for a quarter of a dozen,
our last for One Nundred and Forty-four Dollars worth.
MARK Ain' —
TIRED. dapo
Made a well
Man of
Kingsley gave this
es to be'preseived.'!
le man from tbe
interrupted a ve17
bout, say, the O..
a very unexpeoded
Mr.-Xingeley, blit
wholly untrue. 1
have lived there and am able te assure.
you that you have
_formed. '? .
Enibarrassed onl
Kingsley replied: "
I have been making
know, of coupe, that I would not do so
intentionally. But I fear that it often'
happens. However, I always -console
myself with remembering an inddent
of my youth. I was on thi usual grand
tour and came to Strnsaburg. I was be.-
ing 'hewn the famons dock by it loqua:
°ions and ready witt d old dame. I ester
how the Works went]
gad bow the aped,:
ides marehed. But s she was grow**
far. leo eloquent over the wonders of
the work I said: 'Yee, my good woman.'
It is a very flue bit of work. But I must
call your attention
though my watch say
this great dial says
know my watch is
your great cloak ke
very indignant. 'It4631360e time quite
good enough, sir, always! within tin
hour of the correct
would yon have? A
many very wonderfu
expected to do them.
I not conaole myself '
thought that perhap
Strassburg olook?"—
Retsina in 30 days. Cures
all Nervous Diseases. Failing Memory
Paresis, Sleeplessness, Nightly Emig-
sions, ete, cowed be put abuses, gives
vigor and she to shrunken organs, and quickly but
surely restores Loaf Manhood in old or young.
Easily carried it. vest pocket. Price 11/.00 a package.
Six fOr
15.00 with a written guarantee to cure or
mon41/ refunded. DON'T BUT AN IMITATION. but
insist on hasvdifig INBAPO. in your druggist has not
fittliciniTiater&e, trr= dad , sr ear Agents;
This rapid Increase proves It Is a remedy that everyode
Who tries it speaks well of. Yours restrectfully;
1 I. V. FEA , Seafortle Ont.
een grossly Wein-
for a moment,
am very' Berry if
isstatement& You,
Pigs and Lambs for Sale.
THOMAS RUSSELL, Riverside Farm, listiorne, has
for sale a number of young. thoroughbred Berkshire
boars, and thoroughbred Leicester ram limbs.
They are first-class in every respect, and will be sold
right. THOMAS RUSSELL, ExeterT. 0. 165641
Property for Sale.
There are oertain of our properties which still re-
main unsold. Intending- purchasers will kindly in-
quire partioulars from Thomas Brown, or at the
office of the
Estate of T. T. COLEMAN, Seaforth.
o the feet that *I-
s it is only 1 'olook
it is neerly 2. 1
correot. Can no.
ri timer She Was
ime. Why, what
look which does so
things cannot be
11 well.' And mai
onietimes with the
I, too, am like the
ashington $tar.
Wilkes' ll attests.
Wilkes had the cjourage which clitcs
not always a000mpany a earositio
tongue, for he fought two duels and
was nearly killed in. Jere of them, and
when challenged on third cooed= he
behaved himself, oni the autheritY ed
Croker, who was
his, "like a man of t per and home."
oertilisnly no adiniree d
His most serious eaeounter woe with
Mr. Martin and Wilkes was only saved
by two buttes diverting the ballet.'
Ono of his adu1rers
°ions relics and put
the following beer
simple yet Juliana
Providenoe, preserve
loved and holiest iris
a diiel fought with
16th of November,
courage and huma
him in a manner so
well pleased with his deal. Ho said to
his friend:
" Well, I pulledoff the triok for
that property at 910 ()heap street teday.
The owner thought I wadfloing him a
favor. I started in at $151,00 and final-
ly closed with him for $18,000. He bit
in it hurry. Why, thkproperty is werth
$25,000 if it's worth a dollar to us.
Now I must look for the chap that OWIIII
221. He'll be glad to get $18,000 far
his house. It's lucky for us they're not
mite' the fact that we want to buy that
entire block.'
"I didn't need to do any eavesdrop-
ping, you see. That little speech of the
agent cost him esti/ally $7,060. You oafs
readily guess that 1, as the owner of Sig
Cheap street, was not especially any4e$11
to !Cell after that. I kept Mr. Reel to -
tate Man on the jump for nearly VI
months, and when I let up on him I
got my price, exactly $25,000—a 'neat
little profit of $7,000 above what I
would have gladly &tempted. So yen see
the point of my remark to you, 'Don't
disoueaprivate business affairs in it pub-
lic plass. Now well go to my aloe,
and I'll listen W your proponition."--
New Yak Sun.
The English parliament has last on
liedey 11 times, the first in/Abe reign
411 Edward III, the last at thi death of
eltesko .
cooled these -pri-
sm in- a woe with
ption, "These two -
lo batten% under
the life of my be-
d John Mikes in
r. Martin on the
1768, when WO
ity distingibisod
cely known in for
invincible bravery, as well in the
suer age&
field au in the glorious assertion of the
liberty of the subject, will deliver him
down an unparalleled example of pub-
lio virtue to all future generations."
Wilkes would probably have said to
this, as the Duke of Wellington to the
obsequious gentleman who escorted him
across Piccadilly, "I on't be it d—d
fool, sir1"—Oornhil Magazine.
Many Fanatic* Spend Their Lives Mitathsg
Tor Buried Treasure.
wandering that there is
Some Parisians are actuary kept, fro/A
by convictoni
hidden treasure behind the walls or be-
neath the flooring or in ;the chisen0, i
nook or tinder the roof, says Chamber -I' 1
You -aro told that duriug the number -1
lesi sieges to which Paris has been sab-I
-*tad aid the internal revolutions it
has undergone there exists not a collar
or a garret bni has become the recepte
ole of some part of the immense delve
acoumulated in religioas houses and 61
families. Thom is, perhaps, nothing i -
ritional in tho supposition that in the
good old t1mes when' convents wore
*lade the depositories not only ef 2e
secrets of • be aristocracy, but of a
family jewels likewise, instances nonst
have occurred wherein thee deposits
Were bdried and remain undisooverSd,
togetheriwith the treasures of the ebn-
fraternity. But human &bribes ofIvAe
years exalted this rational possibi ity
into dassling certainty. Every mea -1s is
now resorted to and more gold and re -
Giotto time expended than the most ival-
uible treasure could repay in oreler to
seise the secret which still resistk die -
inner/. "While you of the matter of
fad, plodding Anglo-Saxon mow are
toiling and broiling in Australia f and
Califirnia, searching fa gold, wO gold
seekers of Paris find it here beneath our
feet in the Old quarters of the city rouud
gOtre Dame and the Hotel dere,
where‘gold is teeming in greater leaty
than amid the rook bowlders at Califor-
nia or beneath the soil of Ballarat,"
Mid Dwane, the great treasure Cooker.
The Art of Lighting a Pipe.
Now, comrades, not to waste time
bilking of style of pipe or brand ik of to-
baceo—tastes differ in those things—try
this: Keep pipe and stem as clean as
popoib1e, and the time to oleanihom is
immediately after it smoke. ill the
bowl with your favorite brand and prase
down firmly, but don't strive to lee how
solid you can pack it. If yon mike it as
solid iie wood, it will burn like wood
and make a coal fire about as hot and
wigrateful. Don't light the entire stir
fare.- Don't "pull" as though you had no ‘
More matches and feared it luld "go
out." 14g134 it small spot direct y in the
center. Smoke 'lowly until it works its
way gradually downward. U it under-
Is the fnst thing to 'consider in Clothing.' The pries comes next.
g Quality mesi:s good material well nn de up. it means a good. fit;
, it -means good car,wit means a g..,,ntcel appealanee. • OUT e16thing
is diktinctively quality clothing; the price is only -a little more than
; you would pay for the shoddy goods, but you'll find a vast difference
in the wear and looks.
Bead ancl. Prayed.
A writer • in the Rochester Post -Ex-
press tells it good eto y about an English
bookseller of whom n lady inquired fox
'one of-Browning's works, and the good
man answered thatit hid given up
keeping -Browning, , what was more
he had tried to read him and could
make nothing out -4 any of hie poems.
"Indeed," the lady answered, and -then,
being in search of another poet, she
added, "But have you Praed?" "Yeie
indeed, ma'am, I have prayed over it,
but still I get no Reit." ..
1 There is a good deal of satisfaction in knowing that your clothes
fit you and look well., It is as important as the wearing qualities,
and when the thiee points are combined, you have just the kind of
clothing we are selling. OUT stock comprises all the best lines of
Tweeds to be bad, while our Hats ftnd Haberdashery is .unexcelled.
The price is in strict accord with the quality, and is the same to all.
Special lite of_Suits for business and professional men.
• ' Awful Error.
"I'll never forget the time I took my
good old aunt from the country to see it
Shakespearean reviVal at one of 40.413.'
"Did she like it?'
"Like it? I found out that she woald
never' have gone at all but for the int •
preesion she had that 'revival' meant
soMething religious.1"—Cinoinnati laa-
If two tuning forks of the same pitch
ere placed rasing each Obey, tko 0314),
Sounding, the other 'silent, in it few see -
ands *salient one Will bo giving out a
disdnotly audible net°.
Pau to the nerabler of 8,500,000 are
god throughout the 'World everj day in
Ilee week.
—The social given ?ay the Ladies' Aid, of
TheWis well enough to
talk about the good
qualities of a tea,
Tea Cup but after all it is what
is shown by brewing
tt _the number of cups
hat is the final test.
1 . of good tea that can be
tifewed from a single pound has as much
relation to economy as the price per
pound. From a pound of Ram LaPs Pure
Indian Tea, 200 cups of tea can be made.
,Ram Lai's Tea cotnes direct from the gar -
!dens of India to the tea tables of Canada
i in six weeks with all it strength and
freshness retained.
Guelph, Novethber 23rd, 1837.
Dear Sirs :
For years I wad troubled with
periodical sick headaches, being -•affected
usually every Sunday, -and hsed althe re'-
inedies that were advertised. as cures, and.
was treated by almost every docter in
Guelph, but without ant relief. Ole
doctor told me it was catised by teweak
stomach, another said it wart hereditary and
incnrable. I was induced by a neighbor to
- try Sloan's Indian Tonic, Mid am happy to
say I did so. A few dosed gave immediate
relief, and. one bottle and afialf made a com-
plete cure.
This was three years- ago, and the head-
aches have never returtied. I was also
troubled with asthma and, nothing helped
me like your Sloan's Indian Tonic. I can
heartily recommend it to all, and will be
glad to give any particalars to any one
afflicted as I was.
i; W. C. Keogh. •
The Sloan Medicine Co.of Hamiltoii,
Price $1, 6 for $5. Ali ijealers or address
111. NO
A general baaaking business transacted.Driats on all parts of the United States
Great Britain and Europe bought and sold. Letters of credit issued, available In allpart-
of Europe, China an&Japan. Farmers' Sale Noes collected, and advances made on sem
at lowest rates. 1 I -
Deposits of One Dollar and upwards receivett and interest allowed at highest eurren
rates. , Interest added to principal twice each year—at the end of June and Demuth./
No notice of withdrawal is required for the whole or any portion of it deposits ..
' W. R. PEARDE,' Agent,
LIOENSES the Methodist church, Listowel, one evening
last week, at the ho
Samuel Bothwell, nea
' church peope were
BEIA.FpRTH, ONTA.RIO. town, and with the
e of Mr. and Mrs.
Britton, was well at -
or five sleigh loads of
aken out from the
number that attended
from the immediate neighberhood,the house
takes- to spread, press it dow
with thumb or finger. A half
care in starting icall that is
n again
Now smoke slowly. Tbe little fire ooa-
*dunes downward, delicately roasting
the tobacco on the sides, and presently,
when you oave this off, there.will come
a revelation in soft, mellow robe, so
000l, delicious, so soothing, that you
will never .egret having read
Sports Afield.
In Germany "von" implies' nobility,
and all persens who' belong to the no-
bility prefix "von" to their ninnes with-
out any exception., Persons Who do not
belong to the nobility cannot have the
right to put "von" before their names.
Athan who is knighted for some reason,
however, has the name right to put
"von" before his family name alt per-
son of 'molest nobility. For instanes,
when Alexander Humboldt Was knight-
ed he Imams Alexander von Humboldt.
All his dasoendants, male end Anal%
take the pulls --Philadelphia Pres.
Switaerland 'enjoys the nenviable
diettaellsit c.f having it larger ceroentage
d lunatic* Sbell any other country. In
the esolost of Zerieb there are 8,961 in
o popelasiell of 889,000. '
R S. HAYS, Solicitor.
was well filled andan enjoyable time was
Is mitt awl, of shoeir made in Eng -
Via *Wm"
Ask your grocer
Having removed into the store formerly
occupied by Mr. J. Downey, in the Cady
Block, oppasite the Commercial Hotel, I
now purpose carrying a full and eonapiete
ine of all kinds of -
Harness, Whips, Blankets,
And everything handled by the trade. Just
received this week a large consignment of
Which we are ow offering at astonishingly
low prices.
rorTable and Dairy, t and Best
We want the services of a number of fain -
Dies to do work for us at home, whole or
spare time. The work wesend our work-
ers is quickly and easily done, and re-
turned by paxcel post as trashed. Pay
t7 to /10 per week. For particulars ready
to commence send mute and address. THE
S. A. SUPPLY Co., Box 265, LoaDoN, ONT.
Has just received another consignment
of all kinds of new Goods for the -spring
trade. 2 tbs. Japan Tea for 25e ; 3
lbs. of Evaporated Thaeolies for 25c ;
lbs. of Pitted Plums for 25o; 3 lbs. of
Apricots for 25e ; 4 lbs. of Dates for
25o ; 5 lbs. Dried Apples for 250 ; 5 lbs.
Prunes for 253 ; 6 lbs. Rice for 25o; 1
Ib. of Jersey Cream Blend Coffee and a
Coffee Mill for 50e. I am still giving
lots of those very useful, articles
with Baking Powder every day. A
oordial invitation is extended to all to
call and get some of those great bar-
WANTED—Fresh Butter and Eggs, for
whidh I will 'pay the highest market
prices, in cash or in trade.,
A. G. iku r , C4th.
Notice is Hereby -Given 1.
That application will be made to the Parliament -oi
Canada, at its next session for an Act to incorporate
a, Company with power to construct, acquire and
operste a railway, by steam or electricity, or other
motive power, between the city of London, in the
couney of Middlesex and Province of Ontario, and a
point in or near the village of Lucare in sale .aunty,
and from a point in or near the said village Of Itt.
can to a point in or near Centralia, in the Township
ol Stephen, in the County of Enron, to a point in
or near Grand Bend, on Iske Huron: also with
power to construct and operate telegraph and tele-
phone lines, to take and use water for generating
power, and to transmit and dispose of the power de -
lived therefrom, to build, acquire and operate steam
and other veeaels, and all necessary wharves and
docks, together with such other powers and privi-
leges as may be neeesoary. M. G. CAMERON, So-,
licitor for the applicants. Dated at the Town of
Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 26111 day of
January, A. D. 1898. 1672-9
--eee eel -re -est -
wcyricm oxp
Oissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership busie
doss heretofore carried cn by Messrs T R OW
it Co:, as " butchers and pork packers." at the
Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron has been
this day dissolved by mutual eonsent. The said T. r
It. F. Case., will continue to carry on the busi-
ness, and will assume the payment of all debts ow
Ing by the late firm, and will also °oiled all out-
etanding acoounte.
Witness-- i T. R. F. CASE,
Dated at Seaford', this 5th day of Mareh, 1898.
Township Funds to Loan.
To loan on good security and en rusonable terms,
Mode of the Township of Tuckersmitte Ferparti-
eiders apply to
Treatturee, Hensall.
Parties intendin' g to build :will find it
there advantage to buy their Iumber frojn
1°. BEATING, as 1 handle, nothing but the
beat. SHINGLES.—I also keep the - best
brands of Red Cedar Shingles, extra quality,
and a.t the lciwest possible price. Any-
), amount of Cedar Post for sale.
P. KEATING, Seaforth.