HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-01-28, Page 8A-
Mill I— I'
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ro ery the different hymns,
Wilson"s Oash Q C ave m� quartatte,which duriog the post year, which have been ex- dersonlo watchful eye.—Miss Minnie Dorny, re ume "Mond last. —Mr.* B. A. home last week.—Mr.-Thomas Looming and
t d hoe my
-ho ban been visitfi�g relatives nd friends Higgins,
was appredstel I. present. At the close osedingly heavy up to the end of the year, i w
our a torprising harnew niaker, is I-Mr� Robert
Varley, of Hibbert have been y
Tb Encourage Cash Trade. Of the Meeting resolutiofis were passed, have been adjusted and I M
paid, le*ving-.& bal- .: h6re for some time, has returned to the hom. a hostler, and i turning out, three mete.of ' visiting. friends in MoKillop.—While r. thanking the a
pelakers, ano especially Dr.
once on hand of $2,340.49. Since then two pital inGrand Rapids, where she is study- hameas I 'a w- k slid in - still away behind Lou Mirnhain was, driving along the 12th
Mae Vicar 'for - their sddresses6 The loom have been reported, but ha
We have decided to give a 6 per cent. cash dis- Ve not yet ing for a trained nurme.—Mine Cavan, of with his ordo .`—We. wish some of our concession, near lbeadbary, is. h9vie gob count to, all purchases of'41 or over worth of goods, was also expressed. that the many similar been mettlad by.. the Board of Directors ; the Paris, and Miss Cavan, of Ayr, are visiting�,
'capitalists wool erect some more buildings ce unmanageable, Pri s
except. sugar and ficur Alone. Those who pay cash meetiap hold throughout the world Would amount of said losses is &boat
or 'tuts promptly ever $700; this at, the nty. council. this in town, an say ral parties would like to throwing the young man odt of the rig and
y mouth. this will be load to a more thorough acquaintance v1ith will most, likely have to be paid. Mr.I.B. woek,Dr.MoGiunlewssoppo bone. Mr * -Famham
a bly:kd7vautage, to cash customers. We bavanviv- inted a true- come and locate it our thriving village, if dislocating his collar
il I pe* the history and symbols of the church; and McLean, of Xi D, w
in cli &Julf line of now Raisins. Curr&n14, as elected vice- tee of the Seaforbh Collegiate Institute in suitable acoom odation! could be provided, was taken to a n I hbor's hoas� and was
Nuts, oto., for the 01irlstruse trade, We have a that all Sabbath schools and young Poo as president ;T aye, Seaforth, in eig
1600 of Mr.Thornas Kidd. Misfr�jubarb, To 4100 them out if possible b
good stock of new season Test, ebolce C . . I . I . kindly cared for. He has the sincere myrn- efore
Aftee, and societies would, be faithful in their stu y of of loom, and J. B. Grieve and
all kinds of GroceriesAs any one In town. A I ft Oakvillev guest at Mr. Cole- onstance. pathy of the people of the community. htock-taking, we 'will sell the b
&Ifg the shorter catechism. The l6seting on the Hymns, McKillop, were al -
and well seleetid- stock of Crockery, best air" elected directors. man% —Mrs. Samuel Stark and Mrs. Taylor
Tea Sets, from $1.75 up; best Granite Toilet Sots, whole was a most interesting one, not * I The MoKillop Insurance Company is one of are visiting 'Mrs. Stark's, dau'lite Mrs. NOTES._ -Dr. Solicales, of Michigan, J46ce of our Mantles at exactly
fftm SUO Up rifee, lot of new Dinner Bats of the Ao Presbyterians, but to eople of i's the most ca was visiting at t a home of his mother for Zurich. THIRT11
P to refully and efficiently managed Houston,'InBrantford.—Mr.J0111 1rrow 41f price. It is not mueh trouble
a4b week e out Wbat this mean
best quality, and nobblest patterng. Call and we rotes at denomin Tre companies of the kind in existence, and to brother-in-law of Mrs. Coulter, of this to I - WHOLE
them. The htghest. price paid for produce. Wanted ations, chair a few days tbi�a ek.—Mr. Win. Robinson, NoTEs.—Mr. Less Beriediib I -s. Ie
of the Nortlivres has been visiting his sis. was called home from Cavalier, North Da -
0001 duethe large amount of died in Ingersoll on ThursdayJanuary 21 -ter, Mrs
good butter. eage. lKitsices -and dresacdfowl. Will apied by Rev. Dr."McDonaldi of So* this no doubt is W
pay good 1xices for a good artiole. forth, and the Presbytery was well roPYOT business which the company yearly trans;- —Mr. -and Mrs. Knight, 'returned mwiai�n- choal a, and in the course of a kota, to attend the funeral of his farther, ce to get a $10 Mantle for
G. WILSON, Se&forth. sented by ministers from the 'surroundin acts. few weeks ex so to return to his home, Mr. C. Benedict, who was buried IasCSa $7;50 one for $3.75, or a
g aries from; China, gave interesting addresses'
1374 Unk of Comment Bloax towns., coorn anie by his niece, M iss Bell& day it4the Brownson.line cemeterybythe or- 0h6 for $2.50. They are stylish
at the' prayer meeting -in the Presbyterian
XD cho, r. . la.. -Farnham spent San-- der of Masons of which he was a faithful
444 -date garments. We
MAA=D 11V WOODSTOOK.—Mr. VILL'o NoEA.—Oar delightful i0huroh last Tharsday.—Rov. and MrB-Cdlin day with his frie'd, Mr. Isaac WcGavin, of member. -have
J. M.1 winter, so far, in not without Its threatened.- Fletcher, of Thames road, were guests at He did not arrive, however, un-
�ffhitney, one of the principals in the f U danger to health. Much moisture has fallen Ingleside, he residence of Mr. A D.' Wil regor them'
Leadbury.—Mr. 1J. MoG pent til Monday'forenoon, and a few left, and want
Jr.,, 8 bein anxious, to
Clearing Oale.. OU0 J
ingmiteresting event which 'we 0017 fro and cellars ho' Sunday with hisiunole, Mr. Wiginton, of once more see his father he fad the body Al di into money. It Nvill pay-
ve been in 'many oases wet or son, thin week.—Mrs. J. Hewitt, who was Goderich townshi�.—Mr. J. Sauldercock is exhmfied.-�Mr. M.'Y. McLean, Of Seaforth, Y6A WeR to bay now, even fQr next
Our sewi-annual clearing ode is now on. it pro- the Woodstock 13antinel-Review of anuari damp all winter and am tbey are closed up to dangerously ill last week, i now rapidly having a Brantford wind -mill erected on hie paid our villa a few dove ago, a fri dl
sents a splendid -opiport-unity for buyers to secure I is many u ri g. -ge , 'an " *iriter.
19tki in on old Seaforth boy, and h prevent frostj foul gases !which have bee recove n' �--Mrs. Alexander Sri M�.Jsmes Fairservice spent visit, He f�okn hale.and hearty.—
Sutherland, of barn.—Hr. d
seasonable vvint4cr goods. StL extremely low prices. friendaberewill unite with us in wishing generated, p6netrate up4ards to the livin John street, was in Woodstock, this week, Mr. SAT
XerCs Fur Coate. and Oaps, and Ladles' Far Costsi- Mr.--andhirs, Whitney a happy and ppos. ro0ima, Maki , them ver unhealthful,, 'a sister.—Mimi Pon- a few days of last week at Seaforthwith the van is Witmer won attending the revival Pr ;
o attending thefuneral of.
perons life together. The Sentiiiel-Revie
smaller furej are moving out rapid parents of the lat6k.—The monthly literary services in the Evabgelical chtirch here last
Youths, Boya' arid ChUdren's Overcoats and says: meeting in connec�lon with the Epworth R
capes, and
Some s?lendtd bargains are being offered In Mews, w caller should day -unless in very severe nyfather, of Chatham, is a guest at Mr F.
Sults. The home'Lof John MCCulloch, the weather. without ventilation. Of course 0. G. Min 'a.—We have pleasure Sunds A on his way home he lost
Also In 11rints. Flannels, Dress, Goods agil Hosiery. well known stockman on George street, was _yJ pleasant affair. or evening. am
ever ty In League wAs a ver In ud- oontr of his horse and -the beast ran away.
y1body ventilates sleeping rooms -often. congratulating our young townsman, J.
and Dr This season we are selling the best
The knife is being put v;v d Into LadleV the scene of a hapoy nuptial, event last night' dition to home talent, Mr. Melville,' of Mr -Witmer had the pleasure of walking
a mine for tht moolves out epeciai offers. James Wh home, where he found his yard
Childran's Cloth qoat& corstail i, iuvite all to —34ism Jennie Hills went, to 8 trathroy this McGinnis, on his appointment to the C01- Londeaboro, gave 'Ian excellent recitabion kets we've ever old. The
calt aid ex -when his daughter, Annie, IWAS married to week to attend the wedding of her cousin, I late Institute board by the County Coun- - s
entitled 11 The Reaper.'�—Mr.E.L. Farnham none the worst for his ruit.—Miss Mary ft and fleecy. They are
itney, the popular D".das street Min Annie MOLarty, of that town. will fill the position wo th- disposed of six head of choice cattle to Mr. Johnston was in t6i village last week. She 6de from wol thoroughlyscou'r-
cif The doctor r is so
Jeweller. The ceremony was Jorformed in W. Grant, who has been t rill man -
4M. PiCkard & 00. the presence of a number of invited guests1 on, one daf last,week.—The left for Kansas about sixteen years ago.
ag:r -f t ily and well.and will be an acquisition to the Hearn, of Clint
t. fil
Mr. J. T. Dickson durizz the past three important body of which he is to be a main-
dnd free from grease—there's
pool ion o organis
by Rev. John 'Pickering, and constituted years, ba gone back to his old home in ber.—Mrs.' f was
SEORTH. 1 8 led by Miss Busy although she was raised here. She has many
Henry Bums, of Winhipe b
r.oy-� , he Of that
logo 9, Wheatley on Sund last, in the Methodist acquaintances and relatives here yet
—Mr. Frank- church.
)f th G near Brussels. Mr. Grant made visiting at Mr. A Johnson's.
one of -the prettiest private wedd oollen imil smel
season. The bride -was costumed in a i many friends ddring his at and intends to stay until summer.—Mr. H. them so often found in
this vicinity Banbridge, of Toronto, was visiting at his
t his. departure.
ENTER AT ANY TME. coming, gown of whit6 milk with - veil, an wlio regre L Poine sold his hotel to Mr. Dan MeCor- Mikets. Coming 'to us dire -et
aipr. Didanon has aunt's, Alre. Knox, of Harpurheyothis weak.
a beautiful bouquet of roses, Th engaged Mr.J. Reath, of this village,to take yth. Mich a few days ago.—M Kibbler and
—Miss Maggie Kehoe in visiting friends in wife last Sunday attended kpin,the best blanket mill in Cait- bridesmaid, Win Maggie McCulloch, sister L Grant's place and as he is a steady, in- -ShakespexiV this week.—The woollen Mille rihl-filneral. of one
NOTES.—Miss Cc U, of Wingham, via -
of the bride, was pretty in organdie musli ; M dd Vre can quote low prices f r
ious young m ited friends in town on dunday.—Mr. and Of his rlotiveg &6 Crediton.—Mr. E. Zeller
n dustr' an Well versed in farming. are very busy at presenf, having orders on
over pink silk. She also carried pink Mr. Dickson has av4 N. McKella and family returned has started a hardware store an
roses. ?ntly made a judicious. hand for over 50,000 yards, which will keep d has se grade goods. -,We have blank -
n Mid- curi6d Mi. Albert Klein, from Welesley, as
A sweet -little maid of honor was little Edna I selection.—Mine Iss McGregor, 'of Tucker Saturday from vi iting friends i
them going for about six months, and Mr. Oil i k8fiot so good as these, In
STRATFORD, ONTARIO, Whitney, who wore a draw of white silk' smith, has been spending some days this W. D. VauEgmond says he has had to re dl a eou' .—Mr J�lex on tinbinith. " Mr.G.Holtzman lim moved on to but
0 x , lit) n MoKella;r left liliket-buying its economy to buy
H. week with relatives
6nel of the largest and most successful and carried a bouquet of flowers.. Frank and friends in this vu- f toe sevieral orders. Tuesday mornin; i r mia, *to ee his the -farm which he has rented from H.
W. Hyde ably performed the du 1 , . tht best�super udons
in the Dominion. Write for iiew ities of lage.-�-Much quiet speculation is being an- mother, who: is i4�y low.—Mr. Robert Batier, on the Blind line.—Mr. J. Pretor aLd pare -
groomsman. After the wedding a repastj gaged in as to the resulb of the coming On. Qaarrie left on Wednesday for Franklin 'has moved into Mr* G. Holtzman's house *6,61-64 79 -8 and I lb.
was served. Walton
A brief honeymoon trip to tario election.- Thoughtful Manitoba a store' this week.
W. ELMOTT, Principal. '4444-52 electors will to resume 4is duties in th
Now York will be taken, after- which the, hardly TEA MEETWQ.—We w�uld again call the
k line. —Mr. A Stewart left on
anniversary services
be likely to drop capable, tried men attention of an to the V -0 TERS
ly married couple will return to Wood r much politicians si- Sb. John whose in- . ;y, w ere'lle has ob F9
new _,tdrewhe
fo day for Exeter. us. who nnivereary nor. AND will be held borses
have served. us well at the sacrafice of �n Sabbath, when Rev, attheresidence of Dr. Tait.LiMrs. Win. from this Common. kinds, but are all i
stock and take up their residence on Van- stinots reach no higher than a pigerV. It * ing in conne bl&c
STE IMAISM[P and to&-ineet' otion. with Walton tained a position in i
's Fresbyterian'churcJi. The a i kernith shop.— LOCAL BRIEFS.—Mestre. Bowden and
sittart Aven alwayei wine to retain those in office vices Rev. Dr. Shepherd, of Mpney, , is visiting McDonell shipped 16 heavy d:raught domfotem are not the ord"
AMINT 4D Mr. West, of BlueVale, will preach morning station - on Friday last for . Liver.
ends in Win h for pool. Mr. A. MeDonell: acco h,l eA With good quality clean whiter
bm,;T.—The our partizan prejudices. visiting fri inpanied them
ENTERTAIN AmusE Fleuty was
baseball cluls have secured a a few days this wee�.—Messrs. fe7rson to their destinati6n._;Mr. John Moire died The balance of'
M113'4 INSURANC special engage and evening. On Monday eye a tea -
meeting will be served,after =i1cihnagddressea and Pelton, of Wingliam, visited at the on Thursday night, the 20bh inst., Z_d W"
ment of the G rt-dordon Company to
PAESBYTmRy o.F HuRox. —The Presbytery will be delivered by Revs. Messrs. West,
Jamieson on Sun. buried at the Exeter -cemetery on Saturd
entertainments in Carduo's hall, On held a regular meetin in Goderich, On' the Tiffin and Masgrayp and by G. F. Blair, of Sy
-AGENCY, Mresidence of Mr. Robert Wr stock is Sellin at prices that
teedneOday.and Thursday next, This coin- 184.h inat. n was appointed day.—Rev. ME. Hi will eicchange pul- afternoon last.—Mr. and Mrs. David Arin-
pany comprises a A050 Brussels. The mubic of the evening will be Jhake it almost a wate of time to
ome of the most eminent to next Sunday wit ev. Mr. Franklin, strong, of Kincardine Mrs. Joseph Eby,
W. Somerville,.- Agent. derator for the canning six months. A furnished by the Brussels choir. 0 down and niake them
rt' to on the continent. Among them are he preachin the anniversary ser Southam of the 13 i
v�te of thanks was. -tendered Mr. Stewart Ril�ley _pton ; Mr. Reuben Mo yourself.
(Successor to H. A. Strong & Elro.) vices in connection Ith etweeh seasons� buyers w find
Bessie Gilbert, the celebrated lady Since last we talk
Trinity church Kirby House, Brantford, and 2dr. ames our,
joerooto has m
here. SRI
n Mogg, Winchelsea, attended the funeral Well. assorted in ll stapli
er on Saturday last. L�Mrsi. James
y, of Morris, were visiting 4� and many an od. line an&.
Robert Watson and Mrs. their fabh it may be
three years at t of
corn tist, who h desboro.
_Telegraph and Express Building. ra )erforAied for the past f his services in the chair during the last Lou
exhibition ; Mrs. r Z .—Mrs.
,ations of Seaforth, BlYth,Clinton,Goderich, Noble Gras
Louis Gordon, dramatic soloist of high Road, Brucefield, Egniondvill Port A bert. Hill or Crediton, attended the funeral of the turn ovi
in( a. friends here ast week.—Messrs. Win. Brig- iiant at money saving pric, �S.
C. LeRoy Kenna a 110010guO 'Manchester, Henvall and Hullett GATEmRiN'G 9:. —Th Ri hardson has her u'lle'is, Mr. John Mogg, on Saturday
Cardno's Hall, C4th yo r,
a months. Session records of the congre- NOTES
were x*
and attested. Rovde. Dr. -Robert. sale was,
entertainer, admittedly he b in Can- ham and Edward Sterling, of Manitoba,. are been in Detroit durlilng a paot week..�-The last.—The funeral of the lite Mrs. Wiliam
t bee
aseball Club Beriefit, tWOL nights, ads, Frank Kidner, the celebrated boy 'son an
B visiting friends in Morris this w6ek.—Miss history of tfi
omsion, were present and invited to sit and
friends herethis week. the Foresters' lodge, or� Tuesday evening,
baritone, and, Miss Mad%e Ro d D.MeGillivrM, B. D., of -the Honan . oyster supper held un7tebr the auspices of Campbell, Eliniville, passed.through this
in&, accoul- M Agnew is viol I
W80WmAY I WSW# panist and pianist. Besides the big array _b�aTuesda evening a large number of the village. on Saturday afternoon last on route
deliberate. Dr. Robertson addressed the memb was a decided muccess.�Little Fra k K�ng to the Exeter cemetery.—The funeral
ofxcellent, talent they have with them ere of nox churelf gb of ens Last Monday also;
the K thered at the Bros,
Missione especia y in man- home of Mr. Alex. Barr and presented met with an accident Mr. Coorge Pardon, of Centralia, passed
marvellous cluematographe, all i 1 11 * R i da' P
t on Home fr y, During
owmff views and the Northwest, when the follow- Mine Bar& C. Barr with a beantfful stock, and I
of the Queen's jubilee procession in Lon gold
Fe6ruary 2nd and 3rd. the absense Of -his moth6r 0 a room- througb this place on Wednamdjy afternoon
40111 Ing motion was unanimously carried "The —A afeigh load of Royal Templars Of st,
This watch on p, and his clothing
sp�clal engagement of the celebrated Gilberi-Gor- England, and other new views. her retiring from the position of the child upoet"the lo last. OT 13TPORTER-81
'we Will
don 'Company, including Miss Bowie Gilbert, (Boa- treat that can rarlely be had in Seaforth Presbytery having heard Dr. Robertson,
organist in the church. �t_rned about the face drove to Goderich to attend: the District hal
ton) - Famous Lady Comet Virtuoso; Mir8. D. Louis and, a combination of, artists and superintendent of missions for the North- and -throat, but is recov inf under the at- meeting held there on- Thursday.—Mr. OLINTON.
00Aon, brammac, Soprano ; 0. I&Roy Re entertain-
nney, ehater of all
want, express their satisfaction in welcom- tention of Dr. MoLenna Kintail.—Mism lease R. Carling has passed his fin
Clever Monologue Entertainer: Frank 'Kidner, Let '0 not averse,
ment worthy of thefulleat pitronaffe- &I exam-
imenominsi Boy Baritone; Was Madre itoma a b bi, d Oil ing him once more among them, record th StePhen- i Nellie Hawkins ims open g a few weeks in -tuabion at the Law College, Toronto,.atld is
PlaWsi and Accompanist. Positively bei visit inoming and eve three
A�j M , Tra Sobbai�
v 0 dy It Car ich NOTES.—Mrs. O'Rouke, who hag been ill,_ Kincaidine.—Min Hat Hewelow, Of this —89 cents per lVar-
ary u v hall i _'Wednes� gratitude to God for the measure in wh air now a full-fledged barrister. ning last, del
d d h day a next, and give in'recovering.—Mr. R. MbIsaaols sale- of bushel was paid for'wheat on the market ing tho6khtful sermons on' both occasions
ioppoxtualky of seeing the rboat muTellous and one -
his health is restored, thank him for.. his place, has been the guest of her cousin
& T
t age 11 I�
h7b ba ye an Frieze
cessful invention, the -renowned Cinematograpbs, address, and would heartily commend the stock and implements was held on Monday. Miss Clara MoLeay%�L here on Frida last. r tell doct6r hoV1ng for many y
pien's Jubilee procession and other new U91know, for the last —Mr. Henry Doyle, of earn -.w
-views. Tick -eta, 25 and 35 oenVL one to the a n fi ad the- ition Of principal or t that , e
interests of our Northwest missi The farm was. sold by - auction in Crediton two weeks.—Mr. A I 'led the Christian St�phenhaa an appointed License Com- a
avor meet* a thek
r than proache has -hid that lines of
ARmy NOTES.—A veryplemant and profit- liberalit r on Tuesday and was purchased b Mr. Ende . ing $rOwT
on =esday evening. - 111131110ner, for South Ituron in the place of ot
hat place, for the sum of 74,600. — fit 64 the i tice 0f a regular minister
able time was spent in the Salvation
u icer, Exeter, resigned. Mr.
Army reporte having- had mi t aturday Nionary meetings Miss Lizzle Stevens S Robert 8
n Goderich —1drs. McCullogh in the *4,y. of elivering serniona, no
Barracks on Wednesday night, Captain held, or missionary addresbes given i —Mr. William Barry,'of North' Dakota, and S nday in Do;le wirl make a good commissioner.— I
and Mrs. Lightower, late, of India, gave a congregations' by forei a th -6 he thought it -well to -have re.
their and Misif M. A. O'Rouke, of Port Huron, returned to London on Mondavi after Miss Annie, daughter o
gn missionaries or
f Mr. David Rich- If
you have put
re. - M their respective homes near lengthed visit with her 9 ter,., bfr�. Willi at do, near this vii ago was married on manuscript. 'But 'in the even. -
lecture �n the work in that country. oM otbers, in compliance with order of Presby are visiting at aW
.114ghtowler spoke for some length on the tery. Mr. Fletcher read the annual report . onut Carmel.--�'Miss J. imn he oltvared a grand extempore
I . ...
Morrison, who� —Misses Addis Willis a,'d Annie Cunning- Thursday of last week io a young gentle- hO sermon
customs and religions of the Hindoos. It of tl ial Women's Foreion Mn"- don on use Much a single note, vlildh winter,_-
DSTRICT MATTER8. ie Presbyter had been in Usborno attending to her father ham left for Lon man from London. The ne wed this
was'very amusing to hear of how they par. sion 4uring his illness and- death, resumed hoe day. Wly ded that although advanced in yegreand,
806ioty, which showed that this conple will reside in Lon' a took of their first meal in India, as was also gressive society is oontinuing-to aboanSTIn, 4uties on Tuesday last. Mr. Fred Borland, Hullet t. no i ac0fid mod to preaching of late, e
colof Farquhar, had charge of her school during at* I rd luiud, and
he a go ineiblory cind able to.
Tim Cmkmriox L*AD.—Now Mr. Haw- the one they ate on Wednesday night in their grand work. The contributions of the SAD AFvLicTioN._Th death of Mrs.
her absence. inthorne will have W prod the load which India fashion. The captain spoke on the one. society'this year amounted to $1,562 28, an Campbell, wife of our timable clerk and SELLING off all crockery and clothing below b thi tindivided attention of his hearer,$, _V
we mentioned last week as being uy his Case of the Army's work there,and showed a increase over ast year of $79.32. On mo- a. r6sents the grand tra right price,.
cost to malre, room for up
treasurer, which oopurre ring goods, Theolesuest
sleeve or else take a back seat to Mr. men number Of India god"ad curiosities. in Londeiboro, Oil
t was on Ce of dab
MY evening, at, all kinds taken in exchange. Higest price pald.for 11. and' grasp of m'
171; weather a good crowd agreed an follows The Presbytery in re- FARM ftlwnAsED.—Mr. William L. Me. ter of deep regret to a w a circle of friends. Clover and Timothy eed. Bring me & asinpla r f in"I.
Smith, of the: 11th eoncession, RoKillop, Des. tion of Mr. Fletcher, duly seconded, i Cromarty. M d J sawn u sod frephest stock of gioceri" in town. Produes of in 114*e' which gave eviden
pite the ullfav�m 17th, was a in
and perha, a may have to do it anvwa on was. present, Rome
coming eighteen miles.. ceiving the financial report of the Presby. Laren has purchased Mr. Otorge laapdrf, who' formerly By We have let
Tuesday, r, T strong so -ad -
r. Sinith brou 'rich interest was manifested thrmig ,"Mae Bell's Debeased was never a ugged and ed when you are ieady to sell., Joe CAsn, Hensa14 in
terial Society of the Women's Foreign 'farm, being east half of lot 20i -concession 13,
ifit to Reaf;rth, a bout. slor6l; but of London, was hurb P11CIEL13p
distance of 10 miles, a loa of green wood Captain Lightowler. leaves is woman, yet she 'was li( t sickly, and her 1571-4.
for Chicago, lasion'llotic withmuch satisfaction t Hibberb. Th form contains 50 acres. it, �Ity hall acieloidwent.
which weighed on the market scales 9- tong, while he illness was of short dar tion, being an at- CHOPPING MILL.—Having now in. running He * was standing,
Mrs. Lightowler remains for so orogress show ; by'thb re d expres 'Of
gort, an ges- The farm adjoins Mr. MoLaren's present in t
600 pounds. -It was hauled time with her friends in Seaforth. We me tack of pneurnonia, whio lasted only about order a large Cogswell. chopper, with large capacity, tplatform, when it went down
up hill and -m prepared to chop all kind ofg n,to uit. w- pinned 4
and I a
wish its gratitude th God for t a good at one, a d this latest purchase will an lown by som Another line that
work th . a 8 ad is a of the timb-
place him two weeks. She was a Oman of very kind- Give It a trial, * Also choice clover and timothy seed falliifk bo his feet. He received a severe�- clear is Fur down by. one team, in 3: hoursand ' think them success in their new appointment. our ladies are doing in connection with in Possession of 150 acres of as good land as ly 'a dispositi n, and a at& a
will beat anything ancient or modeim that nd amiable: unch wanted. D. URQUIrkar, Hensall Oatmeal Mi
Fore lip.
can be produced. Mr. Smith is. quite a re- SATUr*DAY NEXT, Missions. Further the Preshybery in to be found in the township. member of Burns' church, and her life was a B.. It. Atild legs- and ankles were bruised,
IN -ap. 157Ox3' we Will give
29TH, ONLY.— roulfrexpres to the ladies' its warm and him fi#44* was out by romemen walking
nowned tearnater as four year he t embodiment of the principles she pro. LocAL BR=F-Q. —The snow- storms of this OVE' 00n- -t-0
GentlemOn's genuine calt laced boots and gaiters,. their earnest enaeavors in r Mill, He at last escaped bl)
8 ago ppecia, ion of two -C
01C MI 011C
-two Aiistralia
orout w.—The annivor. -oving the of a w1hdb*,
brou ht into town a load of which oodyear sawn, razor toe, (Whislaw's make,) regular Master's work." Thereafter Mr. etcher . Heis
1098 FI Usborne. teemed. She was Mr. Campbell's second wife, week have had the effect Of ilupr cousin v. JF. A.
ad 61 tons., P60 for $2.15 cash only. W.H.WILLTS, CLrm A:NNrvEw.&.Ry SRvIc and had no family, in the truest sense of -the sleighing, which was beginning to get very MoKel
weig 111ock, opposite Expositor o Soe, presented *the report of the committee to �y —Rev Mr. Diehl and Mrs.
1572-1 nary services term she was a good man, esteemed by thin.—Trade continues quite brick in
make arrangements for celebrating the 250th in connection with the Thames Craig, v�ere in the
WOOD, WOOD.—Wood ugly lack sufficient ex. village, but our business men com lain that village this week
wc Our DiAl
Tim Houxrw M T0iL--7The return game road Presbyterian church will be held on The balnce of
wanted in ex. ails and words seerni
money is no
change for Furniture. BRoAwooT, Box & 00 anniversary of the Westminster Cdfeseion pression to convey the"ey mpathy that is felt t coming in as it shou visiting friende.�
of hockey ea deaforth and Listowel sesforth. Sunday, 'February 6bh. Rev. Dr. Warden, Ed at this �i& UeVicar of Montreal won t
was played on the iink here on Friday even- 1672.8 OfFaith, setting forth that the committee of Toronto, Will conduct the services morn and expressed for Mr. Ca mpbell, who, having time of the yevir.—Mr. George McEwen, our
guep on
t 8 durday even�n r. D.. RATUIiDAY XXxT, JA -,f. 29TH, OnLy recommended that the said celebration take no daughters, sustains a ore th M
Gentlemen's genuine call laced boots and gaiters, ary 24th. eni an irrepar- enterprising manufacturer, and who h' Urdubaktj teeve of 'our
aft the, match. The ico�, like the wather, Goodyear #own, razor too, (Whltl& What adds keenl to the bar. always taken an active part 'in age lug last, when a ood or
,owd turned out to place in Seafort on Jana, and ev ng, On the following Mon
ag able lose. —The ev� we
'a makej regular d eve in a grand tea -meeting will be municipt Messrs. E;
a a anie and.
onts of Ra
erfered $3.50 for $2.16 cash only. W.l1.W1Lr,1S,0&rmI0h%elg h ay Rhelliamearoad tea meetings are- r. 'Campbell had affkirs, and has filled in the past the pool- hmell are Much admired. fl-eecing. W.
WVA 4oft which tk) so eld.
were de Blook, opposite E xpoeitor *file*. 1572-1 LocAL BRms.—D.'D. Wilson. Beaforbb; always -an important- event in the -year this summer ?rooted a commodious ne tion of councillor, and also of reeve fo the
-with brilliant I y Seatorth. feated r i�e
AAt Listowel tU previoim week andibwaa W ANTED. —Butter, dnid apples and poul. Peter Douglas, Stanley; Henry Doyle, and as grand preparations are bel :02yee,and moved into it i the fall,doubtleas township of Hay, and -who, for the past two 11ing at 12.
the full expectati n of enjoying, in or three years, has bebu a main er of the
hoped thet the ��qya would be able to turn the try ; highest prices ; largest stock of dry goods, Stephen, have been appointed license com. made, this'oue will not bef one whit bell , -with b Btuev&Le,.
!,:eli, boots and 11h9e@ to select from. G. E. mi6ionerslor South Huron by the Ontario the rest but rather better. -company with his late v de some ye of county council, is now promoted to the hon' BA —08 second debate by me
# are
Wingham. labom
well-efamed comfort and �iippineae. orable and higher position of warden of Of t a B Ovals Literary and Debating no-
tables but the visitors proved'too strong an 1567"tf Government. —Major Anderson is making 9 aggregation, and won by,[% score of four goals ti,
MONEY LOST.—Lost on Saturday evening preparations . for a grand f dress and county of Huron —Rev. W. E. Kerr in. clety, OA
to three. At the start out our boys went in isnuary 15th. on Main Street, sestorth, a anay Hibbert.' the Wednesday evening of last "014 Just now -a lot bf I
ten dollar crowded thet
rewarded by leavi BrWeif leli. tends preaching a teries'6f special sermons had ian hidkessed -attendance and the deuti�
in good style and *core the first two goals, bill. The finder will be suitably carnival to be -held in -the rink next SAD DzATH.—A sad death oocured at -the
it at Tax Evostroa office, a on the subject,
but from ihat out on 119 levelling. Valuable prizes will be HIGGINS, Brueefteid, Notary, Public interesting, although it very hard redneed inicei
til shortly before time ealorth. I57Ix2 Frid B. R. of " Christ revealing himself was
res 1,
was ealled the Listowel boys had a little the ff &y for both ladies' and gentlumen-'s cog. idence of Mr. Donald McLaughlin, on al to the world," and will deliver - hong taking part in it to got informatioik - Mith
BARGAINS on all kinds of stoves for cash ared Sunday last, when W second daug Conveyancer, Fin and 1Af 43108 agent. Money the first of for
thagame and scored four goals while 8 KUL qmd a M liter, to loan at lowest n t "07e" every Monday and upoii the qubject. The cRm-1ed -
beat of for the next 80 days before t ki; tumes, and there will be an open race tes. A ho the series on Sabbath
the home Wye got but one more. LET.& 00'. sestorth. a t L stock at int- boys' race. The band ary. -wud wife of Mr. James Laing, passed Wed niesday of each week. evening first, on that we illow- Chinese into.Cansday) -we fand -a',g
1571 Christ at the door.�—Mr- Johri Moo* of
pecial bar and as 'the major IV' batdd 1)1-. Toole for the Affirmitiv that
ion play gains in would, pr
Arls wooring laced boots in aill be there -ovCr f6 the silent majority. Deceased, who NoTEs.—The many friends of Mr. James Tiffon, Ohio, and Mr. Herman F. Moore,
The visit 'T Saturday only, a w �ax , eragt ?!ignag- t in the prime of life, being only Baird, r., will regret to Barn that he has barrister, Of ChioagN have been sist�d b-1, Will Baileys I the negativw
or$Lwere more expert at dDmbinat
and it was due to this mostly that th 86methiug good in the _;arnival line from him,, Just a days. ousin, Mr. Jain
Ybe rego ;7.ye'aaaa of age, was a particularly' lovable been. very uni It was their c visiting b
were victorious. Thin match leaves Liabo- atc. eta.' W. H. WIL1618,Carmichaels Block, Seato to n, assinted by Mr.
paste the do es. Moo y r- Ali XcCrackei
wel ch of this district. in your hat.—Mr. James Gardner, of Iowao ue
rth woman 41
thought that �ht touch of Bar* Moore is one of the larget bere" Mr- John Wi Dal
ampions 6irele ien ekepers i,,tle George Leathom. and
Oj and the deepest sympathy of &large
1571-2 fri do goes oil In Boys' Underwem
shipped two. carloads of young cattle from husband,, who t to the bereaved slysis but we are ple ae:d_lto learn that7the United States' and last or had a return of Louis Dillf
e Vere unable to be present tra Wkw-
part no
in, �hii deb
this station to his home. in Iowa on Vionday. old child,to mourn the loss of a loving wife him around as usua .4 -
SCOTtz FoR-EoATHEF_ Nobw ing, MWIS is left with a fourteen months' trouble is not -no serious and we hope to see wenty tons oi honey,3r. James Moore ate, The jud so wel* b ken lots
I very soon. —M r..Weele of this place, had the misfortune Meners. Ewen,
TZRIALENV ESTIGATION. --SomembuthB This makes 160 head that Mr. Gardner has to at him William Roberb 121p6ok and wights 'Will
the unfavorable condition of the weathej�. ago certain charges of indiscretion and in. and true helpmeet. Although only confined Nallan and wife,
in of Po4age Is -Prairie, ankle badly ha Th. aid. ii,,, favor of
rt, the other c a up:
-Couploof weeka. He was accompanied on to meli *on, Mr.
history of. the auguage were preferred net purchased in this vio . ity during the jput to her bed on the do lay 'whi 10 ,j
ear 1759, repeating itself i� in(dicious I tkat
y of :her death, Mrs. Manitoba, togeth price.
k thia reapect,- &. Large number of the me a or with thoir nieceare here losiding a load of oa Chi
mbers v. J. W-Prirg,'Of Nile! Methodist ch. He has to go about Will Bailey made a�
c1ruri a Journey Laing had been a sufferer'from. that dread at present visiting friends. Mrs. Noilmn on crutches. —Mine 'son, of L Some one in the hall add
of Lady Nairn camp, Bonn of Scotland, with These were heard before a committee com. th by Messrs. Peter. Gardiner t G. - Morn orl. CaPi
the thoft the judges had forgotten b
Of disease consumption for bout year pas. formerly Miss Youill Idaughter of Mr. don, formerIv of Hensalli who was v h
their ladies and a fe McKillop, arid Archibald Gardner, of Hib. was
w invited friends, Met posed of ministerial- brethern, and on the is t ng U Anything you May
David Yoalll, whoresidedon the2adcon- friends here:has returned home. —Miss Tens, t wh &,points, so intently were they olotting
ia the camp-roorn on Tuesday evening, the evidence of complainant, and, it is as bert, who are going to see the country. —Dr.
'do the Schoalea, of St. Clair, Michigan, w Blak case
00088ion being to celebrate the auniverear admissions of Mr. Prin' himself, thecharges an visit- e. ion of Stanley. The any friends Of Shirray was in Exeter --- this week, rene is ago kha that *as no flattery eithero
of Bums' birthday. The ea:rly part of the were sustained. ing:. his mother at Kinburn, from Saturday; to AmavmtsARY PoqTpozi' Mrs. Neilan are pleased t� see. her looking acquaintan wing The oe tY. Was not born,*Un vaiu,:if it did
T a Tecision of th IND.—The anniver- coo.—Mr. Alva Kelly, of Bitte. no any better
h �e 'not . _k,
evening was, moat pleasantly spent in games, Mittee was that Mr.. 'in" Monday. He came to see -his' sister bef' sory services in connection wi so well, -and also to learn th t they are prom. man, D'akota, formerly of . Husall, is in the g M40 than let us inow that one of . I Pring should be sue- th the Pres- I - standard:*carf
an speerin d village this week di our oaak ibed could,speak so well. A We am afte
sheleaves for Wolealey, Northwest Ml byterian church, of pering in the far west.—At meeting of the
Chief ook the next distrizat meeting, it being the intention postponed until Tuesday evening, February who are iDleamed to me
aDither, after which @,JP811 Ing a few days
social - 6tercourse d ane for pende from active ministerial work until tory. ri- this place, have . been Presbyterian church coon a sho,
e ir� StObie t The doe r has been in Michigan for gation held on among his man mal�ibit and literary program
expe6t to Se
a and a short programme of . the &old - when the term expires to restore him to f, the P" twSly6'YeArs, dight of which he has let - ..Wednesday after I noon, it waa decided to see him'again and looking go Vt.;lI._Mrs, lnPV6 bof6ri -the debate. Tke- subjeab of
Scotch4ongaotirred up the Scotch blood in ministerial standing IT ' been Practising -in St. Clair.—The three Nows.—Mrs. ohn, Dist; was visiting at canvass the congregatidn ai id raise the nec. M. ii White, of Exeter, was here on Mon. this to �dOhAtG W" 6' esolved that i a
the veins Kippen last essary funds for the erection of a Sunday day, renewing acquaintances.—Mr, Alex. money,
-of the gathering. The songs war The investigation was lower rooms in the public school have been R you big hon(
—Misses M air Jane Rick Gove nm6A khould control he railway,
a, hold before Rev. S. Bond, President of the closed during the past week on account of art and AnaweeLekip ilding will be erected Munn, of the township of Hay, aq telbp On4 itid' telegraph systems of, t1j16i
rendered by Mrs Laidlaw, Miss Eubliernia. Conference, an pastor Of the Methodist part were visiting ab Mr. 00111Lmmied
t d
Commo'n, daughter of,R. Common, Seaforbli, church in his town. Mr. Pring allowed Boma cases of diphtheria in town. The sick. John ,)late's and report having had a od at the mouth side of the ohii rob and will be by his brother, Mr. Robert Munn, of cOuntrY2' , The Affirmative leaders Mr. hw
.1 Mani -
and Miss McIntosh, daughter of Mr. Jamesi the time for ness is in the families of Manor#. W. R. time--�-Kr. Joseph Oesch has completerh'is a great convenience when ec mpleted -LMise tobs, who, is here vi i i hi hur
all pass witho, lei in is Xtch r &#A. the negative leader Hav you got your Ica
J. uttakin brother,spent Mr. Art
'Mr David Moore, action, but late el mith, John Dodds and A. Hammett, but his horse power and: finds it to give perfe Annie, youngest daughter A Mr. Burdge p�rt of list week and in Elmer and at will a
McIntoh, McKillop� v. S
Rose, on beha.ff Sha - A longer ;ccou
inwe are pleased to note that all the patients 68tisf&Otion.—We are glad io hear that Mr. Marlette, Michigan, visiting their brother wes 'disuNlOct of next weeks debate!&
Egniondville, gave 0. harrorous reading of Mr. Pring, instituted London road,h" been very ill for some day's, Ir Th
the broadest dialeci charges of mal.ad. are progressing favorably. and at time of wrioing very ilight hopes are and friend ,nor next,
_b, the lang lie —Two rinks of Charlie Me er is'able to be around -,a 0176d that the franchisi should be
bbit,, Ministration, inuendo, false impressions,etc, gain.— a.—The second cArl"fival of the ex -
words no doubt m curlers went to Straitford Mr. John Think is doin entertained for her reco, a —If the was held in our rink 4a Tuesday tandid to
puziling the younger folks, against laIr. Bond. Theme charges came up on Monday to g a rushing businets r season'
weather and roads are favo )ble�the Chris. evening'hwt, and, notwithetanding the very tive Miss Jessie Fraser and of the ne whose education in this line is, we fear, for hearing. at Goderich Tuesday of last compete in group 15 for the Ontariotankard. crushing . grain this winter. -Poter and 61110n." IA&der of the WEHAVE
being sadly neglected. Theymere pitted- agaiu�b Fergus in the 6 tian Endeavor Society inte d paying the unfavorable state of the gative-
Mr. Will McLeod week, before the chairman of t Annie Brenneman and, Mary Oesch, from
he various rat Mr. farty ReHardy.
un weather, 'there was
Clinton society a visit on T ursday eyeing a large attendance of both skaters and and Mrs. Milton of-
lea*sed all with his modern comic songs. disirfats. The committee heard the a met by seven NOTES. _Mt
vi- ro d and came out second Exet.7orrs are visiting at Mr. John Bren.
Dios Mabel Meredith,presided at the organ. dence, "ots.—Mr. Joseph Ward has sold his farm. neman's. of this week.—Mr. Delgat, enalen o*v1sy MONIMBACK'
was in splendid con- k iillg, MTN. C68ford's aunt
606k) this week;—Mr. Thou
and for three days fought out the on the fifth concession: 'of Tuckeramith to
ty, our merchant tators. The ice GI 11
Mr.- John . Hannahl in a neat addreast spoke ease, the Pring matter coming in only in tailor has secured the an' for the Lou- dition, and was reserved during the early M !t -
Mr. William Dobie, of Egmondvflle. don steam laundry.—
ay evening cana
and, he they circled around to the sounds Mihigan, in home it' h -
Fries �wid Mr. V. Diehl will adliver a ectare in M"he", '* in
mainly of Burns and the Scottish people. cidentally, yet so fully was the whole thin - The varna. nday evenft, part of the evening for skaters in costume, has spent some years 'in Was $5,000—Mr. Archibald His. d ix
D viol Ing to per.
evening 4 -&1 candidate in last, on's hotel, on the present gol, fever. of stirrilif music, the seen ente,
Af4r coffee and another hour around the t gone over that conclusions had to Ize forief 0 , Liber OYSTER BUPPEP..—On Fri
200W tables, this the first ocial A );onceruing it. The committee ad .,East Huron, was Court Varna, No. 264, Canadian ihi�Afhi line
the kind unaer the auspices journed in to -Order of wiw quite a live. of Morrio.Mr.'John,
ver- 0 attend the Januar M_
was brought n a all's ouse was burned to the GRM d
WA On Monday On hii way to Goderioll Foresters, held an oyster supper and enter. f011 the ground
Of the camp " ;until Tuend r to formally record their l a d animated one.. Th: Owin is
to a close shortly 11 ayont the i diet. Mr. Was subsequently y sitting of the county list
apologized of prize winners for an on 6244 morning of last week. . The.
tainment in the temperance h . The mar- Leadbury. Wines= races : fir
twhV' by all -joining in singing It' auld laup , to the corn it eouncil.—The woath all
a writing, ies character costume
hasbeen a combination of mild an M ion Franc" irted ttofii ashes. Nearly all - the con.
tee for his action, i er during the past week ried brethren brought their wives, and the NOTEs.—Mr. R.A. McKee has been on a ][Ad -08 CLOTHI
and the committee informed Mr. B d cold, Coxworth, as shopherdeass. 'Wants
)nd that rest of the members, not having taken this visit to Walkerton* and other points Miss Bertha tents sived axes ting the kitchen fur.�
to the Hodgins, an cow girl ; gente nitu and ireg;'tatl'
character cqa.. allan and meat in the
its verdict would be entirely eatiBiactory to stormy and fair, rain and allow, yet through degree, -brought their best girls. That north of here.—Elder Morimer, of the tame, George Jo ("*Ila. -he
TRx 25ftix ANivEpsAny.—The special him. it all, we still ables,
Ynt,as-offto the KI
James Robb tre&te4 his club -swinging elms desired. After a a oudyk y On t Meeting, appointed by Huron Prebytery, 1. good suppl of wzoil was aho,
have good slaighing.—Mr. as usual in Varna, w re all old be Letter- Day Saints, ban been iolding meet. boy's character' costume, Samuel BuMr burne The house
mple justice had been done in this section recent17--Mr.C. Hoare as a veky comfortakle,
ivereary JP one W
to commemorate t6 250th anal �o a sleigh drive to Clinton on Friday eve to the oysters and other good things pro character costume, Vera th 6i hundred dollars of insumes,
xoelleat programme, consisting of here and has again disposed Of a number of times in succession on it. Wii#sman moved his family int SBAYORTH;x
ng of the McKill Mutual porting themselves at the skating rink speeches, songs, duets. readings Goor 0.
Exe Mge;
%a the name day.—The
Goor, 0' a annual ifibet'n f the shareholders
a. gh 0
her deputy, occupied the eb xeter one mi a raw, bo Of the Bla �! to - eae and Butter co
The P reab tery had In was a large turnout and all evinced t air, and he fully one- residing in London for the last, three -years, to
Pe'vening last, - Seaforth town hall on Friday last. There for a few days with a severe cold, and use carried out. Mr. John Toirance, court tare.—Mine Jernims Stanzol, 9
a,. in the Presbyterian 6hurch, on M6n etc., was fine piano dulcimers, R his own manufae. its O�Nsii libUd'i hou
tof I Fire InauranooL COMP&ny Was h'Oeld in the Mine Ewing has been confined to the ho' one mili race, o n to a
4hureh, was attended by a large number, u girl ; two mile race to be won th
of the completion of the standa L MOKMLGP COMPANY-�The- ing, where the girls spent a shor time d vided, an a reclolinton, has been making calls aroun! "a Murdoeck,
rde of the 1 annual meeti t
n �ho has been E ire i Sha a
7> London, ok I �lace h0t; Tuesday and was a"s us
vited Dr. MaeVicar, pri4c Tof the Pres. interest i frea Position at the organ in the Presbyterian ion by his excellent won married to a gentleman of th ya
fthe workings and wolf tained his high reptitat —Mine Ids Dick has retumned fro
and deliver an address large a
yterian College, Mohtre*,l,. to. be a -.e the church on Sunday was filled b Miss Grace at city where she has been pending thif past two ittelided. All the old board of dir.,
present comp The principal business before MoAul. address and witty ecdotes approp recently.—We h or tha� John weeks.—The Missom a -J t leote Confessiao o, ec a board consiobt
Features of the Eqi tore, w , 4
as eree ingi a 11, d
we in and'MissAsephine Ford. are in. of M
f F&W." ' One i directors and the receiving of the direct r rpos t, - ce Bell,
on, " Thwl)istinctiv�' I the meeting was the electing of three new his residence, although he is improving. —At NOTzs.—The Varna Piccolo- band held house and ba z% and A ,William -7ames Johnston who.
I confin�d to for the occasion. OPLanghlin pu d
—Mayor Scott is sty- an riate a
naturally expects a good 1 deal fl�* one 0 a the January ra the co Min I n Exeter te W
Dr. Maevicars of the county council their annual meeti the town -hall, on our has several days last week siting friendm.�._ receiv d of t' report of the business for the Past year, and which is this waietIng .—One, 0
scholastJ6 attaini4n McKillop ladies 1 9 V11 �d r: vo Aecident A
i session at Goderich, 5eveloped V illisin Istister,
Friday, January 114all,lafOr the , purpose of poetess a into - a Mine Minnie Hemphift James lHillottl
ts, and, judging from it the company is in a most Mr. George Cbert Maxwell eAd John R.
0- doc6e and ad threatens to equal, if not our. guest of (Rev.) M ' of Wroxeter, is the
Oil this occasion'. th fnee was progressive and prosperous McEwam1,OfH6n6all, was elected electing officers and committees for the an. pass, M Miller.�-Afeiari,l Wifliarn
state, warden. His. opponent was Dr. ROW re. Hemane, Mrs. Alexander and Kerr and Mrs. Kerr, re* Kerr—Rey. J. T. Msser, George
-ppointed. The clear way in whiell 11 while no, Of suing year., The follo is the result, Ella Wheeler Wflc Macdonald h4d. Be
not dsa,
its financial standing is Exeter, and 'the vote stood, MoEwao 9 ox. Among the pronii. Of Brussels, are at the rt Bailey went to London Amident And
manse, visiting their son, Rev. W. E. Kerr. lost week W itand the meetings of the Pro.
President and leader, J. T. Cairns ifent men of this section whom he' has in -
he enunciated the different features of the i excellent. T.%e report showed that Rollins 7, -�-Workmen are busily engaged treasurer, F. W. Keyes secretary, J. V. vineia-I Dal -it's Asnooiat .—Mr. Camp.
standards, and his e mr!
g the year 631 policies were issued, mak troduced into her U pool.
planation of these was i durin,
ull. of help and information. R ing the internal improvements in the _M'se Bell& Ellin, having resigned the e ion
test poem I are Robert tion of organist in bell, of Ha$fitoh d the
of $920,.
gran. organizer of
ev. Mr. MC i coverilig prope Cooke hall committee, J- E. Barnwell Munn, Ed. Haggib and B. Beiver. —Quar* - whih she was recentl Aa accident Policy
Uam, of Blyth, spoke on The influence of 825 ; the premium notes received post office, and judging the Metho
.rty to the amount diet church to
by present appear. F. W. Keyes, J. L. Woolens business coral Canadiin F 'ends,, installed the,
do. Y appointpd, Mize the standards in civil and religious liberfy -year amounted to $32, ring the alloes, it; is; going to be both convenient aad mittee, J. C. Barbour, Dan MeNoughto " terl Meeting setvicas in Walton circuit a AmyMurdock has been officers lof t 181Tfliod r,
510-55. At the. close. commodi' n, appointed! .11, you insu
and Rer. Mr. Anderson, Goderich, on OUR.—Major weal from Sabbat V, ge at their open t'
Anderson,of this town h.—A cbdag -h inerlast
as been _Fr,4&y 6val Moo Ing
The of the year 3,913 policies were in J. T. Calms, George Weekes ; care taker Placep and entered uyon her duties last, Sun- O )ting was held
made in re rd to the Frayer-mi eting which
force, h day.—Special reviv in the 9. The me(
utlook of FreoPyterianiarn for the, future.- covering property to the a haa been appointed a deputy game warden', F. Purdy.—Mr. Wilson Cooko, whoi by the' has been otingSL are ba -mi held 90 1 and was langely attendecL
am quite a bird fancier; is talki Fans led Plib kamine was rendered and 1 9 to hold —Mrs. Scurri of Ipttroit, and Miss Grant, speech a log g., the soci on account of iU health. 7 the -avail- t ch Poultry Fair,. and
Mr. Muskrave, who was also to have 255. Ount of premium notes Mont. The Government has made a nice- Goderi is elbitin these meetings at the at
mount of $2,789,- for this Pi6vince by the- Ontario Gov Sd tBethe church weekly. for in the Methodist church A
Rev. The gross am, way, is a me
at that date was $9 180.53, and jadiaious choice, as the major 'is the right some very fine specimens of fo 1, whi homes of embora. of of ety, was given by
delivered an ad#re* was unable to- do so, in the some years, the intention bei vile.— yery
Thoruyhui�t, &reat the Moves, visiting Mr, Ca be! -4-Mr. Williial Frazer, of the
Members - Of the able balance of. said notes after deducting the first being a ounced at their sister, Mrs. Hendsirsou._Rey� Mr. 'firet lin of, rtm Was
choir of-, the Pr4b man for the position. ch wTd1 the church,
iteriafi. church wake pres. an as
se"emento made, and levied thereon fringers of the game laws
Anv would-be in- be hard to beat. We'wish him success.— 'Mr. Thomas Leeming's one of the spesikerg -0. P, B-. Telesmph
id principa of the Presbyterian At the 1�rr4erh! Institute meeting held
at occurred careful and keep out of range of Major An. been visiting friends in Bay City Montreal, conducted aurdivers
ipat'L and" besidei 1eading in the will need to be Mr. John Re of the Parr line, who has Robert Ingram, of Marlette, Mi higan, who. College G Insursaw cmnp
singing Of was $85,66-1.63. All losses th real .—Mr. XoVicar, i i I
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-1 Carmel Presbyterian church on 0 ti�vale anchored
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