HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-12-10, Page 8I
nday last.
e days when a transatlantic voyage wa I
gb, of Tuckersmith The remains were in-terred the a the prairie well in the Landaborou
i United States. Stinson, of Arden, Manitoba ; Mrs. W. C.
9 Manitoba returned home -on Mo d Han-
411%roCery req'itat' by Master Reggie eight weeks. Mr. Me( regor onjo I'va Mantle
consisted of long V 0 le iwless tha six or I Margaret, who r�s'ide at
Wilson, Cly in thi� Eirmond ille cemetery 6 on Monday, sold'm mac inter rather co d.— nah, Agnes and
Wason's GaSh G de McLachlan, Norms Dickson, y, ��aummer, bat i ew
spending a few months in the count: laid to rest'in
!Belle Smith, and Gladys and wer� followed to their latit resting place After- His remains, were
aking, and to have Belle Wilson,' .1 rowing friends. of OX,Ord, the Davidson family moved up St. Andrews' church Congregation purpose home. Much
Izow is the time for plole, U) new, I he Huron tract an i e
at use tho bet ison
it Vinegar and Constable, a�.i�! t urne atal duet by Helen by a large number of aor
gocd sucrets you niur a into ti on the holdinR their anniversary services on Sab- Brussels cemetery on Tuesday last.
and , a piano solo by Nettie d settl d - bath and Monday, the 19th and 20th iust. sympathy is extended to the bereaved
ii�p seit the 'Proof vinegar. the beat and Dolen -with unbroken forest, on
Spite Wil —Last week we -farm, then covered week. f amily. C learance,
qaheap�st in the market, and the bigbesb grade of vocat, solo by Jennie Murray, and FuLLEn pARTIouLARs.
son, a ne, vhere deceased- resided till Further particulars will be given next
pure spicea ; just who you, reqire-to ensure suo- a violin solo by 'IRGY Scott. After a short published the sa intelligence of the death *the 12th li 1, of Hensall, is
our stock of groeerie4 Is well ageorted and r. Samuel Hannah, of GrieWold, Maui- the time of her demise. Here Mrs.Davidson .—Mr -William, McDougal
is lion, Alexander,
tlp-to-dat-� with now sewjon Tess, Dzied Fruit, now intermission, a Captata, etniftled, " The fet- of M and brother of Mrs. S. Dickson, of and her husband with characteristic Scot- receiptof aletterfrom h Wroxeter.
d Fish, etc. 101 goods paranteed. to give ters that fell," Consisting of, choruses, solos toba, XOTE8*—C. W. Andrews preached th# This has been the most succassfu
4cured Co -in M utle season we have ever bad. - 0.
eatiefaction or memey returned. We have so me but at that timq n articulars tish thrift, dustry and harhihood, were' and also from the doctor of the Winnipeg
Ing an in ep
Toilet Stt#. See 0 Jo Zd �ong- in gaini d ende anniversary services ongrega- a
and recitations,! was ren nee and asylum, stating that Mr.. McDougall is in Howiek Cc
J bargains in Dinner. Tea and D given further than that he had been in a i not I
in before buying. The highest PAW Paid for All bers of the band, P611 of which wen themselves, greatly improved, and that he will soon be Mantle styles have been correct, our values THIRTIET.
tional church,, on Sabbath last, And also
Stre In Butter, eggs and -fowl gh eE so iar- to well, were obtainable. Since then fuller 11 making a comfortable"home for t able to return home. This will be - good gave an address at the
good produc#. with the ease and bri tu a P013111 aterial standpoln. ti i on the righ , and as a cousequence,our Mantlesales-
kiads of of the lamentable affair have so that speaking from a in to his many friends here.—Mrs. (Rev.) tea mee in WHOLE Xurk
nthe younger folks. The success of the en- partioulars It Appears that Mr. Hannah . the latter part of her'life was passed in corn- news ag in ad night following. -7 -Mr. Mock, mil- hav( been immense. It is a settled part, f
WILSON, Saafonh' tertainment is; 3'0 a ant, are me
!very largely due to Miss been received. But although fortune favor- Acheson, of the manse, while asaiisti ler, nI Mr. Hemphill, grain merch our aus' asolicy to clear outur iniantle
Bank of Common* Block. A, and had gone -down into -the well for the purpose parative ease whil ' stand -
Z Dilperity only brought into more 1putting up a stove pipe, and a shipping lots of grain at preaeut;—Xr. sto6 r, each season, and ev - ery Year about
Wilson, who ii president of the bar d while standing on a ed them, pr stepping Chris. Donahue, of Teeiswater, was here last . ee a clearin rX TT,
her assistauts1 Mrs. BroadfoDt and Miss of fixing a Pump, an I the humane and,bonev- ingonthetable,iLtidinitheactof December let-, we -commen
oroal ok
feet, "the ot all Matles in stock. Therefore, -0,
1 bar, the bar either sli it twenty feet olent1eatures-of her nature. Her,hu week, assisting in making barrels,
vercoats. in great Davidson ipped or br 3 proministit, light al sband, down, the chair slipped from under her
under him, and he fell abov 'allowing her to fall to ithe floor. She re-
number and variety. ad been- five SQRS and one asughter survive her.They Cooper here not being able to any e m -
He h &1y th
czRs.—At a regular into fifteen feet -of water. I and' ceived rather an unpleasant fall, but"for Ihe'nki .—I' Job 19atuid 3rd Of Dee ELWTrOxSJF FV1 a Mutual missed the night previous, but it was sup- aro :--Messrs. James, Thomas, h creased demand from n UY,
William Davi&ork, o� McKiKop; Miss Janei tunately no � bones were broken althoug Ruskin " was the subject of the essays
3, Catholl
Prices Play an Importaut part in ourolotbingDe- meeting of Branch 2' into Griswold, and noth, d some -severe bruises. Mrs. Jim
offered au�i In-. Benefit As3ociation, Oi this town, held in poied he had gone [clKillop -,' and Messrs. Andrew -she receive at the ladies' 16 literarx on Men- —WE COMMENCED OUR—
Neverbefore, have we Davidson, M C
ing� was thought about the matter until his T,,,vyen.ig,t last.—Tho lan ra
tyles. Nothing their hall -on onday evening last, the fol- I on,6f California. he Acheson feeU thankful that she e I Cific Rail -
L -top of �nd Walter Davids 9capedso
ducewento in the way" of values and 5 lowing officer were elected. for the yebr coAt was found next. morning oil eral fortunately. --Our grist mill is 4ptbusy A
butup-to-diallM.ellable goods kept in tbis_depuk earob - a Itev.. P. Musgrave conducted the fun big' 164do - Way agent here reports a large increase in =uai tantle, Olearance . .........
as; ; let Vice -the well, and, a being made, his lifeles 0
the best evi- 1898 : Presid t - John J. Darwin interred in the these days, if the number of local freight receipts for thi station. So
mout. Our lar-g'6-snd steady trade to -body was found at.04 bottom. service. Theremaine were in daily'are any indication.—'Jisis Of Course there is not the varie
President, L. Killoran; 2nd � Vice mi much for good crops and good government.
deuce of plosaed c6tomers. Maitlandband cemetery. them
President, Ja McCann - Recording Bee. Clarissa Mellis was in f3eaforth during the —The Wroxeter quartette club sang at the wasi early in the season, but -what t e stock -
at Recordin LOCAL BRIEn.—The ladies'of the W. C.
assiskics, week visiting her brother, Mr. John Mellis. Belmora Educational Society's concert, on ih assortment it more than mal tea 111
r 00. retary, John .'Daly
C o n H. Dorse Fi ancM T. U. gave-& tea in the, Yo.ang Mena Chris- Chiselhurst. rtain. They were aceompan-
Wm- Pi * kard & _y in jets of —A cantata and Christmas tree auto in price, -even now it is as. good as many -
Secretary, er P. tiawAssocistion rooms, on Saturday even- E1qTERTAIN$ENT.— The Method meat will be held on the evening of i Friday, Tuesday night last. We
SE-AFORTH. Secretary Jordan Treasur k Tand preparations fo, ied by two good sleigh loads of young pe?- at6res Commence the seaio-n with. w0at
ing last, for the purpose of raising money this place at hali.past seven. every Mantle out of t th
Munroe are ins Ing 9 the 24th, comflienoing I —J. E. Coombes, Esq., of Grey, was In 1� store by e
Keating; Marjaha;l, James an entertain - h on Shepherds of pi e.
W.D Darwin, X. Jordan to aid the sufferers by the fires in Prescott ment to be old the evening The canotts is� entitled, onto ithis week.—Mr. - Donald P the month, and on S
w; Trustees, J. Tor _oe m
d It w
STEAMS and illlfunroeI, ; Representative to the Grand and Riasell counties. They cleared $15, of Thursday, 23r ill take the form Bethlehem,` and over, wenty persons are wound up a big season's threshing at Mr. clear the 'balance of the stock, at the
The can -
Council, Stephen Lamb; Alternate, John which, with the $21 aken in for of a cancata and Christmas tree. takim Part. The proceeds will be in Aid of Stubbs' last week.—Mr. Thomas Rog is re- Prices for first-e1w, up-to-date
AND tati is -entitled "I The Saviour promised the is ever quoted in t 8 is a
McQuade. T4is. society has been. very sue. them at THE ExposiTop. office,. makes thodist Sunday school fitting the old Rutherford & Mtinro stand he 6ounty. Thi
sides several large bales of cloth- and over -twenty will take part in it. The
ces4ful during the �ast year, having largely in cash, be for his grocery store. —In- a letter received by 8 chance that mantle buyers And It 45
FIRE INSURANCE augmented its membership, and we doubt h* bedding, etc., which they had previous- entertainment will Commence at half past Tuckersinith. . rl to pass. Here we quote a few
his friends here, Mr. Dunean McKercher re -
r increase ly sent.—Mr. R. N. Brett, of this_town, in i seven, and the proceeds -will be in aid of �he
not, but tbae it will still furthe ENTERTAINDIENTS, —A musical And literary rea s on his journey to the they'll give you an idea of what we i re da�
during the coming year. getting large arml ready sale for his water- Sunday school. in the jschool por ke r!r;ol: irl of Turtle
AGENCY, entertainment will be given K=ndgi r4 ounj IlIg
lof blaidkiag and leather preserver. We 4
pro was -here on nds the Ladies Tweed Coats, double brf are hearing a
hesitation in use, by the _young people and pupas of Lake., YOU gr�
W. Somervi I l%e,: Agent. BEFORE purchasing your Christmas pre-- baye tried it and we have no six large ivory buttons, high turnov Dr Col..
school section No 10, on the evening of Fri- earl part of the wee about the dothi�
and see ie' public. It is equal. y
mmendmig it to tht Nonsi-J. T. Stewart, impleme -clearin
& Bro.) sents, just call atDALY's, Seaforth, icing at the hour of larj4 regular 86 garment, g at K45,
(Successor to H. A. Strong. W 1565-1 Jyj'kod for shoes or harness) and not only tor Msawy.]Karris Company, �f Hamilton, day, 17th inet.., commei donald, Seafoithi
hat he has. 7.30. All will'be made welcome aul v6s the Black Cloth Coats, braid trimmil d, 4six-
re - Building. bat'it makes —A Urge Hensa&
Telegraph and Exp as e the Article a nice polish village on Iarge buttons, at regular $3.50, eleal
WOOD WANTED in exchange for clothing. 91 to was in- the Mond4y entertainment will be a good one, it will be RLAxD,.No6ry Public, Con- may jimb have cri
STARK BRos., Merchant Tallors, Malik street aoia- thk�leather soft and almost impervious number of the young People attended the fee. —A G. J. SuTnF cuments $2.45. that a vast part
Legal Dc
U16w -water, while it is easily aOrlied.—Mr. M. )n Friday evening well worth the small admission rancer, Fire Insurance Age
e Bank of social in Dungannon i nt,
forth. :plendid entertainment is to be held in the Black Frieze -Mantles, Tweed linek. citrefully drawn up, at reasonable rates ; money 66 '18 SU p1lus. gas, if
system Morris, formerly manager,of th last. It was given by the. Christian En -
MESS CUTTING.—SLIC&S tailor t chool in section No. 5, on the evening of loan on farm security, at lowest rates of Ititered, cuffsk, velvet collar, six large- buttons, the use of a -coml
tit dren cutting, which to so highly ken of by Commerei here, but'now of Torou *,spent deavor of that burg.—John P. Campbell is hursday, December .16th. An able com. office at the post office, Hensall. 1504-4 regular $6..50 garm6it, clearing at WL
IsdiW of Clinton and other places wrbe at the Sunday -and Monday among his old friends a week. T. MoNty I— Who 'Iwant4 Brown Covert Cloth Coate, very 11 =
visiting his father in St. Helens thi rosiblly, the
parlors of the Royal, Hotel, Soxfoi th. on the 2nd, Bird has sold h* mittee haves splendid progra me otread- MONEY ! MONEY *At Im
STRATFORD. ONTARIO in toww.—Mr. John St4wart in erich Collegiate
and Atb of peoember, and lorliter If a claw can be —Miss McConnell, of God ings rebitations,. dialogues, V Cal ani in. money and bsygoins on good cheap dwelling houses, and serviceable, regular price h is
is up to fine driver to Mr. Alex. Rose, of Luckn�w, as the guest of her sister, Mrs. and 50 zero - timber lot 7 Chosped eyer offered
The 6oune of study in this school arranged for. Gitis from - the country who are d sum. Institute, w —Miss Tona, Gordon led stru;nentalmusic,&c., re aredtoberendered -Apply to G. J. suTummmm, at the post office, Hen: $6, Iblearing at 84.15. aT41 Ot er SC
xcepence; unexcelled adva Mr. Arthui Forbes
higheststandard ot 46 anxious for a the course In cutting should not for a good roun Blakei on Sunday. by local and, outside,talent. nyone desirous A SPECIAL R&RGAIX.— ts whieb
e rates ; -Wed- men
tsges in every department; moderate ratels rounhMe and see the oystem. drove it to Beamiller, one day last week, in avoir �meeting on
min this chance. the Christian Endo som at should not All our Black and Colored Mantle& tlAt
cheap ;. enter any time. Write for circulars. 1508 -td vered itto Mr. our,,, stage of a, good evenings amu FAcTs FOR THE Puiama.—That J. C. Clan.
less -than two hours, and deli ne!day -Mr. Gawley have been $9, $9.25 and $10, some of t1w. proved erroneou$
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 444L4-52 S=Lr�G Silver Novelties for Christmas Ross. This horse -was one of the finest miss it. Hensalli is not selling harness as, cheap
river, eveniug;;o most stylish goods we had this
d intends ving his family to Goder- WEST END NOTES,—Missionary services son, of Now, advertising -W -01
at DALVs, Seaforth. Vern in others, but cheaper. That he has the largest stock
IN" ich this week. c as lower than -there and
presents, drivers in town, and if any of the dri
'will be held at Turner's and Alms chur hes of horse blankets In the county at prio are only nine or ten left, and helps an honest
WOOD WANTED.—The Seaforth Electric the north can beat. him for 12 or 20 miles others date quote you. That in Sookkatolkewan, Moun- i 3d at your choice for
r a few , of them. on Sund next. Rev. B. Clement, of Olin- are alike,clearb I - he know
Light Company is prepared to Cr DtfWt fO Mr.Stewart would liketohear Wick. ay ervices. —Pr arations tain bear and goat robes, we lead in low pAm. Good These -prices a7re not for ofd, last had if
sit hundred cord -3 of wood. Apply to A. H. INGRM, the lookout for an- ton,will. conduct the 8 tmss� rubber rup at prices that will' Cause You to doubt
Mr. Steviart is now on Mackhaw was Whris . oui collara I will goo s, but for brand new, The trouble
Manager. 1604-3 eldest son of Mr. GATHERINGS.—Mr. Ernest are being made for the annual, their quality, but they are good Ap-::
your borse—a
Other.-LMr. John Forbes, ee y either Ole;
A good dwelling house, stable and shed, as been in married to Miss Laura Pedoon last Wed- tree entertainment at Turner?a church.— guarantee to work without galling kity�ea. the
DISTRICT MATTERS., with 4 acres of land, for sale'. Apply at STARK BRos., A. For6, of this town, who -h nesday. The knot was tied by Rev. W. H. Miss M. Holmes, is visiting relatives n ulder g&IIs our feelings ; 2S years honor- I
Merchant Tailor@, Main street, Seaforth. 1561-2 the 6mploy of Logan & CO -11 at Glenboro, able dealing with, the, publio.in this neighborhood, is Which is -worse,,
fine line of Diamond and Opal Manitoba, for the past couple of years, re- Newton, in the presence of about 100 guests. Lacknow this week.—Messrs Charles Lay your guarantee that satisfaction will be given. C so
RXVWAL SEnvicEs.—The . evangelistic ;A very Lloyd spent 1559-t!
1565-1 turned home last week. Helooks as though The bride and groom left on a trip. We ton and M. Sunday last in ciAuoic. o becomell'tO thei
Rings., at DALY's, Seaforth. n. in wishin the hap on ea Ong Exeter.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Plewe have —We are now . favored 9
progress in the a good healthy country.— all'jOi " yc I I
services, which have been in LADTES� COAT BARGxy§.—Ladiej0 Fur Mapitoba was envy of all the and us life.—Mr. MD. gontgom- returned from Manitoba, � where thev have LOCAL 'BRliEFS.
Methodist church for three weeks fkast, and rospero with good sleighing and large qdAntities of stead of a -help
Costs, ladies Cloth Coats, is good range of each still. Major Anderson was the I DIRECT I3iPORTERS
niber of converts she marched down ery, of Orange Hill, accidentally cut A Ge- spent the,14st three months. As Mr.Plewes I
have resulted in a large nu in stock, and will be cleared at good discounts cff sports the other day, a grain, pork,wood and logs are being brought To -our m1nd it wwoul
her extend- regular pr ces. Balance of ladies' Fists. and a large e of foxes over his Vero wound in his foot the other day, with has not been enjoying good health for some OLINTON. flity for VJ
are still in progress, and are rr lot of Rit)bonp, at one halt regular price. WIUIAX Maintreet vith a coupl an axe. -�-The box social, which was, held' time past, he hoped a trip would by bene- Into market here, and meet with - ready de. possibi
ing i mfl�en7ee and -success. About one 1665-1 shoulder and his bag - full of other game. under the auspices of the Orange Lodge,' h. mand mud good prieos,Rev. J. S. Header- are doin, in th
PICKARD & Co., Seaferth.
6d their purpose The. Major is the boas hunter of them all'; ficial but he is still in very pooi healt son'Tresident of the Christian Endeavor
hundred persons have avow MaE finest assortments of Watches in me is to b . e got and No. 78, at the residence of Mr. Andrew assoel'ation of Huron, addressed a meeting skatitig rink Opened on Saturdaj� ni t Ink. our ad
tolead a new life, most of whom professed I he knows where the ga was a decided .-success. The but owing to the thaw the ice wou d Mv
, Mr. town are at DALT's; Seaforth. 1565-1 Montgomer, Blake. on lilt did not state fai
conversion. After the evaugeli, :he always gets it. On. Monday,. Mr. James proceeds amounted to over $18, which show. in Clinton Mondayevening last.—Misses ateiialize.—M. (Rev.� MeKibbilli in I
Hardy ray, Rev. Air. Bond Conti BrG bargains for thb holiday sea Archibald shipped a car load of horses to he GATHERIYGs.—Mr. Robert Douglas, jr., Mary and Emma Johnston this week visit- In alage last week visiting her Joubt, out hard,
went av in d was present. . T - ed friends on the . Go3ben line, near Zurich. the -vi
ued the work and this week Rev. T. E.Har- you want to cheer 'the heart of husband, wife, the Michigan lumber woods, and on Tues. ed that quite. a crow who was in Michigan for the past week, re in, print must
66ther, sister or brother, with a nice Chrisitruss pre- young peoTle were coupled off -pretty � well, Mrs. Oharles A. McDonilt,—Our h
a he village
risen of Granton, has given very effloie choose from day he shipped a load to the old Country.— turned home last S turday evening. —Miss —Mies Aggie Weitawav is in t 'bw
first, good congregations sent. We have a grest many things to and& -goo timewasspent. Aftersupper , a Mamie ton, was the band i's re -organizing and we will 8 material, other
aid. From the -In Fine China, Crockery and Glassware, and ask you Mr. Gus Kidd , son of Mr. Thomas Kidd, good programme was rendered, and games, Canipbell, of Clio guest this week visitiag"ber aunt, Mrs. Small&- -J. favored with some flue - selections.—Mrs. q
have been in attendance and have been to see our, goode and prices before you buy. We of Mine Em Uickly da4d t]
who has been W Gore Bay, od the Georgian etc., were participated in. ma Thompson last week , —Quite cckmbe.�Miss-Annle Carlisle is spending a Houghton bas returned from an ex ind4d
ge of Dinner gets to rboose from n a visit, a number of our younf peoTle atte fiction 1 -is
have -the nicest rar Bay, for some -time past, is home 0 nded the week or so with hbt sisters in Brussels and not a
dedply 'interesting. from a to In per set 1 0 visit to the old country.—Mr. Jam"
that you will find in *town, Ripley.—Mrs. Blair, or., and daughter, gale
r. C. E. 15i. Clair Simpson, of the Bank tea meeting at Drysda e on ueoday. They of any art16
ToileC Sets, f row st.56 to 89 ; Printed Tea gets, 44 —M -Commission merchant, of Winni g,,
us ts, oying a
ELECTION CW OFFIcERs.—At a meet* Of numero is at present enj bell Const report having 9, very good time. —Our young who have been visiting relatives and friends
pieces, V.75, and many other lines too of Commetce, this is tbA,
in tob ay, - -mention here. see our values. No trouble to show day, and his p1wee here is be n NoTEs.,—Tho suctio e farm of in the state of Michigan. for %he past few 'a, aii4 formerly a� resident
ioyal Orange Lodge No. 793 on MOM i g filled by n sale of th people are busy practising for the enter -
3 goods st the popular grocery. ROBs Baf;s 8th Concession of e school house, smili near here, was in the vil a for
thefollowing officers were elected -for thi sea* Mr. Brigham; of Brantford.—Mr. Norman McGregor Brothers, of the tainment to be held in Blak months, retyrued to ensall this week. an employ.
W. M., James F. Welsh ; D* torth. 1566-1 Campbell, nephew of Mr.. Robert Lu L Friday last, took place. -Al- on the 20th of this.moath. Aside from dia- Mrs. Sheff6r was in Seaforth this week day of- so last week renewing acquaint fjiooL the completenes-1
nBuing year thou!h the farm Was upon, it was not r 11citations, etc., there'will be a de. —Rev. un
We wotfld
J. S. Welsh Vidltm CoNcEP.T.—The Violin class under, bid He was ret ling home from -the old w,=-- like to m
M., Levi Smith; Chaplain, och,will give an entertainment In the y. M. has, gone to Cleveland, where he I loggea, spending a few days with friends.
Miss Beno 0 d th mewwal, ere a on on � usiness.�
Bee. See., L. B. Thompson; Fin. Bee., cure a situation. —Mr. Harry = has e highest bid not quite reaching the bate in which six of our young Mr.Smith, of Main street Methodist church, ry,,
Ftiday Evening, December 17th. se th: to Is besides. those til
C. A. Rooms, on
urer, Edward by some choice vocal r in old reserve bid. McGregor Brothers still offbr take,part. . As these non are all of a gr6at Exeter, will preach missionary sermons in r hart, the en g - proprie
Wesley J. Wrigbt; Tress The p!ogramme will be varied opened out his billiard pirlo
ron the -ehea � oat Mille Is draw atttevtio,
Lecturer, and literary-- numbers Admission, adults 15c; Dominion Bank, and now has everything in their farm privately.—Miss Armst 0 calil&, a good time may be'expected.— the Methodist church on Sabbath next.—
Makins D. of C., Wm. Trott; go kinr large shipments to the -old
children 16- Farnham's our remarks. Very partioular paivs have been taken
BE. J.Cooper ; Committee men, nbers fQr good running order. The room is a com- Lucknow, is visitin t Mr. E.F. Messrs. Douglas and Manson are. busy de. Miss Philan and Miss Cosgrove, who were.
—lot Thomas Maear am
by the teacher in the preparation of the mein rftarkets.�Raster Arnold
Ste�heus, 2nd Robert French, 3rdHarry 0 way encourage fortable and commodious one, -well heated this week. .—M r. 7 Rinto - school teacher, horning cattle now. spending a few,wedlis with friends in Strat. cold weather. a
this entertainment, �skkd those wh Macarthur, banker, although
the claw by attending that evening, *ill be delighted and Iiihited, and the leading daily and local who has been indisposed ately, resumed his fort], have ret rned.—Mrs. McDonald, of Out- with the progress it balk made. 150.1 young boy, has shown
Bowne, 4th S. H. Cunningham, 5th Walter a fine interes7t i I
Spindler; Inside Tyler, Ben Makins Loafing and. work this week.—Miss Mary Schoales has Bayfleld. St. Catharines, is visiting her daughterMra. h
tstw'g in
Marshall ; Auditors, WF. have secured a choice assortment of Papers Always on file. returned from an -extended visit to friends illage and set an example well wor f FTize Ove
side Tyler, James W. vices which are sometimes found ex Do you, want a new 'Crosecut Saw ? F. A. R. McArthur, of Hay.—Miss Eacrett, of v
imitation, by running a isnow plow
Win. Horney and F. A. Thompson. The Chriltmas Fruitq, which will be sold as! Cho as any orbiddenj back north. —James Martin shipped a, large
a % Japan -Bayfleld, can supply you at lowest prices. Exeter, and Miss Kibler, of Zurich, were Fur Caps house in the trade. Try our Black, Green n places of this nature, are strictly f EDWAR'D'S, &in street sidewallis, and thereby el au..
lodge is in a prosperous and flourishing con- and Mr. Town�s reputation' is a sufficient quaptity.of' turkeys last week.—Mr. James 6ift week the guests of Mrb. T. Murdock.— M nd Hay Utdc
Teas, at 29c per pound, they are snaps. We pay guarantee that th AFTING -of Lambeth, near L6nd 8 The Frieze. UIstera.
dition. higbebt market pri-jes forlt kinds of Fowl, Butter$ e room will be conducted Fairservice has had his house on the 9th W s.—Mr. John Tough, jr., having Mr. Robinson, on, i off the deep snow and making i�"�Ikiag
d and nicely fitted, and -
Eggs, eto. ROBB BROS., Reaforth. 105-1 a gentlemanly and orderly manner.—The concession remodelle sold his farm, on the Brownson line, has in the viliage ibis week visitin his son
DR,D,ii,Tixa many triepdo of Mr. Rufus Andrews, -who he is going to set a model example by. get- ran91119
THE CLu.B.—The regular BuFFAto Robe in exclkangefor good wood, moved to Bayfield, and. now occupies part Edward, and daughter, Mrs. J. Stone- Brussels. ary and Debat- Apply to WK. SLATER, 80�fOrft 1565xl was employed for a time in S. Mullett & ting a bride to grace his newly fitted cage. of James Pollocks buildin at the corner of man.- Quites, large number of the Royal NQTES.—The regular meeting of c uncit., 19 and SID.
weekly meeting of the Liter
ing Club was held in the council chamber, Co.'s hardware store, will be pleased to Vur Coat, f which
B ATTiE BRos., Grocers and Butchers. the Sauble � line.—Mrs. sthwell, of the Templars of Heneall lodge drove down to was held on Monday night, when a n imber
on Monday evening last, when a most pleas- it is safe to deal wift us, because we never trifle learn of h ess, he having recently been Brucefield. Front road, will shortly move- to . Bayfield, Crediton on Wednesday evening of last of aceounts were passed. by-law v I be
may -bought
with the quality of our table supplies or play pranks
ant and profitable time was spent by the with our customers, confidence. it is the excellence prckmot�d=d of the department of the NOTE�.—Mr. Wm. Aikenhea'd has dispos. and OCCUPY L the other part of James P101- week, atid. contributed nearly all the pro- voted on at the municipal elections lilgh as 141
memberspresent. The -�subject under dis- of our goods that make aLlstomers.and keeps them store be is engaged in at Cleveland, Ohio.— ed of his threshing outfit to a gentleman look's buildiig.—Mrs. Strutheks and grand- gramme at an open meeting of the lodge the construction of all sidewalks and as
cussion was " trade union"s." The debate too Our groceries wiire never kept better in quality, There has, of late, been considerable blow- nesville.—Mr. Thomas Fraser daughters left on Monday morniog to reside there, and speak. highly of the -kindly man- in future by frontage tax. A by4 and wallaby are,
was opened bv a comprehehsive address by or -;core varied in assortment, because the season of ing in the local papers about the big loads from'near Hol, near Chicago. —INI ra. John Al cLeod aud fam- ner in which they were entertained by the passed fixing places for nominatka aiiiii
h the the year demands it. Our new butcher shop is also I recently shipped from Brucefield -a very fine,
ion ing epu Y -re MISS
Mr. R. C. Cheswright, setting fort ne No. 8, or call in of grain which have been brought into their -have moved to Main street, to the house members of the Credito.n council. —Mr. John eleed , and nami d t
well know-, ring us up on telepho sheep of the Shropshire breed. The animal fly ur Ca. —0ur leadi
principles and aims of labor organizations. edi-A - for you a merry Christmas respective towns, bat Mr. Robert Goven- a —James Fer- Elgie of Drys ale, formerly of Hensa)l, was. officers.—Division court was heiaDU W4. -
pe n,.kand was purchased by an American buyer.These vacated by Mrs. Struther . -at 81 50—a
m 'took part in ra we Prew Yo2r. Orders promptly de-. Xugust, M. Ross and J. McDon. in the village last week. He still retains a nesdAy of this week. A case betweer
an & oil
embers d ab e 1, lock, of McKillop, tells of how, in the good Yankees know where to come to get good guson, J.
Beveral 6f the other Ii, " t E I TrIx comes
ientirig it in many diLffer- e, B A RROS., Grocers and Butchers, all Bros.,'re purchas 9 and at
--the; discussion, preE 6ge South Main street, Scaforth. 1565-1 old days, some thirty years. ago, a gentle- stock.—Mr. Delgatty, Owing to rush of aid were at Kettle Point this week, for nets. warm interest in the village.—Mr. G. C. Dames slid Kend
ent phases withpleaeure and profit to th man named Adams, used to baul grain in i businessr has been completed and engage --The*young folks of the Methodist and Petty, our woj thy reeve and enterprisiug sale of some cattle, brought and Russian ln
present. Next Monday evening . an - Jim-, WATCHEs.. —Dainty little Watches are the from Gorrie to Seaforth, A distance of near- the services of %n assistant.—The children of English churches are preparing for their an- proprietor of the Yorkshire packing house,' crowd of spectators. The decision Wa
and propei thing now. See our 0. and 400 sizes, they are MoVi L g Russfitn—or
promptu speech meeting will be hold, geni., at 0. w. PAPsTls, Book aud Jewelry Store, ly'30 miles, and always had from 145 to 150 the Presbyterian Sunday school are prepar nual Christmas entertainments. —The long intends 11 into his fine brick block a veidict for defendant. It is said a mew I e grey lan
arlia- i3eaforth. w. R. countr, Managor Jewelry Depart- trial will be Applied for. —Dr., A, Me] ing
the advisability of formiug a mock p bushels on his load.—The late residence of ing for a Christmas entertainrpent. —David talked of repairs to our delapidated harbor and new premioos,-weSt of the post office, to j6.
ment will be brought up. On this account ment. - 1665-1 J. C. Smith, on Goderich street, was put up some. are being arranged for. Mr, James DOD- this week, andl will have one of the most has sold out his residence and pmettis $2.b% $3 an]
I McIntosh, V. S., while attending to bat there be a full attend- ve -the London aldson and assistant are 'busy tti out conveniently Planned, best fitted p and Dr. 6nider, of Inwood, near Sarnia, whW That Strlia kiZg zlot
it is desirable t SOME great bargains in Coal Ste 9, with for sale by auction on Tuesday, but was animals at Mr. Stanbury's, on
XULLNur & Co., Seaforth.' All n. h I lineu o possession at
ance of the members. 1 ovens, at S. withdrawn, as the bid was not high enoug road, received injuries which will confine timber for it. As early as posaifoe Ining the finest place of business in his - and 7D
I teed. —Miss Maggie Cash is home from London I him to the house for some time. —Mr. Scott, spring work will be proceeded witb.—Wm. col nd kitzpatrick hive opened out a eneii1il
Ri anty. —Mr. baskiel Xydd has spent the a Garfield, block. Mir. F zist sseller. It
&;1v1ON�DJ-1T.LE: NOTES. —Our -village vet- --TGS.�Admitting that a lady has a on W visit. ' She came to see her sister who i our' veteran grain merchant, is buying up Parker has returned. from a trip to Blyth. past week or so in the village, and does not store, in the
90 always be wel- - but,, we are I all the grain that comes along. Our other learal" covers the tan
erark, -Mr. -Thomas Hills, runsalively - iod ring or tw�b, another one will 0, emeralds, has been ill for some time, intend returning to Brussels, where he has rick,formerly resided in Brussels, -F
bus come, We have them set with diamond the business . with Wm. Nightingale.—E
took pals, pearls, etc.,st prices pleased to hear, is at present some better. I g At his trade as a blacksmith time affording
iness these days. Last week a citizen rublesi, saphires, turquotre, o merchants report. trade as very good.,The Bliaevale. been workin the editorial chair.
Presbyterian con- dra, Michigan, who Gerry is now said to fill
C.- W. PAPST, Book and Tewe)ry last of the season's make of cheese has been t14 eyes, bavin
hisdriver to theshop foilr times before itcould that are Eghk Jewelry —On learnin that th( —Mrs. Hyslopi of Elm be shod, so great was the pr store, SeaforAh. w. -R. Counter, Manager gregation of leaforth was planning to have NOTES.—The Blaevale branch of the bible has been here for the past few weeks vigit- in the Herald office.—George Clij] 6, of
essure of work, sold at 8c per pound,
Departmew. soci�ty held its annual meeting on Monday iug her motherl, Mrs. Munn, and brothers, Wingham, is busy getting up the cants%,
-three men ere on duty. Mr. their anniversary services on the 19th inst., t4
although IN looking for sometbiDg nice for a Christ- ted and an- evening Of , this week. Rev. Mr. returned home this week.—A meeting in to of Estero to be given here by local ar. Now, as to undr
-Hills has confidence ir4 the -future as he aa was gift, call nd see our line of Carvers, Silver the Methodists, who had selec Stephen. Edmunds, B. D., agent. of the society, I = skating rink this week Jantiary.—E. Denver bias sold his fulnt
t . �Spoons of the be4t wakes. S. nounced the same day, withdrew their plan be held in our showing 50e a
-prepared several sleighs and stylish cut era NoTlis.—On Wednesday, December let His address was ood,
I Knives, Forks and 1686-1 and changed to the following �unday, viz., was the speaker. for the pur ose of organizing a curling club. being lot 16, concession 54 Giey, to JAMNI but there is's v��
for his numerous customers. Preparations xuvbrir & Co., Seaforth. cele.brat Oil C �OY-YOY
an interesting society event was in fact the best given in the interests
are being made for �a Sabbath school enter- H6GKEy Skates and Straps, Packs and December 26th, when their annivermar er r this The Hensal playefs, in -bygone years, when Porterfield, of Elm&, for $3,5W r -wool. � It may
Ot in the marriage of Mr. Charles Holt, of society for a long tiine, All the F, ni Fir cut ung
tainment in, our church to take place about sticits; also a nice line of Spring Skates. Prices vices will take place.—R 6'v. Mr. Til7na , I WU 111tu Our foraier rink., proved therUselves Kinney gives an entertaium
Khiva, and Miss Jane Keys, of the SILIne officers and Collectors were re -chosen. Ver
y heir own with some auspices of tha Mechanics, Instit, able all -wool -
than six butchers cater right. S MULLSTr &CO., seaforth. ibefi-i Walton-, will preach for th! Rev. S. Bond good curlers and held t
Christmas. on Sun e * es of this Village just day next. Mr. Bond goes to Exeter i place.—The youngsters are now entertain- he meeting, perhaps of is hoped there wit
ly app I Vi*ions of few were present at t ,hp beat rinks in the county, and we -have December 17. It rits much titinted -v
now. Go on, gentl men, the fittest will " ADvERTISTING PAys.—It has now come to to preach anniversary sermons in the James i ng ideas of Xmas festivities. because of the rather stormy night. —MIN the machines ox
San no doubt that 4 club will this week be or- large house, as'the artist me - it
tti Claus, filled stocking@, Xmas trees, to Tillie Fluker is on,theick list�—Mr. Edgar as
anrvive. In the m antime the people get be acknowledged by all business men that Str6�t Methodist Chur��'.—Miss Maggie gauized that will nok only uphold their past fine sleighirg of the I b few day$ 118 1 and it may a1w
ad th nothing of 'sugar. plume, etc., have al. 'I
of Clinton, is a ree little nieces, leave to -day, say Coultes went to Hamilton on Monday, to reputation but Add to it.—Quite a number things livefj in Brassek—Albert A� U16"
the benefit.—Mrs. � �'earson, dvertising pays. Not only is this so, but Wilson most
crowded everythin'telso out of their write on the examination at, the Normal Aher day brought a load of d it the lingerjn,�
(Friday or� a visit to friends in Indianapo. of our villagers, attended the annual tes. -the q ry
spending. a few weekawith her daughter, Mrs. business meu have come to realize that to heads for the time being. at then 'I Christ- college, the new name given to the school of contaiaing 6 cords.
James Stoddatd, of this village. She is make a, success of business it is absolutely lis.- -T violin class, unde� the tuition of meeting held at Sexamith on Thursday wood to town brambles$ buh,
years being necessary to resort to a judicious use of iSs 13 noch, will give a concert in the Y. mas comes but once a year," and much bene. pelagogy. —Mr.- John Collie, sr., is very eveniDg last, and report it a success.—Mr. itame iu tow
very bright and active for her fit is derived from the general manifestations poorly.—Mr. Pugh is home from Al-
an y By, judicious and honest M. C. A. rooms ius� was in London this week on
over eighty.—We Canadians have In on Fri4y evening, 17th of good cheer exhibited in all classes. of so. oma, wh * h t the sammer.—ldr , W. R. Hodil Lakelet was sheared,
printees ink. Particular ' &ins is! being taken to ere e open - business.—The I inspector of weights and s.—Mr. Briabin, who ran the seeon&
things &ttering to our national vanity new4paper advertiB�ng many of the - larilrest inst. P —Dashwood E�angelicxl church Sun- NOTE OUT Doe a
ciety. 5ohn Collie,jr.-,qf Niagara Falls, came home test -
measures was in, our village this week,
these days- and of these Ontario gets a good businesses in CarkadVand the United States furnish an excellent programme.—The con- r and autulas
i day school are � preparing for their Xmu last week.—Me. Edward Coult store here during the skimme
share. The last report - of the Bureau have been bdilt, up. The keenness of'com- cert given by the Fisk J-utilee Singers, on- tree, which will take place Xmas eek.— ing the scales Ad weights of our business months, left lat week, � Mr. Bribiu was V -quit, all -wool
of Wednesday evening, was ai treat to all who the position of principal -of -Ripley public men.—The many friends of Mr. Charles
away ahead rebant gentleman of the first water, but. did sot, f rom others.
lot Statigtics places her petition makes. it necessary for a me The good people of Shipka Methodist 6 salary of $475.—The children Troyer, merchaot and postmaster at 'Hills
.; to p heard it. Although the company has . school, at a
the leadiug, wheat growing States of the church are making extensive pre odist Sunday school are practis- keep variety enough, and on that a eCOURV.. smelf -of ase
lac6 conspicuously before the public the changed in its members, it� has lobt none of , pairations of the Meth Green, and who is well known here, will gre . :
neighboring B epublic in the" number of bus- kind, �he quality, and the price of zhe for their Xmas tree entertainment which i at to be held in the was unable to cope With Mr, Dulmaige,w)wt er grades again
�7 10 ing for an entertainme
f wheat, raised last year and goods hb'z desires to dispose of, in order that itsUtractivenems, and the rendering of the inst.—Miss Mary regrot to learn o� his present serious illness, keeps everytbing that is asked for. --Thaw'
els per aere % o an V
to be held on the 23rd church on the evening of December 23rd. Ube and
other grains in like proportion. Yet our he may7attract custonier to his store. We Tteg�o, melodies is as -pleasing as formerly. d hope for his �ecovery.—The annual tea -
Love, teacher in the B line school, will sever Miss Aggie Smillieas able to be -brought were some logs landed in the m I ad
farmers sometimes tbink they get but poor feel sa�� in saying that.. our largest mer. The soloists have voice3 of unusual compass I her engagement with the school at Xmas- home from Seaforth last week, and, we are meeting held at Sqxsmith on Thursday dur:ing the few days rileighing.—Mr' We, show a -very fa
Lee- evening of. I W Scott, who has been aki-ng cheese BraW.
return for their bard labor.—Mr. John chants in Seaforth can attribute a large por- and delighte I d the audience' with t . heir eel' lilies Love has taught in the school three glad to say, is improving.—We are sorry to k, iwas one of -the beet 1 5e a pair ; a
Horton, of Tuckersmith, o 'ent a few days tion 4 their success to the use of the tionk a and most success ruil. ever held. The church, field during -the summer mouthin
P —9 years, and has proved to be an e mest, hear that Mrs. Allen Ramsay, of the first at An early hour In the evening, was crowd- Itaer.— made mitt at
this week with his daughter, Mrs. H. Ches. his journal,and,in this instance, the Fordwich factory for next sum
Columni of t painstaking teacher. line of Morris, is veiy ill. Her disease is standing There was quite a conti id 4love at 50f,
ney, of this village. we would like to refer to the enterprising McKillop. that,most painful one, cancer.—The. last of ed and Imter on here was not ugent 'for -Oliffo.
n. The tea, as served by tho ladies,was
roor in Palmerston on Thursday, at -the c ouV011- 50r, ; a-dcent
firm of Greig & Macdonald, who, for the FARM SoiD.—Mr. John M. Govenlock this season's cheese was shipped on Wed-
t few weeks, have been using large ha3 sold his farm on the 13th concession of A No. 1, and fully sustained their repts Is good sbirt -a
.—Another old Haron boy P%8 nesday. The price receiVed was 8J cents. I tion to select a representativ for NOtth
.ST -mL AN--OTIIFP. tion as excellent cooks and bountiful pro- of
spaces ir. THE ExposfToR. Since their e-3- McKillop to Mr. Thomas Ryan, son of Mr. WOOD WANTED.—The undersigned wisbes Wellington. Mr. Robert Scott muffler at 34oz
—0 videris. av is makic- his mark among his fellows else new steighs,all wIllmadeand The literary &ad musical part of
d at tablisbment here they have been very sue- P. Ryan. The farm'contains 75 acres; has to exchangid good was the choice' The P&Tro 0
where. At the Reform Convention hel finished, for good nisple or beach wood,dry or green, Morris. the p I ramme was very good, and much i t fialL -eilief at 100
cessful in their line of business,.. and t i and good out- market pricei given. T. MRbLis, Tucker, present yepres.enta , y
d by all. The proceeds - amounted to lawn at, 25c,
Palmerston last week to select a candidate i on it a good, new brick housf 22 inches long, J o �ef
tribute much of this success to the r inve:t: buildings and was sold for $4,200. Mr. Kippen. 1565-2 OBITuA-ny NoTicH.—There died in Morris, _W 11 neve ave A b0VW
to contest West Wellington at the approach meiits in ptinter'8 ink. It is the interest- Govenlock intends moving back to his age - o e have to � chronicle this week the The Conservati�jes will neve -in their aullk
ing Provincial eections,Mr)James NleEwing BuLL SOLD —Mr. John MeNevin, of -this on Saturday, December 4th, at the death of Mrs. A.M. Ortwein, Br., which oc- chance thAwthii time to run tboK
eft semeut that attracts, and by the fathers farm near Seafoith an(y work it in place has sold to Mr. William McAllister sixty. -nine years, James Dick. f cancei of who has not yet been seledted.�Ano formerly of Tackersmith, bad a narrow ing adv i 'of her son, Mr. 'WE, H, AVE ON39
atter which they supply the public He was a native of the parish' curred here at the'residence of ath in the vicinit last -week frpla 010
scape from being the succqmful man. The acy m future. the Parr Line, Stanley, his wqll known the stomach. sad de' y
last ballot was a tie between Mr. McEwing with, they have a wide and enviable repu- IN ME.XoRium.—We are called upon this thoroughbred Shorthorm bull," Sailor Lad." of Cam . Psie, Stirlingshire, Scotland, and was J. W. Ortwein, general merchant, on, Wed- effects of that dreaded d' e consu t
of the late John Dick, of nesday, December Ist, at the advanced age MONEYBAC
and a Mr. 18cott, and the President, as pro- tatiOn- week to record the death of one of the his ITull was from Mr. D. D. WilsOD's the sixth son which has worked so muc havoc in., W
same parish. He came -of 87 years, 11 months and 6 days. The de- esidents of the township, in the .'imported stock, is three years old and is Springfield, in the cinity recently. A cold contract
vided by the constitution in such cases,gave on e
the casting xote. He voted in favor of Mr. —The band of death r e n r r who one of the beet stock bulls in the county. to America when quite a -young man, and ceased was a nativ6 ot Alsfield, Germany, spring consummated in the disease
RE,.%rovED iBy DExTH. Mrs. Thomas Davidson, ar., York. and emigrated to this country, - together ery eartb
e f
P so 0 Tuesday, Novei Mr. McAllister is I was for a time a resident in New neither physician nor ev
Scott., thus making Mr. Scott the candidate has remayed from our midst onb of the first departed this life on going into the breeding of
ature age of 83 years an with her husband� the late Mr. George GRE] it.
instead of Mr. McEwing. Had not one of of Tuckeramith's settlers, in the person of 30th, at the In CL 'A 1 Shorthorn cattle and if he is as, successful The i owing to ill health, he�returned to his - 9 could remove. She was a membei
native place, and, after four years, came to Ortwein, who predeceased her 19 years ago, Methodist church here, and was belovIl
�Mr. MeEwing's supporters left the conven. Agnes Manson, relict of the latq James Me. months. Mrs. Dividao� had been endowed in that line as hek� has been with Berkshire
in the year 1832, settling in thef county of
is Canada and settled in Enniskillen,- cork every one with whom. she came in C A
tion, temporarily, just before the last ballot wing, at the ripe old age of 83 years. The by nature with an excellent constitution anti pigs he will have no fault to find with h ty 4C)LOT]
of Lambton. He sold his land there, and Waterloo, where they hewed out for them- The funeral last� Monday wa . a very
,was taken, he would have received the silent -messenger came as a happy relief to in ihe courseof her longlife hadscarcely success.
c,)ncession 9, selves a fine farm out of what, was then a r, Harvey pi
Ndvin the old re-. ureas he farm, lot 15, attended. The Rev. M
nomination by a majority of one. Mr. Me- the deceased. For a number of years she been unwell till about three years ago, NoTEs.—Mr. John Me, Continue& to live there
He was for dense forest, and On the Wroug Side
Orris i on which he died. Strong
Ewing. at once moved to make the nomin- had been a most severe sufferer from cancer when she. wa; prostrated a severe at- liable of the Kippen Mills has commenced a memorial service on
ga 9, great sufferer from rheuma- until t)-ei year 1872, when they retired from ichool
ation of his opponent unanimous, and in of the eye, and about a year ago she hal to tack of influenza which shattered her hither- his winter campai and he is buying all many years Mahood treated her Sunday a
-e the eye removed'L bu. at, to quite robust health. Since then she the saw logs that come along and he must tism, though lately was seemingly quite the farm and made their home -with thei� turkey, goose and candy on Than
thanking his friends for their support in the ha t th did not stay son, Mr. J.i W. Ortwei The family, con- bow SE"ORTH,�
well and able to attend to his farm duties. day.—, The farmers from ound he
ion, announced his intention to take, the ravages of the disease, and it termin-, has been frail and being seized with a be pa, ing good Prices as he seems to be get -
convent of tw� was and fou'r daughters, all of
nd work as hard for Mr. Scott ated fatally on Friday last. Mrs-. McEwin oring the malady with. 4-hij h
off his coax- a g recurrence of the same disease a few weeks ting lots of them. John akes 'good lum- Last of F ich he died sists Mrs. Ortwein was a kind been teaminiz their oats to Fordwic ta
d have done for himself had he was born id Nercudbrightshire, Scotland: ago, she had not sufficient energy left to ber and good flour and as every person likes began to trouble. him, th6ugh no one whom are living. the past two weeks,and kettiug 24 ce
as he w 6111 and good neighbor, aad Mr. , h
L 1848,4qth her husband and family withstand it long. - From the beginning of him 'and trusts him he is always well snip- thought of -it being as serious as it was. But and loving mother bushel. 'I Omas Gibson, THE C
been selected., and he earnestly urged all and iE Bd many excellent Tualities, which ' Mt,Mardyy is thehief b 91; his friends to - do the same, Mr. M cEwing they emigratedrto Canada, and came direct- her last illness little hopes were entertained plied with buyers. —Sacrament of the Lord's the sands of life ebbed fast aviay, and he possesm supporter of
er and would have ly to Huron, settling on lot 12, Concession wetit with very little pain, owing it is made her a favorite i among er friends and, and his houesty ittracts the people. Accident Am
is a fluent and able speak for her recovery and the , inevitable hour supper will be dispensed in St. Andrew's
ht, to his already enfeebled constita. acquaintances. The remains were interred
McConnell had i wood bee on
made a'itrong candidate and a useful re- 6, L. R. S., T 'ekeramith where she con. came on the morning of'Thesday, the 30th church on Sabbath next, at the usual hour, -thong' ille bemete on Saturday b r ibw
presentative had he been selected and will tinned to'resiZ until &gut ten years ago, ult., as stated above.Deceased,whose maiden eleven o'clock'. Rev. J. S. Henderson, of tion. He was a nian ot the strictest. inte in the Rodgery t night the bclyig and girls baA Accident SM
d fro
-About a bon forenoon, and the fune —John Scott keturne In M
yet come to the front. Huron blood will, when she moved to Eginondvi!le name was Margaret Mather, was born in Hensall, will conduct preparatory -services rity, whose word was as good as his
e& a lie, and the least a prea6hed in the M 'h di t h rch on Sab.
i year '1;4o she gave up house -keeping and Scotland, in the ppLrish of South Dean, near to-da� (Friday) at eleven o'clock, and the and who seem week. its hai purchased a quarter
tell., no matter where it is found. le. bath evening last, b� -0thles Rev! W. E. Kerr. turning in
went to live with her- son -i- an or dishon of land there, �i purposes re
n -law, Mr. Geo. Dykerow, Roxboroughshire,where she spent tbankSgiVingL services will be held on the arance of anything me a An awident poriq
—Mr. Win. MeKsy� the efficient principal
he Laidlaw, in Tuckersmithl whete she died. hbr youth and early womanhood. In 1840, following Monday, by Rev. Mr. Muir, of Ve was a staunch Presbyterian, and loved, spring -
MISSION 'the doctrines of his ofibur public school; who now holds a fiist-
members, of the Mission Bend of the Pres� Mr. McHwing died about 40 years ago. The she was married to the husband, who still Brucefield.—Mr. and Ars. John McKay, of with intense fervor,
deceased was a bruly noble woman, beloved survives her. Shortly after their marriage- the 4th concession of Tuckeramith, have W. church. He was a member of DaTs church, claw certificate, in � in Toronto this week Burnard, Of St. Pa uvw
by-terian church gave their annual enter writing for a. higher grade first. Mr. —Mr. Simeot
r of she and her husband removed to the town at citizens of our village. Mr. Walton, and had a high respect for his pas gaa affo
tainment on Monday night. The audience by all who know her. She leaves a famili come permaue with & mithay a few days ago, it W'Iae! of Galashiels, where Mr. Davidson held a McKay having good tack for business will tor, Rev. Mr. Forrest, whose kindness to Memlordie, jr., wallteach for him until his mel it eye, went to
6rge as might have been, or seven children to mourn the lose of a if f Mr.R,Csaiey, a knife entered bis rig)
was not ai Is return.—Mrsi C"y, wi a o 4
anted, but those and affectionate mother and. -loving coun- position in a woollen factory for a number be a valuable acquisition to _our go-ahead him was unremitting during his last days. P. as the entertainment. warr rs. j. K ford, the othek day, to consult Dv-'
Fiesent appreciated the selections given by cillor, who will ever cherish her memory. of years. At length, catohing th9spirit, of burg.—We are now enjoying good sleigh. He married Hannah Baird, of Milagav, G.T.R. agent at Baden, and 3/1,
tending of Toronto. The injury is quite- C-6
onald presided, They are Hugh, of Palmerston ; Jam'ea, (-f the times, Mr. Davidson began to turn his which causes busm*'ess to boom in all Scotland, sister of the late Rev. John Baird, Becker, of Tavistock, were here at eted that MT- the young folks. Dr. MOD ey, who survives -him. His the funeral of their �iother, Mrs. Ortwein, one, but it is hot exPe
cott acted as accckm-� W 11' ton county ; Mrs.- George Lsidlaw, - thoughts towards America and, accordingly �L.—Mr. Thomas McGregor, who. has of Port Stanli will entirely lood the might of the V&
and Miss Beatrice 8 a to re a —It was intended, to have had our new
first part of the programme Of Tuctleremith", and four living in the the family emigrated to Canada in '58, '-in been spending the summer among friends in family were five 'd ugh rs, M George r.
yanist. The