The Huron Expositor, 1897-10-15, Page 8e
CTOBER, 15 1897
mplete line of COE1I
aok Staves, with or-
xs,. of the best makers,.
a in Parlor. Stove
of Builders' Rarel-
Ear furnace work.
efore purchasing.
Stand, Beaforth,-
repare for summer, anel
d now _a full line
ade from the beet
the best workmen.
'e our stook before
MED, 1873.
'times, we have con-
4as awl Organs at
claced: Price5.
and npwardS,1 I I
tsponding pric6_
rniture, Organ
Ut for the best place oie bu
•eription and trunks, ttav
rx a first-class saddlery sbOPp
Bedrooni and Parlor
House Furniture, Veido-w
!el-- go to H. WELL, Earlobe
hey buy your Organs where -
14 of the best matinfactuee.
lock at rock bottom Tolosa.
Ontario- 16254.L
Our new fresh and clean stook Of
kiessonable goods, bought close, :se-
lected with good judgment as to
quality, and in good taste and 4.
penance. You will find many
pular attractions in the line of
te, Shoes and Rubbers, which
or variety and completeness is the
-eery best, and affords a wide range
- -for satisfactory selection of the beat
goods to be found in the leading
markets. We guarantee that every
article in our stock has got the
statue in it, and. is worth every cent
IA the price asked: We sell the•
'kind of goods that improve on close
inspection, and stand you like a
brother. We make every prce
'nit as low as it can be made for an
oust article. Yen will find us
on, the rockbottom 'basis, and our
goods always low ire price.
Richardson &
- 4
1714.2e WAN
-, ..
1 , . INDIAN TEA -:
A-'-';) .."4.1.'"wvi. All"LuTitYPim '
ASMA.10.1FACTUffff iON Mt :
':j -.*. !Is:. ' ,ff.asetarms arjidotA. '
We always keep a stock of this noted Blend
of Tea on hand, also the
RAI and get a sample package as we Ithink
it will suit you. We offering a five
seemd package of
JAPAN TEA FOR 5($c.---
in the Crockery line we have openedsome
eiew liners in
Dinner, Toilet- Sets
'Which we are offering at prices to snit the
We are anxious to show you our goriers but
we ask for your patronage only when they
ve complete satisfaction.
3oods Delivered with Promptiess.
best mace In Ameiica for young men and
women to secure a Business Education. Shor4tianci,
Mechanical Drawing or Penmanship. Thorough sys-
.tein of Actual Business., Session entire year. Stndents
..legin any time. Catatoime Free. Reference, all
Detroit JEWELL. Pre. 1 It. SPENCER, Sec.
Steam Boiler Works.
Suocemor to Chrystal & Black,
anufeeturers of all kinds of Stationary
Marine, Upright & Tubular
it Paniama ke Stacks, Shoot Iror Works,
etc., eto.
Also dealers n Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve
news. Automatic Cut -Oft Enginee a spe.oialty. All
las of pipe and pipe -fitting oonstantW on, hand
IdInedes turnished on (Mott notice.
Worsa-opeasise G. T. R. station. Goderieh.
Mortgages. Redeye your interest. i Save
money. Any terms desired. Business pr -
'ate. Nodelay. Charges low. No 1 costs
incurred unless loan is granted Satiefaction
gualanteed, or no loan. L(m.ns arranged
with local agents.. Agents wanted. (rail or
en•rite. Enelose stamp. E. It. REYN9LDS,
102. Church Street, Torontot.
TilciEillop Directory for 1896
JOHN MOR.RISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. O.'
WILLIAM ARCHIBALD, Deputy -Reeve Lea&.
bury p.
McGAVIN. Councillor, Leadbury P. 0:
JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Councillor, Beachwood
DANIEL MANLEY, Counoillor, Beechwood I'. 0.
-JOHN 0. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. O.
AVID M. ROSS, Tresaurer, Winthrop P. ).-
M. EVANS, Assessor, Reeehwood P. 0.
CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seatorth P. O.
RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead -
I Ury P. G.
We want the services of a number of fam-
ilies to do work for us at home, whole! or
Spare time. The work wesend our work -
era 18 quickly and easily done, and re -
`limed by parcel post as finished. Pay
to t10 per week. For particulars ready
toe commence send name and address. TIM
a. A. SUPPLYCo., Box 265, LONDON, OM'.
./143' number of Cedar Posts, for 'ale at
P. Keating's Lumber Yards,
:tPiZite L. McDonald's wagon shop, on the corner
erich and East William: Streets P. KEAT-
G, Seatorth. 1529-tt
I have been troubled for three
years with Dropsy. Could not
get any relief. My limbs were
sWollen to a size I could not
Ist. I was advised to use
odd's Kidney Pills. I have
only used two boxes and I am'
completely cured. I have no
objection in allowing you to
publish this so as to help others.
I remain, yours,
- Ottawa, Ont.
DOdd's Kidney -Pills
' Always Cure Dropsy.
She j won Cxpooitor.
[]he following locals were intended
for 1 last week, but were received too
late.] •
• BREEZY LOCALS.—Mr. Thomas Clark has
the,contract for doing pome much needed
repairs and improvements to the Methodist
chant'. The town hall is being used for
service during the time the repairs are being
made. Mr. Clark recently completed work
of a similar kind at Cole's church, for which
he received great praise. -70a Sunday
Revds. Messrs. Graham, of Bayfield, and
Shaw, of Egmondville, exchanged pulpits.
It being the anniversary serdrices at Bethany
appointment, meetings were held morning
and evening there, and at Bayfield in the
afternoon. -J. G. Stanbury, 13. A., who has
been spending his holidays at home, has re-
turned to Toronto to attend the lecture in
Osgoode Hall. -Mr, John Tippet has moved
his harness and shoe stoek across to his new
shop adjoining his residence. -Councillor
Bailey met with a pnful accident on Satur-
day last. Planks were being removed from
the 'top of a stack oft wheat, preparatory to
threshing, when one of them struck his legs,
badly bruising them.
YAST AND PRESENT. -W.C, Cleave accom-
panied by John Rewick, were the guests of
Mise L. Horner, on Sundaylasa-Miss
Annie Ducharme, of Detroit, s in the vil-
lage visiting her grand parents. -Mr. Wil-
liam J. Howard accompanied by Mr. Peter
Durand succeeded in capturing three
racoons in Mr. John Elgie's bush last Wed-
nesday night. -Mr. Joe Ran and several
others, were returning from picking cran-
berries when their horse got frightened and
ran away while going through Blake. -Mr. H.
Talbut our noted thresher, is recovering
-from his late sickness slowly but surely and
will soon be at work again. -Mr. H. Rau
harvested sixteen loads of clover off four
acres of land, and in one head he counted
one hundred and. ten grains. -Mr. William
Denomy, of Courteight, has moved to a
little farm near our village,where he intends
to reside thereat of his life.
Nores.-The annual meeting of the
Brucefield branch of the British and Foreign
Biblesociety will be held in the Presbyter-
ian church on the evening of Thursday, Oc-
tober 21st. Addresses will be given by Mr.
Shaw, of Egmondville; Mr. Henderson, of
Hensall,and Mr. Muir and Mr. Burton who
are vice-presidents will also give short talks
on the work. Suitable music will be fur-
nished by the church choir. -The Christian
Endeavor Society at their last business
meeting decided to raise the sum of $50 to
aid in clearing off the deficit in the For-
eign tnission work of the Presbyterian
church. -Mr. Beverly Ketchen, left here on
Friday last to attend Knox College in To-
ronto. -Mr. James Foote lefe on Monday
with the same object in view. We wish
our young friends every success in their
chosen' life work. Both were members .of
the Christian Endeavor and will be greatly
missedi-Dr.Hugh Ross spent Sabbath with
friends; here. -The last sale of cheese from
the Brueefield factory realized 9g cent per
lb. This is one of the best managed fac-
tories in the county as evidenced by the
good prices obtained for their. cheese.
School Reports.
ETit4.e.-Roport of senior department of
Ethel, public school for the month of Sep-
tember is as follows; Fifth class -Maggie
Davis, Wilbur Lindsay* Willie Spence, Lily
Dobson. John Lindsat , Olive , Qaerrin,
Senior fourth- Cora Sanders, Claude
Walker, Eddie Milne. Jr. fourth -Mary
MeBlain, Ida Cole, Howard McAllister,
Carl *Allister, Emma Imlay, Edna Ray-
nard, Willie Lindsay, Willie Dowdell. Sr.
third. -Mamie Hansuld, Bernice Slemmon,
Helena 1Barr, Willie Eckmier, Maud Bad-
gley, Ella Eckmier,Ja.mes Richardson, Mary
Kleinschroth, Adam Fletcher. Jr. third-
Maudie Querrin, Bessie Wanner, Eva Cole,
Stella D,unbar,Henry Querrin, Minnie Bate-
man„M innie Diemert,Mabel Coats, W. Coats,
Percy Greensides, Eva McAllister, Jennie
McBlaiS Tom Fogel, Oliver Lindsay, Fred
Diemert, Sam Kleinschroth, Gordon Imlay,
Walter Savage.
NOTES, -The scholars of sehool section
No. 10, lfsborne, presented their teacher,
Mr. Fred Hackney, with an address and a
shaving eap and brush encloaed in a hand-
some bo, on Wednesday of last week. Mr.
Ilackneei was completely taken by surprise.
Mr. Tom, the inspector, being present,
made a I reply. The following day Mr.
HadkneY treated the echolars to nuts and
candies. He leaves far the medical school,
Detroit,. We wish Iftin success in his new -
sphere of labor. Miss Ford, the new teach-
er, comuienced her duties on October lst.-
There deiparted this life, on Saturday, Oc-
tober 2ad, Mr. John Glenn, of this place, at
,the advanced age of 87 years. The funeral
took plage on Monday to MeTagga.rt's ceme-
tery. It was a very large funeral, people
being present from Brussels, Exeter, Varna,
Farquhai, and other places. He leaves a
great nu her of relatives, besides his aged
partner. The sorrowing family have the
sympath of the entire neighborhood in
their bereavement.
-The IL Ung of Siam, who has been. visit-
ing in Landon, England, has been the lion
of the week, lunching with the city com-
panies and dining at the Mansion House,but
the novelty of his visit has worn off, and
Chulaiongkorn is generally voted a bore.
His Majesty is reported to be very angry at
the fact that he has not received the Order
Of the Garter. He thought that as the
Tke fare
la ca
• --
Shah of Persia and the Sultan of Turkey
were both Knights of the Garter he ought
to In equally honored, but Queen Victoria
is deternnno4 that only Christian sovereigns
shall hereaf er receive the Order pf the
Garter, as MA knight's oath can only be
taken by a Christian.
The Blyth Show. :
The following is a list of the prize winners
at the Myth show :
HORSES. -Heavy Draught, -Team, James
Forater, C Dale, 3 Shepherd. Brood mare
and foal, G Dale, -J F Dale. Mare foal, not
known, R C McGowan. Horne foal, John
Chisholm,C Wright. Two year old gelding,
lat and 2nd James Cartney. Two year old
filly, N Owning. Yearling gelding, W Mo-
Gaven. Yearling filly, J F Dale, G" Dale.
best four colts foaled in 1897, by any regis-
tered herivy draught horse, A Menzies.
General Purpose, -Team, J & J Taylor,
J F Dale, James Sanderson. Brood mare
having raised foal, George Stephenson, R
Ferris. Mare foal, J F Dale, R Ferris.
Horse foal, 0 Stephenson, T Kernick., Two
year old gelding, C W Taylor. Two year
old filly, J Carling, James McCallum. Year-
ling filly, 0 Dale, C W Taylor. Sweep-
ntaires, J F Dale.
Carriage, -Team, W D Barlett, R Ferris.
Roadster, -Team, W. Weir. Brood mare
and foal, A Smith, A W Sloan. Horse foal,
Scott &Warnock, L' Tasker. Mare foal,
James Smith, A W Sloan, Two year old
gelding, W Weir, F McArthur. Two year
old filly, W Dale. Yearling gelding, Scott
& Warnock, C Dale. Yearling filly, elle
Davis, James Bailey. Single driver in
buggy, R Fitzsimons, N Yellowlees. Sad-
dle horse, J J McLaughlin, H Davis.
CATTLE. -Thoro ugh bred D urhams, -M ilk
cow and calf, James Snell, R Curley. Two
year old heifer; R Curley, James Snell.
Yearling heifer, James Snell, T H Taylor.
Heifer calf, 1st and 2nd James Snell. Bull,
two years and under, James Snell. Bull
calf, lst and 2ad R durley.
Any Other Registered Breed, -Milk cow,
D Denholm, John McGregor. Two year old
heifer, R G McGowan, A Jacobs. Yearling
heifer, John McGregor, R G McGowan.
Heifer calf, D Denholm, 3 McGregor. Bull,
two years and under'R G McGowan, J i.A
Deadman. Bull calf, R G McGowan.
Grade, -Milk cow and calf, Appleby &
Hunter, John Shortreed. Two year old
heifer, Appleby & Hunter D Scott & Sons.,
Yearling heifer, Appleby & Hunter, D
Scott and Sons. Heifer calf, Appleby and
Hunter, D Scott and Sons. Steer calf, John
Barr, A W Sloan. Two year old steer,John
Shortreed lst and 2nd. Yearling steer, Ap-
pleby and Hunter, Heffron Bros. Fat steer,
R Curley. Herd of cattle'Scott a,nd Sons.
SHEEP.-Cotsivold,-Aged ram, James -
Potter. Ram lamb, James Potter. Aged
ewes, James Potter. Ewe lambs, James
Potter. Shearling ewes, James Potter.
Leicester, ---Aged ram, N Cuming, James
Sanderson. Shearling ram, James Sander-
son, John Cullis. Ram lamb, John Culls,
N, Cuming. Shearling ewes, 1st and 2nd J
Snell. Aged ewes, James Snell, James San-
derson. Ewe lambs, N Cuming, James
SueShilit.opshiredowns,-Aged ram,iCooper and
Son, A Duncan. Shearling rami A Duncan,
Cooper and Son. Ram, lambs, Cooper and
Son, A Duncan. Aged ewes, Cooper and
Son, A. Duncan. Shearling ces, Cooper
and Son, A. Duncan. Ewe lir, Cooper
and Son'R B Laidlaw.
Any Other Breed Not Nained,-Aged
ram, James Bailey, James Tabb. Shearling
ram, James Tabb, L Tasker. Ram lambs,
Ii Tasker, J Bailey. Aged ewes, James
Tabb, la Tasker. Shearling e9es, James
Tabb, L Tasker. Ewe lambs, James Tabb,
L Tasker. Fat sheep, ewe or wether'Jae
Sanderson let and 2nd. Pen of Oxford -
down sheep, James Tabb,
PIGS. -Chester White, -Brood sow, W
Daer, John Barr. Spring boar, John Ellis,
II Edwards.
Any Ls.rge Breed, -Aged boar, W W
Fisher, R Nichol. Brood sow, W W Fisher,
W Deer: Spring boar, W W Fisher II
Edwards. Spring sow, R Nichol, v‘I W
Improved Berkshire, -W W Fisher took
second prize for pen of pigs, and W Mc-
Allister took all the other prizes in this
rx.-Fall wheat, James McCallum, S
Furse. Fall wheat, white, S Furse, J Sal-
keld. Red spring wheat, 8 Fume, J Sal-
keld. Winter wheat, 8 Furse, II Edwards.
White fife spring wheat,S Furse. ` Any kind
of fall wheat, 8 Furse J Salkeld. Six -rowed
barley, 8 Furse, J Salkeld. White oats, S
Furse, M H Harrison. Black oats, 8 Furse,
II Edwards. Small peas, S- Furse, J Sal-
keld. Large peas, 8 Salkeld, R 0 Mc-
Gowan. Timothy seed, 8 Furse, J Salkeld.
Flax seed, J Salkeld, S Furse.
ROOTS.-Potaloss, named, W Taylor, R
G McGowan. Early potatoes, W Taylor,
E Haggitt, Collect ion of potatoes, E Hag-
gitt,, Mrs T Hamilton. Field carrots, P
Willows'3 Allanson. Garden red carrots,
J Salkeld, P Willow. Swede turnips, J
Coltes, R 0 McGowan. Any other variety,
0 Fraser, A W Sloan. Collection of garden
produce, 3 Allanson, Walter Taylor. Beets,
W II McUrachen, D Marah, Sugar beets, -J-
B Tierney, Walter Taylor. Mangold wort -
els, W H McCracken'T Salkeld. Man-
gold globe, W H McCracken, J Salkeld.
Pumpkins, E Haggitt,not known. Squashes,
W II McCracken, Mrs Howrie. Red onions,
W II McCracken Walter Taylor. • Yellow
onions, W H McCracken, F Metcalf. Sil-
ver skin onions'F Metcalf, J Atkisson.
Potato onion, W H McCracken, J Atkinson.
White field beans, S Furse, 3 Salkeld.
Corn, J Salkeld, W 0 Watson. Citrons„G
Henry, Mrs T Hamilton. Watermelons,
W II McCracken, J Allanson. Cabbage,
named, J Salkeld, W Gibbs. Red piokling,
J Salkeld, J Allanson. Cauliflower, Wal-
ter Taylor, J Allaason. Cauliflower, W li
McCracken, Walter Taylor. Celery, W
Taylor, J Allanson. Cucumber, W Taylor,
E Haargagvitb.
.DAND PROVISIONS. -Tub butter,fifty
pounds, J McCallum A Carr, J Coltes.
Tub butter, not leas than forty pounds, Mrs
T Hamilton. Tub butter, fifty pounds' Mrs
T Hamilton. Twenty pounds of crookbut-
ter, A Carr. Butter in one pound prints, J
Barr, J Stewart. Factory cheese, D Mc-
Kellar. Fifty-six pounds of butter, George
Watt. Dairy cheese, Miss Symington, Mrs
McKenzie. Extracted honey, J Richmond,
M Hammond. Honey in comb, W Hartry.
Home made bread, 0Powell, J L Dale.
Plain tea biscuits, J Barr,' J Denholm.
Maple _sugar, A Carr, W II McCracken.
Maple syrup, A Carr, J McCallum. Col-
lection of canned fruit, Miss Nett, W H
McCracken. Home made grape wine, R 0
McGowan, Mies H Wise. Tomato cutsup,
W Taylor, W II McCracken. Mixed pick-
les, Miss Symington'Mrs Hele. Pickles,
any other kind, Mrs Howrie, Mrs. T Hamil-
ton. Basket of eggs, A Carr, .
POULTRY. -Bronze turkeys, D Showers, G
Irwin. Any kind of turkeys, G Irwin.
Large breed of geese'G Irwin, D Showers.
Rouen ducks, W Wallace, W Irwin. Any
kind of ducks, lst and 2nd G Irwin. Leg.
horns, W Taylor, Mrs Howrie. Houdans,
Fairservice Bros. Brahmas, 1st and 2nd 0
Irwin. Black Spanish, G Irwin, W Irwin.
Minorcas, Fairservice Brothers, H Davis.
Homburgs, Mrs Howrie, 3 Sherritt. Lang -
shams, W Taylor Fairservice Brothers.
Dorkings, lst and 2nd G Irwin. Wyan--
Doctors Recommend
Lead Packets only.
205c, 40o, 50o and 60o.
A Dyspeptic?
Emaciated -weary -gloomy. NO one can
adequately describe the abject misery of
the sufferer from Dyspepsia and Indiges-
tion. South American Nervine is tho
greatest discovery In medical science
for the cure of 'all chronic Ettomach
troubles. It acts directly through the
nerves -the seat of all disease. Thous-
ands testify of cures made. Relief from
the first dose.
"I was a great sufferer from
stomach and nerve troubibs. Tried a
score of remedies. No relief. Half a
bottle of South American Nervine
worked wonders. Six -bottles made a
new man of me' "-1-W. Sherman,
Morrisburg, Ont. ,
Don't experiment with maw and
doubtful medicines -Take the tried
and tested. 21
Sold by I. V. Fear and Lumsden & Wilson
dotts, Appleby and Hunter G Irwin.
Andalusians, II Davis'W C Watson.lBlack
breasted red game' I-1 Davis, E Haggitt.
Buff cochins, lst and2nd, G Irwin. Part-
ridge codling'W VVallace. Bantams, G Ir-
win. Polands, E Haggitt. Red caps, W
Wallace, Fairservice Brothers. Plymouth
rocks, H Davis, W C Watson. Colleotion
of pigeons, 1st and 2nd H Davis. Collection
of fowl, G Irwin, Fairservice Brothers.
Geinta fowl, E Haggitt, J Barr.
. INIPLEMENTS. -Lumber wagon, Brunsdon
and Son, Slater and Sims. 1361) sleighs,
Sleter and Sims lst and 2nd. Iron beam
sod plow, Brundson and Sons, ,S Sutton.
Iron beam general purpose plow, C Hamil-
ton, Brunsdon and Sons. Gang plow, C
Hamilton, Brunsdon and Sous. Iron har-
rows; J Phillips. Single open ,buggy, D
Eno, Brunsdon and Sons. Single covered
buggy e J Walker, D Eno. Cutter, D Eno,
Slater and Sims. Set of horse shoes, J
Phillips, Slater and Sims. Set of trotting
horse aloes, J Philipp, Slater and Sims.
Iron pump, D Showers.' Wooden pump, D
Showers, R Morningstar. Farm gate, H
Edwards, J Leary. Stove and furniture'J
0 Moser lst-and 2nd. Fanning mill, W
NitchelL Land roller, S Sutton. Turnip
drill, 0 Hamilton ist and 2n4. Specimen
of Cooper's work, W Taylor. Scuffler,
Brunsdon and Sons, C Hamilton. Churn,
C Hamilton, W Taylor: Twelve assorted
tiles, C Fraser. Post hole auger, J Rich -
mon, C Hamilton. Fastest walking team
of horses, hitched to a wagon and driven
once round the ring, W W Fisher. Mer-
chant making the best display at Agricul-
tural hall during the two days of the fair, 0
Hamilton. TO harness 'horse and hitch to
single rig and drive once around the ring, J
Salkeld, J Bailey.
Tu o OF WAR. -Hullett and Morris vs.
East and West Wawanosh, prize 512'both
sides won one pull and they agreed to de-
clare it a tie.
FRUIT -Winter apples, J B Tyreman,
James Potter. Fall apples, J Potter, A
Carr. Baldwin, C Dale,J 13 Tyreman. King
of Tompkins, J B Tyreman, J McGregor.
Northern Spy, 0 Dale, J Shortreed. Rhode
leland greenings, R G McGowan, A Carr.
Ribston pippin, J Tabb, W Deer. Golden
russet, C Dale, M H Harrison. Roxboro
russet, M H Harrison, J B Tyreman. Seek
no further'R B Laidlaw, A W Sloan.
Swear, A W Sloan. Wagner,' W McIlroy,
J Brigham. Bendavis, A W Sloan, W
Deer. Vandervere, J B Tyreman. Spitz-
enberg, A W Sloan, R 0 McGowan. Tolman
sweets, J B Tyreman, W Deer. Mann* C
.Dale, M II Harrison. Maiden's blush, eT
Brigham, G Quinn. Snow, J Brigham, A
W Sloan. Dachees of Oldenberg, A W
Sloan 5 Purse. Wealthy, Miss Sperling,- r
R 0 iticGowan. Canada. red, J B Tyreman.
R 0 McGowan ; Calvert, 3 Shortreed, J
Brigham. Alexander, A Carr, 3 Potter.
Twenty ounce pippins, A W Sloan, A Carr.
Any other named variety, A Carr, A- W
Sloan. Collection of apples, J Brigham, N
Cuming. . Winter pears, S Furse, W Scotti;
Fall pears A W Sloan, W Deer. Plums, W
II McCraclken, A Jacob. Tomatoes, F Met-
calf, W H McCracken. Collection of fruit,
J 13 Tyreman, Mies Nett. Grapes, .A Jacob,
J B Tyreman. Crabs, T Bradnock, J If
Dale. Peaches, A W Sloan, R B Laidlaw.
M aeareaceuaes . -Ho me made all wool
flannel, Miss 11 Wise, niss Nett. Union
flannel, Mies H Wise, Arm Nett, Horne
made all wool blankets, Mrs T Hamilton,
Miss Wise. Union blankets, Miss Wise,
Mrs D Stewart. Horse blanket, home spun,
J 'McCallum, Mrs D Stew,art. Coverlet,
home spun' '
Miss Wise Mrs D Stewart.
Rag mat, Miss Nott, Mrs. T Hamilton.
Yarn mat, Mrs II R 'Walter, Miss Nott.
Rag carpet, R Sprung, Mrs T Hamilton.
Stocking yarn, home spun, W II McCrack-
en, Mrs T Hamilton. Coarse boots, 1st and
2nii. J Sherritt. Gents' boot, J Sherritt.
Ladies' fur driving mitts, Banton Brothers.
Leather, Balaton Brothers.
LADIES' WORK. -Gents' flannel shirt,
hand made, Miss Nett, Mrs T Hamilton.
Gents' unwashed white shirt, hand made,
Mrs WtMcKenzie, Airs T Hamilton. Gents'
mitts, Mies Symington'W H McCracken.
Pillow shams, Mrs Hele'Mrs 0 Campbell.
Patch quilt in cotton, Aire W McKenzie,'
Miss Symington. Patch quilt in cloth, Nies
Nett, Miss H Wise. Silk qeilt, crazy, Mrs
Hele, Miss Symington. Crochet quilt, Miss
Nett, W H McCracken. Knitted quilt,Mrs
D Stewart, Miss Symington.' Woollen socks
or stockings, Mrs W McKenzie, Mrs T
Hamilton. Braiding, Miss 1 Carder, Miss
Symington. Arasene _work, Miss Syming-
ton Miss Nett. Embroidery on bolting
cloth, Mrs 0 Campbell, MhUi Symington.
Embroidery on silk, Mies Carder,Miss Sym-
ington:- Kensington i embroidery, Mrs
Campbell, Mies Nett. Rennin embroidery.
Mrs Campbell, Mrs II R Walker. Ruler
screen, Mrs Campbell, Ms Hele. Sofa
cushiou, Mrs Campbell, le in Symington,
Fancy panel, Miss Nott, Miss Wise. Piano
scarf, Mrs Campbell, Mrs H R Walker.
Drawn'work, M rs McKenzie Miss Carder.
Honiton, Miss Symington, Mrs Campbell;
recommended Miss Nett. Novelty in fancy
work, W Hartry, Miss Sperling. Crochet
work in silk, Mrs Campbell Miss Carder.
Crochet work in cotton,Mrs rmeKenzie,Nlise
Lane. Crochet work in. wool, Mrs II R
Walker, Miss Nott. Bedroem slippers,Mrs
Campbell, Mies Lane. Fancy toilet set, Mrs
H R Walker, _ Mrs Campbell. Foot stool,
Mrs D Stewart, Miss Carder. Applique
work, Mrs Campbell, Mirs Symington.
Pin cushion,Miss Symiagton Miss Sperling.
Handkerchief case, Miss Ca dere Miss Sym-
ington. Mould work, Mrs Ca,m bell, Miss
Symington. Lady's under ear, Ivi iss Sym-
ington. 1 Knitted lace in cotton, Miss Sym-
ington, Mrs D Stewart., Knitted wool
shawl, Mrs D Stewart, bliss Symington.
Table ma.ts,W flartry, Miss Sperling. Table
doylies, Miss Sperling, Mrs Hele. Batten -
burg lace, Mrs Campbell) Miss Carder.
Glove case, Mrs Campbell, Miss Symington.
Tatting, Mrs Hele, Miss Sperling. Netting,
NV H McCracken, W Hartry. Darkling,
Miss Nott, Mrs Campbell. Collar and cuff
case, Miss Ca.rder,Miss Sy ington. Afgan,
Mrs Hele, Mrs Campbellf. , Table centre
piece, W Hartry, Mrs Hele, Embraidered
table cover,
Miss Wise, Mrs Hee,: Tray
cloth, Mrs Campbell, Mires Sperling: Tea
cosey, Miss Sperling, Miss Symington. Pic-
ture throw, Mrs Campbell Miss Sperling.
Berlin wool work, flat, Mrs Campbell, Miss
Symington. Berlin wool work, raised, Miss
Carder, Mrs Campbell. Lamp screen, Miss
Symington: Miss Carder. 1 Laundry bag,
Mrs H R Walker, Miss Wise. Shopping
bag, Miss Sperling, Mies ymington. Etch-
ing, Miss Nett, Miss Card r. Bed spread,
W Hartry, T Bradnock. Mantel drape, W
If McCracken, Mise Symington. Collection
ladies' work, Miss Nott, Miss Sperling, Mrs
kerchiefs, MiSii Hamilton9Mary Barr. Darn-
ing, Miss Howrie, Miss Hamilton. Crochet
work in wool, Miss Hartry. Crochet work
in cotton, Miss Hamilton. Best dressed
doll, Martha Barr, Miss Hamilton. Wood
work, Miss Eartry. Plain sewing, Mies
Hartry, Sophia Barr,
FLNE ARTS.-Colleetkin oil paintings,Miss
Lane, Miss McKenaie. Collection water
colors, Mrs Campbell, Miss McKenzie. Fig-
ure paintingin oil,ifiss Lane,BI re Campbell.
Figure painting in water actor, Miss Carder,
Mrs Campbell. Animalz, in water color,
Mrs Campbell, Miss McKenzie. Animals in
oil, Miss Lane, Miss Carder. Single pic-
ture in oil, Mrs Campbell,Miss Lane. Single
picture in water color, -Mrs Campbell, Mrs
Hele. Crayon drawing, Mrs . Hele, Miss
Lane. Pencil drawing, Campbell, Miss
Carder. Pastelle, Mrs Campbell, Mrs
Hele. Collection pen and ink sketches, Mrs
Campbell, bliss Lane. Painting on pottery,
Miss Carder, Miss Lane. Hand pairiting on
silk, Mrs Hele Miss Symington. Oilpaint-
ing on glass, bliss Symington, Mise fame.
, Collection of photographs, Miss Sutherland.
PLANTS AND FLOWERS. -Collection of fo-
liage'Dr Carder. Geraniums in bloom, D
Marsh. Fuchias in bloom W Carter, D
Marsh. Hanging basket, kris Carder, D
Marsh. Display of plants in flower, D
Marsh, Miss Carder.
CUT FLOWERS. -Hand bouquet, Miss Met-
calf, Miss Carder. Florid design, lst and
2nd D Marsh. Collection of dahlias, J Den- •
holm. Collection of pansies, A S Dickson,
Slater & Sims.
Grain,e-A Taylor, J Ireland. Roots, -C
Proctor, N Cuming. Dairy, -D E Munro,
Mrs Taylor, Mrs Kelly. Fruit, -A McD
Allan. Manufactures -R Morrison, J
Nieholson. Ladies' Wcrk,-Miss Hislop,
Miss Ella Ross. Fine Arts, -Miss Lizzie
Graham, Miss R Towler. Heavy Horses, --
James Speer, W H Cruickshank. Light
Horses, -D B Kennedy, B Tomlinson.
Cattle, -A Johnstone. Sheep, -Jars, Lanes,
Thomas Anderson. Pigs, -E Bell, J Coulters.
Poultry, -0 C Willson, W Carter, Walter
Coats. Inaplements,-G Rogers,0 Johnston.
Florence Sturdivant, of Grindstone Island,
Saved from an Untimely Death -Her
Parents Saw her Dangerous Predica-
ment, but were Helpless to Aid Her -
How She was Rescued.
Among the Thousand Islands is one called
Grindstone. It is seven miles long and
three wide. The inhabitants of this island
are a well-infonmed class of people who de-
vote their energies to farming and quarrying
for a livelihood. In the home of one of
these islanders resides Florence J. Sturdi-
vant, the four year old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William H. Sturdivant. In February,.
1896, she was taken with scarlet fever, and
after, the usual run of the fever she was left
with a weak back and gradually began to
lose strength, until finally despite the best
efforts of physicians her life hung in the
balance. It was at this crisis, when all
seemed darkest, that an angel of health ap-
peared on the scene and released little Flor-
ence from pain and suffering, and restored
her to strength and health. This remark-
able occurrence is best told in the words of
the father.
Mr.Sturdivant, said: "Florence was taken
sick with scarlet fever and we immediately
Palled a physician. He preseribed for her
and we followed his directions closely, giv-
ing our little patient the beat of care. Af-
ter two weeks the fever subsided, but Flor-
ence was left with a very weak back. Severe
pains were constantly in the back and
stomach. We did all that possibly could be
done to relieve our little sufferer, but to no
avail. The difficulty seemed to baffle the
efforts of the physician.
"Finally at the endof four months of treat-
ment., we found our patient completely pros-
trated. At this time weealled another phy-
sician, who agreed with, the diagnosis of
our own - doctor, and said that the
trouble resulted ?rem the scarlet fever.
He prescribed a course of treatment and we
followed it faithfully for three months, but
instead of improving, Florence failed.
"Mrs. Sturdivant and myself were com-
pletely diecouraged. A brother of my wife,
who was visiting us, advised us to use Dr.
Williams' Pink Piths for Pale People, and I
purchased a box of the pills and began to
give them to Florence. This was in Octo-
ber, 1896. After using the pills a short
time we could see an improvement. Her
strength began to return and she would sit
up in bed. Her appetite was restored and
she ate heartily. We also noticed a grad-
ual brightness in her eyes.
"We eagerly purchased a further supply
of pills and watched with delight -the change
for the better that was being wrought
daily. From sitting up in bed at times
during the day and at times standing on her
feet, Florence became strong enough to walk
a little. She gained in flesh and strength
rapidly and the pains gradually left her. In
a month's time she had recovered her` health
and strength.
"Wo cannot praise too highly the value
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I am positive
that without their 1186 our child would have
been to -day in the same sad condition of
her early sicknessi=-a confirmed invalid -if
indeed she had had the strength to with-
stand so long the ills of her affliction."
Subscribed and sworn to before- me this
sixth day of April, 1897.
H. W. Monse, Notary Public.
An Illustrious Family.
The lady referred to in the following was,
for 64 years, a resident of Porter's Hill in
Goderieh township, and was mother of Mr.
William McDougall of Egmondville. -She
died a few weeks ago. The following will
be of interest to many of deceased relatives
and friends: Mrs. McDougall was the eldest
daughter of the late Donald Stewart, Esq.,
tacksman of Luskintyre'Harris, Scotland,
and for many years factor over the estate,
five of which were under the late MacLeod,
of Harris, and afterward under the earl of
Dunmore, who purchased that estate from
MacLeod's trustees over 60 years ago.' Mr.
Stewart was a man of great business ability,
of great energy and tact in his day. He
had no peer as a stock raiser in the north,
while tackman at Luskintyre. The Eldgh-
land black cattle and black -faced shee'p al-
ways realized the highest prices, and carried
off first prizes at the annual markets
throughout the north. Ur. Stewart's house
was celebrated for its hospitality and kind-
ness to the poor. He respected and befriend-
ed the people of God and was noted for his
generosity and goodness of heart towards
many who were at that time persecuted for
righteousnese sake. Of his once large and
highly respected family, only four survive
Mrs. McDougall. Alexander, the eldest son, was
successively factor of Lewis under Lady Hood
McKenzie, and over the weet side of Lord
Reay's country in Sutherland. Unlike the
majority of factors in those days, especially
in the Highlands, Alexander Stewart 'ad-
vocated the interests tenantry. He reduced
what he considered too high rents, cancelled
old arrears and fixed fair rents. His memory
• is still iragraat among the old people who
remember him. His death in the prime of
life and in the midst of his usefulness was
deeply lamented. Dr. Robert Stewart died
a few years after he had finished his medical
course.. He practiced medicine in Harris
and in Stornoway:, Dr. Stewart was con-
sidered the -handsomest man in the
north,and he was certainly as gener-
ous as he was handsome. William Stewart,
supposed by many to be the flower of the
family, at least the most amiable in disposi-
tion, took to the sea,. He was both captain
and owner of the ship with which he traded
between the West Indies and the Mother
Country. When on a homeward voyage an
attack of yellow fever ended his promising
life, and he was buried at sea. Donald
Stewart, the fourtheson, a choice Christian,
as Rutherford wouid say, and according to
apostolic times, forsook all things and fol-
lowed Christ. He had been in Australia for
some years, engaged in missionary work,
returned home shortly after the death of his
father. He again devoted his time and
energy entirely to evangelistic work con-
nected with the Free Church of Scotland, in
the West Highlands principally. He never
accepted any remuneration in the shape of
salary or donations. He built and aided in
building school and missionhouses in remote
places, all out of his own private means.
His prepossessing appearance, gentle and
mild, and heavenly conversation, distin-
guished him wherever he went. He died
about six years ago, scarcely old. His sud-
den deatheivhen on a preaching tour around
the Clyde, was a severe loss to the church
and to his country: His name will long be
remembered. where he labored so faithfully
and so diligently for about 40 years. The -
only son living is John Stewart, Esq., pro-
prietor of Ensay and Pabby, two islands in
the Sound of Harris. He is the only one of
the family who followed in his father's foot-
steps. He still exhibits prize stock
throughout the North, winning first prizes
year after year at all the annual markets.
A son of this John Stewart visited his aunt
at Porter's Hill, a few years ago, then a
lieutenant and now a captain in the British
army. William Stewart aLsci paid a visit to
his sister at Porter's Hill a fewyears after
she had settled there. Mrs. MeDougall
paid one visit to Harris about 25 Years ago,
and was there received like a princess of
the blood royal. The mail steamer by which
she travelledfrom Glasgow to Harris, on
entering East Loch Tarbart, was gaily
decorated, and, with flags flying and firing
of cannon, announced to the inliebitants
that the late Donald Stewart's eldest daugh-
ter was on board. The town was decorated
and the people turned out en masse to re-
ceive Mrs. McDou all, and give her a right
royal and warm Highland welcome. Mea.
McDougall never forgot this reception to
her native land.
Possesses the following
Distinctive Merits :
Delicacy ' of Flavor,
Superiority in Quality.
Nutritive Qualities Unrivalled.
In Quarter -Pound Tins only., ,
JAMES EPPS & CO., LTD. Horiceoparino CIMUIST13,
LONDON, EktELAND. 1657'26 '
Beware of .Cocaine.
Thomas Heys, Analyt
terra Cure for OJceine and any of its compeunds
from eamples purchased in the open market, and:
find none present." Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure is it
cure -not a drug. Price 25 cents, blower included.
" ______•aicChemist, Toronto, says
I have made an examination of Dr. Chase's Ca-
Undoubtedly the Best.
• Gentlemen' -I wish to say that Dr. Fowler's Ex-
tract* of WildStrawberry has proved it wonderful
remedy in my family. We would not be
for twice it, wice. 1 say it is the best (not merely
one of the best -hut the best) me Moine ever brought
before the public for summer complaint or diarrhoea
either in children or adults. -
Lieense Commissioner, Strathclair, Ont.
Away Down East.
From east to west people have heart trouble. - This
causes violent headaches, neuralgia, netve trouble
and prostration. Says Mee. Somers, of Moncton;
N.B.:, " I tried many remedies but never found any-
thing' to give me such promet relief as Milburn's •
Heart and Nerve Pills have done. I suffered from '
the above symptoms, but now gledly testife to the
cure these wonderful pills -have made in my caee,and
1 hops all sufferers will try them." -
Providence Thanked.
It is with pleasure that 1 recommend B. B. B. for
the cure of indereetion and impure blood. I had
tried in any medleinee but received no benefit until,
I thank Providence, I wee advised to use B. B. B.
and ib was with perfeet sueeese.
Oshawa, Ont.
Two Bottles Cure Pimples.
Gentlenueo-For a long time I had pimples break-
ing out all over my face. - f was told about B. B. B.,
and started its me. Altar taking one bottle I was.
much better, and the secand bottle made a complete
cure. I have recommended it to others of my
frien-le, E nd they have feund it uniformly satiefec-
. A. F. BEST,
Whitebread, Ont.
Pain in the Back.
Mr. M.P.flelpie. Brockille, Ontario, makes a st at e-
ment as folinws "Far two years tuffered train
kidney trouble, causing severe pain 'across my beck,
dizziness, headache, sleeplessness, etc. I had often
to lean on the counter when serving a customer. so
intense was the pain in my back. On taking Dasn's
Kidney Pills 1 improved from the very firet, and now
after using three boxers am all right ; all my pains,
aches and dizziness having disappeared, thanks to
Doan's Pills."
Pleasant, Pure and Healthful,
Phrenoline Gulrtreut
Rheumatic Sciatia,utLauundibego
A sure cure for
Headache Dizziness,
Constipation, Indi-
gestion, Biliousness;
Pheeneline Bright's Disease,.
Pille. G°1CilljeUisi°nest'e.,lierer.t
Diabetes, Paralysis,
Manufactured on Honor:and Sold
on Merit.
-Sold in Seaforth by J. S. ROBERTS, only.
IMPLEMENTA.-Mr.Wm. MoCloy has been
instructed by Mr. Alex. eforrieon, to sell by Public
Auction on Lot 20, Concession 12, Ribbed, on Mon.
day, October 18th, 1897, at 1 o'clock p. sharp,
the following valuable proporty, viz. :-Horses.-0n
breeding mare five years old, supposed to be in foal
to Ohmic& ; I mare eight years old, supposed to be
in foal to Rakerfield ; 1 foal aired by Joe Anderson,
1 horse 7 years old. Cattle -Two cows supposed to
be in calf, 2 heifers two years old, 3 steers two years
fat cow, 2 yearling steers, 1 yearling heifer.
calves. Sheep and Pigs.-TwO breeding ewes, 1
breeding EOW, 6 pige three months old. Also Moue
30 hems. Implerneets.-One lumber wager', 1 pair
bobsleighs, 1 binder, 1 mower, 1 sulky rake, /
general purpose plow, 1 gang phi*, 1 set iron har-
rows, 1 hay rack, 1 gravel box 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1
root pulper, 1 horse ;rawer anijack, 1 tanning mill,
1 sugar kettle, 1 cook stove, 1 goat robe; 1 land rol-
ler, 1 seed drill, 1 set double team harness, 1 set
p'ow harness, 1 eet single harness, a No. 2 Oke
barrel churn, and a lot of sniall articles, such as AM
usually found about a farm. The whole will pos-
itively be sold without reserve, as the proprietor is
giving up the farm. Terms. -All sums of $5 and
under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit
will be given on furnishing approved. joist notes. A
diecount at the rate ot 5 canto on the dollar will be
allowed off for cash on credit amounts. ALEX-
ANDER MORRISON, Proprietor. The Farm, con-
sisting of 100 acres, the property of Mr. Daniel Mo.
Naughton, will he offered for sale at the same time.
There are AO acres cleared and in a good state of
cultivation, and with good buildings. Possession at
any time. Terms of farm made known on day of
sale. W. McCLOY, Auctioneer. 1556-2
Wide Awake.
I will quote you a few of the many
cheap articles I am now selling: Five .
lbs. Raisins for 25c ; fiee cans of Corn
for 25c fivepackages of Corn Starch
for 250; six lbs. of Figs for 25o: five
lbs. of Prunes for 25c; four lbs. Cali-
fornia Pitted Plums for 25e; a fresh lot
Apricots at 100 a lb., or 3 lbs. for 250
a. few gallons of pure Maple Syrup at
25e a quart. When you want any kind,
of Tea, A. G. Ault's tea store is the
right place -you can always depend on
getting it good. Also a new lot of
China, Crockery and Glassware just
arrived, at very low prices. A call is
solicited from all.
A. G. AULT, CAth.
T. Re F. CASE & COu
Of the Seaforth Peeking House ure pre-
pared to handle any quantity of Hogs,
Live or Dress, for which they will pay
the highest market price. Will have
man call on any parties having live Hogs
to dispose of, if notified. For par-
ticulars call at Retail Store, Carmicheel's
13Iock, Seaforth.
T. R. F. CASE & CO.
house grounds and orchard. The very best building
Parcel 8 -Lot 25, Concession 2, Ribbed, 100 acres.
as the old Cluff farm of 100 acres. A magnificent
lots in Seaforth.
farm With splendid building. and thoroughly drain -
including barn and about 60 acres. Does not include
Lf oorppitsaha'rr,ce
the following properties :-
ed. Just outside eleaforth town limits.
A very rich piece ef lead, about 3 utiles from Sea -
smith, 22 acres, eouth and east of Coleman's Saw-
mill, Seaforth.
forth, and About 4 from Dublin.
Pared 4 -Part of Lot 10, Conceseion 1, Tucker -
Parcel 1 -Lot 25, Concession 2, Mcleillop, known
We have determined to sell to the highest bidder
Parcel 2 -Part of Lot 25, Concession I, MoKillop,
Parcel 6 -Kidd Salt Works property, Dublin, at
e71 L06-trerchant's Salt Works property, See -
el 7 -Part of Block F., Seaforth, lying north
of Water Works,
Parcel 8 -Lots 101, 102, Gouinlock Survey, Sea -
forth, with fine dwelling house and all conveniences.
Parcel 0 -Drill Shed, Seaforth.
Pamel 10 -Lot 142, Gouinlock Survey, Seaforth.
Parcel 11 -Lot 163, Gouinlook 8 orvey, Seaforth.
Parcel 12 -Lot 14, Coleman's Survey, Seaforth.
Parcel 13 -Lot 17, Coleman's Survey, Seaforth.
Penal 11 -Lot 18, Coleman's Survey, Seaforth.
Parcel 15 -Lots 37, 33, 39, 63, 64, 66, Coleman's
Survey, with dwelling houeo, and all convenienoet.
Parcel 16 -Lots 81, 32, Coleman's Survey, with
dwelling house, and all convenienees.
Parcel 17 -Lot 41, Jarvie' Survey, Seaforth.
Parcel 18 -Lot 42, Jarvis' Survey, Seaforth.
Pavel 19 -Lot 157, Jarvis' Survey, Seaforth.
The above will he sold as above stated to the
highest bidder. We are prepared to talk business to
any one who wants to get properly cheap. If we fail
to sell any of the above properties by October 91h,
1897,, we will then sell by Auction te the highest
• These properties will be aold by October 9th„
1897. i The Estate of T. T. COLEMAN, Seaforth.
/.1 )549.2
System Renovator
A specific and antidote for Impure Weak and IM-
poveriehed Blood, Derepepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss
of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption Gall Stones,
Jaundice, Ki ,ney and Urinary Dieka!ses, St. Vitus'
Dance, Female Irtegularieles and General Debility.
LABORATORY-Goderich, Ontario.
3. M. MeLEOD, Proprietor and Mann
Sold byl.T. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth.
Barr's Dye Works
R. II. Barr has removed has Dye Works to
And would take this -opportunity to thank his num-
eroue customers for their liberal patronage since
coming to Seaforth, and to inform the public gener-
ally that I am now in it better position than ever to
give my customers satiefaction, So bring along
your clothes and have them Cleaned or Dyed for
Fall and Winter. "
R. H. BARR, Seaforth.
The McKillop Mutual Firs
Insurance- Company.
Geo. Watt, Preiddent, Mario& P. 0.; W. G.
Broidfoot, Vioe-President, Seaforth P. 0.; •W. a.
Shannon, fleoy-Treas. stadia' P. 0.; Michael
Murdie, Inspector of L'&osses, Seaforth P. 0.
W. G. Broadfoot, Seatorth; Alex. Gardiner, Leads
bury; George Dale, Seaforth; Thomas E. Ham
Seaforth; M. Mardis, Seafortb Time: Garbutt,
Clinton; Thoma. Meer, Brimfield ; John B. Mc-
Lean, Hippen.
Thos. Names, Harlook ; B.obt. McMillan, Sesiortis
Jamul Cumming, Egmondville; John Govenlock an
John C. Morrison,sudions.
Pasties desirous to effect fairnranoei Or inn*
'et other businesswill be promptly attended lb ea
application to any of the above officers, addressed it
Weir respective pod offleoa.