HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-12-31, Page 7ARE YOU AWARE OF THE FACT That this Institution is doing more for its pupils than any other school of the kind in the Dominion. 115 Pupils Secured good positions in the eleven mouths, ending August 15, 1897. 43 Pupils 'A Personal Item. Mrs. Wm. Hambly, Belleville, Ont., says: "My husband wastroubled with kidney complaint,rheume atism, leas of appetite, sleeplessness, etc., and could not get relief until I got a box of Din's Kidney Pills for him. He has now used four boxes in all, and is perfeotly cured." Dun's Kidney PM are the cites thst cure. Re. member toe nanoe, Doan's. Secured good positions in the months of September and October of this year. We always like to back a statement with the proofs. Here is the list, and we would like you to note the clams of positions secur- ed, also that six or seven of them have en- ganetl as teachers in other Business Colleges. THE PROOF. What do you think of it? Forty-three of the following pupihi were placed between Sept. 1st and Oct. 31st, 1897. As we have prepared these, so we can pre- pare you and help you if you prove yourself wor- thy of it. Nature's Medicine. Nature's medicine for constipation, liver com- plaint, sick headache, biliousnese, joundiee and sal- low complexion is Lau-Live:et Pills. They are a per - feet laxative,never griping or cueing pain. One p1;1 each night for thirty ,days will cure conetipation. 1-mee es• Distrese from Earache. "1: rag troubled ,with earatthe for a long time," says Mise J. Johnson, 'maiden, N'W.T., " and after trying different remedies without success,Insed Hag - yard's Yellow Oil as a last resort and I can really say that it cured me so completely that I have never had earache since." Shocked and Frightened. We*, *nervous people having heart troubles are easily shocked and frightened. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills fortify tha nerves, restore regular action to the heart and cure every,form of heart or, nerve trouble. Mrs Gladys McMillan, Toronto, says: " Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cured :we of ner- vousness and palpitation. 1 was so nervous that the least noise would startle me ; but am now perfectly well." 'V Ncw LT Is of doIlarie in invitati0n. ad the goads n of Baking Melti sold Powder fon sit with line s and of Powe nth $1, with 'der, and a )1143k pound of ili-worth $1, viler - and a. - Vie% with Nyder ; and a - irk, with one 75n ; also a ere with one. 4.25. Conte Tea for 50e, eelaes -Green . Ten Ten pounds. king ?oiftler her LS Wnitla Imp for 25e.. 250-. Every - sand pod b C4th, 100100 J0 NOW a Jt OU t8. est_ t: nave them 1 AN TOUR- . Gan way. ,4tmtion8 as- Cia-nroN. 1.03P. 31,_ 10 27 P. M. 70.15 A. M. 7.05 P. M 7.40 A.M. 255 P. M. 4.36 P.M., d Bruce. Mixed. 1.40 P., m. 2.10 2.46 306 Mixed. 8.65 A. M.- . 9 17 9.45 10.02 Bruce- PA- Inger. 5 A ci 4.46 5.66 30 6.07 4. 618 40 6.25 68 6.33 t6 6.65 23 7.14 41 7.23 56 7 87 10 8.00 Passenger. 53A.m. 3.30 P. M, 04 3.45 .16 400 .f4 4.10 47 430 4.60 17 4.69 24 5-.04 6.16 5.25 I:60 A. X. 6.40 - DECEMBER 31 1897 THE HURON EX " CENTRAL ardware Store, DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS SEAFORTH. RO CURED BY We slow a complete line of Coal Ranges, Wood Cook Stoves, with: or without steel ovens, of the best makers, - fully guaranteed. Splpdid values in Parlor Stoves, both coal and wood. Complete stock of Builders' Hail ware, Paints, Oil and Glass. Estimates given for furnace work. Prices riabt. 0 Give us a cai before purchasing. Sills & Murdie HARDWARE, Counter's Old Stand, Seaforth. I have been troubled for three years with Dropsy. Could not get any relief. My limbs were swollen to a size I could not rest. I was advised to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have only used two boxes and I am completely cured. I have no objeCtion in allowing you to publish this so as to help others. I remain, yours, ARTHUR JONES, Ottawa, Ont. Dodd's Kidney Pills Always Cure Dropsy. non Oxpooita. Once Mora Right DISTRICT MATTERS. [The following localswere intended for last week, but were received too late.] At The Front, Fu.rnitur EMPORIUM Le4herdale Landsborough SEAFORTH, Wcr the front as usual, with everything that 'found in a first-class 'Furniture Store, slew goods in latest designa always on hand. Sewing Machines. We sell the NEW WILLIAMS, beat in the market. No travelling sagents. Will - sell at a small advance over cost price. WCI 3:3 We sell wood cheep tor cash. No credit given on wood. 171\1" ID MR MA...IMIl\TC4-.. In the Undertaking Department, we buy -our goods from the best houses in Ontario, and guarantee satisfaction in every depart- ment of our work. We have always made ita point to furnish chairs, and all other re- .quisites for funerals, FREE OF CHARGE. Arterial and cavity embalming done on acientifie principIee. Picture Framing. We also do picture framing, 30 differen, .kinds of moulding to select from. We have been instrumental in bringing ithouaingreat reduction in prices, both in Furniture and Undertaking. •The public .appreCiate this change -the people buy -from as. P. S. Night and Sunday calls will be -attended to at Mr. Landsborough's resi- -dence, directly in the rear of the Dominion Bank. Leatherdale Landsborough, SEAFORTH, IERS, PAY OFF OUR OLD .11 Mortgages. Rednee your interest. Save money. Any tellies desired. Business pri- vate. No delay. Charges low. No costs ineurred unless loan is granted Satisfaction guaranteed, or no loan. Loans arranged with local agents. Agents evunted. Call or write. Enclose stanap. E. R.'111BYNOLDS, 102 Church Street, Toronto. Can't Digest Your Food! That's why your weak and broken- down in health. Your body is starved -you • can't throw off disease. How importaht' to keep thestomach in perfect health 1 And nothing will do it like DR. CLARKE'S Stomach awl Liver Tonic It is curing chronic dyspeptics every day. At Fear's, Seaforth, end dealers geeer- ally: Price 500. Tns . IMPERIAL EEDICI:t E CO., Toronto. British Army Liniment Will cure you and your horse -too. Price 25e. es of Misses Fleming, Mrs. Miskimmons and James Bailey be remitted, as they are in indigent eircumstancea-Carried. Mov- ed by Kirkby, seconded by Isbister, that by-law No. 0 as now read, be paseed.-Car- ried. On motion of Cardiff, seconded by Kirkby, the following accounts were order- ed to be paid: George Hood, servines on Board of Heelth, $6 ; Thomas LaidlaW, do, $4 ; W. J. Johnston, do, $4; Dr. MesAsh, $3 ; James Bowan, do, $2; W. Clark, do, $2 ; L. McDonald, lumber, $12.66 ; corpora- tion of MoKillop, B line expenditure,$2.66 ; corporation of Grey, do $10.78 '• James Thuell, gravel, $6.51 • L. Diekinson legal expenses, $3 ; ' Little gravel; 3. ; James Marshall, engineer'sfees, $6; William Watson' ' lumber '$23.86 ; P. Can - talon, repairing culvert, $2; Jaines Bow- man, charges re Johnston drain, $5 • George Kirkby, councillor's fees, $50; William Iabister, do, $47; M.. Cardiff, do, $41 ; Thomas Code, do, $47 '• James Bowman, do, ' $58 • James Bowman, to pay on. Lindsay contrant, $33.52 ; James Miller, wood and care df hall, $12 ; W. Clark, salary and ex- penses, $133; John Mooney, collector, order for remission of taxes of indigents, $2.92. The council then adjourned. Morris. - Nos. -A merry Christmas to all. - Good sleighing '• businese is lively. -Wood seems very plentiful. -Mr. George Hood is getting better now, we are pleased to say. - .Nothing but, Christmas gifts ie talked about now. -W. Mickie delivered to John Rod- dick, Brussels, 15 lambs that averaged 128 pounds each and brought over $4 each. Had. the flock been all Dingle Iambs they would have weighed more. Farmers should alwae a sell by weight. -The schools all closed this week.- A sleigh load of young people from the 5th line, spent an enjoy- able evening last week at Mr.. Kraheling's, 8th line. -A good many are taking advant- age of the cheap rate on the G. T. R. this week. -James Cook came home from Kent county, where he has a school. • School Reports. ETHEL.-Report of senior department of Ethel public school for the month of Decem- ber : Junior 3rd ela.ie s-Mendie of, Henry Querrin and Eva Cole equal, Stella Dunbar, Percy Greensides, Willie .Coates, Mabel Coates, Eva McAllister, Tom Fogel, Minnie Bateman, Bessie Wanner, Walter Savage and Jennie MoBlain equal, Sammie Kleinsehroth, Minnie Diemert,Fred Dien:se, ert,- Gordon Imlay.- & nine 3ed Bernice SlemmCn, Helena Barr, Mamie Hansuld, Willie Eckmier, James Richard- son, Maud Badgley, Mary Kleinachroth, Adam Flecther, Garfield Dunbar. Junior 4th elms, -Ida Cole, Emma Imlay, Howard McAllisttir, Annie Bateman, - Carl Mc- Allister iary McBlain, George Sharpe, VVillie i3owdell, Edna Baynard. Senior 4th class, -Cora Sanders, Claude Walker, -Edie Milne. 5th class, -Maggie Davies, Lily Dobson, Willie Spence, Oliver Querrin. Blake-. Nnws Num. -The tingle of the bells is now becoming quite familiar in this locality. Wedding bells, along with the sleigh bells, vie with each other to make a joyous noise: On the 15th inst., Richard Nicholson, son of Godfrey Nicholson, of Hay township, took unto himself a wife in the person of Elizabeth Boyes, daughter of Edward Boyes'of Stanley, one of our fairest maid- ens. Meer succees attend them on their matrimonial career. -The entertainment in our school was an entire success. -The shrill whistle of the thresher is still beard in this neighborhood. Clover seed is turn- ing oat fairly well. -On every hand is aleso heard the squeals of the porkers. -Wood choppers are also to work and all goes merrily on. E3arr's Dye Works RtMOVED • Lakelet. Extravagance in Living. Ian Maclaren's latest comment on the American people concerns their waatefulneis. There is enough aptness in the criticism of Dr. Watson to make the thoughtful reader dwell on it for more than the casual reading. Unquestionably our extravagance as a people is one of our greatest defects. It matters not how smell our personal incomes may be, we all have the same prodigality of ideas as to the scale on which we would live_ if we could.- There is some excuse for this pre- vailing attitude to be found in the splendid abundance of resource With which we are favored. It is no wonder that we have re- garded our stores as inexhaustible and it is perfectly true that we have not inexhaustible, to be able to compute them even yet. And again, we can remind Dr. Watson with perfect truth that this Government was founded, as he says all great empires are in frugality. The fathers of the thirteen original colonies were saving and prudent, and the first presidential years were years of simple living, even in the highest official circles. We do not believe that even eur general wastefulness and prodigality will be sufficient to swamp us as a people. Grad- ually, as the strenuousness of ,the occasion comes, we shall learn small lessons of (icon. omy. The past few years have left their impression with many of this generation, and it will not be forgotten in the new weye of success. Nevertheless, the essential fact remains that we are extravagant in the detail of liv- ing,and it is incumbent on all who recognize that fact to act upon it and use such in- fluence as they may have towards improve- ment. The burden of this work ' must rest largely with women. American, housewifes need not so much to revert to the spare and meagre methods of their Puritan' ancestors, or rather, of the immediate successors of the earlier Puritans as to require the more artistic frugality of the European house- wife, and especially. of the l'encli.• The New England woman of small means used to--1.14o-seithout.n----The----Feeneh-wornan• makes much out of little. It is a common saying that the waste of one not affluent family in this country would keep a similar. ly circumstanced family in Paris. The same thing applies more or less along the line of all our American life. We do not economiv-in eating, clothing or furnishing, and when weItake our pleasure we are ab- solutely And it ie n tion, as Dr. improve, ba standard and a development of character and individuality in our daily life.-St.Paul Pioneer Press. • A Queen's Tact. Of all the qualities once essential to a sovereign, the one most useful now is tact. Queen Margherita of Italy. who belongs to a house trained to!itiegeraft for more than a thousand years, is said to be wonderfully skilful in dealing with social difficulties. An incident which;occurred at one of her drawing rooms illustrates her readiness and delicac,y. RK SPAS. -Messrs. Gillen'of Clifford, and McLaughlin, of Fordwieh, have been in the vicinity recently buying cattle. They are paying a very fair price for them. -Mr. Richard Milligan, who lives east of here, sold Mr. Hinde, of Harriston, 14 head of cattle the other day, for $526. -Mr. Charles Hubbard, of the burg, had a woad bee the other day in Mr. Thomas 'flees' bush. -The burghers are all hunting up their winter's wood, -Mr. Dulmage is running the two stores right along. Efe and his aaughter, I Georgina, are in Gorrie and Mrs. Dulmage and F.S. in Lakelet. -From the Fordwich Record we learn that Mr. Alex. Graham, who for a number of years was a member of the municipal council of this township, is going to contest the reeveship of that town, for 1898. Mr.Donaghy, merchant, of Ford- wich, is coming out against the present 2nd deputy, Mr. Wm. Finlay. --Rev. Mr. Craw- ford was made the recipient of a well filled purse and co.nplimentaren address on the eve of his departure for his new field of labor. , While here Mr. Crawford won the esteem' of not only the members of his -own congregation, but of all others who made his acquaintance. He is a young man em- inently, adapted for his high calling, and the best wishes of the community aceom- pany ,him to his work near London.- Word has been received from Mrs. William Nays,;of Ninga, Manitoba, who is at pres- ent in Seaforth, that he will be with his relatives here next week. Mee. Nays, whose relatives live in or near Seaforth, ac- companies him. --Miss EttaScott has -Secured a school in the county of Hastings,for 1898. • Morris Council. The counsil met according to adjournment on December 15, members all present, the reeve in the chair ; minutes of last meeting read and passed. Moved by Iabiates, sec- onded by Code, that by-law No. 8, confirm- ing appointment of deputy -returning officers, iss now read be passed. -Carried. Moved ;by Code, seconded by Kirkby, that the tiies- R. it Barr hat removed his Dye 'Works to eGODERIDEE ST. near the METHO- DIST CHURCH And would take this opportunity to thank his num- erous customers for their liberal patronage since coming to Seaforth, and to inform the public gener- ally that I am now in a better position than ever to give my customers satisfaction, So bring along clothes and have them Cleaned or Dyed for Fall and Winter. R. H. BARR, Seaforth. 11111111111M11111.1111101.1011111111"MPIONMEINIMPOIO.10 WEAK AND WEARY WOMEN FIND A SIMI. FRIEND IN SOUTH APA [RICAN NIIRTINIL ERHAPS he was 11; cynic, but some one has said that in this age there are no healthy worsen. The age has Many wo- men, strong and noble physically, -as they ase meAtally and asoTally; but It Is true nevertheless, that a large per- centage of the wo- men of the, ieuntry - suffer, Tronarvervous- nese dnd lenCral de- bility. rhey drag •out a weary existence, and each day is a day of pain and suffering. - This was the ease with Miss Annie Pattereen, of Saekvil le, N. 13. She soffered terribly from indigestion and nervooa • s. She as influendd by abuse one, so Iw, t ry South American NervIne. 0 el- It as Ilke.--shoping against hope -ft,• t r patent medicine. Bukahe had taken Only One battle when • her system began to take -nu the health of earliest years, and after_ using three Mitt -lee she was completelyneed. No wonder • she Is strong, in her conviction that there Is no, remedy like South Arheri- can Nervine. --1-20. For sale by LV.Fear and Lae:laden &Wilson "dirsulons in our extravagance. t only for the sake of accumula- Watson says, that we need to for the sake 'of a wholesomer The persons who are to be presented at the Roman court are arranged in a ?arge semi -circle in the throne room. The Queen enters and passes around the line, each person adding usually a word or two to give the Queen some idea of their claim to notice. She asks a question or makes a re- mark to each and pa,sses on. On this occasion there was in line a young man from South America whose embarass- ment showed itself in pale cheeks and terri- fied glances as the Queen drew nearer. At last she reached him and stopped: He heard his name, saw her smile. There was a roil -ring in his ears ; his knees shook. Eveey eye was bent -upon him with amused interest, his terror was so perceptible. "From Brazil ?" she asked. "And what town in Brazil is your home, signor ?" "I -Your Majesty -I don't know 1" he gasped. The whole circle smiled, but the Queen's face was calm as marble. " You mean that our beautifully Italy has already made you forget your home? Ah, signor, you are a skillful I courtier 1 You Hattie; ua too much 1" and playfully shaking her fan at him she passed on, leaving him wondering how he eame to -make so brilliant a response,' while the crowd looked at him, OSITOR. THE SURGEON FOILED, Wanted to Perform an Operation. 1 DR. CHASE'S K1DNEY-LIVER PILLS RENDERED IT UNNECESSARY. Too manyIdoctors are too ready to use the knife. Many a one is sacrificed' on the altar of a surgeon's ambition to oper- ate who could be saved by the use of Dr. Chase's K. -L. Pills. The case. of MRS. W. B. AIKEN, of aZep yr, Ont., is one m point. Her husband ays that she had been doctoring with several doctors for Inflammation of th Bladder for over a year. I y The -lent bottle I got fromthe doetor he said if that did her no good she weuld be compelled to have an operation per- formed. 4 luckily picked up a sample of Dr. Chase's 11.-L. Pills in Mr. Dafoe's store, and my wife took one pill that night and one in the morning, and she has never felt the least sign of pain since. I will alwalya keep Dr. Chase's Pills 11 my house for all our family complaints." PIC 25 CENTS A BOX AT ALL DEALERS. ent upon hunting, and he introduced farm- ing in their tribes. His work involved great hardshiPs, which were shared by his Wife and four, children, but the failure of his wile's health compelled him to abandon the works few years ago. Three sons and one daughter survive. The sons are dealers in furs in British Columbia, and only,one of them is now Inuit. -William Teeriss, the well known actor, was assassinated, being stabbed with a knife as he was entering the stage door cpf the Adelphi Theatre, London. William Terriss had been playing in London in the English version of William Gillette's American drama, "Secret Service." Alphonse Daudet is dead. He died' sad- denly at his home, Paris, after an illness, which off and on, has lasted for several months. The whole city, as well as the world of art and letters, is in mourning for the greatest novelist of the day. Daudet was nearly. 58 years old. - I/ -The onunion Government, as owners of the La Canadienne, in company with the charterers of that vessel,' have decided to take action against the United Stateti Gov- ernment for $10,000 for damages suslained in the collision with the Yantio. -The Holland American Line steamer Edwin, Captain Bruinsma, which arrived in New York last Friday, from Amsterdam and Boulogne, was detained at headquarters owing to a case of smallpox among her steer- age passengers. • The patient is a child of Hungarian parents, and was moved to the reception hospital. -Conductor Charles Thompson, of Monc- ton, New Brunswick, was killed at Sack- ville last week. He fell into a culvert --while-ohuntingrand-the-vvheels-paseed :weer his neck, -killing him instantly. -DeCeased was 33 years of age and married, with three children. This was only his third or fourth trip as conductor. • --- • A ST. T.EtOMAS CA.SO. The Entire Population Talking of the Dodd's e Kidney Pills Curse!. St. Thomas, December 27th. -The great wave has reached St. Thomag. The cures wrought by Dodd's Kidney Pills are num- bered by hundreds here, and the, entire pop- ulation'almost, is talking of them. Michael Holleran, a farmer living near here told our reporter "Dodd's Kidney Pills saved me from an untimely grave." ' He was cured of Diabetes, of an aggra- vated type by a few boxes, after his doctors had failed to even relieve him. . So it goes. Everyonewhohasused Dodd's Kidney Pills has been cured. Bright's Dis- ease, Diabetes, Paralysis, all diseases of the kidneys and the blood yield to their power. They never fail to cure these ailments. • • - News Notes. -Grand Forks, North Dakota had a $1,000,000 fire last weeks The Hotel Da- kota and two wholesale grocery houses were destroyed. It is reported that several lives were lost. -A train on the Chicago and Eastern Il- linois railroad, ran into an extra train near Clinton, Indiana, the other morning; Three employes were killed, and half a dozen oth- ers insured, but none of the passengers were hurt. -Burglars carried off a dozen watohee and some jewelry from thestore of Alexan- der Henderson at Arnprior one night last week. Several boarders at the Campbell House in the same town were robbed of their cash also the seine night. -A new market promising to be one of considerable value is to be found for Can- adian poultry, meats, butter, etc., in the West Indies. The Minister of Agriculture has arranged to fit up the steamship Beta,of the Pickford & Black Line from Halifax with cold storage for this trade. -Rev. John Gough, Brick died a short time ago in New York. He was sixty years of age. He was born in Eng- laad and came to .A merles when be was young, and studied for the ministry. He went as misaionary to the Indians in British Columbia, and found them enrely depend - EPPS'S - COCOA ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCIOA Possesses the following I Distinctive Merits: Delicacy of Flavor, Superiority in Quality. GRATEFUL and COMFORTING to the NERVOUS or DYSPEPTIC. Nutritive Qualities Unrivalled. In Quarter -Pound Tins only. -PREPARED BY - JAMES EPPS 8; CO., LTD., HOMCDOPATFIIOCIDIMIET8, LONDON, ENGLAND. 155726 iss • se - Dr. Chase's Cures Catarrh after Operations Fail. ; - Toronto, March 16th, 1697. My boy, aged fcurteen has been a sufferer from Catarrh, and lately we subndited him to an opera- tion at the General Hospital. Since then we have n- utted to Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cqre, and one box of Ude medicine has made a prompt end complete cure. II. G. FORD, Foreman Cowan Ave. Fire Hall. F A:Y-8 TO The hill force of this statement is fully appreciated by those who have' been fortunate enough to take 'their course of. Shorthand or Business training in the TiAe Canada Business College, CHATHAM, ONTARIO, For several weeks you may have noticed that our advertisement has not been chang- ed. We simply did not have time to change it, but we want you to know that the good work of placing pupils- still went on. We always find time to look after their 'in- terests. Cancer can be Cured. Cancer is the severest known form of blood dis- ease. Burdock Blood Bitters is tha meet powerful blood medicine known. It cures caner ad all skin diseaees. Proof: "My husband had two cancers taken eff his face, and another was coming on his lip. Ile took two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters and it disappeared. I know thia medicine is an ex- cellent blood purifier." ERB. WM. EIRBv, .A.krons, Erie Co., New York. 0-41111 For the Children. When coughs and colds distress the children Nor way Pine Syrup !tomes to the reecue. It soothes -and heals the throat, removes the phlegm, and is pleas- ant and easy to take. Tillson's Roller Process Buckwheat Flour makes delicious Buckwheat Cakes for breakfast; because of its absolute cleanliness and purity and rich, natural buckwheat flavor. You can depend upon it'a meet- ing your expectations, every single time -it never varies in it's high quality. BOLD BY THE POUND by all those grocers who are to their custorners' interests. The process used 'in making it cannot be excelled -millers everywhere will tell you that. But it's not what we asy-it's what you think, that proves this. No argument we can make - will satisfy your sense of taste. 1Von't you just try it, and judge it by the satisfaction it gives you. - THE TILLSON CO., Limited, Tilsonburg, Ont. 1627-52 4 ae.e.re. • .1.••111101.11•111. 1. A. D. Skeels, a former pupil, as teach- - er Penmanship, Troy Bus. Col- lege. 2. A. Burch, a former pupil, as Commer- cial Teacher, Grand Rapids Bus. University. , 3: F. B. Corwall, a former pupil, teacher of Shorthand, Evansville Bus. Col- lege Ind. 4. Geo. lkest, as Mg'r Bus. Dep. Tacoma Bus. College, Wash. 5. Bessie Dunkley, as Saeito. with -Mich. Chair Co„Grand Rapids. 6. Delbert Wigle, as Bk-kpn with Grand Rapids Raiding Works. 71 Sara Towl, Steno. J. B. Stringer & Co. Chatham. 8 Fred. Verkerke. Bk,lepr. C. A. Spears. 9 Hattie Paul, office est& Dean Printing Co., Grand, Rapids. 10 Wm. MoTairishei Steno. for Mr. Pratt, Sec'y Y. M. C. A., Toronto. 11 Walter Oliver, Bk-kpr. McLachlan & fileFarlan, Hall's Siding, B. C. 12 P. F. Ross, as Steno. with New York Belting & Packing Co. 'Chicago. 13. Lizzie Thompson, as Bk-kpr. and Steno., Watson & ,Frost, Grand Rapids. 14. Evelyn Miller'Steno., Vie.va Medicine Co., GrandRapids. 15. Jennie McLachlan, Steno., Chief- Jus- tice Drake, Victoria, B. C. 16. Flora Fuce, Steno.; Herald Office, Mon- treal, Que. 17. Fred. McCarthy, Steno. Walters & Son, Grand Rapids. 18. Annie Clark, Steno. Mr. Jell, Barris- ' ! ter Rodney. 19. May Burdick, Steno. W. E. Stevens, I Barrister. Aylmer, Ont. 20. Maud McNally, Bill Clerk, Grand Ra- pida Gas Op. 21. -Harry Weatl e 'wax, Steno, Agricul- ture College, Lansing, Mich. 22. John V. Morrison, Steno. Manitoba Trust Co., Winnipeg. 23. Ersie Walford, Book-keeper D. D. Hawthorne & Co., Toronto. 21. Wm. Garrett, Steno. etc„ A. E. Brooks & Co., Grand Rapids. 25. J. E. McNeil, Book-keeper, Walkerton Chair Co., Walkerton. 26. Frances Re -Mick, Steno. Hadley Lum- ber Co„.Chatham. 27. J. W. Warner'Stock Clerk, Wooden ' Grocery Co. Grand Rapids. , 28. Jennie Daniels, Steno., West -Mich. Furniture Co., Holland, Mich. 29. Annie McRae, Steno. Geo. Angell, Wholesale Art Supplies, Detroit. 30. Belle Somerville, Bk-kpr. F. Gonne, Chatham. 31. B. R. Pearce, Steno. Bus. Furniture Co., Grand Rapids. 32. W. B. Pelton, Bk-kpr. E. Wigle, Pub. lisher, Grend Rapids. 33. Casper Baseman, Asst. Teacher Grand Rapids' Bus.University. 34. Cassie Yeates Steno. Frank Smith, Barrister, diatham. 35. Gean Ripley, Steno. (tem.) Campbell Maisufacturing Co. Chatham.. 36. Harry Alliger, Asst. -teacher, Grand Rapids Bus. University. 37. Alex. Adams, Book-keeper, Metal Shin- gle Co., Preston. 38. Blanche Brown, Cashier, Pennell's (Millinery) Rrand Rapids. Lula Leers, Book-keeper, C. Dioxin Reed City, Mich. Maude Shepley, Steno. (tem) Atkinson & Atkinson, Chatham. Eva Payne Asst. Book-keeper, Kent Mills, Chatham. 42. Frank Leonard,. Steno. Grand Rapids' Board of Trade. 43. Dayton McInnis, Book-keeper, R. S. Webb, Pork Palter, Detroit, Mich. 44. Geo. Easton, is Aest. Book-keeper, Austin Mining Co., Austin, Nev. Notice to Creditors. In the Estate of Helen R. Dickson, dee • ceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the above Estate, are required to send particulars of their respective claims, duly verified by affidavit, to the undersigned, Solicitor for the Adminietrator. on or before the 8t 4y of January. 1698. After the said date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of said Estate among those eutitled ; and will not be responsible fcr any claim of whiob he shall not then have re- oeived notice. This notice le given pursuant -to the statute in that behalf. ARCH. S. DICKSON, Blyth, Solieitor for Administrator. Dated, ]8th December, 1897. 16674 'Notice to Creditors. In the Estate of Charles McDonald, late of the Village of Walton, 'deceased. All persons claiming to be creditors on the above Estate, are required on or before the 7th day of Jan- uary, 1898, to send or deliver to Mr. R. H. Ferguson, at Walton P. 0.. Executor of the Estate, full parti- mien of their claims, and of the eecurity, "(if any) held by them, duly verified by affidavit. After the said date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims of which they have received notice, and after such distribution the Executors will not be aceountable for any part of the Estate to any person of whose claim they shall not have received notice. This notice is given pur- suant to the Statute in that behalf. F. HOLMESTE D. Swam th, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. Dated this 7th day of December, 1897. 1565-4 THE NIMMO & HARRISON Business and Shorthand College, Cor. Yonge and College Ste., Toronto, Is an absolutely first.class Business !School, Inclivi dual instruction by experienced teachers holding highest qualifications. Gozd results. Prospectus mailed free. Enter now. - R. D. NDIMO, F: N. P. S, JAS. HARRISON, Principals Undergraduate of Toronto Uciversity and S. of P. S. 1668-18 Municipal Elections Township •of Tuckersmith. sw*v• Notice is fiereby given that the annual meetiog for the nomination of candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and Councillors for the Town- ship of Tuckersmith. for the next ensuing- year, will ba held in Kyle's Hall, Lot 10, Concession 8, H. It. EL, at one o'clock p. m., on 'MONDAY DECEMBER '27th, 1897 And in cue more than the necessary number of candidates are propoeed and a poll demanded, polls will be opened on Monday, January 3rd, 1898 As follows: ' For Polling Sub -Division no. 1, Smith's Old 'Saddlery Shop, in the vil'age of Eirmondviile, J oseph Web- er, Deputy -Returning Officer. For Division No. 2, at School Rouse No. 6, (Broad - foot's), James Broadfoot,Doputy Returning Officer. For Division No 8, at School House, No. 2, A. G. Smillie. Deputy -Returning Officer. For Division No.d,- at Kyle's Hall, Peter McKay, Deputy -Returning Officer. A. G. 8MILL1E,- Returning Offiber and Township Clerk. 1566 2 SIGN OF THE 39. 1 40. 41. CIRCULAR SAW. milommommwmaa ex5 gr. td p ‘2.1 Ea - rn 0 ••• CD en 15 'MI it mel 0 o2 0 1:1 p V• "•4 • cp b bd ' po e+ - co CD i,ga aq ee f:14 i=b Pea eP -Z1 I2 ffr, po tee 5 - as 2 s' eff- CD tt z it ?, (1) tr t•12- CPQ e+. • A co go ee ce- ea/ %-••• '71 Cf3. P'YCri g 5' tDo • - CD ca Miss Flora Face, who Was in the office of the Montreal Herald, has since been offered and has returned home to accept a position with the Sutherland -Innes Co., of Chatham, and makes the seventeenth pupil that we hare. placed with the same firm, the majority of them being still in their employ. Quite a number have been placed since; this list was prepared. IT PAYS 11 ATTEND THE BEST Write for catalogue 'if interested D. McLachlan & Co. ° Chatham, Oat. to, • ce co J.`". 1.42 . ft' cD 1.1 ce °a '0 rn • 1:1 P•1 (ED_ Cm M PD - 5 0 Vir 1:$ cr2t7, tml - I -I • C:74 pit Hello, There ! Come in and see how 1 -will HUGH Down the prices in Crockery for the Christmas and holiday trade. I am opening up this week a line of Fancy Goods and Dinner Sets, which I will sell cheaper than ever offered in Sea - forth for CASH. My style of doing businessl ROBBS No man, as I give every person value for their money. In the grocery line you will End all things fresh and clean that are •required. for Christmas trade. Before purchasing • elsewhere, call at the CITY GROCERY. Administrator's Sale -OF- House, Lot and Furniture. In the Estate of Matthew Dorsey, de- ceased. There will be offered for sale by public auction, on the preperty in the Town of Seaforth, on Wednes- day, the 6th day of January, 1898, at 2 o'clock p. m., by Mr. Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, the following valuable property, viz ,:-Lot number 96, on Chalk street, in oGiouinlock's Survey, of the Town of Sea - forth. Upon the property Is erected a very comfort- able frame dwelling, one and a half story* high, with wood shed and bard and soft weeer. Terms of f sale. -The purchaser 'II be required to pay down one tenth of the pur ase money to the Vendor or his Solicitor on the d y of sale, and the balance in 80 days thereafter, and upon payment the 'meshes- er will be entitled to *conveyance, and to be let in- to possession. ; There will Mao be offered for ssle at the same thne and place aforesaid, i, Isrge quanity of hotniehold ., furniture, °etiolating of among other things, 8 bed- "- steads. 1 set ofparlor furniture, 8 tables, 1 cooking stove 1 parlor stove, carpets, chairs mattreseere bedding and other attieles. Tenn! cal. F. HOLMESTED, Vendor' e Solicitor. Dated, 164h December, 1897. • 156641 THE -a -gene Brucefield Saw -AND- STAVE MILLS Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Basswood, and Maple Logs wanted 1,000,000 feet of First-class SOFT ELM Suitable for staves, for which 96 per thousand will be paid. Theenlogs to be cat 11, 18 or 15 feet in lengtehi Thighest cash price will be !Aid for Rock Eine, Basswood and Maple, and all of good quality cffered willtobed betakene.livered this -winter. OUSTO/d SAWING done on the shortest notice. GRAIN CHOPPING- on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week, and satiefaction gueranteld. The mill has recently been thoroughly ever -hauled and isnow better fitted than ever before t. do good work. oaini JOSIAH WATSON, . ng Tile and Shingles for sale. 66p3.7 2 'Notice to Debtors. In consequence of the dissolution of the Firm of Lewis McDonald & Co., by the death of Charles McDonald, it bezomes necessary to wind up the business of the Firm forthwith. All persons having any olsim against the firm are requested to send the same to the undersigned forth- with. And all persons indebted to the Firw by note, account or otherwise, are requested to call on the undersigned and settle the same, on or before the 7th day of January, 1898. After the said date it will be neceseary to place all clahne unpaid in the hands of a Solicitor for collection. LEWIS McDONALD, Walton P. 0. Dated the 7th day of December, 1897. 1565-4 - Notice to Creditors. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN S In the Estate of William Allen, late of the Village of Egaiondville, deceased. I All pereons having any claim against the above Estate, are required on or before the 74h day of Jan- uary, 1898,40 send to tne undersigned, Solicitor for the 'Executrix, full perticulars ot their claims, and of the seouriti. (if any) held by them, duly verified by affidavit. After the said date the Executzix will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having referenee only to the claims of which she has received notice, and after such distribution she will not be accountable for any part of the assets to any person of whose claim she has not received notioe. 'This notice is given pur- suant to the statute in that behalf. F. HOLMESTED,Seaforth. Solicitor for Executrix of WilL Dated, the 7th et December, 1891. 1565-4 BAKING POWDER THE COOICS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE 1N CANADA. SA -FORTH PACKING HOUSE. To HOG BREEDERS. T. R. F. CASE & CO. Of the Sealer% Packing House arse pre- pared to handle -any quentitv of lloge, Live or Dress, for which they will pay the highest market prioe. "Will have man o41 on any puttee having Jive Hogs to dispose of, if notified. For par- tienlere Retail Store, Cartnichaers Block, Seaforth. T. R. F. CASE & CO. 151843, The ?IMMO Mutual Fire Insurince Company. PAM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURER OPTICIPA. Geo. Watt, Preeident, Harlook P. 0.4 W. G Broadfoot, Vice -President, Seaforth 0.• W. J. dnannonIEleopTross., Seaforth P. O.; 'Michael nepector of Losses, Seaforth P. O. nntsuroas. W. G. Broadleaf,. Seaforth: Alex. Gr.rdiner, Lead* bury; George Dale, Seaforth; Thomas E. Han, Seaforth; M. Mordie. Sestersh : Thos. Garbutt. Clinton •, Thome, Flaw, Brucelleki John B. Mee Lean, Kirwan. • .401M11. Thos. Nelms, Iladock; &ht. McMillen, Sealer -lb James Cumming, Egmcnidville ; John Govenlock end John 0. Morrison,audiora. Parties dethrone to effect loeuraeatoes or treas. .et ether business will be prompidy attended to on plication to any of the above °Mersa eddy:seed te their respective post�°S. THE SEA FORTH Musical,- Instrument EMPORIUM. ESTABLISHED,1873. Owing to bard times, we have con - bided to sell Pianos and Organs at Greatly Reduced Prices. Organs at $25 and upwards, Pianos at Corresponding price. SEE US BEFORK PIIXCITABING. SCOTT BROS.