HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-03-18, Page 8-7 P -,- M 5F;V 7 -7' 77 -1 �Ir 1898-0 THE ]RUIRON XPOS ffOR bf the eo it a .6, And Mr. Charles Came, of St. CathAr- meridstions o mm to . At or 1 bj Will be The flower logo- ML MONOvin, in ord bo fin 411 or olit the last O� atteadi-bg th or go, we have been nearly- knew himp being always -an obliging neigh- Society. His No with lumber, and that there wilf be n � iness wor� in town oil Wednesday, regular annual meeting- iiwas -moved And the past moo d no ad. dero Wilso Is OttshGrOCery suffoiiatea bysmoke coming from the burn� bar, a kind and indulgent father and true garden.." Everybo is invited an arge . d. eub,to his many onstomeroj has the funeril of their sister, Mr, Marchmolit. carried that the present gallery at -the an.. n fee will be —Mrs, D. John., 'ht W Wrig a the bmoke friend His wife, who Was a 9011Y help- ',Mission f in engine' to run —Mr. aaj4 Mrs. A. W. -of Aln4a trance of the church be. extended -forward, For days at a tim t friends ini Toronto.— secured tle services o i Ing distric acroog 7 rd present Ap. To E-110ourage Cash. Trade. person could not meet, pre-decessed him fifteen years ago. -son i's 7 on a. visil - Mi - hi attended the funeral oi their thus affording quite a number of seats in thel Methodist the ow aa -1 the hum of the saw ��ia �gfila bas been, no dense that 'Remember the ace i I In t r. Vr�a chmonc They came the its entire width nd that the (Friday) a ink "Well rusy it be said, John is a a 368 over 100 yards distance in day time. to be given by he& . nt. cash dis. - we —A -session obarQh'this 4 uch sickness in our ney on M Wright's private car '"Ailtntw, proach to the gallery which hat er. ce red ball of fire, and 1OVJR`- huitlor.�--Owing to *so in I We hime decided. to givo, a 6 p ..The sun is just one Tan qbllnm DBYzT4D. the 'enof theollurch. and�rat ad on in orth at goods, rno6k parliament in connection with rt, Mr. ForsytWo school dwindled down �uroday morning last.to found very inconmeniet, b6 remodelled and icount.tq..ill purob"69 of St or over w, the, Orr of - Fruitiatid, exilarged.—Xiss ampbell, of Los Au.geloff Thoae who pay cash have Row several fires in our immendate di of —0 1- :Pa their hotn�.—Mr.,W exceptdugar and flaur. -alone. n fairly good held in to five scholars last week.7--Mr.and Mrs. J. trict. The cropi; have bee cathe literar and debating clab was Winthrop. V ornia, is - the uest of Mj. at Vey accounts Colnptly� every mouth. this *ill be Tuesday evening 'd was in town on WedCsds�y last. - He is,on Calif W abigadvantage cash. customers. We havonow sidering such 4 dry year. The fruit is near- the councif chamber . on P Ross, of Exeter, durinj the week, Pat a a fatal one for. 04 Goveru­ XOTZS.­Fr&nk MillsoilTh" poised of I - of Ur.. an f i�lepection forthe Ontario G-ovekh- Woods, of Usborpe.—Mrs, Peter Hagam io, Acci a full line of new. Ralabis, , Currantat Paola, lure, the small fruits- just fell 'off the last, and proved friendly visit to the home d- Mrs. a -toqr ol -, of -age scale. U e , ir a The his store in Winthrop to Ridhar Common, a`aVoting all ment, looking for San J Ile sa�s Detroit, has been spending the past weak r,-' tyu o'hat 0 It con 0 !ng Mellig", - Mr. 'Rome is now I. t f the hot 'winds. medt aide. z,,A bill providing for the settl' a wasor Tam chat fies and, I intends to tol the cheese which, he hoof find any north of the main so with b r f ather4u.law, Mrj me one in town. A'l are a very destructive.. on the of - national disputes by - arbitration was -6134 devote his time istime to life inauranobL busihes, al �M, ite kinds. of Groceries, as "y otlo basidess.-The price Of manufacturing the nd Ill White. bist. Graol i Lnd well selectEd stock of Crocke fraurtt every ere this year. 1. get the brought in by the Minister of Justice Mr ds -judging Mr.� Roes' physique, appears to line of the Gra Trunk. He has a oppei- of the Parr line, WE jam ad td 2 1,8e, pet' Pon b Tea Sets, firow 81-75 up Gran , Ilelf Fkto as I agree wellwith him. -The citizens of our men of scale on exhibition. -Mr. sides, of Rat Portage, - son of Mr. William Hultow OR regularly. I read it J. L Killoranobut it, as Well 940be other choose has been lower, S , J so IrCM &-Vice lot #%f new D ner -to of th -the p�tron!g consider. Hanes C5UR 'rue is visiting relaties. in Xilp- Whitesids, f this village w hap il -itenia in-theL Government's Poli did, - not which mill increase villoge, on Sabbath morning last,, ort rising J0 tAge on best quality, and nobblest patterns. 0111 and a" with great, es� and especially. the E9 and run- ro itea in marriage at Rat jl�r anthem. The. highest price paid for produi-v- Wanted mondville otes. I frequently see your conicide with the views of some Oithe main- ahle. t �t ewhey to pay all salaries f in thair alumbers, were not a little our- pen and S�aforth this. eek. Un 4- elvpense�. - Average price -per pound of the nei good butter.. eggs, potatoes and dreesedtow). Will own names riends asition. ook 09 prised to as. the large flow of Water on 3day, March 9th, to Miss Mary Tovoli,,cr well as the names of f here of the partyi the 0 if a a a g. on ti i,f -use last ye&r.w a. -Mrs. J pay pod pric for a pod article UP springill as 8.33he ; average pri market eq completily surrounding the Bay -field. i at Hensall slid othei places mentioned in it. vantag of the rupture out 5oo, to the welil ilare, oneman i aWILSON, 684f0fth. vote and the Government was turned d6iv�ri-' per 100, pounds of milk, al� ng and store of Mr. R. M ellisi which, g er par nts -at Lam An Sol Taylorlefb on Tues ay tt, of VletoriazPark aim, near Sauk Of 00mmaris Black F6A THE WzsT.-The following persons 1qaxt Tuesday night the club will . hold a patrons. to all Appearances was not very pleasant to With A. �Pollook._ f 11114 , 17 ted fo Manitoba amith, ban a quantity 6 m -terial weirs ticketed hrough to distant pointa nightwith the poet4, when it is OxPeO ose on the inside. Boats would not have 1ef t I t ek for Dakota. -Miss the 4; on on veyance to ammer �of handsonjo, POPUI S. I R. Of the kirk. By noon the waters began to brick dwellin in Hiansall. aY W. Somerville, up town Grand Trunk ticket lives and works o a fe of 0 r Most 1% NOTJ@ Is$ Varnap west ra will be read on the Constance. been out of place as. a means of con we for the erection this a via Chicago, We driesday, by Mr. some interesting Fape Richardson, Wath ell7intends resuming her fausic Grand Trunk Railw Classes in! Stanley and B�yeld rat 9 isses Cummings El mondyille, poets. spent a few days with Miss Gertrude Fam abste and the cellars, which had been filled, , agent :ITbe'M week In April. -.George' Green, of Gotile, ham and other friends and _Mrs. inreturned home were -relieved. Watoon,who bee. Charles Dodds, Seaforth, to Saa ranolsoo of Sea. was the gt eat of his mother a few daya thia .0 RAL. -The funeral last week, -Mine Allie Ty been very poorly for some time, is still con - in Charles Whitehead. Seaforth, to Heliena, M.&I OR SoovT s - FuNX _arm&#, week. d returned from 0 Otr N After A fined to her be&, with very little improve- orth took place on. Fri- forth, returned home last Saturd%� rbal and IMontans; Charles Deem, to Hope, N last Friday. -On Sunday'last of the late Mayor Scott Rev. dr. Toronto, Mont New service . to Me- day last. The large turnout of people and' week's visit with Miss Edith Britton. -A -meat in her condition. -Mr. and Mrs. R. .,Reduced fares to' Win- 'Dakota; Win Law and Win. McClure, P iritermedi oints�,-. Shaw was unable to reach Bethel ate t terest which � the event number of y6ung people attended the 100n- Clegg asevain, 'Manitoba Alix- the 'melancholy in of the station, were in Loudon for a, mipeg and the Northwest. Weekly colouis Killop, to Boi owing to the culverts haviti been -washed ins, -Mani- �og ovidence of the vention in Clinton on Tueodq.�-The liter. on rinnipeg, via Dodds MaKillop, -to Silverpla W another striki few days, geendirif a pleasant visit am 9 trains from Toronto to out. Rev!, Mr. Graham iltoWe WAO un - without change, and toba; Robert Lindsay, MOII10P, to Kl . high esteem inwhich the deceased was hold ary evening of the Epworth IA&gue ill be friends. - T. Ric er, � wagofimaker of our St. Paul, able to rea� Chicago and 'Mi. Bert h Bethany, And, in attempting baggap checked through in bond. Bpok larue*. Manitoba ; George Moo=, to Mar. by all Classes in thecommUnity. There was hold next Tuaiday even illage, whose work is gettinga ood eyu- to cross a Culverts had his forehead ut bi o� Wednes- v deWture at this (iffice one den Manitoba Robert Jones, SaAfOrtlltat70 onduotid. b tations, is now busy at his post filling orders being pitelied against the top of his buggy. pri ate service at the houses C y Lindsay started for Manitoba v our c. - - A y inteaded .0 a in the neighbor. � W -L r,, Somerville f the deoe"eao day. -A few of the farmer, for sprior.--Rev. -Mr. McKihbon as in, the Week in advance. Ma�itoba. Rer. Dr. MoDoriald, pastor Ri Y. Smith, iturning from rain& at ev. r. re by hood are busy making maple syrup. village for a few days' visiting with Mrs. companied the party to Stratford to see At the Close of this the remains, night, was run into, and his elg �4e a parents, Mr. and Mrs.R.Mellig, the fly started. the 33rd battalion band, the members Of the MoKibbon' and cousid a y damaged. M -i r. Smith, re Agent by town council, 'the fire Famuhar. jUg ULP. -Ur. W. Somer"VLi I te D - were ticketed through West to owing bragade and L the and.other friends.­Mrs� Thomas Forsyth,' ceived a a re shah days very poorly., in now resBuilding. R, J. M cdonald, C. P. R. agent: Win. and re takien to the Presbyterian Telegraph and. xp, mourriers, we who was for some John paterkin, of Hensall, to Neepawas, church, which was appropriately -draped for SLF. Oir Cows. -The aucti sale of showing signs of improvement, *hich will Pollock, as for several years resided an line, latel llthe occasion. The church as crow__ be gratifying news to her many friends. - for Mr. Sti rgeon, was to Manitoba, and recently -dii Manitoba; af. Victoria, British ded miloh cows held here. on Satur� ay last by on the Gos!!! decided to-inove ot his Mr. Thomas Cameron 3poxed : Our churches, on 9a, bbath last, presented I olumbia; Miss Laidla,*, that many bad to stand during the services. Burnside, M of which farm to Mt. Ro iott, and oil, ttes- IS Jaw, MAW. the a success. i �he bad 37 head, a a bert -Ell Mtoba: Mr. John Durie, Mooe Dr rather a slim appearance, bat nevertheless day took t4e train at Brac MoDonald,'who presided, gave out Spring Term a sold: T a highest id was Peopmk g prtee psi toba; Mr. bhti Bristow, Roseland, Britigh g hymns which mpg$ aUUgLL by the full war cows. it did not spare the work of the preachers. look and faNily following uei:t week. iding membirs of the -Old Mr. Squires, of the Villagei met with Columbia. aminted by lei B19GNIS "RIL 0908il3ri,1M This is the fourth sale of milchl' cows that Thumday of last week I notWithatatiding 4th.- .$47.50. They were a very finO lot of end, an accident during theL wee Methodist bhurch choir. Rev. Mr. B k..- While walk-. -hurch, offe ad a Mr. Cameron has conducted for Mr. Sturgeon a dsagre�sbl weather 6 large iiiiinber wil paitor of the Methodist c a 0 f Ito Mr'. Pollock's to say good. I be a-beriefitto you ing down the sidewalks the plank gave W oceeded OxLy when. glasses in this neighborhood, They intlend seffing do we prescribe them. er - Rev. Mr. Hodgi Call on DAIys fleatortli, and opeam pary na, inctim mud the old* gentleman received a bad' 1579-1 the next lot at some point further east. Durl g the evening An' addresi was have your eyes properly examined. St. Tiooes' church,- read the chap. bent o which might easily have resulted in's broken presented tV Mr. Pollock 'b.the me Busy SA -p pails ai�d.Spoile, all our. o make, ter, and after the singing of another hymn, I ; WP D lim�, as it takes Mr. Squires all his time to and adherents of Bayfield Road L eburog ex - bottom prices. S. Xul�brff & co� Seaforth. of ufro church, Me. at rook Varn& - manage with a staff bn the best of, roads. ONTARIO. Rev. Mr. Musgravel pressing their appreciation of 1579-1- his wMink Killop, who was the pastor of the deceased Reco zed throughout Canada as the nte'd in exchange for READYKADE BooTs AND SKOEs.-The on- Oar mayor will have to be look around vim in the'ehurch, and extendin him - Butter and eggs va Me. orler.-Mk. sQhoO1 in Ontario. during his earlier years, and Rev. Dr. dersigned has just received a choice' stock of ready- and see that all things are in leading dry goods and groceries, self and Mily their best 'wwfie[elg "to in r 1 at lCiLL's, Sesforth. 16r their Donald, of whose congregation deceased made boots and @hose. purchased from some of the Win. Cudmore the other day disposed of a 1570-1 Enter no for special circulars. future hap iness and prosperity. ThieJ, also leading manufacturers of the province. Parties Dining to'Seaforth, and team of horses for *200. Mr. Cudmore, was a member since o -indebted to Frank wishing something nice for the spring will find it to pre -PAY Up. �-All parties sented r. Pollock with a handsome fur who attended him during, his Ust illness, their Interest to eamine his stock before purchas - keeps good horses. -Mrs. Chambers and -ad to call and set - w. T. ELLIOTT, principal. 4444-62 Millson. of Winthrop. are request coat gind Mrs. Pollock with a dkesi and a tie the mine at once. a of his bual- delivered suitable addreases,i which they re- tog elsewhere. Butter and eggs takeni In exchange. daughter, of Clinton, who vere visiti with, a he W disposed 0. RATawsm,'Varna.. 1679-1 butter dish -1 r. Millson-will be at the st. ur- ferred fittingly to the exemplary character, S. her sister, Mrs.'Joseph Upshall, of I Mill - 1578x2 pose of receiving Amounts. -On Monday J'night lost Inge, for a week, have. returned home. -=Mrs. both public and private, of Mr. Scott, and PRESENTATION. n Bal ulearl g. e. IF VQU Want to buy &watch, just call bore high tribute to his life as a man,. a the members of Goshon and Varna Znglibh James Dick, of Seaforth, who was here for a a DAues slock, Sealartli. no trouble to and eximia b reh member. and as a public official and. church surprised the Rev. Mr. Smith, at the C a me her sister, Mrs. Watson, SALlm ALLzw'TmwyGH.- to. parks, yqu what we h Iave and quota you prices, Mr. parsonages our sead-& r buyers to secure senis a efevidid opportunitLy- fe"reely, low p haw, of 'Aginondville The reverend gentleman was do- week. -Mr. James Cooper's family, of farmonthell2theone"essionof SWASY ad- noual clearing isle to now on it pre, show 1579-1 citizen. After the closidg hymn, Rev. Bayfield, with two I�rgq loads of' returned hogm0erdur ng the 1 forepao 'of the Who sold, or. supposed she had koj(� -her At Your Stores offered: the closing oats b ---A.I&rge amount dew 5 PER red -Atook wititer good* all exI MON111Y AT An opportunity a lighted toseemo many'6f his parishioners,. vertised anauctIon sale of her fam e, tru t that the majority of hZ )spk and LiadleO Fur 004 of magay has been prayer. was: then off whom we made mentioil the. other week Ken!a For Costs, and C lend to plaaekin my hands to t dl the congreg and, of course# the oats were very accept- -in d we moving on and on terms to suit the borrower. ation to take a last view of the d effects take place on the 26kh of �dn copmand smaller -fun,s farmers; In sums being poorly, ate now better, and are � now an, ladiea' read this Column, and Some andid bargains are being offend In. on Apply to J. m. nuT, Barrister, Seaforth. remains of him who bad so recently taken able. A very enjoyable evening was spent; the rest of the March. TE, erson who piweliased Ure. giving their attention to pive- uttenfien, to the act would -Call ToUtM, Bayie and Children's overcasts and 1578-tt go we understand,aked out 'fierent from most or so promment a place Amongst them. Nearly After lunch, games, music, ate., Cooper's home Spark's for;, Also in Prints, Flannels, Drean Goods and Hosiery. members that are Wk. Mr. I that this store is fh build- -son in the large audience availed dulded in. As all good things. must have might well be compared' to & small hospital. -efuses to take the firm to into XAMW ad BUMDiWs ATTr-xTIoX- -If you are every per of his, bargain and r the stores. it f�Joesa% tr 2haknifeisbeing put very d, y to selL ",flany inite auto Ing this coming memo a house or barn. it will'pay themse g our village- a, she will h to Continue working ii he ChildireWs'Cloth Conts. We a Ives of this opportunity.' The to- an end, and as the wee sma� hours were -The bad roads are keepin bat igives its entr jisclai offerij you to get our prices on hardware* eavetroughin everything go dr leave, Well little on the quiet side.-Mies6re. Shaefer and will c ently require her p6sonal 091 and exri�e for themselves our 0--th. - 1579-I!s mains were then taken from thi church and nearing, all took th( and attention to the things that S. Mxa&xi�r & Co.,, Houm TORZNT. o rVitt, the comfort. the mournful proceession ceeded to the with the hospitality of he revarend gentle. and McK%*, this summer, are' going, nto. effeets,wh* a a inlindod se Ing bywatiction, require parbiculafly for their oWR Aviss -Mr. Upshall and the a has, Iled, -the ormamentallon of tbtir bomea- cometery. Although the Naryo was wet and man and his estimable family. the butchering and egg tradb. banbe rd & 00. able residence on James street, Went Bud, Sesforth. and disagreeable, and -the stre d I Ill o take place ag Wm. - Picka e, the i tonntalAing 4 bed ooms; parlor, dining room and ate the gain has been busy the past few. days- pruning !in w hodoewe call t your store, dotone collar Ulm- streeW along hich the procession passed, airt ballite e and it iw; kilabon. together with pantries an Walton. a his --garden in good ANOmTES. he roof of Mr. Will our -desire that you feel t SE"ORT Also stable and garden, hard. and H. his orchard and gettin t home. der whole house.. were packed -with people. Mr. Scott was rhe plows air h some barn coil ad on Sunday last. Voridimtely the moment you stop Inside. Non@s.-Mr. B. A. Holland has re- shape. a now going wit soft water.' Apply to J�izs moVic"imi iiemorth. iing was hurt. - the first mayor or menitir of the town Cann- moved to Campbletown, where h as of our farmers. This is pretty a the cattle r out and not] a pitrpoo. its and oil who died whi16 in'office. The pall bear- -Mr. Thomas MdKibbon is Mri W. McBeath recently purehapea.4 fine sit Now is the time to- choose your priy Ames Beattie, on the sick�� list this week. -The milk routes mare from J. MoMann, of Seatbrihi­43ugar Mourn. John and J DrVsWe- get your spring sewing done. Aline selectionotau, ere were is now be t staple dry i(oods, at Dnea� Seaffortli. 2579-1 F. Holmelltad� D. D. Wilson, Robert Wil- H"dsow of the W61ton cheese factory will be let maki order of the dayi Mr. 'all x -mayors 1 of RF.AL DTATF,.-Real estate has been R61";awiriwas th� Aftt to sliga ff t I)efo;e deciding son, and M. Y. McLean, a John BicycLis.-Doult forge next Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Green, the to u what wheels you will ridathlo coming season t3 Call the town. The Stratford and Mi hel changing hi do very rapidly for the last two 2�uirderab A! rogX �Rd- cheese- maker, has had splendid success pnny now ugbt ow frame Massey -Harris and Clevelafid -MATTEPA4. cile were represented by the mayors Of Iv. to ne damage was done t 1498 and gas oug I weeks. Mr. Nelson Denonly has bo DISTRrOT canvassing. -Mr. Robert Fraser* who has Saturday and Sundaylost on but these coun wheals. We have several other nisko, out Mr. Charles Laporte, and Mr, Charles heavy rain. -Mi lead the blcycld� trade fit 1898. these towns. The reipains were laid to rest capital for thvee account, cof 1 the Robert spring are very old wheels taken' been at the Toront6 h Laporte has bought out Mr. Samuel Cleave; Sign of Co Senforth. in the Maitland bank .,cemetery. I on Tuesday Morrison h pur4hased. French Canadian weeks, underwent an operatiox m6lained In exchange' S' Mw&3" leave bought out Mr. Robert, Bi - 1!r Wex'T Do. -For some une 1579-1 then 04t. C am farmer near St. Jooe�h. We in this store. They -bloom bull f last, and so far is progressin ; favorably. 9 reas6n the oronto, mail, including the daily liott. Times are brink, money plentiful and yard of the New se�mwws wish T wish Mr. Morrison success in- is A WORD OF ADvicE To FARmans.-Don't hi ra, has not reached points. along this be slow, In backing- your order for Plymouth Bluder- LOCAL BRmFs.-Mr. W.C. Campbell, who everything points to rosperity. and multiply -thousand told -in -their -Master James Graisick entertai &ins and Cause years has resided in Harpurhey, sbord 'faces. How bright- tr Twine, and remember we zTe the agents for Siatodh for many PREsENTATiox.-A very pleasant enter. her of his, ine. until the ton p in. friends at a.birth"d Aj tin the prettily printed the residence of Mr. "ently parties do -not get their letters and and Vicinity Bound to advance in price. to secure has moved to Exeter with his family. Mr. iNGs.-The ante t enb hold by tainment, was hold at 8th of this Tooth, at the home orh ther. And frooh they appear, as they come - Ives by leaving your order with us. F. Muiu- uplition of the Epworth Leag direetirom the handoof the beat papers until the following,morning. We do Yonne 1679-1 Campbell has follovired the 600 oes on da ing, Samuel H. Pollock, on Thursday evening 4561c and P nWas grand ;here , eing large last Prior to hie'departure Wh t =7. A� Co., seaforth, it Dancing commenced at 8 ool not know a well digging and is an adept st-the b success, I �%OFe for Manitoba, erg and Maker$. Such lovely where the delay occurs or continued an earlybour in the moiming. DmL, Seaforth, has the best 25c cashmere 1. C�ewes, " Tor. his' iji�a prints 1^wRg liod. it must stop. A We can heartily recommend him to the peo of in spring I ':thi occasion of it is, but nuinbiir present. Rev. C mqny friends and - hbors had, &mom - to be found anywhere. O&H and examine. Music was furnished by J-6hn CummiJbg on of once in While hose a of Exeter and vicinity as they win find gandies. What s�v rr day of this sort of thing Onto, gave a very pleasing address, and bled to tender to him his amiable wife meron- on th; or. the violin, Miss Annie Ca 91im not only a good workman but a most Rev J in adAress, and L presented to each of them Caprinted Ubrbn; for W" might. be overlookedg but if. it is th. become -Take . . A. Hamilton, of Kfiox church we ppo".1, GFAND Tpuxic RA=ivAy. advant. J.!MeDonald do the guitian in which W There h4vor- the practice itL will not tie tolerated !by the wthy 'citizen. -Mr. Sila's Cosens,. who W. an easy chair, to mark the esteem gans. and D"8869 and Wait is. age of the proseal cheap fares to Toronto. single WO are always glad to hear, and -Rev. J. Jennie Me I ougall, of Kent, in tha guest of -t people. The post office Inspector should in, toy 81.so, return for sa. w. sommiruzz. Town staed with his cousin, Mr. A. Pagans, in Andrews filled the chair.-LMr. Thomas they are held by. the oommtinity. Mr. Pol. Min Belle tatmly been -some Scea. ranookinw. Agiont. Aikenbead.,, Miss Susie ts lor Egmondville, last winter and who left here Cole mind fimily, and Mr. . *allis Jackson lock was taken 1y surprise but made a it ad- among vestigate*at once. very- visite4-atMr. Hu h MeDiarmix 011,91 patterns in, order 1p to t iday for Manitoba. suitable and feeling reply, thanking their e Of them all 4. now A GOOD comfortable cottage to rent, ,or- at siz weeks ago o eagagein rane Ing In abo and Mr. Colborne left Tuem need& 161st1 -A largii. ner Market and Suarling streete. Apply to &FARK 'F�Araonton,has joined the Leamington Klon- -now be. *0 fall to cools at- good wishes go with them. many friono for their kindness AT are Fliox T.HE WF.ST. -Mr. Maul Mantere, Biwa., Seaforth. 1089-1 atte 0 f odike party and in now on his way to t4is ily. The even. Ivison's on t1hursday pight last and teport -ad the social old at th a h th, in a WEDDING.—An interesting event took stowed upgn himself and fam My, Ileury an ujoy the leasure o gesing son of Mr.. Win. Masters, of Z DOES yoUp. PIANO NEED TuNnkG.-Roger olden north by the Edmonton route: Mr. place at the home of Mr. VVm. ',Riley, oil log -was. spent iik social intercourne. In,part., havt g you Are not uite W, even I xb Wed- h. t n hadR good line. y W I osens is accustomed to roug ii "We have bed a if those dealring their plano; 39 1 In now the 2ad inist., it being of his Ing, 'all wished Mr. Pollock safe journey, be's, letter *to his father, dated La Conner Waah Roberts, piano tuner, will be in town ne. the marriage iugton, Febrhary 28,says ne;iay, 23rd last. ---Ao buy. Some ayyou vr* to ML J. S. Roberti' drug store, coaritties and his friends here all hope he daughter, Miss Ida, 17­�'Fred Moss, of. and health and prosperity iii his now home. sud the knowledge of wherva *06 40 - very pleasant Winter here so far. -There has tuntd will leavef word at IL. 11, be attended to. 1579-1 may make a go Iden strike this time. -A now Colborne. A large number , f friends were nortment of the prettiest goods Is to not been any snow and it has not been cold they wl Hnsa& post office is to be opened at Irishtown partici�atfi in thef festivities, and umiey. found will be worth coisiderAble to- e. open air. in , L enough to freeze potatoes in th JAxzs G-RAvEs, Seaforth, is sell present to -A large quantity at oat ctuat and beat aliPapersat BESS THM( hung after the ceremony, which Was perf6rmedL you. Kindly accept 'this invitatloi. already American W NoTEs.-Messri.� William and Samuel corn chopn and, at the Henuff Oatmeal Mills. The.farmers are starting to Plow COST. shor"y and Mr. P. Carlin has been appoint- FBED. a great con- by Rev. J. W. Andrews, they partook. of a Simmons, of the boundary, Hibbert, left on -mor- fees of charge. Now is your time to get your rooms. ad pos ter. This will be -Coate I and I am going to commence myself to Wbx2 papered. 1579-1 venience to the people -of that vicinity and a a- goo row. Times liere, are picking d generous wedding repast, all wishing the Monday- evening for Dakota with big a cle, LoaAL Bi Fs. -Trade continues i little 4"1 And U Nothi but high class groceries kept at better man for postmaster th M Carlin think they, *illbe goJ . I l;, r. polar young coa�le unlimited and UR- years in g* t to the bad state of the koads, this sum W. Shumons, who has spent some ale - ow mar. Lots of people went from here to the aDiu% alliforth. Try his tea, coffee d canned �ould not be got. -Who w th next Vounded happiness in life journey. that country. -Master T. Ellerin ton, u dia. 1679-1 also b as the f. mayor? is a qui!stiou which a6y are ask- agoo it is now all out of the ground Klondike, and %to are coming back broke of thi ' it hb6r-h d, seebrapanie his cous- the-roadis wil I noon -dry up�.;­.-Quite anmber in 00 Miss AR-.Pcomn of the New York Society and is a question which is more easily New Goods to Zee. And disgusted. There are too niany. going Decorative Art, will visit Seaforth for two weeks, in Brussels. ins, M. Hilarington and wife, to Carberry, I this section Are making sugar sact mol-' afted than answered. A requisition has there." mmencing March 28th, and has secured the Y M circulated asking Mr. E. 0. Coleman t BRnFs.-The cbeaj fares and the gold Manitoba. -Mr. R. lery passed through losses for w�ich the weather fins been very -NEW DRESS GOODS W A. Hall for that time, and will bsye on exhlbiilo�. been 0 fever has induced.& arge � number of O� ur thin place last weekyealloute for his ze I t;here a magnifieent display of art needle Lwork to stand for the position, while the name of 7 favorable. -4 very largely attended special (vary.many kinds) T.EM AooD.-Seaforth has had her an, inspect, which she :extends a cordial invitation to g people to go west thin sprinw.-Robt. gurchased farm, which he bought from . meeting of the ReforKhers of the south rid - Mr. B. B. Gunn is freely mentioned in the YOUR -BLAC.& AN9. kAX& SILKS nual flood, although it has not been a very the ladies' of Sealcrth. and also to arrange with same conaection. In the meantime Reeve Slice and John Ritchie, Oranbrooks and hute.�-Mrs. Ferguson, of Exeter; to visit- Ing of Huron was held in the village on Dresses) he them, for a series !of lessons in the faoinating art (for Waists and serious e� The rapid thaw' and Beattie is acting mayor. -A-by-law granting Neil Livingstone, Brussels, leave next week ing her cousin, Mr. C. Cann. i- W.Pybus Monday las�.-Mr. J. E. MeDoell was in This is a good oppmunity for the ladies' of SeZ -WBW SPRING',CAPE ICIDTH% riday and. Saturday Imt in& a forth to obtain a knowled of the very latest ideas a bonus of V25,00010 assit Mr. Doherty to lor the Pacific Cout.-A new cover is to be is recovering from his recent illa'888-114v- the Forest Uty on Monday. -Mr. John rains of Fj ge -NEW-TRIMMINGS more water than even the most ardent ad- in this work, Tuition entirely free of charge. re-constract his organ factory in Clinton Put On the Brussels bridge this spring. it Mr. McKolvie, of Hensall, preached Shepherd,' the "-well known nteppriving opens on first day at 2 - in active sermon & vaV -PARASOLS Vocateof Coldwater desired to see. An a- Hours 10 a. in. to 5 p. in. needs it. -Mrs. Robert Carries living near interesting and str at t a a 1679-2 was carried in that town on Mbnday by a cattle buyer, of Tuckeramith, to de a Erie -UNDkAWEAR result, the cellars- and back yards of many P- in- Abou the villape, died on Wednesday of enecia, Bethany ap intment on Sunday evening shi#rneiii; of'oattle for the Old Couotiy on very, larg6 majority, only t a dozen vot- -WHITKWEAR Tho having been ill for some time. She -was the lasb.-Mr. homas Cann, who had his hand Fr of our citizens were flooded on Sunday mom. iday last. i He accompanied them ing against it; Before it becomes law the , - as far lands looked like LtA4VE CONVENTIOx.-The third annual )Idest daughter of 'William Bryans.-Mim mangled in a straw cutter some time ago, an Montre&L-­Rev. Me. Westgales at Aron -EMBROIDERI-h ing, while the low-Aying bi:law will have to be ratified by the Login. -NEW k1D GLO- M lakes. Some oel- convention'bf the -Gbder.ich district Epworth Dunbar ban again returned and taken charge is recovered so as W be able to work again. so many miniature inland lature, but in thiscase that will be & matter College, Loudon, 'who shortly intends leav- -NEW CIFFON$& FRILTAXOS, Jars were flooded to the depth of about two League association was held in Clinton, on ill -D. Er- -The weather for the past few - days h*M ing for ti ill pteach of Mrs. Rogers' in* inery here. ie f4reign viission fields, wi of form. Our sister -town will this have its -BLACK AND ORE&M. LACES an remar kably spri.ng-like, for this time of in St. Pauls cliurch on Salil n stopped, however, Tuesday, Marth 15th. There was a good rington, Who sold his farm in Morris last be �xth evenlij and feet. As soon salhe rai chief - manufacturing industry firmly estab. -NEW 3MLINERY and the waters got a chance to escape representation of dplegates and' in the Ion- fall, has purchased one in West Wiivanoslip the year, and a number of people have corn- will give a lecture on Tueeday evening Illus- lished in their midst once more and on a -BELTS. AND BLOONA larger scmle.-Miss;Bella Grieve has just re- nea; preparations for making syrup. trated by lime light views.. )uSh the. drains, the flooded portions w guage of Rev. A. C Crows, the general see r - Dungannon. -The sudden thaw with menced -1misi limily -NEW CURTAINS thr( siot long in drying up. We understand setary, it was one of the best conveitions the rain on Saturday ni lit sent the river up Welshbas returned from Strathroyj *here turned from a pleasant visit of two mouthe --NEW OURTAIN DRAPERM that the Roxhor; bridge was damaged to he has attended. The chair was- occupied the highest ever seen Co. it never rose she had been! for a number of weeks visiting with friends in Bervie and Kineardine.-At ETal-6 ---some' extent, and the water in the rIv`er by Rev. Stephen Bond, president of the faster nor receded quickeni Several culverts her sistor.--�Mr. Ge6rge Walker., fellsviiig the congre ational meeting held in the Pres. NoTFs.-Mr.- D. M. Edwards and family in the abse6ce of Presi' b terian e urch on. Monday evening.last are reported washed away 1buit no damage to age k Railway Oldest there wasso high that. Mr. James Scotts London Conference, of Antrim, Penns lvaida,, United States, nt of the'Grand Trun Practical him t& remove dent D&vi' iei, �Ild for- doon, of ' Goderich. W;; the large bridges.. Ban of Rev. �Ir. Walker, f Ed stables were flobded, causing 9r. Dickle, of Knox college, Torontot who bought Rev. R, L. Wilson's 150 sore his stock from,them, and a couple of bridges themes were introduced by W. R. Lough,. merly of Hensall, has been spendibi the selected sa the student to assist Rev, Dr. farm some time ago, arrived here last week' f jesis, ith frim t on Mr. Thom4s Hays' farm -were taken Clinton; Mrs.- George Acheson, Goderich; McDonald for the sumer months. Mr. k ids hero.-M.r. it Will a you whan you liarn how Kippem and intend to -remodel the lion" and all, bnd as through. Rev. S. Bond. Seaforth; A.' P. Shepherd 3011h W an eceutl; sold his -k low in pries many of theew goods Are.' away. A num'ber of am ("'e, LT m iwo I Dickie preached in Seaforth a little over It M oRic CoR John MeNevin, of the 'make this place their home. We extei2d'tO iSCOU r Nile; J. W �Vanatter, Goderich; Mrs.Pent. -Our out the townships were removel and dam dwelling to r. Melville, of Ilibbert. year ago and his d roes were very accept- Kippen wills, has now an hand another cAr of Ameri. - them a royal British welcome -Lm-The trustees 'by, Blyth, havi r. Rig� i I�een in a very bad condition the aged some, bui the damage any place in this land, Dungannon; Rev. N ible to the congregation. --Mr. Robert love, can corn Of the very best q and lowest possible streets Gr of school No. IQ, have placed several new rx- uall% vicinity was - not se "us. Most of the and the diewassions which followed made price. i% -wont last long; flut come, first served. it week o,*ing to the deep mud., our 0 of Sheldon, North Dabots who has * been Preston seats in - this school. -We are Plu The anow., however, -ban disappeared and the the4bonvention exceedingly practical. sionds in this vi- -eport that council will,, Ino (loubt, know now what in spending the, winter with ir Mine Laura Bober roads this spring are not nearly so bad as general E.pworth, Leape and Sunday school PLOWS A-1,71) ALL F�Ril ImrLzmvxTs.-The pleased to i winted, and here, and, we t a einiby,, has returned to his home. -Mr. and teacher, who was unable to teach for save;&, underffigned now takes this opportunity of thank. wetary� Rev. A. Q. Crews, of Toronto, Mrs. T. Allan, of Toronto, spent a few days 'roads sue a stood *tone our frequently at the breaking up of winter. aec Coating of good. rust,,vnit gi-v Ing his many customers and the public at large for days last week on Account of an ulcerated The fall wheat, also, is emerging from its gave a grand address in the evening, also and gravel will -cause our reprose for well. In some led an open parliament on "officers and thin week at the residence of A. Young.- their liberal support of the past, and still trusts by tooth, was able to resume her duties last How the world wintry covering. looking bad roads, a to be taken'sway fhn� be a hungers for the "-t� Mrs. -F. Byrnes, of Winnipeg, who has close attentio a busineas, and business pritioiplee, Monday.-A.large number- rp!is- their duties " du'ring the afternoon session. to still rataluW11heir confidence in the future. T. 01 our ante our WAtting foari; 'lue W, Im- tbb f the'past.-MT. John Shepher4 flow -era of spring. T -o places damage may, be done by water and The officers elected for the coming year are : been visiting at bar brother's, Mr. D., John Mollie would remind all in need of plow repairing, ing farmers who know the va of ne mg 0 -1 stir f ice. but on the whole it has stood the winter son, left or bei home oil Monday last.- harrows,vultivators and all far itople'niento that be ng W. J. of Fackersmith, who, was.in the Old Conn- the notof th early ibluis Abu well, although the critical time is not, over Honorary piesident,chairmanof the districts Rev. A. 0. Crows, M. A., general rroved seed grain,., are patron,izi secretary is now busy, and W on hand a full stock of plow try recently with a shipment of cattle, ao, music. We anticipate 'the "him Rev. S. Bond, Seaforth; president, A. T. Wilson for his celebrated Maudecheuri bar - yet. of the Epworth League and Sunday school repairs.. mould boards, plow handles all lion of companied by Mr. - Win. Nowell, returned ai(rthe blossom with the heraldm7g.' Jay, Siberian osto and seed peas. i Samples Cooper, Clinton; first vice president, Chris. work in the Methodist church, preached in ca"Ings, bolts, and everything in the plow line; &I" of the seed can be seen at Mr. Oscar -drif. home a week oi so ago and- report havin 9 agon and buggy re ring, nad oil lines of black- tian Endeavor department, F. Elford, Hol. w had, h, good passage bothy ways.-Meogri. the Methodist church here last Sunday. smithing. A good st fetW* store house, in ParkhIll.-Mr. John 6 k of plows always on hand, at FRobi FAR Aus=AT, -We, have'been utesville ; second vice president, missionary Both services were attended b large con. the lowest figures. T. MZLLIS, Kippan. 1679.2 Dalzel, county clork of Sarnia, paid our vil. Willis & WhkO adade, a large shipment of permitted to, take the following extracts Ament- Miss Lizzie Acheson, Goderich; h Mondhist.- sdeps gregations and the sermons duly appreeiat. Nomi.-Syrup making is now the order Isle &.flying visit last Saturday. -Our post ;go frern this station from a letter written to Mr.� A. Comus, of third- Vice ;resident, Literar department, Hagan and Miss B. odgins were in -Crews' evening sermon wa of the day, a good supply having already omee 1 0 SP Egmondville, by Mr. David Alexander, of ad. Mr. and store has been remodelled and. A. P. Shepherd, Nile; fourth vice a espec. London the fi�t pairt of wee rtnq dent, ially for young people and was both practi. been made. -Mrs. G of Toronto, is painted during the past months. which im- k on a visit. Ur Bowman!a Forest, Adstraiia. Mr.Alexander Social department, Miss Maud ld a f ."El 0, preached is a. brother of Mr. Rugh Alexander, form- rews, cal and forcible. --Mr. A. Sharkey, of a nding a few,�reeka Ing hersister,Mrs Eroveli the appearance very much. -The -Rov.'Mr. Coulter,'of ,EI Londeaboro; fifth vice president, Junior de- MilwAulkee, ;.YM, 41% Wisconsin, ho had -been William Moore, of the, village. -The: social Boston Methodist Sabbath school hr*ve add- in the Methodist ollue.-h on Sabbaf)i wom. erly of Tuckeramith, and of Mrs.,, Thomas partment, iss M. S. Washington, Clinton; hold on Thursday evening last, at Mr.lienrY ad a large number of now books to the lib Ing last and Rov. S. J. Allen, of Br4psels,, Millinery- ensn Ballintine, of Rensall. He. has resided in secretary, Miss Clement, Clinton; treasurer, spending a mouth with friends in Godeficb, spent a law days with friends in; Seaforth Ivis6n's, for the benefit ol the Epworth the ve Ing. Mir. Allen was a 0antor Australia for over forty yvari and is an ex- Edward Wi�nleas, Varna; representative to rary also a new catalogue and printed in 0 u His Fpworth League conference, Rev. Joseph previous to returning to his home.L:Rr. W. lAsgue, was not as , largely attended as cards. �Mr. John 'Bloomfield, formerly clerk here aboilt 16 years a o and before entering In which -the badii. -and flowers becoluer tensive farmer and stock raiser there. n J. Sutherland, of Stratford, spent Sunday would -have been had the wobher bee his sermon., whch was in the' e-duch- practical things iri the form -of adorn - letter is dated the 7th of February. I Edge, Goderiob. The next convention in u for W. J. Wilson, paid a flying visit last Upon to ir tional interests of the church, he expressed ;aent. Have you ead or hear& yet *ith his parents in town. -Mise Less Wal- more favorable. However, there was a fe, Mond while on his audBend, k of the terribly destructive fires in held n GoderWin Febranry or March. tok. lale has been engawge&dy to GrI in ow pretty the Rate Are going tbe ?' 'tend ha- ayd : The fires still ton, of Goderich, is visiting friends in. town. attendance present. The tables were well a wher to assist the pleasure it afforded him, after iii - ab - many years, a I IPP!1 rains wi have -Miss Watt, of Elora, is at present visiting laden with an abundance sufficient to as ce of so, f meeting A &in Heres -a hint, lovely I But wait untfl urnin tifif Ing stock. in the postoffice store for Pollard son wotbe just two_ h the n egation and that t air b g. Nothiiig but heavy rains wi ANOTHER Pio-NERit �Gowz.-Mr. Thomas with Mrs. Kirknlan'.-Early celebration of. tho most ravenous appetite. When amp wit co gr An the Opening, t any effect in putting them out. Th & Mallard, who have bought the business large and beautiful church Which !weeks from t6 -day. !Oar *p Holy Communion in Si. Thomas church on justivehad been done to the provisions, the from Mr. W. B. Vallis. dendid, nevir so that have a urred Moore Boydi who was born near Belfast, thi most disastrous fir P stock Of M1.1finery, it will -be exiiibit- in the colony since I'have come to I now county Antrim, Ireland, died at; the resi. Sunday morning next at half -past eight.— programme was opened by the chairman Ct ad to the growth and advancement hey were MaKing with the in. and over � forty years. There has been relief dance of his son-in4aw, John Robb, Morris, Mrs. Harries, mother of Mrs. J. M. Best, with the following selections: Solos b M t in. keepi ad in our New Show Room. htf , Exete'r'. orease of the 3rillage. The reverend gentle. Windows, will be or yo fund started by thp mayor of Me roof on Tuesday, March 8th, at 9:50 p. m. The and grandmother of Mrs. J. 0. Greig, died Ivison, and Miss Logan, of H U I to and nix thousaid pounds have been raised cause of death was chronic diarrhoea and at her home in Goderichi on Thursday of songs by Wbiteman brothers ;'mouth organ NoTzs.-hlessrs. Cool4 and Urquhart, of man delivered's very able and interb.0tin Whatever else you mia-dout musw -ay, on our opening and more coming in every day. To r e d' was in the 79th last week. She had been ill for a long time. selection by* Messrs. , Oliver Forest and Heneall, were in town% on Wedn"d sermons- which was listened Zef ad the senile debility. Deegan With ion by all pregeut.--�-Rov.W. U. Karr r year of his age.. His mental faculties and �-Last Thursday evening a few of those in. Robert Daymond, with Mr. A. Whiteman business. -Mrs. Wmql Cudmores a Kippen, attent accounts in thenewspapers,itisheart r, riding. eight were perfect and he could read the tireeted in astronomy, hold a meeting to outhe guitar, accompanied by Min Lily visited Exeter relatiVes this week -Messrs. returned home on Tuesday fromi rAissele We have had throughout s. very season. a very ry Friday and jgaturdlay,, January last year we had :hvosyy rain smallest print-, withdilt the aid of glasses. consider the advisability of forming a society Whiteman on the organ ; a rechation by Cudmore and Turnbull, of Seaforib, were in where he exchanged daties with Rev-. Yr. for the study of that subject. The result Miss Ricker. All the selections received a town on Tuesday, on busiuess.--7Messrs. Allin.-A large number left this station on fall, then no - �oiore until two before Mr. Boyd cleared 300 acres of land in his 'r &y " 1st and 2nd of J-pn't. ypun# days and did it mostly by his own, was that the 11 Seaforth Astronomical and hearty ericore. Rev. Mr. Waddell per. Prier and Armstrong shipped a car load- Mond& ubilee, 19th June, but since then ve� little. Of for Manitoba, Among; whoin. we 838, he We had a little rain a month ago, bat I exertion. On coming to Canada in I Phical Sqciety�" was organized with Mr. formed his part well in the chair. At an hogs from this station on Mbnday last. -Mr. leafted of the following : Elli�tt Fairbairn, Asbury as -president and Miss Elder as early hour the gathering broke up, all hav- James Bissett, or., is seriously ill. -Messrs. jr., William and Walter Fairbairn, of -took- we had ani befor�, settled at first in the township of Fenelon, can't remember when. Victoria county, then on selling his farm he secretary-ttoasure that, think about the beginning of Oebober.7 r. Any one wishing to Ing thoroughl enjoyed themselves, and Richard, John and James Bissett, of Lon ersmith ; William Simons, sr.,Williani Sim theL imons, of Hibbert - and iyater are, therefore, becomj--iz m4ved with his wife and family, -to Darl.- join the sogiety ma Communicate with the feeling all the Zetter for having - been rev- don, were here this week- visiting their one, jr,,aud Woole" The grass ing very scarce; The past twelve montliff initon'township, and in 1858 came up to the secretary...-. Ondmore is opening up a ent.-Oar old friend, Mr. Robert Kettle, father, who is ill. -Alice Ruth, infant Petekkin brothers and Philip Rykemain, 41. riest I can reinembei of ie Huron Track and bought a farm in East' dressmaking establishment in the rooms has been for a few days under the weather, d�u ter of -Mr. and Mrm.Wellington Johns, of Hibbert ; Robert Dalrymple, of Abligall, have been. the d over Mr. T. R. F. Case's store. -Mr. James requiring a doctor's attention. But we are die on Monday lasb.-Tie remains of Mrs. who was here- on a visit from the went.; this country. fflpte Christmas; it has beeii: Wawanosh, near Blyth. Ten years h and W3MM ag pell of the most intense: was forced,. through ill health th retire � am Archibald, Who has been buying homes pleased to note that the trestmont han'bad A. V. Marebment, nee Miss Case,. who died on Tuesday morning the following left he one continuoufr-I 3nerally up St. Louis. Missouri, has returned home.- good effect and that Mr. Kettle is n' [in&,' Michi )n Monday last, were for Vancouver, British Columbia : Mr. Jl�. heatthe thermometer g4 ,,,to 100 an& farming and moved to CH ton and. from ow on at A] Pas 4 E. MCFAUL' [y as high as'107 in th�Aade, and there to Seaforth, where he lived till four Messrs. James8cott and A. Ingram were in the mend. -Daring the high freshet of brought to this.station on WeduVeday morn, Shortt and him sister, Mrs. Willson M.r frequent] Preeks tim" 0 itl months ago,. when, owing to the deceaie of Toronto this week. -Mrs. Robert Coleman water on Sabbath last, which was the high- Ing last, and were'buried-in the Exeter Campl6ell Caldwaili whilp keeping UPAO that for I eat for many years, the pressure was too cemetery. She was a d 43 and Gaf the. h daughter, Mrs. aroque, he want to is on a visit to Vau'droull, Quebec. [sea Cumming, o [ginondville, and Mr. Dry GoWs strength out of o4.6 no bed' is I Z f gf are and 9 Mi takes the 'Morris and made his home wibb u rr clothes required :-this weather. Theta is,- i -his daughter, --�-Mrs. R. Lumaden is Vialti friends in strong for the dam of the Kippen mills; and months, and was a da ro r. William Win. Davey, of'Chisel ants lefi here for r -Robb Deceased was a member bf'the will R&SUITUAge, a a portion of it was swept away, Woodstook.-�­Mr. iam r ad Case, who at one time finved in Hay town. Califfornia.-As-me briefly mentione In last as the weathe /Mrs. 0 enng also, a groat deal pf sickness, ive in practical florist, London, will give -a lecture the d ship, oompauyl children and very' Presbyterian church andaConservat am useless in the meantime. This will 4,,the London road. The' funeral. 'eweek's ssues at, a special -congregational is very trying on yotinj no meeting recently held in Carme 0,14 people. To &ad jo the discomfort cocoa. politics. He was of an unselfish, unassum- in the town hall on Friday evening, April let,,, be very ine'onvenient and a lose to Mr. Me- was attended. She leaves a yo 9 1 Pre4yter- det the auspices of the Horticultural Nevi A k6com. I Seaforth's Greatest Cash Dry heat and drought, for Ing disposition and was respected by all who I un n, whose mill -yard in well stocked with son, 9 years old. -Mr. George Case, -of Tor- iau church to receive the re ort an ioned by the extrome Goods Btorf Wrt T I 0 .r )Srr r A r