HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-01-28, Page 1. --­ ­ -., ­ - " , - " ­,­­ �­..,.-.�11�111. - -- - � -1 -I---,--.,.-- .1. ­--­­­- ­ � 1- - ­ - I- - . 1. - -- -.-.- ­ ----I- . . ­ I - ­W---­--­­­,q1W- - 1.1—----1--- ­­ . . . I . � --" -----------­­­­­.-- I .. . ­­----­­­­ I . : . . I � � ! . . . - I - I * . - . � L . I . '. % - . -1 . - � . - - I � . . I . - �. v . . . � t � I - � � . - � .. , .. 9 . � . .. I . � � . - I . . . � � I , - I . . - . � . I ; . f� ­ � . . . . � I � . � . - - I - I - - . I . I I . I I I . � � � I .,;­ . t - . . . � I L ; I.. � I �. . .. 1. . .1. � � I . I � I ; .1. - 1. . -. - I 11 . . I � �- �- - . . z I . - � � 1. � .1 � ! I . ; . . � 1 � [ .. - .. � - - I . i I � i I I . . . - I - ��� i7- - '� . I . I I - . - . I � � I � i M � , - � I - ;. 4my ; � I I i P I., . I . I I . � i - . .1i 11 Day :- : ; : . I i : I I I I 00 �z 4 nd., ; . I � I � I - � � � I a always � i -annual . ng out of I Saved for repared a. ( . partment, ,j ke it pay 1011 don�t .4 rth comin I I 9 -- ii. 22nd. - � � rpet, gocA . 'i . - . �Ular at, .V. . 4i 1 4 h, one pat- i q� � � I �gular 25c� � " J : � � � t , �.36 inches, ; -�vc.' . � �,ity Axnik- � M. I � of Union Carpets in I � � yards, wM � ` I price Bar. � . I q I i Day �, � ­ � �<Z, � - � 1 "5�� � I your homer 7he follow- .efore steck- 4 � . � '-ttai:n ' , ns, Light � , jp , attern, re- � . ecru Lace ang, taped I ttems Cre- and 14c, , j 9, all at one � I ­ . . ­...9c� i . � : Day * I - � I .t. but what, I . �� ry cheap on I : - I I I les, re- ', I :: Bar- f� � 11 � i ....... S3.25, 1 I .. bb . no y - I . I argain $5.25 I , very , ff have 1 ��25 to f i --..r-50 , : I . , ,�a Day (14k e , ­ ­ -..68w. 1� 11 �attenra .... . �� . �; � len's - : � . , ts with, 'm ....... 439e � Iss wor- � �� �, w6rth. - - - I ��.. I ... ­�Q- I I � �twear M� reasted, .... �,rawerx, � - ­ ....... 39c� . � up and , , 2 for .... 15c t colors, , ......... 15c: - I . t at the lowest I Bargiin Day. all pure irst-class ........ $4.90-- ,^,,� . - �, , er Over- I . x .. .. .45A0 -�E & so in. .$3.50� s , Ora $1 to -21 - � �. � . I � � I perettes, - ........ -10a I ink, blue - I check-� . I... ­ - - Q�.Tic I ats, best ­ '?, � ....... I -�t�e �, red bo;- . �� .... ­. �. -I�Iac � border, I '�;� ....... It'5e, . are linen, ach....' ... 1100 - ...: ; I 3%vels,red - - i , , 2 for., - .25c -�� L I)amask, ' - I �­.­� ... 25(r I I �gular 10o I I , 'a ­­ ....... 09 I . reg. So. - .'. .510 - - !y, Shaker , I - � ­­­­i6c: y I Ired Remn��t,% -�­ ' ma, Shirtibgs,- - I ,y, prices I - I s iargains in this- I o, � tting a dre"'dcl - I . � �; in navy, , , I 6cial. � ...... 20G I Rgular 50C - .250 "I'll . pure wool - ; ........... t5oc 75G ...... 49a " oft � � is, I patternp Act f Dress. Good- ni. I to 5 yardsi� : - ,),clear. "I i - I � �Ary fur garment , fiad it to their I �e offering. . ­ ....... V2.65 ­ aeves and `* , ......... $1.50 -1 1:tuffs, reg- J. I �i .1.9s. i ........ ­$ ,.� 2 - head&, 6 . � I I—_ ...... $2.90 i rT13.,..1$1i25 ! �, � I ,1. ex- ; ,� ­ � -7.50F I , -...S9 - ry full and � . 0 � .... � .... $22 of what Nve have, linea that do not �Lj, the quantities, . hoj� in the morn- oinfb� � -Ma,ke it, a P 4t I ; auary 22ad. . � ; � i . -- 5 Bros. , X J� )RTERS, M. ­ , . i 99-� - -isf.-­ - , .. I THIRTIETH YEAR. - - WHOLE NUMBER, 1,572. C SEAFORTH9 FRIDAY9 JANUARY 28, 18980 1 ^ — y . McLEAN ' BROS., Publishers. . .. � I � I - f . . - , , - .1! - I . . I .. �� . . .. : I 11 . . . - I - I * . - . � L . . I . I � . I � . � - � - . LL I - k I a Year in AcIvance. 11 � . I I FARMERS'INSTITUTES. Miss McKenzie, Bayfield,- and Mrs. I I . I � i I � I I R. Flanders, brother of King Leopold, the lat. he is looked upon as a promising young youn farmer of that locality, and president wedding was very,quiet, only the most in- I . . . el of the great im- pointed Presbyterial delegate to the an ual - --Albert is now 23 years old, and w*as pro 1� of th g " , I ' i - If any proof were need Irwinv Clinton. Mrs. R. Irwin was n ap�--� -,,ter having no sons for his succession. Prince officer. The troo ship which conv9yed M e Epworth League of the Methodist timate friends and i i - church, Only the most - intimate friends young couple being present. After spending a . . i . provement which bag taken place in every meeting in Torontb next May. - Brown to India tpook'the South Wales Bor relatives of the happy i . i - The ,3ollec- claimed Crown Prince id 1893, when his derers-on board at Gibraltar, and the young witnessed the event. Miss Scott had been short time in Toronto ILnd Montreal, Mr. N, S - I department of agriculture in Ontario, dur- ti ' in the afternoon and even amounted eldest -brother, Prince Baldwin, died sud- Torontonian was overjoyed to find among organist in the Methodist church for the and Mrs. Marshall will spend some time in i � . � ing the last few years, it would be found in t 0 riearly $28. i119 ; , � 0 , A pleasing feature of the don) The Prince will sail from Southamp- the officers of that regiment Mr. 8 er, i a comparison of the report of the Superin aZelrnoon meeting was the presentation of ton past three years, and'is highly respected in I St tf d b fore leaving f6r their new home -1 I - Z�r New York the ist of March next on another Toronto boy, who gradui rom the community. . I or - I t of agriculture . I � : . . . 9 .,as himself. —James Blain, wh6was in the employ of —Mr. John B. Smithi aged 57years, died I I dent of Farmera'Institutes of that Province, $25 �y Rev. Donald McGillivary to make board the North German Lloyd steamer the bolle e ab the same time 7r in 'Mota. e twenty years ago. The report in question . ; . . I'll . - � � I -just issued, with a repor- bio step -mother a life member of the gener- Friedrich der Grosse. Previous to his com.- —One afternoon last week Alexander the Smith Purifier Works, of Stratford, has on Monday evening ot last week, at the .. ,� al iociety� in L I . Ug to Canada he will v Col I- AL i ,isit Mexico and the Hay, a well-known Warwick farmer, resid- accepted a situation in British umbia. res deuce of big brother -I I �in 0 - k ­ ; I Hyde,. of Stratford. Deceased was a bach. � . is a most excellect one, covering all depart- The evening session was presided over by nited States. . n the London road, was arrested by appointed n-I&W, Mr. HUgh ments of farming, and is, without doubt Rev. Mr. Anderson, p —Mr. George Cook has been i � , � . -,the astor of the church. —During last week $80,000 worth of Oleer J. F. -Erliott, charged with poisoning leader of the Atwood Preabyterian church elor, and for the past seven years worked a � . best and most practical publication ever - Rev. Donald McGillivray gave a glowing bicycles have been shipped from Toronto to two steers,the property of William Walker, : . . � � � - ! . ; printed by the Ontario Department of Agri- descri tion of his personal experiences in France, Germany and Australia, on November 4th last, The accused was Mrs. D. 11. Lineham. months ago he took ill, find was obliged to q D r , China p choir, made vacant by the resignation of farm in Ellice, near GadAhill. About three ... Z I . culture. , and they were so faithfully por- —Toronto is discussing the preliminaries brought before Squires Shirley and MoLeav, —Mr. Clinton Tannock, of Glasgow, � - - - i The ground covered by the Farmers' In. trated that it would deter any one from en- of a big summer carnival, to be held at the of Watford, and admitted his guilt. come to the city for trbatment. He had I . � i I stitute s,yetem is now pretty generally tering into such wor k unlest; they have the time of the formal opening of the now City had been on bad, terms with Walker over -- I 1 116 Scotland, who has been viaitin relatives in been suffering for many Months past from i. meet. � � . known. spirit of the Master, and was burdened with Hall. Downie, left last week for his ome, accom- au internal trouble, front which he died. I I. Z. . -1 It aims to provide a common ' Ald. Ned- Hanlan is working up a the -impounding of cattle and took this panied by Mr. David Neil, of I I L Ing ground for all cWees of agriculturists, the desire to save souls; we who sit at home regEktta. Z � means of etting even. Avonton. - —Miss Susie Harburn, gecond daughter of � and, in order --to know nothing of 'he trial The extreme . I � . suit all the s and hardships of pen. —Man Minnie Eby, of Sebringville, has Mr. Matthew -'Harburn, of Stafla, was mar. : ; I ; :i , . I different il —Miss Beatrice Watt, youngest daugliter alty for t e offence is two years' imprison- been appointed modern language teacher in ried on Wednesday, 12th inst., to Mr. Shel- � : � nade a missionary's life. Rev. Dr. Robertson, of James Watt, barrister, of Guelph, died ment. * . branches of farming, the meetings are r 9 9 - . t- � of a varied character. To the President of superiatendint of Home Mission work in Friday morning of last week. the Berlin high school, to succeed the late ston Kerslake, a prosperous young farmer I She was —Sensational developments are anticipat' Adolphe Mueller. of that vicinity. The ceremony was per. � ; I - .1 L'r of the Ontario Agricultural College in due the Northwest, gave a stirring address; he about 17 years of age. ed in Ottawa, in connection with the seizure ;, I . . � . * I the bonor of inaugurating and organizing feels deeply that professing Christians in —The Government will place some 95,- —Harry Ackert, of Ingersoll, and late of formed by Rey. Mr. Mills, in the preisence ; -1 � 9 . North Elkhorn, Manitoba, a former employe of of over one hundred guests. Mr. and Mrs. Z � I Canada realize so little the need of sending 000,000 whitefish in Lakes Ontario, Ellie, Sydney. The day fixed for the trial, Cap- Messrs. Richardson & Webster, of St. Kerslake takes up their abode on Mr. Kers- � the first Institutes. They are the direct of a cargo and crew for smuggling at I - � � t f the work carried on at Guelph, the go3pel to those who are leaving Chria. Hukon and St. Clair next summer. The ta��In Street made his escape from gaol. The Marys, is visiting there at present. lake's farm, west of Stafla, where their : . . P 't:i�ncgouanoattempt to give the agricultural tian homes and going where there is no eggs are now being hatched in the Sand. smugglers are believed to have been engaged i , i I I � I community the benefit of the results of the church privileges, these young men- soon wich hatchery. � in a systematic' contraband trade for years, —Mrs. D. W. Jamieson, St. Marys, left last many friends wish them a prosperous and - ' work done there. for et there home training and fall* into very —Dr. James D. K; week for Glasgow, Scotland, to rejoin her hug. happy life. I L The growing importance of the Inatitut' badf . Ilock, one of Perth's bringing la L habits, and oftener into the grossest oldest -physicians, died in his cutter while the French . - : I antities of whiskey from band, who left last fall to place some gold On Sunday morning, 16th inst.,-as Mrs, � . � a vice, and if Christians did not wake to their on = of St. Pierre to the port mining stock on the British market. ' Rev.) A. Grant and a number of other L L r system soon made it apparent that,success. his way home,from ihe country last. Su -n- Of North Sydney, which is a Scott Ac —George Sutherland, of the A. Beattie & pedestrians were returning from church, in � JANUARY, . . dut these souls b ( : . 4 � . fully as it had been conducted firom the brl y ii .would be eternally lost. day where he had beeii attending a patient town. The smugglers are supposed to be Corn Y. . e . - _ - r. : � ­ inight, a returned missionary from that afternoon I pan q T _y a dry goods firm, St. Marys, left St. Marys, a horse and cutter approached L - tk College,in order to produce the beat results, connected with a couple of well-to-do mer- � I L � -1 for , to purchase gootts thern from behind, and, in the scurry to � I I r . t *`F�1' - China uland work, gave a very interesting —Mr. W. k Kenny, a well-known far- chants in the town,who have bhson attending for the spring trade. get off tie road, Mrs, Grant was knocked - I � - -., 11 it was necessary to put -it under the" care of talk, and urged us to better service at mer residing just outeide of Guelph, was �o the sale and d�stribution of the contra- I � � 1 7 righter . � 9 181)8 an energetic man whocould devoteallbig home; a better light at home means b thrown from his sleigh on Monday after. band cargoes. m T timeto it. This was done in 1894 azd the -Miss Bella Irvine, who has spent the over anct her shoulder dislocated. No blame � . of Kip- . I � 29th lights abroad. Rev. Mr. Acheson, ast year in Bathgate, Dakota, has returned is attached to anyone, an the road was very . . . . - Minister of Agriculture selected as the first 9 � noon of last week, and received internal -No man in the townsh?" of Eldon was � I . �. � t lippery. Mrs. Grant's injuries were at. . . r I , , L - pen, conveyed the greetings and con �ratula- injuries, which it is feared may prove fatal. better known than Mr. hn McArthur Mr. Crawford Mahan, of that place. tended to, and she is speedily recovering I . . � Superintendent, Mr. F. W. Hodson who has t,ons 0 0 gome to Kirk4on,accompanied by her uncle, 8 . shown %ecial capabilities. for the wo f the Presbytery to the ladies for -P. J. Lynn, an old mining engineer, (Ian Ruadb), who died at the residence of - .. , t us rk re, their successful year, es writes from the Michipicoton that the Great -Mr. Fortune- who has been manager of from the effects of the accident. . T I . : I � - I � - � quired fully justifying the Minister's his nephew, John Fraser, Eldon, on Jan- the Mitchell iYardware Co., for the past -7Mr. Peter N. Laing, one of the oldest Ily - : , . We will not trouble you with any selection. . to more earnest efforts; he pictured both the Northerh prospectors have struck a vein of uary 20th. Deceased was born in the year 11 . bright and dark side of missi wi I ; ; harangue a -bout the name of our The attendance at the loe!al Ins i i onary work. quartz, from several inches to eleven feet year, has severed his connection th the residents of North Easthope, died on Janu- i r . I tlt"6 Pleasing musical selections interspersed the thick, floin which gold ore assaying $34 a 1817 at A i In' ish of Bowmore,lslay, firm, and will return to Clinton. . ary 14th, at the age of ninety. I 78a,par sale, which is, as you know, meetinos during 1896-7 has been most en- Argyleahivreln, Scotland and. e Ii rated to Deceased . I . � I ; _ � 7 couraging. ­ -Alexander Kay, late of Killarne was born on the chanuel between Leith and L � futurity. In 1885, the first year of In- addresses and made up a most pleasant.and ton ban been taken. Canada in the year 1834', then settled ip the toba, has arrived in Listowel, and wy'Mani. .. . � . profitable eveniug's pragramme. -Smallpox it is now believed has ill make London, England, in 1808, Land when quite 4 1 1 — I I I stitute '*ork in Ontario, 12 meetings were - I been township of Eldon, where he lived up to the his home there for some time. He still a young man came to Canada. After being . � We Will say nothing about how many held and 2,808 persons attended the se8- . stamod out in- Montreal the lapt patient time of his death, Deceased was the beat p p It our store sions. Last season 659 meetings were -held, d - �, I � . - -in Victoria county. he I .1 lea -sea customers lel South Huron Farmers' Institute. having., die, in the Conta�ious Disease has- Gaelic scholar owns the farm to the west of the town. in Peterboro county for a short time - * ,,- with armfuls of value in O,er. and 125,177 persons attended, wbile 3,277 Two meetm* were held last week under Pital on Saturday of last week. The first -Aguiet Wedding was celebrated last week a -Mr. John Townsend, Who was a resi- moved to North JOiatthope. With the ey-�- I I L. - Ops I t . - i coats, Suits, etc. addresses on agricultural topics were de- the auspices he South Huron Farmer.-' case cf-'t t6b late outbreak was dent of Mitchell many years ago, and ception of a year spent in Manituba, Al ' i admitted to in Walkerton,when Miss Maggie McConnell, .r. ­ I - . , � . livered, and 15,452 persons paid their mem- Institute. The first was held at the Civic hospital on the 2a brother of Mr. R. Townsend, of that place, Lamif spent the most of big time in North .. . � � - About all these matters we can afford bership fees. Durin � d of July. Since daughter of the late David McConnell, -was died in Detroit, Michigan,on December 31st. East Ope. He leaves a family of nine ­ ."I � 4 the previous season, a � EXETER t1ion there have been twenty-four cases of married to Mr. Richard S. Ford, at the resi- . � I I to be silent, Fnturity, with its most successful one, 102,461 persons attend on Thursdl Contrary to expectations the disease in the city, -Mr. John E. lWalters, a blacksmith in children. I � : � - L ; . 4 I I � I . I . - % I and fourteen deaths. dence of the bride's mother. Oal a few of Stratford, attempted to commit suicide on -Mr. Charles Emm, a well-known gard. - . ed the meetings, 2,637 addresses were de- - y . aims aTid values, will speak for , T;rge attendance and a splendid -A pleasing event took place at the resi- the moat intimate friends and relatives Of "I'll, I I . I'll, � ;. � itself. , Thursday morning of last week, but was ener rand green house man, of Stratford, died I � � - . i - livered, and the total membership was meeting. The day was wet and disagree_ dezice of Thomas Hudson, conces3ion 12, the parties were present. After their honey- fortunately diecovered before he had accom. Sunday, Tanuary 16th. About three weeks . � 12,384. The increase all round in 1�96.7 able and it was expected. there would be a L ,nd nsip hen his second daugh- moon trip the young couple will take u . ­ L i ,,,w I . - . n an ic ­ I L I ,v pay 7777 � - This week we Etill continue to quote over the year previous is thus very pro- 8.mall meeting. But the interest which the ter, CarrieT s united in marriage to their residence in Petrolia, where Mr. YON plished his end. ago Mr. Emm. fell o ement, and -- C I ance per in -A juiet wedding took place at the home has been confined to his home ever since,; - ­., i . � ­ . . 1. clowel meetin bas been about 400, while at I y 0 .- . the prices that brought the nounced. The average attend telligent farmers of the district take in George Powoll, son of Stephen Powell, con- is a member of the firm of Ford & New. of Mr. . G. Grbs h, of Milverton, on Mon. grip having set in, which, added to the IV . � . -- - - -- - I � U. 9 some the Farmers' Inatittite meetings was wel cession 12. : The ceremon was performed combs, dry goods merchant,of that place. day of last week, when Miss Gerta Hoffman f his fall, was too much for one of his ... � � � Everybody should know that these it has run as high as 1,92W. To 'South exemplified by the fact that in the after- by Rev. Mr. Deacon, of Bryanston. About Judge Jette, who has been appointed shoTO .. - L noon the hall was well filled and many had 75 guests were present. I years. 4 -. �- 1. Waterloo belongs the credit of having the - was united in marriage to Simon, youngest oam Air. Emm was 67 years of age, and . ra ipc in - ,e ... . . 1- - - prices are such as cannot be bad largest membe hi 40 i all, its nearest driven miles througli the rain and slush to Lieutenant -Governor of the Province of I Que- son of Mr. J. LG. Grosch. - E , d this country, from Devonshire, -1 � I . - A happy -event took place on January in 1$73, having spent most of his I.. - � every day. Our object in mak- competitor being rth Hastings with 390 be present. ' The chair was taken by the Lafrarnboiie,and the youngest bon,Narciese, 15, 1830. He was ed acated at the College . . . -Miss Dora Laframboifie, Mr. and Mrs. bee, was born at L'Assomption on January ng a - ran� I - ' . . - I - ­ . - I . � I - L % Z .1 �­ ing the special prices on other members. An interesting feature in the presid burned while, extin- of L'Assomption and subsequentl studied -- L v t **� - ent, Mr. H. Smith. Excellent practi- of Hull,were frightfully 12th, at the home of Mr. Henry Winslow life in Canada, in Stratford. I ,, - ere given y � - -1 - - � I � 4- L � I - � . � � present report is that i cal addresses w by Messrs. D. E. ling a bls�e caused by the explosion of law in Montreal. He was called to the -bar Mime Maud, was married to A. with a bad accident on the street - one day .- . � dates this season, is to make the t contains the first of Hibbert, when his youngest dau ' I ter' -Mrs. J. C. Fuller, of Mdeliell, met I ij'h 11 i , I _ mp `.,� - :L . .. ­ I I . annual report of the first Women's Institute Gibson, B. S. A., Willow Grove, on stock rn - . iss Dora cannot �6seibly re- in 1857. The great political 'event of his Pounder, of Logan. Mr. V. - lastweek. Her youngestboy was driving ,- . . � r greatest clearance of winter formed in Ontario. It is in connection with H. Mason, Staffordville, on care cov 01 . Ir Laframboise's recovery is doubt- life was his defeat of Sir George Cartier for . - � I feeding; T. er I I � L- - . I I goods possible. nth Institute, and and food of dairy cattle; Alexander Mus- ful. -John Byers, of Avonton, is giving up her homeward in the cutter when the horse 11 L - . .. ; - . � . I ' Montreal East in 1871. He ascended the farming, and has sold his farm of 100 acres -took fright and ran -a - . I . L .1 I Each way. The animal F-�-.� Z - � . . . -- - ,� , - � ­ I . 11 . - I . . 0 dis. has elicted nothing now, except the -state. lie -spirited citizen. J. Gibb, for the sum of $6,500. Mr. turned ea'ddenly into a hotel yard, and in L . -� . � others. address elicted a sharp and instructiv M � For those who appreciate bargains, the promises to be the forerunner of several tard, Brucefield, on torn growing. -The trial of Thomas Nulty at Joliette bench in 1878. He is a fine type of the pub- to r. following will be of interest : I � .. ; � : ,� 0111881on W y goner. -Daniel M. Bowerman, aged 72, was doing so ran against a building, throwin I � . A most gratifying fact in connection with hich was particip��ed in ver ments of two doctors to the effect that the Byers intend removing to Stratford &bout " -g I - � ! � I � I - � - I Z Boys'all-wool long stockings at the excellent work done by the Institutes is allyby the meeting. The eveningmeeting wax� prisoner knew what he was doing when he found dead in his mill a short time ago. Mr. the end of Mar6h, Mrs. Faller out- with great force. She �was � - .1 L : I * � 20c a pair; men�s home knit that it is carried out at such a trifling cost - . . k also well attended-, when in addition to ad.* ,,rdered his brother and sisters,statements Bowerman owned what is known as the to -J. Torrance and M. MoBetb, of Milver. picked up unconscious and carried into the I . � . ; .1 11 , I - � 11 � dresses by the above gentlemen there was a, which will tend to disprove the plea of in- Holland Mille, about two miles east of Pic- Ber recovering she was conveyed - � . . mitts at 25c a pair; men2.q all- to the Community, and with such moderate n, met Messre. Haight and Sims, of - hotel. ,On k� � granth from the government. The results nice musical programme. sanity. There are about ' t . T- � ---- � � wool underclothing at 75c a suiL six lin and Waterloo, lately, in Millbank, and home, where she ic still suffering from a bad il, - . ! T, witnesses, ton. He was missed at noon. His grand- . � are, therefore, all the more eatisfacr , and AT BRVORFIELD. and the came will last three weell. debated the'queston of Imperial Federation. e h k" - . 1�.. . i . . I The greatest snap eTer shown in a t son, who had been running the mill in the .. � I e2, . , � � � � I - I � w a ar inL -Tuesday of last week Mr. W. Thom. "I I . particularly so, inasmuch as the be e The second meeting o4the series was held in -It is'reported that some scores of . forenoon, went to look for him and found The decision was given in favor of - the Mil- -On � - I I I T I L � L : . .. ,P heavy cloth overcoat at $3.90. far-reached,not being confirmed to men Dixon's hall, Braceffeld, -on habitants at several fishing villages to the him in the lower verton team. . BODY Laumine, of Mitcholl, I I . . . � bers Friday. This a yougest boy, I I Just come in and look at it. of the Ineltitute only. Any one can atten meeting part of the min,-dead,with . ­, - 11 . d also was well attended, alth h I bitten on the leg by. a dog. The I I ­ ; - � I - . r 7 I- I r - I - I � LT ­ . . - � 4 � &I want owing to the failure of shore fisheries after the machinery when big head came in dient last week. She was getting into a hand sleigh, and wills Bested on the bleigh . . . � L the meetings, While a copy of the annu the audience were somewhat tardy in goatutt. low had his own dog hitched to a The pants we are selling at $1.50 are -was looking in Mitchell, met with a most serious acei- little fel Y K west of Halifax are suffering from extreme his head crushed. It is supposed he Mrs. Thomas Grant, an aged lady living was bad I easily the beat value we have report of the Supilrintendent, which contains ering in. Mr. Gibson took as his subject during the last season. At Dover, Shad- contact' with a large cog Wheel, with fatal I --,-, - . I I :_ a . . , ... : - . i the creaul of all the papers read at the vari- " Points of Excellence in Beef Cattle - " Mr Bay and other places men, women and results. sleigh to go up town, but before being seat- himself when a number of' canine, some � . � 11 .1 - ; i . Y) � - i � I I I I I - L . I owing, oose came into collinio I - - . ever sold. . Mallon, "Corn Gr ' and. Wr. H: . ed the horse moved, and she fell on the hard hitched and some 1 . 4 ous meetings, can be obtained from the children* ar6 without food or poorer cloth- -George Booth, a watchman for the F n. . �­ 'L � a , Ing. road, breaking her collar bone. In the excitement among the d one of - . � . . 71 % z The 75c storm king c p at 50c, the 65c Secretaries of the local Inatitutes. Smith, " Cattle Feedint" The chair was Grand Trunk Railway, stepped between the I . L � ­ � . . � � - I . 4 , -Mr. Joseph Hetherington, of British them caught -little Thomson - � occupied by Mr. R.. B. cLean. !Each- ad- -Mr. John Manary, about 60 arm of tracks while two moving -trains crossed at by i The total number of pages.in the report is I T ogo � storm king cap at 40c, the 50c ag the leg land - � - storm king cap at 35c, the 85 280, and of theme 240 are devoted to selected dress was lengthly discussed and many good e, a farmer living about six inde from Waterloo street, London, one morning last Columbia, and Mr. Win. Hetherington, who worried it as if it were a mt. In several .1 I i . : 4 - i . I has been for several years in Manitoba and places the animal's teeth penetrated to the I . ­ . - J re on farm subjects. The Agricultural points were brought o At the evening Delhi, committed suicide last week by cut- week. The beam running across the pilot - - L � . . I - ­ � . . ; . - . a i . to bone. Dr� Wood has charge of. the wound. -- -1 � . . � - ­ . - , . - Man's suit at $3.25, th( ut' tIDg his throat with a razor. -lived of the engine of the east -bound tra a struck brother, Mr. James Hetherington, of Ful- ed leg and says it is doingnicely. � -T � l i 87 Ckpertment covers 60 pages; articles on meeting the hall was filled, therd being He only the Wes rn States, are visiting their I . - present a goodly number of ladies. The a �' -, r . -.- I - - I L man's suit at $4, the" $7:50 live stock occupy 50;20 pages treat of dairy bout an hour. He had been poorly for the unfortunate man in the back of the larton. 1-1 . � 4 L� 7 ; chair was aga,in occupied by Mr. R. 'B Me_ eight or ten years and it it; belived thatthe head. He w t ke -A pioneer of Downie Gore passed - LL , Z I � - : � I . I . - I I man's suit at $4.90, the 88 man's ing, 14 ot horticulture, and 13 of forestry ; as it n to 'the hospital, and -John Schwartzentruber, of Wellesley, away on Wednesday, January 12th, in the � - L., - - I I � .. . I L � - - r I Lean. Very interestingand instructiv'e ad, deed was done while in a fit of temporary died next morning. Booth was 64 years of in suffering from a paralytic stroke, but is person of Mr. Mull. ased came to the . I ,ty I �- - L . - I F suit at $5, the $10 man's suit poultry have 6,good roads 4,and entomology dresqes were again -given by the members of inl 8,10 , age, and had been in tht e plo� of the doing as well as can he expected. For about township when It wa, - . - :�� I � 33; while fish culture takes up 14, the home Dece ,- r at- $6.50. -The merchants of Windsor have beou Grand Trunk for over 25 a a wilderness, and by I . I I..., �. 1. i � department 6, and general farm topics, that the dele ation, Messrs. Gibson and Mason years. e leaves three years he has suffered from aciatias, and industry and perseverance hewed out a ooni. , � . - . I r All wool socks at I 1 cv a pair; a good do not come under other headings, 20. Every a d bb M M. Y. McLean, M. P.P. Mr. making a protest against the practice of al- a widow and three children. ,-. L ; � n . - J n -1 i�t . . 10-1 7 oh al lov�ing smallwares to come in without pay was almost disabled for some time, . �, I - i � y, of Seaforth, and William Del- - Of late fortable home for himself and family. He � . 14 -- I r L , � -jibe of men's braces at 15c; a one who has not received a copy of this re- -Ono day last week, a runaway occurred he had improved in health, but is again diz- was a Liberal in politic#, and was hig - ­ . : L I A A . I � w 11 -- - � - , , � show case of choice ties at 15c - the De- gatty, of Bruoefield, ment Of customs duty. People go across in St. Thomas which resultedin the death of one &bled. spected for his honesty and integrity, which - � ` I I " 2 port should apply for one a.t once to . greatly delighted ihe , I L, i ' partment of Agriculture -at Toronto, and audience by their singing, each selection to Detroit for a day's shop land the person and jeopardized the lives of several � I . L � another show case of ties at 25c ­�- . :- . . I . - . I I z � - ; also become a member of the local Institu being rapturously encored. Th evasion is an easy matter. PT'hge CUB ome others. Aspan of horses belonging to Mr. Siple . ; , to _ e chairman t -Allan Thompson, of St. M�rys, who was manifested b the large funeral which - ; . I �. Z � ­ . . officers at that point have been given orders a dairy6an of Yarmouth township,was being -. I - -� � 60 boxes of paper collars, men's §O as to get all the reports sent to members. also gave a reading. All the meeti a in , has of Mi A. Martin's lumber yard, took place from tKa residencoof Mr. Wilson, . I I I ­ '.. l - I . I . . � A -! connection with this series were f Dily as to lat nothing pass without payment of driven was =ing some cedar poles off a car,one son-in-law of the deeeased, and proCeeded I I ­ I . .1 . . . --- � - �, � and boys' sizes, at 53 a box; a 0 down the Blackwood hill, attached day last week, when one of the poles slipped to . . L � � few men's suits, cotton under. successful as any previous one. The next duty. to a cutter, when they ran away, throwing thePresbyterian cemetery, Harringtoo, I . L I : ­ : . - . . clothing, at 36c a suit ; a line W. F. M. S. Presbyterial Meeting. meeting will be held in February. -The death of Mr. John Morrow, of the the rig over and tossing the occupants into land caught hia right hand between the pole where the remains were laid to rest. . . I ­ . � . � I - - . i � I I John Morrow Machine Screw Company, and a stake, crushin&the hand very badly, -A very retty wedding occurred at th . 4 The annual meeting of the Presbyterial ­ . 6 - the road. One child, eight years of age, a e 4 - - I � ; - of white laandried shirts at 40c; Ingersoll, occurred at his residence, Jan and taking the top off one of the fingers. home of . and Mrs. John Riddle, in LLL � L . 1� � Women's Foreign Mission Society was held - son of Mr. Siple, was instantly killed, and a Wr � e 3c . : w , i Canada. nary 20th. Deceased had been in failing young lady had her leg broken. The other � 20 fur caps�-at $1.60. ., -Mr. Albert H. Tindall. a much r t South Easthope, near Shakespeare,the other . . � I � � L - , - � . vercoats at January 18th. or& in u: day, .when their niece, Miss Kattie Otto, I f in Knox church, ��Goderich, on Tue3day, -John Martin of Lynhust, was drowned health for some ye'ars and the last two ed residont of.Elma, died on Friday, 7 I I Men's all -wool f ze cloth 0 , two occupants of the rig received a bad shak- ary 14th, at the age of 57 yearn. Deceased was united in inarriage to Mr. Schmidt, Of I I . - .1 , The reports of the various last week. He attempted to croas the oreek winte were spent in Texas and California ing up, but n bones were broken. - , . : �, - .50, that have. no soeieties were most gratifying, an they above that place . h r� f recruiting his strength. He -Sister McDougall, the oldest nun in Comin to El � - $4.40 and - $4 .- 0 Ind went down. in I was born in 1840, in Prince Edward Island. Stratford. The nuptial knot was tied by .. L a had e for some the local Hotel Diou Community. Kingston, in& of the Lutheran I �. I . equal for value; come in and showed increased liberality, better attend- -A disastrous fire oecurred in Alvinsion, Centre (now Atwood) in Rev. Mr. Eix, pastor � . more Interest taken in the re , � . . - :1 I ,gular last Friday, when three stores were burned. weeks ast and his death was not unexpec- died last week, aged 78 years, 52 years of ea the first shoe shop in that church, in that city. About fifty guests L ­ � see what $5.50 will buy in an 'ice' 6�1 1861, fe open _ . - L - . . I I , - overcoat. meetings and increased readiness to render The lose is supposed to be about $18,000. ed. Deceased was born near Milton in Which were spent in the institute. She was place. He leaves a wife and five children. were present, and the presents and con. , � I I . I I service on the part of members. Daring the -A'carpenter named Joseph Gendron, 1851. . . a -Mr. and Mrs. George McIntosh, of Oak gratulatious, from their many friends, show- � � ­.� I.L . I - River, Manitoba, have arrived- in Mother- ed how highly esteemed the young -couple �' .. . -Last week Mr. A. J. Oliver, a member a prosperous lumber merchant of Kingston I .� � . On last Saturday we sold stacks of the year 1897 one new Mission Band, on the whose home in at Fort Wi daughter of the late Mr. Owen McDougall, � L L I I I � . ; kid gloves we advertised at 40c. Mission Band came under the supervision week,and was insta .Ake, Wednesday of last of the firm of R. McDougall Company, half a century ago. Daring the time of the well, and are at present the guests of Mr. are. bir. and Mrv. Schmidt will reside in .. , -. .. �, Bayfield road, was formed, &,nd the Clinton scaffold at Hawk I fliam, fell from a � . � You should look a pair of these of ntl killed. tw Limited, Galt, received a telegram telling terrible ship fever plague, in com with and Mrs. Robert McIntosh. Mr. George Stratford. I - . -11 - I . � ,. I UP- eek P12Y . Brown, from the same part of the same -The death of Mr. Owen Dyer occurred . . % - ­ , L - I I the Women's Foreign Mission Society. -Miss Johnston,of Zondon, left las him of the death of his father, ,;ho had just Sister McGorriu,'ehe did splendid service in rovince, is also spending a few weeks at at 9tratford on Tuesday aft moon, Jan ry . . 7 they are good value. Of The Huron Presbyterial now comprises 16 for New York, whence sko sails for China. been drowned at Sault Ste. Marie by falling nursing the unfortunate im . who ,e ua I . : course you use a ni,ght gown- auxiliaries, with a membership of 361, of The young lady will go to mission work, L . into the American canal. The deceased, tie father's home in Motherwell. . 18th. Deceased was born in the coujity o . I-,- - � L � . I you for which 87 are members of the general society, through the Christian Alliance of New 'werle dyini in hundreds fronmmeilerctuateoff the -Fred Dafris, a popular and well-to-do Roscommon, Ireland, 84years ago, and emi f .. :,- . . . .!: - I whose houle was in Carleton Place, was at disease. oth the Sisters contracted the ung farmer,. of Elma, was married on rated to this country in 1847, settling on ... L . . I and 10 mission bands, with a membership of York. work on the pulp -mills at the former place. disease, and Sister MeGorrin was among the I L' 50c, 516, of which 13 are members of the general -Dr. Orchard, Government Inspector,has He leaves a wife and family. Yv;ednesday, January 12th, to Miss Ella, the I - Have you any use for six white cotton' society. A- few scattered helpers contri victims who perished from its effects. tot 2, concession 8, Gore of Downie. Four- . . L "teemed daughter of Mr. Win. Coxon, of teen years ago he left the farm and removed . -. . . - been in Yarmouth township, and confirms -Dr. Phelan, clerk for Wouth Walaing- t -Dairying as a most profitable branch of the 16th concession. The ceremony was with his family to Stratford, where he has - I . � . handkerchiefs for 25c 7 Or an- b�'Aeo about $925. The auxiliaries gave the reporb of the existense of swine plague. ham, and one of the oldost pioneers of Nor- �ftgriculture is being more, and more re- - . . ' I I L , I �- ot* line four for 25c, or an- whis year $1,264.27 for missionary purposes. The farms in which the disease exist have folk county, pasabd away on January 19th. cognized by the farmers of Ontario erformed in Mitchell. The young couple siuce resided. He always took A keen in 0 1 -, L , I . Y other still three for 25c. The Missiou Bands $298.41, making a total been quarantined, and the township will be Deceased was for over fifty years a member according to figures received by the Depart- Me taken up their residence ia Elms, -foi- terest in politien, a -ad was a staunch Liberal' I � - � l - . � 4$ ?f $1,562.28; a life member was -added dur- quarantined. lowed by the best wishes of their friends for He -married in Ireland, and his wife die� ; of the Norfolk Agricultural Society,and was meat of Ag!icuture from the Provincial Dairy their future happiness. I I � - . . 1. Ten dollar Frieze Overcoats at $6. -50 ; Ing the meeting, which increased the funds -An unSuccesaf at attempt was made, to the last of the organizers of that society. Schools, The attendance is the larges . . about- 12 years ago. Three sons and three . i - � t . i $9 coats for $5.50 ; 88 coats for $25, raising the amount to $1,587-28, which crack the safe of Messrs. Ainslie andl For many years he w -The marriage of- Miss Mary McLennan, daug'hterx survive him, - . I � I : . L I - I ; . as Coroner for South since it@ establishment. on Saturday of last formerly of Millbank, Ontario, and Win. R. -At the annual meeting of the, Elms � ; � � I i -al more bhan one hun- There were several chisel marks near th'e Conservativo. Agricultural College Dairy School, Galeph, Winkler, took place on Wednesday, Janu- Agricultural Society, held a short time ago, �. kes this sum tot 1 65 ; $7 coats for $4.�O ; $6.50 with accruing interest yet to be added, Ainalie's bank,Comber, one night last week WAlsingham. In politics he was an influential week there were 125 students at the Ontario coats for $4. 50 ; $6 and $6 coats ma y i for $3.90. dred dollars in excess of last ear. 1,500 combination. Entrance was inade by the -The death occurred in Brantford -last 60 for a two weeks' and 75 for the lieng ary 12th, at No. 162 Charlotte avenue, De. the following officers were elected for the . , . pounds of good warryi clothing, much of it front door. week of ofis of the oldest- and best course of three months; while at Kingston troit. Rev. Marcus A. Scott, of the Con- ensuing year : L Preeident, Young Coulter ; . - You raay be thinking of buying a fur now material, wa8 sent to Mr, Kni,vht, the -The body of Charles "Brown, formerly of known citizens in the person of 122 applications had been received and 52 tral Presbyterian church, in that city, offi. vice-president, A. Stevenson ; directors, H. I . "sionar . river rezerve . r I coat. Why not take advantage y on Rolling i , to be Norwich, was found under the railwa hir. Allan Cleghorn, seeretary of the John stud ciatinq- Only a few of the bride's and Honnenberg, John Cowan 8 Peter, T. � distributed among the old and feeble and bridge at Burgessville, Wednee y ents already registered, an advance of . . . . . . of this sale to secure a fur coat day nioraing H. Stratford Hospital Board, and chairman 50 per cent. over last year, that will groom a most intimate friends were present. Dickson, R. Ford, J. W. i -o". - r J. Graham, . children under school ago; sorne oi the of last week. He was on his way from of the License Commissioners, at the age of ' -The death of Mrs. Win. Dewar removes Thom" Smith, 14th oonoession, and Joseph I mean 150 students before the term is - � . . � at a very low figure. Mission Bands,sent boxes of dressed dolls Embro to hishome, .hnd it was thought 76. Deceased came to Brantford many closed. The long oonrsiia an old and highly kespected resident of Horn ; secretary -treasurer, John Morrison - . � - . for the girls and presents for the boys, and he must have fallen of10 the train. L years ago from Montreal, and started a beginning January 2 cheese -making, Elms, township. -She fell down in the house 'auditors ullarton � � 7th, in already over- X A. M. Sweeton and T. F J, , ........................... the missionary's children were fitted out -A quiet weddin 't k I last week wholesale and ret some ten days ago, which gave her a great horora directors, J. B. H&Wdton I - f A 00 g:aceROBB, Man. . ail hardware business. He crowded and applications are being refused. and I h mes a flourish - P death, altkough a very old lady. Deceased' ing conditon, with & balance of $W to tbeir with nice suits and the missionary's wife at the residence o r. Ro rt Was verypromment in bt.A.ndrew's and Re. There are in �he o eese department alone of shock, and in supposed .to have hastened Ja r9ancan. The society is la WE HAVE ONE PRICE -TO ALL , was cheered with 31 yards of new rag car- aurr of the Dominion Bank, Lindsay, when form circles. the three months course 39 students. Dar. --- � pet. The McGillivray Mission Band have a in Isabel]& Stevenson was married to Mr. -William H. Fields ' was a native of Perthshire, Scotland. An credit in the bank � - MONEY BACK IF WANTED. was accidently killed hig the past year the Ontario Government aged husband and:six children are left to -The Mitchell ' i , I � 1 a membership of '2'20, and are still the ban- . Robert Campbell, agent for the North near Claremont one day last week,by &1ling has added to the bnildinF all Kingston, i1orticultural. Society held � ................... a .......... i ner band. The letterleaflet has an increased American Life Insurance Comps, between two box cars, and havini one leg and greatly improved the equipment. mourn a faithful wife and good mother. De- their anual meeting on Wednesday after - 1 - . ceased had reached the ripe age of 86 years. �; , I circulation, but not nearly as large as should -Mr. E. J. Madden, of SeN-arg, died and arm out off by the wheals P"sing over This doubtless has had som noon, January 12th, and inaugurated & new I I I oraing session was pur e effect ' i be. The m ' ely busi- last week aged 50 years. He was well them. Mr. Fields was a steady young man in dttraoting students to that institution. It -The Wornington Agricultural Society society, to be called the �, Mitchell, Logan �, -- . luess. Election of officers resulted as follows: known as a cheese manufacturer and buyer and highly respected by all who knew him, is most gratifying to we such an increased held its annu&l meeting la-mt week, when the and Vallarton Agriculturil Society. Mr. L I GREAG& MACDONALD, President, Mrs. (Rev.) Colin Fletcher, in Kingston, Belleville, Napanee and Pet. and WAS in his twenty-second year Just attendance at both Guelph and Kingston, auditors'report waa read, showing a balance John Broderick, who has done so well as . . I - . - Thames road; lat vice president,Mrs. (1�ev.) erboro' districts, and owned factories at three weeks before his death he was'united and the good work done at each of these in. i of cash on hand of $117 after paying all president for two years, was re-elected ; lat ; CLOTHIERS. James Hamilton, Leeburn; 2nd vice presi- Newburg and Camden East. in marriage to Miss Peppiatt. His parents stitutes is meeting with the hearty approval liabilities for the year. ,The following offi- -vioe-presideni, Joseph Jackson ; 2nd vice- i dent, Mrs. Archibald, Seaforth; secretary, .-William, Harrison, one of the earliest reside at Cataract. care were appointed : President, Win. dent, John Bennoweis ; directors, J. A- . ; of the dairymen of Ontario, both in the east Connell ; vice . 1% ' Mrs. R. Irwin, Clinton; treasurer, Mrs. A. settlers in York, died last week at his resi- and in the west. This increasing interest �L On the Wrong Side -of the Street,, in the Scott, Seafortb; secr' -president, J. P. Griffin; di- ilton, Win. Hanson, George F. Kres. . Hambu�g rectors, G. Shearer, James -Trim, J. Hamfl- mer, Robert Mutwn,H. Hunkin, A. Wright, I hich is Strong Block. - Mize, dence on the third concession, East York,st last week in the Commercial hotel, w in the practical education of our young agri- ton, J. J. Karr, Samuel Whaley, J. B. Weir, Thom" Green, J�. S. Coppin, and W. R. � I .1 etary of supplies, A serious fire broke out in 96"Mi I K. MoTaggart, Clinton; leaflet secretary, the age of 78 years- .Mr. Harrison was eulturisth is a most hopelful ena encourag. j. G I Mrs. J. 'G. Wilson, Seaforth. farm ad . , owned by Benjamin Sparr, and occupied by . I . . . At the afternoon session the various re born on the joining the one where - Jacob Seyler as hotel, and Duncan Ferguson, Ing sign of the times. 00dale, W. M. Watson, Stephen Pugh. Daiviii. J. N.Chriatie was elected secretary- : ports of aocieties were received and adopted - he died. A widow and three daughters and Company as store. Mr. Seyler was sick * -� -While John Rodgers, of Fullarton, was treasurer. i -- i . I 11 � -,;�, . — - _ survive him. takin ments for a no* bridge on -Mr. Andrew Schmidt brother of Mr. ; - -- ,. in bed, and bad to be carried out. At one Perth Notem th 11,measure � : I . . . . Mrs Colin Campbell, Goderich, the Preaby- -One of the oldest residents of the Nia. time it Was thought impossible to save the -Miss Mary Ettie, of Regina, Northw e h concession of FuRarton, a short J. G. Sahmidt,a Stratford'implement agent, -t .. � . t ga eat time ago, he got onto the' when it broke met with a rather startin advent I '. I I ; terial delegate to the annual meeting in ra district, in the person of Edward Hen. adjoining buildings, but throu h the heroic Territory, is visiting friends in Mitchell. away. The water was between fiva and six Saturday night, 15th inst. 2-8chmidureon . . THE CANAD.% ' Hamilton, April, 1897, gave a very full and derson, died at his home at Marshville, efforts of the find ice I t was interesting account of the same. Mrs. Jef- . brigade ani citizens, it -Miss Gibson, now of Chicago, Illinois, feet deep, land Mr. Rodgers clung to the, driving to Shakespeare, and when ne&-- * - � - le i na and two dau liters living. was confined to the place of origin.' The - is visiting at'her old home in Milverton. bridge with his feet touching the water. Close'n brick yard, � . Accident Assurance Company frey, of Toronto, a member of the official M&vluW six so I . r. enderson was born in Ireland, and loss will amount to about $5,000 but is -Mr. and Mrs. George McIntosh, of Oak Had it not been for the assistance of the I - : board, gave teresting and instrue- reached the ripe old age of 95 years,sixty of was accosted by two men, I one of whom * mped into- the cutter, and at - , last which were spent in this coantr . -6therp he would certainly have 10, ? revolver demanded Mt. L � tive account of a E,rip to the N'orthweat y covered by insurance. River, Manitoba, are at present in Mother- reeve and the point a Accident and Plate Glass. summer; she visited a number of schools on -A letter received in Toronto, not long well. A been a drownedman. nd other valuables. Mr. i - . , I 4 � L � -An official intimation ham been receiv- ago,contains the announoemenC that Mr. G. -Mr. Fred Benneweis, who moved to -One of Strafford's fairest and most Schmidt buried the intruder out of the ve- I .as !. � . Fullarton again. � and was some I .1 ' little. Are preach the gospel to those who if not con- Prince of Belgium, will come to Canada South Wales Borderers, now stationed at -Mrs. Henry. Scarth, who ham been in youngest daughter .of Mr. James distance from the would-be robber I before - I I I "I the different reserves, and found a great ed by the Belin'&n Consul -General that B. Brown, Eon of the late P. J. Brown of Sebringville five years aRo, h moved back daughters, in the person - of Miss hicle, whipped up his horse, An accident policy costs deal to encourage those who are trying to Prince Albert, cbuke of Brabant, Crown Toronto, has received a commission in I he w his farm in 0 t 11 apuIr, y I . - - Embrey, was united In marriage, on - - I - - ary 18th, with Mr. George W. Marshall, a prey' . h' - the robber drew a re- .� ou insured 7 verted, will prove our enemies ; in *ny con- next summer. The Prince will be accom- Meerut, Bengal. . Mr. Brown is a graduate me time, is visiting her sia Jauu- the latter recovered himself. Seein his a . am , � . escaping Im, - their willing sacrifice and desire to help - of Kingston Military, College, Find lastfall. ter, Mrs, Blakemani of Harmo . 11 � * , d i �t, of Crystal, verted Indiana would put . us to sh e by panied b his aide-de-camp, Colonel Jung Manitoba, for so* DY rising young ru 9 L blush, ang a few servants. They will travel was appointed to the Indian Staff Co gLs North volver, and fired three shots at the retreat- . I e I I -A pleasant event occurred at the resi �, . � � I - He e - 9r. Walter Marshall, of �ing form, but fortunitely they all w-enb 7 - . I I i - FUTURITY ------------ I ----------------------- �� I I o A"), I Saturda y I I I 1: I I I I r to nee of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott, of I Montreil The interesting ceremony took wide. Mr. Schmidt informed the police of . � - Duff� in Canada. -Re will first visit Ottawa, then enter upon his now duties, and his selection MonktOUL on the evening of the 9th inst � L was dedicated in prayers by Mrs U ce Ranald J. Macdonald, others. The money which had beez raised incognito, and visit all the important places arrived in India o the 10th of De Xe d . I ! 1 7 C. P. R. Telegraph and Canada Accident I Godericb, followed by short prayers by Mrs. Toronto, uPd then Montreal., The Crown i lace at the residence of the bride's father, the matter, but so far no clue as to the I . . � . ' Insurance Coin'pany Agent. 11 34uir, Brucefield; Miss Morris, Smith's Hill; for service with 'a regiment of English re. it being the marriage of their daughte:r,M;s Atratford, and was performed by Rev. W.J., whereabouts of the highwaymen .has been T I . : - Prince is. the second son of the Count of I , . I . �. � gulars within so short a period �showa that Annie, to Air. Henry J. Near, a prosperous I McKay, B. A., of the Baptist church. The discovered. : . - . I � . - L � I � � - � � : � - I -- � . . . I I - . � - . � I � - . . I . I L, . - - � - I - . .- I � r, r I -- - I - - " - � , � - - - I . - . . I- I . � - �. - ­ - .1 . I : I .� � ­ir . . . . . . - , f � �.-- ­ ­ - -�-- -�-- , ­ ­, ---�-- � 11 ­ . . . � I I i I � � I .. i� . � - I . , - - . - � - - I . . � � . - � - - . * . - t I - - - I - t , , , . . -01