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The Huron Expositor, 1897-08-27, Page 3
16011� sit 1 � - I - �� 1_` W ° 897 FORTH. 1 United Stated noble in all part= made on arae . w v i -rrs.,.�,�. ,+F `::s vim. cF ie �' . _ :S r t '� ..r - }- -� I. , -: _ .. lar. ._ ", �� . �r�.� �-.. r^�'✓� "r4�at. - - ,; .. �� - ---.. -- .. :--> -. .. �:. - 1. __ :-. .__r�s�4r. �. ,. _. .,,_..::-:Y.. ._. r -x-:_ ._ar_.a��..�..f _ _-- -- _-.;!F.as.: �+xc.-"c_��.iS '�.rm"iTR �h-�"��n+�;t�s..''•>_. - — - - --- -- � �-'` ��@ � '.�.,� - - r D._..,W� v - cwaa oo ar.au r... y -� A Wyoming Cattlemau 'Who Chocked the Fran HvMter the of er night. e, e : ,•workshop has a strange, history,r the nn- is distinctively quality clothing ; the price is only a, little More than BUTM CI Ic '+f the Semd 331YWM Li Game of Two Chicago Thieves. g g raaeliaa of whiG}9 throe halt its sopa- ou would a for the shodd oohs but ott'll find a vast difieze v J 41Dmmi r: of Ott. tea• thin ; ■ut ak ino ion as o, and that Co , Lora sad linntracae Ag ni. ,and� IVER nod a l Miners Saiesman cowed a Tough hoop 6 uch it tastes .to loll a m some- p g g y p y Yg Y i� artti %sa. O�ca--Ove: �„ 9n glezftfetl is one of the most 'diffiat:Its iii the wear and looks. . Iter+,. Main Week seatoruL 1 � � That Wanted to shoot -at i�rorythirig. times and hour easily the thread of life problems with which tl�e sGieuca of the we , , ` PIL i ' d II d n to deal This & highest entreat k and dioccembsilr. f fit. . 1010 Agent, Ge as much, Me. 5 i 6-0e. �. 18917 lI- ;� -esus and lent , �ect, aud, € s 'we :, tQ give good d Embalmer of i shall receive I E Ditactor'a•xe- Dr. Campbell' 'it I f :ter's Old Stancl LITI ERC *611000,000 $ t,00a,000 tacounted, Drafts, I cities in k &c. rites of intereA fay and Novem- Paper and Fa.r- S, Manager. 1yN._ ahs public are hExeby cautioned ie o tpn snapFe present day a® ®a a upp '' What is known as a bad man of the 4, t • • •�-� AU T �,;est giving credit to any Person sa my ac> [ar ,est is not necessarily a man of an Dpwn in Colorado I knew a follow pleas is in resality a chip of an flsaense ,�jl ,j, Wit, a,1 will not $sreatter be r sponaibls for an who, plunged down 800 feet in a ■1'n d block of chalk that once filled an area ,e gocutr,oted,withantt� ttsaAsrdaz unvaryingly evil disposition or of dfa- compeartmgnt shaft. He went to the the size 9f the oonticaen> o! Lrirttpa, and - t, si r :sTiYtI;3`E, 3iula . Fx iit?sc4 ' position evil at all. He may be uniform< bottom, but did not break a bolls, , �f of which even Tat several gfgrntie flag- There is a gaol deal of satisfaction in kxowing that your clot les lot;,' ly and cussedly bad or bad only in the -- ttd`a lime- SICK sense of hello dols spoor to those who course he was pretty badly jarred up menta remain, each hun'd- o! satiate fit , ou and look well. It is as important as the wearing gllaiit€ser NS AND BL-TTF� WANTS War $ g 11 - igEd quantity of Gard White Buser; slices offer him IIn'uetiflable rovoGution. I and ti�good deal frightened, bet it was lalfle■ in extent. These botcher are scat- ? and when the thiee points are combined, you have just the kind of Positively cured b , p all ri lata ain in a da or two. When �aatzty of tle�t�ahse Tu�Ba�g ��hc� r� s well � � �C� have met man varieties o! the s eeiea R g y tared over the region lyij�g betwseR Ire- clotlli>;g �vh are selling. Our stock comprises all the best Iinea of the high Little Pills. . y g be fell, be event down feet first, and a land on the west and China on:tlarsast %:rho be gid for ,rl in all aerates. .T. reps in my 20 years o! travel west o! the .L TW cede to be had, vy hila our Mats and Haberdashery is unexcelled. e a ,, Seaforth. 16fig tf The also relieve Distress from D big oilskin that he wore opened out at �d extend in the other ,direction from i The rice is in- strict accord with the quality, and is the same to all. less y 9speP� Mississippi, said a former commercial the ttofm and acted as a arachiate, q y' Priv; � to loan at lowest -Indigestion and Too Heart Eating. A r- I Sweden in the north to Portugal in the I Q y T g• Pc traveler. He ea d_illa last part a! his dement was Spec al line of Suits for business and professional meal, fact remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- "I was in the train in which it leap- south. I rates Of interest in seller to suit so mIItlh il�4ver than the first that be In the British Isles the chalk is found F ,- " # #00 Hess, Bad Taste in the ltiouth, Coated Tongue fined, altlloagh I did not gee the occur- y g pp g in greats■t perfection and oo$tinsit1► in - B-jLtJLG `ry of borrowers. Loans t;sn Abe oofai- hxrdi thou bt he was dro in at all , ! Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They pence, when two thieves name to grief and half expected to remain sus"oded SI pleted and mnoney advanced Regulate the Bowels.. Purely Vegetable. in trying to rob a cattleman. It was in Phe east and southeast ai England. A ' . k vnt3lin tWo di s. A 1 to R. in the ■haft, like Mohammed's o coffin. sheet of chalk more thaia 1,900 fast iu y Apply the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy as : IX e . '' $!fl't�i� Pili. a � > g @ T Nearll always when a aa,tafn falls tleiokness tlnderliea -all Haat portion of ���� .- S.H�YBrBarriftter,dtc.r�eaiorth. Sa!71sii ��® , station in Chicago, or, rather, just be- Ifit6 Small Price. pond the station: The thieves evidently �p di�¢tante he turns over, if he sturta England which is eitnatel to the eoutla- .:� had fanned the robbery beforehand, legit dewnward, and fins■hoe his pl rs ei east of a line crossing the island dia$- _il�?5tltllt1011 g head rat. I have seen a numb@ k TEACHERS WANTED. knowing that the cattleman had a large Deafly from the North tea at Flambor _ Q(;j�!(C�j�'� -�---d T caaea, here the wino fell with itis boots ough Head to the coast on the; English i the fraud of the day. sum o! money with slim, and they had 1.C13En WANTED. -A male or female teacher followed him to the train and aboard a on ancc�was found barefooted when he channel in Dorset. Thiaenormgna sheet ;. T� B�ycl15'` holding a accord or third tires ceralleate, ' +prep gic�ked up. I suppose this is because of chalk is tilted up alightly on the ? „r„ated_to teach in No 9, l[�KiUap,d See Oil a -et Carter S coach.. He had seated himself near the the bio d Dei to the hea41, making the west and its depressed eastern;portions �'' 'ate ' mance 1st January, state salary w en� ply- � � � middle of the car. Atter the train bacl feet son ller, and besides the pressure of Edi toward the water's of t6 North - * , � _ �� _ � �- La ent' Appud►tions close Auapat 2s,.t half-p.st-two. y started and Rot under good beadway one that p - t. ,�`�� .,,t wboo _houw FIMCHER BOE, Secretary, Ask for Carters, the air, , upon the heel and counter acts sea are nasally buried from ;eight by � ,,� � � , � I3�'s a ti�'ise titi heell�ln whose tool - mer,Walton,-Ontario• 1647x4 of the thieves suddenly grabbed him = A boatjaok. I means of • overlyingsands and cls H, `� V%�` " •- g _ from behind, ginioning bis arms to his a� b d to 0 over to Sand Coulee to T Y - � ' `•I .,.." . `f bag conte ns somethin besides Insist and demand a g Where the edges of the chalk floor comeY ` medicine for a damaged machine. RE 4L ESTATE FOR SALE. side, while the other drew his pocket- investi�-'ate an accident in which one upon the sea the cliff scenery is strik- d �'� • book from his inner breast pocket. Then � k`: s. I " t� - 'die is just as liable to puncture Itis __ p man woo killed and'another another had three ingly grand and beautifnL my one � iFy ,-� �, 1 D CH ON FOR RETIRED FARMERS C,arter�'s Little Liver Pa���, the thieves ran in o pooitawaye toward ribs�broien. Speaking of Sand`Coulee, who has once seen the magniiiceatrocks x� x%,>� I- 46 � own skin as to puncture ills tire— thirty p 11,Z 11 OR MARKET GARDENERS.—For sale, y the car doors with alae intention, o! • a + _ ,q ' -rl, more liable to Urilise llllsel`f, than gyres i choice land in Harpurhey, specially adapted Danzas, o! jumping from the moving it st.uo ane while I �vae there that if I of Flamborough and Beecby Head, the �f� iorangarketgardenorsmdl farm. Good buildings wanted to commit suicide I would go ed stacks of the Needles o' the diz- `-l. to break his �lleel. , and every eontenience- Apply to ISAAC DRILLER, i'2' P-A.'TC) train, but they hadn't reckoned rightly' there to do it. I don't mean that life Tagg -": •' 2J4ow if I only had a little pot at oa the premises. 1646-tf r zy maps of Shakespeare s cliff, preop De- 3 Cuic..�urc in my tool -Lag. • on the quickness o! the cattleman's- pis- i . I �-$� I I - tol. Drawing his revolver, he brought become■�such a burden in the coal Donn- ver, ear; nndRrstand why, the white _ :� ickcdwe SSIDENCE IN BBUCEFIELD FOR SALE.-- 17 try •that the ties that bbad are isere Gliffe of"Albion" 'has grow) into a stook For sale the frame duelling house and lot near down one of the thieves half way to the >d:e railway station in Brn^efield. The house con- door, mortally wounded, with a bullet easily ae'vered than elsewlsere, but that phrase. _ ; ` - tea moms - a stone cellar and hard dna soft , it affords unetirpaastd facilCies fora ThiA massive Hheet of abal)t appears is Lha elncrgeney cure for unexpected injuries. Lint for appiyin, , r in the hoose ft good tatable. There is a through kris back. Turning, he fired at cheap and happy dispAtGka. It's awon- a ain in France, in many other parts of Comes with every pot of Quick -cure. Make your own plaster—lay it f .. quarter acre otland, Apply to ALEX. MUSTARD, the ot�er, 'IIsi drilling out at the door, der to nix that some of the many peo- S 15is tt Eure a as far seat as the !Crimea, and on the wo:znd, C;ickcure will do the rest—quickly, surely, painless3y. Bracefteld. . The Canada Business College, shooting him through the heart so that P - _ DUs Foy f3ALit, OR TO RENT.--Dfr, yoha le who annually laq>sGh themselves even in central Asia beyond the sea of A t ail dru nlst� a c ac. and l . qo, CHATHAM, ONTARIO, he fell dead on the platform. nto eternity from Butte do not take Aral. How far it stretched . westwards s . LandsboranRb, wiHseiiDrrent his. flee new Still leads in flndin choice eitioba for grad- "The whole thin Was done s0 II1Ck- THE f2UlGKGt�Rg COMPANY, LTD> C�U[BEC, CAN. _-,lreddence iaEgmandviUe, which was built last sum- uatee. We have beeng Nein an Average of two g q the Sand`Coulee route, into what is now the Atlan�tie inay nev- .� mer. This is to every respect a srsbuilt a house, - ly than few of the passengers in the „ +fie-----_ �" I'" - with good brick and writ respect hard and Soft Per week. Forty-one were placed•between January Down ,in the Coal mines there fs er be known, but chalk cliffs of at least ` �4:;. . � OUI'�. I 1st, and May let, four months The following is an coach were aware that anything unusual 200 fent in thickness are; assn at An - water, ecmbined coal or wood furnace, cement floor extract from l t, fou just received from one of the one passe a that is three miles long, and in cellar, and every wodern convenience. Apply to war going on until the ptstol shots rtes trim, in Ireland, and lase; conapienone JOHN LANDSBOROUGH, Seatorth. 1548.4 older American Colleges : • We must matte a in some Iof the chambers air does not I change of teacher in our Business Department out. Then naturally there were jumping seem to 1 circulate. Upon . the walls formations are found in !Scotland, ilk4 FOR SALE. -One hnndred acres, tom• Could you recommend a young man to take obarge ? up and confusion and byiteries. The T�A c on 14 ldeks, , all we are continually receiving ouch requests from there is a1gathering of aaaoistaar®, and if Argyll. and Aberdeen. There can be lit'- , I posed of Lot so, Con eas► other Buaineas Colleges and also trim bu,sooee cattleman, Histol in hand, went at once you puff a cigar in one of these cham- tle tluestion that all these now isolated I cleared, start a house, bank barn, and othe p out houses. It Pays to gCaduate Isom a school whose t0 t}le first tlalei he had shot, searched bare the Ismoke ,Till seek the walla, p buiidinga, wall fenced and underdrained, and in a students are ins College re -opens Septem- etches were once connected in in a con- ��aod state of cultivation- Also west halt; of south berlat. irate for Catalogue. him and, not finding his pocketbook, where it' clings with an undulating tinuous sheet, which must, therefore, r Half Lot 31, Concession ii, McKillop, containing 2a LA HLAN & Co. Chatbam, Ontario. went back through the car to whez<e the acres, about l0 acres cleared, balance to bush. will D. Ilic C m0oemen like a spray of weeds Mader have occupied a superficial aFe11 About be sold together or separately- For father partic• other thief lay dead on the platform. running;aw�, 'ate;~. That dew on the walls 8000 miles long by nearly 1,000 broad, Mare apply on the premier, or to MM. JAMES The crowd gave him free pe ssage along i9 whiteand the dead air of the r S 1N,G4 - # -WRIGHT, JAMES CUTHILL, w. 3LE%ANDER, r theaisle, you can bet. At the door a an extent larger than that — the bras- 1 ° Eaeouiors, Witthrop P> o. 1647x4 at Nai>• ar i chavaber where it is fouled is poisonous. e t continent of Europe. — 'ittaburg i brakeman handed l5im the pocketbook, In a fewi minutes a feeling of drowsi- ,I�iepatch. ' j _ OUsF, AND LOT FOR SALE --For sale, a de- - near steal over a man who breathes it, eirable property in Egmondville. There are THE RELIABLE which the thief had dropped when he ee scree of land, planted with large and. small fell, The cattleman raze his eye over the and befor6 long he is asleep and dream- Two new Enziana Chitrcite.. To' advertise and prove to those who are kept Cal ie lir three ru its There is on the place a good brick vaneered Upholsterer and Mattress Maker, contents, satisfied himself that they ing delft -40 sly, so those ray who have There are Catholic communities, both . house, story and a half hitch, aHd a good frame SEAFORTH, ONT, were all right, then went back to his y ing metal roofing, we are going to offer, for the newt 3 i VS2 . stable. There is plenty of hard and soft water. been resn.. itated. But thio sloop is Akin in America axid in the old world, says This property is most pleasantly aituated, and Parlor Furniture re aired and recovered, seat, where he remained quietly until to that o the lost trfivefer over whose Alvan F. Sanborn in Tha Atlantic, F would mLke a desirable- place for a retired farmer. Ca sewed and laid ; also cleaned the next station was reached. Here he !�,, f: Apply to ADOLPH MOREIM, Egmondvtlle, rotor to numbed I�mbe the arctic snow eddies `There im atreme wretchedness in the these S311ngles at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, aI%d with th8I21 pP - 1643.13 and, rear rated at reasonable rices. _ of out asked the telegraph o e P BP and dpi#tsl for IIsleas help Gomer soon dwellings is at once partially. explained ,, notify the police that he was waiting there is nd awakening. Ii, however, the by the fohnesta and beauty of, the give a Britten guarantee for 25 years. These shlnglesI acre i ARM IN ALGOMA FOR sALE.-For sale theLor them to arrest him and staid until r f South East quarter cf section F., township of, Shop at M. Robertson S Old me The coroner jury exoner- vetature■o a explorer of these niadar- churches. But not fo in Diokerman. On Laird, containing 164 scree. There are fort) acres Stand, Main Street. they oa j grow nd deathtraps realizes his danger the contrary, both the Diekerman worth three times as I11U 1 a W00t 8}lingles, and COSI a JQAt cleared and free stumps and under crop. Com- _ fortabie log buildings. The baLnce is well timbered. li'OOD WILL BE TAKE_K FOR WORK.1682 aced him for the killing, and his cash; i in time an wanages to stagger out in- churches are of a piece .with their sur- j. ,It is within four miles of Echobay railway station, ever it cam® before a court, was gnfclzly to the fr�sh air, he has an experience roundings. The Congregational church, the same. and rix miles of -the Woeperous viliage of Port dismissed, -I met him afterward in Wy- Findiay. This is a good lot, and will be sold cheap, to enders which way pause hila to re- more than a century old (Orthodox is Ind on easy term. A ply to WILLIAM SIMPSON owing, a quiet,- everyday' sort of man of gret that o did not remain inside. Ev- the name it still goes •ba), wall a worthy ' p >sx. MUSTARD, _Brace- o arbfenlar re IItation as a shot, who with the -in- t#truotnre-in fie day and would be so yet Re rYt e m be%, ,O �O'�y �. on the premises: =or to AL 1646 tf �A ��% n P p orf bone a Il muscle ocher field. had of aloe with little trouble in a ' $ g tolerable oigsancy that is known to had it been kept in goad repair. Also, — i Rn�' ,ATTENTION.—why pay 5} ands per MAIN ST., NORTHS' • fighting way before and after his -ex- coavalesce� is from yellow fever. The , it is only the ghost of its former preten- cent. interest these hard times? I am now pre- _ ploit at Cihcago, but he showed him- # n reap first- treatment s simple, but effective. Be- ti:,aa self. Its sills are badly rotted. Its •' pared tD lend money at 5 per eent. o y ' S. TTT �E � & c� jSeafo this class farm security1., up to 54 per cent, of the selling The undersigned'cvould be to say to the pubii� rel! rest at this One time when nerve V .a.� 3 value; sSrsight loans ; interest and principal in pay ,enerally, that They bare their mill tremens now fu and promptness and good anarkamanahip ung nearly dead the sufferer is nearly rpfre and belfry have hese shuttered by ! . _ I ments to Suit borrower. Apply to A. COSFNS, first Mast, 'every day and all day, and ave prepared to buried. A dole is dog in the soft earth, ;ghtning a-nd impar#eetly restored. Ito I; door south of Jacksons store, Egmondville, do oustom work on the shortest notice, and guar• were needed. and the TIC im is made to stand up in it real is leaky, the clapboard- of its walls 1. i644tf antee satisfaction. All kinds of "I saw a rough fellow taken down by . . DRESSED AND a man who was not is bit rough to look while the in is thrown in atoned him are warped and blistered, ands fts h®ae'y PLEhI3ID=FAR1�1 FOR SALE. -Lot 10, Conce�- PINE LUMBER, BOTH of the until only lie bead is seen above ground. . bell, once sweet of tone, is vraCked and00 .. 1 containing 100 i 0SI. sioa B, tOw172hip Of Stanley UNDRESSED, MOULDINGS OF ALL at once on a passenger train This seem- to draw out the soreness, dissonant. The $aptist Ghuroh, built acres. Thia is one of the best farms m the township, Southern Pacific road, west of Deming. _ . and is siturated in a good and piea9tant neighbor KINDS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, and in a s ort tfrzie the patient has ful- only a few years ago, msinl* at the ez- i hood. Soil of the best, and not a rod of waste land It was in a parlor car, and the tough ly recovere . "—Butte (Mon.) Miner. pense of a . church building society, is C0 , onit. There are all the buildings on ii that are re LATH Al�TD SHZNGI,ES BOTH PINE had arrived at the stage of drnnkenne�a one of the shoddily eoalstrt>oted many i } quired. The whole farm has been newly fenced and AND BRITISH COLUMBIA CEDAR, i i ,_ drained. An orchard of 70 bearing trees, plenty of where he felt ft necessary to get out bis y�e of the sultan. gabled atrocities due to the: malign in- FOR � , goad water, convenient to schools, churehea, post and everything kept in a flrab class Planning Dull pistol and shoot at telegraph poles along office and arket. Appy to WM. COPD, seaforth. always in stock, best workmen titrteatea anti neatPleae the side of the track. He got ugly when Riebard Davey, ill his book, "The . fluent® of the so Called Queen Anne 0 t , . 1649 tf done. Plans furnished a B, restoration. Its original eOht of paint o ins, Sultan and�His Subjects," sass: i give us a call when you want anything in our 1 the conductor spoke to him and allowed LUFF do SONS, Seaforth. he'd do pretty much as be pleased and "As to tie sultan himself, his life is of many colors baa mostly soaked into "�� j. ARM FOR SALE. -For safe, Loc 39, Concession � j j,U 0 I 1 L. R. S. Tuckegxntith, containing i00 aces. N. G 1614-i yr. h0 interfered with him Of file 81m }eat and most arduous. Ise the surrounding coil. Ito panes of stain -collegiate I, About 90 acres cleared and In a high state of cults- Haat the man w rises at 6 and works with his aeeretsi ed glass, as they hau been broken from vation. The farm is ail well fenced and under wouldn't turn up for hffl vi0tnals next I have been replaced by or- t drained. There is. a brick house ane large bank barn day Or at any tfine after. It ie probable plea until �IlOOn, when he breakfasts. time to time®, j AND ' with atone gra is ng. Also a good orchard and After that he takes a drive or a row on dinary window glass, with 1 jebald un- l � a: plenty of good water. It is within four miles ofH. �� �O that the trafnhands eventually would - i Clinton. It is one of the beet forma in that county, Re have brought hien to. rights, but spas- the lake, vithin his vast park. When Danny results. , ! SCH OOLS ■ -1. and will be sold cheap as the proprietor is desirous he returns`„ be gives audience to the I ( PUBLIC { _ Df willne. Apply a the premises ie address JOHN _ Yeager, a slim, quiet, refined looking Famous Collection of A7utlers. Di�IiENz1E, (London Road), Brucefleid. 1549 tf man, took the business in hand - and grand vizir, the sheik-nl-Islam, and SONG other offieiols. At 8 o'clock he dines, _ Of the famous collections of antlers �.......................... i saved them the trouble. �. "The fun began when the tough's pis- sometimes Ialone, not infrequently in formed in the seventeenth century only g NOTE BOOKS, SCRIBBLING �0+# STOCK FOR SALE• dent cite company with one of the embassadors. two or three have escaped the general The Newest olid prettiest designs in ST DmEoT IMPORTERS of tol went off in the car, by accf q g g . ETC. ETC• BERYICE.-The Jules Robin & Cds Brandy, Cognac, nGcaaionall his dna est entertains the late of torso rations, sic es and pil- IGS FOR SALE ArrD FOR Hol- likely. At this the slim man got up and wivesand daughters �of the embassadors lags. One of these is in Moritzburg, undersigned, breeder of Lg: a English Berk• France; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, walked bacL to him, carrying a slender- New Styles SLATES, j shlres,haa for Bale boars and sows in farrow. He will land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland ; and other `Tera notabilities at dinner. the king of Saxon en hiatorieal bunting also keep for service the stook boar, " King Ler;" London, England ; ` walking stick in }lie !land. II Best 6C BOTTLE I N K, j loo keep from Mr. aeor�e Breen, of Fairview, Booth's Tom Gin, G'laa- " `There has been enough o! this hers- The meal, `k`asually a very silent obe, is coat]®, near Dresden, while iu the cele- ' 1. and winner at MontrBai, Toronto and Ottawa. Term Bulloch & Co. s Scotch Whisky, served iaz gdrgeous style, a la Francaise, orated gnu gallery in Dresdega itself are ; i the 1 Best 5c BOA CRAYONS t --i1 pa;able at the time of service with the privilege �ou,� Gotland ; Jarriieson's Irish ifeaa,' be `Bald. `Pet that pistol up, on the fine t of plate and the most ex- to be seen, n an unrivaled' show, at returning if necessary , H booked il•60• J f ' yy on 6 1SeS,illop, sea- Whiskyt Dublin, Ireland ;also Port 11The tough jumped up erdom Daoaeo gnfaite of porcelain. The treasures of wonderfully inlaid arms nod by the Best �C a�� IOC {%om�antiJ'ni 11 DORRANCE, Lot 26, Concesei 1465.52 and Sherr Wine from France and Damn you! be shout y _ Drth P. o, y ' silver and t� a Sevres at Yildiz are flops elector. } s afn Agents for Walker's Whisks, know who you're talking to? You gitl fest �, �, 3 0r Sc SCRIBBLERS. Ontario ; Regal Distillery and Davis' 1 as He started t0 cock his piatal as he de ligne, both in quantity and quality. The great banqueting hsallio! the Gas- { VICE. Ale and Porter, Toronto, spoke, but the hammer didn't get -half Very often �n the evening Abdul Ham- tie of Morit�bnrg is one of ! the sights Everything in School requisites at bottom prices at -- {' STOCK FOR SER and- id plays dpets on the piano with his with which no :doubt d. ItI' a traveled Y way up. The thing was done too FOR 3EDYlCE.—The undersigned will denl for my eye to follow, bet the pis- younger eh ldren. He is very fond o! reader has been charmed. It�!fe a chem- ; DULL ]rp THE PUBLIC' y ° } j� keep for service on Lot 29, Concession 11, light mnaid, and his favorite score is ber of noble proportions -88'i feet long �'�'�` �1 Durham bull "Earl of tel clanged down on the floor betweeA g e 1 de Mme. An ot.' He by 34 feet wide and 98 feet khfeh, On L!USIISDEN & YY ILSON Sf Hibbert, the thoroughbred Du that of La JNl e g - .., .Dunraven," Terme. $1.26 to inanre. W. H. . ylr e have opened a retail store in them, knocked from the fellow's hand . -29TONEMAiv Proprietor. 15314.1 � • . connection with our wholesale bun- by a blow with the stick. The tough dresses like �Sn ordinary European gen- its otherwise unadorned white walls RAW STIREET -The undersigned will business in the rear of the new Do- swore and clutched with the other haf�xi tleman, alw ys wearing a frock coat, hang ?1 pairs `o! magnifieeilt antlers, SO WT'S' BLOOK, OAR FOR SERVICE, minion Bank, in Goods old stand, the breast of which, on great occasions, which one may describe as t e most fa - Bkeep for service on Lot 34, Concession 4, Tuck- ���^ ��' er ice a r serous hbred Chester white Boar, Where we will sell the best goods in this hand that had been so smartly is richt em roidered and blazing with mons of their kind in the rid. Not s `../ pvrcith, from B. George & sone, Brompton, the market at bottom prices. Goods rapped• The slim man stooped, picked y single one carries less than 24 tines or v]iiddlesex County Tetme-81, payable at time of up t,}1e pfatal and threw it OIIt O# the decorations. �' iddle, with pnvrle ei of returning tt necessary. delivered to any part of the town is less than 200 years old, whilo some 1540-tt , gizl� Priced Bumblebees. are probably double that a�e.--W. A. SEAFORTH '' JOBti w. ROUTLEDGE. free. window. � — 1518-tf " ,Now, will you behave yourself? he For over a year we Gave had the ateacy for the We 01 � LLS FOR SERVICE. The, undersigned will -TELEPHONE ll. rafted looking the fellow in the eye, Many years ago the farmers of AIIs- Baillie-Grohman in Century! 1pp�pp, tlrfirstorder war fora grater of a dour► U evin'd mills, Kip , our last tar Od4 flaairtd rad Forty-four Dollars worth. B keep for Service at John M6 ,� PACKING HOUSE• 11 Sailor PINE with the ex, of a wild beast traria imported bumblebees from Eng- ` m+u s PH® them free in theft Glover Ma+»i Soups From Fig nit. M pen, the thorougbbred Dvrba , jaild and aft �d� this bull Has curehsaed from hit_ D. D. Wilson, and �VC9S3D pI301'3 _ Terms, . D. 31c1\EYLN The Grout English Reffied7• tamer and holding the at ®d a lenefng &®ids. - I3efGre the arrival of the bees Fruit soups are made from ' sweetened is tram Imputed Stock. 1524x4tf six Packages Guaaranteed to master holds his foil at y Mate a %A McKAY- t answer, clover did net flourish in Australia, and thickened spelt jaxfGee and Gan ba To H B F I F �.11 promptly, and permanently << 'You bet,' was the promp Man. Qf1. WORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The under- cure an forms cf Nervous ttetd s arm- and the tough man sat arteekly dawn. He out after th� C4� on thating the f score. M d rise and mixture of o>;rranta sand wasp- y e: afgned will keep for service, at the Brttoe We ss,Emimf0ns, p good behavior all 00 mored y Qheese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar> at rhea,ImPote,wyandali was very much on.aie g Darwin ba shown that bumblebees berries. Press sufficient fznft to make 7� 0 "ta a Fin SASE al with registered pedigree. - Terms, $1 ; payabl@ at a ectsof Bb m -or Exemes, the rest Of the trip. ld8 even tTfed t0 time e4 service with rivileggQ of returning if neoes• ental Worry, easoessivD use lends with the slim man. The were the only his fond of clover net- on® pint of jufoe. jtleinten a +tablespoon- tim `HUGH MoCA rivile Brueefleld. 1445 tf make fr tar which Ossesaed a proboscis ■u4fi- ful of arrowroot in a Ifttle lipoid carter, IMD,A O COs �� '11 � Of the Seafarih Packing House g►re re• o�Tobacco, Opium or stimu ilfnl mfsia'i name, by the Way, was E. T. paced to bane any quantity cf�sa RVICE.-The under- Before a�td After. 1, ,ts, which soon lead to In ant for a millinery goods efently Fong; to reach the bottom o! the add to . it gradually a pint I of boi7in6 THE, eas:T i, Live or Drees, for which they will pay AM1i ORTH PIG FOR SE H I (M ®00 REM RDY Ot signed has for service on fat 32, concession 3, rmit Inaaraity, Consumption and an tarty prove. Hallam, an agent d the lfortizing Of the lolls, tubelike flowers and at the same water read add ongar records g t0 the na- rsonvctce Ts>c Asovat q the highest market price. VVJJiII hauo to to which a y. firm. Ht; reCZivB lus" a do 80 days. (inres � man �l on any parties having live Hods McKillop, a thtro'bred Tamworth pig, 1, is an Has�eenpreaerlbed over 35yeara in thonsande of ackno'wledg- time a body heavy enough to bend flown tune of the fruit need. up t iN, lfulae all Nen ons Diseases. Failina�ori �ty 9 to dispose of, it notefted, For pal• limited number of Bowe will be taken. Th Sellable and goner# Atedidne other passengers In era find it advantageous to cases; is the only bodies; if ed and spar- mons, oto, aataaed b1 peat ansa°• ggiv� tieulars call at RetailRtcre, C,grmichael'e extra good pig and breed ; tfor ie an s Ph v the clover b ad so that the pollen would stand a moment, then t � 01<n t, a Psreaia. t3aesplsaaneasr NiahWl Ee, a' Block, f3eaforth, ill ed of Aslydru$Bis in however, that he #ono p Ck and thne be fir® and add the fruit jufoe A rv' g visor end rise to .h a en oe ° is iso°nnsoiclr bet T, R, F. CAfilt` ilv CO. Moss their berkahire sows with this bre Pig k»own. ,Cg3 Ot th1s, g' fall OII the 1n■e0t 9 ba v Terme €1, with privilege of returning if necessary, he offers same worthless medic ne fa p surely rasto�ea in _ 1W1$,�f• MILLAN 1506xtf >> .., ew York Snn. carried off to fertilize other flowers of time All a bench bowl built fj�11 of . - Euilr arried iu, restpootet ;Prteb "t to eare`�or` Terms Die inclose price In letter, and we will send by_; return red some and COIIId play a little at file- d 1311 for OS w1a a Urn" �' y�� mail. Price, one package, $1; diz' $b, bfl6 will dr®8D,' gle stick. N > money refunded. DON'T nIf ax .&egg stha, bot i g, tree to any the same a ciao. According to a writer ed ice, pour in the fruit w 1 , fall le• het the bamhle• ready to serve. These fruiE' a ■ do Insist on h"I z��. u T°°r dr°ss1'tis`a zi°t VLE- - Please, Dias win tura. Pamp alto Letter A. !n Popular Science Newa, p of it, we wii>ssena it P"Paid. ,t w ear 11s.a� ---!-•err The wood Company, called bees to,An�stralia cost the farmers a■: Ily served at the beg i�i� . ! a rhrnoo asasu> eo., rr.v+, e`a THS. ZURICH j ALMA COLLEGE Windsor, Ont., Canada. The letter A is in Hebrew bee fi Tits spit. faasase itis a msefy tYat ererias 1 i Can- and the, Phoenician char- there about half a dollar apiece, but Qompasy itfnoi eGii --Mf r. ' � tries it eoeaks we t" Yms res sly, ': Sold in Seaforth and everywhere in aleph, an ox, Ott _ his sound was the proved to be worth the prion. iia Ladies' Sonde Jourwpl. L Y. FEA1t, r5�satart6, 09L t�iXf E erC r Furniture, 1� r �,de of all otic For Young Women. - ada by all responsible druggests. • actor wiaioh represents t T ` o originally a ibture of an ox head ;hence --,A I 1.presidential school. p Lltere►s �. �1�� rp • , - • ° . the name. The right hand stroke of the Their BdafanDae. "I like to feel an if my bookew►ero �7� N P3[-&1 _tea -F=r "` Collegiate and Pre �i - oratory studies- O • a A represented the top of the head, the Mrs �ia8tlltke—You visited Yeaioo AND — usic, i other dawn stroke the left side and a !tkile Toa v'vere in Europe, I hear, MIrL 1r■T pe If friends." Fine Art, j ' ; I Elocution Business. t' 't do?that ■oimehow, " If you are on the lookout far the best p Y © R R T Q j (� your harness of every diacription anti tranira, IN Moroi anti tEsthctie Trotter? `` •' � llisi ' • - �j.C.i..i J;V.L GE !J. a in a �t•elass saddlers ►# S 1 r Advantages. Affit:_ Having removed ;into the store formerly line, ileac !ellen out o! use, raprewaate Mrs. Trdtter—•Yes, • indeed, and wb ling bags, or any good aced with Yicty,-gin "Cutied by Mr. J. Downey, in the Cady the right side o4 the head, while, in ver I begin cuol go to S. _> ,Zurich, Ontario. u �ie you ■$e, t�4 s ds in sur eight acre park. Lo�v p opposite the Commercial Hotel, I old Phoenician manuscripts two dote were row about by os! oft tl}e ehasd- tis � a. - I efitd !T10. .-°g '--£" Et - e Stan Block €ifl>s IiD On Now is the time to prepare for summer, and IR you want to buyf Honaedturt{ - ! 3 UnivFo" it Gol g , PPO Yatess. Foriliustratedcataiogueandparticulars,address: now purpose carrying a full and complete above for eyt+e and two b®low for nos- liars for hiCh that Citi i$ noted. � •,,,,_,Pick jLN fiesta, or any kind St,Ib4mas,Ons; rp ' -- - , get your Shades and Curtain Poles, go t4 N' WE Zu��a Rev- R, Warner. M. A. Principal, ins of all kinds of trill rendered th®resemb1an09 complete. Buyer's Bazar. _ _ - - Ontario, ' s Blankets Buggies and Carriages.- aur o whole j arrnesti) ��p ' ' - if ou want tc save money buy y t ms ,tedu ------- mend in Cznads, all are in etoclk at rocckk him ildcgilio Directory far 1885. (�OCt08'S ReGo We have 4n hand now a full line youiave a ehetce at s or pt the ,t.f, p And everything handled by the trade. Just of all styles, made from the best do to H• WELL, Zur€ch, O�Rtat 0. If : b MARRIAGE LICENSES ;E JOHN DIORRISON, Reeve, wintbrop P, o, received this week:a large consignment of �� material and by the best workmen. wlLLleDt ABCJIiIBALD, Deputy -Reeve, Lead- BLANKETS, GOAT ROBES AND - 1• Cali and examine our stock before bury P. o. GOLL�.)WAY ROBES, ISSUED AT } � . _ purchaaing elsewhdre, M ®N E T ' WM. MoGAVIN, Councillor, Leadbury P. O. '.� I JOSEPH C. 31ORRISON, Councillor, Beechwood which we are nor offering at astonishingly ' , 'fain '° f P.O. low rfGes. I THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, o Y 1.O N TES Lewis s M c ®Ona , Property" To loorani themlowsst of of interest and ot► the DANIEL MANLEY, Qounaillor, Beeob wood P. O. P JOHN o. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0. ONTARIO. an $fit t®r Tithlet sulfa Daliry 0 S � +'Al'OF�'�`H. mcat reasonable terms, �In►ly ' HO DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. o. M. I K, eI+33FORTH, Ptft' Lead Packets only' 1480 nays, P,eafartb, s WM. EVANS Assessor, Beachwood P. a. • ` — No ada tioue Never cakes. _ 26c, 4.4c, 500 axi WC. ! - T I CHARLES IiOD ,Collector; gggsiorth P. 0. p� f RIOHARD POLi.ARD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead. �EAF�I�THa NO WITNESSES REf�U1REDe ! I ! __ n . --�r�T3rftyy tarry P. O, -. _ e , a