HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-08-27, Page 7GII8T 274 1897
nvitoN E
eat Drop
& Shoes
put the knife into prices and are
ing out our Summer sleek re-
am of value or prices. Sales
44st be made, and the price is made
to clear out every line in abort
Fall %goods ere zoming in,
we mast have room.
late Shoes in. men's, ladies and
dren's, are money savers. 'We
aleo have a large range of Ox Blood,
Green and Tan, which you should
- Imo before purchasing elsewhere.
p the beat makes of Trtmks and
lima in town, and the cheapest.
got us all in, it seems, for a sort of sup-
per, in spite of everything. I understand
A ineludes representatives of all the eta-
tionis and conditions present except the
outcasts beyond the rope. I don't see what
you're doing here, Mr. Peek."
"Was Mr. Peek really outside the rope?"
Annie asked Dr. Morrell, as they dropped
apart from the others a little. e.
"I believe he gave ,his chair' to one of
• the women from the outside," said the
ce-slse 'bottles only.
et suow anyene to sell
ea or promise that it
'will answer every var.—
get 0 -A -S -T. -0. -R -Let.
is an
y, Contains io
t ES
-Neuralgia, Paralysis„
a all Skin Diseases.
fe Cured.
tieeases aed. was treated' by
cceived no benefit until
at one time was paralyze4
bad used one bottle my
re. It is an ideal blood -
oration I ean to a ny one-,
I have increased greatly
gllest. Street, St. Thomas.
. Laboratory.
SAW. -
Cedar Posts, for Sale'
S, Lumber Yards,
v.fagori. 'Shop, on the:coiner .
8treets.1 i,F. lrirtAT4'_
Trepare for the Fall
Mhos Cleaned or Dyed
rr's Dye Works
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Annie gloved With him toward Lyra,
who was joking with some of. the hands.
With all her good -nature, she lied the
effect of patronizing them, to she stood
talking abut the play with them in her
dra,w1, which she had got i back to again.
They were admiring her, in her drain of
the querulous old. nurse, and told her how
they never would have known her. But
there was an insincerity in the effusion of
some of the more nervous women, and in
the reticence Of the others, who were hold-
ing back out of self respect.
She met Annie and Morrell with eager
relief. "Well, Annie ?" •
" Perfect 1"
'" Well, now, that's very nice ; you ean't
:go beyond perfect, you know. •I did do it
'pretty well, didn't 1? Poor Mr. Brandeth!
ave you seen him? You must say some-
thing comforting to hitt-. He's really been
sacrificed in this business. You know he
wanted Miss Chapley.. She would have
made a lovely Juliet. Of course she blames
him for it. She thiuks he wanted to make
up to Mies Northwick, when Miss North-
wick was just flinging herself at Jack
Look at her 1"
Jack Wilmington and Miss Sue North-
wick were standing together near her fath-
er and a party of her friends, and she was
smiling and talking at him. Eyes, lips,
gestures, attitude expressed in the proud
girl a fawning eagerness to please the
man, who received her homage rather as if
it bored him. His indifferent manner may
have been one secret of his power over her,
and perhaps she was not capable of all the
suffering she was capable of inflicting.
Lyra turned to walk toward the house,
deflecting a little in the direction of her
nephew and Miss Northwick. " Jack !"
she drawled over the shoulder next them
as she passed, "I wish you'd bring your
aunty's wrap to her on the piazza."
"Why stay here !" Putney called after
her. "They're going to fetch the refresh-
ments oat here.'
RIFFIN.--In. Howick, at the residence of tter
brother. D. S. Milne, on July 26th, Mrs. Peter
Griffin. aged 37 years and 3 months.
ALURDOCK.—In dicerer Wingham, on July 24th,
Willie Roland, son of Mr. P. Murdock,.aged 6
mod choked to death.—Mn4ouis iitiffreynif
thls place, took the excuraion on Wednes-
day for the Northwest, where he will stay
with his parents at Grand Forks for some
thne.--Miss Annie Howald, of Brumfield,
was wide the parental roof on Sunday.—
Mn Samuel McBride and Miss Willert, of
near Blake, -passed through our Midst on
Sunday last.—Mies Emma Disjardine, of
the Grand Bend, is staying with Mrs. S.
Jeffrey.—MralleCalvin, of 'Woodstock, is
at present visiting her parents, Mr. George
Thiel, of this place.—Mr. Jacob Howald
was a guest at the resdence of Miss S.Smith
on Sunday.
We always keep a stock of this noted Blend
-of Tea on hand, also the
CalI and get a sample package! as we think
it will suit you. We are offering a five
-.pound package of
In the Crockery line we ha.ve opened .sorne
-.dew lines in 0
Dinner, Toilet Sets,
Which we are offering at prices to suit the
'We are anxious to show you our goods but
-we ask for your patronage only when they
ive complete satisfaction.
NOTES. —Mr. John Brintnell raised the
frame of his new bank barn last week.
There were about eighty men present. Sides
wee() chosen by Nioholas Horton and
John Shepherd, jr.'Mr. Horton's side win-
ning by a few minutes. Mr. Shoemaker, of
Hills Green, did the mason' work for Mr.
l3rintnelPs barn and made a first-rate job of
it, while Mr. Brintnell did the frame work
himself. When the barn is completed, it
will be one of the finest buildings in the
township.—The Methodist church which
was elevated, so as to have a basement put
underneath, will be completed in a few
weeks. The church was also veneered and
otherwise improved.—Threshing is now the
order of the day. The grain is turning out
well his year.—Mr. Samuel Cluff, of the
8th concession, has threshed his fall wheat,
Which was of the Golden Chaff variety, It
was as fine a sample as we have seen for
-tome time.—Harvesting in this locality will
be wound up next week with the exception
of sale late peas.—Mr. Robert Hanna de-
livered to Mr. James Archibald, of Sea -
forth, on Wednesday, a fine horse for which
he received a good,figure.
COUNCIL. —The council met in the council
room on August 2nd ; members all present ;
the reeve in the chair. Moved by Thomas
Code, seconded by •M. Cerdiff, that we pay
$8•to the Belgrave beat, being statute labor
tax collected ; also that $12 additional be
granted to be expended under the super-
vision of the pathmaster.—Carried. Moved
by Wine Isbister, seconded by George Kirk-
by, that the reeve be instrgeted to pay the
contractor on municipal drain at a ratio of
60 per centas the work progresses, and
that an order be issued on the treasurer for
$100 •for said purpose.—Carried. Moved
it Yes, but Ian tired, Ralph, and I can't by W.Isbister, seconded by M. Cardiff,that
sit on the grass at myage." the treesurera half -yearly statement as
(To be continued.) presented be accepted and filed.—Carried.
Moved by W. Isbister, seconded by M.
Cardiff, that the reeve and treasurer be in-
structed to borrow $300 to meet current
expenses.—Carried. Bylaws Nos. 5, 6 and
7 were duly read and passed. A number of
accounts for lumber, gravel, etc., were pass-
ed for payment. On motion of M. Cardiff,
seconded by Wm. Isbister, the council then
adjourned to meet again on the 20th Sep-
100ds Delivered with Fromptztess.
[The followina locaLet were intended
for last week, °but were received too
NOTES. —Miss Vinetta Banes'of Crediton,
resumed charge of her school at Grand Bend
on Monday.—ali. and Mrs. Richard Barry
and two children started for Dakota on last
Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Holt also went west,
starting on the same day.—The wet weather
has retarded the progress of harvesting so
much that inuch grain is still in the fields.
—Threshing is again on hand.—Mr. Wm.
Regular Price
- The Best Man.
An actor told a story the other evening
about a fencing master in London, who had
two sons. Both of them, like the father,
were physical giants..
Which was the stronger and better fighter
was a disputed question until a burglar got
into the house one night. One of the sons,
opening the front door with a latch key late
at night, found the intruder in the hall.
Witzel and Mrs:Lippert have gone to Baden
They immediately clinched.
to attend the funeral of their mother.—A The other brother, hearing the notte,
few of the campers have left Grand Bend, rushed down stairs, andin
, not being able
but there are still many picknicking and the clerk to distinguish a burglar from a
visiting.—Miss J. W. Morrison, . who has worthy and helmet citizen of London, pro.
been holidaying in the neighborhood of Lake ceeded to pound both men whom he ran
Simcoe, returned to her school duties at against. .
Khiva this week. Meanwhile arother number one, thinking
--------e" there were two burglars in the house, turn-
Surnmerthil.. ed half of his attentiontothe new enemy,
NOTES.—Mrs. H. "Woodyard, nee Miss and the fight became desperate.
The father awakened by the uproar,
Jennie Wallace, is visiting herrelatives
rushed down stairs with a heavy .valking
here.—Mr. T. S. Kilty was visiting his
stick. Then the fight was something to
brother, G. M. Kilty, here, last week.—
admire bilt to avoid.
Mr. Wm. Johnson has been earring his
When it was all over and the gas was
hand in a sling for sometime, the result of
lighted by the aged fencing master, it was
a sprain,ca.used by falling off a load of
discovered that he had whipped not only
grain.—Mrs. Lovett took the subject at the
the burglar, but his two sons.
bristian Endeavor meeting last Friday •
evening.—Miss Zella Whitely, of Londes- •
boro, was the guest of Miss Mabel Bingham
orey s
Rigby Rain -Proofed
Freize Ulsters
In Olive Mix, Brown, Fawn,
Claret and Oxford Gray, .51 to
54 inches long, with 6 inch
collar, 5 pockets and tbroat
tab, with "won't -come -off"
buttons, can be bought retail
in every town and village for
of 'cork ; stitch these, touching each other,
between two pieces of silk ribbon, and sew
up the edges; fasten the ribbon in close con-
tact in the necessary place, which is gener-
ally upon the thigh abovetheknees.
The following is said to be an easy method
of softening a bicycle saddle : Detach the
saddle,..turn ib upside down, and sprinkle it
with unboiled linseed oil. Or procure a
common tallow candle ; place this in the
sun, orin front of a fire till it has become
quite soft. Smear 'the underside of the
saddle with this, and then place it before a
fire to enable the tallow to soak in. This
method will render the saddle soft and
pliable without staining it.
News Notes.
—The meeting of Emperor William and
the Czar has resulted in an alliance between
Germany and Russia to thwart Great Bram
on all important occasions.
—Clifford R. England, cashier of the
Warren -Scharff Asphalt Paving Company,of
Detroit, is missing since Saturday night,
and with him ten thousand dollars of the
company's money.
—The shipload of corn contributed by
several thousand persons in, the United
States, has arrived safely in Calcutta. The
gift was very acceptable for the starving
—Tho threat of the assassin of Premier
Canovas that it would be President Faure's
turn next is causing the French police gneat
anxiety. The President is under the con-
stant proteption of a large body of detec-
These Books are soiled on the covers by
smoke and water, etherways they are per -
Call and examine them and secure some
of the bargains while they last.
We also have a full stock of .*. •
:School Supplies.
Steam Boiler Work&
last week.—The new bridge, a little east of
this place, is being pushed forward and will Bright's Disease had Dey,eloped as the Re-
ba completed very soon.—There is to be a sult of her ten years suffering from
silver 'collection in the Sunday school next Kidney Disease—Do cad's Kidney
Sunday, in aid of the library fund. Pills again Saves a Victim
• from the Grave.
BRoCKVILLE, August 23.—Anyone who
Succeseor to Chrystal & Blank,
idannlaetnrers of all kinds of Stationary
Marine, Upright & Tubular
Salt Pane,Mo ke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works,
eto., eta.
East Wiwariosh.
NOTES.—The weather still continues
showery, making it Very slow for harvest-
ing.—Rev. Wm.Rose, of Glencoe, who has
been visiting at his old 'home, left here in-
tending to take in Bayfield, Guelph, To-
ronto and thence to Glencoe. He was on
his wheel.—Mr. Andy Auld lost a horse
lately. It fell out of the barn and broke its
neek.—Miss Tena Sprung has resumed her
duties in school section No, 10. She looks
quite refreshed after her holidays.—Quite a
number of- farmers bave sold their- pigs for
$5.40 a cwt. live weight.
- MOrri15- •
NOTES.—The excursion to Manitoba on
Wednesday of this week took away a good
many of our young meta We hope they
will all get employment.—A. Russell, 7th
line, went to Manitoba- on Wednesday.—
Wm. Ames and men are doing a rushing
bOsiness at the threshing. --A terrible wind
stPrm passed over this locality on Saturday
evening last, acdompanicd -by rain.—Har-
vesting is ring on slowly on account of the
wet weather. —The pea crop is tbe worst
known in this township.
cut in two. -Two hundred Suits must go to ma ke
room for winter vats. The cheapest store in
western Ontario to buy dishel. Price our Gilt
Dinner and Tea SEtts. We keep our stack of
Groceries fresh and go:d. Try our new Teas. JOE
CASE. 1549-3
ENOINES FOR Sem—One 16 H. P., Abell
Portable; two 14 H. P., Whites; 13 II. P., Sawyer
/dewy ; one 12 H. P. Waterous •, and several
second-hand Stationary Engines. All. thoroughly
rebuilt, and good as new for work. These Engines
will be sold on reasonable terms. Cider Machilery—
We inake a complete line of Hydraulic and Screw
Presses of any tree • also Jelly Evaporators; latest
•improved design. Rrpairing — Engine and Mill
work promptly attended to. Correspondence so-
lieited. ROBERT BELL, Jr. 154441
NOTE. —Mr. Thomas Welsh is excavating
for the foundation and cellar of his new
dwelling, and has considerable material al-
ready on the ground.—Mr. B. S. Phillips
has returned from Belleville where he has
been attending the L 0. 0. F., as repre-
sentative of Henna lodge, No. 223.—Mes-
srs. Willis and White shipped this week a
car load of begs from this station.—Mr, and
Mrs. William Elder of Seaforth, were in
the village on Wednesday, spending a few
hours with friends.—Mr. Sheffer, of Torpn-
to, who was_here visiting friend -a, has . re-
turned.—Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Clauson, who
were here: visiting their parents, left a
few days ago for their home in St. Paul,
Aleo dealers n Upright and Horizontal Ride Valve
atrium Auttimatio Cut -Off Engines a specialty. Alt
sea of pipe and pipe -fitting oonstantly On hand
Slitimates. furnished on short noMca.
Works—oPpodte G. T. B. Station, Godesiols.
—It is admitted by the friends of Secre-
tary Mermen that he is suffering from a
complete mental collapse, and they are en-
deavoring to induce him - to go into some
quiet retreat. He has no recollection of the
recent interviews which created such a sen-
sation in the diplomatic world.
--Philip Hines died recently at Delaware,
Ohio, aged 107 years. He went to war when
71 years old, and got a discharge recently,
as he was on a furlough when peace was de-
clared. He was the last veteran discharg-
ed. His widow is 97 years old, and has
good health.
—Patrick Cunningham called at the St.
Louis city hospital, Wednesday, carrying
his nose in Iiia- hand and with his mouth slit
from ear to ear. He said he wanted the
nose grafted on again, and the surgeons are
trying to oblige him. He explained that
he had no complaint to make, as jais friend
had bitten off his nose in a friendly fight.
—Princess Frederick Leopold, of Prus.ie.,
vtlurwas nearly drowned while skating last
winter, was nearly killed early last week in
the vicinity of Potsdam. While out driv-
ing she slipped off her saddle and was drag-
ged some distance along the road. She was
eventually rescued by an aide-de-camp and
by her husband.
• —The announcement has been made of
the death of William Randall Roberts, a
former merchant prince of New York. Mr,
Roberts was president of the Fenian
Brotherhood at the time of the raid into
Uanada by General John O'Neil, in June,
was a constant terrible roaring noise in my
head, my feet and ankles were molten and
I was as pale as a corpse. One day, while
in this condition my father brought home a
box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and asked
me to try them. Wen than aweek could
it up, and in a couple of weeks r could
walk quite a distance without being tired.
My appetite returned, the roaring in my
head teased, I began to gain flesh and color,
and before I had used a half dozen boxes I
Was as healthy as I had kver been in my
life. My friends did not expect me to re-
cover and are now rejoicing at the wonder-
ful change Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills have
wrought in me. If my statement Will be
tbe means of helping some other disceuraged
sufferer you are aaperfect liberty to publish
The above statewent was sworn before me
at Maplewood, York County, N. B., this
1411 day of May, 1897.
To ensuie getting the genuine ask always
• tor Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for PalePeople,
and refuse all substitutes and nostruins al-.
leged to be just as egood.
The Wrong Pocket.
One day two ladies entered a tramway
ear at a tirae when seats are a 'possibility.
One was a stout,' over -dressed ladr the
other was evidently her daughter. i• Shall
I pay the fare, menitna ? I have my purse
with me," said the young lady, sweetly.
"Oh, no ; I'll pay. I have plenty of change"
Thereupon she leaned sideways and C0112-
inencedthe intricate process of searching
her draperies for her pocket. After a min-
ute or two of fumbling, during whih her
face grew an apopleatic red, she exclaimed,
tragically, "Laura ! what shall I do? I've
been robbed ! My purse is gone—my Pocket
is entirely ----empty. "Perhaps, madam,"
said the gentleman by her side, in whose
coat pocket she had been fumbling all the
time perhaps if you been,
your own
pockets instead of mine you will be. More
likely to find your purse.
• •
—On August 1st a large number of friend's
and relatives assembled at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. James Stock, of Kinkera, to
celebrate the 50th anniversary of their mar-
ried life. After partaking of a bonntiful
repast, the remainder of the day was spent
in 'gees and social chat. Among' those
present were six of their nine children
twenty-two of thein thirty-two grandchild-
ren, and four of their great grand children.
The presents were numerous and costly.
asserted a few years ago that Bright's sirs- 1866. For the part he took in that famous
ease was capable of a cure would have international episode, he was, arrested by
been written down as fit only for a lunatic order of the President Of the United States.
NOTES. —Mr. Joh* Seamen, of the Zurich
road, has purchased a trotting horse known
as "Black Queen," and will be prepared
this fall to meet any trotter in the county.
—Mr. Peter Beaver, while returning home
one dayehad a very narrow escape from being
scalded.—Mr. •Alfred Bossenberey has
erected a fine windmill in our town.—Mr.
Jahn McPhee, of Boston, paid his sister, at
Mr.John Elliot's, a flying visit, last Sunday.
—We were sorry to hear of .Levi SteIck's
sad accident. While working at the planer
he fell backwards on a lumber pile and, al.
asylum. But it has been conclusively
proved that Dodd's Kianey Pills are a cure
for this disease, so long looked upon as
fatal. Mrs. J. Oliver, of Philipsville, near
here, is one of the living witnesses who
can testify to this fact. She suffered from
diseased kidneys for ten years, and Bright's
disease had developed when she heard of
and used Dodd's Kidney Pills, which have
restored her to perfect health.
Things Worth Knowing.
When sheep are feeding on rape give them
plenty of salt. "
Land which grows a strong crop of clover
will, if rightly managed, grow good corn,
wheat or potatoes after it.
It is time that some farmers realized that
lime is needed if they hope that clover will
cover all their meadows over.
h It is urged that the sparrow is a benefac-
tor to the farmer, because it feeds on the
seeds of waste plaits and tam& during the
Edinburgh has 22,000 cows, while Dublin
comes next with 11,000, and London stands
third with a cow population of 8,000. Glas-
gow has but 2,000 cows.
Until thirty on forty years ago all West
Highland cattlewere black in color, and
for that reason in old records they were re-
ferred to as " black cattle."
It is estimated that the United Kingdom .
produces something like 1,500,000,000 gal-
lons of milk every year, over and above
what is used on the farmefor rearing calves,
To keep needles from rusting sprinkle a
little powdered lime in the packets,.
To take ink spots out of mahogany apply
spirits of salts with a piece of rag until the
ink disappears.
Sneezing can be averted by pressing the
upper lip against the teeth with the fore-
finger, when the inclination win vanish.
If the rollers of a wringer are linty- or
sticky, clean them by passing a cloth damp-
ened with kerosene back and forth between
Bedrooms are most healthfOl and restful
when used for sleeping purposes only, in-
stead of as sitting or sewing rooms 'through
the day.
A good way to serve scrambled eggs is Co
cut the crust from toast, dip it in hot -sea-
soned milk, line a dish with the toast and
pour the eggs over it.
The freshest eggs are the heaviest, and
when placed in a pan of Water will sink to
the bottom at once. Older eggs will sink
partly, while stale eggs will float -on top.
-Keep your teeth clean. Use a stiff rather
than a soft brush. Your gums may be sore
for a time, but you will find that: they will
soon become hardened, and the blood -will
circulate through them more freely.
.The cuetom of brushing a tablecloth in-
stead of shaking it has two good points. It
does not scatter the crumbs abroad, but
collects them tidily,and does not crumble the
cloth, which was sadly spoiled by -the old-
time method of clearing the table.
To prevent swimmer's cramp take a cork
and cut it &arose, so as to make thin circles
Possesses the following
Distinctive Merits :
Delicacy of Flavor,
Superiority in Quality.
Nutritive Qualities Unrivall. ed.
In Quarter -Pound Ties only.
LONDON, iNGLAND. 1605'20-
MONTREAL, Que ,Jan. 2nd, 1896.
Elmanson, Bates & Co.,
45 Lombard St., Toronto, Can.
Messieurs, the Manufacturers,—I tried a bottle of
Chase's Linseed and Turpentine for ulcerated sore
throat. It cured me in two days, It is an admirable
• Believe me, votre ami,
'1 have been a great sufferer from nervous deJ
btlity and its effects for a number of years. T could-
n't sleep, and would lie awake for brims and brood
over matters of very little consequence. I, became
very detpondent, at times not oaring whether I
lived or died. My appAite was poor,and very slight
exertion caused such shortness of breath that I.
could hardly move. Latterly the condition of niy
heart has caused me great uneasiness. Sometimes I
had a sharp pain throvh it, so that I was afraid to
take a long breath, fearing it would be mY last. I
was very weak and had no energy. In fact I was
perfectly wretched.
" I commenced taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills, which I got at J. A. Barr's drur store, corner
James and Merrick streets, and as a remit have teen
getting better very fast. I now sleep well and feel
as cheerful as a cricket. My appetite has returned,
and my nerves have not been so strong in years.
My heart is quite restored to It. normal condition ;
I cannot not'ce anything wrong with it to day.
These pills have certainly proved a grand remedy in
my case, and,' heartily recommend them t3 an3 one
suffering from similar troubles, which I believe ta be
(Sigrod) MRS. SHAYLER,
140 Robinson -street, Hamilton, Ont.
Rheumatism and. Dyspepsia
OTTAWA, July 31st, 1896..
To the Phrenoline Medicine Co.,
Ottawa, Ont.:
GENTLEMEN`,—On the advice of a friend I
tried one bottle of your famous rheumatic
remedy, Threnoline, and to my surprise it
cured me of rheumatism, from which Mime)
suffered for many years.
• It also cured me of dyepepsia, from which
I was euffeting at the time, so that I feel
now like anew man.
I have tried several remedies for rheum-
atism, some of which did me a certain
amount of good, but nothing that I have
taken has done so much for me as your
Phrenolim, and I have much pleasure in
recommending it to other sufferers.
Yours very truly, •
Foreman of Works, Rideau canal.
Sold in Seaforth by J. S. ROBERTS, only.
Wide Awake.
—While the steam yacht Enquirer was
entering Buffalo harbor Friday afternoon, a
small cannon on the deck became loosened
from its fastenings. In endeavoring to
prevent its going overboard, Edward Stnith,
a sailor, grabbed it -in such a manner as to
press his stomach against the muzzle. In
some way the spring which operates the
lock was touched, and the cannon was dis-
charged. Smith was instantly killPd.
—Albert Kneeland, the alleged bigamist,
arrested in New Mexico and brought to St.
Joseph, Missouri, for trial, according to
1Ptters received, has ten wives, nearly all
of them living. They live in Ohio, Illinois
and Missouri. Kneeland is a travelling
ertisaand was married the last time at St.
Joseph about two years ago. He was first
married at Columbus, Ohio. His fourth
wife, living at St. Louis, is pushing the
—John Fossett, 72 years old, was knock-
ed down by three women riding bicycles,
while crossing the street in Buffalo,Mondaye
and sustained injuries from which he died ,
soon afterward. Mr. Fossett was thrown
violently to the pavement, striking on the
back of his head. He was knocked sense-
less. crowd soon collected about him,
and while all were trying to discover the
nature of his injuries the women skipped
—Richard Newbauer, a passenger on the
Hamburg -American Liner Furst Bismarck,
which arrived at New York last week, was
arrerned-hefore he set foot on shore, for
concealing $6,000 worth of diamonds in his
clothing. Mr. Newbauer said he was -a
meechant of Harpburg, Germany, and had
merely brought the diamonds with him for
safe keeping. He did not intend to dispose
- of them. The diamonds were confiscated,
'and Newbauer was held in $500 bail . for
Miss Amina Kelly tells of Her Illness and
Subsequent Cure—A Statement that
should be Read by Evers -Girl in Can-
Miss Amina Kelly, a well known and
much esteemed young lady living at Ma-
plewood, N.B., writes: "1 consider it my
duty to let you know what your wonder-
ful medicine has done for me. In April,
1896, I begaa to lose flesh and color'my
eppetite. failed tend on going up stairs I
would be so tired I would have to reet. I
continued in this condition for three months
when I was taken smadenly ill and not
able to go about. Our family doctor was
°ailed in and he pronounced my illness
chlorosis (poverty of the blood.) At first his
treatment appeared to do me good, but only
for a time, and I then began to grow worse.
I continued taking his medioine for three
months, when I was discouraged at not re-
gaining my health that I declined taking it
any longer. I then tried a liquid medicitie
advertised b& cure cases like mine, but did
net obtain the sligtest benefit. I had be-
come terribly emaciated and weak. There
"1 bought a box of Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure at
the drug store of Mr. Boyle here. I am thankful
say it has proved most effective, I have also tried
your Kidney -Liver Pille and found them exnellent."
—Henry R. Nicholls, rectory, London.
I will quote you a few of the many
cheap articiee I, am now selling: Five
lbs. Raisins fei;25c ; five cans of Corn
for 25c; five packages of Corn Starch
for 25c; six lbs. of Figs for 25e : . five
lbs. of Prunes for 25c; four lbs. Cali—
fornia Pitted Plums for 25c; a fresh lot
Apricots at 10e a lb., or 3 lbs. for 25e;
a few gallons of pure Maple Syrup at
25o a quart. When you want any kind
of Tea, A. G. Ault's tea store is the
right place—you can always depend on
getting it good. Also a new lot of
China, Crockery and Glassware just
arrived, at very low prices. A call is
solicited from all.
A. G. -AULT! C4th.
An Open Letter
Hardware Store,
Pure Manilla Hay Fork !tope
Best Brands of Pure Manilla
and Sisal Binder Twine.,
We are sole agents for the Bedford
Manufacturing Harvest Tools
and Hoes, the best goods in
the market. Call and ex-
amine then.
"Complete stock of Builders' Hardware.
Eavetroughing and Furnace
Waik a specialty.
Mr: John Landsborough having changed
his place of residence to the corner -cottage ,
directly behind the Dominion Bank, has, n
tthe Old Golden Lion Store, formerly occu-
pied by R. Jamieson, a ceimplete stock of
everything to be found in a first-class furni-
ture store.
We have sold and will continue to sell -
goods at live and let live prices. No extor-
tion in any line of goods we sell.
• Our goods are bought from the best
manufacturing firms in Ontario. We can,
therefore, invite inspection from the sharp-
est critic in town or country. Visitors to
our furniture -emposiam daily repeat the
same old story regarding the low price of
furniture now to what it was three months
ago. We have no doubt brought this lcng
looked for reduction in prices.
We buy the best, and will not be under-
sold bi anyone. All goods delivered in
town or country free ot charge.
Bu dock Blood Bitters.
Burdock iliood Bitters regulate the stomach,
liver, bowels and blood ; curing dyepepsia, billions -
nese, siok headache, rheumatism, serofnia, and re-
moving all impurities of the blood, from a common
pimple to tho worst scrofulous sore. As an invig-
orator and tonic:, B.B.B. is an unequalled medicine.
A Summer Specific.
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cures
oholera, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, dysentery,
eramps,colic,summer complaint,canker of the mouth
and all bowel eompliints of children or adults. It
is a soothing, effectual and never failing medicine,
which gives immediate relief and epeeddy effecte a
Others Fail -It Cures!
DEAR SIRS.—From my own experience I Can con-
fidently say that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry possesses true merit Ili was the -means of
saving my little girl's life last summer. She was
teething and took violent diarrhoea. Dr Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry cured her, and I feel
that I cannot say enough in its favor.
Teeterville, Ont.
• • •
Cancer Can be Cured.
For six years I suffered from cancer, and got no
relief until I used Burdock Blood Bitters. I used
seven bottles faithfully, when the cancer gradually
dried up and finally dieappeared I am now entirely
well and rejoice that by usinr B,B.B. I haVe,escaped
death either from the surgeon's knife or from the
cancer itself.
Parte, Ont.
Wrong Heart Action.
Wrong action of the heart causes nerr3usnes9,ner-
VOU9 dyspepsia, ehortnees of breath and other die-
treesing symptoms. Mr. Samuel Yellani, of Lon-
don, Ont., x as cured of these troubles by t
Milburn'e Heart and Nerve Pills. Mr. Yelland says:
"They are a remarkable medic'ne, and I have not
been troubled in the leittt acne tsking them."
Speaks from Experience.
Mr. J W. Tomlinson, Arnherstburg, Oet , speaks
trona experience when he says: "1 am well satisfied
with Doan Kidney Pills. They are undoubtedly
the best mediae° on the in Erket for any one afflicted
with urinary or- kidney troubles, euch sa lain in
the back, tired feeling, cramps. numbness, eto.
They cured me and removed all my pains and
X Mortgages. Reduce your Interest Save
money. Any iterms desired. Buelnetss
vate. 'No delay. Charges • low. NO CIMItS
incurred unlesS loan is granted Satisfaction
gnaranteed, or no loan. Loans arranged
with local' agents. Agents wanted. Call or
• write, Enclose stamp. E.- 11. REYNOLDS,
102 Church Street, Toronto.
SiII & Murdie
Counter's Old Stand, Seaforth.
Musical - Instrument
Owing to hard times, we have con-
31nded to sell Pianos and. Organs at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Organs at $25 and upwardiit%
Pianos at Corresponding priceb.
In the endertaking department we have
two hearses, one a fine city, hearse, and the
other a light low-down one for winter use.
We guarantee the best goods in this line at
25% less than have ever been given. in Sea -
. W.Leatherdale, having taken his diploma
at the Champion College of Embelmine un-
der Profesear Sullivan, of Chicago, will,
with Mr. Landsborough, conduct the busi-
ness. Any work -intrusted to us will be
carefully elan:if:led to and satisfaction guar-
Remember the New Furniture
and Undertaking Store.
Night and Sunday calls will be ttended
to at Mr. Landsborou.gh'e residence, directly
in the rear of the Dominion Bank.
ImBraftGAINS— -,-
In Crockery.
As we intend going out of the Crockery
Business, we are offering some of the best
bargains ever given in the county in Dinner,
Tea and Toilet Sets. *We have a good col-
lection to phoose from, and the prices are
'away down below the usual.
Our Stock of Groceries
Will be found complete as usual. In Teas,
we are giving extra. values; our Japan Tea
at 20c and 25c per pound, cannot be beat.
Although 'currants and raisins are higher
than last year, we are selling a good cleaned
currant at 5e per pound.
We•are paying the highest market. prices
'for all kinds of good fowl, butter and eggs
—cash and trade. •
DICICillop Mutual -Fire
Insurance Company.
Geo, Watt,_
Broadfoot, VI
OFFICI111. •
reddens, Harlook P, 0.• W. G.
-Pretddent, Seaforth P. 01.• W. J.
Treas., &Worth P. 04 'Michael
r of Losses, &Worth P.- O. .
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• W. G. Broad oot, Sailor* ; Alt's. Gardiner, Lead*
bury; George Bale, Beaforth t,..Thornas E. Ham
Seaforth; M. hiurdie, Seaforth: Thos. Garbutt,
Clinton Thomas Fraser, Brueefield ; John B. Mc-
Lean, Kippen.
Thos. Nallans. Herlock •, Robb. Molgillan, Seaforth
James Cumming, Egmendville ; John Goya -Week and
John 0. Morrisoniatidion.
Partiesdesirous to effect Insuranoes or Urn"
yet other Madam will be promptly attsnded to Om
miplierition to any of the above ofilomi, addressed tit
their respective post °Mess.
'sluet(oae v
System Renovator
A specific and antidote far Impure, Weak and Im-
poverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessimes, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Corrplaint, Neuralgia, Loss
of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption,.010 "Stones,
Jaundice, Ki ney and 'Urinarysiess Vika'
Deuce, Female Irregularieles and GenerseDebility.
LABOAATOBY—Goderich, Ontario.
J. M. bicLEOD, Proprietor and Manu
Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Worth.
We are open to buy
Dressed Hogs, Hides, Tam,
Poultry, Butter Iv Es.
Call before disposing, as we want your pro-
duce, and can please you with e, price.
South Main Street, - SEAFORTIL.