HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-11-12, Page 8� R
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applauded. A short address by Rev. in charge of the electric station*, but 'Ahe. 'Batuirda;y, from Ni . lestown to Derwent and Rev. Rogers', preached in the"Methodist
'Wilson's OaS h Grocery A 8 OHAL ANNOUNCZ-
Fther McCabe, pastor of St. James' machinery might have beeiii seriously dam- London. Sunday morning they wheeled, to church Jut Sabbath evening.—The Orange. Now is the time de mikin have church, then followed, after which votefrof MENT. aged and even in 'ury t9 the operators might Gtanto . n, -a dieta L nee -of 22 miles, in time Xor men's box so3ial, held last Friday evening,
for plel. and to I
,knot uie the beall, Vinegar sad thanks to the speakers, and the chairman,
gacd Eurcees you n haire resulted, is, no doubt, on account church. ; from ther-e to Kirkton for tee, Od to celebrate Guy Fawkes' day, was"well at.
f,pices. We sell the Prcol Vinegar, the best and were aed and responded to, and _the In vie the improved timu, we hope of the great danger to lif d )Iroperty by 'church in - the evening, remaining With tended, the hall being quite full. The
cbeapest in the maiket, and the highest -grade of roreveining's pleasure was brought to gramme consisted of choruse by the Fro
Ace*; just what you require to ensure one- delightfu to very mi erially increase the already large interference with these lights, t1alt the law friends until Monday,, when they left for oir
pure 81
cese. Our stock of groeeries is well assorted and a close by the whole audience singing the circulatior of THE ExrosrroR. We would is 'no stringent and the punishment so-' Marys and Stratford,,, to hear the noted ID. of the Idethodist church, and speeches by
up-to-date withew season Tess, Dried Fruit, new National Anthem, when all repaired to their like to have a copy in every household in severe.
L. Moody. Tuesday.morning . they started Revs. Rogers And West. Rev. Dr. Moffatt,
currd Cod Fish, etc. All goods guaranteed to give homes, hoping that it won't be long before the county. THE ExrosrroR's constituency for Fairview and Harrington, where they after speaking in the Presbyterian church, satisfaction or money returned. We have so me
"Isl lisrgainsin DlonerLTea mud Toilet&ts. see the members of Branch 23 will Afford them is tne who�e county of Huron. Every week LoaAL BRrEFs.—Mr. 'Alf. Beattie stayed with Mr. and Mrs. R. McCool till on the work of the Religious Tract 8
. . I I who ociety, . . . . . .
them before buyiDg. The bitchest piles paid for all another Opportunity of spending such -a it given nej�s from every municipality in the has been absent from Seaforth about- six Tuesday afternoon, When they left -for atatended the social, and he also gave an ad. 1kiRds ef good produce. Butter, egga and fowl
pleasant evening. county, and in, consequently, as interestin S dreas.—Nk. Win. H ney ud on rge,
wautcd. 9 years, and who is now located in t.. . Paul, Brookedole, Embro, Beechville and Wood a 16 a a Geo
and -useful! to the people of one m:QniciF"ditY is here at present on a visit to friends. He stock. From Woodstock they went to ;of Greenwood, near" Toronto, visited at Mr. We bought Some hite
C. WILSON, Seaforth,' Its
1176 Bank of Commerce Block. A HuRow Boy's IMPRESSIOxs.�A Huron as it is to 1those of another. In addition to came mainly to see his grand -father, Mr.' London and back to,' Brucefield, arriving -George Haney's last week.—Mr. Louis B. week at a ver.YL JOW!r ce, ajad boy, who is now sojourning in Toronto,given this, it ves a sufficient summary of the Robert Carmichael, who has been poor there fresh and delighted with their outing. Duff has -been re-engageo to teach in school i g to I i
'0 13 8 1 hem go- THIRTL
Suits and Overcoats in great his impressions of some of the great men news or h world -to keep its readers Posted health for some time.—Mr. D. W-` Wilson No. 9, East Wawanooh, at a. slightly in.- 'at prices thot.va , i T
whom he hasbeen piivileged to see and hear, in what i goi6g on not at home Only, -but has shipped out an enormous intity of crossed salary., make. you want them when WEEOLE
an follows I heard D. L. Moody last througho" the entire world. So that if a
number and variety. e Constance. them. We had to � tAke a big- quatity
top during the Past two -weeks. ]Kest of
week. Hospoke in Money Hall, which person a only take one paper, THE Ex. t em have gone to the old country.�-Mr. APPLEs.—Mr. James Martin, of Hullett, Stepben. to get them u and a to sell
Prices play an Important pait in our Clothing De- was taxed to its tmost capacity to accom- PosiTon is paper to take as it gives Am James Reid has returned to Algoma, where who has been packin,%applea this season for PERSONL —Mr. Johnif Hcoper,of Bouth' at a good deal less
ome 4ews,! an the xeguiar-
ea * who crowd- the h d much news from abroad he expects to remain during the winiet. He Messrs. Mitchell & E idtt, has finished his ard, Peitinsyl
partment. Neverbefore ha;ve we offered such in- modate the eager, curious on ihan
duceirente in the way of values and styles. Nothing ed to hear the " man of the hour " in relig-- in a cond ed d vanis, visiWd friends in Dash wholesale prices.
'n most attractive form. was accompanied by his son. -m -Mr. James He has bought and wood and khiva last vOe6k.—Mr. William:
but up-to-date, reliable goods kept In this depasir ious circles. I was not much- disappointid in Ord t erefore, to encourage a large
iment" Ourlargoand steadytrade Is the best evi- ke the fol- Graves' fine new store on Main street is barrels. These apples Holt has returned from Manitoba, where he 10 sizei regulai $2.50
in him, as I did not expect to hear fine increase i#its circulation, we in&
nearing completion.—The funeral q(the late E�i�north 'end of Hullett, hits spent a couple of months. for $1.50. a king, but those who anticipated an JoWing-lib�ral , offer. We will give THz Ex- to
denci, of pleased customers. ingL flow- L t 8 Mr. Thomas Neilans, of Hullett,: on...Fri- and Morris and Grey wnships. The price I I sizei reguia!r for
t Bowe would 'certainly realize Z' PosrroR fOm NOW, until the first of Jan. ,my lost
was one of the largest ever seen Paid was $1.75 and t2 per barrel. There ZUrloh.
d saying fullyi the anticipation is -better. nary,., 189Q. for the Price of one "year, one in the county. 12-4 Size# regul#r .25, for,$1.05.
`Wm. Pickard & Go�, It in mid there were two was a fairly good crup of apples in these d1s- NoTEs.—Mr. John Hauch an re
an the realization." It would almost seem dollar pai4i in advance. hundred vehidles in the promsidb,. 'The L tricts this sesson,and the people from whom Ty
here. visiting his brother, Philip Hauch,over ere is on L
SEAFORTH. an though be prided � himself in not being a As we do not w"t our friends to work remains were'interred in the HUI gemetery, Mr.'Mortin purehasied were well pleased ly a 11imited q
Subld' Th left on Wed Cre, when th
t SY. nesday for
good speaker, an simplicity bi the prominent for us for �othing, and as we do want them hullett.—Mrs. William Potter, of'�East with the tbanner in which -he dealt with diton.—MinZarcher, of Sebringville, eY are "04#3 tberel b no M0*
831MAIMSHIEP characteristic of his style. Music in his to work for us, we make this further liberal Wawsnoeh, near Blyth, vho' at these prices. TheY!
has been with Mrs. A. Y. Hoist for some are
who will orth
chief instrument by which he works up the offer: Any present subscriber town, with -Mr. and Mrs. Alex.- Ni4hol.
enthusi time, left a few days agQ for Crediton t� and buying.
AND main and feelings of his hearers. Be send us. three new names on the above Mr. John Weir, assignee for the - estate of
certainly has Blyth. visit friends.—Miss Annie Zimmerman left-
-wonderful power and says terms, accompanied by the money, will be J ust in this week an
Logan & Co., has sold the Daniel, Wilson other
6 L NoTEs.—Mr. N. H. Young has disposed & few days ago for Detroit, where she In- th e re ,en ot tr
FIRE INSURANCE things in such, a striking way an to impress given a copy of TBE ExrosiToR for one year farm, on the Bauble line, Stanley,, �Ir- W.'' 0' his dwelling house east of the railway tends to work.—One day lyst week, Mr. 0. gapkins,
them indelibly on one's mind. I think I free. Half an hour's work on the part Of G. Johnston, of the same Brie, for $4,800. pu A Li
track to Mr. John Potter, for -the neat sum Krauskopf, from Califarnii,and Mi Re 0 w Sub-"
have heard all the chief celebrities of the any -2 er en, a re sellibg
one of ur present subscribers, will en- There are 119
AGENCY, -acres, and Mr. ohnst6a hai- '.,$800.—The Hopeful Gleaners. intend of Ray, joined hands in holy matr=ny. Reer; T 1 is i p It I z age since I came here; Laurier and Edward oble them o have THE ExrOSITOR next . Mi)rd'd 6f - h s a ve vill be able to get.
Blake headed the list. I was very glad to yes"r for thing. This offer, however, 'a got a cheap place.—Messrs. 8 1 holding asocial soon iii, the basement of left next day-- for California, where r.
have7fixed up the -old Exosrfon $WlOin
W. Somerville, A ent. hear them. - I was fully matisfied with confined tonew subscribers from ing theii church.—,Dur town was, in darkness Krauskoff has a farm. We wish the- oung
C to H. A. Strong & Bro.) I.Aurier. I think he quite realized my bx- of Huron an; a the township of Hibbert. Now
(sue ess 9 the county on John street, and are us Was a'ware- on Tuesday evening, owing to the electric pcUple a long, happy life in their distant men S Underwear
or room in connection with thilr� A ware
lit re ing tangled up.—Mr. and homo�—The annual meeting of the Zurich� Nowadays WhOn
fir I"wl I Ott r
John 0 Ave tI
Telegraph ana,Xpreso Building. pectations. His expression on the platform subscribers Ifrom outside these limits ill otor We hope the political-. .-Mqoclation gllra� Peace k, of Prospect Hill, Branch of the' We believe we h
commends at oned our confidence and loyal- not count in'thiaoffer.This offer should secure connected with the building milt"'hae ! a Upper Canada Bible Society Le best LTndftvw ster 'Statialt
Blan.thard township, who were spending was held in the Evangelical chureh on lag values in. the county. That it is a)
ty. Blake in inimitable as a speaker, in 'us at least two thousand new names before beneficial influence on the si�i6r member of of the r honeymoon with friends here, seft- t
my estimation. He seemed to be full of New Years, Tuesday evening. Rev. J.* P. Rauch, of with popular favor is at own by the q%1W ge*11
the firm.—On Friday morning list, L Mr. 0, tities we are selling ever wit and humor on that occasion." THE siToR will not be clubbed with *' ' t L . I Were called home on account of the sudden. Berlin, general agent, was_present. Rev.A. day.
C. Willson's driver took a Jauu up Main -
If, however, any of our street on its own account. When- Men's Union Shirti-and Drawers that thd u
an ot er &per. death of Mrs. Peacock's brother. Y. Hoist was chairman. The treasurer, G.
e.; Men's Artie Shirt's and Prawers,
STRATFORD, ONTARO. DiLL,18eaforth, pays the highest price for eub8cri re desire'to receive the Toronto of S. Mullett & Co.1s,- It to6k to - theF,"'$id Holtzman, reported that laat year over sophistfieE
farm pruduoe. 1560 Globe, the London Advertiser or the Mon- �id. S. lined$ each. The course of study In this school Is up to the walk, where it was stop -damage, laeadburY. 827 had been collected. Depositori D. , � : ............
tresl Witileis we will procure either of them Faust, reported the sales of Bibles and Americall fleece lined Sl 11irte and Out of �)Oa
highentstandard. of "cellenco; unexcelled advau- A Fmv lines of first-class Cooking Stoves further than the broakiDg:Of,the, tingletres, THE biggest and most varied Stock of Testaments amounted to $16,15. The of. ere, well md weight, -An which Joi I
tages in every department ; moderate rates ; board will be sold sk greatly reduced figures, In order to at the best 6,lubbing rates offered. We will, was done.—On Monday evenitig, the t4wh- Rubbers for ladies. Wantlemen, girls and boy@' we 1 0
sizes) each
4cheap; entermytiroe. Write for circulars. reduce the number ct lives we have in stock. Jon-,. therefore, 9'ive THE ExrosiTon and -any of ere and officers of the Moih6di6t. -8finday ever had, Is the verdict of the people.. The leading Beers for the ensuing year are: 'Rev. A.: Y. lea ;8-J
W. J. LLIOTT,�'Principal. 4444..52 SON BILMEMRS. the papers named for $1.65 as formerly. Rubber.Shoe Store. W. H. Wimis, Carmichael Hoist, President,� Aron Karcher, v' Pure� Wool 18hirts and Drawers, Shet.
school, together with some of frends, Blo)ck, SexforM ice prest. candid, THE biggest and most varied -Stock of To those in arrears, we wish to give one 0604 dent; Fied'Kibler, secretary; Sol Hardy, land finish, �extrx speci values
R had a pleasant social gathering,�*, the al
ubbers for Ladies, Gentlemen, Girls and Bon -we Su used-
�Tjcs.—Mr. Wm.'J. Welsh, who was treasurer S. Faustdepositor ;. Directors: each .......
ever had, Is the verdict of the people. The leading more chance.' If they will send us, BEFORE day school room. Tempiing L refreshments
away, on a five weeks' visit to relatives in Men's fine Shetlar"4 '�ir Drawer%
Rubber Shoo Store. W. H. WmLis, Carmichael* THE FIRST OF JANUARY NEXT, the S. Ronnie, on Wagner, Fred. Home, r., double back k and f Twis very lenioni
were served, and Urs. Livevis� and-Mial", Bosion and Providence, and other points in Ernest Gies, Jacob Karcher, 1�11t, soft finish, lffiw�-
Bloak, Seaforth. 1561-1 amount of -their arrears at the rate of OA*iE Smith, the delegates tor' -the, cofiventidn.in Win. Hayrock,
DOLLAR A'YEAR and one dollar for next the Eastern States, has returned home'.� Georgb Edighofter, Herman Well. Rev.f J. ea4ch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A11r& r n ff pure - wool, fatic, r stripe Shirta has, I Mrs. Gray, of Hibbert,is visiting her dal',4gh, P. Haiich gave an excellent address in Ger. fi led 161
BUTTER MAXERS.—We have received an. Hamilton, gave their reports. -31 - Cam
the grocery stores of KeAsm A. Young, igood
DISTRICT MATTERS. other IA of Special Butter Sdk in Wpound sacks, Year, W6 will give them a clear receipt up Magaby, who has been in the"Bank of Com-, Me " ,
and our customers can. be supplied at our office or at to January � lot, 1899. We make this merce herefor the past c6aTle of' months, ter, Mrs. Bell, at present.—Mr. and Mrs. man pid English which wam appreciated by d Drawers, moi
M. Jordan or Weir have been away for two or three days alL The , collection am Wdi fit, as g�od asv to attviplpt
liberal offer in order to got our books cleared oun e sold last yesr
H -Livens. COLN" Am's Salt Worke,geaforth. IE61-1 has been transferred to the Ayr brafich' and ted to - $3.7t.—
r of ANY hi , Isk that oxie li
loet'L Is new. Position-----, ber from this section attend 3pea* isiting rela ve' A SzRiEs OF LEcTuREs.—The reoto PERSON wishing photos taken to send off. Any in� arrears after the first of eb, left.on Monday to take ti at Zu ich.—A large num. Win. Bender has arrived home from Dakota Hewvy ............
St. Thomas' church has arranged for the ruary nexf,,I*iU have their names struck off Onrid ed the concert where he has been fome time. He will ir ..... ........ 25g
thair friends fur Xmas, shoulif have them lake M a evening about "nine o'cick,
following series of lectures to be given in Henderson's photo studio, Seaforth, where e list au& their accounts placed in the alarm called odt brigade,,but Hoist sti 5ay all woo�
iso the school room about once a month during sure to get something that will please them. divisiop cou�t for evening, 't-bbed Box,' ....... me V,
th,�e tb the fire at the Orange Hall, Winthrop, on Friday, at home this winter. —Rev. A. Y. Jumbo" our tr.
1560 collection. We are de. -causea - They report having had a good ed reviv I meet in the 14th conceio
there was no fire. The slarm was time, The attendance was large, and church last Wedin , ion
the winterfor instruoCion. and entertainment:L RimmEmBm the 10 per ce'nt� discount on tormined to Imake a clearance on our sub- nfday evening. L/7 Blick Wool Sox� seanilej is worsted hoof
b a tree coming in cofi6kct. -with -a -live
allCoalHeating Stoves, with or without oven, Is lscrip�ioii books at that date. We hope everythiFog went " merry as a marriage and too .... i ......................
(1) " How to Pull down a Church and how e7ectric wire and forminj a 41reot , curtent bell.)'—Come now, Egmondvfll friend, give so We fina
to Build it up, by Rev. F. G. Newton, of good for the balazoe of - November -so come along we will not, li�ve to cut off one name and we between it and the'alarin w
Mrs. T.R.F. Came returned from theii� ived� k of the Bo
eaforth. ire.+ -Mr, ' �and us a rest. There is no such a e hing as In- For
Strathroy ; (2) " Habit, by Rev. W. J. nd choose early. S. MUW�WT a do." 8 do not want to break a TwENTY t McKillop.
To fallible sigba, and W would be idle for the THE big eat and most varled Stop
1or, of St. Marys ; (3) " The Church YFARs' business record by 'having to sue ding tour on Monday evening. last.—M Rubbers for Adies, gentleman, girls and boy&' we V.1th Wa
THE biggest and most varied -Stock of even one suliscriber. r- Opposition to make baseless char es when In bu�iug ou� Underwear we did n9cfor.
and her Liturgy," by Rev. D. Williams, Itubbers for IMIss, Gentlemen, Girls and Boys we ever bad, Is the verdict of the The N di
M. A.,, Stratford ; (1) " St. Patrick," by ever had, Is the verdict of the poop e. leadin McLEAN BROTHERS, Publie Robert McHardy, of Toronto, and late see. it 80 Many aCt45 Of Of i110&p%City aul wrong- H. lei get the.bys and have the most cot0*0*
The g here. Rubber Shoe Store. W. 112121, 8, Cargl&a'b'snel
rotary to General Booth, Nvill -commene'
.-Rev. T. G. A. Wright, M.A., Millbank ; Rubber Oboe store. W. H.. wmws, Carmichael's e I& doing can be proven. Our Reform friends' Block, Oesforth assortment of Boys' Und erw-ear We ve 4VW-1 eat's -1
(5) Life among the Blackfoot, by Rev. C. Block, Seaforth. aeries of :evangelistic meetings in the Motho. effect to make sport of what has been said Couxom DoiNGs.—A meeting of the t . own- had, We havelt at Alto I Pat any prioe,to 14, have -been a Profitable industry for Seaforth, diet church next Sunday - The meetings about what they themselves term L triffling ship council was held at Jones' hotel, Lead, Slzo3d boy. 1 think is
Ming Hensall. These lectures will be open Hognny. -The best value we ever had, and we only wish we could procure more as will be continued for three *weeks. —An in- any others ':MU
to the public, and no admission fee will be matters. They should bear in mind that it bury, on Monday last., the . 8th inst. � All __ 'I, Shetla d Underwear,
for Mleseg and VbIldren. W. W. HOFFMAN Boys' pure woo
e Seaforsh 15W2 good on simil4rly advantageous terms. tere'sting debate on the merits of the British-, is small leakages which have brought to - the members were present. Accoun' soft, -smooth finiahlShirt4,1ouble
d� A small collection maybe made to for Now
----------- r Canadian to th"
ch&rg v The first -and United States markets fo bankruptcy fully nine out of every ten sewer pipe, tile, gravel, gravelling, lumber breasted. o I)
each e ning to defray expenses. RAvE you tried Dill's 20c Cdffee and 25c WEDDED I THE SOUTH.—Toronto Sat- products, was held, by the literary and .: ................ 40c -t 74 - 0
Tea; they cannot be equalled. 1560 farmers who have faif A specially fin' in& e, n t of these lectures will be given on Monday urday ni2ht writes thus of the marriage of debating club on Monday eventog, It was ed ; and. what is true and culverts, amounting to $ 24 above, but: fin k heavy
3 .20, were
evening next, by Rev. F. G. Newtou,� com. WE are handling any quantity of b tter I of the farmer is no doubt also true of the gaid. Letters were read from Mr. - G. F. er .... ....... 500 to 7k word fhi
at 8 o'clock. This lecture,!wbile egg3 and dried apple"ash or trade ; also &I U ' Miss Lufu, da�ghter of Mr. Julius Duncan, decided that all things considered, the tow
I kinds 136ys Union derweir strong awd
meneing of ultry , G . E. KIN% Wingham. 1559-tt firm of Duncan-& British market is he better of the two. — neman. These leakages are visible , at heploy, Q. C., and Mr. Aylesworth, Q. C., Eetviceab
containing many hard hits, is also full of ENDERSON, the photographer, has just �Duucan, of this town : arl
formerly of Ue dry goods very turn so far as the Ont o Govern- Toronto, each giving his version of' Mr. le. 40c
Our Washington Min Aggie A Rays, d ter o! Mr. T. E. ment are concerned. And this; we a) natural wo proA*w
humor and has -never failed to interest an received a fine line of Frame's and Pictures, which cooi re e are pre- Justice Meredith's decision on the s� OY 01, finist. Union Under -
respondent 4riteo . One of the prettiest Hays, of this town, ha:uten chool
ngaged for pared to prove. case, were read. It is unnecessary to say wear, soft �and 6omfc �taible. .,30d.to .450, . tradel, TIZ
audience where given. he is prepared to sell cheap. 1560 weddings it has been mK privi e�,.e to wit. next year as teacher in the school in section Boys, fleew lined Underi 'Fear, AP a DuL, Seafortb, keeps nothin' but choice that the versions of the two gentlemen do ericau
on. groceries. ness occurred lot Ly Irginia, qn NoA, M cKillop, at $925 increase of. salary.. make, warm and seiyiceable,,%o t* ft- --.Our apphcatj�n I
Aff EvExiNo OF Musia.—The specia, 1660 Thursday, October 28th, wh;� Mr. T.Allen, This speaks well for both teacher and true- Hibbert. not agree.' No action. was taken,1' The
council will meet again i e have good goods td.iel and low priow gagement of Mr. Rar�ld Jarvis, of Detroit, IMPORTANT Noriom—Haviiig found it one of the beat known and most popular tees.—Mr. James Mqlholland, of the Lou., MATRIMONIAL. —A very pleasant affair n Jones' - "hotel,
Tig-h ap
and Miss Bessie Bonsall, of Toronto, for a o collect tuy outstanding accounts before theni-mith.
necessary & bookmen of Toronto, and son of Mr. T. B. don Road, left on Thursday for Surrej', took place in St. Columban's church, Irish- Leadbury, on Wednesday, the 15th of De -
November i6th, I hve opened an office for the
concert -in Cardno's hall, on Monday, the ment of the same in Mr. P. Dill's grocery storeps" Allen, of Galt,' was wedded to Miss Lula England. He'ingoingatthe request,of an t6wn,on Wednead comber, when C611 accounts should be ;pre. WO Use
22nd inst., brings together two brilliant (T.i ay mornii g, November 3,
Dalv'o old stand). Yours truly, H. SPRARR, Sesforth. Duncan, dau&er of Mr. Julius Duncan, old lady, his aunt, to look after her affairs. when Hugh McMillan, of Tucheramith, led sentsd and taxes paid. stars in the world of music. Mr. Jarvis is
r singers in 'iu
admittedly one of the beat teuo 1 1560-2 goerstident of the' Apex Lumber Company, of He was'ticketed throu h by Mr. W. Somer- to the altar Miss Mary Ann Gormley,young- odgens- ros thal
LosT between Brussels and Leadbury, a h Carolina. The wedding was a typi- ville, of this town,on ItTe steamer Labrador, eat daufter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Gorm- Bayffeld.
America and his appearance in any of the black rubher cape. Finder Will be suitably rewarded Cal Southern on'o, and the knot was tied aD of the Dominion liub. We join -with his 10Y, an one of Hibbert's most popular and BREmEs.—Miss Zinkan, DIRBOT IMPORTIPIRS ther4 bet
large cities is always greeted with the greg who Was L -con- ; i 3
t. by leaving It with A. Ross, Leadbury. 15OIX1 the bome.ol the: bride, by Rev. Dr. Lloyd, numerous friends in wishing him a safe and accomplished young ladies. The sweet ducting evangelistic meetings here last iudulged:
eat enthuidasm. He has Appeared before SOI�TWHDXG NENV.—James 0. L%idlaw has LINTON.
Beaforth audiences before,on which occasions openvd vw a 0a stock of Teas, Coffees, chocolat the Episcopal clergyman. Being a man, a pleasant voyage.—We are in receipt of a re- strains Of the wedding march heralded the week, left for her home in Southampton, on wifll� rpg�
es, description of the dresser, is beyond me, but ply from Mr. John 0. Morrison, clerk of approach of the bride, who advanced Mond4. There was -a, very large congre.
&c., In a parr -'of %1r. D. McIntyre's store, first d�or up the
: allthe
he entirely won the hearts of our people,- - - I laen�i
north of ttiv Don. -Inion Bank. He will have a choice the fair Virginian surpassed the reputation McKillop, to the letter of the trustees of aiale, beautifully gowned in a travelling suit 6tion present on Sunday . evening, � when all necessary 1prepaLratio for holding
and his w-Nny admirers here will hail with stock of ;rocerit a in a few diSe. Call and see him. of the daughters of her State. After the school septic of light brown penilla cloth with veh ched.-7-On Sunday� after' w wneks for he
delight this opportunity of again hearing J.'C. LAIDLAW, -ieOorth. n No. 6, which appeared in, our ret1trim- Vies ZinkAn prea, r.a n ente ument in 9 fe
last issue, but we are forced to leave it e funer- n 1501-1 ceremony the evening was devoted to fee- and hat and veil to match. Miss Annie Re S. L. Smith preached th efit of the children. We bespeak for- mat4rtal
I noon last' v.
'Canadian delegation were until next week.—In three weeks this fall, n ifieni much success.—Mr. James Glill of
him. Miss Bonsall, who will be associated HouNDs LosT.—Lost near Dublin, on tivity, and the 3TcAillau, sister of the groom, who was pret.; &I sermon of the late EamandWestlake. A I - resulrtmg
of Mr,
with him on this occasion, is a contralto Thursday, Nov.4rh, an Eoglish Beedle Rabbit Hound initiated into the mysteries of u genuine Mr: S.' Mullett, of this town, sold six Varna, was visiting a -t the hope
singer of great talent. She has ust return-- Bitch. i ellow and white, with dark spots ; about 18 ty tily dressed n plaid, was maid-of-bonor,- large number of Foresters attended�—'Mr. all mianD
Virginia reel. The young couple left for stoves. while Charlie . Gormley, of Mitchell, H. King and Mr., E. Blow, of UIcker-during the.we6k.—NIr. John 310 -
she was November 5Lh in the Hullett swamp, I sli YOU139 WaShin ton, amid a shower of congratiila. other seven. This is a prefty good record Whiddon, who 0 *Ie
ed -from T�)ndon, England, wher Inches high aiA crooked front legs. Also on Fridwy, In one day he sold nine and on. an- Gorriej were
filling a lengthy engagement. Fox 8 an� brother of the bride, acted as grooms. here last week. —M r. Wm-. Qiytnon;t wheeled to London on his bi I tera��'
While there Hound.white' i1h black spots on hfs desandwith tion rice. A few sunny days smiled on —The Brat snow storm of the seasonAirrivea man. Immediately aer the performoace was,ou board the.survey boat 11 Bayfield
'A (10ritif the fo she sang before some of the most renowned black on his Wlad. Inf �e part of the we for ormationleading-to the re.
the bride and Igroom, out of a week of on Tuesday. The ground was white for the of the marriage ceremony, which was cele- has re -opened his shoe shop.—A few-' of & McAl ister, of Statiley, who ii well-knoz que
people of England with telling effect, and covery t f these a. Imalti w1il be liberally rewarded, ashington dri�zle, during their visit in day, but the snow has now disappeared.— brated by the Very Rev.. Dean Murphy, the Oran emen enj . oyed an oyster supper 'in fdk-6eping gloo Ation
a,:d ziny pertoi) found harboring them after this date ad pigs, has -been shippin
her return to Canada has been greeted 9 wot at
with will be proscouted. S.. R. HINCIIIz Seatorth the national capital. After a short run Mr. F. Holmestead and. Mr. W. 0. Reid bridal -couple drove to -the residence of the theirgh on, Friday evening, November 5th, some- 9f his b�st stock from this station dur.
pleasure by many who are cognizant of her 1661-tf .through the Nort�,, Mr. and Mrs. Allen will paid a flying visit to Wingham on Mond bride's parents, where a bounteous 'wedding --- rRev. Mr. Henderson, of Hensall ing th e IL ast f PW days, having ay gave a made sales to
merits as a vocalist. These are two artiste 4ake up residencel in Toronto, and - will . re- last. —Mr. Thomas Fowler has sold his fa breakfast was served. very stirring address on the following parties: '11r. A. Wellingtoli, ot such a calibre as we rarely have a rm . The bride received I temperance'in the Will
U Op- E(4A1ONDvmLE NOTES. --he communion ceive, after Nove imber 10th, at 33 Maynard in the *oat end, Tackersmith, to Ur. m%ny handsome and costly presents which town hall, Friday evening. Owjug ; Camalachie ;1 Mr. Fred FoBter Ingersoll P
portunity of hearing, and they will certainly service: a �to the
in our avenue A. D. knderson, - Wyomi 'g 'The trouble- ie
be greeted with a crowded house on the church on'Sabbath last were Parkdale� The po0ularity of Miss W. Crich tor $5,500, and haal: purchased show the high esteem in which she is held. inclement weather there were few resent. Mr. in ; . Mr. D,
p ; Mr. LW
evellillg of November 22nd. largely attended, and 19 new members were Dancan in. Lync�burg will repeat itself for '10r. Win. Fowler's homestead farm on the TnE ExposrToR offers its beat congratula- DiED.I'—On Sunday afternoon last, there Watrion. Walton D., Dew New.
I Wool. 90(
received ; sixceen by profeesion and three Mrs. Allen in To onto." -Huron Road, for -$6,000. Farm property is tions and hearty good wishes to Mr. and died at the residence of Mr. Win. Whiddoh, 6aryi and ldi�. Win. Kyle, Tuc6rsmith.'
HT GiRT, —This
by certifica,e.—Now is the time to prepare commencing to move nicely.—In the com- M rB. MeMillan,and hopes their path through Miss Catharine 'McLeod, aged 58-i years, VRATH OF � A BItIGL
OLD PioiEER GONE —The gentleman for winter. Curranta, 400seberries and munication from the trustees of'No. 6, Me- life mAy be crowned with happiness and Deceaa�d was born at Big week it is our sad duty to' cbronicI6 � the wiEek the.
THE PUBLIO SC�106L BOARD.—A meetin Baddick, Cabe
referred to in the - following paragraph, raspberries should be trimmed and tied up, of the public soho4l board was held in the Killop, which appeared last week, a mistake prosperity. Breton and b a been a. resident of Bayfield death of Myitle-Cadmore';of whose inns".
which -we take from the Mitchell Recorder -and if they can be turned down to be cov. council chamber Ion Frida occurred. Instead of " over three-fourths for the asb 116 We rna'oe brW mention ,iro weeks ago. he fact Aouli
ears. For 36 years,she was Thw
y evening last. Y
of last week, was father of Mr. Alexander ered by the anow so much the better. Rose Ingpe3tor Robb, w1lho had officially visited of the ratepayers were at the meeting," it Drvadale. confine to bed an invalid. Some. three little irl w4a the yo unge ht daughter of 'Mr. Davidson, of the Commercial Hotel, of this bushes and flowering shrubs should be should have read Ov r th ee-fourths. of yearaL a o, by faith and prayer, she was en. ar-thisi WT
turn- the school on the �5th, 26tb, 27th and 28th e r Win, ftdmcre, of the London road, new
town. It says : After a prolonged illness, ed down and covered with a thin a e - N-Ewi.—Capt. Alex. McLeod, of Rod a.bled t, leave her bed,and until thisisummer. herej and was but twei�e years of- aga.
Mr.. Abraham Davidson, of Carlingford, el od or old of October, . repoqed in part as follows : the ratepayers at the meeting voted for th Bay, was the guest of Mrs. Snowden last n About - a month previous to her detth
passed aay quietly during vIonday night, one ce moti".'�—Captain Smith, of the Salvation week.—Mr. Wm. Black has refitted his the su mor she had'& severe attack of tfie molained of a adnestion of pami in
oat or any thick castaway garment, to pre- 11 1 found the ro I an and comfortable. was en oyi g reasonable health. During
vent alternate thawing and freezing. Be- The care sArmy, will be at Seaforth on 8 rtle coi wii sal,
aturday I
The deceased was one of the very earliest i-takin ell done. An open iron clover thresher, and with it he is doing a measle , from which she never fully recovek her r' ht foot, and was Obliged to retire tried b
fore doing this, however, be sure to give a fence along the I t of the school grounds nighti and will give an exhibition with his ru,;hing business.�Mr. J. Z Pollock was ed om childhood she . lived from chool. 'A *debtor was - soon con
and one of the oldest settlers of the town- good manuring, as bloom graphophone, —A meeting an earnest, sulted.
and fruit cannot would improve 9007wpearance of _ of Huron Pres- visiting friends' in Bayfield last week.—The E and nothin serious was
s -Clinton on Tuead' last. ch; n life. The funeral was at first anticipated- We know that;
ship of Fullartou, having coMp to Canada be produced without food.—It will be u e. bytery was held in. -isti, held Mon-,
from Monaghan county, Ireland, with his ises. I examined ipto the working of the ay Miames Lindsay, of Goderich township,were
less for the boys to flatten their noses school, and all the �eschers seem to be do- A report of the proceedings has been recei day, R v. Mr. McDoiiald, of Varmk�, taking At length a e) was prostrated with infla in.'
famlly iu 1845, and 4ettled on the tract of against the panes v' the uests of Miss Orr.—Oaq day last week charge owing to the absence of Riv- At motion of Ue %rain and 'after two WOAC abl* kil
to get a look inside in the ing very eatisfactory work. ed but it is unavoidably crowded out this r.,
land then irvthe bushl'where he spent the future, as obscure glass has been put in the I can not week -.—Mr. a va u4ble pig belonging to Mr.' Robert Orr, Graha� at Egniondville. severe but atient sufferh in spite of Al
rest of his life and died last week. *peak too highl* of Vyri Coultees work. if Frank Barnbridge, of Toronto, rem!Ved some planks from a deep well and
When that skillf, hysicians alga
basement windows of -our church this week. ever a t6acher acteq as a good parent to was visiting his aunt, Mrs. Knox, of Har- fell in. With 0 A n good nursing
Mr. DavidEon came in, -there was only one the aid of a few ropes the ould so plish, she assed pe"- fully
purhey, lost week.—The anniversary ser- Kippen. 0, if th4dir 0
Mr. Harry Town, of Seaforth, is doing the other peoples children she does. She de. porker was soon hauled ot, apparently I 'ad en the e etom. of this dew . ' I
other settler in the township of Fullartou work.—A� empty dwelling is a very un- l serves well of b4h trustees and rate. vices in connection with the Presbyterian none the-wor' AN. The Young- Teople's Y' Be of its trip. fiTtie girl to confess' a 10 - for Jesus- almost
that he knew of,'and that one was some dis- usual thing in - our prosperous village; but I church will be held on the third Sabbath of Societ$ of Christian Endeavor held its
payers." The teachers' monthly reports, UNRELIABLE CORRESPO."ENCE. — DEAR her infancy, ando he was called to
tance away from where the &ceased and, we have two or three comfortable ones at which were read, 's December ind-the tea -meeting on the fol- third year's anniversary on Sabbath las6f
his family located. Mr. Davidson was a present.—Mrs. S. Carnochan return �owed the average at ExposiToR,—Would you allow me & abort that better home on Satu ed last tendance for the past month to be as follows lowing Monday evening. Rev. J, W. ..Me. space in THE R J day morning. Th
man of splendid constitution, courage and EXPOSITOR to correct many - Henderson,'jf Hensall, ponduct-� funeral on Monday was I rgely attended by.
week, frorn ti lengthened visit to relatives in in the several departments Mr. Me. Millan, of Lindsay, will conduct the services vih� a n haWL'
e 0.
misrepresentatione'that-have appered in the ing! iervicei the afternoofi at 2.30,
pluck, andstrugglinF against all the hard- Chesley. old and young, testifying he e9teern -of the
She intendr. resuf�i,ng house- Faul's, 25 ; Miss 4. Watson's, 38 ; Miss On 8abbath and will remain over for Mon. The church -was well filled, and all were de.
Drysdale items during the last few weeks. community placed upon tl �e deceased W� 70%ad� dn
resi. Cowan's, 41 ; Mi 8 Elder a, 42 ; Miss day eveniDg.—The resentation of a medal lighte 'with the reverend gentleman a ad
ships of a woodsman s life soon made for keeping in the smaller 'of Iler two
denees on North MP
himself and family a comfortable home Your correspondent seems to be running as iheereaved parents, rothers and im--
a and one
-in street.—Miss Gra- Killoran" as 47; Airs Cam bell's, 44 ; Miss and an address, on Eehalf ctf the citizens of, over with information, which he freely im- His subject Single BarrelZ term and fri�16ds. The s ra of school
His f ily consisted of five s?p . ham'8 singing class on Monday nights is be- B. Watoon's, .55 ra. Coulter's 66. It 19 -lerbert, will parts to tNe public, and what has not lisp. No. 2, Tuc�ersmitb,
eaforth, to Sargeant I Christ anity"' taking for his text, 11 Thio ich Myrtle W&W
daughter, all still living and doing well in ibg well altended, but still there is room, was decided notl to engage another take place- in the council chamber pened- he probably imagines will happen. I one th g I do," Philippians 2 ; 13.: Every t greatly loveAd Of alis
on Monday evening an exceptionally bri
life. -- The old pioneer's remains',were follow- and few better ways of spending"those 10139 teacher in Misi Eld next, at 7:30 thing was explained so cl�arly :that the
ed by a large concoullse Of his relatives, � eveningts can be found. am always pleased to see this place repre- Pupil, marched in a have a last look-
Mifis Graham is a Ing year, and to re-arrange:the departments o'clock.—Mrs. sad Miss Martin, of Exeter', young as well as the old could fully undeta sented in the news columns of THE Exposi-
friends and dcquaintinces to e Presby- painstaking organist, and spares neither 80 as to J visited at Mayor Scott's this week. at the rern�tns of their c mpa�niQn. Much
fill up the vacancy caused by Miss —We TOR, when there is any ite stand t. The choir, under the leadershl. tiei� es
terian cemetery in Alitchell, J'v&re tbev means nor labor in prepar in Of interest to syto th is extended to' nd Mrs. Cud -
ing good music.— Elder's retirement. rThe following resolu-- have to acknowledge for the fire sufferer's be given to the of Mis i Crawford, deserves uch ciedit for mokpInTumily in their W.
were laid to rest on Wednesdal afternoon. We regret to u public, but I am
ote the apparentlyfast de tion'was adopted : IThat in view of the fund since last week,$5 from "AFriend,"Sea- the -two beautiful anthems which they ren- i
clining health of Mrs. Me8wing, for many forth, and $5 from Wm. Finlayson,Egmond ry I to say most of the items item Drys- dered, and which were very suitable for the tiog 18
-fact-that the board can get along with one dale of late have been void of either sense
A PLEASANiT Ev-,-uxC—The Ctholic years a resident of this village,. but now I ville.—The Womens Christian Tom
'-teacher less for . next year, and the very perande goccasion. There is no hesitation- in sa Lakelet
or truth. No doubt your corres Yin
M, utual Benefit Associittion, of this town pondent 9, Other spw-'As.
dition of, the present staff we L Ord is second to none u the h
living with her daughter, Mrs. Laidlaw, of efficient con Union have this week forwarded two large has intended these items as a joke or "rub 11 that Miss Crawf
held an open ineetin iu the town ball o�- Tuckersm!Lh, i NO TE s. All the farm rm are t rouglk
9 y i i hereby rescind the motion passed at the'list bales of clothing, bedding, etc., to the and has created considerable mirth and fuln count3 - both 0 an organist and leader. We. with their turnips now. !;In n"flyevery-
Monday evening last, the occasio beiug the Speei*l I
meeting of the boaro in reference to the central relief committee, Ottawa, making in for the boys in this place ; but doei he hope I he society may still, prosper and case tb(-.� re a grand cro' . Messrs.
visit of Mr. W. P. Killackey, Grand Trustee A PRO'FITABLE INWESTAIENT. —Some pe"o- salaries of teachers, �nd that the scale all five bales and two boxes sent for the re- e contin ie in the good work which is beink Burnett and 8 ott had between
and. ftanizer, of Weatern Ontario i of alize the fact that he -is hurting the feel- laceRitehj
The ple rAre very much down on salaries for next yearibe fixed as follo lief of sufferers by recent fires -in P done. 150 and 21Y) loads.—On �Qa urday there VMS&
hall wa.s comfortably filled with an audience bonu6ing, municip we re8cOtt ings of innocent peopI4.' Besides, the items
mainly because al 'Division No. 1, $750 No 2, $350 ; No. 3 and Russell --countie . The Candadian B Mr. and Mrs. d it wa very
composed Gf the members of th� branch and some municipali- were u n'true and misleading to the general Wm. Dinsdale, .4 a break i'al the weather, R' F8
$315 No. ith An disagirceabie. - There is no ',00m for growliaX
o. 5, 82275 ; No. public. We are a mixed people here, but
their wiVea and f riends, as well as a large ties have made unwise investments in this 1,' $290 Express Company have sent all these goods hosextve lbeen enjoying a visit W
way and have lost money- - free of charge. The relief committee doesn't Thom*s Dinsdale and other friends. Th? tbough,as �e have bad an ' -cellent autumn.-
-i outside hasnotbeen the ekp�rience of seafotth. I intend sending further supplies but will a�tended he funeral at the home Mr. Magwpod, of Arth r, agent for -the! 4
ziurn-ber of visiting brethren fron This, however, $270 No. 7, $315. �&Il the present teach. have long enjoyed the fellowship of peace
ere, with the exception 6f Mies Elder
several i signified their willin ness to re-enga'ge for make an effort to raise money for the build- correspondent will not be the means of dia. r -in-law, Mr. Whi. Bible Society, wi!ll be he on ThursdoY,
branches. At 8 o'clock, Mr. J. L. Killoran This town has given bonuses to 4ave and harmony with all, and we hope your in
took the chair, and in a neat, ten minute 2ro ale's brothe
manufacturing enterprises, ing fund. ---
address he objec and we think next year. Any further. -contributions of turbing that. peace that is so highly prized ud e —Mies Mary . Black, o' f moutit I I tb.—W "do not think th e were Ally from
explained t t of the meeting, we are safe in saying that in every instance' amongst all good and loyal citizens. C e of Mrs. Acheson,of the maniij round her,: at the concert Gorrie on Prl
clothi g sent to Mrs. T. 0. Kemp, will be' Forietri-eic
given to the poor in Seaforth.
and the advantages to be derived by Mem- it has received in' rJurn full value for the A WARN is ape iding a few days with her �uut.—W2e 'day nightJ The weather 'as so disagree-
bership in this excellct associ tion. LN-C.--Welmentioned last week Yours Respectfully,
a He� money given. 9 - - notict by the Toronto press !that Mk, able that the boys did no face'the- WESAVE
It loaned a considerable that a number of young men were, likely to t ilike to
then 'introduced the f1r9t part of the pro' amount to the Messrs. Van Egmond, andA get into trouble thr � h interfering with Brucefleld. R. S. DRYsDALr,. Stewi rt MeMordie, of Toronto tniverslty,, elements. �The dinner an entertainfuent
gramme, which wm a well rendered instrur the whole amount was promptly returned as the street electric ligh aMD13 and son of Mr.R.McNiordiehas been achioV- given by the Oangemen bere oii Tum- mental by Miss Bertha Daly. on Hallowe en GOOD PIGS.—Mr. Hector Reid, of the 3rd our correspondents for himself i bad'
After this I it became due, and the Money expended in i [We are very sorry if Ing a me n athleticaj,' he beitig day wa, Inotwithatanditt the ver
was an excellent solo by Mr. , night. Chief of polic _ y�
P. Mulcahy, the town as well' � Gillespie had so;ne concession of Stanley, has purchased from have taken advantage of the *confidence we the fo most in all the games r, a deciAed su, ess. All d -
as the business brought to ten or twelve summ
'which was rapturously applauded. Then it through their enterprise, did - more than oned before Squire Mr. John Hord, of, Parkhill, a thoro'bred have, reposed in them and have sent us with e University, -'and also winner of rtge. ternoon a I nd evening it rained And
followed a most pleasing recitation by Miss i Beattie on Friday night. The offense is a improved large Yorkshire pig for the im. itooms which were not only untrue;but which prize edal. Kippen boys alwayowcome to every one �ho.ught the crowd would be verY
pay the town for the �utlay it made in that very serious one, as any one found guilty of . - . . G" t
Monagills which was highly appreciated, connection. The money loaned tampering provement of stock in his vicinity. This were'offensive to other people. While we the nt wherever they I btri. slim. Th not so though, she
Messrs. i is was I
and which showed elocutionary talent of no go. —Mr. and
with electric or gas lighting
mean or Broadfoot & Box has been pig is a good one and is from winning are always anxious to get i every item of Thom a Forsyth, on Frid last, 1 atte desim
der in one iso young, the audience up, that firm having paid into n the public streets is subject to -stock at Toronto and London * . news'from every district, itlis not our de -1 the funeral of did that man 9 sympath
fairly well paid apparatus o 'z y for man and his
the town 1 rs the late %Omas Neilitiii to help bi�, is not to be hampered by bai
im onmen P. fine. A FiNE TRIP. — On. Monday, October 18th, sire to misrepresent 9i give - offence to any uncle of the former. —Mrs. James Stewait, weatber. 'Every one pronounced the dia-
-housand dollars MIT be!ng the case, and it being perfectly, two young ladies from the vicinity of Bruce. one, and we Are de ly *;ateful to Mr. 0nthe Wicku
showing their pleasure by hentyapplause. treasurer the sum of three t t without � the option of fu
Aft. Bernard O'Connell, Second Grand Vice- only a few days ago. There is yet duenpon clear that the accused were not actuated by of n o r Beaforth, who, was called me' ner in excess of anything partaken -PP
Piesident of the A�sociation, gave a brief the loan onl about four thWeand dollars, -6eld-itarted out on a wheeling exp6dition D dale for the kind I nt gives above, Of n
y atten the funeral of her sister, Miss Myrtle round La -Wet. The church Was comfortablY
address, which was well riceived. - At this for which the town now receives interest. of the serious nature of th not aware for a short vacation, and also to Too hope our Drysdale correspondents Cud ore, is, we are sorry to note, in pobr filled to hoar the speakers. 4 the eveningr
any evil intent and that Ithey were call on an w
juncture of the proceedings, Mr. John F. The'laning of this innne was one of the e offense they were -1 sonre of their fronds in the surrounding will 'profit by it.—ED. EXPOSITOR. Her'many friends here will hol' Rovda. H4 I rvey, bf Clifford, land MpBain$'a
Daly, recording secretary, .,read an address best investments the town a 1 committing, -and moreover, as all the boys country, and to show what can be laccom.
ever. in de. The for r speedy recovery.—Rev. Mr. Baltw 4 Mildmay,,Rev, Mr. Lowe,- of Wingham, n&
of WtIcome, on behalf of Branch 23, to Mr. firm has proven to be rqliable, ener are highly respectable and:well behaved, the plished as well as the great amount of A d, attended -the funeral of Mir". ble�to attend. not de- pleasure that can be had by travellin
irst enterprising, and have done well both for i sire to push mabter aga, ' little daughter, and, also a,"isted.
Killackey, welcoming him on this, his f getie and proprietors of the electric works did Bluevale. i 'he speakers
9 Cud ores i =d ngf, interesting, and: at times 1111 -
official visit to Seaforth, to which the or- themselves and the town. The additional extreme of inst them to the on a bicycle. I will briefly narrate the NoTES.—Rev. Fenton Hartley, of Mani.. in th services.—Mrs. John Jerrott, of Loh� morousi, �he Gorrie, quartette rendewl
the; law, and persuaded the route taken and the number 'of -towns toba,sonof Rev.A. Y. Hartley, former)y on been making a few weeks' visit 46 music which -proves -that they �re rth Of
ganizer fittingly replied, and, for an hour or taxes which they pay into the treasury on magistrate to permit the proceedings to drop visited. They left Brucefield on Mends of Bluevale, now of McLennan, Algoma, in the h me of Mr. James Canning, merchas the reputation they have as singers. Avoided A
more, he held the tiodivided attention of his account of the enlaigement of their works I providing the young men paid a small sum
hearers. He is a in, -s t pleasing speaker, and when they received the 10
October 18th, arrived in Clandeboyd at visiting the scenes and friends of his boy. —Mr Win. McDougall, of Tuckersinit_, proceeds Amounted r -to $34, which 1 0
is very is very re. an, very nearly i for the cost of the lamps broken and the noon ; rested- a short time and went to Lou- hood. Last Sabbath morning Mr. Hartley- who lhand
attractive, paid the interest on the loan which fthe ;i costs of the magistrate and coast been in Manitoba for some Mont Qutite a piece in procuring an artificial bond
taining theL attention of his hearers to the town assumed. Besides this the fir able. The. don that night. Tuesday, 19th, took in the preached a very excehent sermon, in the atten ing to his brother's interests, retu Scott vs. Acd&ul
&i Mr. eKinney.—Tbe suit,
He possesses a good ed ho : on Saturdy, bringing along *fth Scott, �vill be tried at Goderich, onp by t
May Bay, enb- him of his brot ex?e little boys, aboit inst. This in an action brought t
;ugh, so short does the time seem since goes to swell the business of the ing anything material. An ac Wnt�
- out monthly in wages over ousand This case, however, should be a warning not 6.30 p. in., when'they left for Thorodale, deal of his father's true elo the 15th
close, so that when he is finished one does 111 Pay matter was.apcordinglyt settled in this way.
is L two th beautiful sights in the Forest City until Presbyterian church.
not- for a moment, seem to think he half 11 dollars, the whole of which, we Jonly to th0se young men.but to others _quence in des he
thr to Wn, and , or the and remained in Thorudale until Thursday, Mr. Hartley came five rx of age, which he purposes kb6b,- Ui�ily of the late George Scott to have, YIN
he first bpened up. After Mr. Killackey's future,not to interfere withpropert-v orto an- taking in the sights -4nd &Is
in addition to this an immense sum is o attended Ep. from- Manitoba &'few weeks ago, to attend ing a ti, new drug--.
noy citizens by theirpranke eventgoughit be me.—Mrs. William,. of Edifibb will act apide.—Mr. Robb, the
address, -came a very nice quartette by the, out anupally for lumber and other supplies, 1 halloween night. worth League. Thursday being a wet fore., the wedding of his sister, Miss Magffle, to ton, hwest gist, of Clifford, and who came from Clin-
ry,, isa present vie -
Misses McQuade and Daly, and Which ake mostly purchased in this vicinity. It is possible the conse. noon, they rode in a lumberi wagon part Mr, Sharp, of Varna. Her many friends itmi the -parental homii of Mr.. Andkvi to Makg a host of friends, and those
quences in this instance may not be very way, and wheeled part way to Kintore, he "I ' iihing her much- joy.—Mrs. Be] . e teachers and young. folks of Go having deilings with.. him- pr nounce
.31uloahy and J. F. Daly, which was heartily On the ;whole, the Broadfoot & Box works serious owing to the Prompt action of th re join in wij him S.- R=Ald
ose Thamedord, Dorch6ster and Nilestowid Pentland, of I) on, who is visiting at bleth(dist Babbathchoo& are now in& g very dbliginp
ungann gentleman.
0. P
01 th