The Huron Expositor, 1897-09-03, Page 3• "n* •int LFORTIL united Staten 'Me in all part made 011 ratan highest curreta ind December. it. E, Aden* as math, 30o. ERS MI! PT-EV.113ER 1897, i897 Call and nt, t, and as we to give good. Embalmer of 3hall reeeive Nreetar's re - kr; Cam s Old. Stead ERCE, 61000,000 1,000,000 nted, Drafts iesin of interest and Nevem- , er and Far- Manager. le of aU our - • ITF A FORTH- . BUNT NOTICES. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. AND TEAMS WANTED.—Wented to on big diets in Tuckererith. Apply to 1550-4 etr E.—Desirable property *Meted Ois God e, Seefortle For particulars apply at 1288-te Ingetren °nom .".•••••••••• Domini on seed Provinotel Land greyor, limber at theAmoolation of Ontaln0 1306-52 or, Dublin, Ontario. tEELEY NOT FIRST. A FAST COLT. eisonslt STRIKE AT THE FOB: Ordene Was the Xotingstinns Mune and A CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS RE PORTED FROM THE LONG AGO. graTTIE, Clerk of the Second Division county Commissioner, Of RUIta, 0On , Lands loan said Insurance Agent. Funds and to Lean. Ofilee--Ovr Shen & hint *bore, Wu street Seeforth. seta AND BUT/ER WANTED.—Wanted a lim bed quantity of Good White Reims ; also yot endes. Tub Rutter. For them we will bigheet cesh prie. The highest cash price be paid for fowl in all mamas, T. R. F. & CO., Seeforth. 152e-tf ANTED HELP.—Reliable men in every tow. ay, lead or tervellieg, to introduce new le sett keep oui show cards tacked up on -,..fentoto and bridges throuehttut town and Steady emplo3ment. CommistiOn Or rilriZe66 per month and enpsnsen end moorry posited in any bank when Matted. For particulars *At THE WORLD MEDICAL ELECTRIC COM MT, Lodon, Ontario, Canada. 1560-36 300 Private funds to loan atloweet $00 rates of interest n. sums to suit 700 borrowers. Loans can be com- „WOO pleted and money advanced AO within two days. Apply to R. 1000 SHAys,BarriSteroke.,Seaforth. 15 The Remarkable Effect of the "Indian 70ootore" Simple Renaediet—Row the "Melielie" Oared Joe Robertson With- out Asking the "Doctor." SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- nes's, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small P111. Small Dose., Small Price. Su-bstitution — the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's! Little Liver Piih. IT PIA -YS TO It was about the Medicated whisky cure which we proposed to speak. To Dr. Iteehy, who, living down at Vvright, is almost a neighbor, credit is generally given for being the first per- sonwho employed the pharknacopoela for the purpona of killing a drunkard's appetite. But Dr. Keeley is by no means entitled to this credit. The first physician whole medicine ever cured a drinking man of his thirst was a Icing haired, spectacled old tourist who called himself "the Indian doctor,” end who operated dawn in the neighborhood • of elpre, 0. The doctor did not tell the Beget of his medicament, but three or four boys who . lived near the fartahouse where he boarded had an inkling, be- cause the boys had the coneraot for oats:Ming the toads for which the doctor paid them 10 cents' a dozen. While the dootor's abode has been spoken of as a farmhouse it was more than that, for, being near a stockyard, where trains "lay over," it was ale° a boarding house, or tavern, whither the drovers came for entertainment. Among the stockmen whose duties brought them frequently to the yards, and therefore to the farmhouse board- ing place, was amen named Joe Robin- son, who had drunk whisky all the way from St Louis to Baltimore, with spe- cial reference to Piedmont and the country along the 17 mile grade of the Baltimore and Ohio. Robinson was a firm, vigorous and vigilant drinker, one 'who allowed no guilty dramshop to es- cape. He wits such a shining light that at least 12 temperance societiee were working upon him at once, for it was known that the credit for his reforma- tion would mean much. But he resisted all their entreating efforts. This brings things up to one May veulug. Robinson had arrived at Belpre with seven cars of hogs and a large, commodious and farreaching jag. -He took the hogs into the steckvards and the jag to the city of Parkersburg, W. Va., just across the river, for he wanted to triln and orminent it a little before retiring. Now it so occurred that it was a damp night, and Harry Stone and Hughey Drai, the boys who had the contract for supplying hoptoads to the salve making Indian doctor, set out on their own hook and without consul- tation with their employer to get a flour bag full of toads. They were eminently successful, and at 8 o'clock they -ap- peared at the boarding house with a peck of kicking, piping, shrieking spoil. Far good measure they had on this oc- casion added three belated garter snakes, two lizards and a hoot owl. The family was not happy. Mrs. Bruce directed the boys to carry their burden, of the character of which she had no idea, up to the doctor's room, he being out. The boys did so— or at least they thought • they did—bat they turned the wrong corner at the bead of the stairs and deposited the sack in the room to be occupied by Joe ltEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. GOOD CHANCE FOR RETIRED FA31ERS OR MARKET GARDENERS—For sale, thirty eerie of choice land in Harpurhey, specially adapted Iota market garden or small fann. Good buildings Ond every convenience. Apply to ISAAC MILLER, ea the premies. 16464f IDESIDEls`CE IN BRUCEFIELD FOR SALE. - 70r sale the frame dwelling house and lot near la. railway station in Bar:Afield. The house con- ais ten rooms; a stone cellar and hard and sort water in the houee ; also a good ratable. There it a qUarter acre of land. Apply to ALEX. MUSARD, Brmfield. 15641 AntrOUSE FOR. SALE, OR '10 RENT.—Mr. John Landsborongh, will sell or rent his fins new smidence in Egmondville, which wee built laat sum- mer. This is in every respect a firsteese house, with good brick and well finished, hard and soft water, combined coal or wood furnace, cement floor In celar, and every modern convenience. Apply to JOHN LANDSDOROUGH, -neaforth. 1648-4 The Canada Business College, CHATHAM, ONTARIO, Still leads in finding ehoice positions for grad- uates. We have been placing an average of two per week. Forty-one were placed between January let, and May lst, four months. The following is an extract from a letter just received from one of the older American Celleges :--" We must make a change of teacher in our Business Department. Could you recoromenda young num to take °barge 7" We are continually receiving such requests from other Business Colleges end also frem business houses. It pays to graduate from a school whose students are in demand. College re -opens Septem- ber let. Wets for Catalogue. D. MeLACHLAN & Co., Chatham, Ontario. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—For sale, a de- irable property in Egmondsille. There are three acres ot land, planted with large and email units, Thee is on the place s good brick veneered house, story and a half hgh, aed goocl frame stable. There is plenty of hard and soft water. Ibis property is most plemently eituated, and would make a desirable place for a retired farmer. Apply to ADOLPH MORENTZ, Egmonciville. 1543-13 IN ALGOMA FOR SALE.—For sale the FARmTh. Soutit Earn quarter et section F., township of Laird, containing 160 scree. There are forte acres Cleared and free from stumpe and under crop, Com- fortable log buildings. The balance is welltimbered. It is within four miles of Echobay railway station, rind six miles of the prosperous village of Port Findlay. Mien. a good lot, and will be sold cheap, and on easy terms. Apply to WILLIAM SIMPSON on the premies, -or to ALEX. MUSTARD, Brum- field. 1546-tf "UsARIIERS' ATTENTION.—Why pay 5i and 6 per J.' cent. interest these hard times? I arn MSS' pre- pared to lend money at 5 per cent. on really first- class farm security, up to 50 per cent. of the selling velne ; straight loans; interest and principal in pay. moats to suit borrower. Apply te A. COSENS, first door south of Jackson's store, Egmondville. 15044! Me Richly Deserved It. Several men gathered about it Mae near the western market commenting upon the prominence of the beat's Wailings are rising from alleys and lanes, ribs and general lnkiness. The ani - Finding sad echo in valleys and plains, mal belonged to a farmer living near Cry to our fatherland, "Strike at the foe!" Call on each noble band, "Strike at the fool" THE QUALITY Ypsilanti, and, it was said, never per- xnitted grass to grow under its feet on the road,- The farmer was not pleased with the remarks and the strong ien eerences that the poor thiug had never tealieed the sensation of corn and oat. "What do you call your horse?" evas asked. "Cyclone, and don't he look it?" re- plied the man from the rural districts. "Cyclone! What a name! /le certain- ly looks ea if one had struck him" "That's what happened to him, my friend. It Wan just like thi. You re- member the awful breeze we had out to Ypsilanti about three years ago? This feller was a sucking colt at the time and was in the barn with two horss. the cyclone, regular old hummer, came along and thrashed the barn off its legs and dropped it nigh on to 100 yards away. After the twister had raised all the hob, fences and sheds it could we went out to look things up. The two horses were stone dead and the colt— would yon believe it?—was nowhere to be found. "Next day I turned over the hen- coop, which lay in the field half a mile away. s Right in that coop and laying on the door which faced down was the colt. He commenced kicking when he heard us, and we took him out in a hurry. He wasn't scared a bit, I tell you, and was cool as a cucumber. The neighbors say they saw the coop goin through the air and the oolt after it.. The little feller caught the coop and got inside of it to save himself, that'i what he did. That's the Plain truth, and if you don't believe it ask the colts Good day, strangers."—Detroit Free Pres& Thrilling our hearts and inflaming our veins— Strike, srke„ strike at the foe! Strike, strike, strike at the foe! Strike at the demon drink, blow upon blow! Strike while the eye and the heart are aglow! Strike, strike, strike at the foe! - Heroes of fatherland, Strike at the foe! This is a struggle grand. Strike at the foe! Sorrow stands watching with grief red- dened eyes, Poverty chants her low chorus of sighs, Many voiced misery fearfully cries, "Strike, strike, strike at the foe!' Strike, strke, strike at the foe! Strike at the derhon drink blow upon blow! Strike and go forward and strike as you • go! Strike, strike, strike at the foe! Patriots of fatherland, Strike at the foe. Fight with an iron hand. Strike at the foe! Commerce stands waiting for victory's hour. Heaven is ready rich blessiug to shower. Virtue, ouoe weak, will rise in her power. Strike, strike, strike at the foe! Strike, etrike, strike at the Me! Srike at the demon drink blow upon blow ! Strike, fiercely strike! Be not fitful nor slow. • Strike, strike, strike at the foe! Is the filet thirg to consider in Clothing. The price cocaes next. Quality mans good material well made up. It means a good fit; it means good wear ; it means a genteel appeatance. Our clothing is dittinctively quality clothing; the price is only a little more than you would pay for the shoddy goods, but you'll find a vast difference in the wear andlooks. THREE POINTS. There is a good deal. of satisfaction in knowing that your clothes fit you and look well. It is as important as thewearing qualities, , and when the three points are combined, yon have just the kind of clothing we are selling. Our stock eon3plises all the best lines of Tweeds to be had, while our Hats and Haberdashery is unexcelled. The price is in arid accord with the quality, and is the same to ail. Special line of Suits for busineSs and professional men. BRIG -HT BROS., SEAFORTH. As Good as Gold WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD Is the friend that stands oy us in an emergency. QuiCleCURIL" is The Great Emergency Remedy Many of the best known people in the land testify to its efficiency. It promptly cures , Toothache and all pain. Quickly allays inflam- mation:- Wherever the skin is cut, bruised, burned, inflammed or diseased in any form " QuiCkcUre " will do its wonderful work. Dr. E. B. Ibbotson, Major Royal Scots, 1`,Iontreal, and Co:if- fnandant. of Eisley Team in 1894, writes i " Quielecure ' ie a treasure, and does just what you say for it; when it is knowa every household will have it. ZI is worth ils weight in gold to parents, who should keep it in the houseEfor emergencies such as toothache, burnS, cuts, etct Statesman of fatherland, Strike at the foe Shrink not, but firmle, stand. Strike at the fool Christians, arise in your terrible might. Soldiers of temperance, the end is in Brotherrisa,hte cowards no loner, but fight. Strike, strike, strike at, the foe! Strike, strike, strike at the foe! Strike at the demon drink, blow upon blow Strike, resting not till the eurse is laid low! Strike, Strike, strike at the foe! —International Good Templar. PATENT APPLICATIONS. The Vast! Majority of Therm Sent to Wash- ington Are Rjected. The applications for patents Med av- erage about 15 a day. There are- 85 principal examiners, with perhaps 200 assistants. Every examiner and every assistant examiner has his own special- ty. Let us take the case, say, of a poor inventor lieing in Oregon. He makes a valuable invention and desires to ob- tain a patent He sends his application with $15 to the commissioner Of pat- ents. It is referred to the examiner hav- ing charge of that peculiar class of in- ventions. , It is his duty to reject It if anythiug can be found on which to base a rejection. Nearly 600,000 patents have been granted in the United States, and probably more than 1,000,000 in the rest of the world. If any of these anticipate the invention, the examiner must reject the application. It is not neoemary that exactly the same thing should have existed before, for if- any- thing sabstantially similar can be found the applicant must go to the walL But, more t been d tion, i .5•=151M5 Win. N. ViTallier, THE RELIABLE Upholsterer and Mattress Maker, SEAFORTH, ONT. Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered. Carpets sewed and laid; also cleaned. and renovated at reaeonable prices. Shop at M. Robertson's Old Stand, Main Street. WOOD WILL BE TAKEN FOR WORK. 1622 OPLENDID FARM FOR SALE—Lot 10, Concen sion 6, townehip of Stanley, eontaiaing 100 aorta. This 0 one of the beat farnis in the tovniship, and is situated in good and ph astant neighbor- tood. Soil of the best, and not a rod of waste land on it. There are all the buildings on it that are re- quired. The whole farm has been newly fenced and /leaned. An orchard of 70 bearing trees, plenty of Rood water, convenient to schools, churches, post office and market. Apply to WM. COPP, Seaforth. 15494f PLANING MILLI MAIN ST., NORTH. -EARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 39, Concession n.! 1, L. R. S., Tuckermith, containing 100 acres. About 90 acres cleared and in a high state of culti- vation. The farm is all well fenced and under drained. There is a brick house and large bank barn with stone stnbling. Also a good orchard and plenty of good water. It is within four miles of Clinton. It is one of the best farms in the county, and will be sold cheap as the proprietor is desiroue of retinue. Apply on the premises or address JOHN McKEZIE, (London Road), Brucefield. 1549 tf The undersigned would beg to esy to the public generally, that they have their mill running now full blast, every day and all day, and are prepared to do custom work on the ohortest notice, and guar- antee satisfaction. All kinds of PINE LUMBER, BOTH DRESSED AND UNDRESSED, MOULDINGS OF ALL KINDS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, LATH AND SHINGLES, BOTH PINE AND BRITISH COLUMBIA CEDAR, Mill STOCK FOR SALE. PIGS FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE.— The undersigned, breeder of Large English Berk- shirenhas for sale boars and sows in farrow. He will also keep for service the stock boar, " King Lee," =based from Mr. George Green, of Fairview, and winner at Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa. Term —$1 royable at the time of service with the privilege of returning if necessary, if booker!. $1.50. JAMES DORRAliCE, Lot 26, Concession 5, MeKillopn Sea- orth P. 0. 1465-52 STOCK FOR SERVICE. IJ -LL FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will LI keep for eervice on Lot D, Concession 11, Bibbed, the thoroughbred Durham bull "Sanl of Dunraven." Terme.—$1.25 to insnre. W. H. STONEMAN, Proprietor. 15314.1 BOAR FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will keep tor service on Lot 34, Concession 4, Tuck- ersrnith, a thoroughbred Chester White Boar, purchased from H. George & Sons, GrOmpton, Middlesex County. Terms—$1, payable at time of ervice, with privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN W. ROUTLEDGE. 15404f BULLS FOB, SERVICE.—The undersigned will keep for service at John McNevin's rnil1 Kip - pen, the thoroughbred Durham bull, "-Sailor Lad." pig bull was 'purchased from Mr. D. D. Wilson, and 10 hem imported stock. Terms, n1.50. MeNEVIN licKAY. 1524x44f TrIAIIWORTII BOAR FOR SERVICE. --The under - 1 signed will keep forservice at the Brumfield Cheese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. wIth reentered pedigree. Terms, nl. ; payable at thne of service with privilege of returning a neces- WY. 1111011 McOATNEY. Brumfield. 140641 TAMWORTH PIG FOR SERVICE.—The under- signed bas for service on lot 82, concession 3, McKillop, a thcro'bred Tamworth pig, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. Thi. is an extra good pig and breeders find it advantageous to cross their Derkshire sows with this breed of pig. Terme 81, with privilege of returning if necessary. OHN MeMILLAN 1505xt1 GODERICH -Steam Boiler Works. (ESTABLISHED 1880.) A. CI -TRYST A. IA And everything kept in a first-class Planning always in stock, best workmen kept, and best work done. Plans furnished and estimatee given. Please give us a call when you want anything in our line, N. CLUFF & SONS, Seaforth. 1514-1 yr. H. R. J ackson & SON. DIRECT IMPORTERS OF Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac, France.; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland; Booth's Tom Gih, London, England; Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland; Jamieson's Irish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Port and Sherry Wine from France and Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky, Oetario ; Royal Distillery and Davis' Ale and Porter, Toronto. Successor to Chrystal & Black, Manufaoturers of all kinds of Stationary Marine, Upright & Tubular BOILER S belt Pans, rno ke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, eto., eto. To THE PUBLIC: We have opened a retail store in connection with our wholesale busi- business in the rear of the new Do minion Bank, in Good's old stand, where we will sell the best goods in the market at bottom prices. Goods delivered to any part of the town free. TELEPHONE 11. Cook Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need. Is prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1. for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known —sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special case! -10 degrees stronger—sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. e, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. Windsor, Ontario. Sold in Seaforth and everywhere in Can- ada by all responsible deaggests. 1518-tf Also dealers n Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve nglnes. Automatic Cut -Off Sngines a spcialty. All SOB of pipe and pipe -fitting constantly on hand Eatimates furnished on shor t notice. Works—OPPosIte G. T. R. Station, trodericer. Prepare for the Fall BY HAVING YOUR fiVothes Cleaned or Dyed ----AT- 13arr's Dye Works MARKET STREET, SEAFORTH. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Robinson. Mr. Robinson came home from Par- kersburg about midnight. The evening had been a most successful one. He had found 12 new saloons. He entered the room iu the boarding house with the presumption that hewas either the czar of Russia or Napoleon Bonaparte, but Was not quite sure which. In his doubt he collided with the paper flour bag full of hoptoads and things. There were a few words of wicked derivation, and then, turning up the light, Mr. Robin- son looked to see what he had found. "Who're you, feller?" he inquired, addressing the bag. "Won't answer, hey? Too p'lite to talk to a drover, huh? 'Jeri! Take that!" And he aimed an unsteady kick at the doctor's ingre- dients. Then things happened. • An active garter snake left the bag in raidair, and, alighting on a picture frame, twisted and equirmed before Mr. Robinson's view. Then the toads !Jew raining around him, and when he felt most sueprised and interested the owl came forth and flew at the lamp. The sack fell to the floor and a lizard shot into lengthened view and the rest of the hoptoads leaped out into comparative liberty. Mr, Robinson clambered in fright upon the bed and found himself in the presence of half a dozen of the hatrachian invaders which had been flung upon the ceanterpane by the force of that very vigorous and masterful kick. He crept behind the bureau and, lol a garter snake dropped therefrom and made for the shelter of the closet. In the middle of the floor there were, he believed, about 8,952 varied kinds of hopping visitors, and with a wailing oreldr. Robinson crashed through the vortex and made for the door and bolted for the night outide. The next morning every pale and un- strung man appeared at the farm board- ing house and answered to the name of Joe Robinson. He went up to his apart- ment and looked about for some signs of -the vieitation of the night before, but the toads and things, more frightened than he, had escaped by the same door through which he had gone,- while the careful hired girl had gathered up the flour bag and burned it. Mr. Robinson sat down and - thought for a moment, and then he said, addressing himself to the picture frame from Which the snake had dangled, that tis was the last time. He hdd hd-enough. More would be too much. And for the remaining 14 years of his travels that way be was the enbereat drover known to history. This, we believe, is really the ft.* time that a tlooteste ppolioSnes were in their perfe0t4d isiditgat form suc- cessfully need to cure den nkenness.— Chicago. Reseed. The Cook company, REIVIOVED. • Having removed into ;the store formerly occupied by Mr. J. Downey, in the Cady Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, I now purpose carrying a full -and complete ine of all kinds of Harness Blankets ) Whips, f And everything handled by the trade. Just received this week a large consignment of BLANKETS, GOAT ROBES AND GOLLOWAY ROBES, Which we are now offering at astonishingly low pricee. M. BRODERICK, SEAFORTH. an this, if anything similar has scribed in any printed publica- any lnuage, anywhere in the world, or if without being patented or deeoribed in print it has been used any- where in the United States, the exam- iner -8h old reject. The rub conies all the time upon- the degree of similarity which will consti- tute an anticipation of the invention. A tremendous responsibility, it will be Seen, is thus thrown upon the examiner. ge wants to be safe: It is both his pride and his duty tot to allow a patent to go out that ought to have been re- jected. TheesonseqUence is that a great eject almost every - =illation. No mat - the invention may lways be found that earest thing that can a basis for rejection. Cure for Drunkenness. We believe the bestiauthorities are gen- erally skeptical as to there being any cure for confirmed habits of inebrity un- less the effort in that direotion be aided by a strong exercise of the will of the unfortunate subject of the bad habit. There are, however, .n3any remedies re- comnaended as aids in diverting or in a minor degree satisfying the appetite for strong liquors which are undoubtedly of great advantage in some eases, and one of these is thus- recommended by a self styled "rescued man." "I was one of those unfortunates given to strong drink. When I left it off, I felt a horrid want of something - I 'Mist have or go distracted. I could neither eat, - Work nor sleep. Explaining my affliction to a man of much education and experi- ence, he advised me to make a decoction of ground quaesi, a half ounce steeped in a pint of vinegar, and to put about a small teaspoonful of it in a little water, and to drink it down every time the liquor thirst came on. It satisfied the cravings and it suffused a feeling of stimulus and strength. I continued this cure and persevered till the thirst was conquered. For two years I have not tasted liquor and I have no desire for it. Lately, to try my strengthI have han- dled and srnelled whisky, but I have no temptation to take it. I give this for the consideration of the unfortunate, several of whom I know have recovered by means which I no longer require."—New York Ledger. chool Books ollegiate Institute AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The newest and prettiest designs in NOTE BOOKS, SCRIBBLING 1000, ETC. EC. many examiners thing on the first e ter how broadly ne be, something can is akin to it. The be found is used 4—Washington Sta Mysterion The small islan Sumatra and Bet mous for its rich controlled by the Dutch government. In describing the geOlogy of Billiton be- fore the Royal Acnclemy of Sciences in Amsterdam recently Mr. Verbeek gave an account of the mysterious "glass balls of Billiton," which are found among some of the tin ore deposits. They are round, with grooved surfaces. Similar balls are occasionally found in Borneo and Java, as well as in Aus- tralia. Mr. Verbeek thinks they cannot be artificial, and there are no volcanoes near enough to support the theory that they are Volcanic bombs. Besides, he says, the glassy rocks produced by the nearest voleanot are quite different in their nature from the material of the balls. He suspected that the mysterious objects were ejected ages ago from the volcanoes of the moon and afterward tell upon the earh. A: 14mor Cure. • In e news item in The Sun a doctor Is quoted as saying that a day's absten- tion from food11 cure summer com- plaint. Some ye s ago the writer cured dysentery of Fieveral weeks' duration by taking a few wineglassful doses of the following formula at half hour intervals —viz, a teblespoonful of table salt and two of cider 'vinegar in a pint of water. The relief was prmanent. The remedy was recently used by a person suffering from ,a customary summer complait, and two doses effected a cure of the complaint.—B. R. D. in New York Sun. Glass Balls. of Billiton, between eo, has long been fa- in mines, which are MARRIAGE LIgENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, .BEAFORTH, ONTARIO. • NO WITNESSES REQUIRED, e The late Duke of Marlborough, in al- luding to the sine of Blenheill palace, liked to say, by way of a joke, that it wee the ony:rsidence in Ragland which required 04,000 -worth of putty a year to keep the window panes in order. Toraintonl, in Banffshire, Scotland, is the highest village above sea kleotland—if 10 tn Britain.. Until cently this vi go comparat unknown in thot6n world. New Styles SLATES,. Best 5c BOTTLE INK, Best 5c BOX CRAYONS, Best 5c and 10c Companion, Best I, 2, 3 or 5c SCRIBBLERS. Everything in School requisites at bottom prices at LUMSDEN & WILSON'S, SCOTT'S 174400K, - - -, MAIN STREET Why Ile Was Like the Venus de Milo. He was in love with a young WOD1811 who lives on the West Side and who never failed to entertain hina on the oc- casion of his frequent call, but the affait Is broken off now. On the ocoasion of his test call he took partioular pains to make himself attrac- tive, his avowed intention teing to tell his beloved of his adoration for her: They sat for some time in the parlor of her home, and then started; for a stroll in the moonlight. After walking several blocks, during which time neither one had said much, the young woman suddenly stopped. "You remind me of the Venus de Milo," she exclaimed. Thinking he had at last made the de- sired impession, he mired and thanked her for the supposed compliment. It en- couraged him and he proposed on the spot, but his suit was coldly rejected. On his -return home he consulted an encyclopedia and was deeply chagrined to learn that tho Venus de Milo was without ams.—Chicago JOUrnal. A Rigby Waterproof Bicycle Suit • . . Shorey's Make Made of all wool tweed. Coat with four safety pockets. Pants with two side and hip and watch pockets, made either to buckle at the knee or button with cuffs; all double stitched seams, can be bought retail for $4.75. Worth WOO made to order. For sale by all first-class dealers in Canada. Te mperan co In the Arm y. At the annual meeting of the Army Temperance association of England it was reported that 25 new brandies had been added during the year and flat membership increased to 133,119. Dr, Edghill, chaplain general, said that drunkenness was no longer regarded in the army as a sign of manliness and free. dom. Major General Sir Charles Warren said that commanding officers spoke en- thusiastically of the effect of the assoola. tion's Work on discipline. The exercise of self control in regard to liquor enabled men to exercise self control in other matters. loan's Indian Tonic GIVES THE AGE INCREASED ENERGY Cures Scrofula, Pimples, Ulcers, Abscesses, Boils, Blotches, and all other disorders arising from impure blood. MORE CURATIVE POWER IN SLOAN'S INDIAN TONIC THAN IN ALL OTHER MEDICINES COMBINED. Dears Sirs :—My wife bought a bottle of SLOAN'S INDIAN TONIC from your agent when he was here. She has been in very bad health for several year', and has been treated by threedifferent doctors, and has taken a numbed of different patent medicines, but she thinks one bottle of your medicine has done her more good -than all the other medicines she has ever taken, and she wants you to send her another 4bottle of your medicine. Address MICHAEL DILLON, Richmond Hill, Ot. PR1OE $11 6 for $5.00. -- All Druggists or by Exress. eend for printed proof of cures,free hymen.. _ P. 0. Drawer 33, Hamilton, Om A Word to Moderate Drinkers. Total abstinence is positively safe, while mederate drinking is unsafe. Were all the drunkards removed from the world, and moderate drinking stili per- mitted, Ina short time the sots would be as abundant as now. no habit of md- erate drinking -is the seed bed of a new and heavy harvest of drunkards.—H. W. Adams. Ask your grocer for dsPor For Tabie and Dairy ,Prest and Best • Strong Temperance Argument. The rapidity with which the Turkieb soldiers have been recovering from their wounds is attributed by the doeters te their abstemious lives. They drink no intoxicants and eat Very little neat, bid use plenty of vegetables. Got the Information. Freddie—Say, dad, why do so many people put their e valuables under thole pillows when tie y g� to sleep? Cobwigier--I attrfpose Becalm tbej like to have a little moniy, to fall bask TRADE MARK.° The Sloan Medicine Co., of Hamilton, UMITft SUCCESSORS TO BURTCH BROb. & CO, BUGGIES SEAFORTII —AND— PACKING HOUSE. CARRIAGES. Now is the time to prepare for summer, and get your Buggies and Carriag' es. We have on hand now a full line of all styles, made from the best material end by the best workmen. Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Lewis McDonald, CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The to tdpature et SEAFORTH. 1111•05.5..5511=1.45555555.155.5.55..5.55.. To HOG BREEDERS. 1480 Of the Seaforth Packing House are pre- pared to handle any quantity of Hoes, LWe.or DEM1 for which they will pay the highest nuirket price. Will have man WI on any nutlet having live Hogs to dispose of, if notified. For per tioulers call at Retail Store, Cermichsere Block, Seaforth. T. R. F. CASE & O. 1.518-t.f.