HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-11-26, Page 8� - - -
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� I . � I . �11 I - 'THE HURON EXPOSITOR .I I .. � . I- -.---,-------. . NOVEMBEW261897. .-
8 I - I i __ - - __ __ .__ - � 1 5 - .
___ - I —
F �"
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W'IsGn's Oash 'Grocery
__ I .
and c e wholesale eats
1.h.i,.r,1N,1.1y,, m1a,11'a
� .
I _ ha e vanished sinc4
Now is the time for pickle making, and -to - have
sureces you wust use the- 'best vinegar and
went v
Dafferin Houso went p in smoke anIII3
others, have been'turnbil to more peae
� spices. We sell the Pic -of Vinegar, the bestand
f,,heapeet in exe mari�et, &I the highest grada of
use& Much to the regret of the vill
the fine mill which graded the north ba
pure spices ; just what You require to ensure sao-
our stock of groceries is -we' .1 assorted and
the river, was destroyed in the next c(
tip -to -date with now season Tons Dried Fruit, uw�
grI and much other vaiusible pro
curf d Ced Fish, ete. All goodW joarsnte-ed to give
With it. Most of the other. business e
satisfaction or money, returno. We have. so me
. special barI in Dinner, Tom and Toilet Sets. See
lishments then in operation still exist b
them before buying� The highest price paid for all
a more extensive scale. Thez,e are H.
kinds ot- good produce. Butter, eggs and fowl
bert's brewery; T. B. Weber's pottery
wanted. - 0. WILSON, Seaforth.
E. JacksonI t;�nnery and glove manufaA
. I
, -
i ,
and T. Hill's blacksmith and wriage
1 1374 Bank of Commerce Block.
In 1878 the commodious church was
Suits and Overcoats in -great
and the old sanctuary, with its many a
associations for the. early pioneers,be
;nurnber and variety.
thing of the past. Since the erection o
. �
-_ - . .
church,a, manse and many fine private
I . Prices play an, important part in our clothing De-
ences have been built and our oit
psrtment. Neverbefore have we offered such In-
show &-commendable enterprise in ket
dacewents in the way of values and stI Nothing
old and new mi a good state of repair.
. but up-to-date, reliable goods kept in this depart
our people can look back over the great
. Knout. Our lame and steady trade is the best evi-
I .
grew of the past with satisfaction ai
future with c4 Dnfidence, yet
. dence, of pleased customers. I �
mingled regret must cloud the hear
Wm. Pickard'& Oo.
many who have been caused to moun
loss of loved ones and who still fc
touch of a vanished- band and the soun
voice that. is still. 1�-On Sabbath ev
- ___
last the Rev. R. P. McKay,foreign misloic
re an interesting addr
- .
. *
,:r� ,delivered
urch. His visit was entirely/
peeted. It seems a wonder that with
a clever agent, our foreign mission
is such a constant source of anxiety
- A GENC Y. -
church. . 0 1
- . �
W. Somerville, Agent
REDUO91) IN Pnw&-The Globe, Tor,
has reduced the price of its morning ed
(Successor to H. A. Strong & Bro.)
from $6 to $4, and discontinued the se
Telegraph and Express Building.
edition. The Globe seldom does thinj
- -
halves, and this is certainly a strong
'','I IIIIIIII 1171
deserving bid for circulation. In
'' !III II
r &]C:, 1 6,
announcement of the change it is a
. .
that the great reduction in the
I . I I �
0 per an t e int uo ion 0 se
have thi ut,
machi a made possible,
sidering the great ex nse that they
The course of study In this school Is up to the
in their efforts to secure all the news e
highest standard of *xcellenee; unsxoelled advan'
tagmin *very department; moderate rI board
d ` and the exceedingly fullreports
pheap, enteranytime. Write for circulars.
they give of all important events, $(
W. J. ELLIOTT, PrincI 4444-52
year was not too much to pay. At $4
year their circulation should soon reael
50,000 mark, especially as all the de
gilt JFO-
ght furou ovy""to
ments, including their excellent Satu
illustrated edition, are to be kept
� r
their present high standard. The Glo
generally recognized as the lea,ding pap
Canada, and their effort to mak a it pos
for every person to take it regularly s)
. '
PsRsoNAL.-The Clinton New Era of last
meet with a hearty response.
week ' says - 11 Rev. Dr. McDonald, of Sea-
I- DR3zss CuTrING.-SiaGH's tailor sy
forth, and Rev. A. Stewart exchanged
of dress cutting, which to so highly s
on Sunday. Dr. McDonald certain-
ladiefe of Clinton and othar places wl be 4
1 .
y retains hia "preaching faculties" remark-
rlom,, of the Royal Hotel, Seafoith. on the 2n
and 4th of Dpeember, and loneer if a class
able well) for a man who has seen 40 years Of
: arranged for. Girls from the country wh
continuous service . In the year 1850 he
ranxious for a thorough course In outtlng shou
eittered the work as a young man, for two
I.miss this chance. Cime .and see ths system.
years acting as an assistant in Galt ; in 1858
. . 15
. he yvas, called to the pastorate of the Willis
WE are handling any quantity of bt
Presbyterian Church, Clinton, which he re-
eggs and dried apples -cash or trade ; also all
of poultry. G. R Rixo.�Wlnghsm. 15
tained for eleven years, when he accepted a
call to Eloralli and subsequently to Seaforth.
DON'T fail to seb our values in c
The Preabytdrians qf the latter -place had
Groceriesand all lines 0 Crockery and Glasew
YOU eed anything in these lines. Roes BRos.
. .
given , him a cia at tfie same time as those of
f OrV is
Elora." - .
_* I
I _*_
. THE DYBATr*4 CL -m- Quite an interest.
special meeting of the board of direct
ing and profitable time was sp6iLt by the
- the MkKillok Mutual Fire Insurance
members of the F literary and debatibg club
ppy, held , in Seaforth on the 12
on Tuesday evinint. The matter under
November, an,d which was called on ac
discussion waa the onusing system. - The
of the v sudden death of the late
debate was opened by Mr John A. Jackson,
Thoqiasegeilans, who has been an ag(
Who opposed the. granting of bonuses:i He
the company since its establishment,
was assisted by Mr. Andrew Scott, while
over twenty years, he having, durin
Mr. James Watson led off on the other side,
, that time, wrought with untiring- eneig
and the members joined -in the discussion,
! the - interests and welfare of the com
talking from whichever standpoint they de..
I and whose presence at the general mee
sired. Next Monday evening the clubt will
' of th ' e, board was a source of pleasure
; hold a musidah-and literary entertainment
cheerfulness, the following revel
in the town hall. A good programme has
was passed: Therefore, be it resolved
. - been weranged fori and the publio 'is cor.
' we keenly realize our loss, and we
I dially invited to be- present. There will be
this time tender to the bereaved wir;Io,,
family the deceased h
no admission fee.
of our sincere and
11 —_ ---
feltsympathy in this their sad her
I A Cotxs' Lmkaum -At a meeting held at
ment ; resolved, further, that while
' t the office of Mr.J. A. McFadden, Stratford,
bow in humble submission to our
I on Friday last,,a Colts' League of curlers was
mortality, vre pray God to sanctify
formed to include -the junior - curlers of
visitation to our own spiritual good,
Western Ontario. The players,0111 be con.
that as a token of respect to the memo
. fined to those who have not pl�yed more
the deceased, these resolations be en
than five years. Amongst. thoie present
in the books of ihis company, and a
. were represeatatives from Seafortli, London,
thereof be presented to the widow
Platteville, Embro, Forest City and Strat-
orphans of the deceased.. Signed on b
lord clubs. The league was formed with
of the board,-GEORGF. WATT, Presid
the following officers :-]Efon. - Presidents,
I W. J. SnANNON, Sacretary.
Major -Beatty, M. P., London; James
. R
I _* -
Sutherland, M.P. Woodstock ;A. F. Mae.
AIATRIMO-NIAL.-On Tuesday last,
� 1%ren, - X. P., Stratford; President, J. A.
, James' church, Seaforth, was the scene
Maefadden, Stratford; Firrst Vice -President,
very pretty wedding, when Miss A
Mr.McNeil, Embro ; Second Vice President,
eldest daughter of, Mr. Luke Fortun
W. D. Bright, Seaforth ; Secretary-Treasur-
the Huron Road, Tuickersinith, was u
er, James Steele, Stratford ; Executive
in the holy bonds of matrimony to
.1 Committee, the above named officers and a
, Michael Downey, of Irishtown. The
representative from each club,. not represent.
was becomingly attired in a suit of
ed among the officers.
i grey color, with sable trimmings,
wore a h6.t to match. She was assiste
JA-Rvis-BONSALL 00,�-GERT.-The conceft
her sister, Miss Jennie, who wore a su
given by Mr. Har6ld Jarvis, of Detroit, and
een a ies o o , . rimme wl b
Miss.Beseia Bonsali, ;Df Toronto, under the
he groom was assisted y his brother,
auspices of the Young People's Society of
Joseph Downey. The ushers were Me
the Presbyterian church', in Cardno's hall,
James D. O'Connell, Goderich ; Jo
- on Monday evening, was well patronized by
Carlin, Mitchell ; J. 1�. Dorsey an,]
a most appreciative audience. That -Mr.
Fortune, Seaforth, The ceremony was
Jaivis is still a prime favorite with a Sea-
formed by Rev.Father Downey, of Mite
forth audience was shown. by- the rapturous
brother of the groom, assisted by
. applause giveii after each of . his selections
Fathers McCabe, Fl. P., Seaforth ; G
and the eagerness with,wbich he was recall.
Resson and Kealy, Irishtown. Nu
ed; to which he responded most graciously.
high mass was sung by Father Downey,
It would be invidious to attempt to single
a pleasing feature of the ceremony was
out any selection aa his masterpiece, as he
sirming of a solo by Miss Kate Carli
was equally good in all, Miss Bonsall has
St%tford, and a duet by the Misses
a contralto voice of su r -prising quality, rich
Quaid. and Daly, of Seafortb. After
in tone and Of remark&ble compass. Her.-
ceremony, a reception was held at the
selections were most thoroughly appreciated
dence of the bride's parents, where
and were heartily .encored, and with each
partook of a sumptuous repast. Addr
selection she gaine'd in favor witfi theI aud-
of congiatulation were delivered by. Re
, ,
. I .
� lence, Mids Ew-ing ,acted as accompanist
Fathers McCabe, DowneIn and K
and rendered two excellent. inqtrumental
and Mr. B, O'Connell 'of Irishtown,
Mr. Wm. Ryan, �iitchell.
solos, after the second of which sh-e was re-
of The h
called, and respoikded with another pleasing
couple left on the afternoon train on a
aeleetion. It was an evening of music that
to tbr- eastern states, amid the well w
was thoroughly appreciat6d by all.
of a' oat off riends. They were the r
. -
� 0 .
ienta of mauy beautiful and costly pres
A BIG OP.Dmt.-Mr. Fawke ' I
' of the firm ,
—9— . �
_- �," - of Fawke & Co., wholesale furniture dealers �
Tim-, BOWLERS' SUPPE-R. -Mr. James
and manufacturera, of Liverpool, England I
Michael, PreEddent of the Seaforth bov
accompanied by Mr. TinliDg, one of the
I i
directors of the company, have tee' "
club, 'entertained the members of
town 'for the past Wee& or so, for the par-
club . and a aumhcr of friends a
con4.4imcn.,try supper at - the Comme
pose of. purchasing fuiniture. While here
the. laced an ordpr with the Broadfoor, &
y p
hotel� on Frid . av eveuing last. At the
,� ,
Box farnizure corripamy for stock amount'ng
point�d bour, about thirty gentlemen
down to a sumptuous repast
to, in the n - eighborhood of $18,000. The
i ! steel- will be all fin -t -class oak material and
,, miiie host " DAvidsou, of the Oom
-IwAl-comprise b-!droom suites, centre tables, !
cial. The head of the table was taker
the genial presidenk, who bad on his
a bat racks and seer-arioa. TheBroadfoot't
I � Box Company �.as dore considerable ""
Mr. Robertson, the,winner of the
li, ness -with this fi-m lo!fore, and recognizi
. iig
Michael tankard for the seaRon, aNd or
left, Mr. R.S. Hays, the winner of the
* � - the supet ior quiulit,y of the f urniture mariu-
7� � factured in Seaforth they haxe placed with
. -
nigan cup. Mr. F. Holmeate&, barri
Ahem the above large order. Thiswillkeep
occupied the SIIiCOX)d seat of honor at the
er end of the table. All having done a
the factory buE;y for some time, during what, j,istice to the bountiful repast provided
is generally a slack time. Fawke & Co- 'a
.one of the largest fi rms of the kind in Eng-
toasts were fittingly introduced by the
* chairman, and a couple of hours
land, having a number of travellers on the
ro4d all the time ; they also have good
� very pleasantly spent in toast, song
� financial backing. -
r .
j aentiment,each speaker eulogisin th
I dent for his generosity iE lie o mee R
I tertaining the members of the club
EomoNwfiLrx NoTEs.-The old brick
thus making so pleasant a wind up o
buildiug, occupied by the late John,Collins
bowling season, as well as for his eel
for mony years a,,r a store and dwelling, is in
nving services in behalf of the club,
a danjoarous condition and should be pulled
, ,
c;m.plimenting him on his -skill as a pi
down � o provent, accident as the bricks,are
with the "wee bowls." A pleasant
beginning to, fall on t of the wall on the side-
tureof the evening's proceedings was
I walk." -In November,1877, vour correspond-
presentation of the McMichael tankard
ent became a resident of Egmondville,and
the Flannigan cup to the respective win
we note much progressive change in the two
Both trophies are played for each ye
lapsed decades. The hill -to the south of
being necessary for the winner of the it
. the- river was not then &'very attractive
ard to �lay arainst and defeat each in
locality. Five brick residences have re-
up.1 member of the club, -while for the ,�,
placed the primitive dwellings of the - se days.
is necessary for one rink to defeat all
There the old fteahool house stood 'in all its
other rinks' and the winner must d
deformity,a, eombination-of brick and frame.
each individual member of the victo
. Few,We fear, praise the architectural beauty
rink. In this instance the winner of
. of the new .structure though in another
tankard was Mr. H. S. Robertson, ol
locality and very costly to the ratepayers.
Collegiate Institute, and Mr. R. S.
196r some years. we had three places where
barrister, was the fortunate winner of
4ictuid refreshments were dispensed to the
. - � : I
f - .
cup. The presentations were made, bj
� .
- I
. -
. I
- : . I
� f � � - . . _4� - , N
� f I .
I . - � .
. -
. I _ __ _ __
. ; - I I —
is. chairman, after which ,the vice chairman, in friends in, town. 0. L. has 'improved � very Blinheim,Toronto and other eastern points. vice and airection-of the cou;t. Held, as I 0 , - -
the a pleasant address complimented the win. ,much since he left Picton and his voice is The bride was made the -recipient of a laI to the' compensation of the assignee, the t" te'la/A
- If -
the ners on their success, and each recipient in about all right again, but is affected by the array of useful, beautiful and costly pres- amount received being only $46, that if I III I IV J
able turn acknowledged the presentation in a least cold, Heleft on Friday for Berlin, ents: On their return M'r. and Mrs. Tough plaintiff was dissatisfied with this, his I 11 I .
. � I estead course, as pointed out in section 11 (2) of R. .
ageri fitting and pleasing address. The pleasant where hei will spend a short time. The Will -mettle down on the beautiful hom - - -
nk of gathering was brought to a close about life insurI companies are. after Mr. farm of the late Charles Tough, whioh�was S. 0. ch. 124,. was to appIV in ; -
nfla- twelve O'clock,. by all joining in singing, Schmidt to*take an agency, aI the chances recently purchased by the bridegroom as a , ma.ry way to the I udge of the County Court AWN 'Wants _.
�er " Auld Lang Syne." , are ,that- he I will accept a poeition,for a time home for his 11 bonnie bride." Both are ex- - to ave it reviewed and readjusted ; but, it I - . ..
ty , i
stab- 9 at least.—Mr. Harry Spears was confined treme17 popular wberever known, and a is not to be made the subject of litigation � I . I . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �
ut in BAP.N BURNED.—The barn of Mr. James to the house for about a week with an at. host o friendswill unite with THE Exi�osx- in the High Court. As to the amounts paid . I ,� .. .111,
Col- Lee, Who resides on the Huron road, about tack of quinsy, but is able to be out again. TOR in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Tough many to the three inspectors, $60, that appeared Whatever they may be
; G. a mile and a half .east of Seaforth, was —We bad quite a heaVy fall of' snow on happy and 1prosperbud years in their pleas- - to be an unauthorized payTent. There I in Dry I
tory totally destroyed by fire Wednesday mora- Monday and ther-first 0,'Utter of the season ant and comfortible home. I I .,were no travelling expenses incurred, And Goods, we M t6adY to SuPply them at -
. I — under section 11 (3) no other allowance is to close cut prices) frOm the best all roim(l
shop. Ing, together with all the seanon's crop, was out �uesday morning, but it was pretty - .
built The only things which Mr. Lee was able to tough scratching,—Handsome new bar fix- Ashfield. be made to the inspectors except upon a Dry Goods stock in the county. I
, un+w -
acred save wem a few implements and the stock. tures have been placed in the Queen's hotel. NOTES.—Farmers are still plowing. The. resolution of the creditors. There -i,q no -Huron!s biggest Dry Goods store is full
. �
me 9, We have not -learned whether he had any They Were supplied.,by the Broadfoot & weather is very favorable for work.—Large such resolution, and though steps may be to overflowing with just the kixi&,Df �
the insurance on the building or not. The fire Box company.—Mr. John Daly, jeweler, is quantities of grain and stock are being taken taken to legalize what has been done, at
ving onR the different roads.---I:Some resent defendant h ot r Ily account. goods yoti Want 'for this weather. .
the block. He ha4 �urcbased the large safe be- f as n TONer th There never was a time when we ha(I
vaid- is supposed to have started from some VIO * into his new store, in the Graves' to market &I p or
tad . this disbuisement., n ess e body
izens ashes, which were placed in the barn for of our -young men, who weub to Manitoba . .
ping hens. This will be a most .serious loss.to longing to the 6tate of J. 0, Sruith—Ola 'last haI are' returning and report in of the creditors at the proper meeting satis- as good a winter stock as we hav&
Vhile Mr. Lee,, . Friday last, a 0an from Clinton, while rb. general favorably.—Me. William Barber is fy what has been done, or in so far as they to-dAy. �
14; . . fail to do,so, the �assignee -must account for -
pro. - . a ring the rooflof the Queen's hotel, the about to leave his farm on the 12th conces- ; I . �
d to QIIATEMLY AcxXOWLEDGED.—Through FeNderf upon which hew" standing broke, sion, West. WAW&Dosh.- We are glad to this item. As to the solicitor's will, there 7
much the generosity of the good people of Sea. and he tell to the ground, injuring'his back bear that Mrs.. John Murdoch, of the 13th was no need to bring. an 'action, as the so. . FINE F URS .
-- -
ts of forth and vicinity, the ladies of the Wo- and leg. He was able to go home by the concession, isimproving in health, after a li3itor was subject to suipmary Jurisdiction This is Fur Weather, just the kind I
thb rneies Christian Temperance Ifnion have evening train but will be lad up for some severe attack of illness. of the court of which he is an officer in or- re n �
, time.—We h l ltter from Inspector i der that his will -might be that Fursa - eeded There is smroe-
the- been *enabled to send five large and 61 . I *_ taxed,and this
I of a two boxes of splendid cloth be and Robb anent the M, cKillop school difficulty, . I Turnberry. 7as the proper course. Judgment accord- 1-y arl artbole of dress sold where there '
ening auch like useful articles to te, fire erers which we are obliged to leave until next ingly without costs. Counter - clai � in � for is more room for deception than in
see- in the counties of Prescott and Ru , and weeIie Fisk jubilee singers will give PoiNTs.—An unusually large crowd at- penalties dismissed with costs.
e 10 sale at J. Stewart's on .
= in they desire us to express their -than to the an entertainment in Cardno's hall on Wed. tended the an ti n . - . - I .Furs. Unless one is an expert, a -
Inex- donors for the verygenerous m er in' nesday evening, December 8th. They have Monday. The prices bid for young cattle buyer's'only safe giiard is to buy froim
\ such which they have seconded, their efforts in just returned from a tour through Europe. .were exceptionally high.—MiI BsIfour is .. Tuc*ersmith. some house that can be depe,nded on,
f und the direction named. One of the bales was ---Mr. Robert Pringle, of Chicago, is visit- slowly regovering from an extended illness . TuE CouNmL.�--A meeting of the Tricker- We -buy 'Our Puts from the most Te.. -
. ' '
o the sent to the postmaster at an outside place, ing friends in to*u.—Mr. Win. Brine is an of several weeks' duration. —'Missionary ser. smith,council, will be held at, Dixon's - hotel, . liable houses in th
I named I" The BrooI where -the ladies had a visit to his parents in Harpurhey. Mons will be preached in. the - Methodist. BiuceAld, on Wednesday, De . cember Ist, at . e trade, and Cau Te.
I — church, Bluevale, on Sunday At 10.30 a. in. " 10 OI a. In. commend the qualities of the goo& W,a- ,
learned there was much suffering and great . and 7 p. m., by Rev. Mr. Cousins, of Ford- A GOOD SALE.—There was an immense sel I I I
to, need for aid. They have since received a MCKMOP. . wich. —John Bolt, of New York, is visiting I crowd of people at the auction sale' of Mr. '_ -
ition most touching acknowledgement from that Du.rF's CHURCH. -The anniversarl ser- friends on the 2nd concession.—H. Millar E. Fairbalirn, 2ad concession-, L. R. S., on Our Furs this season are parliculaly _.
i Friday last. The number -of horses and rigs u can re
cond -gentleman, in which he promises to faith- vices iu connection with Duff's chu , W11 has quite recovered fibm his recent ilInfes, good vake, atA yo 1Y on the. - �
s by fully distribute the goods to those who are be held on Sabbath and Monday evening, and has refiumed his itudies at Winghsm.— -tied around made the place look liko a faI qualities bein� firtt-class. Neck Ruft
and most needful, and says : 11 I must say to December 12th and 13th. On Sabbath, the Angus McLeod, of the Salvation - Army, day .in town. Th& stock and Implements are'very fashibuitbleII, and we are selling;
the yourself and to your beaevelent sis- services will be -conducted by Rev. W. J. Wi ham, was soliciting donations for the Bold readily and'br6ught big prices, but- the
tated ters in your Association, that you Clark, of London, at 11 o'clock in the -fore- seiffleniali fund, at Bluevale on Wednesday. farms, although offered, were not sold. a great many of the following lines:— .
. deserve great credit for your thought. noon and half past six in -the -eveni John Gardiner, i�gent for the Mail and Em. � Black Oppossum ltufis� head, claws and ..
� . . 'in - ,
t Ing ful generosity, and all the late sufferers join Monday evening ' a lecture will be defiveroand pireI doing the country for subscriptions, . tail .... 1. ... 1-.. - �-rd ............. $2,254 ,�F,
con- in with me to echo the same. Thanks I b Rev. Mr. Muir, of BrucefieW on- 11 A . Roma& . I
, —#— Atberican and Auettalfin Oppo.asumand -
nour Thanks I My the bleosing of the Lord be Nodern Hero ,of the Pacific Coast," also . Blake. I I H. JAcoBiR's is the spot for good cheap Raccon Ruffs, head,7 claws, and
very upon , on. ,Om you , r very grateful ser- addresses by tke neighboring clergymeii and ' .I I harness. I use nothing but No. 1 dook, therefore tails: ...... ..... � .... I ...
that vant.17 '. good music. GATHiaRINGS.-On Wednesday evening of you will got No. I harness. Collars, Robes , * - - - 42-75,
- A most agreeable a4d 'profit- ' . Fine quality Grey Lamb Ruffs, nice
per 9 V last w k, Mrs. Colin gletcher gave an ad Blankets,, Rugs, Curryoombs, Brualies, everything .
per DmD x -N B.RiTm CoLubmi&-We men- able. time is expectedi and it goal! W11thout dress L1118 the Women's 'Foreign Missionary sold away'down. lower than the lowest. Remember even curl� head� claws and tails...$3.5%,
the tioned -last week the death in British Colum- saying that there will be a large &�tendance Society; which- was listened to very atten- I buy, for,cash, nI up kuy own stock, and therefore Genuine Alaska, Sable Ruffs, head,claws
at all the services. � I am able to give you great bargains. Carriage , and tail, All quiillties..$4.50, $5, $7.50..
, .
part. his, of Mr. Johh McMillan, formerly of 0 - � tively by a large audience.—A large num- trimming a specialitf., Repairing done next and �
day Tuckersmith, but at that time we had not � Woms. * - I ber (if friends assembled at the residence of cheap. Give we a aa I before purchasing elsewhere. In Muffs, , Gauhlets, Capes and - .
to learned the particulars of the sad event. . Mr. Alexander Sparks, or., on Tuesday, the H. JAVOBi, Henall. - 1560-4 MantleS,we have a s�lendid assortment,
is About ton years ago Mr. McMillan left the NoTzs.—The'township council met at the 16bb inst., to witness the marriage of his FACTS FOR THB PuBma.—That J. C. Clau-
. hall on Monday.—There was a heAvy fall of We pay partteillar attention to.
r in home, in Tuokeramith to push his fortunes in daughter Belle to Mr. David Tough. The sen, of Hensal), Is not sehing harness as cheap as
sible British Columbia. He located in Nelson, sn6w on Monday.—A good many are haul. ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Gra- others, but cheaper. That he has the largest stock apecial ord-ers, and can get you 'any I
in oats to market now. -Mrs. Thomas R of h6no blanketo in thilcounty at prices lower than
ould and has resided there ever since. He was Us' ham, of Bayfield. The happy couple left- others dare quote you. That in Saskatchewan, Moun. kind of fur yoix hiay want, as good and I
engaged in contracting and building and Aid sefl is orly yet. We hope soon to nee her the same evenin& on their wedding tour.- tain bear and goat rI we lead in low piloes, Good at as low prices as. you will get any ,
an extensive business in these lines. He arouncragain.-Service will be hold 'an a Mr. Robert B. anson returned home last rubber in a at prices that will cause you to doubt hhis, I
good many of our churches on Thursday. It their quail , but they are good. Our Collars I will where. If you ard Wanting any t
stem was home on a visit about four years ago. week from Wolseley, X. W. T., where he xuarantee lo work without -galling your horse --a . 0 --
will be a holiday in all the business places in Finn -Qt Our prices before you pur--
of by His friends here knew nothing of his illness has been visiting. He is much pleised with xslled shoulder gills our feelings ; 28 years honor- b 0
t the until they received word of his death, and should be wdII observed.-Wbat we that country, and thinks' about returning in able dealing with the public In this neighborhood, 18 chase.
d, 8rd expect now : Wood bees, tea meet your guarantee that satisf tion will be given. J. 0. - 1,
can be Pneumonia, the result of a cold, was the, may � Ingst the near future. -Miss Margaret Douglas CLAUsEN. - .7 1659-tt - . Underwear,
0 are cause of death and he was only ill about box socials, entertainments, weddings, b is spending a few weeks at Mr. Alexander .
Id not ten days. He was an intelligent, indus- colds, the circulation of THE EXPOSITOR in- Sparks, jr. -'Miss Jeask Foster, of Varna, DEATH§. -On Saturday afternoon last, . .
� creased. ) one, of the oldest and most respected Two special line� of Underwear, that m
trious and enterprising vouniz man, and spent a few days at 7r. Edward, Boyce s .
13 -td was doing well in the 'Paciffo Province, —o— I last week. -Messrs. A. Esler and,l). Man- p!oneers of this section, in the perogn of are- by long odds tb 6 best value iu the �
tter, where he had become well known and very . son wheeled to Bayfield last Sunday. -The Mrs. Bernard Thomson, passed peacefully .
kinds . I Brucefteld. away at the ripe old age of over 86 Vears. ttade.
59-tt highly respected. He was the second son .11F= KA -LE CmxA."-Having secured a Blake choir, under the leadership of Messrs. The deceased was a native of Buckingham, Children's Ribbed Wool and - Union -
hoice of the late Mr. Hugh McMillan, of Tucker- package of this beautiful assortment, suitable for Win. Douglas and _J. Esler, is busy prae- Fifeshire,Seotland, and in. the year 1856, to- - Vests, long sleevesi worth 25c, 30c, 19o,
are, if smith, and a nephew of Mr. D. McMillan, Xmss. Woddin and Birthday'prosents, we are pre. tieing for a tea; meeting to be hold -in the he Ladies' Hygieau. Vests, heavy weight
, Sea. of this town. He had never been married; . Prod to Bell af 50 per cenj below cost, also Dinner, Drysdale church on the 7th of Deceiiaber.. , get r with her late husband, - who pre -de- and soft finish, shaped, a regular
62-2 The remains were brought 'home for inter- Tea and Toilet sets 1%test paterne. We also are the - . __0_ � ceased her, thirteen years ago, emigrated to
vents for the colabrabed Salaft Ceylon Toss, and � .'� ... :.....25o,_ -
ment, and reached here on Tuesda go Granit Mogul, sold at the marvelously low price Lower' Wiwhaxn. - I this country, settling on the corner of the .. I I .
y late Rev.' Mr. Logies farm, at Rodgerville, -
At a evening, and were taken to the residence of of 25o per pound, *Ith a beautiful quadro 11% ,
Silver Cake Basket or Berry Bow , Yen so t MOTES. -Mr. and Mrs. Sligh.. who have 'where they continued to live until after Mt. "
)rs of his uncle, 'from whence the funeral took 18 pounds, at Mrs. Oeoige Baird tore. Igh t b�en conducting a dress cutting school hero 'Thomson's death. Since that time the de. I
Com- place on Wednesday to St. James'. church. market; price paid for Butter, d Poul . for a; couple of months, left this. week -for ceased has resided principally with her Hodgetis Bros,,.
ih of A large number of sympathizing friends as- THE WINTEp �
count -sembled at the church Wednes lay morn . . CAMPAIGN. -Mr. Josiah %7alkerton.-Mr. Parr is visiting big aunt, children, Bernard, of this village ; David, DIREOT IMPORTEPtS, A
. . Ing, Watson, proprietor of the Brucefield sAr Mrs. Robert Mitchell, -Mrs. Peter Mur- of Toronto'; and Mrs. N. ShirraI Hay, � .
Mr. where the iinpregsive services were conduct- and chopping mill, has everything re dy .dook has -returned from Lucknow, where near this villaie. Mrs. Thomson was a re- TON. '
of 11 . GLI N " . .
ut ed by Rev. Father McCabe, previous to the for the winter campaign, as will be seenab y 'she has been visiting friends. -Miss Me- markabl' smart, active woman, possessed of � �
y . . -_ "RERRI
now interment in St. James' cemetery. Mr. Me- consulti t, -our advertising eel- Kenzie, of Ashfield,,. spent Sunday with her a cheerful and kindly disposition and' i I __
g a no ice in . P -
9 all 'Millan hid many friends around his old umns. lie has had his mill thoroughly aunt, Mrs. Thomas Linklitter. -Minnie although she never spared herself for her dresses connected with the history, progress
Y for home and elsewhere, who will deeply regret overhauled and repaired, and is now in a Prior has returned'from an extended , visit family, and endured in early life in and workings of the order and in addition,
Pany, his early demise, and who will sincerely position to make things boom. He also toter sister, Mrs. Wilson, of Wiartou. - hardshipi, ,She rarely e e � r complainrl, the programme will also embrace a number
tinge grapathize with the bereaved relatives. w to all the logo that the peo ) I f fine literary and musical selections from,
. an ofle likre to We aLe sorry to have to report the illness of never knew what a dayvs sickness waI 0
and a w a only 37 years of age. The fdneral bring bim, provided they are the , ght Mr. Irwin. The old gentleman has been Right up to the day � ur local talent. -MTs. Hyslop, of Michigan* - �
of her decease, which 0 1 .
UtiO11 was con&�cted by the Catholic Mutual kind and of good quality� Mr. Watson is go- in poor health for a long time, and at pres- occurred at her daughter's Mrs. Shirray's has been here Jor .the pq.st week Or so
that Benefit AsVeiation, of which deceased had ing extensively into the manufacture, of dnt writing he is much worse.than . ' visiting her * rn�otherj Mrs. Munn, and 4
do at been an eni�rgetic member. . usual. - home, she was going, about- in her usual
and staves and hoops as well as lumber'L and The remains of Mrs. Clark, a former resi- health, and had only laid down to rest a brothers Peter and Alexander. -The auar. -
eart. � 0— business around the Brucefield mills should ,dent of., Lower Wingham, but who for the short time in the afternoon, tette of the Methodist church choir ren -der. ,
eave- LOCAL BRIEFS. -Mr. * Timothy Blake, of be brisk., With Mr. Watson on one side of last few years has lived with her daughter found dead about five o'clock. The mes- ed a number of fine selections at Varna, on i
McKillop, who has been confined to' the the railw�y track and Mr. Scott, the genial in Owen Sound,arrived here -on Saturday b7 sange.r of death had come very silently, and Tuesday eveni%last, tiodeg the auspices of
we )
owl, qounW jail for several weeks on account of and veter�;�grain king, on the- other, Bruce- Itrain. After a short service by Mr. Perrie, just as silently and -peacefully bad her 6he Royal Templars of Temperance, of this
- 1 field station should he a busy place. this bf the Presbyterian church, the remains spirit taken its everlasting flight, not a village. -Miss Wren and Miss .Shepherd, of .
thin lunacy, was taken to the London asylum . . I . i
,. Z
mt week. We are , soi ry to learn that winter. were interred in the cemetery bv the side of Chiselhurst, were here last week, visiting- 7
and ' . trace -of pain or unrest beinp, shown on her - .
ry of there is not much hope for the poor fellow's . 0— I herbusband, who died aboufter years ago. features. The d - eceaseA leaves two sons, Miss Taylor. -The many friends of Mrs..
tered recovery. -The December meeting of the . Bayfield. -Mrs. Wilson intends going to Stratford to Bernard and David, and three daugh.Mterrs, ?4unn, or., will be pleased to learn that she I
copy county council opens at Goderich on Tues- IF you have Turkeys or Geese to. sell bring reside with her son for the winter. Mrs. Shirray, Mrs. Maneon, and Is. is recovering nicely from her recent gerld'us 11
and day next. -Young Fred Elliott� of Bayfield, them to F. - A. EDWARD's by November 80th, All I _* - - Batlery, to mourn her lose. The remains illness. -Mr. R. � HaI of Clinton, and �
. . . I �
last week liberated'on ba s mother . � were interred in the Rodgerville cemetery, some years ago in the employ of Messm I
ehalf was il, hi fowl must be dry picked, and p toked cleaned, heads . �
for $750, his brother-in-law, Mr. Fawlie i � off, lasted 24 hmrti before killing. F. A. EDWARDS, - Howick. Jackson Brothers, general merchants,was�
ent ,_ i y in Bayfleld. . I a on Tuesday forenoon last. The funeral Ot-0- i i - . I
a like amount, aud himself for $1,500. -Mr. NOTES. -Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Goffin t cession was a very large one, testifying � to in the village thia week renewing acquaint. �
WAFTINGS,-Miss Foster, of Varna, who Tuesday with friends in Wroxeter. _E�u s t ces, but, as 4 great many years have
9. Hinchley has found one of his hounds 18 the . respect felt for he deceased and. 4 'In
St. which he had lost, but the other one, the has been -visiting here, returned home on Jamieson, of Fordwich, spent Saturday and sympathy for her family. . � I elapsed since he was last here, be - waa sim.
Monday.-Mr.E.B. Smith, of Huron Col- Sunday with Miss C. Lawrie, of Wroxeter. -The - many friends of the late "Ply lost, and felt like a stran er in a strangd
of a best one, was overtaken -by the night traid l6ge, London, and son of Rev. S. L. Smith, -Mr. T. S. Dulmage and his fither were in city. -Mr. D. WapdleBs, of 8hatham, form- ' -
nnie, when, it was on its way home from Dublin rector of Trinity cbur'oh, preached here On Gorrie the other day, for the purpose of Be- Edward R. Ingram, son of Mr. George ,erl,y o.1 Rod . I
and ran down and killed. -Mr. William Ingram, - of Tuckersmith, will regret vi�l ag -gerville and .Exeter, was in the J
e, of Sunday morning. -Robert, Erwin and Rich- - curing the stock recently owned by Mr. learn of his death which Occurred on 9 .
Anderson, son of Mr. James Anderson, of t of la6t week and this, visitfu I
ifted the mouth boundaryi Stanley, was in town ard Elliott left on Saturday for Kalkaska. The former purposes . starti Sto�b among 9188rmany friends. -Mr. D. L. Them- -
Oil r. -Win. Elliott and Win. Harrison, who - �g uS bath, November 7tb, at Vancouver,
� =8 there. -Some of our peo e Inu son, of Toronto, formeily of Hensall, was
on Saturday. Mr. Anderson has resided - . PI en British Columbia. The deceased was a'Pro- .
bride . recently returned from Dakota,accompanied going to Clifford on Thanksgiving eve ... ng, here on Tuesday, atteiiding his mother's .
steel In Michiga�, near Marlette, for seven years, by Jamea Harrison and G. Weston, left for wh6n a hot supper wilt be given by the Ep- perous -business man in Aylmer, where . he funeral. -Quite ai large number of on vil- , .
and where he was engaged in farmiug, but be the ,900 last week. -Preparations are being carried on milling, but in July last ! owing lagers attended the funeral of the later Mrs. I
has sold out there and has returned to Hur- � Worth League, after which the subject, to continued ill health, he sold out,hIs busi-
1 by on to reside, having leased a farm from Mr. made for the annual Christmas entertain- 6' Wornan's Suffr e � will be debated upon ness there and removed to Vancouver in the Thomson, or., w4o � was well and favorably
-40ur popular brass band purposes by three of th Idmay and' three of the hope that the change of climate would known here, being among the old pioneer
it of TaTlor, in the township of Hay, near Hbn. ments. e Mi " I . I .
raid. sal .-Mr. McMillan - travelling agent for seren"a'ding the villa on, Thanksgiving Clifford boys. No doubi this, debate will prove beneficial to 'his .health. But un- yesiden to. -Our carriage,makers have fai I -
. 19 - I
Mr. the Globe, -was here this week and dded Day. -Mr. Robert =on, a former red. prove to be very interesting, as the debat. fortunately such was not the case, and on in a good winter's sleighing, as is evidenced
Isere. � a dent of Bayfield, but' for the past fifteen era are well quallified for it. As three of by the large number of cutters they are -i
several new names to his list of subscribers the 7th of this mouth he passed away, leav- If
seph years a member of the United States caval- the b a are unmarried, we think they will in turning out.�A social -will be held in the i
John for the daily Globe, our worthy citizen, Dr. euewing acquain no 9 a widow and young child to mourn I
I u the women every time. We hope. i
Bethune, being one of the number. -The ry� has been r tances here tehold his loss. The deceased wai but -30 years Methodist church on Thanksgiving Day, �
-couple bf weeks -.-Miss Is day will soon come when this question ' under the auspices of the Seni�r Epworth t
per. darin i
hell, Presbyterian church was crowded on Sun- mith! the past of age, and was possessed of good busines
Rev. day evening last, the special attraction be6 8 of Georgetown, is" the -guest of her will be settled in the affirmative and we qualities, that made him successful in the League. -Miss Taylor in visit , relatives �
sister,'Mrs. Elli6tt.-Mr. Mallough, who will have purer law and a nobler govern- past, and would no doubt have continued to . -
* thesinging of Miss Bessie - Bonsall, of and friends near Chioelhurst.-Council mat i
nam, Ing for nearly a year1aa carried on the bakery ment. term, with the near aporoach of the new
Toronto, and Mibs Grace McFaul, of Sea- . ins hi 9.- He was married in May,
ptial business here, recently sold out to Mr.Wm. ure is succes year, are beginning to engafe the attention
and. .forth, both of whom had seats in the choir Clark, of Seaforth, who has -engaged Mr. I —P - 1895., to Miss Adelaide Haggan. The �
the and joined in 9, duet at the close of the . Exeter. . funeral wa very largely attended. The of our ratepayers. -Mrs. R. J, Sp�rkmau
� John Biggart- to. carry on the business. Mr. a and Miss Alcock, of, Exeter, were in the
13 of service. -A ineeting of the Huron Medical Mallough has moved back to Dungannon. NOT -US. -Mr. - George Easterbrook, who members of the Canadian Order of Foresters, .
kc. �ksrociation will be held in the town build� has been confined to his home with sciatica of which the deceased'was a member, at- village on Saturday last, renewing acquaint -
ing here on Wednesday next. -Mr. A W During their stay here, Mr. and Mrs. Mal- for the past two weeks, is able to be around tending in a body. Much sympathy is -felt ances.-Poultry is now being brought into .
the Wilson had shipped from Brussels last week, IoUgh made many friends. -The Misses ain with the aid of a walking stick.- for the bereaved parents, 'who have within market in large quantities, and meet,v with �
resi- car load of turkeys to the old country. -L Parke,, dressmakers, have moved to rooms a I . ay sale. -That Iteusall merchantii are- , �-
they . a 10 - iflessrs. Muir, Weatcott, Phassold and the'past few years sustained the lose of rea
Rev. Mr Farthing, of St. Paul's church, above John Tippet's new harness sh P. Trevethick, paid the Crediton Royal Temp- several sons. I enterprising is evinced by the' fact that
esses � � —0 Messrs. M,oDonall Brothers, hardware a -ad .� �
Woodstock, will preach in JSt. Thomas lars a fraternal visit on Friday evening last, LOCAL Bn-in,ps.-The fine -weather Of last ; ---
vda. - W-roxeter. I and report having spent a pleasant evening week has given place to a snow st-)rm and it -
ealy, church next Sunday. Mr. Farthing is one I . furniture merchants, have this .week re -
and of the.ablest rectors in Western Ontario.- NoTI[r. GeorgeAsekie ,has opened by the hospitality of the Crediton 'Members. wou'd now seem. as though we were going ceived direct from the Wingham factory a
appy Messrs. Coleman have purchased the office Out a tailor -shop in'4the Hemphill block,, and -Messrs. Fred and Win. Sweet, who have hav� winter. -Mr. H. Bell, jr., the enter� whole car load of fine new furniture, the i
trip fittings out of Log%n's� bank and have placed as he is a Wr6xeter boy and well-known been at Manitoba for the past two months, pri8ing ptoprietor of the Hensall. machine first oar load of new furniture shipped over -
thiem in their own office, which is greatly -here, he is likely to do well. His appren the London, Huron anif Bruce Rai
ishes .. I - returned home on Wednesday of last - week. shops, is rushed with. work, and it more _' I'Wlay.
improved thereby. They ai lao intend short- ticeahip was served in Brussels. -Mr. George mb6 has pur � _Mr.. James White w43 th Exeter on Mi.
ecip- . �Mr. Thomas Brir.nmaeo . chased than taxed his larae staff of'skilled maebin- . - .1
ly' making' considerable improvements in McDonald has returned from Muskoka with the McNabb property at the north end of ist "i to keep pace w"ith, the orders he is con. day last. His friends were pleased to see I
ents. . 1 7�
ti(e saltworks here, while they will enlarge two d6er- one of which he has had located ,the village and has taken pqssession.-Mrs.* stantly receiving for new machinery, to say him looking much improved after his late I
. . . ,
thle capacity of their works in Brussels so for sever�l years, but it had always elgded Nicholas McEvoy last week purchased the nothing�.of tepatring.-The Messrs. Cook. illness. -Rev.- Mr. Patter,,on, of Cook's i
Me- . that they may be�,better able to keep u pursuit till this season, when he claimed his property of the late Andrew Hicks,.on Wil- -Bros., of the Hensall flouring mills, desires church, Toronto, will be first of 9, number of I
� . �
ling with the the growing demand for Colemany- victim at last. George says this is one of . lecturers' during the win ter lnonth,a to jec- :
s liam street. -Mr. Joseph Senior is having us to state that they are I more th -n
the ealt.-While, coming along one of the con- the finest dear that every roamed through the interior of his photograph gallory im- convinced- that it pays to advertise in a ture in Carmel Presbyterian chureb,on Mon-
' I . _ . day evening, No,rember 29th. -Mr. and
t a cessions the other day on his way to town theforestsof the north. country. -W. R. proved this week. -Mr. Frank Woods has piper .-like THim E-XPO81TOR as for no I . -
Mrs. Jamei Murray atid'daaghter Mrs.
rcial Mr. James Sproat, one of Mr. D. D. Wil' Thompson, of Teeswater, was in:- town Jast DUrebased the pork packing business from sooner, had the advertisement- of last I .
ap- son's teamsters, had rather an unpleasa week, and had a gang of men bandlin M_ making a special offer Alex. Smillie, and Mr. 6'. Smillie were M 11
nt 9 r. Charles Snell, jr., which is situated on week appeared �
Bat experience. He struck a bad iece of road staves and lumber. -Rev. Mh� Anderson James street, and took. possession On ThurI in reduction in price Of bran. than Wingham this week.-MrB. Win. Caldwell -
p �
d by and in trying to avoid it, his wagon upset gave an interesting and instructive sermon day last. -The Exeter Electric Light Com- they sold ". 21 tons in one single day., was in Goderich this weeU,visiting relati#es.
er- and his load of eggs was tumbled' over on Sabbath evening last, on a number of pany have the street lamps on I the- back farmers coming as far as 18 miles to secure ' 9 -
by the ground, and a considerable number of the Psalms i i rous historical and streete completed and will be in full opers- bargains. -Thursday tto-day) being Thanks. -The ladies of Ahe Fallarton brauch Of
, giving nume
-ight , biographical incidents in connection there- alit of -
. the eggitwere smashed. -.Mr. Win. Cl4rk tion shortly. -Mr. W. It. Bullard, of BeaI Day a union service will be hel(I in' the Worq'eWs Migsioj,aty Society- is
Me- baker, has purchased the necessar plant with.-M.r. Andrew Brown will be mansfer forth, is at present working for the Exeter Krim,Dgel PresbyterI church at 2.30 p. rn.� last week, a box of clothing and other nee,
his for Using acyteline -gas, and will urtly of the skating rink for this season and is Ellectrielight Company. Mr. Bullard is a Mr McKelvey, assistant -to Rev. W. E. essary articles to assist the missionaries to
Flan- have his shop and re iden'Ce illuminated past experionci in this line pro'ves he is a practical mieebanic.-The contractors have Ke;r, of the Methodist church, of this vil- su I the wants of the people on the coast
11 - pJJ7
ster, with the new light. Mr. Clark is'the first capable hand at the business. -The Wroxe-, Mr. Henry Rowe's new house, on the, Lon- lage, delivered a very good and thoughtful of ritish Columbia. I � .
oth- in town to use ' it. -Mr. F. -'C. Fowler has ter Curling Club is organized for the season don road south, nearly completed.-MiSR sermon on Sabbath evening last. Mr. Xi,c-' , -Rev. - W. A. Bradley, of Mitchell,, asked I i
. i
triple been elected by acclamation to the Mani- with a good set of officers. -Mr. John Bena Dodds has been ill the past few days. . Kelvey, though bat a Young man, ,Fves his congregatioft one Sunday for -4 -Vecial
, the toba Legislature for the' constituency of . Brethour's greenhouse had a narrow ascape -The Salvation Army marine band w dces of fine thought and caref re- collection to reduce the building debt, and -
vice Turtle Mountains, while Mr. Thomas Nicol, from fire a short time ago. -Pedro parties hold special meetings in the town ball on ibarch and is a fluent and pleasant extem. they responded to the ex n� of $300. --One -1
are much in vogue in the village at present. Saturday and Sunday next. -The congrega- p?re speaker. -Min J. Hess and xeicb,Miss- envelope without name co taineA -$100.
were of Boissevain, Manitoba, is the Liberal can. I � �01
and didate for the donstituency rendered vacant -Mr. Ned Mulligan got &.severe bite from tion of the Main street church- will hold Mabel Mcl,ean,haxe been,,spending the past -Mr. J. Edgar, of St. M sIrys, who -is in, -A
resi- by the death of Mr. John Hettle. Both a horse on the chin on Saturday last. . their annual tea -meeting on December 6th. week with relatives near Sesforth.-Mr. the employ of Mr. J. D. Moore., met with , I I
F en. theme gentleman were former Huronifes, as . . 0 1 -Mr. James Bonthron, commercial travel- Stewart has leased the property he recently an accident at the freight shedq ?n S&I- .
and was also Mr. Hettle.-We ,n'otice- with St9mleY- - ler, of Toronto was the guest of his brother- purchased at Rodgerville, to Mr. D. Me. night last. He fell between a car and the .1
.* . I
f the pleasure that Mr. J. T. Morrison, son of A HAPPY EVENT. -A very harpy event in-law, Mr. R. H. Collins, a few days the Can, Jr. -Miss Annie McAllister was last platform-, dislocating his left shoulder. Ho- : I �.
f de-. Mr. J. C. Morrison, clerk of McKillop, has- was celebrated at the residence o Mr.Alex. past week. -Mr. J. A. Stewart, the big week visiting her brother, Mr. Charles Me. in n alo nicely. . .1 -
and been engaged to manage the Spri - Creek ander Sparks, Bauble line, Stanley, on Tues. cash store, had a ew plate glass front 'Allister, of the Parr line. -Mr. David fop"retiouentgo leaving for her future home .
. Inf ' ' in greekenbridge, Minnesofa, a nu be '
.ayer cheese factory, in the county of OX Ord, for day of last week. This was the marriage of in his store week. --The piano swinluer Shirray, of Hay, who bas been in Manitoba m r of
. -
f ea- the coining year. This is one*of the largest Miss Isabella, the youngest daughter of has been operating in this Vicinity, and since last summer, returned home on Mon- . the friends of Mrs. Saneb-I of St. Marys, . -_
the factories in the province -and Mr. Morrison Mr. Sparks, to Mr.David Tough, son of Mr. some of our beat farmers have been - victim. -day last. He reports the, thermometer in met at her home and prpsented her with a ..
and was selected from among a large number of John Tough, the well known assessor of ized by these sharks. . the west as being below 25 degree when he well-filled� urie, as an expression of their .
. -
ners. applicants on account of the good record he Sta . - I j J
. rile �. The important ceremony was per- STEwA-RT vs.MnaxR. -The following oase left there about a week ago, with 'a deep fan ragpect an esWem. � I
. - '
ar, it had made as a successful cheese -maker and forme7by Rev. Mr. Graham, Presbyterian of local interest came u the Trial Court of andvr, and saysit feels good to get back -Mrs. Patrick Dwyer, of Neitiatt, Mon- I
. O'c Chiey in . - . I
ahk- factory manager in his former position in minister, of Bayfield, at ten lock in the in, Toronto, before Justice Boyd this to Ontario. -All our industries are running ta.na, is visiting her father, Me. Andrew .-
-d- Orono, Hastings county, where he ham been forenoon, in the presence of about fifty of Week. It is report d as follows : Judgment ftlftilne and more and are pressed to fill Nicholson, of Logan. The lady was mar-
i'rl ree years. -W a a a A I . �. 4 in
'! ) it for th hile in town, Miss Bon- the relatives and more immedi te friend of -in - ctio tried at Goderich. -Action by J, local and export %rders.-A grand conceit ��ed two years ago and has been living
!.,the sall was the'guest of Mis� Grace McFaul.- the contracting parties. The ceremon A. Stewart, on behalf of himself and all will be given in C6xwoI ball under the the west ever since, where ber husband is
! y con.
efeat The Harriston Tribune has the following to eluded and congratulations over, the happy other creditors of William Southoott, an auspices of the Independent OrI Fores. in busineeb. � - ...
iious.. say about Mr. 0. L. Schmidt, a former company sat down to a most sumptuous insolvent, against 'James Millar, assignee of ters on Tuesday evening next, when Prof. -Mr. Charles Smith, the ledger keeper in
the teacher in our Collegiate Institute, and who wedding dinner.* - Early in the afternoon �he estate of William Southeott, an insol- Harry M.Bensell, of Toronto,the celebr�ted the Listowe'l. branch of the Bank of R&I
the is at present staying with his brother, Mr. the young couple, accompanied by friends, *e.nt, under R. S. O., ch. 124, pray. ing that humorist will be present to entertain the ton, ,who was arreated on a charge I of for,
lays, J. L. Smith : 0. L. Schmidt, our popular drove to Seaforth, where they took the Oefendant may be ordered to carry out the ., audience. Mr. A. M', Backalls,- t . f ed by John Scott, a - cattle
�4 I he igh , preerr
the ex -highschool teacher. came over from Sia. train for the east, with the intention of trusts of the deed ot anignment and that Chief Ranger for Ontario will . &I . ZVI, juitted. There
� . rinit er, has been honorably ae -
the forth aI sp . out a-,w."k with his many spending the honeymoon visiting friends in the estate may be wpund,up under thead- the evening deliver one �It his poptil wf. was no evidence to support the chArge-
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