HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-12-03, Page 8- - I � r
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k- 11 URON EXPOSITOR I - - � DECEMBER .3 18 -�;
-1 � I . � . .1 �
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�; . . � -
� . I . ' � 1� terest in missions. At the oonclusion of the -
,� I
Ri Since the death of Mr. Sproat In August,, !� Ding, and it is the intention of the Literary i ad pulpits for the day. Mr. Bradley is an , for four years.—Mr. Henry Bauer, jr., has - . 1
ii .
�- `Wilson,'s Gash Grocery she sermons left his father's farm and moved to his evening service,Mr. McKay invited the peo. , 1. I
�� has been tenderly cared for by her � anclMebating Club to give a series of 'enter- , earnest and able preacher and his 41f I
, I .. - !
La - - . � I appreci -law's, Mr. Dignan, at Fanstown.— ple to remain a short time, as he had a pro ff V ter . I
:� dairghter Miss Bell&. The decessedwas a � tainments and lectures during the season, I- were mucl ated by large congrega. f4ther-in - W�� � i � .
. V '.
� Now is the Vnie for pickle making, and to baire � - I tions.—Mr. James Lee, whose barn was Butchering has begun and is going on lively po.val to make. He said it had been in his � - J
I I � - Ll
11 !. umst use the best Vinegar and person of a very kindly disposition and Will . and as the entertainment proved conclusive I �
i . gacd suc"ts 3 0U. . I ' , � �
" I ces, We eell the Prcof Vinegar, the best and be much missed by. a wide circle of friends. ^ ly that there is an abundance of local talent� I burned last week, wishes us to say that the in &IF direotions.—Mr. John Zettel, who mind 'for some time to organize& MeWs - I -1
V- f . I I
L' "do ' i a a I L ;
'. eapest in Vie market, and t] 0 Rer daughter, Mrs. Sarvis, arrived from her �' we may expect some very pleasant evenings ' firewas n9t caused by ashes which had been -moved " to Teesw ter few ear& ago,and has Foreign Alinion Society on much the same
� p4ro spicos -. just what you reo�ulfe to 'ensure 0 . _ . been '- the flax business tKere, , has moved principles as the women's society is at. prez- . I
. in "I
. and* .1 —Mr. I with the Debating Club. _ ,
-1 our stock of groceries to well worteds" home in Dakota on Monday evening. taken biA for the hens, And he has no idea ,W(I-n s, I
Ze he higliest g
,f I c"W. :
�� n Teas, Dried Fruit, -now J. R. Adams, of Teeawater, spent sometime —0 . of how It did originate. Besides hiscrop,he L -back again and intends to. stay. We *eutcouducted, and be thought 'there was - � ,
Z - tipmto-date with now sekso -1 . -Brucefield. I ; . -
� ,- curfd Cod FUh, etc. All goods guaranteed to give - . THAxxsGxvxxG DAY.—Thursday last being lost nearly all his implements, including %.! welcome ' hirri and his family.— no betterplace to begin than ,. -1 ; .. . �
�. �L- mod. We have so me in our village this week. . I � . I I I - t
L , �. satisfaction or money retu - - Thanksgiving Day, all the stores and other , wagon, now binder, mower, etc. His loss i Mr. Fred Kibler was at Listowel this week, A meeting for organization was to be held � � i
. . ..
�Li ; ,epecWbargairtsin Dinner, Tea and TolletStte. See 6 - on some important business,—Mr. Moses the following Monday evening, but, owing - I � � - . I
them before buying. The highest price paid for III DEATH OF )/IRS. GEoRGA SPPOAT.—After places of business in town were closed. The will be about $1,400, while his insurance, is . I W�Aiekrer tbey -may be in � Dry - . -
I - Kestle was called to the * funeral of his to the stormy weather, and the fact of L -
( *Inds of goock preduce. ;Butter, eggs -'and fowl , Sproat, of Tucker the Goodgi *6 are reatly to Supply them at ' I ]
F - - - a lingering and painful illness, Uary'Black,L weather was anything bat favoraCale for a onl,v $70G.—Mrs. Alex, -� I
I � *anted. . relict holidem- There was a steady down pour of onvith, near Kippen, spent Thanksgiving 'father, who was buried lost Tuesday, in the meeting in the church at 7-30, there was not V, .
� of the late George SproAb passed away I . - I . c ose qij, Pri -
, _
�', / C. WILSON, Saaforth. a 21' day, and it was cold "well, so that with friends in Guelph.—Mr. and Mrs. Exeter cemetery.—Mr. G. Eiseubach was time to got the matter arranged.- We have I i �t ' cep, from the best all r)111141- :..
�. . . at her residence in Egmondville, on Tuesday rah I
(- I 1. IWA Bank of Commerce Block. . I a few days every confidence that such an- organization, Dry Uoods stock in the co,
, I last. Mrs. Sproat was one of the early not- most people were ionly to glad to stay in James Crozier, of this town, *ant to 'St. presented with twins, ano! ' � - ' 111ty. - w
. as would be of very great benefit, and th �, I L
. great tlers in this part of the country. 'In 1832, doors, and eat their turkey at home. Beside Marys on Monday, to atterad the funeral of after his wife died. -She was buried I t at HurotA:biggest Dry Goodsatore U11,
. . � Su its and Overcoats in -h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the Are was, decidedly, the most comfor- a sister of Mr. -Crozier, who died there.- Sunday afternoon in the Browneon line adme. very soon. . steps will be taken to set the to ove iAoiwing vith just the kin I . - - I
she. came wit r " eni -of I
. I
� . -1. numberand variety. Adam Black, from the old country, settling table place. Some- went off, by train 'to Mrs.L SarVin, of North Dakota, with her tery. We learn the chilar ace doing.well. thinjiminotio.n. Thechurchwas crowded L , - .
- I to its fullest capacity ning, ,, goodd ey6ti, want for this, 'Wea �
- I on lots 18 and 19, concession 3, Tackeramith, visit friends abroad, but there. was not a young son, arrived hereon Monday lost, to Thesym atby of the whole neighborhood p. er.- �
- ' �
ices ploy an important part in - our Clothing Do- very lar4o uumbef of tickets sold here, &I- see her mother, � Mrs. George Sproat, of in exten7ed to him in his mad bereavement. � a large audience certainly.?rere not There ite#er was a time when we haa, - . :
I Pr - - where she -resided I continuously until about _ . Egmondville, who was very ill. -We are -Mr. Adain S. Faust has given hishouse a I disappointed, as the addresses delivered b y as godd . � -winter stock as we . t i
� Wiment.. Never before have we offered such In- four years ago, when ship moved.with her though the railway authorities had offered ; t L I I
. ut and built � an addition to � Reva. Messrs. McKay, Clark .and Stewart , . I
- ducewerkta, in the way of values and IWO. Nothing husband to Egmandville., Since the death very favorable rates. In the forenoon, ser. sorry to loam of the serious illness of, Mrs. new coat o� pa� - to -day, ,� - I I
I - I t an d alpearance. were masterly efforts. Mr. McKay, with d
but up-to-dak, reliable goods kep'. in �hls depot of her husband in August last, Mrs. Sproat vicex were held in St. Thomas church and Wilson, sr., of Silver Creek. She is suffer- it, which gives I . improve rter- the I triumphant . ring -
! =out. Our large and stes;ly trade Is the best evi. has almost continuously been confined - to in the Presbyterian church &.nd in the Me. ing from a severe attack of inflar6ination of -Rev. D. Kreh, of tratford, hel 4ua I of -victory in his voice, �INE F U -R$ - �
� - -h in the afternoon and evening. the lung
I .. %-Colonel Elliott, of Toronto, ly meeting on the 14th concession I I t San. dwelt -at some len th on the present min.
the house and during that time was a sev- thodist chure , 1� - I
� � . deidee of pleaKd customers. A *- I I . sionary outlook. 'Dr. � Clark spoke about - Th i I i d . �
I � ere sufferer. Her constitution, under mind. Many who. bad laid out to take advantage Font the ThankeVving holidays . with his day. - � � i�!JA par weather,just the . ; i
. . ;
1, " -he holiday to "do chorea ; - L
i, around t-9; at �. R. F. Case. -Johnson- : . Presbyterianism, and for three quarters Of I '
It - J
1- . ecl by constant attention upon Mr. Sproat of t I tt. . Ur I -11
,� Wm. Pickard & Oo. derfeed furnace Win an hour kept the audience spellboand,while, re
I i -a new un throp. that Piti ' e ...needed, There is t e � � .
j I F . during his illness, was unable to withstand house" in the way. of pr�pairiDg for winter Bro;. are pu Ing in . . t . �
I beautiful language, he exhorted every one ly an fifflele of dress. sold where . �
: . I
� i ted as the weather was so in Mr. D. D. Wilson's residence. -Mr. W. " I
I � � ; SEAFORTH. the ravages of that dreaded disease, cancer, were disappoin . NOTEs.-Mr. John McCloy, who has been In I
� 6
I i - . - Id that noth g in 'could K. Pearce, of the Dominion Bank, who is helping to take off the bountiful harvest in Dot to forget the covenanten and the is mol!�, fo-ofn for deception I I
-� + and her s�ivit took its flight to that land wet and oo in that line � tha ' in �
� , I I
- I . be done.Howaver,those who were disappoint. oni of Strathroy's 11 old boys," was Meant Manitoba, retumed home last week. -Miss shorter catechism. Mr. StewarVA lecture ne is ,, ,% � : -.. -. i
where pain As unknown.. Deceased, who - Fur&- Villess o i In P 17 I
1 ,X
I '11=59"VEAMS1111P I had something of the humorist in it. His gU L P �J LLLL
. - was 68 yeairs and 5 months of age, was a ad in this way bad the day's rest,which will, at the 11 old boy's " banquet on We nesday Inard, school teacker, 'spert Thank�giving , . buyer'A bfilly sa Lfe ard is to buy 11 I -- � I I
. � . - AND most worthy and highly esteemed woman,of perhaps, do them as much good. night of last wee,k,-and spent Thanksgiving' at her home in Goderich.-Business in our subject was 61 Peculiarities noticed among . � .1 :
. I
� - - - the Chinese while visiting on the Pacific some hoti46 that can be depende .; .
- I a charitable.and loving disposition, ever- -41 da village is booming,. our two blacksmiths be- OIL I .
" . y with his old friends there. -Mr. P. Dill I � - - �
I . .
�L -1 -The has added a stock of stdple dry goods to regairing. Coast," and, from the iterestm, iethres We buy our Furs from �L - .
� FIRE 'INSURANC ready to assist those in need of her services. HONORING A FoRBiER SEAFORTHITE. � his ing kept bus horse-shoilng and . I the mos re. -
. I i- �
; drawn by -the speaker of Chinese fife!Ulot onw �
grocery stock. -Miss Kathleen Sterling, L , .
. The U-mily who have been thus doubly be- gentleman mentioned in the fonowing,*hich The grist inif, is also running at full. lost.- . , could go away withou6 knowing a great deal - "liable, hoil:lios in the trad-Q, andl caq "�- .1.
reaved in go short a time - have the sincere we take, from the Harriston tiiboie of last daughter of Dr.Sterling, of Waterloo, spent Dr. G. H. Gi6b, V. S., of Seaforth, was'in . commell,ol ihe qualities of the -oorl%iwe� � - - ,
-AGEfNCY. On ad a R more of oriental life than when he came. I I . 0 � � .
. L and heart felt sympathy of a large bircle of week, was at one time a resident of Sear Thanksgiving at the residence of her uncle, the neighborhood W ne d T9 and de- - - .. .., - J
� a sell; 11 11 I
, friends. The remains will be Interred in forth, and has many friends still here, &I. Mr. W. MeLachlan, East William street.- horned cattle for the following armers : S. The musical part of the programme was ' �L th,S Seago, - - - - - - - -
. I
* - farnishe& b 'a quartette from , Seaforth, .4 U ,are arfic "I . - -,
. .
W. Somerville, Agent the Egmondvflle cemetery, beside those of though he has been a. prominent citizen -of Saturday last was a busy day in town, and J. Shannon, Melvin Blanchard and M. while Mingwing presided at the organ. Our Vili I parti,c - I � J
d good va,14% -, --L
(Successor to H. �A, Stronc & Bro.)' her late -husband, on Friday afternoon. Harriston for many years, Itsays: "The acornpe�ent authority informed,us that Hanna. At Mr. Hanna's place 'he clip a irnol yon can rely on th,a. -. _![
. � residence of R. Dowling,Esq., was the scene more grain was marketed on that day than the hc,rns off 20 cattle in 25 rainutes.-C. To say that they were appreciated would be tlitied being first-cl - - 11
Telegraph and Express Baditg. ----------- 70- lini ; it very mildly, the audience was olul I � *- Neck ub - ;; ..
I - - I .� ,
- DrWs is the place to do our dealing for ?f a most enjoyable time on Tuesday even- hem been marketed da for sever. M. Hanna is very ill ab present. -Rev. T.L. P�l I. -
1111��1111111111111111 . . af ply delighted and, without any wish on are very-148hionable, and we ale Mg. �
- ',��11111151iii I - Dry Goode and Groceries, Sentog, . 11.61.1 Ing last, and one that must -have been most &I years. -Mrs. W�A"eeeeoonne, 0 Goderich, MoCatcheon will conduct service in the Olm # . I � .
. - , � . 11 I � I ifyingtoMr. and Mrs. Dowling. The spent Thankaglymig with her daughter,Mrs. Methodist, church here on Sunday morning, our jilrb to discriminate� we would make a great tAd-0 of the following lines,*.- �, .
11 � special mention to the rendering of the. I I I
. � WOOD WANTZD in exchange for clothing.' grat . I I I I
I. I STARK BROD... Mero4lit Won, Main street. ses. event was a surprise part from about fifty J-. C. -The Mibses Cant, of G'alt, at 10:30, when all should avail themselves isA m Ruffs, head cla ana - I
I spent Greif. of the opportpnity of hearing him. �. , it I wa L
. im-2 of the employees of Mr Wowling's facto the atter part of last week at the h mn,. 11 Satisfied," by Mrs. Somerville, of Black Op 4 I .
, L . .. - . forth. . - L ry, residence of Mr. Win. Elliott, town clerk.- --* . Weaforth. As many are aware, the words of - tail.. I, i ,�� 4. I ................... . 25.- .
,is at who, accompanied by their wives and ais- 11 I I
-1 -t . STRAMPLI), ONTAR-10. THE best value in Teas and Coffees � this hymn are.by Miss Graham, of Egmond- American ih,4 Australian Oppossuman � I
' .
� L Tire course of study In " school is up to the LA mri&w's New Grocery Store, Seatorth. Try them. ters, made a sudden and unexpected raid Mrs. W. Somerville, Miss Ewing, Miss � . � McKfflop- ville, andwe are sure they will possess new I Raccojii Auffs, hea,d, claws, and : � - .1
� - 15d6-1 upon the house about 8 o'clock. The ladies Lula Davidson and Messrs. 'ramen Scott I 11
. . - I . ' . - �7 � . .
. highat standard of vxcellence * unexoelled advan- . . . n LOCAL BRIEFs.-Mrs, S. Robinson, who tails�.i, .... I
� - Sages I in every department - m�Jerate rates ; board DRESS CUTTING.-SLIOWS tailor system. carried many suspicious - looking baskets, and' James Mullen, of the Pres�yteria meaning to numbers after hearing them so i , - - - - i ...,.. - I 1
-- e. -'Write for cliculan. - of dress cutting, which Is so highly Noken of by 0 Me OUR church choir, took part in the anniversary has"been visiting friends in Tuckeramith beautifully sung by Mrs. Sonierville. The Fine quality Gray Lamb Ruffs, nice -1 -
� - cheap; enter any tim while'th U I - rded the valuable pres. . b ' I ught to a clo I so at 10 o'clock. even cl -6ad, claws and tails. L �
. 4444-512 ladiW of Clinton and otbe r, places w be at the ents. I Mr. and Urs. Dowling, taken so and - services in connection with the Brucefield and McKillop for sonie* weeks, returned meeting was ro, iI;i� .$350. - 1, .1
. � I L I
. �
I W. J'. ELLIOTT, Principal. parlors of the ftyal Hotol, ;Zoz th. on,the 2nd, Ord home to St. Catharines last -week. Mrs. And Genuine Al0ka Sable Ruffs, head,cla . i
L � - denly by surprise, quietly gave up liesses, Presbyterian church, on Monday evening.- . . thus ended, we may safely say, the - we .. - :
: icember, and lower If a dlass� can be � � and tall A I qualities -.84.50, $5, $7�, .
- Robinson was formerly a resident of Me. most,' successful anniversary held in the I , - VA . � �
and 4th of D . . ;
I - arranged for. Gids from the -country who are sion oUthe house, and nio3t cordially invited Beattie Bros. have opened out a butcher � . . I
. � � 4
L 4 anxious for a thorough course In cutting should not all present to make theinselves perfectly at :hop in the vacant store in their blook,� Killop, and is a daughter of Mr.John Crich, church for years. ' L �� � I I 11 i
- . . miss this chance.' Come and see ths systern of Tuckeramith.-Mr. Richard Robinson, -0 In kdfs� Gaunlets, Cape M' I 1. � . �
I - ght *#Von exposiptovo home. - Order being reatored,,Mr. Charles outh Main street. -Mr. John F. Daly,' S " ,
. � I
1. I I ifift-tol of Leadbury,who had his collar'bone broken L � . � i
- .
. .
� � . -.., - WOOD WANTE'D.-The Seaforth Electric Thompson took the chair, and in a short ex- jeweler, has now got nicely settled in his horb time ago, is nearly fully recovered. I RensalL - . Mantles,w8 have a splendid assortaig . � - i
I natory address called Mr. Dowling to new store in'Gravele block. It in one of the a 6 We p ' �articular attention . 1:
I . - I LightCompany is prepared to contract for a few p 6' 4y, to -- , �
. DISTRICT X A "I=. neatest stores of the kind to be found west -Mr. Edward Dragar, son of Mr. Wm. G. J. S-UTHERLAND, Notary Public, Con. 1. 'i
. z. ,
.hundred. cords of woo4(L Apply to A. H. INGRAM. the front, when a complimentary address voyancer, Fire Insurance Agent. Legal Decumente special 'ordokA� and can get you I i -1
. I 1564-s was read by Mr. Alex. Resioh, and a beau. of Toronto. The handsome fittings of the Drager, of the l3th- concession of McKillop, � y , ", I 1�
- . - Manager. . - fell from 1: a scaffold in the barn, about a carefully drawn up, at reasonable rates; money to kinA of fut - " as� good. d I'll : . I
I CnocKERY.-A. Y Opening out. a tiful and costly clock was presented by Mr. store, which are all of hardwood, were ' loan on form securityi at lowest rates of Interext. , � ; � ,, I
I Pti may want, as.good. ... L �
MEDICAL AssociAmo.N.-On Wednesda week�ago, and received such injuries that Office at the post office, Herisall. 1661-4 as I �p,rlces as you will get LL .
� y cask of Dinner Sets, dirzot irlipartation, which our- 1). Binue. Mra. Dowling was also present- manufactured and placed in the storeby the at 0 IT , � �.
- of thin week at a special -meeting of the paws anything we have ever offeted for style and ad with a complimentary address, and was Broadfoot & Box Furniture Company. -The he is not likely to'recover. ,He .struck his MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! -Who wants . I �]
. - ,
: - wheie. If y6ii are wanting any :' - -1 I
% I Huron Medical Association was held in the ehespness,,. also a auk of Yapoy China, ng head and fractured his skull. His collar money and bargains on good cheap. dwrifflui houses; - . 91 � . I I
- I made the recipient of a handsome present Sunshine mission band intend holding their and 60 acre timber lot ? Ches, it eyer offered. I i. I
� 1. 90M 1b, in Furs get6iir prices before 011 �� '!
� town building here.There were two aspirants quite new. 114, bone was also broken. -Min A. Prendergast , y P1 r. �
� . terian VE ! �� !. -
. � by the young people of the party." annual entertainment in the Presby ' ly to G. J. SUT11HRLAND, At th post office, no'* chase. � � ,,- - . ;
. , . for: the honor of finishing out Dr. Graham a A beantiful line of 75c Books, elegantly . . 0- . churth on Monday evening, Deceihber 6th. has been re. engaged' for the coming year -as sa', F L �-11 15644 - . 1, ... I , :
terML as representative to the 0 t *o Medi bound in cloth suitable for XmaR gifts selan for 60a ' teacher, in school No. 1. Miss Prendergast I � I - L
� 'I cussion at Lumoxx & Wmos's, Seaforth. g SABIUEL flANNAH. A good prog'ramme, consisting of music and . FACTS FOR THE Pumw. -That J. 0. Clau-
- ' ible "di 1664-1 DEATH or MR. --7The . � - - . L
, cal Council.,- After considera � recitations' will be give: by members of the Is an excellent teacher. . I ean, of Herisall, is not'-sebing harness as I cheap as - I .
by the different members present an micable N-Ew Raisins, now Currants, eleamied ; following dispatch from Winnipeg, - Mani- - P a, . . #- L I others, but qheaper. That he has the largest stock . -tuderivear. I I
. — -
I . a-rZi,ngement was arrived �t, , Dr. Ro rtson, now Peels, shelled -Alononds and Walnuts, pure toba, appeared in the daily Bat. band. -The Band of 1161pe gave an enter- 10 - I I . L I
_papers on 11 I horse blankets In the county at prices lower than I I I I
r Of Bpices, Christie Brown Biscuits, etc. A call so- urday last ; " Mr. Samuel Hannah, a well- tainment in the Preabiterian church on � VSM96 . others data quote you. That In Saskatchewan, 0 ne � -� '
. - �
$tratford,gracefully withdrawing in favo lichated. J. C. LAIDLAW, Seaforth.- 15"_1 - -On Thursday, - - I I Two special liue;e of Undeiwear, t -
. known farmer of Grievrold, was found dead Saturday evening last., The entertainment L MATRINON I.M. Thanks tain bear arid goat robes, we lead in low p. ices. d t i
� lor, by which it was agreed that Dr. . . . - " rubber rulF.s at prices that -will cause you to doubt are by. 0 in � I �
Dr. Tay � Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books for all this morning in a well on his farm. It is consisted of a tea for the childien, giv�p by giving Day, a very interesting and ha Ion,, od-di the best valu I e- � I
�'Godericb, pledging himself not to � in great i their quality, but they are good. Our Collars I will . Z�- I � � I
- Taylor, Gemoninations variety at LUMBI)FUN '0&2 W1 - p " .
i I - I stand a second time,should be representative sox's,"Seafortli.- 1664.1o' thoirght be was examiniIig the well and fell the Women's Christian Temperance n on, event took place at'the residence .of gir� guarantee to work without gelling your horse-& trade. - :
I in Mr. Hannah was I the Uonservative followed by a programme of music and John McAsb, Varna. It was the marriage galled shoulder Calls our feelings ; 28 years honor. . :
, , � for district No. 4, that is Huron and Perth, HORSE BLAmmTs,.-This is a .new de. �Wndidata for Lansdowne at the election of recitations, given by the members of the of Mr. MLcAsh's grand -daughter, Christiau Children's Ribbed Wool and Union I
able dealing with the public to this neighborhood, is . �
for the year 1898, and that when the general your guarantee that satisfaction will be given. J. C. Vests, long sleeves, worth 25e, 30a, ... �
. parture, we got &peat bstgain. Our customers will 1892, mud was highly respected. He was band. The evening entertainment' was Jean Macdonald, of Detroit, to Mr. Frank . I 0 .
. elections take place in 1,899, a Perth candid- get the benefit. Corns ani examine. RxII) & WIL- just preparing to go east to his old home in much enjol,ed, not only by the members of McLennan, M. D., of Kintail, Ashfield CLAUSHN. . 1559-tf - - Ladies' Hygicad lVests, heav w- ' ht I �:
I- ateshould not be opposed by a Huron prac- BON, SeRfOTth, 15"-1 I ' . and soft finA, shaped,. a regu ar L ,
r . .
ir - WANTED. -Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Pota- Pennsylvania for the Christmas holidays." the band, ut by the parents and friends township. The ceremony was performed by LOCAL BRiEFs.-With the near approach � �,
- �.
L i � titioner. -A suggestion waa made by Dr. . 35c garment. . 1 . -. , .. . . .. . .. .. .. ..,25 $ - 1
r uo'ods and Mrs. S. Dickson, of this town, who* is a present. During the evening the -thanks of Rev. Mr. Macdonald, at eleven o'clock, in of Christmas our merchants are getting in - I ;
. Robertson ,that a j9int association of the toes, at DiLL's, Sesforth, dealer in Dry i6liday tra4fe." I !
- . 1561-1 sister of deceased, received a telegram an- the members of the band waif giVen to the the presence of the immediate relatives of fine etocks, suitable for the I :[
- ' , �
. -and enter- �
� two counties be formed, meeting q1ternately Groceries.
in Clinton and Stratford. � 1. " � Say ! Do you know that you have a stand. nouncing his death, but no further partio- ladies for their tea, while the latter tender. the bride, among whom were Mrs. Ale- ,Church and societies, lectures . � �1 I I L Z
. . Clin - I .
. - . - Ing invitation to vibit DALY's New Jewelry Store.Sea- ulars concerning the sad event have been ad their thanks to Miss Tufford. who has Naughton and Miss McNaughton, of, - tainments have been the order of the day -
. I �
:. . I I - � 7 - -� -1 received by friends here. Mr. Hannah was . as ere i -Our young peo- Hodgen's Bros,', I .1 ,,,
. forth, and examine his htock. 1564 charge of the band, and her assistants, for Von ; Mrs. Macdonald, of Detroit; Mi h dur'n he past week. 7 1.
: - , SEAFORT11 STUDENTS SuccEED. -Two . . 'ple are loofitn'g forward to & L good winter's - -
I l6c ; Turkeys un- at one time a prominent resident of this the work done, not only,in connection with Winogene Macdonald, of Wingham; Dr. . i
-Butter iMPORTERS1 � �
more have come' to the front, as we find drawn, 8a ; Dried Apples wanted. Largest stock of district, and for some years represented bride skati . . � .
U the L . the entertainment, but i1i the regular meet- and MrA. McAsh, of Belgrave. The ,ng imi� our new rink, which is both a - I
L . . from McGill University lists. Miss Dry Goods. Groceries. Boots and Shoes to select the township of McKillop in the County ings of thii band. -The Broadfoot & Box was the recipient of niany beautiful pres- larger a4id safely constructed building, allLd I OUNTON. -�. �. I
. Lizzie A. Brooka and from. G. E. Kixo, Wingbam. 1564-1 L Company I - ..
I .
. Miss May D.,,Kemp I Council. About 20 years ago he left here furniture have ,on exhibition in ants. . The good wishe� of a large circle of will be 'brilliantly lighted with electricity. - I I :
.1 I passed the �ordeal- of examination with dis- A beautiful line of Sterling Silver Novel. for the Pennsylvania oil regions, and with their warerdome a handsome oak sideboard friends will be extended to the happy young -Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Wilson, of Listo. . � I - � �
L I I ties. Just the thing for Xmas present at DALY's . � - - 7
tinction, at the opening of the session.:. Miss wel, were -in the village last week via- Batebart, the present teacher, who inteni a - - I
. Senforth. 1564..L ' his brother David, was for several years and extension table, part of a dining -room couple, who start out on life's journey under I 1. .
. I -
I- I I Brooks won a sqcond year scholarship of I extensively engaged in the oil trade. some suite, which has been sold to a gentleman very promising circumstances. iting, -Mr. ind Mrs. Charles Wilson. -Miss further prosecutirig, hio atudien.-Luel a - - I
I ' . .
$10Q, and Miss Kemp passed the higher ex- Shade frames and tissue paper at Lux- . I . . I
. .� 9 sims & Wmso,N's, Sesforth. . 156t.1, ten or twelve years ago he went to Mani. in Stratford, the whole costing in the neigh- 0 1 A'y�'Ie Hodgins was in London parb of last Brintnell, youngesColkorgliter of Mr. Tru i. - I . I
I , aminationof the first year. Weextend . 3 L intends " . week and this, visiting relatives. -Mrs. man Brintuell,got Very i
. SommmxG new in Watches atDALY toba and took up a large tract of land nelir borhood of W. -Mr. Harr�Town W-roxeter. - - _ badly injured A i j
, ryoung Sp ' week, while playing in the school ya;rd,
- re E S
hearty congratulations to these cleve' Sestorth. 1564-1 Griswold. He prospered there as elsewhe starting a billiard room in the old Domin. POINUR .-Mr. James Fox and family, " Gordon, of St. Helena, and Miss Maggie y I I
I ladies and wish them continued success and and became one of -the most successful and ion Bank. -Re - S. Bond, of this tow �
f 31 1 A good dwelling house, stable and shed V. ris of Brussels, spent Thanksgivin'g da with Murray, of ,Clinton- were- last week 6he falling against a barb vkre fence, severe . - I
honor throughoub their whole course. They . ' t president of the London conference, assist- y gu!)ata of Mrs. Ja;;�es Satherland.-A very cutting her hea I Her condition is Or' , . . ;
, with 4 acres of land, for sale. Apply at STARK BRos extensive farmers in the Province, and a I friends here, -Mr. Thomas W. Gi -� �
C-ady have good places on the honor roll . . bson, of enjoyable social, under* the auspices of the -Mr. David Buchah"o secretary of t # . , 1
- aIr � Merchant Tailors, Main street, Seafortb. '1661-2 " the time of his death had a. farm of over a the servwes in connection with the the Bureau of biinei;, Toronto, spent Sab.
. I i
- I -of the Collegiate Institute, '�And it is a , senior Epworth League, was held in the E vaugelioil Alliance, Ithol son of Air. . !
pleasant thing to report their satisfactory REmEmBER we make, a speciality of an. thousand acres, on which are extensive im. opening of t ie new Central Methodist bath last with friends, in town. -Flour,grain Methodist church on Thursday evening of Buchanan, of this -villIkei occupied the V - -� I
-- . ment and wedding rings -'at C. W. YAPST'd Book provements pf the most modern kind, his church, St. Tb:)ma3 on Sunday last.�Tlfe and oatmeal are being shipped from here in
careeri gag" residence and outbuildings being among the Salvation Army hav' last week. In addition to the usual literary Vit of Carmel Presbyberian church on � 1�
.1 8 - . i
I n the, Universities. --Our school has and Jewelry Store, Seaforth, W. R. Counter ' a been making their. an- large quantities at present. Shipr.ers .;om- L ;
1. now quite a bevy of girl undergraduates manager Jewelry Department. If-denia sent and musical programme there wag a topic- bath evening last,delivering a very thoug - .. ;I
. " '
... 4-' best in the Province and nexcelled by few Dual se appeal durin plain of a scarcity of cars. That there 'a discris3ion which was ul sermon, Mr. Buchati a � "
. u . an, ..
;iit the Universities, who � are well ablp He w -% a i, although bit . �
. JusT to hand a full assortment of sizes of in older Canada. its an enterprising, week. -The collectors have . een greatly an unusu"ovement of freight all alon I
f . I I
.to keep up the name and Phe fame of o these celebrated French Kid Gloveg. Also novelties I shrewd business moon and was almost in- 'encouraged by the generous response of the the Ii I -yoou,n� people. The attendance was very young man, has good ikblfity�-and being... - . ,�
If- in new Veilingg and Frillings. � W. W. HOFFMAN, sea- ue isK.'fidenced by the. afternoon mixe . . 11 . �
- Huron. forth. 1664-1 variably successful in all his undertakings. friends appealed to. The final appeal Will and the refresh extempore spibaker, gives - lawn
�- - . 1� 11 . train beinig late invariably. -Kr.- Alex. go . ,promi .. ;
I I choice. -Mrs. C. A. McDonell spent pa:rt of of ranking among the godd speakers in th
'. . WE have just what you are looking for in , Ye speat most of last winter among friends be made on Sunday afternoon, when the re- Munro and wifa attended the wedding .of a . . - . I i
�, . m Xmas pre- In ' k and -this in Exeter, visiting Mr. I .
. THE Woimmmv.-The members of Sea- our jewt Iry deparbortent, something for. Ontario and for several weeks visited in sult will be anhounced.-Nliss Graham, of brother of the 'former at Milverton last L last wee church. -Mr. McKelvipyi hosistant to I 1. i.
. .
forth Lodie of United Workmen spent a sent. It is apicasure to show you through our , Seaforib. He was a man of about sixty-five Egmondville, in spending a couple of weeks week. -Mrs. T. Sanderson, for L merly Mrs. McDonell's mother and. sisters. -Air. and .Wi E. Kerr, Methodis4 rninis I of thi .. � i
. � i
. � . I i
1. . C. W. PAPST, Book Store Seaforth, W- R- yearsofage. He had many friends here with friends in Toronto. -Miss Jessie - j!
4 'very pleasant and profitable tiine in their store. � , Cairns, of Port Albert, N. W. T., is here Mrs. Joseph Ellis were in GoAericfi their village, retured thisweek fronit ple"An I
lod,, . ' 1561.1 - Galbraith the past - 'this week, spending I few visit to ' � 1�1
I ge room on Wednesday evening lasL The - Counter. Manager,Jewalry Department. who will deeply regret to learn --of his sad , who has been spending . former home,' a friends in Catillatihie.-mr. R6be,� � �
. , . on a visit to friends. L . I .1 '.
� Grand Ma�ter Workmen from Toronto was � SLEIGH BELM-We have always had the and untimely death., I summer' with her aunt, Mrs. Adam Crozier, . . . days. -Mr. Jaseph Bland, who was carrying Eacrett, of Victoria Park farm, - .. a In - '* - , . I
present and gave an exhibition of what is best Aock in the county, this season we h%ve a returM to her home in St. Alarys on Wed. -* on business as a butcher here for' a short don last week visiting Mr. and -i-rs. 11
� known to the -craft as -se'rmon work, with larger and fiver stock than ever before. REID & - Ilesday.-INJr. and Mrs. Arch. Scott return- Dry, soUle. . I Speate.-Webelieve that. Mr. James " �4 - I i
N, SeafOrth. - --6 B
time, has left our village leaving,, sorrowing i :ttli -
, WILSO, 156t-1 STILL ANOTHER. Another of Huron's . 11 n i - I
I GATHERISGS.-Tli6 many friends of hearts from 4 financial point oft view. -A iritends engaging in the fivery bus � !� I
I which all present were delighted. . This qNUAL Coxor, RT. -New Years pioneers was laid to rest in the Egmondv'ille ad home from Manitoba on Tuesday. -The - . i �
BEAVEns' At . � I he near fu �
� I lodge is making good progress. Eight new night, january Ist, 1898. Don't forget it-T'will be , cemetery on Saturday last.. Mr. William Beaver lacrosse club is making preparations Messrs. Joseph Jeffrey and Alex.. Challett morning service of the electric hilit is being Listowel in t ture. -
� . .
-. members were initated .at the last meeting the concert of your life -New Vaud and brilliant Allan, of Egmondville, died at his residence for a grand concert on New Year's n . Vickson and Miss Atpljonell,' 'Is - �
. - I ' 'i "'.' ' are glad to hear that they are recovering much enjoyed and appreciated by our vil- �f .Let!
. I
� �
L . . Everytb
and several more are in, waiting -for the next iing the very beat that money can produce- from their recent illne-s.-Miss .Flora lagers,andall the-morew. as t ere i10 the .village the Itikepart of t -his - I.
Charles Kelly and Min Kelly, Mandolluistli-Th3mas I in that village, on Thursday of last week' Mr. J. W. Jones, of Point Edward, fogrmer� he Messrs. w I .
-- � meeting night. The Grand Master compli- fo; ly of Seaforth, and, son-in-law of Mrs. U. Turner has returned home from visiting her' Cook Brothers are kindly giving it without visiting their brothera,, the Messrs. -McDon I
p I I ., Baker of Toronto, Canada's greatest comic. Mogul- i Mr. Allan had been in failing health - � � - I
. mented the officers very highly on the satis- ficeni'orobestra the biggest ever In the town and a - About two years, but was always able to go Moran, of this town, has designed and buift aunt in Goderich.-Messrs. Johnston had a money or without price, as far as'their con. ell. -. 31iss Hilda Beek %�A returned to , Lon,
. factory progress being. made by the lodge boat of cther attractions, Inoluding Frank All% n around until about five weeks -ago. ' He had a piano entirely by himself. The instru. successful plowing bee one day last week. tract is concerned with their patrons. -Miss desb�ro.-The concert, -a-ld under theaus , I i
solo cornetist who played at Toronto Exhibition this pices of the Independehli Order of Foresters� .
- I and on the efficient manner in which the fat]. im., I reached the good age of nearly.77 years, He ment was used at a concert in Point Edward The plows were kept in repair by our pro. Martha Gilchrist has returned from visiting a L 11 on 1-.
- work is performed. He is a most agreeable was a native of Fifeshire, Scotland, and recently, and is most highlf spoken of.- feeiional meahanic, Mr. John Westlake.- friends at Londegboro and Auburn. -Rev. of this village, in Cox*Orthl ha I I -- . I
I SPECIAL NOTICE. -Although we adverise I . . Mr. William Cadmore has started a sale and Messrs. John and Harold Newcombe, of W. E. Kerr, and his assistanb, Mr. McKel- day evening last, was A+ey largely atQ T . i I -
r.. gentlemen and made a most favorable this store as "The Cheap Cash Shoe Stors!' we have . when quite a young man, and soon after his .11 - - I I
I I � impression on the brethren. There were found It to oui advantage to give credit to thorough- marriage, he emigrated to Canada, and fifty. exchange stable.in Mr. Thomas Downey's Goderich, were the guests of Mr. Turner vey, have brought to a close the special and much enjoyed., Fi4e,solos were roin, - - 1.
I .
I � visiting brethren present, from'AA`alton. and ly responsible persons. We ask all who are indebted one years ago he came to th�d county of old stable, on John street. -Mr. Fred J. last Saturday. -The members.of the Drya- meetings which t 11 ey have been carrying on ed by Miss HothaT4 and Miss Sheffer, -- . .. I
: -
: .
, ,
i . . other neighboring lodges. to no to kindly favor us during the month of Decem. Huron, and settled on the farm on the 7th Frank, of Guelph, is visiting friends in dale church intend holding a tea -meeting at the - Bethesda appointment during the ofthis village, which *48 much enjoyed
*- ber. Accounts are now realy and as we believe the I
f - concession of Tuckersmith, where he con- town. -We bad quite a snowstorm on Wed. there on the 7th De-3ember. The cornmAtee ,past eight weeks. These services were very as wire also a couple of kiblections given . - - . "I'll, .
. nionth of December to be the proper time for settling � I I I . . I I
- TuE CoLT,F,Gi--ATF Er�ECTIONS.-Wednes- Is reopcob. tinued'to reside'until a few years ago, when nesday, and now -sleighs are in almost goin. are sparing no pains to make it one oi the largely attended, and much interest was the male quartette�of bakmel Presb te
we hope ourcustomers will favor ua in th q I '
. 11 ,k, Seaforth, church choir, who -iilwv�yo do wall Z' 's':c'1"- "
day last was a great day for the pupils - N1 H. WiLms, Carmicha.el's Blot. .- 1564-1 i he sold. his farm to Mr. F erguSOD, who now eral uze.-Mr. W. R. Counter is confined to most successful events of the season. -Mr. manifested throughout, as- is evidenced by nil � 11 . he evening ,
I I of the Collegiate Institute, it being . . owns and occupies it, and retired to Eg- his residence through illness. -Mr. Harry Herbert Snider passed through the village the fact that 35 have professed faith in the occasio . The gttmcdoii of t - I I
_ GIFTS for Xmas need not necessarily take the other day on his way to Dashwood with Lord and united with the chureb.-Men' was Harry M. B e1b, of Toronto, th I
the day of the annual . election Of � mondville to enjoy a well earned respite Cresswell, who has been ranching in the sall C� L ' I L -
11 the shape of Turkeys, etc. Sometimes a handsome - few Mho 6holered a num , I f
officers .-"2'for the literary society. All ' from the more 'active duties of life. He west, returned home on Wednesday, for a fine load of fat hogs. -Mr. Norman Pat. having grown so much d'uri thepast humorist vocalls , , I
'. I terson, of Bayfield, spent Saturday. and years, and continuing . to I of comic songs in costuk, a, and who did no 4 1.
� . , Watch, a beautiful Ring or Bracelet would be more I the winter. -Mr. Fred Ji Sleeth, who has 10 go, coupled L
afternbion the. respective parties.,the reds acceptable. Our prices ara surprigingly low for was one of the firsf settlers in that part of - ,P
spare himself to entertalh, the audience. � -.
. . and 'the blues, had carriages -out hustlin high-clase goods. Give us a call at C. W. PArses .Tuckeramitb, and when he moved on to his been residing in Toronto for some time, has Sunday at the residence of Mr. Orr. -Mr. with the fact- that the 'great majority of the J I
, Bock Store, Seaforth, W.- R. Counter, manager,. farm it was an unbroken forest. But with returned home until the spri pens. Robert Snowded visited friends in Dash:- families who have mo � Backers,the High Chiet Ranger, ,delive , .
� . voters to the poll. While around the school Jewelry Department. 1664-1 1 ng trade o . vad here, have been of I . ; �
� building all was exhibited. But red was in pluck,perEevereDee and industry so common 11- . wood last Tuesday. Presbyterian faith, is- neceesitating the aninterestirigaildress fh,� 'connection wit . :
� Tur. largest and beat assorted stock of : to the pioneer settlers of this county, in a Blyth. I . providing in the near future of more room the history, progress &�d workings of th .
- appa�rent disfavor as only three candidates of high grade Watches, Clocks, Jewelry etc. ever shown � few years he succeeded in converting the I � - 0. � in Carmel Prbsbyterian church- and while order, and showed the i society L to ])a OU I _ I �
- . I . .
� that' ' 'color, treasuier,aecretary, and one of the in sewo,th, prices low considering quality of goods ' L ANNUAL MEETI.NG. - 'On Thanksaivine Port Albert. the putting in of side galleries or an exteri. which it was an honor 6 be a member of] I I .
. * ' forest farm into a comfortable homestead, day, after the usual Thanksgiving so�rvico�,' , s. -Mrs. Charles Wallington reburn. siQn to the church is being discussed, the to say"nothing of the 646rnal - advauts a -
editdrial staff were left after the ballots 0. W. PAPsVo, Book Store, Seaforth, W. ft. Counter,
. were counted. The following is a list of Manager Jtwelry Department. 1664-1 i and when -he.. left it, it was one of. the beat the annual meeting of the Presbyterian con- ad to her home in Vienna, ton Monday last. latter plan seems to meet, with most favor, connected therewith., Miss Amy Alurdoc . . I � � -
� .
' i and most fertile farms in the Huron tract. gregation of BIybh was held. Notwith -Mr. W. Treleaven, of School Section ,as it would add 'more to the appearance of discharged her duties a,4,1ohauist in a ve L
. thoEe'� elected : President, J. R. Morrison ; A large assortment of wedding presents , I '
� - Vice�President, Miss Bessie Young ; Record- at DALY's, Seaforth. . � 1564.1 Mr. Allan was just and upright in all his standing the unfavorable weather, there ' Walter Hawkins, of School . the chureli, and would at the same time an. a A,;,, i t -, .
, . No. 5, and Mr. . pleasing manner, an _: �aun . - � p .
ing :�Secretary, Miss Maggie McDonald; To keep out the cold -Weather Strip for i dealings with his fellow men and enjoyed in was a very good attendance. The reports [Section No. 17, Ashfield, spent Thanksgiv- sure more comfort as well as affording more star, ably performed thoi duties of chair - .
- . . I
I �i Treasurer, J. MeGa-vin; Managing Com- windows and doors is the best. REID & WILSON, gow a. high degree the confidence and esteem of show that the past year was one Qf the best t the home of the latter's I IN . M . Patterson, .of Cook I I .L
mitteer, Misses H. Robinson and D. Dal � forth 1664-1 . thoaq amongst whom be bad!lived for so in the history of the congregation. parents here.- space for galleries, should it in after years 'm n. -Rev X �
- . I _ inu
� - iss Louie � ,
ys , ,Cunningham, of the Goderich be found necessary church, Toronto, defiv,efed the Lfirfjt of � , I
and Messrs. F. Beattie and F. Neal ; Edi- RAVING placed in stock a fine selection of ;' many years. Arid although ioinewhat bluff N6TES.-Misses Clara and Aggia Chidley, to add suab. -A number � - I
- model school, was home for the holiday.- of our villagers attended the cinematographe number of mouthl-v lectoteb which are to p
'. ' -
I toria�l staff, Miss Maggie Daly and Messrs. Staple Dry Goods, along with my choice Groceries. and outspoken in manner, and- while he of Clinton, were guests at the residence -Of Mr. Allan Bowles 'sVent Thanksgiving at at Exeter on. -Monday and Tuesday eveni . . Carmel `Presb$tbrian church b -
� A.. Hammett, R. Muldrew and F. Jackson. it Avill be to your advant3ge to deal at DiLL's, Sea- ! never went around a corner to! tell a perion . � . ng given in �
� forth. Mr. James Anderson over Sunday. -School Beilfast.-86veral of our citizens last, and express thems3lves as well p1tased. w
I .1 ' his home in inter, on Mon .-
L .
a- In the evening an at-home was held in the � just what he thought of him, he had a warm was dispensed with in Miss Hamilton's de- attended the funeral of the late Mr.William -Miss Jessie Millar,of Eketer, accompanied 'day evening last., and flo %j�ell is the ieveren. �
1161 noted lecturers during thb
- IL98(-mbly row :GENui�NE CLEA-Rim. S-vLE. - Mercer's heart and a genial disposition, and in his partment on Wednesday, as 'she acted as - -
I , I T, Where the pupils and a , 31 . I --
stock of Jewelry, Ringe, Watches, Spectaclea etc , Hayden, J. -P., of Sheppardton, on Tuesday by her cousin, Miss ' utl e as a lebturer known, tha' .��� L
- last. - Mrs. Gray, of Oxford Cehtre, is here I a 6 .
number of theilp friends spent the early part will poatively be cleared, at prices below 'actual own unostentations may, was always ready bridesmaid at the marriage of Miss Little Ramsay, was here last ge ernan�s fam . L
I of the eveningJ in dancing �,nd other aniuSe- coOt. This offers an opportunity to purchase any to render cheerful assistance week visibing bar sister, Mrs, R. Paterson,' the i p ci us ebure I 9 - - -- -
. .�o � those in fair, of E ast . Wawanosh. -Miss Gibson, of on a visit to her son, Mr. William Gray.- jr. -Thanksgiving day wasobserved here as the time lie lectured, riftfly tW 4 ... L
. .
I ments. � article in the stcck at unprecedent low pricFa. You need and no adeserving person ever made Clinton, wai; vraiting friends in town over Miss Barbara McGee returned hom - - , - 11 Ireland and the Iriab " a pin. I
i - . 0 1 1 will miss it if you don t call and unake a selection et an appeal for assistance to V i last a general holiday. A union Thanksgiving J -
. . - . oripe, Seaforth. 1664-1 , Vi�lie Allan in Sunday.�-Lftrge shipments of grain are week from a visit to Egmondville.- a So- service was held in Carmel Presbyterian been heard togreton .
, v
-L . -a ago he celebrated daily being sent out from this station. Our ciety of Christian Endeavor intend oing' church, which was fairly well attended, con. . when he concluded his lecture, I
vain. About two year to fall, and
-Dvltj,r GitocEmEs. -Loaded down with the good . , his golden wedding, and her 1who, for so grain buyers are having some lively ex. o4r to Dungannon on Friday eveni to- sidering, the inclemency of the weather.- - briniful of history, instruction, wit, hainorl - .
- E (::Nioz-, -, NoTF,s.-After several
� weeks7 of illness, Mr. Wm. Allan died on things for Xmas at A. Young's. Seatorth. We never � .
N I . & I -
many years,has shared hi * d -rows, periences on the market these days.-Mias join the society there, for a social 'ev Ing. Miss Ida Peart has returned home from and pathos; We will not attempt to L .
I � I Thursday morning of last weal-. His famil- hq# before ouch a complete stock of choice grneeries, L 8 joys an 801 I give - -
fide crockery and glassware to offer; oloarved Vastiz -; still, survives him. He leaves In, family of Blanche Chamberlain has returned from -De- L .
jar figure will be much missed on our U f ,rr I Temperance and Thanksgiving are th sub- Russeldale, where she had been spending a an account of this grabd lecture, as We
, .
. o I ants, stoned California raisins ready for use! , one son and three daughters. I Two of the troit to take a position in the posb offi jects for-di'scussion. 1. - - I
f streets. -SOL erawded with orders ars some black basket, royal clusters, sultana raising ; apri- I daughters are married, ce.- . I number of weeks at her unele's.�Mrs. R. could not do it justice. -.Should ldr. P&tt0r,�
I of our manufacturing establishorienis that cots, Crosse & Blackwell's celebrated dipped peels, peg, Manito one livim�g in Winni. Misses Bertha Highley and M artba Moore I .0- it us again, o4 'churches WOU14
'I time could not be spared for Thanksgiving. orange, citron and lemon,� they are the best.; Sheriff's I ba, and the other in McKillop, Paterson, sr , ani sister', Miss Carrie, In. son vis Effis - L
1, , were visiting friends in Ripley on Thanks- , . t -
rt extracts, shelled walnuts, shelled almon Brucefleld. gram, were in London last week vieftin not - hold the audipnce.�Miss I .
- .
.-Those who predicted blue ruin -under a dg, some I while the third is at home, Ili politics be ng day. -Mr. .D. D. Crittenden was in - this week, after -
� . effp. vez fine cheese, canned vegetables, we bought eirly was a.Liberal, and always took an active g g� am last week. � WAN 'ED. -A first-class Oant and their sister, Mrs. R. Spea:re.-Mrs. Bell ang Chapman - returned '
. . Grit government must be A ,, Zin vest
L , ,greeably di in e smon when they were cheap, and can sell .
�, � Veral of our people took adva interest in public aflaira. - T. C. DicLaATTY, Biucefield. - with . her pxrentt.
�' - I pointed. -Se cheap now ; Heinz's baked beans ia tomato sauee. i .Via pleasant 41 maker. w ated at once. daughter, of Ailes Craig, who were here spending a few days , I
u' ; 1f64 1 near Teesw -The Methodist eongrtW' L
9 a horse radiah, pickles and sauces. our teas and , smile and genial greeting wi4 long be re- I . visiting relatives, returned home this week, ater. I
. -that Mr. - wa� - L �
tage of holiday rates to visit friends at � Zurich. � GOOD SnEEP -We understand -Min Alice Caldwell, of Farieville, town� tiou, finding their sheolt000), which was�
coffees are well known. Call and see our stock be. - y . I
idistance. Among those who did so, were fore you buy your Xmas , membered,b many friends. I . i .
i, Inds. A full line of i I ACCIDENT. -While Mr. Daniel vIgood Hector , aid'isold last week to a Canadian - ship of Hay, is- in Ooderich 'this week visit- quite recently enlarged, 6v6 small, are., Do* I - I "I � -
� , *�- I . �
L. 11
� Bli,�s 0. A. Porter who went to Goderich, Christie's fancy biscuits, wi be in next week. A. ' . f here, was an- buyer over one hundred. dollars? worth of L iug relatives. -Mrs. Manton, of Alonkton gotiatiag for more land o1i which L . -k-11
I YOUNG, Seaforth. - of the Goshen line, s6uth.o . to build'a"� I ,
. . 0 1 �; I
. L
�and Mr. R.. J. Vuldrew, to Toronto.- 1 1546-1 LOCAL BRIEFs. -Services were held on 6 hear, the meMa , -,�,
r L . . . s- . gaged in his barn a few days ago he, by Shropshire lambs. It pays to raise good and Mrs. Buttery, of near Ethel, who were addition, and, from what tha� � � t - .. IL -, _.
I � 'Theinksgivin re conducted in Thanksgiving forenoon in the Presbyterian some means, fell through a trap L y it will riot be very, long .before , r �
,, �
� loor in. stock. He still has a number to dispose of here attending their mother's funeral, the bers sk , , p
�� ,our church by the Rev. Mr. Muir, of Bruce. E-`4TE�TAENMENT. -The first L - �,.
- entertain- I and E�Ibcopai churches, the pastors officiat- new church will be foun I I , .
, . to the stable underneath, a distance of 7 or yet. Brucefield is a Ofreat centre for good late Mrs. - B. Thomson, have returned L a too small. -Mr -1
* .
t n under the auspices of the"Lit- , ing, and in the afternoon in the Miithodist 8 feet. His- leg struck on a manger below stock, and that is one the reasons that'all home. -Mr. F. Leiach is in Londesboro this , Higgins, of Turnberry, anot Mir. Mowbray* -1_
11 field,, who exchanged with Mr. 'Shaw.- m6nt
% � Miss H. I.. Graham went to Toronto on give aL - " �, -
� erary and Debating Club, was 'held in the ` church. -Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott,- of and broke one of the bones just ibove the the farmers here are -so well off. week working at his trade as hamenj of llhit4ehurcb, were In the fv!uage, UW'. -
f, . 11�
- I
T�' - . n � week , visiting relative - rieuds.-W* 1.
' ..
�, Monday and will spend a couple of weeks town hall, on Monday evening last, and de- 1 Toronto, spent several days last week with- ankle. The foot Could be tur ad ' LOCAL Rnmn.-Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Eg- maker. -Mrs. George Moir and daughter a tind r, I I L , LLL
I there with friends. -Mrs,. Charlton,of Ilder- .4 spite -the stormy weather there was a fair I frienda in t any .Way* I .
.. L own. While here they were the as the bone was clean broken through. It is mondville, conducted the service in the are visiting Mrs. Aloir's son.At Inwood, near regret to state that, duriog the post I
;� I h ' 1 4 1
- . 1. - # - 1
.4. � � t�on, as be�en the guest of her neice, Miss attendance. The programme, which was ! guests of Mrs - Stobie. Mr, ScoM has charge hard on Mr. Levi ood, as it will lay him Presbyterian �church oit Thanksgiving D%y. Short Who has not I - --
i; 11 9 Oil Springs, Lanibt6n, county. -Mrs. Or- weeks, Mrs. John . J I � -
. �
" tMaggie Jackson, during the past week or furnished entirely by local talent, was a � of the w0ow-working department of the up for a long time. ba-McGragor, of Harrieville,Michi- twain, mother of Mr. J. W strong 'for some years, It" been seriously " -.�,
R L .
� - - . Ortwein, ge - I I
-, , . -
. , � �two.-We congratulate our young- friend, good one, and was thoroughly appreciated, Central Prison. -Mr. Robert Jones and Mr. L L year, � ill. -Mr. Kenneth Macarthdr,ofAils-CrAig, , �-�-- k-
, � . . ' ' BRIEFs.-Mr. Wm. Merner, of Vaser, gan, was here last week,,viaiting his mother eral merchant, who is in her 88th is �
. I w s
� . IM,isa Dora Daly, of this village, on securing each of the participants performing their John Con�mon returned frot � I
0 . � I n Manitoba last Michigan, was here recently visiting hie and other friends in the -vicinity. He left and has -been for some weeks past very me. was in the village this *eek. visiting hil �. 11 I
' - - -
,�� ther largest vote polled at the Collegiate in. parts in a most pleasing manner. The Tuesday. They went to the Pr4irie Prov L A# 147 team% W .... to -
,I . stitute election on Wednesdak of last week. chair was taken by Mr. James Watson, and ince with the harvest excursion. � They got parents and other friends. -Mr. Dennis for home on Monday. -Mine Flhott,- of riously iIIL and little hope is entertained of brother. -By actual cou I ----
. an Derstain,wife and daughter, of Pigeon,Mich- Biyfleld, is - this week the guest of Miss I ber recov`ary.--�-The concert given by the at Cook-Brothers'llouring h1ills on Saturds, - ---- . I
i - 11
. ., ! . the youngsters had a large time training the programme consisted of vocal solos b I - ty of work and good pay and'the�'both igan, are here visiting relatives and friends. Higgins. I Marine banJ, under the auspices 0 the, last. This shows that our,village is a =ZY - -
. : for the future exercise of citizen franchise Miss B. Daly, Mrs. W. H. Willie, Mr. Ey like the country. -Mr. John MoLaren, of 'They look hole and hearty. Mr. DerBtein ANNIVERSARY. -Rev. R. P. McKay, lFor. Salvation arrny in Coxworth's hall, on Fri. business place. -Mr. Albeit Kaiser, of Bar - - - .. ....
. . .
which we trust the young ladieq will live to Peters, Mr. W. McLeod -and Master Willie Toronto, spent Thanksgiving day in town, is proud of our -village.-Mr. Joseph Sararus sign Mission Secretary, of TorontZ, [who day evening last, was fairly well attendedi ma, formerly of this villa&4 was here a 10 , .
see extended to them as a deserved right. - Hays ; vocal duet, by Misses Stephenson i and called on numerous old friends. -Mr. A. returned home last week. He, left last preached here on'Sabbath Ihst was listened notwithstanding the unfavorable state'o tsi Mr. and MM. I- - L
. � . .9 f days agoi visiting his pareg , � . a
Some fellow went throp.gh two of the la a andPorter of Egmondvflle ; instrumental Y went to Blenheim, in the county of . I 1. 4 I I I -
. "r , 9 spring for the Rainy River district, but did to by large gatherings morning and evening. the weather, And is very well spoken of.: B. Kaiser. �
. � � I I -
lights of glass in .Mr.'A. C. Van Egmont's ,-solo by Mi;s B. Daly ; cornet duet, by Mr. Oxofuonrd, one dairl"t week, to attend the not stay very long. He then went to Mani. The subjects -on both occasions were of a The 'Musical selections were well rendered -0 . . . I
k, .
window on Thursday evening of last week. .W. Oeod and Mr. Miller;'readi by i funeral of a other -in -law. -Mr. X Y. toba, and from there. to Cavalier, Dakota, missionary character. The Presbyterian and mucb�- enjoyed. -Mr. R. MeMordie,' -Little Wilfred Jewetti Of Mi(ch814 , L
ur �
Very 'likely his Thanksgiving dinner had Mes6s. Dr. Bethune, R. C. Cheswrig t, R. McLean left for Toronto on Tuesday to at- - where he has a brobher,, and has now come church is very fortunate in hav'mg'a man of eldest Bon of Robert- MeMordie, Esq., of came near losing the - sigh� - bf one Of bis'l
. �
� been to, rich and made him dizq.-Mrs. ,J. .Macdonald and F. 4. Neelin. Short tend to his parliamentary duties there.- back to spend the winter under the parental .Mr. McKay's ability as'Foreign brmion See- Ann& Trebor Farm, has been eugagid as eyes on Monday of last I weeki While LpIay- I - I
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1. Georga Sproat died on Tuesday morning. congratulatory addresses were also b Rev. Mr. Bradley,. of Mitchell, preached in roof and .enjoy the breezes of Ontario,- rotary, and we have not the least doubl'i but teacher. of School Section No. 14, Hay, ing on -the school gro notiati&
� . _given . .
i. 1111de a nail pe � I ,� .,
; � ;
i The event was not unexpected as she had Rev. Father McCabe, Mr. T. E. He, a and the PresbUfterian' church on Sabbath last, Mr. G. Holfzma-n has rented the farm own- that his earnest, practical addresses, on Sab- which will .be made vacant at Christmas the flesh at the comer of 4'8 righb ey'o#� L -
3: I . r
i - I I
. ,�-. -J)een a gievere sufferar for several wooks. Mr, M. Y. McLean. This is only a legin- Rev.. Dr. cDonald and he having exobang- ad by Henry Bauer, or., om� the Blind line, bath last, will do much -to. stimulate the, in- owing to the resignation of Mr. F. F - leaving an ugly gash. . I � � .
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