HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-03-04, Page 3.
BICYCLES FREE for securin
I 000 from your Irlends for our oeglebol=
' faU, etc. Apa London Wholesale Tea Hoiise,
Dravrer 546, M on, Ontario. 1574*i
� I
rit., �%y
MRPE4�� e 150 h.
_____ . — 1�
JJ.MoKl"A, Dominion and Provincial 4nd
Surveyor, Member of theAwoolation of Ontirlo
;a Surveyors, Dublin, Ontario. IM -6 i 2
FARAI WANTED.—Wanted t3 rent, for from Ove
to ten years, a good 1(o arre farm. h1wit bd in
a gocd state of cultivation and have ozood buildin'ga.
Posses0on wanted In Vairch� JOHN WYATTj Sin -
forth. 1157W
ifOHN BEATTIE, Clqrk -%f. the Beoond Divisign
Couri County Comminioner,'of Huron Von.
veysucer, Za;d, Loan and Insurance Agent. - Nn4,@
Invested and , to Loan. Offloo—Over Sha
I ,.,
� ,venv' store, MAin West, Seaforth. 1t, f
Itcd quantity of Gocd White Beans - also� a
quantity of Arst elm Tub Butter. Forthese'we;iH
Zilthe highest cash price. The highest cash pri0e,
l, also be paid for fowl in all sessom. T. R. IF.
CASi & CO., Sesfortb. I - 1529-U 1
WANTED HELP.—Reliable men In ever I
ity, local or traveltirg, to folooduee a ;nie
&�ovf zy and keep our show calrdt tacked up on
tirces, fences and bildgen throughout town and
muntry. Steady ment. Commission or
ralory, *66 per mon= expenses, and mouey de�
poeited in soy bank when startedL For parlifoulars
FANY, London, Ontario, Canada. 15WBG 1
ARM ERB' 'ATTENTION.—Why pay 6jandepci
, i
F cent. interest these hard thrge ? I am now pro.!
1,ared to lend mcney at 5 per eent. on really first- I
cLus form security, up to to per cent. of the selling4
value, &."ralght loans; Interest and principal in pay-,
wents to suit borrower. Apply to A. COSENS, first ,1
door south of JacksoWs store, EgmondviII6,,,, 1
� i I . �
Ing north half of Lot 40, Concession 10, East:,:
Iff.awanosh, 41 miles from WiDgham. There is 85 7
zQre* cleared, 15 acres good bush; good frame barn. -
stable, straw shed and house, a good orchard and ;
ky�o never-faillug wells. Apply to HENRY J.
PkAREN, Wingbam P. O., Ont. ' 157616 �
Frs will be received by the uudersigoad, up
until the tenth day of March, to build a stone wall
under the bohool house at Harlock, and also to vx-
3avate two feet deep, and other worlL Plans and
ipecifications can be seezi at the house of MR. ,
FOSEPH TAYLOR, Secretary, Ilarlock P. 0. �
P. S.�The lowefit,or any tender not necessarily -
axcepted, If not astistutory. 1676x2 .
- . I
� n.
STEERS FOR SALE.—The undersigned has for
sale on Lot 34, Concession 8, McKillop*111 ffteera :
rising 2 -years old, and 1 heffer in calf. LIAM
k. ROSS. - - 15"I 6A
� I
cheap, a thoroughbred Clydesdale stallion, four
Fears old. Good bone, plenty of bare and splendid
iction. He is a sure stockborge. Apply on Lot 13,
London Road, Stanley, or jid-dii"ra BrucefieId P. 0.
�AMES ROSS. 1� lb7ii-tf
FOR SALE, five choicely bred Scotoh Shorthorn
bulls, m 6 to 14 months. They are a
rmad lot. V-011:0 and terms to suit purchasers.
DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ontario. . 1568 tf
undersigned, breeder of Large English Berk -
I Ires,has for ale boars and sows in farrow. He will
am keep for service the 'stock boar, It King Lee 11
archased from Mr. George. Green ' of Falrvl��.
and winner at Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa. Term
--$I payable at. the time of service with the privilege
I fraiurning If vocessaig., it -booked $1.60. " JAMES
ORRANCE, Lot 20, ncession 6, MoKillop, Sea.
orth F, 0. 1466-52
BULL FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will
k;Fep for sqrvice'on hi4 premises at Roxboro,
i thoroughbred Durham bull. Ternim, $I ; if paid
)efore Januar
.y, IM, or $1.26 afterwards JOHN
boTr. - *3571-tf
BOARS FOR SERVICF.—The undersigned wl
keep for service at Brucefield, one pure b2
'amworth boar, and one pure bred Cheater White
oar. GEORGE HILL, Brueefleld.
� 3565-tf *
BOAR FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will keep
for service on Lot 26 Concession 6, L. R. S.,
mckeranifth, a�-Ooroughbrea Cheater White Boar, a
mize wJnner wherever shown. Term"I cash, or
1.50 11' booked, with the privilege of returning If
ecesssiry. JAMES GEMMILL 1670x8
BOAR FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will
keep for service on Lot 34, Concession 4, Tuck-
!rsmitk, a thoroughbred Chester White Boar,
lurchased from H & Bone, Cro n
fiddlesexCounty. �11111-eoM payable at =Of,
ervice, with privilege of returning if necessary.
O1IX W. ROUTLEDGE.- 1540-tf
VICX�The undt.rAgned will kee for serviae
i the Brucefleld Jlhesse Factory, a 19oroujhbr;;i
'amworth Boar, with registered pedigree. Terms,
I able at t me -jf service with privilege of re.
llzagy if nececoary. Alec a number of thorough.
red young Tainworth Doan. and Sows for safe.
UGH MoUARTNICY, Brucalleld. 140-tf
__ - - __ ___ —
, -
L signed h" for service on lot 32, concession 8,
IcKillop, a thcro'bred Tamworth pig, to which a
mited number of sows will be taken. Thl. is an
dra good pig and breeders find. it advant"us to
row their berkshire sows with this breed , of pig.
'erms $1, with privilege of returning If necemary.
)HN' MoMMLAN 1506xif
. I
wience Has Conquered
And made it -possible to restore de-
fective eyesight to normal vision.
�0 Aga�mahll -
Having taken a course of studies at the,
Detroit Optical Institute, is prepared I
to ft all defects of vision, Astigmatism,
Hyp ormetropia, Myopia, Presbyopia,
ditpound defe-t.
or any co . -
,�, I
�_ ,�
A tj sm fi5 due to Irregular ehape of the eye,
6], -
id 'a U13US11 ngenital, but is -often caused by Ixi-
� rly fitted g s . Many school children with
119 etc are c led stupid, but with properly fitted
asses they may become the brightest of scholars.
ais is quite a common and danizercus defect. Hyper-
etropia-is a malformation which keeps', the oilis
usols in conatant use, whereas In a normal eye it7s
rest when looking at a distance. This defect, If o
Ilected, mp,y result in nervous depression and pain,' I
evac prostration. Myopia is a diseased condition
the eye, which should be very carefully fitted to n
event an increase of the defect, and perhaps uhi-
ate blindness. Presbyopla Is a loss of s000mmoda-
in. In the eye, which may cause cataract unless cor-
otedbysit.ficialaid. Frequently nervous 4r sick -
adacheo, and also serious illness, are brought on I
cite or more of the above defects. R=ember,
charge for tebting your eyes. - I r
1. 8 . - ROBERTS, I
Chemisb and Druggist, Seaforth.
--.-- -_
T H-13 M A N
Vjith The Book
! -A&.6.4 r1/.&.%.f_&W.a. %.14: j-U."I'la I - - . - - - - - - - ,
. ; � I I
� . . � . . — . —
1. . I ' An Sorta 'of �A;Zes Aro Irorgotten by ThoyLjke�'Iso r1or Crickot, but Not Ae- .vs .nicycie ;!season-,�-,as ]
�: , ! � '
� . I --- _ . IT ISTOLD BY HIS BONES, TH� TOOLS . Absentminded Pas"nSors. . . I -1 i cording to Bolt. - I - . . i �
I � i .1 . i
I � i
4 �
- � . HE USED AND HIS MONUME_ Recently a Chicago railroad displayed Travelev;'R in South Africa have noted ,
� I
... KS , NTS. , I I **. ; . I
. � L : In its unclaimed parcel'toom five barrels the fact thitt where monkeys congregate ..
I- I q � I .
q . - - - - - � -
. � of rubber overshoes and a box full of in large n�mbers they also indulge in k . -
ITTLE The Varied 89lences Which, Aid ,he ,,to- false tooth. All this roperty and more gam I- � �
, "
I p 'es bf &�certajn kind. Twoof these I � L.�
dent Who kj�sinAuexr Thom—There Aro e i �
- � - during a period of six months bad been games see I in to resemble cricket -and lsalurnsftn. & Wilson's Bicycl 'L
IVER 01091*9 That Must 11� Studied and Thoir left on the suburban and tbrough trains football. � � � I
I I 11riniolp1*5 Applied to Things Discovered, by. absent minded passengers. The ken- The cricket is of a primitive order. " I
- I
. LLS . sial baggage agent, upon being asked �' About &do' Is ! .
. M= leaves behind him when be diem : ion monkeys stand in a air- Room now open In Kidd's Hal' !
. I
/� I his bones, his tools and his monuments, what was the oddest occurrence of thin cle or whatever is akin to the simian . . I I
I I iind, *said that a woman once left on a idea ot A ciirole. Two of them advance . � I
', I
N FQ== and these are the things ftom which � . I
� . i ,
train a 6-months-6ld baby, a _d she did Irom diffe�ent extremities of tbo circle a � i .
have been derived all the items of our L not Miss it Until a train n . I - - i . .
I I man overtook and stop ilibout 15 yards apart, facing . I .
. A splendid opportunity for 'Ladies or Gentle�ed to ' . �
R knowledge of him and his progregsup ibei witb the little bundle oi humanity each other!. The monkey at the . . I ,
Sfe"' REARAICHEL . � .
. i I ; �J
I ,
to the time vrben he learned to write. before she g6t outside of the train shed. end of the' circle has a cocoanut in his . � L
POSItively cured by these -- : le,irn the art of riding before the season op �
. I ens. i
Little Pills. I � And even 'in the historic age the story It was not a case of abandonment. 'She band. Helis the bowler. I I . i .
1 :
. would be'much leas complete but for had forgotten to take up her own off- The mQlnkoy at the otker epd,does Call and see the new wheels and prices. We bave . I i �
- � . -
. '. I :
They also,relieve Distress from DysMsla, aprIng. � not, I :
,bfj inscrie-ions, his art and bis relics. as Y" might suppose, wield a full also some second hand wheels to clear ont cheap. . .1
- -
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A.per- ane . . . _,_; q
-, ft Bones aFi of the greatest importance, Only one-half of the articles left on c bat.� 1 His, business im to dodge the I � . I - .. ; � ; T
- I � i
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi. for oftentimes man has left no other 4rains are elaimed and returned to own- codoanut *bich the bowler' aims at bb 1. . I
4 � I
I _� . �
nesg, Bad Taste in the Mouth. Coated Ton tokens of his existence behind him. The are. At all the railroad offices in- Chi- head. The delivery of the ball in tre- . . �
Pai . n in the Side, TORPID - - gue Arst study, therefore, to tbe arobveolo- cago ther& are to be found motley col- mendously fast, full pitebed and fraught I . : � I I
LIVER. They .. . I - i I
Regialate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. gist istbal Of -the comparative anatomy lections of about all the articles which, with dir�� results if it "touches the i i
. ! .1
of the human race. Itisnecessaryto man or womaneverowned. Itwould 1 spot. I I When it does bappen to touch ,
. I
Small Pill. I LUM-SDEN & - W__ _IT_ISON,� %
__ 8171allftfts Watinguish human bones from those of be impossible to list them in a whole the spot ' tbat,is, any part of thd'mon- . ..r �.
� SM . .7 ,- . I . . �
all Price. animals, to Study racial characters and page of -a newspaper. I key's body—that monkey -is very much . �
� -
I to determine the sex. Skulls must be The article Which figures most ext , , - �OHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, - ��
Substitution on- I out and doesn't even stop to disputb the I I
I studied with the greatest minutenes4 gively among the lost and found of the i question. , SUOTTIS BLOOK, . - . . . MA,IN; STREET -
I - .
the fraud of the clay. I for in them lie some of the most impor. big railroads is the umbrella. An offi- Another monkey taken his place until C, . � I 1�
tant evidqnces of origin and program& cial of thq Illinois Central says he re- I � �
, he, too, reiceives his dismissal, It was . , -S:E3_A__V01:?,M_E:r .
i .
Sec you get Carter's, It in desirable also to atudy the animals, ''ceive-&I—n'tie baggage department 1, 500 preLmmed ,by the travelers ,that the game I It ,� I
- .
. . for the bones of men are oftsn found umbrellas a year. General Agent 18add was finish,iod when a majority of mon- __ � I �
interminglod with those of the animals of the Burlington says his records show � keys lay Inursing their wounds under I � ....
. . I I
Ask for.. Cartcr's, that he bad slaila or that ba - about 600 a year, and the other lines' the friendly shade of a neighbogrin .
. '. . ve conquered I 9 � - q
I . I
.- him, and -in tke cases where the animal report large collections of this Service- palm. I. - �
Insist and demand isonenowextinot a guess at thean- able article, which are left on trains in The foo'tball is of a more advanced 010 I
,. tiquity of man's relics may be made. all kinds of weather. . � On. a recent due, READY T - R,B
(_ type. It is also played with's cocoanut 0 TJ SINE 0 01 I
.-larter's Little Liver P i 1 h-5. The tools which served In tb& rude sunshiny day the Burlington railroad The game! if anything, is undoubtedly, . . � �
arts. of early man were first of stonov showed an its record a whole page of the "sock " game and is played with 50�11_ <_�;!�� — . � � . .
� I i , - roughly, fashioned toL the needs of the abandoned umbrellas. the feet, f . course there is no goal .nor -_ . . � -
W�msi N. Wajhe:r� work, and Intor of metal. Mineralogy Next come the overshoes, which are � any tacti to speak of, the object of �
I is therofore an important study to the. daily found, singly and in pairs and of- each ani al being to keep tke ball to .:
nil - The New Je',welry Stoto *10, the"., . . . . . . .
THE RELIABLE ' arohoologist. The atone relics furnish � tentimes odd in size and kind. At all himself as much as possible. . ��
Upholster& and Mattress Maker ) a rough index to the a - mount of civiliza. the offices they are accumulated to the Still t4e. competition to get the ball . . . . . ,
tiou; they indicate in a =do way the extent of barrels and barrel& It is a makes it � . � -
SEAFORTH, ONT. ey .�sxemble,a real ganis of "foot- Whiftlau"y Block9 , - -
. .
urni extebt of intercommunication; th common occurrence to And upper, low- or," andi the dexterity exhibited by I 1%, - � -
Parlor F 'ture re ired and recovered. show bow new ideas came to the raoem; er and partial sets of false teeth, Some these peculiar amateurs is .sprprising � � . �
Carpets sewed surlaid ; also cleaned they serve in a manner to distinguish give evidence of long service, others and wondprful. . . ��
and renovated at reazonable -prices. ;_ . A
— - between different grades. of antiquity', have been too new and have been "laid In an ievil, moment some ambitious S �__ O:P.r—v� -
Shop in McGinnis Block. and in many ways they are Important. I out" to give relief. But they come in monkey nisy elect - to play the Rugby WITH A FULL LINE OF . . . . . I I � . -
. I � - up the ball and . .
. - i The mineralogist who finds copper nug. � all sbapes and sizes. ,game byl snatching' .
' I ..
WOOD WIIX 13E TAKM FOR WORK. - gets in the graves of North Carolina I Wearing apparel in large.quautities :Making oif, but the gamo then develo ;
I . 1522 pe
I prehistorio Indians knows that theme : is to be found in, the lost parcel rooms. into war� in which life is sometimes Watches, Clocks, 40wel; Silverwary -
. I � - . . . ry, - . - ..
. . � an had some manner of communica- I The clerks in the Alton's quarters at the the prize.,1 - 11
I n on .. I I , al Goods. ... I
tion with tho'great lakes. I Unio station fitted out a dummy figure No m 'tion is made of a referee, but and Optic
A knowledge of zo�blogy is 1 With every mingle article that a man is if there fe one about, like a wise and _,_., . � .
1-H. - R. Jackson = requisite. I ,-, �, 'C' I .
too. .The presence of the horseshoe crab 1 likely to wear from head to foot. The provjden� monkey, he is probably up a ,,_11 ' - .
. in legends-aud traditions of the tribes - articles were all left place by piece on tree. —Bi.00klyn Times, - � I . '
& SOM of out'arid want could have been guessed , Abe train and gathered up by the am. - .. : Repairing ,in aU lines a - Specialty. 7 - Call and See Us. -
' ' � ' . I
at only by one with soute perception, - ployees until the figure was togged oul; SHE BETRAYED HERSELF. �
DmzoT Imroi&TEss oir ' � 4 1
- and -the findiug of one of the shells as a : in newest fashion. I . 1 � � - -
I - _'
. I
Jules Robin & Co's Brandy,, Cognac, fetich of one of �, the tribes was a bright I The young wcman stenographer in � Dipped Nor Spoon In tho Milk Before
France; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol- � Baggage Agent Sadd's office has a pet 1� ; tho Xuah. � . . 0. A. HUMBER & SON - - �
I land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland - exploit It was evident that this relio : I � I 11
I Booth's Tom Gin, London, England ' had made its journey from hand to hand ; kitten,whioh was found inian envelope The woman mentioned in' this little -_ --
i ' bo . on a train, and, there being no story will be called Mrs. Ha ghty, but . JeweVers and Opticians, Seaforth and Goderich.
i Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas.' ever 2,000 or 3,000 miles of country it I x
i claimant, young Tom is being taught to she is' "own in almost every commu- . - r
I .Row, Scotland ; Jamieson's Irish a time when it was exceedingly wild. I
� Whisky, Dubli', Ireland ; also Port Then thore are the shell ornaments. earnL his board by monabig in the bag- nity by oiber names. She is inclinied to
� and Sherry Wine from France and The present craze for the river pearl is gage room. . I I .
I . do a I abi can to make other people be- ' - L
, -Agents for Walker's Whisky, no new thing. As far back an there in Cripples frequently leave their lieve she'is somebody and that she is -
; Spain,
i .
I .
. Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Davis' any evidence of tbo'preferenoes of man crutches on trains. Therp is a collection fitted for a higher sphere than the' one I
i Ale and Porter, Toronto. the lustrous river shells have been at- of them at all the offloss. Hangingtop she is forced by- advarse circumstances .,k Great - Cha n'ce, . I
tractive to him, and the distribution of in the parcel room of the Illinois Con- to'livo in, . 1. .. .
To THE PUBLIC : them b" been exceedingly wide. tral ,is a big anchor made of mow gath- A shor time ago Mrs. Haughty called I I A . -IN � ; I . .
We have opened a retail store in Then thers is the pottery. Here one ered from tree@ in the far south. The: on a asig bor and accepted an Invilation 1. % y - ' .
I connection with our wholesale busi. musi; study the beginnings of the useftl Maker had taken care of it until Chica- -to stay to supper. Mush -and milk was I . I
business in the rear of the new Do. arts. He must know how the pots are I go was-rewhed, only to abandon it to the prinoipal impper dish, and Mr& I
minion Bank, in Good's old stand, made,, how in Mau or in advance of the the care of the parool man.—Chicago Haughty ,doolared with sundry ejacula- I I
. where we will sell the best goods in pottar - 'is wheel the aborigines had a Tribune. tions thot - she had never -eaten the do- Only for 30 � ays. ...
. __
I the market at bottom prices. Goods number of ingenious ways of revolving - I Irree " spite of INIMSOIL lightful compound. The steaming plat. ��
delivered to any part the town the vessel, how with fingers and combs ter of mush-wam not in the center of We . . � .
I free. � � Under the first French empire the ad. 4ble An4l 0 bowl of milk placed before .
TELEPHONE 11. I 8-tAf and a bundrodother implements the ministration of the ,,prison of Svkjlmt#- Xrs.,Ha�ijlty- I .. Before'taking, stock wbich -
-11! - primitive d000ration was Incised and pelagie wag so loose that it was not rare I I
how with clays and ores of iron the firal for accused persons to lie there six "Just help yoursolf, Mrs. Haughty, I I begins in Februar . ...
'Woo I & I ,� �
XV43 3P110193E"3IX03DZN3& crude colors were made wherewith to remarkedl the homtes T we will --
The Grent EnIgHsh Remedy. 1) paint the learthian-ware. This study of raontba without knowing the cause of " AsallY, I do not know how to be- a
Mai ftokagw 0�uaranteM to their incarceration. Tho following ad- gin, " said Mrs. Haughty as she pick*d surprise those -wanting to
promptly: and permanently old pots to exoss4ingly interesting and vonture, nurlated'in "The Dungeons of I I
. . I *z cure all forma of Nerumm of the highest importan6s. The materi- Old Pqim, " discloses the fact that re- up bar ' . buy Stoves. Our sto'ck is-
als are imperishable, and, while the . Mrs. 017n�ty na - - .
. weabnw,z�nue(m�� lease uAfter similar conditto�as of igno- . :P,g Wo a move, and one
effeds of Abu8e or ranoe was not impossible: , the Chi *16qu, at the table leaned over r. 010m, SO
. atorv*fa. zmpotmwy an4 an vegaejs�u a wbrole condition are rarO, Of - large and we want ' '
� . zxom". the fragments indicate the more irapor- t� I to her ter And whispered:
. monw Worry, ezoessive use tant elemenid in the story. In the shapes The doctor bad given to a prisoner '! I 4 She said she never ate mush and for cash will g i've purc-hasers - I
of 2Vbafto, Opium or Stimu- who WgA slightly ill an order for the
Before mid After' lants, which som 1#a4 to.m. of the vessels there is rudimentary art baths. milk, butI abe clipped her symin in ibe ' I
ftfwift Zmanity, Comomption and an e4rhf gram. in form, while in the deloorAtion there Not knowing in what part of milk before She dipped it into the thebenefit of our bi ' .Aock. - 1,
the prism the inArmary was situated, i 9 ,
Elam been prescribed over 36 years in thousianda of � mush.)$ i � i -
� .
cases; Is the only AneliaNe and Honal Medians zie the beginningm of painting and soulp- he presented his order to a tipsy turn. 7 - � - .. I -
tdre. In the paint9d or incised figures That 4ttle movemeld, save hrm I " .
Pnotim Ask drugglAt for Woodro Phosphodine; If . � . " � I --
key, who opened the outer door of tho . �1 I ,
he offers no -me worthless triediolne In place of tb* there is the key to relationshfps in prison. � - Haughty 4way, for everf-loyer of mush . , - � ... ' I
Inclose price In,letter, and -,vie will send by return tribes, nees and religions. M. Guillozi, a free man without being and milk Inows that H the Spoon is So MULLETT & COO', ',�� Seafoktha . . . . .
ma% Price, one pwkw, $I; six, $5. on# win - Closely allied Is the art of carving, aware of it took the narrow street to be first dippi4 into the milk the mu4b will � � .11 I ...�'
. � e �
please, six tW4 our& Pamphlet& free to say addren. the finishing and Ornamenting of tools not stick to M��maba World -Herald. . ... .1 �,
. - ' .N I
. The Wood Co"M]PAn-T, a sentry's walk and went a few puss 1. i HARDWARE, STOVES and T1 WARX -
A. and lmphmentL Akid there are besideal ''
. Windsor, Out.. Canada. without finding any one to direct h4m. � A! TalAking 9hoop's Mead. . I . � I
Sold in �eaforth Lumsden and Wilson, I the lexttlea, and, although the primitive - Retlarniiig to thp sentry at the door, he I -_ - . — " I
�y John Leitch of Rothemy once when �
I - I � � I .
Druggir,ts. loom is an extreme4y simple &fkir, inquired wbue w'er* the bathL on a visit'to Dunoon droppoid into 4he Guelph, November 23rdj 1897, 1
� - which the myAge nations have "Olved "The baths?" mid the sentineL
- or copied into very similar forms. still "The prison batbL so ; shop of irebie Main# and asked if he . THE SLOAN MEDICINE CO., . .. . .
Pigs and Lambs for gal bad any g�od sheep's beads. � I
� I
e. the nWoulalm employed and the patterns I I The prison baths, I I mid thiaentize% � JL - I HAMILTON. F, -1 I.,
yiikld much infomation about the an- 500h, y�#, a mud Maine, 11therelm as � - ;j
THOMAS RUSSELL, 111yeiside Farm, Usborno, has "gWy and &Mniti of Cie t. "an probably in the priow,'but you . I-
- .
- Berkshire . fine a one as ye iver saw, " pointing to a Dear SirS : . I . I
or sale a number of younir thoroughbred as an n pan am It got in thore. I I black faoe I lying ou the Boar. s I was troubloil j with - - . �
mars, and thorqwbbred LoWester raw lamba. 'No word Is necemary to upbcdd the 11Wbat--.I can't get into the .
Cbey are first -claw in every respect, and will be sold importance of the moulaAents wh6u, Aza I ouWde It, then?" -pison? "Are y0i sure that it Is fresh?" sal.d. periodical sick headaches, being tAFected . 11
iglit. . THOMAS RUSSELL, Exeter F. 0. 161.64f lacking the forerunners of paper, the 11 Why, yen, you're in the dmfA You Mr. Leitch. . usually every Sunday, and used ill the re- - _.
- ancients recordod their history in out or " Quito inre, sir, I I replied the butcher. medies that were advertised " cur0# and I -_
ought to know that, I should think." "It's pe�fectly fresh." . was treated ,by, almost every dooter in -
FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS , Patated monuments. Esypt, Assyrift "I did not know it, I alware you," Thereupon Mr. Leitch, who was an Guelph but without any relief. , One I -T 11
. I -
Und Central Amerios, eadh in a differ- said 3f. Guillon, 'land this won't Amit i doctor 'told me it was caused b a 4 k -
admirable � ventriloquist, brought from .
*at way, show the value of Qae 01,026 me at alL " - . stomach, another said it WAs hereLrywa"ud, I-
DUNN"S I study of the monuments, and the sWries He rang the prism bell =4 w the sbeep'i bead the rathes, confetwding - . inenrable. I w" induded by a neighbor to I
c " ", ejaculatioi: 'lob, what a leel I'm - try Sloan's Indian Tonic, and am -h - to 1.
I ....
; lacked app I'll
. adven- I I
� � of the" countries would have admitted, and his recit#4 of his stinkin. 11 1 � -, . say I did so. A few doses gave-immez-ate -, I
� the groator part of their interest had the ture restored to sobrietjy the turnkey "Oot 01 imy shop, ye leein, deevil.11 refief, and one bottle and a half made & com- � . . I
BAKI , . WASSERQUY of walls and obolimkm alad the who had given him bis fre*donu exclaimed ihe butcher. "Didn't I kill plete cure. . I . �
, e mapififtnt Sculptures been withheld. I � - �- ye wi' my ain hauns Na very momin?l I Thin -was three years ago, and the head- - -
� Languages form an szeeedtng�y im- Sheridan and the Ja& ' aches, have never returned. I was also
. -
POWD R �orta�t pa" of the yroparatien of the Sberidan, bimself a brilliant orator Arid, suiiing the aotibn to the woks, troubled with "thma and nothing he4__
�wohseologiat Of course be must know as well as a shrewd observer, was one be kicked tbe offending sheep's bead into raq like your Sloan's Indian Tonic. I can .
. -
. the street. � .
rHECOOICS BEST FRIEND 4he modern ones to keep abreast of the duy asked how it was he got on ro well 4 heartily recommend it to all, mud will be
I LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. To carrylon the joke, Mr. Leitch, ob. glad to give any particulars to any one
.world'a progress in researeb,,the an- in.thehouseofoommona, "Well,"he serving a Aos ox tongue in the Window, afflicted as I- was.
I coulacenzogto being made in ony one of saido 411 won found ouA thrit the major- inads it spoarently say, '16hame oD ye, - W. C. Keogh. ..
the Importint living t0ng2QL BUt Gem- ity wao fools, but all loved a joke, and � Arabie. Mai*s I" whereupon the aniagad - . I
IREMOVED, 1parative philology is equally awenry, I determtned to give them whab they bufthu 904,preolpitakay ftew flis . . I
for it map
..y suve to givv the key to fte 1*&&" The gmt advantage of a lem I
. lekviag'ft ond all it eoutained dwp, The Sloan Medicine, Col,,.. of Hamilton '
at the . � t LWITED
Having removed into the store formerly 101sti"OhiPs, Of Ous seb Of cbstwtGrs is that it puts the speaker at OU06 on mercy of hik waggish tormentor. —NuS. , ' ..
coupied by Mr. J. Downey, in the Cady *hb 8204lier. good terms with his au4ioum Hong* : I I . -
lock, opposite the Commercial Hotel, I gets. : Price $1, (5 for $5. All Dealers or address .
. . AgAr these matters we all in hand Ciom rewwmends it for an exor&=6' 11 - I
. -
ow purpose carrying a full and compiete thAn Is 1166108y to be studied, both A sommC6 vf ay of winning the 004 rj�sddleofil Suggeselov. - - . I __ - - __ N!M I , �
ine of all kinds of . � .
.tbea�*61UI 'hM practleal. From tuah vill d an audience )s A&#* h" Freddie4i father had Just bem I I
- I . � 7. 4" 1 stmg- ` ' g
)&**lob* ft ftivied our estimoAs of the Jews brovibt 6*4 he , tqv ter- gling .ft:� -
larness, Whips, Blankets, � t=2 usa wifli ; " 014 fASWOM4 baftsit �
I so 9 0 90aspwo? of the earth, RIM the tVIN" So amse Paul, T1 - and, retirin dlahswAswA from an. un. DOMINION _� RA N KIN
o. _. I I .
_� 1 .7', :
nd everything handled by the trade. Just T do . 0 Ife Ueen" ,V"y be nwAs or his op" with "ttay ot Aotp. 111300effski O" to opealone, of fts,Qaa- -,, I I - I �
eceived this week a large consignment of it --"Is � I
� Wood ` - As 0110 Or unnowwalwo lob "ffinm by Uies vm WWI 011d 80 1partmentr#, 4* nwised to the A - - I
Nowim , ale _;i6 way, a mbde *iiiqw, � w I a = i � SIJIMOOMM L "
*10"o W16610 slary of man'd ilarly OIL — d 64- and looking1plat upon the lowift �
BLANKETS, GOAT ROBES AND - An pas"s I .g sky OAPITAL, (PAlb UP) � I . 7
GOLLOWAY ROBES, - qew, Jemy is aftesident tay, In to -dWobi youmM as a na*vo*- jj,s 6=11%im � i stra � � .
redGip" b I , a -'U's alSbOy W m n #0 a w & .
_I REST, ; - - - $125"0000.
Vhich . we are ow offering at astonishingly ujM ibe poeftion of oertain bits of d the sum plw * the West 0 bureau civilt give u a I - , - ..
)w prices. W_ ed sWne in certain banks of dirL— you as addresdng. 10 92ty tk . I ..
ThX 6:1MUT chtno of wipasher. I I
'. . BOA= Tmmmipt, - , . . b. tbo fustian apos, Wiphe tothe is I I in. INAWba,!1 abyjy iz6wvwv4 Poddie, TH CELL1, � .
I 11 r . � --- 1_�
A K�j
M. BRODER10K, ) ,,�, " . I 60111faht and fatrietio mA high minded tk4w- oan*� loom the bums dnwa& I I -
. � -
,%%* IffusbazAls Wagro 9 I - I . I - - ; SEAFORTH.
I men whoatherhesc*Q Awd"N" '1.jjjt�= MAIN STREET, .
SEAFORTH. t 6�,*!V& � I
I ! She (at the dwk�—Dsar, -plam toll bdon hin4 Is played Wk, but it Ww id I — __ -
, -
I t 310o'boW to ppoll, cotianAe, I'm *riting goods= *qiA*&jeu-tL_wwtxdjiMtW jL6. ' Is a came Woo &'Lenden magWitate A gonered bvaking business transacted. Drafts on all parts of the United St4too
' to mWor about spy lbvgy new gown. viev% k I tile Quest"4W as to do ownenftcd Great 11ritain and Europe bought and gold. Letters of credit issued) avallable In All PAW, . �
- 0 of Europe, China and Japan. � Farmers' Bak Notes collected, and advanoes ma4s on am
—W49, are'you ready? � Alstiqui 0=014 asswisk _ 0 . -
GODER10H i He z"Nou"raho !T!T1 L_ at lowest rates. � I . �
! L �L - Ras -"4-3616 TV Owlavar 0400211344 a" or- _.
. . . .1 " L I . � SAVING9 DEPARTMENT.
� I -
: - 11 -92-2 A— L
. : �', 0 41 Wr Mm Maxy*soks ("vw61r)—D:Ift1§ I ticles, mid ** ofty "Wooft" t1wil. ICO I i
. � . This most excellent work should be in every house Steam Boile, - _W_ 0- r k, S. boo a =04 Wkl- lafkaly with ycm In P" their hu"Mat 6hw as* to we* . Deposits of One Dollar and u war received . .
I - �� L in the county of Huron. (ZSTABLISHED 1M.) Z�� I the k"io jaio no*, it I . do i , and interast allowed at highest currass
� . . - I T � to— 1� in ocari an4 abowed how a�UWWRS rates. Interest addeit to prinei;ftwiee each year—at the end of June - and Deoembs�r
. . . Mary ( t,8"43i h8P6 0% snade "aab�pel' wft � 1w. No notice of withdrawal is required for the whole or any portion of i deposit6 �
I � , ? i
� -
. �� .. PRI()Fj� $1-00 PER COPY- A. CHRYSTAL , X-0--,-="@5, " yfit tlnpmd. =am, tot 2 "a 01611 yes am a wit, I � I �
: �� � - 14 -ea I- S* pro= i .
I .. .1 1: .i Re" is a qQ"W' ey�, - in 6"k ' P. S. HATS, Solicitor. W. K. PEAROF4 Agent. ,
..i I Copies can be had from Mr. B. R. Higgins, Bruce, Suo"soor to ChrysW & Black, I 1: ou're a wretch. —New Orlem Tba SawN08 bad an iron oalu4e, so . I
f , I- . am - - ' . .
field. or Mr. David Row, 640 Church street, ToronW. . lam. kooklp Ugl& -Aker beft &,llowed. �
--- - Manufacturers of/all kinds of Stationary .2ifts&Denmwr&9L -.—..- - � - - ' - r .
. .
_ �
7 , I — . - I -Annual Meeting. I .
I I - Rev. Dr- McVloir, Principal of the Presbyterian Marine, Uiright & Tubular _* : THE NIMMO & HARRISON
I Coltege, says:� I am profited and greatly pleased . . I I
—It was stated on the grain exchange, in � � I
- ; I
.1 with what I have read, and I'Intend next Monday to Business and Shorthand College, . . � i �
� 11� . advise all our students to put it into their libraries MARRIAGE LIOENSES Winnipeg,. the other day, that a prominent . I i 1 12
1 - , and to study it deligently 'as affording rich in- . B01 LERS . I Manitoba grain compan I had sold, through I ;j. Cor. Yonge and College Sts., Toronto, The annual meeting of the patrons and sbarehol ' 4- �
I ,
; L — - "a of the Walton Union Chew and Butter Company
- - struction In past-arial theology and practical godli- ISSUED AT brokere, 100,000 bushl of No. I bard . . sy usiness School. Indlyl- I
, . n Tuoodq,
� I � mess. I sball read them a few passages that they 13alt pans, -no ke Staoks, Sheet Iror Works, heat to one of the big - milling eornp�nles � , I ... I'll dual instruction by experienced teachers holding will be held In I&cKim's hotel, Walton, 0 go of
. . �, may see that It Is far from being dull or dry. I w � . LL nigheet qualifications. Good results. Prospectus March 8th, at 2 o'clock p. in, A full SUMCIAS � �
- Mr. N. Drvadala nf wrii. Drysdale, & Co., Publisher@ eto., oto. THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, . operating in the province of Manitoba. The I � 4 �� � � � �
. 11 . ., wd Bookeellers, Montrea', asys.�-Rev. John Ross : I .- I , price paid was 98 centa at Fort kVillialin. . I 11 t malled free. Enter now. * .1 patrons and sbareho�lders is requeded , as the m*1-
� - � ve SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. and the purchase was made for -speculative t _e"., - �
was A grand man, and the writing of his life could AW deolere a Upright and Horlsonial Slide Val I R. D. XIMMO, F. N. P. S., JAB. HARRISON, ter of returning the whey and other Important bUXI
I . .. iginec Automatic Cut -W 810ginss & qiecialty. All - - prizicipals Undergraduate of Toronto now will be brought before the meeting. THOMAS
. .
, i . mot have been pInced in better hands. What we I I pe -fitting oondanvy an baro purposee . The sale was made wben wheit University and S. of P. S. SO . .
- __ need to -day, more and more are books of this claw. 2" of pipe am -_ Purest and for Table and Daky McFADZEN, President; R. H. FEROU -N* SeOft*
, 11 The reading of which tends to the better circulation lemmAjoi hirntAVorishortnotice. - W" moving lap. Thin is the largest amouat ". 1676 I-
�� , t No adul"tion. Never cakes. IM -18 tary. I
� �71 of the blood,and stiring ouWs soul. 1565-tf Works—Oppodile G, T. R. Station. Goderlob, NO WITNESSES REQUIRED, sold in many weeks by local dealers. - I *1
. I I i
I � I . , i