HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-12-31, Page 6. �
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9 . e DECEMBER 24,'1897,
. I
. 4 - � I � . I THE. HU -1 ON, EXPOSffOR .. - - I-
I - --
-- - 0010101MINENNININNIN - I I � -1 I . . 1� I . . I ; . � �M� . - - 00001
I � it -- - - - - - � I . - � � t be Je . nn,v and Louie ; all three looking so - � I . . . . J . . 11 8 "I Ne w. �
I . V In the old frontier�kr h in the breast of the ounger 0 r . . I .
- I . I I VA hundred c 0 . glowing and rosy that Ida could have joined --1 --- � : � iliiil���'����:,I�����ill�����l��illj�"'IlI 8om6th --
% . !Irf rrhed by instant Boom on tle part of the � X� 1111111� IM -M I Ing,
--Our pioneers were elder I - 0 1
. I torttLre ; and the. outcome was a scamper, them with pleasure, but for the weight of �� I �. . - �
�. I - I r.. I d and effectual if- undignified, which left the room , her young lady-bood. He put the old, gun- -- �, .[
. k - Durned al; the deserted, and the delinquent non-plue,,ed. I room in order, cleaned every
I , . fi gun in the
- � '' 0 h ri st mw`As . . 11 I stake by cruel 64 I sat -I'm very sorry," said he, slowly 1. place, melted bullets by a Ire 'of his own ,
- � 1� %� �. Indiana. The* - coming ack. . � J conetruqUon, whistl9d, and. polished, and
�f . tortures en- 11 Poch III said Tom; " I-'pon my rubbed and scrubbed, and needed nobody to
. 11 L dured by . . I
- I OWL. (� these Mar- word, Ida, I don't think the children ought .. tidy up after him. . I
sells niust i to behave like that. Eh ? You must talk The only d�fficulty had been' in keeping
' Jq;e been I .
. . . J_ I AF LLL t 8 t to thom. We can't have them showing tem. I Jeuny.aud Louie away from such -a - fascin-
� I ating playmate; They 0 L an er a ter
I , e- . � something per, eh ? And rely they are' old enough
Thev Ring for al ? � - horrible, to understand- -L the emery cloth, and the sand -paper ; they �
. > There are 11 Inever dreamed of its being aAooting had'besdught1datolet them take down
. . A bheerful Oall to thousands of - d " i Urposed Maur* I their sk;t�s to be cleaned, and made read
I � men to -day aYs 111 ice. y
- . : � . 6 ' for the frost. Ida had demurred ; but on
L Xmas Bargains, oo who ari be- 11 Pray don't think * anV more about it." ceo ba , '
. � a hightened color on Ida's cheek the occasion of the request it chat t t L
� - . - , ing slowly There wa8L
. 11 . ortured to, asshe turned -towards him, both it and her Tom- was siso busy in the gun -room, 'and,
Never so grood I-"' I . I a, -V death at the tone might hav6 meant anything. ". They since Tom was there, all, was right. . She .
Never so cheap. 'I- - -- �- stake of dis- are only children, you know ; and it was had even gone in herself, just to take her
I -C ease. Their rather -rather a disappointment. I' told own skates, and ask if any'one would kindly -
bodies cry out but in a language that only - them before they came down -stairs not to , -and Maurice had got hold of them before
. . the.sufferers themselves can hear. When
his bodK reckon upon it ; but they seemed to think' she could finish the sentence. He had fur-
,. I -� � We are right to the front with an ele. a -an is -suffering in this way that Mr. Stafford --Y . thermore pressed her to stay and see them
cries out - with - an aching head a sluggis
L I - Int new holiday stock of Boots, Sh.pesjI- body, muscles that are lax and iazy a brain 11 Yen ; I did say I would take them. I Aone-but this had been too much. Tom's '
I Vubbers, Overshoes, Slippers and Mocca-�' that is dull, a stomach that disd9us food say. Tom, perhaps I ought, you know." eye had said, 11 I doubt if Lad D Ri U ..
: . - Yom, however. had.no compunctions him.
� sins --the moat appropriate and desirable and nerves that will not rest our wotild approve," and Ida Lid 'me'ell;
- � : presents for old: or young. Remember this A wise man will heed these warnings and self, and no in I tention of giving in to those withdrawn beneath the glance, f lin
, - ns the right thing will resort to the right remedy before it is ,he ,ee
1, splendid sesortment aoutai of another. He was annoyed and discom- somewhat doubtful also whether houll
� . for- every person, gifts which we lack space to too late. Dr. Pierce Is Golden Medical Dis- a' not have carried off the busy little - sisters
n enumerate, a -thoroughly first -clan stock, co, mkes the appetite keen and hearty. sed at the b re idea of such a thijig as re.
n% n But this she could not find it in
� igorates, the liver. It promotes the inquishing the excellent sport which. at with her.
� �
7 cot-Inbining qualit,y and eleeance with prices her heart to do. . 1,1:4r.,� �
t I natural processes of secretion and excre- length it was in his 'power to offer, simply
E vithin the reach of all. Come in and see
, .� tion. It makes the digestion and assimila- because Jenny and Louie had, presumed on Aware of the precarious mature of their
� � L
� how satisfactory Christmas shopping can be tion perf-ect. it rifiei the Wood and fills the good -nature. of their guest. Maurice stay, Jennyand Louie, with supernaturally
; I _
� ie life- elements of tke food. composed countenances, were anecting com-
k made, how well we can fill your wants, and it with tl himself was obviously
L C how far we can make your money go. It tears down oidvayInul worn-out tissues and only wa.rering under .
� - - . replaces them with the firm, muscular tis- pressure. .- I plete ignorance of anyone's entrance or pres. - �
- sues of health. It is the great blood -maker - 11 It is perfectly ridiculous," famed Tom. en.6e, r,o absorbed were ther in their work.
- ,� 8 and flesh -builder. It is the best nerve toniq. 11 Ida, caWt you tell him how ridiculous'it Jenny, on a rough bench c ose to the win- -
L t � is -03 L _to all appearance far too deeply
I It cures 98 per cent. of all cases of consump-
� n # doW L'Was
11 .nichardson d � MoInnis, tion, weak lunyrs, bronchitis, lingering �ut Ida had moved towards the door. coQ$erned in making. the most of the waning
I I with light of a winter afternoon to have a me-
� 5 coughs and kin red ailments. Found at " Women nev6r have any sympath
L i all medicine stores. Adeept no substitute sport," said Tom. And in less than lalf an ment to sp�re for conversation or rielax-
'i - that may be represented as "just ars good. 'I ation, ; Louis was bent double over an all .
1.1 . WHITKEY'S MCK, The "Just as good " kind doesn't effect hour the two set fortb. � .
.- L � . . SEAFORTH. cures like the following : "There they. go!" wailed little Louie engrossing iron, which appeared to need not
I from an upper.window. " I knew they'd only all her eyes and fingers, but both her �
� - 11 Twenty-five years ago eight different doctors 0 Nasty old snow -plow I I don't care ears into- the bargain. . I � .
: told me that I would live but a short time, that * 9 -
� . I had consumption and must die," -writes Geo. a bit about it now. It was Maurice's mak- 11 I may -as well let them alone,"' eSnclud-
. VETERINARY. R. CooM E�sq., of ers Valley, rottawatomie ing it, and us helping him, and he driving, ed Ida. To do her justice, she only inflict.
� co., xans. - i Ausl4l commenced talking Dr. anicl we sitting up on the seat beside him, ed deprivations -and restrictions at ihe fan.
'V. S.. bonor graduate of Ontsdo - Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and am still i
� I TORN G'RIZVX. and -all, that made the fu� ! To go with cied bidding -of duty, or of Lady De Riga.
J Veterhuay College. All diseases of Domestic in the laud and among the living." �
. and Bob II) . eur. Lady De.Rigueur would, she consider -
:I sabnab Ueated. Calls promp sklended to Don't suffer ftom constipation. Keep '.
� ' r-v%e the body clean inside as well as outside. " I'm not going wit.'i Bob," said Jenny, ed, be satisfied with her own retirement
:. .
;I L -, 8hsWq1 raoderste. - Veto riaw nusby a W . .
. - OMof and residence on Goderich $610", =odo% Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con- succinctly. L. I from the scene in the present instance, and
1. An of Dr. Soofft o2ce, Seeforkh. . Ilm accordingly she had withdrawti after leaving
� stipation and biliousness. They never There was a pause. Obviously the re -
7 . � � _
� - . Staffo
� gripe. All good dealers have them. mark'had fallen flat.
. P; her skates in the possession of Mt. r�
. -
� 0. H. GIBB., MONSON 11 I say, Jenny ?" a new suggestion in the How was she to supposi that Mr. Stafford
I .
� - - - would bring them back io her himself, when
� Surgeon and Dsntlsk Toronto College of . sp?aker's tone.
� Irstednay THE ONE GOOD GUEST'd i
� - I
z ednary denfide, Honor Graduate of Ontarto Vei� I Well ?" extreme dryness in the retort. I finished 7 �
� I Too . .
= *rimy college, Honbr member of Oubarta Vettft- - 44
�� What if he comes back ?" She was in the drawing -room, of course.
� I
11 , Midical Society. AJU dkesaft of domeWo animals BY L B. NVALITORD.
� . 5� WUI�sa . ILI &&aAA in I f- I Comes back ? How can he come back ?" The drawiDi-room looked a trifle dull, in
1� ttilitillittillili,itl-iiilitllllllllllltll!tllllliflll-tlllllllliliff.ilitlitl:!-�,,-
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AperrectRemedy ForC0111SHpa-
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FAC -SIMILE Innow giving away 'hundreds of dollam
-� . . I - worth of goods. Every month an invitation,
. � . to all to call and secure sum of the goods I .
. - SIGNATURE I am selling. A one Pound tin of Baking .-
I . Powder equal to the Royal, which' in sold, �
.-01-- . for 60o a pound, and I sell the Powder for .
. 50c,and shall give& bred dish witli'licl,
� . I.
worth 85c ; also with every pound of pow.,
'', � der a clothes horse which in worth $1, with . .
I . . every pound of Baking Powder, and% I
' �
. . . � . its 'won worth 65c, ;vith one pound of -
, �� an ' "
0 Waking Powder, and a stand worth 41., )
- - I . with one .pound Baking Powder; au4 a, I
, ,
I - carving knife and fork worth $1.25, with�
TS 01T THEI every pourd of Baking PowAer ; and a, -- 1
� . . triple plated silver knife and fork, with one -1
. .
T-1�1 � un I Baking Powaier, worth 75c ; also&" 1*
I ��
. a nves, with 'One I
.WIZAPPEK pound Baking Powder, worth $1.25. Come I
. � . and get three pounds of good Tea for 50e, t
I �
� . I worth- 25c, pbund. Alsoa first-class Greertt -
CF EVERY Rio Coffee, eight pounds for $1. Ten -,
; pounds of Sulphur fok 25c. Ten pounds- .
I - .1
. � Baits for 25c. "One pound Baking.Po%der
]BOTT7 Or and Pitcher for 25c. The pitcher in *A6rtk
- : - � - 25c alone. Six Bare Eclipse Snap for 25c.
� ---. - Six Bare StandardT Soap for 25c. Every- -
. Wn AM thing -right down at quick sand i
. . P3100- - , -1
I �� � a I Come one, come all, and get a good b0lain. . 1,
. � - �
M Va . .
. I md" , � . At G. AULT, C4th.1- -
fm W . .
. I -
I -
. . � : -
. -
. I . ." -
M I . d� I
Castorls is put up In one -size Ntfles only. It > I �, I ca
Is uct cola in bulk. lion't allow anyone -to sell C1 0 W I
YOS anything el�o on the plesL or promise that it . 0 -1 / 11 . Ica
I .
Is"Just a3 good" amd "Will answer every pvr- r 11 I I . I a"
pose.11 XQr, Ere tbatt7on get ().A -FJ -T -0 -R -I -A. 0 0 F I ", I . ri '.
Tho r"- I . It IJ . Ca i
I rm
81=110 b on 0 N" 0 0 --- - co
slrr.Ature . 078:7 If - : rn -
I N 'N.--,- I �
0! *i � Trapyer. a - ---Ile = I
I greams. Jul Qq"W promp .1 N -- �- I I
d:X, or ni%tc Dentistry and Surgery 6, lialty. . 99 spite of a blazing fire whose, fitful lights . . - . 4
9 He may come back, you know. We . � . IT'l - � -
-- -
A 6
as and pessary -Dr. CampboUn . lroffloe, CHAPTER IV. - I
a a were not to start till between two and three danced over the old-fashioned furniture, and . I i . . .
. matnsfteelftsforW Nigbt callsanswered from the . THE S"Now PLOW. oIolock, and -)I she was inclined to pity her poor little � I . �- ., . I M 5. - .
offict. 240&52 - - . . . I ;
- The following day a diversion was made. " And they have taken their luncheon lone1V self for being obliged to sit there in . - 41 .
state, instead of making one of the'� merry . n I
Snow had fallen on the previous evening, with them, that they may stay out for the P' i
- J (D . i �1
. I and lay many inches deep upon' the ground, day ! -It looks as if Maurice were coming $roup ahe had left, hammering and tinker ' crt- 1-d ,
I LEGAL . , It is poor econonly to buy cheap Tea, and use twice as, much,
but the sky overhead was clear, and, the back, doesn't it ?" with deep disdain. - I ing to the sound of their -own �;oices, when . I t,-1 Lp 0 . -i
I � �� I
. - . . pri ID � i
. atmosphere brilliant. don't care," proceeded the indignant Jenn the door opened and Maurice came in, stood and not get half as much satisfaction as from a good one. I I i
� : � Y9 . - . . . t --q CD #-* I A' J
� JAMES L KILLORAN9 6' We marat get oat to day somehow," with true feminine lack of logic. 96 He- still, and looked around. - It was obvious . . I I I . " f-4. . I
Barrister, Solicitor. Conveyancer , and Notary said one and all with the joyous determin- needn't suppose I care. If he doesn't like that at first he did not see that the chamber - 16 . . � i
- . - 't. 5.- F, . - I
- public, money to loan oface over Pickard's Store, .ation of youth and health. - to come -if he doesn't come of his own had an occupant. Ida had sunk in a low 5.1 CD 4
formerly Mechanics Institute, Main Strett, Seaforth. I . . . " ,1.1:$ 41 -1
� 1628 - 11 If we can get down to that . stream in accoj!d-I am sure we don't want chair by the fire, and its broad pillows, rose - . . L . C-4 - 0 ,-- C) . � I I
the woods we shall find woodcock there to a him. But I wouldnIt go and say I'd do ,on every side. Onlv the 'brown coronet of I d I 0 ,P E. :r , .
G cAmF,RqX, formerly of Cameron, Holt & dead certainty," said Tom, addressing big a thi and then not do it, just be. hair which surmounted her shapely bead was I L -
I At., - . Intecause--I' with choking voice, visible, and Maurice missed it. He had � 0 P
Cameron, Barriste'r and Solicitor, Godertob. guest 46 It is a firat-rate feeding place for cause- . i L -J (7.11 - '"I
Ontario. office --Hamilton street., opposite Colborne them and ducks. I have never known it to 11 something better turned up. I didn't -turned to- depart, when she spraug up. She T . �
'Irotel. , 1452 2 . . Ct.- :3 .
fail, There might be snipe too. After all think Maurice had been that kind of a could not let him go, knowing that he had , PQ LZ
. Lp "t 0
1 . TAKES SCOTT, Barrister, &0, Solicitor for Moi. this vile weather they will be. glad to go any- man." . � come to see her ; it was only kind, courts- Cw=�YLON'. TEA '. t4 �". ti
. X) son's Bank. Clinton. office - Mott lock, where, and their usual feeding grounds will 6' But we couldn't expect him not to like ous, politb to show herself more fully. Even . is a good one and sure to please., - P- I CD - p) )k-
� I olinton, on*. money to loan on mortgagi. be in rather a bad way. We'll be off direcu- to vo shooting with Tom ?" - now he did not perceive the movement, hav�- . $4j
. 4. 1451 � ly after breakfast." 11 We never did -expect him ;" Jenny ing his baek turned. 113 es, 25cl 406 50c and 60c. 1 co I 0 LZ CL 11 I . .
H&TS, Barrister, Solicitor Conveyancer and 11 Oh -h -h !" It was from the two lit- turned fiercely round. " He might have " Oh -ah -Mr. Sta,dord ?I A shy voice 11 ) ,- . 0 P2 �1 I I
I � -
R aiiotaryftblic.- golloltor f0tihoDomwon tle giils that the involuntary groan here - gone with Tom easily -easily.. He - might faintly quavered through the long room- ' 'L 1Z Pi Cn I
- � I
Bank. office--oardDo4 block, Main Sixe,st, Seaforib. I . _ GURL 0 CERS. . - �
- 1285 burst. ' have gone all this long morning, and come but it was enough. Retracing his steps - FROM ALL LEADING ' � P, 1--t ,.J.
� . 0 P) . .
Aoney to loan. . I Z M ;
11 Oh ?" repeated Tom, looking round up- in to the luncheon ; and -and the plow with -delight, Mauiiee found his Jouthful . � 4- i
. . Ll . P�. = . L i
r, clioltor, Notsly;�l - on them in surprise. What do you mean wasn't t�) be ready till two or three o'clock." hostess. prettier, sweeter, softer, them he had --L- -... .. -... ... - . . . �
X. B . a e - - - - - -WV-F--WVTV- - - - - 15 0 L
, Offfiftoo- Ave doors northatoommer by I Oh ?' I was not thinking of you, of 11 Well, I say he'll come." I ever before beheld her. - . . � I CD OD -
L be'4 ground ftor, .next door to 0. L. Papsi 0 course." 11 Ile won't come." I Nor was there a single complaint made in. " i.a. -4)
owelty store, Ma drod, Sesforth. Goderleh- I - I I—. N X
jut*-�-Carneran, Holt and cam'eron. . 1215 " Directly after breakfast !" reproach. " He will come. I may he' c me." the distant gun -room, although the deeerter A Pretty Foot - i 0 a) 9-1* I
'fully murmured Jenny, looking Oret at her " You say ? What b4s your a in to do returned thither no more that day. ' A tacit W a L32 P.4 r
a 0 . -
I 0 , a
^ARRow a P?4uD7ooT Rsrrb4r5, SalloltoOk brother and then at Maurice. with it ?" warming towards a arrel. 11 Do understanding on the subject prevailed. , - a 13 I
AX bo., Goderimb $ . AV I
� ,Ontario. 41-1- q*ZWTQ- 0-; Is WhaC on earth does she mean Ida 9" you. suppose anything you sa --" The This lictle act of the 1 piece before us took Goes a Lo n- W : cil I (D - . I
. W,v. P=UD7QQT. 6" lJoh w I , 9 . qb�al 0 0 .(A �t .
. . A� 9ftqr! expeptO 0 interpret on this door opened, and'tbe elder sis r enteredi place, be it remembered, in the afternoon * * . 'I P .
. . . � . - - � ' W
HoLT & Hormim, Barrislen. go- ;wise. Baoh little girl turned awg; her bqpid, "She PrOVIOU4 to the CQU�truction of the snow. I .: . 1, O... - I
. C AMMON plow, so that it will be rbadily understood 0 -. Bnt what is the use of a pretty I I
Micro & Cmnoory, &c..Godorich, Oat M. 0. - " Something was said about a anow- It t6ihe bd Acold us," they thougbt. ' a . 0 go 0
. . -
I IDA"50N, Q. C., PHmm HQW- DuDMI H01mu plow, I believe," replied she. " Was not But Ida was not come to scold. Ida had how the defection of their idol caused some- . foot, in this country in the winter : = F,U -7 � .
. . that it, Jenny ? The children will-bave to been still more deeply wounddd than either thing more than the bitterness of disap- .. I . I . LZ 0 , I'll
i HOLMESTED, succesgor to the late firm of . . � time if you do not have a perfect - 14 11: �
� - I I
: ; F. McCaughey & Holmeated, BELrrister, Solicitor go to the vicerage, if they can po3sibly ket Jenny or Louie. There had been a' little pointment in the breasts of two of his wor I " - 0 � (0 I
. � oltor for the Can there, you know, Tom ; and I believe -I scene on the previous evening, of which no shippers. They had been despised, and al- fitting Rubber 6r Overshoe. - 9)
lot I
11 � P- 0)
Uonyeyancer, and NotatY Soli 4 - 0 1 9
adlanBankof Commerce. Mone� to lend. Farm fancy -Mr. �tafford qqid -'I - one knew but herself *and Maurice. - though they could not.bave put ouch a feel- -, .
if B ock, Mat Strqrjj Now this may be news to you, , 0
,if t I Offl soott's ..0 41 Ile said he woald makia'u8 vnow- Maurice, running up the broad staircase, ing into.-f'words, something within each - I -
r, iii - - 90 in . � . , - . I $:L P- C � �
. +�Isirl k M - plow, and take us down on it illmself. in the moonlighC, hld� perceived a Blight swellind bosom whispered that if Ida, their -- � I I but you'will find it to be a facts.; - : t1i - r-01 . . - --
I 'L.�==---- And Taffy was t� draw -it. And he hkLd figure, wh.6se outlines he -had - lear�ed to beautiful and cherished Ida, had been suffi- - . ".., :� - ca:�,
� DIgNTISTRY. often done it. And he would make the know, -uazihg fro'm a windowed receJ38 upon ciently appreciated -as till now they had in � A '� there is onlY one make of Rub- .. : 2 5 M - rw
. . I 11 t..4 (D f
I plo himself. And it will be snch fun. the siry A landscape without. He had their secret souls believed -they would not I -cou P- : , 14-. ID 31wli
W. TWEDDLE, Dentlbt. Office" -over Rich . W ere I - . 11 i bers and Overshoes, in this II- tmt 1. c7t- 'to aw -
I F. son & McInnis' shoe Store, corntr Main d And, ob, Tom, don't my you won't." The paused, and drawn near. Ida bad bidden have been thrown over as they had been. 01- - --- �
above burst forth in a duet of impetuous him note " tho flying cloud, the frosty All the same, the'seene which had taken . . -11 . s. try, that are right up-to-date in (D : ff LZ = .40
. john streets, Saaforth. - I light ;" had pointed out this and that in- pla�e in the, dining -room -had been terribly � - I : 15 .P
, demand. fit finish quality and durabilitv I
J-tR. BELDEN, dentist; crovning, bridge work 11 A snow -plow, eh ?" baid Tom, good- dication of a change -in the mood of the ele- against rules, and now here was Ida come to I want tG see " Granb " on the. y ) .? r erg W04 =.
JJ and gold plate wor1k. SPe given 30t 1 %W , e-, -
- . oial suention ,ar tell them so. Both hung their heads. But bottoni then I know I and they are the P I.j 0
ral tooth. All work humouredly. " Oh, yes, you can have ments, and had predicted just the cle , getting crt� 0 '�-
. . ko the preservation Of the natu . when it appeared that Ida was come to do � !� �� =;- 00104 :0W
Carefully perform Bros.' that. Jenkins can make you one easy radiant day which followed. - ' ' (D 3 sn.,
: ,63:rdware storo, Soaforth. -1451 enou(yh. It is -rather. a good idea. We'll Then be had sugge8ted a flight over the nothing of the kind, that no eVable of re I 0 CD Cc-- -
- " . ac On.
have a seat on the -top, and one of the gard- smooth snow, aud bad asked if she would buke or admolnition fell from er lipa,;nay, �t - :� td -0 .
� . -in, H. S. ANDERSON, graduate Of ROY&I College ener I s boys can trot, you down -the only share it ? He would construct ,a rude car, that her manner was peculiarly gentle, al- iQra Rubbers CD P -a I
-� of Dental Snrgeong, Ontario, D. D. S., of To- I � I I �110 &O P "O Tn. *
,' � D �11, thing is, when ought you to be there ? I in which the two could sit, and which any most -tender, little Louie nestled tearfully to y . ct- M
� roato Univdisity. office, Market Block, Mltch� . - : d OVERSHOES - W et-
1� I onurio. . 1402 don't kno,--.v if we could get the plow rig- of the sturdy little ponies in the stable her side, and Jenny could scarce find voice a . �11- Z go
r- , - WW ged out soon enough. At what o'clock do could draw, and they would have a snow- for a reply. For Ida bad come to purpose a � P O,Q t-1 OQ = n,
k AGNI&W, Dentist, Clinton, Hotel your lessons begin ?" I ride together. - � I plan. IL I bin# light, comfortable. Vxtra thick at ball'and heel. 0 - 0. LZ I �
WM-R- * visit Heneall at Hodgens' 11 At ten ;-but---?' -1 , Ida had laughed and promised. She had The sisters had a low dog -cart, which all . . CD - M =
;. every Monday, and at Zurich the ert
- I . " Ten ? three- drove by turns -Ida was very just . C+ �-1 � IJ P
I � . I n . te We can't get you down by ten." lo6k-ed surprisingly bright and lovely at the . ,,,GRANBY RUBBERS. WEAR LIKE IRON -90 w, FL CD X - I CD- I
I . I secoudThursdaYl O'chmOnthIM
� I . Oh, no,"inchorus. "Oh, no;they moment, and he had experienced a strange about these turns, and resolute that strict . � %N " CD M
. I � I t:1.
',jlt. -day ; sensation while he regarde - fairness -regarding them should be maintain- -IfilnnN - - . - .----- � M 0)
',�rv,i;�,.�. -�,P -,;a,W*AVt;4M69WA98h'JNM a 10 ,
Ir A�- R. KINSMAN, L. D. S.. D. D. S. would never expect us for lessons to d her. Subae -"i- -, , , , !! � �!, a _ &> W
. ate of Toronto University. Dan* but if we could go and just see them, and quently the cobstruction of the snow -plow ed -and she now suggested that the wheels -s-1 1- 14, 10
_U Honor gradu . - - -- - I
tiat, will practice dentistry at his father's rooms in tell them we were coming to -morrow," in- had been mooted in the general circle, and should be taken off this equipage and run- . - - � w 03
Exeter, wid at his room at Mrs. Shafer's restaurant, . e
Inesday. H. Kinsman, L. D. S., sinuated Jenny, who bad obviously thought the promise had been made which had ners stibstituted, so that, with a set of -W
Hensall, every Wet � 4 " . C .
- out the matter. " If Mr. Stafford," turn- haunted the little girl's pillows all throu � I - )--
at Zurich the last Thurdaday of each mouth gh pretty bells attached to the harness, they . OEAD THISIN I C"t
1 1545-13 Adfly jingling about all over the Country. � :� =I'
ing anxiously'to him, " if he would take us their sleeping hours. Their trip bad beev C01 I . . -
- . --- down, and he said he would I; openly and joyous] discussed ; but that The snow -plow,, she said, was all - I I 04 L= D -
&a UIT'i'M A 1. y 11 f 4-11 -c- -V 4- ; . � o t.-4 I - N=f
C& 1) t, I � I
� 0 11 right, I Will) saicL Maaord,prompt- other, that precediDg one, its forerunner vTv UL . my--, WX I autliv V .
--- � I IV. 11 We'll snuare it somehow. When and antecedent -about it Stafford had been woodland paths, but it was hardly the. pro- It ' ,RnAAkq f0P TtSA]f- I .
- !
I I �
I ; ,I
-- - I .. -
1. i,
Fanes1low a COMPI
es, Wood Cook,
vithout.,steel ovens, 104
� I
" - - .full gnatanteed. �
- - Splendid i�lues ii
.'� '- both coal and wood. I
I �
� Complete stock of 2
;11� .P Paints, Oil ala
I" 'Wax , � :
�� .
�� Estimates given fail
, I I
� I
. - Prize$ rigght. :
� ` , .
� -
- * G � �,e us a call befoi.
� .
� �
i �
I ; I
. -
I �-� "S'� I Is, & I
: �
I.- � I
,� I - ,
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-1 C 'n'ter's Old 81'
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I-- ,
I— OnIme Moi
,�V- � �
�?' I '
? �
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I,- Leatherdale
.. :
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- � Lam
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: . -
. � ToJ the front an usual, V94
� -
I . a; found in a firit-cla
� me* .goods in latest desi
1, , .ff
.� -sewl, '' A
I n
4� -<�
I �
I -
We sell the NEW 1
. tho market. No tray
,,se�l 8�b a small advance ,
� r Q
� . We �Seu w0oa cheap f,
Ai�jenva wood. A
I � I
'� -Cr.W:DM3:RTX
. In the Undertaking
-our goods from the best
-and guarantee satisfaccl
I -
mlent of our work. W4
it &,,point to furalsh ohi
I I I .
.qu�siten for funerals. -F.,
I Arterial and cavity i
I �
- Adientific pyinoipleff. I
� � .
� Picture I
� i , I
, We aso o . cture A
.- ikinds of moul ing-po 0
, �'W
. �
I a�v e have been insti
, � ont a great 1 reductioi
Furniture and Underb
- ,
L - appreciate this , vihs4q
� -
I L Irom us. I
� -
P. S. Night, and. S.
attended t6' at W 1
- . the v
I 4ence, direintlyin �
I . Bank. . I 4
. - -j
i Land I
� I
1 7 .
� OR
I . - - .
. .
Dr. John McGinnis, do you want to go? Morning or after- dumb. Was innocent Idato blame if such per -sort of' vehicle to be seen in outside I - - .1 .
noon ?" 1. . �' `��`,4 �!!V\UHANV
- silence was inexpreesibly dear to her heart ? their'own grounds, and certainly not -in the I . ,, t ..- I IF— .
ROD. Graduate Lond8n Western UnIveralty, member ?I She had stepped dowu-stairs in the rr -little town four miles off. She would have 1 C4 _ ". . 0�1 , I -1
of Ontario College ot physicians and Surgeons. " Ies no use pubting off shooting till the .orn- ' tri 'k
I I . a proper sleigh, and they could all go in i . -- - -- �� H �,
Oface and Reeidcnce-Ford4rl� occupied by Mr. wm. afternoon " interposed Tom. ing,sunehine, with all its rays reflected on t- lHow Mr. Alex. Ross, of Bruce� k - i
e Catholic � Chu I- �They could go in -it to oburch-on'Sundays. R I I I �
. Pickard, Victoria ,street, next to th rch " Look here . shall we sboot now, and her -countenance. This was' her day�tbe I FCC - .
AWNight calls attended promptly. 145SX12 snow -ride after lunahcon ?" sug ested Maur- day she had predicted- It would be si�ch fun. Ib would be the only ' . field, made over,$.50 out Aesff - � I
--.- � og �-he day for which sleigh iut the neighborhood. I . � . INIM)A( -- - - - 1�
- M. D. 0. M., ice. And thus it, was arranged. i6e had somehow bai�gaihed. It would be 0 - I ot 50 Cents. I (6N T.HE STCLAIR RIVER) . Oar direct connections will rjft�x you - �
to Dr. Bob, the under-gardene.r, undertook the �the last of freedom, and �f that delightful, Before the speaker had finished, her audi I - � .. I � �
Bruoc- making of the plow. R -%vodld be rough, easy sociability into which the little party tors were all eagerness, all excitement. How - time and money forall ly)ints.
R:������ . I ,*5AM1A,0N,TAR10. .
I I but strong, and Warranted to car . Here is his own story : Fifty-three Students'now in attendance. -
eld,Oritario. ,ry three had drifted, and which she would gladly soon could the wheels be taken off ? How �
---- . soon could the bells be sent, for ? She had i �-
E. COOPER, 3L D., M. B., It. F. P. and S. people along the smooth winding, of the have had go on -and on. ' Canadian North W ,last .
. I �
- D True, she had herself drawn up the list to sit down to her desk to pen a couple of I : Thorough courses in. Business and Short. -
-LIIV. Glasgow, &c,, rhyalolan, Surgeon and Ac avenue, whieh extend -ed almost to the vic.ir- i D I ar S- ir : I fed FEAR'S CON DI- hand. Via Toronto or - 0'hitmg
I .. coueher, Courstanoe, Ont. 5 1127 age ,.Ie, Taffi would make no objections of the future occupants. ot the gueit chamb- notes stra,ight away. I � � .u.
. .. to g' win And after all, it was really very nice going ,MON POWDERS to my horses for Book- keeping by actual Business system. British Columbia and Calffornia
dra g it ; Bob would answer for Taffy. ers ; and it never for a moment occurred to I .
A LEX. B2THU,-&N, M. D., Follow of the Royal her to hope that anything might happen to off in the snow -plough with Bob -, Individual instruction. I pomts -
_ He would bring it round after luncheon, be- * Ut three wcehs, and it piled the 'dents may enter at any time. Our rates are the lowe,s,,. Wl(, have them - '
1 -IL College 'of Phyalolsus and Surgeom, KingEOon . interfere with the carrying out of the new O'clock, for he could ziot be rea,dy sooner, � abo ' Stu �,
3=cesaor te, Dr. Maoldd. OMoe lately ounupied tween t,Wb and three o'clock. � : bo suit everybody and PTTT-,I--M AN TOUR- �
07 Dr- MaWid, Mal -,k Street, Seaforth. Reeidenca , � programme ; but she sighed as she said to Bob came round ; and so proud was he of !flesh on at I such a rate., that thc-y -Write for particulars, IST CARS for your aoco-moi-Itht ion. Call- �
-Corner of Victor% Squu?, in house lately occupied " I really see no need why you should be herself, 11 Our last day !" and it needed all his handicraft, and so tempting I
m. turn- ppear, that not llx b pe over $50 more when sold A. S., Nimmo. for further infdrmatiou I
by L. E. Dancey. 1127 . pressed into the service though," To funny little vehicle a' a word � rougbt Y . . I P.
ed to his friend, the matter being conclud- the enchanting prospect which that day held - ----- runk Railway. � I -1
� I
ed. " If Bob makes the cart --or. whatever out to chase away pensive regrets. Now, for was said about Jenny's not going, but the than they would bave if I had Dot used - McLEOD's . Grand T . � ;
DR. Fe J. BURRO we are to call it-hewill prob,%bly be able to the first time, I she began to wonder if it two little girls, screaming with delight, took it. , It was money in 1py pocket that Trains leave Seaforth sue Clinton 4ations sa� � � . I
Late resident Physidan and. Surgeon, Toronto Gen- drive A better than either of us could ; and could have been on her account thatMaurice their places on the narrow seat, and, waving - 11 I follows : . I �
- I
oral Hospital. Honor graduate Trinity Univ Stafford had remained at Duckhill behind their hands back to the watcher on the door- time I can tell you. ALEX. J. Ross, System Renovator , . '.
ei8lty, he is a ver decent fellow, quite fit t . ) � GomG WEST- SIUFORTH. CUNT01T. - ,
memb" of the College of Physicl-ans and Surgoons y o look the rest. The idea was presumptuous; but step, Were driven off without let or hind- PaRsenger ...... : ... 12.47 P u. 1.03 r. x. : - .
of Ontario. Coroner for the County of Huron. after my sisters. I have known him from a Bruceffeld. -AND OTHER- -
OFFICE.�-Same as formerly occupied -vy Dr presumptuous reckonings bave proved to be rance over the smooth surface of the snow - , . Passenizer .... .. .. 10. -1 2 -P� x. 10.27 P. M. � "
aw - boy. Had we not better take something to * . 9.9t) A. A 10.15 A. X. : '!-�.;-
Smith, opposite Public School, Soaforth. Telophone Occasionally true ones. ",Go Very nicely, don't they ?" said a . TESTED - REMEDIES. Mixed Train.. �... .. 6.15 P. K 7.05 P. If � ;
eat in our bags, and make a day of it in the Three pouncis for 50c at I �!
c. ,
. I
Xo� to, fi. B--Nll,,ht calls auswered from office Maurice had given no reason for staying, voice behind Ida. I GOING EAFJT- . ��"t
. woods?" - A specific and antidote far Impure, Weak and Im- ,
. - li8e I and she knew he had been invited else- . How she started ? r A ,Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness", Palpsta. -M 7.40A M � - -�v
- --- - " Just as. you please." Stafford turned ,owriahL passenger .. .. .... 1. fir, .�k,
. � on wplaint, Neu PaRso - - �� A
. I am afraid I startled you," proceede� of ralgia, Lose Tnger...:....:: 1-11 1� YA 2.65 P. X. � '
. 11 Arrancre ib anyhow, where. As for being bored, idle, or at -a - " i -Fear'8 Drug 8tor&, Nth, Mixed r.i.. : .i
DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, indifferently a;way. los,j-he was the busiest person in the place thespeaker. " Tom and I have had great of Memory � Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones . 5 20 P. M 4.36 P� M.. - I �,
, - and I shall be satisfied." ' 0 - . a Jaundice, ki ney and Urinary DIseases, St. Vituel - -
- * -
- . � PHYSICIANS AN,D SURGEONS, . Ila his own way. He sawed and cut up wood morning's sport ; we found both woo(Icock
- I I Per byer a year we have bad the agency for the sale ol - Dance, Female Inegularides and General Debility. . 1-�
-� "But you said you, would take us." in the yard ; he carried it in, assisted by and wild duck, and made havoc among I IN W Hington Grey stid Bruce. I
Goderfoh street, opposite Methodist churob,Seaforth . ,!Ptn. (!!T first order was for a quarter of a, dozee, LABORATORY-Goderich, Ontario. # �
Jennv was too roud to - eall, 1, #- 1-1 � . I .m
r% 11 r 9 � 0
1 J. G. 8007T, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and Louie's feelings were not so,sensitive. "You
raember Ontario College of Physicians and did say you would," whispered she, per.
Surgeons. Coroner for County of Huron. suasively. , �
C. MAcKAY, honor graduate Trinity Univeralty, " J suppose to -morrow wouldn't do as
1. -
. Id modalist Trinity Medical College. Membsr Well, eh ?" suggested, Maurice. He Was a
Follegi of Physicians and Surgeons, butario.
- . 1483 sportsman,- and he rarely had such a chance
- - � of sport as was now offered him.
, . ' Oh, to morrow -or ,any day ; come
away, Louie. It doesn't matter -when w6
. go ; and it doesn't matter who takes us."
- R�ICHARD COMMON. licemed auctioneer for the '
County of , lluron,,sales and bille attended to Jenny seized her sister's hand. " I don't
promptly, chargis In keeping with - times, Seaforth, think much of promises," continued she,
oat -Ado. � 1 1523-12 _ crossing the room ith a lofty step. c4 I
I . W
- never believe in them, especially when they
WFA MICiLoy mr., ade 111 me" " -ishin ; #�'k 4, 1
the . x ou i1L Say 00 when you see the 0 or a mwerve and Fortriour Dollars worth. . - I - .
. - I I
bag. But we h � 3'. Al. MAEOD, Proprietor and ManU Gomo Noaru paslsfmg6r� Mixed. ..
ave bcen walking about TMEMOK 4 . Ethel .......... 9.49 F. M , 1.40 P� m. � -�
pretty nearly 'up to our waists in snow i 19TTE"Mmnk. MAIM11 ..
in I Mal � facturer.. r � . Brussels.. .. .. 10.111 . 2.10 �- :
the delle -it is lying deep down there -so I ". . MM]Ipo - I Sold- by J.,S. RoBERTs, Seafo . rth. Bluevale.-. .. ..' 10,13 4 2.45 � �
. . I � Wingbam...... 10.26 305 I ;
. I
thought I would knock off for to -day, and I , . Made a well 1501-6 ! I . . GomG Sou,rn- pavlf-Dg 1. mixed. . i �.�,
claim the fulfilment of yesterday's piomise." I Man of `19.50 A. 19 , 8.65 A. 11,� � �
- . � 1,
:'They are gone. You are too late." . I luevale .. ............ 7010 .1 917 i-,:-�
Brussels.... ...... .1. TIP 9.45 !�.-,f,
' Too late for them -but, pardon me, not "' Ready for W,fnter ' � �
.. I ,
.. . � Ethel ............... :' ,.T.2s 10.02 ,
too late for you." . , -
" It was not very kind," said Ida, with a IN000 . . . 0 . We now have on hand a large and ----------- *- ---- I 1. -
chokin voice, " to disappoint my poor lit- Tin dRiAs �� . ' . London, Huron and Bruce. - --
. -
9 I complete"line of . . -
tle sisters, when you saw how much it was HIM060 RIEM90y I ' t.
"ODUCE0 =Z A"Wov�x 999 � GOMW NORTH- P,%-.tj er. .7 I :
RmuRoG80days. Cam , � London, depsyt.......... 8 A V, ' 1145 P.Y- - -1. �4
to them." J5 - -9
" I know.. That was what I thought." , I all Nervous Diseases. Valuing Memory Ab Sleighs and Cutters Centralia...... ... ....... 3.18 5.55 � I
Parmis, Sleeplessness, Nightly Emi- . . Exeter .. . ............ .. 930 6.07 `
" But you did not stay.)) ntons,etc�, caused by pad abuseo - ,
94 V� T A;A.4� T 4V 1 1 _ , alves Both of our own make and fro ' the HeDUll ....... � ........... P.4% ' 618 1
Thmi and size shruWwn organs and, quicklY but . ) 13� I
A I J . 15 W 0 I 0M.Y. e u 9, perfect surely rederes ZoO Manftad in old oTr Yount. Kippen ........... * .... .. 9-40 6.2b �
If Huron and PerthI PaAbian shot. RELIEVES IN 30 MINUTES. I best factories in Ontario. If you are I
tueltoneerfoz the Counties 0 brute, but I couldn't give up shooting.' Essilycarried in,restpooket. Pricefl-00aPackam Bruceflold.' - 19.69 ASS 1
*at . ix for *5.00 with a teru"n guarantee to ~@ or :::*�:: 10.15 6.0
- i Agdnt at Hensall for the Maway-Harria Manu- " I say, do you really want me very A MAGICAL LIFg-SAVER. " Oh, of course., Never mind." a - desirous of enjoying the winter, donIt Clinton...,.,:: * � ' � A
, � I .
. I- Iseturing Company. Sales promptly atiendod to, much ?" called &aurice after the retreating " All the morning I have thought, of the Inei o ha *ng1NDAP0. Uyour tt . .not Londesbort .. .... .... .. 1033 7.14 1
� . charges moderate and , satisfactlon guaranteed. I I The most pronounced symptoms of 12 ot i , 8 11 sand it prepaid. fail to get one of our elegant Cutters. Blyth.... -- ...l ......... 10.41 7.28 1
figures. - poor little things -and yo, . Belgrave ...... .... ...... 1066 - 727
Ordeis by mall addressed to Hens:All Post Offlce I or . heart disease are palpitation or fluttering it. IN . DY CO, Pftpm Ma4p, 11L " our Agent& They are cheap in price, yet of the Wingham arrive.,.... .L. 11.10 8.00 ...
I at ble residence, Lot 2. Concession 11, Tuck. There was the sound of a halt, and a of the heart shortness of breath, weak or " It was no matter for me-uot in the, ThIs raild Increase proves It In a remedy that '
. left . Irregular pdse, smothering spells t night, eYO7000 beat material, and ' trimmed ,to per- GOING SCUTH- . phesenger.
� Ith, will reoelvepromptaftention. 12wfd scuffle in the outer chamber. , � a slightest, I hope you did not think of me *I19 tries It speas well of. Yosrs mpuffell i
I . arlyr, - � pains In region of heart. . The brain may , �- . . yo I- Wingham, depart .... .... 6.63 A.m. 3.80 P. X, ,
I I : " I say -stop a ininute," continued the " congested, causing headaches, dizzl- I'Dr a moment." I - 1. V. FEAR, Seeforth. Ont. I fection. I Belgrave ........ .. ..... � , 7.04 8.45 -
. � . OHN H. MoDOUGALL, Licensed Auctioneer for plarsuer, advancing. ness or verflgo. In short, whenever the I (To be Continued.) - . Horse Shoeing and general black- 111)th� ................... 7.16 4.00
!� � I i th,eCounty of Huron. Sales attended In all heart flutters; ac�es or pRlpltateml It Is . *- I 0
� But stop ! Not they ; Nrith Louie alre . Londesboro .......... .... 7.1-14 4.10
1 parts of the Count�v. Terms ressoDable. From Mr. d d1seased, and .If life 19 valued treatment I Property for Sale. smithingaspecialty. Clinton . ............ .... 747 430
,. � I -
-- I- McDougall's long experience as a dealer, In farm. in tears, and Jenny on the verge 9 ;owy must be taken. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the --:-Phineas Leach,wbolooks after the furnace; There are certain of our properties wbi4;,b still re- ., Brucefield ................ $06 4.60 .
. -
-. stock oi all kinds, he Is specialty qualified to judge -hhould bhey ever have looked each ciher in Reart Is the only remedy yet -dlscovered in the Queen's hotel at Carleton, � main unsold. Intending purohase-re MU ndly in- : ..... .. $.1T 4.59 -
r! .
4� �' . of values. and can guarantfe satisfaction, All orders �vhlch will always plve relief In 30 min. i Lewis McDonald
, 1; teft at Tax FjwowToR office, or at his residence, Lot utes, aT:d cure Asolutely.-28. knocked a small bit of skin from h on ' 1 quire. particulars from Thomas Brown, at the . . Hensall . ............ .... 8.24 5.04
� the face again had they now been caught, is k=rkiole i 1. I . I ,
and seen ? Obviously there had been a mo� . while d ' I office of the . � . �!. . ' . fteter ......... �.. .. .... 9.-,-g 6.16 --
Fik�� i5. Huron Road. Tuckerawlth, near Alwa, will be . his work, the other day, and' &tate of T. T. - COLEMAN, Sesforth. SEAFORTH. 8.60 5.25
� -
t�., prompWattended to. Minty and indecision, a wild Fur Bile by I. V. Fear and Lumi oing � . . - . IM I I
1466 - ment of uncer' � . died from lood poi soning. 1480 London, (4rrive)..... ... 0.0 A� X. 9,40
A, - � . . - i -
! . . I
I . . !
. - . �
;Wi�":4*Xo-d�blR-Y'. I (3, �
Iaaur�ed unless loan 11�
9 r-'ruteed, or no 1(i
; =t lacal agents. Al
! write. Enclose Stu=
102 Ohureh 85
� 11
� I =; 1; . W-2
i � �
i 7 '
. I I D!
I Can "t yes�
; .
- . ! � Thafe why
I I II broken Jo ,
. Your body-
can?t throw -
I � - now im,
i the - atoms
1 health 1 AJ
; do it like �
i � I
I 1, . .
I - DR, - CL
IStomach 94w
. �
i It is �4
� *
i dyn . .
; .
I III -At Fesles, -86af6
. Ally. Price .
I . L
i i
I ! British . �
I Will eurne yon
I I Price 250. ,