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The Huron Expositor, 1897-09-24, Page 3
E K: [115leflt3t3._ 4500,000. AFORTH. UnitAd Statew able its all parts"• a Made on saw hlRheatl ourrea and Decerribel•. klu> C)v, Agent. }===�44 -60c. 'L" er_,W1,w-•ac*so1 }? I- z-- a I - A f, V 6 s _t •4:Yui 0 g. Is V ry . -^",�, c, 6 < r _. - <5 f, r.Q _ - 1 if 0 +i `- Q ` , ky` t 1e �* W. 000 *Doc? tore will Con - be beat, call M _ t t�, F f )forth - !RE- -0 RE- LEEo 16,0000000 01,0001000 .- unteed, Drafts Sues in C a of interest t aucl Novem- per and Fars Manager. - . '-I I . w 'I Y , . � . , I . I f i . i , I , t .. - - - _ ft ._. _... - v - _ .. - - - _ _ _._-. �....- _ --rc -..� - - - n y. >-.� 2 . .. __ _... 7 . •.may # X :'... -P. - - - -__. -a - -.:' :- 11 ,.. _ �._. -. -_. .: - -. - is -.. . . ... �-_ -:. t_ '. • -. rty.'rv`,'^. - - Vt� .. .. 4 r. .... a _•.. .rel r i?v .! M 1. a . - - t ' -. r . ' \ _ : }iBE� ��e THE HURON 11 I - EXPOSITOR11* I -1IMPORTANT' NOTICE& I .- , . r. i ar,>--De.iratsle property altua%ed os God i � SHE WAS W RO til C, �3 E R AS ��� stueet<8eaforth. Ferpartianlarsapplyat NES IN JERSEY _ _ CU OOT MADE E Y M11 . - Y`" w Y „ }„- :. <.14 it +... `.:+.%.Tf?[y�6I 5 �elrott 0MC, 128341 The Original Poem Wasn't by Cowper air How Any Bright Scholar May Learn to - ___ _- THE TOWNS THAT MAY BE All, but by One Else. • . ,•11,.1111111 ,nnvdr, .I,,,,..: , , -:•,n}„n„ , ,-• e 30M E p F I Tell" iL Oflfhand. i --_� � C NNA, Dominion and Provincial Land CARTE � __ - -- ,"1 ,* gsmayorfMemberoftheassodationofOntario FOUND IN EVERY ATLAS, M y There is a woman's literary club on To find the cube root of any given I `I ors, Dublin, Ontario, 13W52 a_ to-. _ the. South Side which is having the number of figures offhand seem an al- S +, ;i I' � TL� I - hardest imaginable time to keep togeth- most impossible feat but yet it is aim- ` t -r D � ,Clark �f the Second Division Wliotnresgae Nomenclature That Orifi• ' r-,-- :; ^� 1.�,� C��ounty t�mmiaioper, of Hnaon Con- er. 'Unlike most; similar organizations, ple enough when one knows how to do s :; $ i `� e 1. a ,rte°, mad, Lan sad ii>asuranea Agenk � 7mits Inal and Fresh From the so><I-A �1' At'" it is not from want of money that this .it -so simple, indeed., that any bright �� -11 and to Lean. Office --Over Sha h I.VER t�ei'aeyina��f Explanations- 9 umu,u, uunnue, a w,o,,.,) - A *WSMsIneiseet,SeafOrth> 1 P las- of Same of aesaolatlOn of fair Sind@uta i9 Constant- boy Dan learn t0 da it in a f@w weeks. n•, crr�nnr„uIll'-,,•,,,,,,,an,:n _ _ILS tire:! _�__==----- - - TH,rx 'a T ____ --_- ppellations. I ly threatened with disbandment. A First be- must know exactly what a _ - _ -U,_; 1E Y HEIFEII.--came into the premises of „ spirit of discontent and rivalry at:;Iks cube is --namely, that it is the result _ -the canasta3�ned, Lot 29, Conoesa€an lop Rib- Other states may be bigger and - - - _ _ _ = - t;% abetter. The owner can have the sane by richer and turn in a heavier vote, 4' said -through the m@stings. j of multiplying one nalilber . by itself - _ _ _ _ _ � . property and paying oliarges, JOHN the The original purposes of the club was And then multiplying the product by the . -Z --- - - ` .o ff tllt,iselhnni. 15is8x1 mall with _the woodbine whiskers _ -_ -_ - ___ - - ;` a thorough criticism of the works of .original number. Thus, 8 multiplied _ - ,,, �;;g atr•D BEIt i�'fiED. wanted a limo• twining gently abort his fans, t f°r Homer, Dante, ' Shakespeare, Milton, by 8 eilaals 9, and 9 mnitipli@d by 8, 1�'�-�e��TT d quantity of Good white Beans; also a . N DAGN icturea n n a 1'id��ef��reFre 8:4ilGi]�Oi1't5- SIGNATURE T itc q p p q e e s at nomenolatn New Spenser and Sir Edwin Arnold. 'But, the original number, produces 27, whish P -,t - #it. oaf first cissa Tub Butter. For these are win �pSitl Vel Jets@ t best cash - price. The highest Dash rise y Cured by these y akes the gold medal." although this laudable. intention was consequently is the cube of 8. The cube 5 mliloting fie' ooJ at1dRegulta- • . �isleobepaici for owl in all seasons. T. xp, F. "Yog're from•Jerse air, I su ose-" adhered to for .several months, after- root of 97 is the original number, 8, till�tll�SC.,1lsGI':d�owelsaf OF- ,, . . � a Co,, Seafortb. 162s-tf Kittle 14'illg. Y� p , g . _______�_ _ maid the man who had fist come in awhile some of them of to writing es- and to find the cube root is the reverse >.Y_ They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, from the smoking oar. tay3 and other paperstobe read heroes of finding the cabs. Th@ would be adept d �,i i K ANTED HELP Reliable men in every local- �lndi estian and Tao Hexa Satin A r. �: ��W:. , :�--.1. — ity, local or11 pptraveilirg, to introduce ; new a tY g pe I am, air, and 1 m proud of it. I the society. The - book trade may not at this art should first study carefully - . 11glyacesda d�broidroutshow cardii �townked u3 fact remedy far Dizziness, Nausea, Drowse come in on this train every 'day t -busi- have noticed it, but at that time there the following figures: �, �, � r , ` Steady emplo menL Commission or Hess, Bad Taste Mouth, Coated Tongue Hess in the city, and in my leian a mo- wast a considerable ran on concordances, . IX1XI= 1 2X2X2= 8 BXBXs� 27 �rQ1!r' aL'S r t�,c.,li ..,Chf°�rftti- , rmonthandez nee and mone de. lossaries. books of 8 non ms and liter- 4X4X4= 64 6X5X�12b BXSX�228 CiQ�S?si�%„5i. 0Ii:4^IilS C ,•.tflt'I' veil In a�ng bank when stud. Fbr pare I'1rn in the Sid TORPID LIVER. Thejr menta I analre a study of the fisc raphy . $ y y 9 r morphine nor Mineral. '-11 y T}1S WORLD MEDICAL EL>3rIt1O Ct►Y. Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable, of , my native state. I map saq, sir -I cry dictionaries. Ever since then things 'X7X`=s4s eXg7Gs =�12 sXi1X�t29 (�plult, I AgY, London, Ontario, Canada. 1550-88 thilak' I map say with confident that have gone from bad to worse. It a®ems A class study of these fignrea shows - ,0 :.ate, ai ©1 IC. Small Pill. Small Dome that 2 multiplied in this manner by it- iew men are so well informed as .Upon• impossible to maintain harmony. -----------••_ Private funds to loan s►tlowest Small Price. , self results in 8, that 8 multiplied by WRAPPER thio interesting subject of New J Bey's The viae president of the organize- - „- ,. , rates of interest in sums to suit Substitution geographical nomenclaturd. Y n ob- tion, a charming young lady,'whether itself has 2 am a final figure, that 8 mnl-r,���1 .Fr., . �:.I:T'.� < '#ki borrowers. Loans can las tomo- serve, sir, that i say New Je p, not considered mentally or from leer photo- tiplied by itself has 7 as a final figure,A sub- . 'l li pieced and money advanced V fraud -of the day. Jersey, which Is an undignified head- graph, recently wrote a rather extend- that 7 multiplied at 4, 5, has 8 as - Ro d&Sa • Ro�fsite Sa7b - }� I to R. ins of a noble title." ed poem in a very lofty strain. She read final Sgnre; and that 4, 5, 6 and 9 mnl- , s>mifadr.d , OF F� ' #Jt within two daps. Apply , #g 600 S.H&T9 Barrister" Scmforth. See , ou get Carters Possibl it is because Ira New it to the club. Amid the general a tiplied by themselves have their,origi- r - >y � , , t �r ' .. „ y � $ P' nal figures as finals. Hence the "artist" �Qr'`�'r°&° a'� '6 � 125 Yorker, said the man across th aisle pl;inse which followed there came from N�smd - DO 1..•• ' "but I have always s thou knows that any sum given to him the axi6t'Sugar - S It4r Carters ght Ne York several remote corners of the room - ' TEACHERS I ANTED - ' ' to be pretty strong on l interesting something like murmurs, A, couple of final Sgnre of whish is 8.mnat have 2 cn Plaroa• names.,, as a cube root; that if the final figure her auditors were beard to say that ebe ' Aperfect Remedy forConstiga- gCHatILTE®CH$Rs.r-wanted iorSohoo28ac=j151S and Dames. ., b@ 9, th@ cabs root must be 9, and so _ tion No. 12, Stephon, a;male or female Teacher, A grew error, sir, declare he of " bad never written anything like that on r ,lith, Sour 5toir ch,Diarrhdea, inli a aearud or third,alasaasrtiflcate. Agptl- the whiskers. A very great @rzor> before; that they didn't believe any , I11%Orins,GoRvulsi0IlS,FeY-erishe cations with testimonials and stating salary desired. � For example, give kiln the figures I* be addressed t° the uad;`yrslgned at Grand Bend I-arter S Little Liver Pil Your names are mainly corrupt8d In- one in the club was capable of it; that, [Less and Loss CBF SLE.1: . i 74, 088, and be can at once tell that 42 _ i' iliSaa. CASPEB T. wALPltyli, secretary. than titles or direct cribs from i�tncient in foot, several 'passaged sounded is the cube root, for the reason that 74 1551x4 days --Ithaca, Marathon, Utica, Isomer, strangely,familiar. T•acSitiile SiaRature Of XT �,$.�i '�'� Finally one member with lasses and has 4 as a cube root, as the cube o+' 4 is TEACHER WANTED: rale or female, for Virgil, Syracuse, Sempronitts, M ravia, g 64, wbile the cube of 5 is 125, mush school Sectlon No. 5, Township of Turnberry. ,,�,f home, Cato, Palmyra and a •score of a very penetrating expression, address- App€ications will be received by the undersigned u Q others, You have borrowed the lories Ing the uthor of the poem, said • more than 74, and 088 flag 2 as a anb@ TTEW. YI7F3K C1aEtor331s put up in OIle-Size bottles only. It z toSatutday, October 2nd, giving experience, test; , $ "Didn't o root, to not sold in balk. Box't allow anyone to sell nionials, and what grade of wrcificate, "etherl that should have been buried with Didn t port get some 01 that from Frith the am�ant of salary et Duties to_ Ur@@aa and Rome. Our tithe sir are ®Dwyer? I'm erre you did." Or give him amore difficult problem, ' youIanything olse�on th®`plea or promise that it commence letJaaruary, 1898. WM. CARRUTHERS.` . ., „ am, for example, the figures 824,869. is jest as goc3 . and will onswor every pnr- 11 1.Wingham P. 0., Ontario. les2a4 dug up from the moil alid reple a with I did nothing of the kind, retorted Then he will see ata lance that 824 is posa.t! . 8co that yov sot Cr--8-T-0-R-I A, The Canl�lds Business Colla e, meaning. Let m® cite some." the vice president, flashing at the ac- more than 216, whichgis the cube of 6, Thefio REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. g Here he pulled a small notebo k from cusat on. Emits i Is Olt � „ but is leen than 848, the cabs of 7. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. , __ CHATHAM, ONTARIO, his pooket, and the other man, with Qh, but I remember almost the ea- - . sigattnrs - � Zee every - OOD FART[ FOR SALE. -For sale or to rent Stili leads in securing ehoios (positions for stndentr- regretful politeness, said he wo ild be not lines V' persisted her accuser. Therefore the cube root of these three , �.. of , wrsppez. far a term of yearn, a first class farm, in the 116 of our pupils placed daring the past 11 months . .. „ figures is 6. In like manner the final =1 1�111111111 towpehf r of Tuekeremith, being lot 27, in the 5th . The following have recently been placed :-Flors glad to learn something on the spbjeet. How dare you say so I returned the figure of 889 heir 9, it follows that the owoession, and known "the " Roust Farm." Fos- Fuce, as Stenographer, Mooing Herald ; D. "Clonsider, sir,"continued the liertley- poet hotly. $ - . session given at once. For further particulars apply Stev6ns, as Book-keeper, Erie cauls, St. Thom"; ite,. "the appropriateness of suchInames "But we'll get the book and look," cabs root of these three figures is 9, and to B. R. HHG GINS, oonveyaaoor, &e., Brucefield, Eva Payne, Stenographer, Bent Mills, Chatham ; thus the cube root of the six figures has 1651-4 Ernest. Long, Stenographer, Ch;sham (las Company ; as ,Ragtown, Breakfast Point, ff Cam persisted the other. been shown to be 69. Robert Hawthorn, with a Winnipeg Wholesale CiiaW, PoliSy, llyadiz, PlttekeminJ Pock- "You're a man, mean .thing, said - e AGOOD CHANCE FOR RETIRED FARMERS House ; Jessie Heatherington, 8rd Stenographer, i Any one can test this method for 11 -OR MARKET GARDENERS. -For eels! thirty Sutherland k Innes Co., Chatham ; James Redford, town, Tillietudelum and Snaeasplla, " the vice president, bursting into tear@. himself, ' acres of choice land in Harpurhey, specially adapted Manager of Business Department, Tacoma Business "Some of them sound familiar, �" said "I didn't get this from Cowper at all.. ► and a little practise is all that THE.QUALITY for a markatgarden or email farm, Hood buildings Co3lege, Washington. The above shows results ob• ' , , Ie needed to'make one af4 deft in such and every a0nvenienoe. Apply to ;ISAAC 1tiILLER, ta'.ned from a Donne jwith ns write for Catalogue` the New Yorker, "but are !all o those And now that poo re so smart I 11 n©t on the premises. 1646-tt of either department to real names?" ! - tell you where I did get it, "--Chicago jugglery of figures as the best "light - D. McLACHLAN a Co., Chatham, Ontario. "Every one of 'em on the map, sir," Tribnn@. ring calculator. E82DENCE IN BRUCEFIELD Fox. SALE,- _ Of course a skilled arithmetician R ForWetheframedwellinghouse and lot near replied the other -warlmly. "I'll give - NOT USED TO HOTEL WAYS. could easily frame problems that could Is the first thing to consider in clothing. The price conlefl next. . the railway station In Brn+efield. -The house con- you 4100 for any one of those that isn't not be solved in this offhand fashion, Quality means good material well made up. It means a good fit; 1.tains ten rooms ; a stone cellar and hard and soft Wm. Na Walker' a real place, and they fairly reek of - it means ooel wear ' it means a genteel appearance. Our clothing water in the house ; also a good rim. MUSTARD, There is a +� A Young Woman After Registering Ghees but such difficult tests are seldom offered b'- 1?p quarter sere of land. Apply to ALES. MUSTARD, = the boil. Now, here's another batch- the Clerks a Surprise. b public audiences and as a rule,, the is distinctively quality clothing; the .price it3 only a little motet t�1a11a, Brumfield. 15164f THE+ RELIABLE 1 y Bone Hill, Wiokatnnk, Bamber, Atco, " >> She drift®d into an uptown hotel by artiste are easily able to answer all you would pay for the shoddy' gouda, but you'll find a vast difference MOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -For sale, a de- Upholsterer and Mattress Maker Wollyfield, Blue Anchor, Blazing Star, , _ u eirableproperty in Esmondriile. Then are '-Hoekamiok, Jahok@pville, Oney'e Hat, way of the women's entrance. She was the questions asked of them. -New in the wear and looks. thr:acres ofland, planted with large and small-, SEAFORTH ONT. ,Zings- plainly but neatly clad slid did not York Herald. irzits. There is on the place a good brink vaneered ' Ralarama, Flynt, Fliokervill@, $ - look like a girl who was used to the - bouse, story and a half high, sud a good frame Parlor Farm are repaired and recovered. em, Wakeake and Batsto.", stable. There is plenty of and and soft water. Carpets sewed and laid ; also cleaned A They sound as if the we`re I system in operation at a big hotel. She now Cold Metals Sometimes Mix. i This proppeerty is mock pleasantly situated, and and renovated at reaeonable rices. y „ y' taken bad a bright, pretty face. and looked - Professor Roberts-Austen's distov- �� � ��� � �� _ would ni�ke a desirable place for a retired farmer. p from Jabberwocky, remarked t e'�iew fresh and charming.The two clerks on - Apply to ADOLPH MORE14TZ, Egmondville. --- , Yorker, "They're utter noA$ense. 2$ cries on the subject of the interdiffusi- I 111649-13 Slop at M. Robertsons Old duty eyed her curiously and exchanged bility of metals is most interesting There is a good deal of satisfaction. in knowiDg that your clothes __ "Taken straight from the country- g reading. The foots have been to some fit fou and look well. ' It is as important as the wearing qualities ALIIABLE FARM FOR SALE.-��nmeaiat�iy - . Stand, Main Street. „ 4, comments about the girl. She hesitated tide, averred the geographer. They ► extent known to savants before the and. w}1en the three points are combined, you have just the kind sof adjoining the village of Wroxeter, containing w000 \v1LL BE TAliSN FOR w0$B. a moat@fit when she reached the office, 100 sores. This farm has lately undergone extensive may not be very strong on sense. R Those f 1622 but after some little display of embar- meeting of the, Royal society, at which clothing we are selling. Our stock comprises all the. best lines Of im rovemente, and Is now in a flret•class state of names I cite merely as instances of pure raosmeni -walked up to the desk and more public attention was drawn, but Tweeds to be had while our Hata and Haberdashery is unexcelled. cultivation. Has a good frame barn, with the beet beauty of sound. If yoa.'re loo lig for P ' lime stabling underneath ; a large and substantial pinked tip a pen in a diffident manner, on that occasion the results were made The price is in strict accord with the unlit and is the same to aII, frame house; three never failing welts, good orchard, PLANING MILL) meaIIing, I can give that t0 yOtit. Far q �' and ie pleasantly situated on a main road, close to instant@, there are Barley Sheaf and The cleric wheeled the book around so e mor@ clear. a was then shown that . C. P. R. station, sex acres tall wheat, so sures that the place for signatures was in the solid metals may. be made to mix them- special line of Suits for business and professional men. seeded down, heavy catch clover and timothy.; Ap• Wheat Sheaf, poetically susses ive a! ro r position and waited. She chewed t0 the Proprietress, or to THOMAi3 QIBSOrr Jr., MAIN ST., NORTH. P Pe P selves as if the atoms were living tree- - . �r the agricultural riches of our be njtiful! then - $oic4, Wroxeter. 156824-tf -�- nervously at the end of the pen, tures. - _ state. Our domestic animals a com- i The undersigned would beg -to say to the publirz i dipped it slowly in the ink, and with a Professor Roberts -Austen has, in fact, BiLlk)ALGHT BRO-P°or s.le the enerally, that they have their mill running now fail- memOrated in such fitting titles as reat deal of ains wrote: South East quarter of section F., townshipof g $ P - discovered pi@oma 01 metal engaged in Sot blast, every day and all day, and are prepared -to Goosetown, Hensfoot, Hogtown� Mon- i,, Laird, containing 180 acres. There are for:) acres do custom work on the shortest notice, and guar- I MISS Mary 141eG'laeky, 872 West the very not 01 mixing themselves np cleared and free trod stumps and tinder crop. Com- antes satisfaction. All kinds of ICeytOwn, Hc;►raeneck and Peacoaktpwn, Ninety-third street. " one with the other. Of coarse the inter- ''pp sortable log buildings. The balance is well timbered. while for other animals there are fink- t A '0 T- a It iswithipp tour miles of Echobay railway station, PINE LUMBER, BOTH DRESSED AND town, Pole Tavern; which used o be Then she eyed her effort approvingly est of this is that the interdiffusion of - - and six Knlies of the prosperous village of Port and carefullylaid the en down. The 1?indlay. This is a good lot, and will be sold Cheap, UNDRESSED, MOULDINGS OF ALL ?polecat Tavern; Postertown (if a plaster p which we speak has been found to take anddon easy terms, Apply to WILLIAM SIMPSON KINDS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, ain't a �, ild animal I don't kno what clerk, who had been watching the aper- place when the metals were cold, and, ] _ an the premises, or t8 ALIi%. MUSTARD, Bruce- anon with a good deal of curiosity, said: though this property in metals, to be _ - laid: 1646-tt LATH AND SHINGLES, BOTH PINE is), Snake Hill, Turtletown, Fro town, "Room, miss?" capable of attaching themselves one to , - MER5' ATTENTION.--1}by pay 5J and 6 per AND BRITISH COLUMBIA CEDAR, and I don't know but what Batstto A flush mantled her face, but she the other when cold, has been talked T_,.,ONIC �sent. interest these hard times? I amnow pro- And everything kept in a flret•alus Planning Mill ought to came in there, The fru s g said sift@eel "Yes, If Oa leas@." b fore notbin so al@arl roved SLOADS INDIAN peed to lend money At b per sent. on re3llp first- Always in stock, beEt workmen kept, and beet work another show at Mannnka 'flank, „ y' y p al30at before, g y p . ohm farm security, up to 60 per cent. of the selling done. Plans furnished and estimates given- Please 'Would you like a room with a baths" (lag hitherto been at the service Of . value; straight loans ; interest and principal in pay- give us a call when you want anything in our line• which 18 the name they gave Its them- asked the Clerk in a puzzled tone. _ d-� ' menteto suit borrower. Apply t� A. C09F.A8, Bret selves, singing of nights out in the metallurgists and chemists as the fasts door.south of Jackagn's store, Egmondville. N. CLUFF & SONS, Seaforth, Again she seemed embarrassed and hesi- adduced by Professor RObbrts-Austen. - 1504tf 1514-1 yr. swamps. ; tated, but finally said in a low tone: He shows that when clean surfaces of Cures Salt Rheum, and Scald Heald. j - "Now for the temperance folk•there f 1 Th t nld be I • th l PLET•IDII) FAREi FOR SALE. -Lot 10, Concoa- ' Yes, i yon p ease. a vvo lead and gold are held togat ler In e eioa 6, toren hip of Stanley, containing loo are blazing signs of warning i such verynice and I would than on very PJackson muc. y absence of air ata temperature of 40 acres. This is one of the beet farms in the townshi , names as R�hisky Lane, Gin Poin , Jug- ,, s ; and ie situated .in A good and plrastant neighhcr•H., R. degrees for four days they unite firmly hood. iso€1 a the best, and not a rod of waste land town and Bum Tavern. There used to "How much do you care to a for Mrs; Thomas Halder of Aylmer, says : t y pay and can only b@ separated by a force - - , snit. There are all the buiidin2a en i4 that are re- be an innkeeper in the latter place, by room?" said the clerk as his eye swept equal to one third of the - breaking Joie, .� quked. the a hole iargi hoe been newly taneed and pp,,,, (� the Way, who erred the anthoritia once the rack. q I have been a great sufferer for a gao a drained. An orchard of 70 bearing treosi plenty of & SON* • a year for maintaining such a title and , � strain o the lead. The professor has good water, convenient to schools, chueches, post i Pay? she said in sheer surprise. also proved that if a plate of gold b@ many years with halt Rheum, so bad '>s _ of"ee and market. Apply to WM. COPP, Sea4ta rth. DIRECT IMPORTER -0 OF always compromised for 5 cents, with •d pay? Wby, I didn't expect to pay any- laid under one of lead about three- "+ times it was impossible for. me , tib` wadi a 6 Jules Robin & Cos Brandy, Cognac, which lee bought himself a driLk and thin i of a job here today as -a cham- - Jno, de Kit er &Bon Hol- g' g 7 y tenths of an inch thick in three days �" dish or do any housework, batt, _after takitag �jOUSE FOR SALE. -For sale, the house and lot France; yp Was well satisfied. One year the ailthori- bermaid and I have just comedown. "-- gold will have risen and diffused itself �� !1 atpresent owned and occupied by Mr. Nelson land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland , ties started in to fight the ease and the New York Tribune. . one bottle of Sloan's Indian Tonic it took to the top of the other metal in very : Currie, nearly opposite the reside=3 of Mr. Da D. Booth's Tom Gin, London, England ; innkeeper in disgust quit the b ` sines of the disease €►fit of m a e- jPilaon. The house is frame on atone foundation, Bulloch E� Co.'s Scotch Whisk Glas- appreciab; Itle nantit Collier Gnar- + i ever rzrtiaie y y wiih a splendid ce'lar and hard arrd soft water, and y' and Bum Tavern simnitaneonB y. A A Mirawnlota Draft of i+'�shos. p q y y �.s; � y p all other conveniences. It is comfortable and in $ow, Scotland ,• Jamieson's Irish suggestive title is I an h- The dwellers on the banks of the dI -- 11: tem, and made a perfect cure, It Pies new good repair. The lot is well planted with fruit trees, Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port Place with a fig � g and would make a moat desirable place far a ratir d and Sherry Wine from France and right, which got its name from a large Neckar,- near the good old German town Lord Palmerston. iI f, �l .i ' ' been four years since I took the medicine, farmer. Apply on the. prcmise3, or at THEE Spain Agents for Walkers Whisky, farm owners sign, nailed on a tree at of Heilbronn, had an experience the A minister who -kept race horses k� � resiTos. Office, Seaforth. MRS. NELSON CURRY. SP , g , _ , ,r r� ,•'`'t., and the disease has not returned yet." 1662x4 Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Davis' the roadside, -.'No `No right of way, here. other day which mast have reminded and bad at his command a good store of 1 - ___ ------,,- __--___-A _._ _- .. - .Ale and Porter, Toronto. They got stalling him Old No Right, them of the miraculous draft of very blunt vernacular, who could -not y"- ,V S. ; a �{ '' 'VARX FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 11, concession . and when the village sprung up they fishes. A few days ago, toward evening, be: -got to admit that he understood an "x -E ++' ` � � J $, Hullett, containing 100 acres, about ss acres ofwhicb are under cultivation, the balance being called it after him, but a man who shad the worthy Heilbronnera perceived that abstract thought„ who always knew TRADE MARK. a Umber and pasture. The land is well underdrained To THE PUBLIC: spelling -reform the wrong way made it the Neckar was toward both its banks what he wanted and was determined to with tile, and in a good state of cultivation. A good J. C. Bell of Fordwich Writes brick house and alar a bank barn with atone stab- We have opened a retail store in as it now stands. Speaking of sp@Ming, one moving mass Of all sorts and con- Dairy it out regardless of the opinions , „ ' ' ling; about 10 mites large Seafo•th and 8 from Olin connection with our wholesale busi- there's one village you can spells either ditions of fish, thronging' landward in of others, who conceived his own ideas Will you please send me 1 doz. Sloane Indian Tonic. I gat a suppl,yi' from your out, ton and within two miles and a half from Constance business in the rear of the new Do- � agent a short time ago, also a supply from the .London Drug Co<, and have scald it all out, 4 o $ ed farms s the , Packnack, Pacquanac, - PequanAa or seeming anxiety to be caught. Nor was to be superior to those of other people, so please rush through as soon ars possible. I must say your, Tonic is making some re- t It is e t c ui , on of the hes q PP stand r Good's old fare rded for ce a and at er county and will be sold Cheap,. as the owners aro go- minion Bank, in Goo psquannoek, but you cant primonnoe this tacit appeal at all d ga who never looked farther than tomorrow markable cures in an around this place. It is now taking the pia f B, $, It 109 west. App'y on the preali'ies, or address Con- where. we will sell the beat goods in it as the natives do, no matterlwhich every man, woman and child of the and much preferred not to think beyond medicines.. , stance P.O. MCGREGOlt BROTUERS. 1551-13 the market at bottom prices. Goods 1 delivered to any part of t e town way you ohOos• j vicinity ran out with pots and pane, this evening, but who at the same time Price $1, 6 for $ii. All I3ealsrs or addresf3 fir A free. "There are some names more long. with spades and rakes, and pails and was determined to establish the privi- ST"OCK FORS LE ge@tive than beautiful--&IrabblI - n, baskets to help himself or herself to a lege of an Englishman to the sidewalk IGS FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE. -The TELEPHONE IL, 15(8-tf Scrapetown, Slabtown, Samptown and sbare of fish. The explanation' of the all over the world, while men of °then The Sloan Medicine Co., .of Hamilton, LIMITED. 1-11 Pundersigned', breeder of Large English Berk f p P - i F ,has for sale boars and sows in farrow. He willW®®D's platmolplEto E• °litnd@, aT instance. Some bel a their miracle, which erchance mi ht rove nations might step into the gutterns 1 or service the stack bear, " xing Lee," names, like Recklesstown, which is. as a hint -to fisher folk, was that the river this minister represented aspirations n _ased from Eft. Ceor^e rsreen, of I+'a,rview, The Great English ;Remedy. and winner at Montreal, Toro George and Ottawa. Term Six rack -ages Guaranteed to peasefnl as a graveyard and �n the had become so muddy after Tec@fit heavy which had long ago sickened ander the -tl payable at the time of .wrvioe with the privilege promptly; and permanently, same genersil line of business, ke@ping rains that the fish Pound _ it difficult to rounded periods intended to convince €tfretntning if necesaary, if booked $1.60. JAMES /A crosall forma°L Nervous arm- its inhabitants buried Pax from the cares breathe in the ".thick" water and had humanity that br@ad and calico summed 1 - ORRANCE,Lot 26, Conoossion 6, MoK.11op, Seri- Weaktess,Emtssionr, p . o:th P o 1466.62 of this busy world. Tbeq they@ s Ptound- approached the banks for more air.-- up their total requirements and were atomhea,hnpoteneyandaii about whioh is a lain four corners Westminster Gazette. erects of Abuse or Excesses, r P more sufficient for rational happiness. STOCK FfJI SERVICE. iffental Worry, excessive use crossing, and Small Lots, with Nothing Bees' Brains. This was the popular conception of Be-areandA ter. of Tobacco, Opium orStimu- but wide stretches of eountrpeicie. As Palmerston when, in 1865, he became • f Tants, whish soon lead to Its- The brain of the honeybee has re- „ LION 'DULL FOR SERVICE. -Tho undersigned wilt •f I for Pellett\ elle, I ve heard that there first :mi later of the crown.-- Yoke of�.��� keep for cervica on Lot 20, Con^eusion 11. firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. , r' eentiy been studied by Dr. Benyon of Empire," by R. B. Brett. - Hibbert, the thoroughbred Durham bull " Earl of 31as been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of isn't a Cern store there but I can t swear Clark universitymore thoroughly, it is Dunraven." ^lerirs.-51.25 to insnre. - W. H• TONEMAN, Proprietor. 1531-t.t eases; in the only ReIfabfe unci Ho,test Dfedtctria + as to that, not having -been there for said;. than ever before. It is thought Y , p _ knoten. Ask druggist for'Wood s Pliosphodine; If ( many years. , A Permanent Paste. ' OAR FOR SE �4I E -The undersf ned will be offers some worthless medicine in place of tn, "Look here," put 'in the Neo York- that' the source Of a bees power to keep for service an Lot 34, Concession 4, Tuek- inclose primo 1n letter, and we will send by r „ Soak an ounce of refined gelatin in eramiili a tYorcu red heater White Boar, mail. Price, one package, E1; six, $6- One w"I or. I believe you're ills m`�. n who adapt itself intelligently t� its ear- cold water for an hour, then drain off , purrifib, from IIhtae°r a e Sons Crompton, lease slsrtviTlcure. Pamphlets free to any address. writes the suburban Stories in the comic ironudings has beenciiscoverec-, certain and squeeze out the water as much as .. - . - --- - oc �' The Wood Comyrany, - era and you're Iaeticin n moss on peculiar Objects in its brain palled she q ikuddlesex Cour,ty. Term_- :1, Payable at time of pap y p ' �' „ : r ssiblc Put the gelatin in a jelly pot service with tiiiv€Ie re o. ieturnin if necessary. „ mushroom bodies. possible, We are T1aiV offering special itlduCCi11G'i1t8 ill , i g 5 Windsor, Out., Canada, Ine, and place the pot in a pan of hot water p JOHN W. Rol-TLEDGE. 1540-tf - - --- _ . Said in Seaforth and everywhere in C<in- "You do me great injustice G" cried over the fire. Wlien the gelatin has -PULLS FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will The quantity Of as made in German la • adi>, by -all resp druggests. the geographer. "Every Ilam@ �1as its q y g y melted, Stir in slowly 232 ounces of Dress C�00dS, �° IanBel$, �`lanlrlelettes, keep for scrvi(c at John mel\evin's xi --ills, Kip- last year, according. to OffiCIAl returns, n the thorou l:bred Durham burl, "Bailor Lad." local habitation, and yo can fled then5 y {ire alcohol, Put in a wide mouthed S bis bull was [iurchased frcni Eir. D. D. ail r and i all in the atlases. 14'e: you'll bI cavil- was 25,887,•000 cubic feet, in the malt- P HOalei�T Gloves, LafOS s bottle and cork tightly. This glue or s Is tram in artcd stock. Tcruis, $1.60. 31ctiEi IY � '�+�J�' T �j , u#acture of which 2, 700,000 tons of C04 . MCKAY. p 1o2;x4ttlri �..� -4� . r D • I ins at such wall kn wn pisses as sate will keep indefinitely and can be , Snufftown, Ringoes, Rustic, Absecon, was employed. The number of flames P : s rr{Jlt'�li BOAR F01i SERVICE. -Tilt und,•r- melted fi)T use ill a few minutes by set- ;�en S. and Children $ n. BrWear, �f-WUR II OA forservice, I the hcueefleld Having removed into the store formerly Hackle Br ley, :;0110, Baehvilli', Rural in use was 6,' 30,000. ting the bolale in a basin of hot Water. - i _ Ohecee Fad vvillory, a thoree fibred t thev Brurth Boar. occurpied by Dir. J. Downey, in the Cady I Place, Sodom, Blue Ball, Alla,muchy, As it contains a very small percentage Tweeds, i�vercoat>xl s, Jacket With ro fstered edI re©.. Tering, $1 ; payable at Bloch opposite the Commercial Hotel I ' n.kshutem Duty Ne k, �Var- In ten years �1, 000, 000 has been paid pp Totowa, Bn y Of water'it it affects the gloss of the tlino 6f Service withg privilege of returning if neoee- now ur purpose carrying a full and - cod fete. ; + r >> � out b the casualty fund of the British Cloths, �'itc., FatC., BtC, P p p Y g p bees and Smith's porn +Jut. y riots but little and dries almost im- "Ty- RUG11 MOCARTNEY, Brucolleld. 14051 -ti 1 = _ ire of all kinds of The New Yorker rubbed his nose and Benevol@fit institution to injured rail- P AM ORT11 FIG FOR S><RVICE,-The trader- •� said nothing. -New York Sun. mediately.-Harper's Round able. - We cordially invite all those fr m a distance who contemplate attending +�lll S Blankets, g Way marl and their families. Y signed has -for service on lot 32, concession 3, Harness, Whips, s the Seaforth Fair on.,Thursday and Fiiday, 23rd and 24th next, to call at the JicHiilop, a thcro'bred Tamworth pig, to which a .-.,�� �" Golden Lion store and eNfllnlne Our all and Winter Stock of Dry ta9Ods.� . limited number of soros will be takon. Thi• is an And everything handled by the trade. Just ' • extra cod pig and breeders find it advantageous to • received this week -a large consignment of L�OCtOI'S ReCUn'lmend a aroestheirberkshire gotta math this breed of pig. BLANKETS, LI.CEN We can save you moiney on all mads purchased from us. .Mall slid �u ` a ✓ Terms $l, with privilege of returning if necessary. BLANKETS, GOAT ROBES - AND 6� _ far yowl delves; that we dealt �UBt wh t we say. JOHN bieulrfLAPN 1505xtf GOLLOWAY ROBES, 'c Which we are ow offering at astonishingly 1 ISSUED AT ;, MONEY TO LOAN. low prices. - i � - ; �" TR H®NCH EXPOSITOR OFFICE,A - . _ J, L. 8 ITH, Seaforth"I ,:-1. - To loan an amount of money, an too n or Yarm �y D � Cj K '. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. CEYLON '� EA- , - . pmrbperty, at the lowest rates of interest and on the M. Y[ , I - i Purest and est ioit� T ble;sd Hair„, Lead Pack6ts only NEXT Tp 0. W. PAPST S B000TDR'E. set reasonab,o terms. Apply to THOMAS E. NCver s' es. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED, 25c, 40c, 5Oc and Wo, , � A v Pays, seafsrth. 1512•tf S A FO R T H . • Trio adulteration. , 12L A I- z-- a