The Huron Expositor, 1897-10-22, Page 5ER 22 1897.
Miss Annie Hese, who hu been
-ends in Detroit returned brims
Mn John Grill, of Michigan is
ting hia mother, who is very ill:—
crette of Zurich, was the guest of
Dempsey on Smidoyt—M.r. John
eiders, of Zurich, visited friends
ves in the village on Sunday.—Mr.
Brokenshire and Mr. and Mtn A.
Waiting friends near Tovistock.—
sear here, spent a -few days this
friends here- —Miss Annie Brooks
ay at her home in Exeten—Mr.
Davis, of Henna.% has moved to
The masons have already conn
e brick work of Mr. Fenn's new
ith deep regret we record the
0 Mrs. Thomas Kelly, which occur-
`liseaday afternoon, a.t the home of
slioughter Mrs. Mellick, of Hay.
-Katy loillbeen suffering with paralyeni
t i year. Deceased was nearly 69
et age. Her remains were -interred in
Exeter cemetery on Friday afternoon.
Dr sses,
g their.
will take
y woman after
mdreds of
myer who
Loh money
and Bon -
it all the
A the best
as 10c.
and 40c..
)ut what you
ry at popular
erything that
a and Ribbed,
1 in fine seft
4n Worsted-
-sizes. Prices,
we are.
comes to
'eople. We
nes for.tike
usiness, at
s Store.
Mr. Jeffrey, Burser at the Cm -
0, Toronto, was the guest of post-
Mrs.°J. W. Ifawkshaw visited Mr.
Hawkshaw at Seaforth on Sabbath
Mr. George Hearn= has the contract
brickwork and Mr. Richard Gould
earpenter work for the rebuilding of a.
residence for Mr. Thomas Rowe, south
piece, whieh waa consumed by fire a
weeks agns—Mr. George Easterbrook
Mr. Win. Qaintorea new brick residence
rne township nearly completed and it
tee gqat credit on the contractor.--
tive J. T. Westeott is haw this week
ug summons at Luean for the investiga-
iato the burning: of Mr. B Tennent's
whiola was coneumed on the night of
spot I7th, last. Great interest is being
by the Lueanites in the matter.—Mr.
-Swim Kelly, StotitIville, Ontatio; Mr.
Wm. Kelly, Newberry. Michigan, and
OM Kelly, Bad Axe, Michigan, attended
tie funeral of their mother, which took
place on Friday last from her late
-residence, Hay township, to the Exeter
osmetery..-31r. Richard Hicks, of Eg-
monaville, was in town on Friday'
Isst.—Messrs. Charles and Harry Sanders
were the guests of Miss Edith Sanders, at
lyth,on Sunday last.—Mn and Mrs.Joseph
11,, of Seaforth, were the guests of Mr.
Mrs. Stephen Powell on MenclaY last.—
anniversary of Cavan Presbyterian
aurch will be held on Sunday anillienday
sext.—The uew electric light plant will be
halal operation shortly.—There was a sud-
-len change in the atmosphere on Saturday
moon last. —Farmers are buily taking
their° roots this- week.—Mrs. George A.
Mate0d, who had one of her tees ampu-
toted a few days ago, hi doing nicely.—Mrs,
Jelin Hooper, Huron street, hag moved to
Dashwood and will reside with Mr. and
Mrs. Guenter for the winter.—Mr. Charles
Wilson, ofillensall, was the guest of Mr.
oiames Stewart on Saturday lest.—Mr.
Leonard MeTaggart is having the north end
hotel block thoroughly overhauled and fen-
oveted. When completed the old hotel
and store will have the appearance that it
bad some years ago when a thriving basinesa
eves done.. Wiewish him success with his
oiew enterprise and hope he will have the
occupied by good tenants and that
hasinesa will flourish there as of yore.
GROURK12.--In Ootober 20th. the wife
her 15th, the wife of Mr. John Hamilton, of a
RURDON.—In EXete; on Oetober 15th, the wife of
Mr. N. Dyer Hurdon of the Molson's Bank of a
SHAPTON.-4n Stephen. on Ootober 17th, the wife
of Mr. Jame*Simpten, of a son.
CORNISH —M Devon, on October 7th, the wife of
Mr. John j:Cornish, of s son.
WARD.—In Grey, on October 4th, the wife of Mr.
Henry Ward, of a daughter.
WHITE.—In Blyth. on October 6%, the wife of Mr.
George- White. of a owe
BELL—S4UNDERS.—At the ma lie Renee% on
October 20th, by Rev. .1. S. He denten, Mr.
liam -Thomas sell, of Arkon to Miss Eliza,
Saunders, of- Crrditon.
PLICMINO—HIGGINS.—At the deuce of the
bride's father, on Octobev 13th by Rev. D. -
ere, Mr. James A. Fleming, of Glenannan,
Mee Jessie L., eldest delights of Mr. Thomas
Rigging, of Turaberry.
PEPPER—BOSMAN.—M the resid nesse)! the bride's
father, ou October 13th, by' . D, Rogers, Mr.
Luther Pepper to Miss Emm Boman, fifth
daughter of F,dward Bosnian. q., all of Metric
GYNER--NOBLE.—At the read co of W. Webb,
brother -in, law of the no, n Odder 18th,
by Rev. tie F. Parke r. F edok Joyner, to
Mies Margaret Jane, daughter of Mr. Thomas
Noble, of Hulled.
BAKER—FLICK.—At the reside of the bride's
father, Colborne, on October 6th, by Rev. J. 0.
Morlook, of Listewel, Lewis ker, of Elkton,
Michigan, to Mtn Lydia, ding ter of Mr. Jacob
BISHOP—PATTERSON —In Grey on October 18th,
at the reeidence of Deputy Reeye Turnbull,
cousin of the bride, by Rev. John Ross. B. A.,
Mr. Abraham George Bishop, Mies Margaret
Patterson, daughter of Mr. mei Fattener!).
both of Grey.
PAYNE—WILTON.—At the rest entre of Mr. Wil-
liam Wilton, Brussels, on Se towbar 29th, by
Rev. John Boss, B. A.. Mr. Walter Payne, of
Seaforth, to Miss -Filen WtIton of Brussel..
AVERY—HORN.—At the maiden of the bride's pa-
rent% on October 6t1r, by Rev. Mr. Jewett. Mr.
Edward Avery, t* Wee Jennie daughter of Mr.
Samuel Horn, all of Unborn..
NOTES.—John Healy, wife and child left
dn. their home in SIginaw, Michiga.n on
Wednesday.--4-Mr. Alex. McNeil, of B'rus-
'vie, was married to Miss Janet Nichol, of
-this township, last Wednesday evening,
--The ceremony was performed at the home of
-the.bride.—Ploughing is all the go, and the
=turnip harvest will goon be on.—The roe&
are splendid for wheeling at present.—The
cheese factories will soon be closed nowe--
Arthur Cronin had a logging bee last Fri-
- -day. He gave a party that night.. Three
.acres of swamp was logged. The logging
vas rpugh on the clothes, bat the dance was
au right.
Dairy Markets.
TORONTO, October 19th.—Butter—The re-
szeipts to -day were small, the demand is ac-
tive and the market is firm at 15c to 160 for
ethe best pails and tubs and 9c to 12e for
low grade aad medium. Eggs—The demand
ie good and the market is firm, with mod-
erate supplies, at 16c for strictly fresh
MONTREAL, October 19th.—Cheese.---The
market is quiet and easy. Between three
and four thousand French cheese came in
tide morning by boat and rail and sold at
*. This is a decline of Oc since last Mon-
day,and pretty well shows the -general tend-
escy of the market. We quote : Finest
-gnebec, 90 to 91c. Butter—The market
for creamery keeps very dull and hardly any
'business is being done in it. Low grade
dairy is in good demand_ We quOte : Finest
creamery, 18c to ; finest dairy, 14c to
-1411e ; lower grade dairy, 12c to 13c. Eggs
--The market is quiet but steady. New
13c, and carli, 100 to lOte per dozen in
4ound lots.
Live Stook Markets.
MONTREAL, October 19th. —The butchers
'Were pyiesent in large numbers and trade
swim fairly good, with the pricesof cattle a
shade higher than on Thursday. A few of
the best beeves were sold at 4c per Us ;
pretty good stock brought from no to sic
peril); common dry cows and rough young
-stook sold at from 2c to 3c, and the leaner
eld cows and hard looking bulls at from lie
do 2e per lb. There is an active demand
and pretty high prices paid for good calves.
'To -day sales were made at from $2,50 to $9
each. Shippey" are paying 30 iSer lb for
Iowa Iarge sheep, the others being from %c
"to 3c per lb ; lembs sold at from 30 tos4c
'per lb. There is a further decline in the
Twice of fat hoge ; they sold to -day at from
4-ic to reko per lb.
EAST BertleeLo, October 19th.—Cattle-
-A.etive demand and prices for all kinds of
butchers' and fat cattle were 10e to lic
higher ; poor and thin kinds sold at about
-steady former prices ; choice finished smOoth
fat export and shipping steers, $5.10 to
medium to heavy steers $4 25 to $'4.90 ;
-coarse rough steers, $4 'to $1.65 ; choice
smooth fat heifers, $4 25 to $4.70 ; fair to
good mixed butchers' stock, $3 50 to $3.65 ;
good smooth well fattened cows, $3.70 to
44 ; fair to good butchers' cows.$3 to $3.50;
export -hulls, smooth and fat, $3.75 to $4 ;
ers were in light supple and from $2 to $3
per head higher ; strictly fancy milkers,
.good to fancy springers, $45 to $50 ; fair to
rod, $28 to $45. Veals slid Calves—Fair
s,emand and prices about steady ; prime to
Hogs—Markee ruled very uneven
general range of all values for oAl grades
libelee Yorkers, $4.10 to $4.15 ; mixed
packers' grades, $4.10 te $4 15 • heavy
44:15. Sheep and Lambe—Market fairly
active and from 100 to 15c ehigher for both
kinds ; lambs, choice to .uxtra, $5.60 to
culls to fair, $4.05 to $4.15 ; yearlings, com-
mon to choice, $4 to 61.651 feeding lambs,
45 to $5.30 ; sheep, choice to selected
wethers, $1.35 to $4.50 e fair to choice mix,
ed sheep, $3.65 to $4.25 ; culls and coma:ion,
ARIESTRONG.—In Ontarie, Calif rule, on October
Ith, Wilber, son of Mr. John Armstrong, aged 2
months and 6 days.
nosily, youngest son of James Reid.
12th. Mary J., youngest dau later of James Ed -
menden, aged 19 years.
RUTEIERFORD.—Iit Bluevale, on October 14th,
Walter Rutherford, aged 8z y ars, 10 months and
13 days.
or October 2nd, Mary, daug er of Mr. Robert
McCartney, formerly of Br field.
HILL.—At Park River, North kota, on October
2nd John Hill youngest son of Mrs. 11111, gravel
reed, Mullett. aged 25 years nd 4 menthe. '
LINGARD —In Cantrell's, on tober 14th, Sarah,
w-fe of Mr. Charles Lingard, aged 66 yeare.
Forbore aged 90 years, 7 mon he and 10 days.
KELLY --In Hay township. on October 12th, Ann,
relict of the late Thomas Ke y. aged 72 veva.
MCDONALD.—In Walton, on 0 tuber 17th, Chavies
11cDonale, aged 65 years, 11 moths and 2 days.
McTAVISIEL—In 'Tuokerienith, on October 18th,
Agues Bro idfoot, relict of the late Peter Mc-
Tavish, abed 60 years and 4 onths.
On Thursday, Ocober 2
ersmith, Farm Stock
James Kehoe, Proprietor
On Tuesday, Oatober
P. M., one quarter mil
Farm Stock and Imple
Wurns and John Fuse,
Bossenberry, Auctioneer.
On Monday, October 5th, at 1 e o'clock
Farm Stook, Implements &a Joseph Bush -
On Saturday, October Oth, at 1 o'clock
Farm Stock. Thomas ren, proprietor ;
On Tuesday, October 26th, at 1 o'clock
p.m. Lot S,Concession 2, McKillop. Cattle,
Sheep and Pigs with ut reserve. John
Kehn, proprietor ; Thrall Brown, auct-
On Saturday, Octobe 30th, at 1 o'clock
p. m., at Henderson's hotel, Seafortb, ex-
tensive sale of town nd farm property.
Estate of T. T. 'Cole an ; Thomas Brown,
th, at 1 o'clock
d Implements.
Thomas Brown,
6th, at 1 o'clock
south of Zurich,
eats. Catharine
Executors ; Ed.
Grey Cotton, yard wide, at no and ne a yard. White Cotton, yard wide worth 9o,
for 5e a yard. Flannelette in pink and blue stripes, very special, 25 yard' tor'$1, or 4c a
yard. Cottonade, extra lines, at 140, 15e, Ifle and 20c ; the °atone& we are selling at
25e is wonderful goods, and sure to give satisfaction ; et's cheap at 30e, b
25o. Wrapperettes, new patterns and colors, warm, heavy goods for win
at 10e and 12io. Tweeds for boys, a kind that -stands some wear and
lines of all -wool tweeds for men, worth 56sn'for 350. Grain bags—we k
kind that is made in Canada—speoial numbers, two bushel bags, No. W.,
two bushelleags, No. A,42,25 a dezen ; two bushel bags, No. B, P2.50 dozen. Grey
Flinnel, heavy twilled, in light or dark shade, worth 16cibought to sell at 12ic ; the above
in plain also. Shirts and Drawee" rangi is- complete, proses starting at, 25c a garment,
and continue at 35o, 50e, 65e, 75e and $1e -every number is a trade winner. Lidice?
Underwear—Ribbed Vests, 'special at 1513 ; 'we bought a big line of ladiee' vesti, they're
worth 35e, but it's a pleasure to offer them ot 25o ; ladies' vests also at 50c, 75o and $1—
draviers to match above. 'Mon's wool sox in black or colored-, at 15o. Mantle cloths for
children, new shades in blue and bronze,' double fold,: 60o ; heavy beaver cloth—black;
blue or brown—sold as good -value at $1.25, our price $1 ; mantleeloths in rough goods at
Shirting, very heavy and strong, regular -price 14e, our prioe 120. -Flannelette Blankets
in grey or white, prices range 75o, $1, $1.35 and $1.50. Men'e Frieze Overcoats, light or
dark shades, high collar, slash pockets, belt on baok, well made, very :special, at $5. -
Boys' Overcoats seem cheaper and better than ever ; we can fit any. boy, no matter how
small or how large, and at a ierice that* is reasonable. Pins—good rneke,liarge paper, lo
each. It's business we are after.
t our price is
r wear, special
p nearly every
notified that trespa
Lots 26 to 30, on Conceseion
Concession 12, .Flibbat, 000
ed. And no hounds alio
property. Parties found t
°Med according to law. W
ew Goods Arrived
Full stock of new- dress goods, fine linet in
dress trimrnings and ribbons, splendid stock of
underwear, best assortment of ladies' perfect
fitting jackets.
-Just opened—new millinery goods in hats,
flowers, feathers, ornaments, etc., at
R3.—Persons are hereby
sing, shootine, eto., on
11, and Lots 27 to 80, on
res, is strictly prohibit-
ed to run through this
respassing will be prose-
V the subscriber, Lot e•
a red steer, with a, little w
red and white, both co
steer bas been away slime 1
about two weeks. Any i
ceived, and will be reward
Seaforth P. 0.
yed from the premises of
Concession 2, Melitilop.
; and a heifer spotted
leg two years old. The
st sprieg, and the heifer
remotion thankfully re-
81r. Thomas Wren to Fell
28, 0013Ce$ ion -18. Bibb
80th, 1897e at 1 o'clock P.
y has been instructed by
g Public Auction, on Lot
rt, on Saturday, October
the followin valuable
years old, sired by Joe nderson. Cattle—Twenty=
five good feeding heifer , coming three ; 6 Etoers
. two years old in Septem r, 1 yearling heifer, 1 cow
corning four, suppcsed to be in calf. The whole will
positively be sold withou reserve. Tenna.—Tweive
menthe' credit will be giv n on furnishing approved
joint notes. A discount f 6 cents on the dollar will
be allowed for cash. T OMAS WREN, Proprietor :
VARIld FOR SALE.—Alr rare chance. Being the
P. It. in the Dauphin Di trick Province of Menitobs.
This farm promises to e one of the besC in the
province, it contains 113Q acres of lend, more or less,
all of which is fit for oult vation It 14 one mile from
a school house. and one Mile and a half from Spruce
Creek pest effiee. There are 59 acres fenoed and
under cultivation. There is a good hewed log
house, one and a heti story, 16x20 feet, and a good
lo stable 18x24 -feet. There are about 12 or 14 acres
of good populer buOi on the farm, soil is a rich black
loam surface, V. ith a ale subsoil. It is well situated,
lying between two (tree neither of them touching
the farm. There is ais good water within twelve
f eet of eurface. My eason for selling is failing
health. I will take 810 r aore for it if sold before
Christmae, it is well wo th 016 per acre. Apply to
Whi. MURRAY; Prcprietor, Box 83, Dauphin, Man-
Agent for Butterick's Patterns and Publications.
For the Dining Robrn.
Constant arrivals of new Fall
our stock in every department of o
ter prepared than ever before to
grade of 'good at. the lowest po
Sioecials in Dress Goods
One wants an economical outfit. Of
course, if you want a rich and heavy Furni-
ture for this apartment, we can suit you ;
but for the majority, this is not the ease.
Therefore, we are now selling the finest
offering of bining Room Sets ever shown.
The values are unparalleled., ;We never re
member a time when Furniture 'was as fine,
good. and cheap, and there's no store any
where that so sharply refuses to handle in-
ferior goods.
All Furniture bought,from us delivered
free in town or country.
Goedi havi3 largely increased
r large store, and we are bet -
offer our customers the bes
sible prices, consistant With
- Ten pieces extra heavy, good quality Serge, at 23le a yard.
All Woed Covert Cloths in new colorings, at 50e a yard. Our
large range of Dress Pieces in Covert Cloths, Bookleys and
Brochis, have been in. great demand. Caine and have a look at
them while the assortmens-lasts.
Our Fur Department
It is a well known fact that we carry a larger variety of Furs
than any other house in the west, and whatever you require in
Furs, it will pay you to inspect our stock. Our prices will be
found lower than the lowest., All Furs gataranteed.
Clothing to Order
Our Undertaking Department is complete and strictly up-to-date with a
larger selection than ever before, and prices to suit every one s needs. iVe have
a quantity of suitable chairs to be used at funerals, which we will lend free of
charge, and any orders that we are favored with -shall receive Our best attention.
Night calls premptly attended to by our undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes, Goder-
ich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodist chui•ch,
Suits and Overcoats, from $10 to $20. Our hobby -is to fit
men with Suits and Overcoats—for tilieY must fit and look as you
think they should look, before they leave our place.
Ready to Wear Clothing
James Jones has reedy d instructions hem the un-
deesigned to sell by Pub lo Auction on Lot 6, Conces-
teen 7, Logan, on Wednesday, October 27the1897, as
follows :—Horses.—Onte mare 6 3 ears old, 1 beery
heavy mare 8 years old, 1 ceach filly 2 years de, 1
yearling filly, 1 yearliag gelding, 1 mare 12 years
old, suppesed to be A ith foal ; 1 aged mare, supposed
to be with foal.; 1 gelding 6 years old, 1 good work
horse. Cattle. -e., Nino rade cows, supposed b be
with ealf ; 3 heifers 2 y ars a' el, supposed to be with
calf ; 2 yearting heifers 1 steer 3 pens old, 3 steers
2 yeans old, 4 year!' g steers, 8 spring calves.
Thoroughbrede—One cow, eupposed to be with calf ;
1 heifer 1 year 61d, 1 h liar calf 1 bull 3 years old, 1
bull calf 7 reenclhe o.d, cell eligible tor new, book).
Sheep.—Fourt en bree nog ewes, I aged ram, 12 ewe
lambs, 7 faill 11114112b=. . wine. -Seventeen *spring pigs,
1 brood sow, With ht er by her Bide ; 2 brood rows
with pigs. . Implement —One Massey -Harris binder,
1 reaper, 1 Brantford ewer, 1 pee harveder, 1 com-
bined seeder. 1 cultiv tor 2 twin plows, 3 general
purpose plows 1.1ton plow, 2 set iron borrows, I
Acme harrow, 1 land roller, I root Bonnier, 2 lumber
wagene 1 Democrat, 1 top buggy, 1 cutter, nearly
fanning mill, set of lee ge, with car and rope com-
plete ; 1 root I pulpee; nearly new ; 2 grindstones,
wheelbarrows, stonebest, jumper, sugar -kettle,
wrenches, cant hooks. hand teaws, lance tooth saw,
crowbar, pick, sped . shovels. hoes, forks, 8 set
harness', 2 strings bed bells, home blankets, robes,
whips, sweat Pads, 25. tonaof hay, sad a quantity of
corn fedder and titter , also 60 hens, turkeys and
geese. Household F miture.—One Bell organ, 1
DOW101011 organ 1 White sewing mschine. 8 bed-
room sets, 8 bed steeds. 1 bureau, 1 sidebaard, 1
book came 1 glass chipboard, 1 extension table 2
other tables, 22 can bottom chairs, 6 perioraied
chain, 8 kitchen chat , 8 rocking chains, 1 hair cloth
sofa, I baby Friage 1 cradle, 1 kitchen stove, 1
barrel chum, croquet set, 1 clock, 1 double-barreled
gun. 1 spinning- whet 2 milk cans, palls, pane,
crooks, etc.. To 1 f r coat, cap and mitts, attd 2
barrels of aide vineg r. Terree.—All sums of 15 and
under, cash ; vor that amount 12 months' credit
will be given ' by frivaishing bankable notes, Five
per cent. off ftr CU on credit amounts. Sale to
commence at fio'cloek, a. no. Free lunch M noon.
Positively no merit ars the proprietor is leaving
the place. R. J. BARR, Proprietor ; JAMES-
-JONES, AllOtiODEVIL 1658-1
Book. of Prat0e.
This stock speaks for itself. We have the largest assortment
and best values. Few stores would be satisfied with our margin
of profit. The result is a large and. increasing trade. Men's
• Suits, strictly all wool, from $4.75 to 89.50. It will pay you to
.examine. We have added a complete stock of clay worsted suits,
skirt coats, best make from $7.00 to 811.00. We have the most
complete stock of overcoats, we have ever offered. and in addition
to our regular etock we have a special lot, odd sizes to be cleared
Staple Department
Bibles Hymn Books,
Prayer Books, Sm.,
In ,Gteat Variety ar---"1110-
- Bargains in flannelettes, 5c lines for 3ic, regular 8c I fpr 5lc,
regular 10c for 6lc, 150 goods for llic. Special lines, imporied.
• Flannelettes, for 9le, fast colors. Bargains in Linen Towels and
Towellings, iniported direct. Our stock of Blankets, Yarns,
Hosiery and Gloves, cannot be beaten.
Opposite Town Building, Corner Main and Market Streets.
Oourt of Revision.
Notice to Debtors. I
In the matter of the Eitace of John Lewis, late of
the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron,
gentleman, de:eased.
All persons indebted to the Estate of the above
named deceased are required to pay the amounts
due by them to William Lewis, of the Village of
Crediton, in the County of Huron, Division Court
Clerk, one of the Executors of the above named de.
ceased, John' Lewis, on or before the 15th deor of
November, next ; as altar that date all amount, and
claims unpaid will be placed in suit for collection.
Dated. at Exeter, tbis 18th day of Odober, 1897.
R. H. COLLINS, Exeter, Ontario. •
Solicitor for Exec:110e.
Members of the • Public Libravy will please take
notice that all books must be returned to the Lib-
rary, (or subscriptions renewed), on or before Mon-
day, November -let, to save the flue peescribed by
the•trules of the Library.
WILLIAM MCDREeelecretary.
South Huron Show Prises.
PavUes who were awarded prizes at the South
Huron Fall Shew, held M Exeter can 'receive their
prize money at any time on applicietion at the offiee
of the Treasurer in Seaforth.
For the convenience of those In the vicinity of
Exeter, the Treasitrer will be 'at the Town Hall,
Exeter, on Saturday, October 23rd, teem 10 , o'clock
A. Ire until 4 o'clock P. IL, for the purpose of pay-
ing prism
N. B. If you desire your money sent by
mail, please send -a card to the Tre.ssurer to
that effect.
Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held,
pursuant to the " Voters' List Act," by His Honor the
Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron,
at the Town Hall, Seeforth, on Wendesday, Ootober
27th, 1897, at 10 o'clock, te hear and determine the
several complaints of errors and omisaions in the
Voters' List of the Municipality of &Dearth, for
1897. All persons having buslnese at the Court are
required to attend at -the said time and place.
Dated the 14th day of October, 1897. WM.
ELLIOT, Clerk of the said Municipality. 1557.2
Furniture -
To the front as usual, with everything that
is found in a firsteclass Furniture Store,
new goods in latest designnalways on hand.
Sewing Machines.
We sell the NEW WILLIAMS, best in
the market. No travelling agents. Will
sell at a small advance over -cost prioe.
We sell wood cheap for eash. No credit
given on wood.
In the Undertaking Department, we b!ay
our goods from the best _houses in Oat:ow,
and guarantee satisfaction in every -depute
ment of our „work. We have alwaye made
it a point to furnish chairs, and all other re-
quisites for itinerate, FREE OF GRARGE.
Arterial and cavity embalming done on
scientific principles.
Picture Framing.,
We also do picture framing, 30 differen
kinds of moulding to select' from. -
We have been instrumental in bringing
aboiit a great- reduction in prices, both in
Furniture and Undertaking. The public
appreciate this change—the people buy
from us.
I'. S. Night and Sunday calls will be
attended to at Mr. Lanebiborough's resi-
dence, directly in the rear of the Dominion
Beak. o
Is now in full blast 'selling goods cheaper
than ever. Japan Tea Worth 20e, now 15e
a pound ; Japan Tea worth 25e, now 20e
a pound ; Japan Tea worth 35c, now 25e -a. ,
pound ; Black and Green Teas worth 35e,
now 25e a pound, Five pounds Raisins fot
25e. Five ...peon& Prunes for 250. Five
pounds Tapioca for 9.5o. -Five Packets Corn
genii for 25e. ;Three Boxes Matches for
25c. "Six " Tins ' Sardinei for 25e. Eight
pounds Sulpher for 25c. Eight pounds :ad.t.
for 25e. These are just a few of the meny
bargains which I am now offering. Also
another coneument of China, Crock.ery and
Glassware in Dinner, Tea and Toilet Seta in
the latest designs. A very fina assortinefit
of Decorated Limps, and a fine &spiv of
Lemanade Sets. Also a well assorted tock
of all kinds of Crockery and, Glass are.
All of which will be told at the very. 19 est
prices-. Fresh Finnan /Caddies arriving this
week. - Fresh Labrador Herrings ancl.
'barrel fifth just arrived A call solicited.
The highest prices paid for good fresh But-
ter, Eggs, ii,n4 all kinds of Poultreee-the
crops meat be out of Poultry and not
Ask No Favors
If Prices and Goods are not
Don't buy them. If you are not pleased with your purchase
from this store, bring back the goods and your cash will be
refunded. Our stock is Up-to-date, mind we have every con-
fidence in the prices we quote below. Our terms are strictly
cash, and one price to all alike.
Staple Department.
30 inch Flannelette in nice stripes,
fast colors, fair weight . special, 5c a
yard. 27 inch Flannel'ette, Twilled,
in nice stripes fast colors, heavy cloth,
5lc a yard. '32 'nch Flannelettes, lin-
,/ported, beautifu colors -in stripes, at
dashed stripe and fancy pattern, special
file a. yard. 72 ,,,inch Table Linen,
special 40c a yard. 26 inch Gray
Flannel, twilled or plain, 15c a yard,
Factory Cottons, 36 inch, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7c
a yard. White Cottons specials, 5e.
6e, 7c, 8c, 91c. Special iVhite Batton
Comforters, P.N. Special Flannel'
Blankets, 75c a pair.
1 Under the power of sale conteined in certain
mortgages, which will be reduced at the time of
sale. - There will be offered for este by Public, Auction
at the Commercial Hotel. in tne Town of &senile
tioneer, the following lands, vlz. : First—The west
half of Lot number 24, in the third Concession of the
Township of Bibbed, 50 acre& Second—The east
half of Lot number 24. lo the third Concession, of
the Township of Bibbed, 50 acres.
TERMS OF SALE —The purchaser will be re-
quired to psy to the Vendors or their Solicitor a
deposit equal to ten per cent. of the purchase money
on the day of sele,and the balsam of thesaid minima!,
money in 80 days thereafteewithout interest. F'urther
partioubtra and oonditions of side may be obtained
on application to the undertigned.
Sesiorth. October 13'1.1897.
k: 1857-8
American Lady Corsets, special_ 75c ;
Rose Corsets, worth 75e; special 50e.
Hosiery Gloves and TJnderwear in end-
less variety,Severa1 specials to be found
in each line. See them.
Millinery Department.
Under the Management of Miss Mc-
Dougall, will be thoroughly Up-to-date
in every particular. We have made a
lame trazie in this department, with the
ne; cash prices on Millinery.
Dress Goods and !Silks.
Bookley Cloths, the new thing for
$9.50 fot a Dress. Covert Dress Goods,
special, itt 5be a yard; Tweeds, from
$1.25 to $6 for Dress. Fancy Black,from
$2.50 to $10 for Dressy. Cashmeres
and Heuriettas, all wool, imported,25c,
Silks in shot effects and fancy designs,
for Waists and Trimmings, 19e, 30e,
Black Silks for Dress purposes, at 50e,
Flannelette Wear, Readyraade
Gowns at 4:5c, 50c, 65e, 79c, 89n,98e,to
to $1.75. Drawers in Children's and
Be sure and visit our bargain table.
-ss es
Beldings Wash Art Silks, 4c a skein,
45e a dozen.
See our Sideboard Covers, Center
Pieces, Doylies, Pillow Shams, etc.,
very cheap.
rola SALMI
We have determined to sell to the highest bidder
the followng properties :—
Parcel 1—Lot 25, Concession 2, hicKillop, knew/
as the old (Ruff farm of 100 acres. A niagnifietent
farm with splendid buildings and thoroughly drain-
ed. Just outeide Seaforth town Melte,
Parcel 2—Part of Lot 25, Concession 1, IfeKiltop,
including barn and about 60 acres. DOeBnot include
house grounds atd orchard. The very • best bullaiog
—1°taParincelleatif—"Lotbi 25, Cencession 2, Hibbert. 100 scree.
A very rich piece of land, about 8 miles from Sea -
forth. and about 4 from Dublin.
Parcel 4—Part of Lae 10, Concesedon 1, Tucker -
smith, 22 acres, south and east of Coleman's Sew -
roil!, Sesforth.
Parcel 5—Kidd Salt Worlcs property, Dublin, 8
Parcel 6—Manhunt's Salt Works property. Sete
forth, 7 Lots.
Parcel 7—Part of Blook F., Seaferih, lying north
of Water Werke _
Fermi 8—Lots 101, 102, Goeinlock Survey, Seat
forth, with fine dwelling home end all conveniences.
Parcel 9—Drill Shed, Sesforth.
Parcel 10—Lot 142, Gouinlook Survey, See -forth.
Parcel 12—Lot 14, Colemen's Survey, Seaforth.
Parcel 13—Lot 17, Coleman's Survey, Seeforth.
Pewee 11—Lot 18, Coleman/3 Suryey, lileaforth.
Tiered 15—Lots SS, 89, 68, d4, 62. -Coleman's
Survey, with dwelling house, and convenienoet,
Parcel 16 --Lots 31, 31. Coleman'', Sarney, with
dwelling house, and all conveniences.
Parcel 17—Lot 41, Jervite survey, Seaforth.
Parcel 18—Lot 42, Jarvis' Survey, Seaforth,
Pavel 19—Lot 167; jarvie Survey, Staforth.
• The above v,111 he *old es above seated to the
highest bidder, We are prepared to talk business to
bidanydoenr.e who wants to get property cheap. If we fail '
to sell any of tie Above properties by Ctottiber 9th,
1897, we will then smithy Auction b the bighcot
Wo beg to announeerthat Nome of the above pro
pertiee are still unso14, On some of thee we have
received snob offers as to justify the -belief that they
will be sold privately before the day *et IOW the auc-
tion sale. As per our advertisement of the last few
weeks, we are now going to MI thole properties
which will temain unsold on the day of the auction -
tale, The sale will take plaoe on SATURDAY,
October 80th, 1897, at Sesforth. See bills. Fain-
/ono:tatters can be had at our office,
The Estate of T, T. COLEMAN, Sesforth.
Furs we will this season handle all
-kinds Of Ladies' Fur at the closes Fos -
Mantles Made to Order.
sible priees. See them.
The day of Readymade Mantles is
fast passing away, the high prices, the
poor wear, etc., is changing the trade.
Get our prices, see our styles, handle
our cloths, before buying a Jacket or
Cape for the Fall, fit guaranteed, or no
sale prices, from 15 to 30 per cent.
less than readymade garments.
Chenille Curtains, Lace Curtains all
kinds of Draperies ; Art Sateens ;
Kepi ; Cretons, and Art Muslin.
Try our Store for good goods, at the
closest possible prices.
Cardno's Block
Under Town Clock
Every woman likes something light and
.eomfortable in the slipper line
to wear around the house, This
store is headquarters for cheap
Slippers, as there prices will
testify :
Woman's Cloth Slippers, rivetted soles
only 15 cents.
Woman's Tweed Slippers, sewn soles, only
19 eents.
Woman'e Carpet -Slippers, sewn Eden only
- 25 cents.
Woman's Leather Slippers, sewn soles, only
45 cents.
Woman's Felt Slippers, warm lined, only
50 cents.
Woman's Felt Slippers, elastic in front, only
75 cents.
Woman's Felt House Bootie fur tops, only
Woman's Felt Shoo -Fly Slippers (new) only
Woman's Felt Inlets, large buttons On tide,
Woman's Fine Kid Shoo -Fly Slippers (new)
With such a large range of- Slippers, at
such -reasonable prie,es _no wo-
man should go Siipper'less this