HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-10-29, Page 44 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VII' The figu-e between the parenthesis, atter each nue, denotes the page of the paper on which the Advertisement will be found. Seasonable Gt•o3—E. MRaul Co. (4) Bemgains Days in Stoves—S. )lullett & Co, (6) A. Now Method—MzKinnon & Ca. (6) Qtiti:Asna and Doubt—Greig & blaodnnald (t) Auction Sale of Farm Stock—E. L. Farnham (5) Auction Sale of Farm Stock—T. Kernick Auction Sale of Farm Steck—J. Tough, Jr. (5) lictiee—A. Hunter (8) Nolte* to Taxpayers—C. Dodds (6) Boar for Service --Wm. McAllister (5) Good Goods—Redgens Bros. (8) One Shoe—R. Willis (5) Decorated Lcunpe--Sdls & Murdie (8) Farm for dale or Rent—Wm. Fowler (5) Butter, Eggs, Ete.-0. E. King (8) Seaforth Cider Mill now going—J. Kline (8) Bargain Days in Stoves -131—S. Mullett & Co. (8) Feats for the Public—J. U. Clausen (8) - Teacher Wanted—H Speiran (6) Farm for Sale—E. Fairbairn (s) Sale of Choice Steers--Shillinglaw & Park (5) • gitt-Ptran Cxynitor. SEAFORTHe FRIDAY, Oet. 29th, 1'897 The Ontario Legislatwe The Ontario Legislature has been sum- moned to meet for the despatch of business on November 30th. This is a very early sesston, and it will be the last preceding the general election. The reason for calling so early a session is, manifestly, two -fold : ,First, to afford the Opposition ample time and, opportunity to state their griev, ances ;and, if they can, make good the charges against the Government, which they have been making through- out the country, on the floor of Parliament, and in the presence of those whom they ac- cuse, as well as before the public. The sec- ond reason for the early session no doubt is, the desire to have the bulk of the business over before February, the time fixed tor the assembling of the Dominion Parliament, so that the attention of the public will not he divided. The ate of the elections will, no doubt, depend somewhat upon the length of the session. The Lumber Question. We have been reading a great deal in the papers lately about logs and lumber, and perhaps some who have not been following the discussion closely -from the start, may be inclined to wonder what all the fuss is about. Some years ago an arrangement was entered into between' the Canadian and ' United States authorities to the effect that so long as the Americans only charged a duty of one dollar a thousand for lumber going from Canticle bite that country, the Canadians would not kvy an export duty upon maw loge going into the United States from Canada. This arrangement seemed to I likork satisfactorily to lumbermen o both sides of the tine. The Canadian Ium ermen found a ready market in the United States for the product of their' mills, and. the American sate -mill men, who owned, limber limits in Ontario, were enabled to raft their logs to their mills on the American side and have the lumber manufactured there. The recent tariff legislation of the United States, I however, has destroyed this harmony, as the, Dingley bill imposes a duty of two dollars per thousand upon all lumber imported into that country, while it admits logs free from duty. The Dingley bill further provides that any country that imposes au- export duty on logs, the amount of such export duty will be added to the import duty on limber. coming from that country. For instance, if the Canadian Government sheuld impose an export duty of two dollars per thausand upon logs, the American duty on lumber would at once be increased to four dollars per thousand, which would be, practically, a -prohibitory duty:. The Do- -minion Parliament, last eession, gave the Government power to impose this export -duty on logs when they thought it advisable to do so. But the Government have not yet levied this duty, and it is net likely that they will do so, as if they did the American market world be practically closed against , our lumber, and that, accordingto many lumbermen, would mean ruin to- the lum- bering interests. Bat there is another way in which itis supposed the Americans can be got at. It is proposed that the Ontario Government should pass an Order in Council providing that all ioge cut on Ontario limits should be manufactured into Limber in this Province. A large number of Ameri- can mill owners own and. work timber limits in this Pro vince. If an order, 'melt as that which we have mentioned, were to be pa -Bed, it would force these American owners of On- tario limits either to remove their mills to this Province or cease working their limits. In order to meet this demand on behalf of some of the Oatario lumbermen, the Gov- ernment attached a condition of the nature named to the conditions of the last timber Emit sale, and the limits then sold were purchased with the distinct understanding of all concerned that the logs taken from these limits must be manufactured into 'lumber in this Province. They have also passed an order requiring that in the work of getting out the logs no alien labor shall be erapleyed, and that all the supplies re- quired by the lumbermen in the work of getting out the logs must be purchased in Canada- -This is as far as the Ontario Gov-' i eminent have yet goers. A Iseetionnf the lumbermen, howeverjare anxious that they should require that all logs taken from On- tario limits should be manufactured in this country. The argument used in favor of this course is, that so long as Caeadian logs can be sent free to the United States and there is a duty of two dollars per thousand on lumber going into that country, the American owners of Canadian limits, teho hove their logs sown in United States mills, have an undue advantage over Canadians who have their logs sawn on this side, and that there is, consequently,a premium given for the removal and the manufacturing of Canadian logs into lumber .jii the American mills, and thus taking from this country a considerable amount of employment, as well as diseriminating against our own lumber- men in favor of Atnerican lumbermen who own limits in this country. On the other hand it is held that if the Ontario Govern- ment should take the action they are urged by some to take, that they would be doing an injustice to American owners of Ontario limits, at them limits were pur lased for large prices and withdat the expectationtof any such condition being attached to their purchase, and that if an order oi thiskind were pased, it would almost cert inly bring forth reprisal from the • Americao authori- ties, and that new restrictione would be passed by them which would be more ruin- ous to the °median lumberiag interest than the existing state of affairs. Moreover, it seems that the limits are operated under a yearly license, and to pass a rule such as itdemanded, it would be a breach of faith on the part of the Government, and that no further action can properly be taken un - tit the present licenses expire, which will be on the first of April next. That some- thing will then be done has beeni promised by the Premier, who desires to have the sanction, of the Legislature to ally further schemes in conneotion with the Matter be- fore they are pat into farce. This, at any rate, seems reasonable and proper. What the ultimate results will be it is impossible to to predict There is, ,unquestionably, a - strong desire on the part ' of many to take the most stringent measures irrcipective of ; consequences, but this would har ly be the course of wisdom, as there is no ood to be gp gained by biting off our noses sim ly for the satisfaction of spiting our faces. 1The laud - est clamorers for these extreme measures are the Toronto :newspapers, who have but ltttle interest in the matter, farther than to get something to write about. TI,e lumber- men are divided in their opinions. Many desire the business to be left as a is now, and trust to future negotations tO get the American duty reduced, while 4thers are anxious that Ontario should take the most extreme measures. A prominent Ontario lumbeernan, Mr. Dyment, M.P. fo Algoma, puts it in this way when being in erviewed by a Toronto newspaper man the o her day: He expressed himself strongly op osed to the imposition of an export duty on logs. The statement that all the Geor ian Bay lumbermen favor the duty and all the Ot- tawa Valley men oppose it, is not t ne. "I am a Geergian Bay man, and 1 do 4ot favor it," he said. "As it is, we get four-fifths of the labor of making the lumber nd the Agnerica,ns one-fifth, because four fifths of the cost of making lumber is in getting out the logs. Besides, if we put a dutyion logs, the American duty on lumber will be raised, and we cannot live with that. Thel Ottawa Valley *people might, but we could not." There are thus two sides to this log ques- tion, of which our rulers do well to take cognizance. As Others See Us. It is sometimes useful as well asinterest- ing to know what our neighbors think and say about us, especially when their tt oughts and sayings are complimentary. TIte Sher- brooke Examiner, one of the ablest drnd best of the local papers of the Province of Que- bec, says: There is every prospect, apparentlly, that Mr. Hardy will be sustained in thee coming elections in Ontario. Mr. Wiit'ney's "cries "—piggery and other—seem Ito have failed simply because Mr. Whitney was very much astray in his facts. The poverty indeed of real charges against the govern- ment is shown by the fact that Hon. Mr. Rosseuitlister of education, is attac ed be- cause he has introduced the con inental method of pronouncing Latin, in the pro- vindial university. The truth is t at such government as Ontario has had for tie last twenty-two years is only too seldonl found. In the. whole period not one sub tantial charge of jobbery has been sustained /against it. Whatever shortcomings might h ve left the Liberal party in Oatario open to , criti- cism, it has given to that province an honest administration of affairs, and it wi 1 most likely be sustained on that ground. children. Acting on the advice of the W. Gi T. a, a new text book was prepared, wieh which I think the profession and the friends of temperance generally are well satisfied. Moreover, school trustees are authorized by act of Parliament to continue text books previously in use even` when a new text book is authorized under certain circumstances. Even should the deparment make a change, trustees have power to re- tain the old book. Section 90 of the Public) School act provides as follows: Any auth- orized text -book in actual use in any Public or Model School may be changed by the teacher of such school for any other author- ized text book in, the same subjeot on the written approval af the trustees and the In- spector, providedl always such is made at the beginning of a school term and at least six months after such approval has been given. But while the Opp.osition was so critical in minor matters let me call their attention to some reforms in text books which I had the honor of carrying through and which are fully discussed- in the report of my de- partment for the year 1893. First, on De- cember 31, 1875, the last year of Dr. Ryer- son's administration, the authorized list of text -books for public schools consisted of 55 books and on Dee.ember 31, 1883, the year I to:sle charge of the department, of 53 books. The publie school list now coneiste of eleven text -books. On December 31, 1875, the High School list consisted of 80 text -books ; on December 31, 1883, of 131 text -books. The lid now consists of 25 books, of which two are common to both Public and High Schools. Second, in 1883, out of 53 text -books only 19 were the pro- duction of the teachers of Ontario; now, every text -book in the public school has been produced by the teachers of Ontario, with the exception of the new Dominion history, Which was prepared by a resident Of Ontario, though not a teacher. Out of 131 High School books on the authorized list on December 31, 1883, 101 were the product of foreign authors. On the list of 1897, only two are the product of foreign authors, the High School Euclid and the beginner's Greek book. Third, out of 53 text -books on the public school list of 1883, six were imported ; now all are manufactur- ed in the Province of Ontario. Out of 131 text -books on the High School list of the same year, 81 were imported in a complete ' form and two were imported in sheets; now, with the exception of the beginner's Greek hook, every book on the High School list is produced in the Province. This policy of Canada for- the Canadians should surely commend itself to such ardent admirers of Sir John Macdonald as Mr. Whitney and his colleagues claim to be: Let me give another instance.of Mr. Whit- ney'siavant of generosity towards an oppon- ent. He knows, or ought to know, thee when I took charge of the Education De- partment thirteen years ago, the cost of drawing books was fifteen cents per num- ber He knows, or ought to know, that the present price of drawing books is five cents per number. There is, therefore, o saving of. ten cents on each drawing book used. in our public schools. The number of pupils engaged in the stud Y of drawing in 1885 wast447,633 ; assuming that each pupil re- quired but one drawing' book in the year, there would be a saving of ten cents to each pupil, or of over $44,000 to the school child- ren of Ontario in this subject alone. When I took charge of the department the writing books cost ttui cents per copy; they are now sold at sevee cents. A saving of three cents per pupil to 474,000 pupils en- gaged in writing means a saving - of $14,000 in this subject. A year ago the readers were also reduced considerably in price. The second book, that sold for 25 cents, now sells for 20 cents a saving of five cents to each of the 93,000 pupils in the 'Second reader. The third reader was reduced. from 35 to 30 cents, a saving of five cents to each of the 98,000 pupils using the third reader. The fourth reader was reduced froin 45 to 40 cents, a saving of five cents a piece to each of the 90,000 pupils in the fourth reader ; and the fifth, or High School reader, was reduced from 60 to 50 cents, a saving of ten cents to each of the 18,000 pupils using that book, or a total saving of about $15,000 a year on these books alone, assuming that each pupil buys a new book. Did time permit, equally conclusive figures could be given with regard to nearly every text -book on the authorized course. Still, Mr. Matheson says the text -books are dear. I will give him this challenge. Let him compare them with the text -books used in -any- other Province of the Dominion, or in any State in the Union, and I will abide the result. The fact is our text -books are so cheap and so carefully prepared that many of them are used in nearly every Pro- vince of Canada, and some of them in the United States as well. It is remarkable, however; that a Canadian text -book is sold in the United States for an advance of from 50 to 75 per cent. over the price at which it is authorized by the Education Depart- ment of Ontario. Sound Advice. The Clinton New Era of last wcel4 makes the following complimentary reference to the Members for' West and South H ron There is an old saying, "Let well nough alone," and this is sound advice to tlhe Hu- rons. The last two sessions have fi lly de- monstrated that they have been well repre- sented by their present members. The way Mr. _McLean, of South Huron, took tlo par- liamentary work, both on the floor 1 of the House and in committee, has been a s rprise to many, and there is no longer a do bt as to his grasp of public questions a d his ability to place his views in a con hieing shape. We want to see Mr. McLea 's ma- jority back to the old standard of 200 to 500. Mr. Garrow, of Weit Huron, has merle • his influence felt on all occasions in which he has joined in the debates. We @hould much regret a change in his riding; io one looks for it, not even our opponents. A Genuine National:Poli y. The Minister of Education for Ont rio, in a recent speech, replied most effeeth ely to the charges of his opponents so frequently made that the text books in sise n the schools are too frequently changed, a d that they cost more than they should do Mr. Ross' trenchant reply seems to seta these two points beyond all cavil, and we k the careful consideration of our read re to what he says: Complaint is made that our text -bo ks are frequently changed. This complaint can only be made by those who are not falmiliar with the regulations or the practice pf the department during recent years. or in- -stance since our school system was org nized in 1846 there have beeu but two chanes in the readers, one in 1867 and the other in 1885. No one will say that two chan es in the readers in 50 years is open to s rious criticism. The readers now in use were authorized over twelee years ago, nd so far as I know will 'serve every useful pur- pose tor twelve years to come. Alt ough two series of readers were enthori ed in 1882, still they were introduced into s eh a - small number of schools that prac ically they need not be considered as a- c ange affecting the Province generally. Since the present series of text-bool4g was authorized in 1886 there have beer4 only three changes in - any one of them, naltnely, Public. School history, the drawing curse, and in the text -book on physiology' and temperance. It may be observed here how- ever, that when a new book is auth the old text book remains on the li direct order of the department for at eighteen months and frequently for years; by that time the book is pract worn out and the purchase of a ne rized t by least two cally text .- This is true book Is no additional expense so lors as there is no advance in price practically of the drawing books, as I each book when filled with drawings has to be set aside for a new book whether the curse is the same or different. The text bo4k on physiology and temperance, which was authorized in 1887, was prepared fori the schools of England and was objected t3 by the W. C. T. U. as unsuitable for mall . News of the Week. WOMEN PREACHERS. -:—Women . occupied twenty pulpits in Baltimore, Sunday. YELLOW FEVER SPREADING. —Yellow fever has breken out Jamaica with unusual virulence. DEATH OF MR. JUSTIN WINSOR, L. L. D. —Mr. Justin Winsor, L.L.D., librarian of Harvard and president of the American Library Association, is dead. REV. DR. STOUGHTON DEAD. —The Rev. John Stoughton, D. D., the well-known Congregational minister and author of a number of religious works, is dead. He was born at Norwich,England, in 1807. THE MOSCOW DISASTER. —The commis- sioners who were appointed to inquire into the disaster on the Hodynsky Plain, in Moscow, in May, 1896, have submitted their report. They state that the number of lives lost was 1,429. A CHESS PLAYER'S DEATH. —Berthold Englisch, the well-known them player, is dead. The cause of death was brain affec- tion. Englisch withdrew from the recent tournament at Berlin, declaring that hig head was 'not clear. SALISBURY TO RESIGN.—It is again assert- ed that Lord Salisbury will resign, and that the struggle for the Premiership will be be- tween the Duke af Devonshire and Mr. Arthur Balfout, and that he latter will •have all Mr. Chamberlain's influence. HERE'S A PROJECT. —As the result of Fri- day's convention ef the Illinois River Val- ley Association, Congressman Hinrichsen will present to Cengress a bill for the cre- ation of a ship canal to connect Lake Michi- gan with the Gulf of Mexico. The project, it is estimated, will cost $26,000,000. FATAL BOILER EXPLOSION. —The boiler in the Detroit Cabinet Company'a factory, in the mirth -eastern part of the _city, exploded Friday morning, with fatal and disastrous effects; At least two men were fatally in- jured, one of whom has since died, and ten men were more or less seriously hurt. TAPPING A CANADIAN RAILWAY.—It is re- ported that the Delaware and Hudson Rail- way Company will shortly extend onenf its leased lines, the Adirondack r-ailway, from North Creek, a distance of about 60 miles, to Tupper Lake. It will then connect With the Northern New York railway, leading from Moira to Cornwall, Ontario. NOT EXAGGERATED.—Captain Hooper, commander of the Behring Sea patrol fleet, who has arrived in Washington to attend the seal conference, says that the reports concerning the scarcity of food in the Kion - dyke region are not, in his judgment, exag- gerated. In the neighborhood of Dawson City there are, he said, about 5,000 miners whose supply of provisions for the coming winter is no greater than would barely suffice half that number. Great suffering will be the inevitable result of this scarcity of -food. - Although acme of the more vigor- ous among the miners might attempt to get away on the ice to the Yukon, the chances were he thought, that a considerable num- ber of them would perish from hunger and exposure. LOAFERS TO BE SoLD.—TWO chronic loaf- ers in Lebanon, Kentucky, are to be sold at auction just as slaves used to be before the war. The men are Thomas Hutt and Wm. Reed. They were convicted of vagrancy at the last term of that circuit court, and it was ordered that they be required to work. In accordance with the law'Sheriff Young has posted bills on the court house annouc- ing that he will, on November 1, at the court house door, sell the services of Hutt for nine months'and the labor of Reed for to months, o the highest bidder. DREADFErL DISASTER, —A dreadful calam- ity occurred on the New York Central Rail- way, near Garrisons, New York, on Sun- day morning, when an express bound from Buffalo to New York, was wrecked. What caused the accident will probably never be known, as both the engineer and fireman perished. The - engine, baggage car, one zoach and four sleeping cars dashed into the nucleon River, and rapidly filled with water, so that many of those who might otherwise have escaped, were cetaght as in a trap and drowned, being unable to escape through the window. It is estimated that nineteen lives were lost, while many were more or less seriously Injured. 11111111111111111MOMINNIMMEI Huron Notes. —Mrs. McKay, of Chicago, sister of Mr. J.O. Gilroy, of Clinton, died there on the 15th inst. ' —Dr. Kneehtel, formerly of Brussels, has decided. telocate in Winnipeg, and left last week for the west. --,-, Mr. J. Rands and Mies Rose Routledge, both of Clinton were united in marriage on Wednesday of fast week. —Owing to ill health, Miss Topping has resigned her position on the Clinton Col- legiate Institute staff. — Mr. Tibbutt has been engaged to teach in No. 10 school, Goderich township, at a salary of $350 a year. -- s —The directors of the Clinton Mechanics' Institute have decided to rad the Encyclo- paedia Brittanica to the library, at a cost of $60. —Miss Marion Shepherd and Rev. C. Seeger, of Goderich, are among the success ful students at Trinity College examinee tionsi — lost successrul anniversary services were held in Zion Methodist church, Goder- ich township, on Sunday and Monday of last week. —Harry Parker, of Wingham, who has been acting as operator on the Grand Trunk at Thedford, had his hand smashed while coupling cars the other day. —Mr. E. N. Cooper, of Clinton, a student at Toronto University, was successful in securing what is known as the" Banker's Scholarship." — What is known as the Mee. Bulger property, in Londesboro, has been sold by Mr. James Taylor, of Point Farm, to Mr. 8. Woodman. —Charles Wilson, of West Wawaposh, has purchased the farm in Saratoga, con- taining 100 acres, from the William Wilson estate for the sum of $1,515. —Mr. Nail Campbell, a well known resi- dent:of Goderich, died on Friday, 15th inst. Deceased had been in failing health tor about a year. He was 47 years of age. - —The other day, Mrs. Copp, sr., of Clinton, was coming out of her house when she slipped and fell, hurting herself severe- ly, but fortunately breaking no bones. — Mr. A. M. .Todd has disposed of the Clinton News Record to Mr. W.J. Mitchell, late of the Durham Chronicle. Mr. Todd has not yet decided what he will do. .--The trustees of school section No. 6, of Morrie, have re-engaged:the services of J. T. Curtis as teacher for 1898, at an increase of $55. Mr. Curtis is a good teacher. —A Clinton gentleman'who got the " chicken fever"lately, has found it a rather expensitla malady. He purchased an incubator for $10, put in the machine 300 eggs and got one lonely chick as a result. — James Walker, of Brussels, soldittis first prize top buggy last_week, to William Wray, of Belgrave, ex -reeve, of Morris. In addition to it being a well -finished rig, it has ball bearing wheels and all the latest improvements. —Albert Wallace, of th 7th concession of Hullett, has sold a fine froung thorough- bred Shorthorn bull to ffarnes Steep, of, Clinton, at a fair price. iIr. Steep intends to ship it to the west. --e-Out of nearly 40 app icants, the trus- tees of the -Summerhill sc ool have engaged E. 0. Wetherald, of Alibi rie at a salary of cl$300. He holds a secon class certificate, has had experience, and is spoken of as a successful teacher, with an excellent tecord. —Messrs. Boyd and A Ian, principals of Belfast and Dungannon public schools, re- spectively, are re-engageto take charge of their present schools for 1898, Mi. Allan's salary being raised twenty dollars mote than the present year. - —A dead wild cat was, the centre of at- traction in Wingham, oi Wedneiday mern- ing of last week, for a ew minutes. Mr. William Garnless, of thej 1st line of Morris, was out hunting on Tuesday afternoon, and came across the cat and ?hot it. — Mr. Robert Mason, • of .Amberley, is dangerously ill at preseht from a severe stroke of paralysis. On Thursday last he was able to do the general work around the farm, and during the night was. taken sick in bed. - —An interesting quoit match took place at Wroxeter, on Monday of last week, be- tween the Gerrie andWinxeter teams. Amos Doan and John Hammond represented Gorrie, and Robert Bladk and E. J. Black, Wroxeter. The score itood 49 to 60, in Gorrie's favor. —The cheese factory at Paramount was completely destroyed by fire Friday night, together with about $1,000 worth of cheese. The stock was insured to the amount of $2,000 in the London Mutual, and the build- ing for 81,500 in the Waterloo. —Robert Kerr, 10th concession of Grey, has disposed his 20 acres to Fred. Oxtaby, a neighbor. The two places are close together, which, with the purchase, will give Mr. Oxtoby a farm of 70 a4res. Mr. Kerr and family propose leaving or Michigan shortly, where they will reside. —R. Jackson, of artney, Manitoba, formerly of Hallett, h s been spending a few days with his brothers in Clinton. He is one of the 'leading Methodists in the west, and beinga mem er of the General Mission Board, bee beei attending a meet- ing of that body at Halifax, Nova Scotia. —The sale of Hugh Roes, of MeKillop, last week, was most !successful and good prices realized, the whole netting $3,184. Two-year-old steers ran from $75 to $101. The air that brought ' he latter figure were pure seed last spring or $40. Brood sows sold as high as $45, an sucking pigs from $6 to $10 per pair. —On Monday eveni g of last week, a small stable on the pro rty of Mrs. Garvie, near Summerhill, was discovered to be on fire ; at the same time a straw stack near by was on fire. The building contained no im- plements, but the loss will be considerable. The origin of theifire is a complete mystery: --As Mrs. John Lowery, of Hullett, and Mrs. L, Proctor, of Holmesville, were driv- ing up the cut line, Gederich towneip, on Monday °Utast week, they met with rather an unfortunate accident. Mrs. Lowery was passing a wagon, and the road being rather steep and narrow caused the buggy to par- tially upset, and the shafts, which were fas- tened by a hook and spring, became loose at one aide and started the horse. The occu- pants were thrown out, the horse ran as far as P. McDougall's, and when caught the new harness was badly broken, and the buggy, which was new also, had the dash, seat and top dragged off and the shafts and wheels wreeked. Mrs. Proctor sustained a hurt, on the knee, while Mrs. Lowery's face and head were injured. —While W. R. Lough was about to enter the doorway ofeLawyer Scott's office, in Clinton, the other day, he was startled by a large flower pot falling at his feet, and the earth therefrom fallipg on his - hat. The high wind had blown over ' the pot, which had been sitting on an upper window, and it was a alone enough call for him. —On Tuesday morning of last week, in St. George's church, Sarnia, Rev. T. R. Davis, M. A, performed the marriage core- mony'between Rev. George J. Abey, the popular incumbent of St. John's church, Brussels, and Miss Clara H. Keating, of Moore, Ontario. —The other day, while Mr. C. Morning- star, of the Wingham steam pump Works, was at work fixing a well on the farm of Mr. Thomas McGill, Culross, he met with almost a fatal accident. He was down near the bottom of a well,when he became almost suffocated with gas, but managed to get a rope round one of his legs and was pulled out, narrowly escaping death. —On Wednesday morning, 13th inee'.1 after a number of months of lingering ill- ness, Mrs. Richard Graham, who resides juat north of Gorrie, passed away. Shortly before death came she was able to sit up and go around a little, and hopes were enter- tained of as speedy recovery. A husband, one son and five daughters survioe her. —Oa Sunday, 17th inst, Rev. C. R. Gunne, M. A., preached his farewell sermon to a large congregation in Trinity church, Fordwich. During his stay Of two years and three months in that parish, he has made many firm friends, not only among his own people, but among other denomina- tions. His new field of labor is Parkhill. —An event that has been anticipated for some time, occurred at the home of William Blair, Goderich township, on Wednesday of last week, it being the marriage of his fifth daughter, Miss Lydia, to John W. Wallis, ef Rudyard, Michigan. Mr. Wallis is a native of Goderich township, being a son of tdr. James Wallis, of the Lake hore Road, and is at present engaged in farming. —Twenty-eight years ago, Elijah Jacklin ind wife moved from Deeds county to Grey ownship, having very little of this world'', oode left when tbey got there. They are now the owners of lots 9 and 10, concession 2, and in addition have given their sons a good start. This summer Mr. Jacklin has had fine crops. After two days' threshing he has about 1,800 bushel e of • oats and has another day's threshing yet. He has the biggest straw stack in Grey. —Alexander H. McNeil, of Brussels'and Miss Janet, youngest daughtet ef Mr. Alex. Nichol, of the 6th line, Morris, have joined hands and hearts for better or for worse. The ceremony took place at the family resi: dence, on Wednesday afternoon of last week, in the presence of about 60 guests. Rev. John Ross, B. A., of Brussels, tied the matrimonial bow. The bride was attended by Mies Jennie McNeil, sister of the groom, and George Pipe took lessons by supporting -the groom. • —Mr. John Wind, a farmer who resides - on the 9th concession of Stephen, while on his way to Exeter, the other day, lost a cheque for seventeen dollars and some odd cents, which he had received from Mr. A. Q. Bobier, and which he was going to get cash- ed at O'Neil's bank that day. On discover- ing that the cheque was gone he at once proceeded to the bank to stop payment, but to his great surprise . he was just fifteen minutes too late, the cheque having been cashed by some unknown person. -4There was a very happy sodial event at thelhome of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Elliott,. of Tuinberry, on Wednesday of last week, when Miss Annie Maud Hardaker, of Hills burg, became Mrs. Samuel Elliott. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. James Hamilton, of Wingham. The bride, who was beautifull attired in a pale cream cash- mere dress, trimmed with silk and pearl trimmings, was attended by Miss Mary E. Elliott, while Mr. Elmer Moore, of Wing - ham, supported the bridegroom. After the ceremony a sumptuous dinner was served; and the evening enjoyably -spent. a -Last week, D. Stewart, secretary of the East Huron Agricultural Society, took a trip around to award the prizes for the best half acre ef mangolds and turnips entered for competition in connection with the fall fair. The mangolds turned out as follows : let, James Speir,Morris,weight 194 pounds ; 2nd, James McCallum, McKillop, 177 pounds ; 3rd, John Stafford, McKillop, 157 gounds ; 4th, George Robb, Morris, 120 pound. . In the competition for best acre of Swede turnips, the decision arrived at was : 1st, James Speir, Morris, 138a pounds ; Janies McCallum, McKillop, and George Robb, Morris, tied at 131a pounds ; 4th, Wm. Armstrong, Grey, 117 pounds. . Hullett. A FAMILY GATHERD.M.—A pleasant -family gathering of the Whiteley family was held at the residence of Mr. James Holland, Huron road, on Saturday last. It was the occasion of the 82nd birthday anniversrry of Mrs. Whiteley, mother of Mrs. Holland. The several members of the family were present, and a most pleasant time was spent. Although eighty-two years of age, - MrsoWhiteley is still hale and hearty, and as active as many a younger lady, and bids fair to see many more years. IIMININNINNM=INIIIIIMIIIIIM • Leadbury. NOTES.—The Misses Emma Jane and Tes- sie Glass are visiting at home. Both these young ladies are prominent in the Salvation Army, the formeribeing captain. We wish them the fullest measure of success in the work they have undertaken. /slims Brady, a young lady friend of theirs, accompanied them in their visit. —Miss Mary E. Smith has gone to Seaforth to learn the dress- making. We hope she will have a pleasant time in town.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Benne- weis were away attending a wedding in Logan on Tuesday.—Mr. A. Davidson, wife and children, are visiting in this section. Their home is in the Western States. —Mr. 'Thomas Ballans, of St. Marys, was visiting in this section recently.—One of the happy men around these diggings is Mr. Edward Drager, whose wife presented him with a little daughter the other day.—Mr. Robert A. Bell purposes leaving for Muskoka on Monday next. We wish him a pleasant tip and a safe return.—Monday of last weekavas a big day for many of the farmers' wiies around here. On that day their poultry was shipped, and the money came rolling in. The average woman is quite willing to feed a dollar's worth of grain if she can get half a dollar's worth oftieggs or poultry in return for it. We suppose it was ever thus.—When had we such a lovely October as the present one, well, not for a great number of years anyhow.—The farm- ers are all busy taking up their roots.— Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Murray spent Sunday with Mrs. Murray's parents, and they look as though Blake was agreeing with them.— The weddings are very numerous around here. memo the Leadbury girls take well.—Mrs. Wm. McGavin is away attend- ing her father, Mr, Wm. Graham, who is very ill, with no hopes of his recovery.— Miss Nellie Scott spent a few days with Miss Sophia McGavin.—Mrs.—J. J. Rinn is visiting friends in London leaving her good old man to keep honse.—kr. Wm. McCune, while @pending Sunday down east, had the misfortune to fall and sprain her ankle, and has been laid up for a few days.—The weather for wheeling is so 400d that the Seaforth boys spend their evenings clerking for Mrs. McEwen, who does a very large business.—Mr. Robert Archibald spends his idle hours picking berriee around the fences near Walton. - OCTOBER 29, 1807. -MOON OF SOME OF THE Goods and Prices that Makes Business at The People's SY 'STORE -- Millinery. Come, we are anxious to see you, and, although we are busy, we will do our best to please you. Our stock of Millinery is just as complete now as it was a month ago, for new goods are coming in day by day, and the tables are kept loaded with the most popular styles. We are selling some very pretty Hats and Bonnets at prices that are within the reach of everybody. Silks. Silks for trimmings, silks for waists, silks for dresses—plain colors, fancy shades or blacks, which shall it be'? That is for you to say. There is a fine collection of pretty patterns and shades suitable for trimmings or waists at 50e, 75c and $1 per yard. For dresses, we have some specially good qualities in first -dais brilliant black, soft to the touch, that will neither cut nor gloss, at 75c, $1 and $1.25 per yard. Velvets. Our Silk Velvets and Velveteens are imported direct from first hands, and, therefore, we have the best qualities at the closest possible figures. We show a very good black Velveteen as low as 25e per yard, but our Velvets at 40c and 50c have the width, the weight and the finish of the more expensive goods. We have several lovely shades, silk finished, suitable for waists or dreSses, at 50c, 65c and 75c p=r yard. Dress Goods. To be up with the fashion these days keeps a merchant hustling, for he must have the right goods at the right time. Out of date styles are not want- ed, so it needs lively selling to keep the stock full of newness from season to season. We are showing and selling new dresses every day, and in our assortment there are some beautiful goods at very low figures. Some of the kinds as low as 25c, 33c, 40c and 50c, are really .wonderful value. Jackets. We have done a most satisfactory jacket business this season. There was a very large stock to begin with, and fresh garments have been added as fast as we could get them from the maker. The assortment is very complete at pre- sent in • b'aeks, browns, greens and heather mixtttres. There are three special lines, comprising about fifty very fine fitting jackets in sizes 32, 34 and 36, whick we are selling at $5, $6.50 and 87.50 each. Jacket Cloths. With the corning cold weather there will be a greater demand for.goocl warm jacket and cape _mater- ials. We are showing a splendid variety of these goods, in fact the best kinds we could possibly procure for both wear and appearance. We sell a good plain beaver cloth as low as $1 peryard, anda heavy nap cloth at the same price. Handsome heather mix- tures at $1.25, and a nice lot of fancy curl cloths and boucles at $1.50 and $1.75 per yard. Fine Mantlings at close figures. Furs. The weather for Furs is not very far away. Before long the thermometer will register a decidedly different tem- perature, and the heavier kinds of furs will be much in demand, such as storm. collars, caperines, ruffs, muffs, gauntlets, capes and jackets. We would be pleas- ed to have you look ,through .our fur stock, for we try to keep furs of sterling value—furs that will give satisfaction to the hive; and furs at common every day prices. .Underwear. Our Underwear tradehas greatly in- creased, and we have put in large quantities of the best selling lines for ladies, girls, boys and men. We have the principal makes of heavy under wear, good warm garments as well as the finer makes of wool goods. We have a score or more different kinds, all good as well as cheap. Prices range from a few -cents to a dollar or more each. Give us your trade, it will pay you. We give particular attention to all classes of fashionable goods for ladies' wear, but that is only one side of our busi- ness. We also keep a heavy stock of Cottons, Cottonades, Shirtings, Tickings, Linens, Flannels, Flannelettes, Under- wear, Blankets, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Curtains, 850. - If you favor us_with a call and let Us know frankly what you want, we will give you a close deal on anything you may require. • 6-t 'T Er M E. McFA DRY GOODS COMPANY, Seaforth's Greatest Cash Dry Goods Store. as tandtv ' Rand week, visii m the old cout Kincardine, si ining iveourus. Ir ectilotnu one for Mr. Jo 1042feet, 1 tnndt13etdrpirkaisilliug ,gIJ,ht' sappyn ofobwuawith n rirs, which Mr. it was found all°- wnP81:twa; hei uh ,r ahyi a de. h y some means it until near noon, when k e. tr into the ifoourur rruseet w osiV. in searching fort in vain.—Miss gest daughter Of Mr, for some days been seri tied condition, the tro A11 that medical s oen do is being don "r i h better 'o 7p e Tboldinghe soon h Ct nt i avel lea crember 7th.—Miss Sar visiting among utiftd weather whi ag is keeping all the g to fall work, eon the quiet side.— nded the anniversary tea ureb, Exeter, on Monde rte it as being a gra ual meeting of tbe Bibi Rea branch was held on in S. Andrew's church dance. ,Rev, Mr. He verentofthewdearnkes tlbooinieehntatys awa been ddsre xi society in the past and still has in store for eson was elected presid year ; Mr. Henry Ivis suer, and Mr. Robert ith a good staff of *ellen WI be done during the, ce 0 MeLea,n shipped fro el last, a Bar load of fine Fateten—Our grist mill playing the farmers' w isteinngsezspdeetetppin Ha few eek with her aunt, Mrs. age. Winthrop NOTES.—The sale of Mr ems. COWS brought $o ro ceeds of the sale total" - very -thing was in good or rt Dodds had some geese malty lad, while at churc w kind which her br _brought from the States. _getting his house fixed, w alie did not intend to keep Mrs. R. Morrison, of Bru big at Mr. R. Dodds' this McKee has pot up a new Mr. B. Smith has bought ;thine outfit -of Mr. J. Dod GATHERINGS. —Mr. Job worthy blacksmith, has sol ,pouy to Mr. Thomas Hill —The Winthrop cheese la ions next week. The fac ronized this season.—M Seaforth, -conducted servi in the Methodist Anrels -The pastor, Mt...Tiffin, is v —Mr. M. kantia spent farm in Tnekersmith t ilieve that Mr. Henry War - -can safelyboast of havin tin this neighborhood. T What might have been 4iappened en the north miles south of this viilag -ing last. Mrs. John: Litt - her daughter, were retnr -when they met a titres frightened their horse. -off the road into a -steep the occupants out Mrs. vets shaking, while her nnhurt.:—Our citizens we of the death 2of Rid Seaforth. Mr. MeTagga -making and made cheese twelve years ago. He is upright, shrewd bat-ines !interesting Facts Abil Spools and S "Oxford county, M -.13e all the spools on thread of this coun •-4 wholesale -dealer the writer. "The spo -white birch timber,, •.oduced by the million 'There are many othe Maine also, where t Portant. There are 'in that part of the busy all the year ro -birch logs into strip front 1 to 2 inches wi thieknesa These ste spool factories, wber worked into spools low labor saving "The strips of wbi 'to one machine'and ed, f4ct, arehexd1 -.the spools, all finish -cep polishing, drop another =chin where the stri get -their gio :two ed barrels -ery, .the polish resul tact of the spools in "In the backw ford county one see -industry but spoo ;Arson in the neig W&7 interested in th tories have been eat fierests for -y seems to be enough feed the machin *come. Hundreds of logs are cut and sa _ ber "Shoe peg facto Portant branch of b Jae to Maine ilth `been followeci to ...Altera states and lard wood forests 0 Maple is lintlfektIITO Of SU tebrohjs taloa pegs are mold Are worth all the 11 a bushel, aocor Ulan t180.000 was *hoe Peg factories "A curious and grown up In th the sawmills in the unease quantities of 1O Thousands Thousands of material are bought 'and are pressed into 1301111, and in. this -ready market for fmstem cities. "---W