HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-12-17, Page 84 K -7 w7m 4 7 D -BER 17 -OR TErn H—U_ RON'. EXPOSIT ------------ the new act. No complaints seem to be Clark, -of London Rev. J. W. MoMillan,of overthrow the Government inside of a ful accident in his shoe store. He was tak- cuperating from a severe attack of illness. — e "Wilson' 0ash' Grocery I. TA_Xft� TZOW 3 XVI'lan" ^f Vin nvix month On accoull.. of the annivereary ser- ing some shoes from a ton shelf, and in corn. Our Sabbath Behoole at preparing for so- h al D110,Y Y some clals and Christmas tree entertainments very apparent, In this County we are near- Falls South ; Rev., D. Guthrie, of Wa I er 'vices in conneobion! - with the Presbyterialf Ing down, missed the chair, and fell on To Encobrage Cash Trade. ly $3,000 ahead. -It should be a winning ton, and Rev. H., McPherson, of Acton-. church, next Monday night, the meetip boxes, breaking his arm at the wrist.—Mt. Agd.the children, are anxibubly looking for - I -W of me.—Rev. Mr. WAddell,of _7 his also "been preparing the club will be held on 'Tuesday evemp , Edward Johnston and family, from North ward to the oa card for Premier Hardy at the next election. The church choir ive We'have dedded to give a 5 Oar cent. oah di a- —The regular monthly meeting of the special music, and. will he assisted by Affies when complete arrangements will -be m3e Dakota, are here visiting his father-in-law, the Kippen, Chiselhurst and Hills Green count to all purchases it $1 or over -worth of-gows, Mission, a, and oth6r friends.' 'al- wirices, o Xichobo —Oar. circuits, is holding a a revival aituagarandf-ur alone. Those who pa_vcaxh Women's Forei gn Society of our Grace McFaul. This harpy reunion of all in connection with them ek- parliament. Mr..'G B y- 2000MU PtOMptly Y month, this will'be church. was held on Tuesday'at the residence the former assistants mil give -their friends jubilee brass band are- makiAg great prepara. assistea-by Rev. Mr. Rro%low�,of Toronto, or ra ever 0 - R. Paterson, or., is push- For a Vig advautam to cash ortstomers. We, kave, now of Mrs. Manson. As No year closes with an excellent opiortunity of heiring and kotis for their concert,which will take place evangelist. —Mr. LOCAL BuxEm.—On Fridiy Jut, as Mr. inskekaful0ineortnew PAisins. Currants, Peels, � good staff of I the December meeting the financial report speaking to their favorites, -and will certain- on December 27th. —The Sunday school of ing on the Bell block, with Nuts, etc for the Chvistmu tradec We have a Charles Donnelly, of Hibbert, was tearing 01 1 goodetcekofnew season Tesscholoa Coffee. and Was read. This proved very 'matiefsatory, ly attract a largo crowd. theEvaugelical church is �to have a Christ- workmen. There are three; fine stores on I is I up the floor of an old house which had been d floor.—Mr. GLe4ge Chapman; toikn- A large 4, #^w d^mg . +.tm ^n Cho ruhh onnnoonion Mae festival on Christmas night. A- splen- the groun 018t. mas, ill kla4a of Gracerlej, as any one in showing &-net result of $116, the largest ".nn I and well selcet d stoiek of Crockery, beall Granite amount ever raised by the society. 1he W. F. ht. S.—The annual meetin- f the did programme is -already in preparation, life insurance agenu, wvA in the Tea Seta� from #L.76 up, beat Granite Tolle& Sets, election of officers W 01*- of Hibberb, he came across two watches wb. we , combining business with a visit,., as then proceeded with -Seaforth auxiliary of 'the Women's ;or ich will include a cantata entitled, ek froIn $1. E* up; a rice lot rf new Dinner Bator Of the elgr' which had -been secreted under one bEst quality, a -ad nobblest patterns. Call 'and, see and resulted -as follows: President, Min Missionary Society was held in the Presby- of � the 11 Ruth the Moabite. —A good time is also among his relatives and friends in and near joist of the floor.: One.of the. - watches in thera. The htgbeft-p-las Raid forprcdqce�i Wanted Graham; Vice President, Mrs. Ferguson ; terian church on Monday last. Eneourag- expected at the ChriatmM festival in the Hensall.—Mr. James White was in London goed butter, eogv� pQtatoes a I nd droz-.o-;d fowl. Will silver and the other gold platidd.—Mrs. Dr. Lutheran churob.--Mr. George Witmer, on Saturday list. --the friends of Mr.,,,- VjVeii sl�ason areL Peopl�- selecting pay pod prices, fora, good article. Secretary, Mrs. Shaw; Tresourer,.Mims L. ing reports were read Yv the secretary, the Coarens, of Doddsville, Wisconsin, in visit- el B. Hameston Will regret to learn t6 *efUi " for Christmas gif ts. Gemmoll.—NWs Graham returned on Satur- treasurer, and the president of the Mission while killing a pig for Mr.W.B.Battler, by Samu C. WILSON, Seaforth. ing ber cousin, 'Mr. Ai Cosoxw,Egmondville. no early bit off one of n day from her visit to Toronto. While there Band. Harriest work has been done durial —We have received a lett4ir from. the true. some n1ea the brute n that he in agai ssri6usly M. ­Mr.� Philip litivO before ha-ve we, had as gooda. BI k. his Ciumbs. Sipple is now nearing completion with his 13"k *10"* co. ilhe met with our.former pastor, ReV. Mr. the year, though no progress is reports sj�u__, ?ft V_ - 9 unwillll^ in stolik of thinas th-arouvIll-v useftyl. 4 91 ro drain contract.—Inime Alice Caldwell re, 10 McCoy, who is now residing there. elther in numbeIr of members or 'in amount reference to the difficulty in that meet' n, makt aheeptable an& appropriate holi. vening last from -of contributions. A series of topics was ar Walton. turned home on Fridy F -ANT Suits and Overcoats in great but, as we have,'already where she HAVE UtLys for Christmas presents. r led for 1898, which will help -to make given ample to Goderich, d been visiting.— day gifig, a we "Bhow to4ay. Jes number and variety. explain the position to the public, We o GENTLEmzN's fancy carpet slippers for 00 of Alba 1566'1 "1 60 cents p Mr. Kenneth M arthur, Craig. Stock 6- ate proud of, and one that Not Wee, the meetings more interesting and 'I?r'ofi'- not care to ing a few PicruRE BOOK.,; FOR CHILDREN.—The continue the controversy, as it -er overshoes, all 10 and 15 beat ablm 'Several changes were discussed in� the ll was in the village this week spend kinds for lad es, gentlemen,- uselul WAI lirdfit 'holiday 4hoppers to see be - Prices ploy an Imporitaot pmt in our Clothing Do prettiest books for Christmas at 5, A only tends to engender bad blood in the girls and boys; �each it Lumaden & WlJwn'.o, floaforth. 1560-1 management ofAhe auxiliary, all tending to and apigopristo qhristmai prosonta ; largest soloo- ftys with his brother.—Rev. Mr. Sawyer, of partmeaL braver befor� have We offered such In- neighborhood. Drop it, g fore biilbcting their -Christmas, gifts. entlenidn ; drop &ion is be found at the choap�o"h ehoa store. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.—If you want the increase the usefulness of the society and t. Westminster, delivered a very interesting ducements in the way of values and etylm Nothing following gOO4 got them at bot i —On Friday evening, about nine o'clock, w. ff. wiLi. and instructive aidreas on missions, under A idW suggeetions of Dry G0048, -&U( you can tom prices extend its in0illenees. The election of offi- as re b0* but up4o-datt.. rellable goods kept in this deput people were call9d oui-into the rain by the ELi m -ox OF Orriesus.—At the I t gu. Biesall'o Carp -A Swat pen, Vises lamps, followw: President, Mrs the auspices of the Women's. Foreign Mis. givelib Hockey A.d core resulted �ao hooting of the fire alarm, but it was for. lar meeting of Walton Loyal Orange lodge, ejected tX1 giv went. Ourlargeand steadytiad.e,is the best evi- Spring Skates, Cuvoro, Silver plated knives and -presidents, Mrs. Kirkman sionary Society of Carmel church, on Wed- WAs to be euce of pleased castomers. forU Solendid assortment of cutlery, Aluminum E. McFaul ; vice tunately only a false alarm, caused by the No. 252, the following officeril were elected nesday evening last. He was listened to it goods. hubs & AluaDia, Hardware, etc. 15w-1 Mrs. A. D. McDonald, Mrs. Dickson; re. Fa iidkerchieU for i children, Mother crosairig of 'the wires. On Saturday after- for the ensuing year: W.M., John Oakley; with much interest, and the attendance was Goose Little Red Ridig Hood�r 'it Cir. the X=Prigo corres. hi a house on John D. M., Duncan Johnston ; -chaplain, Mat.. ruing c imne on WM. PiLickard & Oo WOOD WANTED.—The Seaforth Electric cording secretary, Mrs. J. 0. Rose' noon, a bu left 1 a, t, ding secretary, Mrs. J. G. Wilson very good.—Mr. W. J. Clark, of the firm -of oulil and other desigas, 5o, or six for 295c Light Company is prepared to contract for a few pOn street, in the rear of 9b. Thomas' church, thew Mo rnison ; recording secretary, Charles in- town impon W1 huadred oords of wood. Apply to A. H. IXGRAN. leaflet secretary, Mrs. A. Scott'; treasurer, Brown & Clark, carriage --makers, is adding Plain town or colored bordered hematite BEAFGRTH. -was the cause of the brigade being called Case ; financial secretar, W. M.- Smith ; greatly the appearance and comfort of the ed, 510. di manager. Mrs. D. A Wilson ; president of. mission d X for 250., "406 jars. Z. cut, but their services were not required.— treasurer, George Hamilton ; lecturers an dwelling he purchased in the summer from 'Speclat iiiie 'of fancy lawu embroidera' T__ to be ad' CHRISTMAS AmruALs.-­�Boys' and Girls band, Miss T. Wilson. It is ho d that wtl* fo=d re -has gone to St. directors of ceremonies, J. W. Morrison, J. fiont Mr. Benjamin Ma kins Dwn, Lo Mr -.'Thomas Welsh, by the addition of a Ift the Jul �don News, Graphlo, 131ack and,7White, during the coming year many ladies ho, M Ladles! PletcriM.'Chatterbox, etc., et3,, at Lumoden arys, where he has secured a good situa. Hamilton and H. Hamilton ; tyler, W. M; neat AND Wilsons, Seaforth. 1566-1 have. not joined the auxiliary will do so, tion in a steam laundry.—Our good sleigh. kite4en.—The Oldfellows lodge of Vine I wili hematitched nd drawn work.-, e4t was the wonder thl and thus be able more efficiently to help Gray ; lot committee, E. Driscol ; 2hd com- H 11 inues to increase rapidly in two for �5e._ in VZOLLN CoweEP.T.—The Violin class under iDg Of last week has all disappeared, and mittee, John Beniri$; 3rd committee,Thomas er'" a 'had b menibil/0-b!%ell as in financial strength. Dozens Ot hew and dainty paIterns In, auko Tdo�,al Bennoch will give an edlortalument in the Y. M. INSURANCE now the roads are muddy, and- the weather Oakley-; 4th committee,' W. Denison ; 5th the society in its work for the women and Flfflij O.'A. Room#, on FtIday Zienlug, �Dccember 17th. children of heathen Ian -do. The oth4r orders, we also understand, are' fancy enibroldered and lace edge, 20c vX4 Ci4y rec"Itts. 0 The programme will be varied by come choice vocal a disagreeable. The.snow will have t got a committee, A,, Oakley. This lodge meets in a floutishing state.—Mrs. (Dr.) Agne'w,of 25d. da, 8 elsp"d, JLui and literary numbers 'Admiseloh," adults 15c; move on if we are going to have anything the Friday night on oref6re a full moon. I AGE, NC Y, Domo.N D&4.0 HORSE ASSOCIATION. Clinton, Vas last week the guest of Mrs. J. 'Puts Abeit hematit3hed—J, I and 11 inch Trbff to the llosi� children 10o. Very particular palus have Iken taken bat a green Christmas. The change has A cordial invitation is extended to visiting Sutherlsn -the members for 0. had detrimental edot on business. btethren. - lectures a be delivered in Carmel Presby- Puke silk � hematitched, with initial , we by the teacher In the preparation of —The eleventh annual meeting of this so . V.—The second �of the course of hems -20o Zoaud 30a. W. -SomerVille, Age.nt. this entertainment, and thdoe who may encourage ciety was held in Clinton on Wednesday of Things don't -seem the same if we have no Ir* the clan by attending that evening, will be delighted terian church during the winter mouthe.will better qtialiiies 50c and 75c. tuur (Successor to A. Strong & Bro.) with the progress it hai made. 15652 laat week, with a good attendance and a aleighing for Chriatmas.-*Mr. Grieve, Bayffeld. j,Well, gjrlst I bope lively interest in the continuance of the or- merchant tailor, of Exeter, was callin on be given on Monday evening,December2Otb, F lie I isilk 60c, 75c and $1. Telegraph an4i Express Buildihg- FOR somethm*g nice in Cutlery, Carving WAFmGs.—Mr. Robert Blair, of Bay by Rev. Mr.Hamilton, of Niotherwell.—Mr. 2ritionleh's. zgx! d ganization. The annual reports show no relatives and friends in, this vioiniby on a . pare linen, plain or hera.- 1; to my Sets, Lanips, etc., for Christmas gifts, go to S. Kul, O- Mille, Michigan, is home for a few. weeks' R, Bell, jr., the proprietor of the Hensall stitched-�-Wc and 30e, and acliul*wledA parti LITT & 00-. $eafarth. 166&1 cular revival in the work of reotration day and Tuesday last.—Mr. -R. C. Chem - A POPULAR� INSTITUTION vi8it.—Mr, CHnisTmAs PRESENT.%. —Make it a point bar, the excellent financial condition of the wri4lit has rented, Mr.,Charles Barteliffe's Wilson Eaglesod arrived home machine sho , shipped last Week to Mr. Fine damask towels, 20e and 25c, in -the Sr= to give your fr:endB something useful. Shoes, for society, which has marked it from the co this week -from North Dak ta.—The annual Stewarb, pf Tucknow, a new and improved Fine tea and ceiaLtre pieces, 10c to�75a. brick residence on Joh'r( street. Mr. Bart, 0 ou, - Inuance, Are always a necessity, and, on that ae- mencemenb, continues, the balance in the Christmas entertainment under the auspices engine for. the running of the electric Tray ot si plain linen or damask, 24 I-Judsbd, 11 W" cliffe intends moving on to his farm, near chool, is to be light system in that town. This engine 3, Jappre count, are much more appreciated. The proper bank, with no liabilities, being near] y Bruasele.—We would again draw the atten- of the Methodist Sabbath t place to got them, and -a place that Is becomingbet- $1,100. The election of officers resulted in held in the town hall On-. Thursday evening is very highly spoken of, and has Sidebn�A Scarfs, 50o to ULM. you OL ter known every day, to thb cheap cash Shoe store. tion -of 'the public to the entertainment to ining rogram mask table cloths, with or 4ark sxd� 'how little I W. H. WILLIS, Opposite EXPOSITOR Offtle. 16wi the re-election of the old staff, with D. M.. be given in the Y. M. C. roo B, th' be provided.—The annual Jbristmas enter- chinist thought 7*1 nixt. A most enterta' me will been much admired' by all , the ma- STRATFORD, ONTARIO. A' in o s ivho have seen it, - and will no kials to hiliteh $2 to S& k�j�v-ef and I D-A-Ly's Jewelry Stote will be opened un. Cole, of Lakeside, added to the council to (Friday) evenin b the violin class, under 4ttle glimapse �of Society! Offers unexcelled &6antagqs in all departments , fill a vacancy. The sectetary was i tainment under thq ansplogs of Trinity doubt give excellent satisfaction to the - NapkiiAs per dozen, $1 to $5. ' tU balf-past nine &very night until New Year*s. 1660-1 re in- the tuition of Wile's �ennooh. An excellent *ix male teachers; gra�uatea eminently successful , structed to forward a report of the society - church Sabbath school, is to be hel& on urohaser. Mr. Bell, among other orders, iiXo doubt of it, X board �cheap; moilerliter rates.: the best business, ALL wrongs made right. Let us know programme has been prepared, and the Winter ta U' Tuesday evening, December 28tb. tas received three for complete saw mill collige in western ontIatle. Circulars free. our mis ke,'and we shall see to its correction. 'for printidg in the annual report of the Live pills have been practicing hard to peJect �OVMS.—The Atala spoke up, term, 9011fty. allb Leatherdale & Lradsboyough. Seaforth. I themselves for this event. --C. A. Humber & outf of -are from places as far winter, gtovep.pique sown, heavy embrolderl. likeff Ary 3rd, 1898. 6604 Stock Breeder's Association, and Alexander its, two which P 14gWdome fasteners; t to have 901 distant as British Columbia and near Ott%. ed, two ans and OX0 W. . EILLIOTT, Principal 4444-52 BARGAINS IN LAmps AND LANYP GOODS.— Innis and James Henderson were appointed Son, of Goderich, have purohased.the Mer- Ttickersmith. ods, it. snolls t . wa. That Hensall Industries have more blo *t STMAS NEsENTs.—We have so man fame goes with- Perrid"A i. ob, that need no We h%ve the finest stock cf the alwve goods 1, tile delegat6s to the meeting of the Canadian cer jewelry stock, and are opening out in CHRI tou on," four dome fasteners county. Library lamps, fonts, banquet lamps, bum- Horse Breeders' Association, while Messrs. y than a local or neighborin rb the Whitney block, in the store recently cc. new things in sh6eo,, et, that here It Is impjosible returned t era, va.,e lamps, glaases, student lamps, shades, X01- Blackall and Henderson are delegates to the for us to mention everythinF, and in %king your or four boos, tans and black, $11. out saying, and is, evidenced by these or - lie Bly lamps, NukNeg lampi, gl-ibes, cupied by Mr. flarrygSpeare.—Mr. John is t riety. All of the Above are new fresh la great va- Westem Fair Board. $Z were appropria selections for Christmas, don 6 go past thlis store for ders as well as very many more.—Misa PerriA - Butange," 5 or 7 book lacing idrA mport%tions, Hannah, sonof the late Samuel Hannah, of shoes or anything we handle. You can't - flad a bi and we% fil give the purchaser rare b-Argaine on an ed for two special prizes of tI5 and $10 at Luie- Thomson has returned' home from gloveo—greehs� browns, blarcksi $1.25. you Griswold, Manitoba, is visiting relatives in variety than at the cheap cash shoe store. W.W. lines ti I -after the holidays. Come, examine and find the Western Nair for mares registered in town.—Mr. and Mrs, Nay, of Ninga,South. Cilas, -opposite ExposiToR Office. London, where she had been spending a that YoUt )mow MRS. that we nimn what 'we say. REID & WiLsoff, Sea- slud this Society Stud Book. A- committee was week with frieiads.—Mr. John Pope, who JAP.&NESE BILK GOODS.— fortb. 16661 ernManitobaareat present in town,tbe -A PLEASAITT GATHEFtING.—A pleasant hlautlea,0' lano drapes, $1.75 to,9M t but t, appointed to have the recordi of the society, carried on a merchant tailoring business P WHAT are you going to do Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.,S. Welsb.�_Mu. event took place on Tuesday, the 14th, at Table 6overs, 75c to $2,.50, ]"With your get -to, Willen 96 which are now of large proportions, insured - - here for a number of years and who a few A. Q. F. --At the ;neeting on Monday Day ? Well, that is hird to say,- but one thing, if nimpal politics are sofarveryquiet, butals -the home of Mr. James Gemmell, sts &ud evening, Decembek 6th, of court Sherwood therd is no' eleighing, I am goirg to Re t loss by fire. The soeiety is M' nomination day comes nearer, we may 4i- goodly number of guests, from Hensall, months ago engaged in business in Dai;h- gn ihoug'ht and econ wood, moved his family there this week. VU01s thi Forest, No. 6,065,' Ancient Order of Fores- Photo- Studio, fur I am sure to be welcome. No bably one of the most careful OmV pect to see some candidates in the fiefA for Brueefield, Clinton and Kirkton assembled to matter what kind of weather, bis Studio will be open Mr. Pope and family were good citizens here fliled it YOU ZU �Q&v ters, the following members were elected . all day Obirlstmas. 1666.1 eally managed of its class in the country, aldermanio honors. We believe our pres­ to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the a and -MV fill 6ffice for the next term : W. D. Hoag, and the directors point out that'even under ent deputy -reeve, Mr. W. Smith, will again marriage of our most 'worthy cotincillor. A and will be missed from the village. We Hodgens Brost, tore in J. P. C. R. ; Jordan Elliott-, C. R. ; James JusT opened up a new Jewelery S present dull conditions its existence can be wish them all success in Daahwood.—The in the Arm, the Whitney Block, seaforth, with a full and cam be a oandidaU for that office. most enjoyable time y with its present t# —The second was spent by all, the Saerament of the Lord's Supper will be dis- DtXFCT IMPORTERS, Young, S. C., R. �� P. Daey, treasurer, re, plete stock. C. A. HuMBER of the series'of Ie*ctures will be given in St. evening closing in all too soon, and. being would �Csly haTs to elected ; John Fi,hch, secre,tary, - re-eleeted ; CRoKiNoLE Boards for 75 cents, and a revenue. Thomas' churcE - school room on Tuesday intensely dark, the guests delayed their de- ensed in Carmel Presbyterian . church on WJ* tkeft WrAPS, Md Charles Smith, S. W. D. Stewart J. W. ; great variety of other games at Lumaden & Wilsorls. evening, December 21�t, by Rev. W. F. parture, passing the time pleasantly with Nabbath first at the morning service, a pre- OUNTON. to 00J* sood v James. W6ctht, f�. B F. Harris, B. This WELL Do-xr,.—Old Huron has scored a Mille, of Hensall, on "Life among the music, story, repartee and debate far into parator3� service will be held in the church, gow" court has a strong membership and we can CALL at Daly's and examine his Stock be. big victory at the Provincial Fat Stock Blackfeet." Mr. Mills spent five years; in the tree sma? houis. After voting Mr. Gem- this (Friday) afternoon.—Missionary ser- SM -41 mons were preached in the Methodist last three weeks only, since "at safely sayunder the administration of the I fore purchasing elsewhere. Special bugains for Show, held at Brantford last week. In the Northwest as a missionary among that mell a jolly good fellow, and wishing he and which time big. -of W riell 6 k 0 officers elected, there will be a good time UN -1 Shorthorns, the animals of Messrs. H*. & W. bis amiable wife many happy returns of the church, here on Sabbath morning and even- f' d h' 6 had very little hope a re - warlike tribe, and his experience is vOr ,Ur, - that 3ft& Z --'t 00" y covery. Morrow was engaged in the.' -for court Sherw�od Forest. AFTER one year's business in 8eaforth,and Smith, of Hay, ear Exeter, made a bi g ro- day, they wended �- their homeward, 1Dg last, Rev. Mr. Salter,'of Centralia, oc. interesting. All are invited. —Miss Grace way s. pwe& cupying the pulpit in the morning, and grocery business for some time in Listowel f rem the great amount of business done, our con. cord. The Messrs. Smith sere awarded 18t McFaul sang in Mitchell on Monday even- well pleased with their outing. TbA. Weilkl usion Is that we have won the qmpathy and con. for steer two years and under three ; lot of IvfAin street Methodist an 'MISSIONARY $=vxcEs.—The Re�. D Me. fidence of the people, and our constant a ing, at, the opening of the new pisco 0— Rev. M r. Smith d was ior & number of years, at different 'm will he to for steer one year and under two, and 2nd church, E-aeter, in the evening, The attend. times, assessor of the town. He came tot Gillivray, B. .4., of Ronan, China, h" hold that confidence. Leatherdale &; landaborough, eburoh.—Miss Leslie) of Clinton'. i visiting Blpke. Uot OOM to y her sis Mr. James Watson. --The many ad made arrangem to visit the Presbyter Saaforth. for steer and�r one year ; also the cham ance was very good and the sermons highly that towli from the township of Wallace llv�aa Inwt her of Huron duri4 the month of anuary prize for the beat animal shovin in the ENTERTAINMENT. —The entertainment. to spoken of.—Mr. James Gilchriab was -in where he had farmed for a number of yeaw THE sale of seats for the Beavers big an- piou friendstr, Mrs. William Merry (nee Miss be held in the sebool house on the eveni nekt. He will eet with the congregations nual concert will be open at Fear's drug store, on cattle department. THE EXPOSITOR extends 09 -Goderich this week on business. —School prev imd *h according to tl e following plan: Thames Christmas Day, at 10:30 a in. No seats will be sold Gussie Vercoe) formerly of Sedorth, will be of the 20tb promises to be the event of the and council matters for the iNieslyin'UnIcipa deit Of M itchell atha no IMP its most hearty congratulations to Mr. Henry incoming year to any person before that time. sorry to hear of Mr. Merry's death, which season. The commit'tee have secured the are engaging the attention of, ou end of thio yvat will be M,300, bearing in.; Road and Kirkt D, January 2nd; Hensall, 1666 Smith, the owner of the champion steer- took place- in Rosslaud, British Columbia. serviceg of the Zurich strin band, led by ers and will be the all absorbing topic until terest tit 4 pe cent.j ingtOU January- 3rd; Chiselhurst, January 4th ; C-umDREN's Moccasins from 20 cents up ; With regard to this great victory the Tor, Mr. Merry was engaged in mining, and was Mr. Dail. Bennett, late of t Kip -pen, Jauuar� Sth ; Hills Green, Jan- Kn.ee leggings for girls for 76 oentd ; Ladies' felt onto Mail in its report says Shortly be- �e Buffalo 65th the day of eloction. —Mr� James Beverly, R, Barl6y, of Mitchell, has dia- slippers irant 25 cents per pair up. These are now suffocated while trying to save a friend in battalion band. This will be -a treat in it. one of our I of hi's groery businesso Mr. Charles MAKING PLI Jan- : , -I early citizens I and well known POse( uary 6th; Bayfi�ld Road and Blak Cbriat uns goods at the cheap caeb shoe store. W. H. fore'six o'clock the cattle j adging W" coin the mine. Mr. and Mrs. Merry had only self; Mips Williams will also be present to business men, has leased the east or corner K. Weavok, �f hlora. uary, 7th ; Bayflold and Bethany, January :'WILLIS. pleted, and the aimouncement of the s*eeP- been married a little over two weeks der a number of selections. Her worth 'shop of Mr. Petty's new brick block, near —The rb-01)eiiing of Trinity church, Mit- As 9th; 1egInondville, January 10th; Duffs BiBLEs.—New assorbment, with Presby- stakes judging given. The muoh� coveted Mr. Merry's death occurred.—The fame of as- an elocationist is well known and req uires Ski* AM I church, McKillopanuary 11th ; Winthrop, tefian Book of Praise, bound together, just rece'ved first sweepstake was taken by Bru 'the post office, and intends carrying took pfacb last Sundayj 'when Bishop - c", a Colem . an' . s salt is' -.wide. The Messrs. Cole- no comment. Another interesting feature -furniture store, and to that end is* n*ow Baldwin �phdu3ted the special services. -to -A pl&+A JanuAry 12Lh; Ulinton, January 1-3th; at Lumaden & Wilsonts. 156611 2 -year-old Shorthorn steer, the property of man are in receipt of a communication from of the programme, will be the debate on the Opening Up a fine new stock.—The 6 �h4 ay, while carrying Va H. & W. Smith, of Hay, county of Huron. treet —The _ jlbtb*g- ry 14th ; Diu?s, Selifortb, is the place for your Mr. Ander"n, special commareial ag subject, " Resolved that the mutual c!apsoi- water, Mr�, 8amuel Gerry, of Mitchell, sllp-� Londersboro and; Hallett, Janusz Godericb, Xtiox'j church, January 16th ; Christntrs Groceries. 15664 The second place was taken by Look -Me- the Dominion to Japan, asking of ties of the crossings at the post office corner, which Over, a 2 -year-old grade steer, the property sexes are equal." A number Of are the moaf ased in the village, are now in - ed and fell$ breaking the bones in one of for Women's _Fboreigri Mission Presbyterial, God- NEW Rubbers, new.14dies' carpet slippers, songs, dialogues, recitations, etc., have also er arms. tions on their table salt to, be . delive7eudo ag�LZ Ute glaft Vsed In erieh, Jauuar�'igth; Smiths Hill and Man- flnnel Bned, eewed, 25 cents; new ladi of J. Freid A Son, of Roseville, Ontario. the worst condition of any, and claim the �SUL 44Tho'no es' kid ox Yokohama, Japan.—The -entertainment ad- been. prepared. All who wish to enjoy a attention of the council or pathmaster of —George doult-ei, of North Dakota, is cheter, Jani4ary 19th; Mitchell, January blood house slippers, 60 cents ; new ladies' over. The American 2 -year-old steer Jock, which vertised to be held in i6flool Noe!10, Tnck� pleasant.eveniing should not fail to attend. that division.—Mr. J, R. Habkirk will isiting ia 34aftnony, after an absence Off' 20th. Exeter, Blyth, Brucefie& and Se- gaiters from 25 cents per pair up. These are nev� took first place in the Hereford class, took ersmith, this .(Friday) night, has' been in-- I Christmas goods at the cheap cash shoe stor,?. W. H. third place in the sweepstakes., The .. —01 soon have the addition to his dwelling corn- nine years4 He is doing %vell in his westerix, f1ke VLOA i1aporw forth have be.en, already visited.. WILLIS. Cana- definitely pogtponed.—The W. Q T. U. than bre4ders are very jubilant over these wishes -to ack6wledg a further contribu- Wroxeter. pleted, which.makes his house a very roomy home. FRom mow until Now Year's you can get is WEDI)DMc., 'The marriage of Miss Effie J. deicisions, as it practically means an inter- one. —Our new curling club are nowanxioue —Francis iAorris, of Fullarton, nd his- dtzwh Ubte special discounts for cash at DALY'S. 15661 - tion of $2 from a friend for the fire suffer. NOTES. —Mr. James Allqn is home for the Tyreman, yc4ngest daughter of Mr.Andrew national victory in addition to the triumph for ice to practice op, so that hey will be daughter, Maty Ann, h to spend Do yoi� want the highest price for yor ers of Russell county.—Mr. W. Campbell, �olidays from Toronto, where he is attend- t a the winter in California with the witis And fm Tyreman, to Mr. James E. Fairservice, Hul- poultry,-butt,3r and eggs !, if so call at DILL% Sea- for. Shorthorn class. The American steer son of Dr. Campbell, of Brooklyn, N.. Y.. iDg the 'scho6 - I of Pharmacy.—Rev. M�. in shape to receive and give eballenge formere's like hes*r awpo lett, took ph -ice at six o'clock on Monday forth, dealer in Staple Dty Goods and Groceries. Jock - was regarded as a very formidable and formerly of this town, is spending a Whitley, of St-Helons,'and Rev. M.- Ander- The friends of iss Alary Hagan will regret brother. of the, tablO 10 evening, at the residence of the bride's U66-1 rival. Bruce, the winning steer, is out of few days with friends in town.—Mr. James son, of this place, exchanged pulpits last sto' )earn that Ehe has been confined to her --The many friends of Dr. Thompson, -of rouffs ania new ell odist church people ro in this week through illness, but wi father, on Sparling street, Seaforth. Rev. �LAiDLAVs is the place to get the stock from the faym of Mr.John Dryden, Purcell travelling agent for the Michigan Sabbath.—The M�i Kirkton, whd wsut to Denver., Colorado, dismsterd the 91 S. 'Bond performed the marriage ceremony groceries, figs, rovaind, currents, peels, his dam, Bonnie Brae. being out of the well- Catholib, a paper published in Detroit, is at will hold' a tei, meeting here -about New' -hope to- very soon see her enjoying her so- for his health, will learn with pleasure that gricots, peaches, dates, candies, lemona, orang 8, known Dryden stock, Queen of Beauty, Years. —GibsonT & Barnard shipped a car in* t icustomed health again. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. he is improving. pru he presence of over sixty gqgsts. The '100 1 — I b scuit, maccarons, short bread, fine cheese. J. b. presenbon a visit to'his family inEgmond- bride was dressed in cream silk, trimmed family." Thomas Russell k Son, also of of oatmeal on Tuesday last.—The saw 'McCloy were guests at. Mr. James Gem- —Mr. A. Harlburt, OPM-itchell, returns& LAIDLAN., Se$6forth. ville. —Mr. Samuel and Miss Maggie Little mill Usborne, captured second prize for pait of MeIrs, Tuckeramitb, Mrs. . m eCloy,s home lost �veek tr 'with lace and ribbon and was attended by WANTED.—A few cattle to tramp traw. arrived home from McGregor, Manitoba, on here is undergoing reFairs and will -be in om his eastern iri, in ther, it Is Miss Fainervice, -sister ot the groom, ho export cattle. brother, on Tuesday afternoon intsrests of th6 Burritt & Company hosiery shape for custom, sawing when the snow fli and A11A Goodstabling. JouNh[0EwFV,Bfucefi0ld. 1566x2 9aturday last. They speak in glowing es wilt was also dressed in cream. The groom was the couutry,'�nd ap. again.—A. S. Robinson, Goderieli Model evening last, the 'occasion being the factory, TEAS and Coffees the, best at J. C. LAID- terms of that part of tM - attended Vy Mr. D. Hutchison, of Staffa. LAw's, seaforth. 1560-1 Cou-,wm Doiwas.—A statutory meeting pear to be well pleased with theirl hoine in l, is home for the holidays. �Nlis tenth anniversary of Mr. Gernmells -r-Mr. _4ariayj of Glenallan, is suffering- ed.on . 'I from the ellect of a f I re iAed t I , t*,*. wee wedding.—Miss Mary Lowe, of-Hurondale, 0 al ce . , a E inira- When the wedding ceremony was over, the CHRISTMAS grietings -to our numerous of the town council -we - is held on Wednesday the west.—Mr. David Moore, of Egmond- Ma . ggie Miller and , Mr. JohnR. Gibson were pent a few days last week at the home of by' his team being frightened by the 'train guests spent a social; time in the supper custowere,from the high gr&de Furniture Emporium. evening for the purp assisting at a cc ose of considering the ville, informs us that on Wednesday night, neert in Powell's school after which _'th Leatherdale & Landaborough, Seaforth. Mr. Robert D. Bell, the guest of Miss while he was loading goods at the station. room, vas pleals. 1 66-1 financial b*W VtOafd e-. evening atatement of the year. A by-law he heard the croaking of a number of frogs.. house, Friday night. Josie Ford. —Uvi M1116o of 14 Roy., formerly Of pmtly a -pent in games and other amusements. CRocy--Ry.—A. YouRg is openWg out a a ointing the polling places for the manici- What thi f Mr. Moore is not Kirkton, 8 18 a sip 0 The many friends of the bride and groom cask of Dinner Sets, direct importation, which laur. Par election was passed. They will be at, prepared to say, b�t it is the first time iu Cromarty. has oboured a situation as tole. by 3-2911 'passes anything we have ever offered for style and graph operatot, with the ChicagoMilwaukee abowed,in that usual custom, the giving of . f his fifty years`� residence-- in' ihis country that MxTERTAINUKNT.—On the evening of Leadbury. the same places as for erly. The matter of cheapness ; also a cask of Fancy China, sometbiDg presents, the eateem in which each is hold. the disposing of the an & St. Pini Radway at that place. quite now.' 1668-1 rplus funds from the. he has heard them*in the fall.—The trial of NEw Trunks, Valises, TelescopeE, Trunk —While cutting wood in Fullarton recent - Jubilee celebration w to have been sub' Ig stick Of to IT" Mr. and Mrs, Fairservice, in their home i . I Fred, Elliott, of Bayfield, was held at God- Wednesday, December 22nd, a Christmas TKA. -shoulder Straps, and a great 6 �n To be trusted is a greater complement tree entertainment -will be- given in school ly,Mr. Henry obpep, and e�ve,ythlnf, kept In first class � shoe stores ofortune, Hulett, will have the kind wishes of their than to be loved. Leatherdsle & Landsb_*.rough. mitted to a at the Imunicipal -elections, erich on Tuesday and Wednesday, And a section No. 5, Hibbert. A programme con- for chriqtmis prosen a. The usual place, don't for. to come inJ4 6niact with the s a, which many friends. bat the council deemed it advisable to leave A. YouG's coffee is the best. 1566-1 verdict of guilty of manslaughter, with a 'siqting of 9A It. OP ' its EXPOSTTDR GM be rpeitatio6s, songs, dialogues and Poe cc. W. 11. WILLIS. disabled him ftoni work for a few days. recommendation to mercy, was music is being p it in abeyance until such time as they c4n strong -has WE take the lead in supPIT repared, and will be render-- NOTES.�Mr. and Mrs. John Jirrott and —The Morris,, Feild-Rogers Piano Coin an tils boilb4 I EGMONrIVILLE EINDEAVOR.—The half ing newly agree on what objects would-be moat likely brought in by the jury.. Sentence was de- ed mainly by the pupils. married ecuples ith a c(..mplete lure Lure outfit for t Santa Claus,w4o, daughter, Alice, of LiDndon, were this w lstoivei, are employing about y, business meeting of the. g- little ruoney. Leatherdale & Landaborough. o meet with. the approval of the people. A fq�red until Saturday.—Mr. Wm. Horton, eek pany, of Li tWt -with tb while digging at -the Klondike this summer, visiting at Mr. Wm. MeGavins.—Mr. Me. h!Lnds, and ard wor 'me, but king over ti mond-ville, Christian Rn�eavor Socieky ANOTHER crate of dinner and toilet sets petition, signed by C. Papst and others, of r Exeter, spent a few days with his neioe, was fortunate enoagh to strike a rich vein, .ols *try was held* in the church on the even- opened out at A. Young% Seaforth, this vieek. asking for a drain on the north side of God. Mrs. T. Dickson. Clenegban, of Whitechurch, and Mr. Nor- cannot keep nip with the present demand. VO)"d bon o ing hag disposed of it for large sum of m man arrott, who have been working with. —Mr. A f3itfritt of,' Mitchell has an. of Decembet2nd, for the election* of 1666-1 erich street, west of Ann street, was re- Oney, Sisulag and has se -MeGavin this past year, have re- 11011 officers and otber business. Very interesting WE sell our goods, not our patr a e. ceived and the street committee empowered word to Miss Scottl the Mr. Wm. - nced as'a '_�andidate'for the Ir g Brucefteld. teacher, that as he is getting old, he will not turned hnme.—The other day, while Mrs. mayorality 61 6at town. He will b The bargains welglve will bring you back. ath r reports were read. by the convenors of the a _ to pay one third of the �xpenses of putting e o dale & Landaborough, Sea!orth. 1566-1 DoN'T pass by this store jin makin your visit each house, as formerly, but will be Wm. MeGavin, and dau liter Sophia, were posed by f different cemmittees, showing the active in a suitable drain, pro�ided the work is 9 9 11ord. selections for Christmas presents. Never have we present at the enterfainmenC, to distribute- out dri -Ing, the horse, became unmanageable —AITS, Thomas Moffatt, of Monkton, baw efforts tha have been put forth during the Fop. honest value in Staple Dry Goods and done under the supervision of the street bad such avariety and at remonable prices, as tit to his friend's many of the nice things that v high class Groceries go to DILLSi Seaforth. im-1 the present.tiline. W. H. WILLIS, opposite ExPOSITOR and ran away, throwing both of them -out rented the vacant house belonging t-0 -Mr. A, owa past half year for the upbuilding of the committee, The Literary and ebating club gold can buy. A goOd time is expected,and and seriou�ly, injuring Mrs. MeGavin's arm. Buck, of'Mitchell and be, with be tw tab 4 r 0. church and.the edification of the young peo. CuRis�-&As presents, wedding presents at was granted the use oPthe -council cham' offloo 1666-1 - I - =a& ty ISU , reduced ucca, all next week, at Leabherdale & - everybody- will be made welcome. We hope soon to hear of her recovery. daughters, will move into it this week. ple connected with it along the various lines ber and -town hall on the same terms as las� GATHERENGS.—Mr. Reaben Graham, of is tabdr ttobo Landaborough's, 1566-1 - - —The many triends of Dr. Rutherford, of of its work. The ireekly meetings are hold year, nkffiely $1.00. T -he -financial statement the American hotel, proposing holding a to MoltE croakerY at A. Young's, Seaforth. Listow�l, who is laid up with typhoid fever, on Sabbath evenings after the regular of the year was received and adopted. Th h t' match for turkeys and geese, at e a on in Drvsdale. It J 'I as day.—Mr. Hu corn & . , ,church service and are always largely at- 1666-1 total r4ceipts for the �ear amounted to his hote on Christm gh Me. Cooic BRos., Hensi'll, sell chopped �vill-be glad to hear that the critical stag tended, deeply interesting and highly pro. WE. don't advertise to any extent. I at 014 per ton, and shorts it Stl. 1666.1 ITE..NIS.—Olover threshing is the order Of is past, andijbi&t be is now rapidly improv, whas Pleas. 822,QQ8J04, while the expenditures will Gregor has been bothered with a white owl litable. The follo*ing are the officers for ing our customers advertises the store, and the'tree likel:� be almost up to this amount by� the hovering about his buildings tor some time G..J. SUTRER,LAN-Di;,Notarv�Public,Coti- the day.—Messrs. Peter and Louis Monson,' -ing. delivery of furniture, far and. near, is one of our r "Y' gent, Legal D cument Windows the next hatf year :—HQn. President,. Rev. end of the year, although the finances a e in and in order to get a shot at him, be placed neer, Fire Insurance "A 9 who -have spent the past five -years in Da. —The KiAton ]Literary Society has been X. Shaw; President., Mr. Robert J."'Mul- best advertising med,ums -Leatherdate &AAndobor- ,r,f ully drawn tip, at reabonable rates; money to kota, have returned home, looking hale and Organized for the coming winter, with these and ough, Seatorth. 1566-1 a better sta-W than they have been for some a white'llen in a trap and set it in one of loom on farm aecurity, at 1towast rates of intereid. Dli&Sd drew ; Vice President, NIiss Maggie hearty.—Mr. R. J. Talbot gave his foot a officers : Pre-4den't, W, eo GRocERiEs.=Loaded down'wit years. A debenture was issued to the town trea- his fields as a coaxer for the 0*1,but one of Office at the post office, Ife6sall. If *. Leigh ; seer h the good 644 nast gasfi last week.—Messrs. R. E. and tary, H treasurer, W.. H&A Gregor- CorrespoudiDg Secretary, h1r. D. thin for Xtuas at A. Young's, sa�forth. surerfor$134, uncollectable taxes from former our local nimrods, Mr. William Dixon, MONEY ! MONEY MPNEY !— Who Y ugh Kirk ; We ne�ver . 7 e- fwants T. nowden dehorned one hundred and five wood. Stevenson' - Recordig 8ecretary, Miss Grace had rfore such a complete stock of choi6a groceries, years. Mr. A., Forbes was given the con- 1 who thought he would get his Owlship money and b irgaina on good cheap dw Aling house@ I and fine crockery and glassware to offer ; cleaned V-mtizp, tract of supplyin a horse to draw the hose- first,' wended his way through Mr. Me - Elliott; Treaaarer, Miss Charlotte Porter - 60 acre timber lot ? �Cheapest' eyer offered, head of cl�ttle last week.—Our wherelmen Cookj who left Fullarton about 2 currants, stone California ralains ready fi g Apply to G. J. BUTUERIND, the post' office. Hen. have laid aside their wheels for this season. sixteen ears ago for Muokoks, is AM4, ,,Joint Organists, Misses Addie StevenE011, black baskat, royl clusters. Sult%n% raiginfor' use; reel,'when a re alarm is given at $1.00 Gregor's field and spied, no, doubt what he viol Mg s ; apri. gall. 1664.4 —A number of our sports attended the hi -s son, John Cook, and his daughter, Mrs. ie Kennedy; Convenors of cots, Crosse & Blackwell'a eele-brated dipped peels, each time. Accounts to the amount of though was the owl, and taking deliberate 'That J. C. Clau. shooting match in Blake, and carried off the James Colquhou) of th Royal hotel, Mit- "Join mittees, —Look out, Ar. John McNay; orange, citron and lemon,they are the bebt - Sher;ff 'a $466.55 were passed. Council then adjourn- aim,let bing and lodged a whole No. 12 cart- - FAC78 FOR THE PuBLI9. — e -tract's, thelled wa!nuts, shelled son of - Hensall� li not seldnk harnesa as cheap as highest honors. as l0bartlotte Porter 3 ehelf. Prayer meeting, Ali almon�', some ed, to meet at the call of the mayor. ridge in Mr. McGregor's innocent white oth'ers, but cheaper. That. he has the largest stock a sold under very fine cheese, canned vegttiblei, we bought eaAY 8ocial, Aliss Marion MiAdrew. in the vemn when they were cheap, and can sell -------- hen. of horse blankets in the county at prices lower than —The Mitebe I foundry wa lehea a I t shwood. h 1),no Heinz's baked be Do OmstO sauce, -uB.--The weekl meet- others dara quote you i Sailiatchewan, Houn. Da the-, power of mortgage on Saturday, 3rd 0". TitE DEBATING CL , That f.. k Mr. "a h, pickles aud sau tain bear and goat robes, we Mad In low p,lie-s. Good sG--Miss Lizzie Schlind was mar- -N[0QNDV1LT: - OTE.—Last wee I Ew I ces. our teas and cof, Y WEDDI inst., being knocked down to Mr. Donald William McDougall tok a car load of horses fees are we)l known. Call and see our stock before ing of the Literary and Debating club, on Zurich. rubber rugs at prices that- will causa you to doubt tied at Macomb, Michigan, on Thank McLaughlin, ol . ilibbert, for th; sum of showN ycu b ' ur Xmas gcods. A full line of Ohrittie'i Monday evening last, was- of more than or- BOUGHT LISTOWEL BOOT AND SHOE STOCK. their cigalilky, but they are g0q. Our Collars I will sglv' "Y 'o ing day, to . $1,600. to the Michigan lumber woods and while fancy blamit-3, %ill be in next week. A YOUNG. Mr. Wm. B�ck. The interest f orth. adinary interest. Each'speaker drew a slip —1 have bought a large stock of Baots: and Shoes in guarantee to work without ishing your horse—& &Avay p&id a, visit to Mr. John Waugh,a for. 1 of paper from a hat,'and spoke from the listowel, at 65 cents on the dollar, and am now pre- galled shoulder galls our f eplidge - 23 years honer. ing ceremony was perf6imed in ihe presence —Mrs-. C. itauch left Sebri6iville, Ott Wednesday last, for Pine Bluff, Arkann4 mer resident of this -village. Mr� Waugh able dealing with the public ii this neighborhood, Is The brides- paredto Iva voubettar bargains thin an onofnthe of about one hundred guests. subject written on it without further pre.. trade. Ifyou are in need of any Boots Mftoes o3me YO'ir guarantee that sati4sotLah wW be givbn. i C., to visit her -sons) George and Christian, lives at I' eed City and is prosperous and JUBTLE&-SERVIGES.— i Igor, w ara ion. The members responded cheer- at once and see the goods, as they are going fam Re. LAURKS. maid was M ss Minnie. Nod' bile the happy, issouri, spent a V The anniversa 1559 -if who are engagod in railroading at tbafir —Mr. Dan Oole, of N ices in connection with-. the Pres terian ally to the call of the chairman, and member, I now have one of the )arprest stocks of groom was assisted by Mr. Hertzel, of De. day or two with relatives her LOCAL BRrEFs.—The rdsda, owin place. e last week. church, of this town, willbe held on Sun- Boots anti Shoes West of Toronto. In Rubbers and . 9 to the troit. The presents were numerous and speeches both short and long, Witt raffis, are in a very ]Re had been attending the Horse Breeders' day and Monday, 19th an' and in- and winter goods I owi give -you astonishing value recent thaw and heavy costly, showing the esteem in which the —Miss Sadie Miller, of Louisana, who. d 20th insts. and, structive were delivered. It has been de- Sp�aoer does not permit to state say prices. irax� bad condition and has thel effect of ma spent the summer in, Wartburg, left for her - el king ro 1566.L I KIBLER, Zurich. business much duller than I during the time Beek will reside on Mr. Beek's Assooia.tion,in Clintoji, of which be is a dir- f In their peculiar character, will be' of cided to form a mock pirliament in connee young couple were held. Mr. and M A ector and stayed over on his way home. Mr. much greater interest than those of any h 0 near home on Wednesday of last week, accom. tion wit the lub, and the following minis- NoTEs.—Mr. Fred Kibler, our enterpris- we had aleighing, and froni present appear. farm ginied by her unates, Alex. Miller and R. J� 'Cole is a nephew of Mrs. T. Hills, of this former occasion. Macomb. We join -in wishing, them a' long villager.—Our Sabbath school entertainment On Sunday the servi�es. term have been pelected for the'Government ing shoe merchant, has recently purchased a ances it Would seem we are, going to have, a air. will be conducted at the usual bon and happ life. ra by side : Premier, B. B. Gunn ; Minister of large stock of boots and- shoes in Listowel, dull and-, green Christm4s. y --Special ser. held on Thursday. evening next,. Rev-. —Miss Gertio ord of Mitchell, wall - J. W.-Mcblillan, of Lindsay. Mr. Justice, J. L. Killorian ; Minister of Wili- at a low rate on the dollar, which li�e has vices preparatory to the -c6mmunion to be presented by the Junior Epworth Loops, of Decerliber 23rd. Besides an interesting pro- M_ -Millan was one of the stuAenta who am- tia, R. E. Jackson ;' Ministef of Yinance, moved to his store in this village. Mr.* celebrated in CarrAel Pr4byterian church Perth Notes. which she is president, with a handsome gramme, refresbm.ents will be served'&'nd a 8i8ted Rev. Dr. McDonald, on t wo succes- James Irving ; Minister of Agriculture, D. Kibler is one of our most enterprising on Sabbath first, were belil par6 of last —Mr. James 'Pickard, of Blanshard, has Bible, accompanied by a nice address,on p . leasant time is promised those who attend. sive sumrr.ers,, when by his able discourses McDonald; Minisiter of. Public Works, A. merchants, and with ihis large addition t6 week in the church, and wi4ber every even. gone to spend the winter with his daughter, Thursday evening, 2nd inst. It W There will be a small admission. fee for all h6' attracted large congregations. Since his M_ -Kay ; blarine.and Fisheries, S. G. Stone; his already fine stock, he will make things this week. The atten4ance thus far Mrs. A. Edmouson, at Pontiac, Michigan. —Thomals McDonald an who d.G not b6loncr to the Sabbath school.— induction into the ministry he has steadily d family, of Wit. 'ng Afto and:, Trade and Commerce, R. J. Macdonald ; lively in the footwear businew.—Mr. Richard has been very good.—The rany friends of Foster Harburn, Hibbert, has returned ehell, intend to move to Toronto mhortly. Mr. aad Donald Hamilton,of Syracuse,. risen, and is now one of the ablest speakers Railways and Canals, John A. Jackeon ; Nicholson, of the Brownson line, Ha , and Mr. Robert Elgie will regreb to loam of his from Manitoba ng a few days in the Presbyterian church in this Piovi Miss Boys, of Stanley, on y to spend the winter at Mr. McDonald has been - associated witir ew . 1c, bave been spendiL nee. 4 Postmaster General, W. H. Baker ; Secre- Wednesday, join. very serious and painful illhess. It is not home. 0 Mitchell for thirty -live years., and many will this week 0'the home of Mrs. Hamilton's His many friends here will be heartily glad tary of State, W. D. Maclean'; Solicitor ed haude in holy m4trimony. We wish the -11inor VerYLAnIlCb_ KirkLton 'has pur. regret1im departorb. expected that he can 9 parents., Mv. and Mrs. J. S. Porter. Mr. of this opportunity of hearing him Alain. General, Dr. Bethune ; Minister of Interior, young couple a long and bappv life together. longer. He has been a great sufferer now chased fift3F�-q` ad" Wee Joining his own, from -Miss Carrie -tehe left for hdr,home in 6 so Stratford on ao- On Monday evening an excellent tea wi I be W. MclAchlau ; Controller of "land Reve- —Mr., Dan Lovi cod, jr., -who has been in for quite a length of time,&�d much aym- Fletcher - Switibr,� foi $2,200.' J., r Hamilton was called to ofrhiS Flint, Michigan, last week, &CCOML panied b count of the severe illness mother,who served. in the basement of the church, to be nue, G. A. etzel ; Controller of Customs, Dakota. during le mummer,. returne4 home psthy is felt for him an4 his wife,and —kirkt6n b" lost bus of itol worthy citi- Y is not expected to live many days. —The un. her cousins, LydiA and Annie Koch, as followed by an intellectual treat in the audi- F. G. Weelin'. The Opposition leader is'Mr. a few days -ago. Mr. Henry Albright, after family.—Our young people 4e longing for zerls, in the person of Mr. Saifinel Carr, who Fallarton, who ititefid visiting relatives for se 011ably mild weather has bad the effect ence room. A particularly pleasing feature A. Cosens, and his lieutenants are -Messis. I a three years'sstay in Manitoba, returned frost in order to have skati6g in the new has gpne to Woodham td reside. a few months. of prostrating several of ourpeople with of this after meeting will be the fact'that James Watson, R. C. Cheswright, Norman home this week.—Mr. John Heyrock, of rink.—MiBs Mary Gaetz was in Wiarton re- —Mr. Ale*.ander Morrow, w - ho has been a —Mr. Georgetels, of Brunner, ham pur- something that lookit, very like I& grippe. all those available who, in past years, im- McLeod and A. Scott. The parliament Cavalier county, North Dakota; arrived cently visiting her sister.—Mr.* Hope they will soon be around agaiu.-­Mhe siatedthe pastor, will be present, and ad- James A. resident of Listowel for the past twenty chased the housend lot heretofore o4ned promises to be a good one, 49 both aides are here last Tuesday evening hn a isit to his Taylor, who has been engage4' ,in business in yealdd t his residence on bkonday night by Hr. Menno Schneider; for a little over year 1897 will be memorable in County dress the meeting. Among those wlio have on t6 look out for Jut OM Mr. Morrow supporlers,'and the Op. I fathei-in-law and brotbe;�.—Mr. Fred Kib- South River for some ti*M4 is h a at has -not Wen well all $600. Mr. Rein intends -to move into big Council matteV in this prqvinoe as a test, of promised to be present are, Rev. W. J. position have prophesied that they will 1 ler, on Friday evening latmot with & pain- present, visiting his paren He- if summer but has been- confined to his bed for now dwelling p1soo in a short time. 10 f III