HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-10-15, Page 1-
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't of Mautles ever IM. 15, - I
U is thn't shown � .., illl::i��
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here , � _77- . .
direct from the maker ".. �. BTR _TEL&R.
� .
01 __ cash, puts us in ak .� - F
lowest Idntle prieft .... . A - - f �G�LR IflUMBERs 19M . I
�. - - —
Stylet, right, v .... I.. .
I , &Ina& -I' —
I'll - -1 I .
I. -
it amortment,i iva no� 1111 -I - _. - I -
Msium is , �
.coming, tbis. 'A,
I -
me- -are bringing 1b. .- ,�.
, - . . re Yo
dantles� six buttons, - - -
trimmed, $3.5% . I . .
� I
. -
.'Own shades, six law � . . . MUCH OF A . . W
� � verlyserviceable, gar- �_"X.
� � , __ I . I
. �
. .... . __
. ....
� q r
� - Mantlest thrlw, larW � i t i � .
* I 11 . .
ills military, 'ancl, . T . I .
; �
around collj�j an& . , I .
, �� �
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�iue at M50. . - I
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' � . ; I �
� I
. -
. I .
-1 -
' . - � I . 9
3 I I
�' __ large ,buttons - � I _. . I I K �
21 I �� � � : 11,
�;dst=hl!01301out $6.50. �, : , T h ER
, � - I
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� I .'�.
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� �
Beave" maa�17 - - I I I
!r c . .
, h, 1) =1 r ,
. , wrr irort -
- I . .
�F u_'�V., niggerhead,_. � �J -1 ww,w I
tt,p sizes three to- six, , I
, I
- I
ei $3.35 to $4.50. ' i
. I M .1;
Qth Alantles, . dcuble, , 11 I I
wilar, six - large, ivory, I - . �
Win and serviceable � ; I
I : I . � .
.... I I I �
I I I 'LOOK 'i
. - 1,
. -
�Xed Tweed Mantles �� I I I I
� . I I
� .
D114r, small but '
I tonal � � . ;
I :
� �
I . t -
I buy a Coat is, , , I � I
, 4OW01, � .
. .
to beat, and befoze, the. . . . HERE.. I
tone- . --
I .
. I - I
for brand new I "Oods" I � . : �
. .
A they're low el lough.. - I � — j -
. . a i
` whila� buying b ere ilt " � - ' Are you much of a talker I If a. : has ,
16 else. . . I
i I
I -
. it ever occurred to yon how
I -_ - I
I ide',.ry Barjai � : - - � much you say in a dAy I nd,
L in, ,1 I I again, have you- ever thiught
- . �
� -
I Xibbed C"bmere - .1� - - how much of that talk was
. ' -
v. �xet, of travellers. - - I
. - - � .- entirely unnecessary and super -
.r little more than half : -.. fluous 7 Everybody does. a lot
� - . -
I of very idle talking, in any
"NMM-" . . cases just to use up the ime.
- - As it ia with you, so it III � be
is Bros, .., - -1 . I - with us, except—and the is
. . always room for . an except. � =
: 1 . � I - . what we say in our adve rtise-
TON'. I rt
7 , . � ment& In these we are ialk-
I —_ . I I . ing business, and there is no.
I - � i : but
! . n
Ls returned to Michi. time or place for amnytWn
. 3.
ties as teacher.—,Miw,, straight business talk here We
� I
guest of Mr. Howard, have to offer you in the peare
David- Leecb,our well-- - . stock all wool undereloth ng at
k purchased lot '49,,
-xx& erecting -,a. cheese . . . -
� has also employed � .
,cheese maker. Both I � Your pairs of heavy black wool s6x for
tog young man, in(L. � I I I
successful 'in th i` �un_ . one dollar.
air - - .-
. �
* -
,h,.Of niarExeker, it. - . . -
� Mr. Ater Durand, . , - .
. $dts maA to order for $13.75 q"h
rd met 'With a, rather, 7 . . 18�06
6 i. I that formerly cost 17.00, ,
, -
y- 4st week. it seems. - a �
Own stairs when she : � and 20.00. .�
� �
_. .
tfireo� of- her ribs. . . - . . . .
� in this neighbor- " �
six have. a severe at- - Suits made to., order at $12.75� that
have deind-ed to hold . .
. - formerly cost 15.00 and I 6.00.
riday evening, instead � - . -1 . i I
fore. All good abig. . � t
,A to attend. .. � . Xmfs readymade suits at $4.5% 5.50
� .
� . . � and 6 00. Better grades 88
119 I ning, 1
4he -W-litehell 1* ht ' -
eliminary trial , took . .
biAore Police A agis- � .,, � .
tford, and -who was Odd pants at $1, L50 and 2.00. .
' convicted by Judge,- , I - - � I 1
, ,
.orging th6 'name of I : -5 - and
)gan township, to, a � I Fifty cent ties at . 25e ; 40c, 21 ,
I .
he same, lf� after- ; I .
.1 : I 25c ties for: 16c.
d for ing the names : .� : : .
, gi I . . i . � .
Squire to notes and , a . . . I
. .
le was. sentenced to, . . Rubber Coats at 6 50 and 85.0 sewn
I .
. I � .
one year. - seamg. .
the Luthemn church � T
, I
I . � :
�, 26tfi ult., were of. a - . � I I
rofitable nature. The - 7 The balance of the: Hat's at 70c, 850
rally and appropriate- and 1.00.1t-:-, I
e, occasioD. Several � I i
� . 11
ith flowersi ,broighi� - . I
dt.s. flowers., eto., aud Heavy wool sox at two paus for 25c,
Rev. Mr., Laugholz,. that formerly sold at 206 and
4, in the morning. In - 1. I ,
: 25c a pair.. !
L=gholz and the pas- i
- . ;
Rev. Air. Weigand,. q I �
- �
ermons'! . T he sermons - . Overcoats. at 7.50, 8.50 and 10.00.
KeresUagg and profit-- �
K -aa ,collected fJr in!$- i !
. .
, - � - . = I -
� �
;, 23rd alt., Mrs. Ed- . . I
e, home of her son -in- . - . At our reg,ular store, in the $Wrong
, Stratford, at the ad- . . .block we show the argest
s. The deceased was .; - '� I �
k -shire, England, and. . � range we ever carried of , men's
band, who died aboub . I and boye cloth 1 —ove Coatai
I ;
I I 11 -AP, ,, : :' � loves,
aigrated tor Canada, in fu.r coats unde �ingf
irton lomm-ship, Juat � I . , I cap, ties
� . hats, I
xe she resided until & - . . raitts, hosiery, . .
. ,
be, remaved to, Strat- I and collars. - - , I
� -
,,son -in law. The �P_ - � .
I . .
.1he oldest settlers in - - Our rqutation in carrying hig,� class
where, she was welt 1, -
: .
s and amiability bad I goods, will , be maGjained.
drole of friends. The -_ .. I � i Livery article that we selli is de-
e� sons and two.Ao,ugh- - � - - to
. . I . . . � signed to give saitisfactr.
I - � .the purchaser. .
- .
- 7 -
. .Karkets. . I
. V .-NK..0..(_."..,.0 .... W...000000 .
� 1-'Uh._-�--Tha butchem � I
. ; I
I .
cambera, burt trade in . I WE HAVE ONE PRICE T . ALL
e prices of the best, - . . I
. .
te hi �, est price paid - XONEYBACKIPWAN ' ED-�
perV, for a few good . . . �
. . I
0. good stoek sold at' I
4y - - M!w ................... a .... 0-09
mon, dry cGws and . .
. .
,�rom. 2c to So per lb,, ;. . F
� arq-lauking hol-15 sold . N�LD
b. calves less' than, & . GMIOEIG & MA CD ." .
�� $-2 50 to 6'7 each and- .. .
from ,Q!5 to ,qiaeaich. . . CLOTHIERS. I
-1 y - 150, a heep. here to- � . .1 I �
� L,
ambs are- also, a, : � On the Wrong Side of the Stree�, in the
l"g at, from 9JQ to' . Strong- Block. I
riogs, Poll at from 510' - . I - k
�,,,,j bring abDut, 51a per. .
7 hogs Sell at- fr , , - Oa the ttight. Side of the Streei� in the
,OM 60 I
. . . � Whitney Block. I
. � . I
th.—The market to- . ;
i - I
g, no mate'nil change - 1 4 , Two Stocks, Two Stores, On�� Price.
. , , . . - ;
y common. cittle Was- 1. . . �
Pfor: shipping cattle � SEAFORTIE1, - - ONT-
,ugeii fKom Sic to Qa . I :
- I
. I I
we was reported paid. .... . — . — I - —
�, but 4ja was. fairly .- ; .
gker cattle there w" � �.. . . THZ- CANADA .
eat stuff here sold at - � . � I
ke quality that reAch-_ . � i
I - Acoident -Assurance 000,panb
i small ; medium. stuff' - I
- . ; �
tound, and common . . . . - —
All but, the best I ACCident and PIZU Gialls.
' I
� Export bull# arO , . - I
jist, no,w, and -riceS I . I — . I I
, -
.- I I !
41s, are,alsod4alf. A I . .
� . i An accident policy costs lit4e. Art
�: wanted at from $W .
8 ____: 1. . I .
I I � �
I -, ;7p ,a. Lambs I � � . yon insured I
� -, W h tockers . : I
40, `0'��n .
4e per pounds and _. I Ranaid j. iffacdow1do
pD , i - .
sell, atfrom$3 to $7 .
�- are weaker, and '(,lie s I i I 0. P. R. -Telegraph and- Canada;Acdden
ugh Re waa paid for � ,. . _� Insurance Company Ageal 0
7 sold at 540, and I .
. and stags unchanged. .�, 1 . . . I
. I I I I
. . �
I .- -
. �
- . I -
. �
: I - . I
-1 . I , . . . . . 11 I
- .� I
� I
. . . .. . I . a . . MOLZ"� BROS., FubUshersf �
. - .
- . . - � . .� I . . SEAFORTH, FRIDAY9 OCTOBER 15, 1897a , 7. . I - . 1 $1 !% Yew in Advance. - ,
. I
. . � __ -
- .
. - �
. I . I I � - . , -
, - . .
. A TERRIBLE FIRE. Of the women, of the bad I only old 4wbich the- Ministers rendered of their left in'the , city when he went west. -He and Im lAwin, now Crbwn Attorney. H � p was Tendered by the choir, after wb1oh
-, * clothes on, and straw h'at's'! The men wore stewardship. left for Boston, there to spend the winter was an active and enterprising man, - and a Rev. -Joseph Edge gave an excellent address
A terribly distractive fire occurred in the their working clothin beqn*med - with I . —0 . � with his two brothere. He has sold half stirring participant in the early historyof on the x4bJe6_oU41Enthusi1mm911 wbioll
CountY- Of Russell last ireek,by which an amake and &shev, and alfcarried about with . Canada. of his claim on- the Klondike. for $250,. Goderich, Wing an assistant engineer in the was heartily appreciated. I
sr" Of About 20 by 27 miles of eountr . 090, and will endeavor to d h' railway then building up this way. -The anniversary of Brbwatown MethO- I
_y has them a atr4ug odor of smoke. � -Snow fell in different p;%rte of Manitoba . parent a is r.nship, on Sunday I
Wen completely devastated. Sevsml,lives , ' . brothers. to return to the Klondike with '-Taylor and Sons, of Clinton- have dist, oharck in Morris tov, :
, AID. on Friday. . . . . t
have been lost, over fifty farmers have � him in thapprin . bought out an old astabliched shoe business and M,on&y of last week, was a -great Sao- ' �
� An appeal has been issued for aid for the -Mrs. Dr. Youmans has decided. to stump 9. . �
milding, -The estate of James Neilson, of To. in Walkerton, and will"run it in connection con. On Sabbath morning the pasor', Ber.
lost , b crops 1 and ,,everything . . the interests of temperance. ' . I r -
but the bare lard; three prosper. sufferari. The Dominion and Provincial the province in U,
one villages- have been burned clean lao in to and several municipalities -lieutenant-Colonel Campbell, re i tr!r ronto, which is valued: at between $M,000 with their Clinton bustnevs. . D. Rogerst proa0hed to a U,go cougraga ion
and $3W,000, is now in litigation. The , -W.: Glenn, -of Stanley township, has from Ephesiani 3, 18-19, and in the evening I �
out of existmee, and over two thous. ha;r'o'n't"Hibuted liberally,but au -ch a ealam- of Halton, died very suddenly on Frilay", in property was left b Mr. Neilson to three gone into Leicester shiep . breeding, having Rev Mr. West, of Blaevale, conducted the
ity J1,Occurring, especially at this time of thw Iowa, where he was visiting a brother. :
and people are left homeless and impoverish- --Loudon city council has granted $" to nephews, who are larmaro in Scarborough recently purchased four fine yearling ev �os service, taking an his text I -at Johnp Uh
ed. The'villages destroyed are C year, the victims will require -all the aid chapter and part of the 16th verse, 4'G
SU61man, they can receive, a reliove those who suffered by the fire in tio"Ohi but ninteen other relatives of the from A. Smith, of Magle Lodge. -_ -Love." On Monday evening a aplendid tea
South Indian Zid Cheney. The firan which . ad, even after all is done, , deceasehave appeared, and are trying to -Jamm Casio, -of . re , has a natu -&I I
d! thin deadl -here will be much suffering. Russell and Prescott counties. , the will on the g . round of undue in-' entiosity on his farm in tile shape of an i p- wm served, in the usual .godd style, by the 1. .
y and destructive work, or. I !--The total receipts at the Toronto In- upset .
iginated from fires set in different places by FARMERS'LOSSES. dustrial exhibition this year amount to fluenea and fraud. - . ple tree in blossom. 'It in &very unusual, ic. ladies of Browntown, af,for which all ad- . �
-Mrs. John Hatchibon, of Bright, ,drop- carrence at this *esson of the year. journed to the church, *here a -good pro- I
, , � .
the farmers for the purpose of clearing the In addition to the destruction of the $74,736 against $75,758 last year. I I
d rd dead at the Paris station Tuesday of I - -Elcoat Brotherr, of Tuckersmitb, ..V,. gramme wag rendered, consisting of music I
brush from land, and have Wen.burning for three villages already named, the loog an -We woolen mille of Messrs. M. S. Mo. ast week, just after alighting from the candy sold to Oliver Tarnbull,of Gray tov U. by the ohoir and addresses. The proceeds I
s couple of weeks. Day after day,!howevor, stqering to the farmers in the burnt district Kay & Co., of Galt, were totally destroyed - train. She was in Paris with her exhibits sh a nine months' old Durham' bull, c no. amounted to about- $44. - . - I
as there was no imin. the adjoining wood* w4p very great. The follo iuBtAncON Of bufire on,Thursday night last. The lose is . ip .1
have become drier, and when a strong win .. Yen: Dom* of & ut $5,0 � 00. for the fair, and was crossing the track of & choicest in their herd. ; - .-On Sivbbath morning, October 3rd, I
d many similar are 4i VU415
met in Monday night and Tuesday morning, the Big Gully, lost his barne, house, stabla, -Hereafter- Toronto noweboys will not be when she fell foaming at the mouth. . Medi- -Last week James Snell, of Elulleft, sold I about 7 o'clock, the spirit Of XT9- W-1110 .
the brush fires communicated to the cedar grain, harness, buggy leighs, hens and. allowed to board the street cars, except as cal aid was summoned, but she died in four &,fine young bull to D. Boyd, of Amberly. Bennet, of Walton, took its flight. !Do. �� "I
, . � L
ile t a 9 or five minutes. She had every appearance, He also soli thre6 Leicester sheep, to Alex. ceased, with her husband and family,'has . �.
swamps, and in a short time miles of bush. . straw cutter. Whi ,!he, re --burned, 'hit angere and on payment of their ....
. U rdgukr pus
land was in flames. The following -is the family stood at the river side all day, and fares. . of being in excellent health. . Smith of M�ple Lodge. resided there for.the pimt IS or 20 years,s .
condition of affairs at what was the village had Ao keep digping into the water every -A Toronto firm Friday shipped to -What are supposed to be the charred -19r. W. Brigham has bought the Bark- and has been a most worthy and highlyes-
. remains of a man were found &no - the well farm, near Londesboro, securing it teemed - resident. She had been ailingi for
of Casselman. For -one thousand yards to little while to eop themselves from barn. South Africa a vonsignment of flour mill afack, for something in the neighborhood of $3,000; L , L I �
either point of the compass from the railway ing. Thele are ton in the family. E. IA. machinery, valued at $12,000. The goods ruins of a barn belonging to William the past few monthif and I A*
0 no L Ing a mphantly in the faith she a I
tra k th* ' to. be men save one dwellin croux, of the Big Gully, lost his barns and * , concession 5, Harwich, which was destro,ved he intends to sell his farm, on the 12th con. tria d he.iZ'3
� 9 w6re shipped via New York. .
Of the fourlundred houses that went to houses on two farms. All his grain, machines, b fire on Tuesday of last. week, and as cession of Hallett.
-Do Witt C. Kerr, a Toronto broker, t f0i years to a home beyond the tomb. In -
LISP .. I'll
in I .
ma*e up the. village. Except for a portion, and all of his hous,and several pigs were has been sentenced to eighteen months i Ze're in no othe f mus to account for the '-Misses Nettie Anderson, of Blyth, and . addition to her husband -there aft five, 12
A V. -&-
fire, mai Jp6jo , hat a tramp had taken i and Job I -
of the'brick walls of -the Roman Catholic burned. I . ly an Berths Duff, of Godench, have. sioured ,Samuel, of Wingham'; Joseph M
- - . �
- the Central Prison on a charge of theft and , a I
� shelter in the arn, and,acoidentally setting positions as teachers in the Blyth public G el, near.Clinton ; and , i 11 .9 , !
&mu " nea I I ...
Of the destroyed dwellings, With the smoke two barns full of grain, a house and a lot of , - it on fire, was burned with it. school, which will, be vacated by Misses :n. The two -da-ughters.are M . -1 -
emitting from, the amoulde i . -A man named Martin fell from his bi � -Mia Laura Jane Smith, of Sandford, Hamilton and Gray at Christmas. g f HwTurbey, sid Mfg. Lloyd, 6!, - 7
church that remain standing, and the ashes Modas St. Louis, of the Big Gully, lost forgery. - I " `0
. n "I
ring ruins, a hens, cutters, sleighs and buggy. � cycla 1W Toronto, on Wednesday of last Ja i"On 0
btrainger would never dream that a village. . Louis Bissonnette, of the Big Gully, lost died on Thursday under peculiar eireum- -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wheeler, jr.L, Of Se5orth. , I
onbe existed there. The flames had Hoked a barn full of bay and his, house. week, and on Friday died from the effects stances. A week ago she want out to the Morris, recently celebrated the 20th anui-
of the accident. -The funeral of the late Miss Mary go -
up everything in their path until the whole verythin , front lawn to rake some wild cucumber vereary of their weddingo when a number of Caftner, of Moose J&w, Manitoba, was hold
Wilfrid Boutin, of Oxbow, had a .9 -While out shooting on Saturday, Mr. vines. She squeezed some cucumber bulbs friends assembled at the residence to do in B,%ird..O to I L ..
was as clean as a wheat field and as level an destroyed, house, barnes, machinery, grain Amoe Bradford, of London, met with a to get out the seed for planting- next year , honor to the occasion. came ry ast week. The de- ,�.
s billard table. The only house standing is and some of his &took is'gone. painful accident. His gun exploded, boring ' oeased was a noioe of Mr. Hugh McCartney, I
but in doing so touohed a pimple on her -Mr.. James Cox, of the 10bli. concession I
owned by Domine Mayor, an ailed laborer. Edmond - Sohnider lost his house, barns a hole through the base of his left thunib,' of Brumfield. She died of that fall disomes - .
TO Add to the weirdness of the scene of and everything. This family had to dig a which will have to be am' L face with bar finger, and it is supposed that of - Hallett, met with a bad accidentr the consumption, of which her mother wat Al" 1. ..
. . putated. " the juice of the vine entered it, for blood. other day. He was standing on a ladder I Ith, ter - I I
desolation the carcames of hones, cattle, hole in the ground, coVer it with boards,"d -W. H. Penton, the teller of the Do- - a victim some years a Shoi v-2
poisoning not in, resulting in death. )icking apples, when the ladder turned, ani father, spenC last - winterf 0. ;
pigs, dogs and cats lit * around then pile earth upon the boards. They left minion Bank branch at Napanee, which was to was thrown to the ground, sustaining a i in Brucefield and . ..
everywhere over the pramrn7surse'! -Here a small opening through which they -31imbed robbed i fe . 0 of nearly $W,000, -Dr. Lowry, of Brantford, formerly of- - neighborloodo 'in hox mli, that the otango � . _.
. . , at ;
could be seen the carcasses of half a dozen into the hole,and there they remained f has been arwreswte'Bde" �e charge of commit. Kineardine,bas taken stecs f% P. I would prove beneficial'ito her health, b ...
,!he organiza- fracture of the hi
or ten on ; � I ..
cattle huddled together; there the remains hours. The fire burned all around, and the ting the robbery. . tion of a oattle ranch in t' a B 5 ce Peninsula. -One morning recently,about five o7dock, the dise"e was too flimly rooted. She . -1.
He has secured some 3,500 acres for this the night watchmen at. tfie Doherty organ .6t just.9 . the sad .
of a horse which had been the faithful helper beat was so intense that the boards burned -A catamount, or lynx, weighing over . . . lingered until Friday, I r - I .
purpose,. and Already has 100 hes;d of cattle . factory, Clinto , throw a stick out of one of - Ah" the body being b:ern the .
of some villager; at aitother pla-be bones of above them, and for hours it seemed as 100 pounds, was killed the other day by a I )n I I M;:;
on the ground, and expects to add 400 more the windows, which caugh,t in the wire c U journey S' deceased h ( , ...
one or two pigs lying within the space that though they must lose their lives. Had man named Neal, and his son, residin 0 * following day. The ,
- 9 0 this number shortly. His intention is to necting with the whistle. This made it warm friends and relatives in Brucefield.0ind I . .
had once been their pen, and at smother spot they not dug the hole they would have been , near Bolingbroke, Frontenso county. There organize a joint stock company in order to , blow off, and the continuous noise awakened 7
the carcass of a dog near what had been the burned to death, an the whole place was sur- i's it bounty of $10 on every lynx killed. . vidinity whoregret her earl' d rtu I ..
no �r:% I
" carry on the undertaking on -an extensive the whole town and everybody started out vag A aps re to �
home of its master, from which -it had fled rounded with fire. As it is they only escap- -Mrs. Bcown, mother of Clark Brown, . the land from which - or returns. . I
only to perish in'the flames. ad with their lives. I . who was hanged at Cornwall in 1883 f�r the scale. to look for the hre, - -At the youngpeopWs service in Met- I
People wh saw the fire say the shouting Geor 4 Day, -A catastrophe was narrowly averted -An old resident of the township of A _ ath, � 3rd InA.10
O S . 69 of the fifty concession of murder of his father and sister, committed Friday evening by the presence of mind of West Wawanosh., and who was , much re� Ile church, Braids, on Sabi � � .
and shrieking of the villagerv', the bellowing ou- th- asselman, had --a terrible battle with suicide at her home in Winchester on Bat- the care of 9t. Roch Ichurch, Qaebec. There spected, passed away on Monday morning the following rewards, gained at the Higher - I
of the dying cattle, the squealing of the per- the flames. An the fire domed ground them, urday. She was about seventy years of were so � , . ra. Mary � , igious Inat -motion .examinstliont Were
ishin I ' he age. . - me 200 young girls in procession for ol last week, i in the person of M OLBAU, sented : Easy department, diploma,
;j pigs and -the howling 67 the dogs, his wife and daughters sought refuge'in t . . i - the married women's retreat, Aressed in McLean, rel et of the late Ed -ward M - i" - I
toget er with the roar of the flames, made cellar, while the father and bo a remained -t -Mr. A. W. Campbell, provincia in. - . rt. A. Simpson.� Senior biblical prizes
y ' I 9
the scene during the destruction of the vil- outside and fought the flames. The d structor in roaA making, has received more White.raiment and 9arrying candles, when and mother of Smith McLean, the well ; 11 # N. - M. . Rioliardecia, Peter A. Me- -
r ,a of the young girls' veili caught- fire, and known cattle buyer, at the agi of . 85 years.
lages doubly sad. In a little bush near the. gram between their place and the busK than 50 applications frki,-in rural municipal- '" . Arthur; diplamag, Margaret Youill, Mary
ruins of the village were seen several bead - caught, and carried the flames to the barns. ities asking him to inspect each of the Bev but for the cure, who tore the blazing cloth- Deceaied had been ailing for some time A. Lamont. latermadiate biblical,diplows, -
of cattle which had escaped the flames. Thei These burned, and then the fire closed in eral districts and report upon the beat meth' . ing off the girl, both she and many others, . post. I #snee Richardson, Jennie MeArter. Sen- � ��
&#imals had the hair on them singed from, around the homestead. Time and again the od of improving the highways. would probably have perished. - -On Tuesday 1 bt of last week, as jor doctrinal, priis, Janet MtNair ; dt-'
. 1E. of Clinton, was
. head to tails until their hides looked like a man and boys were driven from the house. ---Charlm Hathiiance, of concession 5,Ra- -.;A Uby daughter, just born to Mr. and Nightwat - � lcm 110i, Margarit MeNeil, Amelia W-AttOna .. 11
. . -
6T1`r1ydo6r rug. Great spots of raw flesh but each time returned. At last it seemed leigh, was fatally injured the other day. He Mrs. James Benn, of the Gore of Chatham, going his rounds-, he frightened away two =ediate doetri"l, models Kate . . .
has the unusual distinction of representing oung follows who were evidently trymi 'to V 1A
were seen on them, the burns being in some as it the house must go. One corner had was driving a horse and at tbie same time' . � . V. mont, Helen J. Smith.; prize, Ellen $obtt. ", �,
cases twelve. 'inches square. Their milk caught, and had Mrs. Day and' her daugh- carrying s. heavy pole in his hand. The' the fifth generation. The young. lady0s . reak into"Ramball's jewelry store. Junior doet'n'nal, ,..pr1Z0, Marion Smith ; '�
bags were so badly burned that the I he pol grandfather is George W. Bann, Chatham McRae gave chase, but the -fellows eluded di I ..
,v wore term remained in it they inight have been horse backed unexpectedly, forcing t a id, him. In the chase one of them fired off a T plo McArthur, Edward . �
' hard " oocoanut& The animals were smothered.. Mr. Day determined to le5cus back on the driver, and puncturing his township ; her great grandfather, J. Re orall rdson, Lyle Richard- ' 1.
an � of Marine City, Michigan, and her great revolver at the policemen, the bullet going moll, n i
suffering such great pain that it would be an them. He bravely ran through the smoke chest. , Allen, of thro h his coat. - . Perfe6t recitatio I �
sob of kindness to shoot them on the spot and fire and carried his wife out, and -then -There was an unexplained run on the great grandfather, Alexander of shorter catechism, diploma, Kate JA- -1 . I
rather than permit them to suffer longer. made other trips for his two diughters. His Montreal City and District Savings Bank Sombra township. The latter gentleman -Tuncillor Lindsay, of Gray tawnship, � . I ` -
; I lives near the village of Sombm, and in 86 had lotted his farm, to his brothers, Giorge . - — 1 .
SOUM iNDIA'AN'. I son, who was badly burned, had to give up Thursday afternoon, caused by an unfound. years of age. . I I . and Thomas, of Howick, for a term of flie � . - . . i
I -'houses the fight, and sought refuge in a carrot field, ad rumor that the institution was not - - Perth Notes I . I
About 75 were burned, in South where all bad to lie to mselves sound. -Hundreds of depositors- poured into Win. McDonald, who was one of those Malere , and had decided to remove to Park - frai L i
Indian, and at least 3W peo e are left most prominently connected with the great this fall. Mr. Lindsay has been in -Mr. Frank 13, - -Watson district 6 1 -7
homelem.� Four thousand cor of wood frombeing burned. Nrtunately for Mr. the head office. They were paid as . fast as ��Birchsll murder trial, died Thursday at - his Grey township for the past 1:9 years, eight I .9 -Railway, I Stra - I ii ..
ral . agent, of the Grand Trunk t it
Day the well was near, and with save they came. of which have been spent on his farm near U I i . ...
: were also burned and about 200,000 feet of palle of water he put out the fire- o; . i, the -�-Ths o6her evening Mr.. John A. Rame. , home in Woodstock,- aged 54 years. When . � I ford, was prexeiltedthe other ight wi, . t a � �
lumber. The Roman Catholic and PTesby- corner of the house, and -kept carrying d---'- , ex -warden of Yqrk county, and who Birchall startled -the world by his sensation. Ethel. . handsome travOling bag and tilver I I I -
on I
terian. churches are also burned. . the fire in &I murder of young Benwell and later on -On Wednesday night of last week, Mr. toiletoet by a few friends on the occ - io f Of ! - L
water until he had extinguished has lately been appointed county clerk was I ad a s 1. ;
A 0LLRGYXANT$$ =FERIENCE. the grain, and the house was saved. He anted byhiefrie a wit a sudsome when his arrest took place, Mr. McDonald, D. A. Forrester, of Clinton, met. with a b ,hi pproachin marriage. The presedta- � 11
p - . . L -
L Rev. Mr. McLean, of Camelman, detailed lost all his barns and crops. I u o tered -chair and a marble clock and under whose supervision as agent for Eng- . accident, During the night he woke with tion was made ly Mr. J. J . Cunming,.,of the : ,
. lish farm hands young Penwell came out, a start, dreaming that the house was Grand Trunk R%4way, iva most fel , . one � I
. Iciti �
I his escape from the fire, and,maid he and his _9 11 re. Ramadan with a set of obina. was a 'Valuable agent of the au IngLMg OUV k Ill . _.
wife endeavored to save somi of the contents - -Mr. Matthew Leggotb, of Wyoming. re- , . thoritiei in - on fire, and spri _i . of bed, ran along speech. . . L
. Eaat Huron Liberals. ono WiIiiam their attempt to bring the crime home to the lending to the rear of the house alld 1 _.One of the pi6neers of Perth County I i -
I , I
of their house in 0asselman but could not. cently received word from his a Birchall. He was also a witness for the struck a bannister, over which he tu in'bled passed away at the home of her -son Edward, .
I 'I have nothing in -this world now," said A SPLE"11) DRUONSTRATION. Leggott who has been in the Klondike Is ing new L � I L . I
Mr. Me -Lean, "but the clothes I have on, The Liberals of East Huron had a grand country'fo'rthe past two years,lhat he is crown at the trial. . headlong, f 111' rly to the floor on the near Staffso an Friday, Ist inst.., in the - ... ... L
- -
on Thursday of last w _W. W, Crofte was found dead in his lower story, a Metance of 15 feet. It was person of Mrs. John Drake. Mrs. Drake � .
and. even all of these do not belong to me. 11 at Brussels, ask, returning with $150,000 worth of gold he found b �11 .
m lie interests of Mr. Archi bed at his�, boarding house in Chatham, that he had broken his. collar � one- � had been a great sufferer - &11 summer and - ': I
The hatl havaisaborrowed one. Iwas in t bald HisloP, has cleaned up in that wonderful country. Thursday morning. He was aged 19, a and sustain d serious internal injuries. was- entirely belplese. Sha was faithfully I -
fighting. hard, to save other buildings, and .the Liberal candidate for the Legislature, _M00 Bessie Wilson, daughter of Re v. � i_ ..
. well-built, athletic uug man, apparently -At the annual meeting of the Women"s attended to by her' three daughterx,-whof . ,
thought there was no danger of my home as who has been nominated -to carr the banner Henry Wilson, formerly attached to St. . the best of healUo At the -coroner's i -_
I V Ar.; in . . 'n- - Chiiatian Temperance Union, of Clinton,the wi thed the last hours of �
the *Ere was half a mile away from iL 1 saw Of Reform which has for upwarls of a qu George's Cathedral, Kingdon, will be wed- . th lovin hands, 1,00 L
at and ded on the 20th inst.,�o Mr.Fred Workham, quett, Drs. McKeough and Balkine stated following offi�ers were elected .. Presidenti her life, gh's was one of the early settlers ��
the fire coming towards my house,and then ter of a century been c ried so nobly York. Miss that death was caused by acute inflamma- Mrs. S. Crich ; vice-presidelits, Mesdames of the towneblof Hibberb, where she was
. - - �
I tried to save some of my household effects. so consistently by b1r. T�. omas Gibson, the wholesale merchant,J New tionQf the kidneys, which superinduced; Biddlecombe, Stewart, Hoover ; treasurer, L well known. - er kindness and Aiiiability- - I -
I was caught in ihe act, and when my wife veteran member, whose �familiar figure ' will Wilson is at present a; captaiii in � t . he. ranks uraemic poisoning.. The case, the doctors Mrs. D. Stephenson ; tecording-secretary, bad gained for her a wide eirds of frieudo. a �
Parliament, as he has of the Salvation Army. I . .
and myself came out, thastore adjoiningL us be missed in the next say, considering the eircumetancest 18 8 Mrs. Seward; corresponding secretary,bliSO The famlily consists of three. daughters and
, was burning, and our escape by the gatewa decided to retire into well-earned rest, full -Mr. 0. E. Henry, the well-known apple most remarkable one, deceased having been. . - . 11
� y I has pur- L. White ; three sons. They are Mrs. 0. .
was out off. We climbed over a barbed-wire of honors. Not satisfied with one meeting, bayer, says the Sarnia Observer, .-superintendents of departments, -Pollow of - .
� rently in robust health up to the time Flower mission, MrS. Seward ; press de. Nipissing Junction ; Mrs. James Oliver, of .
and hurried to the river for safety. On the enthusiastic Liberals decided to make a chased and will ship about 1,0W barrels af 1, t Miller, of Strat- -
fence Of Ti*s retiring to'bed. . I
-day of it and held a second rousing this season. Re estimates the crop of sound he p!r ment, Miss b White ; parlor meetings, PorbAlbert; Mrs. Arch. '
the north side of the river we viewed the field . -T ninth annual provincial convention . .Mrs. W. S. Harland. . ford, I Mark and He - who
the fire among our homes. meeting in the evening. The afternoon apples, fit for shipment, within a radius of and Edward, ary, - �
progress Of . .1 I - of the Ontario Christian Endeavor Union -A gold modst contest, under thi &us, ,all live near. Staffs. - � �
Sometimes, we could see a speck of fire gathering was one of the most representative fifteen miles about Tilsonburg, to be about was hold in St. Thomas lost week. The piom of the county"Women's Christian . � � . i
and then &� volume of flame. The power of that has been hold in the ridiny, being com- 3,000 barrels.. The average price is $1.75. -An old and highly esteemed Veer': of
.- convention next year will be hold in Hamil- Teraperappe Union, was held in Teeswater, North Has h , , ' ' f r, John
the fire and the velocity of the wind were posed of farmers Irom every part of'tbe ,-A head-on collision occurted on the I � t or, in te person 0 L: -
. ton. - The following officets for the ensuing on Tuesday evenihg -of last week,. Cashin, pt , 'Sunday, 3rd inst.,
awful." - constituency. At the evening gathering Hamilton and Dundas railway Saturday . me away n .
I . year were elected : President, Rev. Win. wh a six young ladies, two from Walk- at his home on . the- 2ad concession. The
, . WJUI RAMWAY PASSENOERS SA'%'V.* their numbers weie largely increased.. At morning, between a passenger train going Ile
Johnson, Wardeville -, first vice-p!eaident, erton, two from Tesswater add two from
,oth meetings the speakers were listened to west and a construction going -east. The . . deeessed, who bad reached his eighty4b�rd
The passenger train which left Montreal 13 w . . d and no one Rev. J. .F. Barker, L Hamilton; vice-prest' Lucknow took part in the contest. Two ,year, had been a very healthy man and -bad
. Tuesday morning, was h6mmed in by fire all with the greatest interest and ere liberally crews of osoh engine jumps dents, Rev. J. S. Conping, Caledonia ; C. J. prizw were offered, and Miss Sadie' John- . I . . . I
3,plauded. A pleasing feature of the meet-. was injured, but the rolling stock was bad- Atkinson, Totonto, Od A. L. Cooke, Clin- stone, of Lucknow took the first, a gold scarcely ever been troubled witheicknem of I
. the afternoon and night,at.Casselman station N - Traffic was blocked for about any Wid. He had . been a hard work!
. which were admitted to have been the l'y daniaged,. _ 9
and had to return to Mon0eal, Tieing unable 11198, ton ;.secretary, Thomas Morris, jr., Hamil- modal, and Mine Zo;ie Campbell, .also I of one Of t'nhe
J. Sage, of Ottawa, was one of most enthusiastic that have been held in the three hours. ton ; tre4surer, W. J. Doherty, London ; I Lucknow, was awarded.the second prize. and industrious �pau, and was I I
th proceed. riding, was the presence of the Opposition -Rubert Zimmerman, 4 St. Catharine?a editor, Rev. J. A. R. Dickson, B. D., Ph. D_ i - few remaining settlers' who had changed
the passengers on the train. Mr. Sage stated candidate and a number of Conservatives. bntcher, met with a peculiar accideng the . -Last week Win. Sheddan, of 'Morris, North Easthope 1from a forest to a fruitfal L
that the train reached, Cassielman about, The immediate occasion of this demoustra. other evening, wbieh nearly cost him his Galt ; junior superintendent, Miss Lottie entertained an old chain of former days, in land. Some he ago he took - to lifs, .
1,1:415. Everybody know that a serious. fire VIOD: Was a visit from two Ontado Cabinet life. He forgot a keen knife he - bad in his E., Wiggins, Toronto ; councillors, I.J.Duu-- - the person of John Wark, whose -home is �
room and sin ' an he gradually 1=110 ,Mr. : - '�
was raging, but the engineer did not antici- can Clark,Toronto ; Miss Reader, Ingersoll; now in Valpmiso, Indiana.' These two gen- in Au .
and Ministers, Hon. Dr. Rose and Hon E J ecket and jumping from ' his knee Cash was oku in Tipperary, rreland, _'d " �
J.W. Dides, B.A., Kingston ; W.W-. Coal- tlemen. were apprenticed in -the same tan- '. L - ,rat �Cashi � � -
i - - 3 aiwa on' d before together wit .n, he emigrated tto . � .
cipate any troble in reaching Ottawa, Davis. The Premier was expected but was rove theblade into his side� an ter, St. 1homas. - L nary in Brit4, 19 miles from ,Glasgow, and I
� arly . On,06 ;
steamed out of Casselvean on time,but about too ill to attend. assistance came he -had ne b ad to death. . had not seen one another IS49. Mr. Canada ea ,. in a for ies, selt!ipt e -
west of the village the train was a fara I r - 0 1 since ' t .
two miles. -Mr. William Brown ie of Inner- . lot he 000 fOr the Iyalancer of bit life. I
fl agged, 9;nd the conductor was informed by AFTERXOON DIEETING. - � P Huron Notes. Wark has been in America for 20 years. It . ? I
kip, went into a field to catch a bull the - �
an that fire destroyed South In. At the afternoon meeting the chair was -Brussels streets are now lighted by was a pleasant re -union and mutually an- - -Wills have been provtd or letters Of ; �
I � . -
A'sectionm other morning. The �uinial attacked hims . . � istratiotiUlfou out at the Surrogate I r
. ,_
than - and that further progress would by taken by Mr. A. C. Dames, president of the - d re. electric lights. ? - joyable. I �. . . admin � ..� �
t tossed him several feel, in the air. an 01 for the _44nty in the following estates . �,
i ! =
frau lit with. the greatest danger. They East Huron'Association. There were also gone to St.. �-The congregations of Caven church 0011r6 I
peatedly attacked him until assistance came. , R. Downs, of Cli6ton, has V - t
coulf hear the roar of the flames at the - McMillan, Winthrop, and Duff's church, UcKiliop, in- during the mo4b. of September : Cardinw i- . . �.
upon the.platform Messrs. John Mr. Brown sustained A broken collar bone Paul, Minnesota, to reside. , married wo- :
Christian Wanzel, Stratford . i
time. VAnd within an hour," continued M. P. ; Thomas Gibsont M.P.P. ; Archibald -Over two miles of i grandithic sidewalk tend uniting to hold special services a- ome . - � , I
Mr. Sage, "we were forced to retreat, and Hislop, the Liberal candidate ; Robert and other outward injaiies. . has been laid in Wingbom this year. time _ in I the Mao, $120 personal, $600 rml ; Frederick .
-Mrs. Mary Meaney, an old newspaper . tRe near future, in honor of Marty Mitchell turner, $499, personal, � I I
was on fire. The grist, mill Scott, Minto ; Robert Miller,, County Coun- - in her -Mr. Harrison,'of EAluburn, has sold his pastor, Rev. Mr. Musgrave, who has been 0 ., I I .
Casselman -vendor in Toronto, found dead 800 real - Rosins Barbara Rohner, South ; :
In' $-, 14 . � -
at soon half a dozen build' 98 cillor of Huron and vice-president of the was 0 L God6rich to reside. with them for twenty years. During his . -
paught first, b bed in a hovel in that city Sunday mo '. farm, and i ti i . M L M - L I �
. M � pastorate there r. negrave has won a Easthope married woman, $W,80 persona I ; �
w 'he villagers sam the place East Huron Liberal Association ; W. A. . . When the - searched a Do -HelonlaMroatlirdlulutoon, daufliter of the no ieal . iii'ciardiennison� 1111tchelf,: . . o
. ere ablaz% T eated their Irwin, Gorrie ; Thomas Straolian, reeve of lug . house was. - of Goderich, died on warm place in the heart4 of his people, Rev. .9 gentle- i . .1. �
I ;
n, I
was doomed, and hurriedly coll mmion Bank book was found, showing, that. late Thomas Ralso, d to man, $4,633 personal Sf� 200real ; Belljalllial i 1. A
ables together and buried them. Then, Grey ; John SwilIRIO, Morris ; G. F. Blair, I 2nd inat. I after a long illness. W. J.- Clark, of London, is expecte . � A I i _.
valu the old lady had over $200 on deposit, and Saturday, . . I
I Robinson, St. Marys, Blacksmith, $800 or- I . : 1
cks in the niiddle of Wm. Sinclair, Brussels; Win. MesserBlue- . . -Mr. John Bran h9mv been appointed attend, and preach at the anniversary ter- rd, i . : I
,-they got out on ro R $20 to $30 was found hidden in various parts--- . sonal, $3,000 real -, John Counter Stmt?o . . I �
. the bush vale ; James Ritchie, Howick; James Watt, . librarian of the Clinton Mechanics' Insti- vim. I . I i I � �
ion -river. Anoth of the house. . � . tleman, $31-7.12 pal � Them" : .i
. Na, perso I �
in ihe immediate vicinity was one mass of -Hullett ;,Thomts M eMillau, Hallett ; Dr. -Mr. D. L. Moody, the noted evangelist, tute, at a salary of $100. . ,The financial report of. Ontario Street la�serh Downey, Hibberto yeoman, $40per- i I
When near the train the ,Donald, M.P. ;'A. Smith, Toronto ; Mr. -The other night the roof of Mr. - J. D. Methodist church, Clinton,for the year end- I .
, I L
- �
seething flames, Me who has been holding meetings in Montreal sonk . $1 700 real ; Francis Bell, Mornia
Ily spread in a circle and we Robertson, Wingham ; Finlay Scott, Brus;- -at Ottawa, Ronald's- residence, in Brussels, caught fire,' in# with May'last, shows the general re- f 9 I I . . L �
gaat1cm&n,'$562.L61 personal ,s i . !
fire providentia� and Quebec this week will be - ton, I - - VP r
, ;
were able to run to safe grounds before the gels ; Robert Graham, Brussels. . October 14, 15, 16- and I 1, was extinguished before much d1image' ceipts to have been $1,170-80, and the ex- ant, I I
, 7; -Kingston, Octo- ba . I Win. Dauseith, St. Marys, 099 march L L . -1
- I ning the proceed- . . penditures $2.41 less. _ The - amounts con- f L -t i . -
bush that was nearest to us took fire The chairman, in ope bar 18 and 19 ; Hamilton- and Brantford was done. .., I L $956.50 personal, no real L; James Lon 00 r, i I
tell you it. was an awful eight," said Mr. said that in expressing his own regret -Mr. George L. Fulton ,of Mount Clem. tributed to the connexional funds are an . I
I . will then �e visited, after which, Mr M d Stratford, carrier, $500 personal, TV2. Soo � I
were veri- ingo - Women's Christian Association', ,
I . .
, - L I ,on every side but one at Ze inability of the HQn. the Premier of � -absence of 18 years, follows . wj, , ; -
Sage , � will,go on'to Winuipei. He will n;b sopom ens, Michigan-, -after ax� real - Frances Steward, Stradord, wrfjo ,
1. or Ep. y - . I �
table �Iibiflowff of fire. I have no doubt a the Province to be preaent through illness, in is on a visit to friends.' in Clinton, his old $9.19.96'; poor fund, $12.24: Beni ,
� � Toronto this trip. i . W4.90 personal, . $5.60 real ; Francis, . __1
I of �eople have met their death, for and the hopeLthat he may be speedily re- -Rov. Robert M. Craig, a former pastor home. - . worth League, $52,38 ; 'Junior Epworth Sieb i , , gentlaman.0 $1,230
numb�'r igsiDg at Casselman when we tit, he was sure he voiced the a, $40.67 ; Sunday ,School, 095.81 ; . ert,'Ellim. personal. .- j
sev6rat were m stored tar heal of Melville Presbyterian church, Fergue,bas -The horses attached to Beattie's bus, in Lea . 4
. . a office Of Superintendent Wingham, mn away the other day. One tc , - . _
left." sentiments of every person present.- As Mr. been elected to tfi - ptafu$421. -Eally on themorning of August 30t, � ,
T11E pIRF.-TUE H031BLESS. Mooney, who had been nominated by th at the statioji - L The regular annual. meeting of4 the last, A Wrim situated in the township of � I
. a .as of New, of them collided with a post . I V.
of Missions for the Teiritor, Deanery of Crou was hold in SL �4��Is North East'hope, Laud owned by Jacob W-il- -
About 60 of the sufferers from the fire ()onser,ratives to oppose Mr. HiBlopi was In Mexico and -Arizona. This is one of the and wee killed. .8 � . of Shakes � as destroyed � ..
a by i special, the audience, he requested him to take a -The Demoreet medal, offered by the church, Clinton, -on Monday of last week. � helm, V. I peSTLe, w .
were brought into Ottaw� highest offices in the gift of, the Presbyterian ,. . �Suepioions of incendiarism . .
train. They were those who had friends seat upon the platform, but that gentleman d &a_B, and it was of. Women!x Christian Temperance Union, of The principal business transacted was the -by fire.There weri ' � I
, at the tira � and as the bu ing Lan eon- r .
church of the unite ild' d .
the city. Canada Atlantic Rmilwal declined the invitation. fored to Mr. Craig by the unanimous and Goderich, was w6n by Miss Louis Col. election of the missions committee, .Which a, I . 11
in were delivered by. Mr. Arehi- hewty vote of his brethren in the Synod. borne. . consists of Rev. Rural Man Hod i tents were insured -in the Soutli Emtbop!, .
authorities very kindly- 6fiered free Addresses L
Id, Hislop, Mr. Thomas Gibson, M.P. P. I -The trustees of Whitefield's, school, chairman, and Revs. Higley, of MS". 015 Mutual for $1,900, the directors of thit
L , and
transportation to all who wished to come to Us I -The -announcement in made that Mr. ter, and Mosers. J. PAnd ord, - company took at . -
I _epo to find the Calprit. In- . I .
the Pit to their friends, and this number Mr. John McMillan, M. P., and Honi Uri W A. Bishop, actiig under instructions Grey township, have engaged Mr. Baird, of Bray, of Exe, � , I I -
f -on, and F. ,H�Imwted;. of Seaforth, vestigation by the police led to the arrest -of . - -
TL - &�� theDe L. truent of Justice, for, which It was decided to have . _ L �
were � so who had accepted the offer. A Davis, riovincial Secretary, and by Hon Stanley, an. their teacher for 1898,at a salary o Clint
to Kinbourn, to join Dr. Ross, Minister of Education. - he is agent, r.ure issued a wri against the of $260. a paper krepared by Wilhelm himself, and on Saturda;3 last Chief . . .
few of them will 90 rry Bound THE ZV=aNG MEWING $arati" of Mr. J. C. Stepheae) col. -Thomas Cole� who has had J. Me- a clergyman, and another by a layinan-lor of Police RoCarthy,aecompanied by Uwyer L . .
friends. Ontario Arnprior and PA; . . the late . cherty's One farin, on the 13th copoes- the next meeting. , ' J. B. Mabee of Stratfo, J, went to CWICKIV� . L
Railway also giving free transportatiom At the evening meeting the Town Hall lector of customs at Owen Soundt for $2,488 Clar
0 sion of Hallett, rented for some time, ex- -Very successful Harvest Home services and secured tie arre,,t if Fred L. How, �* ,
Thai were perhaps the most wobeg ne was crowded beyond its comfortable cap&- to oover alleged shortages in the accounts pects to west in the spring. I were held in the Methodist church, _ Lucic. brother-in-law of Wijhelm. who wansuppol- .1 .
and foiiaken looking crowd ever Been at the city, &bout 200 ladies being. among the an- of the late Officer. . , I e affair. Bothmen ' I
of all ages, from the in- a bag of golden nugget and a ' '-Whifeo getting off a movin t i at now, on Sunday, 3rd inst., and large oongre- ad to be mixed up in th
atation. They were dience. The chair was agadn occupied by -Ca g rain . ,ought before the oc agise - � � � .
a Mr. A. C. Dames. At this meatin ad rry t upon. a. Boston ban
fsut in arm' t4 the old woman, just able to certified dri, k for a Clinton, the other day, Mr. Brower was gations were. present both morning and were br
. . thrown to the ground, and was consider- evening. L The pulpit was occupied On both at Stratford, Tuesday morning, when How
I .
totter along. One old, lady, Mrs' Joacas' 'a dresses were &Raw delivered by ;Urs., !quarter of a million dollars, Arthur Drepea�, a and xemtehed. . occasions by t�W. Walter Rigab , of Blyth� turned Queon'* evidence, . and Admitted' I .
1 old,while her daughter, - ' of the Province of Quebec, was in ably bruise - .bar ' . -
sai& to be 100 yearl Hislop and McMillan and by Hou. Mr. a native public library has received and his sermons were both ablTe Bud a ing fired the barn by placing a b
'r, %hted
Mrs. Joucas, �arried an infant, only a few - Montreal a few ds ), seeking his sis- -The Ethel and - much appreciated by t a caudle among the hay. He claimed It 'was �_ .
train the Davis and Hon. Dr� Row, also by Pr. Me ters, with whom is' 'I,' i to share his the Government grant of .$100, the greater propriate, .
weeks old. When they left the y Donald, M. P. '" esuvx . portion of which -has been expended in pur- co�jgregstiou- On the Monds; evening the done.hcoOrding to armugement, with Wil- .
room and D U. was a ladies of the church gave a arvest, home helm, who was bard up, and concluded the I .
once taken into the waiting m, dispisiyea at these wealth. Four years I 590 're _ - . 9, :
wereat If the enthusian . iing now books. - 1 -
sandwiches, cakes,- fruit and tea were pro- -meetings and the heartiness and cordiAlit -poor men# having to i6truggle Crd for his Chm (Scotland) Free Press, of festival in the'b"ement of the chureb,.and insurance money would be of more use 'to, .
vided for them. All ,were well-nigh fatiblied of the reception accorded the Ontario a . liveHhood. He made his way west and -The Aberdeen . to 90 4100 . 1_1
� � BAI&EIP00TZI). inet Ministers can be taken in any way'as then north$ andafter many months of- toil September 17th, records the death. at the a large crowd eat down to suppor.,� The him thin the ba=.' HOSE WAS ilt At the .
. . d i of 87 years, of Wf6lter Lawson, a tables were neatly arranged,ana well laden for the jobr.- Hawes working in G
. *
. OP 5 succem'm the no' t hi returns rich. He arrived by the Pacific 00 Age d to time,*and drove from there for the purpose �
I �,�,
... ...
0 t
b !U i
h - r
rly a b
had all.asiosped as quickly as pos- an index of Mr H` I ' X I . Ithgood things, and all present seem&
They � . former well known Goderioli'man and uncle wi -
were barefooted. campaign, the;� :71D he little doubt of his express on Saturds mud at once be to � agreement, and shortly left L
on, Of Goaerich. an ad. of falfilling the L �
sible and most of them L ' aisters,whose qg1&hncere- of Captain Alex- -1AW0 In enjoy th6masivef. The audience th I A,
So;�e' wore straw bate that had soon better election by a splendid majority. The ad. mike inquiries for . I wW an intimate journed to the church A". an a,x. for Chicago on money furnished by Wit -
were without bate. None dream were all good and the people seemed &b1)UtAL_ho did not know, mod spent two , the early days deceased cellent programme of 20mrUpsers', dusts, oto. helm. - .
days. Others roughly satisfied with the account. d4ya vainly looking for his sisters *hom he friend of the late John Galt, then registrar, . 11 . I . -
hVid bon, able to =a a brush or - comb. Some to'be tho, - . . I I . .
I . . .
. . .
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