HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-09-24, Page 8W 1" 24, 18 16' SEPTE ME MIS RON ExrOSITOR loom (R6v,) Kerr and ey, and is a ver ited at Mrs. Riokoes daring. the tainly making man 7 papa THE Neu' spite all tfiat nit dical skm and loving eare "Varns,, vis 11dren, who have been in Oakville" da'rinj Jon�h Bums greatly imroved. The root r.,R;-B. McLemn has got his a . am oung in Mr. Shearer, of chi —M an.—We hear Vitson's'- Ga-sh Grocer y i is being raiQ and an additional story built. could a a, and Wh �oh while the could soothe Week. 'Peeswater, - has rented the shop recently the past month, have'returned an t they silo all completed, in first clean Order, and I —Messm. Greig & Macdonald have par. and o6nifor were unavai to cure or vacated by H., Burnett, and will take pw Mrs& A MoAlpi f Glencoe, who have Itangold and Turnip sea obeap this year., There aving 'bin corn'all n It noholm,le combine price on WWI this yes;r, so obased d. gents' tem the -ravages Df the disease. rs. Reedy, the froat.—Wheat was 92 cents on session next viol Ing A 1asit filled with. corn, h n' 0 the merchant tai arm N 6 Monday.—A troop 'of gypaies bee Iti the Messrs. cHwen, Mrs. M, NTLE8. Mr. Harry tpeware? We however, was a � )%tient and ducomplaining- in. before ra, returned home this ,we can sell now marigold and turnlp seed At 10a a lb. furnishing stock of rather a MeAlpin's brothe bought �ft have struck our brg, and they are We htvo a good stock of the bestj varieties, have not yet learned what Mr. Speare in- sufferr, and in ;his way as well as b� an our market during the week, but took . no r addition week.—The many friends of -Mrs. -G. Jef- QL, one of the most reliable hard looking.lot. They are a 0 from Robert Evans tends doing -but we -trust that he will still unsullied life, she manifisted her faith in the sudden drop. earn A, 4ing his belebrated @aw- to any town or hamlet. Mro W. H.: Web fery will regret to I of her death, which ooed houses, of Canada, Incit.9 and monarch turnip seed. Give us a re in town.—The Wilson farm near religion which, I he - profersed and which ber, the Shropshire. king, of Howicky occurred on Thursday of last week, and Direct from the Gerifian makers h ave ewe, n d 4 seeohd prizes with our new Fall Mantles. There =)u��annozdo better. InGrocerlea wecando Bay eld, belonginito the Logan estate,was was bar comfort , her stay until the last. took 7 first an his will qy!aathize with Mr. Jeffery:' in the -in 6wil. Our aeads but, She Was in moCuy respects A most, eximPl&rY -'A GOOD Bli;IDGZ.--s-McGregor's bridge- is in Wal.L Joan of hits second wife. The remains were on flock at the Northern Exhibition, ebange in the styles from lastmesso As well, or better, than any houi� at no ust now are extra good value. Our Bourb offer d for sale yllld on was not sold, the aving woman, OWfinialied afid the contractor interj�ed in the Mitchell cemetery on Satur- of fine roasLed Coffee Lit second reserve bid not being a fifthful wife,an Zffeetionsto Mr. Mai erton. they area little longer, and the, to none, and llesputup been reached.- Mr. David Sinclair,of North mother and ii kidd, hospitable and obliging of Londesboro, has made SL good' job of 'it, d�y last. a little smaller than last Yemen obati, Canned Veptat wo have the beat brnd of In Canada. Them has boon a, drop in the Price` Park, Colorado, is vishing his parentia hear neigh1tr, She Is van her bereaved,-huSbilmd, and the council !of Hallett are to -be congra-, r.sut, to goh the full bene- Briaceffeld. Last season was theest -mante *am* a non Bleculto-come, here it you V Brussels. a daug ter to mourn, her lqu and tulated- on having placedthe *ork in such Drysdale. Tam, Mr. Sinclair in engaged in reach. fit of it, All kinds of produce. taken at highest N. Callender, Mr.. we ever had, and we?ve be - Is v,, -D. McGillivray, -of Honan, will to cherish her a The funeral took competent haudol an it reflects the greatest PERSONALS eat a- an t?p GATHkRINOS.—MOA of the farmers m- insnarketprice. Cubtoren& a, and Mr. A4 J. Me- andpreparing to out -d it 'a F . - - Sellery, B. A.9 ,:e -on Mond and a remains were in credit on the coutriLctor, as well an the cons George se t thank offering meeting ?f the place vicinity have finjAed sowing fall wh 0. WtLSON, seaforth. iting Mrs. George thsWith styles . that we kno, Wouloes Foreign Mm'io'n 8 1 t r in ,the tarred in !he sympathv as Irikshte ce a ry. oil. Without doubt it is one of the fin t Keizie, B.A.,who were vim sad threshing in the order. of the day. —The righb,'the proper material an IR74 Baird, jr., have returned to their respective d "Is Block. First Preabirterian church, L SeJorth; on of &large circle fr, 6 will be extended bridges in the toWnshil�- Misses Lesser,, of -London, who have been that are as good as they are, only b, .a i homes.�-Mr. A. J. MoKenzie,B.A., aid Mr. great Man my evening, October 4th. Ladies and 0 . & tolthe bereavedd sband and family. �isiting in -this vidnity for the put two cause we buy DrRxm frain tSuits and Overcioats in J. A. Baird attended the party given by Miss gentlemen areLoOrdielly invited. -Collection weeks, have returned home.—Min Anus umber and variety, A. Sellery, Kincerdine, last Friday evening. Sreenan was the guest of Miss Mble Tur- and PSYL them the ready cub, we MR n willbe taken up for the cause of missions.— Acam:ExT.�Mrs. lAwis Hoegy,. of Brad. —Mr. J. & Baird lesiven-for McGill college break all previous records. Thefn4&, Mean. Bro*df;ot & Box, Of this tOwnr mrs A iaRANID selection Of Men's long boot#,, began, had the misfortune to have her folt ner last Sandai.—Mr. E. Talbot and Mr. It you E:Ucb in- i anything Lin —0 larkment Weverbefore have We offered 1, for a gentleman in Stratfoid. which Will cost want A good milking the cows when one of them knocked anday evening on their way to the now ftces play an Important part in our Clothing De- in - asufacituring &sideboard and dining table the bat we ever offered to oui customers arm broken one . day last week. She was this week, entering asa second year man. W. Nicholson passed through our burglast here for you to examine, we�re lit" t* pair of long hats or in faq show them, and you�re wel�oais to 1116k the boot fte for fall wear don't pan The Cheap Casis the stock over whether you buy.110wilt, dwewetft in thsr Way Of Value& sita skyles. Nothing are handsome pieces of furni- Shoo SkoM carmichaers Block, w. H. Wiuble. Sea. her down and ran over her. The injury is Turnberry'. tity.—Mr. John Mae was the guest �f Mr. not. kept in this depuV th, took forth. 15541 painful one but it is a wonder she was not but ii#40-dete, rellabl goods . -McIntyre, of Seefor quiet *adding took taM— ra. NoTEs.—A rather 4oseph Deno -my, lost Sunday evenin trade Is the beat 6VI- SYS L ,,'F ckets, 4 In mtnt. ourtaroand study swveral A inthe ladies' department at —Theresidence of Mr. moresevere hurt. few d ago when Miss Sarah J. Robert Talbot was the r WEDDING A:Eus� place a _guest of deuce of pleased customers- the Exe r show.—Mr. Robert Charters, of Frank McCulls, niar Leadbury, was the Currie, of this township, and! Mr Main, Moses DeLafaneii recently.—We a lad to buttons, cuffi, turn down c Mill road, Tuckersinlith, returned home ad in soeneof-a very pretty weddingon Wedues- ak,21t r. Thoinail3nowdent w o -has tons right Up to throat, dolible atiteilga the Howick. , Pasomore, of . Teeswater, v, learn that Wm. P` kard 00. from his trip to the old Weak place put seame, remarkably good value, $4.50. day afternoon. The ceremony took ins marriage.—Mr. Samuel Anderson is visiting 11c & JoTrIsas.-thir. John Thomas Wigg 11 been I under the doctorle care for the Mr. Charters had a very pleassit v;isit and on the verandah, "in r at Owen. Sound.—Quitii a: week is slowly fecoverinq;—Mr.John Orr Boucle Cloth Jaefteta—brown front of the house, lost a nice hotse: the other #m9 it having his daugbte EAFORTH. at London 1who iss 'been laid up for the past week with black -2 large and 6 sniall buttft4 got over a good deal of country but he re- which was beautifully dec' d with ever- be choked' by oats.—Mr. b Cook i mber visited the exhibition orate Bober nu an urn down collar fits �oifte at turns better pleased with old Huron th greens and flowers. The bride stood under has left for �C athem, where he will resulne last week.—The cold sump has taken farm- rheumatism, is'slowly recovering.—M.Ed. oufe, t STEAMSHIP ever before.Z.-Mr. John Halliday, of the throat, very handsome garment,-.$%: a beautiful floral bell.- The bridal PartY his studies. Mrs. Fallis, mother of Mrs. an by outprise and the corn be& been di -iivar&Ethej is again occupying his old poei. The beftUM9 Mill road, has also returned from -the old took their places vibile the wedding march R. McLeod an Mr; Richard Follis, is again aged some in coesequence.—Miss aggle tion atL theL Drysdale hotel.—Mr. Henry Seems -1, Beaver Jackets, brown or black, V. AND country. Mr.. Halliday woo away about was being pla cl� by Miss Fergason, of visiting Fordwicb. This lady n over 96 Bilfour in very ill. n2i el Sherritt, of Michislan, who has been here Jim for the: put mouth, has returned home.— Green Kersey Jackets, extra L Ua t to q 12., elibot-- a LVEE INSUR —The Grand Trunk now has a number of was attired in a tasteful gown of 3ream. Port Albert. Miss Emily Snowden has returned home Fly" ALNCE three months and had a very pleasant visit. Walton. -The'liride, Miss Agnes McCalls, Years of age, but still she is very smart and —0 able to travel from Cartwright.—Mr. James tely trimmed witb ged weeks' visit in Goderich wn- being W1111 mein employed enlarging the channel of to a VA&. cashmere, trimmed with laos �ad ribbon, M onure in completing some work back north. ftows.—kr. Roger, of Kineardine, was aftsr,& two black soutache, collar and ou ffs scoll'op.. AGENCY, Silver creek at the. water works, where it Theonstomary wreath ind veil were grace. in Port Albert this wiek—Mrob Rice has ship.—Miss H. Sowerby and Mr. Thomas ed; ialiLid with milk velvet _slid *ilfimj& there Migl crosses the track. After enUrgingit, it -is -fully arranged -on the head, the veil -falling Blyth. returned' from a ViL it to her parents at Amie, of Goderich township, were the soutae e, carved pearl W. Somerville,, Agent. the intention of the raitway authorities to to the bottom of the skirt.,* The bride was of the IM[i$$ft L Campbell last Sunday. with h bout somffl, Milverton.—Mr. Gibson, of Goderfoh, has guests ne JOTTImGs.—WeddiDge are all the,, go at $14. erect an ir,0111 bridge in place of the 9W assieted by her sister,, Miss Annie Mcculle Mrs. Turner is visiting kri.ends in Guelph. prices ant time and the youn people are been in the village. for a few I 4eysi, He is (Successor to H. A. �trong &-Bro.) culvert, which has done service for so many who; wore a very pretty draw of pink. cash the pres These are only four Imes out of, the -*4 now i0im Mr. and Mrs. John McInnes, of ing with them.—Canadian $meific Rail. an: organizer for the CanadisnOrder of For- —Mr,*. Harry Me i was the guest of his are Telegraph sind Express Building 90 imported. ears mere; both carried handsome bouquets. Th 1offiey last Sunday. —Miss assor.tmenf of Jack -eta ever d agent, of Wroxeter, Mr. Audrews, eaters, and was looking after their interests: nephew, Xr.,J. We discIalm an� in of ros, r rxe&;r, s;ent Wednesda, and Thursday * essrs' Win. Nicholson into Clinton. of Mr. 71houlas Richardson. groom, Mr. Albert G. MoGavin, son of occupied- the, pulpit in the Methodist church while here.—The harvest home services, Ida Nicholson and M m tw, the ant Win. MeGavin, Leadbury, was on te' rnl and E. Talbot took in London fair lost I pqchase W Com 'ercial 800011 ppor —Mr. James Ireland which were conducted in the - English' Canada!s —Mr. 0. IF PA"3wt has been confinid to his by his brother, Mr. Isaac MoGavin. on Sunday Ala Mitchell, week. iind ur pere-O by Aness.—A. number, of the wife were in Winihani on Wednesday. church, by Rev. Mr. Kerrin, of THE CHEAPEST Tow= knot was securely tied by - Rev. P. Mum mechanics of this town, who hive been -r-Mrs. . Gracyj of Winglism, in visiting in were largely attended. The church was t grave, after which the whole rrty enjoyed Constance. i I liv town -this week.—Our —Several -enugh. i Working at� St. Joseph for Mr. Condhe, wish themselves at tables boantifu ly laden with, genial station. agent, prettily decorated for the occasion. We ever bought or sold ar four liW us to say that tb have been pidd their Mr. H. Hammond, in in Goderich this week of our people are taking in the Goderich NOTES.—The praise service of the ED- we are selling now.' 134ght awayo- of an oppor all the good things of the season. Abou- i ieph Wilson and J. Dun- 1111191 was lZd low their value, we thein over wages in full an 'lab they are well pleas�d attending the Jessop tri to-, i for b d t al. He is one - Of fair this week. —Joi o ay eve One eason MRATFORD, 0 Ze hundred guests graced the occasion, an( chief witnesses,—Oar milliners are all book bar have returned from Meldrum, Bay, where by Mr. Robert Holmes, Of Clinton. The you the same way. -arn with the fair and gentlemanly manner in the- number of handsome and useful presen at their placesof - busineas again and win the he lumbering, mostin So a good one, sad creditable to ek Towels, linenj 16xW, red borders, ve� here an *writing, Book-keeping, Penman- which Mr. Contine has treated.1 - them.— witi had been engaged in t the lea HU Shorthand, Tn testified to the esteem in which the youn ler, who &%a gave a brief talk on money, and ship, &m, thoroughly taught by first-clais teachers. 1W meet the wants of the people.—The farmers Mr. BWhler, formerly of Goderich; gular 15c each, special pries 9o, moderate While killing a chicken a day or two ago, people aye hold by their many friends. W ibility," in his Th,orough., prnctfi4 up-to-date methods the knife are busy threshing their hatvast'out now.— Rev. Mr. Kerrin, Mrs. Kerrin and children 11 personal responal usual Heavy, inen uck x412 indho to our c" 11 . raw@; elegantly equip apartment@" gradusteji: Mr. . P. Brine accidently stuck wish them all happiness. Miss Elsie Bainton returned home from returned to Mitchell on Monday.—Mise flilent at 0 -.;.- lissionary addresses will be 1i h towelo, 21 ughlyedo6is"; stu. rents Admitted at Anytime. into his thumb instead of the ne6k of the of the si-ke), plain r red borders tagda- never were an ab- Minnie Simpson, of Sheppardton, was inar. deliere y Mears.. Lough and Holmes, Wtite for be&uWd catalogue. bird and now heis nursing his hand in a Saginaw on Friday evening, after the Methodist church, on San. 'ftokeramith. ried in Olean, New York, to Mr. A. B. Do Clinton 20c each special price two for 2'51o. previously. w. j. EwOTTI Principal- "U-52 sling..—A- meeting of -the general Jubilee sence 6f six weeks. my. afternoon.—Rey. Alex.'Rapsoin is via 'The stoek -we ha, committee Vill be held in the COUNCIL.—A mestin of be council Kay, of that city, on the 15th inst.' Our 4 E M quality back towds, warp and celebration next, at 8 held at Kyle's hall on%aturday, Septernbe best wishes go with them. ing his parents and other friends here.— _ pue linen, 22x-42 inches, regular -45c town hall on Monday evening Croularty. Mrs. McDonald, of Bluevale, and Thomas pair, special price, each 17o at the store o'clock,for the purpose of finally deciding on 18th, as, per 'adjournment. Immedia GOOD Pias.—Mr. I William L. McLaren next door the disposition of the funds at present on after dealing With the minutes of last moo Godench.- Ki M. D., were this week visiting the' r Fini Damask Towels, colored borderigood, pprohased at the Toronto - exhibition Mr. J. W. King.—Mears. E. L. W band am 0 about $500.—Miss ing, the report of the engineer, Mr. T. patterns, finer finish, regular We ss& 9 a fine 'l rted Yorkshire Kxox CHuRcir BE.OrzrrN(;.--.'On Sunday, Farnham and Hiram F her i t week d stood, Nellie Clinie, of V7, ham,is visiting friends Farilcombe, on the caudiflon of the Spro in is as is 25c special price, each 1,50. boar from Mr., Joseph iretherst011, the well DISTRICT' 3WAT.TBRS. indrain, was resd.i6 all the ra payers Knox church was re -opened After being posedof a horse each toMr. J. Archibald, in town.—Mr. F. Twaddle went to W i sell good linens -cheap all the time but Xe known breeder of Streetsville, also a thor- enlarged and refitted and three services of Somforth.—Miss Harriet Squires, of Gres. e Fergus on Wednesday to attend the golden attendance. The report recommends th ghbred now of the same - strain from Mr. 9 IN , these are special bargains, and -it *0 io �Wii were hold to commemorate the' obossion. ton, is the guet of M n*oi Lottie Cook.—M wedding of his parents.—Mr., Book, our cteepening, widening and straightening a -Ou1 LEFT TowN.—Mr. J. C. Smith, who has I . J. A. Brothour, of Burford. Them animal pay yZiu to. bay, even if 'you dou% on,4, H. R. In the mornina the difies, was more than Kate McDougall, of Cranbrdok, is vierting -store, buyero market gardener, intends shipping a I -arge the creek from lot 1, conce A been a respected resident of this town for a tookofirst prize atthe exhibitions at Toronto fined, every meit * oc�jpied, while many her sister, - Mrs. J. Hinchley.�Miss Ger- the goods for six months. Values for A (Luantity of tornatoes to the old country. to the point where it enters the riv'er Lo y an re. M 'He has some thousands of bushels. We 7, concession 4, a distance of two i and London. -Mr. MoLaren is becoming stocd throughou th service. Rev. Robert trade Farnham returned Saturday from a hav r �u . last for Toionto. e are pleased noted for his fine pigs and is bound to htwe Johnston, B, A., B., ., of London, was the weeka� visit at London during, Exhibition a hope his. enterprise will be rewarded. The lower one and a quarter miles to a that Mr. Smith has ob ad twelve foot bottom. The estimated as f any cost. preacher, and delivered an excellent sermon tilne.—W� L. Proctor, of Bluevale, spent every -position in Toronto, with Messrs. Ferguson 0 v from �Sb. Paul's words in Galatians, "I am Sunday here. flo'Wing FrNE pickling spices at Dnj�s, Daly a Old the work '14. $7402.15. The assessment lovie Hodkens Rr os. & Blaikie, the well known brokers and fian- - in the 1b h* f Hibbert Blake. not ashamed ot the church of Christ." The indicate cial, agents of that city., The many friends Stand, Seaforth. 1554-1 on lands DW05111 0 bif it a 0. Fisher, $128.30 for outlet lis I I Y. After NoTm.—The many friends of b1i Katie revierend gentleman bases excellent delivery Walton. Of Mr. Smith here, while regretting his -de. * ELOOuTION' C1;ASS;—N1is8 Ell i ofterilig OLINTON. ot Goderich, teacher of Elocution anti pbysical cul- lengthy and careful consideration,the repo Edighoffor will be sorry to learn that she is and this combined with his well knit ae WEDDING. —On'Wednesday last,at 4:30p. pattare fTom. town, will be pleased that he c t the -he nick list. She is very low with'. mono -were . attentively listened to -and hear0- ire, Inioinds re -organizing her clue here tibou was adopted and the clerk instructed on t m., about cis hundred guests Assembled at Scotch suitinp ainin A tt lay in October. Those who beldriged to go, first saturi ft ily appreciated by all present. The choir, "a =e a by-law to be submitted Idt prov: - typhoid favor.—Mr.- Robert Manson le the residence of Mr. M--. Morrison to wit- md, g and so congenial. a position, and th the. olm before As well an any others desirous of be- dopikou at the next meeng, whic i here on Monday of last week for'the west. — which had received addition@ for the coca@ - w 0( ad safe tripi--.4ho Other suith will always be pleased to hear of his a )mIng members will kindly communicate with Miss a noes one of those events which alway cause We with her a pleasant a Fisbier at their earliest 6onvenisnoe. 16544 will be held at Brucefield, on Saturdaj Two of our enterprising young gentlemen ion, rendered a nice programme of sacred a ripple of excited emotion in social 'ei�reles,, Howick show into be held in our vglwv*, 0 evening pprop * to doing.. MONEY FoUND.—Found on the floor of October 9th, at 10 o'clo,)k. took a quiet trip to Lon&n on music which included a rim solos- the event being the in& the M now rriage of the hosts 2nd of Oetober.—There in an ex Lumsiden Wilsou's Store, Seafortb, a bank bill. A PRETTY WzDDiNG.—On' Wiedneads3,- hot week to see the, fireworks.—Seeding is Charles Godfrey innocent, of Toronto, pre. unge-st daughter, Miss Maggie, to Henry pening, for a witchmaket in our Vil -Cox* perky sided most acceptably at the'organ. In the 0 �gby 412 wl"Elw AT THE WESTERN.— Huron The owner can have The same on proving pro 15th ineb., the home of Mr. D. Ferguson very- slow this fall for the want of rai Moon of Hallett. 'The mystical knot There should be�a goodopening here for-aw, and paying for this advertisement. Luxamm A -A. and county is always to the fore, and this Year on the 7th concession, was the scene of � 6 afternoon the pastor, Rev. J. Anderson, WiLism's, Seaforth. 1651-1 was tied- by the Rev. M�r. Andrews, of Lon. - dentist.—Oar photographer ban -gone,to. is no exception,. as a number of our breeders Do your trading at Diuls6 and etithe most interesting and pleasant event. Th, i Clinton. B. . A., occupied the pulpit and made �n deaboroi in the absence , of Rev. A. Tiffin, West. If he fails to return a good artbt Two 20e Une ,of livestock have carried off prizes at the d nd, occasion w i the marriage at his daughter able�,defivermnce. In the eveningille church Moth9dist minister. The bride, fshould fild a profitable business herc—"m -patirs 300 1i -Fair* at, London. Among the highe9t price for your produce. Dally's 0 1554-1 BAD AND FATAL ACCIDENT. —On. Saturday was again or who was Western Mary, to r. James Strong, of McKil owded and Rev� Robert John 8"forth. lut one of the -sad iest and fatal accidents given away by her, father, was charmingly , There seems to be no room here for hbotioN. A line of UU number are the following:. Horses,—G. The cerenliny was performed at 3, 0101 lo' ston again occupied the pulpit. attired in a rich dress of cream lustre, and but professional men might be able to inski;, Fop. choice Vinegar's and paFe Spices, 90 lool that basever occurred in this town, befel Be DOI "r Green, Brussels, 3rd for pair f roadsters to A. -Yomm, Seaforth. 1550 by Rev. Neil Shaw, of Egmondville, *in th ----------- 9 wore the conventional orange blossoms.. money.—A bank would be a great oonvehil- Goorg*e Hamilton, the two year old- son' of 25e yearling Canadian d kt'llion, John, presence of about seventy-five invited gues, She was attended by Miss Bell& McGill, of once to business men here, as well an prefif- bre a ' SEEDS ! SEzDs ! SzEDs I splendid It .' Mr. alter Costs. A pail of boiling water enzan. 200; Essery,Exeter, let; Thomas McMichael, stockof home grown Timothy Seed. Also gooi The bride was handsomelyattired in oream. THE beautiful new* Presbyterian Book of Blyth:, gowned in pale blue. The Irom able to the banker, if properly conduebed. I had been placed on the floor for scrilbbing I Hallett, 3rd ; T. Dale, g-ullett, Ist for sample of Fall,Rye. Parson's Golden,- Chiff wheat, silk, trimmed with silk ribbon, lace - an 11 Praise In different styl;is of bindtnir and type to now Our vll� Canad ;George Dale, Tuck- Red Clawson and other leading *arletles, both chepon, and was attended -by her cousin, purposes, and the little follow, who was xhibition-and for sale at J. 0. SToxxit"Is Store, was supported . by his brother, George A ier cold wave sl over -W ian brood mar I - on a Moon. The wedding march was played by just now. It is sa=t those in the uortb' suits no *holesale and retail, sk Some& Mammoth Seed and Is ing about, fell into it and spilt the Hen"ll. Mgt can ved filly and Mi Nettie Gardner, of MoKillop, wb) Miss A Ferguson, in her usual good style. end of our village were treated with ano*. .11 ud examine our In tents over him. He was most MR, G.'F.- ARNOLD has this week remo eramith, 2ad for Canadian yearlinj Fetid Store. We invite you to cal C Z 2nd for Canadian draught foal; Innis & stock before buying, as we are confident that we aw Wore a pretty costume. of ores - cashmero , ily scalded from the back of his neck Congratulations ever, the company ast storm on Snday. doe severe his millinery and general store three doom west, to Horwat, Clinton, let for yearling heavy give you satisfaction, both In quality and tTimmed with cream silk. Mr.JohnFerg 1654.1 down to a sumptuous repast, which was in four dozew Flour and Feed depsriment iaw3yo complete. 19. G* to his feet, from which he suffered greab. G. McEwens block. draught, stallion. Cattle, ­H. & W. Smith,, scorr, Seaforth. Ontario: son, only brother of the bride, acted agony. until Sunday, when death relieved MR. J. SUTHERLAND, of the Post every respect in keeping with the occasion. Chicago. choice. for r Hay,, 3rd for aged Durham bull let for groomsman. The Wedding march was. office The wedding gifts were unusually fine, Be. aged Durham comr, let for iZ�year-old TnioTHY SEED.—I have bought a quan- played by Min Alice Walker, who wor3l Ulm Book store,' his a large assorkment of the now Free. NoTris. —Miss Mary Effighoffor was called,- tity of choice Timothy Seed, grown on Mr. Roderick I b) terian Book of Praise. i561-1 idea a gold wati-h, the gift of the groom, 11 home from Pigeon, Michigan, -to attest! now 00 Darham heiferJnd. for fat ox or steer ; Gmy's farm, near Statorbb, which is pure and cleau. cream lustre trimmed with mauve - ribbon. the bride was the reeipient of many other Thomas, Ptuseeft, Usborne, Ist for two-year- It is selling fas". A. Youso, Seaforth. 1551 After the ceremony, the bride and grooT i Zurich. ENGINES FOR SALB.—One 16 H. P.,bell the funeral of her sieter Barbara, wite sox for 21 "LAA Portable two 14 H. P., Whites ; 13 . P. Sawyer- presents, noticeable among them being a died on Tuesday of last week. She h old Durham bull. Swine,—W. McAllister, BuTTER, BuTTLm. —Alex. Stobie Sam- and their attendants and Miss Ali 0 Walke A PROLIFIC CRor.—Mr. �Cyras Colosky, Massey one 12 -11. P. Wat"ous - - Ana Beverai parlor suite, sidetward, bedroom suite, ex- mere Alt 2, -shire boar, -3rd for forth, will pay the highest market price in Ash for and Mr. Peter Gardin thoroughly sbil been ailing for several weeks from ty hoW7 fine Alff a3; Varna, lot for aged Bork or drove to Seafor of the Bronson line, Hay township, bad an second-hand Stationary ]engines. All tension't e, dinner. seti etc., which goes p Berkshire breeding sow, bronze medal' for Butter either in tubi Cr crocks. Fresh Eggs bought and had their photographs taken. On thei immense -crop of reen gage 'plums this rebuilt, and good as new for work. -The" Enginei fever and diarrhoea. ---41T. John Banderbl, for ;;;h as uguxl. to show the popularity of the Young dys 562-8 will be sold.on, reasonable terms. Older Machinery- Miss,. Katie Geiger,- from near thii pa nBerkshire broad sow with offspring ; W. & return to th6 bFide's home a sampt o year. He gathered 110 pails or 35 bushels We make a complete line of HYdraulie imd Screw who, bi her agreeable manner, made many ir Jae DON'T forget that DmL has bought out were down to the London fa 't W Fisher, Belimiller, 2nd for young wedding dinner was served in the lar from ten trees, which were readily disposed Presses of any size; also Jelly.Evaporitors, u latest arin friends.' The company. spent, tht. 01Y& - -price $6 Thomas Daly and will always keep on hand fresh dinning room, which was brilliantly ligh Mr. Coloskj Improved debign. Repairing —Engine and Mill They returned well pleased with the tr*, Riand China sow, 3rd for aged T&mwrtr d in games, inter - high class groceries. Call in and seb for ymrself. of at $1 per bushel. evening atter the inner 43.1715 ; ro spray work promptly attended to. Correspondence so- . Henry Kalbfieisch threshed from -tW- bovw. 1554-1 end prettily decorated for . the occ ion. his trees and keeps them ree in the -Ited 1544-69 Spersed ith. music and social . chat, - 153- —M�r. P * -and $41 UO DiLL's, Daly Old Stand, Sesfpxth. raise," T he remainder of the evening was most black knot,which is the only way �o ensure a 41( RoRnnT BXLL, Jr. parsing at a late hour, d' scres-of oats, 600 bushels. Who can best shiTts -at 11THz New Presbyterian Book of P LOCAL BRIEFs.—The wea, ater wishing Mr. SO= ConN�-.—Mr. George T. McKay, of call and see the various styles of binding and prices pleasantly spent with music and dancing. good- crop. ther d"r'u that ?—Mr. Win. Hess, jr., aad Mm � Oam all th and Mrs Moon w long and pro.,perous , I Lumonix.4 WiLsoWs Seafortb. 1554A The wedding gifts were very numerous, first part of this week was quite c , but Hay, from Zurich, were visiting rolatly" and,$ .#Q� the 2ad concession, L. R. S., Tuckeremith, at yet with little or no frost to injure anything. career. . The young couple will -settle down and friends in this vietulty on unda comprising costly and useftil articles. Mr. to the every -day duties of life on the Eviary artieliig` brought into town on Saturday, several CAPE AND PARASOL LosTLoat between Chiselhurst. —Quite a. large number of our villagers Mr. S. Sararus, from Zurich, paid Miss Ug - stalks of corn which were monsters and ex- Beeehwcod and Seaforth, al%d3'a gray cape, wit URC am a farm in Rulett, followed by the that gre ni I b and Mrs Strong have taken up their resi- Cu OrExxNG.—The services incon- attended the fair hel4 at Exeter, on Tues. zie Bender a flying visit OW Sunday.—Ift" hibitencirmous growth.- Qne of the stalks velvet collar, Awl a blackellk parasol. The finder dence in McKillop, on Mr. T. E. Hays, old toot. wishes of a -host of friends. 'he V sto etion with the opening of the new Metho. day and speak of the stock nd, outside Conrad Sienloti. was. under the arental ro*- than wilil kindly leave at it. B. Gunn's re, Seaforth, or farm, and have the.best wishes of a wid.6 no measure 5ftl. d 16 feet 6 iuqli� length. It hid, at Beechwool post office. diet church will be held on Saillay and exhibits as being vert good . but the inside 'Room Stelch- was 11w. n it several well 6!Kd andlyndfured ears of circle of friends for their future happiness Monday October 3rd and 4th. On -Sunday on Sunday.—Aliso WALL PA]Zp 28, any one intA -department not up to, the former yea TER Bnd'ng to do and prosperity. ro.— nest of Mr. Nelson iller Bund mcorn. Mr. McKay has thr,6e acres of this papering will find itto their lntere�t to see samplas sermons will be preached at 10:30 a.- In., The World's Fairst turich thin week will NoTEs.—The 'voters' liet'courb will be Mrs. Elizabeth Weber returned home from corn and he says it wilY average at least andprices at LumaDmi & Wmaox's. Sbaforth. 1554-1 and 2:30 and 7 P. in. Collections will be no doubt so Usual be �ery good, and will be hold by Judge Masson on Thursday of thin Ingersoll last Friday. —We are glad to how twelve feet !a length and it should yield at OwiNG to ill health I have decided to rel Wroxeter. taken up at each service. On Monday p!tronized from Hensall and vicinity.�— week. There are 65 appealsii, 27 by the Lydia Sararus is recovering frow that Mi least twelve tons to the acre. It can be tire trom business, and have dispased of my stock to evening a grand - tea meeting will be held. In Oar reguk Messrs. Carlisle, Foos and -blillar are,this Liberals and 38 by the Tories. --The Work- her illness. Messrs. Greig & Macdonald, Olotheriles, of seatorth. BRIEF§.—Mr.-G. F. Gibson, Goderich �or. Judged from this- the amount of feed that, Tea will be served from 6 o76look until all week preparing to build a fine grainolithio emen have paid the heirs of the late Marsden In taking leave of my customers, for whom patron- iza !his -stuff will produce. The name of the gan r for the Canadian Order of Foresters, have -been served, after which there will'be walk in front of theirandRome new briok Smith the amount of his hbueficiary certifi- our custela go and trade I tender my thanks. For the In com- variety is the Giant Caban., Mr. McZa paid this place a flying visit on Tdesda� After a prolonged illnessi ex, the fall g proprietors I bespeak a oontlnusnae of the trade an excellent programmo. . All are cordially block, which Is nearing completion.—Mr." cate, viz. $2,000.—The; directors of wu induced to odect- this variety from you py-e tQ me ia the past, as your wants lut.—Qaite a number from thin neighbo5- invited to come and lend a helping hand. over three inonths, M-ro. Samuel closest and mcst anurtoom attention hood took in the cheap excursion to t Win. MoLaren, of near Cromarty, passed fair are busy otting everything in first- Elma, passed away on Sand morningli, to fumish- through here, this week 'with some fine high class shape, an , expect a big sTiow. The -reports �,reciived from the Expertinental- III recelv6 the 21: at the hands of this enterpribing Clothing Ho Falb this week to see, the new bridge open- inet., aged 36 years, 4 months -and With usit Farm at Guelph. This is the firit time he *he have established a most enviable name for 7inthrop. grade or imported Yorko$re pigs which- had Hon. John Dryden will be on hand. —There ith a ed.—Miss Lang, of Harriston, was in tow She h8j, long been fflicted *i has sown it and he is well satisfied with the themselves in the clothing business. Yours truly u WE have a nice now line of ladies' laced taken let prizes at the Tokonito- and London is to be a large Liberal demonstrati firit sale V -ways . the stalks are not only ]W*RRY Spruits, Sesforth. the- g i6t', of some friends, recently. — on in fits, which latterly, brought oxi results, and be, 0 ales, nilk satisfactory, but the yield -of ears is equall STRAYED.—A'- white setter bitch, with JohnBrethour has taker. out &license-" 5 boots suitable forfall and winter wear, on the now exhibitions., Mr. McLaren's 'stock is be- Brussels, a October 7,- when the Premier, ad h y coin'..t000, 20th century out and price 10 r cent 6oming quiC4 noted in thin . line to the a followed by death. She leaves pe t the Hall. A. S. Hardy ; G. W. Roma and E, narrow stricken husband . and six msW make a tul prolific. This, corn was sown. on sod plowed black 3pots. A liberal reward will be pai4 for her auotioneer.—Dr. Brawn - & Co.'s drug ban - lower\thaii other stores. The Cheap. Ca?h Shoo of us, while Mr. McAllister, to the west of J. Davies will address the electors on the ; as it return to T. F. CoLBMAN, SOMfOrth. neon will shortly be removed to the ichael's Block, W. H. Mu, Senforth. children, including baby three 1110414� Xen!g -Y last fall and the land was very stroal continues improving his stock a topics of the day. - This should be a red read Infk� IF you- help us we will help you, in the store 14 -1554.1 us, old. The family are sympa Witt is had not been cropped for thirty years, so it the Gofton House block, whete , thized -ay f selling you good shoes cheap. Repa carrying off the beat zes at the exhibition letter day with Ae Liberals of East Huron, their al�ltioa, I aily sad best xj!114 iring on . a f! the finest and most attractive —M ueh regret which in peculi will be seen the crop had a good chance,. 0 I"h 0 DEATH OF MRS. ADAs. and local fairs.—Mr. tri F. Arnold is this as it in -not often they have'& visit fom our this canao Deceased was -very much roo-ped done while you wait. W. 11. Willis, The Cheap C empori4me -of the kind in the county but even under these favorable eiroum- shoe Store, Carmichael Block, Seaforth. 1551-1 was felt in this vicinity,. on Tuesday , last# week oving his' stock into MeEwenis leaders. Those who ..may : wish to hear will W seen.—Messirp. Rutherford & Mun- ed in the neighborhood, and' was a loylar stances it is 6. magnificent crop. Mr. Mc- on it becoming .-known that Mrs. Robert -by Mr. roe, tinamitbef and 'thardware, owing block, in the store lately vacated. provincial polities fairly and fully discussed wifo and,good, mother. A few lots left: Kay is a firm. believer in earn as a fodder Adams had pawed away. The -event. how - A NARRow EscAPE.—Afr. Win. Sillerl, of Alex. Murdock, and intends remaining should attend this demonstration. —James r Adams — - uring e visit are elening and although he has'uot yet got s� silo, he Tuekersmith, had a narrow escape rom' increasing * business, :are obliged to see ever, was not unexpected, as Mrs. there until Mr. R. Bell's new block is ready Green got 3rd prize for his black roadster D -th of the British Aaow 'i intends to have one soon, as �rhile he can- death while driving into town on Monday greater accommodation, and will shor had been ill forf',some time. About four for ocoupancy.--Rev. Mr. Neil, of Dan. ciation of Scienceat Toronto,. DrXamilt* Western 'Fair. London,—Wm. Xa!s odd siders corn a profitable crop, even when fed morning. He came to the railway track move into one of the large stores in t weeks ago she was suddenly prostrated. by wieb, and Rev. J. S. Henderson, of:Carmel H t I at prize for cheese at the In- Of Motherwell., paid a visit -to -the Quift ting for the purpose of meetim dry, he thinks it pays to ae it converted just as the morring train from the east was Bell block.—Nlra. F. V. Dixon Is visi paralyiia, and from whicli,she never recov- church, will exchange pulpits on Sabbath, d=t Toronto. He is a -good cheese City ig 14rd Kd- Ourtoek 6f -11 the UVO Goderibli.—Mr. George Dane, of Hamilton via, who, Professor William Thomson* into ensilage, and.%ve beli- the'experience coming in and apparently thinking. he had - ered., Her maiden name was Catherine Bul the latter preaching anniversary serinans.— maker and.is now enlarging his factory so of all our best farx4ers the same sucient time to cross in'front`of the train was in, town the early 1�ari of the week. -w - 'lard. She was only 49 years of age. She issor kt the Glasgow UniverdW suchnam %king during the was his proh d1rection. Mr. T. J. Berry recently purchased it hand- that he can add butter -in forty years ago. The recio ra�go ;of nition Otwoewl Messrs. Hamilton & Sanderson shipped bw had been married About twenty years. She s horse in Londo , and took winter months, and farmers should see that started across the track. The train was care of live stock on Wednesday last. --Tb leaves a family of two girls and one boy, the onie carriage n the distinguised scientist . and big limmor. closer than he had expected, however, and first prize with -him at Exetiirii on Tuesday he in patronized. —John MoBane, merchant. I C. T. B. mechanics? car was here this wee i oldest a girl of 10, and -the youngest a boy last. itudent was mutual and old associatioto LoaAL BRiEFs.Z--Nrs. William Cooper the -engine grazed the backof the' -wagon. Mr. A. Buchanan captured 2nd prize tailor, of this place, bas'sold out and gone as in, doing r,,Ppaire of one kind and another,i i of 11 years. She was a'kind, obliging WO, for his cartiage span, while Mr. Thompson to Saginaw, Michigan, to reside.- He will were talked of with the -Utmost freedom. It The leader !U and Mrs. Edgar,. of Howick, were here on, The engineer seeing the danger he w tics wi 4 connec th the station. not often that profemears and pupils =060- clothing. I London' blew the whistle and this frighte' man, a faithful wife and loving mother, and is Saturday, on their way, from the 0 Murd oek, with his farmer!,IRT pacer, carried be missed in Brussel's and carries with him -nd made them jump, throwing'JMr. ew —Mrs. On' terso many years, and no far off from the exhibition. While in Seatortli they.were i horses a was as much respected by all who kn a H. of 0 the good wishes of any citizens.— prize in y in the 2:30 class. Sillery off the wagon and under the wheels, i beloved by! her., -own of their early association. the guests of Mrs.Jam;ea Diok.­Mr.JobnB. Kippen. her, as she wu rnold re e thid week - from London, Wednesday evening of last week, John A. 9of grease. 'felt family patb�y is, —Two men iepresentin McLean has sold the Ross farm on 2nd can- I which passed over his body. The horses NOTES. —Our grain market. is now bris c The sincerest synij . or where obe ad been visiting'her father and Brdwn, of Morris, near Blyth, *as married 9 the'Stampial F1W cession of Tuckeramth, which he purchased I continued their ran up Main street and with Adams and his family in this the bour.of sister.—Miss Maud Wileq%�of Chicago, who use on a VA L at L th a good supply of grain being markets I to Kate, the eldest daughter of Ira c. Extinguisher, built a ho when in front of Stewart's blacksmith shop, their rest sorrow. The remains were in. aves all Arter, of this, place. The Rev. J. Rose in Listowel, the other ds , soaked it with a short time ago, to Mr. Leonard Sholdice. I e storehouse, where the etop, price i's fpent several months wfith relati d The buel : g4s, n the Maitlandbank cemetery on Mr. Robert McGowan has also sold the Ur terre i -vaoini y, ret John Aberhart attempted to stop them being paid.—Mr. Jamee. Cooper shippel Hands in - Hensall and urned did, the needful, and an enjoyable time was coal oili and so6n bad a hot fire Thurad and the funermlL was very largelY home this week.—Mr. Giorge Habkirk was spent by all. The wedding pre I �ents were Dobbie farm, on the Kippen *road, Tacker- bat was knocked down end ran over. The from here on Monday two car loads of h a Tiley either lot the fireget goinj toowuw All gap ix a for via' healibala in. Pr] smith, to Mr. Glen, of Usbome, for $4,500. animals were eventually stopped in front, of I Mr. Coopqr goes 'with them to the Stat: "i attendey in Feleon, Michigan, the' iting useful did not he per woik-. 75c, I - . - past week both numerous, and valuable.— va the -c 11-r.L McGowan talks of going to the old Mr. D. D. Wilaon's egg emporium, appar- Iowa. hey,were. all ewes, and his son Robert.—Miss Litzi 16 Moir returned ing order, for they not onlyfAfL alk. Led topilt ar ca fdora 114t 'countr 7 bat.L we hope he will not remove ently none the worse, while the wagon was oulated r breeding purposes. Webeepeea" Liakele.t. home from Toronto on Monday, where she Gome. the fire, but dne'of the men got his -howidil- from W-uron as he 'is too good a man to still intact. Mr. Sillery was cut libout the' for- r. caper good success in his ente NOTES.—Evon the greatest grumbler can- spent sev4al weeks with relatives.—Ur. F. and fee severely burned. Guaranteed W1 —Mr. James Fisher and family, *ho face and considerably bruni-ed, but not near- p —Fall R. Be6ttie intends moving' into his now NoTu.—Misi Alvin% Hbibein and Mr. 0 lose. he sudden change in the weathi not find fault with this weather. —A ly so much so an he might have been. Mr. has had the effect of searching --quiet we in o at the -W! the Clinton Ouse, e. r on Friday last on their Aberhart was eve his merchant -tailor shop. —Mrs. model school.—Mr. Herman =' e . r on have been visiting friends here for the u the over- plowing and threshing occupies the time and grami[ses in Millar's block next week, where James, Bricker, of Howick, are attending vere illo' 8 b also somewh%t bruised. It lothing.-�-;f 11 h past month, left coats and winter, c rl. Squirei, attention of -the farmers. -The harvest home the Sth in. The' v(sibut- '7 bme at 0. Heavy W ietiira to their home in Little Rock,Arkansae. was indeed a narrow escape for Mr. Sillery who'was at Bright for a few weekwon buls - festival, in connection with the Good Toul. Miller White, of Exeter, was in the village Evans, son of Mr, ohn, Evans, of Gornio, is Village, part iis were railobsel 1391INIOm- so, —A. gentlemmu,.. who, has travelled consid. as it WS3 only a matter of a couple of see.- neon, has returned to our where h plars, came off last'Saturday niihit, andwas "on.Monday renewing icquaintances.—Mise attending the Owen Sound Collegiate Insti- Ing and Miss Christem, daughter of erably and who ban haii- work done in onds which saved him from hat would un- intends staying- with his daughter, Mr a decided success. Nearly, all t a members Lynch and Miss Muleeney, of London,' were tute.—Mrst R. Gil of Orillis A host, Mr. Rev. 0 Scott. doubtedly h inmany of the large cities in Canada and the av'e-been instant.dea'th.' Ricker.—Miss Lillie Whiteman, who h were present, and partook of the good- last week the guests of Mrs. C. violas Avont.on, officiated, After parr A. Me. her parents And or relatives in frUnited States, says he t better and things furnbhed -by the ladies.�-Mr. Ed- Donell.—Mr. Alex. Taylor, of this. �village, around Gorrie.—Mr. Joseph Fergason,who 0 been spending a two weekW visit wit the weddi er the -newly �tficde -Of WILLIAX REEDY. race at succeeds McLaujhLlin Bros., is now holdin .9 Ding at S neater w4rk done at Mr. Jahu Beira laun. DEATH OF MRS. —Many friends in London, has returned, home. —M ward Mahood left fbr his work in the captured first money in the bicycle - u p dry, in Seaforth, than he ever got any place can a tie took the iei of our,readers -wi regret to learn of the John B. McLean, of Tucker' r. A, ts on tbow or bay& amith, has di States last week, after spending a couple of Exeter fair on Tuesday.—Our millin see forth in the Glugow. House. X ustin for arnla and at or wester' where he hag been. It is so with every- death of Mts. William Ree4y,of north Main psed of his 100 mere farm, lot 3, o th 4t months with his relatives he're.—We won- running tm their fullest capacit d Doan is clerking for himo nd mia Ree honeymoon trip. thing else. 2 Pdople t, e beat of street Seaforth, which took an Iret th place on Fri, concession, Huron road survey, der if your Wroxeter orrespondent is an the best' of natiefeetion.-a..-Mrs. Robert Patrick has charge of the millinery depsr� there _On Friday, 10th. inj everything here. -:-Mr. R. Webbof this town, f day last. Mrs. Reedy's maiden, name was Leonard -Sholdice, of the same UwEhli inspired prophet. We would think no, Charters'of the Mill. Road, ear SeafOrthj- ment.—Misp Ferguson, of Burgoyne, is WRHAVRA' ,fiae purchased a blacksmithing business iii Ann Kennedy. She was bo, away Ells, Louisa, youngest ditighw, e rn in the -town- The price paid for the'same was $4,6WOO. M when he- has the audacity to try to takeus was in the village this week visiting Mrs. visiting her brother, Mr. Joseph Ferguson, Staft.—Dr. Scott is having a stone founda�'. ship of Scarboro, Count of York, a' Mr. Charles Querengesser, of Brid. 8�- y ad was �MeLesn only purchased this fine propert 'down re the lecture by the Jew here. 'What W. B. McLean -an,4 other fiiendZ— Mrs. of the Glasgow House.—On account -of- the ONZYB, tion built under his libuse on Goderioh aged fiftT years and beven months. She last op The year, -8 Mon— prevale en enjoying S. Holmes. —Mr. i was married to Mr. Reedy abouco thirty. cattle, the offer of Mr. Sholdice r*a in order to have more grazing fo doesihe knowof what the Jew said, and Simpson returned on Mo�day from a week's nee of scarlet fever, our school was �.I;street, occupied by Mr. bat' and 21 days, andhad be w how ibe behaved while here ? We would be vidi at London, her former libme.—Mrs. G. closed last week. The disease in of a -very Will McDonald,, is home from Detroit on a Years Sgo, and with her -young husband she -too, thmpting for Mr. McLean to refuse, the %lery lost to find fault with the young A.- Found,. who was visiting h to; lid type.—'Inspector Robb is engaged pro. healtli until the Monday before her A"04 er paron ni e farm vovisit to his parents at the manse.—Rev. Dr. is getting a good price and Mr. -Sholdi insulil attempt at lecturing had he behaved -Mr. and Mrs. R. Carlisle, returned name to fessionally in Howick towneb at present. came to McKillop and settled on th when she was seized with a McDonald will preach a special sermon to 0 ad a o cramps n the 5th concession, which he bad pre- a good farm.—Mr. Albert Taylor, who as a gentlemen and a Christian should." Ripley this week.—Mr. and Mrs.4amis Mr. Iew Sanderson box it *tains f and in spite of all -that viously taken. up as their faturehomeancl on In @6 tailor, his. When, however, a man invites the public to McArthur returned from their bijdal trip foundation put -under his blacksmith the Ancient Order of Foresters in the Prea. ow embarking out in life s; aid and willing hands Of lomg shop, -byterian church on Sunday morning. The which he had been residing for two years. taken a position in Toronto. -Albert in a on Monday evening lut. While away they and intends aiding the shop with lumber.— could do she passed away on Friday. his lecture, and then openly insults a young o here until about two clever boy, and his many asmembeML are requested to meet at the lodge, She- continued to liv no hex e woman in the audience, e -do not hesitate visited relatives mad friends in Toronto, The agricultural building in tha park is —A repor boon, 3d at tte Do companio Ottawa, On L Aft the wlrov room and March in a body to the church.— years ago, when Mr. Reedy purchased a re. will be pleased to hear of his doing well.-- to denounce him. If he satisfied the Wrox- Niagara Falls, Strathroy and elsewhere.— nerlt completed.—Mr. %kid Mrs. J. H. Me. pertinent of Agriculture at Th sidence in Seafortil, and retiring Poin the Mr. and.Mro.James Blair, of Centralia,wete oter people well and good, b- t he did not Miss May Hi ius,.Of London, in the guest t tended -the London., fair.—Miss condition in whichs shipment of early 'aug e Clinton New Era of last week says lin at on The Presbyterian Sunday school of Seaforth farm camo to live here. She was'not per. calling on friends-. in the fore part of t e -the -le here, and there were some in the of Mrs. W. CMDavis.—Mrs. R. Fulton'ba-s Mabel Horton left on Monday for the West. a bar . . on Right all eop plea in the cold storage ch in shipped a large' consignment of flowers td mitted, however, loqg to enjoy the gase and week.�—Plowin 'in almost at a stand ti audience disgusted with him, 0, for in- been in Brussels during the past week visit- Herfathef, Mr. George Hor6n, formerly steamship Hastalis, arrived at Glaegom of rain. the _Any the House of Refuge on Monday, which ple fter she. for the want 0 oving a eceived states that asures of a retired life, far 80OUL telligence, need not take a as nd place, to ing friends and attending the wedding of a of Gorrie is travelling for a Toronto cablegram r became afflicted by aa� incurable. miternal hankering for fall- fairs'are at t e prose t e and sent tv;o� to his daughter that he wish- storage was a complete sucoom, and that JW� were much appreciated and duly acknowl- ven your 'Wroxeter scribe. Ireland lative.—Mr. H. Moir, of Ottawa, Was'in NWO stw:6,t it W th re edged.—Mr, Adam Has is having his house disease, from which she was a severe suffer. time having - ample opport to a dentist, of Harriston loulled tedth t"he village on Wednesday visiting rel 11,edhertojoift.him. rn apples returned.the shippers hand" on Goderich street. east, occupied by Mr. or and which ultimately proved fatal) de, their desire.—Idn.Purdie and ro.hl eii Clifford last Monday. d in oer- —Mrs. Havill, of Toronto,. in, the guset of quest Mabel =dertiook 0 i urney alone. $Ram P ish Th Mr