HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-11-26, Page 7Y�•
'VENItER 26, 1897
89's -
e flw I
seryII - A large
Bet Sets, also
the=very latest
ing business
are Store,
show a complete Iine of Coal
Wood Cook Stoves, with or
steel ovens, of the best makers,
id values in Parlor Stoves,
and wood.
late stock of Builders' Hank
ints, Oil and Glass.
rates given for furnace work.
right. -
Teas is always
noted BLIT
L blends ; also
u town.
eries includes
in a first -alas
us a h beforelpurchasing.
s Murdie
,r's pfd Stand, Seaforth.
ce more Right
At The Front.
I have been troubled for some
years with • urinary trouble. I
could not hold my urine. Was
constantly broken of my rest, as
I had to get up six or eight
times every night. I tried doc-
tors and many remedies without
getting any relief until one of
my friends' advised me to try
Dodd's Kidney Pills. I felt re-
lieved from the first box and six
boxes completely cured me. I
cannot thank you enough for
the new lease of life and com-
fort your -Dodd's Kidney Pills
has given me.
Cornwall, Ont.
Dodd's Kidney Pills
Always cure Urinary Troubles
lb* *won ft podia.
ground water ie low such as we have had
this summer.. -In sachemse insolation and
disinfection has been left entirely to the
medical attendant. Judging from this year's
experience I would recommend . that the
board pay more attention to the isolation of
cases and the thorough .disinfection ,and
proper disposal of the excretions in this
disease in future than has been done in the
past. In this connection I regret to say
that there is a great difficulty in compiling
a report owing to the fact that physicians,
although they faithfully report such die•
eases as diphtheria and scarlet lever, in
many instances fail in their duty as regards
typhoid fever, measles and whooping cough.
The public generally seem -to be anxious to
keep diseases in darkness, although the law
holds them none the less responsible.
in view of the improved times, we hope
to very materially increase the already large
circulation of THE EXPOSITOR. We would
like to have a copy in every household in
the county. THE Exrosrron's constituency
is the whole county -of Huron. Every week
it gives news from every municipality in the
county, and is, consequently, as interesting
and useful to the people of one municipality
as it is to those of another. In addition to
this, it gives a sufficient summary of the
news of the world to keep its readers posted
in what' is going -on not at 'home only, but
throughout- the, entire world. So that if a
person can . only take one paper, THE Ex-
POSITOR is the paper to take as it gives itaa
the home news, and much news from abroad
in a condensed andmoat attractive form.
In order,. therefore, to encourage a large
increase in its circulation, . we make the fol-
lowing liberal offer. We will give THE Ex-
POSITOR from NOW, until the first of Jan-
uary, 1899, for the price of one year, one
dollar paid in advance.
As we do not want our friends to work
for us for nothing, and as we do want them
to work for us, we make thio further liberal
offer : Any present subscriber who will
send us three new. -names on the above
terms, accompanied by the money, will be
given a copy of THE EXPOSITOR for one year
free. Half an hour's work on the part of
any one of our present subscribers, will en-
able them to have .TUE ExroSITOR next
year for =nothing. This offer,_ however, is
confined to new subscribers from the county
of Huron and the township of Hibbert. New
subscribers from outaide these limits will
not count in thisoffer-This offer should secure
us at least two thousand new names before
New Years.
THE Exrosteon will•not be clubbed with
any other paper. If, however, any of our
subscribers desire='(o receive , the Toronto
Globe, the . London Advertiser or the Mon-
treal Witness we will procure Dither of them
at the best clubbing rates offered. We will,
therefore, give THE. EXPOSITOR and any of
the papers named for $1.65 as formerly.
To those in arrears, we wish to give one
more chance. If they will send us, BEFORE
amount of their arrears at the rate of ONE
DOLLAR A YEAR and one dollar for next
year, we will give them a clear receipt up
to January lax, 1899. We make this
liberal offer in order to get our books cleared
off. Any in arrears after the first of Feb-
ruary next:will have their names struck off
the list and their accounts placed in the
division court for collection. We are de-
termined to make a clearance on our sub-
scription books at that date. We hope
we will not have to cut off one name and we
de zit want to break a T vENTY SEVEN
YEAR business record by', having to sue
even one subscriber.
[The following locals were intended
for last Week, but were received too
the Beard of Health for this township .met
at Londesboro, on the 15th inst. The an -
nasal report of Dr. Agnew, the medical
health officer, submitted his report, show-
ing the township to be -in a very good sani-
tary condition, only one or two complaints
of nuisances having been made ; no eases of
typhoid or eontageous diseases, and none re-
ported by other practitioners in the munici-
pality. Samples of well water were for-
warded, as directed at last meeting, to Dr.
Lands ?oroug 1 Bryce tor analysis, who required them to be
re, 00
will save you
all points.
rth West
kkWe have theirs
inodation. Call
ad Bruce.
;riger. Mixed:.
ad Bruce.
9 30 6.07
1 10;33 7.14
10.11 7.23
I0 56 7 37
f- Paseenger.
8.24 6.04
8.38 5.16
he best place to buy
and trunks,. travel.
-class saddlery shop,
drown and Parlor
Furniture, ihidow
WELL, Zurich,
;your Organs where
e best manufacture*
rock bottom price&
a thefront as usual, with everything that
a found in a first-class Furniture Store,
sew goods in latest designs always on hand.
.Sewing Machines.
We sell the NEW WILLIAMS, best in
market. No travelling agents. Will
sail at a small advance over cost price.
w -Q O]J
We sell wood cheap for cash. ` No credit
given on wood.
In the Undertaking Department, we buy
u goods from the best houses in Ontario,
tu:d guarantee satisfaction in. every depart-
ment of our work. We have always made
it a point to furnish chairs, and all other re-
endsites for funerals, FREE OF CHARGE.
Arterial and cavity embalming done on
telientifie principles.
Picture Framing.
We also do picture framing, 30 differen
finds of moulding to select from.
We have been instrumental in bringing
about a great reduction in prices, both in
arniture and Unidrtaking. The public
appreciate this change—the people buy
#tofu no.
P. S. Night and. Suuday calls will be
attended to at Mr. Landsboroughis resi-
dence, directly in the rear of the Dominion
packed in ice ; the samples were not return-
ed again, simply because there was too much
surface water for a fair test, and ' because
the same trouble did not appear in the lo-
cality this year.—A meeting of the town=
ship council was held the same day, at
which all the members were present. The
following accounts were passed and ordered
to be ,paid, viz : Milburn Sprung, elm
plank, $14.17 ; James Young, elm plank,
eta., $50.11 ;l i. (blew, culverts, $4 ; mem-
ber, of local Board of Health, $26.25 ;
Medical Health . Officer, $9 ; R. Holmes,
printing, etc., $71.14 ; J. Brunsdon, repair-
ing grader, $2.60 ; Wm. Renie, repairing
bridge, $2 ; Daniel McGarvie, five sheep
killed by dogs, $20. The sum of $10 was
granted, on the roque; t of Messrs. Caldwell
and D. E. Munro, of Auburn, in aid of a
public library in that place. Mr. Christo-
pher Dale zompla-fined of having an unjust
share of work to do in maintaining his por-
tion of a drain under an old award ; asked
the council to examine the locality, which
they refused to do, referring him to the
Ditches :and Watercourses Aot. Council
then adjourned until December 15th.
elortgages. Reduce. your intereet. Save
money. Any terms desired. Business pri-
vate. Ne delay. ("bargee low. No costs
Incurred unless loan lee granted Satisfaetion
-guaranteed, of • no loan. Loans arranged
with local agents. Agents wanted. Call or
:write. Enclose statute. E. It. REYNOLDS,
102 Church Street, Toronto.
;13arr's Dye Works
Ws Official Station and Duties In Time al
The chaplain's official station in most
ship ceremonies and in time of battle is
Mt `the sick bay, where lie the sick. Dis-
cipline and freshairare wonderful pre-
servatives of health, and a chaplain's
duties to the sick in times of peace are
very light. At naval hospitals, however,
whither are brought . from the ships the
verysickand the seriously wounded, a
chaplain finds ample field for the exer-
cise of that tender sympathy which
wins souls to God and for the minister-
ing of the consolations of religion. It is
also the duty of the chaplain to assist
at naval burials. The regulations re-
quire that Christian burial be provided
for all . men who die in the service. If
possible, the body is interred with the
rites of the church to which the deceas-
ed had belonged. When this sad duty is
required at sea,- the ship is hove to, the
flag displayed at half . mast and the offi-
cers and men are mustered on deck to
pay their last tribute to the departed.
The funeral services follow, and the
body is then consigned to the deep. A
guard of honor tires three volleys over
the watery grave and the bugler sounds
the last "taps"—sad, mournful notes of
the bugle which tell of the hoar of
sleep. If the death occur at a hospital,
an escort and a guard of honor from the
ship to which the deceased had been at-
tached accompany the funeral cortege
to the grave: As the procession enters
the cemetery the bugler precedes, fol-
lowed by the chaplain. This spectacle
is always impressive. It naturally sug-
gests the prayer that angels, led by the
angel- guardian, may bear the soul of
the deceased before the throne of God
as friends bear the body to the grave;
that the angel at the judgment seat
may proclaim welcome, joy and glad-
ness as the bugler at the grave recalls
loss, sadness • and regret.—Donahoe's
COUNCIL DOINGS —A meeting of the Grey
township fathers was held at Cranbrook on
the 6th inst. All the members were pres-
ent. Several communications were read
from Mr. Garrow, township solicitor, re -
Government drain and outlet. Petition of
John McDonald and 74 othersi, asking to
have the sideroad between lots 40 and 41, in
the 1st concession opened up. Moved by
James Lindsay,seconded by Robert Livings-
ton that James Turnbull and William Brown
be instructed to exatnine said sideroad and
ascertain. the necee.sary work required to be
done to open said road ankireport at next
meeting of council. Carried. John Knight
applied for aid to Peter McDonald and
family, who are in destitute circumstances.
Moved by James Turnbull, seconded by
James Lindsay that the sum of $5.00 be
granted. Carried. Petition of Samuel
Hoggard and others to have the public road
keawn as Bolton avenue, in Graham's sur-
vey opened up. Mr. Strachan to attend to
it. Moved by James Lindsay, seconded by
William Brown that the council pay half
the cost of cleaning out ditch on road at
lots 2 and 3, concession 4. Carried. Allan
Lamont made application to be sent to the
House of Refuge, stating that he was in
indigent circumstances and unable to work
to support himself. Moved by- James Turn-
bull, seconded by James Lind.say that the
Reeve be instructed to' procure the neces-
sary clothing for Mr. Lamont and. send him
to the House of Refuge. .Carried. A long
string of accounts for township's work of
various kinds, was examined, passed and
ordered to be paid when the council ad-
journed t o meet again at tile township hall
on the 15th of December ,next.
R. H. Barr I3,s removed his Dye Works to
And would take thief opporhinity ta thank his num-
erous customera for their lib3ral patronage since
tceSeaforth, and to inform the public gener-
ally' that I am now in a better poeition than ever to
give my customers satisfaction, So bring along
your clothe& and have them Cleimed or Dyed for
Fall and Winter.
R. H. BAPR Seaforth•
Dr. Clark's
Stomach and Liver
is not one of the many " fake remedies,"
put up for big profits, regardless of merit.
sician, a Licentiate of the Reyel College of
Physicians, London, England, ecientifically
compounded., and only the purest drugs
used. It is no so-called miraculous
diecovery," bat contains all th best things -
that science hes discovered for stomach and
• aver dieorders. We honestly believe it is
the best remedy in the mar ee. Try it.
Price 50e.
is a mire winner. Giving splendid resu Its
everywhere. Price 25c.
News Notes.
—The eruption of Mount Vetuvius is in-
creasing in activity. Vesuvius is the -only
active volcano on the continent of Europe.
It was regarded in ancient times as extinct,
but in 79 A. D., it belched forth, its fiery
eruption destroying Pompeii, Herculaneum
and Sta.bae. Sinee then it has proved its
activity some twelve or fourteen times. It
has two aumtnits—one 4,200 feet high, and
the other 3,730. It is now reached by a
wire rope railway.
--e-His health permitting, Mr. Gladstone
meditates an important biographical work,
embracing the lives of most of the distin-
guished modern divines, but there are dis-
quieting rumors in circulation as to the
marked manner in which old age and in-
firmities are growing upon the 4' Grand Old
THE PUBLIC HEALTH.—A meeting of the
Board of Health for this township was held
in the toweship hall, Zurich, On the 15th
inst. The 'inspectors reported that during
the month of June last they had visited all
the school houses and premises, also the vil-
lages of Zurich, Blake and Dashwood and
found everything satisfactory. The sec-
retary was instructed to notify Messrs.Cook
and Goetz, of Dashwood, not to anew any
carcasses of animls to be buried on their
premises in the pile of sawdust in the vil-
lage of Dashwood. Dr. Campbell, the medi-
cal health officer,submitted his annual repait
which was in substance as follows : The
number of deaths from all causes during the
year was about 11 in 1,000. I am pleased
to note that diphtheria which was so pre-
valent in our township durine the last year
has re -visited us only to a slight extent,
there beino only two cases and no deaths
from that t'disease during the present year.
In the first case the disease was in all pro-
bability contracted from the neighboring
township (Stephenn while in the second
case no satisfactory cause could be found.In.
both of these cases f,he houses were placard-
ed and disinfectioni carried out by the in-
spector under supervision of your medical
health officer. Scarlet fever put in au ap-
pearance this year in the front and north of
the township. We have seven reported
cases and one death. Disinfection and
isolation were attended to by the practition-
er in attendance on the case. Measles, we
have had five reported cases of measles of a
mild type ; no deaths. Whooping cough
appeared to a slight extent during the
spring. On the Sauble line south of the
Zurich road, a few cases came under indy
own supervision. None were reported, but
I am inclined to think that in some parts of
the township cases occurred not attended by
any physician. Typhoid fever,we have bad
33 reported cases of typhoid fever during
the past year, two of which were fatal ;
many of these cases were of a mild type, but
in some instances the cases have been sev-
ere. The eases in most instances appear to
be due to local influences, most probably to
well water which is more apt to be contam-
inated in seasons hot and dry when the
Cheap Mill Feed.
CHEAP Metz FEED.—We are now Offer-
ing for a limited time Oat Dust and Seeds at $3.50
per ton in ten ton lots and over. Cheapest feed
the marker. Seaforth Oatmeal Mills, W.W.Tuomsou,
Manager. 1556
—An igteresting experiment is being tried
in a Dublin hospital upon a, discharged
soldier whose eyelids have been destroyed
by oplAhalmia. The doctors have grafted
in their places the eyelids of a newly killed
—The Cuban insurgents dynamited and
derailed a train running between Nuevitas,
the port of Puerto Principe, and the eity of
Puerto Principe, capital of the,, Province of
that name. The force of the explosion over-
turned the engine, destroyed several cars,
killed the engieeer, fireman and ten other
persons, and injured 27 soldiers and passen-
—A terrible accident occurred near
Bielostock, Russian Poland, on Friday, No-
vember 12th, resulting in the death of
thirty persons. A wedding party of that
nuinber was returning from the church to
the home of the bride. All were in one
wagon, a huge vehicle drawn by eight
horses. The road along ighich they drove
crosses the railway track on the level, and
the driver, either threugh careleseness or
ignorance of the ttain schedub, pushed his
swiftly moving horses upon the crossing just
as the express was coming up. The loco-
motive struck the vehicle squarely, killing
many members of the party outright aud
mangling others so that they soon expired in
frightful agony. Not a member of the
party escaped.
What They Are Composed of and How
They Are Made.
Slate pencils undergo a number of
processes before they are ready for use,
and. in making them nearly all of the
manual labor is done by boys. First
broken pieces of slate are put into a
indrtar ran by steam and are cr,ushed to
a powder, which is then bolted. in a ma-
chine such as is used in flouring mills.
A fine Slate flour results, which is thor-
oughly mixed in a large tub with stea-
tite flour and other materials, the whole
making a stiff dough. The dough is
kneaded by being passed between iron
rollers a number ef times, and it is then
taken to a table, where it is made into
short cylindersdour or five inches in
-thickness and. containing from eight to
ten pounds of material each.
Four of these cylinders are placed. in
a strong iron resort which has a Change-
able nozzle so that the size of the pen-
cils may be regulated. In the retort the
material is subjected to great hydraulic
pressure and is thus pushed through the
nozzle in the shape of a long cord. As
the cord. comes through the nozzle it
passes over a knife and is out into the
desired lengths. The lengths are laid
on. boards to dry and are then placed. on
sheets of corrugated zinc, the corrugation
preventing the pencils from warping
during the baking process. The ba.king
. is done in a kiln into which superheat-
ed steara is introduced. through pipes.
The pencils,go from the kihi to the
finishing and packing room, where the
ends are held for an instopt wider a
rapidly revolving emery Wheel, which
neatly points them.
Filially they are picked in pasteboard
boxes, 100 pencils in each box, then 100
of the pasteboard boxes aro packed in a
wooden box, and they are ready for
shipment.!—Phila,delphia Times.
floor, leading from which was a tunnel com-
municating with a house in another street.
The burglars had been working at this tun-
nel for weeks. The earth taken from the 1
underground tunnel was found hidden in a
third house.
Suffered from Weak Heart and Could not
Safely Walk any Distance—How the
Pulse of Life was Adjusted.
From the Cornwall Freeholder.
The romance of unwritten facts of real
life far exceeds the rich elaborations of fic-
tion. A peep behind the scenes would fur-
nish us with adequate proof that there is
more of care, trial and severe anxiety in
human life than floats on the surface. We
find many whose experience has almost in-
cessantly fluctuated between health and
sickness ; little if any ofthis is obtruded
upon the notice of the world, or breathed
into human ear. You may secure the con-
fidence of some of these sufferers who will
rehearse to you dark catalogue of pains and
aches that are often ill understood by the
friends and inadequately treated by the
physician. Thanks be to the mighty genius
that discovered the now famous panacea for
the ills to'which humanity is subjected
-when suffering from impoverished blood or a
shattered nerve system. Thousands have,
and thousands are still using to the greatest
advantage Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They
have passed the ordeal of experiment again
and again with ever increasing honor. The
following statement is from one who was`
rescued from seeming perihpanent enfeeble-
ment and distressing heart action. Mary
Fisher, of Lancaster township, Glengarry
unty, is a maiden lady. About eight
ears ago Miss Fisher was seized with weak-
er - d a distressing sensation in the region
of th t . . eart. It was attributed to several
cause;, all possibly more or less true, they
were overwork, exposure, etc. She was
certainly weak and the action of the heart
was abnormally, rapid. The doctor in at-
tendance pronounced the ailment nervous
palpitation of the heart and she received
treatment accordingly for two years. At
this stage she took to her bed she was so
low. For twelve months she lay receiving
only domestic attention. She improved
somewhat, however, and was able to be
taken to a friend of hers near Lancaster vil-
lage, Mrs. J. Haney, where she was under
medical attendance and took medicine for
about three years. At the end of this time
she could not safelyventure to walk out
even a short distance. All this time she
complained of her heart. About two years
ago she began taking Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, from this date she began what proved
a. steady restoration of nervous energy.
During the summer of 1896 the improvement
was marked. She was able by the middle
of the summer to do as much work and
walking as most ordinary women, and so
satisfactory and apparently permanent . is
the cure that Miss Fisher has goneto her
former home. . Such are the unvarnished
facts of a remarkable case. The malady
was, iersistent, tenacious and hard to fight.
Buta constant use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills *ought a -marvellous change, which'
Miss Fisher's friend said might be profitably
known.to many others.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to
the root of the disease. They renew and
build up the blood, and strengthen the
nerves, thus driving disease from the sys-
tem. Avoid imitations by insisting that
every box you purchase is enclosed in a
wrapper bearing the full trade mark, Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
"001 i(0 IS THE CHEAT THlNt
For if people resolutely do what. �s
right, in time, they come to likie
doing it." So says a famous wri
er and so say we. There is no ti
like the present to act in—act no k.
Tilison's Pan -Dried!
Rolled Oats I
Do . the right thing by you r
solutely, and they do it well, b -
cause they are so prepared th t
the objectionable features of o
Binary, Rolled Oats are not the e
in this brand. No hulls, no blac
specks, but the delicate, nut li e
flavor that Pan - Drying ale e
can yield. Your grocer sel s -
Tillson's brand by the pound.
Tilsonburg, Ont. .
—The will of Charles A. Dana, late editor
of the New York Sun, has beenfiled for pre -
bate in the Surrogate's office, flt Jamaica.
It is a brief statement, bequeathing the en-
tire estate, real apd personal, excepting
stock of the Sun Printing and Publishing
Company, to the widow; Mrs. Eunice Mac -
Daniel Dana. The steak of the Sun is
willed to Peed, Dana, to be held in trust.
Its income and profits are to be devoted to
the widow's use during her life. After her
death this income is to be divided equally
between the four children of Mr. Dana.
The estate is estimated at about $1,000,000.
The in-
is es
This dread malady lurks behind the most in-
cipient head colds, and when the seeds of disease
are sown steals away the beautS, bloom and makes
life pleasures a drudgery.
will cure the incipient cold and the most stub-
' born and chronic Catarrh cases. it puts back
the beauty pink and sheds sunshine in its trail.
" wife and I were both troubled with distres-
sing Catarrh, but we have enjoyed freedom from
its distresses since the first application of Dr. Ag-
new's Catarrhal Powder—it acts instantaneonsly—
gives grateful relief in eo minutes, -and we believe
there is no case too deeply seated to baffle it in a
Sold by 1. V.Fear and Lumsden bon
Some Ii„oyal Titles.
The kings ana queens of England
were not always styled "his" or "her"
majesty or after the pattern of that
bestowed upon Victoria "her most
gracious majesty. " Henry IV was styled
"his grace ;" Henry VI, "his most ex-
cellent grace ;" Edward IV, "high and
mighty prince ;" Henry.VII, "his grace
and his majesty ;" Henry VIII, "his
highness" and afterward "his majes-
ty." Subsequently the English kings
were styled "his sacred majesty. "
While on the subject it may not be un-
interesting to give the meaning of some
royal titles—thus: fCing means father ;
kaiser and czar, Oxsar, or autocrat, a
contraction of Saanoderebeta ; duke
hospoda.r, master of the house ; khan,
provincial chief ; landgrave, land reeve ;
margra,ve, border reeve; nizarn, ruler;
pharaoh, light of the world; shah, pro-
tector; sheik. elder ; sultan, neler.
Taking the lead everywhere
We are working day and ni ht to
supply the demand.
Our correspondence shows' that
_hundreds upon hundreds o poor
sufferers are being rester d to
health and hapiiiness
We are showing by far the best selected
an_d moat complete stock of Boots,
Shoes and Rubbers in town Jor the
present season. See it and be satisfied,
for yet are bound to find just what you
want. Another very important thing
for you. to know is, that we give qual-
ity as hvell as quantity, andishow in all
departments goods of the highest grade
of exeellence. And lastly, be it re-
membeked, that in price we please you
with the best figures it is possible to
make honest goods. Come in and see
our Men's Long Boots, and also our
Women's Box Calf in belmorals and
button, -which for style, quality and
price cannot be equalled in town. In
Rubbers we can fit any shoe and all
pockets, in all the different brands.
Give Us a call, and we -tvill be pleased
to show you through our stock.
They! are absolutely pure and
healthful. G-uaranteed 1.1) cure
Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neu algia.
Lumbago, and all forms of idney
and Liver troubles. ; .
Beware of Spurious Imita
Sold in Seaforth by 3. S. ROBERT
—On Saturday night, 6th inst., some
persons macle an effort to burglarize R.
Knight's tailor shop, in Exeter. One of the
windows in the rear of the store was broken
and otherwise considerably, damaged in
their efforts to open it, bet for some reason
the would-be thieves left without any booty.
—Posemaster E. T. Page, of Redwater,
Texas, will be retained by this administra-
tion and all because of the birth of quad-
ruplets and twins in his family. Eleven
years ago he was given the postoffice, but
went Gen. Clarkson became assistant post-
master -general, in the Wannamaker Admin-
istration an effort was made to replace the
postmaster with a candidate of the Republi-
can party. Many applications for the place
were filed, but Page appealed for retention,
citing that his wife bad just presented him
with quadruplets, and , that twice before
twins had been born to them. This settled
the case. Gen. Clarkson decided not to re-
move the incumbent.
Longevity of Astronomers.
The longevity enjoyed by astronomers
is proverbial, and an astronomical jour-
nal gives a long list of them who have
far exceeded the threescore years and
ten. Among the eminent names are Cas-
sini, who lived to 97; Caroline Herschel
to 98, Sir W. Herschel to 84, Newton
to 84, Mary Somerville to 92, Halley to
86, Sir George Airey to 90, Sir David
Brewster to 86, Sir E. Sabine to 94,
Humboldt to 90, Schwabe to 86, Santini
to 91, and. Fontenelle to 100. Regelar-
ity of habit conduces to longevity in any
Walk of life, and it is a necessity te-the
astronomer. This, added to the calm
pursuit of those who study the heavens,
counterbalhnces the effect of late watch-
ings and exposure to the night air.
Not Impressed.
"That tenor of ours has a marvelous
voice. He can hold one of his notes for
half a minute. "
"Fangh I've held one of his notes
for two years. "—Cleveland Plain Deal-
PrOperty- for Sal
There are
main uneold
quire partic
office of the
erte.in of our properties whiele still re -
Jars from Thomas Brown, o at the
Intending purchasers will lindly in-
3tate of T. T. COLEMAN, 8 alorth.
Pig and Lambs for S
for sale a n
boars, and
They are fir
right. TH
RUSSELL, Riverside Farm, Us
nober of young thoroughbred
; thoroughbred Leicester ra
't-clase in every respect, ai3d
MAS RUSSELL, Exeter P. 0.
onto, has
lithe sold
SUCC.E5 40'
Richardson ce McInnii,
Fifty- ree Students now in at endance.
Book-keeping by actual Busines system.
Individ al instruction.
Stude ts may enter at any time.
Write for par ieulaie
Possesses the following
Distinctive Merits :
Delicacy of Flavor,
Superiority in Quality.
Nutritive Qualities Unrivalled.
In Quarter -Pound Tins only.
A clear, bright brain, a cool head free from pain,
and strong, vlgorons nerves are reqeisite to success
in modern life. - leilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills in-
vigorate and brighten the brain, strengthen the
nerves and remove all heart, nerve and brain
Sign of Strength.
The sign of strength, a ruddy coun tonsnee, de-
pends upm rioh, red blood. To make the blood
rich and ruddy, the countenance clear and bright.
and the step firm and elastic, use Burdock Blood
" I enjoy good health now to the grestest ,deeree,
ever since the dey I stetted ta use B. B. B."
People Talk Back.
Mane people talk balk. Here is one. Miss Kath-
arine Weese, Belleville„ says : " I heve had a pain in
my bask accompanied, ley general debility and tried
various remedies for the same but. without derlying
much benefit, until I took Doan's Kidney Pills,
which I am glad to say entirely cured me. They
are certainly a grand medicine and 1 can sly in my
case proved to be a thorough specific."
We want the services of a number of fam-
ilies to da work for no at home, whole or
spare time. The work we send our work-,
- era is quickly and easily done, and re-
turned 'by parcel post as finished. lisp
V to $10 per week. For particulars teady
to comnience send name and addreSs. THB
in Western Ontario.
Can4ot be excelled as a7 bright, en -
Has all
terprisi4 and popular paper.
fs of the
the latest news from all pa
lied by all newsdealers in
Westein Ontario, or sent direCt.
Come all Who Suffer
Mrs. E. Brown, Hamilton, Ont., says : I have
used Laxa-Liver Pills and find them perfect as a cure
for biliousnees and sick headache. 1 strongly recom-
mcne them to all wh3 suffer from such troubles as
an unrivalled remedy."
The 'most expensive stamps for col-
lectox:s` are those of Mauritius and Ha -
The proper distance between the eyes
is the width of one eye.
—A great stir has been caused in police
circles, in Madrid, over the robbery of a
jeweller's shop, which occurred at Seville,
the other night. The jeweller's attendants,
who were sleeping on the premises, awoke
in the morning to. find that the shop had
been practically emptied of its stock during
the night, jewellery valued at over $100,000
having been taken by thieves while they
slept. They found a large hole cut in the
People Praise It.
DEAR Sms,-1. hayecfeen had coughs and colds, as
well as bronchitia, Norway Pine Syrup cures me
every time. I reemmend it as a perfect Cure for ' all
throat and lung troubles.
Mayfield, Ont.
Equal to and better than many
published at $1.00 a year.
Agents wanted in every district to can-
vass for this publication. '
1555.6 eow
Snap and Vigor Wanted.
Modern Life demands snap and vigor from all. The
race for existence is hater than ever. Keep your
blood pure by using Burdock Blood Bitters, and you
will be healthy, vigorous and strong-. Miss Jennie
A. Gleason, Centseton, Ont., says : "For two years I
suffered from poor, thin blood. Igrew weaker every
day until I tried B.B.B. It completely cured umby
enriching my blood, making me !Aran end vigorous
For Infants and Children.
Tits ha-
• simile
Of the Seaforth Packing House are pre -
axed to handle any quantity of Hogs,
ve or Dress, for which the3r will pay
t e highest market price. - Will have
man call on any parties having live Hogs
dispose of, if notified. For par-
t culars eall at Retail Store, Carinichaelli
lock, Saaforth.
co WC/ CI
c+,172 Itg
-0 Qtynt:5
0;,. it' 02
pig xi° w
Ig-ig wct-
i?„ cpti
60 a
a* tri
Owing to hard times we bave con-
Audeid to sell Pianos and Oigans at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Orggas at $25 and upwards, %
Pianos at Gorretponding priceb.
Tne nest place in Ammies for young men and
wonien to secure a Business Fducation, Shorthand,
Mechanical Drawing or Penmanship. Thorough sys-
tem of ActualBusiness. Session entire yes.r. Students
begin any time. Catalogue Free. Refereneo, ali
Detroit. W. JEw ELL, Pres. V H. sPENCERe see.
Any inupdber of Cedar Poets, for sale a
P. keating's Lumber Yards,
opposite L. McDonalcPs wagon shop, on the corner
of Gederich and East William: Stream. P. KEAT-
The licKillop Mutual Fire
,,Insurance Company.
Broadtoot lirlae-Preflident, f3eaforth P. O.; W. 4.
Kurclie, Inspector of Loewe, &Worth P. O.
W. 0.10rotittoot, Seaforth ; Alex. Gardiner, Leg*
hm•it' rge Dale, Seaforth`l Thome E. lisp,
Clhatott ;, Thomas Frump', Brueefteld ; John B. Mc-
Lean, Itippon.
John U. Ilorrison,audiore.
ect other busbies will be Woo:aptly athnded to ore
wplioetiont to any of the above ofPnere, addreeeed to
their rectective poet ofioes,