HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-09-17, Page 1� . - I . I I . � . . . � . . . I I -
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1plete Collection of Dr"a --- I 1, - ____ - - : . . 1. MOLEAN BROS., publishers. i 4
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� Rupert r *b- I � � FRIDAY, -SEPTEMBER 17 1897* . . $1 a'Yearin Advance. ! I
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I" bee �';L'"' 'reft - - . n—mara ziumm% , 105W. 1 9 1 �
. a- aftVack-now I - — . . - jp
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Ier this seaso T� - . . . . . : I U
. ot Black .,,!dn we wilb , __ :� � . . ' . ' . in to an w fr ad been killed by the collapse of a sewer lie fell from his rig and was so injurol that ,.. I
� olor4 I uk twelve Fh of have been produced at the Dominion farms remitt g il d hen thei work was so h � . ;
I . , MORE GOLD. ' in by foot. Abo miles nor', - �
.tb" for StYle and value .-, , .., - the railway station a syndicate of Sault Ste. by - cron.fertilizing and hybridizing. Ex. nobly done and they were resting on their over which Castello was in charge and Mr. he could not help himseX He was tarried � 4
- - --- into Mrs. Yul" house, where he LoVdI liee,
� - I - * Cronynt who appeare I -
- I .* -W
� advance of aAY we have I . -11, . � The Price of . ONTARIO AHEAD. OF KLONDIKE. Marie persons are at work developing,a, ftie ,periments are also be' ,, carried on with oars duriiig-their eventide of life, the grim d for deceased's rela- rzed, the spime 4 P
� past,; - . I � . a means real . tives at the inquest went to the- sewer to said mine very badly P"843 1
. - ood hope of prod,,i,,,%y the $am per death keeps cutting them down from # 4'.
1. - gold proposition of which they speak mosten g he was down in the ba�!Qnjured by the fall. L n1_-.-_ I I
4 I I
I The discoveries of gold in the valley of the. an time to time. It is also with sorrow that I examine it. While . 4
7 ! � . Prospectors with little ready from the wild fruit bearing shrubs and tre r. Win. Weir, wasident, of the Vill� �
F r - I " Michipicoten, on the north shor6 of Lake thusiostically. dear, s6hoolmaies (with sewer Castello kicked him in the head, and
; . ble fruits. The lack hear of some of my i
� &' 4. money will. find the Desbarats route the 'of the Northwest 6di Marie. Bank Montreal, in visiting his sister,
� . � . onsible. Mr. Cronyn's friends in - dory be-
i Superior, in the Province of Ontario, have o d r he fell ins
1. 'The money of fruit in the Northwest is a Vest draw- whom I played some thirty y r I
, 8 ' . most advantageous to follow. as a ag un a he is re- Mrs., Alex. �tewart, of the boian I
� attracted - widespread notice, not only 'in
� - .
� they would save in tr%usportation would bacli, and our apples, plume and pears can- that old pine tree, which also has succumbed Toronto will be glad to hear that . I
i I . I .
� - Cwmd% but in the United States as well,and an's covering, although- slowly. tween Logan and Elms. I
� r Dress v.Aods, � - -John Hook an
'�""` - - , W E XT ' give them a considerable grub stake. not be made to grow there. Another draw- to the ravages of time and the woodin . .
firstof ou ,, T IF ft 0 that region bids fair to rival in notoriety the in their youth- -John Hill, driver for Miller's parcel old resident of Strat-
-�Wer�* : our #,? � � - . . I In a short time it is boped,that there will back in the Northwest was the lack of a axe) being called home, some 6 - f ford, familiarlyl;n,own VA 11 Jack the iBut. 11
I : Columbia,- LL a district, upopL, which thousands of ore ful pxime, others in their noonday of life delivery, London, had a narr w 701 1 rom Ch -t the Hou - I
- '
rhia . se-xson�s dealgn& - - - eL an h Ve lately been fiked. The informs. be a good trail int� the gold country bef good fodder grass or hay. Tests at the when the world &ppeared bright and'fair to death shortly after noon,Saturday. e was or," Was found dead a . $a of Be
� Jni I I .
D - ' '11a.terisis am 1VW. . . on a pr t available points to the ex- the water -free '. Both the 0. P. A. and experimental farms have proved that the them and their hopee, an and his hone fuge on Thursday' morning of list week, �
� 'i ;
� by zen ave, sent' men Awnless Brome grass makes excellent hay d o�*lrits were high. driving on Adelaide street, I I
est,7and )st attratty , i - express from the . -Thomas Cameron, lot an
M1 V the Ontario Governifient h F - or, I sold
I , , . in But the relentless archer eath ,is' no re- waR struck by the Lehigh I
. beert I � . el . touts in considerable quantity of gold- there to pick out the best route for &�� trail- and pasture, and cattle raising will now
street rueed. by the, , - � fAs possibilities of wheat is a subject 'bearing quartz in the rocky formation lour- . . ot dairymen . t. The animal was instantly killed, the Ahe estate of Mrs. A. Camp i auction �
i I in from Missanabie Station. i flourish. For some time Im speetor of persons and all must obey the dire eas last week. The - Thompsoa brot erg were
. ress or one that, � I that sbems to interest everybody,, rounding the shores of. the Mich o . tter how bright the pros. rig was damaged, and Mr. -Hill knocked unr . re, anathe price $5,M. . . . .
. __ � � . ipicotent - � . have been tivbled by the development of summons no in& the -purchase � .1 �
.. '
amount of rough ul�ase 11 -.- 11 � I I � The reason why it does this is but there in also a possibility that -placer . 0 I reddish brown streaks in oheese while our. pects-qr what the eircumetancismay be. cofisious. � i
S - � , The Flowor Show: . -in connection
� same time sty"Hall, there. � - Id may be found in the rivers auct. beds of report hue been received at the De- . -Theanniversary services
- - go Cheese to affected was almost unsal- Well, Mr. Editor. I am glad to -hear that -A: ith- . *h - Atwood Bap church were held
'al to equaI a. Columbia, :� . very plain. Wheat is to a Thofollowing in the list of the prize win. * . Canada. partment of Agdoulture-i Ottawa, on the wi a , tkt i .
�� So little In -
Very creeks that intersect that region. al. In New York several factories were the finaneial sky is bri h telling over
_ - -the country that it will ne on gd � , , ere con -
, keep their good sippegr - great extent the chief article ef is as yet known of re at the flower show held in Seaforth burned down to got rid of the difficulty. and I trust that the -go ensunofprosparity i3ondition in which a shipment of early ap- on Sunday last. - The aervioes w
. -
�ays they last, and there . 1; I- � I I .. not !1surprising if some astonishing fin Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of last . , plea in the cold storage chamber on the ducted by Rev. A. P. MeDiarraid) secretary
. . � �..! commerce M. 0anada. The qu - . do When mew factories were built, it was may long continue to shine - over thai�, fair - . of foreign missions, Toronto. -
. show - � - f tV - . I
�%, rout to them. We, 0 r are de,and hence it is not to be wondered week . found -that the difficulty reappeared. Last domain. I mine'erely hope THE HURON 'Ex. steamship Kastalis arrived at Glasgow; The - Wesley Ballanty-ne, of Atwood, the
I - tity, quality and price , FLOWERS � I _ - -
�t qualities, sat 75e per yaai � , at that a rush from all directions has begun IN PoTs. -:-Best Amaryllis, G. E. Fear Dr. Connell; the bacteriologist to the 'i-OSITOR may long continue t9 be- published cablegrani received states that the cold stor �
, � little fellow which we mentioned last week, ' ,
,4ost, and ItS the costume, � � train - governs almost entirely iss Punch- complete- success, and that the
� : ,
stum&_ _ . ; 9 _ to a country which seems to offer unlimited Cresswell. Balesin,.any color, M Vinght�n Dairy 'School, discovered 'that and to flourish and that I may be permitted age, was a as suffering severely from Woof[ poisoning, -
IeL better line. Of theser. . - L the market values of other pro- possibilitiesto theexplorer. The Ontario ard. Rex begonia, C. W: Papst, 2nd Mrs. . ob upon AR as returned the shipper a handsome pro.
LLL these: streaks were due to a bacterium wbi6 at no distant day to again put my fo -
. . - .
pot allow two ends alike. , , inundated with John Beattie, Fibrous begonia, C. Clark. - "old Huron shores" and to visit the never' fit.5 , 7 caused by stepping on a rusty ilail, died on
. 1. - ducts, and goTerns also the Bureau of Mines in I being may be readily destroyed. When it is re - ' . Friday, 3rd inst.
� . - r letters asking for information regarding the son, 2nd Mrs. Kirkman. Single begonia, in . u. to be forgotten scenes of my childhood and ' The director# of the Eastern Butter and i- - ..
t , briskness or dullness of trade of Mrs. Kirkman. memberedthat tbit4 rovince producess A I lk Mr. Warren
� .. now gold territory, but in not yet in a posi. bloom, W. Hartry, 2nd � . N schoolbo3f days. Sincerely yours. Cheese Association, including President -On Monday,of last wee , 00- I
17ve.� .. � 1. . all kind& It is no wonder, tion to,satisfy the curiosity of fold seekers. Double begonia, in bloom, W. Hartry, 2nd nually one hundre million pounds of - RoBERT McNAUGIrroN. D. Derbyshire,.of Br.dekvillej and Secretary H. Hay, bailiff of the division ' urt - Listo-
Sock! � - I cheese,- more than hidf of it findis a market . � tons atton, -
. . i , — . 'Parkdalei
�. . . then, that the price of -this it has, however, acted prompt y in sending J. H. Broadfoot. Cann&, Mrs. Cresswell. in Great Britain because it is of even quality, 9 G. F. Murphy, of Elgin, met at the P in w,el, was married to Miss Carrie W
4 . " Colens, Mrs. John Beattie, 2od T. 0. Kemp. - . House, Toronto, last week. A. resolution daughter of Mr. B. Walton, - of .
ay laxt� -we placed on 84&� .;� , staple in trade should be a mat- an exploring party to survey the Michipica. . the importance of such work cannot be over. Can da. - I Toronto,
I LL . I - I . . ten country, and ere long fail information as Three varieties Uoleus, let and 2nd. Mrs. . - .- d that all factories making cheese
in Kid Glovek. I ter of interest to every one in * I ted. -The population of London has increased was PAS" -Mr. Daniel MeCoursey, the great' hog
..... I � 11 - to the physical characteristics and resources Cre0swell. Call1adium, Mrs. Oresswell. Col. ent"ria work of experiment is, in our opinion,. 1, 153 in the past year. . should be asked not to manufacture after , ownship, did wall ag '
I ,of Fine. Kid Gloveft- � -.:- i ty, as with the of . - lection Cactus, Mrs. John Beattie, 2nd Mrs. The the last day of October in each year, in broader of Logan t am
' the communi in h ra ii us rial h bi ..
.. , regular $1 -good1j, - �, . the newly discovered gold district will cam, Dr. Scott. �i Single Fuschia, smp�y justified by experience. So with the � -The now Knox church, Woodstock, was order to provide again t a deterioration of th Year at t a To nto I d t Ex i i-
, . , price of it mortgages,.aud in- be within the reach of all interested per- g out report of opened on Sunday last . In the Cheater White t1ass he car- I .
-l', 2, 7, at - . 7 11 . I three 8 Scott. 1 Double fuschis, work of sendin a, the work . . The 6difice cost . . .
W Z'e'it'Ze"s Dr. quality,'such as 'in somlines found in win. tiOn -
i � . P lecturers, the farniere institutes and associ- . d three third
� terest on mortgagest are paid ; Bonn. - OREAT RICHE$. � � I three varieties, Dr. ScotO. Collection of n claim that bust. -ter products. . . ried ,off three first I prizes &I � .
PER PAIR. .- ' - * houses and barns are built or stions. The Agricultural College has been -Toronto .wholesale me o -year -old -sou of prizes. - ��
Z � ` ferns, Mrs. Cresswell, 2n4 C- W- PAPst- long enough a bous of partizanship. We ness was better during the exhibiti illan it M-Waltei Brown, the 'tw I Dl� last
� I . . - . That some of- the Lake Wawa gold die- olk wn, of Toronto, was taken -There was an agitation in, Mittho
� .
� . "Ilovated, and all the neces- . at and 2nd C. V� P 6 Hib. . r. John A. Bro .
W . coveries are exceedingly rich has been proved ploxonis, I . wouldask all parties to join in its support. basbeen for -twenty-seven years. week, to tar and feather a wife beater* but
I - . .. � . iscus, G. E. Cresswell, 2qY c. aw. * Papet. . � - to the sickchildrenlalhospital,Friday evening, 'here be a .
� - saries of life are purchased It would be w 1*7 7, r. Andrew In at � better counsel revailed' Shouiat -
I . I , upon by the assays made by Professor Donald, anga, B: B. Gunn.' Han basket, - th ,� ", ,� �, � ,!vcopize thati if -311 ,ing, registrar of the .
.. _ - suffering from poisoni6g. It appears th I
7 � -0 isto , . 6 -a repetition of t a occurrence, how6ver, the. ---
the basis of the yield of the of McGill University. Mr.Al%x. McKenzie, H alworkof fq is De done at all county of Renfrew, died in Pembroke on M �1
- Todr. Kemp, 2nd 9. B. Gunn. gimeliotrope; � . Brown, the child's mother, b ugh.t . ...
- I ...
ens Bros., fruit of the soil. Even pow an old Montrealer, who was formerly con- I it should be A '11*0. To do it well, we Saturday, aged 77 yearob - � " . laudanum a day or two a 0 brute will recei-ve his just deserts. .
1 .. I 1. I jY Stipends feel nected with the Geological Survey under Mrs. John Beattie. Nasturtium, S. Dick- must "ve well paid men and expensive lab- -A large quantity of fruit was seized in small bottle of _ I I -Mr. J. W. Elliott, a cattle shi r. f . --- I
7 I rent and yeai , , son, 2nd V. Knechtel. - Oxalie, Mrs. Cress- to ralle've' her toothache, and Friday t 8 ' ..
Sir Will -ism Logan, returned on Saturds- 11 0 oratoiies. We must even have the "experi I 'it could Kiniptou, was in Mitchell last wee , an
� 'I - wen. Palm, Mrs. Cresswell, ,2nd ' . .. , . '- London, Saturday, .by the medics health . child got hold of the vial,and beforef d I
�JNTON- . I _. the overpowering juffuence of a from the Michipioaten district -with never& Kemp. Orange tree, 0. W. Papst 2ad mental plots". which 'are spoken of lightly. officer as being unfit for sale. - lie prevented' had swalloweda small quan. purchased from Mr. Thomas Heal forty
. . - crop. , . I . - the,6 - .
. . Donald to Ism its life in jeopardy. hes-1 of fine cattle, for shipment to ld
I - ity, sufficient I
I � � good . efinples of quartz for assay. Prof Mrs. Cresswell. Campimills, Mrs. brass. � It in out of the question to expect any of , -Mrs. Olije Sternaman was committed t I I
- I - . ' � ' these agencies to be salf-maintaining . at Cayuga, the other day, to stand her trial , markets. They averaged per head .
was given , � t Are, broke out in country - -
� - - - - ____ 11 I . eleven of these taken from eleven well. Rubber plant, Mrs. Cresswell. -w_sftturday nigT do.
ov. W. AL Martin conduct. - different veins within an area of 20 acres. I 0 on the charge of murdering her husband. c,, I
w I --- � go that now, in -taking a glance at The Professor reports that they assay fro SPECLUA-SbreW Palm, Mrs. Cresswell. 1. - Strong a photograph gallery, Port Elgin, 1,350 POUD b. Mary", , - -1
. 0 1 so lug and before it was extinguished Eby's ,
" twKe- . m Lyeas Revorenta, C. W. P p t, P di An Apt Applicidion. --rThe employees of the Ingersoll P ki John Elliott, contractor, of 8
I at the house and at - a 11 an in", .
; � . ' h 'hwastern has sold his residence in that to ,
; C. were very, impr4asive, I*, .- � - what the yield of 1897 has " traces" to as high as MI. 60 per toon. One bird. Cresswell, Umbrella palcu, Mrs. Cress- DEAR, ExposiTop.-In a book of Scottish Company, on Saturday last, slang tered drug store, with the Great No;t wn. th Dr. ��
I L L -
1 $7 . - we . B nana, treq, Mrs. Ciesswell. Nor- stories decurs the following: In old times - and dressed 1,158 hogs in five hours., I -ore, Hut. Brown, for IT2,500, and has unhased 'An __11. ii
. . '
X stAunch Liberal and, took. 1 .. been, there is a fair show of goes $93.38 to the ton, another 2 31, or' 11 & . iau Col- Telegraph office; Ittler's ry at Correll. Mr. 4' 1
. Of __1 and other $60.20 and so on. The quartz is pro- railroads and trains traversed the -Dr. R. McHardie, of the Canad ' a other property from Mrs. � _�
irt. He was-sk member `_ . folk Pine, T. T.'Coleman. 'Cedar from before ton's harness shop,Eby's ok store,Stronff, :,---- a
� I faCtL for the hopefulness lege Mission, who has been in Canada on L
ir v: � - . I ountry, a clan of small dealers called . Elliott in going to erects, handsome brick
I ian church. -He leaxeit. __ ,ttei feeling that exists. To nounced by experta, who have seen it, to be California, Mrs. Crenswell. Cardoman, Mrs. -0 furlough,will return to his work in Corea, on P h to h liery, a butcher shop, Mrs. residence with all mod ru improvements. I ...
be - 0% L
top�d&ughL far superior to any other found in America "cadger&?' travelled. through the rural die- _ CampfretlVis tradjor shop and residence aid a r"o L
. I ters, Mrs. Thom" - � Cresswell. with a the 25th inst. ' . . - -Mr. John Bain of .I mount, Minns
ion ana Misa,Ts�obeu% Dodils - � put the .matter in a few words, and is believed to be of - surpassing richness. - tricts gathering eggs and poultry . .
. I . # - I . CUT FLowERx.-Collootion Annuals, John White's furniture store were destroyed.
-The eorner-stone of the jLubil f ve not% after an Zeetics of thirty L earn, in I
�ome, with Mr. Tang. He,, -1. I people generally will be better In Nova Scoda, where gold mining has been Walker, 2ad Mrs. John Beattie. Special T. I 'donkey" or I louddy" as - they were called. . ee W"f, * -The canto of the fire in supposed-- to ha I
� __ I . . _ a I a, in Hamilton, aid it - -
Yonshim. England, and wsi�_ - - � carried on successfully for many years, half ' a Lp been the upsetting of a lamp.du the photo- visiting -relatives and friends in Mot a. well.
. - off this year than last. � 0. Kemp Antirrhimum, John Walker. It happened on one occasion that one of this the General ho pit 1. -
M. . ' - ' anouneeof gold is.considered a big thing ' in house late night Thursday in th resence of a large_uumber gra.0W gallery. . . Mr. Bain's sterling worth is apparendy Sip I
ck township: prior to ovygl.� . . Collection Asters, Mrs; Cresswell, 2nd A. claw called at a far at
. � an hile in , and of people. � I -�-_Miu Sarah .Jane Kell n, eciated in the went, as 'he ban been -a merqr
4 one time was. &. suicoem"- , ' . - dan ounce atremandons find,w Hale, special Miss Caldwell. Collection .after the children had gone to'bed ill visit. Toronto 7- , of Londo Cr Of the State Legislature, and had other
. _; .
in,fivemiles west of here� . . Our interest in all this matter lieo main- -the small area gone over by Mr. McKenzie i were � always -Sir Wilfred lAurier w forelady at D. S. Penin & Co.'s candy and .
I 11 - Balsams, -Mrs.- Kirkman, 2nd James Dick- being great news -mongers, �
; I two and three ounces to the ton are quite all night. As the cow biset I
Mrs ago,. when he sold his �_ � tomer son. rs. C. welcome to stay on October 5th and 6th where he will be � aterrid upon him.
�, - Bignonia, C. W. Papet, 2nd, M dt works, was accidently poisoned b honor$ 001 -
I ly in the hope that the cus - ne by the people of tfee'T. -Rev. J. S., Fisher, of Gorrie, a former
� - � . frequent. oine . carbolie acid Friday night. Showasno
a, I- . . W. Papst. Carnations, three colors, Mrs. bire ad* * d the house,the cuddy was put tendered a demo tration
%, next brick cottage on I - in besile the cow. The good wife-�eiug in thq Queen City. . when she -retired from her work in pastor of the At -wood circuit. preached two ,
who put off buyij4g a suit last ]NUNING DIVISION CREATED. Cresswell, �nd James Dickson. - Collection lug well _ I
151atreet, which he occupied,, oronto on Friday iible and' instructive sermon vu Sunday, ..
� - I . I . year will be in a, position to . . expectatio 9 -�-A runaway horse in T 5
i The f uneral m;as, lark,dr. I As the Michipicoten country is a Virgin of Dahlias, - G. E. Cresswell. - Dahlias, four n of a calf soon, and while 'etting . iss Annie the evening, and took. an injection of hot ccas n C, he anniversary
7 knocked down. a lad ,' named M water and mrbolic acid. At once she be- 5th inst.. the o io f t
�, showa the very high a&- purchase good reliable clothing territoritory, which until a few week colon, G. E. Cresswell, 2nd John Walker. breakfast next moining sent one of the a Mithodist church Atwood. During
; - ow an, and in 11Y
I the f I she received seTious
the, - .Collection Dianthus, James Dickson,. 2nd "bairns" to theh."byre" to see! if the c . . #an to feel numb, having put too much acid of th 9 ' I .
__ deceased was held. The- . this year. .� was not definitely known to be miguse2glo !:9 q. a njuries. r. Medical aid was summoned, histo
- I IA. was all right. T little one oa�ne back -in an perhaps f --t I i J , ' in the water his discourse he gave an inwreating � -,
iveshamo our sincere syra- _' bearing, the Government havedecided to Dr. Scott. Golden Rod, T. 0. Kemp. connected I .
. . , I .
. . � lium, C. Clarkson, 2nd M. Jordan. Single , a great hurry c * oat, " Oh. mither, the -There is 0 possibility of Chief Skriving but the unfortunate yoting woman was a - of the prominent men *fth
wir sad hours of affliction. - establish it as a mining division. They . YTA 1 i *his sitionon-theIngers 11 R ist circuit.
� . � - that . . 2nd John Walker. cow's calved an it a a c toh" r, c a corpse before the medical men arrive .
I I .11 We have at all times avoided tinder the M* ' Petunia, Mrs. Cromwell' ,uddy." Now, Mr. resigning on- d- Atwood Mothqdi
.— . . , . have the power to do this , the Conservative press has been force and healloibng an expedition to t a She was very -highly respected by a large On Monday of last week, Jameal oldest -
- . - I 'Double Petunia, MrS. Cromwell, 2nd John Editor I I --U- -k, Mot
. n ' . -
7 Yjurwh. . . � I - characteristic people call " blow- Act, which provides for the setting a r op ur of Mr. Whitney, 'dyke ne t rin son of' Mr. Win. -S Of kvistoo
: - � -iu-CouuciEittb1C- Wa, � or. Phlox.-Drammondil John Walker booming the stumping to x staoco' crop in South Essex in ciiele of friends. . I ____
I I �� � ing " " we would avoid a peat a tract of country by Order . iggery department, -The to he Dominion Bank authorities, have with asevere accident, He bad spent the
0DxFo*5.—We read the fal. ....", I of VV Sip! 'I.,
l in the limits of which prospectors and oth- 2nd Mrs. Cromwell. Collection Pansies: Mr.'Sb. John, of the pi . . � - _T . the holiday at- Butcher. ,
�� - . ' �
last week . . . . . . . �'� ... . . Pansies, and others, making many charges againbt very large t ear, amd with prices run sent out the tollowing'notice, si ad by the eftOM000 Of pe a
',oderich Signal of � - J a an Dickeou,2nd John Walker. i ty0l is ex- �
. erwwho, have previously procured a license ��61 10 cents per pound, i D. VZmble to slaughter house,'sud while playing about
�. i
- F � . r2eties, John Walker, 2nd James fifled ning from manate M R. � a . ' feet
%nuan, a Goderich Collegistv. . - the Ontario Government, which they t general. . r, r. 11
� �� I who is there ;that you. know of that from the Bureau of Mines may procied to niAe vs to make in the house when face to face with pected to n6t 750,000 to the farmers- Of there fell from a height of flie or six 9 .
1e first position in Moderms �: . their vari( ranches:-"Whe numbers . ..
he recent will place a�ny confidence in the stake out are" of 15 chains or of 990 feet Di�kson. Collection roses, John Beattie. done Mhursday*-Iist was this tenth annual I I
Tammatfiti- - Dickson 2nd the ministers, and when all is said and I d tew dollsr.noiist which were coming down on his back and striking - hit �
University matri - � and the equare,containing 221 adres, to be known as R4es, two colors, Jameef 9 I . ) field day at the London asylum. About 200 ontuorienn rime our Napanee agency, run from arm heavily on the ground. This reitilted
mitiona. The young gentle- . . claims that are—in one mining claims, which claims are let under a Mr Kirkman. Silvia, Mrs. Cromwell. it way isfely be said that the Conservative patients "disported themselves on the No. 46001 to 47000, series A,dated 2nd Jan- in his right arm being broken near the I
the distinguished honor, is &- . A eat, - the . olLetion stocks, A. Hale. 2nd Mrs. Kirk. "coo, ban calved and it has turned out to be a � �
.. � . Same breath - - the b rking tenure. - C 17 . oye . tford park., an
� , eat, the hig -Williarn West, an Stra
an, and would have.bem- thest and the wo - 'Sweet peas J: H. Broadfoot, 2nd criddy. Now, air, for an intelligent elec. grounds and enj d the sports.. nary, - 1888i slid were not coantersigned by shoulder. 7 .
iaun cheap. , THE DMSIO1q,S 9.XTENT. man. I inmate of the Wood. E. H. Baines as pro-jashier. If any of these -The footrace at the
taken -7 - Aal�lgiossis, R. B. Scott, torate to read these speeches or hear them � .
holarship had he not taken, . dearest 7 � � I braces the whole - Mrs. Cresswell. stock hospital, committed suicide the other bills or& presented kt your offidej you are Monday morning of last week, for the �'
We con- This mining division am -berose, Mrs. Cress. deVvered, and would vote to turn out an - I � - .
minA�.Iioxi in 1999. . I � .. I . 2nd Mrs. Kirkman, Ta -doze of carbolic acid kindly requested to trace them back as far ch lonship of Perth county and a P
�nchaunan 1wpon taking -firab- - . .. of the Huronian formation line within the well. Vek�enas, G. E. Cresswell, 2nd Miss efficient I and, responsible government and night by takinga. _urfe
d the 0611egi- -- . . basin of the Miehipicoten river, the prob- Kirkman, 2nd putintheirplace Is lot ot hungry adven- during the absence of the nurse. . an possib) - e, and comrilunicate at once with of ;2, resulted in a -victory for Mr. S. J. .
[a thousands an .1 Nobody believes this kind of nonsen Coldwell. . Zennias, Mrs. , - this offic I . I Groseh, of Milverton, in two :straight -heats
I � Ikes . Rev. F. R. Ghent, rector of St. Mary's � -_ ' �
I -11,
16 gifted a pupil. � . in again present . able area of which is about 1,500. square G. _ E. Cresswell, - turers N�ould be w I orse than foll � .y. -E. C. - Episcopal church, Walkerville, died at a.' .of Stratford. .Mr.
. 8.0 that now, 1Ag miles, and the total area of the division is � — . -Oscar Parker, one of the beat knowh over Mr. J. Murphy,
'IV. mr- S6hnelke,, pastor-- I � I 2nd James Dickson. ' . . - 7 Harper Hospital, Detroit, on Thursday as .
witk- � , es. It includes I - � I .colored men in Windsor, has been interdict- Grosch proved an easy winner., the time be. . . � � I
�ern church here, witk our claim for your trade, we do estimated at 5,000 square mil SCHOOL cHILDREx's PRIzEs. -Flowers in A domPlaint d an operation for appendicitis. 25 . -
; the result c
� last Saturday I .several areasof eruptive granite,and ffom . ad at his own request. He surprised License ing 10 3-5 and 101 - seconds.
I bers, round Of merit. to-Balsamil, Harry Scott9 2nd Charlie -DEAR i Ex,PosrrbR,-Y,our' readers are .
, mem7 so, on the c, . . - . -Abraham Cohen, a Chatham merchant, In actor Pacaud bi walking into his office Three young 'U& from Listow-al, Jim
. )wel to ad, a 81411,10-y- ;0 -1 the knowledge now possessed it is not i ' at, 3rd Harry Scott. Astersy, Bishop aware that I objected to the County Council - I .
.. atte - . � I . probable that valuable minerals may I In aP � who skipped out last December taking with � 57sqing , "I have come to the conclusion . --rAAGeorgeSmall,who
. ie die: r Baird, Hub Jori �
lonv They returned again ob �, � Neelin, 2nd -Gladys Graves, 3rd Beverley Act in the first place and thought 'each . � -!-,F- - I I Mae .
ellable article in covered in these granite areas, as well as in him $11,000 worth of his creditors' moneyi all been had -become embued VON,- the I * of
ality should be represented and that you were right and that I have
:,Kab,ler, J. Merrier- iind P. - If yO11 mrish a good r Kemp. Cut flowers - Pansies,- Charlie . , to put nie dime literature, and e9use . t1e,
� munic , has decided ,to give them back $6,000 rather drinking too much.' I want I on I - 1161
it, the Toronto, fair this week.. I t any description, we the Haronian formation. - Papst, 2nd Minnie Beattie. Balsams, adviseTM-,KiUop to elect - a representative, . . - inary humdrum of the A � world
� clothing of i . I G than go to jail. 11 �
. - Beattie. Asters,. . . f,,& pte 'Out
r, eor t, atarte
. . under the Indian act." Tie inspector, was ord
. Faust a,ud.her neice,'Tffir, - HONY TO GET A CLAM. ge Scott, 2nd Minnie and since reading a report of the June see. -Mr. Samuel Piper, a most respected - 6 other 11
. ' . � . feel assured that satisfaetiOn Is ite g to do this, a�d inside of half in severe contemp - I
: � I . . .
, Tavistock this .. � I stock. For In the case of a mining claim the intend- Howard Hartry, 2nd - Minnie Beattie, 3rd sion I am more. fully convinced that we are work. qu willin , _.
wee'-- . . . hil night to nee the ivoild. ,jarmyne want as - - ,.
; . to be had from our . - ) I . , George Scott, 2nd not represented in the county at all. The farmer residing near Ste er, w I a an hour notices were ou� forbidding all .. 11
Association convell' - Ing worker has to take out a miners icegle George Scott. Stocks, . . moon, I he went broke, �
msed.. with what - 11�� - . tile m an who seeks value before . ing in the harvest field '71'hnvursday afte saloon --keepers to sup ly him with intoxi. far as Port Huron,- when, . I .1
Zr I costs $10, and is'renews,ble- each yeir. Bona Case, 3rd Winnie Daly. whole council is an equalization committee afid died p , her tw ho -
ple � I . ch . was overcome by the intense heat, , o., w
I . . - . Whi L . a- said to be the first ease on and returned home. The ve , fo
ieard,-Rev, A. Y. _11sist And, - 11 . price., -Whose aiin. in buying is On staking -his claim he does not require to � --�--# amd- they raise 1the personal pior.erty asses culd be -procured. I canto., This is started r -
; to -see his mother, neat- - :: I . services of a surveyor or wait . ' . L merit of McKillop from $400 to $40QW. record where a man has -been interdicted by had $1.40 between themp I ��
� . I
.11a � I . not so m ach price as quality, to pay for the Agricultural Education. ' -Montreal is, threatened with a water himself. . Chicago. t w
. rt their way home thev took L: "" I . do - The assessment roll has shown the personal . _ 404 :and, L I
11 _4sk a
... .
- - 11 this man we can safely present for the issue of a patent. All he has tjo ' tamme ,pWiDg to a break in the big sup? I y -On Tuesday of IDA . I
,. I _
--ion at Ta,vistock�-One_ of our- 1. . is to pay the license, and file his claim with [Fr6w the Farmers San] assessment for years - to be $1,000, and I .. the La -A reform has'been instituted at )he - accident occurred Ila Logan tow"UP. - I � -
, wa make of suits at $7� - ing the water under ofer which the Oeo- fatal I �
i pioneers., .N.1r. Conrad Mill0r, - _: . the inspector of a division. Then- he can A correspondent com,Slaine that The Sun Crime Kingston Penitentiary un 4ir- A boy, aged It yean. from the Strk - �
our o would like for any of the county council to pipes carry, $tqrd L
cession,, who has. been ailiW � 6qual I � does not condemn expen itures made by the tell where the other $3,000 in. We have no Canal. A dredge employed in deepening the ple of that city -will be freed from eonab I 1. � _. - - 4
I $10and812; these am go to work at once. � . ,h able. anxiety and. trouble. Hereafter all Home, in the emplo� of 01r. WIres
d ' - tho'Br.oli,��" . Ontario Government to promote the teach- villages. Stanley has Varna sad part of o�nal tore up,neveral- sections of two 30-i�n, _j ., john- ', _ # - LL �
, . a. I Illin I -
was, burrie in 11 I 7 s .- of Logan, W." engage. 1 " L g 12,01. He
_. , , their -disch .
xs� . to custom made suits. - A 'RICH MD. ; �' -couvicts upon receiving 4 _�
- . ing of the science of agricultu�re. He would Brucefield and only $2,600, personal ; East pi arge will � ___
. ,
�sday. He cam#' ' te-1 11 � , final best'of the open race be driven to the station and pl d to have been stanaing ,On the
bry last Thur , ... aring the an suppose
, __ a City �u Septem' have us oppose the Agricultural College, - Wawanosh has only IM; Goderich town. I aced aboard w
icession when all was 8, 00114 - L � - � A despatch from Wa-w. the in this ring in front of the stand -Friday, at . ig provided with a roller, when the horses .struck a post and 11 �
. failM 'L _. ' bar 10th, bays,.: There are now'mord than armors? an out -bound train, beft . � - �r
r himsellf a hun dred.acre . In m ade-to-order clothing, we show model farm, tfie model dairies, the f ship ouly� $450; Morris, with part of Walton, the Toronto exhibition, little Harr Mc' ticket to carry them to the place from which .ran away, throwing theboy in front -of *0
,boxseouredii . , . 10P. _.- - at hundreds of prospectors tamped. in this institutes and grants to the poultry and Bluevale, Belgreive and Sunshine, is only -new"" - 0 . . wo -and causing � , . -1
� good borne. .. . ready to scrut- $3,300. ole council Murray, the 0-yesi-old son of Fro; d Y. Me' they were sent to the institution. The roller which passed over bi . �� .
. if age.- T . he sympathy of thW _'� two lines of all -wool serge. newly -born mining town and the vicinity. other associations.. We are . Why, therefore, the whc M in trying to . v he was . - .
-11 -
. - $13.50, whiClI_ we are ly a hundred yesterday, but li u array, of Toronto, crow the system will benefit all- parties conoerned,and such injuries that ,in two hour
I . - �
. 11
,ended to the � family--::�� - - $12 and There were on inize closely every do ingled out McKillop alone I wo id like to ti - r and had his skull frae-, ex-conviets hereafter will not have an o.pp r. dead. I _� 1-- -,
[ ext . � !ood value. nearly that number came in to -day, and ways. We cannot, however, assent to an know. We have no show to appeal as the !ack, was run ove 0 - foundguilty
ub was to London last, week . . satisfied are g more are expoe"d to -morrow on the next I tured,' ' , I tuniby of hanging around the city spending -In the case of J. S. 'Reiner, . _ ,
inery openings. -L -Mrs. L�Mesebr__ M. I . - attack upon any means of 'education so time is past before we know what is done -Saturday night the safe in the office of the . . d from the Government to of f , the name of J. G. Relfier.of.
� �r, mrs.S. Geiger,. . '.. . trip of the steamer Telegram. To saythat far adopted by the Legislature to elevate and the cost of �ppeal would be more than money receive orglug ..
� . .
I her daughte ,. � The soason for heavy underOlOthing is all are feverish in the hunt for gold in to put the Ontario Tack COMLP&Dyl Hamilton, Was carry them to their homes. I We!lenley, to two notesof VM each, andof � -11
� terr. . I and improve the chief industry of the pro, -the amount actually stolen. Andnowevery broken into, and $103 stolen. The diseo�ery - bell he was tried at Berlin for Ut- '
Ali6igan, paii! her dan . - I . - -_ --LThe plates of the Jubilee stamps were perjury w a - - � -_
ost, a, visit last week.- not far away now arid a little it mildly. Everybody is rushing about mad, Vince. Nor can we understand why� there ioter in 34cKillop should only vote for the gave Mr.
. The rocks and of the burglary was made next morning, - t ring ,the notep, X dge Chisholm �
- rtaility of
-eek- , _ . thouLrIlt is well - on this aTticle. anywhere and everywhere. when the safe door was found open, I and Cto Co.'s building in Ottawa in the Mabee Ptainses lawyer, ,an � 1. q I
.r last w still lurks among farmers a feeling that these member who will so amend the County destro ad Friday morning at the American a . It I �
Md Daniel. Mille " a , bills for miles are covered with prospectors - one . Council Act that we can be represented in a. - -appe Xp . 6 i �
� a of their uncle,� D4., S. F -Aust- I I cial all- expenditures are a waste of public in . papers were scattered about the office. The the Postmaster- _j a _h .
' I Last year we had a spe geu%ral, the making on a Th time r i;iing t
of J, P. Rick- � daily, who. trudge throughout the woods No complaint i's heard that the Universi - The amount is resents Of . . necessary a V = this direction Aiqrpirsd� aud . .
' body that putstaxes on us. I ti I
� -Rickboil, son 1, � . �.ng sell- with Indian guides, and stap at every hill bnrglare bored holes in the door, and burst V r -General, �t a secretary . . �
I wool suit of Underclothi of Toronto has been provided at the u ixotso large, I acknowledge, but it is wrong � eputy Postmaste Ritner was � -
John F - autiful and coal . , - the combination. department, and Mr. Stanton, the thing having been done, - d - -
keek f or. Clint, on where he *0 . - i bly b i oil - -in - onor . % ,
,�aitr _ L I t $1 .A suit. Well, this to search for the veins, and there is hardly a , to the municipality and the small,eno of the of the , n up for man . 11 �
dllegiate.-Mr.* . ing a expense with be -Mr. R. M. Dickie, a second year stu- chief of 8 The process of de- bro ght I tenee. H H PROW
. we -.,,ill Sell at, the same doubt that inside of a month a mining town and endowed to the extent of -nearl an wedge W tamp branch. � r years? imprisonment in -�_.
� Kanaaall passed througk Our �� ��,, year eral thousand souls will be established ear to maint I 'JOHN C.MORRISON, Clerk, MaKillop. dent in the Manitoba college, has been ap ' upie in hour and a half, and. sentence of fou - I
. r . died thousand dollars a -iet. About 32,-. a - �, .
-eek_ -Mr. Moses Ehn7es 'a& price a 'u,t ,%VhicbL is plaillly of Rev F. But it is not K I 6nd 6t inted missions the Klondike distr was completed ab soll ease, the terms to Tun concurrently �
Ohio, to reffuAsrr f 1. - . aes. 'article ; Other 'a the Michipicoten countr� the general culture of t [NoTp,.-Our, good friend is barking up We has alreadyrietito Winnipeg fo out I o'clock. , thia in that Reiner will serve a 2
or Deleware, .. twic as ;. the gold a � r Dyea, 000 000 stamps were printed from these The effect of I
. e last ye an easy mattCr to,secure fOrtun young men for protessionaFeGalffingas. NO the wrong tree. He is blarnigg the law - . � .! - . �
e He was homw I - nd $2 a s shovel-.- it ii objection is made to schools -of mining, ins .. where he will winter, and in the. spring he 'pls1;j and 7 000 000 postal dards. The total term of eight years. . �
� college ther I uit. cannot be dug oat with a tead of the representatives who are !6 I g wills have been entered ,_
or bi� Koliday'.'.-Last Sunday'- grac )eta to go, with a party still farther fr d end to the print. -The followial
� g les at $1.50 a . all quartz mining, and �will requirb exp( om .
. . - - architecture, engin ' eerin and chemistry, blameable, if blame should rest any where.. plates estruction puts an urrogabe ,-oo 1� .-
� van alical. church jus"' "' . � t, g civilization. , I Be. for proba,teat the local a urt dur-
� E i � .. . � � capital and improved . machinery to make where young men are ained for useful ser- McKillop is represented in, the county coun- ing of these stamps, which wil - in con, nths 'Gabel � .
�pened tf - harp TO% __ -The amount of the rece$ts for the quence rise in valiae. - ing ,the t t P
e service,, 4 B t . . �0, Xen!s Hats, Overalls and , Sm ooksi it profitable. Then it is believed that vice in industrial enterprise. .Why, theny oil just as truly, and just am ably as .any of I - � -
, - � .
� .a � kamith, '$1,81 1 -
i ' . %S ()o1laTs and Ties, an average of $80 per ton cim be secured. hould thero not be teaching of the science the townships -he mentioned and no doubt . --- f,
. the congregatioPi 90 " - past year from.thiregular sources of incom I for Wallace, blac 18 personal, WO
-0* . Shirts, Brace � � - I * real ; Sarah Livingston, Fullarton, widow,
ng fire, had brokeli Out- - ." � 11 -experts state that the gold can be all farning. It is surely as import Ilop can give satii- of the General A Board of phe Metho. . . Perth Notes. - . I : -11
, tiola , -1 31itts, 3fen!s Mining Of ant to know -those who represent MoKi ch sholission : I
it was found tb&t a horns _� Hosic-Ty,' Gloves, ofitably mined when it assays $6 to the dist Cliur an increase of nearly two $230 personal, no real; James 0010111911j, �
� - :
.L - sad 111A. I anio4g tli,,@ articles Pr how to make good cheese, till* the soil, to factory - explknl�ationa to our friend, who thousand dollar;,over the proceeding twebre -T he rate of taxation in Mitchell is 20 Hibbert, farmer, $57,5 personal, $650 real ; �_l
- n
.rd had broken 10C.46 - an � .. Flir Coats are ton. i withstand insects,, or even to fatten a hogg 'seems not ale 0 rid himself of this old fogy, ' 'Richard Symonds, Downie, $3,894.58 per- - A
h VOr - .. . months. The sum' received aggregated mills on the dollar. I
". I �, he - -i
- . 7
. �. - _ - � $185,229. � -Twenty-three m I -
A. It was stol?Peds� owe r Lake Wa-Wa yes- as it is to know the breaking strain of tim- We on the dollar is the � sonal $700 real ; Ja-men Kennedy, Strat-
�11, ca;;a- we sell. . A find was made'nea sectional and foolish idea that because t -
I - I I I i . I appen . - �
na-ge, was, done alld . -,. - .11 ; passes anything yet discOv- ber or the analysis of a sample of ord. representative of a district does not h - ' - ilway Signal man, $10,825 personal, - ,_
. nt o,u.-,lW' t-erd,ay that suri -Aii artistic fteasure in the shape' of a rate of taxation in ListOwel. ford, r&, . I :
W � .
A ih- service We' � Dickinson claim. It was The wisdom of teaching farming is ad- to reside in � certain municipality that, � , � i
I 81, . ed, even the hageu) no real - Susan McNaY, spinster., Mitchell, I I
. �Jr - - Vests er beautiful and c6stly -Charles Querengesser, of Brod -
. - .
�ta Stratford held�� 4u&rt'f _�., Call aud see us f0T Odd: rants, made by C.W. Cayley, a, prominent business . mitted everywhere. Manitoba. supports therefore, that. municipality is not repre- � art glass window has ale of fall wheat. ), Ann Septt Rib -
I SA-:. - * Paul's cathedral, has over 2,000 bush $140 personal, 370 real; I f -
- . . ust ' een . in . . . .
3 Evangelic&YchurcY last 1� . - - - �ay Kills, -and is at'the foot of the farmers' institutes and a dairy school. NOV& benjad. Had *cKillop bcon specialty repre- t b - placed in St -John Reeves, of Mitchell, has been co io real; John _. �
I 11 I - .. and Overcoats man of I . . - I
Way. There-wasaaooda . . rom the mining� Scotia has an experimental farm and school sented, the very thing he complains of might Cudon, in memoriurn of the late John Wal- bert, widow, $2,137 personal, I ,
Z2.1 . . qhargeOf Gerbig, South 1?4sthope entlems 0 U- . I .
� . . � All a'. - .
I . . � - ,Pie river-, sbC miles f r to stand * his trial on a In
- - %L ,ha,m Cookb Meredith, of that city.. The mitted
. t . a .
. w . - , - ool of 8 P, ,�j , , .
� : old assay nbae- ot agriculture at Truro, also a sell ju bas easily have been done, as McKillo In ;"P� James" 4 D I
i 0 - ! - . ............... cani�. Specimens of pure g � New Brunswick representative: would, at least, be - only one window contains 1,800 pounds of the finest forgery. �, 084.54 personal avin, un op, , :
a, � � � � . . .
I I � .
I - �
� I ters fine to the ounce, horticulture at Wolfville. glass. � -Mr. W. H. Thompson, of Stratford,had farmer, $202.67 p�fsousl$ $2,700 real ;'Ataik
I irriner, of Sebringvillfii it t. � - I WIM HAVE ONE PRIGE TO ALL teen and three-quar & - a base ball Monteith, Stratford, I - � '1�
� . i W_ � which was picked up at -the top. of a rocky has a ouperindendent of dairying and a, mong many. -ED.] - �, -
- ' vb - he . I
c aturday, . � . asex. Quebec -Th6 circumstances connected with, the finger broken in two Places by A widow, $1,0W per-
: accident on S t tail �. - .; bluff that towers upward. 2,50 feet over t dairy course is given at Su — . 0 . upsetting of the raft containing 24 children the other day. 1. a zonal, $350 real ; Wm. Jewell, Mitchell, " �
take repairs in Dextee L river. It is believed that the whole when has six- agricultural schools, a dairy school. a been mak , themselves gentlemaii, $4,750 personal $8W real; John
, t, k ,.- BACK IF WANTED.' - - Complimentary and Ren3dniscent. in Tgronto bay,on August 22, which resulted -Boys hav In . 9 - _.
in the breast by, a� s lak snee in: Mitchell by piflaging ,gardens N. Schmidt, Downie, I -
L P 1k. . XONEY . developed, will yield more than $3,000 to The sum of Oo,000 is given to support far - ne
. - . , laths . & I
jack. 11 � I In remitting for his subscription to THE in the drowning of fotar of them, -have been nuis . farmer,* SW,449 r
lvaa- being used to I V- 31 , � I the ton� An application for the property has men' 6lubs. The Dominion Government )wing pays fully inveatig ted and *e jury have decided and carrying off fruit. Xona), $5,800 real ; 10 rins hoh, Ai - -
v3h force as W knock . 11L 'I - k ... ..... a ....... L .a a to the De artment Of has established five experimental fame, one 'Exroarron the writer of the foll( a ' ' A daughter, Of Strat- 9 personal, ,no .
40an 1, Iready been mad nd that the drown- ,-Mrs. Dane" an bert, married woman, $272 1
a of machinery that 6`at:& do** , I Toronto. = of -the at Ottawa, one at Nappan, in Nova Scotia, it P. very high complement, which does not tthat the raft was safe a returnid home from a three real ; Henry Peacock, St. Marys, gentle- .
ered him 110�0110 . - '_ Crown Landi at ad and a become us to say is not deserved. At any ing was accidental. - ford,L have I . I .
&d and rend . , I I � beauties of the find -is that it is sdjacent to one at Brandon, one at Indian He -:.-The death is announced of Mr. John months' trip to Great Britain. . man, S.5,7.85 personal, SM real. _ �
�e time. I GREIG. d MACDONALD thank our friend and former valued I i
I I the falls at the foot of the river, and the fifth at Agassiz in British Colurn 9ttipleton, one of the oldest business men of -John McQuee#. han'sold . his one hun- .
L M —0—
I I W - contributer for his kind words and we ho ' to Peter c_
. of Listowell . water can be liald to run machiaery. Of the win be seen that the work done is both ex pe
. M cKeever, onto- I . I a in- I may long continue to merit the good opin. Brantford. Deceased was in the 75th year dred &ere farm, at I -Farquhar, -The bell ringers of Trivitt Memorial �.
. � rimental and the active spread of th I it . . iall for $4 7 i
3 L.r,g of age. arrived, in Tor , 190, - , CLOTHIERS. - 3' several hundred who have aheady been, here ndhimself and others. -ED. EXPOSITOIL ,of' -his age. He went to Brantford from Doug I . , I '00. -
� - . � � -401111 bery with- �x
Exhibition- - I a * d left, there are only formation acquired. Teaching is not, as in io McDougall, of Y�fquhsr, has sold church, Exeter, have presented Mr. Robert � '
to sed� the � - r � " and secured claim all Kingston in 1847, and in 1849 started a boot I , I
r19 . ns" � , . � d claims to the case of the arts collegW1 confined -to DULUTH, Minn., Septem�er, 10th, 1897. . ore, which he ran up until a splendid three�year.old �11 horse to David Richardson, one of their mem I
; Ba o � for- . ` in the four at the most who have secure x- and shoo at the . .1 handsome clock, on the occasion of -his mar- .
t .
� t and WollingtOR'sVenuall On the Wrong Side of the Street, staked -out land, which, at prPAent indic&- the young, but . ,bT means of farmers' clubs, I would not for a good dial min THz B . . I Haokney, for $135.- -
I I . ' a of his demise. I ' 7
1 1 - i i rosnov� regularly each Mon- Aim �.
t, got up aboutt S eclock SAtW Strong, Block. . . � . .1 , tions, looks as t1iough they may prove one- orinstitutes, . . ecturen,Government blue I receive it - -Harry Littler, Glepora, near Kingston, -The aldermen of Stratford defeated the nage. ' ely timein Brussels the
7 " wkis-st. Tw- . . cessful. . books, repor 113eetings of associatiolm day and when I am through perusing its aldermen of Guelph by 34 � raw to 29 W a ,.:-There was a liv I
lamd had his bre - %r ago for British Colum-
- - bills - OW TO GET THERE. . and the distrib , 'on of samples of seed: , I turn it over to ,. - 1promineut, '
i2A . - ONT. valuable columns Mr who left about a YeA & it Guelph recently. other afternoon, in which severe __
aid hia� S v home with 883,000 from baseball mat( edfy inter- -
i.. the bar, 1--i 'a , Ik. � - EA.FORTIffs I . �, . on among those who are Robert Stewart, a native of " the bonnis bial is on his *W _-Gordon, only son of Mr. and Mn. W. citizens of that burg were ex,At .
; pin the sidew lix anatW- There are two routes. The traveler can education is ew famed Kloidike country. No letter . Labor Day, -the
�_ - The nature of the' Land of the Heather and Thistle." ' Himself the on the Af terboon Of
- . -, I., - . . a L. Shark, M Cayugs�, and forniefly of Ati�- ested.
11 forward on the plaukk , lr!� I to Sault Ste. Marie by rail and from long Past Bch received by his parem'to for some time, - *a
_4 - . - go Pleased � anxious, when, jmwm , at -_
. S , _. - � . - .. . that point a steame y I are %Yt and * is I
m t . 5one is well outlined by and wife hi hl with it and was . . ee men ;
lers lifted the pros";e . - r will lind him at Mich- experimental' they were growing wood, died on August 2nd, aged 20 yearo. Grand Trunk RailWAY 5 tiOn -
11 .1 _� - . Act. This is a -they as i t ims the paper they have read
: wao, 'ha"it0adlYr I runniA the Experimental Farms at receiving 'the glad -Charles.Brine, of St. Marys, who has to drive 12 or 15 head Of vil 90
.tor L . � .- I NADA coten. There- are two boats now e ay j udge of, their surprise had stray � , � - - do, t*
A doe ,- - � - � " 1'1� � TFtE cA . ipi � To test,the merits, hardiness since leaviny th ir native land. I must s I been ill since'Janivary last, underwent a _ed into the railw
�'Aw +;A , I I � . I
. � I . -6 - - - . � be m = summary:. news of a few days ago. �
lil he could db was t. � . , -1. . tween the two points, the Telegra ility of new or untried varieties the longerl &M a sojourner in Uncle Sam's successful.operstion at the London hospi4l pound at T. Ballantyues. 04 the ve - -
very apparent fact that �- ;L - � Accident Assurance Company the tug Gordon Gauthier, both belong- and adaptabi minions the more I prize the purity and -Edward Cronyu, a nephew of Hon, : had nearly reached the terminatios', ,0f thO �
. � . .
, . anie ing Victoria, Park,
h startling. suddenueSt- I ing to fish comp a, They each make of grain, grasses, fruits and trees, to test Do it is with Edward Blake, who was practicing his pro- latel Pam
Perth -'a p . ioneers, was Cast L L- . a trip once a week. The -journey from To- the values of different breeds of stock for all healthy tone of its columns. But . . awyer . in Roiisland, was a few f1lim Samuel- Hancock has sold her journey, and was -
. T'. jobffl� �,.,_ oomplished in about 36 purpos . da. ' attacked by an American tough, 'residence, in Mitchell, to Mr. George Pos. some of the Owners a , V"h to : �-
Mnof 9 en and climatic cond�itions;to ex- sorrow that I read from time to time of .- the fession as &I gpied their " bonsies," .
d�jy in the pe I A L Plate Glass. ronto can be so, Pliditionq of butter and death of the sturdy pioneers of MeKillop.who Ze ago Move into Mit, Land knowing full well that it m0out
, - � 111010- _� coident : and time his ter, of Fullerton, who will -_ �
Mr. P0110' -made &mine the economic to ,ten that fai -
South Eastbk0Pe- two - . . hours if. proper connections can be a to that land when it wes a complete and Was no badly bea . a got a deliveramoe, from the poundkeeper,
I . - PL � 1�. Bay cheese production; to test 1 fertilizers ; t0 cam ' - o, the chell- to reside. .
a, in poor health for zabOut I __ . From the Hudsoi , I of �_lifs was despared of. Petir Castell . cor"19 land after a
� _ -with the steamers. . I
L- toL ati _ " merits in food ' iposition, in wilder�aess. wheh they were in the bloom at office inspector at they charged an the .
. I . ilk, `7 .,y COS,tSL Jittle ough trail make expen Was engaged - -Mr. Hopkirk, Ix in L � L
ta death !ras daO An accident poli( . Are post at Michipicoten there is a r committed the assault, . , . Z
,x ig trees fTrIa timber and their manhood and, womanhood, and the man who ted te the vs- lively skirmish, ,in which both ale 7831d
-e. The deceased was born - ---c: to Like Wawa. feeding, in plantit � 9 idbadk again,
61 W-1 �!: ou insured I ' about seven miles in length diseases of denizens of the forest roamed unmolested, an a oontract,Ws foreman. He is now in Stratford has - been appo -
: � y . da tote Y) road that James shade -, to' exaraine into the , injun y in and the Stratford division female were engaged, they rolli , anly
it MontreM -�wer soventy- I __ - It is over this old I stigate except when occasionally disturbed by wan. goal Awaitilig-the result of theJ ' *,as he cave , lAndon
- - __ L - ' but not the whbl4i numbOr Of cow's, as
L _4�. - L plants, trees and animals, and to inva Will be done aw4 with.
�_� I - .
'agethec with his, Pafeu.ts bNoc - -the greater part , d. week, im . about four were safely 41101101701
AW Conmee, M.P.P., took in r , a pests. As daring Indiana. And these sturdy pioneers inflietp The crowd wh . whilissed the It was &
tlwf . the ra,vVes of insects and I u 0 -on: Monday evening of last d -the
in IS49 se f - I lively sk -
I t ar;.1,
, .,;;�_ tald. J. Macdonald, of � his supplies when constructing his see, at Castello ran'to _ lercej, all
3t county t I � OT to tea
- . - - Rx . . I . f %minion and by indoulinable eney and perseverance affair became so aroused th , ober , agent, of St. irmiab, short and f
eas . � I I tion some evidence of the value of . ,
iownie,where fiecla&r' � . I -of the Canadian Pacific. � farms into beautiful the police and begged them to save him Mr. Thomas R w4p, by a seek.
, , 111 �
�. . BY
I - , provilloial experimental farms, it be converted their
years, 1A . ow ____ to leave the Boo branch . of an. from being lynched. It appears that a man MaryN wow driving into Fullarton village, owners -
over fifteen - , -L I— . 0. P. R. Telegraph afid Canada Accident The other way in d comfortable homes. After years . .
i the propertv. : in' soun '�� I the 0. P. R. at Desbaratil station and go meritionod that 1.700 new varieties Of cereals all I . .
f y . - of . .
I . Of - Insurance Company Agent- � . .
� TL, - .
. -
h he resiaed at the, ti1116 � , � . . L L - 4
-1 - "
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: �._ . I I . .
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